Function: command-history

Examine commands from `command-history' in a buffer.
The number of commands listed is controlled by `list-command-history-max'.
The command history is filtered by `list-command-history-filter' if non-nil.
Uses keymap `command-history-map', which is not currently defined.
M-x command-history-repeat to repeat the command on the current line.

Otherwise much like Emacs-Lisp Mode except that there is no self-insertion
and digits provide prefix arguments. Tab does not indent.

Uses keymap `command-history-map', which is not currently defined.

This command always recompiles the Command History listing
and runs the normal hook `command-history-hook'. (fn)

Variable: command-history

List of recent commands that read arguments from terminal.
Each command is represented as a form to evaluate.

Maximum length of the history list is determined by the value
of `history-length', which see.