Function: rlogin

Open a network login connection via `rlogin' with args INPUT-ARGS.
INPUT-ARGS should start with a host name; it may also contain
other arguments for `rlogin'.

Input is sent line-at-a-time to the remote connection.

Communication with the remote host is recorded in a buffer `*rlogin-HOST*'
(or `*rlogin-USER@HOST*' if the remote username differs).
If a prefix argument is given and the buffer `*rlogin-HOST*' already exists,
a new buffer with a different connection will be made.

When called from a program, if the optional second argument BUFFER is
a string or buffer, it specifies the buffer to use.

The variable `rlogin-program' contains the name of the actual program to
run. It can be a relative or absolute path.

The variable `rlogin-explicit-args' is a list of arguments to give to
the rlogin when starting. They are added after any arguments given in

If the default value of `rlogin-directory-tracking-mode' is t, then the
default directory in that buffer is set to a remote (FTP) file name to
access your home directory on the remote machine. Occasionally this causes
an error, if you cannot access the home directory on that machine. This
error is harmless as long as you don't try to use that default directory.

If `rlogin-directory-tracking-mode' is neither t nor nil, then the default
directory is initially set up to your (local) home directory.
This is useful if the remote machine and your local machine
share the same files via NFS. This is the default.

If you wish to change directory tracking styles during a session, use the function `rlogin-directory-tracking-mode' rather than simply setting the variable. (fn INPUT-ARGS &optional BUFFER)