Function: strokes-mode

Toggle Strokes mode, a global minor mode.
With a prefix argument ARG, enable Strokes mode if ARG is
positive, and disable it otherwise. If called from Lisp, enable
the mode if ARG is omitted or nil.

Uses keymap `strokes-mode-map', which is not currently defined.

Strokes are pictographic mouse gestures which invoke commands.
Strokes are invoked with M-x strokes-do-stroke. You can define
new strokes with M-x strokes-global-set-stroke. See also
M-x strokes-do-complex-stroke for `complex' strokes.

To use strokes for pictographic editing, such as Chinese/Japanese, use
M-x strokes-compose-complex-stroke, which draws strokes and inserts them.
Encode/decode your strokes with M-x strokes-encode-buffer,
M-x strokes-decode-buffer.

Uses keymap `strokes-mode-map', which is not currently defined. (fn &optional ARG)

Variable: strokes-mode

Non-nil if Strokes mode is enabled.
See the command `strokes-mode' for a description of this minor mode.
Setting this variable directly does not take effect;
either customize it (see the info node `Easy Customization')
or call the function `strokes-mode'.