Function: display-buffer

Display BUFFER-OR-NAME in some window, without selecting it.
BUFFER-OR-NAME must be a buffer or the name of an existing
buffer. Return the window chosen for displaying BUFFER-OR-NAME,
or nil if no such window is found.

Optional argument ACTION, if non-nil, should specify a display
action. Its form is described below.

Optional argument FRAME, if non-nil, acts like an additional
ALIST entry (reusable-frames . FRAME) to the action list of ACTION,
specifying the frame(s) to search for a window that is already
displaying the buffer. See `display-buffer-reuse-window'

If ACTION is non-nil, it should have the form (FUNCTION . ALIST),
where FUNCTION is either a function or a list of functions, and
ALIST is an arbitrary association list (alist).

Each such FUNCTION should accept two arguments: the buffer to
display and an alist. Based on those arguments, it should either
display the buffer and return the window, or return nil if unable
to display the buffer.

The `display-buffer' function builds a function list and an alist
by combining the functions and alists specified in
`display-buffer-overriding-action', `display-buffer-alist', the
ACTION argument, `display-buffer-base-action', and
`display-buffer-fallback-action' (in order). Then it calls each
function in the combined function list in turn, passing the
buffer as the first argument and the combined alist as the second
argument, until one of the functions returns non-nil.

If ACTION is nil, the function list and the alist are built using
only the other variables mentioned above.

Available action functions include:

Recognized alist entries include:

`inhibit-same-window' -- A non-nil value prevents the same
window from being used for display.

`inhibit-switch-frame' -- A non-nil value prevents any other
frame from being raised or selected,
even if the window is displayed there.

`reusable-frames' -- Value specifies frame(s) to search for a
window that already displays the buffer.
See `display-buffer-reuse-window'.

`pop-up-frame-parameters' -- Value specifies an alist of frame
parameters to give a new frame, if
one is created.

`window-height' -- Value specifies either an integer (the number
of lines of a new window), a floating point number (the
fraction of a new window with respect to the height of the
frame's root window) or a function to be called with one
argument - a new window. The function is supposed to adjust
the height of the window; its return value is ignored.
Suitable functions are `shrink-window-if-larger-than-buffer'
and `fit-window-to-buffer'.

`window-width' -- Value specifies either an integer (the number
of columns of a new window), a floating point number (the
fraction of a new window with respect to the width of the
frame's root window) or a function to be called with one
argument - a new window. The function is supposed to adjust
the width of the window; its return value is ignored. The ACTION argument to `display-buffer' can also have a non-nil and non-list value. This means to display the buffer in a window other than the selected one, even if it is already displayed in the selected window. If called interactively with a prefix argument, ACTION is t.