Function: ps-mode

Major mode for editing PostScript with GNU Emacs.

Entry to this mode calls `ps-mode-hook'.

The following variables hold user options, and can
be set through the `customize' command:


Type C-h v for documentation on these options.

Uses keymap `ps-mode-map', which is not currently defined.

When starting an interactive PostScript process with M-x ps-run-start,
a second window will be displayed, and `ps-run-mode-hook' will be called.
The keymap for this second window is:

Uses keymap `ps-run-mode-map', which is not currently defined.

When Ghostscript encounters an error it displays an error message
with a file position. Clicking mouse-2 on this number will bring
point to the corresponding spot in the PostScript window, if input
to the interpreter was sent from that window. Typing Uses keymap `ps-run-mode-map', which is not currently defined. M-x ps-run-goto-error when the cursor is at the number has the same effect. (fn)