Variable: font-lock-defaults

Defaults for Font Lock mode specified by the major mode.
Defaults should be of the form:


KEYWORDS may be a symbol (a variable or function whose value is the keywords
to use for fontification) or a list of symbols (specifying different levels
of fontification).

If KEYWORDS-ONLY is non-nil, syntactic fontification (strings and
comments) is not performed.

If CASE-FOLD is non-nil, the case of the keywords is ignored when fontifying.

If SYNTAX-ALIST is non-nil, it should be a list of cons pairs of the form
(CHAR-OR-STRING . STRING) used to set the local Font Lock syntax table, for
keyword and syntactic fontification (see `modify-syntax-entry').

If SYNTAX-BEGIN is non-nil, it should be a function with no args used to move
backwards outside any enclosing syntactic block, for syntactic fontification.
Typical values are `beginning-of-line' (i.e., the start of the line is known to
be outside a syntactic block), or `beginning-of-defun' for programming modes or
`backward-paragraph' for textual modes (i.e., the mode-dependent function is
known to move outside a syntactic block). If nil, the beginning of the buffer
is used as a position outside of a syntactic block, in the worst case.

(See also Info node `(elisp)Font Lock Basics'.)

These item elements are used by Font Lock mode to set the variables
`font-lock-keywords', `font-lock-keywords-only',
`font-lock-keywords-case-fold-search', `font-lock-syntax-table' and
`font-lock-beginning-of-syntax-function', respectively.

Further item elements are alists of the form (VARIABLE . VALUE) and are in no
particular order. Each VARIABLE is made buffer-local before set to VALUE.

Currently, appropriate variables include `font-lock-mark-block-function'.
If this is non-nil, it should be a function with no args used to mark any
enclosing block of text, for fontification via M-o M-o.
Typical values are `mark-defun' for programming modes or `mark-paragraph' for
textual modes (i.e., the mode-dependent function is known to put point and mark
around a text block relevant to that mode).

Other variables include that for syntactic keyword fontification,
`font-lock-syntactic-keywords' and those for buffer-specialized fontification
functions, `font-lock-fontify-buffer-function', `font-lock-unfontify-buffer-function', `font-lock-fontify-region-function', `font-lock-unfontify-region-function', and `font-lock-inhibit-thing-lock'.