Function: smie-next-sexp

Skip over one sexp.
NEXT-TOKEN is a function of no argument that moves forward by one
token (after skipping comments if needed) and returns it.
NEXT-SEXP is a lower-level function to skip one sexp.
OP-FORW is the accessor to the forward level of the level data.
OP-BACK is the accessor to the backward level of the level data.
HALFSEXP if non-nil, means skip over a partial sexp if needed. I.e. if the
first token we see is an operator, skip over its left-hand-side argument.
HALFSEXP can also be a token, in which case it means to parse as if
we had just successfully passed this token.
Possible return values:
(FORW-LEVEL POS TOKEN): we couldn't skip TOKEN because its back-level
is too high. FORW-LEVEL is the forw-level of TOKEN,
POS is its start position in the buffer.
(t POS TOKEN): same thing when we bump on the wrong side of a paren.
Instead of t, the `car' can also be some other non-nil non-number value.
(nil POS TOKEN): we skipped over a paren-like pair.
nil: we skipped over an identifier, matched parentheses, ... (fn NEXT-TOKEN NEXT-SEXP OP-FORW OP-BACK HALFSEXP)