Variable: font-lock-keywords

A list of the keywords to highlight.
There are two kinds of values: user-level, and compiled.

A user-level keywords list is what a major mode or the user would
set up. Normally the list would come from `font-lock-defaults'.
through selection of a fontification level and evaluation of any
contained expressions. You can also alter it by calling
`font-lock-add-keywords' or `font-lock-remove-keywords' with MODE = nil.

Each element in a user-level keywords list should have one of these forms:

(eval . FORM)

where MATCHER can be either the regexp to search for, or the function name to
call to make the search (called with one argument, the limit of the search;
it should return non-nil, move point, and set `match-data' appropriately if
it succeeds; like `re-search-forward' would).
MATCHER regexps can be generated via the function `regexp-opt'.

FORM is an expression, whose value should be a keyword element, evaluated when
the keyword is (first) used in a buffer. This feature can be used to provide a
keyword that can only be generated when Font Lock mode is actually turned on.


For highlighting single items, for example each instance of the word "foo",
typically only MATCH-HIGHLIGHT is required.
However, if an item or (typically) items are to be highlighted following the
instance of another item (the anchor), for example each instance of the
word "bar" following the word "anchor" then MATCH-ANCHORED may be required.

MATCH-HIGHLIGHT should be of the form:


SUBEXP is the number of the subexpression of MATCHER to be highlighted.

FACENAME is an expression whose value is the face name to use.
Instead of a face, FACENAME can evaluate to a property list
of the form (face FACE PROP1 VAL1 PROP2 VAL2 ...)
in which case all the listed text-properties will be set rather than
just FACE. In such a case, you will most likely want to put those
properties in `font-lock-extra-managed-props' or to override

OVERRIDE and LAXMATCH are flags. If OVERRIDE is t, existing fontification can
be overwritten. If `keep', only parts not already fontified are highlighted.
If `prepend' or `append', existing fontification is merged with the new, in
which the new or existing fontification, respectively, takes precedence.
If LAXMATCH is non-nil, that means don't signal an error if there is
no match for SUBEXP in MATCHER.

For example, an element of the form highlights (if not already highlighted):

"\\" discrete occurrences of "foo" in the value of the
variable `font-lock-keyword-face'.
("fu\\(bar\\)" . 1) substring "bar" within all occurrences of "fubar" in
the value of `font-lock-keyword-face'.
("fubar" . fubar-face) Occurrences of "fubar" in the value of `fubar-face'.
("foo\\|bar" 0 foo-bar-face t)
occurrences of either "foo" or "bar" in the value
of `foo-bar-face', even if already highlighted.
(fubar-match 1 fubar-face)
the first subexpression within all occurrences of
whatever the function `fubar-match' finds and matches
in the value of `fubar-face'.

MATCH-ANCHORED should be of the form:


where MATCHER is a regexp to search for or the function name to call to make
the search, as for MATCH-HIGHLIGHT above, but with one exception; see below.
PRE-MATCH-FORM and POST-MATCH-FORM are evaluated before the first, and after
the last, instance MATCH-ANCHORED's MATCHER is used. Therefore they can be
used to initialize before, and cleanup after, MATCHER is used. Typically,
PRE-MATCH-FORM is used to move to some position relative to the original
be used to move back, before resuming with MATCH-ANCHORED's parent's MATCHER.

For example, an element of the form highlights (if not already highlighted):

("\\" (0 anchor-face) ("\\" nil nil (0 item-face)))

discrete occurrences of "anchor" in the value of `anchor-face', and subsequent
discrete occurrences of "item" (on the same line) in the value of `item-face'.
(Here PRE-MATCH-FORM and POST-MATCH-FORM are nil. Therefore "item" is
initially searched for starting from the end of the match of "anchor", and
searching for subsequent instances of "anchor" resumes from where searching
for "item" concluded.)

The above-mentioned exception is as follows. The limit of the MATCHER search
defaults to the end of the line after PRE-MATCH-FORM is evaluated.
However, if PRE-MATCH-FORM returns a position greater than the position after
PRE-MATCH-FORM is evaluated, that position is used as the limit of the search.
It is generally a bad idea to return a position greater than the end of the
line, i.e., cause the MATCHER search to span lines.

These regular expressions can match text which spans lines, although
it is better to avoid it if possible since updating them while editing
text is slower, and it is not guaranteed to be always correct when using
support modes like jit-lock or lazy-lock.

This variable is set by major modes via the variable `font-lock-defaults'. Be careful when composing regexps for this list; a poorly written pattern can dramatically slow things down! A compiled keywords list starts with t. It is produced internal by `font-lock-compile-keywords' from a user-level keywords list. Its second element is the user-level keywords list that was compiled. The remaining elements have the same form as user-level keywords, but normally their values have been optimized.