Function: vc-annotate

Display the edit history of the current FILE using colors.

This command creates a buffer that shows, for each line of the current
file, when it was last edited and by whom. Additionally, colors are
used to show the age of each line--blue means oldest, red means
youngest, and intermediate colors indicate intermediate ages. By
default, the time scale stretches back one year into the past;
everything that is older than that is shown in blue.

With a prefix argument, this command asks two questions in the
minibuffer. First, you may enter a revision number REV; then the buffer
displays and annotates that revision instead of the working revision
(type RET in the minibuffer to leave that default unchanged). Then,
you are prompted for the time span in days which the color range
should cover. For example, a time span of 20 days means that changes
over the past 20 days are shown in red to blue, according to their
age, and everything that is older than that is shown in blue.

If MOVE-POINT-TO is given, move the point to that line.

If VC-BK is given used that VC backend.

Customization variables:

`vc-annotate-menu-elements' customizes the menu elements of the
mode-specific menu. `vc-annotate-color-map' and
`vc-annotate-very-old-color' define the mapping of time to colors.
`vc-annotate-background' specifies the background color. (fn FILE REV &optional DISPLAY-MODE BUF MOVE-POINT-TO VC-BK)