Function: call-process-shell-command

Execute the shell command COMMAND synchronously in separate process.
The remaining arguments are optional.
The program's input comes from file INFILE (nil means `/dev/null').
Insert output in BUFFER before point; t means current buffer;
nil for BUFFER means discard it; 0 means discard and don't wait.
BUFFER can also have the form (REAL-BUFFER STDERR-FILE); in that case,
REAL-BUFFER says what to do with standard output, as above,
while STDERR-FILE says what to do with standard error in the child.
STDERR-FILE may be nil (discard standard error output),
t (mix it with ordinary output), or a file name string.

Fourth arg DISPLAY non-nil means redisplay buffer as output is inserted.
Remaining arguments are strings passed as additional arguments for COMMAND.
Wildcards and redirection are handled as usual in the shell.

If BUFFER is 0, `call-process-shell-command' returns immediately with value nil.
Otherwise it waits for COMMAND to terminate and returns a numeric exit
status or a signal description string.
If you quit, the process is killed with SIGINT, or SIGKILL if you quit again.