Function: ccl-execute-on-string

Execute CCL-PROGRAM with initial STATUS on STRING.

CCL-PROGRAM is a symbol registered by `register-ccl-program',
or a compiled code generated by `ccl-compile' (for backward compatibility,
in this case, the execution is slower).

Read buffer is set to STRING, and write buffer is allocated automatically.

STATUS is a vector of [R0 R1 ... R7 IC], where
R0..R7 are initial values of corresponding registers,
IC is the instruction counter specifying from where to start the program.
If R0..R7 are nil, they are initialized to 0.
If IC is nil, it is initialized to head of the CCL program.

If optional 4th arg CONTINUE is non-nil, keep IC on read operation
when read buffer is exhausted, else, IC is always set to the end of
CCL-PROGRAM on exit.

It returns the contents of write buffer as a string,
and as side effect, STATUS is updated.
If the optional 5th arg UNIBYTE-P is non-nil, the returned string
is a unibyte string. By default it is a multibyte string.

See the documentation of `define-ccl-program' for the detail of CCL program. (fn CCL-PROGRAM STATUS STRING &optional CONTINUE UNIBYTE-P)