Variable: comment-styles

Comment region style definitions.
Each style is defined with a form (STYLE . (MULTI ALIGN EXTRA INDENT DOC)).
DOC should succinctly describe the style.
STYLE should be a mnemonic symbol.
MULTI specifies that comments are allowed to span multiple lines.
e.g. in C it comments regions as
/* blabla
* bli */
rather than
/* blabla */
/* bli */
if `comment-end' is empty, this has no effect.

ALIGN specifies that the `comment-end' markers should be aligned.
e.g. in C it comments regions as
/* blabla */
/* bli */
rather than
/* blabla */
/* bli */
if `comment-end' is empty, this has no effect, unless EXTRA is also set,
in which case the comment gets wrapped in a box.

EXTRA specifies that an extra line should be used before and after the
region to comment (to put the `comment-end' and `comment-start').
e.g. in C it comments regions as
* blabla
* bli
rather than
/* blabla
* bli */
if the comment style is not multi line, this has no effect, unless ALIGN
is also set, in which case the comment gets wrapped in a box.

INDENT specifies that the `comment-start' markers should not be put at the
left margin but at the current indentation of the region to comment. If INDENT is `multi-char', that means indent multi-character comment starters, but not one-character comment starters.