Emacs docstrings

Generated from Emacs version 24.3.1.

Alphabetical list

Source: http://github.com/docstrings/docstrings.github.io.

Function: eieio-copy-parents-into-subclass

Copy into NEWC the slots of PARENTS.
Follow the rules of not overwriting early parents when applying to
the new child class.

Function: html-headline-5

HTML level 5 headline tags.

This is a skeleton command (see `skeleton-insert').
Normally the skeleton text is inserted at point, with nothing "inside".
If there is a highlighted region, the skeleton text is wrapped
around the region text.

A prefix argument ARG says to wrap the skeleton around the next ARG words.
A prefix argument of -1 says to wrap around region, even if not highlighted.
A prefix argument of zero says to wrap around zero words---that is, nothing.
This is a way of overriding the use of a highlighted region.

Variable: sgml-mode-abbrev-table

Abbrev table for `sgml-mode'.

Function: default-indent-new-line

Break line at point and indent.
If a comment syntax is defined, call `comment-indent-new-line'.

The inserted newline is marked hard if variable `use-hard-newlines' is true,
unless optional argument SOFT is non-nil.

Variable: comint-input-ring-index

Index of last matched history element.

Function: html-headline-4

HTML level 4 headline tags.

This is a skeleton command (see `skeleton-insert').
Normally the skeleton text is inserted at point, with nothing "inside".
If there is a highlighted region, the skeleton text is wrapped
around the region text.

A prefix argument ARG says to wrap the skeleton around the next ARG words.
A prefix argument of -1 says to wrap around region, even if not highlighted.
A prefix argument of zero says to wrap around zero words---that is, nothing.
This is a way of overriding the use of a highlighted region.

Function: cl-assoc-if-not

Find the first item whose car does not satisfy PREDICATE in LIST.

Keywords supported: :key


Function: epa-file-name-regexp-update


Function: flyspell-mode-off

Turn Flyspell mode off.


Variable: smie-closer-alist

Alist giving the closer corresponding to an opener.

Function: pcomplete-do-complete

Dynamically complete at point using STUB and COMPLETIONS.
This is basically just a wrapper for `pcomplete-stub' which does some
extra checking, and munging of the COMPLETIONS list.


Function: html-headline-3

HTML level 3 headline tags.

This is a skeleton command (see `skeleton-insert').
Normally the skeleton text is inserted at point, with nothing "inside".
If there is a highlighted region, the skeleton text is wrapped
around the region text.

A prefix argument ARG says to wrap the skeleton around the next ARG words.
A prefix argument of -1 says to wrap around region, even if not highlighted.
A prefix argument of zero says to wrap around zero words---that is, nothing.
This is a way of overriding the use of a highlighted region.

Function: ebrowse-electric-position-menu

List positions in the position stack in an electric buffer.


Variable: mode-line-client

Mode line construct for identifying emacsclient frames.

Function: system-users

Return a list of user names currently registered in the system.
If we don't know how to determine that on this platform, just
return a list with one element, taken from `user-real-login-name'. (fn)

Variable: buffer-undo-list

List of undo entries in current buffer.
Recent changes come first; older changes follow newer.

An entry (BEG . END) represents an insertion which begins at
position BEG and ends at position END.

An entry (TEXT . POSITION) represents the deletion of the string TEXT
from (abs POSITION). If POSITION is positive, point was at the front
of the text being deleted; if negative, point was at the end.

An entry (t HIGH LOW USEC PSEC) indicates that the buffer was previously
unmodified; (HIGH LOW USEC PSEC) is in the same style as (current-time)
and is the visited file's modification time, as of that time. If the
modification time of the most recent save is different, this entry is

An entry (nil PROPERTY VALUE BEG . END) indicates that a text property
was modified between BEG and END. PROPERTY is the property name,
and VALUE is the old value.

An entry (apply FUN-NAME . ARGS) means undo the change with
(apply FUN-NAME ARGS).

An entry (apply DELTA BEG END FUN-NAME . ARGS) supports selective undo
in the active region. BEG and END is the range affected by this entry
and DELTA is the number of bytes added or deleted in that range by
this change.

An entry (MARKER . DISTANCE) indicates that the marker MARKER
was adjusted in position by the offset DISTANCE (an integer).

An entry of the form POSITION indicates that point was at the buffer
location given by the integer. Undoing an entry of this form places
point at POSITION.

Entries with value `nil' mark undo boundaries. The undo command treats
the changes between two undo boundaries as a single step to be undone. If the value of the variable is t, undo information is not recorded.

Function: comint-check-proc

Return non-nil if there is a living process associated w/buffer BUFFER.
Living means the status is `open', `run', or `stop'.
BUFFER can be either a buffer or the name of one.

Function: Info-follow-reference

Follow cross reference named FOOTNOTENAME to the node it refers to.
FOOTNOTENAME may be an abbreviation of the reference name.
If FORK is non-nil (interactively with a prefix arg), show the node in
a new Info buffer. If FORK is a string, it is the name to use for the new buffer.

Function: html-headline-2

HTML level 2 headline tags.

This is a skeleton command (see `skeleton-insert').
Normally the skeleton text is inserted at point, with nothing "inside".
If there is a highlighted region, the skeleton text is wrapped
around the region text.

A prefix argument ARG says to wrap the skeleton around the next ARG words.
A prefix argument of -1 says to wrap around region, even if not highlighted.
A prefix argument of zero says to wrap around zero words---that is, nothing.
This is a way of overriding the use of a highlighted region.

Function: tramp-completion-run-real-handler

Invoke `tramp-file-name-handler' for OPERATION.
First arg specifies the OPERATION, second arg is a list of arguments to
pass to the OPERATION.

Function: kinsoku

Go to a line breaking position near point by doing `kinsoku' processing.
LINEBEG is a buffer position we can't break a line before.

`Kinsoku' processing is to prohibit specific characters to be placed
at beginning of line or at end of line. Characters not to be placed
at beginning and end of line have character category `>' and `<'
respectively. This restriction is dissolved by making a line longer or

`Kinsoku' is a Japanese word which originally means ordering to stay
in one place, and is used for the text processing described above in
the context of text formatting. (fn LINEBEG)

Function: dabbrev-expand

Expand previous word "dynamically".

Expands to the most recent, preceding word for which this is a prefix.
If no suitable preceding word is found, words following point are
considered. If still no suitable word is found, then look in the
buffers accepted by the function pointed out by variable

A positive prefix argument, N, says to take the Nth backward *distinct*
possibility. A negative argument says search forward.

If the cursor has not moved from the end of the previous expansion and
no argument is given, replace the previously-made expansion
with the next possible expansion not yet tried.

The variable `dabbrev-backward-only' may be used to limit the
direction of search to backward if set non-nil. See also `dabbrev-abbrev-char-regexp' and C-M-/. (fn ARG)

Function: erase-buffer

Delete the entire contents of the current buffer.
Any narrowing restriction in effect (see `narrow-to-region') is removed,
so the buffer is truly empty after this. (fn)

Function: byte-compile-one-or-two-args

(fn FORM)

Function: html-headline-1

HTML level 1 headline tags.

This is a skeleton command (see `skeleton-insert').
Normally the skeleton text is inserted at point, with nothing "inside".
If there is a highlighted region, the skeleton text is wrapped
around the region text.

A prefix argument ARG says to wrap the skeleton around the next ARG words.
A prefix argument of -1 says to wrap around region, even if not highlighted.
A prefix argument of zero says to wrap around zero words---that is, nothing.
This is a way of overriding the use of a highlighted region.

Function: nslookup

Run nslookup program.


Function: universal-argument

Begin a numeric argument for the following command.
Digits or minus sign following C-u make up the numeric argument.
C-u following the digits or minus sign ends the argument.
C-u without digits or minus sign provides 4 as argument.
Repeating C-u without digits or minus sign
multiplies the argument by 4 each time.
For some commands, just C-u by itself serves as a flag
which is different in effect from any particular numeric argument.
These commands include C-SPC and M-x start-kbd-macro.

Variable: undo-outer-limit-function

Function to call when an undo list exceeds `undo-outer-limit'.
This function is called with one argument, the current undo list size
for the most recent command (since the last undo boundary).
If the function returns t, that means truncation has been fully handled.
If it returns nil, the other forms of truncation are done.

Garbage collection is inhibited around the call to this function,
so it must make sure not to do a lot of consing.

Function: set-standard-case-table

Select a new standard case table for new buffers.
See `set-case-table' for more info on case tables.

(fn TABLE)

Variable: esc-map

Default keymap for ESC (meta) commands.
The normal global definition of the character ESC indirects to this keymap.

Function: byte-compile-callargs-warn

(fn FORM)

Function: ps-nb-pages-buffer

Display number of pages to print this buffer, for various font heights.
The table depends on the current ps-print setup.


Function: ps-print-region-with-faces

Generate and print a PostScript image of the region.
Like `ps-print-region', but includes font, color, and underline information in
the generated image. This command works only if you are using a window system,
so it has a way to determine color values.

(fn FROM TO &optional FILENAME)

Variable: face-font-family-alternatives

Alist of alternative font family names.
Each element has the form (FAMILY ALTERNATIVE1 ALTERNATIVE2 ...).
If fonts of family FAMILY can't be loaded, try ALTERNATIVE1, then

Variable: save-abbrevs

Non-nil means save word abbrevs too when files are saved.
If `silently', don't ask the user before saving.

Function: window-buffer

Return the buffer displayed in window WINDOW.
If WINDOW is omitted or nil, it defaults to the selected window.
Return nil for an internal window or a deleted window.

(fn &optional WINDOW)

Function: mm-char-int

Return the argument unchanged.

(fn ARG)

Variable: comint-move-point-for-output

Controls whether interpreter output moves point to the end of the output.
If nil, then output never moves point to the output.
(If the output occurs at point, it is inserted before point.)
If t or `all', move point in all windows showing the buffer.
If `this', move point only the selected window.
If `others', move point only in other windows, not in the selected window.

The default is nil.

See the variable `comint-scroll-show-maximum-output' and the function
This variable is buffer-local in all Comint buffers.

Variable: Info-history-skip-intermediate-nodes

Non-nil means don't record intermediate Info nodes to the history.
Intermediate Info nodes are nodes visited by Info internally in the process of
searching the node to display. Intermediate nodes are not presented
to the user.

Variable: visible-cursor

Non-nil means to make the cursor very visible.
This only has an effect when running in a text terminal.
What means "very visible" is up to your terminal. It may make the cursor
bigger, or it may make it blink, or it may do nothing at all.

Function: region-end

Return the integer value of point or mark, whichever is larger.


Function: compare-strings

Compare the contents of two strings, converting to multibyte if needed.
The arguments START1, END1, START2, and END2, if non-nil, are
positions specifying which parts of STR1 or STR2 to compare. In
string STR1, compare the part between START1 (inclusive) and END1
(exclusive). If START1 is nil, it defaults to 0, the beginning of
the string; if END1 is nil, it defaults to the length of the string.
Likewise, in string STR2, compare the part between START2 and END2.

The strings are compared by the numeric values of their characters.
For instance, STR1 is "less than" STR2 if its first differing
character has a smaller numeric value. If IGNORE-CASE is non-nil,
characters are converted to lower-case before comparing them. Unibyte
strings are converted to multibyte for comparison.

The value is t if the strings (or specified portions) match.
If string STR1 is less, the value is a negative number N;
- 1 - N is the number of characters that match at the beginning.
If string STR1 is greater, the value is a positive number N;
N - 1 is the number of characters that match at the beginning. (fn STR1 START1 END1 STR2 START2 END2 &optional IGNORE-CASE)

Function: sh-get-indent-info

Return indent-info for this line.
This is a list. nil means the line is to be left as is.
Otherwise it contains one or more of the following sublists:
(t NUMBER) NUMBER is the base location in the buffer that indentation is
relative to. If present, this is always the first of the
sublists. The indentation of the line in question is
derived from the indentation of this point, possibly
modified by subsequent sublists.
(+ VAR)
(- VAR) Get the value of variable VAR and add to or subtract from
the indentation calculated so far.
(= VAR) Get the value of variable VAR and *replace* the
indentation with its value. This only occurs for
special variables such as `sh-indent-comment'.
STRING This is ignored for the purposes of calculating
indentation, it is printed in certain cases to help show what the indentation is based on.

Function: comint--match-partial-filename

Return the filename at point as-is, or nil if none is found.
See `comint-word'.

Function: cl-map

Map a FUNCTION across one or more SEQUENCEs, returning a sequence.
TYPE is the sequence type to return.


Function: mail-quote-printable-region

Convert the region to the "quoted printable" Q encoding.
If the optional argument WRAPPER is non-nil,
we add the wrapper characters =?ISO-8859-1?Q?....?=.

(fn BEG END &optional WRAPPER)

Function: calc-eval

Do a quick calculation and return the result as a string.
Return value will either be the formatted result in string form,
or a list containing a character position and an error message in string form.

(fn STR &optional SEPARATOR &rest ARGS)

Variable: add-log-tex-like-modes

Modes that look like TeX to `add-log-current-defun'.

Function: process-file

Process files synchronously in a separate process.
Similar to `call-process', but may invoke a file handler based on
`default-directory'. The current working directory of the
subprocess is `default-directory'.

File names in INFILE and BUFFER are handled normally, but file
names in ARGS should be relative to `default-directory', as they
are passed to the process verbatim. (This is a difference to
`call-process' which does not support file handlers for INFILE
and BUFFER.)

Some file handlers might not support all variants, for example
they might behave as if DISPLAY was nil, regardless of the actual value passed.

Variable: lisp-interaction-mode-map

Keymap for Lisp Interaction mode.
All commands in `lisp-mode-shared-map' are inherited by this map.

Variable: Info-default-directory-list

Default list of directories to search for Info documentation files.
They are searched in the order they are given in the list.
Therefore, the directory of Info files that come with Emacs
normally should come last (so that local files override standard ones),
unless Emacs is installed into a non-standard directory. In the latter
case, the directory of Info files that come with Emacs should be
first in this list.

Once Info is started, the list of directories to search
comes from the variable `Info-directory-list'.
This variable `Info-default-directory-list' is used as the default
for initializing `Info-directory-list' when Info is started, unless
the environment variable INFOPATH is set.

Although this is a customizable variable, that is mainly for technical
reasons. Normally, you should either set INFOPATH or customize
`Info-additional-directory-list', rather than changing this variable.

Variable: byte-compile-dynamic

If non-nil, compile function bodies so they load lazily.
They are hidden in comments in the compiled file,
and each one is brought into core when the
function is called.

To enable this option, make it a file-local variable
in the source file you want it to apply to.
For example, add -*-byte-compile-dynamic: t;-*- on the first line.

When this option is true, if you load the compiled file and then move it,
the functions you loaded will not be able to run.

Variable: delay-mode-hooks

If non-nil, `run-mode-hooks' should delay running the hooks.

Function: define-key

In KEYMAP, define key sequence KEY as DEF.
KEYMAP is a keymap.

KEY is a string or a vector of symbols and characters, representing a
sequence of keystrokes and events. Non-ASCII characters with codes
above 127 (such as ISO Latin-1) can be represented by vectors.
Two types of vector have special meanings:
[remap COMMAND] remaps any key binding for COMMAND.
[t] creates a default definition, which applies to any event with no
other definition in KEYMAP.

DEF is anything that can be a key's definition:
nil (means key is undefined in this keymap),
a command (a Lisp function suitable for interactive calling),
a string (treated as a keyboard macro),
a keymap (to define a prefix key),
a symbol (when the key is looked up, the symbol will stand for its
function definition, which should at that time be one of the above,
or another symbol whose function definition is used, etc.),
a cons (STRING . DEFN), meaning that DEFN is the definition
(DEFN should be a valid definition in its own right),
or a cons (MAP . CHAR), meaning use definition of CHAR in keymap MAP,
or an extended menu item definition.
(See info node `(elisp)Extended Menu Items'.)

If KEYMAP is a sparse keymap with a binding for KEY, the existing
binding is altered. If there is no binding for KEY, the new pair binding KEY to DEF is added at the front of KEYMAP. (fn KEYMAP KEY DEF)

Variable: sh-skeleton-pair-default-alist

Value to use for `skeleton-pair-default-alist' in Shell-Script mode.

Face: comint-highlight-input

Face to use to highlight user input.

Function: vc-kill-buffer-hook

Discard VC info about a file when we kill its buffer.

Function: view-register

Display what is contained in register named REGISTER.
The Lisp value REGISTER is a character.

Function: ring-empty-p

Return t if RING is empty; nil otherwise.

Function: font-lock-default-unfontify-region

Unfontify the text between BEG and END.
This function is the default `font-lock-unfontify-region-function'.

Function: refill-mode

Toggle automatic refilling (Refill mode).
With a prefix argument ARG, enable Refill mode if ARG is
positive, and disable it otherwise. If called from Lisp, enable
the mode if ARG is omitted or nil.

Refill mode is a buffer-local minor mode. When enabled, the
current paragraph is refilled as you edit. Self-inserting
characters only cause refilling if they would cause

For true "word wrap" behavior, use `visual-line-mode' instead. (fn &optional ARG)

Function: mail-completion-at-point-function

Compute completion data for mail aliases.
For use on `completion-at-point-functions'.

Function: landmark-test-run

Run 100 Landmark games, each time saving the weights from the previous game.


Function: kmacro-end-and-call-macro

Call last keyboard macro, ending it first if currently being defined.
With numeric prefix ARG, repeat macro that many times.
Zero argument means repeat until there is an error.

To give a macro a permanent name, so you can call it
even after defining other macros, use M-x kmacro-name-last-macro.

(fn ARG &optional NO-REPEAT)

Variable: special-display-buffer-names

List of names of buffers that should be displayed specially.
Displaying a buffer with `display-buffer' or `pop-to-buffer', if
its name is in this list, displays the buffer in a way specified
by `special-display-function'. `special-display-popup-frame'
(the default for `special-display-function') usually displays
the buffer in a separate frame made with the parameters specified
by `special-display-frame-alist'. If `special-display-function'
has been set to some other function, that function is called with
the buffer as first, and nil as second argument.

Alternatively, an element of this list can be specified as
name and FRAME-PARAMETERS an alist of (PARAMETER . VALUE) pairs.
`special-display-popup-frame' will interpret such pairs as frame
parameters when it creates a special frame, overriding the
corresponding values from `special-display-frame-alist'.

As a special case, if FRAME-PARAMETERS contains (same-window . t)
`special-display-popup-frame' displays that buffer in the
selected window. If FRAME-PARAMETERS contains (same-frame . t),
it displays that buffer in a window on the selected frame.

If `special-display-function' specifies some other function than
`special-display-popup-frame', that function is called with the
buffer named BUFFER-NAME as first, and FRAME-PARAMETERS as second

Finally, an element of this list can be also specified as
`special-display-popup-frame' will call FUNCTION with the buffer
named BUFFER-NAME as first argument, and OTHER-ARGS as the

Any alternative function specified here is responsible for
setting up the quit-restore parameter of the window used.

If this variable appears "not to work", because you added a
name to it but the corresponding buffer is displayed in the
selected window, look at the values of `same-window-buffer-names' and `same-window-regexps'. Those variables take precedence over this one. See also `special-display-regexps'.

Variable: left-margin-width

Width of left marginal area for display of a buffer.
A value of nil means no marginal area.

Function: base64-encode-region

Base64-encode the region between BEG and END.
Return the length of the encoded text.
Optional third argument NO-LINE-BREAK means do not break long lines
into shorter lines.

(fn BEG END &optional NO-LINE-BREAK)

Variable: old-style-backquotes

Set to non-nil when `read' encounters an old-style backquote.

Variable: where-is-preferred-modifier

Preferred modifier key to use for `where-is'.
When a single binding is requested, `where-is' will return one that
uses this modifier key if possible. If nil, or if no such binding
exists, bindings using keys without modifiers (or only with meta) will
be preferred.

Function: make-frame-on-display

Make a frame on display DISPLAY.
The optional argument PARAMETERS specifies additional frame parameters.

Function: create-glyph

Allocate a glyph code to display by sending STRING to the terminal.

Function: digit-argument

Part of the numeric argument for the next command.
C-u following digits or minus sign ends the argument.

Variable: x-no-window-manager

Non-nil if no X window manager is in use.
Emacs doesn't try to figure this out; this is always nil
unless you set it to something else.

Function: describe-syntax

Describe the syntax specifications in the syntax table of BUFFER.
The descriptions are inserted in a help buffer, which is then displayed.
BUFFER defaults to the current buffer.

(fn &optional BUFFER)

Function: face-attribute-merged-with

Merges ATTRIBUTE, initially VALUE, with faces from FACES until absolute.
FACES may be either a single face or a list of faces.
[This is an internal function.]

Function: sgml-mode

Major mode for editing SGML documents.
Makes > match <.
Keys <, &, SPC within <>, ", / and ' can be electric depending on

An argument of N to a tag-inserting command means to wrap it around
the next N words. In Transient Mark mode, when the mark is active,
N defaults to -1, which means to wrap it around the current region.

If you like upcased tags, put (setq sgml-transformation-function 'upcase)
in your init file.

Use M-x sgml-validate to validate your document with an SGML parser.

Do C-h v sgml- SPC to see available variables.
Do C-h k on the following bindings to discover what they do.
key binding
--- -------

€ .. ÿ sgml-maybe-name-self

C-c Prefix Command
ESC Prefix Command
/ sgml-slash

C-c C-a sgml-attributes
C-c C-b sgml-skip-tag-backward
C-c C-d sgml-delete-tag
C-c C-e sgml-close-tag
C-c C-f sgml-skip-tag-forward
C-c TAB sgml-tags-invisible
C-c C-n sgml-name-char
C-c C-o sgml-tag
C-c C-t sgml-tag
C-c C-v sgml-validate
C-c / sgml-close-tag
C-c 8 sgml-name-8bit-mode
C-c ? sgml-tag-help
C-c ] sgml-close-tag
C-c DEL sgml-delete-tag
C-c sgml-skip-tag-backward
C-c sgml-skip-tag-forward

C-M-i ispell-complete-word In addition to any hooks its parent mode `text-mode' might have run, this mode runs the hook `sgml-mode-hook', as the final step during initialization.

Function: resize-temp-buffer-window

Resize WINDOW to fit its contents.
WINDOW can be any live window and defaults to the selected one.

Do not make WINDOW higher than `temp-buffer-max-height' nor
smaller than `window-min-height'. Do nothing if WINDOW is not
vertically combined, some of its contents are scrolled out of
view, or WINDOW was not created by `display-buffer'.

Variable: indicate-empty-lines

Visually indicate empty lines after the buffer end.
If non-nil, a bitmap is displayed in the left fringe of a window on

Function: tty-color-alist

Return an alist of colors supported by FRAME's terminal.
FRAME defaults to the selected frame.
Each element of the returned alist is of the form:
where NAME is the name of the color, a string;
INDEX is the index of this color to be sent to the terminal driver
when the color should be displayed; it is typically a small integer;
R, G, and B are the intensities of, accordingly, red, green, and blue
components of the color, represented as numbers between 0 and 65535.
The file `etc/rgb.txt' in the Emacs distribution lists the standard
RGB values of the X colors. If RGB is nil, this color will not be
considered by `tty-color-translate' as an approximation to another color.

Function: cl-gcd

Return the greatest common divisor of the arguments.

(fn &rest ARGS)

Function: x-dnd-default-test-function

The default test function for drag and drop.
WINDOW is where the mouse is when this function is called. It may be
a frame if the mouse is over the menu bar, scroll bar or tool bar.
ACTION is the suggested action from the source, and TYPES are the
types the drop data can have. This function only accepts drops with
types in `x-dnd-known-types'. It always returns the action private.

Function: mouse-scroll-subr

Scroll the window WINDOW, JUMP lines at a time, until new input arrives.
If OVERLAY is an overlay, let it stretch from START to the far edge of
the newly visible text.
Upon exit, point is at the far edge of the newly visible text.


Function: mouse-delete-other-windows

Delete all windows except the one you click on.


Variable: global-mark-ring

The list of saved global marks, most recent first.

Variable: process-adaptive-read-buffering

If non-nil, improve receive buffering by delaying after short reads.
On some systems, when Emacs reads the output from a subprocess, the output data
is read in very small blocks, potentially resulting in very poor performance.
This behavior can be remedied to some extent by setting this variable to a
non-nil value, as it will automatically delay reading from such processes, to
allow them to produce more output before Emacs tries to read it.
If the value is t, the delay is reset after each write to the process; any other
non-nil value means that the delay is not reset on write.
The variable takes effect when `start-process' is called.

Variable: mm-charset-override-alist

A mapping from undesired charset names to their replacement.

You may add pairs like (iso-8859-1 . windows-1252) here,
i.e. treat iso-8859-1 as windows-1252. windows-1252 is a
superset of iso-8859-1.

Function: coding-system-category

Return a category symbol of CODING-SYSTEM.

Function: pos-visible-in-window-p

Return non-nil if position POS is currently on the frame in WINDOW.
WINDOW must be a live window and defaults to the selected one.

Return nil if that position is scrolled vertically out of view. If a
character is only partially visible, nil is returned, unless the
optional argument PARTIALLY is non-nil. If POS is only out of view
because of horizontal scrolling, return non-nil. If POS is t, it
specifies the position of the last visible glyph in WINDOW. POS
defaults to point in WINDOW; WINDOW defaults to the selected window.

If POS is visible, return t if PARTIALLY is nil; if PARTIALLY is non-nil,
return value is a list of 2 or 6 elements (X Y [RTOP RBOT ROWH VPOS]),
where X and Y are the pixel coordinates relative to the top left corner
of the window. The remaining elements are omitted if the character after
POS is fully visible; otherwise, RTOP and RBOT are the number of pixels
off-window at the top and bottom of the row, ROWH is the height of the
display row, and VPOS is the row number (0-based) containing POS. (fn &optional POS WINDOW PARTIALLY)

Variable: fill-nospace-between-words-table

Char-table of characters that don't use space between words.

Variable: buffer-quit-function

Function to call to "quit" the current buffer, or nil if none.
M-ESC ESC calls this function when its more local actions
(such as canceling a prefix argument, minibuffer or region) do not apply.

Function: finger

Finger USER on HOST.


Function: byte-compile-enable-warning

Change `byte-compile-warnings' to enable WARNING.
If `byte-compile-warnings' is `t', do nothing. Otherwise, if the
first element is `not', remove WARNING, else add it.
Normally you should let-bind `byte-compile-warnings' before calling this,
else the global value will be modified. (fn WARNING)

Variable: x-lost-selection-functions

A list of functions to be called when Emacs loses an X selection.
(This happens when some other X client makes its own selection
or when a Lisp program explicitly clears the selection.)
The functions are called with one argument, the selection type
(a symbol, typically `PRIMARY', `SECONDARY', or `CLIPBOARD').

Face: escape-glyph

Face for characters displayed as sequences using `^' or `\'.

Variable: indicate-buffer-boundaries

Visually indicate buffer boundaries and scrolling.
If non-nil, the first and last line of the buffer are marked in the fringe
of a window on window-systems with angle bitmaps, or if the window can be
scrolled, the top and bottom line of the window are marked with up and down
arrow bitmaps.

If value is a symbol `left' or `right', both angle and arrow bitmaps
are displayed in the left or right fringe, resp. Any other value
that doesn't look like an alist means display the angle bitmaps in
the left fringe but no arrows.

You can exercise more precise control by using an alist as the
value. Each alist element (INDICATOR . POSITION) specifies
where to show one of the indicators. INDICATOR is one of `top',
`bottom', `up', `down', or t, which specifies the default position,
and POSITION is one of `left', `right', or nil, meaning do not show
this indicator.

For example, ((top . left) (t . right)) places the top angle bitmap in
left fringe, the bottom angle bitmap in right fringe, and both arrow
bitmaps in right fringe. To show just the angle bitmaps in the left fringe, but no arrow bitmaps, use ((top . left) (bottom . left)).

Variable: dabbrev-friend-buffer-function

A function to decide whether dabbrev should search OTHER-BUFFER.
The function should take one argument, OTHER-BUFFER, and return
non-nil if that buffer should be searched. Have a look at
`dabbrev--same-major-mode-p' for an example.

The value of `dabbrev-friend-buffer-function' has an effect only if
the value of `dabbrev-select-buffers-function' uses it. The function
`dabbrev--select-buffers' is one function you can use here.

A mode setting this variable should make it buffer local.

Function: cadadr

Return the `car' of the `cdr' of the `car' of the `cdr' of X.

(fn X)

Function: emacs-session-filename

Construct a filename to save the session in based on SESSION-ID.
If the directory ~/.emacs.d exists, we make a filename in there, otherwise
a file in the home directory.

Function: rng-nxml-mode-init

Initialize `nxml-mode' to take advantage of `rng-validate-mode'.
This is typically called from `nxml-mode-hook'.
Validation will be enabled if `rng-nxml-auto-validate-flag' is non-nil. (fn)

Variable: auto-save-hook

Normal hook run just before auto-saving.

Function: format-property-increment-region

In the region from FROM to TO increment property PROP by amount DELTA.
DELTA may be negative. If property PROP is nil anywhere
in the region, it is treated as though it were DEFAULT.

Function: face-attribute

Return the value of FACE's ATTRIBUTE on FRAME.
If the optional argument FRAME is given, report on face FACE in that frame.
If FRAME is t, report on the defaults for face FACE (for new frames).
If FRAME is omitted or nil, use the selected frame.

If INHERIT is nil, only attributes directly defined by FACE are considered,
so the return value may be `unspecified', or a relative value.
If INHERIT is non-nil, FACE's definition of ATTRIBUTE is merged with the
faces specified by its `:inherit' attribute; however the return value
may still be `unspecified' or relative.
If INHERIT is a face or a list of faces, then the result is further merged
with that face (or faces), until it becomes specified and absolute.

To ensure that the return value is always specified and absolute, use a
value of `default' for INHERIT; this will resolve any unspecified or
relative values by merging with the `default' face (which is always completely specified).

Function: internal-show-cursor-p

Value is non-nil if next redisplay will display a cursor in WINDOW.
WINDOW nil or omitted means report on the selected window.

(fn &optional WINDOW)

Variable: default-truncate-lines

Default value of `truncate-lines' for buffers that do not override it.
This is the same as (default-value 'truncate-lines).

Function: cconv--map-diff-elem

Return the map M minus any mapping for X.

(fn M X)

Function: menu-bar-left-scroll-bar

Display scroll bars on the left of each window.

Function: japanese-hankaku

Convert argument to `hankaku' and return that.
The argument may be a character or string. The result has the same type.
The argument object is not altered--the value is a copy.
Optional argument ASCII-ONLY non-nil means to return only ASCII character.

(fn OBJ &optional ASCII-ONLY)

Function: ethio-sera-to-fidel-buffer

Convert the current buffer from SERA to FIDEL.

The variable `ethio-primary-language' specifies the primary
language and `ethio-secondary-language' specifies the secondary.

If the 1st optional argument SECONDARY is non-nil, assume the
buffer begins with the secondary language; otherwise with the
primary language.

If the 2nd optional argument FORCE is non-nil, perform conversion
even if the buffer is read-only.

See also the descriptions of the variables
`ethio-use-colon-for-colon' and `ethio-use-three-dot-question'. (fn &optional SECONDARY FORCE)

Function: byte-compile-stack-ref

Output byte codes to push the value at stack position STACK-POS.


Function: comint-previous-prompt

Move to end of Nth previous prompt in the buffer.
If `comint-use-prompt-regexp' is nil, then this means the beginning of
the Nth previous `input' field, otherwise, it means the Nth occurrence of
text matching `comint-prompt-regexp'. (fn N)

Function: cl-cadar

Return the `car' of the `cdr' of the `car' of X.

(fn X)

Variable: replace-search-function

Function to use when searching for strings to replace.
It is used by `query-replace' and `replace-string', and is called
with three arguments, as if it were `search-forward'.

Variable: search-slow-speed

Highest terminal speed at which to use "slow" style incremental search.
This is the style where a one-line window is created to show the line
that the search has reached.

Function: count-words

Count words between START and END.
If called interactively, START and END are normally the start and
end of the buffer; but if the region is active, START and END are
the start and end of the region. Print a message reporting the
number of lines, words, and chars.

If called from Lisp, return the number of words between START and
END, without printing any message.

Face: fringe

Basic face for the fringes to the left and right of windows under X.

Function: smie-bnf--closer-alist

Build a closer-alist from a BNF table.
The return value is in the same form as `smie-closer-alist'.
NO-INNERS if non-nil means that inner keywords will be excluded
from the table, e.g. the table will not include things like ("if" . "else").

(fn BNF &optional NO-INNERS)

Function: apropos-macrop

Return t if SYMBOL is a Lisp macro.

Function: comint--unquote-argument

(fn STR)

Function: cl-minusp

Return t if NUMBER is negative.


Variable: completion-auto-help

Non-nil means automatically provide help for invalid completion input.
If the value is t the *Completion* buffer is displayed whenever completion
is requested but cannot be done.
If the value is `lazy', the *Completions* buffer is only displayed after
the second failed attempt to complete.

Function: url-mail

(fn &rest ARGS)

Function: ps-extend-face-list

Extend face in ALIST-SYM.

If optional MERGE-P is non-nil, extensions in FACE-EXTENSION-LIST are merged
with face extension in ALIST-SYM; otherwise, overrides.

If optional ALIST-SYM is nil, `ps-print-face-extension-alist' is used;
otherwise, it should be an alist symbol.

The elements in FACE-EXTENSION-LIST are like those for `ps-extend-face'.

See `ps-extend-face' for documentation.


Function: mail-fetch-field

Return the value of the header field whose type is FIELD-NAME.
If second arg LAST is non-nil, use the last field of type FIELD-NAME.
If third arg ALL is non-nil, concatenate all such fields with commas between.
If 4th arg LIST is non-nil, return a list of all such fields.
The buffer should be narrowed to just the header, else false
matches may be returned from the message body.


Function: erc-nickserv-identify-mode

Set up hooks according to which MODE the user has chosen.

(fn MODE)

Function: align-current

Call `align' on the current alignment section.
This function assumes you want to align only the current section, and
so saves you from having to specify the region. If RULES or
EXCLUDE-RULES is set to a list of rules (see `align-rules-list'), it
can be used to override the default alignment rules that would have
been used to align that section.

(fn &optional RULES EXCLUDE-RULES)

Variable: handle-args-function-alist

Functions for processing window-system dependent command-line arguments.
Window system startup files should add their own function to this
alist, which should parse the command line arguments. Those
pertaining to the window system should be processed and removed
from the returned command line.

Face: highlight

Basic face for highlighting.

Function: hack-one-local-variable

Set local variable VAR with value VAL.
If VAR is `mode', call `VAL-mode' as a function unless it's
already the major mode.

Function: down-list

Move forward down one level of parentheses.
With ARG, do this that many times.
A negative argument means move backward but still go down a level.
This command assumes point is not in a string or comment.

Variable: scroll-down-aggressively

How far to scroll windows downward.
If you move point off the top, the window scrolls automatically.
This variable controls how far it scrolls. The value nil, the default,
means scroll to center point. A fraction means scroll to put point
that fraction of the window's height from the top of the window.
When the value is 0.0, point goes at the top line, which in the
simple case that you moved off with C-b means scrolling just one line.
1.0 means point goes at the bottom, so that in that simple case, the
window scrolls by a full window height. Meaningful values are between 0.0 and 1.0, inclusive.

Function: multiple-value-call

Call FUNCTION with our remaining args, using our last arg as list of args.
Then return the value FUNCTION returns.
Thus, (apply '+ 1 2 '(3 4)) returns 10.


Function: cl-mapl

Like `cl-maplist', but does not accumulate values returned by the function.


Function: indent-for-comment

Indent this line's comment to `comment-column', or insert an empty comment.
If CONTINUE is non-nil, use the `comment-continue' markers if any.

(fn &optional CONTINUE)

Function: ediff-merge-buffers

Merge buffers without ancestor.


Function: ebnf-syntax-directory

Do a syntactic analysis of the files in DIRECTORY.

If DIRECTORY is nil, use `default-directory'.

Only the files in DIRECTORY that match `ebnf-file-suffix-regexp' (which see)
are processed.

See also `ebnf-syntax-buffer'. (fn &optional DIRECTORY)

Function: batch-byte-recompile-directory

Run `byte-recompile-directory' on the dirs remaining on the command line.
Must be used only with `-batch', and kills Emacs on completion.
For example, invoke `emacs -batch -f batch-byte-recompile-directory .'.

Optional argument ARG is passed as second argument ARG to
`byte-recompile-directory'; see there for its possible values
and corresponding effects. (fn &optional ARG)

Function: inverse-add-mode-abbrev

Define last word before point as a mode-specific abbrev.
With prefix argument N, defines the Nth word before point.
This command uses the minibuffer to read the expansion.
Expands the abbreviation after defining it. (fn N)

Function: inverse-add-global-abbrev

Define last word before point as a global (mode-independent) abbrev.
With prefix argument N, defines the Nth word before point.
This command uses the minibuffer to read the expansion.
Expands the abbreviation after defining it. (fn N)

Variable: coding-category-list

List of coding-categories (symbols) ordered by priority.

On detecting a coding system, Emacs tries code detection algorithms
associated with each coding-category one by one in this order. When
one algorithm agrees with a byte sequence of source text, the coding
system bound to the corresponding coding-category is selected.

Don't modify this variable directly, but use `set-coding-system-priority'.

Function: multi-isearch-end

Clean up the multi-buffer search after terminating isearch.

Function: timer-set-function

Make TIMER call FUNCTION with optional ARGS when triggering.

Function: font-lock-refresh-defaults

Restart fontification in current buffer after recomputing from defaults.
Recompute fontification variables using `font-lock-defaults' and
`font-lock-maximum-decoration'. Then restart fontification.

Use this function when you have changed any of the above
variables directly.

Note: This function will erase modifications done by
`font-lock-add-keywords' or `font-lock-remove-keywords', but will
preserve `hi-lock-mode' highlighting patterns.

Function: set-language-info-internal

Internal use only.
Arguments are the same as `set-language-info'.

Function: completion-file-name-table

Completion table for file names.


Function: epa-mail-encrypt

Encrypt the current buffer.
The buffer is expected to contain a mail message.

Don't use this command in Lisp programs!


Function: internal-set-alternative-font-registry-alist

Define alternative font registries to try in face font selection.
ALIST is an alist of (REGISTRY ALTERNATIVE1 ALTERNATIVE2 ...) entries.
Each ALTERNATIVE is tried in order if no fonts of font registry REGISTRY can
be found. Value is ALIST. (fn ALIST)

Variable: list-matching-lines-face

Face used by M-x list-matching-lines to show the text that matches.
If the value is nil, don't highlight the matching portions specially.

Variable: tex-run-command

Command used to run TeX subjob.
TeX Mode sets `tex-command' to this string.
See the documentation of that variable.

Function: help-at-pt-cancel-timer

Cancel any timer set by `help-at-pt-set-timer'.
This disables `help-at-pt-display-when-idle'.

Function: gnus-mailing-list-mode

Minor mode for providing mailing-list commands.

Uses keymap `gnus-mailing-list-mode-map', which is not currently defined.

(fn &optional ARG)

Function: set-window-redisplay-end-trigger

Set WINDOW's redisplay end trigger value to VALUE.
WINDOW must be a live window and defaults to the selected one. VALUE
should be a buffer position (typically a marker) or nil. If it is a
buffer position, then if redisplay in WINDOW reaches a position beyond
VALUE, the functions in `redisplay-end-trigger-functions' are called
with two arguments: WINDOW, and the end trigger value. Afterwards the
end-trigger value is reset to nil. (fn WINDOW VALUE)

Function: byte-compile-log-1


Function: sgml-calculate-indent

Calculate the column to which this line should be indented.
LCON is the lexical context, if any.

Face: info-xref

Face for unvisited Info cross-references.

Function: xw-defined-colors

Internal function called by `defined-colors', which see.

Function: register-code-conversion-map

Register SYMBOL as code conversion map MAP.
Return index number of the registered map.


Function: provide

Announce that FEATURE is a feature of the current Emacs.
The optional argument SUBFEATURES should be a list of symbols listing
particular subfeatures supported in this version of FEATURE.


Function: smie-debug--prec2-cycle

Return a cycle in CSTS, assuming there's one.
CSTS is a list of pairs representing arcs in a graph.

(fn CSTS)

Function: pcomplete-arg

Return the textual content of the INDEXth argument.
INDEX is based from the current processing position. If INDEX is
positive, values returned are closer to the command argument; if
negative, they are closer to the last argument. If the INDEX is
outside of the argument list, nil is returned. The default value for
INDEX is 0, meaning the current argument being examined.

The special indices `first' and `last' may be used to access those
parts of the list.

The OFFSET argument is added to/taken away from the index that will be
used. This is really only useful with `first' and `last', for
accessing absolute argument positions. (fn &optional INDEX OFFSET)

Function: cl-merge

Destructively merge the two sequences to produce a new sequence.
TYPE is the sequence type to return, SEQ1 and SEQ2 are the two argument
sequences, and PREDICATE is a `less-than' predicate on the elements.

Keywords supported: :key


Variable: dnd-open-remote-file-function

The function to call when opening a file on a remote machine.
The function will be called with two arguments; URI and ACTION. See
`dnd-open-file' for details.
If nil, then dragging remote files into Emacs will result in an error.
Predefined functions are `dnd-open-local-file' and `dnd-open-remote-url'.
`dnd-open-local-file' attempts to open a remote file using its UNC name and
is the default on MS-Windows. `dnd-open-remote-url' uses `url-handler-mode'
and is the default except for MS-Windows.

Variable: lisp-font-lock-keywords-2

Gaudy level highlighting for Lisp modes.

Function: check-coding-system

Check validity of CODING-SYSTEM.
If valid, return CODING-SYSTEM, else signal a `coding-system-error' error.
It is valid if it is nil or a symbol defined as a coding system by the
function `define-coding-system'.


Variable: imagemagick--file-regexp

File extension regexp for ImageMagick files, if any.
This is the extension installed into `auto-mode-alist' and
`image-type-file-name-regexps' by `imagemagick-register-types'.

Variable: lisp-font-lock-keywords-1

Subdued level highlighting for Lisp modes.

Function: eval-expression-print-format

Format VALUE as a result of evaluated expression.
Return a formatted string which is displayed in the echo area
in addition to the value printed by prin1 in functions which
display the result of expression evaluation.

Function: 2C-two-columns

Split current window vertically for two-column editing.
When called the first time, associates a buffer with the current
buffer in two-column minor mode (use C-h m once in the mode,
for details.). It runs `2C-other-buffer-hook' in the new buffer.
When called again, restores the screen layout with the current buffer
first and the associated buffer to its right.
(fn &optional BUFFER)

Variable: tramp-completion-file-name-regexp

Regular expression matching file names handled by Tramp completion.
This regexp should match partial Tramp file names only.

Please note that the entry in `file-name-handler-alist' is made when
this file (tramp.el) is loaded. This means that this variable must be set
before loading tramp.el. Alternatively, `file-name-handler-alist' can be
updated after changing this variable.

Also see `tramp-file-name-structure'.

Function: table-backward-cell

Move backward to the beginning of the previous cell.
With argument ARG, do it ARG times;
a negative argument ARG = -N means move forward N cells.

(fn &optional ARG)

Function: proced

Generate a listing of UNIX system processes.

Uses keymap `proced-mode-map', which is not currently defined.

If invoked with optional ARG, do not select the window displaying
the process information.

This function runs the normal hook `proced-post-display-hook'.

See `proced-mode' for a description of features available in Proced buffers. (fn &optional ARG)

Variable: comint-output-filter-functions

Functions to call after output is inserted into the buffer.
One possible function is `comint-postoutput-scroll-to-bottom'.
These functions get one argument, a string containing the text as originally
inserted. Note that this might not be the same as the buffer contents between
`comint-last-output-start' and the buffer's `process-mark', if other filter
functions have already modified the buffer.

See also `comint-preoutput-filter-functions'.

You can use `add-hook' to add functions to this list either globally or locally.

Function: mixal-mode

Major mode for the mixal asm language.


Function: prepare-change-group

Return a handle for the current buffer's state, for a change group.
If you specify BUFFER, make a handle for BUFFER's state instead.

Pass the handle to `activate-change-group' afterward to initiate
the actual changes of the change group.

To finish the change group, call either `accept-change-group' or
`cancel-change-group' passing the same handle as argument. Call
`accept-change-group' to accept the changes in the group as final;
call `cancel-change-group' to undo them all. You should use
`unwind-protect' to make sure the group is always finished. The call
to `activate-change-group' should be inside the `unwind-protect'.
Once you finish the group, don't use the handle again--don't try to
finish the same group twice. For a simple example of correct use, see
the source code of `atomic-change-group'.

The handle records only the specified buffer. To make a multibuffer
change group, call this function once for each buffer you want to
cover, then use `nconc' to combine the returned values, like this:

(nconc (prepare-change-group buffer-1)
(prepare-change-group buffer-2))

You can then activate that multibuffer change group with a single
call to `activate-change-group' and finish it with a single call to `accept-change-group' or `cancel-change-group'.

Function: run-hook-with-args-until-success

Run HOOK with the specified arguments ARGS.
HOOK should be a symbol, a hook variable. The value of HOOK
may be nil, a function, or a list of functions. Call each
function in order with arguments ARGS, stopping at the first
one that returns non-nil, and return that value. Otherwise (if
all functions return nil, or if there are no functions to call),
return nil.

Do not use `make-local-variable' to make a hook variable buffer-local.
Instead, use `add-hook' and specify t for the LOCAL argument. (fn HOOK &rest ARGS)

Function: define-abbrev

Define an abbrev in TABLE named NAME, to expand to EXPANSION and call HOOK.
NAME must be a string, and should be lower-case.
EXPANSION should usually be a string.
To undefine an abbrev, define it with EXPANSION = nil.
If HOOK is non-nil, it should be a function of no arguments;
it is called after EXPANSION is inserted.
If EXPANSION is not a string (and not nil), the abbrev is a
special one, which does not expand in the usual way but only
runs HOOK.

If HOOK is a non-nil symbol with a non-nil `no-self-insert' property,
it can control whether the character that triggered abbrev expansion
is inserted. If such a HOOK returns non-nil, the character is not
inserted. If such a HOOK returns nil, then so does `abbrev-insert'
(and `expand-abbrev'), as if no abbrev expansion had taken place.

PROPS is a property list. The following properties are special:
- `:count': the value for the abbrev's usage-count, which is incremented each
time the abbrev is used (the default is zero).
- `:system': if non-nil, says that this is a "system" abbreviation
which should not be saved in the user's abbreviation file.
Unless `:system' is `force', a system abbreviation will not
overwrite a non-system abbreviation of the same name.
- `:case-fixed': non-nil means that abbreviations are looked up without
case-folding, and the expansion is not capitalized/upcased.
- `:enable-function': a function of no argument which returns non-nil if the
abbrev should be used for a particular call of `expand-abbrev'.

An obsolete but still supported calling form is:


Function: calendar-hebrew-list-yahrzeits

List Yahrzeit dates for *Gregorian* DEATH-DATE from START-YEAR to END-YEAR.
When called interactively from the calendar window, the date of death is taken
from the cursor position.


Function: narrow-to-region

Restrict editing in this buffer to the current region.
The rest of the text becomes temporarily invisible and untouchable
but is not deleted; if you save the buffer in a file, the invisible
text is included in the file. C-x n w makes all visible again.
See also `save-restriction'.

When calling from a program, pass two arguments; positions (integers
or markers) bounding the text that should remain visible. (fn START END)

Function: current-message

Return the string currently displayed in the echo area, or nil if none.


Function: timeclock-when-to-leave-string

Return a string representing the end of today's workday.
This string is relative to the value of `timeclock-workday'. If
SHOW-SECONDS is non-nil, the value printed/returned will include
seconds. If TODAY-ONLY is non-nil, the value returned will be
relative only to the time worked today, and not to past time.


Variable: tags-file-name

File name of tags table.
To switch to a new tags table, setting this variable is sufficient.
If you set this variable, do not also set `tags-table-list'.
Use the `etags' program to make a tags table file.

Function: display-buffer-in-side-window

Display BUFFER in a window on side SIDE of the selected frame.
ALIST is an association list of symbols and values. The
following symbols can be used:

`side' denotes the side of the existing window where the new
window shall be located. Valid values are `bottom', `right',
`top' and `left'. The default is `bottom'.

`slot' if non-nil, specifies the window slot where to display
BUFFER. A value of zero or nil means use the middle slot on
the specified side. A negative value means use a slot
preceding (that is, above or on the left of) the middle slot.
A positive value means use a slot following (that is, below or
on the right of) the middle slot. The default is zero.

Function: jit-lock-register

Register FUN as a fontification function to be called in this buffer.
FUN will be called with two arguments START and END indicating the region
that needs to be (re)fontified.
If non-nil, CONTEXTUAL means that a contextual fontification would be useful.

Function: set-buffer-multibyte

Set the multibyte flag of the current buffer to FLAG.
If FLAG is t, this makes the buffer a multibyte buffer.
If FLAG is nil, this makes the buffer a single-byte buffer.
In these cases, the buffer contents remain unchanged as a sequence of
bytes but the contents viewed as characters do change.
If FLAG is `to', this makes the buffer a multibyte buffer by changing
all eight-bit bytes to eight-bit characters.
If the multibyte flag was really changed, undo information of the
current buffer is cleared. (fn FLAG)

Function: make-indirect-buffer

Create and return an indirect buffer for buffer BASE-BUFFER, named NAME.
BASE-BUFFER should be a live buffer, or the name of an existing buffer.
NAME should be a string which is not the name of an existing buffer.
Optional argument CLONE non-nil means preserve BASE-BUFFER's state,
such as major and minor modes, in the indirect buffer.
CLONE nil means the indirect buffer's state is reset to default values.


Variable: case-fold-search

Non-nil if searches and matches should ignore case.

Variable: mouse-scroll-min-lines

The minimum number of lines scrolled by dragging mouse out of window.
Moving the mouse out the top or bottom edge of the window begins
scrolling repeatedly. The number of lines scrolled per repetition
is normally equal to the number of lines beyond the window edge that
the mouse has moved. However, it always scrolls at least the number
of lines specified by this variable.

Function: global-visual-line-mode

Toggle Visual-Line mode in all buffers.
With prefix ARG, enable Global-Visual-Line mode if ARG is positive;
otherwise, disable it. If called from Lisp, enable the mode if
ARG is omitted or nil.

Visual-Line mode is enabled in all buffers where
`turn-on-visual-line-mode' would do it.
See `visual-line-mode' for more information on Visual-Line mode.

Variable: global-visual-line-mode

Non-nil if Global-Visual-Line mode is enabled.
See the command `global-visual-line-mode' for a description of this minor mode.
Setting this variable directly does not take effect;
either customize it (see the info node `Easy Customization')
or call the function `global-visual-line-mode'.

Function: nslookup-host

Lookup the DNS information for HOST.

(fn HOST)

Function: customize-changed

Customize all settings whose meanings have changed in Emacs itself.
This includes new user options and faces, and new customization
groups, as well as older options and faces whose meanings or
default values have changed since the previous major Emacs

With argument SINCE-VERSION (a string), customize all settings
that were added or redefined since that version.
(fn &optional SINCE-VERSION)

Function: other-window

Select another window in cyclic ordering of windows.
COUNT specifies the number of windows to skip, starting with the
selected window, before making the selection. If COUNT is
positive, skip COUNT windows forwards. If COUNT is negative,
skip -COUNT windows backwards. COUNT zero means do not skip any
window, so select the selected window. In an interactive call,
COUNT is the numeric prefix argument. Return nil.

If the `other-window' parameter of the selected window is a
function and `ignore-window-parameters' is nil, call that
function with the arguments COUNT and ALL-FRAMES.

This function does not select a window whose `no-other-window'
window parameter is non-nil.

This function uses `next-window' for finding the window to
select. The argument ALL-FRAMES has the same meaning as in
`next-window', but the MINIBUF argument of `next-window' is always effectively nil.

Function: gnus-put-text-property-excluding-characters-with-faces

The same as `put-text-property', but don't put props on characters with the `gnus-face' property.

Function: cl-mapc

Like `cl-mapcar', but does not accumulate values returned by the function.


Function: vc-registered

Return non-nil if FILE is registered in a version control system.

This function performs the check each time it is called. To rely
on the result of a previous call, use `vc-backend' instead. If the
file was previously registered under a certain backend, then that
backend is tried first.

Function: electric-buffer-list

Pop up the Buffer Menu in an "electric" window.
If you type SPC or RET (`Electric-buffer-menu-select'), that
selects the buffer at point and quits the "electric" window.
Otherwise, you can move around in the Buffer Menu, marking
buffers to be selected, saved or deleted; these other commands
are much like those of `Buffer-menu-mode'.

Run hooks in `electric-buffer-menu-mode-hook' on entry.

Uses keymap `electric-buffer-menu-mode-map', which is not currently defined.

C-g or M-x Electric-buffer-menu-quit -- exit buffer menu, returning to previous window and buffer
configuration. If the very first character typed is a space, it
also has this effect.
M-x Electric-buffer-menu-select -- select buffer of line point is on.
Also show buffers marked with m in other windows,
deletes buffers marked with "D", and saves those marked with "S".
M-x Buffer-menu-mark -- mark buffer to be displayed.
M-x Buffer-menu-not-modified -- clear modified-flag on that buffer.
M-x Buffer-menu-save -- mark that buffer to be saved.
M-x Buffer-menu-delete or M-x Buffer-menu-delete-backwards -- mark that buffer to be deleted.
M-x Buffer-menu-unmark -- remove all kinds of marks from current line.
M-x Electric-buffer-menu-mode-view-buffer -- view buffer, returning when done. M-x Buffer-menu-backup-unmark -- back up a line and remove marks. (fn ARG)

Function: window-with-parameter

Return first window on FRAME with PARAMETER non-nil.
FRAME defaults to the selected frame. Optional argument VALUE
non-nil means only return a window whose window-parameter value
for PARAMETER equals VALUE (comparison is done with `equal').
Optional argument ANY non-nil means consider internal windows

Optional argument MINIBUF t means consider FRAME's minibuffer
window even if it isn't active. MINIBUF nil or omitted means
consider FRAME's minibuffer window only if it's active. In both
cases the minibuffer window must be part of FRAME. MINIBUF
neither nil nor t means never consider the minibuffer window.

Function: record-window-buffer

Record WINDOW's buffer.
WINDOW must be a live window and defaults to the selected one.

Function: suspend-tty

Suspend the terminal device TTY.

The device is restored to its default state, and Emacs ceases all
access to the tty device. Frames that use the device are not deleted,
but input is not read from them and if they change, their display is
not updated.

TTY may be a terminal object, a frame, or nil for the terminal device
of the currently selected frame.

This function runs `suspend-tty-functions' after suspending the
device. The functions are run with one arg, the id of the suspended
terminal device.

`suspend-tty' does nothing if it is called on a device that is already

A suspended tty may be resumed by calling `resume-tty' on it. (fn &optional TTY)

Variable: ctl-x-map

Default keymap for C-x commands.
The normal global definition of the character C-x indirects to this keymap.

Variable: rmail-file-name

Name of user's primary mail file.

Function: erc-ezb-end-of-session-list

Indicate the end of the EZBounce session listing.


Function: ebnf-push-style

Push the current style onto a stack and set STYLE as the current style.

Returns the old style symbol.

See also `ebnf-pop-style'.

See `ebnf-style-database' documentation. (fn &optional STYLE)

Function: auto-insert-mode

Toggle Auto-insert mode, a global minor mode.
With a prefix argument ARG, enable Auto-insert mode if ARG is
positive, and disable it otherwise. If called from Lisp, enable
the mode if ARG is omitted or nil.

When Auto-insert mode is enabled, when new files are created you can
insert a template for the file depending on the mode of the buffer. (fn &optional ARG)

Variable: auto-insert-mode

Non-nil if Auto-Insert mode is enabled.
See the command `auto-insert-mode' for a description of this minor mode.
Setting this variable directly does not take effect;
either customize it (see the info node `Easy Customization')
or call the function `auto-insert-mode'.

Function: preceding-char

Return the character preceding point, as a number.
At the beginning of the buffer or accessible region, return 0.

Function: menu-bar-showhide-fringe-ind-box

Display top and bottom indicators in opposite fringes.

Function: canlock-verify

Verify Cancel-Lock or Cancel-Key in BUFFER.
If BUFFER is nil, the current buffer is assumed. Signal an error if
it fails.

(fn &optional BUFFER)

Function: split-window-sensibly

Split WINDOW in a way suitable for `display-buffer'.
WINDOW defaults to the currently selected window.
If `split-height-threshold' specifies an integer, WINDOW is at
least `split-height-threshold' lines tall and can be split
vertically, split WINDOW into two windows one above the other and
return the lower window. Otherwise, if `split-width-threshold'
specifies an integer, WINDOW is at least `split-width-threshold'
columns wide and can be split horizontally, split WINDOW into two
windows side by side and return the window on the right. If this
can't be done either and WINDOW is the only window on its frame,
try to split WINDOW vertically disregarding any value specified
by `split-height-threshold'. If that succeeds, return the lower
window. Return nil otherwise.

By default `display-buffer' routines call this function to split
the largest or least recently used window. To change the default
customize the option `split-window-preferred-function'.

You can enforce this function to not split WINDOW horizontally,
by setting (or binding) the variable `split-width-threshold' to
nil. If, in addition, you set `split-height-threshold' to zero,
chances increase that this function does split WINDOW vertically.

In order to not split WINDOW vertically, set (or bind) the
variable `split-height-threshold' to nil. Additionally, you can
set `split-width-threshold' to zero to make a horizontal split
more likely to occur.

Have a look at the function `window-splittable-p' if you want to know how `split-window-sensibly' determines whether WINDOW can be split.

Variable: display-buffer-function

If non-nil, function to call to handle `display-buffer'.
It will receive two args, the buffer and a flag which if non-nil
means that the currently selected window is not acceptable. It
should choose or create a window, display the specified buffer in
it, and return the window.

The specified function should call `display-buffer-record-window'
with corresponding arguments to set up the quit-restore parameter of the window used.

Variable: next-selection-coding-system

Coding system for the next communication with other programs.
Usually, `selection-coding-system' is used for communicating with
other programs (X Windows clients or MS Windows programs). But, if this
variable is set, it is used for the next communication only.
After the communication, this variable is set to nil.

Function: buffer-file-name

Return name of file BUFFER is visiting, or nil if none.
No argument or nil as argument means use the current buffer.

(fn &optional BUFFER)

Variable: buffer-file-name

Name of file visited in current buffer, or nil if not visiting a file.

Function: byte-optimize-zerop

(fn FORM)

Function: cl-rassoc

Find the first item whose cdr matches ITEM in LIST.

Keywords supported: :test :test-not :key


Variable: multi-query-replace-map

Keymap that defines additional bindings for multi-buffer replacements.
It extends its parent map `query-replace-map' with new bindings to
operate on a set of buffers/files. The difference with its parent map
is the additional answers `automatic-all' to replace all remaining
matches in all remaining buffers with no more questions, and
`exit-current' to skip remaining matches in the current buffer
and to continue with the next buffer in the sequence.

Function: vc-rollback

Roll back (remove) the most recent changeset committed to the repository.
This may be either a file-level or a repository-level operation,
depending on the underlying version-control system. (fn)

Function: set-face-background

Change the background color of face FACE to COLOR (a string).
FRAME nil or not specified means change face on all frames.
COLOR can be a system-defined color name (see `list-colors-display')
or a hex spec of the form #RRGGBB.
When called interactively, prompts for the face and color.

Function: custom-theme-load-confirm

Query the user about loading a Custom theme that may not be safe.
The theme should be in the current buffer. If the user agrees,
query also about adding HASH to `custom-safe-themes'.

Function: read-file-name--defaults

(fn &optional DIR INITIAL)

Function: woman-bookmark-jump

Default bookmark handler for Woman buffers.


Function: ucs-normalize-NFD-region

Normalize the current region by the Unicode NFD.

(fn FROM TO)

Variable: rmail-show-message-hook

List of functions to call when Rmail displays a message.

Function: disable-command

Require special confirmation to execute COMMAND from now on.
COMMAND must be a symbol.
This command alters your init file so that this choice applies to
future sessions.

Function: delete-file-local-variable-prop-line

Delete all settings of file-local VARIABLE from the -*- line.


Variable: current-prefix-arg

The value of the prefix argument for this editing command.
It may be a number, or the symbol `-' for just a minus sign as arg,
or a list whose car is a number for just one or more C-u's
or nil if no argument has been specified.
This is what `(interactive "P")' returns.

Function: gnus-extract-references

Return a list of Message-IDs in REFERENCES (in In-Reply-To
format), trimmed to only contain the Message-IDs.

Variable: widget-keymap

Keymap containing useful binding for buffers containing widgets.
Recommended as a parent keymap for modes using widgets.
Note that such modes will need to require wid-edit.

Function: benchmark

Print the time taken for REPETITIONS executions of FORM.
Interactively, REPETITIONS is taken from the prefix arg.
For non-interactive use see also `benchmark-run' and


Function: apply-partially

Return a function that is a partial application of FUN to ARGS.
ARGS is a list of the first N arguments to pass to FUN.
The result is a new function which does the same as FUN, except that
the first N arguments are fixed at the values with which this function was called.

Variable: x-alt-keysym

Which keys Emacs uses for the alt modifier.
This should be one of the symbols `alt', `hyper', `meta', `super'.
For example, `alt' means use the Alt_L and Alt_R keysyms. The default
is nil, which is the same as `alt'.

Variable: mode-line-default-help-echo

Default help text for the mode line.
If the value is a string, it specifies the tooltip or echo area
message to display when the mouse is moved over the mode line.
If the text at the mouse position has a `help-echo' text
property, that overrides this variable.

Variable: after-load-alist

An alist of expressions to be evalled when particular files are loaded.
Each element looks like (REGEXP-OR-FEATURE FORMS...).

REGEXP-OR-FEATURE is either a regular expression to match file names, or
a symbol (a feature name).

When `load' is run and the file-name argument matches an element's
REGEXP-OR-FEATURE, or when `provide' is run and provides the symbol
REGEXP-OR-FEATURE, the FORMS in the element are executed.

An error in FORMS does not undo the load, but does prevent execution of the rest of the FORMS.

Function: cconv--map-diff-set

Return the map M minus any mapping for elements of S.

(fn M S)

Function: checkdoc-comments

Find missing comment sections in the current Emacs Lisp file.
Prefix argument TAKE-NOTES non-nil means to save warnings in a
separate buffer. Otherwise print a message. This returns the error
if there is one.

(fn &optional TAKE-NOTES)

Function: comint-redirect-setup

Set up for output redirection.
This function sets local variables that are used by `comint-redirect-filter'
to perform redirection.

Output from COMINT-BUFFER is redirected to OUTPUT-BUFFER, until something
in the output matches FINISHED-REGEXP.

If optional argument ECHO-INPUT is non-nil, output is echoed to the
original Comint buffer.

This function is called by `comint-redirect-send-command-to-process',
and does not normally need to be invoked by the end user or programmer.


Variable: default-justification

Method of justifying text not otherwise specified.
Possible values are `left', `right', `full', `center', or `none'.
The requested kind of justification is done whenever lines are filled.
The `justification' text-property can locally override this variable.

Function: set-case-syntax-delims

Make characters L and R a matching pair of non-case-converting delimiters.
This sets the entries for L and R in TABLE, which is a string
that will be used as the downcase part of a case table.
It also modifies `standard-syntax-table' to
indicate left and right delimiters.

Function: abbrev-put

Set the property PROP of abbrev ABREV to value VAL.
See `define-abbrev' for the effect of some special properties.


Function: dns-lookup-host

Lookup the DNS information for HOST (name or IP address).

(fn HOST)

Function: turn-on-cwarn-mode

Minor mode that highlights suspicious C and C++ constructions.

Suspicious constructs are highlighted using `font-lock-warning-face'.

Note, in addition to enabling this minor mode, the major mode must
be included in the variable `cwarn-configuration'. By default C and
C++ modes are included.

With a prefix argument ARG, enable the mode if ARG is positive,
and disable it otherwise. If called from Lisp, enable the mode
if ARG is omitted or nil. (fn &optional ARG)

Variable: hack-local-variables-hook

Normal hook run after processing a file's local variables specs.
Major modes can use this to examine user-specified local variables
in order to initialize other data structure based on them.

Function: comint-replace-by-expanded-history

Expand input command history references before point.
Expansion is dependent on the value of `comint-input-autoexpand'.

This function depends on the buffer's idea of the input history, which may not
match the command interpreter's idea, assuming it has one.

Assumes history syntax is like typical Un*x shells'. However, since Emacs
cannot know the interpreter's idea of input line numbers, assuming it has one,
it cannot expand absolute input line number references.

If the optional argument SILENT is non-nil, never complain
even if history reference seems erroneous.

If the optional argument START is non-nil, that specifies the
start of the text to scan for history references, rather
than the logical beginning of line.

See `comint-magic-space' and `comint-replace-by-expanded-history-before-point'. Returns t if successful. (fn &optional SILENT START)

Function: ansi-color-parse-sequence

Return the list of all the parameters in ESCAPE-SEQ.

ESCAPE-SEQ is a SGR control sequences such as \033[34m. The parameter
34 is used by `ansi-color-get-face-1' to return a face definition.

Returns nil only if there's no match for `ansi-color-parameter-regexp'.

Function: cdaadr

Return the `cdr' of the `car' of the `car' of the `cdr' of X.

(fn X)

Function: date-to-time

Parse a string DATE that represents a date-time and return a time value.
If DATE lacks timezone information, GMT is assumed.

Function: smie-forward-sexp

Skip over one sexp.
HALFSEXP if non-nil, means skip over a partial sexp if needed. I.e. if the
first token we see is an operator, skip over its right-hand-side argument.
HALFSEXP can also be a token, in which case we should skip the text
assuming it is the right-hand-side argument of that token.
Possible return values:
(RIGHT-LEVEL POS TOKEN): we couldn't skip TOKEN because its left-level
is too high. RIGHT-LEVEL is the right-level of TOKEN,
POS is its end position in the buffer.
(t POS TOKEN): same thing but for a close-paren or the end of buffer.
Instead of t, the `car' can also be some other non-nil non-number value.
(nil POS TOKEN): we skipped over a paren-like pair.
nil: we skipped over an identifier, matched parentheses, ... (fn &optional HALFSEXP)

Function: mouse-kill

Kill the region between point and the mouse click.
The text is saved in the kill ring, as with C-w.

(fn CLICK)

Function: number-at-point

Return the number at point, or nil if none is found.


Function: ps-mode

Major mode for editing PostScript with GNU Emacs.

Entry to this mode calls `ps-mode-hook'.

The following variables hold user options, and can
be set through the `customize' command:


Type C-h v for documentation on these options.

Uses keymap `ps-mode-map', which is not currently defined.

When starting an interactive PostScript process with M-x ps-run-start,
a second window will be displayed, and `ps-run-mode-hook' will be called.
The keymap for this second window is:

Uses keymap `ps-run-mode-map', which is not currently defined.

When Ghostscript encounters an error it displays an error message
with a file position. Clicking mouse-2 on this number will bring
point to the corresponding spot in the PostScript window, if input
to the interpreter was sent from that window. Typing Uses keymap `ps-run-mode-map', which is not currently defined. M-x ps-run-goto-error when the cursor is at the number has the same effect. (fn)

Variable: menu-prompt-more-char

Character to see next line of menu prompt.
Type this character while in a menu prompt to rotate around the lines of it.

Function: auth-source-backend-parse

Creates an auth-source-backend from an ENTRY in `auth-sources'.

Variable: byte-compile-not-obsolete-funcs

List of functions that shouldn't be reported as obsolete.

Function: antlr-show-makefile-rules

Show Makefile rules for all grammar files in the current directory.
If the `major-mode' of the current buffer has the value `makefile-mode',
the rules are directory inserted at point. Otherwise, a *Help* buffer
is shown with the rules which are also put into the `kill-ring' for

This command considers import/export vocabularies and grammar
inheritance and provides a value for the "-glib" option if necessary.
Customize variable `antlr-makefile-specification' for the appearance of
the rules.

If the file for a super-grammar cannot be determined, special file names
are used according to variable `antlr-unknown-file-formats' and a
commentary with value `antlr-help-unknown-file-text' is added. The
*Help* buffer always starts with the text in `antlr-help-rules-intro'. (fn)

Function: set-keyboard-coding-system

Set coding system for keyboard input on TERMINAL to CODING-SYSTEM.

For a list of possible values of CODING-SYSTEM, use M-x list-coding-systems.
The default is determined by the selected language environment
or by the previous use of this command.

If CODING-SYSTEM is nil or the coding-type of CODING-SYSTEM is
`raw-text', the decoding of keyboard input is disabled.

TERMINAL may be a terminal object, a frame, or nil for the
selected frame's terminal. The setting has no effect on graphical terminals.

Function: oddp

Return t if INTEGER is odd.


Variable: bengali-composable-pattern

Regexp matching a composable sequence of Bengali characters.

Function: clone-buffer

Create and return a twin copy of the current buffer.
Unlike an indirect buffer, the new buffer can be edited
independently of the old one (if it is not read-only).
NEWNAME is the name of the new buffer. It may be modified by
adding or incrementing at the end as necessary to create a
unique buffer name. If nil, it defaults to the name of the
current buffer, with the proper suffix. If DISPLAY-FLAG is
non-nil, the new buffer is shown with `pop-to-buffer'. Trying to
clone a file-visiting buffer, or a buffer whose major mode symbol
has a non-nil `no-clone' property, results in an error.

Interactively, DISPLAY-FLAG is t and NEWNAME is the name of the
current buffer with appropriate suffix. However, if a prefix
argument is given, then the command prompts for NEWNAME in the

This runs the normal hook `clone-buffer-hook' in the new buffer after it has been set up properly in other respects.

Function: tq-create

Create and return a transaction queue communicating with PROCESS.
PROCESS should be a subprocess capable of sending and receiving
streams of bytes. It may be a local process, or it may be connected
to a tcp server on another machine.

Function: profiler-find-profile-other-window

Open profile FILENAME.


Function: lock-buffer

Lock FILE, if current buffer is modified.
FILE defaults to current buffer's visited file,
or else nothing is done if current buffer isn't visiting a file.

(fn &optional FILE)

Function: comint-previous-matching-input

Search backwards through input history for match for REGEXP.
(Previous history elements are earlier commands.)
With prefix argument N, search for Nth previous match.
If N is negative, find the next or Nth next match.

Function: jka-compr-make-temp-name

This routine will return the name of a new file.

Function: jit-lock-stealth-fontify

Fontify buffers stealthily.
This function is called repeatedly after Emacs has become idle for
`jit-lock-stealth-time' seconds. Optional argument REPEAT is expected
non-nil in a repeated invocation of this function.

Variable: debug-on-signal

Non-nil means call the debugger regardless of condition handlers.
Note that `debug-on-error', `debug-on-quit' and friends
still determine whether to handle the particular condition.

Function: Info-get-token

Return the token around POS.
POS must be somewhere inside the token.
START is a regular expression which will match the
beginning of the tokens delimited string.
ALL is a regular expression with a single
parenthesized subpattern which is the token to be
returned. E.g. '{(.*)}' would return any string
enclosed in braces around POS.
ERRORSTRING optional fourth argument, controls action on no match:
nil: return nil
t: beep
a string: signal an error, using that string.

Function: cl-truncate

Return a list of the integer part of X and the fractional part of X.
With two arguments, return truncation and remainder of their quotient.

(fn X &optional Y)

Function: image-dired-display-thumbs

Display thumbnails of all marked files, in `image-dired-thumbnail-buffer'.
If a thumbnail image does not exist for a file, it is created on the
fly. With prefix argument ARG, display only thumbnail for file at
point (this is useful if you have marked some files but want to show
another one).

Recommended usage is to split the current frame horizontally so that
you have the dired buffer in the left window and the
`image-dired-thumbnail-buffer' buffer in the right window.

With optional argument APPEND, append thumbnail to thumbnail buffer
instead of erasing it first.

Optional argument DO-NOT-POP controls if `pop-to-buffer' should be
used or not. If non-nil, use `display-buffer' instead of
`pop-to-buffer'. This is used from functions like
`image-dired-next-line-and-display' and
`image-dired-previous-line-and-display' where we do not want the
thumbnail buffer to be selected. (fn &optional ARG APPEND DO-NOT-POP)

Variable: split-string-default-separators

The default value of separators for `split-string'.

A regexp matching strings of whitespace. May be locale-dependent
(as yet unimplemented). Should not match non-breaking spaces.

Warning: binding this to a different value and using it as default is
likely to have undesired semantics.

Function: timer-event-handler

Call the handler for the timer TIMER.
This function is called, by name, directly by the C code.

Function: set-slot-value

Do the work for the macro `oset'.
Fills in OBJ's SLOT with VALUE.

Variable: apropos-item

Current item in or for `apropos-accumulator'.

Function: View-goto-line

Move to first (or prefix LINE) line in View mode.
Display is centered at LINE.
Also set the mark at the position where point was.

Function: register-input-method

Register INPUT-METHOD as an input method for language environment LANG-ENV.

INPUT-METHOD and LANG-ENV are symbols or strings.
ACTIVATE-FUNC is a function to call to activate this method.
TITLE is a string to show in the mode line when this method is active.
DESCRIPTION is a string describing this method and what it is good for.
The ARGS, if any, are passed as arguments to ACTIVATE-FUNC.
All told, the arguments to ACTIVATE-FUNC are INPUT-METHOD and the ARGS.

This function is mainly used in the file "leim-list.el" which is
created at Emacs build time, registering all Quail input methods
contained in the Emacs distribution.

In case you want to register a new Quail input method by yourself, be
careful to use the same input method title as given in the third
parameter of `quail-define-package'. (If the values are different, the
string specified in this function takes precedence.)

The commands `describe-input-method' and `list-input-methods' need
these duplicated values to show some information about input methods
without loading the relevant Quail packages. (fn INPUT-METHOD LANG-ENV ACTIVATE-FUNC TITLE DESCRIPTION &rest ARGS)

Function: image-dired-dired-display-image

Display current image file.
See documentation for `image-dired-display-image' for more information.
With prefix argument ARG, display image in its original size.

(fn &optional ARG)

Function: gnus-random-x-face

Return X-Face header data chosen randomly from `gnus-x-face-directory'.


Function: find-tag

Find tag (in current tags table) whose name contains TAGNAME.
Select the buffer containing the tag's definition, and move point there.
The default for TAGNAME is the expression in the buffer around or before point.

If second arg NEXT-P is t (interactively, with prefix arg), search for
another tag that matches the last tagname or regexp used. When there are
multiple matches for a tag, more exact matches are found first. If NEXT-P
is the atom `-' (interactively, with prefix arg that is a negative number
or just M--), pop back to the previous tag gone to.

If third arg REGEXP-P is non-nil, treat TAGNAME as a regexp.

A marker representing the point when this command is invoked is pushed
onto a ring and may be popped back to with M-*.
Contrast this with the ring of marks gone to by the command.

See documentation of variable `tags-file-name'. (fn TAGNAME &optional NEXT-P REGEXP-P)

Function: acos

Return the inverse cosine of ARG.

(fn ARG)

Function: ansi-color-filter-apply

Filter out all ANSI control sequences from STRING.

Every call to this function will set and use the buffer-local variable
`ansi-color-context' to save partial escape sequences. This information
will be used for the next call to `ansi-color-apply'. Set
`ansi-color-context' to nil if you don't want this.

This function can be added to `comint-preoutput-filter-functions'.

Function: ansi-color-map-update

Update `ansi-color-map'.

Whenever the vectors used to construct `ansi-color-map' are changed,
this function is called. Therefore this function is listed as the :set
property of `ansi-color-faces-vector' and `ansi-color-names-vector'.

Function: vc-state-refresh

Quickly recompute the `state' of FILE.

Function: turkish-case-conversion-enable

Set up Turkish case conversion of `i' and `I' into `İ' and `ı'.

Function: rcirc-connect


Function: text-scale-increase

Increase the height of the default face in the current buffer by INC steps.
If the new height is other than the default, `text-scale-mode' is enabled.

Each step scales the height of the default face by the variable
`text-scale-mode-step' (a negative number of steps decreases the
height by the same amount). As a special case, an argument of 0
will remove any scaling currently active. (fn INC)

Function: erc-fill

Fill a region using the function referenced in `erc-fill-function'.
You can put this on `erc-insert-modify-hook' and/or `erc-send-modify-hook'.

Variable: undo-outer-limit

Outer limit on size of undo information for one command.
At garbage collection time, if the current command has produced
more than this much undo information, it discards the info and displays
a warning. This is a last-ditch limit to prevent memory overflow.

The size is counted as the number of bytes occupied, which includes
both saved text and other data. A value of nil means no limit. In
this case, accumulating one huge undo entry could make Emacs crash as
a result of memory overflow.

In fact, this calls the function which is the value of
`undo-outer-limit-function' with one argument, the size.
The text above describes the behavior of the function that variable usually specifies.

Variable: after-change-functions

List of functions to call after each text change.
Three arguments are passed to each function: the positions of
the beginning and end of the range of changed text,
and the length in bytes of the pre-change text replaced by that range.
(For an insertion, the pre-change length is zero;
for a deletion, that length is the number of bytes deleted,
and the post-change beginning and end are at the same place.)

Buffer changes made while executing the `after-change-functions'
don't call any before-change or after-change functions.
That's because `inhibit-modification-hooks' is temporarily set non-nil.

If an unhandled error happens in running these functions,
the variable's value remains nil. That prevents the error
from happening repeatedly and making Emacs nonfunctional.

Variable: Info-menu-entry-name-re

Regexp that matches a menu entry name upto but not including the colon.
Because of ambiguities, this should be concatenated with something like
`:' and `Info-following-node-name-re'.

Variable: package-load-list

List of packages for `package-initialize' to load.
Each element in this list should be a list (NAME VERSION), or the
symbol `all'. The symbol `all' says to load the latest installed
versions of all packages not specified by other elements.

For an element (NAME VERSION), NAME is a package name (a symbol).
VERSION should be t, a string, or nil.
If VERSION is t, all versions are loaded, though obsolete ones
will be put in `package-obsolete-alist' and not activated.
If VERSION is a string, only that version is ever loaded.
Any other version, even if newer, is silently ignored.
Hence, the package is "held" at that version.
If VERSION is nil, the package is not loaded (it is "disabled").

Function: completion-list-mode-finish

Finish setup of the completions buffer.
Called from `temp-buffer-show-hook'.

Function: widget-insert

Call `insert' with ARGS even if surrounding text is read only.

(fn &rest ARGS)

Function: customize-apropos-groups

Customize all loaded groups matching REGEXP.


Variable: user-mail-address

Full mailing address of this user.
This is initialized with environment variable `EMAIL' or, as a
fallback, using `mail-host-address'. This is done after your
init file is read, in case it sets `mail-host-address'.

Function: macroexp-progn

Return an expression equivalent to `(progn ,@EXPS).

(fn EXPS)

Function: compiler-macroexpand

Like `macroexpand', but for compiler macros.
Expands FORM repeatedly until no further expansion is possible.
Returns FORM unchanged if it has no compiler macro, or if it has a
macro that returns its `&whole' argument. (fn FORM)

Variable: executing-kbd-macro-index

Index in currently executing keyboard macro; undefined if none executing.

Function: local-variable-if-set-p

Non-nil if VARIABLE is local in buffer BUFFER when set there.
BUFFER defaults to the current buffer.

More precisely, return non-nil if either VARIABLE already has a local
value in BUFFER, or if VARIABLE is automatically buffer-local (see

(fn VARIABLE &optional BUFFER)

Function: help-with-tutorial-spec-language

Use the Emacs tutorial, specifying which language you want.

Function: search-forward-lax-whitespace

Search forward for STRING, matching a sequence of whitespace chars.

Function: current-kill

Rotate the yanking point by N places, and then return that kill.
If N is zero and `interprogram-paste-function' is set to a
function that returns a string or a list of strings, and if that
function doesn't return nil, then that string (or list) is added
to the front of the kill ring and the string (or first string in
the list) is returned as the latest kill.

If N is not zero, and if `yank-pop-change-selection' is
non-nil, use `interprogram-cut-function' to transfer the
kill at the new yank point into the window system selection.

If optional arg DO-NOT-MOVE is non-nil, then don't actually
move the yanking point; just return the Nth kill forward.

Variable: process-menu-mode-syntax-table

Syntax table for `process-menu-mode'.

Function: x-get-selection-internal

Return text selected from some X window.
(Those are literal upper-case symbol names, since that's what X expects.)
TARGET-TYPE is the type of data desired, typically `STRING'.

TIME-STAMP is the time to use in the XConvertSelection call for foreign
selections. If omitted, defaults to the time for the last event.

TERMINAL should be a terminal object or a frame specifying the X
server to query. If omitted or nil, that stands for the selected
frame's display, or the first available X display.

On Nextstep, TIME-STAMP and TERMINAL are unused.


Function: define-hash-table-test

Define a new hash table test with name NAME, a symbol.

In hash tables created with NAME specified as test, use TEST to
compare keys, and HASH for computing hash codes of keys.

TEST must be a function taking two arguments and returning non-nil if
both arguments are the same. HASH must be a function taking one
argument and return an integer that is the hash code of the argument.
Hash code computation should use the whole value range of integers,
including negative integers. (fn NAME TEST HASH)

Function: file-executable-p

Return t if FILENAME can be executed by you.
For a directory, this means you can access files in that directory.


Variable: display-time-world-mode-abbrev-table

Abbrev table for `display-time-world-mode'.

Variable: jka-compr-load-suffixes--internal

Stored value of `jka-compr-load-suffixes'.
If Auto Compression mode is enabled, this is the value of
`jka-compr-load-suffixes' when `jka-compr-install' was last called.
Otherwise, it is nil.

Function: tags-query-replace

Do `query-replace-regexp' of FROM with TO on all files listed in tags table.
Third arg DELIMITED (prefix arg) means replace only word-delimited matches.
If you exit (C-g, RET or q), you can resume the query replace
with the command M-,.
Fourth arg FILE-LIST-FORM non-nil means initialize the replacement loop.
Fifth and sixth arguments START and END are accepted, for compatibility
with `query-replace-regexp', and ignored.

If FILE-LIST-FORM is non-nil, it is a form to evaluate to
produce the list of files to search.

See also the documentation of the variable `tags-file-name'.

Function: erc-identd-start

Start an identd server listening to port 8113.
Port 113 (auth) will need to be redirected to port 8113 on your
machine -- using iptables, or a program like redir which can be
run from inetd. The idea is to provide a simple identd server
when you need one, without having to install one globally on your
(fn &optional PORT)

Function: align-unhighlight-rule

Remove any highlighting that was added by `align-highlight-rule'.


Variable: inhibit-startup-hooks

Non-nil means don't run `term-setup-hook' and `emacs-startup-hook'.
This is because we already did so.

Function: gnus-fetch-field

Return the value of the header FIELD of current article.

Function: pcomplete--entries

Like `pcomplete-entries' but without env-var handling.

(fn &optional REGEXP PREDICATE)

Function: ansi-color-filter-region

Filter out all ANSI control sequences from region BEGIN to END.

Every call to this function will set and use the buffer-local variable
`ansi-color-context-region' to save position. This information will be
used for the next call to `ansi-color-apply-on-region'. Specifically,
it will override BEGIN, the start of the region. Set
`ansi-color-context-region' to nil if you don't want this.

Variable: sgml-font-lock-keywords

Rules for highlighting SGML code. See also `sgml-tag-face-alist'.

Function: set-display-table-and-terminal-coding-system

Set up the display table and terminal coding system for LANGUAGE-NAME.

Function: push-mark-command

Set mark at where point is.
If no prefix ARG and mark is already set there, just activate it.
Display `Mark set' unless the optional second arg NOMSG is non-nil.

Function: ediff-directories3

Run Ediff on three directories, DIR1, DIR2, and DIR3, comparing files that
have the same name in all three. The last argument, REGEXP, is nil or a
regular expression; only file names that match the regexp are considered.


Function: make-text-button

Make a button from BEG to END in the current buffer.
The remaining arguments form a sequence of PROPERTY VALUE pairs,
specifying properties to add to the button.
In addition, the keyword argument :type may be used to specify a
button-type from which to inherit other properties; see

This function is like `make-button', except that the button is actually
part of the text instead of being a property of the buffer. That is,
this function uses text properties, the other uses overlays.
Creating large numbers of buttons can also be somewhat faster
using `make-text-button'. Note, however, that if there is an existing
face property at the site of the button, the button face may not be visible.
You may want to use `make-button' in that case.

BEG can also be a string, in which case it is made into a button. Also see `insert-text-button'.

Variable: minor-mode-alist

Alist saying how to show minor modes in the mode line.
Each element looks like (VARIABLE STRING);
STRING is included in the mode line if VARIABLE's value is non-nil.

Actually, STRING need not be a string; any mode-line construct is
okay. See `mode-line-format'.

Function: posn-window

Return the window in POSITION.
POSITION should be a list of the form returned by the `event-start'
and `event-end' functions.

Variable: auth-source-netrc-use-gpg-tokens

Set this to tell auth-source when to create GPG password
tokens in netrc files. It's either an alist or `never'.
Note that if EPA/EPG is not available, this should NOT be used.

Function: constructor

Default constructor for CLASS `eieio-default-superclass'.

Function: pcmpl-unix-user-names

Read the contents of /etc/passwd for user names.

Variable: shell-command-separator-regexp

Regexp to match a single command within a pipeline.
This is used for directory tracking and does not do a perfect job.

Function: Info-index-nodes

Return a list of names of all index nodes in Info FILE.
If FILE is omitted, it defaults to the current Info file.
First look in a list of cached index node names. Then scan Info
file and its subfiles for nodes with the index cookie. Then try
to find index nodes starting from the first node in the top level
menu whose name contains the word "Index", plus any immediately
following nodes whose names also contain the word "Index".

Variable: Info-index-nodes

Alist of cached index node names of visited Info files.
Each element has the form (INFO-FILE INDEX-NODE-NAMES-LIST).

Function: fontset-plain-name

Return a plain and descriptive name of FONTSET.

Function: sql-ingres

Run sql by Ingres as an inferior process.

If buffer `*SQL*' exists but no process is running, make a new process.
If buffer exists and a process is running, just switch to buffer

Interpreter used comes from variable `sql-ingres-program'. Login uses
the variable `sql-database' as default, if set.

The buffer is put in SQL interactive mode, giving commands for sending
input. See `sql-interactive-mode'.

To set the buffer name directly, use C-u
before M-x sql-ingres. Once session has started,
M-x sql-rename-buffer can be called separately to rename the

To specify a coding system for converting non-ASCII characters
in the input and output to the process, use C-x RET c
before M-x sql-ingres. You can also specify this with C-x RET p
in the SQL buffer, after you start the process.
The default comes from `process-coding-system-alist' and
`default-process-coding-system'. (Type C-h m in the SQL buffer for a list of commands.) (fn &optional BUFFER)

Function: ediff-merge-files-with-ancestor

Merge two files with ancestor.


Function: describe-copying

Display info on how you may redistribute copies of GNU Emacs.

Variable: pop-up-frames

Whether `display-buffer' should make a separate frame.
If nil, never make a separate frame.
If the value is `graphic-only', make a separate frame
on graphic displays only.
Any other non-nil value means always make a separate frame.

Function: delete

Delete members of SEQ which are `equal' to ELT, and return the result.
SEQ must be a sequence (i.e. a list, a vector, or a string).
The return value is a sequence of the same type.

If SEQ is a list, this behaves like `delq', except that it compares
with `equal' instead of `eq'. In particular, it may remove elements
by altering the list structure.

If SEQ is not a list, deletion is never performed destructively;
instead this function creates and returns a new vector or string.

Write `(setq foo (delete element foo))' to be sure of correctly
changing the value of a sequence `foo'. (fn ELT SEQ)

Variable: use-file-dialog

Non-nil means mouse commands use a file dialog to ask for files.
This applies to commands from menus and tool bar buttons even when
they are initiated from the keyboard. If `use-dialog-box' is nil,
that disables the use of a file dialog, regardless of the value of
this variable.

Variable: mail-parse-mule-charset

Default MULE charset used by low-level libraries.
This variable should never be set.

Function: package-strip-rcs-id

Strip RCS version ID from the version string STR.
If the result looks like a dotted numeric version, return it.
Otherwise return nil.

Function: cl-evenp

Return t if INTEGER is even.


Variable: font-lock-function

A function which is called when `font-lock-mode' is toggled.
It will be passed one argument, which is the current value of

Function: byte-compile-file-form-defalias

(fn FORM)

Function: tooltip-hide

Hide a tooltip, if one is displayed.
Value is non-nil if tooltip was open.

Function: fill-minibuffer-function

Fill a paragraph in the minibuffer, ignoring the prompt.

Function: force-mode-line-update

Force redisplay of the current buffer's mode line and header line.
With optional non-nil ALL, force redisplay of all mode lines and
header lines. This function also forces recomputation of the
menu bar menus and the frame title.

Function: cl-fourth

Return the fourth element of the list X.

Variable: icon-map-list

A list of alists that map icon file names to stock/named icons.
The alists are searched in the order they appear. The first match is used.
The keys in the alists are file names without extension and with two directory
components. For example, to map /usr/share/emacs/22.1.1/etc/images/open.xpm
to stock item gtk-open, use:

("etc/images/open" . "gtk-open")

Themes also have named icons. To map to one of those, use n: before the name:

("etc/images/diropen" . "n:system-file-manager")

The list elements are either the symbol name for the alist or the
alist itself.
If you don't want stock icons, set the variable to nil.

Function: global-subword-mode

Toggle Subword mode in all buffers.
With prefix ARG, enable Global-Subword mode if ARG is positive;
otherwise, disable it. If called from Lisp, enable the mode if
ARG is omitted or nil.

Subword mode is enabled in all buffers where
`(lambda nil (subword-mode 1))' would do it.
See `subword-mode' for more information on Subword mode. (fn &optional ARG)

Variable: global-subword-mode

Non-nil if Global-Subword mode is enabled.
See the command `global-subword-mode' for a description of this minor mode.
Setting this variable directly does not take effect;
either customize it (see the info node `Easy Customization')
or call the function `global-subword-mode'.

Function: dns-mode-soa-increment-serial

Locate SOA record and increment the serial field.


Function: checkdoc-current-buffer

Check current buffer for document, comment, error style, and rogue spaces.
With a prefix argument (in Lisp, the argument TAKE-NOTES),
store all errors found in a warnings buffer,
otherwise stop after the first error.

(fn &optional TAKE-NOTES)

Function: event-end

Return the ending location of EVENT.
EVENT should be a click, drag, or key press event.
If EVENT is a key press event, the return value has the form
(WINDOW POS (0 . 0) 0)
If EVENT is a click event, this function is the same as
`event-start'. For click and drag events, the return value has
the form
The `posn-' functions access elements of such lists.
For more information, see Info node `(elisp)Click Events'.

If EVENT is a mouse or key press or a mouse click, this is the
position of the event. If EVENT is a drag, this is the starting position of the drag.

Variable: unread-input-method-events

List of events to be processed as input by input methods.
These events are processed after `unread-command-events', but
before actual keyboard input.
If there's an active input method, the events are given to

Variable: sh-other-keywords

List of keywords not in `sh-leading-keywords'.
See `sh-feature'.

Function: comint-source-default

Compute the defaults for `load-file' and `compile-file' commands.

PREVIOUS-DIR/FILE is a pair (DIRECTORY . FILENAME) from the last
source-file processing command, or nil if there hasn't been one yet.
SOURCE-MODES is a list used to determine what buffers contain source
files: if the major mode of the buffer is in SOURCE-MODES, it's source.
Typically, (lisp-mode) or (scheme-mode).

If the command is given while the cursor is inside a string, *and*
the string is an existing filename, *and* the filename is not a directory,
then the string is taken as default. This allows you to just position
your cursor over a string that's a filename and have it taken as default.

If the command is given in a file buffer whose major mode is in
SOURCE-MODES, then the filename is the default file, and the
file's directory is the default directory.

If the buffer isn't a source file buffer (e.g., it's the process buffer),
then the default directory & file are what was used in the last source-file
processing command (i.e., PREVIOUS-DIR/FILE). If this is the first time
the command has been run (PREVIOUS-DIR/FILE is nil), the default directory
is the cwd, with no default file. ("no default file" = nil)

SOURCE-MODES is typically going to be something like (tea-mode)
for T programs, (lisp-mode) for Lisp programs, (soar-mode lisp-mode)
for Soar programs, etc.
The function returns a pair: (default-directory . default-file). (fn PREVIOUS-DIR/FILE SOURCE-MODES)

Function: cl--compiler-macro-get

(fn FORM SYM PROP &optional DEF)

Variable: dnd-open-file-other-window

If non-nil, always use find-file-other-window to open dropped files.

Function: font-lock-fontify-syntactic-anchored-keywords

Fontify according to KEYWORDS until LIMIT.
KEYWORDS should be of the form MATCH-ANCHORED, see `font-lock-keywords',
LIMIT can be modified by the value of its PRE-MATCH-FORM.

Function: display-mm-height

Return the height of DISPLAY's screen in millimeters.
System values can be overridden by `display-mm-dimensions-alist'.
If the information is unavailable, value is nil.

Variable: completion-setup-hook

Normal hook run at the end of setting up a completion list buffer.
When this hook is run, the current buffer is the one in which the
command to display the completion list buffer was run.
The completion list buffer is available as the value of `standard-output'.
See also `display-completion-list'.

Function: imagemagick-register-types

Register file types that can be handled by ImageMagick.
This function is called at startup, after loading the init file.
It registers the ImageMagick types returned by `imagemagick-filter-types'.

Registered image types are added to `auto-mode-alist', so that
Emacs visits them in Image mode. They are also added to
`image-type-file-name-regexps', so that the `image-type' function
recognizes these files as having image type `imagemagick'.

If Emacs is compiled without ImageMagick support, this does nothing.

Function: eudc-display-url

Display URL and make it clickable.

(fn URL)

Function: face-background

Return the background color name of FACE, or nil if unspecified.
If the optional argument FRAME is given, report on face FACE in that frame.
If FRAME is t, report on the defaults for face FACE (for new frames).
If FRAME is omitted or nil, use the selected frame.

If INHERIT is nil, only a background color directly defined by FACE is
considered, so the return value may be nil.
If INHERIT is t, and FACE doesn't define a background color, then any
background color that FACE inherits through its `:inherit' attribute
is considered as well; however the return value may still be nil.
If INHERIT is a face or a list of faces, then it is used to try to
resolve an unspecified background color.

To ensure that a valid color is always returned, use a value of
`default' for INHERIT; this will resolve any unspecified values by
merging with the `default' face (which is always completely specified).

Variable: mode-name

Pretty name of current buffer's major mode.
Usually a string, but can use any of the constructs for `mode-line-format',
which see.
Format with `format-mode-line' to produce a string value.

Function: eieio-defmethod

Obsolete work part of an old version of the `defmethod' macro.

Function: dabbrev--substitute-expansion

Replace OLD with EXPANSION in the buffer.
OLD is text currently in the buffer, perhaps the abbreviation
or perhaps another expansion that was tried previously.
ABBREV is the abbreviation we are expanding.
It is " " if we are copying subsequent words.
EXPANSION is the expansion substring to be used this time.
RECORD-CASE-PATTERN, if non-nil, means set `dabbrev--last-case-pattern'
to record whether we upcased the expansion, downcased it, or did neither.


Function: x-get-selection

Return the value of an X Windows selection.
The argument TYPE (default `PRIMARY') says which selection,
and the argument DATA-TYPE (default `STRING') says
how to convert the data.

TYPE may be any symbol (but nil stands for `PRIMARY'). However,
only a few symbols are commonly used. They conventionally have
all upper-case names. The most often used ones, in addition to

DATA-TYPE is usually `STRING', but can also be one of the symbols
in `selection-converter-alist', which see.

Function: number-to-register

Store a number in a register.
Two args, NUMBER and REGISTER (a character, naming the register).
If NUMBER is nil, a decimal number is read from the buffer starting
at point, and point moves to the end of that number.
Interactively, NUMBER is the prefix arg (none means nil).

Function: window-valid-p

Return t if OBJECT is a valid window and nil otherwise.
A valid window is either a window that displays a buffer or an internal
window. Deleted windows are not live.

Function: process-sentinel

Return the sentinel of PROCESS; nil if none.
See `set-process-sentinel' for more info on sentinels.


Function: smie-merge-prec2s

(fn &rest TABLES)

Function: sh-in-comment-or-string

Return non-nil if START is in a comment or string.

Variable: lisp-tag-indentation

Indentation of tags relative to containing list.
This variable is used by the function `lisp-indent-tagbody'.

Function: where-is

Print message listing key sequences that invoke the command DEFINITION.
Argument is a command definition, usually a symbol with a function definition.
If INSERT (the prefix arg) is non-nil, insert the message in the buffer.

Function: minibuffer-complete-and-exit

Exit if the minibuffer contains a valid completion.
Otherwise, try to complete the minibuffer contents. If
completion leads to a valid completion, a repetition of this
command will exit.

If `minibuffer-completion-confirm' is `confirm', do not try to
complete; instead, ask for confirmation and accept any input if
If `minibuffer-completion-confirm' is `confirm-after-completion',
do not try to complete; instead, ask for confirmation if the
preceding minibuffer command was a member of
`minibuffer-confirm-exit-commands', and accept the input otherwise. (fn)

Function: eieio-slot-originating-class-p

Return non-nil if START-CLASS is the first class to define SLOT.
This is for testing if `scoped-class' is the class that defines SLOT
so that we can protect private slots.

Variable: mail-aliases

Alist of mail address aliases,
or t meaning should be initialized from your mail aliases file.
(The file's name is normally `~/.mailrc', but `mail-personal-alias-file'
can specify a different file name.)
The alias definitions in the file have this form:

Variable: special-display-frame-alist

Alist of parameters for special frames.
Special frames are used for buffers whose names are listed in
`special-display-buffer-names' and for buffers whose names match
one of the regular expressions in `special-display-regexps'.

This variable can be set in your init file, like this:

(setq special-display-frame-alist '((width . 80) (height . 20)))

These supersede the values given in `default-frame-alist'.

Variable: progress-reporter--pulse-characters

Characters to use for pulsing progress reporters.

Function: byte-compile-setq

(fn FORM)

Function: object-of-class-p

Return non-nil if OBJ is an instance of CLASS or CLASS' subclasses.

Variable: lisp-backquote-indentation

Whether or not to indent backquoted lists as code.
If nil, indent backquoted lists as data, i.e., like quoted lists.

Function: vc-state

Return the version control state of FILE.

A return of nil from this function means we have no information on the
status of this file. Otherwise, the value returned is one of:

'up-to-date The working file is unmodified with respect to the
latest version on the current branch, and not locked.

'edited The working file has been edited by the user. If
locking is used for the file, this state means that
the current version is locked by the calling user.
This status should *not* be reported for files
which have a changed mtime but the same content
as the repo copy.

USER The current version of the working file is locked by
some other USER (a string).

'needs-update The file has not been edited by the user, but there is
a more recent version on the current branch stored
in the repository.

'needs-merge The file has been edited by the user, and there is also
a more recent version on the current branch stored in
the repository. This state can only occur if locking
is not used for the file.

'unlocked-changes The working version of the file is not locked,
but the working file has been changed with respect
to that version. This state can only occur for files
with locking; it represents an erroneous condition that
should be resolved by the user (vc-next-action will
prompt the user to do it).

'added Scheduled to go into the repository on the next commit.
Often represented by vc-working-revision = "0" in VCSes
with monotonic IDs like Subversion and Mercurial.

'removed Scheduled to be deleted from the repository on next commit.

'conflict The file contains conflicts as the result of a merge.
For now the conflicts are text conflicts. In the
future this might be extended to deal with metadata
conflicts too.

'missing The file is not present in the file system, but the VC
system still tracks it.

'ignored The file showed up in a dir-status listing with a flag
indicating the version-control system is ignoring it,
Note: This property is not set reliably (some VCSes
don't have useful directory-status commands) so assume that any file with vc-state nil might be ignorable without VC knowing it. 'unregistered The file is not under version control.

Function: occur-mode

Major mode for output from M-s o.
Move point to one of the items in this buffer, then use
RET to go to the occurrence that the item refers to.
Alternatively, click on an item to go to it.

key binding
--- -------

C-c Prefix Command
RET occur-mode-goto-occurrence
C-o occur-mode-display-occurrence
ESC Prefix Command
c clone-buffer
e occur-edit-mode
o occur-mode-goto-occurrence-other-window
r occur-rename-buffer

M-n occur-next
M-p occur-prev

C-c C-c occur-mode-goto-occurrence
C-c C-f next-error-follow-minor-mode

In addition to any hooks its parent mode `special-mode' might have run, this mode runs the hook `occur-mode-hook', as the final step during initialization.

Variable: quickurl-reread-hook-postfix

Example `quickurl-postfix' text that adds a local variable to the
`quickurl-url-file' so that if you edit it by hand it will ensure that
`quickurl-urls' is updated with the new URL list.

To make use of this do something like:

(setq quickurl-postfix quickurl-reread-hook-postfix)

in your init file (after loading/requiring quickurl).

Function: previous-error

Visit previous `next-error' message and corresponding source code.

Prefix arg N says how many error messages to move backwards (or
forwards, if negative).

This operates on the output from the M-x compile and M-x grep commands.

Function: gnus-newsgroup-directory-form

Make hierarchical directory name from NEWSGROUP name.

Function: Info-find-node

Go to an Info node specified as separate FILENAME and NODENAME.
NO-GOING-BACK is non-nil if recovering from an error in this function;
it says do not attempt further (recursive) error recovery.

Function: vc-default-make-version-backups-p

Return non-nil if unmodified versions should be backed up locally.
The default is to switch off this feature.

Function: mouse-undouble-last-event


Variable: vc-bzr-admin-checkout-format-file

Name of the format file in a .bzr directory.

Function: ielm

Interactively evaluate Emacs Lisp expressions.
Switches to the buffer `*ielm*', or creates it if it does not exist.

Function: frame-char-width

Width in pixels of characters in the font in frame FRAME.
If FRAME is omitted, the selected frame is used.
On a graphical screen, the width is the standard width of the default font.
For a terminal screen, the value is always 1.

(fn &optional FRAME)

Function: debug

Enter debugger. `c' returns from the debugger.
Arguments are mainly for use when this is called from the internals
of the evaluator.

You may call with no args, or you may pass nil as the first arg and
any other args you like. In that case, the list of args after the
first will be printed into the backtrace buffer.

Function: find-operation-coding-system

Choose a coding system for an operation based on the target name.
The value names a pair of coding systems: (DECODING-SYSTEM . ENCODING-SYSTEM).
DECODING-SYSTEM is the coding system to use for decoding
(in case OPERATION does decoding), and ENCODING-SYSTEM is the coding system
for encoding (in case OPERATION does encoding).

The first argument OPERATION specifies an I/O primitive:
For file I/O, `insert-file-contents' or `write-region'.
For process I/O, `call-process', `call-process-region', or `start-process'.
For network I/O, `open-network-stream'.

The remaining arguments should be the same arguments that were passed
to the primitive. Depending on which primitive, one of those arguments
is selected as the TARGET. For example, if OPERATION does file I/O,
whichever argument specifies the file name is TARGET.

TARGET has a meaning which depends on OPERATION:
For file I/O, TARGET is a file name (except for the special case below).
For process I/O, TARGET is a process name.
For network I/O, TARGET is a service name or a port number.

This function looks up what is specified for TARGET in
`file-coding-system-alist', `process-coding-system-alist',
or `network-coding-system-alist' depending on OPERATION.
They may specify a coding system, a cons of coding systems,
or a function symbol to call.
In the last case, we call the function with one argument,
which is a list of all the arguments given to this function.
If the function can't decide a coding system, it can return
`undecided' so that the normal code-detection is performed.

If OPERATION is `insert-file-contents', the argument corresponding to
TARGET may be a cons (FILENAME . BUFFER). In that case, FILENAME is a
file name to look up, and BUFFER is a buffer that contains the file's
contents (not yet decoded). If `file-coding-system-alist' specifies a
function to call for FILENAME, that function should examine the contents of BUFFER instead of reading the file. (fn OPERATION ARGUMENTS...)

Function: shell-backward-command

Move backward across ARG shell command(s). Does not cross lines.
See `shell-command-regexp'.

(fn &optional ARG)

Function: nonincremental-repeat-search-forward

Search forward for the previous search string or regexp.

Function: display-multi-frame-p

Return non-nil if DISPLAY is a graphic display.
Graphical displays are those which are capable of displaying several
frames and several different fonts at once. This is true for displays
that use a window system such as X, and false for text-only terminals.
DISPLAY can be a display name, a frame, or nil (meaning the selected
frame's display).

Variable: window-sides

Window sides.

Function: looking-back

Return non-nil if text before point matches regular expression REGEXP.
Like `looking-at' except matches before point, and is slower.
LIMIT if non-nil speeds up the search by specifying a minimum
starting position, to avoid checking matches that would start
before LIMIT.

If GREEDY is non-nil, extend the match backwards as far as
possible, stopping when a single additional previous character
cannot be part of a match for REGEXP. When the match is
extended, its starting position is allowed to occur before LIMIT.

Function: floatp

Return t if OBJECT is a floating point number.


Function: byte-compile-dynamic-variable-op


Variable: html-tag-face-alist

Value of `sgml-tag-face-alist' for HTML mode.

Function: frames-on-display-list

Return a list of all frames on DEVICE.

DEVICE should be a terminal, a frame,
or a name of an X display or tty (a string of the form

If DEVICE is omitted or nil, it defaults to the selected
frame's terminal device.

Function: append

Concatenate all the arguments and make the result a list.
The result is a list whose elements are the elements of all the arguments.
Each argument may be a list, vector or string.
The last argument is not copied, just used as the tail of the new list.

(fn &rest SEQUENCES)

Variable: mail-parse-charset

Default charset used by low-level libraries.
This variable should never be set. Instead, it should be bound by
functions that wish to call mail-parse functions and let them know
what the desired charset is to be.

Function: cl-count

Count the number of occurrences of ITEM in SEQ.

Keywords supported: :test :test-not :key :start :end


Function: set-font-encoding

Set arguments in `font-encoding-alist' (which see).

Function: set-nested-alist

Set ENTRY for KEYSEQ in a nested alist ALIST.
Optional 4th arg LEN non-nil means the first LEN elements in KEYSEQ
are considered.
Optional 5th argument BRANCHES if non-nil is branches for a keyseq
longer than KEYSEQ.
See the documentation of `nested-alist-p' for more detail.

Function: Info-goto-emacs-command-node

Go to the Info node in the Emacs manual for command COMMAND.
The command is found by looking up in Emacs manual's indices
or in another manual found via COMMAND's `info-file' property or
the variable `Info-file-list-for-emacs'.
COMMAND must be a symbol or string.

Function: turn-off-follow-mode

Turn off Follow mode. Please see the function `follow-mode'.


Function: accessible-keymaps

Find all keymaps accessible via prefix characters from KEYMAP.
Returns a list of elements of the form (KEYS . MAP), where the sequence
KEYS starting from KEYMAP gets you to MAP. These elements are ordered
so that the KEYS increase in length. The first element is ([] . KEYMAP).
An optional argument PREFIX, if non-nil, should be a key sequence;
then the value includes only maps for prefixes that start with PREFIX.

(fn KEYMAP &optional PREFIX)

Function: sh-until

Insert an until loop. See `sh-feature'.

This is a skeleton command (see `skeleton-insert').
Normally the skeleton text is inserted at point, with nothing "inside".
If there is a highlighted region, the skeleton text is wrapped
around the region text.

A prefix argument ARG says to wrap the skeleton around the next ARG words.
A prefix argument of -1 says to wrap around region, even if not highlighted.
A prefix argument of zero says to wrap around zero words---that is, nothing.
This is a way of overriding the use of a highlighted region.

Function: cadaar

Return the `car' of the `cdr' of the `car' of the `car' of X.

(fn X)

Function: count-lines

Return number of lines between START and END.
This is usually the number of newlines between them,
but can be one more if START is not equal to END
and the greater of them is not at the start of a line.

Function: find-grep-dired

Find files in DIR containing a regexp REGEXP and start Dired on output.
The command run (after changing into DIR) is

find . \( -type f -exec `grep-program' `find-grep-options' \
-e REGEXP {} \; \) -ls

where the car of the variable `find-ls-option' specifies what to
use in place of "-ls" as the final argument. (fn DIR REGEXP)

Function: rename-buffer

Change current buffer's name to NEWNAME (a string).
If second arg UNIQUE is nil or omitted, it is an error if a
buffer named NEWNAME already exists.
If UNIQUE is non-nil, come up with a new name using
Interactively, you can set UNIQUE with a prefix argument.
We return the name we actually gave the buffer.
This does not change the name of the visited file (if any).
(fn NEWNAME &optional UNIQUE)

Function: pcomplete-all-entries

Like `pcomplete-entries', but doesn't ignore any entries.

(fn &optional REGEXP PREDICATE)

Variable: lisp-simple-loop-indentation

Indentation of forms in simple loop forms.

Function: switch-to-completions

Select the completion list window.

Function: org-search-view

Show all entries that contain a phrase or words or regular expressions.

With optional prefix argument TODO-ONLY, only consider entries that are
TODO entries. The argument STRING can be used to pass a default search
string into this function. If EDIT-AT is non-nil, it means that the
user should get a chance to edit this string, with cursor at position

The search string can be viewed either as a phrase that should be found as
is, or it can be broken into a number of snippets, each of which must match
in a Boolean way to select an entry. The default depends on the variable
Even if this is turned off (the default) you can always switch to
Boolean search dynamically by preceding the first word with "+" or "-".

The default is a direct search of the whole phrase, where each space in
the search string can expand to an arbitrary amount of whitespace,
including newlines.

If using a Boolean search, the search string is split on whitespace and
each snippet is searched separately, with logical AND to select an entry.
Words prefixed with a minus must *not* occur in the entry. Words without
a prefix or prefixed with a plus must occur in the entry. Matching is
case-insensitive. Words are enclosed by word delimiters (i.e. they must
match whole words, not parts of a word) if
`org-agenda-search-view-force-full-words' is set (default is nil).

Boolean search snippets enclosed by curly braces are interpreted as
regular expressions that must or (when preceded with "-") must not
match in the entry. Snippets enclosed into double quotes will be taken
as a whole, to include whitespace.

- If the search string starts with an asterisk, search only in headlines.
- If (possibly after the leading star) the search string starts with an
exclamation mark, this also means to look at TODO entries only, an effect
that can also be achieved with a prefix argument.
- If (possibly after star and exclamation mark) the search string starts
with a colon, this will mean that the (non-regexp) snippets of the
Boolean search must match as full words.
This command searches the agenda files, and in addition the files listed in `org-agenda-text-search-extra-files'. (fn &optional TODO-ONLY STRING EDIT-AT)

Function: write-abbrev-file

Write all user-level abbrev definitions to a file of Lisp code.
This does not include system abbrevs; it includes only the abbrev tables
listed in listed in `abbrev-table-name-list'.
The file written can be loaded in another session to define the same abbrevs.
The argument FILE is the file name to write. If omitted or nil, the file
specified in `abbrev-file-name' is used.
If VERBOSE is non-nil, display a message indicating where abbrevs
have been saved.
(fn &optional FILE VERBOSE)

Function: accelerate-menu

Start key navigation of the menu bar in FRAME.
This initially opens the first menu bar item and you can then navigate with the
arrow keys, select a menu entry with the return key or cancel with the
escape key. If FRAME has no menu bar this function does nothing.

If FRAME is nil or not given, use the selected frame.
(fn &optional FRAME)

Function: ethio-java-to-fidel-buffer

Convert the Java escape sequences into corresponding Ethiopic characters.


Variable: buffer-save-without-query

Non-nil means `save-some-buffers' should save this buffer without asking.

Function: metafont-mode

Major mode for editing Metafont sources.


Function: this-single-command-raw-keys

Return the raw events that were read for this command.
More generally, it returns the last key sequence read, either by
the command loop or by `read-key-sequence'.
Unlike `this-single-command-keys', this function's value
shows the events before all translations (except for input methods).
The value is always a vector. (fn)

Function: byte-compile-discard

Output byte codes to discard the NUM entries at the top of the stack.
NUM defaults to 1.
If PRESERVE-TOS is non-nil, preserve the top-of-stack value, as if it were
popped before discarding the num values, and then pushed back again after

(fn &optional NUM PRESERVE-TOS)

Function: package-buffer-info

Return a vector describing the package in the current buffer.
The vector has the form


FILENAME is the file name, a string, sans the ".el" extension.
REQUIRES is a list of requirements, each requirement having the
form (NAME VER); NAME is a string and VER is a version list.
DESCRIPTION is the package description, a string.
VERSION is the version, a string.
COMMENTARY is the commentary section, a string, or nil if none.

If the buffer does not contain a conforming package, signal an
error. If there is a package, narrow the buffer to the file's boundaries.

Variable: lisp-mode-abbrev-table

Abbrev table for Lisp mode.

Variable: ps-paper-type

Specify the size of paper to format for.
Should be one of the paper types defined in `ps-page-dimensions-database', for
example `letter', `legal' or `a4'.

Function: split-window-below

Split the selected window into two windows, one above the other.
The selected window is above. The newly split-off window is
below, and displays the same buffer. Return the new window.

If optional argument SIZE is omitted or nil, both windows get the
same height, or close to it. If SIZE is positive, the upper
(selected) window gets SIZE lines. If SIZE is negative, the
lower (new) window gets -SIZE lines.

If the variable `split-window-keep-point' is non-nil, both
windows get the same value of point as the selected window.
Otherwise, the window starts are chosen so as to minimize the
amount of redisplay; this is convenient on slow terminals.

Function: add-mode-abbrev

Define mode-specific abbrev for last word(s) before point.
Argument is how many words before point form the expansion;
or zero means the region is the expansion.
A negative argument means to undefine the specified abbrev.
Reads the abbreviation in the minibuffer.

Don't use this function in a Lisp program; use `define-abbrev' instead. (fn ARG)

Variable: custom-current-group-alist

Alist of (FILE . GROUP) indicating the current group to use for FILE.

Variable: default-header-line-format

Default value of `header-line-format' for buffers that don't override it.
This is the same as (default-value 'header-line-format).

Function: nsubstitute-if-not

Substitute NEW for all items not satisfying PREDICATE in SEQ.
This is a destructive function; it reuses the storage of SEQ whenever possible.

Keywords supported: :key :count :start :end :from-end


Variable: tool-bar-map

Keymap for the tool bar.
Define this locally to override the global tool bar.

Variable: tool-bar-style

Tool bar style to use.
It can be one of
image - show images only
text - show text only
both - show both, text below image
both-horiz - show text to the right of the image
text-image-horiz - show text to the left of the image
any other - use system default or image if no system default.

This variable only affects the GTK+ toolkit version of Emacs.

Function: comint-update-fence

Update read-only status of newline before point.
The `fence' read-only property is used to indicate that a newline
is read-only for no other reason than to "fence off" a
following front-sticky read-only region. This is used to
implement comint read-only prompts. If the text after a newline
changes, the read-only status of that newline may need updating.
That is what this function does.

This function does nothing if point is not at the beginning of a
line, or is at the beginning of the accessible portion of the buffer.
Otherwise, if the character after point has a front-sticky
read-only property, then the preceding newline is given a
read-only property of `fence', unless it already is read-only.
If the character after point does not have a front-sticky
read-only property, any read-only property of `fence' on the preceding newline is removed. (fn)

Function: Info-last

Go back in the history to the last node visited.

Function: delete-pair

Delete a pair of characters enclosing the sexp that follows point.

Function: mouse--remap-link-click-p


Variable: special-mode-syntax-table

Syntax table for `special-mode'.

Function: sql-mysql

Run mysql by TcX as an inferior process.

Mysql versions 3.23 and up are free software.

If buffer `*SQL*' exists but no process is running, make a new process.
If buffer exists and a process is running, just switch to buffer

Interpreter used comes from variable `sql-mysql-program'. Login uses
the variables `sql-user', `sql-password', `sql-database', and
`sql-server' as defaults, if set. Additional command line parameters
can be stored in the list `sql-mysql-options'.

The buffer is put in SQL interactive mode, giving commands for sending
input. See `sql-interactive-mode'.

To set the buffer name directly, use C-u
before M-x sql-mysql. Once session has started,
M-x sql-rename-buffer can be called separately to rename the

To specify a coding system for converting non-ASCII characters
in the input and output to the process, use C-x RET c
before M-x sql-mysql. You can also specify this with C-x RET p
in the SQL buffer, after you start the process.
The default comes from `process-coding-system-alist' and
`default-process-coding-system'. (Type C-h m in the SQL buffer for a list of commands.) (fn &optional BUFFER)

Function: list-yahrzeit-dates

List Yahrzeit dates for *Gregorian* DEATH-DATE from START-YEAR to END-YEAR.
When called interactively from the calendar window, the date of death is taken
from the cursor position.


Function: event-basic-type

Return the basic type of the given event (all modifiers removed).
The value is a printing character (not upper case) or a symbol.
EVENT may be an event or an event type. If EVENT is a symbol
that has never been used in an event that has been read as input
in the current Emacs session, then this function may return nil.

Variable: byte-compile-cl-functions

List of functions defined in CL.

Variable: html-mode-syntax-table

Syntax table for `html-mode'.

Function: vc-git-log-incoming


Function: checkdoc-ispell

Check the style and spelling of everything interactively.
Calls `checkdoc' with spell-checking turned on.
Prefix argument TAKE-NOTES is the same as for `checkdoc'

(fn &optional TAKE-NOTES)

Function: byte-compile-macroexpand-declare-function

(fn FN FILE &rest ARGS)

Function: display-warning

Display a warning message, MESSAGE.
TYPE is the warning type: either a custom group name (a symbol),
or a list of symbols whose first element is a custom group name.
(The rest of the symbols represent subcategories, for warning purposes
only, and you can use whatever symbols you like.)

LEVEL should be either :debug, :warning, :error, or :emergency
(but see `warning-minimum-level' and `warning-minimum-log-level').
Default is :warning.

:emergency -- a problem that will seriously impair Emacs operation soon
if you do not attend to it promptly.
:error -- data or circumstances that are inherently wrong.
:warning -- data or circumstances that are not inherently wrong,
but raise suspicion of a possible problem.
:debug -- info for debugging only.

BUFFER-NAME, if specified, is the name of the buffer for logging
the warning. By default, it is `*Warnings*'. If this function
has to create the buffer, it disables undo in the buffer.

See the `warnings' custom group for user customization features.

See also `warning-series', `warning-prefix-function' and
`warning-fill-prefix' for additional programming features. (fn TYPE MESSAGE &optional LEVEL BUFFER-NAME)

Variable: winner-mode-hook

Functions to run whenever Winner mode is turned on or off.

Function: enable-command

Allow COMMAND to be executed without special confirmation from now on.
COMMAND must be a symbol.
This command alters the user's .emacs file so that this will apply
to future sessions.

Function: imenu

Jump to a place in the buffer chosen using a buffer menu or mouse menu.
INDEX-ITEM specifies the position. See `imenu-choose-buffer-index'
for more information.


Function: flymake-find-file-hook


Function: custom-initialize-set

Initialize SYMBOL based on VALUE.
If the symbol doesn't have a default binding already,
then set it using its `:set' function (or `set-default' if it has none).
The value is either the value in the symbol's `saved-value' property,
if any, or VALUE.

Function: x-selection-owner-p

Whether the current Emacs process owns the given X Selection.
The arg should be the name of the selection in question, typically one of
the symbols `PRIMARY', `SECONDARY', or `CLIPBOARD'.
(Those are literal upper-case symbol names, since that's what X expects.)
For convenience, the symbol nil is the same as `PRIMARY',
and t is the same as `SECONDARY'.

TERMINAL should be a terminal object or a frame specifying the X
server to query. If omitted or nil, that stands for the selected
frame's display, or the first available X display.

On Nextstep, TERMINAL is unused. (fn &optional SELECTION TERMINAL)

Function: map-query-replace-regexp

Replace some matches for REGEXP with various strings, in rotation.
The second argument TO-STRINGS contains the replacement strings, separated
by spaces. This command works like `query-replace-regexp' except that
each successive replacement uses the next successive replacement string,
wrapping around from the last such string to the first.

In Transient Mark mode, if the mark is active, operate on the contents
of the region. Otherwise, operate from point to the end of the buffer.

Non-interactively, TO-STRINGS may be a list of replacement strings.

Use M-n to pull the last incremental search regexp to the minibuffer
that reads REGEXP.

A prefix argument N says to use each replacement string N times
before rotating to the next.
Fourth and fifth arg START and END specify the region to operate on.

Function: isearch-backslash

Return t if STR ends in an odd number of backslashes.

Variable: isearch-regexp-lax-whitespace

If non-nil, a space will match a sequence of whitespace chars.
When you enter a space or spaces in regexp incremental search, it
will match any sequence matched by the regexp defined by the variable
`search-whitespace-regexp'. If the value is nil, each space you type
matches literally, against one space. You can toggle the value of this
variable by the command `isearch-toggle-lax-whitespace'.

Function: mouse-yank-secondary

Insert the secondary selection at the position clicked on.
Move point to the end of the inserted text.
If `mouse-yank-at-point' is non-nil, insert at point
regardless of where you click. (fn CLICK)

Variable: tabulated-list-format

The format of the current Tabulated List mode buffer.
This should be a vector of elements (NAME WIDTH SORT . PROPS),
- NAME is a string describing the column.
This is the label for the column in the header line.
Different columns must have non-`equal' names.
- WIDTH is the width to reserve for the column.
For the final element, its numerical value is ignored.
- SORT specifies how to sort entries by this column.
If nil, this column cannot be used for sorting.
If t, sort by comparing the string value printed in the column.
Otherwise, it should be a predicate function suitable for
`sort', accepting arguments with the same form as the elements
of `tabulated-list-entries'.
- PROPS is a plist of additional column properties.
Currently supported properties are:
- `:right-align': if non-nil, the column should be right-aligned.
- `:pad-right': Number of additional padding spaces to the right of the column (defaults to 1 if omitted).

Function: highlight-changes-previous-change

Move to the beginning of the previous change, if in Highlight Changes mode.


Function: vc-before-save

Function to be called by `basic-save-buffer' (in files.el).

Function: scroll-other-window-down

Scroll the "other window" down.
For more details, see the documentation for `scroll-other-window'.

Function: cl-nset-difference

Combine LIST1 and LIST2 using a set-difference operation.
The resulting list contains all items that appear in LIST1 but not LIST2.
This is a destructive function; it reuses the storage of LIST1 and LIST2
whenever possible.

Keywords supported: :test :test-not :key


Function: ebnf-syntax-buffer

Do a syntactic analysis of the current buffer.


Function: apropos-mode

Major mode for following hyperlinks in output of apropos commands.

key binding
--- -------

TAB forward-button
RET apropos-follow
ESC Prefix Command
SPC scroll-up-command
- negative-argument
0 .. 9 digit-argument
< beginning-of-buffer
> end-of-buffer
? describe-mode
g revert-buffer
h describe-mode
q quit-window
DEL scroll-down-command
Prefix Command

C-M-i backward-button

In addition to any hooks its parent mode `special-mode' might have run, this mode runs the hook `apropos-mode-hook', as the final step during initialization.

Function: substitute

Substitute NEW for OLD in SEQ.
This is a non-destructive function; it makes a copy of SEQ if necessary
to avoid corrupting the original SEQ.

Keywords supported: :test :test-not :key :count :start :end :from-end


Function: x-get-clipboard

Return text pasted to the clipboard.

Function: ucs-names

Return alist of (CHAR-NAME . CHAR-CODE) pairs cached in `ucs-names'.

Variable: ucs-names

Alist of cached (CHAR-NAME . CHAR-CODE) pairs.

Function: abbrev-symbol

Return the symbol representing abbrev named ABBREV.
This symbol's name is ABBREV, but it is not the canonical symbol of that name;
it is interned in an abbrev-table rather than the normal obarray.
The value is nil if that abbrev is not defined.
Optional second arg TABLE is abbrev table to look it up in.
The default is to try buffer's mode-specific abbrev table, then global table.

(fn ABBREV &optional TABLE)

Function: pr-ps-buffer-using-ghostscript

Print buffer using PostScript through ghostscript.

Interactively, the command prompts for N-UP printing number and, when you use a
prefix argument (C-u), the command prompts the user for a file name, and saves
the PostScript image in that file instead of sending it to the printer.

Noninteractively, if N-UP is nil, prompts for N-UP printing number. The
argument FILENAME is treated as follows: if it's nil, send the image to the
printer. If FILENAME is a string, save the PostScript image in a file with
that name. If FILENAME is t, prompts for a file name. (fn N-UP &optional FILENAME)

Function: org-version

Show the org-mode version in the echo area.
With prefix argument HERE, insert it at point.
When FULL is non-nil, use a verbose version string.
When MESSAGE is non-nil, display a message with the version.

(fn &optional HERE FULL MESSAGE)

Variable: tags-add-tables

Control whether to add a new tags table to the current list.
t means do; nil means don't (always start a new list).
Any other value means ask the user whether to add a new tags table
to the current list (as opposed to starting a new list).

Function: scheme-mode

Major mode for editing Scheme code.
Editing commands are similar to those of `lisp-mode'.

In addition, if an inferior Scheme process is running, some additional
commands will be defined, for evaluating expressions and controlling
the interpreter, and the state of the process will be displayed in the
mode line of all Scheme buffers. The names of commands that interact
with the Scheme process start with "xscheme-" if you use the MIT
Scheme-specific `xscheme' package; for more information see the
documentation for `xscheme-interaction-mode'. Use M-x run-scheme to
start an inferior Scheme using the more general `cmuscheme' package.

Delete converts tabs to spaces as it moves back.
Blank lines separate paragraphs. Semicolons start comments.

Uses keymap `scheme-mode-map', which is not currently defined.

Entry to this mode calls the value of `scheme-mode-hook' if that value is non-nil. (fn)

Function: forward-page

Move forward to page boundary. With arg, repeat, or go back if negative.
A page boundary is any line whose beginning matches the regexp

Variable: read-expression-map

Minibuffer keymap used for reading Lisp expressions.

Variable: minibuffer-history-variable

History list symbol to add minibuffer values to.
Each string of minibuffer input, as it appears on exit from the minibuffer,
is added with
(set minibuffer-history-variable
(cons STRING (symbol-value minibuffer-history-variable)))

Function: smie-bnf--set-class


Variable: view-return-to-alist

What to do with used windows and where to go when finished viewing buffer.
This is local in each buffer being viewed.
It is added to by `view-mode-enter' when starting to view a buffer and
subtracted from by `view-mode-exit' when finished viewing the buffer.

See RETURN-TO-ALIST argument of function `view-mode-exit' for the format of

Function: multiple-value-apply

Evaluate EXPRESSION to get multiple values and apply FUNCTION to them.
This handles multiple values in Common Lisp style, but it does not work
right when EXPRESSION calls an ordinary Emacs Lisp function that returns just
one value.


Variable: vis-mode-saved-buffer-invisibility-spec

Saved value of `buffer-invisibility-spec' when Visible mode is on.

Function: pr-txt-buffer

Print buffer using text printer.


Function: ethio-fidel-to-sera-buffer

Replace all the FIDEL characters in the current buffer to the SERA format.
The variable `ethio-primary-language' specifies the primary
language and `ethio-secondary-language' specifies the secondary.

If the 1st optional argument SECONDARY is non-nil, try to convert the
region so that it begins with the secondary language; otherwise with the
primary language.

If the 2nd optional argument FORCE is non-nil, convert even if the
buffer is read-only.

See also the descriptions of the variables
`ethio-use-colon-for-colon', `ethio-use-three-dot-question',
`ethio-quote-vowel-always' and `ethio-numeric-reduction'. (fn &optional SECONDARY FORCE)

Function: display-splash-screen

Display startup screen according to display.
A fancy display is used on graphic displays, normal otherwise.

If CONCISE is non-nil, display a concise version of the startup

(fn &optional CONCISE)

Function: font-get-glyphs

Return a vector of FONT-OBJECT's glyphs for the specified characters.
FROM and TO are positions (integers or markers) specifying a region
of the current buffer.
If the optional fourth arg OBJECT is not nil, it is a string or a
vector containing the target characters.

Each element is a vector containing information of a glyph in this format:
FROM is an index numbers of a character the glyph corresponds to.
TO is the same as FROM.
C is the character of the glyph.
CODE is the glyph-code of C in FONT-OBJECT.
WIDTH thru DESCENT are the metrics (in pixels) of the glyph.
ADJUSTMENT is always nil.
If FONT-OBJECT doesn't have a glyph for a character,
the corresponding element is nil. (fn FONT-OBJECT FROM TO &optional OBJECT)

Function: set-window-vscroll

Set amount by which WINDOW should be scrolled vertically to VSCROLL.
WINDOW nil means use the selected window. Normally, VSCROLL is a
non-negative multiple of the canonical character height of WINDOW;
optional third arg PIXELS-P non-nil means that VSCROLL is in pixels.
If PIXELS-P is nil, VSCROLL may have to be rounded so that it
corresponds to an integral number of pixels. The return value is the
result of this rounding.
If PIXELS-P is non-nil, the return value is VSCROLL.


Function: decode-coding-region

Decode the current region from the specified coding system.
When called from a program, takes four arguments:
START and END are buffer positions.

Optional 4th arguments DESTINATION specifies where the decoded text goes.
If nil, the region between START and END is replaced by the decoded text.
If buffer, the decoded text is inserted in that buffer after point (point
does not move).
In those cases, the length of the decoded text is returned.
If DESTINATION is t, the decoded text is returned.

This function sets `last-coding-system-used' to the precise coding system
used (which may be different from CODING-SYSTEM if CODING-SYSTEM is
not fully specified.) (fn START END CODING-SYSTEM &optional DESTINATION)

Function: View-scroll-to-buffer-end

Scroll backward or forward so that buffer end is at last line of window.

Variable: jka-compr-mode-alist-additions--internal

Stored value of `jka-compr-mode-alist-additions'.
If Auto Compression mode is enabled, this is the value of
`jka-compr-mode-alist-additions' when `jka-compr-install' was last called.
Otherwise, it is nil.

Variable: jka-compr-verbose

If non-nil, output messages whenever compressing or uncompressing files.

Function: nxml-glyph-display-string

Return a string that can display a glyph for Unicode code-point N.
FACE gives the face that will be used for displaying the string.
Return nil if the face cannot display a glyph for N.
(fn N FACE)

Function: ebrowse-save-tree

Save current tree in same file it was loaded from.


Function: apply

Call FUNCTION with our remaining args, using our last arg as list of args.
Then return the value FUNCTION returns.
Thus, (apply '+ 1 2 '(3 4)) returns 10.


Function: abbrev--check-chars

Check if the characters in ABBREV have word syntax in either the
current (if global is nil) or standard syntax table.


Variable: vc-bzr-admin-dirname

Name of the directory containing Bzr repository status files.

Variable: holiday-other-holidays

User defined holidays.
See the documentation for `calendar-holidays' for details.

Variable: force-load-messages

Non-nil means force printing messages when loading Lisp files.
This overrides the value of the NOMESSAGE argument to `load'.

Variable: winner-mode-off-hook

Functions to run whenever Winner mode is turned off.

Variable: display-time-world-mode-map

Keymap for `display-time-world-mode'.

Variable: tooltip-help-message

The last help message received via `show-help-function'.
This is used by `tooltip-show-help' and

Function: x-complement-fontset-spec

Complement elements of FONTLIST based on DEFAULT-SPEC.
DEFAULT-SPEC is a font-spec object providing default font properties.
FONTLIST is an alist of script names vs the corresponding font names.

The font names are parsed and unspecified font properties are
given from DEFAULT-SPEC.

Variable: tibetan-composable-pattern

Regexp matching a composable sequence of Tibetan characters.

Function: sort-numeric-fields

Sort lines in region numerically by the ARGth field of each line.
Fields are separated by whitespace and numbered from 1 up.
Specified field must contain a number in each line of the region,
which may begin with "0x" or "0" for hexadecimal and octal values.
Otherwise, the number is interpreted according to sort-numeric-base.
With a negative arg, sorts by the ARGth field counted from the right.
Called from a program, there are three arguments:
FIELD, BEG and END. BEG and END specify region to sort. (fn FIELD BEG END)

Function: forward-sexp

Move forward across one balanced expression (sexp).
With ARG, do it that many times. Negative arg -N means
move backward across N balanced expressions.
This command assumes point is not in a string or comment.

Function: set-window-margins

Set width of marginal areas of window WINDOW.
WINDOW must be a live window and defaults to the selected one.

Second arg LEFT-WIDTH specifies the number of character cells to
reserve for the left marginal area. Optional third arg RIGHT-WIDTH
does the same for the right marginal area. A nil width parameter
means no margin.


Variable: debugger

Function to call to invoke debugger.
If due to frame exit, args are `exit' and the value being returned;
this function's value will be returned instead of that.
If due to error, args are `error' and a list of the args to `signal'.
If due to `apply' or `funcall' entry, one arg, `lambda'.
If due to `eval' entry, one arg, t.

Function: gnus-make-sort-function

Return a composite sort condition based on the functions in FUNS.

Variable: pcomplete-autolist

If non-nil, automatically list possibilities on partial completion.
This mirrors the optional behavior of tcsh.

Function: occur-next-error

Move to the Nth (default 1) next match in an Occur mode buffer.
Compatibility function for C-x ` invocations.

Function: latin1-display

Set up Latin-1/ASCII display for the arguments character SETS.
See option `latin1-display' for the method. The members of the list
must be in `latin1-display-sets'. With no arguments, reset the
display for all of `latin1-display-sets'. See also
(fn &rest SETS)

Variable: latin1-display

Set up Latin-1/ASCII display for ISO8859 character sets.
This is done for each character set in the list `latin1-display-sets',
if no font is available to display it. Characters are displayed using
the corresponding Latin-1 characters where they match. Otherwise
ASCII sequences are used, mostly following the Latin prefix input
methods. Some different ASCII sequences are used if
`latin1-display-mnemonic' is non-nil.

This option also treats some characters in the `mule-unicode-...'
charsets if you don't have a Unicode font with which to display them.

Setting this variable directly does not take effect;
use either M-x customize or the function `latin1-display'.

Function: auth-source-backend-parse-parameters

Fills in the extra auth-source-backend parameters of ENTRY.
Using the plist ENTRY, get the :host, :port, and :user search

Function: view-emacs-FAQ

Display the Emacs Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) file.

Function: save&set-overriding-map

Set `overriding-terminal-local-map' to MAP.

Function: webjump

Jumps to a Web site from a programmable hotlist.

See the documentation for the `webjump-sites' variable for how to customize the

Please submit bug reports and other feedback to the author, Neil W. Van Dyke
. (fn)

Function: vc-update

Update the current fileset or branch.
You must be visiting a version controlled file, or in a `vc-dir' buffer.
On a distributed version control system, this runs a "pull"
operation to update the current branch, prompting for an argument
list if required. Optional prefix ARG forces a prompt.

On a non-distributed version control system, update the current
fileset to the tip revisions. For each unchanged and unlocked
file, this simply replaces the work file with the latest revision
on its branch. If the file contains changes, any changes in the
tip revision are merged into the working file. (fn &optional ARG)

Function: texinfo-format-region

Convert the current region of the Texinfo file to Info format.
This lets you see what that part of the file will look like in Info.
The command is bound to M-x texinfo-format-region. The text that is
converted to Info is stored in a temporary buffer.


Function: browse-url-mosaic

Ask the XMosaic WWW browser to load URL.

Default to the URL around or before point. The strings in variable
`browse-url-mosaic-arguments' are also passed to Mosaic and the
program is invoked according to the variable

When called interactively, if variable `browse-url-new-window-flag' is
non-nil, load the document in a new Mosaic window, otherwise use a
random existing one. A non-nil interactive prefix argument reverses
the effect of `browse-url-new-window-flag'.

When called non-interactively, optional second argument NEW-WINDOW is
used instead of `browse-url-new-window-flag'. (fn URL &optional NEW-WINDOW)

Variable: meta-prefix-char

Meta-prefix character code.
Meta-foo as command input turns into this character followed by foo.

Variable: ansi-color-for-comint-mode

Determines what to do with comint output.
If nil, do nothing.
If the symbol `filter', then filter all SGR control sequences.
If anything else (such as t), then translate SGR control sequences
into text properties.

In order for this to have any effect, `ansi-color-process-output' must
be in `comint-output-filter-functions'.

This can be used to enable colorized ls --color=yes output
in shell buffers. You set this variable by calling one of:
M-x ansi-color-for-comint-mode-on
M-x ansi-color-for-comint-mode-off M-x ansi-color-for-comint-mode-filter

Variable: debugger-previous-window-height

The last recorded height of `debugger-previous-window'.

Function: font-lock-eval-keywords

Evaluate KEYWORDS if a function (funcall) or variable (eval) name.

Function: kill-visual-line

Kill the rest of the visual line.
With prefix argument ARG, kill that many visual lines from point.
If ARG is negative, kill visual lines backward.
If ARG is zero, kill the text before point on the current visual

If you want to append the killed line to the last killed text,
use C-M-w before C-k.

If the buffer is read-only, Emacs will beep and refrain from deleting
the line, but put the line in the kill ring anyway. This means that
you can use this command to copy text from a read-only buffer.
(If the variable `kill-read-only-ok' is non-nil, then this won't even beep.)

Function: completion--string-equal-p

(fn S1 S2)

Function: file-nlinks

Return number of names file FILENAME has.

Function: profiler-memory-start

Start/restart the memory profiler.
The memory profiler will take samples of the call-stack whenever a new
allocation takes place. Note that most small allocations only trigger
the profiler occasionally.
See also `profiler-log-size' and `profiler-max-stack-depth'. (fn)

Variable: overlay-arrow-position

Marker for where to display an arrow on top of the buffer text.
This must be the beginning of a line in order to work.
See also `overlay-arrow-string'.

Function: coding-system-aliases

Return the list of aliases of CODING-SYSTEM.


Function: regexp-opt-group

Return a regexp to match a string in the sorted list STRINGS.
If PAREN non-nil, output regexp parentheses around returned regexp.
If LAX non-nil, don't output parentheses if it doesn't require them.
Merges keywords to avoid backtracking in Emacs's regexp matcher.

Function: count-matches

Print and return number of matches for REGEXP following point.
When called from Lisp and INTERACTIVE is omitted or nil, just return
the number, do not print it; if INTERACTIVE is t, the function behaves
in all respects as if it had been called interactively.

If REGEXP contains upper case characters (excluding those preceded by `\')
and `search-upper-case' is non-nil, the matching is case-sensitive.

Second and third arg RSTART and REND specify the region to operate on.

Interactively, in Transient Mark mode when the mark is active, operate
on the contents of the region. Otherwise, operate from point to the
end of (the accessible portion of) the buffer.

This function starts looking for the next match from the end of
the previous match. Hence, it ignores matches that overlap a previously found match.

Function: epa-mail-decrypt

Decrypt OpenPGP armors in the current buffer.
The buffer is expected to contain a mail message.

Don't use this command in Lisp programs! (fn)

Function: posix-string-match

Return index of start of first match for REGEXP in STRING, or nil.
Find the longest match, in accord with Posix regular expression rules.
Case is ignored if `case-fold-search' is non-nil in the current buffer.
If third arg START is non-nil, start search at that index in STRING.
For index of first char beyond the match, do (match-end 0).
`match-end' and `match-beginning' also give indices of substrings
matched by parenthesis constructs in the pattern.

(fn REGEXP STRING &optional START)

Variable: local-function-key-map

Keymap that translates key sequences to key sequences during input.
This is used mainly for mapping key sequences into some preferred
key events (symbols).

The `read-key-sequence' function replaces any subsequence bound by
`local-function-key-map' with its binding. More precisely, when the
active keymaps have no binding for the current key sequence but
`local-function-key-map' binds a suffix of the sequence to a vector or
string, `read-key-sequence' replaces the matching suffix with its
binding, and continues with the new sequence.

If the binding is a function, it is called with one argument (the prompt)
and its return value (a key sequence) is used.

The events that come from bindings in `local-function-key-map' are not
themselves looked up in `local-function-key-map'.

For example, suppose `local-function-key-map' binds `ESC O P' to [f1].
Typing `ESC O P' to `read-key-sequence' would return [f1]. Typing
`C-x ESC O P' would return [?\C-x f1]. If [f1] were a prefix key,
typing `ESC O P x' would return [f1 x].

`local-function-key-map' has a separate binding for each terminal
device. See Info node `(elisp)Multiple Terminals'. If you need to
define a binding on all terminals, change `function-key-map'
instead. Initially, `local-function-key-map' is an empty keymap that has `function-key-map' as its parent on all terminal devices.

Function: vc-git-symbolic-commit

Translate COMMIT string into symbolic form.
Returns nil if not possible.


Function: tenth

Return the tenth element of the list X.

(fn X)

Variable: shell-dumb-shell-regexp

Regexp to match shells that don't save their command history, and
don't handle the backslash as a quote character. For shells that
match this regexp, Emacs will write out the command history when the
shell finishes, and won't remove backslashes when it unquotes shell arguments.

Function: ffap-bindings

Evaluate the forms in variable `ffap-bindings'.


Function: x-create-frame

Make a new X window, which is called a "frame" in Emacs terms.
Return an Emacs frame object.
PARMS is an alist of frame parameters.
If the parameters specify that the frame should not have a minibuffer,
and do not specify a specific minibuffer window to use,
then `default-minibuffer-frame' must be a frame whose minibuffer can
be shared by the new frame.

This function is an internal primitive--use `make-frame' instead. (fn PARMS)

Function: eieio-override-prin1

Perform a `prin1' on THING taking advantage of object knowledge.

Variable: shell-file-name-quote-list

List of characters to quote when in a file name.
This variable is used to initialize `comint-file-name-quote-list' in the
shell buffer. The value may depend on the operating system or shell.

Function: do-auto-fill

The default value for `normal-auto-fill-function'.
This is the default auto-fill function, some major modes use a different one.
Returns t if it really did any work.

Function: url-cid

(fn URL)

Function: image-bookmark-jump

(fn BMK)

Function: file-locked-p

Return a value indicating whether FILENAME is locked.
The value is nil if the FILENAME is not locked,
t if it is locked by you, else a string saying which user has locked it.


Function: sh-basic-indent-line

Indent a line for Sh mode (shell script mode).
Indent as far as preceding non-empty line, then by steps of `sh-indentation'.
Lines containing only comments are considered empty.

Function: byte-compile-preprocess

(fn FORM &optional FOR-EFFECT)

Function: mm-decode-coding-string

Decode STRING which is encoded in CODING-SYSTEM, and return the result.

Optional third arg NOCOPY non-nil means it is OK to return STRING itself
if the decoding operation is trivial.

Optional fourth arg BUFFER non-nil means that the decoded text is
inserted in that buffer after point (point does not move). In this
case, the return value is the length of the decoded text.

This function sets `last-coding-system-used' to the precise coding system
used (which may be different from CODING-SYSTEM if CODING-SYSTEM is
not fully specified.)


Function: comint-redirect-remove-redirection

End a Comint redirection. See `comint-redirect-send-command'.


Function: tibetan-decompose-buffer

Decomposes Tibetan characters in the buffer into their components.
See also the documentation of the function `tibetan-decompose-region'.

Function: isearch-toggle-specified-input-method

Select an input method and turn it on in interactive search.


Function: package-load-all-descriptors

Load descriptors for installed Emacs Lisp packages.
This looks for package subdirectories in `package-user-dir' and
`package-directory-list'. The variable `package-load-list'
controls which package subdirectories may be loaded.

In each valid package subdirectory, this function loads the
description file containing a call to `define-package', which
updates `package-alist' and `package-obsolete-alist'.

Function: cdaaar

Return the `cdr' of the `car' of the `car' of the `car' of X.

(fn X)

Function: gnus-slave-no-server

Read network news as a slave, without connecting to the local server.

(fn &optional ARG)

Function: erc-select-read-args

Prompt the user for values of nick, server, port, and password.


Function: network-interface-info

Return information about network interface named IFNAME.
The return value is a list (ADDR BCAST NETMASK HWADDR FLAGS),
where ADDR is the layer 3 address, BCAST is the layer 3 broadcast address,
NETMASK is the layer 3 network mask, HWADDR is the layer 2 address, and
FLAGS is the current flags of the interface. (fn IFNAME)

Variable: shell-command-history

History list for some commands that read shell commands.

Maximum length of the history list is determined by the value
of `history-length', which see.

Function: ask-user-about-lock

Ask user what to do when he wants to edit FILE but it is locked by OPPONENT.
This function has a choice of three things to do:
do (signal 'file-locked (list FILE OPPONENT))
to refrain from editing the file
return t (grab the lock on the file)
return nil (edit the file even though it is locked).
You can redefine this function to choose among those three alternatives in any way you like.

Function: url-cache-extract

Extract FNAM from the local disk cache.

(fn FNAM)

Function: copyright-update-directory

Update copyright notice for all files in DIRECTORY matching MATCH.
If FIX is non-nil, run `copyright-fix-years' instead.

(fn DIRECTORY MATCH &optional FIX)

Function: coding-system-equal

Return t if and only if CODING-SYSTEM-1 and CODING-SYSTEM-2 are identical.
Two coding systems are identical if both symbols are equal
or one is an alias of the other.

Function: gnutls-bye

Terminate current GnuTLS connection for process PROC.
The connection should have been initiated using `gnutls-handshake'.

If CONT is not nil the TLS connection gets terminated and further
receives and sends will be disallowed. If the return value is zero you
may continue using the connection. If CONT is nil, GnuTLS actually
sends an alert containing a close request and waits for the peer to
reply with the same message. In order to reuse the connection you
should wait for an EOF from the peer.

This function may also return `gnutls-e-again', or `gnutls-e-interrupted'. (fn PROC CONT)

Function: string-as-unibyte

Return a unibyte string with the same individual bytes as STRING.
If STRING is unibyte, the result is STRING itself.
Otherwise it is a newly created string, with no text properties.
If STRING is multibyte and contains a character of charset
`eight-bit', it is converted to the corresponding single byte. (fn STRING)

Function: sh-font-lock-keywords

Function to get simple fontification based on `sh-font-lock-keywords'.
This adds rules for comments and assignments.

Function: gnus-string-prefix-p

Return non-nil if STR1 is a prefix of STR2.
If IGNORE-CASE is non-nil, the comparison is done without paying attention
to case differences.

Function: vc-version-backup-file-name

Return a backup file name for REV or the current version of FILE.
If MANUAL is non-nil it means that a name for backups created by
the user should be returned; if REGEXP is non-nil that means to return
a regexp for matching all such backup files, regardless of the version.

Function: file-name-base

Return the base name of the FILENAME: no directory, no extension.
FILENAME defaults to `buffer-file-name'.

Variable: minibuffer-local-ns-map

Local keymap for the minibuffer when spaces are not allowed.

Function: gnus-horizontal-recenter

Recenter the current buffer horizontally.

Function: byte-recompile-directory

Recompile every `.el' file in DIRECTORY that needs recompilation.
This happens when a `.elc' file exists but is older than the `.el' file.
Files in subdirectories of DIRECTORY are processed also.

If the `.elc' file does not exist, normally this function *does not*
compile the corresponding `.el' file. However, if the prefix argument
ARG is 0, that means do compile all those files. A nonzero
ARG means ask the user, for each such `.el' file, whether to
compile it. A nonzero ARG also means ask about each subdirectory
before scanning it.

If the third argument FORCE is non-nil, recompile every `.el' file
that already has a `.elc' file. (fn DIRECTORY &optional ARG FORCE)

Function: bookmark-write

Write bookmarks to a file (reading the file name with the minibuffer).
Don't use this in Lisp programs; use `bookmark-save' instead.

Function: x-resolve-font-name

Return a font name matching PATTERN.
All wildcards in PATTERN are instantiated.
If PATTERN is nil, return the name of the frame's base font, which never
contains wildcards.
Given optional arguments FACE and FRAME, return a font which is
also the same size as FACE on FRAME, or fail.

Function: create-file-buffer

Create a suitably named buffer for visiting FILENAME, and return it.
FILENAME (sans directory) is used unchanged if that name is free;
otherwise a string <2> or <3> or ... is appended to get an unused name.
Spaces at the start of FILENAME (sans directory) are removed.

Function: emacs-bzr-version-bzr

Ask bzr itself for the version information for directory DIR.

Variable: yank-undo-function

If non-nil, function used by `yank-pop' to delete last stretch of yanked text.
Function is called with two parameters, START and END corresponding to
the value of the mark and point; it is guaranteed that START <= END.
Normally set from the UNDO element of a yank-handler; see `insert-for-yank'.

Function: profiler-cpu-running-p

Return non-nil iff cpu profiler is running.


Function: bury-buffer-internal

Move BUFFER to the end of the buffer list.


Function: integer-or-marker-p

Return t if OBJECT is an integer or a marker (editor pointer).


Function: pcomplete-restore-windows

If the only window change was due to Completions, restore things.


Function: help-split-fundoc

Split a function DOCSTRING into the actual doc and the usage info.
Return (USAGE . DOC) or nil if there's no usage info, where USAGE info
is a string describing the argument list of DEF, such as
"(apply FUNCTION &rest ARGUMENTS)".
DEF is the function whose usage we're looking for in DOCSTRING.

Function: message-mail

Start editing a mail message to be sent.
OTHER-HEADERS is an alist of header/value pairs. CONTINUE says whether
to continue editing a message already being composed. SWITCH-FUNCTION
is a function used to switch to and display the mail buffer.


Variable: pike-mode-syntax-table

Syntax table used in pike-mode buffers.

Function: help-with-tutorial

Select the Emacs learn-by-doing tutorial.
If there is a tutorial version written in the language
of the selected language environment, that version is used.
If there's no tutorial in that language, `TUTORIAL' is selected.
With ARG, you are asked to choose which language.
If DONT-ASK-FOR-REVERT is non-nil the buffer is reverted without
any question when restarting the tutorial.

If any of the standard Emacs key bindings that are used in the
tutorial have been changed then an explanatory note about this is
shown in the beginning of the tutorial buffer.

When the tutorial buffer is killed the content and the point
position in the buffer is saved so that the tutorial may be
resumed later. (fn &optional ARG DONT-ASK-FOR-REVERT)

Function: nroff-mode

Major mode for editing text intended for nroff to format.

Uses keymap `nroff-mode-map', which is not currently defined.

Turning on Nroff mode runs `text-mode-hook', then `nroff-mode-hook'.
Also, try `nroff-electric-mode', for automatically inserting
closing requests for requests that are used in matched pairs. (fn)

Function: read-char-choice

Read and return one of CHARS, prompting for PROMPT.
Any input that is not one of CHARS is ignored.

If optional argument INHIBIT-KEYBOARD-QUIT is non-nil, ignore
keyboard-quit events while waiting for a valid input.

Variable: x-keysym-table

Hash table of character codes indexed by X keysym codes.

Function: sxhash

Compute a hash code for OBJ and return it as integer.

(fn OBJ)

Function: completion-try-completion

Try to complete STRING using completion table TABLE.
Only the elements of table that satisfy predicate PRED are considered.
POINT is the position of point within STRING.
The return value can be either nil to indicate that there is no completion,
t to indicate that STRING is the only possible completion,
or a pair (NEWSTRING . NEWPOINT) of the completed result string together with
a new position for point.


Function: pr-toggle-header

Toggle printing header.


Variable: file-name-version-regexp

Regular expression matching the backup/version part of a file name.
Used by `file-name-sans-versions'.

Function: end-of-defun

Move forward to next end of defun.
With argument, do it that many times.
Negative argument -N means move back to Nth preceding end of defun.

An end of a defun occurs right after the close-parenthesis that
matches the open-parenthesis that starts a defun; see function

If variable `end-of-defun-function' is non-nil, its value
is called as a function to find the defun's end.

Variable: window-scroll-functions

List of functions to call before redisplaying a window with scrolling.
Each function is called with two arguments, the window and its new
display-start position. Note that these functions are also called by
`set-window-buffer'. Also note that the value of `window-end' is not
valid when these functions are called.

Warning: Do not use this feature to alter the way the window
is scrolled. It is not designed for that, and such use probably won't work.

Function: eieio--defalias

Like `defalias', but with less side-effects.
More specifically, it has no side-effects at all when the new function
definition is the same (`eq') as the old one.

Function: menu-bar-showhide-tool-bar-menu-customize-enable-left

Display tool bars on the left side.

Function: clear-abbrev-table

Undefine all abbrevs in abbrev table TABLE, leaving it empty.

(fn TABLE)

Variable: term-setup-hook

Normal hook run after loading terminal-specific Lisp code.
It also follows `emacs-startup-hook'. This hook exists for users to set,
so as to override the definitions made by the terminal-specific file.
Emacs never sets this variable itself.

Function: org-clock-persistence-insinuate

Set up hooks for clock persistence.


Function: compare-window-configurations

Compare two window configurations as regards the structure of windows.
This function ignores details such as the values of point and mark
and scrolling positions.
(fn X Y)

Variable: byte-compile-constants

List of all constants encountered during compilation of this form.

Function: view-lossage

Display last 300 input keystrokes.

To record all your input on a file, use `open-dribble-file'.

Function: pcomplete-comint-setup

Setup a comint buffer to use pcomplete.
COMPLETEF-SYM should be the symbol where the
dynamic-complete-functions are kept. For comint mode itself,
this is `comint-dynamic-complete-functions'.


Function: gnus-sorted-ndifference

Return a list of elements of LIST1 that do not appear in LIST2.
Both lists have to be sorted over <.
LIST1 is modified.

(fn LIST1 LIST2)

Function: elint-defun

Lint the function at point.
If necessary, this first calls `elint-initialize'.

Function: ebnf-syntax-file

Do a syntactic analysis of the named FILE.

If optional arg DO-NOT-KILL-BUFFER-WHEN-DONE is non-nil, the buffer isn't
killed after syntax checking.

See also `ebnf-syntax-buffer'.


Function: read-buffer-to-switch

Read the name of a buffer to switch to, prompting with PROMPT.
Return the name of the buffer as a string.

This function is intended for the `switch-to-buffer' family of
commands since these need to omit the name of the current buffer
from the list of completions and default values.

Variable: cache-long-line-scans

Non-nil means that Emacs should use caches to handle long lines more quickly.

Normally, the line-motion functions work by scanning the buffer for
newlines. Columnar operations (like `move-to-column' and
`compute-motion') also work by scanning the buffer, summing character
widths as they go. This works well for ordinary text, but if the
buffer's lines are very long (say, more than 500 characters), these
motion functions will take longer to execute. Emacs may also take
longer to update the display.

If `cache-long-line-scans' is non-nil, these motion functions cache the
results of their scans, and consult the cache to avoid rescanning
regions of the buffer until the text is modified. The caches are most
beneficial when they prevent the most searching---that is, when the
buffer contains long lines and large regions of characters with the
same, fixed screen width.

When `cache-long-line-scans' is non-nil, processing short lines will
become slightly slower (because of the overhead of consulting the
cache), and the caches will use memory roughly proportional to the
number of newlines and characters whose screen width varies.

The caches require no explicit maintenance; their accuracy is
maintained internally by the Emacs primitives. Enabling or disabling
the cache should not affect the behavior of any of the motion functions; it should only affect their performance.

Function: run-hooks

Run each hook in HOOKS.
Each argument should be a symbol, a hook variable.
These symbols are processed in the order specified.
If a hook symbol has a non-nil value, that value may be a function
or a list of functions to be called to run the hook.
If the value is a function, it is called with no arguments.
If it is a list, the elements are called, in order, with no arguments.

Major modes should not use this function directly to run their mode
hook; they should use `run-mode-hooks' instead.

Do not use `make-local-variable' to make a hook variable buffer-local.
Instead, use `add-hook' and specify t for the LOCAL argument. (fn &rest HOOKS)

Function: byte-compile-arglist-vars

Return a list of the variables in the lambda argument list ARGLIST.


Function: pr-ps-file-preview

Preview PostScript file FILENAME.


Function: font-get-system-font

Get the system default fixed width font.


Function: set-buffer-major-mode

Set an appropriate major mode for BUFFER.
For the *scratch* buffer, use `initial-major-mode', otherwise choose a mode
according to the default value of `major-mode'.
Use this function before selecting the buffer, since it may need to inspect
the current buffer's major mode. (fn BUFFER)

Variable: tab-width

Distance between tab stops (for display of tab characters), in columns.
This should be an integer greater than zero.

Function: gnus-prin1

Use `prin1' on FORM in the current buffer.
Bind `print-quoted' and `print-readably' to t, and `print-length' and
`print-level' to nil. See also `gnus-bind-print-variables'.

Function: shell-replace-by-expanded-directory

Expand directory stack reference before point.
Directory stack references are of the form "=digit" or "=-".
See `default-directory' and `shell-dirstack'.

Returns t if successful. (fn)

Function: cl-floor

Return a list of the floor of X and the fractional part of X.
With two arguments, return floor and remainder of their quotient.

(fn X &optional Y)

Function: x-dnd-get-drop-x-y

Return the x/y coordinates to be sent in a XDndStatus message.
Coordinates are required to be absolute.
FRAME is the frame and W is the window where the drop happened.
If W is a window, return its absolute coordinates,
otherwise return the frame coordinates.

Function: bubbles

Play Bubbles game.

Uses keymap `bubbles-mode-map', which is not currently defined.

The goal is to remove all bubbles with as few moves as possible.
M-x bubbles-plop on a bubble removes that bubble and all
connected bubbles of the same color. Unsupported bubbles fall
down, and columns that do not contain any bubbles suck the
columns on its right towards the left.

M-x bubbles-set-game-easy sets the difficulty to easy.
M-x bubbles-set-game-medium sets the difficulty to medium.
M-x bubbles-set-game-difficult sets the difficulty to difficult.
M-x bubbles-set-game-hard sets the difficulty to hard. (fn)

Variable: same-window-regexps

List of regexps saying which buffers should appear in the "same" window.
`display-buffer' and `pop-to-buffer' show a buffer whose name
matches a regexp on this list in the selected rather than some
other window.

An element of this list can be a cons cell instead of just a
string. In that case, the cell's car must be a regexp matching
the buffer name. This is for compatibility with
`special-display-regexps'; the cdr of the cons cell is ignored.

See also `same-window-buffer-names'.

Function: cadr

Return the car of the cdr of X.

Function: byte-compile-fset

(fn FORM)

Function: mm-special-display-p

Return non-nil if a buffer named BUFFER-NAME gets a special frame.
More precisely, return t if `special-display-buffer-names' or
`special-display-regexps' contain a string entry equaling or
matching BUFFER-NAME. If `special-display-buffer-names' or
`special-display-regexps' contain a list entry whose car equals
or matches BUFFER-NAME, the return value is the cdr of that entry.

Function: pcomplete--test

Perform a programmable completion predicate match.


Function: widget-browse

Create a widget browser for WIDGET.


Function: url-retrieve-synchronously

Retrieve URL synchronously.
Return the buffer containing the data, or nil if there are no data
associated with it (the case for dired, info, or mailto URLs that need
no further processing). URL is either a string or a parsed URL. (fn URL)

Function: shell-cd

Do normal `cd' to DIR, and set `list-buffers-directory'.

(fn DIR)

Function: display-mm-width

Return the width of DISPLAY's screen in millimeters.
System values can be overridden by `display-mm-dimensions-alist'.
If the information is unavailable, value is nil.

Function: ring-p

Return t if X is a ring; nil otherwise.

Variable: dired-directory

The directory name or wildcard spec that this dired directory lists.
Local to each dired buffer. May be a list, in which case the car is the
directory name and the cdr is the list of files to mention.
The directory name must be absolute, but need not be fully expanded.

Function: format-annotate-single-property-change

Return annotations for property PROP changing from OLD to NEW.
These are searched for in the translations alist TRANSLATIONS
(see `format-annotate-region' for the format).
If NEW does not appear in the list, but there is a default function,
then call that function.
Return a cons of the form (CLOSE . OPEN)
where CLOSE is a list of annotations to close
and OPEN is a list of annotations to open.

The annotations in CLOSE and OPEN need not be strings.
They can be whatever the FORMAT-FN in `format-annotate-region'
can handle. If that is `enriched-make-annotation', they can be
either strings, or lists of the form (PARAMETER VALUE).

Function: write-file

Write current buffer into file FILENAME.
This makes the buffer visit that file, and marks it as not modified.

If you specify just a directory name as FILENAME, that means to use
the default file name but in that directory. You can also yank
the default file name into the minibuffer to edit it, using M-n.

If the buffer is not already visiting a file, the default file name
for the output file is the buffer name.

If optional second arg CONFIRM is non-nil, this function
asks for confirmation before overwriting an existing file.
Interactively, confirmation is required unless you supply a prefix argument.

Function: sh-load-style

Set shell indentation values for this buffer from those in style NAME.

Function: append-to-buffer

Append to specified buffer the text of the region.
It is inserted into that buffer before its point.

When calling from a program, give three arguments:
BUFFER (or buffer name), START and END.
START and END specify the portion of the current buffer to be copied.

Function: ps-print-customize

Customization of ps-print group.


Function: ring-insert-at-beginning

Add to RING the item ITEM, at the front, as the oldest item.

Function: c-guess-region

Guess the style on the region and install it.

The style is given a name based on the file's absolute file name.

If given a prefix argument (or if the optional argument ACCUMULATE is
non-nil) then the previous guess is extended, otherwise a new guess is
made from scratch.


Function: window--resize-child-windows-normal

Recursively set new normal height of child windows of window PARENT.
HORIZONTAL non-nil means set the new normal width of these
windows. WINDOW specifies a child window of PARENT that has been
resized by THIS-DELTA lines (columns).

Optional argument TRAIL either `before' or `after' means set values
only for windows before or after WINDOW. Optional argument
OTHER-DELTA, a number, specifies that this many lines (columns)
have been obtained from (or returned to) an ancestor window of
PARENT in order to resize WINDOW.

Variable: auto-coding-regexp-alist

Alist of patterns vs corresponding coding systems.
Each element looks like (REGEXP . CODING-SYSTEM).
A file whose first bytes match REGEXP is decoded by CODING-SYSTEM on reading.

The settings in this alist take priority over `coding:' tags
in the file (see the function `set-auto-coding')
and the contents of `file-coding-system-alist'.

Function: coding-system-change-text-conversion

Return a coding system which differs from CODING-SYSTEM in text conversion.
The returned coding system converts text by CODING
but end-of-line as the same way as CODING-SYSTEM.
If CODING is nil, the returned coding system detects
how text is formatted automatically while decoding.

Function: nth

Return the Nth element of LIST.
N counts from zero. If LIST is not that long, nil is returned.

(fn N LIST)

Function: comint-redirect-preoutput-filter

Comint filter function which redirects Comint output to a buffer or buffers.
The variable `comint-redirect-output-buffer' says which buffer(s) to
place output in.

INPUT-STRING is the input from the Comint process.

This function does not need to be invoked by the end user. (fn INPUT-STRING)

Function: gv--defsetter

Helper function used by code generated by `gv-define-setter'.
NAME is the name of the getter function.
SETTER is a function that generates the code for the setter.
NAME accept ARGS as arguments and SETTER accepts (NEWVAL . ARGS).
VARS is used internally for recursive calls.


Function: mouse-popup-menubar-stuff

Popup a menu like either `mouse-major-mode-menu' or `mouse-popup-menubar'.
Use the former if the menu bar is showing, otherwise the latter.


Variable: blink-matching-paren-on-screen

Non-nil means show matching open-paren when it is on screen.
If nil, don't show it (but the open-paren can still be shown
when it is off screen).

This variable has no effect if `blink-matching-paren' is nil.
(In that case, the open-paren is never shown.)
It is also ignored if `show-paren-mode' is enabled.

Function: completion--sifn-requote


Variable: latex-run-command

Command used to run LaTeX subjob.
LaTeX Mode sets `tex-command' to this string.
See the documentation of that variable.

Function: table-query-dimension

Return the dimension of the current cell and the current table.
The result is a list (cw ch tw th c r cells) where cw is the cell
width, ch is the cell height, tw is the table width, th is the table
height, c is the number of columns, r is the number of rows and cells
is the total number of cells. The cell dimension excludes the cell
frame while the table dimension includes the table frame. The columns
and the rows are counted by the number of cell boundaries. Therefore
the number tends to be larger than it appears for the tables with
non-uniform cell structure (heavily spanned and split). When optional
WHERE is provided the cell and table at that location is reported. (fn &optional WHERE)

Function: erc-add-dangerous-host

Add dangerous-host interactively to `erc-dangerous-hosts'.


Function: active-minibuffer-window

Return the currently active minibuffer window, or nil if none.


Function: frame-set-background-mode

Set up display-dependent faces on FRAME.
Display-dependent faces are those which have different definitions
according to the `background-mode' and `display-type' frame parameters.

If optional arg KEEP-FACE-SPECS is non-nil, don't recalculate
face specs for the new background mode.

Function: gnus-copy-file

Copy FILE to TO.

Function: comint--unquote&expand-filename

(fn STR)

Function: View-quit-all

Quit View mode, trying to restore windows and buffers to previous state.
Maybe kill current buffer. Try to restore all windows viewing buffer to
previous state and go to previous buffer or window.

Function: Info-last-preorder

Go to the last node, popping up a level if there is none.

Function: cl-substitute-if-not

Substitute NEW for all items not satisfying PREDICATE in SEQ.
This is a non-destructive function; it makes a copy of SEQ if necessary
to avoid corrupting the original SEQ.

Keywords supported: :key :count :start :end :from-end


Function: posix-search-backward

Search backward from point for match for regular expression REGEXP.
Find the longest match in accord with Posix regular expression rules.
Set point to the beginning of the match, and return point.
The match found is the one starting last in the buffer
and yet ending before the origin of the search.
An optional second argument bounds the search; it is a buffer position.
The match found must start at or after that position.
Optional third argument, if t, means if fail just return nil (no error).
If not nil and not t, move to limit of search and return nil.
Optional fourth argument is repeat count--search for successive occurrences.

Search case-sensitivity is determined by the value of the variable
`case-fold-search', which see.

See also the functions `match-beginning', `match-end', `match-string',
and `replace-match'. (fn REGEXP &optional BOUND NOERROR COUNT)

Variable: temporary-file-directory

The directory for writing temporary files.

Function: byte-optimize-approx-equal

(fn X Y)

Function: mm-mime-charset

Return the MIME charset corresponding to the given Mule CHARSET.

Function: package-menu-mode

Major mode for browsing a list of packages.
Letters do not insert themselves; instead, they are commands.

key binding
--- -------

TAB forward-button
RET package-menu-describe-package
ESC Prefix Command
SPC scroll-up-command
- negative-argument
0 .. 9 digit-argument
< beginning-of-buffer
> end-of-buffer
? package-menu-describe-package
S tabulated-list-sort
U package-menu-mark-upgrades
d package-menu-mark-delete
g revert-buffer
h package-menu-quick-help
i package-menu-mark-install
n next-line
p previous-line
q quit-window
r package-menu-refresh
u package-menu-mark-unmark
x package-menu-execute
~ package-menu-mark-obsolete-for-deletion
DEL package-menu-backup-unmark
Prefix Command

C-M-i backward-button

In addition to any hooks its parent mode `tabulated-list-mode' might have run, this mode runs the hook `package-menu-mode-hook', as the final step during initialization.

Function: kill-new

Make STRING the latest kill in the kill ring.
Set `kill-ring-yank-pointer' to point to it.
If `interprogram-cut-function' is non-nil, apply it to STRING.
Optional second argument REPLACE non-nil means that STRING will replace
the front of the kill ring, rather than being added to the list.

When `save-interprogram-paste-before-kill' and `interprogram-paste-function'
are non-nil, saves the interprogram paste string(s) into `kill-ring' before

When the yank handler has a non-nil PARAM element, the original STRING
argument is not used by `insert-for-yank'. However, since Lisp code
may access and use elements from the kill ring directly, the STRING
argument should still be a "useful" string for such uses.

Variable: rmail-secondary-file-regexp

Regexp for which files are secondary Rmail files.

Function: multi-isearch-setup

Set up isearch to search multiple buffers.
Intended to be added to `isearch-mode-hook'.

Variable: tags-table-list

List of file names of tags tables to search.
An element that is a directory means the file "TAGS" in that directory.
To switch to a new list of tags tables, setting this variable is sufficient.
If you set this variable, do not also set `tags-file-name'.
Use the `etags' program to make a tags table file.

Function: erc-notifications-mode

Function: insert-file

Insert contents of file FILENAME into buffer after point.
Set mark after the inserted text.

This function is meant for the user to run interactively.
Don't call it from programs! Use `insert-file-contents' instead.
(Its calling sequence is different; see its documentation).

Variable: mouse-autoselect-window

Non-nil means autoselect window with mouse pointer.
If nil, do not autoselect windows.
A positive number means delay autoselection by that many seconds: a
window is autoselected only after the mouse has remained in that
window for the duration of the delay.
A negative number has a similar effect, but causes windows to be
autoselected only after the mouse has stopped moving. (Because of
the way Emacs compares mouse events, you will occasionally wait twice
that time before the window gets selected.)
Any other value means to autoselect window instantaneously when the
mouse pointer enters it.

Autoselection selects the minibuffer only if it is active, and never
unselects the minibuffer if it is active.

When customizing this variable make sure that the actual value of
`focus-follows-mouse' matches the behavior of your window manager.

Function: copy-marker

Return a new marker pointing at the same place as MARKER.
If argument is a number, makes a new marker pointing
at that position in the current buffer.
If MARKER is not specified, the new marker does not point anywhere.
The optional argument TYPE specifies the insertion type of the new marker;
see `marker-insertion-type'.

(fn &optional MARKER TYPE)

Function: help-form-show

Display the output of a non-nil `help-form'.

Function: comint--unquote&requote-argument

(fn QSTR &optional UPOS)

Function: dired-at-point

Start Dired, defaulting to file at point. See `ffap'.
If `dired-at-point-require-prefix' is set, the prefix meaning is reversed.

(fn &optional FILENAME)

Function: ebrowse-statistics

Display statistics for a class tree.


Function: backup-extract-version

Given the name of a numeric backup file, FN, return the backup number.
Uses the free variable `backup-extract-version-start', whose value should be
the index in the name where the version number begins.

Function: undo

Undo some previous changes.
Repeat this command to undo more changes.
A numeric ARG serves as a repeat count.

In Transient Mark mode when the mark is active, only undo changes within
the current region. Similarly, when not in Transient Mark mode, just C-u
as an argument limits undo to changes within the current region.

Function: process-send-eof

Make PROCESS see end-of-file in its input.
EOF comes after any text already sent to it.
PROCESS may be a process, a buffer, the name of a process or buffer, or
nil, indicating the current buffer's process.
If PROCESS is a network connection, or is a process communicating
through a pipe (as opposed to a pty), then you cannot send any more
text to PROCESS after you call this function.
If PROCESS is a serial process, wait until all output written to the
process has been transmitted to the serial port. (fn &optional PROCESS)

Face: info-title-4

Face for info titles at level 4.

Function: timer-duration

Return number of seconds specified by STRING, or nil if parsing fails.

Function: do-auto-save

Auto-save all buffers that need it.
This is all buffers that have auto-saving enabled
and are changed since last auto-saved.
Auto-saving writes the buffer into a file
so that your editing is not lost if the system crashes.
This file is not the file you visited; that changes only when you save.
Normally we run the normal hook `auto-save-hook' before saving.

A non-nil NO-MESSAGE argument means do not print any message if successful.
A non-nil CURRENT-ONLY argument means save only current buffer.

Variable: view-no-disable-on-exit

If non-nil, View mode "exit" commands don't actually disable View mode.
Instead, these commands just switch buffers or windows.
This is set in certain buffers by specialized features such as help commands
that use View mode automatically.

Face: info-title-3

Face for info titles at level 3.

Function: lisp-fill-paragraph

Like M-q, but handle Emacs Lisp comments and docstrings.
If any of the current line is a comment, fill the comment or the
paragraph of it that point is in, preserving the comment's indentation
and initial semicolons.

Variable: adaptive-fill-regexp

Regexp to match text at start of line that constitutes indentation.
If Adaptive Fill mode is enabled, a prefix matching this pattern
on the first and second lines of a paragraph is used as the
standard indentation for the whole paragraph.

If the paragraph has just one line, the indentation is taken from that
line, but in that case `adaptive-fill-first-line-regexp' also plays a role.

Function: 2C-associate-buffer

Associate another buffer with this one in two-column minor mode.
Can also be used to associate a just previously visited file, by
accepting the proposed default buffer.

(See C-h m .) (fn)

Variable: trace-buffer

Trace output will by default go to that buffer.

Function: message-mail-other-window

Like `message-mail' command, but display mail buffer in another window.

(fn &optional TO SUBJECT)

Function: gnus-treat-mail-picon

Display picons in the Cc and To headers.
If picons are already displayed, remove them.

Function: find-file-at-point

Find FILENAME, guessing a default from text around point.
If `ffap-url-regexp' is not nil, the FILENAME may also be an URL.
With a prefix, this command behaves exactly like `ffap-file-finder'.
If `ffap-require-prefix' is set, the prefix meaning is reversed.
See also the variables `ffap-dired-wildcards', `ffap-newfile-prompt',
and the functions `ffap-file-at-point' and `ffap-url-at-point'.
(fn &optional FILENAME)

Function: electric-pair-mode

Toggle automatic parens pairing (Electric Pair mode).
With a prefix argument ARG, enable Electric Pair mode if ARG is
positive, and disable it otherwise. If called from Lisp, enable
the mode if ARG is omitted or nil.

Electric Pair mode is a global minor mode. When enabled, typing
an open parenthesis automatically inserts the corresponding
closing parenthesis. (Likewise for brackets, etc.)

See options `electric-pair-pairs' and `electric-pair-skip-self'. (fn &optional ARG)

Variable: electric-pair-mode

Non-nil if Electric-Pair mode is enabled.
See the command `electric-pair-mode' for a description of this minor mode.
Setting this variable directly does not take effect;
either customize it (see the info node `Easy Customization')
or call the function `electric-pair-mode'.

Function: overlayp

Return t if OBJECT is an overlay.


Variable: sh-indent-after-switch

How much to indent a `case' statement relative to the `switch' statement.
This is for the rc shell.

Face: info-title-2

Face for info titles at level 2.

Function: cl-rassoc-if-not

Find the first item whose cdr does not satisfy PREDICATE in LIST.

Keywords supported: :key


Variable: completion-base-size

Number of chars before point not involved in completion.
This is a local variable in the completion list buffer.
It refers to the chars in the minibuffer if completing in the
minibuffer, or in `completion-reference-buffer' otherwise.
Only characters in the field at point are included.

If nil, Emacs determines which part of the tail end of the
buffer's text is involved in completion by comparing the text directly.

Function: epa-file-disable


Function: hack-local-variables-filter

Filter local variable settings, querying the user if necessary.
VARIABLES is the alist of variable-value settings. This alist is
filtered based on the values of `ignored-local-variables',
`enable-local-eval', `enable-local-variables', and (if necessary)
user interaction. The results are added to
`file-local-variables-alist', without applying them.
If these settings come from directory-local variables, then
DIR-NAME is the name of the associated directory. Otherwise it is nil.

Function: window--in-direction-2

Support function for `window-in-direction'.

Function: kill-sentence

Kill from point to end of sentence.
With arg, repeat; negative arg -N means kill back to Nth start of sentence.

Variable: x-resource-class

The class Emacs uses to look up X resources.
`x-get-resource' uses this as the first component of the instance class
when requesting resource values.

Emacs initially sets `x-resource-class' to "Emacs".

Setting this variable permanently is not a reasonable thing to do,
but binding this variable locally around a call to `x-get-resource'
is a reasonable practice. See also the variable `x-resource-name'.

Function: gnus-output-to-rmail

Append the current article to an Rmail file named FILENAME.
In Emacs 22 this writes Babyl format; in Emacs 23 it writes mbox unless
FILENAME exists and is Babyl format.

Function: comint-filename-completion

Return completion data for filename at point, if any.


Face: info-title-1

Face for info titles at level 1.

Variable: query-replace-help

Help message while in `query-replace'.

Variable: mail-default-headers

A string containing header lines, to be inserted in outgoing messages.
It can contain newlines, and should end in one. It is inserted
before you edit the message, so you can edit or delete the lines.

Variable: comint-input-sender-no-newline

Non-nil directs the `comint-input-sender' function not to send a newline.

Function: cl-union

Combine LIST1 and LIST2 using a set-union operation.
The resulting list contains all items that appear in either LIST1 or LIST2.
This is a non-destructive function; it makes a copy of the data if necessary
to avoid corrupting the original LIST1 and LIST2.

Keywords supported: :test :test-not :key


Function: face-documentation

Get the documentation string for FACE.
If FACE is a face-alias, get the documentation for the target face.

Function: x-dnd-handle-uri-list

Split an uri-list into separate URIs and call `dnd-handle-one-url'.
WINDOW is the window where the drop happened.
STRING is the uri-list as a string. The URIs are separated by \r\n.

Function: mouse-yank-at-click

Insert the last stretch of killed text at the position clicked on.
Also move point to one end of the text thus inserted (normally the end),
and set mark at the beginning.
Prefix arguments are interpreted as with C-y.
If `mouse-yank-at-point' is non-nil, insert at point
regardless of where you click. (fn CLICK ARG)

Function: completion--done


Function: vc-root-diff

Display diffs between VC-controlled whole tree revisions.
Normally, this compares the tree corresponding to the current
fileset with the working revision.
With a prefix argument HISTORIC, prompt for two revision
designators specifying which revisions to compare.

The optional argument NOT-URGENT non-nil means it is ok to say no to
saving the buffer.

(fn HISTORIC &optional NOT-URGENT)

Function: standard-display-european

Semi-obsolete way to toggle display of ISO 8859 European characters.

This function is semi-obsolete; you probably don't need it, or else you
probably should use `set-language-environment' or `set-locale-environment'.

This function enables European character display if ARG is positive,
disables it if negative. Otherwise, it toggles European character display.

When this mode is enabled, characters in the range of 160 to 255
display not as octal escapes, but as accented characters. Codes 146
and 160 display as apostrophe and space, even though they are not the
ASCII codes for apostrophe and space.

Enabling European character display with this command noninteractively
from Lisp code also selects Latin-1 as the language environment.
This provides increased compatibility for users who call this function in `.emacs'.

Function: tty-handle-reverse-video

Handle the reverse-video frame parameter for terminal frames.

Function: srecode-template-mode

Major-mode for writing SRecode macros.


Function: move-to-column

Move point to column COLUMN in the current line.
Interactively, COLUMN is the value of prefix numeric argument.
The column of a character is calculated by adding together the widths
as displayed of the previous characters in the line.
This function ignores line-continuation;
there is no upper limit on the column number a character can have
and horizontal scrolling has no effect.

If specified column is within a character, point goes after that character.
If it's past end of line, point goes to end of line.

Optional second argument FORCE non-nil means if COLUMN is in the
middle of a tab character, change it to spaces.
In addition, if FORCE is t, and the line is too short to reach
COLUMN, add spaces/tabs to get there.

The return value is the current column. (fn COLUMN &optional FORCE)

Function: byte-compile-report-error

Report Lisp error in compilation. ERROR-INFO is the error data.


Variable: shell-pushd-dextract

If non-nil, make "pushd +n" pop the nth dir to the stack top.
This mirrors the optional behavior of tcsh.

Variable: debugger-jumping-flag

Non-nil means that debug-on-entry is disabled.
This variable is used by `debugger-jump', `debugger-step-through',
and `debugger-reenable' to temporarily disable debug-on-entry.

Variable: sh-indent-for-case-alt

How much to indent statements after the case label.
This is relative to the line containing the `case' statement.

Variable: byte-compile--lexical-environment

The current lexical environment.

Variable: search-invisible

If t incremental search can match hidden text.
A nil value means don't match invisible text.
When the value is `open', if the text matched is made invisible by
an overlay having an `invisible' property and that overlay has a property
`isearch-open-invisible', then incremental search will show the contents.
(This applies when using `outline.el' and `hideshow.el'.)
See also `reveal-mode' if you want overlays to automatically be opened
whenever point is in one of them.

Variable: load-force-doc-strings

Non-nil means `load' should force-load all dynamic doc strings.
This is useful when the file being loaded is a temporary copy.

Variable: url-honor-refresh-requests

Whether to do automatic page reloads.
These are done at the request of the document author or the server via
the `Refresh' header in an HTTP response. If nil, no refresh
requests will be honored. If t, all refresh requests will be honored.
If non-nil and not t, the user will be asked for each refresh request.

Function: tooltip-cancel-delayed-tip

Disable the tooltip timeout.

Function: url-get-authentication

Return an authorization string suitable for use in the WWW-Authenticate
header in an HTTP/1.0 request.

URL is the url you are requesting authorization to. This can be either a
string representing the URL, or the parsed representation returned by
REALM is the realm at a specific site we are looking for. This should be a
string specifying the exact realm, or nil or the symbol 'any' to
specify that the filename portion of the URL should be used as the
TYPE is the type of authentication to be returned. This is either a string
representing the type (basic, digest, etc), or nil or the symbol 'any'
to specify that any authentication is acceptable. If requesting 'any'
the strongest matching authentication will be returned. If this is
wrong, it's no big deal, the error from the server will specify exactly
what type of auth to use
PROMPT is boolean - specifies whether to ask the user for a username/password
if one cannot be found in the cache (fn URL REALM TYPE PROMPT &optional ARGS)

Function: display-planes

Return the number of planes supported by DISPLAY.

Variable: magic-mode-alist

Alist of buffer beginnings vs. corresponding major mode functions.
Each element looks like (REGEXP . FUNCTION) or (MATCH-FUNCTION . FUNCTION).
After visiting a file, if REGEXP matches the text at the beginning of the
buffer, or calling MATCH-FUNCTION returns non-nil, `normal-mode' will
call FUNCTION rather than allowing `auto-mode-alist' to decide the buffer's
major mode.

If FUNCTION is nil, then it is not called. (That is a way of saying
"allow `auto-mode-alist' to decide for these files.")

Function: kill-whole-line

Kill current line.
With prefix ARG, kill that many lines starting from the current line.
If ARG is negative, kill backward. Also kill the preceding newline.
(This is meant to make C-x z work well with negative arguments.)
If ARG is zero, kill current line but exclude the trailing newline.

Variable: kill-whole-line

If non-nil, `kill-line' with no arg at start of line kills the whole line.

Function: coding-system-get

Extract a value from CODING-SYSTEM's property list for property PROP.
For compatibility with Emacs 20/21, this accepts old-style symbols
like `mime-charset' as well as the current style like `:mime-charset'.

Function: x-handle-args

Process the X (or Nextstep) related command line options in ARGS.
This is done before the user's startup file is loaded.
Copies the options in ARGS to `x-invocation-args'. It then extracts
the X (or Nextstep) options according to the handlers defined in
`command-line-x-option-alist' (or `command-line-ns-option-alist').
For example, `x-handle-switch' handles a switch like "-fg" and its
value "black". This function returns ARGS minus the arguments that have been processed.

Variable: search-whitespace-regexp

If non-nil, regular expression to match a sequence of whitespace chars.
When you enter a space or spaces in the incremental search, it
will match any sequence matched by this regexp. As an exception,
spaces are treated normally in regexp incremental search if they
occur in a regexp construct like [...] or *, + or ?.

If the value is a string, it applies to both ordinary and
regexp incremental search. If the value is nil, or
`isearch-lax-whitespace' is nil for ordinary incremental search, or
`isearch-regexp-lax-whitespace' is nil for regexp incremental search,
then each space you type matches literally, against one space.

You might want to use something like "[ \t\r\n]+" instead.
In the Customization buffer, that is `[' followed by a space,
a tab, a carriage return (control-M), a newline, and `]+'.

Function: minibuffer-depth-indicate-mode

Toggle Minibuffer Depth Indication mode.
With a prefix argument ARG, enable Minibuffer Depth Indication
mode if ARG is positive, and disable it otherwise. If called
from Lisp, enable the mode if ARG is omitted or nil.

Minibuffer Depth Indication mode is a global minor mode. When
enabled, any recursive use of the minibuffer will show the
recursion depth in the minibuffer prompt. This is only useful if
`enable-recursive-minibuffers' is non-nil. (fn &optional ARG)

Variable: minibuffer-depth-indicate-mode

Non-nil if Minibuffer-Depth-Indicate mode is enabled.
See the command `minibuffer-depth-indicate-mode' for a description of this minor mode.
Setting this variable directly does not take effect;
either customize it (see the info node `Easy Customization')
or call the function `minibuffer-depth-indicate-mode'.

Variable: preloaded-file-list

List of files that were preloaded (when dumping Emacs).

Function: View-goto-percent

Move to end (or prefix PERCENT) of buffer in View mode.
Display is centered at point.
Also set the mark at the position where point was.

Function: help-fns--obsolete


Function: cl-map-extents


Function: checkdoc-eval-defun

Evaluate the current form with `eval-defun' and check its documentation.
Evaluation is done first so the form will be read before the
documentation is checked. If there is a documentation error, then the display
of what was evaluated will be overwritten by the diagnostic message. (fn)

Function: buffer-enable-undo

Start keeping undo information for buffer BUFFER.
No argument or nil as argument means do this for the current buffer.

(fn &optional BUFFER)

Function: symbol-plist

Return SYMBOL's property list.


Variable: double-click-fuzz

Maximum mouse movement between clicks to make a double-click.
On window-system frames, value is the number of pixels the mouse may have
moved horizontally or vertically between two clicks to make a double-click.
On non window-system frames, value is interpreted in units of 1/8 characters
instead of pixels.

This variable is also the threshold for motion of the mouse to count as a drag.

Function: auth-source-netrc-parse

Parse FILE and return a list of all entries in the file.
Note that the MAX parameter is used so we can exit the parse early.

(fn &rest SPEC &key FILE MAX HOST USER PORT DELETE REQUIRE &allow-other-keys)

Function: isearch-unread-key-sequence

Unread the given key-sequence KEYLIST.
Scroll-bar or mode-line events are processed appropriately.

Variable: blink-cursor-interval

Length of cursor blink interval in seconds.

Function: rmail-set-remote-password

Set PASSWORD to be used for retrieving mail from a POP or IMAP server.


Function: column-number-mode

Toggle column number display in the mode line (Column Number mode).
With a prefix argument ARG, enable Column Number mode if ARG is
positive, and disable it otherwise.

If called from Lisp, enable the mode if ARG is omitted or nil.

Variable: column-number-mode

Non-nil if Column-Number mode is enabled.
See the command `column-number-mode' for a description of this minor mode.

Variable: kill-buffer-hook

Hook run when a buffer is killed.
The buffer being killed is current while the hook is running.
See `kill-buffer'.

Function: byte-compile-function-form

(fn FORM)

Function: set-upcase-syntax

Make character UC an upcase of character LC.
It also modifies `standard-syntax-table' to give them the syntax of
word constituents.

Function: current-justification

How should we justify this line?
This returns the value of the text-property `justification',
or the variable `default-justification' if there is no text-property.
However, it returns nil rather than `none' to mean "don't justify".

Variable: grep-regexp-alist

Regexp used to match grep hits. See `compilation-error-regexp-alist'.

Function: find-function-on-key

Find the function that KEY invokes. KEY is a string.
Set mark before moving, if the buffer already existed.

(fn KEY)

Function: 5x5-crack-mutating-current

Attempt to crack 5x5 by mutating the current solution.


Function: message-or-box

Display a message in a dialog box or in the echo area.
If this command was invoked with the mouse, use a dialog box if
`use-dialog-box' is non-nil.
Otherwise, use the echo area.
The first argument is a format control string, and the rest are data
to be formatted under control of the string. See `format' for details.

If the first argument is nil or the empty string, clear any existing
message; let the minibuffer contents show. (fn FORMAT-STRING &rest ARGS)

Function: comint-history-isearch-end

Clean up the comint after terminating Isearch in comint.


Function: font-lock-fillin-text-property

Fill in one property of the text from START to END.
Arguments PROP and VALUE specify the property and value to put where none are
already in place. Therefore existing property values are not overwritten.
Optional argument OBJECT is the string or buffer containing the text.

Function: pr-ps-fast-fire

Fast fire function for PostScript printing.

If a region is active, the region will be printed instead of the whole buffer.
Also if the current major-mode is defined in `pr-mode-alist', the settings in
`pr-mode-alist' will be used, that is, the current buffer or region will be
printed using `pr-ps-mode-ps-print'.

Interactively, you have the following situations:

M-x pr-ps-fast-fire RET
The command prompts the user for a N-UP value and printing will
immediately be done using the current active printer.

C-u M-x pr-ps-fast-fire RET
C-u 0 M-x pr-ps-fast-fire RET
The command prompts the user for a N-UP value and also for a current
PostScript printer, then printing will immediately be done using the new
current active printer.

C-u 1 M-x pr-ps-fast-fire RET
The command prompts the user for a N-UP value and also for a file name,
and saves the PostScript image in that file instead of sending it to the

C-u 2 M-x pr-ps-fast-fire RET
The command prompts the user for a N-UP value, then for a current
PostScript printer and, finally, for a file name. Then change the active
printer to that chosen by user and saves the PostScript image in
that file instead of sending it to the printer.

Noninteractively, the argument N-UP should be a positive integer greater than
zero and the argument SELECT is treated as follows:

If it's nil, send the image to the printer.

If it's a list or an integer lesser or equal to zero, the command prompts
the user for a current PostScript printer, then printing will immediately
be done using the new current active printer.

If it's an integer equal to 1, the command prompts the user for a file name
and saves the PostScript image in that file instead of sending it to the

If it's an integer greater or equal to 2, the command prompts the user for a
current PostScript printer and for a file name. Then change the active
printer to that chosen by user and saves the PostScript image in that file
instead of sending it to the printer.

If it's a symbol which it's defined in `pr-ps-printer-alist', it's the new
active printer and printing will immediately be done using the new active printer. Otherwise, send the image to the printer. Note that this command always behaves as if `pr-auto-region' and `pr-auto-mode' are both set to t. (fn N-UP &optional SELECT)

Function: mail-check-payment

Look for a valid X-Payment: or X-Hashcash: header.
Prefix arg sets default accept amount temporarily.

(fn &optional ARG)

Variable: dabbrev-case-fold-search

Control whether dabbrev searches should ignore case.
A value of nil means case is significant.
A value of `case-fold-search' means case is significant
if `case-fold-search' is nil.
Any other non-nil version means case is not significant.

Function: compilation-minor-mode

Toggle Compilation minor mode.
With a prefix argument ARG, enable Compilation minor mode if ARG
is positive, and disable it otherwise. If called from Lisp,
enable the mode if ARG is omitted or nil.

When Compilation minor mode is enabled, all the error-parsing
commands of Compilation major mode are available. See
`compilation-mode'. (fn &optional ARG)

Variable: minibuffer-scroll-window

Non-nil means it is the window that C-M-v in minibuffer should scroll.

Function: tool-bar-pixel-width

Return width in pixels of FRAME's tool bar.
The result is greater than zero only when the tool bar is on the left
or right side of FRAME. If FRAME is omitted, the selected frame is

(fn &optional FRAME)

Function: vector-or-char-table-p

Return t if OBJECT is a char-table or vector.


Function: comint-history-isearch-setup

Set up a comint for using Isearch to search the input history.
Intended to be added to `isearch-mode-hook' in `comint-mode'.

Function: sh-indexed-loop

Insert an indexed loop from 1 to n. See `sh-feature'.

This is a skeleton command (see `skeleton-insert').
Normally the skeleton text is inserted at point, with nothing "inside".
If there is a highlighted region, the skeleton text is wrapped
around the region text.

A prefix argument ARG says to wrap the skeleton around the next ARG words.
A prefix argument of -1 says to wrap around region, even if not highlighted.
A prefix argument of zero says to wrap around zero words---that is, nothing.
This is a way of overriding the use of a highlighted region.

Function: xselect-convert-to-class

Convert selection to class.
This function returns the string "Emacs".

Function: completion-pcm--hilit-commonality


Function: clean-buffer-list

Kill old buffers that have not been displayed recently.
The relevant variables are `clean-buffer-list-delay-general',
`clean-buffer-list-delay-special', `clean-buffer-list-kill-buffer-names',
`clean-buffer-list-kill-regexps' and
While processing buffers, this procedure displays messages containing
the current date/time, buffer name, how many seconds ago it was
displayed (can be nil if the buffer was never displayed) and its
lifetime, i.e., its "age" when it will be purged. (fn)

Function: set-frame-height

Specify that the frame FRAME has LINES lines.
Optional third arg non-nil means that redisplay should use LINES lines
but that the idea of the actual height of the frame should not be changed.

(fn FRAME LINES &optional PRETEND)

Function: lisp-mode-auto-fill

The default value for `normal-auto-fill-function'.
This is the default auto-fill function, some major modes use a different one.
Returns t if it really did any work.

Function: cvs-status

Run a `cvs status' in the current working DIRECTORY.
Feed the output to a *cvs* buffer and run `cvs-mode' on it.
With a prefix argument, prompt for a directory and cvs FLAGS to use.
A prefix arg >8 (ex: C-u C-u),
prevents reuse of an existing *cvs* buffer.
Optional argument NOSHOW if non-nil means not to display the buffer.


Function: delimit-columns-region

Prettify all columns in a text region.

START and END delimits the text region.


Variable: temp-buffer-window-show-hook

Normal hook run by `with-temp-buffer-window' after buffer display.
This hook is run by `with-temp-buffer-window' with the buffer
displayed and current and its window selected.

Variable: after-init-time

Value of `current-time' after loading the init files.
This is nil during initialization.

Variable: sh-indent-for-continuation

How much to indent for a continuation statement.

Variable: comint-stored-incomplete-input

Stored input for history cycling.

Variable: display-time-interval

Seconds between updates of time in the mode line.

Variable: isearch-mode-hook

Function(s) to call after starting up an incremental search.

Function: scan-buf-previous-region

Go to the start of the previous region with non-nil help-echo.
Print the help found there using `display-local-help'. Adjacent
areas with different non-nil help-echo properties are considered
different regions. With numeric argument ARG, behaves like
`scan-buf-next-region' with argument -ARG.
(fn &optional ARG)

Function: eieio-specialized-key-to-generic-key

Convert a specialized KEY into a generic method key.

Function: blink-matching-open

Move cursor momentarily to the beginning of the sexp before point.

Function: tramp-file-name-handler

Invoke Tramp file name handler.
Falls back to normal file name handler if no Tramp file name handler exists.


Function: table-generate-source

Generate source of the current table in the specified language.
LANGUAGE is a symbol that specifies the language to describe the
structure of the table. It must be either 'html, 'latex or 'cals.
The resulted source text is inserted into DEST-BUFFER and the buffer
object is returned. When DEST-BUFFER is omitted or nil the default
buffer specified in `table-dest-buffer-name' is used. In this case
the content of the default buffer is erased prior to the generation.
When DEST-BUFFER is non-nil it is expected to be either a destination
buffer or a name of the destination buffer. In this case the
generated result is inserted at the current point in the destination
buffer and the previously existing contents in the buffer are

References used for this implementation:

URL `http://www.w3.org'

URL `http://www.maths.tcd.ie/~dwilkins/LaTeXPrimer/Tables.html'

CALS (DocBook DTD):
URL `http://www.oasis-open.org/html/a502.htm'
URL `http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/docbook/chapter/book/table.html#AEN114751' (fn LANGUAGE &optional DEST-BUFFER CAPTION)

Function: custom-theme-reset-faces

Reset the specs in THEME of some faces to their specs in other themes.
Each of the arguments ARGS has this form:


This means reset FACE. The argument IGNORED is ignored.

Variable: select-safe-coding-system-function

Function to call to select safe coding system for encoding a text.

If set, this function is called to force a user to select a proper
coding system which can encode the text in the case that a default
coding system used in each operation can't encode the text. The
function should take care that the buffer is not modified while
the coding system is being selected.

The default value is `select-safe-coding-system' (which see).

Function: shell-forward-command

Move forward across ARG shell command(s). Does not cross lines.
See `shell-command-regexp'.

(fn &optional ARG)

Variable: sgml-saved-validate-command

The command last used to validate in this buffer.

Function: isearch-forward-symbol

Do incremental search forward for a symbol.
The prefix argument is currently unused.
Like ordinary incremental search except that your input is treated
as a symbol surrounded by symbol boundary constructs \_< and \_>.
See the command `isearch-forward' for more information.

Function: viet-encode-viscii-char

Return VISCII character code of CHAR if appropriate.

(fn CHAR)

Variable: tex-start-options

TeX options to use when starting TeX.
These immediately precede the commands in `tex-start-commands'
and the input file name, with no separating space and are not shell-quoted.
If nil, TeX runs with no options. See the documentation of `tex-command'.

Function: package-install

Install the package named NAME.
NAME should be the name of one of the available packages in an
archive in `package-archives'. Interactively, prompt for NAME.

Function: gnus-user-format-function-d


Function: quietly-read-abbrev-file

Read abbrev definitions from file written with `write-abbrev-file'.
Optional argument FILE is the name of the file to read;
it defaults to the value of `abbrev-file-name'.
Does not display any message.

(fn &optional FILE)

Variable: multibyte-syntax-as-symbol

Non-nil means `scan-sexps' treats all multibyte characters as symbol.

Variable: mark-ring

The list of former marks of the current buffer, most recent first.

Function: url-file-directory

Return the directory part of FILE, for a URL.

Variable: tex-close-quote

String inserted by typing M-x tex-insert-quote to close a quotation.

Function: previous-button

Return the previous button before position POS in the current buffer.
If COUNT-CURRENT is non-nil, count any button at POS in the search,
instead of starting at the next button.

Function: macroexp-if

Return an expression equivalent to `(if ,test ,then ,else).


Function: display-buffer-other-frame

Display buffer BUFFER in another frame.
This uses the function `display-buffer' as a subroutine; see
its documentation for additional customization information.

Function: glasses-mode

Minor mode for making identifiers likeThis readable.
With a prefix argument ARG, enable the mode if ARG is positive,
and disable it otherwise. If called from Lisp, enable the mode
if ARG is omitted or nil. When this mode is active, it tries to
add virtual separators (like underscores) at places they belong to.
(fn &optional ARG)

Function: fceiling

Return the smallest integer no less than ARG, as a float.
(Round toward +inf.)

(fn ARG)

Function: View-search-last-regexp-backward

Search backward for first (or prefix Nth) instance of last regexp in View mode.
Displays line found at center of window. Sets mark at starting position and
pushes mark ring.

The variable `view-highlight-face' controls the face that is used
for highlighting the match that is found.

Function: comint-get-old-input-default

Default for `comint-get-old-input'.
If `comint-use-prompt-regexp' is nil, then either
return the current input field, if point is on an input field, or the
current line, if point is on an output field.
If `comint-use-prompt-regexp' is non-nil, then return
the current line with any initial string matching the regexp
`comint-prompt-regexp' removed. (fn)

Function: view-emacs-todo

Display the Emacs TODO list.

Function: completion-pcm-all-completions


Variable: change-major-mode-hook

Normal hook run before changing the major mode of a buffer.
The function `kill-all-local-variables' runs this before doing anything else.

Function: byte-compile-out-toplevel


Variable: byte-discard

Byte code opcode to discard one value from stack.

Function: delete-completion-window

Delete the completion list window.
Go to the window from which completion was requested.

Function: previous-logical-line

Move cursor vertically up ARG lines.
This is identical to `previous-line', except that it always moves
by logical lines instead of visual lines, ignoring the value of
the variable `line-move-visual'.

Function: uudecode-decode-region-internal

Uudecode region between START and END without using an external program.
If FILE-NAME is non-nil, save the result to FILE-NAME.

(fn START END &optional FILE-NAME)

Function: image-type

Determine and return image type.
SOURCE is an image file name or image data.
Optional TYPE is a symbol describing the image type. If TYPE is omitted
or nil, try to determine the image type from its first few bytes
of image data. If that doesn't work, and SOURCE is a file name,
use its file extension as image type.
Optional DATA-P non-nil means SOURCE is a string containing image data.

Function: footnote-mode

Toggle Footnote mode.
With a prefix argument ARG, enable Footnote mode if ARG is
positive, and disable it otherwise. If called from Lisp, enable
the mode if ARG is omitted or nil.

Footnode mode is a buffer-local minor mode. If enabled, it
provides footnote support for `message-mode'. To get started,
play around with the following keys:

Uses keymap `footnote-minor-mode-map', which is not currently defined. (fn &optional ARG)

Function: emerge-files-with-ancestor-remote


Function: byte-force-recompile

Recompile every `.el' file in DIRECTORY that already has a `.elc' file.
Files in subdirectories of DIRECTORY are processed also.


Function: ring-remove

Remove an item from the RING. Return the removed item.
If optional INDEX is nil, remove the oldest item. If it's
numeric, remove the element indexed.

Function: elisp-index-search

Look up TOPIC in the indices of the Emacs Lisp Reference Manual.

Function: directory-files

Return a list of names of files in DIRECTORY.
There are three optional arguments:
If FULL is non-nil, return absolute file names. Otherwise return names
that are relative to the specified directory.
If MATCH is non-nil, mention only file names that match the regexp MATCH.
If NOSORT is non-nil, the list is not sorted--its order is unpredictable.
Otherwise, the list returned is sorted with `string-lessp'.
NOSORT is useful if you plan to sort the result yourself.


Function: sh-goto-matching-if

Go to the matching if for a fi.
This handles nested if..fi pairs.

Variable: byte-save-restriction

Byte code opcode to make a binding to record the current buffer clipping restrictions.

Variable: byte-optimize-log

If non-nil, the byte-compiler will log its optimizations.
If this is 'source, then only source-level optimizations will be logged.
If it is 'byte, then only byte-level optimizations will be logged.
The information is logged to `byte-compile-log-buffer'.

Function: make-sgml-tag


Variable: mail-yank-prefix

Prefix insert on lines of yanked message being replied to.
If this is nil, use indentation, as specified by `mail-indentation-spaces'.

Variable: gnutls-log-level

Logging level used by the GnuTLS functions.
Set this larger than 0 to get debug output in the *Messages* buffer.
1 is for important messages, 2 is for debug data, and higher numbers
are as per the GnuTLS logging conventions.

Variable: tooltip-short-delay

Seconds to wait between subsequent tooltips on different items.

Variable: set-variable-value-history

History of values entered with `set-variable'.

Maximum length of the history list is determined by the value
of `history-length', which see.

Function: expand-mail-aliases

Expand all mail aliases in suitable header fields found between BEG and END.
If interactive, expand in header fields.
Suitable header fields are `To', `From', `CC' and `BCC', `Reply-to', and
their `Resent-' variants.

Optional second arg EXCLUDE may be a regular expression defining text to be
removed from alias expansions.

(fn BEG END &optional EXCLUDE)

Function: flyspell-region

Flyspell text between BEG and END.

(fn BEG END)

Function: auth-source-remember

Remember FOUND search results for SPEC.

Function: View-scroll-page-backward-set-page-size

Scroll backward prefix LINES lines in View mode, setting the "page size".
See also `View-scroll-page-forward-set-page-size'.

Function: vc-git-stash-list


Function: viqr-post-read-conversion

(fn LEN)

Function: pr-toggle-upside-down

Toggle upside-down.


Variable: charset-map-path

List of directories to search for charset map files.

Function: maplist

Map FUNCTION to each sublist of LIST or LISTs.
Like `cl-mapcar', except applies to lists and their cdr's rather than to
the elements themselves.


Function: cl-list-length

Return the length of list X. Return nil if list is circular.

(fn X)

Function: fringe-columns

Return the width, measured in columns, of the fringe area on SIDE.
If optional argument REAL is non-nil, return a real floating point
number instead of a rounded integer value.
SIDE must be the symbol `left' or `right'.

Variable: widen-automatically

Non-nil means it is ok for commands to call `widen' when they want to.
Some commands will do this in order to go to positions outside
the current accessible part of the buffer.

If `widen-automatically' is nil, these commands will do something else
as a fallback, and won't change the buffer bounds.

Variable: tramp-file-name-regexp-url

Value for `tramp-file-name-regexp' for URL-like remoting.
See `tramp-file-name-structure' for more explanations.

Variable: mouse-autoselect-window-position

Last mouse position recorded by delayed window autoselection.

Variable: default-frame-alist

Alist of default values for frame creation.
These may be set in your init file, like this:
(setq default-frame-alist '((width . 80) (height . 55) (menu-bar-lines . 1)))
These override values given in window system configuration data,
including X Windows' defaults database.
For values specific to the first Emacs frame, see `initial-frame-alist'.
For window-system specific values, see `window-system-default-frame-alist'.
For values specific to the separate minibuffer frame, see
The `menu-bar-lines' element of the list controls whether new frames
have menu bars; `menu-bar-mode' works by altering this element.
Setting this variable does not affect existing frames, only new ones.

Function: auth-source-plstore-search

Search the PLSTORE; spec is like `auth-source'.


Function: tibetan-compose-string

Compose Tibetan string STR.

(fn STR)

Function: studlify-word

Studlify-case the current word, or COUNT words if given an argument.

(fn COUNT)

Function: compilation-mode

Major mode for compilation log buffers.

Uses keymap `compilation-mode-map', which is not currently defined.
To visit the source for a line-numbered error,
move point to the error message line and type M-x compile-goto-error.
To kill the compilation, type M-x kill-compilation.

Runs `compilation-mode-hook' with `run-mode-hooks' (which see).

Uses keymap `compilation-mode-map', which is not currently defined. (fn &optional NAME-OF-MODE)

Function: frame-width

Return number of columns available for display on FRAME.
If FRAME is omitted, describe the currently selected frame.

Function: beep

Beep, or flash the screen.
Also, unless an argument is given,
terminate any keyboard macro currently executing.

(fn &optional ARG)

Function: next-error-internal

Visit the source code corresponding to the `next-error' message at point.

Function: utf7-encode

Encode UTF-7 STRING. Use IMAP modification if FOR-IMAP is non-nil.

(fn STRING &optional FOR-IMAP)

Function: mm-inline-partial

Show the partial part of HANDLE.
This function replaces the buffer of HANDLE with a buffer contains
the entire message.
If NO-DISPLAY is nil, display it. Otherwise, do nothing after replacing.

(fn HANDLE &optional NO-DISPLAY)

Function: ffloor

Return the largest integer no greater than ARG, as a float.
(Round towards -inf.)

(fn ARG)

Variable: sh-indent-supported-here

Non-nil if we support indentation for the current buffer's shell type.

Function: eieio-defgeneric-reset-generic-form

Setup METHOD to call the generic form.

Function: pkg-info-package-version

Get the version of an installed PACKAGE.

If SHOW is non-nil, show the version in the minibuffer.

Return the version as list, or nil if PACKAGE is not installed.

(fn PACKAGE &optional SHOW)

Function: comment-or-uncomment-region

Call `comment-region', unless the region only consists of comments,
in which case call `uncomment-region'. If a prefix arg is given, it
is passed on to the respective function.

(fn BEG END &optional ARG)

Function: lisp-completion-at-point

Function used for `completion-at-point-functions' in `emacs-lisp-mode'.

Function: emerge-revisions

Emerge two RCS revisions of a file.


Function: elp-instrument-function

Instrument FUNSYM for profiling.
FUNSYM must be a symbol of a defined function.


Face: mode-line-emphasis

Face used to emphasize certain mode line features.
Use the face `mode-line-highlight' for features that can be selected.

Function: message-box

Display a message, in a dialog box if possible.
If a dialog box is not available, use the echo area.
The first argument is a format control string, and the rest are data
to be formatted under control of the string. See `format' for details.

If the first argument is nil or the empty string, clear any existing
message; let the minibuffer contents show.


Function: tty-color-standard-values

Return standard RGB values of the color COLOR.

The result is a list of integer RGB values--(RED GREEN BLUE).
These values range from 0 to 65535; white is (65535 65535 65535).

The returned value reflects the standard X definition of COLOR,
regardless of whether the terminal can display it, so the return value
should be the same regardless of what display is being used.

Function: byte-optimize-logmumble

(fn FORM)

Function: byte-compile-flush-pending


Function: caddr

Return the `car' of the `cdr' of the `cdr' of X.

(fn X)

Function: global-font-lock-mode

Toggle Font-Lock mode in all buffers.
With prefix ARG, enable Global-Font-Lock mode if ARG is positive;
otherwise, disable it. If called from Lisp, enable the mode if
ARG is omitted or nil.

Font-Lock mode is enabled in all buffers where
`turn-on-font-lock-if-desired' would do it.
See `font-lock-mode' for more information on Font-Lock mode.

Variable: global-font-lock-mode

Non-nil if Global-Font-Lock mode is enabled.
See the command `global-font-lock-mode' for a description of this minor mode.
Setting this variable directly does not take effect;
either customize it (see the info node `Easy Customization')
or call the function `global-font-lock-mode'.

Variable: minibuffer-local-filename-syntax

Syntax table used when reading a file name in the minibuffer.

Function: tibetan-pre-write-canonicalize-for-unicode

(fn FROM TO)

Function: sort-regexp-fields

Sort the text in the region region lexicographically.
If called interactively, prompt for two regular expressions,

RECORD-REGEXP specifies the textual units to be sorted.
For example, to sort lines, RECORD-REGEXP would be "^.*$".

KEY-REGEXP specifies the part of each record (i.e. each match for
RECORD-REGEXP) to be used for sorting.
If it is "\\digit", use the digit'th "\\(...\\)"
match field specified by RECORD-REGEXP.
If it is "\\&", use the whole record.
Otherwise, KEY-REGEXP should be a regular expression with which
to search within the record. If a match for KEY-REGEXP is not
found within a record, that record is ignored.

With a negative prefix arg, sort in reverse order.

The variable `sort-fold-case' determines whether alphabetic case affects
the sort order.

For example: to sort lines in the region by the first word on each line
starting with the letter "f",

Function: find-variable-other-window

Find, in another window, the definition of VARIABLE near point.

See `find-variable' for more details.


Function: ebrowse-tags-find-definition-other-frame

Find definition of member at point in other frame.


Function: button-get

Get the property of button BUTTON named PROP.

Function: fontset-font

Return a font name pattern for character CH in fontset NAME.
If NAME is t, find a pattern in the default fontset.
If NAME is nil, find a pattern in the fontset of the selected frame.

The value has the form (FAMILY . REGISTRY), where FAMILY is a font
family name and REGISTRY is a font registry name. This is actually
the first font name pattern for CH in the fontset or in the default

If the 2nd optional arg ALL is non-nil, return a list of all font name
patterns. (fn NAME CH &optional ALL)

Function: insert-file-contents

Insert contents of file FILENAME after point.
Returns list of absolute file name and number of characters inserted.
If second argument VISIT is non-nil, the buffer's visited filename and
last save file modtime are set, and it is marked unmodified. If
visiting and the file does not exist, visiting is completed before the
error is signaled.

The optional third and fourth arguments BEG and END specify what portion
of the file to insert. These arguments count bytes in the file, not
characters in the buffer. If VISIT is non-nil, BEG and END must be nil.

If optional fifth argument REPLACE is non-nil, replace the current
buffer contents (in the accessible portion) with the file contents.
This is better than simply deleting and inserting the whole thing
because (1) it preserves some marker positions and (2) it puts less data
in the undo list. When REPLACE is non-nil, the second return value is
the number of characters that replace previous buffer contents.

This function does code conversion according to the value of
`coding-system-for-read' or `file-coding-system-alist', and sets the
variable `last-coding-system-used' to the coding system actually used.

In addition, this function decodes the inserted text from known formats by calling `format-decode', which see. (fn FILENAME &optional VISIT BEG END REPLACE)

Function: lgrep

Run grep, searching for REGEXP in FILES in directory DIR.
The search is limited to file names matching shell pattern FILES.
FILES may use abbreviations defined in `grep-files-aliases', e.g.
entering `ch' is equivalent to `*.[ch]'.

With C-u prefix, you can edit the constructed shell command line
before it is executed.
With two C-u prefixes, directly edit and run `grep-command'.

Collect output in a buffer. While grep runs asynchronously, you
can use C-x ` (M-x next-error), or
Uses keymap `grep-mode-map', which is not currently defined.
M-x compile-goto-error in the grep output buffer,
to go to the lines where grep found matches.

This command shares argument histories with M-x rgrep and M-x grep. (fn REGEXP &optional FILES DIR CONFIRM)

Function: standard-display-default

Display characters in the range L to H using the default notation.

Function: calc-keypad

Invoke the Calculator in "visual keypad" mode.
This is most useful in the X window system.
In this mode, click on the Calc "buttons" using the left mouse button.
Or, position the cursor manually and do M-x calc-keypad-press.

(fn &optional INTERACTIVE)

Function: tmm-menubar

Text-mode emulation of looking and choosing from a menubar.
See the documentation for `tmm-prompt'.
X-POSITION, if non-nil, specifies a horizontal position within the menu bar;
we make that menu bar item (the one at that position) the default choice.

(fn &optional X-POSITION)

Function: set-process-datagram-address

Set the datagram address for PROCESS to ADDRESS.
Returns nil upon error setting address, ADDRESS otherwise.


Variable: auth-source-creation-prompts

Default prompts for token values. Usually let-bound.

Function: vc-git-delete-file

(fn FILE)

Function: subst

Substitute NEW for OLD everywhere in TREE (non-destructively).
Return a copy of TREE with all elements `eql' to OLD replaced by NEW.

Keywords supported: :test :test-not :key


Variable: tamil-composable-pattern

Regexp matching a composable sequence of Tamil characters.

Function: org-global-cycle

Cycle the global visibility. For details see `org-cycle'.
With C-u prefix arg, switch to startup visibility.
With a numeric prefix, show all headlines up to that level.

(fn &optional ARG)

Function: calc-grab-region

Parse the region as a vector of numbers and push it on the Calculator stack.


Function: byte-compile-log-warning

(fn STRING &optional FILL LEVEL)

Function: insert-before-markers

Insert strings or characters at point, relocating markers after the text.
Point and markers move forward to end up after the inserted text.

If the current buffer is multibyte, unibyte strings are converted
to multibyte for insertion (see `unibyte-char-to-multibyte').
If the current buffer is unibyte, multibyte strings are converted
to unibyte for insertion. (fn &rest ARGS)

Variable: indent-region-function

Short cut function to indent region using `indent-according-to-mode'.
A value of nil means really run `indent-according-to-mode' on each line.

Variable: org-odt-data-dir

The location of ODT styles.

Function: report-emacs-bug

Report a bug in GNU Emacs.
Prompts for bug subject. Leaves you in a mail buffer.

(fn TOPIC &optional RECENT-KEYS)

Function: window-line-height

Return height in pixels of text line LINE in window WINDOW.
WINDOW must be a live window and defaults to the selected one.

Return height of current line if LINE is omitted or nil. Return height of
header or mode line if LINE is `header-line' or `mode-line'.
Otherwise, LINE is a text line number starting from 0. A negative number
counts from the end of the window.

Value is a list (HEIGHT VPOS YPOS OFFBOT), where HEIGHT is the height
in pixels of the visible part of the line, VPOS and YPOS are the
vertical position in lines and pixels of the line, relative to the top
of the first text line, and OFFBOT is the number of off-window pixels at
the bottom of the text line. If there are off-window pixels at the top
of the (first) text line, YPOS is negative.

Return nil if window display is not up-to-date. In that case, use
`pos-visible-in-window-p' to obtain the information. (fn &optional LINE WINDOW)

Function: selected-frame

Return the frame that is now selected.


Function: x-dnd-save-state

Save the state of the current drag and drop.
WINDOW is the window the mouse is over. ACTION is the action suggested
by the source. ACTION-TYPE is the result of calling `x-dnd-test-function'.
If given, TYPES are the types for the drop data that the source supports.
EXTRA-DATA is data needed for a specific protocol.

Function: scroll-bar-set-window-start

Set the window start according to where the scroll bar is dragged.
EVENT should be a scroll bar click or drag event.

Function: pcomplete/cd

Completion for `cd'.

Variable: holiday-oriental-holidays

Oriental holidays.
See the documentation for `calendar-holidays' for details.

Function: bibtex-style-mode

Major mode for editing BibTeX style files.


Function: custom-set-default

Default :set function for a customizable variable.
Normally, this sets the default value of VARIABLE to VALUE,
but if `custom-local-buffer' is non-nil,
this sets the local binding in that buffer instead.

Face: mode-line

Basic mode line face for selected window.

Variable: byte-after-unbind-ops

Byte-codes that can be moved past an unbind.

Function: eieio-defgeneric-reset-generic-form-primary-only

Setup METHOD to call the generic form.

Face: Info-title-1-face

Info-title-1-face is an alias for the face `info-title-1'.
Face for info titles at level 1.

Function: pr-txt-directory

Print directory using text printer.

Interactively, the command prompts for a directory and a file name regexp for

Noninteractively, if DIR is nil, prompts for DIRectory. If FILE-REGEXP is nil,
prompts for FILE(name)-REGEXP.

See also documentation for `pr-list-directory'. (fn &optional DIR FILE-REGEXP)

Function: mml2015-self-encrypt


Function: turn-on-flyspell

Unconditionally turn on Flyspell mode.


Function: text-scale-adjust

Adjust the height of the default face by INC.

INC may be passed as a numeric prefix argument.

The actual adjustment made depends on the final component of the
key-binding used to invoke the command, with all modifiers removed:

+, = Increase the default face height by one step
- Decrease the default face height by one step
0 Reset the default face height to the global default

When adjusting with `+' or `-', continue to read input events and
further adjust the face height as long as the input event read
(with all modifiers removed) is `+' or `-'.

When adjusting with `0', immediately finish.

Each step scales the height of the default face by the variable
`text-scale-mode-step' (a negative number of steps decreases the
height by the same amount). As a special case, an argument of 0
will remove any scaling currently active.

This command is a special-purpose wrapper around the
`text-scale-increase' command which makes repetition convenient
even when it is bound in a non-top-level keymap. For binding in
a top-level keymap, `text-scale-increase' or `text-scale-decrease' may be more appropriate. (fn INC)

Function: substitute-env-vars

Substitute environment variables referred to in STRING.
`$FOO' where FOO is an environment variable name means to substitute
the value of that variable. The variable name should be terminated
with a character not a letter, digit or underscore; otherwise, enclose
the entire variable name in braces. For instance, in `ab$cd-x',
`$cd' is treated as an environment variable.

Use `$$' to insert a single dollar sign.

Function: cdr

Return the cdr of LIST. If arg is nil, return nil.
Error if arg is not nil and not a cons cell. See also `cdr-safe'.

See Info node `(elisp)Cons Cells' for a discussion of related basic
Lisp concepts such as cdr, car, cons cell and list. (fn LIST)

Function: cl-struct-setf-expander


Function: url-view-url

View the current document's URL.
Optional argument NO-SHOW means just return the URL, don't show it in
the minibuffer.

This uses `url-current-object', set locally to the buffer.

Function: thumbs-dired-show-marked

In dired, make a thumbs buffer with marked files.


Function: rcirc

Connect to all servers in `rcirc-server-alist'.

Do not connect to a server if it is already connected.

If ARG is non-nil, instead prompt for connection parameters. (fn ARG)

Function: lao-compose-region

(fn FROM TO)

Function: version

Return string describing the version of Emacs that is running.
If optional argument HERE is non-nil, insert string at point.
Don't use this function in programs to choose actions according
to the system configuration; look at `system-configuration' instead.

Function: overlay-recenter

Recenter the overlays of the current buffer around position POS.
That makes overlay lookup faster for positions near POS (but perhaps slower
for positions far away from POS).
(fn POS)

Function: gnus-make-directory

Make DIRECTORY (and all its parents) if it doesn't exist.

Variable: cl-least-positive-normalized-float

The smallest normalized Lisp float greater than zero.
This is the smallest value for which IEEE denormalization does not lose
precision. For IEEE machines, this value is about 2.22e-308.
For machines that do not support the concept of denormalization
and gradual underflow, this constant equals `cl-least-positive-float'.
Call `cl-float-limits' to set this.

Function: checkdoc-start

Start scanning the current buffer for documentation string style errors.
Only documentation strings are checked.
Use `checkdoc-continue' to continue checking if an error cannot be fixed.
Prefix argument TAKE-NOTES means to collect all the warning messages into
a separate buffer.

(fn &optional TAKE-NOTES)

Function: not-modified

Mark current buffer as unmodified, not needing to be saved.
With prefix ARG, mark buffer as modified, so C-x C-s will save.

It is not a good idea to use this function in Lisp programs, because it
prints a message in the minibuffer. Instead, use `set-buffer-modified-p'.

Function: rectangle-number-lines

Insert numbers in front of the region-rectangle.

START-AT, if non-nil, should be a number from which to begin
counting. FORMAT, if non-nil, should be a format string to pass
to `format' along with the line count. When called interactively
with a prefix argument, prompt for START-AT and FORMAT.


Function: scroll-bar-scale

Given a pair (NUM . DENOM) and WHOLE, return (/ (* NUM WHOLE) DENOM).
This is handy for scaling a position on a scroll bar into real units,
like buffer positions. If SCROLL-BAR-POS is the (PORTION . WHOLE) pair
from a scroll bar event, then (scroll-bar-scale SCROLL-BAR-POS
(buffer-size)) is the position in the current buffer corresponding to
that scroll bar position.

Function: timer-until

Calculate number of seconds from when TIMER will run, until TIME.
TIMER is a timer, and stands for the time when its next repeat is scheduled.
TIME is a time-list.

Function: balance-windows-area-adjust

Wrapper around `window-resize' with error checking.
Arguments WINDOW, DELTA and HORIZONTAL are passed on to that function.

Function: describe-minor-mode-from-indicator

Display documentation of a minor mode specified by INDICATOR.
If you call this function interactively, you can give indicator which
is currently activated with completion.

Variable: global-mode-string

String (or mode line construct) included (normally) in `mode-line-format'.

Function: text-property-any

Check text from START to END for property PROPERTY equaling VALUE.
If so, return the position of the first character whose property PROPERTY
is `eq' to VALUE. Otherwise return nil.
If the optional fifth argument OBJECT is a buffer (or nil, which means
the current buffer), START and END are buffer positions (integers or
markers). If OBJECT is a string, START and END are 0-based indices into it.


Function: call-process

Call PROGRAM synchronously in separate process.
The remaining arguments are optional.
The program's input comes from file INFILE (nil means `/dev/null').
Insert output in BUFFER before point; t means current buffer; nil for BUFFER
means discard it; 0 means discard and don't wait; and `(:file FILE)', where
FILE is a file name string, means that it should be written to that file
(if the file already exists it is overwritten).
BUFFER can also have the form (REAL-BUFFER STDERR-FILE); in that case,
REAL-BUFFER says what to do with standard output, as above,
while STDERR-FILE says what to do with standard error in the child.
STDERR-FILE may be nil (discard standard error output),
t (mix it with ordinary output), or a file name string.

Fourth arg DISPLAY non-nil means redisplay buffer as output is inserted.
Remaining arguments are strings passed as command arguments to PROGRAM.

If executable PROGRAM can't be found as an executable, `call-process'
signals a Lisp error. `call-process' reports errors in execution of
the program only through its return and output.

If BUFFER is 0, `call-process' returns immediately with value nil.
Otherwise it waits for PROGRAM to terminate
and returns a numeric exit status or a signal description string.
If you quit, the process is killed with SIGINT, or SIGKILL if you quit again. (fn PROGRAM &optional INFILE BUFFER DISPLAY &rest ARGS)

Function: visited-file-modtime

Return the current buffer's recorded visited file modification time.
The value is a list of the form (HIGH LOW USEC PSEC), like the time values that
`file-attributes' returns. If the current buffer has no recorded file
modification time, this function returns 0. If the visited file
doesn't exist, HIGH will be -1.
See Info node `(elisp)Modification Time' for more details. (fn)

Variable: forth-mode-abbrev-table

Abbrev table for `forth-mode'.

Function: every

Return true if PREDICATE is true of every element of SEQ or SEQs.


Function: caar

Return the car of the car of X.

Variable: read-with-symbol-positions

If non-nil, add position of read symbols to `read-symbol-positions-list'.

If this variable is a buffer, then only forms read from that buffer
will be added to `read-symbol-positions-list'.
If this variable is t, then all read forms will be added.
The effect of all other values other than nil are not currently
defined, although they may be in the future.

The positions are relative to the last call to `read' or
`read-from-string'. It is probably a bad idea to set this variable at the toplevel; bind it instead.

Variable: sh-variables

List of all shell variables available for completing read.
See `sh-feature'.

Function: byte-optimize-identity

(fn FORM)

Function: byte-optimize-inline-handler

byte-optimize-handler for the `inline' special-form.

(fn FORM)

Function: mm-decompress-buffer

Decompress buffer's contents, depending on jka-compr.
Only when FORCE is t or `auto-compression-mode' is enabled and FILENAME
agrees with `jka-compr-compression-info-list', decompression is done.
Signal an error if FORCE is neither nil nor t and compressed data are
not decompressed because `auto-compression-mode' is disabled.
If INPLACE is nil, return decompressed data or nil without modifying
the buffer. Otherwise, replace the buffer's contents with the
decompressed data. The buffer's multibyteness must be turned off.

Function: comint-next-matching-input-from-input

Search forwards through input history for match for current input.
(Following history elements are more recent commands.)
With prefix argument N, search for Nth following match.
If N is negative, search backwards for the -Nth previous match. (fn N)

Function: sgml-slash-matching

Insert `/' and display any previous matching `/'.
Two `/'s are treated as matching if the first `/' ends a net-enabling
start tag, and the second `/' is the corresponding null end tag.

Variable: display-time-world-timer-second

Interval in seconds for updating the world clock.

Function: pop-mark

Pop off mark ring into the buffer's actual mark.
Does not set point. Does nothing if mark ring is empty.

Function: list-abbrevs

Display a list of defined abbrevs.
If LOCAL is non-nil, interactively when invoked with a
prefix arg, display only local, i.e. mode-specific, abbrevs.
Otherwise display all abbrevs.

(fn &optional LOCAL)

Function: gnus-agent-possibly-save-gcc

Save GCC if Gnus is unplugged.


Function: customize-set-variable

Set the default for VARIABLE to VALUE, and return VALUE.
VALUE is a Lisp object.

If VARIABLE has a `custom-set' property, that is used for setting
VARIABLE, otherwise `set-default' is used.

If VARIABLE has a `variable-interactive' property, that is used as if
it were the arg to `interactive' (which see) to interactively read the value.

If VARIABLE has a `custom-type' property, it must be a widget and the
`:prompt-value' property of that widget will be used for reading the value.

If given a prefix (or a COMMENT argument), also prompt for a comment. (fn VARIABLE VALUE &optional COMMENT)

Function: x-list-fonts

Return a list of the names of available fonts matching PATTERN.
If optional arguments FACE and FRAME are specified, return only fonts
the same size as FACE on FRAME.

PATTERN should be a string containing a font name in the XLFD,
Fontconfig, or GTK format. A font name given in the XLFD format may
contain wildcard characters:
the * character matches any substring, and
the ? character matches any single character.
PATTERN is case-insensitive.

The return value is a list of strings, suitable as arguments to

Fonts Emacs can't use may or may not be excluded
even if they match PATTERN and FACE.
The optional fourth argument MAXIMUM sets a limit on how many
fonts to match. The first MAXIMUM fonts are reported.
The optional fifth argument WIDTH, if specified, is a number of columns
occupied by a character of a font. In that case, return only fonts
the WIDTH times as wide as FACE on FRAME. (fn PATTERN &optional FACE FRAME MAXIMUM WIDTH)

Function: byte-compile-track-mouse

(fn FORM)

Function: turn-on-reftex

Turn on RefTeX mode.


Variable: init-file-had-error

Non-nil if there was an error loading the user's init file.

Function: get-free-disk-space

Return the amount of free space on directory DIR's file system.
The return value is a string describing the amount of free
space (normally, the number of free 1KB blocks).

This function calls `file-system-info' if it is available, or
invokes the program specified by `directory-free-space-program'
and `directory-free-space-args'. If the system call or program
is unsuccessful, or if DIR is a remote directory, this function returns nil.

Function: vc-mode

Version Control minor mode.
This minor mode is automatically activated whenever you visit a file under
control of one of the revision control systems in `vc-handled-backends'.
VC commands are globally reachable under the prefix `C-x v':
key binding
--- -------

+ vc-update
= vc-diff
D vc-root-diff
I vc-log-incoming
L vc-print-root-log
O vc-log-outgoing
a vc-update-change-log
b vc-switch-backend
c vc-rollback
d vc-dir
g vc-annotate
h vc-insert-headers
i vc-register
l vc-print-log
m vc-merge
r vc-retrieve-tag s vc-create-tag u vc-revert v vc-next-action ~ vc-revision-other-window

Variable: scroll-step

The number of lines to try scrolling a window by when point moves out.
If that fails to bring point back on frame, point is centered instead.
If this is zero, point is always centered after it moves off frame.
If you want scrolling to always be a line at a time, you should set
`scroll-conservatively' to a large value rather than set this to 1.

Function: comint-history-isearch-push-state

Save a function restoring the state of input history search.
Save `comint-input-ring-index' to the additional state parameter
in the search status stack. (fn)

Function: comint-line-beginning-position

Return the buffer position of the beginning of the line, after any prompt.
If `comint-use-prompt-regexp' is non-nil, then the prompt skip is done by
skipping text matching the regular expression `comint-prompt-regexp',
a buffer local variable. (fn)

Variable: ansi-color-drop-regexp

Regexp that matches ANSI control sequences to silently drop.

Variable: package-activated-list

List of the names of currently activated packages.

Function: cl--gv-adapt

(fn CL-GV DO)

Function: cl-nintersection

Combine LIST1 and LIST2 using a set-intersection operation.
The resulting list contains all items that appear in both LIST1 and LIST2.
This is a destructive function; it reuses the storage of LIST1 and LIST2
whenever possible.

Keywords supported: :test :test-not :key


Function: fontset-name-p

Return non-nil if FONTSET is valid as fontset name.
A valid fontset name should conform to XLFD (X Logical Font Description)
with "fontset" in `' field.

Function: dir-locals-collect-variables

Collect entries from CLASS-VARIABLES into VARIABLES.
ROOT is the root directory of the project.
Return the new variables list.

Function: string-or-null-p

Return t if OBJECT is a string or nil.
Otherwise, return nil.

Function: re-search-backward

Search backward from point for match for regular expression REGEXP.
Set point to the beginning of the match, and return point.
The match found is the one starting last in the buffer
and yet ending before the origin of the search.
An optional second argument bounds the search; it is a buffer position.
The match found must start at or after that position.
Optional third argument, if t, means if fail just return nil (no error).
If not nil and not t, move to limit of search and return nil.
Optional fourth argument is repeat count--search for successive occurrences.

Search case-sensitivity is determined by the value of the variable
`case-fold-search', which see.

See also the functions `match-beginning', `match-end', `match-string',
and `replace-match'. (fn REGEXP &optional BOUND NOERROR COUNT)

Function: ruby-mode

Major mode for editing Ruby scripts.
M-x ruby-indent-line properly indents subexpressions of multi-line
class, module, def, if, while, for, do, and case statements, taking
nesting into account.

The variable `ruby-indent-level' controls the amount of indentation.

Uses keymap `ruby-mode-map', which is not currently defined. (fn)

Function: org-release

The release version of org-mode.
Inserted by installing org-mode or when a release is made.

Variable: ispell-menu-xemacs

Spelling menu for XEmacs.
If nil when package is loaded, a standard menu will be set,
and added as a submenu of the "Edit" menu.

Function: gnus-slave-unplugged

Read news as a slave unplugged.

(fn &optional ARG)

Function: process-kill-without-query

Say no query needed if PROCESS is running when Emacs is exited.
Optional second argument if non-nil says to require a query.
Value is t if a query was formerly required.

Variable: polling-period

Interval between polling for input during Lisp execution.
The reason for polling is to make C-g work to stop a running program.
Polling is needed only when using X windows and SIGIO does not work.
Polling is automatically disabled in all other cases.

Function: highlight-changes-visible-mode

Toggle visibility of highlighting due to Highlight Changes mode.
With a prefix argument ARG, enable Highlight Changes Visible mode
if ARG is positive, and disable it otherwise. If called from
Lisp, enable the mode if ARG is omitted or nil.

Highlight Changes Visible mode only has an effect when Highlight
Changes mode is on. When enabled, the changed text is displayed
in a distinctive face.

The default value can be customized with variable

This command does not itself set highlight-changes mode. (fn &optional ARG)

Function: ebrowse-tags-view-declaration

View declaration of member at point.


Variable: comment-region-function

Function to comment a region.
Its args are the same as those of `comment-region', but BEG and END are
guaranteed to be correctly ordered. It is called within `save-excursion'.

Applicable at least in modes for languages like fixed-format Fortran where
comments always start in column zero.

Function: emerge-files-with-ancestor

Run Emerge on two files, giving another file as the ancestor.


Function: describe-char

Describe position POS (interactively, point) and the char after POS.
POS is taken to be in BUFFER, or the current buffer if BUFFER is nil.
The information is displayed in buffer `*Help*'.

The position information includes POS; the total size of BUFFER; the
region limits, if narrowed; the column number; and the horizontal
scroll amount, if the buffer is horizontally scrolled.

The character information includes the character code; charset and
code points in it; syntax; category; how the character is encoded in
BUFFER and in BUFFER's file; character composition information (if
relevant); the font and font glyphs used to display the character;
the character's canonical name and other properties defined by the
Unicode Data Base; and widgets, buttons, overlays, and text properties relevant to POS. (fn POS &optional BUFFER)

Variable: mouse-highlight

If non-nil, clickable text is highlighted when mouse is over it.
If the value is an integer, highlighting is only shown after moving the
mouse, while keyboard input turns off the highlight even when the mouse
is over the clickable text. However, the mouse shape still indicates
when the mouse is over clickable text.

Function: rassoc-if-not

Find the first item whose cdr does not satisfy PREDICATE in LIST.

Keywords supported: :key


Function: cpp-parse-edit

Edit display information for cpp conditionals.


Function: left-char

Move point N characters to the left (to the right if N is negative).
On reaching beginning or end of buffer, stop and signal error.

Depending on the bidirectional context, this may move either backward
or forward in the buffer. This is in contrast with C-b
and C-f, which see.

Function: byte-compile-backward-word

(fn FORM)

Function: comint-search-start

Index to start a directional search, starting at `comint-input-ring-index'.

(fn ARG)

Variable: sgml-xml-mode

When non-nil, tag insertion functions will be XML-compliant.
It is set to be buffer-local when the file has
a DOCTYPE or an XML declaration.

Function: isearch-fail-pos

Return position of first mismatch in search string, or nil if none.
If MSG is non-nil, use `isearch-message', otherwise `isearch-string'.

Function: yank-rectangle

Yank the last killed rectangle with upper left corner at point.


Function: find-coding-systems-region

Return a list of proper coding systems to encode a text between FROM and TO.

If FROM is a string, find coding systems in that instead of the buffer.
All coding systems in the list can safely encode any multibyte characters
in the text.

If the text contains no multibyte characters, return a list of a single element `undecided'.

Function: looking-at-p

Same as `looking-at' except this function does not change the match data.

Function: get-buffer-process

Return the (or a) process associated with BUFFER.
BUFFER may be a buffer or the name of one.


Function: sh-calculate-indent

Return the indentation for the current line.
If INFO is supplied it is used, else it is calculated from current line.

Variable: display-time-mail-string

String to use as the mail indicator in `display-time-string-forms'.
This can use the Unicode letter character if you can display it.

Function: x-dnd-get-state-cons-for-frame

Return the entry in `x-dnd-current-state' for a frame or window.

Function: delete-other-frames

Delete all frames on the current terminal, except FRAME.
If FRAME uses another frame's minibuffer, the minibuffer frame is
left untouched. FRAME nil or omitted means use the selected frame.

Function: vc-branch-part

Return the branch part of a revision number REV.

(fn REV)

Function: mode-line-minor-mode-help

Describe minor mode for EVENT on minor modes area of the mode line.

Function: custom-add-load

To the custom option SYMBOL add the dependency LOAD.
LOAD should be either a library file name, or a feature name.

Variable: mm-charset-eval-alist

An alist of (CHARSET . FORM) pairs.
If an article is encoded in an unknown CHARSET, FORM is
evaluated. This allows to load additional libraries providing
charsets on demand. If supported by your Emacs version, you
could use `autoload-coding-system' here.

Function: cl-nsubstitute-if

Substitute NEW for all items satisfying PREDICATE in SEQ.
This is a destructive function; it reuses the storage of SEQ whenever possible.

Keywords supported: :key :count :start :end :from-end


Function: tooltip-process-prompt-regexp

Return regexp matching the prompt of PROCESS at the end of a string.
The prompt is taken from the value of `comint-prompt-regexp' in
the buffer of PROCESS.

Variable: tooltip-timeout-id

The id of the timeout started when Emacs becomes idle.

Variable: oriya-composable-pattern

Regexp matching a composable sequence of Oriya characters.

Function: unify-8859-on-decoding-mode

Exists only for backwards compatibility.

Variable: unify-8859-on-decoding-mode

Non-nil if Unify-8859-On-Decoding mode is enabled.
See the command `unify-8859-on-decoding-mode' for a description of this minor mode.

Variable: tex-dvi-view-command

Command used by M-x tex-view to display a `.dvi' file.
If it is a string, that specifies the command directly.
If this string contains an asterisk (`*'), that is replaced by the file name;
otherwise, the file name, preceded by a space, is added at the end.

If the value is a form, it is evaluated to get the command to use.

Variable: comint-redirect-verbose

If non-nil, print messages each time the redirection filter is invoked.
Also print a message when redirection is completed.

Function: comint-send-input

Send input to process.
After the process output mark, sends all text from the process mark to
point as input to the process. Before the process output mark, calls
value of variable `comint-get-old-input' to retrieve old input, copies
it to the process mark, and sends it.

This command also sends and inserts a final newline, unless
NO-NEWLINE is non-nil.

Any history reference may be expanded depending on the value of the variable
`comint-input-autoexpand'. The list of function names contained in the value
of `comint-input-filter-functions' is called on the input before sending it.
The input is entered into the input history ring, if the value of variable
`comint-input-filter' returns non-nil when called on the input.

If variable `comint-eol-on-send' is non-nil, then point is moved to the
end of line before sending the input.

After the input has been sent, if `comint-process-echoes' is non-nil,
then `comint-send-input' waits to see if the process outputs a string
matching the input, and if so, deletes that part of the output.
If ARTIFICIAL is non-nil, it inhibits such deletion.
Callers sending input not from the user should use ARTIFICIAL = t.

The values of `comint-get-old-input', `comint-input-filter-functions', and
`comint-input-filter' are chosen according to the command interpreter running
in the buffer. E.g.,

If the interpreter is the csh,
`comint-get-old-input' is the default:
If `comint-use-prompt-regexp' is nil, then
either return the current input field, if point is on an input
field, or the current line, if point is on an output field.
If `comint-use-prompt-regexp' is non-nil, then
return the current line with any initial string matching the
regexp `comint-prompt-regexp' removed.
`comint-input-filter-functions' monitors input for "cd", "pushd", and
"popd" commands. When it sees one, it cd's the buffer.
`comint-input-filter' is the default: returns t if the input isn't all white

If the Comint is Lucid Common Lisp,
`comint-get-old-input' snarfs the sexp ending at point.
`comint-input-filter-functions' does nothing.
`comint-input-filter' returns nil if the input matches input-filter-regexp, which matches (1) all whitespace (2) :a, :c, etc. Similarly for Soar, Scheme, etc. (fn &optional NO-NEWLINE ARTIFICIAL)

Variable: display-time-mail-icon

Image specification to offer as the mail indicator on a graphic display.
See `display-time-use-mail-icon' and `display-time-mail-face'.

Function: cl--compiling-file


Variable: list-colors-sort

Color sort order for `list-colors-display'.
`nil' means default implementation-dependent order (defined in `x-colors').
`name' sorts by color name.
`rgb' sorts by red, green, blue components.
`(rgb-dist . COLOR)' sorts by the RGB distance to the specified color.
`hsv' sorts by hue, saturation, value.
`(hsv-dist . COLOR)' sorts by the HSV distance to the specified color
and excludes grayscale colors.
`luminance' sorts by relative luminance in the CIE XYZ color space.

Function: ido-switch-buffer-other-frame

Switch to another buffer and show it in another frame.
The buffer name is selected interactively by typing a substring.
For details of keybindings, see `ido-switch-buffer'. (fn)

Function: gomoku

Start a Gomoku game between you and Emacs.

If a game is in progress, this command allows you to resume it.
If optional arguments N and M are given, an N by M board is used.
If prefix arg is given for N, M is prompted for.

You and Emacs play in turn by marking a free square. You mark it with X
and Emacs marks it with O. The winner is the first to get five contiguous
marks horizontally, vertically or in diagonal.

You play by moving the cursor over the square you choose and hitting

Uses keymap `gomoku-mode-map', which is not currently defined.
M-x gomoku-human-plays.

This program actually plays a simplified or archaic version of the
Gomoku game, and ought to be upgraded to use the full modern rules. Use C-h m for more info. (fn &optional N M)

Function: gnus-user-format-function-D


Function: custom-buffer-create

Create a buffer containing OPTIONS.
Optional NAME is the name of the buffer.
OPTIONS should be an alist of the form ((SYMBOL WIDGET)...), where
SYMBOL is a customization option, and WIDGET is a widget for editing
that option.


Function: insert-buffer-substring

Insert before point a substring of the contents of BUFFER.
BUFFER may be a buffer or a buffer name.
Arguments START and END are character positions specifying the substring.
They default to the values of (point-min) and (point-max) in BUFFER.

(fn BUFFER &optional START END)

Function: byte-compile-dynamic-variable-bind

Generate code to bind the lexical variable VAR to the top-of-stack value.

(fn VAR)

Function: indent-line-to

Indent current line to COLUMN.
This function removes or adds spaces and tabs at beginning of line
only if necessary. It leaves point at end of indentation.

Function: time-to-seconds

Return the current time, as a float number of seconds since the epoch.
If SPECIFIED-TIME is given, it is the time to convert to float
instead of the current time. The argument should have the form
you can use times from `current-time' and from `file-attributes'.
SPECIFIED-TIME can also have the form (HIGH . LOW), but this is
considered obsolete.

WARNING: Since the result is floating point, it may not be exact.
If precise time stamps are required, use either `current-time',
or (if you need time as a string) `format-time-string'. (fn &optional SPECIFIED-TIME)

Function: org-tags-view

Show all headlines for all `org-agenda-files' matching a TAGS criterion.
The prefix arg TODO-ONLY limits the search to TODO entries.

(fn &optional TODO-ONLY MATCH)

Function: mm-uu-dissect-text-parts

Dissect text parts and put uu handles into HANDLE.
Assume text has been decoded if DECODED is non-nil.

(fn HANDLE &optional DECODED)

Function: window-total-width

Return the total width, in columns, of window WINDOW.
WINDOW must be a valid window and defaults to the selected one.

The return value includes any vertical dividers or scroll bars
belonging to WINDOW. If WINDOW is an internal window, the total width
is the width of the screen areas spanned by its children.

On a graphical display, this total width is reported as an
integer multiple of the default character width. (fn &optional WINDOW)

Variable: header-line-format

Analogous to `mode-line-format', but controls the header line.
The header line appears, optionally, at the top of a window;
the mode line appears at the bottom.

Variable: inherit-process-coding-system

Non-nil means process buffer inherits coding system of process output.
Bind it to t if the process output is to be treated as if it were a file
read from some filesystem.

Function: subrp

Return t if OBJECT is a built-in function.


Function: set-language-environment-input-method

Do various input method setups for language environment LANGUAGE-NAME.

Function: vc-find-root

Find the root of a checked out project.
The function walks up the directory tree from FILE looking for WITNESS.
If WITNESS if not found, return nil, otherwise return the root.

Function: pr-toggle-line

Toggle line number.


Function: make-byte-code

Create a byte-code object with specified arguments as elements.
The arguments should be the ARGLIST, bytecode-string BYTE-CODE, constant
vector CONSTANTS, maximum stack size DEPTH, (optional) DOCSTRING,
and (optional) INTERACTIVE-SPEC.
The first four arguments are required; at most six have any
The ARGLIST can be either like the one of `lambda', in which case the arguments
will be dynamically bound before executing the byte code, or it can be an
integer of the form NNNNNNNRMMMMMMM where the 7bit MMMMMMM specifies the
minimum number of arguments, the 7-bit NNNNNNN specifies the maximum number
of arguments (ignoring &rest) and the R bit specifies whether there is a &rest
argument to catch the left-over arguments. If such an integer is used, the
arguments will not be dynamically bound but will be instead pushed on the
stack before executing the byte-code.


Function: byte-compile-print-syms


Function: gnus-split-references

Return a list of Message-IDs in REFERENCES.

Function: vc-git-stash-menu

(fn E)

Function: Buffer-menu-visit-tags-table

Visit the tags table in the buffer on this line. See `visit-tags-table'.

Variable: Buffer-menu-use-header-line

If non-nil, use the header line to display Buffer Menu column titles.

Variable: locale-charset-language-names

List of pairs of locale regexps and charset language names.
The first element whose locale regexp matches the start of a downcased locale
specifies the language name whose charset corresponds to that locale.
This language name is used if the locale is not listed in

Function: ethio-composition-function


Function: browse-url-of-region

Ask a WWW browser to display the current region.

(fn MIN MAX)

Function: Info-search-case-sensitively

Search for a regexp case-sensitively.

Function: remprop

Remove from SYMBOL's plist the property PROPNAME and its value.


Function: org-agenda

Dispatch agenda commands to collect entries to the agenda buffer.
Prompts for a command to execute. Any prefix arg will be passed
on to the selected command. The default selections are:

a Call `org-agenda-list' to display the agenda for current day or week.
t Call `org-todo-list' to display the global todo list.
T Call `org-todo-list' to display the global todo list, select only
entries with a specific TODO keyword (the user gets a prompt).
m Call `org-tags-view' to display headlines with tags matching
a condition (the user is prompted for the condition).
M Like `m', but select only TODO entries, no ordinary headlines.
L Create a timeline for the current buffer.
e Export views to associated files.
s Search entries for keywords.
S Search entries for keywords, only with TODO keywords.
/ Multi occur across all agenda files and also files listed
in `org-agenda-text-search-extra-files'.
< Restrict agenda commands to buffer, subtree, or region.
Press several times to get the desired effect.
> Remove a previous restriction.
# List "stuck" projects.
! Configure what "stuck" means.
C Configure custom agenda commands.

More commands can be added by configuring the variable
`org-agenda-custom-commands'. In particular, specific tags and TODO keyword
searches can be pre-defined in this way.

If the current buffer is in Org-mode and visiting a file, you can also
first press `<' once to indicate that the agenda should be temporarily
(until the next use of M-x org-agenda) restricted to the current file.
Pressing `<' twice means to restrict to the current subtree or region (if active). (fn &optional ARG ORG-KEYS RESTRICTION)

Function: normal-erase-is-backspace-setup-frame

Set up `normal-erase-is-backspace-mode' on FRAME, if necessary.

Function: window-last-child

Return last child window of WINDOW.
WINDOW can be any window.

Function: x-display-color-cells

Return the number of color cells of the X display TERMINAL.
The optional argument TERMINAL specifies which display to ask about.
TERMINAL should be a terminal object, a frame or a display name (a string).
If omitted or nil, that stands for the selected frame's display.

(fn &optional TERMINAL)

Function: smie-default-backward-token


Variable: pcomplete-cycle-completions

If non-nil, hitting the TAB key cycles through the completion list.
Typical Emacs behavior is to complete as much as possible, then pause
waiting for further input. Then if TAB is hit again, show a list of
possible completions. When `pcomplete-cycle-completions' is non-nil,
it acts more like zsh or 4nt, showing the first maximal match first,
followed by any further matches on each subsequent pressing of the TAB
key. M-x pcomplete-list is the key to press if the user wants to see
the list of possible completions.

Function: minibuffer-message

Temporarily display MESSAGE at the end of the minibuffer.
The text is displayed for `minibuffer-message-timeout' seconds,
or until the next input event arrives, whichever comes first.
Enclose MESSAGE in [...] if this is not yet the case.
If ARGS are provided, then pass MESSAGE through `format'.

(fn MESSAGE &rest ARGS)

Function: gnus-byte-compile

Byte-compile FORM if `gnus-use-byte-compile' is non-nil.

Function: Info-following-node-name-re

Return a regexp matching a node name.
ALLOWEDCHARS, if non-nil, goes within [...] to make a regexp
saying which chars may appear in the node name.
Submatch 1 is the complete node name.
Submatch 2 if non-nil is the parenthesized file name part of the node name.
Submatch 3 is the local part of the node name.
End of submatch 0, 1, and 3 are the same, so you can safely concat.

Function: mouse--drag-set-mark-and-point


Function: table-recognize-cell

Recognize a table cell that contains current point.
Probe the cell dimension and prepare the cell information. The
optional two arguments FORCE and NO-COPY are for internal use only and
must not be specified. When the optional numeric prefix argument ARG
is negative the cell becomes inactive, meaning that the cell becomes
plain text and loses all the table specific features.

(fn &optional FORCE NO-COPY ARG)

Function: strokes-do-complex-stroke

Read a complex stroke from the user and then execute its command.
This must be bound to a mouse event.

(fn EVENT)

Function: xml-mode

Major mode for editing XML.

M-x nxml-finish-element finishes the current element by inserting an end-tag.
C-c C-i closes a start-tag with `>' and then inserts a balancing end-tag
leaving point between the start-tag and end-tag.
M-x nxml-balanced-close-start-tag-block is similar but for block rather than inline elements:
the start-tag, point, and end-tag are all left on separate lines.
If `nxml-slash-auto-complete-flag' is non-nil, then inserting a ` automatically inserts the rest of the end-tag.

M-x completion-at-point performs completion on the symbol preceding point.

M-x nxml-dynamic-markup-word uses the contents of the current buffer
to choose a tag to put around the word preceding point.

Sections of the document can be displayed in outline form. The
variable `nxml-section-element-name-regexp' controls when an element
is recognized as a section. The same key sequences that change
visibility in outline mode are used except that they start with C-c C-o
instead of C-c.

Validation is provided by the related minor-mode `rng-validate-mode'.
This also makes completion schema- and context- sensitive. Element
names, attribute names, attribute values and namespace URIs can all be
completed. By default, `rng-validate-mode' is automatically enabled.
You can toggle it using M-x rng-validate-mode or change the default by
customizing `rng-nxml-auto-validate-flag'.

TAB indents the current line appropriately.
This can be customized using the variable `nxml-child-indent'
and the variable `nxml-attribute-indent'.

M-x nxml-insert-named-char inserts a character reference using
the character's name (by default, the Unicode name).
C-u M-x nxml-insert-named-char inserts the character directly.

The Emacs commands that normally operate on balanced expressions will
operate on XML markup items. Thus C-M-f will move forward
across one markup item; C-M-b will move backward across
one markup item; C-M-k will kill the following markup item;
C-M-@ will mark the following markup item. By default, each
tag each treated as a single markup item; to make the complete element
be treated as a single markup item, set the variable
`nxml-sexp-element-flag' to t. For more details, see the function
M-x nxml-backward-up-element and M-x nxml-down-element move up and down the element structure. Many aspects this mode can be customized using M-x customize-group nxml RET. (fn)

Function: char-charset

Return the charset of highest priority that contains CH.
If optional 2nd arg RESTRICTION is non-nil, it is a list of charsets
from which to find the charset. It may also be a coding system. In
that case, find the charset from what supported by that coding system.

(fn CH &optional RESTRICTION)

Variable: facemenu-background-menu

Menu keymap for background colors.

Variable: input-method-history

History list of input methods read from the minibuffer.

Maximum length of the history list is determined by the value
of `history-length', which see.

Function: image-minor-mode

Toggle Image minor mode in this buffer.
With a prefix argument ARG, enable Image minor mode if ARG is
positive, and disable it otherwise. If called from Lisp, enable
the mode if ARG is omitted or nil.

Image minor mode provides the key
Uses keymap `image-mode-map', which is not currently defined.
M-x image-toggle-display,
to switch back to `image-mode' and display an image file as the
actual image. (fn &optional ARG)

Variable: compilation-search-path

List of directories to search for source files named in error messages.
Elements should be directory names, not file names of directories.
The value nil as an element means to try the default directory.

Function: bookmark-rename

Change the name of OLD-NAME bookmark to NEW-NAME name.
If called from keyboard, prompt for OLD-NAME and NEW-NAME.
If called from menubar, select OLD-NAME from a menu and prompt for NEW-NAME.

If called from Lisp, prompt for NEW-NAME if only OLD-NAME was passed
as an argument. If called with two strings, then no prompting is done.
You must pass at least OLD-NAME when calling from Lisp.

While you are entering the new name, consecutive C-w's insert
consecutive words from the text of the buffer into the new bookmark
name. (fn OLD-NAME &optional NEW-NAME)

Function: ld-script-mode

A major mode to edit GNU ld script files


Function: next-history-element

Puts next element of the minibuffer history in the minibuffer.
With argument N, it uses the Nth following element.

Function: process-contact

Return the contact info of PROCESS; t for a real child.
For a network or serial connection, the value depends on the optional
KEY arg. If KEY is nil, value is a cons cell of the form (HOST
SERVICE) for a network connection or (PORT SPEED) for a serial
connection. If KEY is t, the complete contact information for the
connection is returned, else the specific value for the keyword KEY is
returned. See `make-network-process' or `make-serial-process' for a
list of keywords. (fn PROCESS &optional KEY)

Function: isearch-yank-string

Pull STRING into search string.

Variable: font-lock-type-face

Face name to use for type and class names.

Face: font-lock-type-face

Font Lock mode face used to highlight type and classes.

Variable: blink-paren-function

Function called, if non-nil, whenever a close parenthesis is inserted.
More precisely, a char with closeparen syntax is self-inserted.

Function: put-unicode-property-internal

Set an element of CHAR-TABLE for character CH to VALUE.
CHAR-TABLE must be what returned by `unicode-property-table-internal'.


Function: mm-line-number-at-pos

Return (narrowed) buffer line number at position POS.
If POS is nil, use current buffer location.
Counting starts at (point-min), so the value refers
to the contents of the accessible portion of the buffer.

Function: pcomplete/erc-mode/DCC

Provides completion for the /DCC command.


Function: bookmark-jump-other-window

Jump to BOOKMARK in another window. See `bookmark-jump' for more.


Variable: macro-declarations-alist

List associating properties of macros to their macro expansion.
Each element of the list takes the form (PROP FUN) where FUN is
a function. For each (PROP . VALUES) in a macro's declaration,
the FUN corresponding to PROP is called with the function name
and the VALUES and should return the code to use to set this property.

Function: cl-random

Return a random nonnegative number less than LIM, an integer or float.
Optional second arg STATE is a random-state object.

(fn LIM &optional STATE)

Function: toggle-text-mode-auto-fill

Toggle whether to use Auto Fill in Text mode and related modes.
This command affects all buffers that use modes related to Text mode,
both existing buffers and buffers that you subsequently create.

Function: font-lock-compile-keywords

Compile KEYWORDS into the form (t KEYWORDS COMPILED...)
Here each COMPILED is of the form (MATCHER HIGHLIGHT ...) as shown in the
`font-lock-keywords' doc string.
If SYNTACTIC-KEYWORDS is non-nil, it means these keywords are used for
`font-lock-syntactic-keywords' rather than for `font-lock-keywords'.

Function: image-type-auto-detected-p

Return t if the current buffer contains an auto-detectable image.
This function is intended to be used from `magic-fallback-mode-alist'.

The buffer is considered to contain an auto-detectable image if
its beginning matches an image type in `image-type-header-regexps',
and that image type is present in `image-type-auto-detectable' with a
non-nil value. If that value is non-nil, but not t, then the image type must be available.

Function: truncated-partial-width-window-p

Return non-nil if lines in WINDOW are specifically truncated due to its width.
WINDOW must be a live window and defaults to the selected one.
Return nil if WINDOW is not a partial-width window
(regardless of the value of `truncate-lines').
Otherwise, consult the value of `truncate-partial-width-windows'
for the buffer shown in WINDOW.

Function: pr-toggle-ghostscript

Toggle printing using ghostscript.


Function: byte-compile-warning-enabled-p

Return non-nil if WARNING is enabled, according to `byte-compile-warnings'.


Variable: after-revert-hook

Normal hook for `revert-buffer' to run after reverting.
Note that the hook value that it runs is the value that was in effect
before reverting; that makes a difference if you have buffer-local
hook functions.

If `revert-buffer-function' is used to override the normal revert
mechanism, this hook is not used.

Function: set-window-parameter

WINDOW can be any window and defaults to the selected one.
Return VALUE.


Variable: tty-erase-char

The ERASE character as set by the user with stty.

Function: byte-compile-arglist-signature


Function: isearch-toggle-input-method

Toggle input method in interactive search.


Function: customize-rogue

Customize all user variables modified outside customize.


Function: change-log-mode

Major mode for editing change logs; like Indented Text mode.
Prevents numeric backups and sets `left-margin' to 8 and `fill-column' to 74.
New log entries are usually made with M-x add-change-log-entry or C-x 4 a.
Each entry behaves as a paragraph, and the entries for one day as a page.
Runs `change-log-mode-hook'.

Uses keymap `change-log-mode-map', which is not currently defined. (fn)

Function: start-process-shell-command

Start a program in a subprocess. Return the process object for it.
NAME is name for process. It is modified if necessary to make it unique.
BUFFER is the buffer (or buffer name) to associate with the process.
Process output goes at end of that buffer, unless you specify
an output stream or filter function to handle the output.
BUFFER may be also nil, meaning that this process is not associated
with any buffer
COMMAND is the shell command to run.

An old calling convention accepted any number of arguments after COMMAND,
which were just concatenated to COMMAND. This is still supported but strongly discouraged.

Function: not

Return t if OBJECT is nil.


Variable: auth-sources

List of authentication sources.

The default will get login and password information from
"~/.authinfo.gpg", which you should set up with the EPA/EPG
packages to be encrypted. If that file doesn't exist, it will
try the unencrypted version "~/.authinfo" and the famous
"~/.netrc" file.

See the auth.info manual for details.

Each entry is the authentication type with optional properties.

It's best to customize this with `M-x customize-variable' because the choices can get pretty complex.

Variable: cpp-font-lock-keywords-source-depth

An integer representing regular expression depth of `cpp-font-lock-keywords-source-directives'.
Used in `cpp-font-lock-keywords'.

Function: find-composition

Return information about a composition at or near buffer position POS.

If the character at POS has `composition' property, the value is a list

FROM and TO specify the range of text that has the same `composition'
property, VALID-P is t if this composition is valid, and nil if not.

If there's no composition at POS, and the optional 2nd argument LIMIT
is non-nil, search for a composition toward the position given by LIMIT.

If no composition is found, return nil.

Optional 3rd argument STRING, if non-nil, is a string to look for a
composition in; nil means the current buffer.

If a valid composition is found and the optional 4th argument DETAIL-P
is non-nil, the return value is a list of the form


COMPONENTS is a vector of integers, the meaning depends on RELATIVE-P.

RELATIVE-P is t if the composition method is relative, else nil.

If RELATIVE-P is t, COMPONENTS is a vector of characters to be
composed. If RELATIVE-P is nil, COMPONENTS is a vector of characters
and composition rules as described in `compose-region'.

MOD-FUNC is a modification function of the composition.

WIDTH is a number of columns the composition occupies on the screen.

When Automatic Composition mode is on, this function also finds a
chunk of text that is automatically composed. If such a chunk is
found closer to POS than the position that has `composition'
property, the value is a list of FROM, TO, and a glyph-string that specifies how the chunk is to be composed. See the function `composition-get-gstring' for the format of the glyph-string.

Variable: tex-open-quote

String inserted by typing M-x tex-insert-quote to open a quotation.

Variable: mail-signature

Text inserted at end of mail buffer when a message is initialized.
If t, it means to insert the contents of the file `mail-signature-file'.
If a string, that string is inserted.
(To make a proper signature, the string should begin with \n\n-- \n,
which is the standard way to delimit a signature in a message.)
Otherwise, it should be an expression; it is evaluated
and should insert whatever you want to insert.

Function: show-paren-mode

Toggle visualization of matching parens (Show Paren mode).
With a prefix argument ARG, enable Show Paren mode if ARG is
positive, and disable it otherwise. If called from Lisp, enable
the mode if ARG is omitted or nil.

Show Paren mode is a global minor mode. When enabled, any
matching parenthesis is highlighted in `show-paren-style' after
`show-paren-delay' seconds of Emacs idle time. (fn &optional ARG)

Variable: show-paren-mode

Non-nil if Show-Paren mode is enabled.
See the command `show-paren-mode' for a description of this minor mode.
Setting this variable directly does not take effect;
either customize it (see the info node `Easy Customization')
or call the function `show-paren-mode'.

Function: posn-string

Return the string object of POSITION.
Value is a cons (STRING . STRING-POS), or nil if not a string.
POSITION should be a list of the form returned by the `event-start'
and `event-end' functions.

Function: delete-dups

Destructively remove `equal' duplicates from LIST.
Store the result in LIST and return it. LIST must be a proper list.
Of several `equal' occurrences of an element in LIST, the first
one is kept.

Function: controlling-tty-p

Return non-nil if TERMINAL is the controlling tty of the Emacs process.

TERMINAL can be a terminal object, a frame, or nil (meaning the
selected frame's terminal). This function always returns nil if
TERMINAL is not on a tty device.

(fn &optional TERMINAL)

Function: ring-remove+insert+extend

`ring-remove' ITEM from RING, then `ring-insert+extend' it.
This ensures that there is only one ITEM on RING.

If the RING is full, behavior depends on GROW-P:
If GROW-P is non-nil, enlarge the ring to accommodate the new ITEM.
If GROW-P is nil, dump the oldest item to make room for the new.

Function: cookie-snarf

Reads in the PHRASE-FILE, returns it as a vector of strings.
Emit STARTMSG and ENDMSG before and after. Caches the result; second
and subsequent calls on the same file won't go to disk.


Function: conf-space-keywords

Enter Conf Space mode using regexp KEYWORDS to match the keywords.
See `conf-space-mode'.


Function: plain-TeX-mode

Major mode for editing files of input for plain TeX.
Makes $ and } display the characters they match.
Makes " insert `` when it seems to be the beginning of a quotation,
and '' when it appears to be the end; it inserts " only after a \.

Use M-x tex-region to run TeX on the current region, plus a "header"
copied from the top of the file (containing macro definitions, etc.),
running TeX under a special subshell. M-x tex-buffer does the whole buffer.
M-x tex-file saves the buffer and then processes the file.
M-x tex-print prints the .dvi file made by any of these.
M-x tex-view previews the .dvi file made by any of these.
M-x tex-bibtex-file runs bibtex on the file of the current buffer.

Use M-x tex-validate-buffer to check buffer for paragraphs containing
mismatched $'s or braces.

Special commands:

Uses keymap `plain-tex-mode-map', which is not currently defined.

Mode variables:
Command string used by M-x tex-region or M-x tex-buffer.
Directory in which to create temporary files for TeX jobs
run by M-x tex-region or M-x tex-buffer.
Command string used by M-x tex-print to print a .dvi file.
Alternative command string used by M-x tex-print (when given a prefix
argument) to print a .dvi file.
Command string used by M-x tex-view to preview a .dvi file.
Command string used by M-x tex-show-print-queue to show the print
queue that M-x tex-print put your job on.

Entering Plain-tex mode runs the hook `text-mode-hook', then the hook `tex-mode-hook', and finally the hook `plain-tex-mode-hook'. When the special subshell is initiated, the hook `tex-shell-hook' is run. (fn)

Function: set-language-environment

Set up multilingual environment for using LANGUAGE-NAME.
This sets the coding system priority and the default input method
and sometimes other things. LANGUAGE-NAME should be a string
which is the name of a language environment. For example, "Latin-1"
specifies the character set for the major languages of Western Europe.

If there is a prior value for `current-language-environment', this
runs the hook `exit-language-environment-hook'. After setting up
the new language environment, it runs `set-language-environment-hook'.

Function: package-menu-mark-delete

Mark a package for deletion and move to the next line.

Variable: before-make-frame-hook

Functions to run before a frame is created.

Function: doc-view-mode-p

Return non-nil if document type TYPE is available for `doc-view'.
Document types are symbols like `dvi', `ps', `pdf', or `odf' (any
OpenDocument format).
(fn TYPE)

Variable: cursor-in-non-selected-windows

Non-nil means show a cursor in non-selected windows.
If nil, only shows a cursor in the selected window.
If t, displays a cursor related to the usual cursor type
(a solid box becomes hollow, a bar becomes a narrower bar).
You can also specify the cursor type as in the `cursor-type' variable.
Use Custom to set this variable and update the display."

Function: key-binding

Return the binding for command KEY in current keymaps.
KEY is a string or vector, a sequence of keystrokes.
The binding is probably a symbol with a function definition.

Normally, `key-binding' ignores bindings for t, which act as default
bindings, used when nothing else in the keymap applies; this makes it
usable as a general function for probing keymaps. However, if the
optional second argument ACCEPT-DEFAULT is non-nil, `key-binding' does
recognize the default bindings, just as `read-key-sequence' does.

Like the normal command loop, `key-binding' will remap the command
resulting from looking up KEY by looking up the command in the
current keymaps. However, if the optional third argument NO-REMAP
is non-nil, `key-binding' returns the unmapped command.

If KEY is a key sequence initiated with the mouse, the used keymaps
will depend on the clicked mouse position with regard to the buffer
and possible local keymaps on strings.

If the optional argument POSITION is non-nil, it specifies a mouse
position as returned by `event-start' and `event-end', and the lookup
occurs in the keymaps associated with it instead of KEY. It can also
be a number or marker, in which case the keymap properties at the
specified buffer position instead of point are used. (fn KEY &optional ACCEPT-DEFAULT NO-REMAP POSITION)

Function: apropos-parse-pattern

Rewrite a list of words to a regexp matching all permutations.
If PATTERN is a string, that means it is already a regexp.
This updates variables `apropos-pattern', `apropos-pattern-quoted',
`apropos-regexp', `apropos-words', and `apropos-all-words-regexp'.

Function: html-ordered-list

HTML ordered list tags.

This is a skeleton command (see `skeleton-insert').
Normally the skeleton text is inserted at point, with nothing "inside".
If there is a highlighted region, the skeleton text is wrapped
around the region text.

A prefix argument ARG says to wrap the skeleton around the next ARG words.
A prefix argument of -1 says to wrap around region, even if not highlighted.
A prefix argument of zero says to wrap around zero words---that is, nothing.
This is a way of overriding the use of a highlighted region.

Variable: x-select-enable-primary

Non-nil means cutting and pasting uses the primary selection.

Variable: completion-cycle-threshold

Number of completion candidates below which cycling is used.
Depending on this setting `minibuffer-complete' may use cycling,
like `minibuffer-force-complete'.
If nil, cycling is never used.
If t, cycling is always used.
If an integer, cycling is used so long as there are not more
completion candidates than this number.

Function: backup-buffer

Make a backup of the disk file visited by the current buffer, if appropriate.
This is normally done before saving the buffer the first time.

A backup may be done by renaming or by copying; see documentation of
variable `make-backup-files'. If it's done by renaming, then the file is
no longer accessible under its old name.

The value is non-nil after a backup was made by renaming.
MODES is the result of `file-modes' on the original
file; this means that the caller, after saving the buffer, should change
the modes of the new file to agree with the old modes.
SELINUXCONTEXT is the result of `file-selinux-context' on the original
file; this means that the caller, after saving the buffer, should change
the SELinux context of the new file to agree with the old context.
BACKUPNAME is the backup file name, which is the old file renamed.

Function: debugger-frame-number

Return number of frames in backtrace before the one point points at.

Function: syntax-propertize-multiline

Let `syntax-propertize' pay attention to the syntax-multiline property.

(fn BEG END)

Function: skeleton-pair-insert-maybe

Insert the character you type ARG times.

With no ARG, if `skeleton-pair' is non-nil, pairing can occur. If the region
is visible the pair is wrapped around it depending on `skeleton-autowrap'.
Else, if `skeleton-pair-on-word' is non-nil or we are not before or inside a
word, and if `skeleton-pair-filter-function' returns nil, pairing is performed.
Pairing is also prohibited if we are right after a quoting character
such as backslash.

If a match is found in `skeleton-pair-alist', that is inserted, else
the defaults are used. These are (), [], {}, <> and `' for the
symmetrical ones, and the same character twice for the others. (fn ARG)

Function: iimage-mode

Toggle Iimage mode on or off.
With a prefix argument ARG, enable Iimage mode if ARG is
positive, and disable it otherwise. If called from Lisp, enable
the mode if ARG is omitted or nil, and toggle it if ARG is `toggle'.

Uses keymap `iimage-mode-map', which is not currently defined.
(fn &optional ARG)

Function: gnus-group-split-fancy

Uses information from group parameters in order to split mail.
It can be embedded into `nnmail-split-fancy' lists with the SPLIT

(: gnus-group-split-fancy GROUPS NO-CROSSPOST CATCH-ALL)

GROUPS may be a regular expression or a list of group names, that will
be used to select candidate groups. If it is omitted or nil, all
existing groups are considered.

if NO-CROSSPOST is omitted or nil, a & split will be returned,
otherwise, a | split, that does not allow crossposting, will be

For each selected group, a SPLIT is composed like this: if SPLIT-SPEC
is specified, this split is returned as-is (unless it is nil: in this
case, the group is ignored). Otherwise, if TO-ADDRESS, TO-LIST and/or
EXTRA-ALIASES are specified, a regexp that matches any of them is
constructed (extra-aliases may be a list). Additionally, if
SPLIT-REGEXP is specified, the regexp will be extended so that it
matches this regexp too, and if SPLIT-EXCLUDE is specified, RESTRICT
clauses will be generated.

If CATCH-ALL is nil, no catch-all handling is performed, regardless of
catch-all marks in group parameters. Otherwise, if there is no
selected group whose SPLIT-REGEXP matches the empty string, nor is
there a selected group whose SPLIT-SPEC is 'catch-all, this fancy
split (say, a group name) will be appended to the returned SPLIT list,
as the last element of a '| SPLIT.

For example, given the following group parameters:

((to-address . "bar@femail.com")
(split-regexp . ".*@femail\\.com"))
((to-list . "foo@nowhere.gov")
(extra-aliases "foo@localhost" "foo-redist@home")
(split-exclude "bugs-foo" "rambling-foo")
(admin-address . "foo-request@nowhere.gov"))
((split-spec . catch-all))

Calling (gnus-group-split-fancy nil nil "mail.others") returns:

(| (& (any "\\(bar@femail\\.com\\|.*@femail\\.com\\)"
(any "\\(foo@nowhere\\.gov\\|foo@localhost\\|foo-redist@home\\)" - "bugs-foo" - "rambling-foo" "mail.foo")) "mail.others") (fn &optional GROUPS NO-CROSSPOST CATCH-ALL)

Function: bookmark-insert

Insert the text of the file pointed to by bookmark BOOKMARK-NAME.
BOOKMARK-NAME is a bookmark name (a string), not a bookmark record.

You may have a problem using this function if the value of variable
`bookmark-alist' is nil. If that happens, you need to load in some
bookmarks. See help on function `bookmark-load' for more about
this. (fn BOOKMARK-NAME)

Function: find-composition-internal

Internal use only.

Return information about composition at or nearest to position POS.
See `find-composition' for more details.


Function: string-to-syntax

Convert a syntax descriptor STRING into a raw syntax descriptor.
STRING should be a string of the form allowed as argument of
`modify-syntax-entry'. The return value is a raw syntax descriptor: a
cons cell (CODE . MATCHING-CHAR) which can be used, for example, as
the value of a `syntax-table' text property. (fn STRING)

Function: help-xref-go-forward

From BUFFER, go forward to next help buffer.

Variable: Info-current-file

Info file that Info is now looking at, or nil.
This is the name that was specified in Info, not the actual file name.
It doesn't contain directory names or file name extensions added by Info.

Function: completion--nth-completion

Call the Nth method of completion styles.


Variable: byte-compile-warnings

List of warnings that the byte-compiler should issue (t for all).

Elements of the list may be:

free-vars references to variables not in the current lexical scope.
unresolved calls to unknown functions.
callargs function calls with args that don't match the definition.
redefine function name redefined from a macro to ordinary function or vice
versa, or redefined to take a different number of arguments.
obsolete obsolete variables and functions.
noruntime functions that may not be defined at runtime (typically
defined only under `eval-when-compile').
cl-functions calls to runtime functions from the CL package (as
distinguished from macros and aliases).
commands that normally shouldn't be called from Lisp code.
make-local calls to make-variable-buffer-local that may be incorrect.
mapcar mapcar called for effect.
constants let-binding of, or assignment to, constants/nonvariables.
suspicious constructs that usually don't do what the coder wanted.

If the list begins with `not', then the remaining elements specify warnings to suppress. For example, (not mapcar) will suppress warnings about mapcar.

Face: secondary-selection

Basic face for displaying the secondary selection.

Function: accept-process-output

Allow any pending output from subprocesses to be read by Emacs.
It is read into the process' buffers or given to their filter functions.
Non-nil arg PROCESS means do not return until some output has been received

Non-nil second arg SECONDS and third arg MILLISEC are number of seconds
and milliseconds to wait; return after that much time whether or not
there is any subprocess output. If SECONDS is a floating point number,
it specifies a fractional number of seconds to wait.
The MILLISEC argument is obsolete and should be avoided.

If optional fourth arg JUST-THIS-ONE is non-nil, only accept output
from PROCESS, suspending reading output from other processes.
If JUST-THIS-ONE is an integer, don't run any timers either.
Return non-nil if we received any output before the timeout expired. (fn &optional PROCESS SECONDS MILLISEC JUST-THIS-ONE)

Function: set-buffer-auto-saved

Mark current buffer as auto-saved with its current text.
No auto-save file will be written until the buffer changes again.

Variable: inhibit-local-menu-bar-menus

Non-nil means inhibit local map menu bar menus.

Function: comint-after-pmark-p

Return t if point is after the process output marker.


Function: x-dnd-init-xdnd-for-frame

Set the XdndAware property for FRAME to indicate that we do XDND.

Function: Buffer-menu-buffer

Return the buffer described by the current Buffer Menu line.
If there is no buffer here, return nil if ERROR-IF-NON-EXISTENT-P
is nil or omitted, and signal an error otherwise.

Face: Buffer-menu-buffer

Buffer-menu-buffer is an alias for the face `buffer-menu-buffer'.
Face for buffer names in the Buffer Menu.

Function: find-function-noselect

Return a pair (BUFFER . POINT) pointing to the definition of FUNCTION.

Finds the source file containing the definition of FUNCTION
in a buffer and the point of the definition. The buffer is
not selected. If the function definition can't be found in
the buffer, returns (BUFFER).

If FUNCTION is a built-in function, this function normally
attempts to find it in the Emacs C sources; however, if LISP-ONLY
is non-nil, signal an error instead.

If the file where FUNCTION is defined is not known, then it is
searched for in `find-function-source-path' if non-nil, otherwise
in `load-path'. (fn FUNCTION &optional LISP-ONLY)

Function: minibuffer-selected-window

Return the window which was selected when entering the minibuffer.
Returns nil, if selected window is not a minibuffer window.

Function: insert-byte

Insert COUNT (second arg) copies of BYTE (first arg).
Both arguments are required.
BYTE is a number of the range 0..255.

If BYTE is 128..255 and the current buffer is multibyte, the
corresponding eight-bit character is inserted.

Point, and before-insertion markers, are relocated as in the function `insert'.
The optional third arg INHERIT, if non-nil, says to inherit text properties
from adjoining text, if those properties are sticky. (fn BYTE COUNT &optional INHERIT)

Variable: initial-environment

List of environment variables inherited from the parent process.
Each element should be a string of the form ENVVARNAME=VALUE.
The elements must normally be decoded (using `locale-coding-system') for use.

Function: fboundp

Return t if SYMBOL's function definition is not void.


Function: set-keymap-parent

Modify KEYMAP to set its parent map to PARENT.
Return PARENT. PARENT should be nil or another keymap.


Variable: sentence-end-double-space

Non-nil means a single space does not end a sentence.
This is relevant for filling. See also `sentence-end-without-period'
and `colon-double-space'.

This value is used by the function `sentence-end' to construct the
regexp describing the end of a sentence, when the value of the variable
`sentence-end' is nil. See Info node `(elisp)Standard Regexps'.

Function: self-insert-and-exit

Terminate minibuffer input.


Variable: bdf-directory-list

List of directories to search for `BDF' font files.
The default value is '("/usr/local/share/emacs/fonts/bdf").

Variable: allout-widgets-auto-activation

Activate to enable allout icon graphics wherever allout mode is active.

Also enable `allout-auto-activation' for this to take effect upon
visiting an outline.

When this is set you can disable allout widgets in select files
by setting `allout-widgets-mode-inhibit'

Instead of setting `allout-widgets-auto-activation' you can
explicitly invoke `allout-widgets-mode' in allout buffers where
you want allout widgets operation.

See `allout-widgets-mode' for allout widgets mode features.

Function: set-fill-prefix

Set the fill prefix to the current line up to point.
Filling expects lines to start with the fill prefix and
reinserts the fill prefix in each resulting line.

Variable: process-connection-type

Control type of device used to communicate with subprocesses.
Values are nil to use a pipe, or t or `pty' to use a pty.
The value has no effect if the system has no ptys or if all ptys are busy:
then a pipe is used in any case.
The value takes effect when `start-process' is called.

Variable: last-prefix-arg

The value of the prefix argument for the previous editing command.
See `prefix-arg' for the meaning of the value.

Function: eieio-version

Display the current version of EIEIO.

Variable: eieio-version

Current version of EIEIO.

Variable: pcmpl-ssh-known-hosts-file

If non-nil, a string naming your SSH "known_hosts" file.
This allows one method of completion of SSH host names, the other
being via `pcmpl-ssh-config-file'. Note that newer versions of
ssh hash the hosts by default, to prevent Island-hopping SSH
attacks. This can be disabled, at some risk, with the SSH option
"HashKnownHosts no".

Variable: comint-scroll-to-bottom-on-input

Controls whether input to interpreter causes window to scroll.
If nil, then do not scroll. If t or `all', scroll all windows showing buffer.
If `this', scroll only the selected window.

The default is nil.

See `comint-preinput-scroll-to-bottom'. This variable is buffer-local.

Function: url-copy-file

Copy URL to NEWNAME. Both args must be strings.
Signals a `file-already-exists' error if file NEWNAME already exists,
unless a third argument OK-IF-ALREADY-EXISTS is supplied and non-nil.
A number as third arg means request confirmation if NEWNAME already exists.
This is what happens in interactive use with M-x.
Fourth arg KEEP-TIME non-nil means give the new file the same
last-modified time as the old one. (This works on only some systems.)
Fifth arg PRESERVE-UID-GID is ignored.
A prefix arg makes KEEP-TIME non-nil.


Function: ffap

Find FILENAME, guessing a default from text around point.
If `ffap-url-regexp' is not nil, the FILENAME may also be an URL.
With a prefix, this command behaves exactly like `ffap-file-finder'.
If `ffap-require-prefix' is set, the prefix meaning is reversed.
See also the variables `ffap-dired-wildcards', `ffap-newfile-prompt',
and the functions `ffap-file-at-point' and `ffap-url-at-point'.
(fn &optional FILENAME)

Function: internal-complete-buffer-except

Perform completion on all buffers excluding BUFFER.
BUFFER nil or omitted means use the current buffer.
Like `internal-complete-buffer', but removes BUFFER from the completion list.

(fn &optional BUFFER)

Variable: special-display-function

Function to call for displaying special buffers.
This function is called with two arguments - the buffer and,
optionally, a list - and should return a window displaying that
buffer. The default value usually makes a separate frame for the
buffer using `special-display-frame-alist' to specify the frame
parameters. See the definition of `special-display-popup-frame'
for how to specify such a function.

A buffer is special when its name is either listed in
`special-display-buffer-names' or matches a regexp in

The specified function should call `display-buffer-record-window'
with corresponding arguments to set up the quit-restore parameter of the window used.

Function: format-subtract-regions

Remove from the regions in MINUEND the regions in SUBTRAHEND.
A region is a dotted pair (FROM . TO). Both parameters are lists of
regions. Each list must contain nonoverlapping, noncontiguous
regions, in descending order. The result is also nonoverlapping,
noncontiguous, and in descending order. The first element of MINUEND
can have a cdr of nil, indicating that the end of that region is not
yet known.

Function: put-text-property

Set one property of the text from START to END.
The third and fourth arguments PROPERTY and VALUE
specify the property to add.
If the optional fifth argument OBJECT is a buffer (or nil, which means
the current buffer), START and END are buffer positions (integers or
markers). If OBJECT is a string, START and END are 0-based indices into it.


Function: tty-suppress-bold-inverse-default-colors

Suppress/allow boldness of faces with inverse default colors.
SUPPRESS non-nil means suppress it.
This affects bold faces on TTYs whose foreground is the default background
color of the display and whose background is the default foreground color.
For such faces, the bold face attribute is ignored if this variable
is non-nil. (fn SUPPRESS)

Variable: Info-search-case-fold

The value of `case-fold-search' from previous `Info-search' command.

Function: cl-rem

The remainder of X divided by Y, with the same sign as X.

(fn X Y)

Function: get-other-frame

Return some frame other than the current frame.
Create one if necessary. Note that the minibuffer frame, if separate,
is not considered (see `next-frame').

Function: completion--twq-try


Variable: button-map

Keymap used by buttons.

Function: symbol-function

Return SYMBOL's function definition. Error if that is void.


Function: gnus-delete-alist

Delete from ALIST all elements whose car is `eq' to KEY.
Return the modified alist.
Elements of ALIST that are not conses are ignored.

Function: apropos-false-hit-symbol

Return t if SYMBOL is not really matched by the current keywords.

Function: undo-elt-in-region

Determine whether UNDO-ELT falls inside the region START ... END.
If it crosses the edge, we return nil.

Function: kill-ring-save

Save the region as if killed, but don't kill it.
In Transient Mark mode, deactivate the mark.
If `interprogram-cut-function' is non-nil, also save the text for a window
system cut and paste.

If you want to append the killed line to the last killed text,
use C-M-w before M-w.

This command is similar to `copy-region-as-kill', except that it gives
visual feedback indicating the extent of the region being copied.

Function: auto-revert-tail-mode

Toggle reverting tail of buffer when the file grows.
With a prefix argument ARG, enable Auto-Revert Tail mode if ARG
is positive, and disable it otherwise. If called from Lisp,
enable the mode if ARG is omitted or nil.

When Auto Revert Tail mode is enabled, the tail of the file is
constantly followed, as with the shell command `tail -f'. This
means that whenever the file grows on disk (presumably because
some background process is appending to it from time to time),
this is reflected in the current buffer.

You can edit the buffer and turn this mode off and on again as
you please. But make sure the background process has stopped
writing before you save the file!

Use `auto-revert-mode' for changes other than appends! (fn &optional ARG)

Face: mode-line-buffer-id

Face used for buffer identification parts of the mode line.

Variable: tool-bar-separator-image-expression

Expression evaluating to the image spec for a tool-bar separator.
This is used internally by graphical displays that do not render
tool-bar separators natively. Otherwise it is unused (e.g. on GTK).

Function: sh-add

Insert an addition of VAR and prefix DELTA for Bourne (type) shell.

Function: help-do-xref

Call the help cross-reference function FUNCTION with args ARGS.
Things are set up properly so that the resulting help-buffer has
a proper [back] button.

Variable: mouse-wheel-follow-mouse

Whether the mouse wheel should scroll the window that the mouse is over.
This can be slightly disconcerting, but some people prefer it.

Function: eudc-display-generic-binary

Display a button for unidentified binary DATA.

(fn DATA)

Function: scroll-up

Scroll text of selected window upward ARG lines.
If ARG is omitted or nil, scroll upward by a near full screen.
A near full screen is `next-screen-context-lines' less than a full screen.
Negative ARG means scroll downward.
If ARG is the atom `-', scroll downward by nearly full screen.
When calling from a program, supply as argument a number, nil, or `-'. (fn &optional ARG)

Variable: internal-doc-file-name

Name of file containing documentation strings of built-in symbols.

Function: select-message-coding-system

Return a coding system to encode the outgoing message of the current buffer.
It at first tries the first coding system found in these variables
in this order:
(1) local value of `buffer-file-coding-system'
(2) value of `sendmail-coding-system'
(3) value of `default-sendmail-coding-system'
(4) default value of `buffer-file-coding-system'
If the found coding system can't encode the current buffer,
or none of them are bound to a coding system,
it asks the user to select a proper coding system.

Function: read-file-name-default

Default method for reading file names.
See `read-file-name' for the meaning of the arguments.


Function: timeclock-query-out

Ask the user whether to clock out.
This is a useful function for adding to `kill-emacs-query-functions'.

Function: indian-2-column-to-ucs-region

Convert old Emacs Devanagari characters to UCS.

(fn FROM TO)

Function: face-inverse-video-p

Return non-nil if FACE specifies a non-nil inverse-video.
If the optional argument FRAME is given, report on face FACE in that frame.
If FRAME is t, report on the defaults for face FACE (for new frames).
If FRAME is omitted or nil, use the selected frame.

Function: user-original-login-name

Return the name under which the user logged in, as a string.
This is based on the effective uid, not the real uid.
Also, if the environment variables LOGNAME or USER are set,
that determines the value of this function.

If optional argument UID is an integer or a float, return the login name
of the user with that uid, or nil if there is no such user. (fn &optional UID)

Function: eval

Evaluate FORM and return its value.
If LEXICAL is t, evaluate using lexical scoping.

(fn FORM &optional LEXICAL)

Function: substitute-in-file-name

Substitute environment variables referred to in FILENAME.
`$FOO' where FOO is an environment variable name means to substitute
the value of that variable. The variable name should be terminated
with a character not a letter, digit or underscore; otherwise, enclose
the entire variable name in braces.

If `/~' appears, all of FILENAME through that `/' is discarded.
If `//' appears, everything up to and including the first of
those `/' is discarded. (fn FILENAME)

Function: xterm-turn-on-modify-other-keys

Turn the modifyOtherKeys feature of xterm back on.

Function: package-archive-base

Return the archive containing the package NAME.

Function: set-process-window-size

Tell PROCESS that it has logical window size HEIGHT and WIDTH.


Function: widget-apply

Apply the value of WIDGET's PROPERTY to the widget itself.
ARGS are passed as extra arguments to the function.


Function: cadar

Return the `car' of the `cdr' of the `car' of X.

(fn X)

Function: cl--set-substring


Function: timer-set-time

Set the trigger time of TIMER to TIME.
TIME must be in the internal format returned by, e.g., `current-time'.
If optional third argument DELTA is a positive number, make the timer
fire repeatedly that many seconds apart.

Variable: table-cell-map-hook

Normal hooks run when finishing construction of `table-cell-map'.
User can modify `table-cell-map' by adding custom functions here.

Function: sql-sqlite

Run sqlite as an inferior process.

SQLite is free software.

If buffer `*SQL*' exists but no process is running, make a new process.
If buffer exists and a process is running, just switch to buffer

Interpreter used comes from variable `sql-sqlite-program'. Login uses
the variables `sql-user', `sql-password', `sql-database', and
`sql-server' as defaults, if set. Additional command line parameters
can be stored in the list `sql-sqlite-options'.

The buffer is put in SQL interactive mode, giving commands for sending
input. See `sql-interactive-mode'.

To set the buffer name directly, use C-u
before M-x sql-sqlite. Once session has started,
M-x sql-rename-buffer can be called separately to rename the

To specify a coding system for converting non-ASCII characters
in the input and output to the process, use C-x RET c
before M-x sql-sqlite. You can also specify this with C-x RET p
in the SQL buffer, after you start the process.
The default comes from `process-coding-system-alist' and
`default-process-coding-system'. (Type C-h m in the SQL buffer for a list of commands.) (fn &optional BUFFER)

Variable: mouse-autoselect-window-window

Last window recorded by delayed window autoselection.

Function: byte-compile-no-warnings

(fn FORM)

Function: comint-show-maximum-output

Put the end of the buffer at the bottom of the window.


Function: org-insert-columns-dblock

Create a dynamic block capturing a column view table.


Function: autoarg-mode

Toggle Autoarg mode, a global minor mode.
With a prefix argument ARG, enable Autoarg mode if ARG is
positive, and disable it otherwise. If called from Lisp, enable
the mode if ARG is omitted or nil.

Uses keymap `autoarg-mode-map', which is not currently defined.

In Autoarg mode, digits are bound to `digit-argument', i.e. they
supply prefix arguments as C-DIGIT and M-DIGIT normally do.
Furthermore, C-DIGIT inserts DIGIT.
M-x autoarg-terminate terminates the prefix sequence and inserts
the digits of the autoarg sequence into the buffer.
Without a numeric prefix arg, the normal binding of M-x autoarg-terminate
is invoked, i.e. what it would be with Autoarg mode off.

For example:
`6 9 M-x autoarg-terminate' inserts `69' into the buffer, as does `C-6 C-9'.
`6 9 a' inserts 69 `a's into the buffer.
`6 9 M-x autoarg-terminate M-x autoarg-terminate' inserts `69' into the buffer and
then invokes the normal binding of M-x autoarg-terminate.
`C-u M-x autoarg-terminate' invokes the normal binding of M-x autoarg-terminate four times.
Uses keymap `autoarg-mode-map', which is not currently defined. (fn &optional ARG)

Variable: autoarg-mode

Non-nil if Autoarg mode is enabled.
See the command `autoarg-mode' for a description of this minor mode.

Variable: window-text-change-functions

Functions to call in redisplay when text in the window might change.

Function: make-terminal-frame

Create an additional terminal frame, possibly on another terminal.
This function takes one argument, an alist specifying frame parameters.

You can create multiple frames on a single text terminal, but only one
of them (the selected terminal frame) is actually displayed.

In practice, generally you don't need to specify any parameters,
except when you want to create a new frame on another terminal.
In that case, the `tty' parameter specifies the device file to open,
and the `tty-type' parameter specifies the terminal type. Example:

(make-terminal-frame '((tty . "/dev/pts/5") (tty-type . "xterm")))

Note that changing the size of one terminal frame automatically
affects all frames on the same terminal device. (fn PARMS)

Function: standard-class

You cannot create a new object of type eieio-default-superclass

Function: multi-isearch-read-matching-buffers

Return a list of buffers whose names match specified regexp.

Function: Info-check-pointer

Non-nil if ITEM is present in this node.

Function: easy-menu-remove-item

From submenu of MAP with path PATH remove item NAME.
MAP and PATH are defined as in `easy-menu-add-item'.
NAME should be a string, the name of the element to be removed.

Variable: charset-script-alist

Alist of charsets vs the corresponding most appropriate scripts.

This alist is used by the function `create-fontset-from-fontset-spec'
to map charsets to scripts.

Function: table-widen-cell

Widen the current cell by N columns and expand the cell horizontally.
Some other cells in the same table are widen as well to keep the
table's rectangle structure.

(fn N &optional NO-COPY NO-UPDATE)

Function: pcomplete-expand-and-complete

Expand the textual value of the current argument.
This will modify the current buffer.

Variable: ispell-menu-map

Key map for ispell menu.

Function: checkdoc-ispell-defun

Check the style and spelling of the current defun with Ispell.
Calls `checkdoc-defun' with spell-checking turned on.
Prefix argument TAKE-NOTES is the same as for `checkdoc-defun'

(fn &optional TAKE-NOTES)

Function: java-mode

Major mode for editing Java code.
To submit a problem report, enter `M-x c-submit-bug-report' from a
java-mode buffer. This automatically sets up a mail buffer with
version information already added. You just need to add a description
of the problem, including a reproducible test case, and send the

To see what version of CC Mode you are running, enter `M-x c-version'.

The hook `c-mode-common-hook' is run with no args at mode
initialization, then `java-mode-hook'.

Key bindings:

Uses keymap `java-mode-map', which is not currently defined. (fn)

Function: help-for-help

Help command.

Function: use-region-p

Return t if the region is active and it is appropriate to act on it.
This is used by commands that act specially on the region under
Transient Mark mode.

The return value is t if Transient Mark mode is enabled and the
mark is active; furthermore, if `use-empty-active-region' is nil,
the region must not be empty. Otherwise, the return value is nil.

For some commands, it may be appropriate to ignore the value of
`use-empty-active-region'; in that case, use `region-active-p'.

Variable: safe-local-eval-forms

Expressions that are considered safe in an `eval:' local variable.
Add expressions to this list if you want Emacs to evaluate them, when
they appear in an `eval' local variable specification, without first
asking you for confirmation.

Function: display-popup-menus-p

Return non-nil if popup menus are supported on DISPLAY.
DISPLAY can be a display name, a frame, or nil (meaning the selected
frame's display).
Support for popup menus requires that the mouse be available.

Face: warning

Basic face used to highlight warnings.

Function: search-forward-regexp

Search forward from point for regular expression REGEXP.
Set point to the end of the occurrence found, and return point.
An optional second argument bounds the search; it is a buffer position.
The match found must not extend after that position.
Optional third argument, if t, means if fail just return nil (no error).
If not nil and not t, move to limit of search and return nil.
Optional fourth argument is repeat count--search for successive occurrences.

Search case-sensitivity is determined by the value of the variable
`case-fold-search', which see.

See also the functions `match-beginning', `match-end', `match-string',
and `replace-match'. (fn REGEXP &optional BOUND NOERROR COUNT)

Function: string-as-multibyte

Return a multibyte string with the same individual bytes as STRING.
If STRING is multibyte, the result is STRING itself.
Otherwise it is a newly created string, with no text properties.

If STRING is unibyte and contains an individual 8-bit byte (i.e. not
part of a correct utf-8 sequence), it is converted to the corresponding
multibyte character of charset `eight-bit'.
See also `string-to-multibyte'.

Beware, this often doesn't really do what you think it does.
It is similar to (decode-coding-string STRING 'utf-8-emacs).
If you're not sure, whether to use `string-as-multibyte' or
`string-to-multibyte', use `string-to-multibyte'. (fn STRING)

Variable: byte-compile-interactive-only-functions

List of commands that are not meant to be called from Lisp.

Variable: Info-speedbar-menu-items

Additional menu-items to add to speedbar frame.

Variable: eldoc-minor-mode-string

String to display in mode line when ElDoc Mode is enabled; nil for none.

Function: shell-script-mode

Major mode for editing shell scripts.
This mode works for many shells, since they all have roughly the same syntax,
as far as commands, arguments, variables, pipes, comments etc. are concerned.
Unless the file's magic number indicates the shell, your usual shell is
assumed. Since filenames rarely give a clue, they are not further analyzed.

This mode adapts to the variations between shells (see `sh-set-shell') by
means of an inheritance based feature lookup (see `sh-feature'). This
mechanism applies to all variables (including skeletons) that pertain to
shell-specific features.

The default style of this mode is that of Rosenblatt's Korn shell book.
The syntax of the statements varies with the shell being used. The
following commands are available, based on the current shell's syntax:

C-c C-c case statement
C-c C-f for loop
C-c ( function definition
C-c TAB if statement
C-c C-l indexed loop from 1 to n
C-c C-o while getopts loop
C-c C-r repeat loop
C-c C-s select loop
C-c C-u until loop
C-c C-w while loop

For sh and rc shells indentation commands are:
C-c ? Show the variable controlling this line's indentation.
C-c = Set then variable controlling this line's indentation.
C-c < Change the indentation variable so this line
would indent to the way it currently is.
C-c > Set the indentation variables so the
buffer indents as it currently is indented.

DEL Delete backward one position, even if it was a tab.
C-j Delete unquoted space and indent new line same as this one.
M-e Go to end of successive commands.
M-a Go to beginning of successive commands.
C-c : Set this buffer's shell, and maybe its magic number.
C-M-x Have optional header and region be executed in a subshell.

`sh-electric-here-document-mode' controls whether insertion of two
unquoted < insert a here document.

If you generally program a shell different from your login shell you can
set `sh-shell-file' accordingly. If your shell's file name doesn't correctly
indicate what shell it is use `sh-alias-alist' to translate.

If your shell gives error messages with line numbers, you can use C-c C-x
with your script for an edit-interpret-debug cycle. In addition to any hooks its parent mode `prog-mode' might have run, this mode runs the hook `sh-mode-hook', as the final step during initialization.

Function: get-text-property

Return the value of POSITION's property PROP, in OBJECT.
OBJECT should be a buffer or a string; if omitted or nil, it defaults
to the current buffer.
If POSITION is at the end of OBJECT, the value is nil.


Function: Info-follow-nearest-node

Follow a node reference near point.
If point is on a reference, follow that reference. Otherwise,
if point is in a menu item description, follow that menu item.

If FORK is non-nil (interactively with a prefix arg), show the node in
a new Info buffer.
If FORK is a string, it is the name to use for the new buffer.

Function: browse-url

Ask a WWW browser to load URL.
Prompts for a URL, defaulting to the URL at or before point. Variable
`browse-url-browser-function' says which browser to use.
If the URL is a mailto: URL, consult `browse-url-mailto-function'
first, if that exists.
(fn URL &rest ARGS)

Function: buffer-swap-text

Swap the text between current buffer and BUFFER.


Function: access-file

Access file FILENAME, and get an error if that does not work.
The second argument STRING is used in the error message.
If there is no error, returns nil.


Function: car

Return the car of LIST. If arg is nil, return nil.
Error if arg is not nil and not a cons cell. See also `car-safe'.

See Info node `(elisp)Cons Cells' for a discussion of related basic
Lisp concepts such as car, cdr, cons cell and list. (fn LIST)

Function: dabbrev--try-find

Search for ABBREV, backwards if REVERSE, N times.
If IGNORE-CASE is non-nil, ignore case while searching.
Return the expansion found, and save the location of the start
of the expansion in `dabbrev--last-expansion-location'.


Function: merge

Destructively merge the two sequences to produce a new sequence.
TYPE is the sequence type to return, SEQ1 and SEQ2 are the two argument
sequences, and PREDICATE is a `less-than' predicate on the elements.

Keywords supported: :key


Function: insert-text-button

Insert a button with the label LABEL.
The remaining arguments form a sequence of PROPERTY VALUE pairs,
specifying properties to add to the button.
In addition, the keyword argument :type may be used to specify a
button-type from which to inherit other properties; see

This function is like `insert-button', except that the button is
actually part of the text instead of being a property of the buffer.
Creating large numbers of buttons can also be somewhat faster using
`insert-text-button'. Also see `make-text-button'.

Function: provide-theme

Indicate that this file provides THEME.
This calls `provide' to provide the feature name stored in THEME's
property `theme-feature' (which is usually a symbol created by

Variable: view-mode-hook

Normal hook run when starting to view a buffer or file.

Function: position-if

Find the first item satisfying PREDICATE in SEQ.
Return the index of the matching item, or nil if not found.

Keywords supported: :key :start :end :from-end


Function: isearch-search-fun

Return the function to use for the search.
Can be changed via `isearch-search-fun-function' for special needs.

Function: help-xref-on-pp

Add xrefs for symbols in `pp's output between FROM and TO.

Function: conf-windows-mode

Conf Mode starter for Windows style Conf files.
Comments start with `;'.
For details see `conf-mode'. Example:

; Conf mode font-locks this right on Windows and with M-x conf-windows-mode


[{5984FFE0-28D4-11CF-AE66-08002B2E1262}] PersistMoniker=file://Folder.htt (fn)

Function: window--resize-child-windows

Resize child windows of window PARENT vertically by DELTA lines.
PARENT must be a vertically combined internal window.

Optional argument HORIZONTAL non-nil means resize child windows of
PARENT horizontally by DELTA columns. In this case PARENT must
be a horizontally combined internal window.

WINDOW, if specified, must denote a child window of PARENT that
is resized by DELTA lines.

Optional argument IGNORE non-nil means ignore restrictions
imposed by fixed size windows, `window-min-height' or
`window-min-width' settings. If IGNORE equals `safe', live
windows may get as small as `window-safe-min-height' lines and
`window-safe-min-width' columns. If IGNORE is a window, ignore
restrictions for that window only. Any other non-nil value means
ignore all of the above restrictions for all windows.

Optional arguments TRAIL and EDGE, when non-nil, restrict the set
of windows that shall be resized. If TRAIL equals `before',
resize only windows on the left or above EDGE. If TRAIL equals
`after', resize only windows on the right or below EDGE. Also,
preferably only resize windows adjacent to EDGE.
Return the symbol `normalized' if new normal sizes have been already set by this routine.

Variable: emacs-copyright

Short copyright string for this version of Emacs.

Function: coding-system-priority-list

Return a list of coding systems ordered by their priorities.
The list contains a subset of coding systems; i.e. coding systems
assigned to each coding category (see `coding-category-list').

HIGHESTP non-nil means just return the highest priority one.

(fn &optional HIGHESTP)

Function: verify-visited-file-modtime

Return t if last mod time of BUF's visited file matches what BUF records.
This means that the file has not been changed since it was visited or saved.
If BUF is omitted or nil, it defaults to the current buffer.
See Info node `(elisp)Modification Time' for more details.

(fn &optional BUF)

Function: nintersection

Combine LIST1 and LIST2 using a set-intersection operation.
The resulting list contains all items that appear in both LIST1 and LIST2.
This is a destructive function; it reuses the storage of LIST1 and LIST2
whenever possible.

Keywords supported: :test :test-not :key


Variable: hard-newline

Propertized string representing a hard newline character.

Variable: dynamic-library-alist

Alist of dynamic libraries vs external files implementing them.
Each element is a list (LIBRARY FILE...), where the car is a symbol
representing a supported external library, and the rest are strings giving
alternate filenames for that library.

Emacs tries to load the library from the files in the order they appear on
the list; if none is loaded, the running session of Emacs won't have access
to that library.

Note that image types `pbm' and `xbm' do not need entries in this variable
because they do not depend on external libraries and are always available.

Also note that this is not a generic facility for accessing external
libraries; only those already known by Emacs will be loaded.

Function: byte-optimize-nthcdr

(fn FORM)

Variable: class-class-allocation-custom-group

Class allocated custom group.

Function: perform-replace

Subroutine of `query-replace'. Its complexity handles interactive queries.
Don't use this in your own program unless you want to query and set the mark
just as `query-replace' does. Instead, write a simple loop like this:

(while (re-search-forward "foo[ \t]+bar" nil t)
(replace-match "foobar" nil nil))

which will run faster and probably do exactly what you want. Please
see the documentation of `replace-match' to find out how to simulate

This function returns nil if and only if there were no matches to make, or the user didn't cancel the call.

Function: ert-kill-all-test-buffers

Kill all test buffers that are still live.


Function: eval-last-sexp

Evaluate sexp before point; print value in minibuffer.
Interactively, with prefix argument, print output into current buffer.
Truncates long output according to the value of the variables
`eval-expression-print-length' and `eval-expression-print-level'.

If `eval-expression-debug-on-error' is non-nil, which is the default,
this command arranges for all errors to enter the debugger.

Variable: auto-fill-chars

A char-table for characters which invoke auto-filling.
Such characters have value t in this table.

Function: equal

Return t if two Lisp objects have similar structure and contents.
They must have the same data type.
Conses are compared by comparing the cars and the cdrs.
Vectors and strings are compared element by element.
Numbers are compared by value, but integers cannot equal floats.
(Use `=' if you want integers and floats to be able to be equal.)
Symbols must match exactly. (fn O1 O2)

Variable: select-active-regions

If non-nil, an active region automatically sets the primary selection.
If the value is `only', only temporarily active regions (usually made
by mouse-dragging or shift-selection) set the window selection.

This takes effect only when Transient Mark mode is enabled.

Function: easy-menu-lookup-name

Lookup menu item NAME in keymap MAP.
Like `lookup-key' except that NAME is not an array but just a single key
and that NAME can be a string representing the menu item's name.

Function: ring-ref

Return RING's INDEX element.
INDEX = 0 is the most recently inserted; higher indices
correspond to older elements.
INDEX need not be <= the ring length; the appropriate modulo operation
will be performed.

Variable: next-error-recenter

Display the line in the visited source file recentered as specified.
If non-nil, the value is passed directly to `recenter'.

Function: completion-emacs21-try-completion


Function: easy-menu-change

Change menu found at PATH as item NAME to contain ITEMS.
PATH is a list of strings for locating the menu that
should contain a submenu named NAME.
ITEMS is a list of menu items, as in `easy-menu-define'.
These items entirely replace the previous items in that submenu.

If MAP is specified, it should normally be a keymap; nil stands for the local
menu-bar keymap. It can also be a symbol, which has earlier been used as the
first argument in a call to `easy-menu-define', or the value of such a symbol.

If the menu located by PATH has no submenu named NAME, add one.
If the optional argument BEFORE is present, add it just before
the submenu named BEFORE, otherwise add it at the end of the menu.

To implement dynamic menus, either call this from `menu-bar-update-hook' or use a menu filter.

Function: normal-top-level

Emacs calls this function when it first starts up.
It sets `command-line-processed', processes the command-line,
reads the initialization files, etc.
It is the default value of the variable `top-level'. (fn)

Variable: mode-line-in-non-selected-windows

Non-nil means to use `mode-line-inactive' face in non-selected windows.
If the minibuffer is active, the `minibuffer-scroll-window' mode line
is displayed in the `mode-line' face.

Variable: view-try-extend-at-buffer-end

Non-nil means try to load more of file when reaching end of buffer.
This variable is mainly intended to be temporarily set to non-nil by
the F command in view-mode, but you can set it to t if you want the action
for all scroll commands in view mode.

Function: package-download-single

Download and install a single-file package.

Function: ebrowse-tags-complete-symbol

Perform completion on the C++ symbol preceding point.
A second call of this function without changing point inserts the next match.
A call with prefix PREFIX reads the symbol to insert from the minibuffer with

Function: ebnf-pop-style

Pop a style from the stack of pushed styles and set it as the current style.

Returns the old style symbol.

See also `ebnf-push-style'.

See `ebnf-style-database' documentation. (fn)

Function: x-display-grayscale-p

Return t if the X display supports shades of gray.
Note that color displays do support shades of gray.
The optional argument TERMINAL specifies which display to ask about.
TERMINAL should be a terminal object, a frame or a display name (a string).
If omitted or nil, that stands for the selected frame's display.

(fn &optional TERMINAL)

Function: adjoin

Return ITEM consed onto the front of LIST only if it's not already there.
Otherwise, return LIST unmodified.

Keywords supported: :test :test-not :key


Function: occur-mode-goto-occurrence

Go to the occurrence on the current line.

Function: tmm-menubar-mouse

Text-mode emulation of looking and choosing from a menubar.
This command is used when you click the mouse in the menubar
on a console which has no window system but does have a mouse.
See the documentation for `tmm-prompt'. (fn EVENT)

Function: generic-primary-only-one-p

Return t if symbol METHOD is a generic function with only primary methods.
Only methods have the symbol `eieio-method-obarray' as a property (which
contains a list of all bindings to that method type.)
Methods with only primary implementations are executed in an optimized way.

Function: isearch-help-for-help-internal-doc

You have typed %THIS-KEY%, the help character. Type a Help option:
(Type q to exit the Help command.)

b Display all Isearch key bindings.
k KEYS Display full documentation of Isearch key sequence.
m Display documentation of Isearch mode.

You can't type here other help keys available in the global help map,
but outside of this help window when you type them in Isearch mode,
they exit Isearch mode before displaying global help.

Variable: epa-file-name-regexp

Regexp which matches filenames to be encrypted with GnuPG.

If you set this outside Custom while epa-file is already enabled, you
have to call `epa-file-name-regexp-update' after setting it to
properly update file-name-handler-alist. Setting this through Custom
does that automatically.

Variable: image-file-name-extensions

A list of image-file filename extensions.
Filenames having one of these extensions are considered image files,
in addition to those matching `image-file-name-regexps'.

See `auto-image-file-mode'; if `auto-image-file-mode' is enabled,
setting this variable directly does not take effect unless
`auto-image-file-mode' is re-enabled; this happens automatically when
the variable is set using M-x customize.

Function: comint-send-string

Like `process-send-string', but also does extra bookkeeping for Comint mode.


Function: tool-bar-make-keymap-1

Generate an actual keymap from `tool-bar-map', without caching.

Function: syntax-ppss

Parse-Partial-Sexp State at POS, defaulting to point.
The returned value is the same as that of `parse-partial-sexp'
run from point-min to POS except that values at positions 2 and 6
in the returned list (counting from 0) cannot be relied upon.
Point is at POS when this function returns.
(fn &optional POS)

Function: mh-rmail

Incorporate new mail with MH.
Scan an MH folder if ARG is non-nil.

This function is an entry point to MH-E, the Emacs interface to
the MH mail system.
(fn &optional ARG)

Function: file-cache-add-directory

Add DIRECTORY to the file cache.
If the optional REGEXP argument is non-nil, only files which match it will
be added to the cache.

(fn DIRECTORY &optional REGEXP)

Function: display-mouse-p

Return non-nil if DISPLAY has a mouse available.
DISPLAY can be a display name, a frame, or nil (meaning the selected
frame's display).

Variable: default-mode-line-format

Default value of `mode-line-format' for buffers that don't override it.
This is the same as (default-value 'mode-line-format).

Function: sh-smie--continuation-start-indent

Return the initial indentation of a continued line.
May return nil if the line should not be treated as continued.

Face: Info-title-2-face

Info-title-2-face is an alias for the face `info-title-2'.
Face for info titles at level 2.

Function: pr-toggle-zebra

Toggle zebra stripes.


Function: help-C-file-name

Return the name of the C file where SUBR-OR-VAR is defined.
KIND should be `var' for a variable or `subr' for a subroutine.


Function: round*

Return a list of X rounded to the nearest integer and the remainder.
With two arguments, return rounding and remainder of their quotient.

(fn X &optional Y)

Function: cl-maplist

Map FUNCTION to each sublist of LIST or LISTs.
Like `cl-mapcar', except applies to lists and their cdr's rather than to
the elements themselves.


Function: Info-mode

Info mode provides commands for browsing through the Info documentation tree.
Documentation in Info is divided into "nodes", each of which discusses
one topic and contains references to other nodes which discuss related
topics. Info has commands to follow the references and show you other nodes.

h Invoke the Info tutorial.
q Quit Info: reselect previously selected buffer.

Selecting other nodes:

Follow a node reference you click on.
This works with menu items, cross references, and
the "next", "previous" and "up", depending on where you click.
RET Follow a node reference near point, like .
n Move to the "next" node of this node.
p Move to the "previous" node of this node.
^ Move "up" from this node.
m Pick menu item specified by name (or abbreviation).
Picking a menu item causes another node to be selected.
d Go to the Info directory node.
< Go to the Top node of this file.
> Go to the final node in this file.
[ Go backward one node, considering all nodes as forming one sequence.
] Go forward one node, considering all nodes as forming one sequence.
TAB Move cursor to next cross-reference or menu item.
C-M-i Move cursor to previous cross-reference or menu item.
f Follow a cross reference. Reads name of reference.
l Move back in history to the last node you were at.
r Move forward in history to the node you returned from after using l.
L Go to menu of visited nodes.
T Go to table of contents of the current Info file.

Moving within a node:
SPC Normally, scroll forward a full screen.
Once you scroll far enough in a node that its menu appears on the
screen but after point, the next scroll moves into its first
subnode. When after all menu items (or if there is no menu),
move up to the parent node.
DEL Normally, scroll backward. If the beginning of the buffer is
already visible, try to go to the previous menu entry, or up
if there is none.
b Go to beginning of node.

Advanced commands:
s Search through this Info file for specified regexp,
and select the node in which the next occurrence is found.
S Search through this Info file for specified regexp case-sensitively.
C-s, C-M-s Use Isearch to search through multiple Info nodes.
i Search for a topic in this manual's Index and go to index entry.
, (comma) Move to the next match from a previous i command.
I Look for a string and display the index node with results.
M-x info-apropos Look for a string in the indices of all manuals.
g Move to node specified by name.
You may include a filename as well, as (FILENAME)NODENAME.
1 .. 9 Pick first ... ninth item in node's menu.
Every third `*' is highlighted to help pick the right number.
c Put name of current Info node in the kill ring.
M-n Select a new cloned Info buffer in another window. C-u C-h i Move to new Info file with completion. C-u N C-h i Select Info buffer with prefix number in the name *info*. This mode runs the hook `Info-mode-hook', as the final step during initialization.

Function: full-calc-keypad

Invoke the Calculator in full-screen "visual keypad" mode.
See calc-keypad for details.

(fn &optional INTERACTIVE)

Function: facep

Return non-nil if FACE is a face name; nil otherwise.
A face name can be a string or a symbol.

Variable: gtk-version-string

Version info for GTK+.

Function: mark-marker

Return this buffer's mark, as a marker object.
Watch out! Moving this marker changes the mark position.
If you set the marker not to point anywhere, the buffer will have no mark. (fn)

Function: characterp

Return non-nil if OBJECT is a character.
In Emacs Lisp, characters are represented by character codes, which
are non-negative integers. The function `max-char' returns the
maximum character code.

Function: special-variable-p

Return non-nil if SYMBOL's global binding has been declared special.
A special variable is one that will be bound dynamically, even in a
context where binding is lexical by default.

Function: subr-arity

Return minimum and maximum number of args allowed for SUBR.
SUBR must be a built-in function.
The returned value is a pair (MIN . MAX). MIN is the minimum number
of args. MAX is the maximum number or the symbol `many', for a
function with `&rest' args, or `unevalled' for a special form. (fn SUBR)

Function: debugger-frame

Request entry to debugger when this frame exits.
Applies to the frame whose line point is on in the backtrace.

Function: signum

Return 1 if X is positive, -1 if negative, 0 if zero.

(fn X)

Function: tty-color-clear

Clear the list of supported tty colors for frame FRAME.
If FRAME is unspecified or nil, it defaults to the selected frame.

Function: set-language-info

Modify part of the definition of language environment LANG-ENV.
Specifically, this stores the information INFO under KEY
in the definition of this language environment.
KEY is a symbol denoting the kind of information.
INFO is the value for that information.

For a list of useful values for KEY and their meanings,
see `language-info-alist'.

Function: toggle-viper-mode

Toggle Viper on/off.
If Viper is enabled, turn it off. Otherwise, turn it on.

Function: decipher-mode

Major mode for decrypting monoalphabetic substitution ciphers.
Lower-case letters enter plaintext.
Upper-case letters are commands.

The buffer is made read-only so that normal Emacs commands cannot
modify it.

The most useful commands are:

Uses keymap `decipher-mode-map', which is not currently defined.

M-x decipher-digram-list Display a list of all digrams & their frequency
M-x decipher-frequency-count Display the frequency of each ciphertext letter
M-x decipher-adjacency-list Show adjacency list for current letter (lists letters appearing next to it)
M-x decipher-make-checkpoint Save the current cipher alphabet (checkpoint)
M-x decipher-restore-checkpoint Restore a saved cipher alphabet (checkpoint) (fn)

Function: run-hook-with-args

Run HOOK with the specified arguments ARGS.
HOOK should be a symbol, a hook variable. The value of HOOK
may be nil, a function, or a list of functions. Call each
function in order with arguments ARGS. The final return value
is unspecified.

Do not use `make-local-variable' to make a hook variable buffer-local.
Instead, use `add-hook' and specify t for the LOCAL argument. (fn HOOK &rest ARGS)

Function: funcall

Call first argument as a function, passing remaining arguments to it.
Return the value that function returns.
Thus, (funcall 'cons 'x 'y) returns (x . y).


Function: auth-source-secrets-create

(fn &rest SPEC &key BACKEND TYPE MAX HOST USER PORT &allow-other-keys)

Function: sgml-value

Interactively insert value taken from attribute-rule ALIST.
See `sgml-tag-alist' for info about attribute rules.

Function: vc-find-backend-function

Return BACKEND-specific implementation of FUN.
If there is no such implementation, return the default implementation;
if that doesn't exist either, return nil.

Function: vc-make-backend-sym

Return BACKEND-specific version of VC symbol SYM.

Function: menu-bar-enable-clipboard

Make CUT, PASTE and COPY (keys and menu bar items) use the clipboard.
Do the same for the keys of the same name.

Function: eieio-defgeneric-reset-generic-form-primary-only-one

Setup METHOD to call the generic form.

Variable: frame-creation-function-alist

Alist of window-system dependent functions to call to create a new frame.
The window system startup file should add its frame creation
function to this list, which should take an alist of parameters
as its argument.

Function: category-table-p

Return t if ARG is a category table.

(fn ARG)

Function: eieio-defclass-autoload

Create autoload symbols for the EIEIO class CNAME.
SUPERCLASSES are the superclasses that CNAME inherits from.
DOC is the docstring for CNAME.
This function creates a mock-class for CNAME and adds it into
SUPERCLASSES as children.
It creates an autoload function for CNAME's constructor.

Function: comment-quote-re

(fn STR UNP)

Function: fringe-mode

Set the default appearance of fringes on all frames.
When called interactively, query the user for MODE; valid values
are `no-fringes', `default', `left-only', `right-only', `minimal'
and `half-width'. See `fringe-styles'.

When used in a Lisp program, MODE should be one of these:
- nil, which means the default width (8 pixels).
- a cons cell (LEFT . RIGHT), where LEFT and RIGHT are
respectively the left and right fringe widths in pixels, or
nil (meaning to disable that fringe).
- a single integer, which specifies the pixel widths of both
This command may round up the left and right width specifications
to ensure that their sum is a multiple of the character width of
a frame. It never rounds up a fringe width of 0.

Fringe widths set by `set-window-fringes' override the default
fringe widths set by this command. This command applies to all
frames that exist and frames to be created in the future. If you
want to set the default appearance of fringes on the selected frame only, see the command `set-fringe-style'.

Variable: fringe-mode

Default appearance of fringes on all frames.
The Lisp value should be one of the following:
- nil, which means the default width (8 pixels).
- a cons cell (LEFT . RIGHT), where LEFT and RIGHT are
respectively the left and right fringe widths in pixels, or
nil (meaning to disable that fringe).
- a single integer, which specifies the pixel widths of both
Note that the actual width may be rounded up to ensure that the
sum of the width of the left and right fringes is a multiple of
the frame's character width. However, a fringe width of 0 is
never rounded.

When setting this variable from Customize, the user can choose
from the mnemonic fringe mode names defined in `fringe-styles'.

When setting this variable in a Lisp program, call
`set-fringe-mode' afterward to make it take real effect.

To modify the appearance of the fringe in a specific frame, use the interactive function `set-fringe-style'.

Function: jit-lock-refontify

Force refontification of the region BEG..END (default whole buffer).

Variable: help-xref-stack-item

An item for `help-follow' in this buffer to push onto `help-xref-stack'.
The format is (FUNCTION ARGS...).

Function: ange-ftp-completion-hook-function

Provides support for ange-ftp host name completion.
Runs the usual ange-ftp hook, but only for completion operations.

Function: locate-library

Show the precise file name of Emacs library LIBRARY.
LIBRARY should be a relative file name of the library, a string.
It can omit the suffix (a.k.a. file-name extension) if NOSUFFIX is
nil (which is the default, see below).
This command searches the directories in `load-path' like `M-x load-library'
to find the file that `M-x load-library RET LIBRARY RET' would load.
Optional second arg NOSUFFIX non-nil means don't add suffixes `load-suffixes'
to the specified name LIBRARY.

If the optional third arg PATH is specified, that list of directories
is used instead of `load-path'.

When called from a program, the file name is normally returned as a
string. When run interactively, the argument INTERACTIVE-CALL is t, and the file name is displayed in the echo area.

Variable: this-command-keys-shift-translated

Non-nil if the key sequence activating this command was shift-translated.
Shift-translation occurs when there is no binding for the key sequence
as entered, but a binding was found by changing an upper-case letter
to lower-case, or a shifted function key to an unshifted one.

Function: byte-optimize-lapcode

Simple peephole optimizer. LAP is both modified and returned.
If FOR-EFFECT is non-nil, the return value is assumed to be of no importance.

(fn LAP &optional FOR-EFFECT)

Variable: auth-source-protocols

List of authentication protocols and their names

Variable: custom-theme-load-path

List of directories to search for custom theme files.
When loading custom themes (e.g. in `customize-themes' and
`load-theme'), Emacs searches for theme files in the specified
order. Each element in the list should be one of the following:
- the symbol `custom-theme-directory', meaning the value of
- the symbol t, meaning the built-in theme directory (a directory
named "themes" in `data-directory').
- a directory name (a string).

Each theme file is named THEME-theme.el, where THEME is the theme name.

Variable: emacs-build-time

Time at which Emacs was dumped out.

Function: string-to-number

Parse STRING as a decimal number and return the number.
This parses both integers and floating point numbers.
It ignores leading spaces and tabs, and all trailing chars.

If BASE, interpret STRING as a number in that base. If BASE isn't
present, base 10 is used. BASE must be between 2 and 16 (inclusive).
If the base used is not 10, STRING is always parsed as integer.
(fn STRING &optional BASE)

Variable: echo-keystrokes

Nonzero means echo unfinished commands after this many seconds of pause.
The value may be integer or floating point.
If the value is zero, don't echo at all.

Function: Buffer-menu-1-window

Select this line's buffer, alone, in full frame.

Function: locate-with-filter

Run the executable program `locate' with a filter.
This function is similar to the function `locate', which see.
The difference is that, when invoked interactively, the present function
prompts for both SEARCH-STRING and FILTER. It passes SEARCH-STRING
to the locate executable program. It produces a `*Locate*' buffer
that lists only those lines in the output of the locate program that
contain a match for the regular expression FILTER; this is often useful
to constrain a big search.

ARG is the interactive prefix arg, which has the same effect as in `locate'.

When called from Lisp, this function is identical with `locate',
except that FILTER is not optional. (fn SEARCH-STRING FILTER &optional ARG)

Function: conf-mode-maybe

Select Conf mode or XML mode according to start of file.

Variable: x-gtk-show-hidden-files

If non-nil, the GTK file chooser will by default show hidden files.
Note that this is just the default, there is a toggle button on the file
chooser to show or not show hidden files on a case by case basis.

Function: cancel-timer

Remove TIMER from the list of active timers.

Function: isearch-lazy-highlight-new-loop

Cleanup any previous `lazy-highlight' loop and begin a new one.
BEG and END specify the bounds within which highlighting should occur.
This is called when `isearch-update' is invoked (which can cause the
search string to change or the window to scroll). It is also used
by other Emacs features.

Function: mouse-set-region

Set the region to the text dragged over, and copy to kill ring.
This should be bound to a mouse drag event.
See the `mouse-drag-copy-region' variable to control whether this
command alters the kill ring or not. (fn CLICK)

Variable: mail-user-agent

Your preference for a mail composition package.
Various Emacs Lisp packages (e.g. Reporter) require you to compose an
outgoing email message. This variable lets you specify which
mail-sending package you prefer.

Valid values include:

`message-user-agent' -- use the Message package.
See Info node `(message)'.
`sendmail-user-agent' -- use the Mail package.
See Info node `(emacs)Sending Mail'.
`mh-e-user-agent' -- use the Emacs interface to the MH mail system.
See Info node `(mh-e)'.
`gnus-user-agent' -- like `message-user-agent', but with Gnus
paraphernalia if Gnus is running, particularly
the Gcc: header for archiving.

Additional valid symbols may be available; check with the author of
your package for details. The function should return non-nil if it succeeds. See also `read-mail-command' concerning reading mail.

Variable: backup-by-copying-when-linked

Non-nil means use copying to create backups for files with multiple names.
This causes the alternate names to refer to the latest version as edited.
This variable is relevant only if `backup-by-copying' is nil.

Function: count-screen-lines

Return the number of screen lines in the region.
The number of screen lines may be different from the number of actual lines,
due to line breaking, display table, etc.

Optional arguments BEG and END default to `point-min' and `point-max'

If region ends with a newline, ignore it unless optional third argument

The optional fourth argument WINDOW specifies the window used for obtaining
parameters such as width, horizontal scrolling, and so on. The default is
to use the selected window's parameters.

Like `vertical-motion', `count-screen-lines' always uses the current buffer,
regardless of which buffer is displayed in WINDOW. This makes possible to use
`count-screen-lines' in any buffer, whether or not it is currently displayed in some window.

Variable: ctext-non-standard-encodings-alist

Alist of non-standard encoding names vs the corresponding usages in CTEXT.

It controls how extended segments of a compound text are handled
by the coding system `compound-text-with-extensions'.


ENCODING-NAME is an encoding name of an "extended segment".

CODING-SYSTEM is the coding-system to encode (or decode) the
characters into (or from) the extended segment.

N-OCTET is the number of octets (bytes) that encodes a character
in the segment. It can be 0 (meaning the number of octets per
character is variable), 1, 2, 3, or 4.

CHARSET is a character set containing characters that are encoded
in the segment. It can be a list of character sets.

On decoding CTEXT, all encoding names listed here are recognized.

On encoding CTEXT, encoding names in the variable
`ctext-non-standard-encodings' (which see) and in the information
listed for the current language environment under the key `ctext-non-standard-encodings' are used.

Function: version-list-<=

Return t if L1, a list specification of a version, is lower or equal to L2.

Note that integer list (1) is equal to (1 0), (1 0 0), (1 0 0 0),
etc. That is, the trailing zeroes are insignificant. Also, integer
list (1) is greater than (1 -1) which is greater than (1 -2)
which is greater than (1 -3).

Function: read-minibuffer

Return a Lisp object read using the minibuffer, unevaluated.
Prompt with PROMPT. If non-nil, optional second arg INITIAL-CONTENTS
is a string to insert in the minibuffer before reading.
(INITIAL-CONTENTS can also be a cons of a string and an integer.
Such arguments are used as in `read-from-minibuffer'.)


Variable: cons-cells-consed

Number of cons cells that have been consed so far.

Function: eieio-eval-default-p

Whether the default value VAL should be evaluated for use.

Variable: ansi-color-names-vector

Colors used for SGR control sequences determining a color.
This vector holds the colors used for SGR control sequences parameters
30 to 37 (foreground colors) and 40 to 47 (background colors).

Parameter Color
30 40 black
31 41 red
32 42 green
33 43 yellow
34 44 blue
35 45 magenta
36 46 cyan
37 47 white

This vector is used by `ansi-color-make-color-map' to create a color
map. This color map is stored in the variable `ansi-color-map'.

Each element may also be a cons cell where the car and cdr specify the foreground and background colors, respectively.

Function: menu-bar-showhide-fringe-menu-customize-reset

Reset the fringe mode: display fringes on both sides of a window.

Variable: mail-interactive

Non-nil means when sending a message wait for and display errors.
Otherwise, let mailer send back a message to report errors.

Function: whois-reverse-lookup


Function: ediff-patch-buffer

Run Ediff by patching the buffer specified at prompt.
Without the optional prefix ARG, asks if the patch is in some buffer and
prompts for the buffer or a file, depending on the answer.
With ARG=1, assumes the patch is in a file and prompts for the file.
With ARG=2, assumes the patch is in a buffer and prompts for the buffer.
PATCH-BUF is an optional argument, which specifies the buffer that contains the
patch. If not given, the user is prompted according to the prefix argument.

(fn &optional ARG PATCH-BUF)

Function: edebug-eval-top-level-form

Evaluate the top level form point is in, stepping through with Edebug.
This is like `eval-defun' except that it steps the code for Edebug
before evaluating it. It displays the value in the echo area
using `eval-expression' (which see).

If you do this on a function definition such as a defun or defmacro,
it defines the function and instruments its definition for Edebug,
so it will do Edebug stepping when called later. It displays
`Edebug: FUNCTION' in the echo area to indicate that FUNCTION is now
instrumented for Edebug.

If the current defun is actually a call to `defvar' or `defcustom',
evaluating it this way resets the variable using its initial value
expression even if the variable already has some other value.
(Normally `defvar' and `defcustom' do not alter the value if there already is one.) (fn)

Function: posn-object

Return the object (image or string) of POSITION.
Value is a list (image ...) for an image object, a cons cell
(STRING . STRING-POS) for a string object, and nil for a buffer position.
POSITION should be a list of the form returned by the `event-start'
and `event-end' functions.

Function: whitespace-newline-mode

Toggle newline visualization (Whitespace Newline mode).
With a prefix argument ARG, enable Whitespace Newline mode if ARG
is positive, and disable it otherwise. If called from Lisp,
enable the mode if ARG is omitted or nil.

Use `whitespace-newline-mode' only for NEWLINE visualization
exclusively. For other visualizations, including NEWLINE
visualization together with (HARD) SPACEs and/or TABs, please,
use `whitespace-mode'.

See also `whitespace-newline' and `whitespace-display-mappings'. (fn &optional ARG)

Variable: file-precious-flag

Non-nil means protect against I/O errors while saving files.
Some modes set this non-nil in particular buffers.

This feature works by writing the new contents into a temporary file
and then renaming the temporary file to replace the original.
In this way, any I/O error in writing leaves the original untouched,
and there is never any instant where the file is nonexistent.

Note that this feature forces backups to be made by copying.
Yet, at the same time, saving a precious file
breaks any hard links between it and other files.

This feature is advisory: for example, if the directory in which the
file is being saved is not writable, Emacs may ignore a non-nil value
of `file-precious-flag' and write directly into the file. See also: `break-hardlink-on-save'.

Variable: ignore-window-parameters

If non-nil, standard functions ignore window parameters.
The functions currently affected by this are `split-window',
`delete-window', `delete-other-windows' and `other-window'.

An application may bind this to a non-nil value around calls to
these functions to inhibit processing of window parameters.

Function: pkg-info-library-original-version

Get the original version in the header of LIBRARY.

The original version is stored in the X-Original-Version header.
This header is added by the MELPA package archive to preserve
upstream version numbers.

LIBRARY is either a symbol denoting a named feature, or a library
name as string.

If SHOW is non-nil, show the version in the minibuffer.

Return the version from the header of LIBRARY as list. Signal an
error if the LIBRARY was not found or had no X-Original-Version

See Info node `(elisp)Library Headers' for more information about library headers. (fn LIBRARY &optional SHOW)

Function: profiler-start

Start/restart profilers.
MODE can be one of `cpu', `mem', or `cpu+mem'.
If MODE is `cpu' or `cpu+mem', time-based profiler will be started.
Also, if MODE is `mem' or `cpu+mem', then memory profiler will be started. (fn MODE)

Function: lao-transcribe-single-roman-syllable-to-lao

Transcribe a Romanized Lao syllable in the region FROM and TO to Lao string.
Only the first syllable is transcribed.
The value has the form: (START END LAO-STRING), where
START and END are the beginning and end positions of the Roman Lao syllable,
LAO-STRING is the Lao character transcription of it.

Optional 3rd arg STR, if non-nil, is a string to search for Roman Lao
syllable. In that case, FROM and TO are indexes to STR. (fn FROM TO &optional STR)

Function: ido-find-file

Edit file with name obtained via minibuffer.
The file is displayed according to `ido-default-file-method' -- the
default is to show it in the same window, unless it is already
visible in another frame.

The file name is selected interactively by typing a substring. As you
type in a string, all of the filenames matching the string are displayed
if substring-matching is used (default). Look at `ido-enable-prefix' and
`ido-toggle-prefix'. When you have found the filename you want, it can
then be selected. As you type, most keys have their normal keybindings,
except for the following:
Uses keymap `ido-file-completion-map', which is not currently defined.

RET Select the file at the front of the list of matches. If the
list is empty, possibly prompt to create new file.

M-x ido-select-text Use the current input string verbatim.

M-x ido-next-match Put the first element at the end of the list.
M-x ido-prev-match Put the last element at the start of the list.
M-x ido-complete Complete a common suffix to the current string that
matches all files. If there is only one match, select that file.
If there is no common suffix, show a list of all matching files
in a separate window.
M-x ido-magic-delete-char Open the specified directory in Dired mode.
M-x ido-edit-input Edit input string (including directory).
M-x ido-prev-work-directory or M-x ido-next-work-directory go to previous/next directory in work directory history.
M-x ido-merge-work-directories search for file in the work directory history.
M-x ido-forget-work-directory removes current directory from the work directory history.
M-x ido-prev-work-file or M-x ido-next-work-file cycle through the work file history.
M-x ido-wide-find-file-or-pop-dir and M-x ido-wide-find-dir-or-delete-dir prompts and uses find to locate files or directories.
M-x ido-make-directory prompts for a directory to create in current directory.
M-x ido-fallback-command Fallback to non-ido version of current command.
M-x ido-toggle-regexp Toggle regexp searching.
M-x ido-toggle-prefix Toggle between substring and prefix matching.
M-x ido-toggle-case Toggle case-sensitive searching of file names.
M-x ido-toggle-literal Toggle literal reading of this file.
M-x ido-completion-help Show list of matching files in separate window. M-x ido-toggle-ignore Toggle ignoring files listed in `ido-ignore-files'. (fn)

Function: epa-import-keys-region

Import keys from the region.


Variable: tool-bar-images-pixel-height

Height in pixels of images in the tool-bar.

Function: eieio-generic-call-primary-only

Call METHOD with ARGS for methods with only :PRIMARY implementations.
ARGS provides the context on which implementation to use.
This should only be called from a generic function.

This method is like `eieio-generic-call', but only
implementations in the :PRIMARY slot are queried. After many
years of use, it appears that over 90% of methods in use
have :PRIMARY implementations only. We can therefore optimize
for this common case to improve performance.

Function: ansi-color-freeze-overlay

Prevent OVERLAY from being extended.
This function can be used for the `modification-hooks' overlay

Function: gnus-convert-png-to-face

Convert FILE to a Face.
FILE should be a PNG file that's 48x48 and smaller than or equal to
726 bytes.
(fn FILE)

Function: dirtrack-mode

Toggle directory tracking in shell buffers (Dirtrack mode).
With a prefix argument ARG, enable Dirtrack mode if ARG is
positive, and disable it otherwise. If called from Lisp, enable
the mode if ARG is omitted or nil.

This method requires that your shell prompt contain the current
working directory at all times, and that you set the variable
`dirtrack-list' to match the prompt.

This is an alternative to `shell-dirtrack-mode', which works by
tracking `cd' and similar commands which change the shell working directory. (fn &optional ARG)

Function: set-goal-column

Set the current horizontal position as a goal for C-n and C-p.
Those commands will move to this position in the line moved to
rather than trying to keep the same horizontal position.
With a non-nil argument ARG, clears out the goal column
so that C-n and C-p resume vertical motion.
The goal column is stored in the variable `goal-column'.

Function: po-find-file-coding-system

Return a (DECODING . ENCODING) pair, according to PO file's charset.
Called through `file-coding-system-alist', before the file is visited for real.


Variable: default-right-margin-width

Default value of `right-margin-width' for buffers that don't override it.
This is the same as (default-value 'right-margin-width).

Function: char-table-p

Return t if OBJECT is a char-table.


Function: list-load-path-shadows

Display a list of Emacs Lisp files that shadow other files.

If STRINGP is non-nil, returns any shadows as a string.
Otherwise, if interactive shows any shadows in a `*Shadows*' buffer;
else prints messages listing any shadows.

This function lists potential load path problems. Directories in
the `load-path' variable are searched, in order, for Emacs Lisp
files. When a previously encountered file name is found again, a
message is displayed indicating that the later file is "hidden" by
the earlier.

For example, suppose `load-path' is set to

("/usr/gnu/emacs/site-lisp" "/usr/gnu/emacs/share/emacs/19.30/lisp")

and that each of these directories contains a file called XXX.el. Then
XXX.el in the site-lisp directory is referred to by all of:
(require 'XXX), (autoload .... "XXX"), (load-library "XXX") etc.

The first XXX.el file prevents Emacs from seeing the second (unless
the second is loaded explicitly via `load-file').

When not intended, such shadowings can be the source of subtle
problems. For example, the above situation may have arisen because the
XXX package was not distributed with versions of Emacs prior to
19.30. An Emacs maintainer downloaded XXX from elsewhere and installed
it. Later, XXX was updated and included in the Emacs distribution.
Unless the Emacs maintainer checks for this, the new version of XXX
will be hidden behind the old (which may no longer work with the new
Emacs version).

This function performs these checks and flags all possible
shadowings. Because a .el file may exist without a corresponding .elc
(or vice-versa), these suffixes are essentially ignored. A file
XXX.elc in an early directory (that does not contain XXX.el) is
considered to shadow a later file XXX.el, and vice-versa. Shadowings are located by calling the (non-interactive) companion function, `load-path-shadows-find'. (fn &optional STRINGP)

Function: rst-mode

Major mode for editing reStructuredText documents.

Uses keymap `rst-mode-map', which is not currently defined.

Turning on `rst-mode' calls the normal hooks `text-mode-hook'
and `rst-mode-hook'. This mode also supports font-lock

Uses keymap `rst-mode-map', which is not currently defined. (fn)

Function: align

Attempt to align a region based on a set of alignment rules.
BEG and END mark the region. If BEG and END are specifically set to
nil (this can only be done programmatically), the beginning and end of
the current alignment section will be calculated based on the location
of point, and the value of `align-region-separate' (or possibly each
rule's `separate' attribute).

If SEPARATE is non-nil, it overrides the value of
`align-region-separate' for all rules, except those that have their
`separate' attribute set.

RULES and EXCLUDE-RULES, if either is non-nil, will replace the
default rule lists defined in `align-rules-list' and
`align-exclude-rules-list'. See `align-rules-list' for more details
on the format of these lists. (fn BEG END &optional SEPARATE RULES EXCLUDE-RULES)

Function: xw-color-defined-p

Internal function called by `color-defined-p', which see
.(Note that the Nextstep version of this function ignores FRAME.)

(fn COLOR &optional FRAME)

Function: symbol-value

Return SYMBOL's value. Error if that is void.
Note that if `lexical-binding' is in effect, this returns the
global value outside of any lexical scope.

Function: set-justification-full

Make paragraphs in the region fully justified.
This makes lines flush on both margins by inserting spaces between words.
If the mark is not active, this applies to the current paragraph.

Function: coding-system-translation-table-for-encode

Return the value of CODING-SYSTEM's `encode-translation-table' property.

Function: ediff-buffers

Run Ediff on a pair of buffers, BUFFER-A and BUFFER-B.


Variable: byte-compile-dynamic-docstrings

If non-nil, compile doc strings for lazy access.
We bury the doc strings of functions and variables inside comments in
the file, and bring them into core only when they are actually needed.

When this option is true, if you load the compiled file and then move it,
you won't be able to find the documentation of anything in that file.

To disable this option for a certain file, make it a file-local variable
in the source file. For example, add this to the first line:
You can also set the variable globally.

This option is enabled by default because it reduces Emacs memory usage.

Function: describe-face

Display the properties of face FACE on FRAME.
Interactively, FACE defaults to the faces of the character after point
and FRAME defaults to the selected frame.

If the optional argument FRAME is given, report on face FACE in that frame.
If FRAME is t, report on the defaults for face FACE (for new frames).
If FRAME is omitted or nil, use the selected frame.

Variable: window-sides-vertical

If non-nil, left and right side windows are full height.
Otherwise, top and bottom side windows are full width.

Function: mark-whole-buffer

Put point at beginning and mark at end of buffer.
If narrowing is in effect, only uses the accessible part of the buffer.
You probably should not use this function in Lisp programs;
it is usually a mistake for a Lisp function to use any subroutine
that uses or sets the mark.

Function: get-language-info

Return information listed under KEY for language environment LANG-ENV.
KEY is a symbol denoting the kind of information.
For a list of useful values for KEY and their meanings,
see `language-info-alist'.

Function: set-mouse-position

Move the mouse pointer to the center of character cell (X,Y) in FRAME.
Coordinates are relative to the frame, not a window,
so the coordinates of the top left character in the frame
may be nonzero due to left-hand scroll bars or the menu bar.

The position is given in character cells, where (0, 0) is the
upper-left corner of the frame, X is the horizontal offset, and Y is
the vertical offset.

This function is a no-op for an X frame that is not visible.
If you have just created a frame, you must wait for it to become visible
before calling this function on it, like this.
(while (not (frame-visible-p frame)) (sleep-for .5)) (fn FRAME X Y)

Variable: print-quoted

Non-nil means print quoted forms with reader syntax.
I.e., (quote foo) prints as 'foo, (function foo) as #'foo.

Function: string

Concatenate all the argument characters and make the result a string.

(fn &rest CHARACTERS)

Function: smie-auto-fill


Function: comint-next-input

Cycle forwards through input history.

(fn ARG)

Function: table-split-cell-vertically

Split current cell vertically.
Creates a cell above and a cell below the current point location.

Variable: minibuffer-prompt-properties

Text properties that are added to minibuffer prompts.
These are in addition to the basic `field' property, and stickiness

Function: Info-top-node

Go to the Top node of this file.

Function: x-dnd-forget-drop

Remove all state for the last drop.
FRAME-OR-WINDOW is the frame or window that the mouse is over.

Function: face-default-spec

Return the default face-spec for FACE, ignoring any user customization.
If there is no default for FACE, return nil.

Function: custom-theme-recalc-variable

Set VARIABLE according to currently enabled custom themes.

Function: apropos-follow

Invokes any button at point, otherwise invokes the nearest label button.

Function: erc-server-select

Interactively select a server to connect to using `erc-server-alist'.


Function: ebrowse-tags-view-definition-other-frame

View definition of member at point in other frame.


Variable: previous-system-messages-locale

Most recently used system locale for messages.

Function: byte-compile-push-binding-init

Emit byte-codes to push the initialization value for CLAUSE on the stack.
Return the offset in the form (VAR . OFFSET).


Function: Info-mouse-scroll-up

Scroll one screenful forward in Info, using the mouse.
See `Info-scroll-up'.

Function: caaadr

Return the `car' of the `car' of the `car' of the `cdr' of X.

(fn X)

Variable: tooltip-functions

Functions to call to display tooltips.
Each function is called with one argument EVENT which is a copy
of the last mouse movement event that occurred. If one of these
functions displays the tooltip, it should return non-nil and the
rest are not called.

Variable: password-cache-expiry

How many seconds passwords are cached, or nil to disable expiring.
Whether passwords are cached at all is controlled by `password-cache'.

Variable: holiday-hebrew-holidays

Jewish holidays.
See the documentation for `calendar-holidays' for details.

Variable: sh-shell-file

The executable file name for the shell being programmed.

Function: evenp

Return t if INTEGER is even.


Variable: input-method-deactivate-hook

Normal hook run just after an input method is deactivated.

The variable `current-input-method' still keeps the input method name
just deactivated.

Function: widget-browse-other-window

Show widget browser for WIDGET in other window.

(fn &optional WIDGET)

Function: pr-help

Help for the printing package.

(fn &rest IGNORE)

Variable: method-num-slots

Number of indexes into a method's vector.

Function: cl--mapcar-many


Function: occur-mode-display-occurrence

Display in another window the occurrence the current line describes.

Function: pop-to-buffer-same-window

Select buffer BUFFER in some window, preferably the same one.
This function behaves much like `switch-to-buffer', except it
displays with `special-display-function' if BUFFER has a match in
`special-display-buffer-names' or `special-display-regexps'.

Unlike `pop-to-buffer', this function prefers using the selected
window over popping up a new window or frame.

BUFFER may be a buffer, a string (a buffer name), or nil. If it
is a string not naming an existent buffer, create a buffer with
that name. If BUFFER is nil, choose some other buffer. Return
the buffer.

NORECORD, if non-nil means do not put this buffer at the front of the list of recently selected ones.

Variable: window-area-factor

Factor by which the window area should be over-estimated.
This is used by `balance-windows-area'.
Changing this globally has no effect.

Function: expand-region-abbrevs

For abbrev occurrence in the region, offer to expand it.
The user is asked to type `y' or `n' for each occurrence.
A prefix argument means don't query; expand all abbrevs.

(fn START END &optional NOQUERY)

Function: spam-report-url-to-file

Collect spam report requests in `spam-report-requests-file'.
Customize `spam-report-url-ping-function' to use this function.


Function: remove

Return a copy of SEQ with all occurrences of ELT removed.
SEQ must be a list, vector, or string. The comparison is done with `equal'.

Function: set-window-point

Make point value in WINDOW be at position POS in WINDOW's buffer.
WINDOW must be a live window and defaults to the selected one.
Return POS.


Function: syntax-table

Return the current syntax table.
This is the one specified by the current buffer.

Function: mm-enrich-utf-8-by-mule-ucs

Make the `utf-8' MIME charset usable by the Mule-UCS package.
This function will run when the `un-define' module is loaded under
XEmacs, and fill the `utf-8' entry in `mm-mime-mule-charset-alist'
with Mule charsets. It is completely useless for Emacs.

Variable: apropos-documentation-sort-by-scores

Non-nil means sort matches by scores; best match is shown first.
This applies to `apropos-documentation' only.
If value is `verbose', the computed score is shown for each match.

Function: cl-cddadr

Return the `cdr' of the `cdr' of the `car' of the `cdr' of X.

(fn X)

Function: x-dnd-handle-old-kde

Open the files in a KDE 1.x drop.

Variable: kill-read-only-ok

Non-nil means don't signal an error for killing read-only text.

Function: define-abbrev-table

Define TABLENAME (a symbol) as an abbrev table name.
Define abbrevs in it according to DEFINITIONS, which is a list of elements
of the form (ABBREVNAME EXPANSION ...) that are passed to `define-abbrev'.
PROPS is a property list to apply to the table.
Properties with special meaning:
- `:parents' contains a list of abbrev tables from which this table inherits
- `:case-fixed' non-nil means that abbreviations are looked up without
case-folding, and the expansion is not capitalized/upcased.
- `:regexp' is a regular expression that specifies how to extract the
name of the abbrev before point. The submatch 1 is treated
as the potential name of an abbrev. If :regexp is nil, the default
behavior uses `backward-word' and `forward-word' to extract the name
of the abbrev, which can therefore only be a single word.
- `:enable-function' can be set to a function of no argument which returns
non-nil if and only if the abbrevs in this table should be used for this
instance of `expand-abbrev'. (fn TABLENAME DEFINITIONS &optional DOCSTRING &rest PROPS)

Function: ada-mode

Ada mode is the major mode for editing Ada code.


Variable: face-default-stipple

Default stipple pattern used on monochrome displays.
This stipple pattern is used on monochrome displays
instead of shades of gray for a face background color.
See `set-face-stipple' for possible values for this variable.

Function: byte-compile-no-args

(fn FORM)

Function: cconv-analyse-form

Find mutated variables and variables captured by closure.
Analyze lambdas if they are suitable for lambda lifting.
- FORM is a piece of Elisp code after macroexpansion.
- ENV is an alist mapping each enclosing lexical variable to its info.
I.e. each element has the form (VAR . (READ MUTATED CAPTURED CALLED)).
This function does not return anything but instead fills the
`cconv-captured+mutated' and `cconv-lambda-candidates' variables
and updates the data stored in ENV. (fn FORM ENV)

Function: sh-for

Insert a for loop. See `sh-feature'.

This is a skeleton command (see `skeleton-insert').
Normally the skeleton text is inserted at point, with nothing "inside".
If there is a highlighted region, the skeleton text is wrapped
around the region text.

A prefix argument ARG says to wrap the skeleton around the next ARG words.
A prefix argument of -1 says to wrap around region, even if not highlighted.
A prefix argument of zero says to wrap around zero words---that is, nothing.
This is a way of overriding the use of a highlighted region.

Variable: package-archive-version

Version number of the package archive understood by this file.
Lower version numbers than this will probably be understood as well.

Function: prefer-coding-system

Add CODING-SYSTEM at the front of the priority list for automatic detection.
This also sets the following coding systems:
o coding system of a newly created buffer
o default coding system for subprocess I/O
This also sets the following values:
o default value used as `file-name-coding-system' for converting file names
o default value for the command `set-terminal-coding-system'
o default value for the command `set-keyboard-coding-system'

If CODING-SYSTEM specifies a certain type of EOL conversion, the coding
systems set by this function will use that type of EOL conversion.

A coding system that requires automatic detection of text+encoding
(e.g. undecided, unix) can't be preferred.

To prefer, for instance, utf-8, say the following: (prefer-coding-system 'utf-8)

Variable: window-sides-slots

Maximum number of side window slots.
The value is a list of four elements specifying the number of
side window slots on (in this order) the left, top, right and
bottom side of each frame. If an element is a number, this means
to display at most that many side windows on the corresponding
side. If an element is nil, this means there's no bound on the
number of slots on that side.

Function: enriched-decode

(fn FROM TO)

Function: smie-rule-parent-p

Return non-nil if the current token's parent is among PARENTS.
Only meaningful when called from within `smie-rules-function'.

(fn &rest PARENTS)

Function: help-xref-interned

Follow a hyperlink which appeared to be an arbitrary interned SYMBOL.
Both variable, function and face documentation are extracted into a single
help buffer.

Variable: html-face-tag-alist

Value of `sgml-face-tag-alist' for HTML mode.

Function: vc-git-root

(fn FILE)

Function: mh-user-agent-compose

Set up mail composition draft with the MH mail system.
This is the `mail-user-agent' entry point to MH-E. This function
conforms to the contract specified by `define-mail-user-agent'
which means that this function should accept the same arguments
as `compose-mail'.

The optional arguments TO and SUBJECT specify recipients and the
initial Subject field, respectively.

OTHER-HEADERS is an alist specifying additional header fields.
Elements look like (HEADER . VALUE) where both HEADER and VALUE
are strings.

RETURN-ACTION and any additional arguments are IGNORED.


Variable: lpr-switches

List of strings to pass as extra options for the printer program.
It is recommended to set `printer-name' instead of including an explicit
switch on this list.
See `lpr-command'.

Variable: find-file-suppress-same-file-warnings

Non-nil means suppress warning messages for symlinked files.
When nil, Emacs prints a warning when visiting a file that is already
visited, but with a different name. Setting this option to t
suppresses this warning.

Function: map-y-or-n-p

Ask a series of boolean questions.
Takes args PROMPTER ACTOR LIST, and optional args HELP and ACTION-ALIST.

LIST is a list of objects, or a function of no arguments to return the next
object or nil.

If PROMPTER is a string, the prompt is (format PROMPTER OBJECT). If not
a string, PROMPTER is a function of one arg (an object from LIST), which
returns a string to be used as the prompt for that object. If the return
value is not a string, it may be nil to ignore the object or non-nil to act
on the object without asking the user.

ACTOR is a function of one arg (an object from LIST),
which gets called with each object that the user answers `yes' for.

If HELP is given, it is a list (OBJECT OBJECTS ACTION),
where OBJECT is a string giving the singular noun for an elt of LIST;
OBJECTS is the plural noun for elts of LIST, and ACTION is a transitive
verb describing ACTOR. The default is ("object" "objects" "act on").

At the prompts, the user may enter y, Y, or SPC to act on that object;
n, N, or DEL to skip that object; ! to act on all following objects;
ESC or q to exit (skip all following objects); . (period) to act on the
current object and then exit; or C-h to get help.

If ACTION-ALIST is given, it is an alist (KEY FUNCTION HELP) of extra keys
that will be accepted. KEY is a character; FUNCTION is a function of one
arg (an object from LIST); HELP is a string. When the user hits KEY,
FUNCTION is called. If it returns non-nil, the object is considered
"acted upon", and the next object from LIST is processed. If it returns
nil, the prompt is repeated for the same object.

Final optional argument NO-CURSOR-IN-ECHO-AREA non-nil says not to set
`cursor-in-echo-area' while prompting.

This function uses `query-replace-map' to define the standard responses, but not all of the responses which `query-replace' understands are meaningful here. Returns the number of actions taken.

Variable: ctl-x-5-map

Keymap for frame commands.

Face: nobreak-space

Face for displaying nobreak space.

Function: lax-plist-put

Change value in PLIST of PROP to VAL, comparing with `equal'.
PLIST is a property list, which is a list of the form
(PROP1 VALUE1 PROP2 VALUE2 ...). PROP and VAL are any objects.
If PROP is already a property on the list, its value is set to VAL,
otherwise the new PROP VAL pair is added. The new plist is returned;
use `(setq x (lax-plist-put x prop val))' to be sure to use the new value.
The PLIST is modified by side effects. (fn PLIST PROP VAL)

Function: char-table-extra-slot

Return the value of CHAR-TABLE's extra-slot number N.


Function: define-prefix-command

Define COMMAND as a prefix command. COMMAND should be a symbol.
A new sparse keymap is stored as COMMAND's function definition and its value.
If a second optional argument MAPVAR is given, the map is stored as
its value instead of as COMMAND's value; but COMMAND is still defined
as a function.
The third optional argument NAME, if given, supplies a menu name
string for the map. This is required to use the keymap as a menu.
This function returns COMMAND.

(fn COMMAND &optional MAPVAR NAME)

Variable: Info-node-spec-re

Regexp to match the text after a : until the terminating `.'.

Function: vc-git-create-extra-fileinfo


Function: spam-report-agentize

Add spam-report support to the Agent.
Spam reports will be queued with M-x spam-report-url-to-file when
the Agent is unplugged, and will be submitted in a batch when the
Agent is plugged. (fn)

Variable: frame-title-format

Template for displaying the title bar of visible frames.
(Assuming the window manager supports this feature.)

This variable has the same structure as `mode-line-format', except that
the %c and %l constructs are ignored. It is used only on frames for
which no explicit name has been set (see `modify-frame-parameters').

Variable: line-number-display-limit

Maximum buffer size for which line number should be displayed.
If the buffer is bigger than this, the line number does not appear
in the mode line. A value of nil means no limit.

Function: window-normal-size

Return the normal height of window WINDOW.
WINDOW must be a valid window and defaults to the selected one.
If HORIZONTAL is non-nil, return the normal width of WINDOW.

(fn &optional WINDOW HORIZONTAL)

Variable: apropos-synonyms

List of synonyms known by apropos.
Each element is a list of words where the first word is the standard Emacs
term, and the rest of the words are alternative terms.

Function: View-back-to-mark

Return to last mark set in View mode, else beginning of file.
Display that line at the center of the window.
This command pops the mark ring, so that successive
invocations return to earlier marks.

Function: help-bookmark-make-record

Create and return a help-mode bookmark record.
Implements `bookmark-make-record-function' for help-mode buffers.

Variable: cvs-dired-action

The action to be performed when opening a CVS directory.
Sensible values are `cvs-examine', `cvs-status' and `cvs-quickdir'.

Function: backward-kill-sentence

Kill back from point to start of sentence.
With arg, repeat, or kill forward to Nth end of sentence if negative arg -N.

Function: byte-code-function-p

Return t if OBJECT is a byte-compiled function object.


Function: this-single-command-keys

Return the key sequence that invoked this command.
More generally, it returns the last key sequence read, either by
the command loop or by `read-key-sequence'.
Unlike `this-command-keys', this function's value
does not include prefix arguments.
The value is always a vector. (fn)

Variable: sgml-quick-keys

Use <, >, &, /, SPC and `sgml-specials' keys "electrically" when non-nil.
This takes effect when first loading the `sgml-mode' library.

Function: Buffer-menu-sort

Sort Tabulated List entries by the column at point.
With a numeric prefix argument N, sort the Nth column.

(fn &optional N)

Function: nonincremental-search-backward

Read a string and search backward for it nonincrementally.

Function: display-pixel-height

Return the height of DISPLAY's screen in pixels.
For character terminals, each character counts as a single pixel.

Function: fortune-to-signature

Create signature from output of the fortune program.

If called with a prefix asks for the FILE to choose the fortune from,
otherwise uses the value of `fortune-file'. If you want to have fortune
choose from a set of files in a directory, call interactively with prefix
and choose the directory as the fortune-file.
(fn &optional FILE)

Function: sgml-html-meta-auto-coding-function

If the buffer has an HTML meta tag, use it to determine encoding.
This function is intended to be added to `auto-coding-functions'.

Function: Info-find-in-tag-table

Find a node in a tag table.
MARKER specifies the buffer and position to start searching at.
REGEXP is a regular expression matching nodes or references. Its first
group should match `Node:' or `Ref:'.
If a match was found, value is a list (FOUND-ANCHOR POS MODE), where
FOUND-ANCHOR is non-nil if a `Ref:' was matched, POS is the position
where the match was found, and MODE is `major-mode' of the buffer in
which the match was found.
This function tries to find a case-sensitive match first, then a
case-insensitive match is tried.

Variable: degrees-to-radians

Degrees to radian conversion constant.

Function: edir-merge-revisions

Run Ediff on a directory, DIR1, merging its files with their revisions.
The second argument, REGEXP, is a regular expression that filters the file
names. Only the files that are under revision control are taken into account.


Variable: inhibit-menubar-update

Non-nil means don't update menu bars. Internal use only.

Function: format-mode-line

Format a string out of a mode line format specification.
First arg FORMAT specifies the mode line format (see `mode-line-format'
for details) to use.

By default, the format is evaluated for the currently selected window.

Optional second arg FACE specifies the face property to put on all
characters for which no face is specified. The value nil means the
default face. The value t means whatever face the window's mode line
currently uses (either `mode-line' or `mode-line-inactive',
depending on whether the window is the selected window or not).
An integer value means the value string has no text

Optional third and fourth args WINDOW and BUFFER specify the window
and buffer to use as the context for the formatting (defaults
are the selected window and the WINDOW's buffer). (fn FORMAT &optional FACE WINDOW BUFFER)

Variable: Buffer-menu-buffer+size-width

Combined width of buffer name and size columns in Buffer Menu.
If nil, use `Buffer-menu-name-width' and `Buffer-menu-size-width'.

If non-nil, the value of `Buffer-menu-name-width' is overridden;
the name column is assigned width `Buffer-menu-buffer+size-width'
minus `Buffer-menu-size-width'. This use is deprecated.

Function: isearch-back-into-window

Scroll the window to bring the search string back into view.
Restore point to ISEARCH-POINT in the process. ABOVE is t when the
search string is above the top of the window, nil when it is beneath
the bottom.

Function: viqr-pre-write-conversion

(fn FROM TO)

Function: enable-flow-control

Toggle flow control handling.
When handling is enabled, user can type C-s as C-\, and C-q as C-^.
With arg, enable flow control mode if arg is positive, otherwise disable.

(fn &optional ARGUMENT)

Function: data-debug-new-buffer

Create a new data-debug buffer with NAME.

(fn NAME)

Function: custom-add-to-group

To existing GROUP add a new OPTION of type WIDGET.
If there already is an entry for OPTION and WIDGET, nothing is done.

Function: window-top-line

Return top line of window WINDOW.
This is the distance, in lines, between the top of WINDOW and the top
of the frame's window area. For instance, the return value is 0 if
there is no window above WINDOW.

WINDOW must be a valid window and defaults to the selected one.
(fn &optional WINDOW)

Variable: charset-revision-table

Alist of charsets vs revision numbers.
While encoding, if a charset (car part of an element) is found,
designate it with the escape sequence identifying revision (cdr part
of the element).

Function: coding-system-base

Return the base of CODING-SYSTEM.
Any alias or subsidiary coding system is not a base coding system.


Function: keymap-canonicalize

Return a simpler equivalent keymap.
This resolves inheritance and redefinitions. The returned keymap
should behave identically to a copy of KEYMAP w.r.t `lookup-key'
and use in active keymaps and menus.
Subkeymaps may be modified but are not canonicalized.

Function: gnus-output-to-mail

Append the current article to a mail file named FILENAME.

Function: comint-write-input-ring

Writes the buffer's `comint-input-ring' to a history file.
The name of the file is given by the variable `comint-input-ring-file-name'.
The original contents of the file are lost if `comint-input-ring' is not empty.
If `comint-input-ring-file-name' is nil this function does nothing.

Useful within process sentinels.

See also `comint-read-input-ring'. (fn)

Function: cl-remprop

Remove from SYMBOL's plist the property PROPNAME and its value.


Function: describe-minor-mode

Display documentation of a minor mode given as MINOR-MODE.
MINOR-MODE can be a minor mode symbol or a minor mode indicator string
appeared on the mode-line.

Function: vip-mode

Turn on VIP emulation of VI.


Function: file-modes-rights-to-number

Convert a symbolic mode string specification to an equivalent number.
RIGHTS is the symbolic mode spec, it should match "([+=-][rwxXstugo]*)+".
WHO-MASK is the bit-mask specifying the category of users to which to
apply the access permissions. See `file-modes-char-to-who'.
FROM (or 0 if nil) gives the mode bits on which to base permissions if
RIGHTS request to add, remove, or set permissions based on existing ones, as in "og+rX-w".

Function: wisent-grammar-mode

Major mode for editing Wisent grammars.


Function: posn-point

Return the buffer location in POSITION.
POSITION should be a list of the form returned by the `event-start'
and `event-end' functions.

Function: count

Count the number of occurrences of ITEM in SEQ.

Keywords supported: :test :test-not :key :start :end


Function: list

Return a newly created list with specified arguments as elements.
Any number of arguments, even zero arguments, are allowed.

(fn &rest OBJECTS)

Function: gnus-set-window-start

Set the window start to POINT, or (point) if nil.

Variable: byte-compile-delete-errors

If non-nil, the optimizer may delete forms that may signal an error.
This includes variable references and calls to functions such as `car'.

Function: nsubstitute

Substitute NEW for OLD in SEQ.
This is a destructive function; it reuses the storage of SEQ whenever possible.

Keywords supported: :test :test-not :key :count :start :end :from-end


Variable: defun-prompt-regexp

If non-nil, a regexp to ignore before a defun.
This is only necessary if the opening paren or brace is not in column 0.
See function `beginning-of-defun'.

Variable: font-lock-syntactic-face-function

Function to determine which face to use when fontifying syntactically.
The function is called with a single parameter (the state as returned by
`parse-partial-sexp' at the beginning of the region to highlight) and
should return a face. This is normally set via `font-lock-defaults'.

Variable: skeleton-filter-function

Function for transforming a skeleton proxy's aliases' variable value.

Function: truncate-string-to-width

Truncate string STR to end at column END-COLUMN.
The optional 3rd arg START-COLUMN, if non-nil, specifies the starting
column; that means to return the characters occupying columns
are specified in terms of character display width in the current
buffer; see also `char-width'.

The optional 4th arg PADDING, if non-nil, specifies a padding
character (which should have a display width of 1) to add at the end
of the result if STR doesn't reach column END-COLUMN, or if END-COLUMN
comes in the middle of a character in STR. PADDING is also added at
the beginning of the result if column START-COLUMN appears in the
middle of a character in STR.

If PADDING is nil, no padding is added in these cases, so
the resulting string may be narrower than END-COLUMN.

If ELLIPSIS is non-nil, it should be a string which will replace the
end of STR (including any padding) if it extends beyond END-COLUMN,
unless the display width of STR is equal to or less than the display
width of ELLIPSIS. If it is non-nil and not a string, then ELLIPSIS defaults to "...".

Variable: tags-case-fold-search

Whether tags operations should be case-sensitive.
A value of t means case-insensitive, a value of nil means case-sensitive.
Any other value means use the setting of `case-fold-search'.

Function: server-start

Allow this Emacs process to be a server for client processes.
This starts a server communications subprocess through which client
"editors" can send your editing commands to this Emacs job.
To use the server, set up the program `emacsclient' in the Emacs
distribution as your standard "editor".

Optional argument LEAVE-DEAD (interactively, a prefix arg) means just
kill any existing server communications subprocess.

If a server is already running, restart it. If clients are
running, ask the user for confirmation first, unless optional
argument INHIBIT-PROMPT is non-nil.

To force-start a server, do M-x server-force-delete and then
M-x server-start. (fn &optional LEAVE-DEAD INHIBIT-PROMPT)

Variable: auto-raise-tool-bar-buttons

Non-nil means raise tool-bar buttons when the mouse moves over them.

Variable: emacs-lisp-byte-code-mode-syntax-table

Syntax table for `emacs-lisp-byte-code-mode'.

Function: org-beamer-sectioning

Return the sectioning entry for the current headline.
LEVEL is the reduced level of the headline.
TEXT is the text of the headline, everything except the leading stars.
The return value is a cons cell. The car is the headline text, usually
just TEXT, but possibly modified if options have been extracted from the
text. The cdr is the sectioning entry, similar to what is given
in org-export-latex-classes. (fn LEVEL TEXT)

Variable: unicode-category-table

Char table of Unicode's "General Category".
All Unicode characters have one of the following values (symbol):
Lu, Ll, Lt, Lm, Lo, Mn, Mc, Me, Nd, Nl, No, Pc, Pd, Ps, Pe, Pi, Pf, Po,
Sm, Sc, Sk, So, Zs, Zl, Zp, Cc, Cf, Cs, Co, Cn
See The Unicode Standard for the meaning of those values.

Function: smie-indent--bolp

Return non-nil if the current token is the first on the line.


Variable: byte-goto-if-not-nil-else-pop

Byte code opcode to examine top-of-stack, jump and don't pop it if it's non nil,
otherwise pop it.

Function: emacs-uptime

Return a string giving the uptime of this instance of Emacs.
FORMAT is a string to format the result, using `format-seconds'.
For example, the Unix uptime command format is "%D, %z%2h:%.2m".

Function: image-type-available-p

Return non-nil if image type TYPE is available.
Image types are symbols like `xbm' or `jpeg'.

Variable: minibuffer-completion-predicate

Within call to `completing-read', this holds the PREDICATE argument.

Function: atom

Return t if OBJECT is not a cons cell. This includes nil.


Function: ansi-color-set-extent-face

Set the `face' property of EXTENT to FACE.
XEmacs uses `set-extent-face', Emacs uses `overlay-put'.

Function: Info-prev-reference

Move cursor to the previous cross-reference or menu item in the node.

Function: Info-restore-point

If this node has been visited, restore the point value when we left.

Function: isearch-forward-regexp

Do incremental search forward for regular expression.
With a prefix argument, do a regular string search instead.
Like ordinary incremental search except that your input is treated
as a regexp. See the command `isearch-forward' for more information.

In incremental searches, a space or spaces normally matches any
whitespace defined by the variable `search-whitespace-regexp'.
To search for a literal space and nothing else, enter C-q SPC.
To toggle whitespace matching, use `isearch-toggle-lax-whitespace'.

Variable: jit-lock-context-time

Idle time after which text is contextually refontified, if applicable.

Function: isInNet


Function: pr-ps-directory-ps-print

Print directory using PostScript printer or through ghostscript.

It depends on `pr-print-using-ghostscript'.

Interactively, the command prompts for N-UP printing number, a directory, a
file name regexp for matching and, when you use a prefix argument (C-u), the
command prompts the user for a file name, and saves the PostScript image in
that file instead of saving it in a temporary file.

Noninteractively, if N-UP is nil, prompts for N-UP printing number. If DIR is
nil, prompts for DIRectory. If FILE-REGEXP is nil, prompts for
FILE(name)-REGEXP. The argument FILENAME is treated as follows: if it's nil,
save the image in a temporary file. If FILENAME is a string, save the
PostScript image in a file with that name. If FILENAME is t, prompts for a
file name.

See also documentation for `pr-list-directory'. (fn N-UP DIR FILE-REGEXP &optional FILENAME)

Function: customize

Select a customization buffer which you can use to set user options.
User options are structured into "groups".
Initially the top-level group `Emacs' and its immediate subgroups
are shown; the contents of those subgroups are initially hidden. (fn)

Variable: help-downcase-arguments

If non-nil, argument names in *Help* buffers are downcased.

Function: Info-directory-toc-nodes

Directory-specific implementation of `Info-toc-nodes'.

Function: spam-report-deagentize

Remove spam-report support from the Agent.
Spam reports will be queued with the method used when
M-x spam-report-agentize was run. (fn)

Function: framep-on-display

Return the type of frames on TERMINAL.
TERMINAL may be a terminal id, a display name or a frame. If it
is a frame, its type is returned. If TERMINAL is omitted or nil,
it defaults to the selected frame's terminal device. All frames
on a given display are of the same type.

Function: eval-next-after-load

Read the following input sexp, and run it whenever FILE is loaded.
This makes or adds to an entry on `after-load-alist'.
FILE should be the name of a library, with no directory name.

Function: read-input

Read a string from the minibuffer, prompting with string PROMPT.
If non-nil, second arg INITIAL-INPUT is a string to insert before reading.
This argument has been superseded by DEFAULT-VALUE and should normally
be nil in new code. It behaves as in `read-from-minibuffer'. See the
documentation string of that function for details.
The third arg HISTORY, if non-nil, specifies a history list
and optionally the initial position in the list.
See `read-from-minibuffer' for details of HISTORY argument.
Fourth arg DEFAULT-VALUE is the default value or the list of default values.
If non-nil, it is used for history commands, and as the value (or the first
element of the list of default values) to return if the user enters the
empty string.
Fifth arg INHERIT-INPUT-METHOD, if non-nil, means the minibuffer inherits
the current input method and the setting of `enable-multibyte-characters'.


Variable: composition-function-table

Char-table of functions for automatic character composition.
For each character that has to be composed automatically with
preceding and/or following characters, this char-table contains
a function to call to compose that character.

The element at index C in the table, if non-nil, is a list of
composition rules of this form: ([PATTERN PREV-CHARS FUNC] ...)

PATTERN is a regular expression which C and the surrounding
characters must match.

PREV-CHARS is a non-negative integer (less than 4) specifying how many
characters before C to check the matching with PATTERN. If it is 0,
PATTERN must match C and the following characters. If it is 1,
PATTERN must match a character before C and the following characters.

If PREV-CHARS is 0, PATTERN can be nil, which means that the
single character C should be composed.

FUNC is a function to return a glyph-string representing a
composition of the characters that match PATTERN. It is
called with one argument GSTRING.

GSTRING is a template of a glyph-string to return. It is already
filled with a proper header for the characters to compose, and
glyphs corresponding to those characters one by one. The
function must return a new glyph-string with the same header as
GSTRING, or modify GSTRING itself and return it. See also the documentation of `auto-composition-mode'.

Function: copy-alist

Return a copy of ALIST.
This is an alist which represents the same mapping from objects to objects,
but does not share the alist structure with ALIST.
The objects mapped (cars and cdrs of elements of the alist)
are shared, however.
Elements of ALIST that are not conses are also shared. (fn ALIST)

Function: sgml-tag-text-p

Return non-nil if text between START and END is a tag.
Checks among other things that the tag does not contain spurious
unquoted < or > chars inside, which would indicate that it
really isn't a tag after all.

Function: format-annotate-region

Generate annotations for text properties in the region.
Search for changes between FROM and TO, and describe them with a list of
annotations as defined by alist TRANSLATIONS and FORMAT-FN. IGNORE lists text
properties not to consider; any text properties that are neither ignored nor
listed in TRANSLATIONS are warned about.
If you actually want to modify the region, give the return value of this
function to `format-insert-annotations'.

Format of the TRANSLATIONS argument:

Each element is a list whose car is a PROPERTY, and the following
elements have the form (VALUE ANNOTATIONS...).
Whenever the property takes on the value VALUE, the annotations
(as formatted by FORMAT-FN) are inserted into the file.
When the property stops having that value, the matching negated annotation
will be inserted (it may actually be closed earlier and reopened, if
necessary, to keep proper nesting).

If VALUE is a list, then each element of the list is dealt with

If a VALUE is numeric, then it is assumed that there is a single annotation
and each occurrence of it increments the value of the property by that number.
Thus, given the entry (left-margin (4 "indent")), if the left margin
changes from 4 to 12, two annotations will be generated.

If the VALUE is nil, then instead of annotations, a function should be
specified. This function is used as a default: it is called for all
transitions not explicitly listed in the table. The function is called with
two arguments, the OLD and NEW values of the property. It should return
a cons cell (CLOSE . OPEN) as `format-annotate-single-property-change' does. The same TRANSLATIONS structure can be used in reverse for reading files.

Variable: url-request-method

The method to use for the next request.

Function: cl-lcm

Return the least common multiple of the arguments.

(fn &rest ARGS)

Function: unmorse-region

Convert morse coded text in region to ordinary ASCII text.

(fn BEG END)

Function: brief-mode

Toggle CRiSP/Brief emulation (CRiSP mode).
With a prefix argument ARG, enable CRiSP mode if ARG is positive,
and disable it otherwise. If called from Lisp, enable the mode
if ARG is omitted or nil.

(fn &optional ARG)

Function: ccl-execute

Execute CCL-PROGRAM with registers initialized by REGISTERS.

CCL-PROGRAM is a CCL program name (symbol)
or compiled code generated by `ccl-compile' (for backward compatibility.
In the latter case, the execution overhead is bigger than in the former).
No I/O commands should appear in CCL-PROGRAM.

REGISTERS is a vector of [R0 R1 ... R7] where RN is an initial value
for the Nth register.

As side effect, each element of REGISTERS holds the value of
the corresponding register after the execution.

See the documentation of `define-ccl-program' for a definition of CCL programs. (fn CCL-PROG REG)

Function: gnus-frame-or-window-display-name

Given a frame or window, return the associated display name.
Return nil otherwise.

Function: gnus-grep-in-list

Find if a WORD matches any regular expression in the given LIST.

Variable: comint-redirect-insert-matching-regexp

If non-nil, the text that ends a redirection is included in it.
More precisely, the text that matches `comint-redirect-finished-regexp'
and therefore terminates an output redirection is inserted in the
redirection target buffer, along with the preceding output.

Function: Info-speedbar-goto-node

When user clicks on TEXT, go to an info NODE.
The INDENT level is ignored.

Function: widget-delete

Delete WIDGET.


Function: gnus-agentize

Allow Gnus to be an offline newsreader.

The gnus-agentize function is now called internally by gnus when
gnus-agent is set. If you wish to avoid calling gnus-agentize,
customize gnus-agent to nil.

This will modify the `gnus-setup-news-hook', and
`message-send-mail-real-function' variables, and install the Gnus agent
minor mode in all Gnus buffers. (fn)

Variable: desktop-save-buffer

When non-nil, save buffer status in desktop file.
This variable becomes buffer local when set.

If the value is a function, it is called by `desktop-save' with argument
DESKTOP-DIRNAME to obtain auxiliary information to save in the desktop
file along with the state of the buffer for which it was called.

When file names are returned, they should be formatted using the call
"(desktop-file-name FILE-NAME DESKTOP-DIRNAME)".

Later, when `desktop-read' evaluates the desktop file, auxiliary information
is passed as the argument DESKTOP-BUFFER-MISC to functions in `desktop-buffer-mode-handlers'.

Function: window-vscroll

Return the amount by which WINDOW is scrolled vertically.
If WINDOW is omitted or nil, it defaults to the selected window.
Normally, value is a multiple of the canonical character height of WINDOW;
optional second arg PIXELS-P means value is measured in pixels.

(fn &optional WINDOW PIXELS-P)

Variable: shared-game-score-directory

Directory of score files for games which come with GNU Emacs.
If this variable is nil, then Emacs is unable to use a shared directory.

Variable: pcomplete-ignore-case

If non-nil, ignore case when doing filename completion.

Function: pr-show-lpr-setup

Show current lpr settings.

(fn &rest IGNORE)

Function: pr-ps-directory-preview

Preview directory using ghostview.

Interactively, the command prompts for N-UP printing number, a directory, a
file name regexp for matching and, when you use a prefix argument (C-u), the
command prompts the user for a file name, and saves the PostScript image in
that file instead of saving it in a temporary file.

Noninteractively, if N-UP is nil, prompts for N-UP printing number. If DIR is
nil, prompts for DIRectory. If FILE-REGEXP is nil, prompts for
FILE(name)-REGEXP. The argument FILENAME is treated as follows: if it's nil,
save the image in a temporary file. If FILENAME is a string, save the
PostScript image in a file with that name. If FILENAME is t, prompts for a
file name.

See also documentation for `pr-list-directory'. (fn N-UP DIR FILE-REGEXP &optional FILENAME)

Function: org-open-link-from-string

Open a link in the string S, as if it was in Org-mode.


Variable: default-korean-keyboard

The kind of Korean keyboard for Korean input method.
"" for 2, "3" for 3.

Function: serial-process-configure

Configure speed, bytesize, etc. of a serial process.

Arguments are specified as keyword/argument pairs. Attributes that
are not given are re-initialized from the process's current
configuration (available via the function `process-contact') or set to
reasonable default values. The following arguments are defined:

:process PROCESS
:name NAME
:buffer BUFFER
:port PORT
-- Any of these arguments can be given to identify the process that is
to be configured. If none of these arguments is given, the current
buffer's process is used.

:speed SPEED -- SPEED is the speed of the serial port in bits per
second, also called baud rate. Any value can be given for SPEED, but
most serial ports work only at a few defined values between 1200 and
115200, with 9600 being the most common value. If SPEED is nil, the
serial port is not configured any further, i.e., all other arguments
are ignored. This may be useful for special serial ports such as
Bluetooth-to-serial converters which can only be configured through AT
commands. A value of nil for SPEED can be used only when passed
through `make-serial-process' or `serial-term'.

:bytesize BYTESIZE -- BYTESIZE is the number of bits per byte, which
can be 7 or 8. If BYTESIZE is not given or nil, a value of 8 is used.

:parity PARITY -- PARITY can be nil (don't use parity), the symbol
`odd' (use odd parity), or the symbol `even' (use even parity). If
PARITY is not given, no parity is used.

:stopbits STOPBITS -- STOPBITS is the number of stopbits used to
terminate a byte transmission. STOPBITS can be 1 or 2. If STOPBITS
is not given or nil, 1 stopbit is used.

:flowcontrol FLOWCONTROL -- FLOWCONTROL determines the type of
flowcontrol to be used, which is either nil (don't use flowcontrol),
the symbol `hw' (use RTS/CTS hardware flowcontrol), or the symbol `sw'
(use XON/XOFF software flowcontrol). If FLOWCONTROL is not given, no
flowcontrol is used.

`serial-process-configure' is called by `make-serial-process' for the
initial configuration of the serial port.


(serial-process-configure :process "/dev/ttyS0" :speed 1200) (serial-process-configure :buffer "COM1" :stopbits 1 :parity 'odd :flowcontrol 'hw) (serial-process-configure :port "\\.\COM13" :bytesize 7) (fn &rest ARGS)

Variable: explicit-csh-args

Args passed to inferior shell by M-x shell, if the shell is csh.
Value is a list of strings, which may be nil.

Variable: read-file-name-function

The function called by `read-file-name' to do its work.
It should accept the same arguments as `read-file-name'.

Function: term

Start a terminal-emulator in a new buffer.
The buffer is in Term mode; see `term-mode' for the
commands to use in that buffer.

Uses keymap `term-raw-map', which is not currently defined.
Type C-x b to switch to another buffer. (fn PROGRAM)

Function: org-cycle-agenda-files

Cycle through the files in `org-agenda-files'.
If the current buffer visits an agenda file, find the next one in the list.
If the current buffer does not, find the first agenda file. (fn)

Function: gnus-batch-score

Run batched scoring.
Usage: emacs -batch -l ~/.emacs -l gnus -f gnus-batch-score

Function: ewoc-create

Create an empty ewoc.

The ewoc will be inserted in the current buffer at the current position.

PRETTY-PRINTER should be a function that takes one argument, an
element, and inserts a string representing it in the buffer (at
point). The string PRETTY-PRINTER inserts may be empty or span
several lines. The PRETTY-PRINTER should use `insert', and not

Optional second and third arguments HEADER and FOOTER are strings,
possibly empty, that will always be present at the top and bottom,
respectively, of the ewoc.

Normally, a newline is automatically inserted after the header,
the footer and every node's printed representation. Optional
fourth arg NOSEP non-nil inhibits this. (fn PRETTY-PRINTER &optional HEADER FOOTER NOSEP)

Function: bookmark-relocate

Relocate BOOKMARK-NAME to another file, reading file name with minibuffer.

This makes an already existing bookmark point to that file, instead of
the one it used to point at. Useful when a file has been renamed
after a bookmark was set in it.

Function: read-regexp

Read and return a regular expression as a string.
When PROMPT doesn't end with a colon and space, it adds a final ": ".
If DEFAULTS is non-nil, it displays the first default in the prompt.

Non-nil optional arg DEFAULTS is a string or a list of strings that
are prepended to a list of standard default values, which include the
string at point, the last isearch regexp, the last isearch string, and
the last replacement regexp.

Non-nil HISTORY is a symbol to use for the history list.
If HISTORY is nil, `regexp-history' is used.

Function: custom-theme-p

Non-nil when THEME has been defined.

Variable: view-page-size

Default number of lines to scroll by View page commands.
If nil that means use the window size.

Function: comint-dynamic-simple-complete

Dynamically complete STUB from CANDIDATES list.
This function inserts completion characters at point by
completing STUB from the strings in CANDIDATES. If completion is
ambiguous, possibly show a completions listing in a separate

Return nil if no completion was inserted.
Return `sole' if completed with the only completion match.
Return `shortest' if completed with the shortest match.
Return `partial' if completed as far as possible.
Return `listed' if a completion listing was shown.

See also `comint-dynamic-complete-filename'. (fn STUB CANDIDATES)

Function: blink-matching-check-mismatch

Return whether or not START...END are matching parens.
END is the current point and START is the blink position.
START might be nil if no matching starter was found.
Returns non-nil if we find there is a mismatch.

Function: message-insinuate-rmail

Let RMAIL use message to forward.


Function: ansi-color-for-comint-mode-on

Set `ansi-color-for-comint-mode' to t.

Function: set-face-background-pixmap

Change the stipple pixmap of face FACE to STIPPLE.
FRAME nil or not specified means change face on all frames.
STIPPLE should be a string, the name of a file of pixmap data.
The directories listed in the `x-bitmap-file-path' variable are searched.

Alternatively, STIPPLE may be a list of the form (WIDTH HEIGHT DATA)
where WIDTH and HEIGHT are the size in pixels,
and DATA is a string, containing the raw bits of the bitmap.

Function: fontp

Return t if OBJECT is a font-spec, font-entity, or font-object.
Return nil otherwise.
Optional 2nd argument EXTRA-TYPE, if non-nil, specifies to check
which kind of font it is. It must be one of `font-spec', `font-entity',

(fn OBJECT &optional EXTRA-TYPE)

Function: window-margins

Get width of marginal areas of window WINDOW.
WINDOW must be a live window and defaults to the selected one.

Value is a cons of the form (LEFT-WIDTH . RIGHT-WIDTH).
If a marginal area does not exist, its width will be returned
as nil.
(fn &optional WINDOW)

Function: forward-char

Move point N characters forward (backward if N is negative).
On reaching end or beginning of buffer, stop and signal error.
Interactively, N is the numeric prefix argument.

Depending on the bidirectional context, the movement may be to the
right or to the left on the screen. This is in contrast with
, which see. (fn &optional N)

Function: x-dnd-insert-utf8-text

Decode the UTF-8 text and insert it at point.
TEXT is the text as a string, WINDOW is the window where the drop happened.

Function: isearch-mode

Start Isearch minor mode.
It is called by the function `isearch-forward' and other related functions.

Function: timer-set-idle-time

Set the trigger idle time of TIMER to SECS.
SECS may be an integer, floating point number, or the internal
time format returned by, e.g., `current-idle-time'.
If optional third argument REPEAT is non-nil, make the timer
fire each time Emacs is idle for that many seconds.

Variable: facemenu-remove-face-function

When non-nil, this is a function called to remove faces.
This function is passed the START and END of text to change.
May also be t meaning to use `facemenu-add-face-function'.

Function: expand-abbrev-hook

Abbrev hook used to do the expansion job of expand abbrevs.
See `expand-add-abbrevs'. Value is non-nil if expansion was done.

Function: add-change-log-entry-other-window

Find change log file in other window and add entry and item.
This is just like `add-change-log-entry' except that it displays
the change log file in another window.

(fn &optional WHOAMI FILE-NAME)

Function: sh-mark-init

Initialize a BUFFER to be used by `sh-mark-line'.

Function: comint--complete-file-name-data

Return the completion data for file name at point.


Function: comint-previous-matching-input-from-input

Search backwards through input history for match for current input.
(Previous history elements are earlier commands.)
With prefix argument N, search for Nth previous match.
If N is negative, search forwards for the -Nth following match. (fn N)

Function: tabulated-list-get-id

Return the entry ID of the Tabulated List entry at POS.
The value is an ID object from `tabulated-list-entries', or nil.
POS, if omitted or nil, defaults to point.

(fn &optional POS)

Function: isearch-search-string

Search for the first occurrence of STRING or its translation.
If found, move point to the end of the occurrence,
update the match data, and return point.

Variable: jit-lock-context-timer

Timer for context fontification in Just-in-time Lock mode.

Function: mouse-drag-drag

"Drag" the page according to a mouse drag.

Drag scrolling moves the page according to the movement of the mouse.
You "grab" the character under the mouse and move it around.

If the mouse is clicked and released in the same place of time we
assume that the user didn't want to scroll but wanted to whatever
mouse-2 used to do, so we pass it through.

Drag scrolling is identical to the "hand" option in MacPaint, or the
middle button in Tk text widgets.

To test this function, evaluate:
(global-set-key [down-mouse-2] 'mouse-drag-drag) (fn START-EVENT)

Function: list-bookmarks

Display a list of existing bookmarks.
The list is displayed in a buffer named `*Bookmark List*'.
The leftmost column displays a D if the bookmark is flagged for
deletion, or > if it is flagged for displaying. (fn)

Function: fortran-mode

Major mode for editing Fortran code in fixed format.
For free format code, use `f90-mode'.

M-x fortran-indent-line indents the current Fortran line correctly.
Note that DO statements must not share a common CONTINUE.

Type ;? or ;C-h to display a list of built-in abbrevs for Fortran keywords.

Key definitions:

Uses keymap `fortran-mode-map', which is not currently defined.

Variables controlling indentation style and extra features:

To use comments starting with `!', set this to the string "!".
Extra indentation within DO blocks (default 3).
Extra indentation within IF blocks (default 3).
Extra indentation within STRUCTURE, UNION, MAP and INTERFACE blocks.
(default 3)
Extra indentation applied to continuation statements (default 5).
Amount of extra indentation for text in full-line comments (default 0).
How to indent the text in full-line comments. Allowed values are:
nil don't change the indentation
fixed indent to `fortran-comment-line-extra-indent' beyond the
value of either
`fortran-minimum-statement-indent-fixed' (fixed format) or
`fortran-minimum-statement-indent-tab' (TAB format),
depending on the continuation format in use.
relative indent to `fortran-comment-line-extra-indent' beyond the
indentation for a line of code.
(default 'fixed)
Single-character string to be inserted instead of space for
full-line comment indentation (default " ").
Minimum indentation for statements in fixed format mode (default 6).
Minimum indentation for statements in TAB format mode (default 9).
Maximum indentation for line numbers (default 1). A line number will
get less than this much indentation if necessary to avoid reaching
column 5.
Non-nil causes all numbered lines to be treated as possible "continue"
statements (default nil).
Non-nil causes M-x fortran-indent-line on an ENDIF (or ENDDO) statement
to blink on the matching IF (or DO [WHILE]). (default nil)
Single-character string to be inserted in column 5 of a continuation
line (default "$").
String inserted by M-x fortran-comment-region at start of each line in
the region (default "c$$$").
Non-nil causes line number digits to be moved to the correct column as typed (default t). `fortran-break-before-delimiters' Non-nil causes lines to be broken before delimiters (default t). Turning on Fortran mode calls the value of the variable `fortran-mode-hook' with no args, if that value is non-nil. (fn)

Variable: find-directory-functions

List of functions to try in sequence to visit a directory.
Each function is called with the directory name as the sole argument
and should return either a buffer or nil.

Function: sh-prev-stmt

Return the address of the previous stmt or nil.

Function: turn-on-orgstruct++

Unconditionally turn on `orgstruct++-mode'.


Function: set-buffer-process-coding-system

Set coding systems for the process associated with the current buffer.
DECODING is the coding system to be used to decode input from the process,
ENCODING is the coding system to be used to encode output to the process.

For a list of possible coding systems, use M-x list-coding-systems.

Function: font-face-attributes

Return a plist of face attributes generated by FONT.
FONT is a font name, a font-spec, a font-entity, or a font-object.
The return value is a list of the form

(:family FAMILY :height HEIGHT :weight WEIGHT :slant SLANT :width WIDTH)

where FAMILY, HEIGHT, WEIGHT, SLANT, and WIDTH are face attribute values
compatible with `set-face-attribute'. Some of these key-attribute pairs
may be omitted from the list if they are not specified by FONT.

The optional argument FRAME specifies the frame that the face attributes
are to be displayed on. If omitted, the selected frame is used. (fn FONT &optional FRAME)

Function: force-window-update

Force all windows to be updated on next redisplay.
If optional arg OBJECT is a window, force redisplay of that window only.
If OBJECT is a buffer or buffer name, force redisplay of all windows
displaying that buffer.

(fn &optional OBJECT)

Function: ebrowse-tags-view-definition-other-window

View definition of member at point in other window.


Function: apropos-read-pattern

Read an apropos pattern, either a word list or a regexp.
Returns the user pattern, either a list of words which are matched
literally, or a string which is used as a regexp to search for.

SUBJECT is a string that is included in the prompt to identify what
kind of objects to search.

Function: change-log-merge

Merge the contents of change log file OTHER-LOG with this buffer.
Both must be found in Change Log mode (since the merging depends on
the appropriate motion commands). OTHER-LOG can be either a file name
or a buffer.

Entries are inserted in chronological order. Both the current and
old-style time formats for entries are supported. (fn OTHER-LOG)

Variable: global-map

Default global keymap mapping Emacs keyboard input into commands.
The value is a keymap which is usually (but not necessarily) Emacs's
global map.

Function: smie-indent--separator-outdent


Variable: minibuffer-inactive-mode-map

Keymap for use in the minibuffer when it is not active.
The non-mouse bindings in this keymap can only be used in minibuffer-only
frames, since the minibuffer can normally not be selected when it is
not active.

Function: vc-log-incoming

Show a log of changes that will be received with a pull operation from REMOTE-LOCATION.
When called interactively with a prefix argument, prompt for REMOTE-LOCATION..

(fn &optional REMOTE-LOCATION)

Function: message-recover

Reread contents of current buffer from its last auto-save file.


Function: gap-position

Return the position of the gap, in the current buffer.
See also `gap-size'.

Variable: cl-most-negative-float

The largest negative value that a Lisp float can hold.
This is simply -`cl-most-positive-float'.
Call `cl-float-limits' to set this.

Variable: jit-lock-stealth-time

Time in seconds to wait before beginning stealth fontification.
Stealth fontification occurs if there is no input within this time.
If nil, stealth fontification is never performed.

The value of this variable is used when JIT Lock mode is turned on.

Variable: epa-file-encrypt-to

Recipient(s) used for encrypting files.
May either be a string or a list of strings.

Function: latexenc-inputenc-to-coding-system

Return the corresponding coding-system for the specified input encoding.
Return nil if no matching coding system can be found.


Function: auto-revert-mode

Toggle reverting buffer when the file changes (Auto Revert mode).
With a prefix argument ARG, enable Auto Revert mode if ARG is
positive, and disable it otherwise. If called from Lisp, enable
the mode if ARG is omitted or nil.

Auto Revert mode is a minor mode that affects only the current
buffer. When enabled, it reverts the buffer when the file on
disk changes.

Use `global-auto-revert-mode' to automatically revert all buffers.
Use `auto-revert-tail-mode' if you know that the file will only grow
without being changed in the part that is already in the buffer. (fn &optional ARG)

Function: mm-find-buffer-file-coding-system

Find coding system used to decode the contents of the current buffer.
This function looks for the coding system magic cookie or examines the
coding system specified by `file-coding-system-alist' being associated
with FILENAME which defaults to `buffer-file-name'. Data compressed by
gzip, bzip2, etc. are allowed.

Function: mm-disable-multibyte

Unset the multibyte flag of in the current buffer.
This is a no-op in XEmacs.

Variable: apropos-pattern-quoted

Apropos pattern passed through `regexp-quote'.

Function: ebrowse-forward-in-position-stack

Move forward in the position stack.
Prefix arg ARG says how much.

(fn ARG)

Function: ebrowse-back-in-position-stack

Move backward in the position stack.
Prefix arg ARG says how much.

(fn ARG)

Function: split-window-right

Split the selected window into two side-by-side windows.
The selected window is on the left. The newly split-off window
is on the right, and displays the same buffer. Return the new

If optional argument SIZE is omitted or nil, both windows get the
same width, or close to it. If SIZE is positive, the left-hand
(selected) window gets SIZE columns. If SIZE is negative, the
right-hand (new) window gets -SIZE columns. Here, SIZE includes
the width of the window's scroll bar; if there are no scroll
bars, it includes the width of the divider column to the window's right, if any.

Function: url-get-url-at-point

Get the URL closest to point, but don't change position.
Has a preference for looking backward when not directly on a symbol.

Function: ring-previous

Return the previous item in the RING, before ITEM.
Raise error if ITEM is not in the RING.

Function: setenv-internal

Set VARIABLE to VALUE in ENV, adding empty entries if KEEP-EMPTY.
Changes ENV by side-effect, and returns its new value.

Variable: sh-font-lock-keywords-var

Default expressions to highlight in Shell Script modes. See `sh-feature'.

Variable: pcomplete-command-name-function

Function called for determining the current command name.

Variable: vc-follow-symlinks

What to do if visiting a symbolic link to a file under version control.
Editing such a file through the link bypasses the version control system,
which is dangerous and probably not what you want.

If this variable is t, VC follows the link and visits the real file,
telling you about it in the echo area. If it is `ask', VC asks for
confirmation whether it should follow the link. If nil, the link is
visited and a warning displayed.

Function: unjustify-region

Remove justification whitespace from region.
For centered or right-justified regions, this function removes any indentation
past the left margin from each line. For full-justified lines, it removes
extra spaces between words. It does nothing in other justification modes.
Arguments BEGIN and END are optional; default is the whole buffer.

Function: table-recognize

Recognize all tables within the current buffer and activate them.
Scans the entire buffer and recognizes valid table cells. If the
optional numeric prefix argument ARG is negative the tables in the
buffer become inactive, meaning the tables become plain text and loses
all the table specific features.
(fn &optional ARG)

Function: metamail-region

Process current region through 'metamail'.
Optional argument VIEWMODE specifies the value of the
EMACS_VIEW_MODE environment variable (defaulted to 1).
Optional argument BUFFER specifies a buffer to be filled (nil
means current).
Optional argument NODISPLAY non-nil means buffer is not
redisplayed as output is inserted.


Function: apply-macro-to-region-lines

Apply last keyboard macro to all lines in the region.
For each line that begins in the region, move to the beginning of
the line, and run the last keyboard macro.

When called from lisp, this function takes two arguments TOP and
BOTTOM, describing the current region. TOP must be before BOTTOM.
The optional third argument MACRO specifies a keyboard macro to

This is useful for quoting or unquoting included text, adding and
removing comments, or producing tables where the entries are regular.

For example, in Usenet articles, sections of text quoted from another
author are indented, or have each line start with `>'. To quote a
section of text, define a keyboard macro which inserts `>', put point
and mark at opposite ends of the quoted section, and use
`M-x apply-macro-to-region-lines' to mark the entire section.

Suppose you wanted to build a keyword table in C where each entry
looked like this:

{ "foo", foo_data, foo_function },
{ "bar", bar_data, bar_function },
{ "baz", baz_data, baz_function },

You could enter the names in this format:


and write a macro to massage a word into a table entry:

\C-x (
\M-d { "\C-y", \C-y_data, \C-y_function },
\C-x )

and then select the region of un-tablified names and use `M-x apply-macro-to-region-lines' to build the table from the names. (fn TOP BOTTOM &optional MACRO)

Variable: glyph-table

Table defining how to output a glyph code to the frame.
If not nil, this is a vector indexed by glyph code to define the glyph.
Each element can be:
integer: a glyph code which this glyph is an alias for.
string: output this glyph using that string (not impl. in X windows).
nil: this glyph mod 524288 is the code of a character to output,
and this glyph / 524288 is the face number (see `face-id') to use
while outputting it.

Variable: exit-language-environment-hook

Normal hook run after exiting from some language environment.
When this hook is run, the variable `current-language-environment'
is still bound to the language environment being exited.

This hook is mainly used for canceling the effect of
`set-language-environment-hook' (which see).

Variable: scroll-conservatively

Scroll up to this many lines, to bring point back on screen.
If point moves off-screen, redisplay will scroll by up to
`scroll-conservatively' lines in order to bring point just barely
onto the screen again. If that cannot be done, then redisplay
recenters point as usual.

If the value is greater than 100, redisplay will never recenter point,
but will always scroll just enough text to bring point into view, even
if you move far away.

A value of zero means always recenter point if it moves off screen.

Function: get-file-buffer

Return the buffer visiting file FILENAME (a string).
The buffer's `buffer-file-name' must match exactly the expansion of FILENAME.
If there is no such live buffer, return nil.
See also `find-buffer-visiting'.

Function: font-spec

Return a newly created font-spec with arguments as properties.

ARGS must come in pairs KEY VALUE of font properties. KEY must be a
valid font property name listed below:

`:family', `:weight', `:slant', `:width'

They are the same as face attributes of the same name. See


VALUE must be a string or a symbol specifying the font foundry, e.g. ``misc''.


VALUE must be a string or a symbol specifying the additional
typographic style information of a font, e.g. ``sans''.


VALUE must be a string or a symbol specifying the charset registry and
encoding of a font, e.g. ``iso8859-1''.


VALUE must be a non-negative integer or a floating point number
specifying the font size. It specifies the font size in pixels (if
VALUE is an integer), or in points (if VALUE is a float).


VALUE must be a string of XLFD-style or fontconfig-style font name.


VALUE must be a symbol representing a script that the font must
support. It may be a symbol representing a subgroup of a script
listed in the variable `script-representative-chars'.


VALUE must be a symbol of two-letter ISO-639 language names,
e.g. `ja'.


VALUE must be a list (SCRIPT-TAG LANGSYS-TAG GSUB [ GPOS ]) to specify
required OpenType features.

SCRIPT-TAG: OpenType script tag symbol (e.g. `deva').
LANGSYS-TAG: OpenType language system tag symbol,
or nil for the default language system.
GSUB: List of OpenType GSUB feature tag symbols, or nil if none required.
GPOS: List of OpenType GPOS feature tag symbols, or nil if none required.

GSUB and GPOS may contain `nil' element. In such a case, the font
must not have any of the remaining elements. For instance, if the VALUE is `(thai nil nil (mark))', the font must be an OpenType font whose GPOS table of `thai' script's default language system must contain `mark' feature. (fn ARGS...)

Variable: auto-save-interval

Number of input events between auto-saves.
Zero means disable autosaving due to number of characters typed.

Function: multi-isearch-pop-state

Restore the multiple buffers search state.
Switch to the buffer restored from the search status stack.

Function: eval-sexp-add-defvars

Prepend EXP with all the `defvar's that precede it in the buffer.
POS specifies the starting position where EXP was found and defaults to point.

Variable: paragraph-separate

Regexp for beginning of a line that separates paragraphs.
If you change this, you may have to change `paragraph-start' also.

This is matched against the text at the left margin, which is not necessarily
the beginning of the line, so it should not use "^" as an anchor. This
ensures that the paragraph functions will work equally within a region of
text indented by a margin setting.

Function: server-mode

Toggle Server mode.
With a prefix argument ARG, enable Server mode if ARG is
positive, and disable it otherwise. If called from Lisp, enable
Server mode if ARG is omitted or nil.

Server mode runs a process that accepts commands from the
`emacsclient' program. See Info node `Emacs server' and
`server-start' for details. (fn &optional ARG)

Variable: server-mode

Non-nil if Server mode is enabled.
See the command `server-mode' for a description of this minor mode.
Setting this variable directly does not take effect;
either customize it (see the info node `Easy Customization')
or call the function `server-mode'.

Function: remove-text-properties

Remove some properties from text from START to END.
The third argument PROPERTIES is a property list
whose property names specify the properties to remove.
(The values stored in PROPERTIES are ignored.)
If the optional fourth argument OBJECT is a buffer (or nil, which means
the current buffer), START and END are buffer positions (integers or
markers). If OBJECT is a string, START and END are 0-based indices into it.
Return t if any property was actually removed, nil otherwise.

Use `set-text-properties' if you want to remove all text properties.


Function: shell-extract-num

(fn STR)

Function: mml1991-sign

(fn CONT)

Function: ethio-fidel-to-tex-buffer

Convert each fidel characters in the current buffer into a fidel-tex command.


Function: window--resizable

Return DELTA if WINDOW can be resized vertically by DELTA lines.
WINDOW must be a valid window and defaults to the selected one.
Optional argument HORIZONTAL non-nil means return DELTA if WINDOW
can be resized horizontally by DELTA columns. A return value of
zero means that WINDOW is not resizable.

DELTA positive means WINDOW shall be enlarged by DELTA lines or
columns. If WINDOW cannot be enlarged by DELTA lines or columns,
return the maximum value in the range 0..DELTA by which WINDOW
can be enlarged.

DELTA negative means WINDOW shall be shrunk by -DELTA lines or
columns. If WINDOW cannot be shrunk by -DELTA lines or columns,
return the minimum value in the range DELTA..0 that can be used
for shrinking WINDOW.

Optional argument IGNORE non-nil means ignore restrictions
imposed by fixed size windows, `window-min-height' or
`window-min-width' settings. If IGNORE is a window, ignore
restrictions for that window only. If IGNORE equals `safe',
live windows may get as small as `window-safe-min-height' lines
and `window-safe-min-width' columns. Any other non-nil value
means ignore all of the above restrictions for all windows.

Optional argument TRAIL `before' means only windows to the left
of or below WINDOW can be shrunk. Optional argument TRAIL
`after' means only windows to the right of or above WINDOW can be

Optional argument NOUP non-nil means don't go up in the window
tree but check only whether space can be obtained from (or given
to) WINDOW's siblings.

Optional argument NODOWN non-nil means don't go down in the window tree. This means do not check whether resizing would violate size restrictions of WINDOW or its child windows.

Variable: sh-indent-for-else

How much to indent an `else' relative to its `if'. Usually 0.

Function: no-next-method

Called from `call-next-method' when no additional methods are available.

Function: mouse-region-match

Return non-nil if there's an active region that was set with the mouse.


Function: sh-save-styles-to-buffer

Save all current styles in elisp to buffer BUFF.
This is always added to the end of the buffer.

Function: debian-file->string

Convert a file into a string

Variable: open-paren-in-column-0-is-defun-start

Non-nil means an open paren in column 0 denotes the start of a defun.

Function: invocation-directory

Return the directory name in which the Emacs executable was located.


Variable: invocation-directory

The directory in which the Emacs executable was found, to run it.
The value is nil if that directory's name is not known.

Function: byte-compile-out

(fn OP &optional OPERAND)

Function: byte-compile-lambda

Byte-compile a lambda-expression and return a valid function.
The value is usually a compiled function but may be the original
When ADD-LAMBDA is non-nil, the symbol `lambda' is added as head
of the list FUN and `byte-compile-set-symbol-position' is not called.
Use this feature to avoid calling `byte-compile-set-symbol-position'
for symbols generated by the byte compiler itself.


Variable: byte-compile-unresolved-functions

Alist of undefined functions to which calls have been compiled.
This variable is only significant whilst compiling an entire buffer.
Used for warnings when a function is not known to be defined or is later
defined with incorrect args.

Function: eieio-defgeneric-form

The lambda form that would be used as the function defined on METHOD.
All methods should call the same EIEIO function for dispatch.
DOC-STRING is the documentation attached to METHOD.

Function: make-translation-table

Make a translation table from arguments.
A translation table is a char table intended for character
translation in CCL programs.

Each argument is a list of elements of the form (FROM . TO), where FROM
is a character to be translated to TO.

The arguments and forms in each argument are processed in the given
order, and if a previous form already translates TO to some other
character, say TO-ALT, FROM is also translated to TO-ALT.

Function: subregexp-context-p

Return non-nil if POS is in a normal subregexp context in REGEXP.
A subregexp context is one where a sub-regexp can appear.
A non-subregexp context is for example within brackets, or within a
repetition bounds operator `\{...\}', or right after a `\'.
If START is non-nil, it should be a position in REGEXP, smaller
than POS, and known to be in a subregexp context.

Variable: buffer-backed-up

Non-nil if this buffer's file has been backed up.
Backing up is done before the first time the file is saved.

Function: Buffer-menu-view

View this line's buffer in View mode.

Variable: input-method-activate-hook

Normal hook run just after an input method is activated.

The variable `current-input-method' keeps the input method name
just activated.

Function: idlwave-shell

Run an inferior IDL, with I/O through buffer `(idlwave-shell-buffer)'.
If buffer exists but shell process is not running, start new IDL.
If buffer exists and shell process is running, just switch to the buffer.

When called with a prefix ARG, or when `idlwave-shell-use-dedicated-frame'
is non-nil, the shell buffer and the source buffers will be in
separate frames.

The command to run comes from variable `idlwave-shell-explicit-file-name',
with options taken from `idlwave-shell-command-line-options'.

The buffer is put in `idlwave-shell-mode', providing commands for sending
input and controlling the IDL job. See help on `idlwave-shell-mode'.
See also the variable `idlwave-shell-prompt-pattern'.

(Type C-h m in the shell buffer for a list of commands.) (fn &optional ARG QUICK)

Variable: byte-goto

Byte code opcode for unconditional jump.

Face: Info-title-3-face

Info-title-3-face is an alias for the face `info-title-3'.
Face for info titles at level 3.

Face: lazy-highlight

Face for lazy highlighting of matches other than the current one.

Function: table-justify-row

Justify cells of a row.
JUSTIFY is a symbol 'left, 'center or 'right for horizontal, or top,
'middle, 'bottom or 'none for vertical.


Variable: command-line-args-left

List of command-line args not yet processed.

Function: sort

Sort LIST, stably, comparing elements using PREDICATE.
Returns the sorted list. LIST is modified by side effects.
PREDICATE is called with two elements of LIST, and should return non-nil
if the first element should sort before the second.


Function: View-scroll-page-backward

Scroll "page size" or prefix LINES lines backward in View mode.
See also `View-scroll-page-forward'.

Function: list-input-methods

Display information about all input methods.


Function: epg-configuration

Return a list of internal configuration parameters of `epg-gpg-program'.


Function: custom-set-variables

Install user customizations of variable values specified in ARGS.
These settings are registered as theme `user'.
The arguments should each be a list of the form:


This stores EXP (without evaluating it) as the saved value for SYMBOL.
If NOW is present and non-nil, then also evaluate EXP and set
the default value for the SYMBOL to the value of EXP.

REQUEST is a list of features we must require in order to
handle SYMBOL properly. COMMENT is a comment string about SYMBOL.

Function: make-progress-reporter

Return progress reporter object for use with `progress-reporter-update'.

MESSAGE is shown in the echo area, with a status indicator
appended to the end. When you call `progress-reporter-done', the
word "done" is printed after the MESSAGE. You can change the
MESSAGE of an existing progress reporter by calling

MIN-VALUE and MAX-VALUE, if non-nil, are starting (0% complete)
and final (100% complete) states of operation; the latter should
be larger. In this case, the status message shows the percentage

If MIN-VALUE and/or MAX-VALUE is omitted or nil, the status
message shows a "spinning", non-numeric indicator.

Optional CURRENT-VALUE is the initial progress; the default is
Optional MIN-CHANGE is the minimal change in percents to report;
the default is 1%.
CURRENT-VALUE and MIN-CHANGE do not have any effect if MIN-VALUE
and/or MAX-VALUE are nil.

Optional MIN-TIME specifies the minimum interval time between
echo area updates (default is 0.2 seconds.) If the function
`float-time' is not present, time is not tracked at all. If the OS is not capable of measuring fractions of seconds, this parameter is effectively rounded up.

Function: minibuffer-completion-contents

Return the user input in a minibuffer before point as a string.
That is what completion commands operate on.

Variable: load-suffixes

List of suffixes for (compiled or source) Emacs Lisp files.
This list should not include the empty string.
`load' and related functions try to append these suffixes, in order,
to the specified file name if a Lisp suffix is allowed or required.

Face: menu

Basic face for the font and colors of the menu bar and popup menus.

Function: gnus-float-time

Return the current time, as a float number of seconds since the epoch.
If SPECIFIED-TIME is given, it is the time to convert to float
instead of the current time. The argument should have the form
you can use times from `current-time' and from `file-attributes'.
SPECIFIED-TIME can also have the form (HIGH . LOW), but this is
considered obsolete.

WARNING: Since the result is floating point, it may not be exact.
If precise time stamps are required, use either `current-time',
or (if you need time as a string) `format-time-string'. (fn &optional SPECIFIED-TIME)

Function: window-normalize-window

Return the window specified by WINDOW.
If WINDOW is nil, return the selected window. Otherwise, if
WINDOW is a live or an internal window, return WINDOW; if
LIVE-ONLY is non-nil, return WINDOW for a live window only.
Otherwise, signal an error.

Variable: left-margin

Column for the default `indent-line-function' to indent to.
Linefeed indents to this column in Fundamental mode.

Function: stringp

Return t if OBJECT is a string.


Function: byte-compile-make-obsolete-variable

(fn FORM)

Function: byte-compile-check-variable

Do various error checks before a use of the variable VAR.


Variable: class-public-custom

Class custom type for a slot.

Variable: tabulated-list-printer

Function for inserting a Tabulated List entry at point.
It is called with two arguments, ID and COLS. ID is a Lisp
object identifying the entry, and COLS is a vector of column
descriptors, as documented in `tabulated-list-entries'.

Function: describe-key

Display documentation of the function invoked by KEY.
KEY can be any kind of a key sequence; it can include keyboard events,
mouse events, and/or menu events. When calling from a program,
pass KEY as a string or a vector.

If non-nil, UNTRANSLATED is a vector of the corresponding untranslated events.
It can also be a number, in which case the untranslated events from
the last key sequence entered are used.
UP-EVENT is the up-event that was discarded by reading KEY, or nil.

If KEY is a menu item or a tool-bar button that is disabled, this command
temporarily enables it to allow getting help on disabled items and buttons.

Function: ido-find-file-read-only

Edit file read-only with name obtained via minibuffer.
The file name is selected interactively by typing a substring.
For details of keybindings, see `ido-find-file'. (fn)

Function: nthcdr

Take cdr N times on LIST, return the result.

(fn N LIST)

Variable: isearch-wrap-function

Function to call to wrap the search when search is failed.
If nil, move point to the beginning of the buffer for a forward search,
or to the end of the buffer for a backward search.

Function: tildify-region

Add hard spaces in the region between BEG and END.
See variables `tildify-pattern-alist', `tildify-string-alist', and
`tildify-ignored-environments-alist' for information about configuration
This function performs no refilling of the changed text. (fn BEG END)

Function: list-holidays

Display holidays for years Y1 to Y2 (inclusive).
Y2 defaults to Y1. The optional list of holidays L defaults to
`calendar-holidays'. If you want to control what holidays are
displayed, use a different list. For example,

(list-holidays 2006 2006
(append holiday-general-holidays holiday-local-holidays))

will display holidays for the year 2006 defined in the two
mentioned lists, and nothing else.

When called interactively, this command offers a choice of
holidays, based on the variables `holiday-solar-holidays' etc. See the
documentation of `calendar-holidays' for a list of the variables
that control the choices, as well as a description of the format
of a holiday list.

The optional LABEL is used to label the buffer created. (fn Y1 &optional Y2 L LABEL)

Function: gnus-sorted-nunion

Return union of LIST1 and LIST2 by modifying cdr pointers of LIST1.
LIST1 and LIST2 have to be sorted over <.

(fn LIST1 LIST2)

Function: basic-save-buffer

Save the current buffer in its visited file, if it has been modified.
The hooks `write-contents-functions' and `write-file-functions' get a chance
to do the job of saving; if they do not, then the buffer is saved in
the visited file in the usual way.
Before and after saving the buffer, this function runs
`before-save-hook' and `after-save-hook', respectively.

Function: internal-set-alternative-font-family-alist

Define alternative font families to try in face font selection.
ALIST is an alist of (FAMILY ALTERNATIVE1 ALTERNATIVE2 ...) entries.
Each ALTERNATIVE is tried in order if no fonts of font family FAMILY can
be found. Value is ALIST. (fn ALIST)

Function: event-apply-hyper-modifier

Add the Hyper modifier to the following event.
For example, type C-x @ h & to enter Hyper-&.

Function: whitespace-report

Report some whitespace problems in buffer.

Return nil if there is no whitespace problem; otherwise, return

If FORCE is non-nil or C-u was pressed just
before calling `whitespace-report' interactively, it forces
`whitespace-style' to have:


If REPORT-IF-BOGUS is non-nil, it reports only when there are any
whitespace problems in buffer.

Report if some of the following whitespace problems exist:

* If `indent-tabs-mode' is non-nil:
empty 1. empty lines at beginning of buffer.
empty 2. empty lines at end of buffer.
trailing 3. SPACEs or TABs at end of line.
indentation 4. 8 or more SPACEs at beginning of line.
space-before-tab 5. SPACEs before TAB.
space-after-tab 6. 8 or more SPACEs after TAB.

* If `indent-tabs-mode' is nil:
empty 1. empty lines at beginning of buffer.
empty 2. empty lines at end of buffer.
trailing 3. SPACEs or TABs at end of line.
indentation 4. TABS at beginning of line.
space-before-tab 5. SPACEs before TAB.
space-after-tab 6. 8 or more SPACEs after TAB.

See `whitespace-style' for documentation. See also `whitespace-cleanup' and `whitespace-cleanup-region' for cleaning up these problems. (fn &optional FORCE REPORT-IF-BOGUS)

Function: spam-initialize

Install the spam.el hooks and do other initialization.
When SYMBOLS is given, set those variables to t. This is so you
can call `spam-initialize' before you set spam-use-* variables on
explicitly, and matters only if you need the extra headers
installed through `spam-necessary-extra-headers'.
(fn &rest SYMBOLS)

Function: browse-url-cci

Ask the XMosaic WWW browser to load URL.
Default to the URL around or before point.

This function only works for XMosaic version 2.5 or later. You must
select `CCI' from XMosaic's File menu, set the CCI Port Address to the
value of variable `browse-url-CCI-port', and enable `Accept requests'.

When called interactively, if variable `browse-url-new-window-flag' is
non-nil, load the document in a new browser window, otherwise use a
random existing one. A non-nil interactive prefix argument reverses
the effect of `browse-url-new-window-flag'.

When called non-interactively, optional second argument NEW-WINDOW is
used instead of `browse-url-new-window-flag'. (fn URL &optional NEW-WINDOW)

Variable: font-width-table

Alist of font width symbols vs the corresponding numeric values.
See `font-weight-table' for the format of the vector.

Function: floor

Return the largest integer no greater than ARG.
This rounds the value towards -inf.
With optional DIVISOR, return the largest integer no greater than ARG/DIVISOR.

(fn ARG &optional DIVISOR)

Function: regexp-builder

Construct a regexp interactively.
This command makes the current buffer the "target" buffer of
the regexp builder. It displays a buffer named "*RE-Builder*"
in another window, initially containing an empty regexp.

As you edit the regexp in the "*RE-Builder*" buffer, the
matching parts of the target buffer will be highlighted. (fn)

Function: mm-string-make-unibyte

Return the unibyte equivalent of STRING.
Multibyte character codes are converted to unibyte according to
`nonascii-translation-table' or, if that is nil, `nonascii-insert-offset'.
If the lookup in the translation table fails, this function takes just
the low 8 bits of each character. (fn STRING)

Variable: list-faces-sample-text

Text string to display as the sample text for `list-faces-display'.

Function: adjust-window-trailing-edge

Move WINDOW's bottom edge by DELTA lines.
Optional argument HORIZONTAL non-nil means move WINDOW's right
edge by DELTA columns. WINDOW must be a valid window and
defaults to the selected one.

If DELTA is greater than zero, move the edge downwards or to the
right. If DELTA is less than zero, move the edge upwards or to
the left. If the edge can't be moved by DELTA lines or columns,
move it as far as possible in the desired direction.

Function: backward-page

Move backward to page boundary. With arg, repeat, or go fwd if negative.
A page boundary is any line whose beginning matches the regexp

Function: sh-must-support-indent

Signal an error if the shell type for this buffer is not supported.
Also, the buffer must be in Shell-script mode.

Function: mm-encode-coding-region

Encode the current region by specified coding system.
When called from a program, takes four arguments:
START and END are buffer positions.

Optional 4th arguments DESTINATION specifies where the encoded text goes.
If nil, the region between START and END is replace by the encoded text.
If buffer, the encoded text is inserted in that buffer after point (point
does not move).
In those cases, the length of the encoded text is returned.
If DESTINATION is t, the encoded text is returned.

This function sets `last-coding-system-used' to the precise coding system
used (which may be different from CODING-SYSTEM if CODING-SYSTEM is
not fully specified.) (fn START END CODING-SYSTEM &optional DESTINATION)

Variable: comint-file-name-quote-list

List of characters to quote with `\' when in a file name.

This is a good thing to set in mode hooks.

Function: caaaar

Return the `car' of the `car' of the `car' of the `car' of X.

(fn X)

Function: isearch-abort

Abort incremental search mode if searching is successful, signaling quit.
Otherwise, revert to previous successful search and continue searching.
Use `isearch-exit' to quit without signaling.

Function: mouse-set-mark-fast

(fn CLICK)

Function: quit-window

Quit WINDOW and bury its buffer.
WINDOW must be a live window and defaults to the selected one.
With prefix argument KILL non-nil, kill the buffer instead of
burying it.

According to information stored in WINDOW's `quit-restore' window
parameter either (1) delete WINDOW and its frame, (2) delete
WINDOW, (3) restore the buffer previously displayed in WINDOW,
or (4) make WINDOW display some other buffer than the present
one. If non-nil, reset `quit-restore' parameter to nil.

Function: internal-describe-syntax-value

Insert a description of the internal syntax description SYNTAX at point.


Variable: inhibit-x-resources

If non-nil, X resources, Windows Registry settings, and NS defaults are not used.

Function: executable-interpret

Run script with user-specified args, and collect output in a buffer.
While script runs asynchronously, you can use the C-x `
command to find the next error. The buffer is also in `comint-mode' and
`compilation-shell-minor-mode', so that you can answer any prompts.

Function: file-relative-name

Convert FILENAME to be relative to DIRECTORY (default: `default-directory').
This function returns a relative file name which is equivalent to FILENAME
when used with that default directory as the default.
If FILENAME and DIRECTORY lie on different machines or on different drives
on a DOS/Windows machine, it returns FILENAME in expanded form.

Function: transpose-sexps

Like M-t but applies to sexps.
Does not work on a sexp that point is in the middle of
if it is a list or string.

Variable: enable-multibyte-characters

Non-nil means the buffer contents are regarded as multi-byte characters.
Otherwise they are regarded as unibyte. This affects the display,
file I/O and the behavior of various editing commands.

This variable is buffer-local but you cannot set it directly;
use the function `set-buffer-multibyte' to change a buffer's representation.
See also Info node `(elisp)Text Representations'.

Function: byte-optimize-form-code-walker


Function: comint-dynamic-list-input-ring

Display a list of recent inputs entered into the current buffer.


Function: multi-isearch-wrap

Wrap the multiple buffers search when search is failed.
Switch buffer to the first buffer for a forward search,
or to the last buffer for a backward search.
Set `multi-isearch-current-buffer' to the current buffer to display
the isearch suffix message [initial buffer] only when isearch leaves
the initial buffer.

Function: x-dnd-handle-file-name

Convert file names to URLs and call `dnd-handle-one-url'.
WINDOW is the window where the drop happened.
STRING is the file names as a string, separated by nulls.

Function: tabulated-list-sort

Sort Tabulated List entries by the column at point.
With a numeric prefix argument N, sort the Nth column.

(fn &optional N)

Function: make-display-table

Return a new, empty display table.

Function: window-splittable-p

Return non-nil if `split-window-sensibly' may split WINDOW.
Optional argument HORIZONTAL nil or omitted means check whether
`split-window-sensibly' may split WINDOW vertically. HORIZONTAL
non-nil means check whether WINDOW may be split horizontally.

WINDOW may be split vertically when the following conditions
- `window-size-fixed' is either nil or equals `width' for the
buffer of WINDOW.
- `split-height-threshold' is an integer and WINDOW is at least as
high as `split-height-threshold'.
- When WINDOW is split evenly, the emanating windows are at least
`window-min-height' lines tall and can accommodate at least one
line plus - if WINDOW has one - a mode line.

WINDOW may be split horizontally when the following conditions
- `window-size-fixed' is either nil or equals `height' for the
buffer of WINDOW.
- `split-width-threshold' is an integer and WINDOW is at least as
wide as `split-width-threshold'.
- When WINDOW is split evenly, the emanating windows are at least `window-min-width' or two (whichever is larger) columns wide.

Function: class-precedence-list

Return (transitively closed) list of parents of CLASS.
The order, in which the parents are returned depends on the
method invocation orders of the involved classes.

Function: isearch-update-ring

Add STRING to the beginning of the search ring.
REGEXP if non-nil says use the regexp search ring.

Function: erc-add-fool

Add fool interactively to `erc-fools'.


Variable: switch-to-buffer-preserve-window-point

If non-nil, `switch-to-buffer' tries to preserve `window-point'.
If this is nil, `switch-to-buffer' displays the buffer at that
buffer's `point'. If this is `already-displayed', it tries to
display the buffer at its previous position in the selected
window, provided the buffer is currently displayed in some other
window on any visible or iconified frame. If this is t, it
unconditionally tries to display the buffer at its previous
position in the selected window.

This variable is ignored if the buffer is already displayed in
the selected window or never appeared in it before, or if
`switch-to-buffer' calls `pop-to-buffer' to display the buffer.

Function: backward-sexp

Move backward across one balanced expression (sexp).
With ARG, do it that many times. Negative arg -N means
move forward across N balanced expressions.
This command assumes point is not in a string or comment.

Variable: mode-line-coding-system-map

Local keymap for the coding-system part of the mode line.

Function: cl-cddaar

Return the `cdr' of the `cdr' of the `car' of the `car' of X.

(fn X)

Function: nonincremental-repeat-search-backward

Search backward for the previous search string or regexp.

Function: holiday-list

Display holidays for years Y1 to Y2 (inclusive).
Y2 defaults to Y1. The optional list of holidays L defaults to
`calendar-holidays'. If you want to control what holidays are
displayed, use a different list. For example,

(list-holidays 2006 2006
(append holiday-general-holidays holiday-local-holidays))

will display holidays for the year 2006 defined in the two
mentioned lists, and nothing else.

When called interactively, this command offers a choice of
holidays, based on the variables `holiday-solar-holidays' etc. See the
documentation of `calendar-holidays' for a list of the variables
that control the choices, as well as a description of the format
of a holiday list.

The optional LABEL is used to label the buffer created. (fn Y1 &optional Y2 L LABEL)

Function: window-system-for-display

Return the window system for DISPLAY.
Return nil if we don't know how to interpret DISPLAY.

Function: isearch-no-upper-case-p

Return t if there are no upper case chars in STRING.
If REGEXP-FLAG is non-nil, disregard letters preceded by `\' (but not `\\')
since they have special meaning in a regexp.

Function: url-lazy-message

Just like `message', but is a no-op if called more than once a second.
Will not do anything if `url-show-status' is nil.

Function: newsticker-ticker-running-p

Check whether newsticker's actual ticker is running.
Return t if ticker is running, nil otherwise. Newsticker is
considered to be running if the newsticker timer list is not
empty. (fn)

Function: cl--compiler-macro-member

(fn FORM A LIST &rest KEYS)

Function: ps-spool-region-with-faces

Generate a PostScript image of the region and spool locally.
Like `ps-spool-region', but includes font, color, and underline information in
the generated image. This command works only if you are using a window system,
so it has a way to determine color values.

Use the command `ps-despool' to send the spooled images to the printer. (fn FROM TO)

Function: find-file-other-frame

Edit file FILENAME, in another frame.

Like C-x C-f (which see), but creates a new frame or reuses
an existing one. See the function `display-buffer'.

Interactively, the default if you just type RET is the current directory,
but the visited file name is available through the minibuffer history:
type M-n to pull it into the minibuffer.

Interactively, or if WILDCARDS is non-nil in a call from Lisp,
expand wildcards (if any) and visit multiple files.

Function: ctext-post-read-conversion

Decode LEN characters encoded as Compound Text with Extended Segments.

Variable: byte-compile-maxdepth

Maximum depth of execution stack.

Function: vc-git-working-revision

Git-specific version of `vc-working-revision'.

(fn FILE)

Function: time-since

Return the time elapsed since TIME.
TIME should be either a time value or a date-time string.

Function: coding-system-post-read-conversion

Return the value of CODING-SYSTEM's `post-read-conversion' property.

Variable: compilation-window-height

Number of lines in a compilation window. If nil, use Emacs default.

Variable: universal-argument-map

Keymap used while processing C-u.

Function: dbus-message-internal

Send a D-Bus message.
This is an internal function, it shall not be used outside dbus.el.

The following usages are expected:

`dbus-call-method', `dbus-call-method-asynchronously':
&optional :timeout TIMEOUT &rest ARGS)

dbus-message-type-signal BUS SERVICE PATH INTERFACE SIGNAL &rest ARGS)

dbus-message-type-method-return BUS SERVICE SERIAL &rest ARGS)

(dbus-message-internal dbus-message-type-error BUS SERVICE SERIAL &rest ARGS) (fn &rest REST)

Function: try-completion

Return common substring of all completions of STRING in COLLECTION.
Test each possible completion specified by COLLECTION
to see if it begins with STRING. The possible completions may be
strings or symbols. Symbols are converted to strings before testing,
see `symbol-name'.
All that match STRING are compared together; the longest initial sequence
common to all these matches is the return value.
If there is no match at all, the return value is nil.
For a unique match which is exact, the return value is t.

If COLLECTION is an alist, the keys (cars of elements) are the
possible completions. If an element is not a cons cell, then the
element itself is the possible completion.
If COLLECTION is a hash-table, all the keys that are strings or symbols
are the possible completions.
If COLLECTION is an obarray, the names of all symbols in the obarray
are the possible completions.

COLLECTION can also be a function to do the completion itself.
It receives three arguments: the values STRING, PREDICATE and nil.
Whatever it returns becomes the value of `try-completion'.

If optional third argument PREDICATE is non-nil,
it is used to test each possible match.
The match is a candidate only if PREDICATE returns non-nil.
The argument given to PREDICATE is the alist element
or the symbol from the obarray. If COLLECTION is a hash-table,
predicate is called with two arguments: the key and the value.
Additionally to this predicate, `completion-regexp-list' is used to further constrain the set of candidates. (fn STRING COLLECTION &optional PREDICATE)

Function: eieio-perform-slot-validation

Return non-nil if SPEC does not match VALUE.

Variable: cl-custom-print-functions

This is a list of functions that format user objects for printing.
Each function is called in turn with three arguments: the object, the
stream, and the print level (currently ignored). If it is able to
print the object it returns true; otherwise it returns nil and the
printer proceeds to the next function on the list.

This variable is not used at present, but it is defined in hopes that
a future Emacs interpreter will be able to use it.

Function: one-window-p

Return non-nil if the selected window is the only window.
Optional arg NOMINI non-nil means don't count the minibuffer
even if it is active. Otherwise, the minibuffer is counted
when it is active.

Optional argument ALL-FRAMES specifies the set of frames to
consider, see also `next-window'. ALL-FRAMES nil or omitted
means consider windows on the selected frame only, plus the
minibuffer window if specified by the NOMINI argument. If the
minibuffer counts, consider all windows on all frames that share
that minibuffer too. The remaining non-nil values of ALL-FRAMES
with a special meaning are:

- t means consider all windows on all existing frames.

- `visible' means consider all windows on all visible frames on
the current terminal.

- 0 (the number zero) means consider all windows on all visible
and iconified frames on the current terminal.

- A frame means consider all windows on that frame only. Anything else means consider all windows on the selected frame and no others.

Variable: dabbrev-check-all-buffers

Non-nil means dabbrev package should search *all* buffers.

Dabbrev always searches the current buffer first. Then, if
`dabbrev-check-other-buffers' says so, it searches the buffers
designated by `dabbrev-select-buffers-function'.

Then, if `dabbrev-check-all-buffers' is non-nil, dabbrev searches
all the other buffers, except those named in `dabbrev-ignored-buffer-names',
or matched by `dabbrev-ignored-regexps'.

Function: view-file-other-window

View FILE in View mode in another window.
When done, return that window to its previous buffer, and kill the
buffer visiting FILE if unmodified and if it wasn't visited before.

Emacs commands editing the buffer contents are not available; instead,
a special set of commands (mostly letters and punctuation)
are defined for moving around in the buffer.
Space scrolls forward, Delete scrolls backward.
For a list of all View commands, type H or h while viewing.

This command runs the normal hook `view-mode-hook'.

Function: pr-despool-ps-print

Send the spooled PostScript to the printer or use ghostscript to print it.

Interactively, when you use a prefix argument (C-u), the command prompts the
user for a file name, and saves the spooled PostScript image in that file
instead of sending it to the printer.

Noninteractively, the argument FILENAME is treated as follows: if it is nil,
send the image to the printer. If FILENAME is a string, save the PostScript
image in a file with that name. (fn &optional FILENAME)

Function: icalendar-export-file

Export diary file to iCalendar format.
All diary entries in the file DIARY-FILENAME are converted to iCalendar
format. The result is appended to the file ICAL-FILENAME.


Function: idl-mode

Major mode for editing CORBA's IDL, PSDL and CIDL code.
To submit a problem report, enter `M-x c-submit-bug-report' from an
idl-mode buffer. This automatically sets up a mail buffer with
version information already added. You just need to add a description
of the problem, including a reproducible test case, and send the

To see what version of CC Mode you are running, enter `M-x c-version'.

The hook `c-mode-common-hook' is run with no args at mode
initialization, then `idl-mode-hook'.

Key bindings:

Uses keymap `idl-mode-map', which is not currently defined. (fn)

Function: emacs-session-restore

Restore the Emacs session if started by a session manager.
The file saved by `emacs-session-save' is evaluated and deleted if it

Function: eieio-class-precedence-bfs

Return all parents of CLASS in breadth-first order.

Function: multiple-value-list

Return a list of the multiple values produced by EXPRESSION.
This handles multiple values in Common Lisp style, but it does not
work right when EXPRESSION calls an ordinary Emacs Lisp function
that returns just one value.

Function: union

Combine LIST1 and LIST2 using a set-union operation.
The resulting list contains all items that appear in either LIST1 or LIST2.
This is a non-destructive function; it makes a copy of the data if necessary
to avoid corrupting the original LIST1 and LIST2.

Keywords supported: :test :test-not :key


Function: eventp

True if the argument is an event object.

Function: gnus-match-substitute-replacement

Return REPLACEMENT as it will be inserted by `replace-match'.
In other words, all back-references in the form `\&' and `\N'
are substituted with actual strings matched by the last search.
Optional FIXEDCASE, LITERAL, STRING and SUBEXP have the same
meaning as for `replace-match'.

Function: frame-face-alist

Return an alist of frame-local faces defined on FRAME.
For internal use only.

(fn &optional FRAME)

Function: object-add-to-list

In OBJECT's SLOT, add ITEM to the list of elements.
Optional argument APPEND indicates we need to append to the list.
If ITEM already exists in the list in SLOT, then it is not added.
Comparison is done with `equal' through the `member' function call.
If SLOT is unbound, bind it to the list containing ITEM.

Variable: mm-extra-numeric-entities

*Alist of extra numeric entities and characters other than ISO 10646.
This table is used for decoding extra numeric entities to characters,
like "€" to the euro sign, mainly in html messages.

Function: help-print-return-message

Display or return message saying how to restore windows after help command.
This function assumes that `standard-output' is the help buffer.
It computes a message, and applies the optional argument FUNCTION to it.
If FUNCTION is nil, it applies `message', thus displaying the message.
In addition, this function sets up `help-return-method', which see, that
specifies what to do when the user exits the help buffer.

Function: undo-make-selective-list

Return a list of undo elements for the region START to END.
The elements come from `buffer-undo-list', but we keep only
the elements inside this region, and discard those outside this region.
If we find an element that crosses an edge of this region,
we stop and ignore all further elements.

Function: completion--replace

Replace the buffer text between BEG and END with NEWTEXT.
Moves point to the end of the new text.


Function: display-startup-echo-area-message


Function: face-user-default-spec

Return the user's customized face-spec for FACE, or the default if none.
If there is neither a user setting nor a default for FACE, return nil.

Function: set-fill-column

Set `fill-column' to specified argument.
Use C-u followed by a number to specify a column.
Just C-u as argument means to use the current column.

Function: write-region

Write current region into specified file.
When called from a program, requires three arguments:
START, END and FILENAME. START and END are normally buffer positions
specifying the part of the buffer to write.
If START is nil, that means to use the entire buffer contents.
If START is a string, then output that string to the file
instead of any buffer contents; END is ignored.

Optional fourth argument APPEND if non-nil means
append to existing file contents (if any). If it is an integer,
seek to that offset in the file before writing.
Optional fifth argument VISIT, if t or a string, means
set the last-save-file-modtime of buffer to this file's modtime
and mark buffer not modified.
If VISIT is a string, it is a second file name;
the output goes to FILENAME, but the buffer is marked as visiting VISIT.
VISIT is also the file name to lock and unlock for clash detection.
If VISIT is neither t nor nil nor a string,
that means do not display the "Wrote file" message.
The optional sixth arg LOCKNAME, if non-nil, specifies the name to
use for locking and unlocking, overriding FILENAME and VISIT.
The optional seventh arg MUSTBENEW, if non-nil, insists on a check
for an existing file with the same name. If MUSTBENEW is `excl',
that means to get an error if the file already exists; never overwrite.
If MUSTBENEW is neither nil nor `excl', that means ask for
confirmation before overwriting, but do go ahead and overwrite the file
if the user confirms.

This does code conversion according to the value of
`coding-system-for-write', `buffer-file-coding-system', or
`file-coding-system-alist', and sets the variable
`last-coding-system-used' to the coding system actually used.

This calls `write-region-annotate-functions' at the start, and `write-region-post-annotation-function' at the end. (fn START END FILENAME &optional APPEND VISIT LOCKNAME MUSTBENEW)

Function: same-class-p

Return t if OBJ is of class-type CLASS.

Function: comint-search-arg

(fn ARG)

Variable: vc-keep-workfiles

Whether to keep work files on disk after commits, on a locking VCS.
This variable has no effect on modern merging-based version
control systems.

Variable: tabulated-list-entries

Entries displayed in the current Tabulated List buffer.
This should be either a function, or a list.
If a list, each element has the form (ID [DESC1 ... DESCN]),
- ID is nil, or a Lisp object uniquely identifying this entry,
which is used to keep the cursor on the "same" entry when
rearranging the list. Comparison is done with `equal'.

- Each DESC is a column descriptor, one for each column
specified in `tabulated-list-format'. A descriptor is either
a string, which is printed as-is, or a list (LABEL . PROPS),
which means to use `insert-text-button' to insert a text
button with label LABEL and button properties PROPS.
The string, or button label, must not contain any newline.

If `tabulated-list-entries' is a function, it is called with no arguments and must return a list of the above form.

Function: ununderline-region

Remove all underlining (overstruck underscores) in the region.
Called from program, takes two arguments START and END
which specify the range to operate on.


Function: process-id

Return the process id of PROCESS.
This is the pid of the external process which PROCESS uses or talks to.
For a network connection, this value is nil.


Function: memq

Return non-nil if ELT is an element of LIST. Comparison done with `eq'.
The value is actually the tail of LIST whose car is ELT.


Variable: face-remapping-alist

Alist of face remappings.
Each element is of the form:


which causes display of the face FACE to use REPLACEMENT instead.
REPLACEMENT is a face specification, i.e. one of the following:

(1) a face name
(2) a property list of attribute/value pairs, or
(3) a list in which each element has the form of (1) or (2).

List values for REPLACEMENT are merged to form the final face
specification, with earlier entries taking precedence, in the same as
as in the `face' text property.

Face-name remapping cycles are suppressed; recursive references use
the underlying face instead of the remapped face. So a remapping of
the form:




causes EXTRA-FACE... or (FACE-ATTR VAL ...) to be _merged_ with the
existing definition of FACE. Note that this isn't necessary for the
default face, since every face inherits from the default face.

If this variable is made buffer-local, the face remapping takes effect
only in that buffer. For instance, the mode my-mode could define a
face `my-mode-default', and then in the mode setup function, do:

(set (make-local-variable 'face-remapping-alist)
'((default my-mode-default)))).

Because Emacs normally only redraws screen areas when the underlying buffer contents change, you may need to call `redraw-display' after changing this variable for it to take effect.

Variable: font-lock-major-mode

Major mode for which the font-lock settings have been setup.

Function: custom-reset-faces

Reset the specs of some faces to their specs in specified themes.
This creates settings in the `user' theme.

Each of the arguments ARGS has this form:


This means reset FACE to its value in FROM-THEME.

Function: window-state-put

Put window state STATE into WINDOW.
STATE should be the state of a window returned by an earlier
invocation of `window-state-get'. Optional argument WINDOW must
specify a live window and defaults to the selected one.

Optional argument IGNORE non-nil means ignore minimum window
sizes and fixed size restrictions. IGNORE equal `safe' means
windows can get as small as `window-safe-min-height' and `window-safe-min-width'.

Function: split-line

Split current line, moving portion beyond point vertically down.
If the current line starts with `fill-prefix', insert it on the new
line as well. With prefix ARG, don't insert `fill-prefix' on new line.

When called from Lisp code, ARG may be a prefix string to copy.

Function: Buffer-menu-other-window

Select this line's buffer in other window, leaving buffer menu visible.

Variable: lisp-imenu-generic-expression

Imenu generic expression for Lisp mode. See `imenu-generic-expression'.

Function: semantic-mode

Toggle parser features (Semantic mode).
With a prefix argument ARG, enable Semantic mode if ARG is
positive, and disable it otherwise. If called from Lisp, enable
Semantic mode if ARG is omitted or nil.

In Semantic mode, Emacs parses the buffers you visit for their
semantic content. This information is used by a variety of
auxiliary minor modes, listed in `semantic-default-submodes';
all the minor modes in this list are also enabled when you enable
Semantic mode.

Uses keymap `semantic-mode-map', which is not currently defined. (fn &optional ARG)

Variable: semantic-mode

Non-nil if Semantic mode is enabled.
See the command `semantic-mode' for a description of this minor mode.
Setting this variable directly does not take effect;
either customize it (see the info node `Easy Customization')
or call the function `semantic-mode'.

Function: process-get

Return the value of PROCESS' PROPNAME property.
This is the last value stored with `(process-put PROCESS PROPNAME VALUE)'.

Function: delete-char

Delete the following N characters (previous if N is negative).
Optional second arg KILLFLAG non-nil means kill instead (save in kill ring).
Interactively, N is the prefix arg, and KILLFLAG is set if
N was explicitly specified.

The command `delete-forward-char' is preferable for interactive use.

(fn N &optional KILLFLAG)

Function: tty-color-by-index

Given a numeric index of a tty color, return its description.

FRAME, if unspecified or nil, defaults to the selected frame.
Value is a list of the form (NAME INDEX R G B).

Function: mm-delete-duplicates

Destructively remove `equal' duplicates from LIST.
Store the result in LIST and return it. LIST must be a proper list.
Of several `equal' occurrences of an element in LIST, the first
one is kept.

Variable: ispell-tex-skip-alists

Lists of regions to be skipped in TeX mode.
First list is used raw.
Second list has key placed inside \begin{}.

Delete or add any regions you want to be automatically selected
for skipping in latex mode.

Function: window--resize-child-windows-skip-p

Return non-nil if WINDOW shall be skipped by resizing routines.

Variable: facemenu-justification-menu

Submenu for text justification commands.

Function: occur

Show all lines in the current buffer containing a match for REGEXP.
If a match spreads across multiple lines, all those lines are shown.

Each line is displayed with NLINES lines before and after, or -NLINES
before if NLINES is negative.
NLINES defaults to `list-matching-lines-default-context-lines'.
Interactively it is the prefix arg.

The lines are shown in a buffer named `*Occur*'.
It serves as a menu to find any of the occurrences in this buffer.
C-h m in that buffer will explain how.

If REGEXP contains upper case characters (excluding those preceded by `\')
and `search-upper-case' is non-nil, the matching is case-sensitive.

When NLINES is a string or when the function is called
interactively with prefix argument without a number (`C-u' alone
as prefix) the matching strings are collected into the `*Occur*'
buffer by using NLINES as a replacement regexp. NLINES may
contain \& and \N which convention follows `replace-match'.
For example, providing "defun\s +\(\S +\)" for REGEXP and
"\1" for NLINES collects all the function names in a lisp
program. When there is no parenthesized subexpressions in REGEXP the entire match is collected. In any case the searched buffer is not modified.

Function: newline-and-indent

Insert a newline, then indent according to major mode.
Indentation is done using the value of `indent-line-function'.
In programming language modes, this is the same as TAB.
In some text modes, where TAB inserts a tab, this command indents to the
column specified by the function `current-left-margin'.

Variable: tool-bar-border

Border below tool-bar in pixels.
If an integer, use it as the height of the border.
If it is one of `internal-border-width' or `border-width', use the
value of the corresponding frame parameter.
Otherwise, no border is added below the tool-bar.

Function: unix-sync

Tell Unix to finish all pending disk updates.


Variable: this-original-command

The command bound to the current key sequence before remapping.
It equals `this-command' if the original command was not remapped through
any of the active keymaps. Otherwise, the value of `this-command' is the
result of looking up the original command in the active keymaps.

Variable: inhibit-debug-on-entry

Non-nil means that debug-on-entry is disabled.

Function: sgml-xml-guess

Guess whether the current buffer is XML. Return non-nil if so.

Variable: edit-tab-stops-buffer

Buffer whose tab stops are being edited.
This matters if the variable `tab-stop-list' is local in that buffer.

Function: posn-set-point

Move point to POSITION.
Select the corresponding window as well.

Function: eolp

Return t if point is at the end of a line.
`End of a line' includes point being at the end of the buffer.

Variable: help-xref-mule-regexp

Regexp matching doc string references to MULE-related keywords.

It is usually nil, and is temporarily bound to an appropriate regexp
when help commands related to multilingual environment (e.g.,
`describe-coding-system') are invoked.

Function: vc-resolve-conflicts

Invoke ediff to resolve the conflicts.
NAME-MINE, NAME-OTHER, and NAME-BASE, if non-nil, are used for the
buffer names.


Function: japanese-zenkaku-region

Convert hankaku' chars in the region to Japanese `zenkaku' chars.
`Zenkaku' chars belong to `japanese-jisx0208'
`Hankaku' chars belong to `ascii' or `japanese-jisx0201-kana'.
Optional argument KATAKANA-ONLY non-nil means to convert only KATAKANA char.

(fn FROM TO &optional KATAKANA-ONLY)

Function: defining-kbd-macro

Record subsequent keyboard input, defining a keyboard macro.
The commands are recorded even as they are executed.
Use M-x end-kbd-macro to finish recording and make the macro available.
Use M-x name-last-kbd-macro to give it a permanent name.
Non-nil arg (prefix arg) means append to last macro defined;
this begins by re-executing that macro as if you typed it again.
If optional second arg, NO-EXEC, is non-nil, do not re-execute last
macro before appending to it.
(fn APPEND &optional NO-EXEC)

Variable: defining-kbd-macro

Non-nil while a keyboard macro is being defined. Don't set this!
The value is the symbol `append' while appending to the definition of
an existing macro.

Function: byte-compile-get-closed-var

Byte-compile the special `internal-get-closed-var' form.

(fn FORM)

Variable: method-after

Index into :after tag on a method.

Function: mm-write-region

Like `write-region'.
If INHIBIT is non-nil, inhibit `mm-inhibit-file-name-handlers'.

Function: pcomplete-quote-argument

Return FILENAME with magic characters quoted.
Magic characters are those in `comint-file-name-quote-list'.


Function: winner-mode

Toggle Winner mode on or off.
With a prefix argument ARG, enable Winner mode if ARG is
positive, and disable it otherwise. If called from Lisp, enable
the mode if ARG is omitted or nil, and toggle it if ARG is `toggle'.
key binding
--- -------

C-c Prefix Command

C-c winner-undo C-c winner-redo

Variable: winner-mode

Non-nil if Winner mode is enabled.
See the command `winner-mode' for a description of this minor mode.
Setting this variable directly does not take effect;
either customize it (see the info node `Easy Customization')
or call the function `winner-mode'.

Function: url-truncate-url-for-viewing

Return a shortened version of URL that is WIDTH characters wide or less.
WIDTH defaults to the current frame width.

Function: tibetan-compose-buffer

Composes Tibetan character components in the buffer.
See also docstring of the function tibetan-compose-region.

Function: iswitchb-mode

Toggle Iswitchb mode.
With a prefix argument ARG, enable Iswitchb mode if ARG is
positive, and disable it otherwise. If called from Lisp, enable
the mode if ARG is omitted or nil.

Iswitchb mode is a global minor mode that enables switching
between buffers using substrings. See `iswitchb' for details. (fn &optional ARG)

Variable: iswitchb-mode

Non-nil if Iswitchb mode is enabled.
See the command `iswitchb-mode' for a description of this minor mode.
Setting this variable directly does not take effect;
either customize it (see the info node `Easy Customization')
or call the function `iswitchb-mode'.

Function: in-is13194-post-read-conversion

(fn LEN)

Variable: display-hourglass

Non-nil means show an hourglass pointer, when Emacs is busy.
This feature only works when on a window system that can change
cursor shapes.

Variable: url-encoding-table

Vector translating bytes to URI-encoded %-sequences.

Function: pkg-info-version-info

Obtain complete version info for LIBRARY and PACKAGE.

LIBRARY is a symbol denoting a named feature, or a library name
as string. PACKAGE is a symbol denoting an ELPA package. If
omitted or nil, default to LIBRARY.

If SHOW is non-nil, show the version in the minibuffer.

When called interactively, prompt for LIBRARY. When called
interactively with prefix argument, prompt for PACKAGE as well.

Return a string with complete version information for LIBRARY.
This version information contains the version from the headers of
LIBRARY, and the version of the installed PACKAGE, the LIBRARY is
part of. If PACKAGE is not installed, or if the PACKAGE version
is the same as the LIBRARY version, do not include a package version. (fn LIBRARY &optional PACKAGE SHOW)

Function: nonincremental-re-search-forward

Read a regular expression and search for it nonincrementally.

Variable: abbrev-file-name

Default name of file from which to read abbrevs.

Function: makefile-gmake-mode

An adapted `makefile-mode' that knows about gmake.


Variable: mode-line-minor-mode-keymap

Keymap to display on minor modes.

Function: byte-code

Function used internally in byte-compiled code.
The first argument, BYTESTR, is a string of byte code;
the second, VECTOR, a vector of constants;
the third, MAXDEPTH, the maximum stack depth used in this function.
If the third argument is incorrect, Emacs may crash.


Function: base64-decode-string

Base64-decode STRING and return the result.


Variable: load-file-rep-suffixes

List of suffixes that indicate representations of the same file.
This list should normally start with the empty string.

Enabling Auto Compression mode appends the suffixes in
`jka-compr-load-suffixes' to this list and disabling Auto Compression
mode removes them again. `load' and related functions use this list to
determine whether they should look for compressed versions of a file
and, if so, which suffixes they should try to append to the file name
in order to do so. However, if you want to customize which suffixes
the loading functions recognize as compression suffixes, you should
customize `jka-compr-load-suffixes' rather than the present variable.

Function: apropos-score-symbol

Return apropos score for SYMBOL.

Variable: multi-isearch-current-buffer

The buffer where the search is currently searching.
The value is nil when the search still is in the initial buffer.

Function: log-view-mode

Major mode for browsing CVS log output.


Function: face-spec-set

Set and apply the face spec for FACE.
If the optional argument FOR-DEFFACE is omitted or nil, set the
overriding spec to SPEC, recording it in the `face-override-spec'
property of FACE. See `defface' for the format of SPEC.

If FOR-DEFFACE is non-nil, set the base spec (the one set by
`defface' and Custom). In this case, SPEC is ignored; the caller
is responsible for putting the face spec in the `saved-face',
`customized-face', or `face-defface-spec', as appropriate.

The appearance of FACE is controlled by the base spec, by any
custom theme specs on top of that, and by the overriding spec on top of all the rest.

Function: set-process-filter-multibyte

Set multibyteness of the strings given to PROCESS's filter.
If FLAG is non-nil, the filter is given multibyte strings.
If FLAG is nil, the filter is given unibyte strings. In this case,
all character code conversion except for end-of-line conversion is

Function: char-to-string

Convert arg CHAR to a string containing that character.

(fn CHAR)

Function: zerop

Return t if NUMBER is zero.


Variable: mouse-buffer-menu-mode-mult

Group the buffers by the major mode groups on ?
This number which determines (in a hairy way) whether
will split the buffer menu by the major modes (see
`mouse-buffer-menu-mode-groups') or just by menu length.
Set to 1 (or even 0!) if you want to group by major mode always, and to
a large number if you prefer a mixed multitude. The default is 4.

Function: completion--capf-wrapper


Function: find-file-read-only

Edit file FILENAME but don't allow changes.
Like C-x C-f, but marks buffer as read-only.
Use M-x toggle-read-only to permit editing.

Variable: backup-by-copying-when-mismatch

Non-nil means create backups by copying if this preserves owner or group.
Renaming may still be used (subject to control of other variables)
when it would not result in changing the owner or group of the file;
that is, for files which are owned by you and whose group matches
the default for a new file created there by you.
This variable is relevant only if `backup-by-copying' is nil.

Function: smie-close-block

Close the closest surrounding block.


Variable: url-bug-address

Where to send bug reports.

Function: package--make-autoloads-and-compile

Generate autoloads and do byte-compilation for package named NAME.
PKG-DIR is the name of the package directory.

Variable: vc-directory-exclusion-list

List of directory names to be ignored when walking directory trees.

Function: isearch-symbol-regexp

Return a regexp which matches STRING as a symbol.
Creates a regexp where STRING is surrounded by symbol delimiters \_< and \_>.
If LAX is non-nil, the end of the string need not match a symbol boundary.

Function: pcomplete/mount

Completion for GNU/Linux `mount'.


Function: grep-compute-defaults


Function: buffer-face-toggle

Toggle `buffer-face-mode', using face specs SPECS.
Each argument in SPECS should be a face, i.e. either a face name
or a property list of face attributes and values. If more than
one face is listed, that specifies an aggregate face, like in a
`face' text property.

If `buffer-face-mode' is already enabled, and is currently using
the face specs SPECS, then it is disabled; if buffer-face-mode is
disabled, or is enabled and currently displaying some other face,
then is left enabled, but the face changed to reflect SPECS.

This function will make the variable `buffer-face-mode-face'
buffer local, and set it to SPECS. (fn &rest SPECS)

Function: file-name-sans-versions

Return file NAME sans backup versions or strings.
This is a separate procedure so your site-init or startup file can
redefine it.
If the optional argument KEEP-BACKUP-VERSION is non-nil,
we do not remove backup version numbers, only true file version numbers.
See also `file-name-version-regexp'.

Function: functionp

Non-nil if OBJECT is a function.


Function: debian-unique-strings

Takes a list of strings and returns the list with *adjacent*
duplicates removed.

Function: jit-lock-stealth-chunk-start

Return the start of the next chunk to fontify around position AROUND.
Value is nil if there is nothing more to fontify.

Function: epa-import-keys

Import keys from FILE.

(fn FILE)

Function: binhex-decode-region-external

Binhex decode region between START and END using external decoder.


Variable: pcomplete-command-completion-function

Function called for completing the initial command argument.

Variable: tooltip-hide-delay

Hide tooltips automatically after this many seconds.

Function: Buffer-menu-unmark

Cancel all requested operations on buffer on this line and move down.
Optional prefix arg means move up.

Variable: lisp-indent-offset

If non-nil, indent second line of expressions that many more columns.

Function: mail-abbrevs-mode

Toggle abbrev expansion of mail aliases (Mail Abbrevs mode).
With a prefix argument ARG, enable Mail Abbrevs mode if ARG is
positive, and disable it otherwise. If called from Lisp, enable
the mode if ARG is omitted or nil.

Mail Abbrevs mode is a global minor mode. When enabled,
abbrev-like expansion is performed when editing certain mail
headers (those specified by `mail-abbrev-mode-regexp'), based on
the entries in your `mail-personal-alias-file'. (fn &optional ARG)

Variable: mail-abbrevs-mode

Non-nil if Mail-Abbrevs mode is enabled.
See the command `mail-abbrevs-mode' for a description of this minor mode.
Setting this variable directly does not take effect;
either customize it (see the info node `Easy Customization')
or call the function `mail-abbrevs-mode'.

Function: gnus-agent-batch

Start Gnus, send queue and fetch session.


Variable: mouse-autoselect-window-state

When non-nil, special state of delayed window autoselection.
Possible values are `suspend' (suspend autoselection after a menu or
scrollbar interaction) and `select' (the next invocation of
`handle-select-window' shall select the window immediately).

Function: window-at-side-p

Return t if WINDOW is at SIDE of its containing frame.
WINDOW must be a valid window and defaults to the selected one.
SIDE can be any of the symbols `left', `top', `right' or
`bottom'. The default value nil is handled like `bottom'.

Variable: before-init-time

Value of `current-time' before Emacs begins initialization.

Function: substitute-command-keys

Substitute key descriptions for command names in STRING.
Each substring of the form \[COMMAND] is replaced by either a
keystroke sequence that invokes COMMAND, or "M-x COMMAND" if COMMAND
is not on any keys.

Each substring of the form \{MAPVAR} is replaced by a summary of
the value of MAPVAR as a keymap. This summary is similar to the one
produced by `describe-bindings'. The summary ends in two newlines
(used by the helper function `help-make-xrefs' to find the end of the

Each substring of the form \ specifies the use of MAPVAR
as the keymap for future \[COMMAND] substrings.
\= quotes the following character and is discarded;
thus, \=\= puts \= into the output, and \=\[ puts \[ into the output.

Return the original STRING if no substitutions are made.
Otherwise, return a new string, without any text properties. (fn STRING)

Variable: shell-pushd-dunique

If non-nil, make pushd only add unique directories to the stack.
This mirrors the optional behavior of tcsh.

Function: sgml-attributes

When at top level of a tag, interactively insert attributes.

Completion and configuration of TAG are done according to `sgml-tag-alist'.
If QUIET, do not print a message when there are no attributes for TAG.

Function: rx-to-string

Parse and produce code for regular expression FORM.
FORM is a regular expression in sexp form.
NO-GROUP non-nil means don't put shy groups around the result.

(fn FORM &optional NO-GROUP)

Function: mml2015-sign

(fn CONT)

Variable: byte-compile-disable-print-circle

If non-nil, disable `print-circle' on printing a byte-compiled code.

Function: make-face-italic

Make the font of FACE be italic, if possible.
FRAME nil or not specified means change face on all frames.
Argument NOERROR is ignored and retained for compatibility.
Use `set-face-attribute' for finer control of the font slant.

Variable: gnus-directory-sep-char-regexp

The regexp of directory separator character.
If you find some problem with the directory separator character, try
"[/\\]" for some systems.

Function: shell--requote-argument


Function: display-local-help

Display local help in the echo area.
This displays a short help message, namely the string produced by
the `kbd-help' property at point. If `kbd-help' does not produce
a string, but the `help-echo' property does, then that string is
printed instead.

A numeric argument ARG prevents display of a message in case
there is no help. While ARG can be used interactively, it is
mainly meant for use from Lisp. (fn &optional ARG)

Function: eieio-browse

Create an object browser window to show all objects.
If optional ROOT-CLASS, then start with that, otherwise start with
variable `eieio-default-superclass'.

(fn &optional ROOT-CLASS)

Function: coordinates-in-window-p

Return non-nil if COORDINATES are in WINDOW.
WINDOW must be a live window and defaults to the selected one.
COORDINATES is a cons of the form (X . Y), X and Y being distances
measured in characters from the upper-left corner of the frame.
(0 . 0) denotes the character in the upper left corner of the
If COORDINATES are in the text portion of WINDOW,
the coordinates relative to the window are returned.
If they are in the mode line of WINDOW, `mode-line' is returned.
If they are in the top mode line of WINDOW, `header-line' is returned.
If they are in the left fringe of WINDOW, `left-fringe' is returned.
If they are in the right fringe of WINDOW, `right-fringe' is returned.
If they are on the border between WINDOW and its right sibling,
`vertical-line' is returned.
If they are in the windows's left or right marginal areas, `left-margin'
or `right-margin' is returned. (fn COORDINATES WINDOW)

Variable: next-screen-context-lines

Number of lines of continuity when scrolling by screenfuls.

Variable: deferred-action-function

Function to call to handle deferred actions, after each command.
This function is called with no arguments after each command
whenever `deferred-action-list' is non-nil.

Function: clipboard-kill-ring-save

Copy region to kill ring, and save in the X clipboard.

Function: isearch-yank-char-in-minibuffer

Pull next character from buffer into end of search string in minibuffer.

Function: vc-merge

Perform a version control merge operation.
You must be visiting a version controlled file, or in a `vc-dir' buffer.
On a distributed version control system, this runs a "merge"
operation to incorporate changes from another branch onto the
current branch, prompting for an argument list.

On a non-distributed version control system, this merges changes
between two revisions into the current fileset. This asks for
two revisions to merge from in the minibuffer. If the first
revision is a branch number, then merge all changes from that
branch. If the first revision is empty, merge the most recent changes from the current branch. (fn)

Function: sql-solid

Run solsql by Solid as an inferior process.

If buffer `*SQL*' exists but no process is running, make a new process.
If buffer exists and a process is running, just switch to buffer

Interpreter used comes from variable `sql-solid-program'. Login uses
the variables `sql-user', `sql-password', and `sql-server' as
defaults, if set.

The buffer is put in SQL interactive mode, giving commands for sending
input. See `sql-interactive-mode'.

To set the buffer name directly, use C-u
before M-x sql-solid. Once session has started,
M-x sql-rename-buffer can be called separately to rename the

To specify a coding system for converting non-ASCII characters
in the input and output to the process, use C-x RET c
before M-x sql-solid. You can also specify this with C-x RET p
in the SQL buffer, after you start the process.
The default comes from `process-coding-system-alist' and
`default-process-coding-system'. (Type C-h m in the SQL buffer for a list of commands.) (fn &optional BUFFER)

Function: scan-buf-next-region

Go to the start of the next region with non-nil help-echo.
Print the help found there using `display-local-help'. Adjacent
areas with different non-nil help-echo properties are considered
different regions.

With numeric argument ARG, move to the start of the ARGth next
help-echo region. If ARG is negative, move backward. If point
is already in a help-echo region, then that region does not count
toward ARG. If ARG is 0 and point is inside a help-echo region,
move to the start of that region. If ARG is 0 and point is not
in such a region, just print a message to that effect. If there
are not enough regions to move over, an error results and the
number of available regions is mentioned in the error message.

A potentially confusing subtlety is that point can be in a
help-echo region without any local help being available. This is
because `help-echo' can be a function evaluating to nil. This rarely happens in practice. (fn &optional ARG)

Function: ebnf-merge-style

Merge values of style NAME with style VALUES.

See `ebnf-style-database' documentation.

(fn NAME &rest VALUES)

Variable: x-window-horizontal-drag-cursor

Pointer shape to use for indicating a window can be dragged horizontally.
This variable takes effect when you create a new frame
or when you set the mouse color.

Function: smie-default-forward-token


Function: byte-compile-trueconstp

Return non-nil if FORM always evaluates to a non-nil value.

(fn FORM)

Function: byte-compile-unbind

Emit byte-codes to unbind the variables bound by CLAUSES.
CLAUSES is a `let'-style variable binding list. INIT-LEXENV should be a
lexical-environment alist describing the positions of the init value that
have been pushed on the stack. If PRESERVE-BODY-VALUE is true,
then an additional value on the top of the stack, above any lexical binding
slots, is preserved, so it will be on the top of the stack after all
binding slots have been popped.


Variable: isearch-mode-end-hook

Function(s) to call after terminating an incremental search.
When these functions are called, `isearch-mode-end-hook-quit'
is non-nil if the user quits the search.

Function: make-backup-file-name-1

Subroutine of `make-backup-file-name' and `find-backup-file-name'.

Function: string-match

Return index of start of first match for REGEXP in STRING, or nil.
Matching ignores case if `case-fold-search' is non-nil.
If third arg START is non-nil, start search at that index in STRING.
For index of first char beyond the match, do (match-end 0).
`match-end' and `match-beginning' also give indices of substrings
matched by parenthesis constructs in the pattern.

You can use the function `match-string' to extract the substrings
matched by the parenthesis constructions in REGEXP.
(fn REGEXP STRING &optional START)

Function: Info-isearch-filter

Test whether the current search hit is a visible useful text.
Return non-nil if the text from BEG-FOUND to FOUND is visible
and is not in the header line or a tag table.

Function: vc-insert-file

Insert the contents of FILE into the current buffer.

Optional argument LIMIT is a regexp. If present, the file is inserted
in chunks of size BLOCKSIZE (default 8 kByte), until the first
occurrence of LIMIT is found. Anything from the start of that occurrence
to the end of the buffer is then deleted. The function returns
non-nil if FILE exists and its contents were successfully inserted.

Function: isearch-printing-char

Add this ordinary printing character to the search string and search.

Variable: async-shell-command-buffer

What to do when the output buffer is used by another shell command.
This option specifies how to resolve the conflict where a new command
wants to direct its output to the buffer `*Async Shell Command*',
but this buffer is already taken by another running shell command.

The value `confirm-kill-process' is used to ask for confirmation before
killing the already running process and running a new process
in the same buffer, `confirm-new-buffer' for confirmation before running
the command in a new buffer with a name other than the default buffer name,
`new-buffer' for doing the same without confirmation,
`confirm-rename-buffer' for confirmation before renaming the existing
output buffer and running a new command in the default buffer,
`rename-buffer' for doing the same without confirmation.

Function: url-insert-file-contents


Function: newsticker-show-news

Start reading news. You may want to bind this to a key.


Function: gnus-convert-article-to-rmail

Convert article in current buffer to Rmail message format.

Function: woman

Browse UN*X man page for TOPIC (Without using external Man program).
The major browsing mode used is essentially the standard Man mode.
Choose the filename for the man page using completion, based on the
topic selected from the directories specified in `woman-manpath' and
`woman-path'. The directory expansions and topics are cached for
speed, but a non-nil interactive argument forces the caches to be
updated (e.g. to re-interpret the current directory).

Used non-interactively, arguments are optional: if given then TOPIC
should be a topic string and non-nil RE-CACHE forces re-caching. (fn &optional TOPIC RE-CACHE)

Function: ucs-normalize-NFC-region

Normalize the current region by the Unicode NFC.

(fn FROM TO)

Function: insert-rectangle

Insert text of RECTANGLE with upper left corner at point.
RECTANGLE's first line is inserted at point, its second
line is inserted at a point vertically under point, etc.
RECTANGLE should be a list of strings.
After this command, the mark is at the upper left corner
and point is at the lower right corner. (fn RECTANGLE)

Function: elp-instrument-package

Instrument for profiling, all functions which start with PREFIX.
For example, to instrument all ELP functions, do the following:

M-x elp-instrument-package RET elp- RET

Function: invert-face

Swap the foreground and background colors of FACE.
If FRAME is omitted or nil, it means change face on all frames.
If FACE specifies neither foreground nor background color,
set its foreground and background to the background and foreground
of the default face. Value is FACE.

Function: vc-default-workfile-unchanged-p

Check if FILE is unchanged by diffing against the repository version.
Return non-nil if FILE is unchanged.

Function: info-display-manual

Go to Info buffer that displays MANUAL, creating it if none already exists.

Function: next-file

Select next file among files in current tags table.

A first argument of t (prefix arg, if interactive) initializes to the
beginning of the list of files in the tags table. If the argument is
neither nil nor t, it is evalled to initialize the list of files.

Non-nil second argument NOVISIT means use a temporary buffer
to save time and avoid uninteresting warnings.

Value is nil if the file was already visited;
if the file was newly read in, the value is the filename. (fn &optional INITIALIZE NOVISIT)

Function: string-make-multibyte

Return the multibyte equivalent of STRING.
If STRING is unibyte and contains non-ASCII characters, the function
`unibyte-char-to-multibyte' is used to convert each unibyte character
to a multibyte character. In this case, the returned string is a
newly created string with no text properties. If STRING is multibyte
or entirely ASCII, it is returned unchanged. In particular, when
STRING is unibyte and entirely ASCII, the returned string is unibyte.
(When the characters are all ASCII, Emacs primitives will treat the
string the same way whether it is unibyte or multibyte.) (fn STRING)

Function: child-of-class-p

Return non-nil if CHILD class is a subclass of CLASS.

Function: comint-carriage-motion

Interpret carriage control characters in the region from START to END.
Translate carriage return/linefeed sequences to linefeeds.
Make single carriage returns delete to the beginning of the line.
Make backspaces delete the previous character.

Variable: shell-popd-regexp

Regexp to match subshell commands equivalent to popd.

Function: vc-git-stash-get-at-point

(fn POINT)

Variable: mule-keymap

Keymap for Mule (Multilingual environment) specific commands.

Function: timeclock-in

Clock in, recording the current time moment in the timelog.
With a numeric prefix ARG, record the fact that today has only that
many hours in it to be worked. If ARG is a non-numeric prefix argument
(non-nil, but not a number), 0 is assumed (working on a holiday or
weekend). *If not called interactively, ARG should be the number of
_seconds_ worked today*. This feature only has effect the first time
this function is called within a day.

PROJECT is the project being clocked into. If PROJECT is nil, and
FIND-PROJECT is non-nil -- or the user calls `timeclock-in'
interactively -- call the function `timeclock-get-project-function' to
discover the name of the project. (fn &optional ARG PROJECT FIND-PROJECT)

Variable: tags-compression-info-list

List of extensions tried by etags when `auto-compression-mode' is on.
An empty string means search the non-compressed file.

Variable: tool-bar-originally-present

Non-nil if tool-bars are present before user and site init files are read.

Function: isearch-ring-retreat

Retreat to the previous search string in the ring.

Function: indicate-copied-region

Indicate that the region text has been copied interactively.
If the mark is visible in the selected window, blink the cursor
between point and mark if there is currently no active region

If the mark lies outside the selected window, display an
informative message containing a sample of the copied text. The
optional argument MESSAGE-LEN, if non-nil, specifies the length
of this sample text; it defaults to 40.

Variable: tramp-completion-file-name-regexp-separate

Value for `tramp-completion-file-name-regexp' for separate remoting.
XEmacs uses a separate filename syntax for Tramp and EFS.
See `tramp-file-name-structure' for more explanations.

Function: timeclock-reread-log

Re-read the timeclock, to account for external changes.
Returns the new value of `timeclock-discrepancy'.

Function: gnus-bookmark-set

Set a bookmark for this article.


Function: version-list-=

Return t if L1, a list specification of a version, is equal to L2.

Note that a version specified by the list (1) is equal to (1 0),
(1 0 0), (1 0 0 0), etc. That is, the trailing zeros are insignificant.
Also, a version given by the list (1) is higher than (1 -1), which in
turn is higher than (1 -2), which is higher than (1 -3).

Function: other-buffer

Return most recently selected buffer other than BUFFER.
Buffers not visible in windows are preferred to visible buffers, unless
optional second argument VISIBLE-OK is non-nil. Ignore the argument
BUFFER unless it denotes a live buffer. If the optional third argument
FRAME is non-nil, use that frame's buffer list instead of the selected
frame's buffer list.

The buffer is found by scanning the selected or specified frame's buffer
list first, followed by the list of all buffers. If no other buffer
exists, return the buffer `*scratch*' (creating it if necessary).

Variable: right-margin-width

Width of right marginal area for display of a buffer.
A value of nil means no marginal area.

Function: coding-system-from-name

Return a coding system whose name matches with NAME (string or symbol).

Function: mm-extern-cache-contents

Put the external-body part of HANDLE into its cache.


Function: emacs-lock-mode

Toggle Emacs Lock mode in the current buffer.
If called with a plain prefix argument, ask for the locking mode
to be used. With any other prefix ARG, turn mode on if ARG is
positive, off otherwise. If called from Lisp, enable the mode if
ARG is omitted or nil.

Initially, if the user does not pass an explicit locking mode, it
defaults to `emacs-lock-default-locking-mode' (which see);
afterwards, the locking mode most recently set on the buffer is
used instead.

When called from Elisp code, ARG can be any locking mode:

exit -- Emacs cannot exit while the buffer is locked
kill -- the buffer cannot be killed, but Emacs can exit as usual
all -- the buffer is locked against both actions Other values are interpreted as usual. (fn &optional ARG)

Function: awk-mode

Major mode for editing AWK code.
To submit a problem report, enter `M-x c-submit-bug-report' from an
awk-mode buffer. This automatically sets up a mail buffer with version
information already added. You just need to add a description of the
problem, including a reproducible test case, and send the message.

To see what version of CC Mode you are running, enter `M-x c-version'.

The hook `c-mode-common-hook' is run with no args at mode
initialization, then `awk-mode-hook'.

Key bindings:

Uses keymap `awk-mode-map', which is not currently defined. (fn)

Function: version-list-<

Return t if L1, a list specification of a version, is lower than L2.

Note that a version specified by the list (1) is equal to (1 0),
(1 0 0), (1 0 0 0), etc. That is, the trailing zeros are insignificant.
Also, a version given by the list (1) is higher than (1 -1), which in
turn is higher than (1 -2), which is higher than (1 -3).

Function: cl--const-expr-val

(fn X)

Variable: timer-max-repeats

Maximum number of times to repeat a timer, if many repeats are delayed.
Timer invocations can be delayed because Emacs is suspended or busy,
or because the system's time changes. If such an occurrence makes it
appear that many invocations are overdue, this variable controls
how many will really happen.

Variable: bad-packages-alist

Alist of packages known to cause problems in this version of Emacs.
Each element has the form (PACKAGE SYMBOL REGEXP STRING).
PACKAGE is either a regular expression to match file names, or a
symbol (a feature name); see the documentation of
`after-load-alist', to which this variable adds functions.
SYMBOL is either the name of a string variable, or `t'. Upon
loading PACKAGE, if SYMBOL is t or matches REGEXP, display a
warning using STRING as the message.

Function: define-abbrevs

Define abbrevs according to current visible buffer contents.
See documentation of `edit-abbrevs' for info on the format of the
text you must have in the buffer.
With argument, eliminate all abbrev definitions except
the ones defined from the buffer now.
(fn &optional ARG)

Function: completion-basic-all-completions


Function: uudecode-decode-region

Uudecode region between START and END.
If FILE-NAME is non-nil, save the result to FILE-NAME.

(fn START END &optional FILE-NAME)

Function: skeleton-insert

Insert the complex statement skeleton SKELETON describes very concisely.

With optional second argument REGIONS, wrap first interesting point
(`_') in skeleton around next REGIONS words, if REGIONS is positive.
If REGIONS is negative, wrap REGIONS preceding interregions into first
REGIONS interesting positions (successive `_'s) in skeleton.

An interregion is the stretch of text between two contiguous marked
points. If you marked A B C [] (where [] is the cursor) in
alphabetical order, the 3 interregions are simply the last 3 regions.
But if you marked B A [] C, the interregions are B-A, A-[], []-C.

The optional third argument STR, if specified, is the value for the
variable `str' within the skeleton. When this is non-nil, the
interactor gets ignored, and this should be a valid skeleton element.

SKELETON is made up as (INTERACTOR ELEMENT ...). INTERACTOR may be nil if
not needed, a prompt-string or an expression for complex read functions.

If ELEMENT is a string or a character it gets inserted (see also
`skeleton-transformation-function'). Other possibilities are:

\n go to next line and indent according to mode
_ interesting point, interregion here
- interesting point, no interregion interaction, overrides
interesting point set by _
> indent line (or interregion if > _) according to major mode
@ add position to `skeleton-positions'
& do next ELEMENT if previous moved point
| do next ELEMENT if previous didn't move point
-num delete num preceding characters (see `skeleton-untabify')
resume: skipped, continue here if quit is signaled
nil skipped

After termination, point will be positioned at the last occurrence of -
or at the first occurrence of _ or at the end of the inserted text.

Further elements can be defined via `skeleton-further-elements'. ELEMENT may
itself be a SKELETON with an INTERACTOR. The user is prompted repeatedly for
different inputs. The SKELETON is processed as often as the user enters a
non-empty string. C-g terminates skeleton insertion, but
continues after `resume:' and positions at `_' if any. If INTERACTOR in such
a subskeleton is a prompt-string which contains a ".. %s .." it is
formatted with `skeleton-subprompt'. Such an INTERACTOR may also be a list of
strings with the subskeleton being repeated once for each string.

Quoted Lisp expressions are evaluated for their side-effects.
Other Lisp expressions are evaluated and the value treated as above.
Note that expressions may not return t since this implies an
endless loop. Modes can define other symbols by locally setting them
to any valid skeleton element. The following local variables are

str first time: read a string according to INTERACTOR
then: insert previously read string once more
help help-form during interaction with the user or nil
input initial input (string or cons with index) while reading str v1, v2 local variables for memorizing anything you want When done with skeleton, but before going back to `_'-point call `skeleton-end-hook' if that is non-nil. (fn SKELETON &optional REGIONS STR)

Function: profiler-find-profile-other-frame

Open profile FILENAME.


Function: coding-system-pre-write-conversion

Return the value of CODING-SYSTEM's `pre-write-conversion' property.

Function: mh-folder-mode

Major MH-E mode for "editing" an MH folder scan listing.
Uses keymap `mh-folder-mode-map', which is not currently defined.

You can show the message the cursor is pointing to, and step through
the messages. Messages can be marked for deletion or refiling into
another folder; these commands are executed all at once with a
separate command.

Options that control this mode can be changed with
M-x customize-group; specify the "mh" group. In particular, please
see the `mh-scan-format-file' option if you wish to modify scan's

When a folder is visited, the hook `mh-folder-mode-hook' is run.

Many commands that operate on individual messages, such as
`mh-forward' or `mh-refile-msg' take a RANGE argument. This argument
can be used in several ways.

If you provide the prefix argument (C-u) to
these commands, then you will be prompted for the message range.
This can be any valid MH range which can include messages,
sequences, and the abbreviations (described in the mh(1) man

Indicates all messages in the range to , inclusive.
The range must be nonempty.

Up to N messages beginning with (or ending with) message num. Num
may be any of the predefined symbols: first, prev, cur, next or

The first, previous, next or last messages, if they exist.

All of the messages.

For example, a range that shows all of these things is `1 2 3
5-10 last:5 unseen'.

If the option `transient-mark-mode' is set to t and you set a region in the MH-Folder buffer, then the MH-E command will perform the operation on all messages in that region. Uses keymap `mh-folder-mode-map', which is not currently defined. (fn)

Function: set-window-text-height

Set the height in lines of the text display area of WINDOW to HEIGHT.
WINDOW must be a live window and defaults to the selected one.
HEIGHT doesn't include the mode line or header line, if any, or
any partial-height lines in the text display area.

Note that the current implementation of this function cannot
always set the height exactly, but attempts to be conservative,
by allocating more lines than are actually needed in the case
where some error may be present.

Function: symbol-name

Return SYMBOL's name, a string.


Variable: class-class-allocation-type

Class allocated value type.

Function: facemenu-remove-special

Remove all the "special" text properties from the region.
These special properties include `invisible', `intangible' and `read-only'.

Function: jka-compr-update

Update Auto Compression mode for changes in option values.
If you change the options `jka-compr-compression-info-list',
`jka-compr-mode-alist-additions' or `jka-compr-load-suffixes'
outside Custom, while Auto Compression mode is already enabled
(as it is by default), then you have to call this function
afterward to properly update other variables. Setting these
options through Custom does this automatically.

Function: hi-lock-face-buffer

Set face of each match of REGEXP to FACE.
Interactively, prompt for REGEXP then FACE, using a buffer-local
history list for REGEXP and a global history list for FACE.

If Font Lock mode is enabled in the buffer, it is used to
highlight REGEXP. If Font Lock mode is disabled, overlays are
used for highlighting; in this case, the highlighting will not be
updated as you type. (fn REGEXP &optional FACE)

Variable: url-using-proxy

Either nil or the fully qualified proxy URL in use, e.g.

Variable: abbrev-start-location-buffer

Buffer that `abbrev-start-location' has been set for.
Trying to expand an abbrev in any other buffer clears `abbrev-start-location'.

Variable: mail-signature-file

File containing the text inserted at end of mail buffer.

Variable: ps-page-dimensions-database

List associating a symbolic paper type to its width, height and doc media.
See `ps-paper-type'.

Function: pr-toggle-lock

Toggle menu lock.


Function: executable-set-magic

Set this buffer's interpreter to INTERPRETER with optional ARGUMENT.
The variables `executable-magicless-file-regexp', `executable-prefix',
`executable-insert', `executable-query' and `executable-chmod' control
when and how magic numbers are inserted or replaced and scripts made executable.

Variable: compilation-ask-about-save

Non-nil means M-x compile asks which buffers to save before compiling.
Otherwise, it saves all modified buffers without asking.

Function: process-file-shell-command

Process files synchronously in a separate process.
Similar to `call-process-shell-command', but calls `process-file'.

Function: where-is-internal

Return list of keys that invoke DEFINITION.
If KEYMAP is a keymap, search only KEYMAP and the global keymap.
If KEYMAP is nil, search all the currently active keymaps, except
for `overriding-local-map' (which is ignored).
If KEYMAP is a list of keymaps, search only those keymaps.

If optional 3rd arg FIRSTONLY is non-nil, return the first key sequence found,
rather than a list of all possible key sequences.
If FIRSTONLY is the symbol `non-ascii', return the first binding found,
no matter what it is.
If FIRSTONLY has another non-nil value, prefer bindings
that use the modifier key specified in `where-is-preferred-modifier'
(or their meta variants) and entirely reject menu bindings.

If optional 4th arg NOINDIRECT is non-nil, don't follow indirections
to other keymaps or slots. This makes it possible to search for an
indirect definition itself.

The optional 5th arg NO-REMAP alters how command remapping is handled:

- If another command OTHER-COMMAND is remapped to DEFINITION, normally
search for the bindings of OTHER-COMMAND and include them in the
returned list. But if NO-REMAP is non-nil, include the vector
[remap OTHER-COMMAND] in the returned list instead, without
searching for those other bindings.

- If DEFINITION is remapped to OTHER-COMMAND, normally return the
bindings for OTHER-COMMAND. But if NO-REMAP is non-nil, return the
bindings for DEFINITION instead, ignoring its remapping. (fn DEFINITION &optional KEYMAP FIRSTONLY NOINDIRECT NO-REMAP)

Function: byte-compile-file-form-require

(fn FORM)

Function: locale-charset-match-p

Whether charset names (strings) CHARSET1 and CHARSET2 are equivalent.
Matching is done ignoring case and any hyphens and underscores in the
names. E.g. `ISO_8859-1' and `iso88591' both match `iso-8859-1'.

Function: windmove-up

Select the window above the current one.
With no prefix argument, or with prefix argument equal to zero, "up"
is relative to the position of point in the window; otherwise it is
relative to the left edge (for positive ARG) or the right edge (for
negative ARG) of the current window.
If no window is at the desired location, an error is signaled. (fn &optional ARG)

Function: pcomplete-continue

Complete without reference to any cycling completions.


Function: ebnf-eps-directory

Generate EPS files from EBNF files in DIRECTORY.

If DIRECTORY is nil, it's used `default-directory'.

The files in DIRECTORY that matches `ebnf-file-suffix-regexp' (which see) are

See also `ebnf-eps-buffer'. (fn &optional DIRECTORY)

Variable: read-buffer-function

If this is non-nil, `read-buffer' does its work by calling this function.
The function is called with the arguments passed to `read-buffer'.

Function: intern

Return the canonical symbol whose name is STRING.
If there is none, one is created by this function and returned.
A second optional argument specifies the obarray to use;
it defaults to the value of `obarray'.

(fn STRING &optional OBARRAY)

Function: comint-preinput-scroll-to-bottom

Go to the end of buffer in all windows showing it.
Movement occurs if point in the selected window is not after the process mark,
and `this-command' is an insertion command. Insertion commands recognized
are `self-insert-command', `comint-magic-space', `yank', and `hilit-yank'.
Depends on the value of `comint-scroll-to-bottom-on-input'.

This function should be a pre-command hook. (fn)

Function: package-strip-version

Strip the version from a combined package name and version.
E.g., if given "quux-23.0", will return "quux"

Variable: query-replace-defaults

Default values of FROM-STRING and TO-STRING for `query-replace'.
This is a cons cell (FROM-STRING . TO-STRING), or nil if there is
no default value.

Function: rfc822-goto-eoh

If the buffer starts with a mail header, move point to the header's end.
Otherwise, moves to `point-min'.
The end of the header is the start of the next line, if there is one,
else the end of the last line. This function obeys RFC822.

Function: undo-elt-crosses-region

Test whether UNDO-ELT crosses one edge of that region START ... END.
This assumes we have already decided that UNDO-ELT
is not *inside* the region START...END.

Function: org-capture

Capture something.

Uses keymap `org-capture-mode-map', which is not currently defined.

This will let you select a template from `org-capture-templates', and then
file the newly captured information. The text is immediately inserted
at the target location, and an indirect buffer is shown where you can
edit it. Pressing M-x org-capture-finalize brings you back to the previous state
of Emacs, so that you can continue your work.

When called interactively with a C-u prefix argument GOTO, don't capture
anything, just go to the file/headline where the selected template
stores its notes. With a double prefix argument C-u C-u, go to the last note

When called with a `C-0' (zero) prefix, insert a template at point.

Lisp programs can set KEYS to a string associated with a template
in `org-capture-templates'. In this case, interactive selection
will be bypassed.

If `org-capture-use-agenda-date' is non-nil, capturing from the agenda will use the date at point as the default date. (fn &optional GOTO KEYS)

Function: gnus-treat-mail-gravatar

Display gravatars in the Cc and To headers.
If gravatars are already displayed, remove them.

(fn &optional FORCE)

Function: frame-parameters

Return the parameters-alist of frame FRAME.
It is a list of elements of the form (PARM . VALUE), where PARM is a symbol.
The meaningful PARMs depend on the kind of frame.
If FRAME is omitted, return information on the currently selected frame.

(fn &optional FRAME)

Function: slot-exists-p

Return non-nil if OBJECT-OR-CLASS has SLOT.

Function: debugger-reenable

Turn all debug-on-entry functions back on.
This function is put on `post-command-hook' by `debugger-jump' and
removes itself from that hook.

Function: rot13-other-window

Display current buffer in ROT13 in another window.
The text itself is not modified, only the way it is displayed is affected.

To terminate the ROT13 display, delete that window. As long as that window
is not deleted, any buffer displayed in it will become instantly encoded
in ROT13.

See also `toggle-rot13-mode'. (fn)

Variable: holiday-christian-holidays

Christian holidays.
See the documentation for `calendar-holidays' for details.

Function: cyrillic-encode-alternativnyj-char

Return ALTERNATIVNYJ external character code of CHAR if appropriate.

(fn CHAR)

Function: revert-buffer

Replace current buffer text with the text of the visited file on disk.
This undoes all changes since the file was visited or saved.
With a prefix argument, offer to revert from latest auto-save file, if
that is more recent than the visited file.

This command also implements an interface for special buffers
that contain text which doesn't come from a file, but reflects
some other data instead (e.g. Dired buffers, `buffer-list'
buffers). This is done via the variable `revert-buffer-function'.
In these cases, it should reconstruct the buffer contents from the
appropriate data.

When called from Lisp, the first argument is IGNORE-AUTO; only offer
to revert from the auto-save file when this is nil. Note that the
sense of this argument is the reverse of the prefix argument, for the
sake of backward compatibility. IGNORE-AUTO is optional, defaulting
to nil.

Optional second argument NOCONFIRM means don't ask for confirmation
at all. (The variable `revert-without-query' offers another way to
revert buffers without querying for confirmation.)

Optional third argument PRESERVE-MODES non-nil means don't alter
the files modes. Normally we reinitialize them using `normal-mode'.

This function binds `revert-buffer-in-progress-p' non-nil while it operates.

If the value of `revert-buffer-function' is non-nil, it is called to
do all the work for this command. Otherwise, the hooks
`before-revert-hook' and `after-revert-hook' are run at the beginning
and the end, and if `revert-buffer-insert-file-contents-function' is non-nil, it is called instead of rereading visited file contents.

Function: mkdir

Create the directory DIR and optionally any nonexistent parent dirs.
If DIR already exists as a directory, signal an error, unless
PARENTS is non-nil.

Interactively, the default choice of directory to create is the
current buffer's default directory. That is useful when you have
visited a file in a nonexistent directory.

Noninteractively, the second (optional) argument PARENTS, if
non-nil, says whether to create parent directories that don't
exist. Interactively, this happens by default.

If creating the directory or directories fail, an error will be raised.

Function: frame-root-window

Return the root window of FRAME-OR-WINDOW.
If omitted, FRAME-OR-WINDOW defaults to the currently selected frame.
With a frame argument, return that frame's root window.
With a window argument, return the root window of that window's frame.

(fn &optional FRAME-OR-WINDOW)

Function: member*

Find the first occurrence of ITEM in LIST.
Return the sublist of LIST whose car is ITEM.

Keywords supported: :test :test-not :key


Variable: normal-auto-fill-function

The function to use for `auto-fill-function' if Auto Fill mode is turned on.
Some major modes set this.

Function: goto-next-locus

Visit next `next-error' message and corresponding source code.

If all the error messages parsed so far have been processed already,
the message buffer is checked for new ones.

A prefix ARG specifies how many error messages to move;
negative means move back to previous error messages.
Just C-u as a prefix means reparse the error message buffer
and start at the first error.

The RESET argument specifies that we should restart from the beginning.

C-x ` normally uses the most recently started
compilation, grep, or occur buffer. It can also operate on any
buffer with output from the M-x compile, M-x grep commands, or,
more generally, on any buffer in Compilation mode or with
Compilation Minor mode enabled, or any buffer in which
`next-error-function' is bound to an appropriate function.
To specify use of a particular buffer for error messages, type
C-x ` in that buffer when it is the only one displayed
in the current frame.

Once C-x ` has chosen the buffer for error messages, it
runs `next-error-hook' with `run-hooks', and stays with that buffer
until you use it in some other buffer which uses Compilation mode
or Compilation Minor mode. To control which errors are matched, customize the variable `compilation-error-regexp-alist'.

Function: subword-mode

Toggle subword movement and editing (Subword mode).
With a prefix argument ARG, enable Subword mode if ARG is
positive, and disable it otherwise. If called from Lisp, enable
the mode if ARG is omitted or nil.

Subword mode is a buffer-local minor mode. Enabling it remaps
word-based editing commands to subword-based commands that handle
symbols with mixed uppercase and lowercase letters,
e.g. "GtkWidget", "EmacsFrameClass", "NSGraphicsContext".

Here we call these mixed case symbols `nomenclatures'. Each
capitalized (or completely uppercase) part of a nomenclature is
called a `subword'. Here are some examples:

Nomenclature Subwords
GtkWindow => "Gtk" and "Window"
EmacsFrameClass => "Emacs", "Frame" and "Class"
NSGraphicsContext => "NS", "Graphics" and "Context"

The subword oriented commands activated in this minor mode recognize
subwords in a nomenclature to move between subwords and to edit them
as words. Uses keymap `subword-mode-map', which is not currently defined. (fn &optional ARG)

Variable: grep-window-height

Number of lines in a grep window. If nil, use `compilation-window-height'.

Function: mouse-autoselect-window-start

Start delayed window autoselection.
MOUSE-POSITION is the last position where the mouse was seen as returned
by `mouse-position'. Optional argument WINDOW non-nil denotes the
window where the mouse was seen. Optional argument SUSPEND non-nil
means suspend autoselection.

Function: format-decode-region

Decode the region from some format.
Arg FORMAT is optional; if omitted the format will be determined by looking
for identifying regular expressions at the beginning of the region.

Function: comint-continue-subjob

Send CONT signal to process buffer's process group.
Useful if you accidentally suspend the top-level process.

Variable: help-mode-map

Keymap for help mode.

Function: display-save-under

Return non-nil if DISPLAY's screen supports the SaveUnder feature.

Function: global-auto-composition-mode

Toggle Auto Composition mode in all buffers.
With a prefix argument ARG, enable it if ARG is positive, and
disable it otherwise. If called from Lisp, enable it if ARG is
omitted or nil.

For more information on Auto Composition mode, see
`auto-composition-mode' .

Function: vc-cvs-registered

Return non-nil if file F is registered with CVS.

Function: tool-bar-add-item

Add an item to the tool bar.
ICON names the image, DEF is the key definition and KEY is a symbol
for the fake function key in the menu keymap. Remaining arguments
PROPS are additional items to add to the menu item specification. See
Info node `(elisp)Tool Bar'. Items are added from left to right.

ICON is the base name of a file containing the image to use. The
function will first try to use low-color/ICON.xpm if `display-color-cells'
is less or equal to 256, then ICON.xpm, then ICON.pbm, and finally
ICON.xbm, using `find-image'.

Use this function only to make bindings in the global value of `tool-bar-map'.
To define items in any other map, use `tool-bar-local-item'.

Variable: lpr-command

Name of program for printing a file.

On MS-DOS and MS-Windows systems, if the value is an empty string then
Emacs will write directly to the printer port named by `printer-name'.
The programs `print' and `nprint' (the standard print programs on
Windows NT and Novell Netware respectively) are handled specially, using
`printer-name' as the destination for output; any other program is
treated like `lpr' except that an explicit filename is given as the last argument.

Variable: add-log-mailing-address

Email addresses of user, for inclusion in ChangeLog headers.
This defaults to the value of `user-mail-address'. In addition to
being a simple string, this value can also be a list. All elements
will be recognized as referring to the same user; when creating a new
ChangeLog entry, one element will be chosen at random.

Function: x-handle-named-frame-geometry

Add geometry parameters for a named frame to parameter list PARAMETERS.
Value is the new parameter list.

Function: backward-kill-word

Kill characters backward until encountering the beginning of a word.
With argument ARG, do this that many times.

Function: mouse-menu-major-mode-map


Variable: focus-follows-mouse

Non-nil if window system changes focus when you move the mouse.
You should set this variable to tell Emacs how your window manager
handles focus, since there is no way in general for Emacs to find out
automatically. See also `mouse-autoselect-window'.

Function: secure-hash

Return the secure hash of OBJECT, a buffer or string.
ALGORITHM is a symbol specifying the hash to use:
md5, sha1, sha224, sha256, sha384 or sha512.

The two optional arguments START and END are positions specifying for
which part of OBJECT to compute the hash. If nil or omitted, uses the
whole OBJECT.

If BINARY is non-nil, returns a string in binary form.


Variable: symbols-consed

Number of symbols that have been consed so far.

Function: pcomplete-entries

Complete against a list of directory candidates.
If REGEXP is non-nil, it is a regular expression used to refine the
match (files not matching the REGEXP will be excluded).
If PREDICATE is non-nil, it will also be used to refine the match
(files for which the PREDICATE returns nil will be excluded).
If no directory information can be extracted from the completed
component, `default-directory' is used as the basis for completion.

(fn &optional REGEXP PREDICATE)

Function: gnus-treat-from-picon

Display picons in the From header.
If picons are already displayed, remove them.

Function: string=

Return t if two strings have identical contents.
Case is significant, but text properties are ignored.
Symbols are also allowed; their print names are used instead.
(fn S1 S2)

Variable: line-prefix

Prefix prepended to all non-continuation lines at display time.
The value may be a string, an image, or a stretch-glyph; it is
interpreted in the same way as the value of a `display' text property.

This variable is overridden by any `line-prefix' text or overlay

To add a prefix to continuation lines, use `wrap-prefix'.

Variable: standard-display-table

Display table to use for buffers that specify none.
See `buffer-display-table' for more information.

Variable: default-cursor-type

Default value of `cursor-type' for buffers that don't override it.
This is the same as (default-value 'cursor-type).

Function: help-describe-category-set

(fn VALUE)

Function: Info-history-find-node

History-specific implementation of `Info-find-node-2'.

Function: comment-search-forward

Find a comment start between point and LIMIT.
Moves point to inside the comment and returns the position of the
comment-starter. If no comment is found, moves point to LIMIT
and raises an error or returns nil if NOERROR is non-nil.

(fn LIMIT &optional NOERROR)

Variable: filter-buffer-substring-functions

This variable is a wrapper hook around `filter-buffer-substring'.
Each member of the hook should be a function accepting four arguments:
(FUN BEG END DELETE), where FUN is itself a function of three arguments
(BEG END DELETE). The arguments BEG, END, and DELETE are the same
as those of `filter-buffer-substring' in each case.

The first hook function to be called receives a FUN equivalent
to the default operation of `filter-buffer-substring',
i.e. one that returns the buffer-substring between BEG and
END (processed by any `buffer-substring-filters'). Normally,
the hook function will call FUN and then do its own processing
of the result. The next hook function receives a FUN equivalent
to the previous hook function, calls it, and does its own
processing, and so on. The overall result is that of all hook
functions acting in sequence.

Any hook may choose not to call FUN though, in which case it
effectively replaces the default behavior with whatever it chooses. Of course, a later hook function may do the same thing.

Function: pcomplete/cvs

Completion rules for the `cvs' command.


Function: org-submit-bug-report

Submit a bug report on Org-mode via mail.

Don't hesitate to report any problems or inaccurate documentation.

If you don't have setup sending mail from (X)Emacs, please copy the
output buffer into your mail program, as it gives us important
information about your Org-mode version and configuration. (fn)

Variable: keypad-numlock-setup

Specifies the keypad setup for unshifted keypad keys when NumLock is on.
When selecting the plain numeric keypad setup, the character returned by the
decimal key must be specified.

Variable: recenter-positions

Cycling order for `recenter-top-bottom'.
A list of elements with possible values `top', `middle', `bottom',
integer or float numbers that define the cycling order for
the command `recenter-top-bottom'.

Top and bottom destinations are `scroll-margin' lines from the true
window top and bottom. Middle redraws the frame and centers point
vertically within the window. Integer number moves current line to
the specified absolute window-line. Float number between 0.0 and 1.0
means the percentage of the screen space from the top. The default
cycling order is middle -> top -> bottom.

Function: charset-description

Return description string of CHARSET.

Function: string<

Return t if first arg string is less than second in lexicographic order.
Case is significant.
Symbols are also allowed; their print names are used instead.
(fn S1 S2)

Function: substring-no-properties

Return a substring of STRING, without text properties.
It starts at index FROM and ends before TO.
TO may be nil or omitted; then the substring runs to the end of STRING.
If FROM is nil or omitted, the substring starts at the beginning of STRING.
If FROM or TO is negative, it counts from the end.

With one argument, just copy STRING without its properties.

(fn STRING &optional FROM TO)

Function: Info-toc-nodes

Return a node list of Info FILENAME with parent-children information.
This information is cached in the variable `Info-toc-nodes' with the help
of the function `Info-toc-build'.

Variable: Info-toc-nodes

Alist of cached parent-children node information in visited Info files.
where PARENT is the parent node extracted from the Up pointer,
SECTION is the section name in the Top node where this node is placed,
CHILDREN is a list of child nodes extracted from the node menu.

Variable: jka-compr-really-do-compress

Non-nil in a buffer whose visited file was uncompressed on visiting it.
This means compress the data on writing the file, even if the
data appears to be compressed already.

Function: clipboard-yank

Insert the clipboard contents, or the last stretch of killed text.

Function: string-bytes

Return the number of bytes in STRING.
If STRING is multibyte, this may be greater than the length of STRING.


Function: posn-at-point

Return position information for buffer POS in WINDOW.
POS defaults to point in WINDOW; WINDOW defaults to the selected window.

Return nil if position is not visible in window. Otherwise,
the return value is similar to that returned by `event-start' for
a mouse click at the upper left corner of the glyph corresponding
to the given buffer position:
The `posn-' functions access elements of such lists. (fn &optional POS WINDOW)

Function: set-output-flow-control

Enable or disable ^S/^Q flow control for output to TERMINAL.
If FLOW is non-nil, flow control is enabled and you cannot use C-s or
C-q in key sequences.

This setting only has an effect on tty terminals and only when
Emacs reads input in CBREAK mode; see `set-input-interrupt-mode'.

See also `current-input-mode'.
(fn FLOW &optional TERMINAL)

Function: byte-compile-subr-wrong-args

(fn FORM N)

Function: eregistry

Display Ediff's registry.


Variable: initial-frame-alist

Alist of parameters for the initial X window frame.
You can set this in your init file; for example,

(setq initial-frame-alist
'((top . 1) (left . 1) (width . 80) (height . 55)))

Parameters specified here supersede the values given in

If the value calls for a frame without a minibuffer, and you have
not created a minibuffer frame on your own, a minibuffer frame is
created according to `minibuffer-frame-alist'.

You can specify geometry-related options for just the initial
frame by setting this variable in your init file; however, they
won't take effect until Emacs reads your init file, which happens
after creating the initial frame. If you want the initial frame
to have the proper geometry as soon as it appears, you need to
use this three-step process:
* Specify X resources to give the geometry you want.
* Set `default-frame-alist' to override these options so that they
don't affect subsequent frames.
* Set `initial-frame-alist' in a way that matches the X resources, to override what you put in `default-frame-alist'.

Function: window-split-min-size

Return minimum height of any window when splitting windows.
Optional argument HORIZONTAL non-nil means return minimum width.

Face: mode-line-highlight

Basic mode line face for highlighting.

Function: system-groups

Return a list of user group names currently registered in the system.
The value may be nil if not supported on this platform.

Variable: method-num-lists

Number of indexes into methods vector in which groups of functions are kept.

Function: cl--labels-convert

Special macro-expander to rename (function F) references in `cl-labels'.

(fn F)

Function: cl--do-arglist

(fn ARGS EXPR &optional NUM)

Variable: tabulated-list-use-header-line

Whether the Tabulated List buffer should use a header line.

Function: comment-kill

Kill the first comment on this line, if any.
With prefix ARG, kill comments on that many lines starting with this one.

(fn ARG)

Function: command-line-normalize-file-name

Collapse multiple slashes to one, to handle non-Emacs file names.

(fn FILE)

Function: iso-german

Translate net conventions for German to ISO 8859-1.
Translate the region FROM and TO using the table
Optional arg BUFFER is ignored (for use in `format-alist').

(fn FROM TO &optional BUFFER)

Function: smie-rule-separator

Indent current token as a "separator".
By "separator", we mean here a token whose sole purpose is to separate
various elements within some enclosing syntactic construct, and which does
not have any semantic significance in itself (i.e. it would typically no exist
as a node in an abstract syntax tree).
Such a token is expected to have an associative syntax and be closely tied
to its syntactic parent. Typical examples are "," in lists of arguments
(enclosed inside parentheses), or ";" in sequences of instructions (enclosed
in a {..} or begin..end block).
METHOD should be the method name that was passed to `smie-rules-function'.
Only meaningful when called from within `smie-rules-function'. (fn METHOD)

Function: pp-last-sexp

Read sexp before point. Ignores leading comment characters.

Face: Info-title-4-face

Info-title-4-face is an alias for the face `info-title-4'.
Face for info titles at level 4.

Function: cl-oddp

Return t if INTEGER is odd.


Function: facemenu-read-color

Read a color name or RGB triplet.
Completion is available for color names, but not for RGB triplets.

RGB triplets have the form "#RRGGBB". Each of the R, G, and B
components can have one to four digits, but all three components
must have the same number of digits. Each digit is a hex value
between 0 and F; either upper case or lower case for A through F
are acceptable.

In addition to standard color names and RGB hex values, the
following are available as color candidates. In each case, the
corresponding color is used.

* `foreground at point' - foreground under the cursor
* `background at point' - background under the cursor

Optional arg PROMPT is the prompt; if nil, use a default prompt.

Interactively, or with optional arg CONVERT-TO-RGB-P non-nil,
convert an input color name to an RGB hex string. Return the RGB
hex string.

If optional arg ALLOW-EMPTY-NAME is non-nil, the user is allowed
to enter an empty color name (the empty string).

Interactively, or with optional arg MSG non-nil, print the resulting color name in the echo area.

Variable: minibuffer-history-sexp-flag

Control whether history list elements are expressions or strings.
If the value of this variable equals current minibuffer depth,
they are expressions; otherwise they are strings.
(That convention is designed to do the right thing for
recursive uses of the minibuffer.)

Function: add-abbrev


Variable: lpr-windows-system

Non-nil if running on MS-DOS or MS Windows.

Function: in-is13194-pre-write-conversion

(fn FROM TO)

Function: setup-ethiopic-environment-internal


Function: doctor

Switch to *doctor* buffer and start giving psychotherapy.


Variable: default-cursor-in-non-selected-windows

Default value of `cursor-in-non-selected-windows'.
This is the same as (default-value 'cursor-in-non-selected-windows).

Function: print

Output the printed representation of OBJECT, with newlines around it.
Quoting characters are printed when needed to make output that `read'
can handle, whenever this is possible. For complex objects, the behavior
is controlled by `print-level' and `print-length', which see.

OBJECT is any of the Lisp data types: a number, a string, a symbol,
a list, a buffer, a window, a frame, etc.

A printed representation of an object is text which describes that object.

Optional argument PRINTCHARFUN is the output stream, which can be one
of these:

- a buffer, in which case output is inserted into that buffer at point;
- a marker, in which case output is inserted at marker's position;
- a function, in which case that function is called once for each
character of OBJECT's printed representation;
- a symbol, in which case that symbol's function definition is called; or
- t, in which case the output is displayed in the echo area.

If PRINTCHARFUN is omitted, the value of `standard-output' (which see) is used instead. (fn OBJECT &optional PRINTCHARFUN)

Function: unexpand-abbrev

Undo the expansion of the last abbrev that expanded.
This differs from ordinary undo in that other editing done since then
is not undone. (fn)

Function: minibuffer-avoid-prompt

A point-motion hook for the minibuffer, that moves point out of the prompt.

Function: custom-push-theme

Record VALUE for face or variable SYMBOL in custom theme THEME.
PROP is `theme-face' for a face, `theme-value' for a variable.

MODE can be either the symbol `set' or the symbol `reset'. If it is the
symbol `set', then VALUE is the value to use. If it is the symbol
`reset', then SYMBOL will be removed from THEME (VALUE is ignored).

See `custom-known-themes' for a list of known themes.

Function: external-debugging-output

Write CHARACTER to stderr.
You can call print while debugging emacs, and pass it this function
to make it write to the debugging output.


Face: scroll-bar

Basic face for the scroll bar colors under X.

Function: Info-virtual-index-find-node

Index-specific implementation of `Info-find-node-2'.

Variable: input-method-verbose-flag

A flag to control extra guidance given by input methods.
The value should be nil, t, `complex-only', or `default'.

The extra guidance is done by showing list of available keys in echo
area. When you use the input method in the minibuffer, the guidance
is shown at the bottom short window (split from the existing window).

If the value is t, extra guidance is always given, if the value is
nil, extra guidance is always suppressed.

If the value is `complex-only', only complex input methods such as
`chinese-py' and `japanese' give extra guidance.

If the value is `default', complex input methods always give extra
guidance, but simple input methods give it only when you are not in
the minibuffer. See also the variable `input-method-highlight-flag'.

Variable: eieio-initializing-object

Set to non-nil while initializing an object.

Function: substitute-if-not

Substitute NEW for all items not satisfying PREDICATE in SEQ.
This is a non-destructive function; it makes a copy of SEQ if necessary
to avoid corrupting the original SEQ.

Keywords supported: :key :count :start :end :from-end


Variable: x-font-name-charset-alist

This variable has no meaning now. Just kept for backward compatibility.

Variable: font-lock-preprocessor-face

Face name to use for preprocessor directives.

Face: font-lock-preprocessor-face

Font Lock mode face used to highlight preprocessor directives.

Variable: locale-language-names

Alist of locale regexps vs the corresponding languages and coding systems.
Each element has this form:
The first element whose LOCALE-REGEXP matches the start of a
downcased locale specifies the LANG-ENV (language environment)
and CODING-SYSTEM corresponding to that locale. If there is no
appropriate language environment, the element may have this form:
In this case, LANG-ENV is one of generic language environments for an
specific encoding such as "Latin-1" and "UTF-8".

Function: deactivate-input-method

Turn off the current input method.

Function: print-help-return-message

Display or return message saying how to restore windows after help command.
This function assumes that `standard-output' is the help buffer.
It computes a message, and applies the optional argument FUNCTION to it.
If FUNCTION is nil, it applies `message', thus displaying the message.
In addition, this function sets up `help-return-method', which see, that
specifies what to do when the user exits the help buffer.

Function: ido-write-file

Write current buffer to a file.
The file name is selected interactively by typing a substring.
For details of keybindings, see `ido-find-file'. (fn)

Face: link

Basic face for unvisited links.

Variable: dbus-compiled-version

The version of D-Bus Emacs is compiled against.

Variable: x-pointer-shape

The shape of the pointer when over text.
Changing the value does not affect existing frames
unless you set the mouse color.

Function: font-put

Set one property of FONT: give property KEY value VAL.
FONT is a font-spec, a font-entity, or a font-object.

If FONT is a font-spec, KEY can be any symbol. But if KEY is the one
accepted by the function `font-spec' (which see), VAL must be what
allowed in `font-spec'.

If FONT is a font-entity or a font-object, KEY must not be the one
accepted by `font-spec'. (fn FONT PROP VAL)

Function: file-name-as-directory

Return a string representing the file name FILE interpreted as a directory.
This operation exists because a directory is also a file, but its name as
a directory is different from its name as a file.
The result can be used as the value of `default-directory'
or passed as second argument to `expand-file-name'.
For a Unix-syntax file name, just appends a slash. (fn FILE)

Variable: byte-catch

Byte code opcode for catch. Takes, on stack, the tag and an expression for the body.

Function: mouse-popup-menubar

Pop up a menu equivalent to the menu bar for keyboard EVENT with PREFIX.
The contents are the items that would be in the menu bar whether or
not it is actually displayed.


Function: url-snews

(fn URL)

Function: url-generic-emulator-loader

(fn URL)

Function: list-fontsets

Display a list of all fontsets.
This shows the name, size, and style of each fontset.
With prefix arg, also list the fonts contained in each fontset;
see the function `describe-fontset' for the format of the list. (fn ARG)

Function: define-mail-alias

Define NAME as a mail alias that translates to DEFINITION.
This means that sending a message to NAME will actually send to DEFINITION.

Normally, the addresses in DEFINITION must be separated by commas.
If FROM-MAILRC-FILE is non-nil, then addresses in DEFINITION
can be separated by spaces; an address can contain spaces
if it is quoted with double-quotes.


Function: play-sound

SOUND is a list of the form `(sound KEYWORD VALUE...)'.
The following keywords are recognized:

:file FILE - read sound data from FILE. If FILE isn't an
absolute file name, it is searched in `data-directory'.

:data DATA - read sound data from string DATA.

Exactly one of :file or :data must be present.

:volume VOL - set volume to VOL. VOL must an integer in the
range 0..100 or a float in the range 0..1.0. If not specified,
don't change the volume setting of the sound device.

:device DEVICE - play sound on DEVICE. If not specified,
a system-dependent default device name is used.
Note: :data and :device are currently not supported on Windows.

Function: compose-gstring-for-variation-glyph

Compose glyph-string GSTRING for graphic display.
GSTRING must have two glyphs; the first is a glyph for a han character,
and the second is a glyph for a variation selector.

Variable: emacs-lisp-mode-syntax-table

Syntax table used in `emacs-lisp-mode'.

Function: previous-complete-history-element

Get previous history element which completes the minibuffer before the point.
The contents of the minibuffer after the point are deleted, and replaced
by the new completion.

Function: gnus-face-from-file

Return a Face header based on an image file.

Depending on `gnus-convert-image-to-face-command' it may accept
different input formats. (fn FILE)

Function: ediff-buffers3

Run Ediff on three buffers, BUFFER-A, BUFFER-B, and BUFFER-C.


Function: latex-mode

Major mode for editing files of input for LaTeX.
Makes $ and } display the characters they match.
Makes " insert `` when it seems to be the beginning of a quotation,
and '' when it appears to be the end; it inserts " only after a \.

Use M-x tex-region to run LaTeX on the current region, plus the preamble
copied from the top of the file (containing \documentstyle, etc.),
running LaTeX under a special subshell. M-x tex-buffer does the whole buffer.
M-x tex-file saves the buffer and then processes the file.
M-x tex-print prints the .dvi file made by any of these.
M-x tex-view previews the .dvi file made by any of these.
M-x tex-bibtex-file runs bibtex on the file of the current buffer.

Use M-x tex-validate-buffer to check buffer for paragraphs containing
mismatched $'s or braces.

Special commands:

Uses keymap `latex-mode-map', which is not currently defined.

Mode variables:
Command string used by M-x tex-region or M-x tex-buffer.
Directory in which to create temporary files for LaTeX jobs
run by M-x tex-region or M-x tex-buffer.
Command string used by M-x tex-print to print a .dvi file.
Alternative command string used by M-x tex-print (when given a prefix
argument) to print a .dvi file.
Command string used by M-x tex-view to preview a .dvi file.
Command string used by M-x tex-show-print-queue to show the print
queue that M-x tex-print put your job on.

Entering Latex mode runs the hook `text-mode-hook', then `tex-mode-hook', and finally `latex-mode-hook'. When the special subshell is initiated, `tex-shell-hook' is run. (fn)

Function: cl-compiler-macroexpand

Like `macroexpand', but for compiler macros.
Expands FORM repeatedly until no further expansion is possible.
Returns FORM unchanged if it has no compiler macro, or if it has a
macro that returns its `&whole' argument. (fn FORM)

Function: cl-equalp

Return t if two Lisp objects have similar structures and contents.
This is like `equal', except that it accepts numerically equal
numbers of different types (float vs. integer), and also compares
strings case-insensitively. (fn X Y)

Variable: Buffer-menu-mode-abbrev-table

Abbrev table for `Buffer-menu-mode'.

Function: bookmark-bmenu-list

Display a list of existing bookmarks.
The list is displayed in a buffer named `*Bookmark List*'.
The leftmost column displays a D if the bookmark is flagged for
deletion, or > if it is flagged for displaying. (fn)

Function: byte-compile-two-or-three-args

(fn FORM)

Variable: url-privacy-level

How private you want your requests to be.
HTTP has header fields for various information about the user, including
operating system information, email addresses, the last page you visited, etc.
This variable controls how much of this information is sent.

This should a symbol or a list.
Valid values if a symbol are:
none -- send all information
low -- don't send the last location
high -- don't send the email address or last location
paranoid -- don't send anything

If a list, this should be a list of symbols of what NOT to send.
Valid symbols are:
email -- the email address
os -- the operating system info
lastloc -- the last location
agent -- do not send the User-Agent string
cookies -- never accept HTTP cookies


(setq url-privacy-level 'high)
(setq url-privacy-level '(email lastloc)) ;; equivalent to 'high
(setq url-privacy-level '(os))

This variable controls several other variables and is _NOT_ automatically updated. Call the function `url-setup-privacy-info' after modifying this variable.

Variable: html-mode-map

Keymap for commands for use in HTML mode.

Function: Buffer-menu-bury

Bury the buffer listed on this line.

Variable: prog-mode-abbrev-table

Abbrev table for `prog-mode'.

Function: japanese-katakana

Convert argument to Katakana and return that.
The argument may be a character or string. The result has the same type.
The argument object is not altered--the value is a copy.
Optional argument HANKAKU t means to convert to `hankaku' Katakana
(`japanese-jisx0201-kana'), in which case return value
may be a string even if OBJ is a character if two Katakanas are
necessary to represent OBJ.
(fn OBJ &optional HANKAKU)

Function: ebuffers3

Run Ediff on three buffers, BUFFER-A, BUFFER-B, and BUFFER-C.


Variable: comint-password-prompt-regexp

Regexp matching prompts for passwords in the inferior process.
This is used by `comint-watch-for-password-prompt'.

Function: debugger-list-functions

Display a list of all the functions now set to debug on entry.

Variable: tex-shell-file-name

If non-nil, the shell file name to run in the subshell used to run TeX.

Function: epa-insert-keys

Insert selected KEYS after the point.

(fn KEYS)

Function: customize-mark-as-set

Mark current value of SYMBOL as being set from customize.

If the default value of SYMBOL is different from the saved value if any,
or else if it is different from the standard value, set the
`customized-value' property to a list whose car evaluates to the
default value. Otherwise, set it to nil.

Return non-nil if the `customized-value' property actually changed.

Function: version<=

Return t if version V1 is lower (older) than or equal to V2.

Note that version string "1" is equal to "1.0", "1.0.0", "",
etc. That is, the trailing ".0"s are insignificant. Also, version
string "1" is higher (newer) than "1pre", which is higher than "1beta",
which is higher than "1alpha". Also, "-CVS" and "-NNN" are treated as alpha versions.

Variable: gnus-completing-read-function

Function use to do completing read.

Variable: shell-command-regexp

Regexp to match a single command within a pipeline.
This is used for directory tracking and does not do a perfect job.

Function: ebrowse-tags-find-declaration

Find declaration of member at point.


Function: ebrowse-electric-choose-tree

Return a buffer containing a tree or nil if no tree found or canceled.


Function: unbury-buffer

Switch to the last buffer in the buffer list.

Function: undefined

Beep to tell the user this binding is undefined.

Variable: executable-font-lock-keywords

Rules for highlighting executable scripts' magic number.
This can be included in `font-lock-keywords' by modes that call `executable'.

Variable: pcmpl-unix-group-file

If non-nil, a string naming the group file on your system.

Function: html-name-anchor

HTML anchor tag with name attribute.

This is a skeleton command (see `skeleton-insert').
Normally the skeleton text is inserted at point, with nothing "inside".
If there is a highlighted region, the skeleton text is wrapped
around the region text.

A prefix argument ARG says to wrap the skeleton around the next ARG words.
A prefix argument of -1 says to wrap around region, even if not highlighted.
A prefix argument of zero says to wrap around zero words---that is, nothing.
This is a way of overriding the use of a highlighted region.

Function: find-function-search-for-symbol

Search for SYMBOL's definition of type TYPE in LIBRARY.
Visit the library in a buffer, and return a cons cell (BUFFER . POSITION),
or just (BUFFER . nil) if the definition can't be found in the file.

If TYPE is nil, look for a function definition.
Otherwise, TYPE specifies the kind of definition,
and it is interpreted via `find-function-regexp-alist'.
The search is done in the source for library LIBRARY. (fn SYMBOL TYPE LIBRARY)

Function: macroexp--trim-backtrace-frame

(fn FRAME)

Function: macroexp--expand-all

Expand all macros in FORM.
This is an internal version of `macroexpand-all'.
Assumes the caller has bound `macroexpand-all-environment'.
(fn FORM)

Function: fontset-info

Return information about a fontset FONTSET on frame FRAME.

FONTSET is a fontset name string, nil for the fontset of FRAME, or t
for the default fontset. FRAME nil means the selected frame.

The value is a char-table whose elements have this form:

((FONT OPENED-FONT ...) ...)

FONT is a name of font specified for a range of characters.

OPENED-FONT is a name of a font actually opened.

The char-table has one extra slot. If FONTSET is not the default
fontset, the value the extra slot is a char-table containing the
information about the derived fonts from the default fontset. The format is the same as above. (fn FONTSET &optional FRAME)

Variable: last-repeatable-command

Last command that may be repeated.
The last command executed that was not bound to an input event.
This is the command `repeat' will try to repeat.
Taken from a previous value of `real-this-command'.

Function: display-time-world-mode

Major mode for buffer that displays times in various time zones.
See `display-time-world'.

In addition to any hooks its parent mode `special-mode' might have run,
this mode runs the hook `display-time-world-mode-hook', as the final step
during initialization.

key binding --- -------

Function: mouse-select-window

Select the window clicked on; don't move point.

(fn CLICK)

Function: ido-switch-buffer-other-window

Switch to another buffer and show it in another window.
The buffer name is selected interactively by typing a substring.
For details of keybindings, see `ido-switch-buffer'. (fn)

Function: perldb

Run perldb on program FILE in buffer *gud-FILE*.
The directory containing FILE becomes the initial working directory
and source-file directory for your debugger.


Function: mode-line-previous-buffer

Like `previous-buffer', but temporarily select EVENT's window.

Function: iso-iso2duden

Translate ISO 8859-1 characters to Duden sequences.
Translate the region between FROM and TO using the table
Optional arg BUFFER is ignored (for use in `format-alist').

(fn FROM TO &optional BUFFER)

Function: set-next-selection-coding-system

Use CODING-SYSTEM for next communication with other window system clients.
This setting is effective for the next communication only.

Variable: comint-input-history-ignore

Regexp for history entries that should be ignored when Comint initializes.

Variable: completion-pcm-complete-word-inserts-delimiters

Treat the SPC or - inserted by `minibuffer-complete-word' as delimiters.
Those chars are treated as delimiters iff this variable is non-nil.
I.e. if non-nil, M-x SPC will just insert a "-" in the minibuffer, whereas
if nil, it will list all possible commands in *Completions* because none of
the commands start with a "-" or a SPC.

Function: edirs

Run Ediff on a pair of directories, DIR1 and DIR2, comparing files that have
the same name in both. The third argument, REGEXP, is nil or a regular
expression; only file names that match the regexp are considered.


Function: minibuffer-window

Return the minibuffer window for frame FRAME.
If FRAME is omitted or nil, it defaults to the selected frame.

(fn &optional FRAME)

Function: make-temp-name

Generate temporary file name (string) starting with PREFIX (a string).
The Emacs process number forms part of the result,
so there is no danger of generating a name being used by another process.

In addition, this function makes an attempt to choose a name
which has no existing file. To make this work,
PREFIX should be an absolute file name.

There is a race condition between calling `make-temp-name' and creating the
file which opens all kinds of security holes. For that reason, you should
probably use `make-temp-file' instead, except in three circumstances:

* If you are creating the file in the user's home directory.
* If you are creating a directory rather than an ordinary file.
* If you are taking special precautions as `make-temp-file' does. (fn PREFIX)

Face: sh-heredoc

Face to show a here-document

Function: eieio-edebug-prin1-to-string

Display EIEIO OBJECT in fancy format.
Overrides the edebug default.
Optional argument NOESCAPE is passed to `prin1-to-string' when appropriate.

Function: Info-up

Go to the superior node of this node.
If SAME-FILE is non-nil, do not move to a different Info file.

Variable: display-time-mail-function

Function to call, for indicating existence of new mail.
If nil, that means use the default method: check that the file
specified by `display-time-mail-file' is nonempty or that the
directory `display-time-mail-directory' contains nonempty files.

Function: list-colors-sort-key

Return a list of keys for sorting colors depending on `list-colors-sort'.
COLOR is the name of the color. When return value is nil,
filter out the color from the output.

Function: pr-toggle-file-tumble

Toggle tumble for PostScript file.

If tumble is off, produces a printing suitable for binding on the left or
If tumble is on, produces a printing suitable for binding at the top or bottom. (fn)

Function: hack-dir-local-variables-non-file-buffer

Apply directory-local variables to a non-file buffer.
For non-file buffers, such as Dired buffers, directory-local
variables are looked for in `default-directory' and its parent

Function: format-annotate-location

Return annotation(s) needed at location LOC.
This includes any properties that change between LOC - 1 and LOC.
If ALL is true, don't look at previous location, but generate annotations for
all non-nil properties.
Third argument IGNORE is a list of text-properties not to consider.
Use the TRANSLATIONS alist (see `format-annotate-region' for doc).

Return value is a vector of 3 elements:
1. List of annotations to close
2. List of annotations to open.
3. List of properties that were ignored or couldn't be annotated.

The annotations in lists 1 and 2 need not be strings.
They can be whatever the FORMAT-FN in `format-annotate-region'
can handle. If that is `enriched-make-annotation', they can be either strings, or lists of the form (PARAMETER VALUE).

Variable: post-gc-hook

Hook run after garbage collection has finished.

Variable: Info-hide-note-references

If non-nil, hide the tag and section reference in *note and * menu items.
If value is non-nil but not `hide', also replaces the "*note" with "see".
If value is non-nil but not t or `hide', the reference section is still shown.
`nil' completely disables this feature. If this is non-nil, you might
want to set `Info-refill-paragraphs'.

Function: mouse-drag-region

Set the region to the text that the mouse is dragged over.
Highlight the drag area as you move the mouse.
This must be bound to a button-down mouse event.
In Transient Mark mode, the highlighting remains as long as the mark
remains active. Otherwise, it remains until the next input event.

If the click is in the echo area, display the `*Messages*' buffer. (fn START-EVENT)

Function: mail-file-babyl-p

Return non-nil if FILE is a Babyl file.

(fn FILE)

Function: variable-at-point

Return the bound variable symbol found at or before point.
Return 0 if there is no such symbol.
If ANY-SYMBOL is non-nil, don't insist the symbol be bound.

(fn &optional ANY-SYMBOL)

Function: fortune-compile

Compile fortune file.

If called with a prefix asks for the FILE to compile, otherwise uses
the value of `fortune-file'. This currently cannot handle directories.

(fn &optional FILE)

Function: find-change-log

Find a change log file for M-x add-change-log-entry and return the name.

Optional arg FILE-NAME specifies the file to use.
If FILE-NAME is nil, use the value of `change-log-default-name'.
If `change-log-default-name' is nil, behave as though it were 'ChangeLog'
(or whatever we use on this operating system).

If `change-log-default-name' contains a leading directory component, then
simply find it in the current directory. Otherwise, search in the current
directory and its successive parents for a file so named.

Once a file is found, `change-log-default-name' is set locally in the
current buffer to the complete file name.
Optional arg BUFFER-FILE overrides `buffer-file-name'. (fn &optional FILE-NAME BUFFER-FILE)

Function: set-window-fringes

Set the fringe widths of window WINDOW.
WINDOW must be a live window and defaults to the selected one.

Second arg LEFT-WIDTH specifies the number of pixels to reserve for
the left fringe. Optional third arg RIGHT-WIDTH specifies the right
fringe width. If a fringe width arg is nil, that means to use the
frame's default fringe width. Default fringe widths can be set with
the command `set-fringe-style'.
If optional fourth arg OUTSIDE-MARGINS is non-nil, draw the fringes
outside of the display margins. By default, fringes are drawn between
display marginal areas and the text area.


Variable: recenter-redisplay

Non-nil means `recenter' redraws entire frame.
If this option is non-nil, then the `recenter' command with a nil
argument will redraw the entire frame; the special value `tty' causes
the frame to be redrawn only if it is a tty frame.

Function: auth-source-read-char-choice

Read one of CHOICES by `read-char-choice', or `read-char'.
`dropdown-list' support is disabled because it doesn't work reliably.
Only one of CHOICES will be returned. The PROMPT is augmented
with "[a/b/c] " if CHOICES is '(?a ?b ?c).

Function: isearch-fallback

Return point to previous successful match to allow regexp liberalization.

Respects C-s and C-r by stopping at `isearch-barrier' as needed.

Do nothing if a backslash is escaping the liberalizing character.
If WANT-BACKSLASH is non-nil, invert this behavior (for \} and \|).

Do nothing if regexp has recently been invalid unless optional

If optional TO-BARRIER non-nil, ignore previous matches and go exactly to the barrier.

Function: smtpmail-send-it


Variable: ispell-personal-dictionary

File name of your personal spelling dictionary, or nil.
If nil, the default personal dictionary, ("~/.ispell_DICTNAME" for ispell or
"~/.aspell.LANG.pws" for aspell) is used, where DICTNAME is the name of your
default dictionary and LANG the two letter language code.

Function: object-set-name-string

Set the string which is OBJ's NAME.

Variable: class-initarg-tuples

Class initarg tuples list.

Function: gnus-agent-batch-fetch

Start Gnus and fetch session.


Function: next-button

Return the next button after position POS in the current buffer.
If COUNT-CURRENT is non-nil, count any button at POS in the search,
instead of starting at the next button.

Variable: byte-compile-const-variables

List of variables declared as constants during compilation of this file.

Function: check-coding-systems-region

Check if the region is encodable by coding systems.

START and END are buffer positions specifying the region.
CODING-SYSTEM-LIST is a list of coding systems to check.

The value is an alist ((CODING-SYSTEM POS0 POS1 ...) ...), where
CODING-SYSTEM is a member of CODING-SYSTEM-LIST and can't encode the
whole region, POS0, POS1, ... are buffer positions where non-encodable
characters are found.

If all coding systems in CODING-SYSTEM-LIST can encode the region, the
value is nil.

START may be a string. In that case, check if the string is
encodable, and the value contains indices to the string instead of
buffer positions. END is ignored.

If the current buffer (or START if it is a string) is unibyte, the value is nil. (fn START END CODING-SYSTEM-LIST)

Variable: comint-input-ignoredups

If non-nil, don't add input matching the last on the input ring.
This mirrors the optional behavior of bash.

This variable is buffer-local.

Function: vc-git-diff

Get a difference report using Git between two revisions of FILES.

(fn FILES &optional REV1 REV2 BUFFER)

Function: with-timeout-suspend

Stop the clock for `with-timeout'. Used by debuggers.
The idea is that the time you spend in the debugger should not
count against these timeouts.

The value is a list that the debugger can pass to `with-timeout-unsuspend'
when it exits, to make these timers start counting again.

Variable: ccl-encode-ethio-font

CCL program to encode an Ethiopic code to code point of Ethiopic font.

Function: cvs-status-mode

Mode used for cvs status output.


Function: save-buffer

Save current buffer in visited file if modified.
Variations are described below.

By default, makes the previous version into a backup file
if previously requested or if this is the first save.
Prefixed with one C-u, marks this version
to become a backup when the next save is done.
Prefixed with two C-u's,
unconditionally makes the previous version into a backup file.
Prefixed with three C-u's, marks this version
to become a backup when the next save is done,
and unconditionally makes the previous version into a backup file.

With a numeric argument of 0, never make the previous version
into a backup file.

If a file's name is FOO, the names of its numbered backup versions are
FOO.~i~ for various integers i. A non-numbered backup file is called FOO~.
Numeric backups (rather than FOO~) will be made if value of
`version-control' is not the atom `never' and either there are already
numeric versions of the file being backed up, or `version-control' is
We don't want excessive versions piling up, so there are variables
`kept-old-versions', which tells Emacs how many oldest versions to keep,
and `kept-new-versions', which tells how many newest versions to keep.
Defaults are 2 old versions and 2 new.
`dired-kept-versions' controls dired's clean-directory (.) command.
If `delete-old-versions' is nil, system will query user
before trimming versions. Otherwise it does it silently.

If `vc-make-backup-files' is nil, which is the default,
no backup files are made for files managed by version control.
(This is because the version control system itself records previous versions.) See the subroutine `basic-save-buffer' for more information.

Function: previous-matching-history-element

Find the previous history element that matches REGEXP.
(Previous history elements refer to earlier actions.)
With prefix argument N, search for Nth previous match.
If N is negative, find the next or Nth next match.
Normally, history elements are matched case-insensitively if
`case-fold-search' is non-nil, but an uppercase letter in REGEXP
makes the search case-sensitive.
See also `minibuffer-history-case-insensitive-variables'.

Function: princ

Output the printed representation of OBJECT, any Lisp object.
No quoting characters are used; no delimiters are printed around
the contents of strings.

OBJECT is any of the Lisp data types: a number, a string, a symbol,
a list, a buffer, a window, a frame, etc.

A printed representation of an object is text which describes that object.

Optional argument PRINTCHARFUN is the output stream, which can be one
of these:

- a buffer, in which case output is inserted into that buffer at point;
- a marker, in which case output is inserted at marker's position;
- a function, in which case that function is called once for each
character of OBJECT's printed representation;
- a symbol, in which case that symbol's function definition is called; or
- t, in which case the output is displayed in the echo area.

If PRINTCHARFUN is omitted, the value of `standard-output' (which see) is used instead. (fn OBJECT &optional PRINTCHARFUN)

Function: smie-rule-next-p

Return non-nil if the next token is among TOKENS.
Only meaningful when called from within `smie-rules-function'.

(fn &rest TOKENS)

Function: eieio-validate-slot-value

Make sure that for CLASS referencing SLOT-IDX, VALUE is valid.
Checks the :type specifier.
SLOT is the slot that is being checked, and is only used when throwing
an error.

Function: fill-comment-paragraph

Fill current comment.
If we're not in a comment, just return nil so that the caller
can take care of filling. JUSTIFY is used as in `fill-paragraph'.

Function: japanese-zenkaku

Convert argument to `zenkaku' and return that.
The argument may be a character or string. The result has the same type.
The argument object is not altered--the value is a copy.
(fn OBJ)

Variable: list-directory-brief-switches

Switches for `list-directory' to pass to `ls' for brief listing.

Function: vc-print-log

List the change log of the current fileset in a window.
If WORKING-REVISION is non-nil, leave point at that revision.
If LIMIT is non-nil, it should be a number specifying the maximum
number of revisions to show; the default is `vc-log-show-limit'.

When called interactively with a prefix argument, prompt for


Function: display-time-mode

Toggle display of time, load level, and mail flag in mode lines.
With a prefix argument ARG, enable Display Time mode if ARG is
positive, and disable it otherwise. If called from Lisp, enable
it if ARG is omitted or nil.

When Display Time mode is enabled, it updates every minute (you
can control the number of seconds between updates by customizing
`display-time-interval'). If `display-time-day-and-date' is
non-nil, the current day and date are displayed as well. This
runs the normal hook `display-time-hook' after each update.

Variable: display-time-mode

Non-nil if Display-Time mode is enabled.
See the command `display-time-mode' for a description of this minor mode.
Setting this variable directly does not take effect;
either customize it (see the info node `Easy Customization')
or call the function `display-time-mode'.

Function: cperl-perldoc-at-point

Run a `perldoc' on the word around point.


Function: bs-show

Make a menu of buffers so you can manipulate buffers or the buffer list.

Uses keymap `bs-mode-map', which is not currently defined.

There are many key commands similar to `Buffer-menu-mode' for
manipulating the buffer list and the buffers themselves.
User can move with [up] or [down], select a buffer
by M-x bs-select or [SPC]

Type M-x bs-kill to leave Buffer Selection Menu without a selection.
Type M-x bs-help after invocation to get help on commands available.
With prefix argument ARG show a different buffer list. Function
`bs--configuration-name-for-prefix-arg' determine accordingly name of buffer configuration. (fn ARG)

Function: macroexpand

Return result of expanding macros at top level of FORM.
If FORM is not a macro call, it is returned unchanged.
Otherwise, the macro is expanded and the expansion is considered
in place of FORM. When a non-macro-call results, it is returned.

The second optional arg ENVIRONMENT specifies an environment of macro
definitions to shadow the loaded ones for use in file byte-compilation.

(fn FORM &optional ENVIRONMENT)

Function: Info-final-node

Go to the final node in this file.

Function: completion-hilit-commonality


Function: table-justify-column

Justify cells of a column.
JUSTIFY is a symbol 'left, 'center or 'right for horizontal, or top,
'middle, 'bottom or 'none for vertical.


Function: sql-connect

Connect to an interactive session using CONNECTION settings.

See `sql-connection-alist' to see how to define connections and
their settings.

The user will not be prompted for any login parameters if a value
is specified in the connection settings.

(fn CONNECTION &optional NEW-NAME)

Function: pcomplete/pushd

Completion for `cd'.

Function: beginning-of-buffer-other-window

Move point to the beginning of the buffer in the other window.
Leave mark at previous position.
With arg N, put point N/10 of the way from the true beginning.

Function: window-parameter

Return WINDOW's value for PARAMETER.
WINDOW can be any window and defaults to the selected one.


Function: string-to-multibyte

Return a multibyte string with the same individual chars as STRING.
If STRING is multibyte, the result is STRING itself.
Otherwise it is a newly created string, with no text properties.

If STRING is unibyte and contains an 8-bit byte, it is converted to
the corresponding multibyte character of charset `eight-bit'.

This differs from `string-as-multibyte' by converting each byte of a correct
utf-8 sequence to an eight-bit character, not just bytes that don't form a correct sequence. (fn STRING)

Function: cl--loop-let


Function: completing-read-default

Default method for reading from the minibuffer with completion.
See `completing-read' for the meaning of the arguments.


Function: delete-whitespace-rectangle

Delete all whitespace following a specified column in each line.
The left edge of the rectangle specifies the position in each line
at which whitespace deletion should begin. On each line in the
rectangle, all continuous whitespace starting at that column is deleted.

When called from a program the rectangle's corners are START and END.
With a prefix (or a FILL) argument, also fill too short lines.

(fn START END &optional FILL)

Function: detect-coding-with-language-environment

Detect a coding system for the text between FROM and TO with LANG-ENV.
The detection takes into account the coding system priorities for the
language environment LANG-ENV.

Function: decode-time

The optional SPECIFIED-TIME should be a list of (HIGH LOW . IGNORED),
as from `current-time' and `file-attributes', or nil to use the
current time. The obsolete form (HIGH . LOW) is also still accepted.
The list has the following nine members: SEC is an integer between 0
and 60; SEC is 60 for a leap second, which only some operating systems
support. MINUTE is an integer between 0 and 59. HOUR is an integer
between 0 and 23. DAY is an integer between 1 and 31. MONTH is an
integer between 1 and 12. YEAR is an integer indicating the
four-digit year. DOW is the day of week, an integer between 0 and 6,
where 0 is Sunday. DST is t if daylight saving time is in effect,
otherwise nil. ZONE is an integer indicating the number of seconds
east of Greenwich. (Note that Common Lisp has different meanings for DOW and ZONE.) (fn &optional SPECIFIED-TIME)

Function: gnus-rename-file

Rename OLD-PATH as NEW-PATH. If TRIM, recursively delete
empty directories from OLD-PATH.

Function: package-menu-backup-unmark

Back up one line and clear any marks on that package.

Function: winner-edges

Return a list of the edge coordinates of WINDOW.
WINDOW must be a valid window and defaults to the selected one.

The returned list has the form (LEFT TOP RIGHT BOTTOM). TOP and BOTTOM
count by lines, and LEFT and RIGHT count by columns, all relative to 0,
0 at top left corner of frame.

RIGHT is one more than the rightmost column occupied by WINDOW. BOTTOM
is one more than the bottommost row occupied by WINDOW. The edges
include the space used by WINDOW's scroll bar, display margins, fringes,
header line, and/or mode line. For the edges of just the text area, use
`window-inside-edges'. (fn &optional WINDOW)

Function: coerce

Coerce OBJECT to type TYPE.
TYPE is a Common Lisp type specifier.


Function: insert-abbrev-table-description

Insert before point a full description of abbrev table named NAME.
NAME is a symbol whose value is an abbrev table.
If optional 2nd arg READABLE is non-nil, a human-readable description
is inserted. Otherwise the description is an expression,
a call to `define-abbrev-table', which would
define the abbrev table NAME exactly as it is currently defined.

Abbrevs marked as "system abbrevs" are omitted.
(fn NAME &optional READABLE)

Function: which-function-mode

Toggle mode line display of current function (Which Function mode).
With a prefix argument ARG, enable Which Function mode if ARG is
positive, and disable it otherwise. If called from Lisp, enable
the mode if ARG is omitted or nil.

Which Function mode is a global minor mode. When enabled, the
current function name is continuously displayed in the mode line,
in certain major modes. (fn &optional ARG)

Variable: which-function-mode

Non-nil if Which-Function mode is enabled.
See the command `which-function-mode' for a description of this minor mode.
Setting this variable directly does not take effect;
either customize it (see the info node `Easy Customization')
or call the function `which-function-mode'.

Function: pr-txt-fast-fire

Fast fire function for text printing.

If a region is active, the region will be printed instead of the whole buffer.
Also if the current major-mode is defined in `pr-mode-alist', the settings in
`pr-mode-alist' will be used, that is, the current buffer or region will be
printed using `pr-txt-mode'.

Interactively, when you use a prefix argument (C-u), the command prompts the
user for a new active text printer.

Noninteractively, the argument SELECT-PRINTER is treated as follows:

If it's nil, the printing is sent to the current active text printer.

If it's a symbol which it's defined in `pr-txt-printer-alist', it's the new
active printer and printing will immediately be done using the new active

If it's non-nil, the command prompts the user for a new active text printer.

Note that this command always behaves as if `pr-auto-region' and `pr-auto-mode' are both set to t. (fn &optional SELECT-PRINTER)

Function: x-defined-colors

Return a list of colors supported for a particular frame.
The argument FRAME specifies which frame to try.
The value may be different for frames on different display types.
If FRAME doesn't support colors, the value is nil.
If FRAME is nil, that stands for the selected frame.

Function: shrink-window

Make the selected window DELTA lines smaller.
Interactively, if no argument is given, make the selected window
one line smaller. If optional argument HORIZONTAL is non-nil,
make selected window narrower by DELTA columns. If DELTA is
negative, enlarge selected window by -DELTA lines or columns.
Also see the `window-min-height' variable.

Function: read-string

Read a string from the minibuffer, prompting with string PROMPT.
If non-nil, second arg INITIAL-INPUT is a string to insert before reading.
This argument has been superseded by DEFAULT-VALUE and should normally
be nil in new code. It behaves as in `read-from-minibuffer'. See the
documentation string of that function for details.
The third arg HISTORY, if non-nil, specifies a history list
and optionally the initial position in the list.
See `read-from-minibuffer' for details of HISTORY argument.
Fourth arg DEFAULT-VALUE is the default value or the list of default values.
If non-nil, it is used for history commands, and as the value (or the first
element of the list of default values) to return if the user enters the
empty string.
Fifth arg INHERIT-INPUT-METHOD, if non-nil, means the minibuffer inherits
the current input method and the setting of `enable-multibyte-characters'.


Variable: face-ignored-fonts

List of ignored fonts.
Each element is a regular expression that matches names of fonts to

Function: end-of-visual-line

Move point to end of current visual line.
With argument N not nil or 1, move forward N - 1 visual lines first.
If point reaches the beginning or end of buffer, it stops there.
To ignore intangibility, bind `inhibit-point-motion-hooks' to t.

Function: cperl-mode

Major mode for editing Perl code.
Expression and list commands understand all C brackets.
Tab indents for Perl code.
Paragraphs are separated by blank lines only.
Delete converts tabs to spaces as it moves back.

Various characters in Perl almost always come in pairs: {}, (), [],
sometimes <>. When the user types the first, she gets the second as
well, with optional special formatting done on {}. (Disabled by
default.) You can always quote (with C-q) the left
"paren" to avoid the expansion. The processing of < is special,
since most the time you mean "less". CPerl mode tries to guess
whether you want to type pair <>, and inserts is if it
appropriate. You can set `cperl-electric-parens-string' to the string that
contains the parens from the above list you want to be electrical.
Electricity of parens is controlled by `cperl-electric-parens'.
You may also set `cperl-electric-parens-mark' to have electric parens
look for active mark and "embrace" a region if possible.'

CPerl mode provides expansion of the Perl control constructs:

if, else, elsif, unless, while, until, continue, do,
for, foreach, formy and foreachmy.

and POD directives (Disabled by default, see `cperl-electric-keywords'.)

The user types the keyword immediately followed by a space, which
causes the construct to be expanded, and the point is positioned where
she is most likely to want to be. E.g., when the user types a space
following "if" the following appears in the buffer: if () { or if ()
} { } and the cursor is between the parentheses. The user can then
type some boolean expression within the parens. Having done that,
typing M-x cperl-linefeed places you - appropriately indented - on a
new line between the braces (if you typed M-x cperl-linefeed in a POD
directive line, then appropriate number of new lines is inserted).

If CPerl decides that you want to insert "English" style construct like

bite if angry;

it will not do any expansion. See also help on variable
`cperl-extra-newline-before-brace'. (Note that one can switch the
help message on expansion by setting `cperl-message-electric-keyword'
to nil.)

M-x cperl-linefeed is a convenience replacement for typing carriage
return. It places you in the next line with proper indentation, or if
you type it inside the inline block of control construct, like

foreach (@lines) {print; print}

and you are on a boundary of a statement inside braces, it will
transform the construct into a multiline and will place you into an
appropriately indented blank line. If you need a usual
`newline-and-indent' behavior, it is on C-j,
see documentation on `cperl-electric-linefeed'.

Use M-x cperl-invert-if-unless to change a construction of the form

if (A) { B }


B if A;

Uses keymap `cperl-mode-map', which is not currently defined.

Setting the variable `cperl-font-lock' to t switches on font-lock-mode
(even with older Emacsen), `cperl-electric-lbrace-space' to t switches
on electric space between $ and {, `cperl-electric-parens-string' is
the string that contains parentheses that should be electric in CPerl
(see also `cperl-electric-parens-mark' and `cperl-electric-parens'),
setting `cperl-electric-keywords' enables electric expansion of
control structures in CPerl. `cperl-electric-linefeed' governs which
one of two linefeed behavior is preferable. You can enable all these
options simultaneously (recommended mode of use) by setting
`cperl-hairy' to t. In this case you can switch separate options off
by setting them to `null'. Note that one may undo the extra
whitespace inserted by semis and braces in `auto-newline'-mode by
consequent M-x cperl-electric-backspace.

If your site has perl5 documentation in info format, you can use commands
M-x cperl-info-on-current-command and M-x cperl-info-on-command to access it.
These keys run commands `cperl-info-on-current-command' and
`cperl-info-on-command', which one is which is controlled by variable
`cperl-info-on-command-no-prompt' and `cperl-clobber-lisp-bindings'
(in turn affected by `cperl-hairy').

Even if you have no info-format documentation, short one-liner-style
help is available on M-x cperl-get-help, and one can run perldoc or
man via menu.

It is possible to show this help automatically after some idle time.
This is regulated by variable `cperl-lazy-help-time'. Default with
`cperl-hairy' (if the value of `cperl-lazy-help-time' is nil) is 5
secs idle time . It is also possible to switch this on/off from the
menu, or via M-x cperl-toggle-autohelp. Requires `run-with-idle-timer'.

Use M-x cperl-lineup to vertically lineup some construction - put the
beginning of the region at the start of construction, and make region
span the needed amount of lines.

Variables `cperl-pod-here-scan', `cperl-pod-here-fontify',
`cperl-pod-face', `cperl-pod-head-face' control processing of POD and
here-docs sections. With capable Emaxen results of scan are used
for indentation too, otherwise they are used for highlighting only.

Variables controlling indentation style:
Non-nil means TAB in CPerl mode should always reindent the current line,
regardless of where in the line point is when the TAB command is used.
Non-nil means that the comment starting in leftmost column should indent.
Non-nil means automatically newline before and after braces,
and after colons and semicolons, inserted in Perl code. The following
M-x cperl-electric-backspace will remove the inserted whitespace.
Insertion after colons requires both this variable and
`cperl-auto-newline-after-colon' set.
Non-nil means automatically newline even after colons.
Subject to `cperl-auto-newline' setting.
Indentation of Perl statements within surrounding block.
The surrounding block's indentation is the indentation
of the line on which the open-brace appears.
Extra indentation given to a substatement, such as the
then-clause of an if, or body of a while, or just a statement continuation.
Extra indentation given to a brace that starts a substatement.
This is in addition to `cperl-continued-statement-offset'.
Extra indentation for line if it starts with an open brace.
An open brace following other text is treated as if it the line started
this far to the right of the actual line indentation.
Extra indentation for line that is a label.
Minimal indentation for line that is a label.

Settings for classic indent-styles: K&R BSD=C++ GNU PerlStyle=Whitesmith
`cperl-indent-level' 5 4 2 4
`cperl-brace-offset' 0 0 0 0
`cperl-continued-brace-offset' -5 -4 0 0
`cperl-label-offset' -5 -4 -2 -4
`cperl-continued-statement-offset' 5 4 2 4

CPerl knows several indentation styles, and may bulk set the
corresponding variables. Use M-x cperl-set-style to do this. Use
M-x cperl-set-style-back to restore the memorized preexisting values
(both available from menu). See examples in `cperl-style-examples'.

Part of the indentation style is how different parts of if/elsif/else
statements are broken into lines; in CPerl, this is reflected on how
templates for these constructs are created (controlled by
`cperl-extra-newline-before-brace'), and how reflow-logic should treat "continuation" blocks of else/elsif/continue, controlled by the same variable, and by `cperl-extra-newline-before-brace-multiline', `cperl-merge-trailing-else', `cperl-indent-region-fix-constructs'. If `cperl-indent-level' is 0, the statement after opening brace in column 0 is indented on `cperl-brace-offset'+`cperl-continued-statement-offset'. Turning on CPerl mode calls the hooks in the variable `cperl-mode-hook' with no args. DO NOT FORGET to read micro-docs (available from `Perl' menu) or as help on variables `cperl-tips', `cperl-problems', `cperl-praise', `cperl-speed'. (fn)

Function: fancy-splash-insert

Insert text into the current buffer, with faces.
Arguments from ARGS should be either strings; functions called
with no args that return a string; pairs `:face FACE', where FACE
is a face specification usable with `put-text-property'; or pairs
`:link LINK' where LINK is a list of arguments to pass to
`insert-button', of the form (LABEL ACTION [HELP-ECHO]), which
specifies the button's label, `action' property and help-echo string.
FACE and LINK can also be functions, which are evaluated to obtain
a face or button specification. (fn &rest ARGS)

Function: insert-parentheses

Enclose following ARG sexps in parentheses.
Leave point after open-paren.
A negative ARG encloses the preceding ARG sexps instead.
No argument is equivalent to zero: just insert `()' and leave point between.
If `parens-require-spaces' is non-nil, this command also inserts a space
before and after, depending on the surrounding characters.
If region is active, insert enclosing characters at region boundaries.

This command assumes point is not in a string or comment.

Function: default-value

Return SYMBOL's default value.
This is the value that is seen in buffers that do not have their own values
for this variable. The default value is meaningful for variables with
local bindings in certain buffers.

Function: byte-compile-output-file-form

(fn FORM)

Variable: mouse-buffer-menu-mode-groups

How to group various major modes together in .
Each element has the form (REGEXP . GROUPNAME).
If the major mode's name string matches REGEXP, use GROUPNAME instead.

Variable: blink-matching-paren

Non-nil means show matching open-paren when close-paren is inserted.

Function: next-error-follow-minor-mode

Minor mode for compilation, occur and diff modes.
With a prefix argument ARG, enable mode if ARG is positive, and
disable it otherwise. If called from Lisp, enable mode if ARG is
omitted or nil.
When turned on, cursor motion in the compilation, grep, occur or diff
buffer causes automatic display of the corresponding source code location.

Variable: next-error-follow-minor-mode

Non-nil if Next-Error-Follow minor mode is enabled.
Use the command `next-error-follow-minor-mode' to change this variable.

Function: combine-and-quote-strings

Concatenate the STRINGS, adding the SEPARATOR (default " ").
This tries to quote the strings to avoid ambiguity such that
(split-string-and-unquote (combine-and-quote-strings strs)) == strs
Only some SEPARATORs will work properly.

Function: set-process-plist

Replace the plist of PROCESS with PLIST. Returns PLIST.


Function: ldexp

Construct number X from significand SGNFCAND and exponent EXP.
Returns the floating point value resulting from multiplying SGNFCAND
(the significand) by 2 raised to the power of EXP (the exponent).

(fn SGNFCAND &optional EXPONENT)

Variable: features

A list of symbols which are the features of the executing Emacs.
Used by `featurep' and `require', and altered by `provide'.

Variable: byte-return

Byte code opcode to pop a value and return it from `byte-code'.

Variable: byte-optimize

Enable optimization in the byte compiler.
Possible values are:
nil - no optimization
t - all optimizations
`source' - source-level optimizations only
`byte' - code-level optimizations only

Function: view-echo-area-messages

View the log of recent echo-area messages: the `*Messages*' buffer.
The number of messages retained in that buffer
is specified by the variable `message-log-max'.

Variable: completion-list-mode-abbrev-table

Abbrev table for `completion-list-mode'.

Function: pcomplete/chgrp

Completion for the `chgrp' command.

Function: sh-get-indent-var-for-line

Return the variable controlling indentation for this line.
If there is not [just] one such variable, return a string
indicating the problem.
If INFO is supplied it is used, else it is calculated.

Function: turn-off-flyspell

Unconditionally turn off Flyspell mode.


Function: comint-previous-matching-input-string

Return the string matching REGEXP ARG places along the input ring.
Moves relative to `comint-input-ring-index'.


Function: display-time-world-display

Replace current buffer text with times in various zones, based on ALIST.

Variable: rmail-highlighted-headers

Regexp to match Header fields that Rmail should normally highlight.
A value of nil means don't highlight. Uses the face `rmail-highlight'.

Function: customize-apropos-faces

Customize all loaded faces matching REGEXP.


Function: fringe-bitmaps-at-pos

Return fringe bitmaps of row containing position POS in window WINDOW.
If WINDOW is nil, use selected window. If POS is nil, use value of point
in that window. Return value is a list (LEFT RIGHT OV), where LEFT
is the symbol for the bitmap in the left fringe (or nil if no bitmap),
RIGHT is similar for the right fringe, and OV is non-nil if there is an
overlay arrow in the left fringe.
Return nil if POS is not visible in WINDOW.
(fn &optional POS WINDOW)

Function: featurep

Return t if FEATURE is present in this Emacs.

Use this to conditionalize execution of lisp code based on the
presence or absence of Emacs or environment extensions.
Use `provide' to declare that a feature is available. This function
looks at the value of the variable `features'. The optional argument
SUBFEATURE can be used to check a specific subfeature of FEATURE.


Function: comint-append-output-to-file

Append output from interpreter since last input to FILENAME.
Any prompt at the end of the output is not written.


Function: vc-git-revision-completion-table

(fn FILES)

Function: gnus-group-split-setup

Set up the split for `nnmail-split-fancy'.
Sets things up so that nnmail-split-fancy is used for mail
splitting, and defines the variable nnmail-split-fancy according with
group parameters.

If AUTO-UPDATE is non-nil (prefix argument accepted, if called
interactively), it makes sure nnmail-split-fancy is re-computed before
getting new mail, by adding `gnus-group-split-update' to

A non-nil CATCH-ALL replaces the current value of
`gnus-group-split-default-catch-all-group'. This variable is only used
by gnus-group-split-update, and only when its CATCH-ALL argument is
nil. This argument may contain any fancy split, that will be added as
the last split in a `|' split produced by `gnus-group-split-fancy',
unless overridden by any group marked as a catch-all group. Typical
uses are as simple as the name of a default mail group, but more
elaborate fancy splits may also be useful to split mail that doesn't
match any of the group-specified splitting rules. See
`gnus-group-split-fancy' for details. (fn &optional AUTO-UPDATE CATCH-ALL)

Function: face-attr-match-p

Return t if attributes of FACE match values in plist ATTRS.
Optional parameter FRAME is the frame whose definition of FACE
is used. If nil or omitted, use the selected frame.

Variable: eieio-print-depth

When printing, keep track of the current indentation depth.

Function: todo-show

Show TODO list.


Function: table-insert

Insert an editable text table.
Insert a table of specified number of COLUMNS and ROWS. Optional
parameter CELL-WIDTH and CELL-HEIGHT can specify the size of each
cell. The cell size is uniform across the table if the specified size
is a number. They can be a list of numbers to specify different size
for each cell. When called interactively, the list of number is
entered by simply listing all the numbers with space characters
delimiting them.


M-x table-insert inserts a table at the current point location.

Suppose we have the following situation where `-!-' indicates the
location of point.


Type M-x table-insert and hit ENTER key. As it asks table
specification, provide 3 for number of columns, 1 for number of rows,
5 for cell width and 1 for cell height. Now you shall see the next
table and the point is automatically moved to the beginning of the
first cell.

|-!- | | |

Inside a table cell, there are special key bindings.
Uses keymap `table-cell-map', which is not currently defined.

M-9 M-x table-widen-cell (or C-u 9 M-x table-widen-cell) widens the first cell by 9 character
width, which results as

|-!- | | |

Type TAB M-x table-widen-cell then type TAB M-2 M-7 M-x table-widen-cell (or C-u 2 7 M-x table-widen-cell). Typing
TAB moves the point forward by a cell. The result now looks like this:

| | |-!- |

If you knew each width of the columns prior to the table creation,
what you could have done better was to have had given the complete
width information to `table-insert'.

Cell width(s): 14 6 32

instead of

Cell width(s): 5

This would have eliminated the previously mentioned width adjustment
work all together.

If the point is in the last cell type S-TAB S-TAB to move it to the
first cell. Now type M-x table-heighten-cell which heighten the row by a line.

|-!- | | |
| | | |

Type M-x table-insert-row-column and tell it to insert a row.

|-!- | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |

Move the point under the table as shown below.

| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |

Type M-x table-insert-row instead of M-x table-insert-row-column. M-x table-insert-row-column does not work
when the point is outside of the table. This insertion at
outside of the table effectively appends a row at the end.

| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
|-!- | | |
| | | |

Text editing inside the table cell produces reasonably expected

| | | |
| | | |
| | |Text editing inside the table |
| | |cell produces reasonably |
| | |expected results.-!- | +--------------+------+--------------------------------+ | | | | | | | | +--------------+------+--------------------------------+ Inside a table cell has a special keymap. Uses keymap `table-cell-map', which is not currently defined. (fn COLUMNS ROWS &optional CELL-WIDTH CELL-HEIGHT)

Function: erc-track-minor-mode

Toggle mode line display of ERC activity (ERC Track minor mode).
With a prefix argument ARG, enable ERC Track minor mode if ARG is
positive, and disable it otherwise. If called from Lisp, enable
the mode if ARG is omitted or nil.

ERC Track minor mode is a global minor mode. It exists for the
sole purpose of providing the C-c C-SPC and C-c C-@ keybindings.
Make sure that you have enabled the track module, otherwise the
keybindings will not do anything useful. (fn &optional ARG)

Variable: erc-track-minor-mode

Non-nil if Erc-Track minor mode is enabled.
See the command `erc-track-minor-mode' for a description of this minor mode.

Function: pending-delete-mode

Toggle Delete Selection mode.
With a prefix argument ARG, enable Delete Selection mode if ARG
is positive, and disable it otherwise. If called from Lisp,
enable the mode if ARG is omitted or nil.

When Delete Selection mode is enabled, Transient Mark mode is also
enabled and typed text replaces the selection if the selection is
active. Otherwise, typed text is just inserted at point regardless of
any selection. (fn &optional ARG)

Function: eval-current-buffer

Execute the current buffer as Lisp code.
When called from a Lisp program (i.e., not interactively), this
function accepts up to five optional arguments:
BUFFER is the buffer to evaluate (nil means use current buffer).
PRINTFLAG controls printing of output:
A value of nil means discard it; anything else is stream for print.
FILENAME specifies the file name to use for `load-history'.
UNIBYTE, if non-nil, specifies `load-convert-to-unibyte' for this
DO-ALLOW-PRINT, if non-nil, specifies that `print' and related
functions should work normally even if PRINTFLAG is nil.

This function preserves the position of point.


Variable: next-error-move-function

Function to use to move to an error locus.
It takes two arguments, a buffer position in the error buffer
and a buffer position in the error locus buffer.
The buffer for the error locus should already be current.
nil means use goto-char using the second argument position.

Function: abbrev--describe

(fn SYM)

Function: sort-pages

Sort pages in region alphabetically; argument means descending order.
Called from a program, there are three arguments:
REVERSE (non-nil means reverse order), BEG and END (region to sort).
The variable `sort-fold-case' determines whether alphabetic case affects
the sort order.


Function: shr-insert-document

Render the parsed document DOM into the current buffer.
DOM should be a parse tree as generated by
`libxml-parse-html-region' or similar.
(fn DOM)

Variable: button-buffer-map

Keymap useful for buffers containing buttons.
Mode-specific keymaps may want to use this as their parent keymap.

Function: back-to-indentation

Move point to the first non-whitespace character on this line.

Variable: shell-dirstack-query

Command used by `shell-resync-dirs' to query the shell.

Variable: tooltip-previous-message

The previous content of the echo area.

Function: current-frame-configuration

Return a list describing the positions and states of all frames.
Its car is `frame-configuration'.
Each element of the cdr is a list of the form (FRAME ALIST WINDOW-CONFIG),
FRAME is a frame object,
ALIST is an association list specifying some of FRAME's parameters, and
WINDOW-CONFIG is a window configuration object for FRAME.

Function: rng-validate-mode

Minor mode performing continual validation against a RELAX NG schema.

Checks whether the buffer is a well-formed XML 1.0 document,
conforming to the XML Namespaces Recommendation and valid against a
RELAX NG schema. The mode-line indicates whether it is or not. Any
parts of the buffer that cause it not to be are considered errors and
are highlighted with face `rng-error'. A description of each error is
available as a tooltip. M-x rng-next-error goes to the next error
after point. Clicking mouse-1 on the word `Invalid' in the mode-line
goes to the first error in the buffer. If the buffer changes, then it
will be automatically rechecked when Emacs becomes idle; the
rechecking will be paused whenever there is input pending.

By default, uses a vacuous schema that allows any well-formed XML
document. A schema can be specified explicitly using
M-x rng-set-schema-file-and-validate, or implicitly based on the buffer's
file name or on the root element name. In each case the schema must
be a RELAX NG schema using the compact schema (such schemas
conventionally have a suffix of `.rnc'). The variable
`rng-schema-locating-files' specifies files containing rules to use for finding the schema. (fn &optional ARG NO-CHANGE-SCHEMA)

Function: tags-loop-continue

Continue last M-x tags-search or M-x tags-query-replace command.
Used noninteractively with non-nil argument to begin such a command (the
argument is passed to `next-file', which see).

Two variables control the processing we do on each file: the value of
`tags-loop-scan' is a form to be executed on each file to see if it is
interesting (it returns non-nil if so) and `tags-loop-operate' is a form to
evaluate to operate on an interesting file. If the latter evaluates to
nil, we exit; otherwise we scan the next file. (fn &optional FIRST-TIME)

Function: pr-toggle-region

Toggle whether the region is automagically detected.


Function: mpuz

Multiplication puzzle with GNU Emacs.


Function: Info-index

Look up a string TOPIC in the index for this manual and go to that entry.
If there are no exact matches to the specified topic, this chooses
the first match which is a case-insensitive substring of a topic.
Use the , command to see the other matches.
Give an empty topic name to go to the Index node itself.

Function: ethio-find-file

Transliterate file content into Ethiopic depending on filename suffix.


Function: dir-locals-collect-mode-variables

Collect directory-local variables from MODE-VARIABLES.
VARIABLES is the initial list of variables.
Returns the new list.

Function: custom-set-minor-mode

:set function for minor mode variables.
Normally, this sets the default value of VARIABLE to nil if VALUE
is nil and to t otherwise,
but if `custom-local-buffer' is non-nil,
this sets the local binding in that buffer instead.

Function: add-to-invisibility-spec

Add ELEMENT to `buffer-invisibility-spec'.
See documentation for `buffer-invisibility-spec' for the kind of elements
that can be added.

Function: x-display-mm-height

Return the height in millimeters of the X display TERMINAL.
The optional argument TERMINAL specifies which display to ask about.
TERMINAL should be a terminal object, a frame or a display name (a string).
If omitted or nil, that stands for the selected frame's display.

(fn &optional TERMINAL)

Function: byte-compile-out-tag

(fn TAG)

Variable: pcmpl-unix-passwd-file

If non-nil, a string naming the passwd file on your system.

Function: View-search-regexp-backward

Search backward for first (or prefix Nth) occurrence of REGEXP in View mode.

Displays line found at center of window. Sets mark at starting position and
pushes mark ring.

Characters @ and ! are special at the beginning of REGEXP. They modify
the search rather than become part of the pattern searched for.
@ means search all the buffer i.e. start search at the end of buffer.
! means search for a line that contains no match for the pattern.
If REGEXP is empty or only consist of these control characters, then
an earlier remembered REGEXP is used, otherwise REGEXP is remembered
for use by later search commands.

The variable `view-highlight-face' controls the face that is used for highlighting the match that is found.

Function: comint-truncate-buffer

Truncate the buffer to `comint-buffer-maximum-size'.
This function could be on `comint-output-filter-functions' or bound to a key.

(fn &optional STRING)

Function: cl-float-limits

Initialize the Common Lisp floating-point parameters.
This sets the values of: `cl-most-positive-float', `cl-most-negative-float',
`cl-least-positive-float', `cl-least-negative-float', `cl-float-epsilon',
`cl-float-negative-epsilon', `cl-least-positive-normalized-float', and
`cl-least-negative-normalized-float'. (fn)

Function: fringe-query-style

Query user for fringe style.
Returns values suitable for left-fringe and right-fringe frame parameters.
If ALL-FRAMES, the negation of the fringe values in
`default-frame-alist' is used when user enters the empty string.
Otherwise the negation of the fringe value in the currently selected
frame parameter is used.

Function: split-window-horizontally

Split the selected window into two side-by-side windows.
The selected window is on the left. The newly split-off window
is on the right, and displays the same buffer. Return the new

If optional argument SIZE is omitted or nil, both windows get the
same width, or close to it. If SIZE is positive, the left-hand
(selected) window gets SIZE columns. If SIZE is negative, the
right-hand (new) window gets -SIZE columns. Here, SIZE includes
the width of the window's scroll bar; if there are no scroll
bars, it includes the width of the divider column to the window's right, if any.

Function: window-next-sibling

Return the next sibling window of window WINDOW.
WINDOW must be a valid window and defaults to the selected one.
Return nil if WINDOW has no next sibling.

(fn &optional WINDOW)

Function: eval-minibuffer

Return value of Lisp expression read using the minibuffer.
Prompt with PROMPT. If non-nil, optional second arg INITIAL-CONTENTS
is a string to insert in the minibuffer before reading.
(INITIAL-CONTENTS can also be a cons of a string and an integer.
Such arguments are used as in `read-from-minibuffer'.)


Function: called-interactively-p

Return t if the containing function was called by `call-interactively'.
If KIND is `interactive', then only return t if the call was made
interactively by the user, i.e. not in `noninteractive' mode nor
when `executing-kbd-macro'.
If KIND is `any', on the other hand, it will return t for any kind of
interactive call, including being called as the binding of a key, or
from a keyboard macro, or in `noninteractive' mode.

The only known proper use of `interactive' for KIND is in deciding
whether to display a helpful message, or how to display it. If you're
thinking of using it for any other purpose, it is quite likely that
you're making a mistake. Think: what do you want to do when the
command is called from a keyboard macro?

Instead of using this function, it is sometimes cleaner to give your
function an extra optional argument whose `interactive' spec specifies
non-nil unconditionally ("p" is a good way to do this), or via
(not (or executing-kbd-macro noninteractive)). (fn &optional KIND)

Function: Info-exit

Exit Info by selecting some other buffer.

Function: vc-git-log-edit-toggle-signoff

Toggle whether to add the "Signed-off-by" line at the end of
the commit message.

Function: cl-multiple-value-apply

Evaluate EXPRESSION to get multiple values and apply FUNCTION to them.
This handles multiple values in Common Lisp style, but it does not work
right when EXPRESSION calls an ordinary Emacs Lisp function that returns just
one value.


Variable: query-replace-skip-read-only

Non-nil means `query-replace' and friends ignore read-only matches.

Variable: regexp-search-ring-max

Maximum length of regexp search ring before oldest elements are thrown away.

Function: widgetp

Return non-nil if WIDGET is a widget.


Function: Info-tagify

Create or update Info file tag table in current buffer or in a region.

(fn &optional INPUT-BUFFER-NAME)

Function: copy-keymap

Return a copy of the keymap KEYMAP.
The copy starts out with the same definitions of KEYMAP,
but changing either the copy or KEYMAP does not affect the other.
Any key definitions that are subkeymaps are recursively copied.
However, a key definition which is a symbol whose definition is a keymap
is not copied. (fn KEYMAP)

Variable: dabbrev-check-other-buffers

Should M-/ look in other buffers?
nil: Don't look in other buffers.
t: Also look for expansions in the buffers pointed out by
Anything else: When we can't find any more expansions in
the current buffer, then ask the user whether to look in other
buffers too.
The default value is t.

Function: easy-menu-name-match

Return t if NAME is the name of menu item ITEM.
NAME can be either a string, or a symbol.
ITEM should be a keymap binding of the form (KEY . MENU-ITEM).

Function: x-dnd-maybe-call-test-function

Call `x-dnd-test-function' if something has changed.
WINDOW is the window the mouse is over. ACTION is the suggested
action from the source. If nothing has changed, return the last
action and type we got from `x-dnd-test-function'.

Function: ebnf-print-file

Generate and print a PostScript syntactic chart image of the file FILE.

If optional arg DO-NOT-KILL-BUFFER-WHEN-DONE is non-nil, the buffer isn't
killed after process termination.

See also `ebnf-print-buffer'.


Function: glyph-char

Return the character of glyph code GLYPH.

Function: customize-create-theme

Create or edit a custom theme.
THEME, if non-nil, should be an existing theme to edit. If THEME
is `user', the resulting *Custom Theme* buffer also contains a
checkbox for removing the theme settings specified in the buffer
from the Custom save file.
BUFFER, if non-nil, should be a buffer to use; the default is
named *Custom Theme*.
(fn &optional THEME BUFFER)

Function: float-time

Return the current time, as a float number of seconds since the epoch.
If SPECIFIED-TIME is given, it is the time to convert to float
instead of the current time. The argument should have the form
you can use times from `current-time' and from `file-attributes'.
SPECIFIED-TIME can also have the form (HIGH . LOW), but this is
considered obsolete.

WARNING: Since the result is floating point, it may not be exact.
If precise time stamps are required, use either `current-time',
or (if you need time as a string) `format-time-string'. (fn &optional SPECIFIED-TIME)

Function: set-charset-plist

Set CHARSET's property list to PLIST.


Variable: byte-constant

Byte code opcode for reference to a constant.

Function: eieio-perform-slot-validation-for-default

For SLOT, signal if SPEC does not match VALUE.
If SKIPNIL is non-nil, then if VALUE is nil return t instead.

Variable: shell-dirstack

List of directories saved by pushd in this buffer's shell.
Thus, this does not include the shell's current directory.

Function: package-menu-quick-help

Show short key binding help for package-menu-mode.

Function: vc-sccs-search-project-dir

Return the name of a master file in the SCCS project directory.
Does not check whether the file exists but returns nil if it does not
find any project directory.

Function: ifconfig

Run ifconfig and display diagnostic output.


Function: some

Return true if PREDICATE is true of any element of SEQ or SEQs.
If so, return the true (non-nil) value returned by PREDICATE.


Function: url-queue-retrieve

Retrieve URL asynchronously and call CALLBACK with CBARGS when finished.
This is like `url-retrieve' (which see for details of the arguments),
but with limits on the degree of parallelism. The variable
`url-queue-parallel-processes' sets the number of concurrent processes.
The variable `url-queue-timeout' sets a timeout.


Variable: replace-lax-whitespace

Non-nil means `query-replace' matches a sequence of whitespace chars.
When you enter a space or spaces in the strings to be replaced,
it will match any sequence matched by the regexp `search-whitespace-regexp'.

Function: sendmail-query-once

Query for `send-mail-function' and send mail with it.
This also saves the value of `send-mail-function' via Customize.

Function: ibuffer-other-window

Like `ibuffer', but displayed in another window by default.
If optional argument FILES-ONLY is non-nil, then add a filter for
buffers which are visiting a file.

(fn &optional FILES-ONLY)

Function: macroexp-copyable-p

Return non-nil if EXP can be copied without extra cost.

(fn EXP)

Function: package-menu-view-commentary

Describe the current package.
If optional arg BUTTON is non-nil, describe its associated package.

Variable: imenu-extract-index-name-function

Function for extracting the index item name, given a position.

This function is called after `imenu-prev-index-position-function'
finds a position for an index item, with point at that position.
It should return the name for that index item.

Function: outlineify-sticky

Activate outline mode and establish file var so it is started subsequently.

See `allout-layout' and customization of `allout-auto-activation'
for details on preparing Emacs for automatic allout activation.

(fn &optional ARG)

Variable: underline-minimum-offset

Minimum distance between baseline and underline.
This can improve legibility of underlined text at small font sizes,
particularly when using variable `x-use-underline-position-properties'
with fonts that specify an UNDERLINE_POSITION relatively close to the
baseline. The default value is 1.

Function: delete-and-extract-region

Delete the text between START and END and return it.


Variable: help-form

Form to execute when character `help-char' is read.
If the form returns a string, that string is displayed.
If `help-form' is nil, the help char is not recognized.

Function: byte-compile-make-variable-buffer-local

(fn FORM)

Function: ansi-color-apply-overlay-face

Make an overlay from BEG to END, and apply face FACE.
If FACE is nil, do nothing.

Function: html-autoview-mode

Toggle viewing of HTML files on save (HTML Autoview mode).
With a prefix argument ARG, enable HTML Autoview mode if ARG is
positive, and disable it otherwise. If called from Lisp, enable
the mode if ARG is omitted or nil.

HTML Autoview mode is a buffer-local minor mode for use with
`html-mode'. If enabled, saving the file automatically runs
`browse-url-of-buffer' to view it.

Variable: html-autoview-mode

Non-nil if Html-Autoview mode is enabled.
Use the command `html-autoview-mode' to change this variable.

Function: imagemagick-filter-types

Return a list of the ImageMagick types to be treated as images, or nil.
This is the result of `imagemagick-types', including only elements
that match `imagemagick-enabled-types' and do not match

Function: put-char-code-property

Store CHAR's PROPNAME property with VALUE.
It can be retrieved with `(get-char-code-property CHAR PROPNAME)'.

Function: pr-ps-utility

Interactively select a PostScript utility.


Function: pascal-mode

Major mode for editing Pascal code.
Uses keymap `pascal-mode-map', which is not currently defined.

TAB indents for Pascal code. Delete converts tabs to spaces as it moves back.

M-x completion-at-point completes the word around current point with respect to position in code
M-x completion-help-at-point shows all possible completions at this point.

Other useful functions are:

M-x pascal-mark-defun - Mark function.
M-x pascal-insert-block - insert begin ... end;
M-x pascal-star-comment - insert (* ... *)
M-x pascal-comment-area - Put marked area in a comment, fixing nested comments.
M-x pascal-uncomment-area - Uncomment an area commented with M-x pascal-comment-area.
M-x pascal-beg-of-defun - Move to beginning of current function.
M-x pascal-end-of-defun - Move to end of current function.
M-x pascal-goto-defun - Goto function prompted for in the minibuffer.
M-x pascal-outline-mode - Enter `pascal-outline-mode'.

Variables controlling indentation/edit style:

`pascal-indent-level' (default 3)
Indentation of Pascal statements with respect to containing block.
`pascal-case-indent' (default 2)
Indentation for case statements.
`pascal-auto-newline' (default nil)
Non-nil means automatically newline after semicolons and the punctuation
mark after an end.
`pascal-indent-nested-functions' (default t)
Non-nil means nested functions are indented.
`pascal-tab-always-indent' (default t)
Non-nil means TAB in Pascal mode should always reindent the current line,
regardless of where in the line point is when the TAB command is used.
`pascal-auto-endcomments' (default t)
Non-nil means a comment { ... } is set after the ends which ends cases and
functions. The name of the function or case will be set between the braces.
`pascal-auto-lineup' (default t)
List of contexts where auto lineup of :'s or ='s should be done.

See also the user variables `pascal-type-keywords', `pascal-start-keywords' and `pascal-separator-keywords'. Turning on Pascal mode calls the value of the variable pascal-mode-hook with no args, if that value is non-nil. (fn)

Function: enlarge-window

Make the selected window DELTA lines taller.
Interactively, if no argument is given, make the selected window
one line taller. If optional argument HORIZONTAL is non-nil,
make selected window wider by DELTA columns. If DELTA is
negative, shrink selected window by -DELTA lines or columns.

Function: gnutls-errorp

Return t if ERROR indicates a GnuTLS problem.
ERROR is an integer or a symbol with an integer `gnutls-code' property.

(fn ERROR)

Function: package-menu-describe-package

Describe the current package.
If optional arg BUTTON is non-nil, describe its associated package.

Function: nsublis

Perform substitutions indicated by ALIST in TREE (destructively).
Any matching element of TREE is changed via a call to `setcar'.

Keywords supported: :test :test-not :key


Function: fill-french-nobreak-p

Return nil if French style allows breaking the line at point.
This is used in `fill-nobreak-predicate' to prevent breaking lines just
after an opening paren or just before a closing paren or a punctuation
mark such as `?' or `:'. It is common in French writing to put a space
at such places, which would normally allow breaking the line at those places.

Function: menu-bar-showhide-fringe-menu-customize-left

Display fringes only on the left of each window.

Function: ucs-normalize-HFS-NFD-string

Normalize the string STR by the Unicode NFD and Mac OS's HFS Plus.

(fn STR)

Function: custom-theme-enabled-p

Return non-nil if THEME is enabled.

Function: apropos-internal

Show all symbols whose names contain match for REGEXP.
If optional 2nd arg PREDICATE is non-nil, (funcall PREDICATE SYMBOL) is done
for each symbol and a symbol is mentioned only if that returns non-nil.
Return list of symbols found.

(fn REGEXP &optional PREDICATE)

Function: window-combination-limit

Return combination limit of window WINDOW.
If the return value is nil, child windows of WINDOW can be recombined
with WINDOW's siblings. A return value of t means that child windows of
WINDOW are never (re-)combined with WINDOW's siblings.

WINDOW must be a valid window. The return value is meaningful for
internal windows only. (fn WINDOW)

Variable: window-combination-limit

If non-nil, splitting a window makes a new parent window.
The following values are recognized:

nil means splitting a window will create a new parent window only if the
window has no parent window or the window shall become part of a
combination orthogonal to the one it is part of.

`window-size' means that splitting a window for displaying a buffer
makes a new parent window provided `display-buffer' is supposed to
explicitly set the window's size due to the presence of a
`window-height' or `window-width' entry in the alist used by
`display-buffer'. Otherwise, this value is handled like nil.

`temp-buffer' means that splitting a window for displaying a temporary
buffer always makes a new parent window. Otherwise, this value is
handled like nil.

`display-buffer' means that splitting a window for displaying a buffer
always makes a new parent window. Since temporary buffers are
displayed by the function `display-buffer', this value is stronger
than `temp-buffer'. Splitting a window for other purpose makes a
new parent window only if needed.

t means that splitting a window always creates a new parent window. If
all splits behave this way, each frame's window tree is a binary
tree and every window but the frame's root window has exactly one sibling. Other values are reserved for future use.

Function: recode-file-name

Change the encoding of FILE's name from CODING to NEW-CODING.
The value is a new name of FILE.
Signals a `file-already-exists' error if a file of the new name
already exists unless optional fourth argument OK-IF-ALREADY-EXISTS
is non-nil. A number as fourth arg means request confirmation if
the new name already exists. This is what happens in interactive use with M-x.

Function: temp-buffer-window-setup

Set up temporary buffer specified by BUFFER-OR-NAME.
Return the buffer.

Function: map-keymap-internal

Call FUNCTION once for each event binding in KEYMAP.
FUNCTION is called with two arguments: the event that is bound, and
the definition it is bound to. The event may be a character range.
If KEYMAP has a parent, this function returns it without processing it.


Function: vc-default-mode-line-string

Return a string for `vc-mode-line' to put in the mode line for FILE.

"BACKEND-REV" if the file is up-to-date
"BACKEND:REV" if the file is edited (or locked by the calling user)
"BACKEND:LOCKER:REV" if the file is locked by somebody else
"BACKEND@REV" if the file was locally added
"BACKEND!REV" if the file contains conflicts or was removed
"BACKEND?REV" if the file is under VC, but is missing

This function assumes that the file is registered.

Function: cookie

Return a random phrase from PHRASE-FILE.
When the phrase file is read in, display STARTMSG at the beginning
of load, ENDMSG at the end.


Function: Info-next-reference

Move cursor to the next cross-reference or menu item in the node.

Function: visual-line-mode

Toggle visual line based editing (Visual Line mode).
With a prefix argument ARG, enable Visual Line mode if ARG is
positive, and disable it otherwise. If called from Lisp, enable
the mode if ARG is omitted or nil.

When Visual Line mode is enabled, `word-wrap' is turned on in
this buffer, and simple editing commands are redefined to act on
visual lines, not logical lines. See Info node `Visual Line Mode' for details.

Variable: visual-line-mode

Non-nil if Visual-Line mode is enabled.
Use the command `visual-line-mode' to change this variable.

Function: vc-print-root-log

List the change log for the current VC controlled tree in a window.
If LIMIT is non-nil, it should be a number specifying the maximum
number of revisions to show; the default is `vc-log-show-limit'.
When called interactively with a prefix argument, prompt for LIMIT.

(fn &optional LIMIT)

Function: rot13-region

ROT13 encrypt the region between START and END in current buffer.


Function: pr-customize

Customization of the `printing' group.

(fn &rest IGNORE)

Function: gnus-sorted-intersection

Return intersection of LIST1 and LIST2.
LIST1 and LIST2 have to be sorted over <.

(fn LIST1 LIST2)

Function: ediff-current-file

Start ediff between current buffer and its file on disk.
This command can be used instead of `revert-buffer'. If there is
nothing to revert then this command fails. (fn)

Function: help-setup-xref

Invoked from commands using the "*Help*" buffer to install some xref info.

ITEM is a (FUNCTION . ARGS) pair appropriate for recreating the help
buffer after following a reference. INTERACTIVE-P is non-nil if the
calling command was invoked interactively. In this case the stack of
items for help buffer "back" buttons is cleared.

This should be called very early, before the output buffer is cleared,
because we want to record the "previous" position of point so we can
restore it properly when going back.

Function: mail-mode

Major mode for editing mail to be sent.
Like Text Mode but with these additional commands:

M-x mail-send mail-send (send the message)
M-x mail-send-and-exit mail-send-and-exit (send the message and exit)

Here are commands that move to a header field (and create it if there isn't):
M-x mail-to move to To: M-x mail-subject move to Subj:
M-x mail-bcc move to BCC: M-x mail-cc move to CC:
M-x mail-fcc move to FCC: M-x mail-reply-to move to Reply-To:
M-x mail-mail-reply-to move to Mail-Reply-To:
M-x mail-mail-followup-to move to Mail-Followup-To:
M-x mail-text move to message text.
M-x mail-signature mail-signature (insert `mail-signature-file' file).
M-x mail-yank-original mail-yank-original (insert current message, in Rmail).
M-x mail-fill-yanked-message mail-fill-yanked-message (fill what was yanked).
M-x mail-insert-file insert a text file into the message.
M-x mail-add-attachment attach to the message a file as binary attachment.
Turning on Mail mode runs the normal hooks `text-mode-hook' and `mail-mode-hook' (in that order). (fn)

Function: combine-after-change-execute

This function is for use internally in `combine-after-change-calls'.


Function: menu-bar-positive-p

Return non-nil iff VAL is a positive number.

Function: filter-buffer-substring

Return the buffer substring between BEG and END, after filtering.
The wrapper hook `filter-buffer-substring-functions' performs
the actual filtering. The obsolete variable `buffer-substring-filters'
is also consulted. If both of these are nil, no filtering is done.

If DELETE is non-nil, the text between BEG and END is deleted
from the buffer.

This function should be used instead of `buffer-substring',
`buffer-substring-no-properties', or `delete-and-extract-region'
when you want to allow filtering to take place. For example,
major or minor modes can use `filter-buffer-substring-functions' to
extract characters that are special to a buffer, and should not be copied into other buffers.

Function: gnus-add-to-sorted-list

Add NUM into sorted LIST by side effect.


Function: epatch-buffer

Run Ediff by patching the buffer specified at prompt.
Without the optional prefix ARG, asks if the patch is in some buffer and
prompts for the buffer or a file, depending on the answer.
With ARG=1, assumes the patch is in a file and prompts for the file.
With ARG=2, assumes the patch is in a buffer and prompts for the buffer.
PATCH-BUF is an optional argument, which specifies the buffer that contains the
patch. If not given, the user is prompted according to the prefix argument.

(fn &optional ARG PATCH-BUF)

Variable: comment-start

String to insert to start a new comment, or nil if no comment syntax.

Function: x-display-pixel-width

Return the width in pixels of the X display TERMINAL.
The optional argument TERMINAL specifies which display to ask about.
TERMINAL should be a terminal object, a frame or a display name (a string).
If omitted or nil, that stands for the selected frame's display.

(fn &optional TERMINAL)

Function: mm-mule-charset-to-mime-charset

Return the MIME charset corresponding to the given Mule CHARSET.

Variable: display-time-load-average-threshold

Load-average values below this value won't be shown in the mode line.

Variable: mouse-scroll-delay

The pause between scroll steps caused by mouse drags, in seconds.
If you drag the mouse beyond the edge of a window, Emacs scrolls the
window to bring the text beyond that edge into view, with a delay of
this many seconds between scroll steps. Scrolling stops when you move
the mouse back into the window, or release the button.
This variable's value may be non-integral.
Setting this to zero causes Emacs to scroll as fast as it can.

Function: url-tn3270

(fn URL)

Function: days-to-time

Convert DAYS into a time value.

Variable: after-change-major-mode-hook

Normal hook run at the very end of major mode functions.

Function: documentation

Return the documentation string of FUNCTION.
Unless a non-nil second argument RAW is given, the
string is passed through `substitute-command-keys'.

(fn FUNCTION &optional RAW)

Variable: help-forward-label

Label to use by `help-make-xrefs' for the go-forward reference.

Variable: query-replace-interactive

Non-nil means `query-replace' uses the last search string.
That becomes the "string to replace".

Variable: query-replace-history

Default history list for query-replace commands.
See `query-replace-from-history-variable' and

Variable: tibetan-regexp

Regexp matching a Tibetan transcription of a composable Tibetan sequence.
The result of matching is to be used for indexing alists at conversion
from a roman transcription to the corresponding Tibetan character.

Function: cua-mode

Toggle Common User Access style editing (CUA mode).
With a prefix argument ARG, enable CUA mode if ARG is positive,
and disable it otherwise. If called from Lisp, enable the mode
if ARG is omitted or nil.

CUA mode is a global minor mode. When enabled, typed text
replaces the active selection, and you can use C-z, C-x, C-c, and
C-v to undo, cut, copy, and paste in addition to the normal Emacs
bindings. The C-x and C-c keys only do cut and copy when the
region is active, so in most cases, they do not conflict with the
normal function of these prefix keys.

If you really need to perform a command which starts with one of
the prefix keys even when the region is active, you have three
- press the prefix key twice very quickly (within 0.2 seconds),
- press the prefix key and the following key within 0.2 seconds, or
- use the SHIFT key with the prefix key, i.e. C-S-x or C-S-c.

You can customize `cua-enable-cua-keys' to completely disable the
CUA bindings, or `cua-prefix-override-inhibit-delay' to change
the prefix fallback behavior.

CUA mode manages Transient Mark mode internally. Trying to disable
Transient Mark mode while CUA mode is enabled does not work; if you
only want to highlight the region when it is selected using a shifted movement key, set `cua-highlight-region-shift-only'. (fn &optional ARG)

Variable: cua-mode

Non-nil if Cua mode is enabled.
See the command `cua-mode' for a description of this minor mode.
Setting this variable directly does not take effect;
either customize it (see the info node `Easy Customization')
or call the function `cua-mode'.

Variable: same-window-buffer-names

List of names of buffers that should appear in the "same" window.
`display-buffer' and `pop-to-buffer' show a buffer whose name is
on this list in the selected rather than some other window.

An element of this list can be a cons cell instead of just a
string. In that case, the cell's car must be a string specifying
the buffer name. This is for compatibility with
`special-display-buffer-names'; the cdr of the cons cell is
See also `same-window-regexps'.

Function: process-kill-buffer-query-function

Ask before killing a buffer that has a running process.

Variable: xft-settings

Font settings applied to Xft.

Variable: font-encoding-charset-alist

Alist of charsets vs the charsets to determine the preferred font encoding.
Each element looks like (CHARSET . ENCODING-CHARSET),
where ENCODING-CHARSET is a charset registered in the variable
`font-encoding-alist' as ENCODING.

When a text has a property `charset' and the value is CHARSET, a font
whose encoding corresponds to ENCODING-CHARSET is preferred.

Variable: sh-learned-buffer-hook

An abnormal hook, called with an alist of learned variables.

Function: Info-copy-current-node-name

Put the name of the current Info node into the kill ring.
The name of the Info file is prepended to the node name in parentheses.
With a zero prefix arg, put the name inside a function call to `info'.

Function: debugger-continue

Continue, evaluating this expression without stopping.

Function: phases-of-moon

Display the quarters of the moon for last month, this month, and next month.
If called with an optional prefix argument ARG, prompts for month and year.
This function is suitable for execution in an init file.

(fn &optional ARG)

Function: bookmark-delete

Delete BOOKMARK-NAME from the bookmark list.

Removes only the first instance of a bookmark with that name. If
there are one or more other bookmarks with the same name, they will
not be deleted. Defaults to the "current" bookmark (that is, the
one most recently used in this file, if any).
Optional second arg BATCH means don't update the bookmark list buffer,
probably because we were called from there.

(fn BOOKMARK-NAME &optional BATCH)

Variable: jka-compr-load-suffixes

List of compression related suffixes to try when loading files.
Enabling Auto Compression mode appends this list to `load-file-rep-suffixes',
which see. Disabling Auto Compression mode removes all suffixes
from `load-file-rep-suffixes' that enabling added.

If you set this outside Custom while Auto Compression mode is
already enabled (as it is by default), you have to call
`jka-compr-update' after setting it to properly update other
variables. Setting this through Custom does that automatically.

Function: buffer-live-p

Return non-nil if OBJECT is a buffer which has not been killed.
Value is nil if OBJECT is not a buffer or if it has been killed.


Function: file-writable-p

Return t if file FILENAME can be written or created by you.


Variable: vc-git-log-edit-mode-map

Keymap for `vc-git-log-edit-mode'.

Function: set-mouse-color

Set the color of the mouse pointer of the selected frame to COLOR-NAME.
When called interactively, prompt for the name of the color to use.
To get the frame's current mouse color, use `frame-parameters'.

Function: string-to-list

Return a list of characters in STRING.

Function: mail-add-payment

Add X-Payment: and X-Hashcash: headers with a hashcash payment
for each recipient address. Prefix arg sets default payment temporarily.
Set ASYNC to t to start asynchronous calculation. (See

(fn &optional ARG ASYNC)

Function: display-buffer-in-major-side-window

Display BUFFER in a new window on SIDE of the selected frame.
SIDE must be one of `left', `top', `right' or `bottom'. SLOT
specifies the slot to use. ALIST is an association list of
symbols and values as passed to `display-buffer-in-side-window'.
This function may be called only if no window on SIDE exists yet.
The new window automatically becomes the "major" side window on
SIDE. Return the new window, nil if its creation window failed.

Variable: eieio-generic-call-arglst

When using `call-next-method', provides a context for parameters.

Function: password-reset

Clear the password cache.

Function: text-mode-hook-identify

Mark that this mode has run `text-mode-hook'.
This is how `toggle-text-mode-auto-fill' knows which buffers to operate on.

Variable: ispell-skip-region-alist

Alist expressing beginning and end of regions not to spell check.
The alist key must be a regular expression.
Valid forms include:
(KEY) - just skip the key.
(KEY . REGEXP) - skip to the end of REGEXP. REGEXP may be string or symbol.
(KEY REGEXP) - skip to end of REGEXP. REGEXP must be a string.
(KEY FUNCTION ARGS) - FUNCTION called with ARGS returns end of region.

Function: highlight-compare-buffers

Compare two buffers and highlight the differences.

The default is the current buffer and the one in the next window.

If either buffer is modified and is visiting a file, you are prompted
to save the file.

Unless the buffer is unmodified and visiting a file, the buffer is
written to a temporary file for comparison.

If a buffer is read-only, differences will be highlighted but no property
changes are made, so M-x highlight-changes-next-change and
M-x highlight-changes-previous-change will not work. (fn BUF-A BUF-B)

Function: global-key-binding

Return the binding for command KEYS in current global keymap only.
KEYS is a string or vector, a sequence of keystrokes.
The binding is probably a symbol with a function definition.
This function's return values are the same as those of `lookup-key'
(which see).

If optional argument ACCEPT-DEFAULT is non-nil, recognize default
bindings; see the description of `lookup-key' for more details about this.

(fn KEYS &optional ACCEPT-DEFAULT)

Function: xterm-rgb-convert-to-16bit

Convert an 8-bit primary color value PRIM to a corresponding 16-bit value.

Function: isearch-repeat-forward

Repeat incremental search forwards.

Function: font-lock-fontify-syntactic-keywords-region

Fontify according to `font-lock-syntactic-keywords' between START and END.
START should be at the beginning of a line.

Function: org-agenda-list

Produce a daily/weekly view from all files in variable `org-agenda-files'.
The view will be for the current day or week, but from the overview buffer
you will be able to go to other days/weeks.

With a numeric prefix argument in an interactive call, the agenda will
span ARG days. Lisp programs should instead specify SPAN to change
the number of days. SPAN defaults to `org-agenda-span'.

START-DAY defaults to TODAY, or to the most recent match for the weekday
given in `org-agenda-start-on-weekday'. (fn &optional ARG START-DAY SPAN)

Function: put-charset-property

Set CHARSETS's PROPNAME property to value VALUE.
It can be retrieved with `(get-charset-property CHARSET PROPNAME)'.

Variable: mode-line-mode-menu

Menu of mode operations in the mode line.

Function: listify-key-sequence

Convert a key sequence to a list of events.

Function: match-beginning

Return position of start of text matched by last search.
SUBEXP, a number, specifies which parenthesized expression in the last
Value is nil if SUBEXPth pair didn't match, or there were less than
SUBEXP pairs.
Zero means the entire text matched by the whole regexp or whole string. (fn SUBEXP)

Function: custom-theme-set-faces

Initialize faces for theme THEME.
The arguments should be a list where each entry has the form:


SPEC is stored as the saved value for FACE, as well as the value for the
`user' theme. The `user' theme is one of the default themes known to Emacs.
See `custom-known-themes' for more information on the known themes.
See `custom-theme-set-faces' for more information on the interplay
between themes and faces.
See `defface' for the format of SPEC.

If NOW is present and non-nil, FACE is created now, according to SPEC.
COMMENT is a string comment about FACE.

Several properties of THEME and FACE are used in the process:

If THEME property `theme-immediate' is non-nil, this is equivalent of
providing the NOW argument to all faces in the argument list: FACE is
created now. The only difference is FACE property `force-face': if NOW
is non-nil, FACE property `force-face' is set to the symbol `rogue', else
if THEME property `theme-immediate' is non-nil, FACE property `force-face'
is set to the symbol `immediate'.

SPEC itself is saved in FACE property `saved-face' and it is stored in FACE's list property `theme-face' (using `custom-push-theme').

Function: frame-current-scroll-bars

Return the current scroll-bar settings in frame FRAME.
Value is a cons (VERTICAL . HORIZ0NTAL) where VERTICAL specifies the
current location of the vertical scroll-bars (left, right, or nil),
and HORIZONTAL specifies the current location of the horizontal scroll
bars (top, bottom, or nil).

Function: ctext-pre-write-conversion

Encode characters between FROM and TO as Compound Text w/Extended Segments.

If FROM is a string, generate a new temp buffer, insert the text,
and convert it in the temporary buffer. Otherwise, convert in-place.

Variable: operating-system-release

The release of the operating system Emacs is running on.

Variable: function-key-map

The parent keymap of all `local-function-key-map' instances.
Function key definitions that apply to all terminal devices should go
here. If a mapping is defined in both the current
`local-function-key-map' binding and this variable, then the local
definition will take precedence.

Variable: special-event-map

Keymap defining bindings for special events to execute at low level.

Variable: url-proxy-services

An alist of schemes and proxy servers that gateway them.
Looks like (("http" . "hostname:portnumber") ...). This is set up
from the ACCESS_proxy environment variables.

Function: set-register

Set contents of Emacs register named REGISTER to VALUE. Returns VALUE.
See the documentation of the variable `register-alist' for possible VALUEs.

Function: isearch-yank-internal

Pull the text from point to the point reached by JUMPFORM.
JUMPFORM is a lambda expression that takes no arguments and returns
a buffer position, possibly having moved point to that position.
For example, it might move point forward by a word and return point,
or it might return the position of the end of the line.

Variable: printer-name

The name of a local printer to which data is sent for printing.
(Note that PostScript files are sent to `ps-printer-name', which see.)

On Unix-like systems, a string value should be a name understood by
lpr's -P option; otherwise the value should be nil.

On MS-DOS and MS-Windows systems, a string value is taken as the name of
a printer device or port, provided `lpr-command' is set to "".
Typical non-default settings would be "LPT1" to "LPT3" for parallel
printers, or "COM1" to "COM4" or "AUX" for serial printers, or
"//hostname/printer" for a shared network printer. You can also set
it to the name of a file, in which case the output gets appended to that
file. If you want to discard the printed output, set this to "NUL".

Function: image-dired-dired-display-external

Display file at point using an external viewer.


Function: help-at-pt-kbd-string

Return the keyboard help string at point.
If the `kbd-help' text or overlay property at point produces a
string, return it. Otherwise, use the `help-echo' property.
If this produces no string either, return nil. (fn)

Function: unencodable-char-position

Return position of first un-encodable character in a region.
START and END specify the region and CODING-SYSTEM specifies the
encoding to check. Return nil if CODING-SYSTEM does encode the region.

If optional 4th argument COUNT is non-nil, it specifies at most how
many un-encodable characters to search. In this case, the value is a
list of positions.

If optional 5th argument STRING is non-nil, it is a string to search
for un-encodable characters. In that case, START and END are indexes
to the string.


Variable: auto-save-visited-file-name

Non-nil says auto-save a buffer in the file it is visiting, when practical.
Normally auto-save files are written under other names.

Variable: sh-popup-occur-buffer

Controls when `sh-learn-buffer-indent' pops the `*indent*' buffer.
If t it is always shown. If nil, it is shown only when there
are conflicts.

Function: shell--unquote&requote-argument

(fn QSTR &optional UPOS)

Variable: shell-input-autoexpand

If non-nil, expand input command history references on completion.
This mirrors the optional behavior of tcsh (its autoexpand and histlit).

If the value is `input', then the expansion is seen on input.
If the value is `history', then the expansion is only when inserting
into the buffer's input ring. See also `comint-magic-space' and

This variable supplies a default for `comint-input-autoexpand', for Shell mode only.

Function: cl-remove-duplicates

Return a copy of SEQ with all duplicate elements removed.

Keywords supported: :test :test-not :key :start :end :from-end


Function: syntax-ppss-stats


Variable: window-system-default-frame-alist

Window-system dependent default frame parameters.
The value should be an alist of elements (WINDOW-SYSTEM . ALIST),
where WINDOW-SYSTEM is a window system symbol (see `window-system')
and ALIST is a frame parameter alist like `default-frame-alist'.
Then, for frames on WINDOW-SYSTEM, any parameters specified in
ALIST supersede the corresponding parameters specified in

Function: buffer-face-set

Enable `buffer-face-mode', using face specs SPECS.
Each argument in SPECS should be a face, i.e. either a face name
or a property list of face attributes and values. If more than
one face is listed, that specifies an aggregate face, like in a
`face' text property. If SPECS is nil or omitted, disable

This function makes the variable `buffer-face-mode-face' buffer
local, and sets it to FACE. (fn &rest SPECS)

Variable: local-abbrev-table

Local (mode-specific) abbrev table of current buffer.

Variable: font-lock-keywords-only

Non-nil means Font Lock should not fontify comments or strings.
This is normally set via `font-lock-defaults'.

Function: gv--defun-declaration


Function: ebrowse-tags-view-definition

View definition of member at point.


Function: derived-mode-init-mode-variables

Initialize variables for a new MODE.
Right now, if they don't already exist, set up a blank keymap, an
empty syntax table, and an empty abbrev table -- these will be merged
the first time the mode is used. (fn MODE)

Function: delete-rectangle

Delete (don't save) text in the region-rectangle.
The same range of columns is deleted in each line starting with the
line where the region begins and ending with the line where the region

When called from a program the rectangle's corners are START and END.
With a prefix (or a FILL) argument, also fill lines where nothing has
to be deleted.
(fn START END &optional FILL)

Function: byte-optimize-funcall

(fn FORM)

Function: comint-dynamic-complete-as-filename

Dynamically complete at point as a filename.
See `comint-dynamic-complete-filename'. Returns t if successful.

Variable: comment-style

Style to be used for `comment-region'.
See `comment-styles' for a list of available styles.

Variable: mail-encode-mml

If non-nil, mail-user-agent's `sendfunc' command should mml-encode
the outgoing message before sending it.

Function: yow

Return or display a random Zippy quotation. With prefix arg, insert it.

(fn &optional INSERT DISPLAY)

Function: find-tag-other-frame

Find tag (in current tags table) whose name contains TAGNAME.
Select the buffer containing the tag's definition in another frame, and
move point there. The default for TAGNAME is the expression in the buffer
around or before point.

If second arg NEXT-P is t (interactively, with prefix arg), search for
another tag that matches the last tagname or regexp used. When there are
multiple matches for a tag, more exact matches are found first. If NEXT-P
is negative (interactively, with prefix arg that is a negative number or
just M--), pop back to the previous tag gone to.

If third arg REGEXP-P is non-nil, treat TAGNAME as a regexp.

A marker representing the point when this command is invoked is pushed
onto a ring and may be popped back to with M-*.
Contrast this with the ring of marks gone to by the command.

See documentation of variable `tags-file-name'. (fn TAGNAME &optional NEXT-P)

Function: doc-view-bookmark-jump

(fn BMK)

Variable: directory-listing-before-filename-regexp

Regular expression to match up to the file name in a directory listing.
The default value is designed to recognize dates and times
regardless of the language.

Function: kill-buffer-and-window

Kill the current buffer and delete the selected window.

Function: sgml-xml-auto-coding-function

Determine whether the buffer is XML, and if so, its encoding.
This function is intended to be added to `auto-coding-functions'.

Variable: overlay-arrow-variable-list

List of variables (symbols) which hold markers for overlay arrows.
The symbols on this list are examined during redisplay to determine
where to display overlay arrows.

Function: Info-toc-find-node

Toc-specific implementation of `Info-find-node-2'.

Function: image-jpeg-p

Value is non-nil if DATA, a string, consists of JFIF image data.
We accept the tag Exif because that is the same format.

Function: kill-append

Append STRING to the end of the latest kill in the kill ring.
If BEFORE-P is non-nil, prepend STRING to the kill.
If `interprogram-cut-function' is set, pass the resulting kill to it.

Function: table-release

Convert a table into plain text by removing the frame from a table.
Remove the frame from a table and deactivate the table. This command
converts a table into plain text without frames. It is a companion to
`table-capture' which does the opposite process. (fn)

Function: pp-to-string

Return a string containing the pretty-printed representation of OBJECT.
OBJECT can be any Lisp object. Quoting characters are used as needed
to make output that `read' can handle, whenever this is possible.

Function: makefile-mode

Major mode for editing standard Makefiles.

If you are editing a file for a different make, try one of the
variants `makefile-automake-mode', `makefile-gmake-mode',
`makefile-makepp-mode', `makefile-bsdmake-mode' or,
`makefile-imake-mode'. All but the last should be correctly
chosen based on the file name, except if it is *.mk. This
function ends by invoking the function(s) `makefile-mode-hook'.

It is strongly recommended to use `font-lock-mode', because that
provides additional parsing information. This is used for
example to see that a rule action `echo foo: bar' is a not rule
dependency, despite the colon.

Uses keymap `makefile-mode-map', which is not currently defined.

In the browser, use the following keys:

Uses keymap `makefile-browser-map', which is not currently defined.

Makefile mode can be configured by modifying the following variables:

Name of the macro- and target browser buffer.

The string that gets appended to all target names
inserted by `makefile-insert-target'.
":" or "::" are quite common values.

The string that gets appended to all macro names
inserted by `makefile-insert-macro'.
The normal value should be " = ", since this is what
standard make expects. However, newer makes such as dmake
allow a larger variety of different macro assignments, so you
might prefer to use " += " or " := " .

If you want a TAB (instead of a space) to be appended after the
target colon, then set this to a non-nil value.

Number of blanks to the left of the browser selection mark.

Column in which the cursor is positioned when it moves
up or down in the browser.

String used to mark selected entries in the browser.

String used to mark unselected entries in the browser.

If this variable is set to a non-nil value the cursor
will automagically advance to the next line after an item
has been selected in the browser.

If this variable is set to a non-nil value then
`makefile-pickup-everything' also picks up filenames as targets
(i.e. it calls `makefile-pickup-filenames-as-targets'), otherwise
filenames are omitted.

If this variable is set to a non-nil value then Makefile mode
will assure that no line in the file ends with a backslash
(the continuation character) followed by any whitespace.
This is done by silently removing the trailing whitespace, leaving
the backslash itself intact.
IMPORTANT: Please note that enabling this option causes Makefile mode
to MODIFY A FILE WITHOUT YOUR CONFIRMATION when "it seems necessary".

A function or list of functions to be called just before the browser is entered. This is executed in the makefile buffer. `makefile-special-targets-list': List of special targets. You will be offered to complete on one of those in the minibuffer whenever you enter a `.'. at the beginning of a line in Makefile mode. (fn)

Function: ispell

Interactively check a region or buffer for spelling errors.
If `transient-mark-mode' is on, and a region is active, spell-check
that region. Otherwise spell-check the buffer.

Ispell dictionaries are not distributed with Emacs. If you are
looking for a dictionary, please see the distribution of the GNU ispell
program, or do an Internet search; there are various dictionaries
available on the net. (fn)

Function: ediff-directory-revisions

Run Ediff on a directory, DIR1, comparing its files with their revisions.
The second argument, REGEXP, is a regular expression that filters the file
names. Only the files that are under revision control are taken into account.


Function: ebnf-despool

Send the spooled PostScript to the printer.

Interactively, when you use a prefix argument (C-u), the command prompts the
user for a file name, and saves the spooled PostScript image in that file
instead of sending it to the printer.

Noninteractively, the argument FILENAME is treated as follows: if it is nil,
send the image to the printer. If FILENAME is a string, save the PostScript
image in a file with that name. (fn &optional FILENAME)

Function: set-face-italic-p

Specify whether face FACE is italic.
ITALIC-P non-nil means FACE should explicitly display italic.
ITALIC-P nil means FACE should explicitly display non-italic.
FRAME nil or not specified means change face on all frames.
Use `set-face-attribute' or `modify-face' for finer control.

Function: zone

Zone out, completely.


Function: window--subtree

Return window subtree rooted at WINDOW.
Optional argument NEXT non-nil means include WINDOW's right
siblings in the return value.

See the documentation of `window-tree' for a description of the return value.

Function: display-graphic-p

Return non-nil if DISPLAY is a graphic display.
Graphical displays are those which are capable of displaying several
frames and several different fonts at once. This is true for displays
that use a window system such as X, and false for text-only terminals.
DISPLAY can be a display name, a frame, or nil (meaning the selected
frame's display).

Function: file-name-directory

Return the directory component in file name FILENAME.
Return nil if FILENAME does not include a directory.
Otherwise return a directory name.
Given a Unix syntax file name, returns a string ending in slash.

Function: Info-menu-update

Update the Info menu for the current node.

Function: vc-backend

Return the version control type of FILE-OR-LIST, nil if it's not registered.
If the argument is a list, the files must all have the same back end.

Function: mouse-position

Return a list (FRAME X . Y) giving the current mouse frame and position.
The position is given in character cells, where (0, 0) is the
upper-left corner of the frame, X is the horizontal offset, and Y is
the vertical offset.
If Emacs is running on a mouseless terminal or hasn't been programmed
to read the mouse position, it returns the selected frame for FRAME
and nil for X and Y.
If `mouse-position-function' is non-nil, `mouse-position' calls it,
passing the normal return value to that function as an argument,
and returns whatever that function returns. (fn)

Function: tan

Return the tangent of ARG.

(fn ARG)

Function: comint-history-isearch-wrap

Wrap the input history search when search fails.
Move point to the first history element for a forward search,
or to the last history element for a backward search. (fn)

Function: comint-backward-matching-input

Search backward through buffer for input fields that match REGEXP.
If `comint-use-prompt-regexp' is non-nil, then input fields are identified
by lines that match `comint-prompt-regexp'.

With prefix argument N, search for Nth previous match.
If N is negative, find the next or Nth next match. (fn REGEXP N)

Function: cl-do-proclaim


Function: cl--const-expr-p

(fn X)

Function: cl-make-hash-table

Create and return a new hash table.

Arguments are specified as keyword/argument pairs. The following
arguments are defined:

:test TEST -- TEST must be a symbol that specifies how to compare
keys. Default is `eql'. Predefined are the tests `eq', `eql', and
`equal'. User-supplied test and hash functions can be specified via

:size SIZE -- A hint as to how many elements will be put in the table.
Default is 65.

:rehash-size REHASH-SIZE - Indicates how to expand the table when it
fills up. If REHASH-SIZE is an integer, increase the size by that
amount. If it is a float, it must be > 1.0, and the new size is the
old size multiplied by that factor. Default is 1.5.

:rehash-threshold THRESHOLD -- THRESHOLD must a float > 0, and <= 1.0.
Resize the hash table when the ratio (number of entries / table size)
is greater than or equal to THRESHOLD. Default is 0.8.

:weakness WEAK -- WEAK must be one of nil, t, `key', `value',
`key-or-value', or `key-and-value'. If WEAK is not nil, the table
returned is a weak table. Key/value pairs are removed from a weak
hash table when there are no non-weak references pointing to their
key, value, one of key or value, or both key and value, depending on WEAK. WEAK t is equivalent to `key-and-value'. Default value of WEAK is nil. (fn &rest KEYWORD-ARGS)

Function: cl-revappend

Equivalent to (append (reverse X) Y).

(fn X Y)

Variable: isearch-update-post-hook

Function(s) to call after isearch has found matches in the buffer.

Function: reindent-then-newline-and-indent

Reindent current line, insert newline, then indent the new line.
Indentation of both lines is done according to the current major mode,
which means calling the current value of `indent-line-function'.
In programming language modes, this is the same as TAB.
In some text modes, where TAB inserts a tab, this indents to the
column specified by the function `current-left-margin'.

Function: viet-encode-viqr-buffer

Convert Vietnamese characters of the current buffer to `VIQR' mnemonics.


Function: gnus-msg-mail

Start editing a mail message to be sent.
Like `message-mail', but with Gnus paraphernalia, particularly the
Gcc: header for archiving purposes.
If Gnus isn't running, a plain `message-mail' setup is used


Function: cfengine-auto-mode

Choose between `cfengine2-mode' and `cfengine3-mode' depending
on the buffer contents

Function: custom-initialize-reset

Initialize SYMBOL based on VALUE.
Set the symbol, using its `:set' function (or `set-default' if it has none).
The value is either the symbol's current value
(as obtained using the `:get' function), if any,
or the value in the symbol's `saved-value' property if any,
or (last of all) VALUE.

Function: set-charset-priority

Assign higher priority to the charsets given as arguments.

(fn &rest charsets)

Function: x-family-fonts

Return a list of available fonts of family FAMILY on FRAME.
If FAMILY is omitted or nil, list all families.
Otherwise, FAMILY must be a string, possibly containing wildcards
`?' and `*'.
If FRAME is omitted or nil, use the selected frame.
Each element of the result is a vector [FAMILY WIDTH POINT-SIZE WEIGHT
FAMILY is the font family name. POINT-SIZE is the size of the
font in 1/10 pt. WIDTH, WEIGHT, and SLANT are symbols describing the
width, weight and slant of the font. These symbols are the same as for
face attributes. FIXED-P is non-nil if the font is fixed-pitch.
FULL is the full name of the font, and REGISTRY-AND-ENCODING is a string
giving the registry and encoding of the font.
The result list is sorted according to the current setting of
the face font sort order. (fn &optional FAMILY FRAME)

Variable: sgml-tag-alist

Alist of tag names for completing read and insertion rules.
This alist is made up as

(("tag" . TAGRULE)

TAGRULE is a list of optionally t (no endtag) or `\n' (separate endtag by
newlines) or a skeleton with nil, t or `\n' in place of the interactor
followed by an ATTRIBUTERULE (for an always present attribute) or an
attribute alist.

The attribute alist is made up as

(("attribute" . ATTRIBUTERULE)

ATTRIBUTERULE is a list of optionally t (no value when no input) followed by an optional alist of possible values.

Variable: x-alternatives-map

Keymap of possible alternative meanings for some keys.

Function: set-display-table-slot

Set the value of the extra slot in DISPLAY-TABLE named SLOT to VALUE.
SLOT may be a number from 0 to 5 inclusive, or a name (symbol).
Valid symbols are `truncation', `wrap', `escape', `control',
`selective-display', and `vertical-border'.

Function: xw-display-color-p

Internal function called by `display-color-p', which see.

(fn &optional TERMINAL)

Function: set-process-coding-system

Set coding systems of PROCESS to DECODING and ENCODING.
DECODING will be used to decode subprocess output and ENCODING to
encode subprocess input.


Variable: sgml-empty-tags

List of tags whose !ELEMENT definition says EMPTY.

Variable: font-lock-multiline

Whether font-lock should cater to multiline keywords.
If nil, don't try to handle multiline patterns.
If t, always handle multiline patterns.
If `undecided', don't try to handle multiline patterns until you see one.
Major/minor modes can set this variable if they know which option applies.

Variable: process-file-side-effects

Whether a call of `process-file' changes remote files.

By default, this variable is always set to `t', meaning that a
call of `process-file' could potentially change any file on a
remote host. When set to `nil', a file handler could optimize
its behavior with respect to remote file attribute caching.

You should only ever change this variable with a let-binding; never with `setq'.

Variable: imenu-sort-function

The function to use for sorting the index mouse-menu.

Affects only the mouse index menu.

Set this to nil if you don't want any sorting (faster).
The items in the menu are then presented in the order they were found
in the buffer.

Set it to `imenu--sort-by-name' if you want alphabetic sorting.

The function should take two arguments and return t if the first
element should come before the second. The arguments are cons cells;
(NAME . POSITION). Look at `imenu--sort-by-name' for an example.

Function: executable-make-buffer-file-executable-if-script-p

Make file executable according to umask if not already executable.
If file already has any execute bits set at all, do not change existing
file modes.

Variable: default-terminal-coding-system

Default value for the terminal coding system.
This is normally set according to the selected language environment.
See also the command `set-terminal-coding-system'.

Function: rzgrep

Recursively grep for REGEXP in gzipped FILES in tree rooted at DIR.
Like `rgrep' but uses `zgrep' for `grep-program', sets the default
file name to `*.gz', and sets `grep-highlight-matches' to `always'.


Function: conf-ppd-mode

Conf Mode starter for Adobe/CUPS PPD files.
Comments start with `*%' and "assignments" are with `:'.
For details see `conf-mode'. Example:

*% Conf mode font-locks this right with M-x conf-ppd-mode (PPD)

*DefaultTransfer: Null
*Transfer Null.Inverse: "{ 1 exch sub }" (fn)

Function: describe-vector

Insert a description of contents of VECTOR.
This is text showing the elements of vector matched against indices.
DESCRIBER is the output function used; nil means use `princ'.

(fn VECTOR &optional DESCRIBER)

Variable: tooltip-use-echo-area

Use the echo area instead of tooltip frames for help and GUD tooltips.
This variable is obsolete; instead of setting it to t, disable
`tooltip-mode' (which has a similar effect).

Function: isearch-occur

Run `occur' using the last search string as the regexp.
Interactively, REGEXP is constructed using the search string from the
last search command. NLINES has the same meaning as in `occur'.

If the last search command was a word search, REGEXP is computed from
the search words, ignoring punctuation. If the last search
command was a regular expression search, REGEXP is the regular
expression used in that search. If the last search command searched
for a literal string, REGEXP is constructed by quoting all the special characters in that string.

Function: completion--field-metadata


Function: display-buffer-pop-up-frame

Display BUFFER in a new frame.
This works by calling `pop-up-frame-function'. If successful,
return the window used; otherwise return nil.

If ALIST has a non-nil `inhibit-switch-frame' entry, avoid
raising the new frame.

If ALIST has a non-nil `pop-up-frame-parameters' entry, the
corresponding value is an alist of frame parameters to give the new frame.

Function: window-live-p

Return t if OBJECT is a live window and nil otherwise.
A live window is a window that displays a buffer.
Internal windows and deleted windows are not live.

Function: byte-compile-insert-header

Insert a header at the start of OUTBUFFER.
Call from the source buffer.


Function: mouse-drag-mode-line

Change the height of a window by dragging on the mode line.


Function: quickurl

Insert a URL based on LOOKUP.

If not supplied LOOKUP is taken to be the word at point in the current
buffer, this default action can be modified via

(fn &optional LOOKUP)

Function: message-news-other-frame

Start editing a news article to be sent.


Function: debugger-step-through

Proceed, stepping through subexpressions of this expression.
Enter another debugger on next entry to eval, apply or funcall.

Function: assoc*

Find the first item whose car matches ITEM in LIST.

Keywords supported: :test :test-not :key


Function: mouse-drag-track

Track mouse drags by highlighting area between point and cursor.
The region will be defined with mark and point.
DO-MOUSE-DRAG-REGION-POST-PROCESS should only be used by


Function: newsticker-start

Start the newsticker.
Start the timers for display and retrieval. If the newsticker, i.e. the
timers, are running already a warning message is printed unless
Run `newsticker-start-hook' if newsticker was not running already.


Function: japanese-katakana-region

Convert Japanese `hiragana' chars in the region to `katakana' chars.
Optional argument HANKAKU t means to convert to `hankaku katakana' character
of which charset is `japanese-jisx0201-kana'.

(fn FROM TO &optional HANKAKU)

Function: button-at

Return the button at position POS in the current buffer, or nil.
If the button at POS is a text property button, the return value
is a marker pointing to POS.

Function: edebug-basic-spec

Return t if SPEC uses only extant spec symbols.
An extant spec symbol is a symbol that is not a function and has a
`edebug-form-spec' property.
(fn SPEC)

Function: iso-cvt-read-only

Warn that format is read-only.

(fn &rest IGNORE)

Function: set-clipboard-coding-system

Make CODING-SYSTEM used for communicating with other X clients.
When sending or receiving text via cut_buffer, selection, and clipboard,
the text is encoded or decoded by CODING-SYSTEM.

Function: popup-menu-normalize-position

Convert the POSITION to the form which `popup-menu' expects internally.
POSITION can an event, a posn- value, a value having
form ((XOFFSET YOFFSET) WINDOW), or nil.
If nil, the current mouse position is used.

Function: table-split-cell-horizontally

Split current cell horizontally.
Creates a cell on the left and a cell on the right of the current point location.

Function: set-advertised-calling-convention

Set the advertised SIGNATURE of FUNCTION.
This will allow the byte-compiler to warn the programmer when she uses
an obsolete calling convention. WHEN specifies since when the calling
convention was modified.


Function: prin1

Output the printed representation of OBJECT, any Lisp object.
Quoting characters are printed when needed to make output that `read'
can handle, whenever this is possible. For complex objects, the behavior
is controlled by `print-level' and `print-length', which see.

OBJECT is any of the Lisp data types: a number, a string, a symbol,
a list, a buffer, a window, a frame, etc.

A printed representation of an object is text which describes that object.

Optional argument PRINTCHARFUN is the output stream, which can be one
of these:

- a buffer, in which case output is inserted into that buffer at point;
- a marker, in which case output is inserted at marker's position;
- a function, in which case that function is called once for each
character of OBJECT's printed representation;
- a symbol, in which case that symbol's function definition is called; or
- t, in which case the output is displayed in the echo area.

If PRINTCHARFUN is omitted, the value of `standard-output' (which see) is used instead. (fn OBJECT &optional PRINTCHARFUN)

Function: isResolvable

(fn HOST)

Function: describe-function

Display the full documentation of FUNCTION (a symbol).


Function: iso-spanish

Translate net conventions for Spanish to ISO 8859-1.
Translate the region between FROM and TO using the table
Optional arg BUFFER is ignored (for use in `format-alist').

(fn FROM TO &optional BUFFER)

Function: skip-syntax-backward

Move point backward across chars in specified syntax classes.
SYNTAX is a string of syntax code characters.
Stop on reaching a char whose syntax is not in SYNTAX, or at position LIM.
If SYNTAX starts with ^, skip characters whose syntax is NOT in SYNTAX.
This function returns the distance traveled, either zero or negative.

(fn SYNTAX &optional LIM)

Variable: delete-frame-functions

Functions run before deleting a frame.
The functions are run with one arg, the frame to be deleted.
See `delete-frame'.

Note that functions in this list may be called just before the frame is
actually deleted, or some time later (or even both when an earlier function
in `delete-frame-functions' (indirectly) calls `delete-frame' recursively).

Function: vc-git-log-edit-toggle-amend

Toggle whether this will amend the previous commit.
If toggling on, also insert its message into the buffer.

Function: pp-macroexpand-last-sexp

Run `pp-macroexpand-expression' on sexp before point.
With argument, pretty-print output into current buffer.
Ignores leading comment characters.

Variable: face-font-registry-alternatives

Alist of alternative font registry names.
Each element has the form (REGISTRY ALTERNATIVE1 ALTERNATIVE2 ...).
If fonts of registry REGISTRY can be loaded, font selection
tries to find a best matching font among all fonts of registry

Function: match-string

Return string of text matched by last search.
NUM specifies which parenthesized expression in the last regexp.
Value is nil if NUMth pair didn't match, or there were less than NUM pairs.
Zero means the entire text matched by the whole regexp or whole string.
STRING should be given if the last search was by `string-match' on STRING.
If STRING is nil, the current buffer should be the same buffer
the search/match was performed in.

Variable: auth-source-debug

Whether auth-source should log debug messages.

If the value is nil, debug messages are not logged.

If the value is t, debug messages are logged with `message'. In
that case, your authentication data will be in the clear (except
for passwords).

If the value is a function, debug messages are logged by calling
that function using the same arguments as `message'.

Function: byte-compile-warn-obsolete

Warn that SYMBOL (a variable or function) is obsolete.


Variable: Info-file-list-for-emacs

List of Info files that describe Emacs commands.
An element can be a file name, or a list of the form (PREFIX . FILE)
where PREFIX is a name prefix and FILE is the file to look in.
If the element is just a file name, the file name also serves as the prefix.

Variable: Info-current-file-completions

Cached completion list for current Info file.

Function: gnus-plugged

Start Gnus plugged.


Function: ediff-patch-file

Query for a file name, and then run Ediff by patching that file.
If optional PATCH-BUF is given, use the patch in that buffer
and don't ask the user.
If prefix argument, then: if even argument, assume that the patch is in a
buffer. If odd -- assume it is in a file.

(fn &optional ARG PATCH-BUF)

Function: x-send-client-message

Send a client message of MESSAGE-TYPE to window DEST on DISPLAY.

For DISPLAY, specify either a frame or a display name (a string).
If DISPLAY is nil, that stands for the selected frame's display.
DEST may be a number, in which case it is a Window id. The value 0 may
be used to send to the root window of the DISPLAY.
If DEST is a cons, it is converted to a 32 bit number
with the high 16 bits from the car and the lower 16 bit from the cdr. That
number is then used as a window id.
If DEST is a frame the event is sent to the outer window of that frame.
A value of nil means the currently selected frame.
If DEST is the string "PointerWindow" the event is sent to the window that
contains the pointer. If DEST is the string "InputFocus" the event is
sent to the window that has the input focus.
FROM is the frame sending the event. Use nil for currently selected frame.
MESSAGE-TYPE is the name of an Atom as a string.
FORMAT must be one of 8, 16 or 32 and determines the size of the values in
bits. VALUES is a list of numbers, cons and/or strings containing the values
to send. If a value is a string, it is converted to an Atom and the value of
the Atom is sent. If a value is a cons, it is converted to a 32 bit number
with the high 16 bits from the car and the lower 16 bit from the cdr.
If more values than fits into the event is given, the excessive values are ignored. (fn DISPLAY DEST FROM MESSAGE-TYPE FORMAT VALUES)

Variable: system-uses-terminfo

Non-nil means the system uses terminfo rather than termcap.
This variable can be used by terminal emulator packages.

Function: beginning-of-line

Move point to beginning of current line (in the logical order).
With argument N not nil or 1, move forward N - 1 lines first.
If point reaches the beginning or end of buffer, it stops there.

This function constrains point to the current field unless this moves
point to a different line than the original, unconstrained result.
If N is nil or 1, and a front-sticky field starts at point, the point
does not move. To ignore field boundaries bind
`inhibit-field-text-motion' to t, or use the `forward-line' function
instead. For instance, `(forward-line 0)' does the same thing as
`(beginning-of-line)', except that it ignores field boundaries. (fn &optional N)

Function: html-horizontal-rule

HTML horizontal rule tag.

This is a skeleton command (see `skeleton-insert').
Normally the skeleton text is inserted at point, with nothing "inside".
If there is a highlighted region, the skeleton text is wrapped
around the region text.

A prefix argument ARG says to wrap the skeleton around the next ARG words.
A prefix argument of -1 says to wrap around region, even if not highlighted.
A prefix argument of zero says to wrap around zero words---that is, nothing.
This is a way of overriding the use of a highlighted region.

Function: vc-git-log-view-mode

Major mode derived from `log-view-mode' by `define-derived-mode'.
It inherits all of the parent's attributes, but has its own keymap,
abbrev table and syntax table:

`vc-git-log-view-mode-map', `vc-git-log-view-mode-abbrev-table' and `vc-git-log-view-mode-syntax-table'

which more-or-less shadow log-view-mode's corresponding tables.

In addition to any hooks its parent mode might have run,
this mode runs the hook `vc-git-log-view-mode-hook', as the final step
during initialization.

key binding --- ------- (fn)

Function: cl-intersection

Combine LIST1 and LIST2 using a set-intersection operation.
The resulting list contains all items that appear in both LIST1 and LIST2.
This is a non-destructive function; it makes a copy of the data if necessary
to avoid corrupting the original LIST1 and LIST2.

Keywords supported: :test :test-not :key


Function: completion-emacs22-try-completion


Function: insert-image-file

Insert the image file FILE into the current buffer.
Optional arguments VISIT, BEG, END, and REPLACE are interpreted as for
the command `insert-file-contents'.


Function: browse-url-at-point

Ask a WWW browser to load the URL at or before point.
Doesn't let you edit the URL like `browse-url'. Variable
`browse-url-browser-function' says which browser to use.

(fn &optional ARG)

Function: posn-object-x-y

Return the x and y coordinates relative to the object of POSITION.
The return value has the form (DX . DY), where DX and DY are
given in pixels. POSITION should be a list of the form returned
by `event-start' and `event-end'.

Function: buffer-substring-no-properties

Return the characters of part of the buffer, without the text properties.
The two arguments START and END are character positions;
they can be in either order.


Variable: buffer-saved-size

Length of current buffer when last read in, saved or auto-saved.
0 initially.
-1 means auto-saving turned off until next real save.

If you set this to -2, that means don't turn off auto-saving in this buffer
if its text size shrinks. If you use `buffer-swap-text' on a buffer,
you probably should set this to -2 in that buffer.

Variable: sh-indent-after-if

How much to indent a statement after an `if' statement.
This includes lines after `else' and `elif' statements, too, but
does not affect the `else', `elif' or `fi' statements themselves.

Function: auth-source-macos-keychain-search-items

(fn COLL TYPE MAX &rest SPEC &key LABEL TYPE HOST USER PORT &allow-other-keys)

Variable: cconv-liftwhen

Try to do lambda lifting if the number of arguments + free variables
is less than this number.

Variable: display-time-mail-file

File name of mail inbox file, for indicating existence of new mail.
Non-nil and not a string means don't check for mail; nil means use
default, which is system-dependent, and is the same as used by Rmail.

Function: count-if

Count the number of items satisfying PREDICATE in SEQ.

Keywords supported: :key :start :end


Function: abbrev-table-get

Get the PROP property of abbrev table TABLE.


Function: sql-interbase

Run isql by Interbase as an inferior process.

If buffer `*SQL*' exists but no process is running, make a new process.
If buffer exists and a process is running, just switch to buffer

Interpreter used comes from variable `sql-interbase-program'. Login
uses the variables `sql-user', `sql-password', and `sql-database' as
defaults, if set.

The buffer is put in SQL interactive mode, giving commands for sending
input. See `sql-interactive-mode'.

To set the buffer name directly, use C-u
before M-x sql-interbase. Once session has started,
M-x sql-rename-buffer can be called separately to rename the

To specify a coding system for converting non-ASCII characters
in the input and output to the process, use C-x RET c
before M-x sql-interbase. You can also specify this with C-x RET p
in the SQL buffer, after you start the process.
The default comes from `process-coding-system-alist' and
`default-process-coding-system'. (Type C-h m in the SQL buffer for a list of commands.) (fn &optional BUFFER)

Variable: epa-file-inhibit-auto-save

If non-nil, disable auto-saving when opening an encrypted file.

Function: describe-bindings

Show a list of all defined keys, and their definitions.
We put that list in a buffer, and display the buffer.

The optional argument PREFIX, if non-nil, should be a key sequence;
then we display only bindings that start with that prefix.
The optional argument BUFFER specifies which buffer's bindings
to display (default, the current buffer). BUFFER can be a buffer or a buffer name.

Variable: interprogram-paste-function

Function to call to get text cut from other programs.
Most window systems provide a facility for cutting and pasting
text between different programs, such as the clipboard on X and
MS-Windows, or the pasteboard on Nextstep/Mac OS.

This variable holds a function that Emacs calls to obtain text
that other programs have provided for pasting. The function is
called with no arguments. If no other program has provided text
to paste, the function should return nil (in which case the
caller, usually `current-kill', should use the top of the Emacs
kill ring). If another program has provided text to paste, the
function should return that text as a string (in which case the
caller should put this string in the kill ring as the latest

The function may also return a list of strings if the window
system supports multiple selections. The first string will be
used as the pasted text, but the other will be placed in the kill
ring for easy access via `yank-pop'.

Note that the function should return a string only if a program
other than Emacs has provided a string for pasting; if Emacs
provided the most recent string, the function should return nil.
If it is difficult to tell whether Emacs or some other program
provided the current string, it is probably good enough to return nil if the string is equal (according to `string=') to the last text Emacs provided.

Function: array-mode

Major mode for editing arrays.

Array mode is a specialized mode for editing arrays. An array is
considered to be a two-dimensional set of strings. The strings are
NOT recognized as integers or real numbers.

The array MUST reside at the top of the buffer.

TABs are not respected, and may be converted into spaces at any time.
Setting the variable `array-respect-tabs' to non-nil will prevent TAB conversion,
but will cause many functions to give errors if they encounter one.

Upon entering array mode, you will be prompted for the values of
several variables. Others will be calculated based on the values you
supply. These variables are all local to the buffer. Other buffer
in array mode may have different values assigned to the variables.
The variables are:

Variables you assign:
array-max-row: The number of rows in the array.
array-max-column: The number of columns in the array.
array-columns-per-line: The number of columns in the array per line of buffer.
array-field-width: The width of each field, in characters.
array-rows-numbered: A logical variable describing whether to ignore
row numbers in the buffer.

Variables which are calculated:
array-line-length: The number of characters in a buffer line.
array-lines-per-row: The number of buffer lines used to display each row.

The following commands are available (an asterisk indicates it may
take a numeric prefix argument):

Uses keymap `array-mode-map', which is not currently defined.
M-x array-forward-column Move forward one column.
* M-x array-backward-column Move backward one column.
* M-x array-next-row Move down one row.
* M-x array-previous-row Move up one row.

* M-x array-copy-forward Copy the current field into the column to the right.
* M-x array-copy-backward Copy the current field into the column to the left.
* M-x array-copy-down Copy the current field into the row below.
* M-x array-copy-up Copy the current field into the row above.

* M-x array-copy-column-forward Copy the current column into the column to the right.
* M-x array-copy-column-backward Copy the current column into the column to the left.
* M-x array-copy-row-down Copy the current row into the row below.
* M-x array-copy-row-up Copy the current row into the row above.

M-x array-fill-rectangle Copy the field at mark into every cell with row and column
between that of point and mark.

M-x array-what-position Display the current array row and column.
M-x array-goto-cell Go to a particular array cell.

M-x array-make-template Make a template for a new array.
M-x array-reconfigure-rows Reconfigure the array.
M-x array-expand-rows Expand the array (remove row numbers and newlines inside rows) M-x array-display-local-variables Display the current values of local variables. Entering array mode calls the function `array-mode-hook'. (fn)

Function: tooltip-show

Show a tooltip window displaying TEXT.

Text larger than `x-max-tooltip-size' is clipped.

If the alist in `tooltip-frame-parameters' includes `left' and `top'
parameters, they determine the x and y position where the tooltip
is displayed. Otherwise, the tooltip pops at offsets specified by
`tooltip-x-offset' and `tooltip-y-offset' from the current mouse

Optional second arg USE-ECHO-AREA non-nil means to show tooltip in echo area.

Function: isearch-exit

Exit search normally.
However, if this is the first command after starting incremental
search and `search-nonincremental-instead' is non-nil, do a
nonincremental search instead via `isearch-edit-string'.

Function: ps-nb-pages-region

Display number of pages to print the region, for various font heights.
The table depends on the current ps-print setup.


Function: customize-variable-other-window

Customize SYMBOL, which must be a user option.
Show the buffer in another window, but don't select it.


Function: format-proper-list-p

Return t if LIST is a proper list.
A proper list is a list ending with a nil cdr, not with an atom

Function: emacs-lisp-mode

Major mode for editing Lisp code to run in Emacs.
Delete converts tabs to spaces as it moves back.
Blank lines separate paragraphs. Semicolons start comments.

key binding
--- -------

ESC Prefix Command
DEL backward-delete-char-untabify

C-M-i completion-at-point
C-M-q indent-pp-sexp
C-M-x eval-defun

C-M-q indent-sexp
(that binding is currently shadowed by another mode)

Entry to this mode calls the value of `emacs-lisp-mode-hook' if that value is non-nil.

Variable: pcomplete-use-paring

If t, pare alternatives that have already been used.
If nil, you will always see the completion set of possible options, no
matter which of those options have already been used in previous
command arguments.

Function: package-menu--print-info

Return a package entry suitable for `tabulated-list-entries'.
Return (KEY [NAME VERSION STATUS DOC]), where KEY is the
identifier (NAME . VERSION-LIST).

Variable: search-highlight

Non-nil means incremental search highlights the current match.

Function: increase-left-margin

Increase or decrease the left-margin of the region.
With no prefix argument, this adds `standard-indent' of indentation.
A prefix arg (optional third arg INC noninteractively) specifies the amount
to change the margin by, in characters.
If `auto-fill-mode' is active, re-fill the region to fit the new margin.

Function: reftex-index-phrases-mode

Major mode for managing the Index phrases of a LaTeX document.
This buffer was created with RefTeX.

To insert new phrases, use
- `C-c \' in the LaTeX document to copy selection or word
- `M-x reftex-index-new-phrase' in the phrases buffer.

To index phrases use one of:

M-x reftex-index-this-phrase index current phrase
M-x reftex-index-next-phrase index next phrase (or N with prefix arg)
M-x reftex-index-all-phrases index all phrases
M-x reftex-index-remaining-phrases index current and following phrases
M-x reftex-index-region-phrases index the phrases in the region

You can sort the phrases in this buffer with M-x reftex-index-sort-phrases.
To display information about the phrase at point, use M-x reftex-index-phrases-info.

For more information see the RefTeX User Manual.

Here are all local bindings.

Uses keymap `reftex-index-phrases-mode-map', which is not currently defined. (fn)

Variable: image-types

List of potentially supported image types.
Each element of the list is a symbol for an image type, like 'jpeg or 'png.
To check whether it is really supported, use `image-type-available-p'.

Function: mm-get-coding-system-list

Get the coding system list.

Function: regexp-opt-depth

Return the depth of REGEXP.
This means the number of non-shy regexp grouping constructs
(parenthesized expressions) in REGEXP.

Function: nndoc-add-type

Add document DEFINITION to the list of nndoc document definitions.
If POSITION is nil or `last', the definition will be added
as the last checked definition, if t or `first', add as the
first definition, and if any other symbol, add after that
symbol in the alist.


Variable: dnd-protocol-alist

The functions to call for different protocols when a drop is made.
This variable is used by `dnd-handle-one-url' and `dnd-handle-file-name'.
The list contains of (REGEXP . FUNCTION) pairs.
The functions shall take two arguments, URL, which is the URL dropped and
ACTION which is the action to be performed for the drop (move, copy, link,
private or ask).
If no match is found here, and the value of `browse-url-browser-function'
is a pair of (REGEXP . FUNCTION), those regexps are tried for a match.
If no match is found, the URL is inserted as text by calling `dnd-insert-text'.
The function shall return the action done (move, copy, link or private)
if some action was made, or nil if the URL is ignored.

Function: copy-file

Copy FILE to NEWNAME. Both args must be strings.
If NEWNAME names a directory, copy FILE there.

This function always sets the file modes of the output file to match
the input file.

The optional third argument OK-IF-ALREADY-EXISTS specifies what to do
if file NEWNAME already exists. If OK-IF-ALREADY-EXISTS is nil, we
signal a `file-already-exists' error without overwriting. If
OK-IF-ALREADY-EXISTS is a number, we request confirmation from the user
about overwriting; this is what happens in interactive use with M-x.
Any other value for OK-IF-ALREADY-EXISTS means to overwrite the
existing file.

Fourth arg KEEP-TIME non-nil means give the output file the same
last-modified time as the old one. (This works on only some systems.)

A prefix arg makes KEEP-TIME non-nil.

If PRESERVE-UID-GID is non-nil, we try to transfer the
uid and gid of FILE to NEWNAME.

If PRESERVE-SELINUX-CONTEXT is non-nil and SELinux is enabled
on the system, we copy the SELinux context of FILE to NEWNAME.


Function: byte-compile-two-args

(fn FORM)

Variable: comint-eol-on-send

Non-nil means go to the end of the line before sending input.
See `comint-send-input'.

Function: Info-apropos-find-node

Apropos-specific implementation of `Info-find-node-2'.

Function: delete-indentation

Join this line to previous and fix up whitespace at join.
If there is a fill prefix, delete it from the beginning of this line.
With argument, join this line to following line.

Function: find-new-buffer-file-coding-system

Return a coding system for a buffer when a file of CODING is inserted.
The local variable `buffer-file-coding-system' of the current buffer
is set to the returned value.
Return nil if there's no need to set `buffer-file-coding-system'.

Variable: coding-system-for-write

Specify the coding system for write operations.
Programs bind this variable with `let', but you should not set it globally.
If the value is a coding system, it is used for encoding of output,
when writing it to a file and when sending it to a file or subprocess.

If this does not specify a coding system, an appropriate element
is used from one of the coding system alists.
There are three such tables: `file-coding-system-alist',
`process-coding-system-alist', and `network-coding-system-alist'.
For output to files, if the above procedure does not specify a coding system,
the value of `buffer-file-coding-system' is used.

Function: Buffer-menu-not-modified

Mark the buffer on this line as unmodified (no changes to save).
If ARG is non-nil (interactively, with a prefix argument), mark
it as modified.

Variable: tabulated-list-mode-syntax-table

Syntax table for `tabulated-list-mode'.

Function: blink-cursor-end

Stop cursor blinking.
This is installed as a pre-command hook by `blink-cursor-start'.
When run, it cancels the timer `blink-cursor-timer' and removes
itself as a pre-command hook.

Function: read-hiragana-string

Read a Hiragana string from the minibuffer, prompting with string PROMPT.
If non-nil, second arg INITIAL-INPUT is a string to insert before reading.


Function: blackbox

Play blackbox.
Optional prefix argument is the number of balls; the default is 4.

What is blackbox?

Blackbox is a game of hide and seek played on an 8 by 8 grid (the
Blackbox). Your opponent (Emacs, in this case) has hidden several
balls (usually 4) within this box. By shooting rays into the box and
observing where they emerge it is possible to deduce the positions of
the hidden balls. The fewer rays you use to find the balls, the lower
your score.

Overview of play:

Uses keymap `blackbox-mode-map', which is not currently defined.
To play blackbox, type M-x blackbox. An optional prefix argument
specifies the number of balls to be hidden in the box; the default is

The cursor can be moved around the box with the standard cursor
movement keys.

To shoot a ray, move the cursor to the edge of the box and press SPC.
The result will be determined and the playfield updated.

You may place or remove balls in the box by moving the cursor into the
box and pressing M-x bb-romp.

When you think the configuration of balls you have placed is correct,
press M-x bb-done. You will be informed whether you are correct or
not, and be given your score. Your score is the number of letters and
numbers around the outside of the box plus five for each incorrectly
placed ball. If you placed any balls incorrectly, they will be
indicated with `x', and their actual positions indicated with `o'.


There are three possible outcomes for each ray you send into the box:

Detour: the ray is deflected and emerges somewhere other than
where you sent it in. On the playfield, detours are
denoted by matching pairs of numbers -- one where the
ray went in, and the other where it came out.

Reflection: the ray is reflected and emerges in the same place
it was sent in. On the playfield, reflections are
denoted by the letter `R'.

Hit: the ray strikes a ball directly and is absorbed. It does
not emerge from the box. On the playfield, hits are
denoted by the letter `H'.

The rules for how balls deflect rays are simple and are best shown by

As a ray approaches a ball it is deflected ninety degrees. Rays can
be deflected multiple times. In the diagrams below, the dashes
represent empty box locations and the letter `O' represents a ball.
The entrance and exit points of each ray are marked with numbers as
described under "Detour" above. Note that the entrance and exit
points are always interchangeable. `*' denotes the path taken by the

Note carefully the relative positions of the ball and the ninety
degree deflection it causes.

- * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1 * * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - O - - - - O -
- - O - - - - - - - O - - - - - - - * * * * - -
- - - - - - - - - - - * * * * * 2 3 * * * - - * - -
- - - - - - - - - - - * - - - - - - - O - * - -
- - - - - - - - - - - * - - - - - - - - * * - -
- - - - - - - - - - - * - - - - - - - - * - O -
2 3

As mentioned above, a reflection occurs when a ray emerges from the same point
it was sent in. This can happen in several ways:

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - O - - - - - O - O - - - - - - - - - - -
R * * * * - - - - - - - * - - - - O - - - - - - -
- - - - O - - - - - - * - - - - R - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - * - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - * - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - R * * * * - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - O - - - - - - - - - - -

In the first example, the ray is deflected downwards by the upper
ball, then left by the lower ball, and finally retraces its path to
its point of origin. The second example is similar. The third
example is a bit anomalous but can be rationalized by realizing the
ray never gets a chance to get into the box. Alternatively, the ray
can be thought of as being deflected downwards and immediately
emerging from the box.

A hit occurs when a ray runs straight into a ball:

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - O - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - O - - - H * * * * - - - -
- - - - - - - - H * * * * O - - - - - - * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - O - - - - - - O - - - - H * * * O - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Be sure to compare the second example of a hit with the first example of a reflection. (fn NUM)

Function: face-read-string

Interactively read a face attribute string value.
FACE is the face whose attribute is read. If non-nil, DEFAULT is the
default string to return if no new value is entered. NAME is a
descriptive name of the attribute for prompting. COMPLETION-ALIST is an
alist of valid values, if non-nil.

Entering nothing accepts the default string DEFAULT.
Value is the new attribute value.

Function: string-match-p

Same as `string-match' except this function does not change the match data.

Function: reftex-mode

Minor mode with distinct support for \label, \ref and \cite in LaTeX.

Uses keymap `reftex-mode-map', which is not currently defined.
A Table of Contents of the entire (multifile) document with browsing
capabilities is available with `M-x reftex-toc'.

Labels can be created with `M-x reftex-label' and referenced with `M-x reftex-reference'.
When referencing, you get a menu with all labels of a given type and
context of the label definition. The selected label is inserted as a
\ref macro.

Citations can be made with `M-x reftex-citation' which will use a regular expression
to pull out a *formatted* list of articles from your BibTeX
database. The selected citation is inserted as a \cite macro.

Index entries can be made with `M-x reftex-index-selection-or-word' which indexes the word at point
or the current selection. More general index entries are created with
`M-x reftex-index'. `M-x reftex-display-index' displays the compiled index.

Most command have help available on the fly. This help is accessed by
pressing `?' to any prompt mentioning this feature.

Extensive documentation about RefTeX is available in Info format.
You can view this information with `M-x reftex-info'.

Uses keymap `reftex-mode-map', which is not currently defined.

Under X, these and other functions will also be available as `Ref' menu
on the menu bar. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (fn &optional ARG)

Variable: desktop-locals-to-save

List of local variables to save for each buffer.
The variables are saved only when they really are local. Conventional minor
modes are restored automatically; they should not be listed here.

Function: enable-theme

Reenable all variable and face settings defined by THEME.
THEME should be either `user', or a theme loaded via `load-theme'.
After this function completes, THEME will have the highest
precedence (after `user').

Function: comint-stop-subjob

Stop the current subjob.
This command also kills the pending input
between the process mark and point.

WARNING: if there is no current subjob, you can end up suspending
the top-level process running in the buffer. If you accidentally do
this, use M-x comint-continue-subjob to resume the process. (This
is not a problem with most shells, since they ignore this signal.) (fn)

Function: word-search-forward-lax

Search forward from point for STRING, ignoring differences in punctuation.
Set point to the end of the occurrence found, and return point.

Unlike `word-search-forward', the end of STRING need not match a word
boundary, unless STRING ends in whitespace.

An optional second argument bounds the search; it is a buffer position.
The match found must not extend after that position.
Optional third argument, if t, means if fail just return nil (no error).
If not nil and not t, move to limit of search and return nil.
Optional fourth argument is repeat count--search for successive occurrences.

Relies on the function `word-search-regexp' to convert a sequence
of words in STRING to a regexp used to search words without regard to punctuation.

Variable: view-remove-frame-by-deleting

Determine how View mode removes a frame no longer needed.
If nil, make an icon of the frame. If non-nil, delete the frame.

Function: ps-extend-face

Extend face in ALIST-SYM.

If optional MERGE-P is non-nil, extensions in FACE-EXTENSION list are merged
with face extensions in ALIST-SYM; otherwise, overrides.

If optional ALIST-SYM is nil, `ps-print-face-extension-alist' is used;
otherwise, it should be an alist symbol.

The elements of FACE-EXTENSION list have the form:


FACE-NAME is a face name symbol.

FOREGROUND and BACKGROUND may be nil or a string that denotes the
foreground and background colors respectively.

EXTENSION is one of the following symbols:
bold - use bold font.
italic - use italic font.
underline - put a line under text.
strikeout - like underline, but the line is in middle of text.
overline - like underline, but the line is over the text.
shadow - text will have a shadow.
box - text will be surrounded by a box.
outline - print characters as hollow outlines. If EXTENSION is any other symbol, it is ignored. (fn FACE-EXTENSION &optional MERGE-P ALIST-SYM)

Function: ido-find-file-in-dir

Switch to another file starting from DIR.

(fn DIR)

Function: edit-last-kbd-macro

Edit the most recently defined keyboard macro.

(fn &optional PREFIX)

Function: delete-side-window

Delete side window WINDOW.

Function: gnus-pp

Use `pp' on FORM in the current buffer.
Bind `print-quoted' and `print-readably' to t, and `print-length' and
`print-level' to nil. See also `gnus-bind-print-variables'.

Function: turn-on-font-lock

Turn on Font Lock mode (only if the terminal can display it).

Function: get-device-terminal

Return the terminal corresponding to DEVICE.
DEVICE can be a terminal, a frame, nil (meaning the selected frame's terminal),
the name of an X display device (HOST.SERVER.SCREEN) or a tty device file.

Variable: mail-default-reply-to

Address to insert as default Reply-to field of outgoing messages.
If nil, it will be initialized from the REPLYTO environment variable
when you first send mail.

Function: elide-head

Hide header material in buffer according to `elide-head-headers-to-hide'.

The header is made invisible with an overlay. With a prefix arg, show
an elided material again.

This is suitable as an entry on `find-file-hook' or appropriate mode hooks. (fn &optional ARG)

Function: query-font

Return information about FONT-OBJECT.
The value is a vector:

NAME is the font name, a string (or nil if the font backend doesn't
provide a name).

FILENAME is the font file name, a string (or nil if the font backend
doesn't provide a file name).

PIXEL-SIZE is a pixel size by which the font is opened.

SIZE is a maximum advance width of the font in pixels.

ASCENT, DESCENT, SPACE-WIDTH, AVERAGE-WIDTH are metrics of the font in

CAPABILITY is a list whose first element is a symbol representing the
font format (x, opentype, truetype, type1, pcf, or bdf) and the
remaining elements describe the details of the font capability.

If the font is OpenType font, the form of the list is
(opentype GSUB GPOS)
where GSUB shows which "GSUB" features the font supports, and GPOS
shows which "GPOS" features the font supports. Both GSUB and GPOS are
lists of the format:
((SCRIPT (LANGSYS FEATURE ...) ...) ...)

If the font is not OpenType font, currently the length of the form is

SCRIPT is a symbol representing OpenType script tag.

LANGSYS is a symbol representing OpenType langsys tag, or nil
representing the default langsys. FEATURE is a symbol representing OpenType feature tag. If the font is not OpenType font, CAPABILITY is nil. (fn FONT-OBJECT)

Variable: minibuffer-completion-confirm

Whether to demand confirmation of completion before exiting minibuffer.
If nil, confirmation is not required.
If the value is `confirm', the user may exit with an input that is not
a valid completion alternative, but Emacs asks for confirmation.
If the value is `confirm-after-completion', the user may exit with an
input that is not a valid completion alternative, but Emacs asks for
confirmation if the user submitted the input right after any of the
completion commands listed in `minibuffer-confirm-exit-commands'.

Variable: executable-prefix

Interpreter magic number prefix inserted when there was no magic number.

Variable: url-current-object

A parsed representation of the current URL.

Function: pcomplete-unquote-argument

(fn S)

Function: url-handler-mode

Toggle using `url' library for URL filenames (URL Handler mode).
With a prefix argument ARG, enable URL Handler mode if ARG is
positive, and disable it otherwise. If called from Lisp, enable
the mode if ARG is omitted or nil.

(fn &optional ARG)

Variable: url-handler-mode

Non-nil if Url-Handler mode is enabled.
See the command `url-handler-mode' for a description of this minor mode.
Setting this variable directly does not take effect;
either customize it (see the info node `Easy Customization')
or call the function `url-handler-mode'.

Function: 2C-split

Split a two-column text at point, into two buffers in two-column minor mode.
Point becomes the local value of `2C-window-width'. Only lines that
have the ARG same preceding characters at that column get split. The
ARG preceding characters without any leading whitespace become the local
value for `2C-separator'. This way lines that continue across both
columns remain untouched in the first buffer.

This function can be used with a prototype line, to set up things. You
write the first line of each column and then split that line. E.g.:

First column's text sSs Second column's text
/ \
5 character Separator You type M-5 M-x 2C-split with the point here. (See C-h m .) (fn ARG)

Function: mm-url-insert-file-contents

Insert file contents of URL.
If `mm-url-use-external' is non-nil, use `mm-url-program'.

(fn URL)

Function: face-list

Return a list of all defined faces.

Function: frame-root-window-p

Return non-nil if WINDOW is the root window of its frame.

Function: window-left-child

Return the leftmost child window of window WINDOW.
WINDOW must be a valid window and defaults to the selected one.
Return nil if WINDOW is a live window (live windows have no children).
Return nil if WINDOW is an internal window whose children form a
vertical combination. (fn WINDOW)

Variable: previous-system-time-locale

Most recently used system locale for time.

Function: eval-buffer

Execute the current buffer as Lisp code.
When called from a Lisp program (i.e., not interactively), this
function accepts up to five optional arguments:
BUFFER is the buffer to evaluate (nil means use current buffer).
PRINTFLAG controls printing of output:
A value of nil means discard it; anything else is stream for print.
FILENAME specifies the file name to use for `load-history'.
UNIBYTE, if non-nil, specifies `load-convert-to-unibyte' for this
DO-ALLOW-PRINT, if non-nil, specifies that `print' and related
functions should work normally even if PRINTFLAG is nil.

This function preserves the position of point.


Variable: pcomplete-expand-before-complete

If non-nil, expand the current argument before completing it.
This means that typing something such as '$HOME/bi' followed by
M-x pcomplete-argument will cause the variable reference to be
resolved first, and the resultant value that will be completed against
to be inserted in the buffer. Note that exactly what gets expanded
and how is entirely up to the behavior of the

Function: ansi-color-apply-sequence

Apply ESCAPE-SEQ to CODES and return the new list of codes.

ESCAPE-SEQ is an escape sequence parsed by `ansi-color-parse-sequence'.

For each new code, the following happens: if it is 1-7, add it to
the list of codes; if it is 21-25 or 27, delete appropriate
parameters from the list of codes; if it is 30-37 resp. 39, the
foreground color code is replaced or added resp. deleted; if it
is 40-47 resp. 49, the background color code is replaced or added
resp. deleted; any other code is discarded together with the old
codes. Finally, the so changed list of codes is returned.

Function: cl-cadadr

Return the `car' of the `cdr' of the `car' of the `cdr' of X.

(fn X)

Function: image-dired

Make a preview buffer for all images in DIR and display it.
If the number of files in DIR matching `image-file-name-regexp'
exceeds `image-dired-show-all-from-dir-max-files', a warning will be
displayed. (fn DIR)

Variable: desktop-minor-mode-handlers

Alist of functions to restore non-standard minor modes.
Functions are called by `desktop-create-buffer' to restore minor modes.
List elements must have the form


Minor modes not specified here, are restored by the standard minor mode

Handlers are called with argument list


Furthermore, they may use the following variables:


When a handler is called, the buffer has been created and the major mode has
been set, but local variables listed in desktop-buffer-locals has not yet been
created and set.

Modules that define a minor mode that needs a special handler should contain
code like

(defun foo-desktop-restore
(add-to-list 'desktop-minor-mode-handlers
'(foo-mode . foo-desktop-restore)) Furthermore the minor mode function must be autoloaded. See also `desktop-minor-mode-table'.

Function: widget-plist-member

Return non-nil if PLIST has the property PROP.
PLIST is a property list, which is a list of the form
(PROP1 VALUE1 PROP2 VALUE2 ...). PROP is a symbol.
Unlike `plist-get', this allows you to distinguish between a missing
property and a property with the value nil.
The value is actually the tail of PLIST whose car is PROP. (fn PLIST PROP)

Function: call-process-region

Send text from START to END to a synchronous process running PROGRAM.
The remaining arguments are optional.
Delete the text if fourth arg DELETE is non-nil.

Insert output in BUFFER before point; t means current buffer; nil for
BUFFER means discard it; 0 means discard and don't wait; and `(:file
FILE)', where FILE is a file name string, means that it should be
written to that file (if the file already exists it is overwritten).
BUFFER can also have the form (REAL-BUFFER STDERR-FILE); in that case,
REAL-BUFFER says what to do with standard output, as above,
while STDERR-FILE says what to do with standard error in the child.
STDERR-FILE may be nil (discard standard error output),
t (mix it with ordinary output), or a file name string.

Sixth arg DISPLAY non-nil means redisplay buffer as output is inserted.
Remaining args are passed to PROGRAM at startup as command args.

If BUFFER is 0, `call-process-region' returns immediately with value nil.
Otherwise it waits for PROGRAM to terminate
and returns a numeric exit status or a signal description string.
If you quit, the process is killed with SIGINT, or SIGKILL if you quit again. (fn START END PROGRAM &optional DELETE BUFFER DISPLAY &rest ARGS)

Variable: gc-elapsed

Accumulated time elapsed in garbage collections.
The time is in seconds as a floating point value.

Function: mouse-fixup-help-message

Fix help message MSG for `mouse-1-click-follows-link'.

(fn MSG)

Function: byte-compile-file-form-defmumble

Process a `defalias' for NAME.
If MACRO is non-nil, the definition is known to be a macro.
ARGLIST is the list of arguments, if it was recognized or t otherwise.
BODY of the definition, or t if not recognized.
Return non-nil if everything went as planned, or nil to imply that it decided
not to take responsibility for the actual compilation of the code.


Variable: ansi-color-context

Context saved between two calls to `ansi-color-apply'.
This is a list of the form (CODES FRAGMENT) or nil. CODES
represents the state the last call to `ansi-color-apply' ended
with, currently a list of ansi codes, and FRAGMENT is a string
starting with an escape sequence, possibly the start of a new
escape sequence.

Function: setup-default-fontset

Setup the default fontset.

Function: view-emacs-debugging

Display info on how to debug Emacs problems.

Function: viet-decode-viqr-buffer

Convert `VIQR' mnemonics of the current buffer to Vietnamese characters.


Function: package-list-packages

Display a list of packages.
This first fetches the updated list of packages before
displaying, unless a prefix argument NO-FETCH is specified.
The list is displayed in a buffer named `*Packages*'.

Function: version-to-list

Convert version string VER into a list of integers.

The version syntax is given by the following EBNF:


NUMBER ::= (0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9)+.

SEPARATOR ::= `version-separator' (which see)
| `version-regexp-alist' (which see).

The NUMBER part is optional if SEPARATOR is a match for an element
in `version-regexp-alist'.

Examples of valid version syntax:

1.0pre2 22.8beta3 0.9alpha1 6.9.30Beta

Examples of invalid version syntax:

1.0prepre2 1.0..7.5 22.8X3 alpha3.2 .5

Examples of version conversion:

Version String Version as a List of Integers
"" (1 0 7 5)
"1.0pre2" (1 0 -1 2)
"1.0PRE2" (1 0 -1 2)
"22.8beta3" (22 8 -2 3)
"22.8Beta3" (22 8 -2 3)
"0.9alpha1" (0 9 -3 1)
"0.9AlphA1" (0 9 -3 1) "0.9alpha" (0 9 -3) See documentation for `version-separator' and `version-regexp-alist'.

Function: internal-macroexpand-for-load

(fn FORM)

Function: class-parents

Return parent classes to CLASS. (overload of variable).

The CLOS function `class-direct-superclasses' is aliased to this function.

Variable: winner-mode-map

Keymap for Winner mode.

Variable: legacy-style-world-list

Alist of traditional-style time zones and places for `display-time-world'.
Each element has the form (TIMEZONE LABEL).
TIMEZONE should be a string of the form:


See the documentation of the TZ environment variable on your system,
for more details about the format of TIMEZONE.
LABEL is a string to display as the label of that TIMEZONE's time.

Function: ethio-sera-to-fidel-region

Convert the characters in region from SERA to FIDEL.

The variable `ethio-primary-language' specifies the primary
language and `ethio-secondary-language' specifies the secondary.

If the 3rd argument SECONDARY is given and non-nil, assume the
region begins with the secondary language; otherwise with the
primary language.

If the 4th argument FORCE is given and non-nil, perform
conversion even if the buffer is read-only.

See also the descriptions of the variables
`ethio-use-colon-for-colon' and `ethio-use-three-dot-question'. (fn BEGIN END &optional SECONDARY FORCE)

Function: other-window-for-scrolling

Return the other window for "other window scroll" commands.
If `other-window-scroll-buffer' is non-nil, a window
showing that buffer is used.
If in the minibuffer, `minibuffer-scroll-window' if non-nil
specifies the window. This takes precedence over
`other-window-scroll-buffer'. (fn)

Variable: debug-ignored-errors

List of errors for which the debugger should not be called.
Each element may be a condition-name or a regexp that matches error messages.
If any element applies to a given error, that error skips the debugger
and just returns to top level.
This overrides the variable `debug-on-error'.
It does not apply to errors handled by `condition-case'.

Variable: process-environment

List of overridden environment variables for subprocesses to inherit.
Each element should be a string of the form ENVVARNAME=VALUE.

Entries in this list take precedence to those in the frame-local
environments. Therefore, let-binding `process-environment' is an easy
way to temporarily change the value of an environment variable,
irrespective of where it comes from. To use `process-environment' to
remove an environment variable, include only its name in the list,
without "=VALUE".

This variable is set to nil when Emacs starts.

If multiple entries define the same variable, the first one always
takes precedence.

Non-ASCII characters are encoded according to the initial value of
`locale-coding-system', i.e. the elements must normally be decoded for use. See `setenv' and `getenv'.

Function: gnus-remassoc

Delete by side effect any elements of LIST whose car is `equal' to KEY.
The modified LIST is returned. If the first member
of LIST has a car that is `equal' to KEY, there is no way to remove it
by side effect; therefore, write `(setq foo (gnus-remassoc key foo))' to be
sure of changing the value of `foo'.

Variable: tabulated-list-padding

Number of characters preceding each Tabulated List mode entry.
By default, lines are padded with spaces, but you can use the
function `tabulated-list-put-tag' to change this.

Function: thai-composition-function


Function: ebuffers

Run Ediff on a pair of buffers, BUFFER-A and BUFFER-B.


Function: window-min-delta

Return number of lines by which WINDOW can be shrunk.
WINDOW must be a valid window and defaults to the selected one.
Return zero if WINDOW cannot be shrunk.

Optional argument HORIZONTAL non-nil means return number of
columns by which WINDOW can be shrunk.

Optional argument IGNORE non-nil means ignore restrictions
imposed by fixed size windows, `window-min-height' or
`window-min-width' settings. If IGNORE is a window, ignore
restrictions for that window only. If IGNORE equals `safe',
live windows may get as small as `window-safe-min-height' lines
and `window-safe-min-width' columns. Any other non-nil value
means ignore all of the above restrictions for all windows.

Optional argument TRAIL restricts the windows that can be enlarged.
If its value is `before', only windows to the left of or above WINDOW
can be enlarged. If it is `after', only windows to the right of or
below WINDOW can be enlarged.

Optional argument NOUP non-nil means don't go up in the window
tree, but try to enlarge windows within WINDOW's combination only.

Optional argument NODOWN non-nil means don't check whether WINDOW
itself (and its child windows) can be shrunk; check only whether at least one other window can be enlarged appropriately.

Function: exchange-point-and-mark

Put the mark where point is now, and point where the mark is now.
This command works even when the mark is not active,
and it reactivates the mark.

If Transient Mark mode is on, a prefix ARG deactivates the mark
if it is active, and otherwise avoids reactivating it. If
Transient Mark mode is off, a prefix ARG enables Transient Mark mode temporarily.

Function: char-syntax

Return the syntax code of CHARACTER, described by a character.
For example, if CHARACTER is a word constituent, the
character `w' (119) is returned.
The characters that correspond to various syntax codes
are listed in the documentation of `modify-syntax-entry'. (fn CHARACTER)

Variable: keyboard-translate-table

Translate table for local keyboard input, or nil.
If non-nil, the value should be a char-table. Each character read
from the keyboard is looked up in this char-table. If the value found
there is non-nil, then it is used instead of the actual input character.

The value can also be a string or vector, but this is considered obsolete.
If it is a string or vector of length N, character codes N and up are left
untranslated. In a vector, an element which is nil means "no translation".

This is applied to the characters supplied to input methods, not their
output. See also `translation-table-for-input'.

This variable has a separate binding for each terminal. See Info node `(elisp)Multiple Terminals'.

Variable: comint-delimiter-argument-list

List of characters to recognize as separate arguments in input.
Strings comprising a character in this list will separate the arguments
surrounding them, and also be regarded as arguments in their own right (unlike
whitespace). See `comint-arguments'.
Defaults to the empty list.

For shells, a good value is (?\| ?& ?< ?> ?\( ?\) ?;).

This is a good thing to set in mode hooks.

Function: ring-member

Return index of ITEM if on RING, else nil.
Comparison is done via `equal'. The index is 0-based.

Function: rassoc*

Find the first item whose cdr matches ITEM in LIST.

Keywords supported: :test :test-not :key


Function: ceiling*

Return a list of the ceiling of X and the fractional part of X.
With two arguments, return ceiling and remainder of their quotient.

(fn X &optional Y)

Function: browse-url-galeon

Ask the Galeon WWW browser to load URL.
Default to the URL around or before point. The strings in variable
`browse-url-galeon-arguments' are also passed to Galeon.

When called interactively, if variable `browse-url-new-window-flag' is
non-nil, load the document in a new Galeon window, otherwise use a
random existing one. A non-nil interactive prefix argument reverses
the effect of `browse-url-new-window-flag'.

If `browse-url-galeon-new-window-is-tab' is non-nil, then whenever a
document would otherwise be loaded in a new window, it is loaded in a
new tab in an existing window instead.

When called non-interactively, optional second argument NEW-WINDOW is
used instead of `browse-url-new-window-flag'. (fn URL &optional NEW-WINDOW)

Function: kill-matching-buffers

Kill buffers whose name matches the specified REGEXP.
The optional second argument indicates whether to kill internal buffers too.

Function: posn-timestamp

Return the timestamp of POSITION.
POSITION should be a list of the form returned by the `event-start'
and `event-end' functions.

Variable: kill-buffer-query-functions

List of functions called with no args to query before killing a buffer.
The buffer being killed will be current while the functions are running.

If any of them returns nil, the buffer is not killed. Functions run by
this hook are supposed to not change the current buffer.

Variable: write-region-post-annotation-function

Function to call after `write-region' completes.
The function is called with no arguments. If one or more of the
annotation functions in `write-region-annotate-functions' changed the
current buffer, the function stored in this variable is called for
each of those additional buffers as well, in addition to the original
buffer. The relevant buffer is current during each function call.

Function: ucs-input-activate

Activate UCS input method.
With arg, activate UCS input method if and only if arg is positive.
While this input method is active, the variable
`input-method-function' is bound to the function `ucs-input-method'.

Function: completion--try-word-completion


Function: format-seconds

Use format control STRING to format the number SECONDS.
The valid format specifiers are:
%y is the number of (365-day) years.
%d is the number of days.
%h is the number of hours.
%m is the number of minutes.
%s is the number of seconds.
%z is a non-printing control flag (see below).
%% is a literal "%".

Upper-case specifiers are followed by the unit-name (e.g. "years").
Lower-case specifiers return only the unit.

"%" may be followed by a number specifying a width, with an
optional leading "." for zero-padding. For example, "%.3Y" will
return something of the form "001 year".

The "%z" specifier does not print anything. When it is used, specifiers
must be given in order of decreasing size. To the left of "%z", nothing
is output until the first non-zero unit is encountered.
This function does not work for SECONDS greater than `most-positive-fixnum'.

Function: conf-colon-mode

Conf Mode starter for Colon files.
"Assignments" are with `:'.
For details see `conf-mode'. Example:

# Conf mode font-locks this right with M-x conf-colon-mode (colon)

: "\241" exclamdown
: "\242" cent (fn)

Variable: read-symbol-positions-list

A list mapping read symbols to their positions.
This variable is modified during calls to `read' or
`read-from-string', but only when `read-with-symbol-positions' is

Each element of the list looks like (SYMBOL . CHAR-POSITION), where
CHAR-POSITION is an integer giving the offset of that occurrence of the
symbol from the position where `read' or `read-from-string' started.

Note that a symbol will appear multiple times in this list, if it was
read multiple times. The list is in the same order as the symbols were read in.

Function: Info-search-next

Search for next regexp from a previous `Info-search' command.

Function: url-unhex-string

Remove %XX embedded spaces, etc in a URL.
If optional second argument ALLOW-NEWLINES is non-nil, then allow the
decoding of carriage returns and line feeds in the string, which is normally
forbidden in URL encoding.

Variable: file-coding-system-alist

Alist to decide a coding system to use for a file I/O operation.
The format is ((PATTERN . VAL) ...),
where PATTERN is a regular expression matching a file name,
VAL is a coding system, a cons of coding systems, or a function symbol.
If VAL is a coding system, it is used for both decoding and encoding
the file contents.
If VAL is a cons of coding systems, the car part is used for decoding,
and the cdr part is used for encoding.
If VAL is a function symbol, the function must return a coding system
or a cons of coding systems which are used as above. The function is
called with an argument that is a list of the arguments with which
`find-operation-coding-system' was called. If the function can't decide
a coding system, it can return `undecided' so that the normal
code-detection is performed.

See also the function `find-operation-coding-system' and the variable `auto-coding-alist'.

Function: ansi-color--find-face

Return the face corresponding to CODES.

Variable: x-dnd-types-alist

Which function to call to handle a drop of that type.
If the type for the drop is not present, or the function is nil,
the drop is rejected. The function takes three arguments, WINDOW, ACTION
and DATA. WINDOW is where the drop occurred, ACTION is the action for
this drop (copy, move, link, private or ask) as determined by a previous
call to `x-dnd-test-function'. DATA is the drop data.
The function shall return the action used (copy, move, link or private)
if drop is successful, nil if not.

Function: last-sexp-toggle-display

Toggle between abbreviated and unabbreviated printed representations.

Function: rmail-output

Append this message to mail file FILE-NAME.
Writes mbox format, unless FILE-NAME exists and is Babyl format, in which
case it writes Babyl.

Interactively, the default file name comes from `rmail-default-file',
which is updated to the name you use in this command. In all uses, if
FILE-NAME is not absolute, it is expanded with the directory part of

If a buffer is visiting FILE-NAME, adds the text to that buffer
rather than saving the file directly. If the buffer is an Rmail
buffer, updates it accordingly.

This command always outputs the complete message header, even if
the header display is currently pruned.

Optional prefix argument COUNT (default 1) says to output that
many consecutive messages, starting with the current one (ignoring
deleted messages). If `rmail-delete-after-output' is non-nil, deletes
messages after output.

The optional third argument NOATTRIBUTE, if non-nil, says not to
set the `filed' attribute, and not to display a "Wrote file"
message (if writing a file directly).

Set the optional fourth argument NOT-RMAIL non-nil if you call this
from a non-Rmail buffer. In this case, COUNT is ignored. (fn FILE-NAME &optional COUNT NOATTRIBUTE NOT-RMAIL)

Function: y-or-n-p

Ask user a "y or n" question. Return t if answer is "y".
PROMPT is the string to display to ask the question. It should
end in a space; `y-or-n-p' adds "(y or n) " to it.

No confirmation of the answer is requested; a single character is
enough. SPC also means yes, and DEL means no.

To be precise, this function translates user input into responses
by consulting the bindings in `query-replace-map'; see the
documentation of that variable for more information. In this
case, the useful bindings are `act', `skip', `recenter',
`scroll-up', `scroll-down', and `quit'.
An `act' response means yes, and a `skip' response means no.
A `quit' response means to invoke `keyboard-quit'.
If the user enters `recenter', `scroll-up', or `scroll-down'
responses, perform the requested window recentering or scrolling
and ask again.

Under a windowing system a dialog box will be used if `last-nonmenu-event' is nil and `use-dialog-box' is non-nil.

Function: tooltip-event-buffer

Return the buffer over which event EVENT occurred.
This might return nil if the event did not occur over a buffer.

Function: mh-send-letter

Save draft and send message.

When you are all through editing a message, you send it with this
command. You can give a prefix argument ARG to monitor the first stage
of the delivery; this output can be found in a buffer called "*MH-E
Mail Delivery*".

The hook `mh-before-send-letter-hook' is run at the beginning of
this command. For example, if you want to check your spelling in
your message before sending, add the function `ispell-message'.

Unless `mh-insert-auto-fields' had previously been called
manually, the function `mh-insert-auto-fields' is called to
insert fields based upon the recipients. If fields are added, you
are given a chance to see and to confirm these fields before the
message is actually sent. You can do away with this confirmation
by turning off the option `mh-auto-fields-prompt-flag'.

In case the MH "send" program is installed under a different name,
use `mh-send-prog' to tell MH-E the name.

The hook `mh-annotate-msg-hook' is run after annotating the message and scan line. (fn &optional ARG)

Function: x-display-screens

Return the number of screens on the X server of display TERMINAL.
The optional argument TERMINAL specifies which display to ask about.
TERMINAL should be a terminal object, a frame or a display name (a string).
If omitted or nil, that stands for the selected frame's display.

(fn &optional TERMINAL)

Variable: x-pixel-size-width-font-regexp

Regexp matching a font name whose width is the same as `PIXEL_SIZE'.

Since Emacs gets width of a font matching with this regexp from
PIXEL_SIZE field of the name, font finding mechanism gets faster for
such a font. This is especially effective for such large fonts as
Chinese, Japanese, and Korean.

Function: sh-smie--rc-newline-semi-p

Return non-nil if a newline should be treated as a semi-colon.
Point should be before the newline.

Function: auth-source-backend-child-p

Test OBJ to see if it an object is a child of type auth-source-backend

Function: font-show-log

Show log of font listing and opening.
Prefix arg LIMIT says how many fonts to show for each listing.
The default is 20. If LIMIT is negative, do not limit the listing.

(fn &optional LIMIT)

Function: define-button-type

Define a `button type' called NAME (a symbol).
The remaining arguments form a sequence of PROPERTY VALUE pairs,
specifying properties to use as defaults for buttons with this type
(a button's type may be set by giving it a `type' property when
creating the button, using the :type keyword argument).

In addition, the keyword argument :supertype may be used to specify a
button-type from which NAME inherits its default property values
(however, the inheritance happens only when NAME is defined; subsequent
changes to a supertype are not reflected in its subtypes).

Variable: other-window-scroll-buffer

If non-nil, this is a buffer and C-M-v should scroll its window.

Function: x-parse-geometry

Parse a display geometry string STRING.
Returns an alist of the form ((top . TOP), (left . LEFT) ... ).
The properties returned may include `top', `left', `height', and `width'.
For X, the value of `left' or `top' may be an integer,
or a list (+ N) meaning N pixels relative to top/left corner,
or a list (- N) meaning -N pixels relative to bottom/right corner.
On Nextstep, this just calls `ns-parse-geometry'. (fn STRING)

Variable: purify-flag

Non-nil means loading Lisp code in order to dump an executable.
This means that certain objects should be allocated in shared (pure) space.
It can also be set to a hash-table, in which case this table is used to
do hash-consing of the objects allocated to pure space.

Function: pcomplete-completions

Return a list of completions for the current argument position.


Function: set-border-color

Set the color of the border of the selected frame to COLOR-NAME.
When called interactively, prompt for the name of the color to use.
To get the frame's current border color, use `frame-parameters'.

Function: browse-url-netscape

Ask the Netscape WWW browser to load URL.
Default to the URL around or before point. The strings in variable
`browse-url-netscape-arguments' are also passed to Netscape.

When called interactively, if variable `browse-url-new-window-flag' is
non-nil, load the document in a new Netscape window, otherwise use a
random existing one. A non-nil interactive prefix argument reverses
the effect of `browse-url-new-window-flag'.

If `browse-url-netscape-new-window-is-tab' is non-nil, then
whenever a document would otherwise be loaded in a new window, it
is loaded in a new tab in an existing window instead.

When called non-interactively, optional second argument NEW-WINDOW is
used instead of `browse-url-new-window-flag'. (fn URL &optional NEW-WINDOW)

Variable: package-subdirectory-regexp

Regular expression matching the name of a package subdirectory.
The first subexpression is the package name.
The second subexpression is the version string.

The regexp should not contain a starting "\`" or a trailing
"\'"; those are added automatically by callers.

Function: face-name

Return the name of face FACE.

Function: shell-quote-wildcard-pattern

Quote characters special to the shell in PATTERN, leave wildcards alone.

PATTERN is assumed to represent a file-name wildcard suitable for the
underlying filesystem. For Unix and GNU/Linux, each character from the
set [ \t\n;<>&|()'"#$] is quoted with a backslash; for DOS/Windows, all
the parts of the pattern which don't include wildcard characters are
quoted with double quotes.

This function leaves alone existing quote characters (\ on Unix and "
on Windows), so PATTERN can use them to quote wildcard characters that
need to be passed verbatim to shell commands.

Function: wholenump

Return t if OBJECT is a nonnegative integer.


Function: tooltip-help-tips

Hook function to display a help tooltip.
This is installed on the hook `tooltip-functions', which
is run when the timer with id `tooltip-timeout-id' fires.
Value is non-nil if this function handled the tip.

Function: tramp-completion-handle-file-name-completion

Like `file-name-completion' for Tramp files.


Function: charset-info

Return a vector of information of CHARSET.
This function is provided for backward compatibility.

The elements of the vector are:
CHARSET-ID is always 0.
BYTES is always 0.
DIMENSION is the number of bytes of a code-point of the charset:
1, 2, 3, or 4.
CHARS is the number of characters in a dimension:
94, 96, 128, or 256.
WIDTH is always 0.
DIRECTION is always 0.
LEADING-CODE-BASE is always 0.
LEADING-CODE-EXT is always 0.
ISO-FINAL-CHAR (character) is the final character of the
corresponding ISO 2022 charset. If the charset is not assigned
any final character, the value is -1.
ISO-GRAPHIC-PLANE is always 0.
REVERSE-CHARSET is always -1.
SHORT-NAME (string) is the short name to refer to the charset.
LONG-NAME (string) is the long name to refer to the charset
DESCRIPTION (string) is the description string of the charset.
PLIST (property list) may contain any type of information a user want to put and get by functions `put-charset-property' and `get-charset-property' respectively.

Variable: resize-mini-windows

How to resize mini-windows (the minibuffer and the echo area).
A value of nil means don't automatically resize mini-windows.
A value of t means resize them to fit the text displayed in them.
A value of `grow-only', the default, means let mini-windows grow only;
they return to their normal size when the minibuffer is closed, or the
echo area becomes empty.

Variable: sh-indent-after-else

How much to indent a statement after an `else' statement.

Function: gnus-or

Return non-nil if any of the elements are non-nil.

Face: info-xref-visited

Face for visited Info cross-references.

Function: scroll-bar-scroll-down

Scroll the window's top line down to the location of the scroll bar click.
EVENT should be a scroll bar click.

Function: dnd-open-local-file

Open a local file.
The file is opened in the current window, or a new window if
`dnd-open-file-other-window' is set. URI is the url for the file,
and must have the format file:file-name or file:///file-name.
The last / in file:/// is part of the file name. If the system
natively supports unc file names, then remote urls of the form
file://server-name/file-name will also be handled by this function.
An alternative for systems that do not support unc file names is
`dnd-open-remote-url'. ACTION is ignored.

Function: javascript-mode

Major mode for editing JavaScript.


Function: html-mode

Major mode based on SGML mode for editing HTML documents.
This allows inserting skeleton constructs used in hypertext documents with
completion. See below for an introduction to HTML. Use
C-c C-v to see how this comes out. See also `sgml-mode' on
which this is based.

Do C-h v html- SPC and C-h v sgml- SPC to see available variables.

To write fairly well formatted pages you only need to know few things. Most
browsers have a function to read the source code of the page being seen, so
you can imitate various tricks. Here's a very short HTML primer which you
can also view with a browser to see what happens:

A Title Describing Contents should be on every page. Pages can

Very Major Headlines

Very Minor Headlines

Parts can be separated with horizontal rules.

Paragraphs only need an opening tag. Line breaks and multiple spaces are
ignored unless the text is

Text can be marked as
bold, italic or underlined using the normal M-o or
Edit/Text Properties/Face commands.

Pages can have named points and can link other points
to them with see also somename. In the same way href="URL">see also URL where URL is a filename relative to current
directory, or absolute as in `http://www.cs.indiana.edu/elisp/w3/docs.html'.

Images in many formats can be inlined with .

If you mainly create your own documents, `sgml-specials' might be
interesting. But note that some HTML 2 browsers can't handle `''.
To work around that, do:
(eval-after-load "sgml-mode" '(aset sgml-char-names ?' nil))

key binding
--- -------

€ .. ÿ sgml-maybe-name-self

C-c Prefix Command
ESC Prefix Command
/ sgml-slash

C-c C-c Prefix Command
C-c C-j html-line
C-c RET html-paragraph
C-c C-s html-autoview-mode
C-c C-v browse-url-of-buffer
C-c 1 html-headline-1
C-c 2 html-headline-2
C-c 3 html-headline-3
C-c 4 html-headline-4
C-c 5 html-headline-5
C-c 6 html-headline-6

C-c C-a sgml-attributes
C-c C-b sgml-skip-tag-backward
C-c C-d sgml-delete-tag
C-c C-e sgml-close-tag
C-c C-f sgml-skip-tag-forward
C-c TAB sgml-tags-invisible
C-c C-n sgml-name-char
C-c C-o sgml-tag
C-c C-t sgml-tag
C-c C-v sgml-validate
(that binding is currently shadowed by another mode)
C-c / sgml-close-tag
C-c 8 sgml-name-8bit-mode
C-c ? sgml-tag-help
C-c ] sgml-close-tag
C-c DEL sgml-delete-tag
C-c sgml-skip-tag-backward
(that binding is currently shadowed by another mode)
C-c sgml-skip-tag-forward
(that binding is currently shadowed by another mode)

C-M-i ispell-complete-word

C-c C-c - html-horizontal-rule
C-c C-c c html-checkboxes
C-c C-c h html-href-anchor C-c C-c i html-image C-c C-c l html-list-item C-c C-c n html-name-anchor C-c C-c o html-ordered-list C-c C-c r html-radio-buttons C-c C-c u html-unordered-list In addition to any hooks its parent mode might have run, this mode runs the hook `html-mode-hook', as the final step during initialization.

Function: load-file

Load the Lisp file named FILE.

Function: gethash

Look up KEY in TABLE and return its associated value.
If KEY is not found, return DFLT which defaults to nil.

(fn KEY TABLE &optional DFLT)

Function: mouse-split-window-horizontally

Select Emacs window mouse is on, then split it horizontally in half.
The window is split at the column clicked on.
This command must be bound to a mouse click.
(fn CLICK)

Variable: completion-in-region-functions

Wrapper hook around `completion-in-region'.
The functions on this special hook are called with 5 arguments:
NEXT-FUN is a function of four arguments (START END COLLECTION PREDICATE)
that performs the default operation. The other four arguments are like
the ones passed to `completion-in-region'. The functions on this hook
are expected to perform completion on START..END using COLLECTION
and PREDICATE, either by calling NEXT-FUN or by doing it themselves.

Function: telnet

Open a network login connection to host named HOST (a string).
Optional arg PORT specifies alternative port to connect to.
Interactively, use C-u prefix to be prompted for port number.

Communication with HOST is recorded in a buffer `*PROGRAM-HOST*'
where PROGRAM is the telnet program being used. This program
is controlled by the contents of the global variable `telnet-host-properties',
falling back on the value of the global variable `telnet-program'.
Normally input is edited in Emacs and sent a line at a time. (fn HOST &optional PORT)

Function: pp-eval-expression

Evaluate EXPRESSION and pretty-print its value.
Also add the value to the front of the list in the variable `values'.

Function: glyph-face

Return the face of glyph code GLYPH, or nil if glyph has default face.

Function: apropos

Show all meaningful Lisp symbols whose names match PATTERN.
Symbols are shown if they are defined as functions, variables, or
faces, or if they have nonempty property lists.

PATTERN can be a word, a list of words (separated by spaces),
or a regexp (using some regexp special characters). If it is a word,
search for matches for that word as a substring. If it is a list of words,
search for matches for any two (or more) of those words.

With C-u prefix, or if `apropos-do-all' is non-nil,
consider all symbols (if they match PATTERN).

Returns list of symbols and documentation found.

Function: bidi-string-mark-left-to-right

Return a string that can be safely inserted in left-to-right text.

Normally, inserting a string with right-to-left (RTL) script into
a buffer may cause some subsequent text to be displayed as part
of the RTL segment (usually this affects punctuation characters).
This function returns a string which displays as STR but forces
subsequent text to be displayed as left-to-right.

If STR contains any RTL character, this function returns a string
consisting of STR followed by an invisible left-to-right mark
(LRM) character. Otherwise, it returns STR.

Variable: max-lisp-eval-depth

Limit on depth in `eval', `apply' and `funcall' before error.

This limit serves to catch infinite recursions for you before they cause
actual stack overflow in C, which would be fatal for Emacs.
You can safely make it considerably larger than its default value,
if that proves inconveniently small. However, if you increase it too far,
Emacs could overflow the real C stack, and crash.

Function: eieio-list-prin1

Display LIST where list may contain objects.

Function: sort-coding-systems

Sort coding system list CODINGS by a priority of each coding system.
Return the sorted list. CODINGS is modified by side effects.

If a coding system is most preferred, it has the highest priority.
Otherwise, coding systems that correspond to MIME charsets have
higher priorities. Among them, a coding system included in the
`coding-system' key of the current language environment has higher
priority. See also the documentation of `language-info-alist'.

If the variable `sort-coding-systems-predicate' (which see) is
non-nil, it is used to sort CODINGS instead.

Function: minibuffer-insert-file-name-at-point

Get a file name at point in original buffer and insert it to minibuffer.


Variable: custom-face-attributes

Alist of face attributes.

The elements are of the form (KEY TYPE PRE-FILTER POST-FILTER),
where KEY is the name of the attribute, TYPE is a widget type for
editing the attribute, PRE-FILTER is a function to make the attribute's
value suitable for the customization widget, and POST-FILTER is a
function to make the customized value suitable for storing. PRE-FILTER
and POST-FILTER are optional.

The PRE-FILTER should take a single argument, the attribute value as
stored, and should return a value for customization (using the
customization type TYPE).

The POST-FILTER should also take a single argument, the value after
being customized, and should return a value suitable for setting the given face attribute.

Function: merge-coding-systems

Fill in any unspecified aspects of coding system FIRST from SECOND.
Return the resulting coding system.

Function: indirect-variable

Return the variable at the end of OBJECT's variable chain.
If OBJECT is a symbol, follow its variable indirections (if any), and
return the variable at the end of the chain of aliases. See Info node
`(elisp)Variable Aliases'.

If OBJECT is not a symbol, just return it. If there is a loop in the
chain of aliases, signal a `cyclic-variable-indirection' error. (fn OBJECT)

Function: tooltip-set-param

Change the value of KEY in alist ALIST to VALUE.
If there's no association for KEY in ALIST, add one, otherwise
change the existing association. Value is the resulting alist.

Variable: tab-always-indent

Controls the operation of the TAB key.
If t, hitting TAB always just indents the current line.
If nil, hitting TAB indents the current line if point is at the left margin
or in the line's indentation, otherwise it inserts a "real" TAB character.
If `complete', TAB first tries to indent the current line, and if the line
was already indented, then try to complete the thing at point.

Some programming language modes have their own variable to control this,
e.g., `c-tab-always-indent', and do not respect this variable.

Function: raise-frame

Bring FRAME to the front, so it occludes any frames it overlaps.
If FRAME is invisible or iconified, make it visible.
If you don't specify a frame, the selected frame is used.
If Emacs is displaying on an ordinary terminal or some other device which
doesn't support multiple overlapping frames, this function selects FRAME.

(fn &optional FRAME)

Function: frame-live-p

Return non-nil if OBJECT is a frame which has not been deleted.
Value is nil if OBJECT is not a live frame. If object is a live
frame, the return value indicates what sort of terminal device it is
displayed on. See the documentation of `framep' for possible
return values. (fn OBJECT)

Function: logb

Returns largest integer <= the base 2 log of the magnitude of ARG.
This is the same as the exponent of a float.

(fn ARG)

Function: cl-position

Find the first occurrence of ITEM in SEQ.
Return the index of the matching item, or nil if not found.

Keywords supported: :test :test-not :key :start :end :from-end


Function: set-language-environment-charset

Do various charset setups for language environment LANGUAGE-NAME.

Variable: tex-alt-dvi-print-command

Command used by M-x tex-print with a prefix arg to print a .dvi file.
If this string contains an asterisk (`*'), that is replaced by the file name;
otherwise, the file name, preceded by blank, is added at the end.

If two printers are not enough of a choice, you can set the variable
`tex-alt-dvi-print-command' to an expression that asks what you want;
for example,

(setq tex-alt-dvi-print-command
'(format "lpr -P%s" (read-string "Use printer: ")))

would tell M-x tex-print with a prefix argument to ask you which printer to use.

Function: epa-mail-verify

Verify OpenPGP cleartext signed messages in the current buffer.
The buffer is expected to contain a mail message.

Don't use this command in Lisp programs! (fn)

Function: mode-line-mule-info-help-echo

Return help text specifying WINDOW's buffer coding system.

Variable: custom-dont-initialize

Non-nil means `defcustom' should not initialize the variable.
That is used for the sake of `custom-make-dependencies'.
Users should not set it.

Variable: dbus-runtime-version

The version of D-Bus Emacs runs with.

Variable: url-gateway-unplugged

Non-nil means don't open new network connections.
This should be set, e.g. by mail user agents rendering HTML to avoid
`bugs' which call home.

Variable: vc-file-prop-obarray

Obarray for per-file properties.

Function: pcomplete/erc-mode/NOTIFY


Function: dunnet

Switch to *dungeon* buffer and start game.


Function: add-minor-mode

Register a new minor mode.

This is an XEmacs-compatibility function. Use `define-minor-mode' instead.

TOGGLE is a symbol which is the name of a buffer-local variable that
is toggled on or off to say whether the minor mode is active or not.

NAME specifies what will appear in the mode line when the minor mode
is active. NAME should be either a string starting with a space, or a
symbol whose value is such a string.

Optional KEYMAP is the keymap for the minor mode that will be added
to `minor-mode-map-alist'.

Optional AFTER specifies that TOGGLE should be added after AFTER
in `minor-mode-alist'.

Optional TOGGLE-FUN is an interactive function to toggle the mode.
It defaults to (and should by convention be) TOGGLE.

If TOGGLE has a non-nil `:included' property, an entry for the mode is
included in the mode-line minor mode menu. If TOGGLE has a `:menu-tag', that is used for the menu item's label.

Function: byte-compile-insert

(fn FORM)

Function: isearch-other-control-char

Process a miscellaneous key sequence in Isearch mode.

Try to convert the current key-sequence to something usable in Isearch
mode, either by converting it with `function-key-map', downcasing a
key with C-, or finding a "scrolling command" bound to
it. (In the last case, we may have to read more events.) If so,
either unread the converted sequence or execute the command.

Otherwise, if `search-exit-option' is non-nil (the default) unread the
key-sequence and exit the search normally. If it is the symbol
`edit', the search string is edited in the minibuffer and the meta
character is unread so that it applies to editing the string.

ARG is the prefix argument. It will be transmitted through to the
scrolling command or to the command whose key-sequence exits Isearch mode.

Function: select-frame-by-name

Select the frame on the current terminal whose name is NAME and raise it.
If there is no frame by that name, signal an error.

Function: translate-region

From START to END, translate characters according to TABLE.
TABLE is a string or a char-table.
If TABLE is a string, the Nth character in it is the mapping
for the character with code N.
If TABLE is a char-table, the element for character N is the mapping
for the character with code N.
It returns the number of characters changed.

Function: debugger-frame-clear

Do not enter debugger when this frame exits.
Applies to the frame whose line point is on in the backtrace.

Variable: semantic-default-submodes

List of auxiliary Semantic minor modes enabled by `semantic-mode'.
The possible elements of this list include the following:

`global-semanticdb-minor-mode' - Maintain tag database.
`global-semantic-idle-scheduler-mode' - Reparse buffer when idle.
`global-semantic-idle-summary-mode' - Show summary of tag at point.
`global-semantic-idle-completions-mode' - Show completions when idle.
`global-semantic-decoration-mode' - Additional tag decorations.
`global-semantic-highlight-func-mode' - Highlight the current tag.
`global-semantic-stickyfunc-mode' - Show current fun in header line.
`global-semantic-mru-bookmark-mode' - Provide `switch-to-buffer'-like
keybinding for tag names.
`global-cedet-m3-minor-mode' - A mouse 3 context menu.
`global-semantic-idle-local-symbol-highlight-mode' - Highlight references
of the symbol under point.
The following modes are more targeted at people who want to see
some internal information of the semantic parser in action:
`global-semantic-highlight-edits-mode' - Visualize incremental parser by
highlighting not-yet parsed changes.
`global-semantic-show-unmatched-syntax-mode' - Highlight unmatched lexical
syntax tokens. `global-semantic-show-parser-state-mode' - Display the parser cache state.

Function: eudc-expand-inline

Query the directory server, and expand the query string before point.
The query string consists of the buffer substring from the point back to
the preceding comma, colon or beginning of line.
The variable `eudc-inline-query-format' controls how to associate the
individual inline query words with directory attribute names.
After querying the server for the given string, the expansion specified by
`eudc-inline-expansion-format' is inserted in the buffer at point.
If REPLACE is non-nil, then this expansion replaces the name in the buffer.
`eudc-expansion-overwrites-query' being non-nil inverts the meaning of REPLACE.
Multiple servers can be tried with the same query until one finds a match,
see `eudc-inline-expansion-servers' (fn &optional REPLACE)

Function: size-indication-mode

Toggle buffer size display in the mode line (Size Indication mode).
With a prefix argument ARG, enable Size Indication mode if ARG is
positive, and disable it otherwise.

If called from Lisp, enable the mode if ARG is omitted or nil.

Variable: size-indication-mode

Non-nil if Size-Indication mode is enabled.
See the command `size-indication-mode' for a description of this minor mode.

Function: imagemagick-types

Return a list of image types supported by ImageMagick.
Each entry in this list is a symbol named after an ImageMagick format
tag. See the ImageMagick manual for a list of ImageMagick formats and
their descriptions (http://www.imagemagick.org/script/formats.php).
You can also try the shell command: `identify -list format'.

Note that ImageMagick recognizes many file-types that Emacs does not
recognize as images, such as C. See `imagemagick-types-enable'
and `imagemagick-types-inhibit'. (fn)

Variable: truncate-partial-width-windows

Non-nil means truncate lines in windows narrower than the frame.
For an integer value, truncate lines in each window narrower than the
full frame width, provided the window width is less than that integer;
otherwise, respect the value of `truncate-lines'.

For any other non-nil value, truncate lines in all windows that do
not span the full frame width.

A value of nil means to respect the value of `truncate-lines'.

If `word-wrap' is enabled, you might want to reduce this.

Function: get-char-property

Return the value of POSITION's property PROP, in OBJECT.
Both overlay properties and text properties are checked.
OBJECT is optional and defaults to the current buffer.
If POSITION is at the end of OBJECT, the value is nil.
If OBJECT is a buffer, then overlay properties are considered as well as
text properties.
If OBJECT is a window, then that window's buffer is used, but window-specific
overlays are considered only if they are associated with OBJECT.


Function: eieio-unbind-method-implementations

Make the generic method METHOD have no implementations.
It will leave the original generic function in place,
but remove reference to all implementations of METHOD.

Function: mm-charset-to-coding-system

Return coding-system corresponding to CHARSET.
CHARSET is a symbol naming a MIME charset.
If optional argument LBT (`unix', `dos' or `mac') is specified, it is
used as the line break code type of the coding system.

If ALLOW-OVERRIDE is given, use `mm-charset-override-alist' to
map undesired charset names to their replacement. This should
only be used for decoding, not for encoding.

A non-nil value of SILENT means don't issue a warning even if CHARSET is not available.

Function: comint-bol

Go to the beginning of line, then skip past the prompt, if any.
If prefix argument is given (C-u) the prompt is not skipped.
If `comint-use-prompt-regexp' is non-nil, then the prompt skip is done
by skipping text matching the regular expression `comint-prompt-regexp',
a buffer local variable.
(fn &optional ARG)

Variable: comint-mode-syntax-table

Syntax table for `comint-mode'.

Function: fill-indent-to-left-margin

Indent current line to the column given by `current-left-margin'.

Function: decode-hz-buffer

Decode HZ/ZW encoded text in the current buffer.


Variable: c-mode-syntax-table

Syntax table used in c-mode buffers.

Function: comint-quit-subjob

Send quit signal to the current subjob.
This command also kills the pending input
between the process mark and point. (fn)

Function: dabbrev--goto-start-of-abbrev

Back over all abbrev type characters and then moves forward over
all skip characters.

Function: cl-list*

Return a new list with specified ARGs as elements, consed to last ARG.
Thus, `(cl-list* A B C D)' is equivalent to `(nconc (list A B C) D)', or to
`(cons A (cons B (cons C D)))'.
(fn ARG...)

Function: comment-indent-default

Default for `comment-indent-function'.


Function: reporter-submit-bug-report

Begin submitting a bug report via email.

ADDRESS is the email address for the package's maintainer. PKGNAME is
the name of the package (if you want to include version numbers,
you must put them into PKGNAME before calling this function).
Optional PRE-HOOKS and POST-HOOKS are passed to `reporter-dump-state'.
Optional SALUTATION is inserted at the top of the mail buffer,
and point is left after the salutation.

VARLIST is the list of variables to dump (see `reporter-dump-state'
for details). The optional argument PRE-HOOKS and POST-HOOKS are
passed to `reporter-dump-state'. Optional argument SALUTATION is text
to be inserted at the top of the mail buffer; in that case, point is
left after that text.

This function prompts for a summary if `reporter-prompt-for-summary-p'
is non-nil.

This function does not send a message; it uses the given information
to initialize a message, which the user can then edit and finally send
(or decline to send). The variable `mail-user-agent' controls which
mail-sending package is used for editing and sending the message. (fn ADDRESS PKGNAME VARLIST &optional PRE-HOOKS POST-HOOKS SALUTATION)

Function: man-follow

Get a Un*x manual page of the item under point and put it in a buffer.


Function: assq

Return non-nil if KEY is `eq' to the car of an element of LIST.
The value is actually the first element of LIST whose car is KEY.
Elements of LIST that are not conses are ignored.


Function: cl-cdaadr

Return the `cdr' of the `car' of the `car' of the `cdr' of X.

(fn X)

Function: font-lock-add-keywords

Add highlighting KEYWORDS for MODE.

MODE should be a symbol, the major mode command name, such as `c-mode'
or nil. If nil, highlighting keywords are added for the current buffer.
KEYWORDS should be a list; see the variable `font-lock-keywords'.
By default they are added at the beginning of the current highlighting list.
If optional argument HOW is `set', they are used to replace the current
highlighting list. If HOW is any other non-nil value, they are added at the
end of the current highlighting list.

For example:

(font-lock-add-keywords 'c-mode
'(("\\<\\(FIXME\\):" 1 'font-lock-warning-face prepend)
("\\<\\(and\\|or\\|not\\)\\>" . 'font-lock-keyword-face)))

adds two fontification patterns for C mode, to fontify `FIXME:' words, even in
comments, and to fontify `and', `or' and `not' words as keywords.

The above procedure will only add the keywords for C mode, not
for modes derived from C mode. To add them for derived modes too,
pass nil for MODE and add the call to c-mode-hook.

For example:

(add-hook 'c-mode-hook
(lambda ()
(font-lock-add-keywords nil
'(("\\<\\(FIXME\\):" 1 'font-lock-warning-face prepend)
("\\<\\(and\\|or\\|not\\)\\>" .

The above procedure may fail to add keywords to derived modes if
some involved major mode does not follow the standard conventions.
File a bug report if this happens, so the major mode can be corrected.

Note that some modes have specialized support for additional patterns, e.g., see the variables `c-font-lock-extra-types', `c++-font-lock-extra-types', `objc-font-lock-extra-types' and `java-font-lock-extra-types'.

Function: choose-completion-string

Switch to BUFFER and insert the completion choice CHOICE.
BASE-POSITION, says where to insert the completion.

Function: kmacro-end-macro

Finish defining a keyboard macro.
The definition was started by C-x (.
The macro is now available for use via M-x kmacro-call-macro,
or it can be given a name with M-x kmacro-name-last-macro and then invoked
under that name.

With numeric arg, repeat macro now that many times,
counting the definition just completed as the first repetition.
An argument of zero means repeat until error. (fn ARG)

Function: gnus-sorted-range-intersection

Return intersection of RANGE1 and RANGE2.
RANGE1 and RANGE2 have to be sorted over <.


Function: customize-face

Customize FACE, which should be a face name or nil.
If FACE is nil, customize all faces. If FACE is actually a
face-alias, customize the face it is aliased to.

If OTHER-WINDOW is non-nil, display in another window.

Interactively, when point is on text which has a face specified,
suggest to customize that face, if it's customizable.

(fn &optional FACE OTHER-WINDOW)

Function: global-unset-key

Remove global binding of KEY.
KEY is a string or vector representing a sequence of keystrokes.

Variable: font-weight-table

Vector of valid font weight values.
Each element has the form:
NUMERIC-VALUE is an integer, and SYMBOLIC-NAME and ALIAS-NAME are symbols.

Function: vc-git-extra-menu


Variable: sort-coding-systems-predicate

If non-nil, a predicate function to sort coding systems.

It is called with two coding systems, and should return t if the first
one is "less" than the second.

The function `sort-coding-systems' use it.

Function: flymake-mode

Toggle on-the-fly syntax checking.
With a prefix argument ARG, enable the mode if ARG is positive,
and disable it otherwise. If called from Lisp, enable the mode
if ARG is omitted or nil.

(fn &optional ARG)

Function: shuffle-vector

Randomly permute the elements of VECTOR (all permutations equally likely).


Function: allout-mode

Toggle Allout outline mode.
With a prefix argument ARG, enable Allout outline mode if ARG is
positive, and disable it otherwise. If called from Lisp, enable
the mode if ARG is omitted or nil.

Uses keymap `allout-mode-map-value', which is not currently defined.

Allout outline mode is a minor mode that provides extensive
outline oriented formatting and manipulation. It enables
structural editing of outlines, as well as navigation and
exposure. It also is specifically aimed at accommodating
syntax-sensitive text like programming languages. (For example,
see the allout code itself, which is organized as an allout

In addition to typical outline navigation and exposure, allout includes:

- topic-oriented authoring, including keystroke-based topic creation,
repositioning, promotion/demotion, cut, and paste
- incremental search with dynamic exposure and reconcealment of hidden text
- adjustable format, so programming code can be developed in outline-structure
- easy topic encryption and decryption, symmetric or key-pair
- "Hot-spot" operation, for single-keystroke maneuvering and exposure control
- integral outline layout, for automatic initial exposure when visiting a file
- independent extensibility, using comprehensive exposure and authoring hooks

and many other features.

Below is a description of the key bindings, and then description
of special `allout-mode' features and terminology. See also the
outline menubar additions for quick reference to many of the
features. Customize `allout-auto-activation' to prepare your
Emacs session for automatic activation of `allout-mode'.

The bindings are those listed in `allout-prefixed-keybindings'
and `allout-unprefixed-keybindings'. We recommend customizing
`allout-command-prefix' to use just `\C-c' as the command
prefix, if the allout bindings don't conflict with any personal
bindings you have on \C-c. In any case, outline structure
navigation and authoring is simplified by positioning the cursor
on an item's bullet character, the "hot-spot" -- then you can
invoke allout commands with just the un-prefixed,
un-control-shifted command letters. This is described further in
the HOT-SPOT Operation section.

Exposure Control:
M-x allout-hide-current-subtree `allout-hide-current-subtree'
M-x allout-show-children `allout-show-children'
M-x allout-show-current-subtree `allout-show-current-subtree'
M-x allout-show-current-entry `allout-show-current-entry'
M-x allout-show-all `allout-show-all'

M-x allout-next-visible-heading `allout-next-visible-heading'
M-x allout-previous-visible-heading `allout-previous-visible-heading'
M-x allout-up-current-level `allout-up-current-level'
M-x allout-forward-current-level `allout-forward-current-level'
M-x allout-backward-current-level `allout-backward-current-level'
M-x allout-end-of-entry `allout-end-of-entry'
M-x allout-beginning-of-current-entry `allout-beginning-of-current-entry' (alternately, goes to hot-spot)
M-x allout-beginning-of-line `allout-beginning-of-line' -- like regular beginning-of-line, but
if immediately repeated cycles to the beginning of the current item
and then to the hot-spot (if `allout-beginning-of-line-cycles' is set).

Topic Header Production:
M-x allout-open-sibtopic `allout-open-sibtopic' Create a new sibling after current topic.
M-x allout-open-subtopic `allout-open-subtopic' ... an offspring of current topic.
M-x allout-open-supertopic `allout-open-supertopic' ... a sibling of the current topic's parent.

Topic Level and Prefix Adjustment:
M-x allout-shift-in `allout-shift-in' Shift current topic and all offspring deeper
M-x allout-shift-out `allout-shift-out' ... less deep
M-x allout-rebullet-current-heading `allout-rebullet-current-heading' Prompt for alternate bullet for
current topic
M-x allout-rebullet-topic `allout-rebullet-topic' Reconcile bullets of topic and
its offspring -- distinctive bullets are not changed, others
are alternated according to nesting depth.
M-x allout-number-siblings `allout-number-siblings' Number bullets of topic and siblings --
the offspring are not affected.
With repeat count, revoke numbering.

Topic-oriented Killing and Yanking:
M-x allout-kill-topic `allout-kill-topic' Kill current topic, including offspring.
M-x allout-copy-topic-as-kill `allout-copy-topic-as-kill' Copy current topic, including offspring.
M-x allout-kill-line `allout-kill-line' Kill line, attending to outline structure.
M-x allout-copy-line-as-kill `allout-copy-line-as-kill' Copy line but don't delete it.
M-x allout-yank `allout-yank' Yank, adjusting depth of yanked topic to
depth of heading if yanking into bare topic
heading (ie, prefix sans text).
M-x allout-yank-pop `allout-yank-pop' Is to `allout-yank' as `yank-pop' is to `yank'.

Topic-oriented Encryption:
M-x allout-toggle-current-subtree-encryption `allout-toggle-current-subtree-encryption'
Encrypt/Decrypt topic content

Misc commands:
M-x outlineify-sticky Activate outline mode for current buffer,
and establish a default file-var setting
for `allout-layout'.
M-x allout-mark-topic `allout-mark-topic'
M-x allout-copy-exposed-to-buffer `allout-copy-exposed-to-buffer'
Duplicate outline, sans concealed text, to
buffer with name derived from derived from that
of current buffer -- "*BUFFERNAME exposed*".
M-x allout-flatten-exposed-to-buffer `allout-flatten-exposed-to-buffer'
Like above 'copy-exposed', but convert topic
prefixes to section.subsection... numeric
M-x customize-variable allout-auto-activation
Prepare Emacs session for allout outline mode

Topic Encryption

Outline mode supports gpg encryption of topics, with support for
symmetric and key-pair modes, and auto-encryption of topics
pending encryption on save.

Topics pending encryption are, by default, automatically
encrypted during file saves, including checkpoint saves, to avoid
exposing the plain text of encrypted topics in the file system.
If the content of the topic containing the cursor was encrypted
for a save, it is automatically decrypted for continued editing.

NOTE: A few GnuPG v2 versions improperly preserve incorrect
symmetric decryption keys, preventing entry of the correct key on
subsequent decryption attempts until the cache times-out. That
can take several minutes. (Decryption of other entries is not
affected.) Upgrade your EasyPG version, if you can, and you can
deliberately clear your gpg-agent's cache by sending it a '-HUP'

See `allout-toggle-current-subtree-encryption' function docstring
and `allout-encrypt-unencrypted-on-saves' customization variable
for details.

HOT-SPOT Operation

Hot-spot operation provides a means for easy, single-keystroke outline
navigation and exposure control.

When the text cursor is positioned directly on the bullet character of
a topic, regular characters (a to z) invoke the commands of the
corresponding allout-mode keymap control chars. For example, "f"
would invoke the command typically bound to "C-cC-f"
(M-x allout-forward-current-level `allout-forward-current-level').

Thus, by positioning the cursor on a topic bullet, you can
execute the outline navigation and manipulation commands with a
single keystroke. Regular navigation keys (eg, C-f, C-n) don't get
this special translation, so you can use them to get out of the
hot-spot and back to normal editing operation.

In allout-mode, the normal beginning-of-line command (M-x allout-beginning-of-line) is
replaced with one that makes it easy to get to the hot-spot. If you
repeat it immediately it cycles (if `allout-beginning-of-line-cycles'
is set) to the beginning of the item and then, if you hit it again
immediately, to the hot-spot. Similarly, `allout-beginning-of-current-entry'
(M-x allout-beginning-of-current-entry) moves to the hot-spot when the cursor is already located
at the beginning of the current entry.

Extending Allout

Allout exposure and authoring activities all have associated
hooks, by which independent code can cooperate with allout
without changes to the allout core. Here are key ones:

`allout-mode-deactivate-hook' (deprecated)


Topic hierarchy constituents -- TOPICS and SUBTOPICS:

ITEM: A unitary outline element, including the HEADER and ENTRY text.
TOPIC: An ITEM and any ITEMs contained within it, ie having greater DEPTH
and with no intervening items of lower DEPTH than the container.
The visible ITEM most immediately containing the cursor.
DEPTH: The degree of nesting of an ITEM; it increases with containment.
The DEPTH is determined by the HEADER PREFIX. The DEPTH is also
called the:
LEVEL: The same as DEPTH.

Those ITEMs whose TOPICs contain an ITEM.
PARENT: An ITEM's immediate ANCESTOR. It has a DEPTH one less than that
of the ITEM.
The ITEMs contained within an ITEM's TOPIC.
An immediate SUBTOPIC of its PARENT.
TOPICs having the same PARENT and DEPTH.

Topic text constituents:

HEADER: The first line of an ITEM, include the ITEM PREFIX and HEADER
ENTRY: The text content of an ITEM, before any OFFSPRING, but including
the HEADER text and distinct from the ITEM PREFIX.
BODY: Same as ENTRY.
PREFIX: The leading text of an ITEM which distinguishes it from normal
ENTRY text. Allout recognizes the outline structure according
to the strict PREFIX format. It consists of a PREFIX-LEAD string,
PREFIX-PADDING, and a BULLET. The BULLET might be followed by a
number, indicating the ordinal number of the topic among its
siblings, or an asterisk indicating encryption, plus an optional
space. After that is the ITEM HEADER text, which is not part of

The relative length of the PREFIX determines the nesting DEPTH
of the ITEM.
The string at the beginning of a HEADER PREFIX, by default a `.'.
It can be customized by changing the setting of
`allout-header-prefix' and then reinitializing `allout-mode'.

When the PREFIX-LEAD is set to the comment-string of a
programming language, outline structuring can be embedded in
program code without interfering with processing of the text
(by Emacs or the language processor) as program code. This
setting happens automatically when allout mode is used in
programming-mode buffers. See `allout-use-mode-specific-leader'
docstring for more detail.
Spaces or asterisks which separate the PREFIX-LEAD and the
bullet, determining the ITEM's DEPTH.
BULLET: A character at the end of the ITEM PREFIX, it must be one of
the characters listed on `allout-plain-bullets-string' or
`allout-distinctive-bullets-string'. When creating a TOPIC, plain BULLETs are by default used, according to the DEPTH of the TOPIC. Choice among the distinctive BULLETs is offered when you provide a universal argument (C-u) to the TOPIC creation command, or when explicitly rebulleting a TOPIC. The significance of the various distinctive bullets is purely by convention. See the documentation for the above bullet strings for more details. EXPOSURE: The state of a TOPIC which determines the on-screen visibility of its OFFSPRING and contained ENTRY text. CONCEALED: TOPICs and ENTRY text whose EXPOSURE is inhibited. Concealed text is represented by "..." ellipses. CONCEALED TOPICs are effectively collapsed within an ANCESTOR. CLOSED: A TOPIC whose immediate OFFSPRING and body-text is CONCEALED. OPEN: A TOPIC that is not CLOSED, though its OFFSPRING or BODY may be. (fn &optional ARG)

Variable: input-method-function

If non-nil, the function that implements the current input method.
It's called with one argument, a printing character that was just read.
(That means a character with code 040...0176.)
Typically this function uses `read-event' to read additional events.
When it does so, it should first bind `input-method-function' to nil
so it will not be called recursively.

The function should return a list of zero or more events
to be used as input. If it wants to put back some events
to be reconsidered, separately, by the input method,
it can add them to the beginning of `unread-command-events'.

The input method function can find in `input-method-previous-message'
the previous echo area message.

The input method function should refer to the variables
`input-method-use-echo-area' and `input-method-exit-on-first-char' for guidance on what to do.

Function: mm-codepage-setup

Create a coding system cpNUMBER.
The coding system is created using `codepage-setup'. If ALIAS is
non-nil, an alias is created and added to
`mm-charset-synonym-alist'. If ALIAS is a string, it's used as
the alias. Else windows-NUMBER is used.

Function: mh-smail-batch

Compose a message with the MH mail system.

This function does not prompt the user for any header fields, and
thus is suitable for use by programs that want to create a mail
buffer. Users should use M-x mh-smail to compose mail.

Optional arguments for setting certain fields include TO,
SUBJECT, and OTHER-HEADERS. Additional arguments are IGNORED.

This function remains for Emacs 21 compatibility. New
applications should use `mh-user-agent-compose'.


Function: normal-mode

Choose the major mode for this buffer automatically.
Also sets up any specified local variables of the file.
Uses the visited file name, the -*- line, and the local variables spec.

This function is called automatically from `find-file'. In that case,
we may set up the file-specified mode and local variables,
depending on the value of `enable-local-variables'.
In addition, if `local-enable-local-variables' is nil, we do
not set local variables (though we do notice a mode specified with -*-.)

`enable-local-variables' is ignored if you run `normal-mode' interactively,
or from Lisp without specifying the optional argument FIND-FILE;
in that case, this function acts as if `enable-local-variables' were t.

Variable: mode-line-front-space

Mode line construct to put at the front of the mode line.
By default, this construct is displayed right at the beginning of
the mode line, except that if there is a memory-full message, it
is displayed first.

Function: set-fringe-bitmap-face

Set face for fringe bitmap BITMAP to FACE.
If FACE is nil, reset face to default fringe face.

(fn BITMAP &optional FACE)

Function: emacs-pid

Return the process ID of Emacs, as a number.


Function: ash

Return VALUE with its bits shifted left by COUNT.
If COUNT is negative, shifting is actually to the right.
In this case, the sign bit is duplicated.


Function: comint-history-isearch-backward-regexp

Search for a regular expression backward in input history using Isearch.


Function: terminal-init-xterm

Terminal initialization function for xterm.

Function: cl-nsublis

Perform substitutions indicated by ALIST in TREE (destructively).
Any matching element of TREE is changed via a call to `setcar'.

Keywords supported: :test :test-not :key


Function: cl-plusp

Return t if NUMBER is positive.


Function: isearch-string-out-of-window

Test whether the search string is currently outside of the window.
Return nil if it's completely visible, or if point is visible,
together with as much of the search string as will fit; the symbol
`above' if we need to scroll the text downwards; the symbol `below', if upwards.

Function: copy-abbrev-table

Make a new abbrev-table with the same abbrevs as TABLE.
Does not copy property lists.

(fn TABLE)

Function: button-type-subtype-p

Return t if button-type TYPE is a subtype of SUPERTYPE.

Function: hide-ifdef-mode

Toggle features to hide/show #ifdef blocks (Hide-Ifdef mode).
With a prefix argument ARG, enable Hide-Ifdef mode if ARG is
positive, and disable it otherwise. If called from Lisp, enable
the mode if ARG is omitted or nil.

Hide-Ifdef mode is a buffer-local minor mode for use with C and
C-like major modes. When enabled, code within #ifdef constructs
that the C preprocessor would eliminate may be hidden from view.
Several variables affect how the hiding is done:

An association list of defined and undefined symbols for the
current buffer. Initially, the global value of `hide-ifdef-env'
is used.

An association list of defined symbol lists.
Use `hide-ifdef-set-define-alist' to save the current `hide-ifdef-env'
and `hide-ifdef-use-define-alist' to set the current `hide-ifdef-env'
from one of the lists in `hide-ifdef-define-alist'.

Set to non-nil to not show #if, #ifdef, #ifndef, #else, and
#endif lines when hiding.

Indicates whether `hide-ifdefs' should be called when Hide-Ifdef mode
is activated.

Set to non-nil if you want to make buffers read only while hiding.
After `show-ifdefs', read-only status is restored to previous value. Uses keymap `hide-ifdef-mode-map', which is not currently defined. (fn &optional ARG)

Function: get-buffer-create

Return the buffer specified by BUFFER-OR-NAME, creating a new one if needed.
If BUFFER-OR-NAME is a string and a live buffer with that name exists,
return that buffer. If no such buffer exists, create a new buffer with
that name and return it. If BUFFER-OR-NAME starts with a space, the new
buffer does not keep undo information.

If BUFFER-OR-NAME is a buffer instead of a string, return it as given,
even if it is dead. The return value is never nil. (fn BUFFER-OR-NAME)

Variable: auth-source-do-cache

Whether auth-source should cache information with `password-cache'.

Function: byte-compile-condition-case

(fn FORM)

Function: mouse-set-mark

Set mark at the position clicked on with the mouse.
Display cursor at that position for a second.
This must be bound to a mouse click.
(fn CLICK)

Function: minor-mode-menu-from-indicator

Show menu for minor mode specified by INDICATOR.
Interactively, INDICATOR is read using completion.
If there is no menu defined for the minor mode, then create one with
items `Turn Off' and `Help'.

Variable: fancy-about-text

A list of texts to show in the middle part of the About screen.
Each element in the list should be a list of strings or pairs
`:face FACE', like `fancy-splash-insert' accepts them.

Function: ffap-guess-file-name-at-point

Try to get a file name at point.
This hook is intended to be put in `file-name-at-point-functions'.

Function: window-new-normal

Return new normal size of window WINDOW.
WINDOW must be a valid window and defaults to the selected one.

(fn &optional WINDOW)

Variable: inhibit-read-only

Non-nil means disregard read-only status of buffers or characters.
If the value is t, disregard `buffer-read-only' and all `read-only'
text properties. If the value is a list, disregard `buffer-read-only'
and disregard a `read-only' text property if the property value
is a member of the list.

Variable: latin-extra-code-table

Table of extra Latin codes in the range 128..159 (inclusive).
This is a vector of length 256.
If Nth element is non-nil, the existence of code N in a file
(or output of subprocess) doesn't prevent it to be detected as
a coding system of ISO 2022 variant which has a flag
`accept-latin-extra-code' t (e.g. iso-latin-1) on reading a file
or reading output of a subprocess.
Only 128th through 159th elements have a meaning.

Function: byte-compile-abbreviate-file

(fn FILE &optional DIR)

Variable: telugu-composable-pattern

Regexp matching a composable sequence of Telugu characters.

Function: mpc

Main entry point for MPC.


Variable: mode-line-position

Mode line construct for displaying the position in the buffer.
Normally displays the buffer percentage and, optionally, the
buffer size, the line number and the column number.

Function: start-file-process-shell-command

Start a program in a subprocess. Return the process object for it.
Similar to `start-process-shell-command', but calls `start-file-process'.

Variable: Buffer-menu-use-frame-buffer-list

If non-nil, the Buffer Menu uses the selected frame's buffer list.
Buffers that were never selected in that frame are listed at the end.
If the value is nil, the Buffer Menu uses the global buffer list.
This variable matters if the Buffer Menu is sorted by visited order,
as it is by default.

Variable: completion-annotate-function

Function to add annotations in the *Completions* buffer.
The function takes a completion and should either return nil, or a string that
will be displayed next to the completion. The function can access the
completion table and predicates via `minibuffer-completion-table' and related variables.

Function: maximize-window

Maximize WINDOW.
Make WINDOW as large as possible without deleting any windows.
WINDOW must be a valid window and defaults to the selected one.

Function: top-level

Exit all recursive editing levels.
This also exits all active minibuffers.

Variable: top-level

Form to evaluate when Emacs starts up.
Useful to set before you dump a modified Emacs.

Function: Info-nth-menu-item

Go to the node of the Nth menu item.
N is the digit argument used to invoke this command.

Function: sgml-quote

Quote SGML text in region START ... END.
Only &, < and > are quoted, the rest is left untouched.
With prefix argument UNQUOTEP, unquote the region.

Variable: tooltip-hide-time

Time when the last tooltip was hidden.

Variable: mm-mime-mule-charset-alist

Alist of MIME-charset/MULE-charsets.

Function: cl-assoc

Find the first item whose car matches ITEM in LIST.

Keywords supported: :test :test-not :key


Function: comment-box

Comment out the BEG .. END region, putting it inside a box.
The numeric prefix ARG specifies how many characters to add to begin- and
end- comment markers additionally to what `comment-add' already specifies.

(fn BEG END &optional ARG)

Function: list-colors-duplicates

Return a list of colors with grouped duplicate colors.
If a color has no duplicates, then the element of the returned list
has the form '(COLOR-NAME). The element of the returned list with
duplicate colors has the form '(COLOR-NAME DUPLICATE-COLOR-NAME ...).
This function uses the predicate `facemenu-color-equal' to compare
color names. If the optional argument LIST is non-nil, it should
be a list of colors to display. Otherwise, this function uses
a list of colors that the current display can handle.

Function: completion-substring-all-completions


Function: backward-char

Move point N characters backward (forward if N is negative).
On attempt to pass beginning or end of buffer, stop and signal error.
Interactively, N is the numeric prefix argument.

Depending on the bidirectional context, the movement may be to the
right or to the left on the screen. This is in contrast with
, which see. (fn &optional N)

Function: byte-compile-or

(fn FORM)

Variable: table-point-left-cell-hook

List of functions to be called after point left a table cell.

Function: send-region

Send current contents of region as input to PROCESS.
PROCESS may be a process, a buffer, the name of a process or buffer, or
nil, indicating the current buffer's process.
Called from program, takes three arguments, PROCESS, START and END.
If the region is more than 500 characters long,
it is sent in several bunches. This may happen even for shorter regions.
Output from processes can arrive in between bunches. (fn PROCESS START END)

Function: set-fontset-font

Modify fontset NAME to use FONT-SPEC for TARGET characters.

NAME is a fontset name string, nil for the fontset of FRAME, or t for
the default fontset.

TARGET may be a cons; (FROM . TO), where FROM and TO are characters.
In that case, use FONT-SPEC for all characters in the range FROM and
TO (inclusive).

TARGET may be a script name symbol. In that case, use FONT-SPEC for
all characters that belong to the script.

TARGET may be a charset. In that case, use FONT-SPEC for all
characters in the charset.

TARGET may be nil. In that case, use FONT-SPEC for any characters for
that no FONT-SPEC is specified.

FONT-SPEC may one of these:
* A font-spec object made by the function `font-spec' (which see).
* A cons (FAMILY . REGISTRY), where FAMILY is a font family name and
REGISTRY is a font registry name. FAMILY may contain foundry
name, and REGISTRY may contain encoding name.
* A font name string.
* nil, which explicitly specifies that there's no font for TARGET.

Optional 4th argument FRAME is a frame or nil for the selected frame
that is concerned in the case that NAME is nil.

Optional 5th argument ADD, if non-nil, specifies how to add FONT-SPEC
to the font specifications for TARGET previously set. If it is
`prepend', FONT-SPEC is prepended. If it is `append', FONT-SPEC is appended. By default, FONT-SPEC overrides the previous settings. (fn NAME TARGET FONT-SPEC &optional FRAME ADD)

Variable: overriding-local-map-menu-flag

Non-nil means `overriding-local-map' applies to the menu bar.
Otherwise, the menu bar continues to reflect the buffer's local map
and the minor mode maps regardless of `overriding-local-map'.

Variable: cl-most-positive-float

The largest value that a Lisp float can hold.
If your system supports infinities, this is the largest finite value.
For IEEE machines, this is approximately 1.79e+308.
Call `cl-float-limits' to set this.

Variable: font-lock-fontify-buffer-function

Function to use for fontifying the buffer.
This is normally set via `font-lock-defaults'.

Function: previous-multiframe-window

Select the previous window, regardless of which frame it is on.

Function: tramp-run-real-handler

Invoke normal file name handler for OPERATION.
First arg specifies the OPERATION, second arg is a list of arguments to
pass to the OPERATION.

Function: arp

Run arp and display diagnostic output.


Function: tags-table-files

Return a list of files in the current tags table.
Assumes the tags table is the current buffer. The file names are returned
as they appeared in the `etags' command that created the table, usually
without directory names. (fn)

Variable: null-device

The system null device.

Function: quit-restore-window

Quit WINDOW and deal with its buffer.
WINDOW must be a live window and defaults to the selected one.

According to information stored in WINDOW's `quit-restore' window
parameter either (1) delete WINDOW and its frame, (2) delete
WINDOW, (3) restore the buffer previously displayed in WINDOW,
or (4) make WINDOW display some other buffer than the present
one. If non-nil, reset `quit-restore' parameter to nil.

Optional second argument BURY-OR-KILL tells how to proceed with
the buffer of WINDOW. The following values are handled:

`nil' means to not handle the buffer in a particular way. This
means that if WINDOW is not deleted by this function, invoking
`switch-to-prev-buffer' will usually show the buffer again.

`append' means that if WINDOW is not deleted, move its buffer to
the end of WINDOW's previous buffers so it's less likely that a
future invocation of `switch-to-prev-buffer' will switch to it.
Also, move the buffer to the end of the frame's buffer list.

`bury' means that if WINDOW is not deleted, remove its buffer
from WINDOW'S list of previous buffers. Also, move the buffer
to the end of the frame's buffer list. This value provides the
most reliable remedy to not have `switch-to-prev-buffer' switch to this buffer again without killing the buffer. `kill' means to kill WINDOW's buffer.

Function: display-buffer-below-selected

Try displaying BUFFER in a window below the selected window.
This either splits the selected window or reuses the window below
the selected one.

Function: window--resize-reset-1

Internal function of `window--resize-reset'.

Function: x-display-save-under

Return t if the X display TERMINAL supports the save-under feature.
The optional argument TERMINAL specifies which display to ask about.
TERMINAL should be a terminal object, a frame or a display name (a string).
If omitted or nil, that stands for the selected frame's display.

(fn &optional TERMINAL)

Function: backtrace-debug

Set the debug-on-exit flag of eval frame LEVEL levels down to FLAG.
The debugger is entered when that frame exits, if the flag is non-nil.


Function: current-global-map

Return the current global keymap.


Function: minibuffer-history-isearch-wrap

Wrap the minibuffer history search when search fails.
Move point to the first history element for a forward search,
or to the last history element for a backward search.

Function: org-ido-switchb

Switch between Org buffers.
With one prefix argument, restrict available buffers to files.
With two prefix arguments, restrict available buffers to agenda files.

Defaults to `iswitchb' for buffer name completion.
Set `org-completion-use-ido' to make it use ido instead. (fn &optional ARG)

Function: diff-backup

Diff this file with its backup file or vice versa.
Uses the latest backup, if there are several numerical backups.
If this file is a backup, diff it with its original.
The backup file is the first file given to `diff'.
With prefix arg, prompt for diff switches.

(fn FILE &optional SWITCHES)

Function: auto-save-file-name-p

Return non-nil if FILENAME can be yielded by `make-auto-save-file-name'.
FILENAME should lack slashes. You can redefine this for customization.

Variable: overlay-arrow-string

String to display as an arrow in non-window frames.
See also `overlay-arrow-position'.

Face: border

Basic face for the frame border under X.

Function: cl-delete

Remove all occurrences of ITEM in SEQ.
This is a destructive function; it reuses the storage of SEQ whenever possible.

Keywords supported: :test :test-not :key :count :start :end :from-end


Function: transpose-subr

Subroutine to do the work of transposing objects.
Works for lines, sentences, paragraphs, etc. MOVER is a function that
moves forward by units of the given object (e.g. forward-sentence,
forward-paragraph). If ARG is zero, exchanges the current object
with the one containing mark. If ARG is an integer, moves the
current object past ARG following (if ARG is positive) or
preceding (if ARG is negative) objects, leaving point after the current object.

Variable: cross-disabled-images

Non-nil means always draw a cross over disabled images.
Disabled images are those having a `:conversion disabled' property.
A cross is always drawn on black & white displays.

Function: consp

Return t if OBJECT is a cons cell.


Function: cconv--set-diff

Return elements of set S1 that are not in set S2.

(fn S1 S2)

Variable: view-overlay

Overlay used to display where a search operation found its match.
This is local in each buffer, once it is used.

Function: face-stipple

Return the stipple pixmap name of FACE, or nil if unspecified.
If the optional argument FRAME is given, report on face FACE in that frame.
If FRAME is t, report on the defaults for face FACE (for new frames).
If FRAME is omitted or nil, use the selected frame.

If INHERIT is nil, only a stipple directly defined by FACE is
considered, so the return value may be nil.
If INHERIT is t, and FACE doesn't define a stipple, then any stipple
that FACE inherits through its `:inherit' attribute is considered as
well; however the return value may still be nil.
If INHERIT is a face or a list of faces, then it is used to try to
resolve an unspecified stipple.

To ensure that a valid stipple or nil is always returned, use a value of
`default' for INHERIT; this will resolve any unspecified values by merging
with the `default' face (which is always completely specified).

Function: xw-color-values

Internal function called by `color-values', which see.

(fn COLOR &optional FRAME)

Function: set-time-zone-rule

Set the local time zone using TZ, a string specifying a time zone rule.
If TZ is nil, use implementation-defined default time zone information.
If TZ is t, use Universal Time.

Instead of calling this function, you typically want (setenv "TZ" TZ).
That changes both the environment of the Emacs process and the
variable `process-environment', whereas `set-time-zone-rule' affects
only the former. (fn TZ)

Function: file-regular-p

Return t if FILENAME names a regular file.
This is the sort of file that holds an ordinary stream of data bytes.
Symbolic links to regular files count as regular files.
See `file-symlink-p' to distinguish symlinks.

Variable: executable-error-regexp-alist

Alist of regexps used to match script errors.
See `compilation-error-regexp-alist'.

Function: Info-help

Enter the Info tutorial.

Variable: jit-lock-stealth-buffers

List of buffers that are being fontified stealthily.

Variable: tty-standard-colors

An alist of 8 standard tty colors, their indices and RGB values.

Function: display-time-world

Enable updating display of times in various time zones.
`display-time-world-list' specifies the zones.
To turn off the world time display, go to that window and type `q'.

Variable: revert-buffer-in-progress-p

Non-nil if a `revert-buffer' operation is in progress, nil otherwise.
This is true even if a `revert-buffer-function' is being used.

Function: assoc-ignore-representation

Like `assoc', but ignores differences in text representation.
KEY must be a string.
Unibyte strings are converted to multibyte for comparison.

Function: hash-table-weakness

Return the weakness of TABLE.

(fn TABLE)

Function: throw

Throw to the catch for TAG and return VALUE from it.
Both TAG and VALUE are evalled.


Variable: load-history

Alist mapping loaded file names to symbols and features.
Each alist element should be a list (FILE-NAME ENTRIES...), where
FILE-NAME is the name of a file that has been loaded into Emacs.
The file name is absolute and true (i.e. it doesn't contain symlinks).
As an exception, one of the alist elements may have FILE-NAME nil,
for symbols and features not associated with any file.

The remaining ENTRIES in the alist element describe the functions and
variables defined in that file, the features provided, and the
features required. Each entry has the form `(provide . FEATURE)',
`(require . FEATURE)', `(defun . FUNCTION)', `(autoload . SYMBOL)',
`(defface . SYMBOL)', or `(t . SYMBOL)'. Entries like `(t . SYMBOL)'
may precede a `(defun . FUNCTION)' entry, and means that SYMBOL was an
autoload before this file redefined it as a function. In addition,
entries may also be single symbols, which means that SYMBOL was
defined by `defvar' or `defconst'.

During preloading, the file name recorded is relative to the main Lisp directory. These file names are converted to absolute at startup.

Function: vc-delete-automatic-version-backups

Delete all existing automatic version backups for FILE.

Variable: float-e

The value of e (2.7182818...).

Function: menu-bar-showhide-tool-bar-menu-customize-enable-right

Display tool bars on the right side.

Function: mouse-set-region-1


Variable: eval-expression-debug-on-error

If non-nil set `debug-on-error' to t in `eval-expression'.
If nil, don't change the value of `debug-on-error'.

Variable: buffer-stale-function

Function to check whether a non-file buffer needs reverting.
This should be a function with one optional argument NOCONFIRM.
Auto Revert Mode passes t for NOCONFIRM. The function should return
non-nil if the buffer should be reverted. A return value of
`fast' means that the need for reverting was not checked, but
that reverting the buffer is fast. The buffer is current when
this function is called.

The idea behind the NOCONFIRM argument is that it should be
non-nil if the buffer is going to be reverted without asking the
user. In such situations, one has to be careful with potentially
time consuming operations.

For more information on how this variable is used by Auto Revert mode,
see Info node `(emacs)Supporting additional buffers'.

Function: mm-ucs-to-char

Return the argument unchanged.

(fn ARG)

Function: edir-revisions

Run Ediff on a directory, DIR1, comparing its files with their revisions.
The second argument, REGEXP, is a regular expression that filters the file
names. Only the files that are under revision control are taken into account.


Function: fancy-startup-tail

Insert the tail part of the splash screen into the current buffer.

(fn &optional CONCISE)

Function: insert-directory-adj-pos

Convert `ls --dired' file name position value POS to a buffer position.
File name position values returned in ls --dired output
count only stdout; they don't count the error messages sent to stderr.
So this function converts to them to real buffer positions.
ERROR-LINES is a list of buffer positions of error message lines,
of the form (START END).

Variable: mode-line-modified

Mode line construct for displaying whether current buffer is modified.

Variable: comment-empty-lines

If nil, `comment-region' does not comment out empty lines.
If t, it always comments out empty lines.
If `eol' it only comments out empty lines if comments are
terminated by the end of line (i.e. `comment-end' is empty).

Variable: cpp-font-lock-keywords

Font lock keywords for C preprocessor directives.
`c-mode', `c++-mode' and `objc-mode' have their own font lock keywords
for C preprocessor directives. This definition is for the other modes
in which C preprocessor directives are used. e.g. `asm-mode' and

Variable: term-file-prefix

If non-nil, Emacs startup performs terminal-specific initialization.
It does this by: (load (concat term-file-prefix (getenv "TERM")))

You may set this variable to nil in your init file if you do not wish
the terminal-initialization file to be loaded.

Function: expand-abbrev

Expand the abbrev before point, if there is an abbrev there.
Effective when explicitly called even when `abbrev-mode' is nil.
Returns the abbrev symbol, if expansion took place. (The actual
return value is that of `abbrev-insert'.) (fn)

Variable: url-request-extra-headers

A list of extra headers to send with the next request.
Should be an assoc list of headers/contents.

Function: pcomplete--common-suffix

(fn S1 S2)

Function: comint-get-source

Prompt for filenames in commands that process source files,
e.g. loading or compiling a file.
Provides a default, if there is one, and returns the result filename.

See `comint-source-default' for more on determining defaults.

PROMPT is the prompt string. PREV-DIR/FILE is the (DIRECTORY . FILE) pair
from the last source processing command. SOURCE-MODES is a list of major
modes used to determine what file buffers contain source files. (These
two arguments are used for determining defaults.) If MUSTMATCH-P is true,
then the filename reader will only accept a file that exists.

A typical use:
(interactive (comint-get-source "Compile file: " prev-lisp-dir/file

Function: modify-all-frames-parameters

Modify all current and future frames' parameters according to ALIST.
This changes `default-frame-alist' and possibly `initial-frame-alist'.
Furthermore, this function removes all parameters in ALIST from
See help of `modify-frame-parameters' for more information.

Function: mm-url-insert-file-contents-external

Insert file contents of URL using `mm-url-program'.

(fn URL)

Function: ispell-word

Check spelling of word under or before the cursor.
If the word is not found in dictionary, display possible corrections
in a window allowing you to choose one.

If optional argument FOLLOWING is non-nil or if `ispell-following-word'
is non-nil when called interactively, then the following word
(rather than preceding) is checked when the cursor is not over a word.
When the optional argument QUIETLY is non-nil or `ispell-quietly' is non-nil
when called interactively, non-corrective messages are suppressed.

With a prefix argument (or if CONTINUE is non-nil),
resume interrupted spell-checking of a buffer or region.

Interactively, in Transient Mark mode when the mark is active, call
`ispell-region' to check the active region for spelling errors.

Word syntax is controlled by the definition of the chosen dictionary,
which is in `ispell-local-dictionary-alist' or `ispell-dictionary-alist'.

This will check or reload the dictionary. Use M-x ispell-change-dictionary
or M-x ispell-region to update the Ispell process.

Return values:
nil word is correct or spelling is accepted.
0 word is inserted into buffer-local definitions.
"word" word corrected from word list.
("word" arg) word is hand entered. quit spell session exited. (fn &optional FOLLOWING QUIETLY CONTINUE REGION)

Function: dissociated-press

Dissociate the text of the current buffer.
Output goes in buffer named *Dissociation*,
which is redisplayed each time text is added to it.
Every so often the user must say whether to continue.
If ARG is positive, require ARG chars of continuity.
If ARG is negative, require -ARG words of continuity.
Default is 2. (fn &optional ARG)

Variable: buffer-file-number

The device number and file number of the file visited in the current buffer.
The value is a list of the form (FILENUM DEVNUM).
This pair of numbers uniquely identifies the file.
If the buffer is visiting a new file, the value is nil.

Function: matching-paren

Return the matching parenthesis of CHARACTER, or nil if none.


Variable: byte-compile-output

Alist describing contents to put in byte code string.
Each element is (INDEX . VALUE)

Variable: url-personal-mail-address

Your full email address.
This is what is sent to HTTP servers as the FROM field in an HTTP

Function: remove*

Remove all occurrences of ITEM in SEQ.
This is a non-destructive function; it makes a copy of SEQ if necessary
to avoid corrupting the original SEQ.

Keywords supported: :test :test-not :key :count :start :end :from-end


Variable: emacs-lisp-docstring-fill-column

Value of `fill-column' to use when filling a docstring.
Any non-integer value means do not use a different value of
`fill-column' when filling docstrings.

Variable: mail-dont-reply-to-names

Regexp specifying addresses to prune from a reply message.
If this is nil, it is set the first time you compose a reply, to
a value which excludes your own email address.

Matching addresses are excluded from the CC field in replies, and
also the To field, unless this would leave an empty To field.

Variable: keypad-shifted-setup

Specifies the keypad setup for shifted keypad keys when NumLock is off.
When selecting the plain numeric keypad setup, the character returned by the
decimal key must be specified.

Function: holidays

Display the holidays for last month, this month, and next month.
If called with an optional prefix argument ARG, prompts for month and year.
This function is suitable for execution in a init file.

(fn &optional ARG)

Function: x-get-atom-name

Return the X atom name for VALUE as a string.
VALUE may be a number or a cons where the car is the upper 16 bits and
the cdr is the lower 16 bits of a 32 bit value.
Use the display for FRAME or the current frame if FRAME is not given or nil.

If the value is 0 or the atom is not known, return the empty string.

(fn VALUE &optional FRAME)

Function: mod

Return X modulo Y.
The result falls between zero (inclusive) and Y (exclusive).
Both X and Y must be numbers or markers.
(fn X Y)

Variable: sh-styles-alist

A list of all known shell indentation styles.

Function: display-time-update

Update the display-time info for the mode line.
However, don't redisplay right now.

This is used for things like Rmail `g' that want to force an
update which can wait for the next redisplay.

Function: cl-tree-equal

Return t if trees TREE1 and TREE2 have `eql' leaves.
Atoms are compared by `eql'; cons cells are compared recursively.

Keywords supported: :test :test-not :key


Variable: jit-lock-defer-buffers

List of buffers with pending deferred fontification.

Function: pr-despool-preview

Preview spooled PostScript.

Interactively, when you use a prefix argument (C-u), the command prompts the
user for a file name, and saves the spooled PostScript image in that file
instead of saving it in a temporary file.

Noninteractively, the argument FILENAME is treated as follows: if it is nil,
save the image in a temporary file. If FILENAME is a string, save the
PostScript image in a file with that name. (fn &optional FILENAME)

Function: file-in-directory-p

Return non-nil if FILE is in DIR or a subdirectory of DIR.
A directory is considered to be "in" itself.
Return nil if DIR is not an existing directory.

Function: Info-desktop-buffer-misc-data

Auxiliary information to be saved in desktop file.

Function: forward-to-indentation

Move forward ARG lines and position at first nonblank character.

Function: info-emacs-manual

Display the Emacs manual in Info mode.

Function: eobp

Return t if point is at the end of the buffer.
If the buffer is narrowed, this means the end of the narrowed part.

Variable: timer-duration-words

Alist mapping temporal words to durations in seconds.

Function: spam-report-url-ping-mm-url

Ping a host through HTTP, addressing a specific GET resource. Use
the external program specified in `mm-url-program' to connect to


Function: face-nontrivial-p

True if face FACE has some non-nil attribute.
If the optional argument FRAME is given, report on face FACE in that frame.
If FRAME is t, report on the defaults for face FACE (for new frames).
If FRAME is omitted or nil, use the selected frame.

Variable: save-buffer-coding-system

If non-nil, use this coding system for saving the buffer.
More precisely, use this coding system in place of the
value of `buffer-file-coding-system', when saving the buffer.
Calling `write-region' for any purpose other than saving the buffer
will still use `buffer-file-coding-system'; this variable has no effect in such cases.

Function: make-coding-system

Define a new coding system CODING-SYSTEM (symbol).
This function is provided for backward compatibility.

Function: generate-new-buffer

Create and return a buffer with a name based on NAME.
Choose the buffer's name using `generate-new-buffer-name'.

Function: x-hide-tip

Hide the current tooltip window, if there is any.
Value is t if tooltip was open, nil otherwise.

Function: maphash

Call FUNCTION for all entries in hash table TABLE.
FUNCTION is called with two arguments, KEY and VALUE.


Function: pp-display-expression

Prettify and display EXPRESSION in an appropriate way, depending on length.
If a temporary buffer is needed for representation, it will be named

Function: vc-make-version-backup

Make a backup copy of FILE, which is assumed in sync with the repository.
Before doing that, check if there are any old backups and get rid of them.

Function: flush-lines

Delete lines containing matches for REGEXP.
When called from Lisp (and usually when called interactively as
well, see below), applies to the part of the buffer after point.
The line point is in is deleted if and only if it contains a
match for regexp starting after point.

If REGEXP contains upper case characters (excluding those preceded by `\')
and `search-upper-case' is non-nil, the matching is case-sensitive.

Second and third arg RSTART and REND specify the region to operate on.
Lines partially contained in this region are deleted if and only if
they contain a match entirely contained in it.

Interactively, in Transient Mark mode when the mark is active, operate
on the contents of the region. Otherwise, operate from point to the
end of (the accessible portion of) the buffer. When calling this function
from Lisp, you can pretend that it was called interactively by passing
a non-nil INTERACTIVE argument.

If a match is split across lines, all the lines it lies in are deleted.
They are deleted _before_ looking for the next match. Hence, a match starting on the same line at which another match ended is ignored.

Function: set-variable

Set VARIABLE to VALUE. VALUE is a Lisp object.
VARIABLE should be a user option variable name, a Lisp variable
meant to be customized by users. You should enter VALUE in Lisp syntax,
so if you want VALUE to be a string, you must surround it with doublequotes.
VALUE is used literally, not evaluated.

If VARIABLE has a `variable-interactive' property, that is used as if
it were the arg to `interactive' (which see) to interactively read VALUE.

If VARIABLE has been defined with `defcustom', then the type information
in the definition is used to check that VALUE is valid.

With a prefix argument, set VARIABLE to VALUE buffer-locally.

Function: newsticker-plainview

Start newsticker plainview.


Function: appt-activate

Toggle checking of appointments.
With optional numeric argument ARG, turn appointment checking on if
ARG is positive, otherwise off.

(fn &optional ARG)

Function: make-overlay

Create a new overlay with range BEG to END in BUFFER.
If omitted, BUFFER defaults to the current buffer.
BEG and END may be integers or markers.
The fourth arg FRONT-ADVANCE, if non-nil, makes the marker
for the front of the overlay advance when text is inserted there
(which means the text *is not* included in the overlay).
The fifth arg REAR-ADVANCE, if non-nil, makes the marker
for the rear of the overlay advance when text is inserted there
(which means the text *is* included in the overlay).


Function: cl-subst-if

Substitute NEW for elements matching PREDICATE in TREE (non-destructively).
Return a copy of TREE with all matching elements replaced by NEW.

Keywords supported: :key


Variable: buffer-file-read-only

Non-nil if visited file was read-only when visited.

Function: custom-group-of-mode

Return the custom group corresponding to the major or minor MODE.
If no such group is found, return nil.

Variable: scroll-preserve-screen-position

Controls if scroll commands move point to keep its screen position unchanged.
A value of nil means point does not keep its screen position except
at the scroll margin or window boundary respectively.
A value of t means point keeps its screen position if the scroll
command moved it vertically out of the window, e.g. when scrolling
by full screens.
Any other value means point always keeps its screen position.
Scroll commands should have the `scroll-command' property
on their symbols to be controlled by this variable.

Function: byte-compile-or-recursion


Function: cl-cadaar

Return the `car' of the `cdr' of the `car' of the `car' of X.

(fn X)

Function: menu-bar-showhide-fringe-menu-customize-right

Display fringes only on the right of each window.

Function: facemenu-add-face

Add FACE to text between START and END.
If START is nil or START to END is empty, add FACE to next typed character
instead. For each section of that region that has a different face property,
FACE will be consed onto it, and other faces that are completely hidden by
that will be removed from the list.
If `facemenu-add-face-function' and maybe `facemenu-end-add-face' are non-nil,
they are used to set the face information.

As a special case, if FACE is `default', then the region is left with NO face
text property. Otherwise, selecting the default face would not have any
effect. See `facemenu-remove-face-function'.

Function: toggle-tool-bar-mode-from-frame

Toggle tool bar on or off, based on the status of the current frame.
See `tool-bar-mode' for more information.

Function: gnus-declare-backend

Declare back end NAME with ABILITIES as a Gnus back end.


Function: eudc-display-jpeg-inline

Display the JPEG DATA inline at point if possible.

(fn DATA)

Variable: temp-buffer-window-setup-hook

Normal hook run by `with-temp-buffer-window' before buffer display.
This hook is run by `with-temp-buffer-window' with the buffer to be
displayed current.

Function: window-body-height

Return the height, in lines, of WINDOW's text area.
WINDOW must be a live window and defaults to the selected one.

The returned height does not include the mode line or header line.
On a graphical display, the height is expressed as an integer multiple
of the default character height. If a line at the bottom of the text
area is only partially visible, that counts as a whole line; to
exclude partially-visible lines, use `window-text-height'. (fn &optional WINDOW)

Variable: minibuffer-exit-hook

Normal hook run just after exit from minibuffer.

Function: define-charset-alias

Define ALIAS as an alias for charset CHARSET.


Function: add-name-to-file

Give FILE additional name NEWNAME. Both args must be strings.
Signals a `file-already-exists' error if a file NEWNAME already exists
unless optional third argument OK-IF-ALREADY-EXISTS is non-nil.
A number as third arg means request confirmation if NEWNAME already exists.
This is what happens in interactive use with M-x.


Function: gnus-buffer-live-p

Say whether BUFFER is alive or not.

Variable: display-time-format

String specifying format for displaying the time in the mode line.
See the function `format-time-string' for an explanation of
how to write this string. If this is nil, the defaults
depend on `display-time-day-and-date' and `display-time-24hr-format'.

Variable: syntax-propertize--done

Position up to which syntax-table properties have been set.

Function: what-line

Print the current buffer line number and narrowed line number of point.

Function: ido-mode

Toggle ido mode on or off.
With ARG, turn ido-mode on if arg is positive, off otherwise.
Turning on ido-mode will remap (via a minor-mode keymap) the default
keybindings for the `find-file' and `switch-to-buffer' families of
commands to the ido versions of these functions.
However, if ARG arg equals 'files, remap only commands for files, or
if it equals 'buffers, remap only commands for buffer switching.
This function also adds a hook to the minibuffer. (fn &optional ARG)

Variable: ido-mode

Determines for which functional group (buffer and files) ido behavior
should be enabled. The following values are possible:
- `buffer': Turn only on ido buffer behavior (switching, killing,
- `file': Turn only on ido file behavior (finding, writing, inserting...)
- `both': Turn on ido buffer and file behavior.
- `nil': Turn off any ido switching.

Setting this variable directly does not take effect;
use either M-x customize or the function `ido-mode'.

Variable: gnutls-min-prime-bits

Minimum number of prime bits accepted by GnuTLS for key exchange.
During a Diffie-Hellman handshake, if the server sends a prime
number with fewer than this number of bits, the handshake is
rejected. (The smaller the prime number, the less secure the
key exchange is against man-in-the-middle attacks.)

A value of nil says to use the default GnuTLS value.

Function: ff-find-other-file

Find the header or source file corresponding to this file.
Being on a `#include' line pulls in that file.

If optional IN-OTHER-WINDOW is non-nil, find the file in the other window.
If optional IGNORE-INCLUDE is non-nil, ignore being on `#include' lines.

Variables of interest include:

- `ff-case-fold-search'
Non-nil means ignore cases in matches (see `case-fold-search').
If you have extensions in different cases, you will want this to be nil.

- `ff-always-in-other-window'
If non-nil, always open the other file in another window, unless an
argument is given to `ff-find-other-file'.

- `ff-ignore-include'
If non-nil, ignores #include lines.

- `ff-always-try-to-create'
If non-nil, always attempt to create the other file if it was not found.

- `ff-quiet-mode'
If non-nil, traces which directories are being searched.

- `ff-special-constructs'
A list of regular expressions specifying how to recognize special
constructs such as include files etc, and an associated method for
extracting the filename from that construct.

- `ff-other-file-alist'
Alist of extensions to find given the current file's extension.

- `ff-search-directories'
List of directories searched through with each extension specified in
`ff-other-file-alist' that matches this file's extension.

- `ff-pre-find-hook'
List of functions to be called before the search for the file starts.

- `ff-pre-load-hook'
List of functions to be called before the other file is loaded.

- `ff-post-load-hook'
List of functions to be called after the other file is loaded.

- `ff-not-found-hook'
List of functions to be called if the other file could not be found. - `ff-file-created-hook' List of functions to be called if the other file has been created. (fn &optional IN-OTHER-WINDOW IGNORE-INCLUDE)

Function: customize-unsaved

Customize all options and faces set in this session but not saved.


Function: macroexp--all-forms

Return FORMS with macros expanded. FORMS is a list of forms.
If SKIP is non-nil, then don't expand that many elements at the start of

(fn FORMS &optional SKIP)

Function: coding-system-mnemonic

Return the mnemonic character of CODING-SYSTEM.
The mnemonic character of a coding system is used in mode line to
indicate the coding system. If CODING-SYSTEM is nil, return ?=.

Variable: menu-updating-frame

Frame for which we are updating a menu.
The enable predicate for a menu binding should check this variable.

Function: window-deletable-p

Return t if WINDOW can be safely deleted from its frame.
WINDOW must be a valid window and defaults to the selected one.
Return `frame' if deleting WINDOW should also delete its frame.

Variable: display-format-alist

Alist of patterns to decode display names.
The car of each entry is a regular expression matching a display
name string. The cdr is a symbol giving the window-system that
handles the corresponding kind of display.

Function: idlwave-mode

Major mode for editing IDL source files (version 6.1_em22).

The main features of this mode are

1. Indentation and Formatting
Like other Emacs programming modes, C-j inserts a newline and indents.
TAB is used for explicit indentation of the current line.

To start a continuation line, use M-x idlwave-split-line. This
function can also be used in the middle of a line to split the line
at that point. When used inside a long constant string, the string
is split at that point with the `+' concatenation operator.

Comments are indented as follows:

`;;;' Indentation remains unchanged.
`;;' Indent like the surrounding code
`;' Indent to a minimum column.

The indentation of comments starting in column 0 is never changed.

Use M-x idlwave-fill-paragraph to refill a paragraph inside a
comment. The indentation of the second line of the paragraph
relative to the first will be retained. Use
M-x idlwave-auto-fill-mode to toggle auto-fill mode for these
comments. When the variable `idlwave-fill-comment-line-only' is
nil, code can also be auto-filled and auto-indented.

To convert pre-existing IDL code to your formatting style, mark the
entire buffer with C-x h and execute
M-x idlwave-expand-region-abbrevs. Then mark the entire buffer
again followed by C-M-\ (`indent-region').

2. Routine Info
IDLWAVE displays information about the calling sequence and the
accepted keyword parameters of a procedure or function with
M-x idlwave-routine-info. M-x idlwave-find-module jumps to the
source file of a module. These commands know about system
routines, all routines in idlwave-mode buffers and (when the
idlwave-shell is active) about all modules currently compiled under
this shell. It also makes use of pre-compiled or custom-scanned
user and library catalogs many popular libraries ship with by
default. Use M-x idlwave-update-routine-info to update this
information, which is also used for completion (see item 4).

3. Online IDL Help

M-x idlwave-context-help displays the IDL documentation relevant
for the system variable, keyword, or routines at point. A single
key stroke gets you directly to the right place in the docs. See
the manual to configure where and how the HTML help is displayed.

4. Completion
M-x idlwave-complete completes the names of procedures, functions
class names, keyword parameters, system variables and tags, class
tags, structure tags, filenames and much more. It is context
sensitive and figures out what is expected at point. Lower case
strings are completed in lower case, other strings in mixed or
upper case.

5. Code Templates and Abbreviations
Many Abbreviations are predefined to expand to code fragments and templates.
The abbreviations start generally with a `\`. Some examples:

\pr PROCEDURE template
\fu FUNCTION template
\c CASE statement template
\sw SWITCH statement template
\f FOR loop template
\r REPEAT Loop template
\w WHILE loop template
\i IF statement template
\elif IF-ELSE statement template

For a full list, use M-x idlwave-list-abbrevs. Some templates also
have direct keybindings - see the list of keybindings below.

M-x idlwave-doc-header inserts a documentation header at the
beginning of the current program unit (pro, function or main).
Change log entries can be added to the current program unit with
M-x idlwave-doc-modification.

6. Automatic Case Conversion
The case of reserved words and some abbrevs is controlled by
`idlwave-reserved-word-upcase' and `idlwave-abbrev-change-case'.

7. Automatic END completion
If the variable `idlwave-expand-generic-end' is non-nil, each END typed
will be converted to the specific version, like ENDIF, ENDFOR, etc.

8. Hooks
Loading idlwave.el runs `idlwave-load-hook'.
Turning on `idlwave-mode' runs `idlwave-mode-hook'.

9. Documentation and Customization
Info documentation for this package is available. Use
M-x idlwave-info to display (complain to your sysadmin if that does
not work). For Postscript, PDF, and HTML versions of the documentation, check IDLWAVE's homepage at URL `http://idlwave.org'. IDLWAVE has customize support - see the group `idlwave'. 10.Keybindings ----------- Here is a list of all keybindings of this mode. If some of the key bindings below show with ??, use C-h k followed by the key sequence to see what the key sequence does. Uses keymap `idlwave-mode-map', which is not currently defined. (fn)

Variable: abbreviated-home-dir

The user's homedir abbreviated according to `directory-abbrev-alist'.

Variable: window-system-version

The version number of the window system in use.
For X windows, this is 11.

Variable: gnus-atomic-be-safe

If t, certain operations will be protected from interruption by C-g.

Variable: comint-process-echoes

If non-nil, assume that the subprocess echoes any input.
If so, delete one copy of the input so that only one copy eventually
appears in the buffer.

This variable is buffer-local.

Variable: dabbrev-abbrev-char-regexp

Regexp to recognize a character in an abbreviation or expansion.
This regexp will be surrounded with \\( ... \\) when actually used.

Set this variable to "\\sw" if you want ordinary words or
"\\sw\\|\\s_" if you want symbols (including characters whose
syntax is "symbol" as well as those whose syntax is "word".

The value nil has a special meaning: the abbreviation is from point to
previous word-start, but the search is for symbols.

For instance, if you are programming in Lisp, `yes-or-no-p' is a symbol,
while `yes', `or', `no' and `p' are considered words. If this
variable is nil, then expanding `yes-or-no-' looks for a symbol
starting with or containing `no-'. If you set this variable to
"\\sw\\|\\s_", that expansion looks for a symbol starting with
`yes-or-no-'. Finally, if you set this variable to "\\sw", then
expanding `yes-or-no-' signals an error because `-' is not part of a word;
but expanding `yes-or-no' looks for a word starting with `no'.

The recommended value is nil, which will make dabbrev default to using "\\sw\\|\\s_".

Function: gensym

Generate a new uninterned symbol.
The name is made by appending a number to PREFIX, default "G".

(fn &optional PREFIX)

Variable: jit-lock-stealth-timer

Timer for stealth fontification in Just-in-time Lock mode.

Function: list-colors-display

Display names of defined colors, and show what they look like.
If the optional argument LIST is non-nil, it should be a list of
colors to display. Otherwise, this command computes a list of
colors that the current display can handle. Customize
`list-colors-sort' to change the order in which colors are shown.

If the optional argument BUFFER-NAME is nil, it defaults to *Colors*.

If the optional argument CALLBACK is non-nil, it should be a
function to call each time the user types RET or clicks on a
color. The function should accept a single argument, the color name.

Function: url-ldap

Perform an LDAP search specified by URL.
The return value is a buffer displaying the search results in HTML.
URL can be a URL string, or a URL vector of the type returned by
`url-generic-parse-url'. (fn URL)

Function: erc-cmd-WHOLEFT

Show who's gone.


Function: browse-url-at-mouse

Ask a WWW browser to load a URL clicked with the mouse.
The URL is the one around or before the position of the mouse click
but point is not changed. Doesn't let you edit the URL like
`browse-url'. Variable `browse-url-browser-function' says which browser
to use. (fn EVENT)

Function: byte-compile-associative

(fn FORM)

Variable: image-type-header-regexps

Alist of (REGEXP . IMAGE-TYPE) pairs used to auto-detect image types.
When the first bytes of an image file match REGEXP, it is assumed to
be of image type IMAGE-TYPE if IMAGE-TYPE is a symbol. If not a symbol,
IMAGE-TYPE must be a pair (PREDICATE . TYPE). PREDICATE is called
with one argument, a string containing the image data. If PREDICATE returns
a non-nil value, TYPE is the image's type.

Function: serial-term

Start a terminal-emulator for a serial port in a new buffer.
PORT is the path or name of the serial port. For example, this
could be "/dev/ttyS0" on Unix. On Windows, this could be
"COM1" or "\\.\COM10".
SPEED is the speed of the serial port in bits per second. 9600
is a common value. SPEED can be nil, see
`serial-process-configure' for details.
The buffer is in Term mode; see `term-mode' for the commands to
use in that buffer.

Uses keymap `term-raw-map', which is not currently defined.
Type C-x b to switch to another buffer. (fn PORT SPEED)

Function: tags-apropos

Display list of all tags in tags table REGEXP matches.


Function: checkdoc-ispell-interactive

Check the style and spelling of the current buffer interactively.
Calls `checkdoc-interactive' with spell-checking turned on.
Prefix argument TAKE-NOTES is the same as for `checkdoc-interactive'

(fn &optional TAKE-NOTES)

Function: checkdoc-message-interactive

Interactively check the current buffer for message string errors.
Prefix argument START-HERE will start the checking from the current
point, otherwise the check starts at the beginning of the current
buffer. Allows navigation forward and backwards through document
errors. Does not check for comment or space warnings.
Optional argument SHOWSTATUS indicates that we should update the
checkdoc status window instead of the usual behavior.


Function: coding-system-change-eol-conversion

Return a coding system which differs from CODING-SYSTEM in EOL conversion.
The returned coding system converts end-of-line by EOL-TYPE
but text as the same way as CODING-SYSTEM.
EOL-TYPE should be `unix', `dos', `mac', or nil.
If EOL-TYPE is nil, the returned coding system detects
how end-of-line is formatted automatically while decoding.

EOL-TYPE can be specified by an integer 0, 1, or 2.
They means `unix', `dos', and `mac' respectively.

Variable: byte-compile-not-obsolete-vars

List of variables that shouldn't be reported as obsolete.

Function: buffer-end

Return the "far end" position of the buffer, in direction ARG.
If ARG is positive, that's the end of the buffer.
Otherwise, that's the beginning of the buffer.

Variable: tramp-file-name-regexp

Regular expression matching file names handled by Tramp.
This regexp should match Tramp file names but no other file names.
When tramp.el is loaded, this regular expression is prepended to
`file-name-handler-alist', and that is searched sequentially. Thus,
if the Tramp entry appears rather early in the `file-name-handler-alist'
and is a bit too general, then some files might be considered Tramp
files which are not really Tramp files.

Please note that the entry in `file-name-handler-alist' is made when
this file (tramp.el) is loaded. This means that this variable must be set
before loading tramp.el. Alternatively, `file-name-handler-alist' can be
updated after changing this variable. Also see `tramp-file-name-structure'.

Function: life

Run Conway's Life simulation.
The starting pattern is randomly selected. Prefix arg (optional first
arg non-nil from a program) is the number of seconds to sleep between
generations (this defaults to 1).

(fn &optional SLEEPTIME)

Function: describe-function-1


Function: emerge-buffers

Run Emerge on two buffers.


Function: add-change-log-entry

Find change log file, and add an entry for today and an item for this file.
Optional arg WHOAMI (interactive prefix) non-nil means prompt for user
name and email (stored in `add-log-full-name' and `add-log-mailing-address').

Second arg FILE-NAME is file name of the change log.
If nil, use the value of `change-log-default-name'.

Third arg OTHER-WINDOW non-nil means visit in other window.

Fourth arg NEW-ENTRY non-nil means always create a new entry at the front;
never append to an existing entry. Option `add-log-keep-changes-together'
otherwise affects whether a new entry is created.

Fifth arg PUT-NEW-ENTRY-ON-NEW-LINE non-nil means that if a new
entry is created, put it on a new line by itself, do not put it
after a comma on an existing line.

Option `add-log-always-start-new-record' non-nil means always create a
new record, even when the last record was made on the same date and by
the same person.

The change log file can start with a copyright notice and a copying
permission notice. The first blank line indicates the end of these

Today's date is calculated according to `add-log-time-zone-rule' if
non-nil, otherwise in local time. (fn &optional WHOAMI FILE-NAME OTHER-WINDOW NEW-ENTRY PUT-NEW-ENTRY-ON-NEW-LINE)

Face: default

Basic default face.

Function: sh-electric-here-document-mode

Make << insert a here document skeleton.

Variable: sh-electric-here-document-mode

Non-nil if Sh-Electric-Here-Document mode is enabled.
Use the command `sh-electric-here-document-mode' to change this variable.

Function: epa-verify-cleartext-in-region

Verify OpenPGP cleartext signed messages in the current region
between START and END.

Don't use this command in Lisp programs!
See the reason described in the `epa-verify-region' documentation. (fn START END)

Function: standard-display-cyrillic-translit

Display a cyrillic buffer using a transliteration.
For readability, the table is slightly
different from the one used for the input method `cyrillic-translit'.

The argument is a string which specifies which language you are using;
that affects the choice of transliterations slightly.
Possible values are listed in `cyrillic-language-alist'.
If the argument is t, we use the default cyrillic transliteration.
If the argument is nil, we return the display table to its standard state.
(fn &optional CYRILLIC-LANGUAGE)

Function: align-regexp

Align the current region using an ad-hoc rule read from the minibuffer.
BEG and END mark the limits of the region. This function will prompt
for the REGEXP to align with. If no prefix arg was specified, you
only need to supply the characters to be lined up and any preceding
whitespace is replaced. If a prefix arg was specified, the full
regexp with parenthesized whitespace should be supplied; it will also
prompt for which parenthesis GROUP within REGEXP to modify, the amount
of SPACING to use, and whether or not to REPEAT the rule throughout
the line. See `align-rules-list' for more information about these

For example, let's say you had a list of phone numbers, and wanted to
align them so that the opening parentheses would line up:

Fred (123) 456-7890
Alice (123) 456-7890
Mary-Anne (123) 456-7890
Joe (123) 456-7890

There is no predefined rule to handle this, but you could easily do it
using a REGEXP like "(". All you would have to do is to mark the
region, call `align-regexp' and type in that regular expression. (fn BEG END REGEXP &optional GROUP SPACING REPEAT)

Variable: word-separating-categories

List of pair (cons) of categories to determine word boundary.
See the documentation of the variable `word-combining-categories'.

Function: comint-match-partial-filename

Return the unquoted&expanded filename at point, or nil if none is found.
Environment variables are substituted. See `comint-word'.

Function: timer-next-integral-multiple-of-time

Yield the next value after TIME that is an integral multiple of SECS.
More precisely, the next value, after TIME, that is an integral multiple
of SECS seconds since the epoch. SECS may be a fraction.

Function: mouse-major-mode-menu

Pop up a mode-specific menu of mouse commands.
Default to the Edit menu if the major mode doesn't define a menu.

(fn EVENT &optional PREFIX)

Function: image-type-from-file-header

Determine the type of image file FILE from its first few bytes.
Value is a symbol specifying the image type, or nil if type cannot
be determined.

Function: customize-group-other-window

Customize GROUP, which must be a customization group, in another window.

(fn &optional GROUP)

Face: modeline-inactive

modeline-inactive is an alias for the face `mode-line-inactive'.
Basic mode line face for non-selected windows.

Function: mode-line-frame-control

Compute mode line construct for frame identification.
Value is used for `mode-line-frame-identification', which see.

Function: set-coding-priority

Set priority of coding categories according to ARG.
ARG is a list of coding categories ordered by priority.

This function is provided for backward compatibility.

Function: text-clone-maintain

Propagate the changes made under the overlay OL1 to the other clones.
This is used on the `modification-hooks' property of text clones.

Function: find-tag-default

Determine default tag to search for, based on text at point.
If there is no plausible default, return nil.

Variable: default-keyboard-coding-system

Default value of the keyboard coding system.
This is normally set according to the selected language environment.
See also the command `set-keyboard-coding-system'.

Function: url-data

Fetch a data URL (RFC 2397).

(fn URL)

Function: pr-interface

Activate the printing interface buffer.

If BUFFER is nil, the current buffer is used for printing.

For more information, type M-x pr-interface-help.

(fn &optional BUFFER)

Function: normal-top-level-add-to-load-path

This function is called from a subdirs.el file.
It assumes that `default-directory' is the directory in which the
subdirs.el file exists, and it adds to `load-path' the subdirs of
that directory as specified in DIRS. Normally the elements of
DIRS are relative. (fn DIRS)

Function: simula-mode

Major mode for editing SIMULA code.

Uses keymap `simula-mode-map', which is not currently defined.

Variables controlling indentation style:
Non-nil means TAB in SIMULA mode should always reindent the current line,
regardless of where in the line point is when the TAB command is used.
Indentation of SIMULA statements with respect to containing block.
Extra indentation after DO, THEN, ELSE, WHEN and OTHERWISE.
`simula-continued-statement-offset' 3
Extra indentation for lines not starting a statement or substatement,
e.g. a nested FOR-loop. If value is a list, each line in a multiple-
line continued statement will have the car of the list extra indentation
with respect to the previous line of the statement.
`simula-label-offset' -4711
Offset of SIMULA label lines relative to usual indentation.
`simula-if-indent' '(0 . 0)
Extra indentation of THEN and ELSE with respect to the starting IF.
Value is a cons cell, the car is extra THEN indentation and the cdr
extra ELSE indentation. IF after ELSE is indented as the starting IF.
`simula-inspect-indent' '(0 . 0)
Extra indentation of WHEN and OTHERWISE with respect to the
corresponding INSPECT. Value is a cons cell, the car is
extra WHEN indentation and the cdr extra OTHERWISE indentation.
`simula-electric-indent' nil
If this variable is non-nil, `simula-indent-line'
will check the previous line to see if it has to be reindented.
`simula-abbrev-keyword' 'upcase
Determine how SIMULA keywords will be expanded. Value is one of
the symbols `upcase', `downcase', `capitalize', (as in) `abbrev-table',
or nil if they should not be changed.
`simula-abbrev-stdproc' 'abbrev-table
Determine how standard SIMULA procedure and class names will be
expanded. Value is one of the symbols `upcase', `downcase', `capitalize',
(as in) `abbrev-table', or nil if they should not be changed. Turning on SIMULA mode calls the value of the variable simula-mode-hook with no arguments, if that value is non-nil. (fn)

Function: atan

Return the inverse tangent of the arguments.
If only one argument Y is given, return the inverse tangent of Y.
If two arguments Y and X are given, return the inverse tangent of Y
divided by X, i.e. the angle in radians between the vector (X, Y)
and the x-axis.
(fn Y &optional X)

Variable: Info-virtual-files

List of definitions of virtual Info files.
Each element of the list has the format (FILENAME (OPERATION . HANDLER) ...)
where FILENAME is a regexp that matches a class of virtual Info file names.
It should be carefully chosen to not cause file name clashes with
existing file names. OPERATION is one of the following operation
symbols `find-file', `find-node', `toc-nodes' that define what HANDLER
function to call instead of calling the default corresponding function to override it.

Function: font-lock-specified-p

Return non-nil if the current buffer is ready for fontification.
The MODE argument, if non-nil, means Font Lock mode is about to
be enabled.

Function: lookup-minor-mode-from-indicator

Return a minor mode symbol from its indicator on the mode line.

Function: c-initialize-cc-mode

Initialize CC Mode for use in the current buffer.
If the optional NEW-STYLE-INIT is nil or left out then all necessary
initialization to run CC Mode for the C language is done. Otherwise
only some basic setup is done, and a call to `c-init-language-vars' or
`c-init-language-vars-for' is necessary too (which gives more
control). See "cc-mode.el" for more info.

(fn &optional NEW-STYLE-INIT)

Function: hack-local-variables-prop-line

Return local variables specified in the -*- line.
Returns an alist of elements (VAR . VAL), where VAR is a variable
and VAL is the specified value. Ignores any specification for
`mode:' and `coding:' (which should have already been handled
by `set-auto-mode' and `set-auto-coding', respectively).
Return nil if the -*- line is malformed.

If MODE-ONLY is non-nil, just returns the symbol specifying the
mode, if there is one, otherwise nil.

Variable: debug-on-message

If non-nil, debug if a message matching this regexp is displayed.

Function: process-type

Return the connection type of PROCESS.
The value is either the symbol `real', `network', or `serial'.
PROCESS may be a process, a buffer, the name of a process or buffer, or
nil, indicating the current buffer's process.

Function: upcase-initials-region

Upcase the initial of each word in the region.
Subsequent letters of each word are not changed.
In programs, give two arguments, the starting and ending
character positions to operate on.
(fn BEG END)

Function: smie-prec2->grammar

Take a 2D precedence table and turn it into an alist of precedence levels.
PREC2 is a table as returned by `smie-precs->prec2' or
(fn PREC2)

Function: nxml-enable-unicode-char-name-sets

Enable the use of Unicode standard names for characters.
The Unicode blocks for which names are enabled is controlled by
the variable `nxml-enabled-unicode-blocks'. (fn)

Function: ebnf-syntax-region

Do a syntactic analysis of a region.

(fn FROM TO)

Function: mode-line-widen

Widen a buffer from the mode-line.

Function: use-global-map

Select KEYMAP as the global keymap.


Function: sh-read-variable

Read a new value for indentation variable VAR.

Function: auth-source-search

Search or modify authentication backends according to SPEC.

This function parses `auth-sources' for matches of the SPEC
plist. It can optionally create or update an authentication
token if requested. A token is just a standard Emacs property
list with a :secret property that can be a function; all the
other properties will always hold scalar values.

Typically the :secret property, if present, contains a password.

Common search keys are :max, :host, :port, and :user. In
addition, :create specifies how tokens will be or created.
Finally, :type can specify which backend types you want to check.

A string value is always matched literally. A symbol is matched
as its string value, literally. All the SPEC values can be
single values (symbol or string) or lists thereof (in which case
any of the search terms matches).

:create t means to create a token if possible.

A new token will be created if no matching tokens were found.
The new token will have only the keys the backend requires. For
the netrc backend, for instance, that's the user, host, and
port keys.

Here's an example:

(let ((auth-source-creation-defaults '((user . "defaultUser")
(A . "default A"))))
(auth-source-search :host "mine" :type 'netrc :max 1
:P "pppp" :Q "qqqq"
:create t))

which says:

"Search for any entry matching host 'mine' in backends of type
'netrc', maximum one result.

Create a new entry if you found none. The netrc backend will
automatically require host, user, and port. The host will be
'mine'. We prompt for the user with default 'defaultUser' and
for the port without a default. We will not prompt for A, Q,
or P. The resulting token will only have keys user, host, and

:create '(A B C) also means to create a token if possible.

The behavior is like :create t but if the list contains any
parameter, that parameter will be required in the resulting
token. The value for that parameter will be obtained from the
search parameters or from user input. If any queries are needed,
the alist `auth-source-creation-defaults' will be checked for the
default value. If the user, host, or port are missing, the alist
`auth-source-creation-prompts' will be used to look up the
prompts IN THAT ORDER (so the 'user prompt will be queried first,
then 'host, then 'port, and finally 'secret). Each prompt string
can use %u, %h, and %p to show the user, host, and port.

Here's an example:

(let ((auth-source-creation-defaults '((user . "defaultUser")
(A . "default A")))
'((password . "Enter IMAP password for %h:%p: "))))
(auth-source-search :host '("nonesuch" "twosuch") :type 'netrc :max 1
:P "pppp" :Q "qqqq"
:create '(A B Q)))

which says:

"Search for any entry matching host 'nonesuch'
or 'twosuch' in backends of type 'netrc', maximum one result.

Create a new entry if you found none. The netrc backend will
automatically require host, user, and port. The host will be
'nonesuch' and Q will be 'qqqq'. We prompt for the password
with the shown prompt. We will not prompt for Q. The resulting
token will have keys user, host, port, A, B, and Q. It will not
have P with any value, even though P is used in the search to
find only entries that have P set to 'pppp'."

When multiple values are specified in the search parameter, the
user is prompted for which one. So :host (X Y Z) would ask the
user to choose between X, Y, and Z.

This creation can fail if the search was not specific enough to
create a new token (it's up to the backend to decide that). You
should `catch' the backend-specific error as usual. Some
backends (netrc, at least) will prompt the user rather than throw
an error.

:require (A B C) means that only results that contain those
tokens will be returned. Thus for instance requiring :secret
will ensure that any results will actually have a :secret

:delete t means to delete any found entries. nil by default.
Use `auth-source-delete' in ELisp code instead of calling
`auth-source-search' directly with this parameter.

:type (X Y Z) will check only those backend types. 'netrc and
'secrets are the only ones supported right now.

:max N means to try to return at most N items (defaults to 1).
When 0 the function will return just t or nil to indicate if any
matches were found. More than N items may be returned, depending
on the search and the backend.

:host (X Y Z) means to match only hosts X, Y, or Z according to
the match rules above. Defaults to t.

:user (X Y Z) means to match only users X, Y, or Z according to
the match rules above. Defaults to t.

:port (P Q R) means to match only protocols P, Q, or R.
Defaults to t.

:K (V1 V2 V3) for any other key K will match values V1, V2, or
V3 (note the match rules above).

The return value is a list with at most :max tokens. Each token
is a plist with keys :backend :host :port :user, plus any other
keys provided by the backend (notably :secret). But note the
exception for :max 0, which see above.

The token can hold a :save-function key. If you call that, the user will be prompted to save the data to the backend. You can't request that this should happen right after creation, because `auth-source-search' has no way of knowing if the token is actually useful. So the caller must arrange to call this function. The token's :secret key can hold a function. In that case you must call it to obtain the actual value. (fn &rest SPEC &key TYPE MAX HOST USER PORT SECRET REQUIRE CREATE DELETE &allow-other-keys)

Variable: Buffer-menu-mode-hook

Hook run when entering Buffer Menu mode.
No problems result if this variable is not bound.
`add-hook' automatically binds it. (This is true for all hook variables.)

Function: menu-bar-showhide-fringe-menu-customize

Show customization buffer for `fringe-mode'.

Function: isearch-complete-edit

Same as `isearch-complete' except in the minibuffer.

Function: text-scale-set

Set the scale factor of the default face in the current buffer to LEVEL.
If LEVEL is non-zero, `text-scale-mode' is enabled, otherwise it is disabled.

LEVEL is a number of steps, with 0 representing the default size.
Each step scales the height of the default face by the variable
`text-scale-mode-step' (a negative number decreases the height by
the same amount). (fn LEVEL)

Function: custom-load-symbol

Load all dependencies for SYMBOL.

Function: window-edges

Return a list of the edge coordinates of WINDOW.
WINDOW must be a valid window and defaults to the selected one.

The returned list has the form (LEFT TOP RIGHT BOTTOM). TOP and BOTTOM
count by lines, and LEFT and RIGHT count by columns, all relative to 0,
0 at top left corner of frame.

RIGHT is one more than the rightmost column occupied by WINDOW. BOTTOM
is one more than the bottommost row occupied by WINDOW. The edges
include the space used by WINDOW's scroll bar, display margins, fringes,
header line, and/or mode line. For the edges of just the text area, use
`window-inside-edges'. (fn &optional WINDOW)

Variable: sh-indent-after-do

How much to indent a line after a `do' statement.
This is used when the `do' is the first word of the line.
This is relative to the statement before the `do', typically a
`while', `until', `for', `repeat' or `select' statement.

Variable: url-request-data

Any data to send with the next request.

Function: pcomplete-event-matches-key-specifier-p

Return t if the two args are the same Lisp object.

(fn OBJ1 OBJ2)

Function: package-mark-obsolete

Put package on the obsolete list, if not already there.

Function: pr-toggle-tumble

Toggle tumble.

If tumble is off, produces a printing suitable for binding on the left or
If tumble is on, produces a printing suitable for binding at the top or bottom. (fn)

Function: pr-txt-region

Print region using text printer.


Function: ethio-fidel-to-sera-region

Replace all the FIDEL characters in the region to the SERA format.

The variable `ethio-primary-language' specifies the primary
language and `ethio-secondary-language' specifies the secondary.

If the 3rd argument SECONDARY is given and non-nil, convert
the region so that it begins with the secondary language; otherwise with
the primary language.

If the 4th argument FORCE is given and non-nil, convert even if the
buffer is read-only.

See also the descriptions of the variables
`ethio-use-colon-for-colon', `ethio-use-three-dot-question',
`ethio-quote-vowel-always' and `ethio-numeric-reduction'. (fn BEGIN END &optional SECONDARY FORCE)

Function: command-apropos

Show commands (interactively callable functions) that match PATTERN.
PATTERN can be a word, a list of words (separated by spaces),
or a regexp (using some regexp special characters). If it is a word,
search for matches for that word as a substring. If it is a list of words,
search for matches for any two (or more) of those words.

With C-u prefix, or if `apropos-do-all' is non-nil, also show
noninteractive functions.

If VAR-PREDICATE is non-nil, show only variables, and only those that
satisfy the predicate VAR-PREDICATE.

When called from a Lisp program, a string PATTERN is used as a regexp, while a list of strings is used as a word list.

Function: >=

Return t if first arg is greater than or equal to second arg.
Both must be numbers or markers.

(fn NUM1 NUM2)

Function: gnus-tool-bar-update

Update the tool bar.

Function: gnus-add-text-properties-when

Like `gnus-add-text-properties', only applied on where PROPERTY is VALUE.

Function: time-to-day-in-year

Return the day number within the year corresponding to TIME.

Variable: image-file-name-regexps

List of regexps matching image-file filenames.
Filenames matching one of these regexps are considered image files,
in addition to those with an extension in `image-file-name-extensions'.

See function `auto-image-file-mode'; if `auto-image-file-mode' is
enabled, setting this variable directly does not take effect unless
`auto-image-file-mode' is re-enabled; this happens automatically when
the variable is set using M-x customize.

Function: remove-yank-excluded-properties

Process text properties between START and END, inserted for a `yank'.
Perform the handling specified by `yank-handled-properties', then
remove properties specified by `yank-excluded-properties'.

Function: x-focus-frame

Set the input focus to FRAME.
FRAME nil means use the selected frame.

(fn FRAME)

Function: set-marker

Position MARKER before character number POSITION in BUFFER,
which defaults to the current buffer. If POSITION is nil,
makes marker point nowhere so it no longer slows down
editing in any buffer. Returns MARKER.


Function: easy-menu-item-present-p

In submenu of MAP with path PATH, return non-nil if item NAME is present.
MAP and PATH are defined as in `easy-menu-add-item'.
NAME should be a string, the name of the element to be looked for.

Function: cl-proclaim

Record a global declaration specified by SPEC.

(fn SPEC)

Function: set-justification-center

Make paragraphs in the region centered.
If the mark is not active, this applies to the current paragraph.

Function: pop-tag-mark

Pop back to where M-. was last invoked.

This is distinct from invoking M-. with a negative argument
since that pops a stack of markers at which tags were found, not from
where they were found. (fn)

Function: apropos-words-to-regexp

Make regexp matching any two of the words in WORDS.

Variable: x-last-selected-text-clipboard

The value of the CLIPBOARD X selection last time we selected or
pasted text.

Variable: font-lock-support-mode

Support mode for Font Lock mode.
Support modes speed up Font Lock mode by being choosy about when fontification
occurs. The default support mode, Just-in-time Lock mode (symbol
`jit-lock-mode'), is recommended.

Other, older support modes are Fast Lock mode (symbol `fast-lock-mode') and
Lazy Lock mode (symbol `lazy-lock-mode'). See those modes for more info.
However, they are no longer recommended, as Just-in-time Lock mode is better.

If nil, means support for Font Lock mode is never performed.
If a symbol, use that support mode.
If a list, each element should be of the form (MAJOR-MODE . SUPPORT-MODE),
where MAJOR-MODE is a symbol or t (meaning the default). For example:
((c-mode . fast-lock-mode) (c++-mode . fast-lock-mode) (t . lazy-lock-mode))
means that Fast Lock mode is used to support Font Lock mode for buffers in C or
C++ modes, and Lazy Lock mode is used to support Font Lock mode otherwise.

The value of this variable is used when Font Lock mode is turned on.

Function: trace-function

Traces FUNCTION with trace output going to BUFFER.
For every call of FUNCTION Lisp-style trace messages that display argument
and return values will be inserted into BUFFER. This function generates the
trace advice for FUNCTION and activates it together with any other advice
there might be!! The trace BUFFER will popup whenever FUNCTION is called.
Do not use this to trace functions that switch buffers or do any other
display oriented stuff, use `trace-function-background' instead.

To untrace a function, use `untrace-function' or `untrace-all'. (fn FUNCTION &optional BUFFER)

Function: sql-informix

Run dbaccess by Informix as an inferior process.

If buffer `*SQL*' exists but no process is running, make a new process.
If buffer exists and a process is running, just switch to buffer

Interpreter used comes from variable `sql-informix-program'. Login uses
the variable `sql-database' as default, if set.

The buffer is put in SQL interactive mode, giving commands for sending
input. See `sql-interactive-mode'.

To set the buffer name directly, use C-u
before M-x sql-informix. Once session has started,
M-x sql-rename-buffer can be called separately to rename the

To specify a coding system for converting non-ASCII characters
in the input and output to the process, use C-x RET c
before M-x sql-informix. You can also specify this with C-x RET p
in the SQL buffer, after you start the process.
The default comes from `process-coding-system-alist' and
`default-process-coding-system'. (Type C-h m in the SQL buffer for a list of commands.) (fn &optional BUFFER)

Function: speedbar

Enable or disable speedbar. Positive ARG means turn on, negative turn off.
A nil ARG means toggle. Once the speedbar frame is activated, a buffer in
`speedbar-mode' will be displayed. Currently, only one speedbar is
supported at a time.
`speedbar-before-popup-hook' is called before popping up the speedbar frame.
`speedbar-before-delete-hook' is called before the frame is deleted. (fn &optional ARG)

Function: read-charset

Read a character set from the minibuffer, prompting with string PROMPT.
It must be an Emacs character set listed in the variable `charset-list'.

Optional arguments are DEFAULT-VALUE and INITIAL-INPUT.
DEFAULT-VALUE, if non-nil, is the default value.
INITIAL-INPUT, if non-nil, is a string inserted in the minibuffer initially.
See the documentation of the function `completing-read' for the detailed
meanings of these arguments.


Function: global-ede-mode

Toggle global EDE (Emacs Development Environment) mode.
With a prefix argument ARG, enable global EDE mode if ARG is
positive, and disable it otherwise. If called from Lisp, enable
the mode if ARG is omitted or nil.

This global minor mode enables `ede-minor-mode' in all buffers in
an EDE controlled project. (fn &optional ARG)

Variable: global-ede-mode

Non-nil if Global-Ede mode is enabled.
See the command `global-ede-mode' for a description of this minor mode.
Setting this variable directly does not take effect;
either customize it (see the info node `Easy Customization')
or call the function `global-ede-mode'.

Function: bookmark-load

Load bookmarks from FILE (which must be in bookmark format).
Appends loaded bookmarks to the front of the list of bookmarks. If
optional second argument OVERWRITE is non-nil, existing bookmarks are
destroyed. Optional third arg NO-MSG means don't display any messages
while loading.

If you load a file that doesn't contain a proper bookmark alist, you
will corrupt Emacs's bookmark list. Generally, you should only load
in files that were created with the bookmark functions in the first
place. Your own personal bookmark file, `~/.emacs.bmk', is
maintained automatically by Emacs; you shouldn't need to load it

If you load a file containing bookmarks with the same names as
bookmarks already present in your Emacs, the new bookmarks will get
unique numeric suffixes "<2>", "<3>", ... following the same
method buffers use to resolve name collisions. (fn FILE &optional OVERWRITE NO-MSG)

Function: delete-auto-save-file-if-necessary

Delete auto-save file for current buffer if `delete-auto-save-files' is t.
Normally delete only if the file was written by this Emacs since
the last real save, but optional arg FORCE non-nil means delete anyway.

Function: gnus-read-shell-command

Read a shell command from the minibuffer.
The arguments are the same as the ones of `read-from-minibuffer',
except READ and KEYMAP are missing and HIST defaults
to `shell-command-history'.

Function: Info-index-next

Go to the next matching index item from the last i command.

Variable: debugger-value

This is the value for the debugger to return, when it returns.

Function: menu-bar-showhide-fringe-ind-none

Do not display any buffer boundary indicators.

Function: isearch-backward-regexp

Do incremental search backward for regular expression.
With a prefix argument, do a regular string search instead.
Like ordinary incremental search except that your input is treated
as a regexp. See the command `isearch-forward' for more information.

Function: mark-paragraph

Put point at beginning of this paragraph, mark at end.
The paragraph marked is the one that contains point or follows point.

With argument ARG, puts mark at end of a following paragraph, so that
the number of paragraphs marked equals ARG.

If ARG is negative, point is put at end of this paragraph, mark is put
at beginning of this or a previous paragraph.

Interactively (or if ALLOW-EXTEND is non-nil), if this command is
repeated or (in Transient Mark mode) if the mark is active,
it marks the next ARG paragraphs after the ones already marked.

Function: buffer-modified-tick

Return BUFFER's tick counter, incremented for each change in text.
Each buffer has a tick counter which is incremented each time the
text in that buffer is changed. It wraps around occasionally.
No argument or nil as argument means use current buffer as BUFFER.

(fn &optional BUFFER)

Function: detect-coding-region

Detect coding system of the text in the region between START and END.
Return a list of possible coding systems ordered by priority.
The coding systems to try and their priorities follows what
the function `coding-system-priority-list' (which see) returns.

If only ASCII characters are found (except for such ISO-2022 control
characters as ESC), it returns a list of single element `undecided'
or its subsidiary coding system according to a detected end-of-line

If optional argument HIGHEST is non-nil, return the coding system of
highest priority. (fn START END &optional HIGHEST)

Function: vc-git-next-revision

Git-specific version of `vc-next-revision'.


Function: vc-git-revision-granularity


Function: terminal-init-xterm-modify-other-keys

Terminal initialization for xterm's modifyOtherKeys support.

Function: vc-update-change-log

Find change log file and add entries from recent version control logs.
Normally, find log entries for all registered files in the default

With prefix arg of C-u, only find log entries for the current buffer's file.

With any numeric prefix arg, find log entries for all currently visited
files that are under version control. This puts all the entries in the
log for the default directory, which may not be appropriate.

From a program, any ARGS are assumed to be filenames for which
log entries should be gathered. (fn &rest ARGS)

Function: pr-txt-mode

Print major mode using text printer.


Function: list-command-history

List history of commands typed to minibuffer.
The number of commands listed is controlled by `list-command-history-max'.
Calls value of `list-command-history-filter' (if non-nil) on each history
element to judge if that element should be excluded from the list.

The buffer is left in Command History mode. (fn)

Variable: emacs-startup-hook

Normal hook run after loading init files and handling the command line.

Function: delete-horizontal-space

Delete all spaces and tabs around point.
If BACKWARD-ONLY is non-nil, only delete them before point.

Function: recode-region

Re-decode the region (previously decoded by CODING) by NEW-CODING.

Function: set-frame-width

Specify that the frame FRAME has COLS columns.
Optional third arg non-nil means that redisplay should use COLS columns
but that the idea of the actual width of the frame should not be changed.

(fn FRAME COLS &optional PRETEND)

Function: debugger-special-form-p

Return whether SYMBOL is a special form.

Variable: font-lock-maximum-size

Maximum buffer size for unsupported buffer fontification.
When `font-lock-support-mode' is nil, only buffers smaller than
this are fontified. This variable has no effect if a Font Lock
support mode (usually `jit-lock-mode') is enabled.

If nil, means size is irrelevant.
If a list, each element should be a cons pair of the form (MAJOR-MODE . SIZE),
where MAJOR-MODE is a symbol or t (meaning the default). For example:
((c-mode . 256000) (c++-mode . 256000) (rmail-mode . 1048576))
means that the maximum size is 250K for buffers in C or C++ modes, one megabyte
for buffers in Rmail mode, and size is irrelevant otherwise.

Function: close-display-connection

Close the connection to a display, deleting all its associated frames.
For DISPLAY, specify either a frame or a display name (a string).
If DISPLAY is nil, that stands for the selected frame's display.

Variable: vc-checkout-hook

Normal hook (list of functions) run after checking out a file.
See `run-hooks'.

Variable: eldoc-documentation-function

If non-nil, function to call to return doc string.
The function of no args should return a one-line string for displaying
doc about a function etc. appropriate to the context around point.
It should return nil if there's no doc appropriate for the context.
Typically doc is returned if point is on a function-like name or in its
arg list.

The result is used as is, so the function must explicitly handle
the variables `eldoc-argument-case' and `eldoc-echo-area-use-multiline-p',
and the face `eldoc-highlight-function-argument', if they are to have any

This variable is expected to be made buffer-local by modes (other than Emacs Lisp mode) that support ElDoc.

Function: posn-x-y

Return the x and y coordinates in POSITION.
The return value has the form (X . Y), where X and Y are given in
pixels. POSITION should be a list of the form returned by
`event-start' and `event-end'.

Function: window-resize-apply

Apply requested size values for window-tree of FRAME.
Optional argument HORIZONTAL omitted or nil means apply requested height
values. HORIZONTAL non-nil means apply requested width values.

This function checks whether the requested values sum up to a valid
window layout, recursively assigns the new sizes of all child windows
and calculates and assigns the new start positions of these windows.

Note: This function does not check any of `window-fixed-size-p',
`window-min-height' or `window-min-width'. All these checks have to
be applied on the Elisp level. (fn FRAME &optional HORIZONTAL)

Variable: selective-display-ellipses

Non-nil means display ... on previous line when a line is invisible.

Variable: user-init-file

File name, including directory, of user's initialization file.
If the file loaded had extension `.elc', and the corresponding source file
exists, this variable contains the name of source file, suitable for use
by functions like `custom-save-all' which edit the init file.
While Emacs loads and evaluates the init file, value is the real name
of the file, regardless of whether or not it has the `.elc' extension.

Function: smie-indent-exps


Variable: blink-cursor-idle-timer

Timer started after `blink-cursor-delay' seconds of Emacs idle time.
The function `blink-cursor-start' is called when the timer fires.

Function: customize-variable

Customize SYMBOL, which must be a user option.


Function: animate-sequence

Display animation strings from LIST-OF-STRING with buffer *Animation*.
Strings will be separated from each other by SPACE lines.
When the variable `animation-buffer-name' is non-nil display
animation in the buffer named by variable's value, creating the
buffer if one does not exist.


Function: font-xlfd-name

Return XLFD name of FONT.
FONT is a font-spec, font-entity, or font-object.
If the name is too long for XLFD (maximum 255 chars), return nil.
If the 2nd optional arg FOLD-WILDCARDS is non-nil,
the consecutive wildcards are folded into one.

(fn FONT &optional FOLD-WILDCARDS)

Variable: frame-alpha-lower-limit

The lower limit of the frame opacity (alpha transparency).
The value should range from 0 (invisible) to 100 (completely opaque).
You can also use a floating number between 0.0 and 1.0.
The default is 20.

Variable: completion-pcm--delim-wild-regex

Regular expression matching delimiters controlling the partial-completion.
Typically, this regular expression simply matches a delimiter, meaning
that completion can add something at (match-beginning 0), but if it has
a submatch 1, then completion can add something at (match-end 1).
This is used when the delimiter needs to be of size zero (e.g. the transition
from lowercase to uppercase characters).

Function: frame-focus

Return the frame to which FRAME's keystrokes are currently being sent.
This returns nil if FRAME's focus is not redirected.
See `redirect-frame-focus'.
(fn FRAME)

Function: truncate

Truncate a floating point number to an int.
Rounds ARG toward zero.
With optional DIVISOR, truncate ARG/DIVISOR.

(fn ARG &optional DIVISOR)

Variable: misc-objects-consed

Number of miscellaneous objects that have been consed so far.
These include markers and overlays, plus certain objects not visible
to users.

Function: occur-edit-mode

Major mode for editing *Occur* buffers.
In this mode, changes to the *Occur* buffer are also applied to
the originating buffer.

To return to ordinary Occur mode, use M-x occur-cease-edit.

In addition to any hooks its parent mode `occur-mode' might have run,
this mode runs the hook `occur-edit-mode-hook', as the final step during initialization.

Function: c-guess-basic-syntax

Return the syntactic context of the current line.


Function: turn-on-auto-revert-mode

Turn on Auto-Revert Mode.

This function is designed to be added to hooks, for example:
(add-hook 'c-mode-hook 'turn-on-auto-revert-mode) (fn)

Function: newline

Insert a newline, and move to left margin of the new line if it's blank.
If `use-hard-newlines' is non-nil, the newline is marked with the
text-property `hard'.
With ARG, insert that many newlines.
Call `auto-fill-function' if the current column number is greater
than the value of `fill-column' and ARG is nil.

Function: set-quit-char

Specify character used for quitting.
QUIT must be an ASCII character.

This function only has an effect on the controlling tty of the Emacs

See also `current-input-mode'. (fn QUIT)

Function: clone

Make a copy of OBJ, and then supply PARAMS.
PARAMS is a parameter list of the same form used by `initialize-instance'.

When overloading `clone', be sure to call `call-next-method'
first and modify the returned object.

Function: ring-extend

Increase the size of RING by X.

Function: cl-cdaaar

Return the `cdr' of the `car' of the `car' of the `car' of X.

(fn X)

Variable: tabulated-list-mode-hook

Hook run when entering Tabulated mode.
No problems result if this variable is not bound.
`add-hook' automatically binds it. (This is true for all hook variables.)

Function: tibetan-decompose-region

Decompose Tibetan text in the region FROM and TO.
This is different from decompose-region because precomposed Tibetan characters
are decomposed into normal Tibetan character sequences.

(fn FROM TO)

Function: network-connection-to-service

Open a network connection to SERVICE on HOST.


Function: find-backup-file-name

Find a file name for a backup file FN, and suggestions for deletions.
Value is a list whose car is the name for the backup file
and whose cdr is a list of old versions to consider deleting now.
If the value is nil, don't make a backup.
Uses `backup-directory-alist' in the same way as does

Function: default-boundp

Return t if SYMBOL has a non-void default value.
This is the value that is seen in buffers that do not have their own values
for this variable.

Variable: double-click-time

Maximum time between mouse clicks to make a double-click.
Measured in milliseconds. The value nil means disable double-click
recognition; t means double-clicks have no time limit and are detected
by position only.

Function: mm-read-charset

Read a character set from the minibuffer, prompting with string PROMPT.
It must be an Emacs character set listed in the variable `charset-list'.

Optional arguments are DEFAULT-VALUE and INITIAL-INPUT.
DEFAULT-VALUE, if non-nil, is the default value.
INITIAL-INPUT, if non-nil, is a string inserted in the minibuffer initially.
See the documentation of the function `completing-read' for the detailed
meanings of these arguments.


Variable: package-archives

An alist of archives from which to fetch.
The default value points to the GNU Emacs package repository.

Each element has the form (ID . LOCATION).
ID is an archive name, as a string.
LOCATION specifies the base location for the archive.
If it starts with "http:", it is treated as a HTTP URL;
otherwise it should be an absolute directory name.
(Other types of URL are currently not supported.)

Only add locations that you trust, since fetching and installing a package can run arbitrary code.

Variable: x-select-request-type

Data type request for X selection.
The value is one of the following data types, a list of them, or nil:

If the value is one of the above symbols, try only the specified type.

If the value is a list of them, try each of them in the specified
order until succeed.

The value nil is the same as the list (UTF8_STRING COMPOUND_TEXT STRING).

Function: count-lines-page

Report number of lines on current page, and how many are before or after point.

Variable: dbus-debug

If non-nil, debug messages of D-Bus bindings are raised.

Function: minibuffer-completion-help

Display a list of possible completions of the current minibuffer contents.


Function: window-prev-buffers

Return buffers previously shown in WINDOW.
WINDOW must be a live window and defaults to the selected one.

The return value is a list of elements (BUFFER WINDOW-START POS),
where BUFFER is a buffer, WINDOW-START is the start position of the
window for that buffer, and POS is a window-specific point value.
(fn &optional WINDOW)

Variable: visible-bell

Non-nil means try to flash the frame to represent a bell.

See also `ring-bell-function'.

Function: vc-git--out-ok

(fn COMMAND &rest ARGS)

Function: replace-regexp

Replace things after point matching REGEXP with TO-STRING.
Preserve case in each match if `case-replace' and `case-fold-search'
are non-nil and REGEXP has no uppercase letters.

If `replace-regexp-lax-whitespace' is non-nil, a space or spaces in the regexp
to be replaced will match a sequence of whitespace chars defined by the
regexp in `search-whitespace-regexp'.

In Transient Mark mode, if the mark is active, operate on the contents
of the region. Otherwise, operate from point to the end of the buffer.

Third arg DELIMITED (prefix arg if interactive), if non-nil, means replace
only matches surrounded by word boundaries.
Fourth and fifth arg START and END specify the region to operate on.

In TO-STRING, `\&' stands for whatever matched the whole of REGEXP,
and `\N' (where N is a digit) stands for
whatever what matched the Nth `\(...\)' in REGEXP.
`\?' lets you edit the replacement text in the minibuffer
at the given position for each replacement.

In interactive calls, the replacement text may contain `\,'
followed by a Lisp expression used as part of the replacement
text. Inside of that expression, `\&' is a string denoting the
whole match, `\N' a partial match, `\#&' and `\#N' the respective
numeric values from `string-to-number', and `\#' itself for
`replace-count', the number of replacements occurred so far.

If your Lisp expression is an identifier and the next letter in
the replacement string would be interpreted as part of it, you
can wrap it with an expression like `\,(or \#)'. Incidentally,
for this particular case you may also enter `\#' in the
replacement text directly.

When using those Lisp features interactively in the replacement
text, TO-STRING is actually made a list instead of a string.
Use C-x M-: after this command for details.

Use M-n to pull the last incremental search regexp to the minibuffer
that reads REGEXP.

This function is usually the wrong thing to use in a Lisp program.
What you probably want is a loop like this: (while (re-search-forward REGEXP nil t) (replace-match TO-STRING nil nil)) which will run faster and will not set the mark or print anything.

Function: add-to-history

Add NEWELT to the history list stored in the variable HISTORY-VAR.
Return the new history list.
If MAXELT is non-nil, it specifies the maximum length of the history.
Otherwise, the maximum history length is the value of the `history-length'
property on symbol HISTORY-VAR, if set, or the value of the `history-length'
Remove duplicates of NEWELT if `history-delete-duplicates' is non-nil.
If optional fourth arg KEEP-ALL is non-nil, add NEWELT to history even
if it is empty or a duplicate.

Function: internal-make-var-non-special

Internal function.


Function: byte-compile-unwind-protect

(fn FORM)

Variable: sgml-mode-syntax-table

Syntax table used in SGML mode. See also `sgml-specials'.

Function: describe-buffer-case-table

Describe the case table of the current buffer.

Function: table-shorten-cell

Shorten the current cell by N lines by shrinking the cell vertically.
Shortening is done by removing blank lines from the bottom of the cell
and possibly from the top of the cell as well. Therefore, the cell
must have some bottom/top blank lines to be shorten effectively. This
is applicable to all the cells aligned horizontally with the current
one because they are also shortened in order to keep the rectangular
table structure. (fn N)

Function: nested-alist-p

Return t if OBJ is a nested alist.

Nested alist is a list of the form (ENTRY . BRANCHES), where ENTRY is
any Lisp object, and BRANCHES is a list of cons cells of the form

You can use a nested alist to store any Lisp object (ENTRY) for a key
sequence KEYSEQ, where KEYSEQ is a sequence of KEY-ELEMENT. KEYSEQ
can be a string, a vector, or a list.

Function: eudc-insert-record-at-point-into-bbdb

Insert record at point into the BBDB database.
This function can only be called from a directory query result buffer.

Function: kill-process

Kill process PROCESS. May be process or name of one.
See function `interrupt-process' for more details on usage.


Function: last-nonminibuffer-frame

Value is last nonminibuffer frame.


Function: byte-compile-find-bound-condition


Function: nsubst

Substitute NEW for OLD everywhere in TREE (destructively).
Any element of TREE which is `eql' to OLD is changed to NEW (via a call
to `setcar').

Keywords supported: :test :test-not :key


Function: indent-rigidly

Indent all lines starting in the region sideways by ARG columns.
Called from a program, takes three arguments, START, END and ARG.
You can remove all indentation from a region by giving a large negative ARG.

Variable: c++-mode-syntax-table

Syntax table used in c++-mode buffers.

Function: load-history-filename-element

Get the first elt of `load-history' whose car matches FILE-REGEXP.
Return nil if there isn't one.

Function: delete-terminal

Delete TERMINAL by deleting all frames on it and closing the terminal.
TERMINAL may be a terminal object, a frame, or nil (meaning the
selected frame's terminal).

Normally, you may not delete a display if all other displays are suspended,
but if the second argument FORCE is non-nil, you may do so.

(fn &optional TERMINAL FORCE)

Function: current-time-zone

Return the offset and name for the local time zone.
This returns a list of the form (OFFSET NAME).
OFFSET is an integer number of seconds ahead of UTC (east of Greenwich).
A negative value means west of Greenwich.
NAME is a string giving the name of the time zone.
If SPECIFIED-TIME is given, the time zone offset is determined from it
instead of using the current time. The argument should have the form
(HIGH LOW . IGNORED). Thus, you can use times obtained from
`current-time' and from `file-attributes'. SPECIFIED-TIME can also
have the form (HIGH . LOW), but this is considered obsolete.

Some operating systems cannot provide all this information to Emacs;
in this case, `current-time-zone' returns a list containing nil for
the data it can't find. (fn &optional SPECIFIED-TIME)

Function: string-width

Return width of STRING when displayed in the current buffer.
Width is measured by how many columns it occupies on the screen.
When calculating width of a multibyte character in STRING,
only the base leading-code is considered; the validity of
the following bytes is not checked. Tabs in STRING are always
taken to occupy `tab-width' columns. (fn STRING)

Function: eieio-validate-class-slot-value

Make sure that for CLASS referencing SLOT-IDX, VALUE is valid.
Checks the :type specifier.
SLOT is the slot that is being checked, and is only used when throwing
an error.

Variable: help-xref-symbol-regexp

Regexp matching doc string references to symbols.

The words preceding the quoted symbol can be used in doc strings to
distinguish references to variables, functions and symbols.

Function: filtered-frame-list

Return a list of all live frames which satisfy PREDICATE.

Function: ebrowse-tags-find-definition-other-window

Find definition of member at point in other window.


Function: compilation-shell-minor-mode

Toggle Compilation Shell minor mode.
With a prefix argument ARG, enable Compilation Shell minor mode
if ARG is positive, and disable it otherwise. If called from
Lisp, enable the mode if ARG is omitted or nil.

When Compilation Shell minor mode is enabled, all the
error-parsing commands of the Compilation major mode are
available but bound to keys that don't collide with Shell mode.
See `compilation-mode'. (fn &optional ARG)

Function: custom-add-package-version

To the custom option SYMBOL add the package version VERSION.

Function: collapse-delayed-warnings

Remove duplicates from `delayed-warnings-list'.
Collapse identical adjacent warnings into one (plus count).
Used from `delayed-warnings-hook' (which see).

Function: byte-compile-eval

Eval FORM and mark the functions defined therein.
Each function's symbol gets added to `byte-compile-noruntime-functions'.

(fn FORM)

Function: sieve-upload

(fn &optional NAME)

Function: buffer-face-mode

Minor mode for a buffer-specific default face.
With a prefix argument ARG, enable the mode if ARG is positive,
and disable it otherwise. If called from Lisp, enable the mode
if ARG is omitted or nil. When enabled, the face specified by the
variable `buffer-face-mode-face' is used to display the buffer text.
(fn &optional ARG)

Function: describe-text-properties

Describe widgets, buttons, overlays, and text properties at POS.
POS is taken to be in BUFFER or in current buffer if nil.
Interactively, describe them for the character after point.
If optional second argument OUTPUT-BUFFER is non-nil,
insert the output into that buffer, and don't initialize or clear it


Function: vc-after-save

Function to be called by `basic-save-buffer' (in files.el).

Variable: sgml-tag-face-alist

Tag names and face or list of faces to fontify with when invisible.
When `font-lock-maximum-decoration' is 1 this is always used for fontifying.
When more these are fontified together with `sgml-font-lock-keywords'.

Function: sgml-slash

Insert ARG slash characters.
Behaves electrically if `sgml-quick-keys' is non-nil.

Function: cl-nth-value

Evaluate EXPRESSION to get multiple values and return the Nth one.
This handles multiple values in Common Lisp style, but it does not work
right when EXPRESSION calls an ordinary Emacs Lisp function that returns just
one value.


Variable: x-dnd-current-state

The current state for a drop.
This is an alist with one entry for each display. The value for each display
is a vector that contains the state for drag and drop for that display.
Elements in the vector are:
Last buffer drag was in,
last window drag was in,
types available for drop,
the action suggested by the source,
the type we want for the drop,
the action we want for the drop, any protocol specific data.

Variable: completion-pcm-word-delimiters

A string of characters treated as word delimiters for completion.
Some arcane rules:
If `]' is in this string, it must come first.
If `^' is in this string, it must not come first.
If `-' is in this string, it must come first or right after `]'.
In other words, if S is this string, then `[S]' must be a valid Emacs regular
expression (not containing character ranges like `a-z').

Function: set-window-scroll-bars

Set width and type of scroll bars of window WINDOW.
WINDOW must be a live window and defaults to the selected one.

Second parameter WIDTH specifies the pixel width for the scroll bar;
this is automatically adjusted to a multiple of the frame column width.
Third parameter VERTICAL-TYPE specifies the type of the vertical scroll
bar: left, right, or nil.
If WIDTH is nil, use the frame's scroll-bar width.
If VERTICAL-TYPE is t, use the frame's scroll-bar type.
Fourth parameter HORIZONTAL-TYPE is currently unused.


Function: next-property-change

Return the position of next property change.
Scans characters forward from POSITION in OBJECT till it finds
a change in some text property, then returns the position of the change.
If the optional second argument OBJECT is a buffer (or nil, which means
the current buffer), POSITION is a buffer position (integer or marker).
If OBJECT is a string, POSITION is a 0-based index into it.
Return nil if the property is constant all the way to the end of OBJECT.
If the value is non-nil, it is a position greater than POSITION, never equal.

If the optional third argument LIMIT is non-nil, don't search
past position LIMIT; return LIMIT if nothing is found before LIMIT. (fn POSITION &optional OBJECT LIMIT)

Variable: minibuffer-auto-raise

Non-nil means entering the minibuffer raises the minibuffer's frame.
Some uses of the echo area also raise that frame (since they use it too).

Variable: debug-on-error

Non-nil means enter debugger if an error is signaled.
Does not apply to errors handled by `condition-case' or those
matched by `debug-ignored-errors'.
If the value is a list, an error only means to enter the debugger
if one of its condition symbols appears in the list.
When you evaluate an expression interactively, this variable
is temporarily non-nil if `eval-expression-debug-on-error' is non-nil.
The command `toggle-debug-on-error' toggles this.
See also the variable `debug-on-quit' and `inhibit-debugger'.

Function: mm-xemacs-find-mime-charset-1

Determine which MIME charset to use to send region as message.
This uses the XEmacs-specific latin-unity package to better handle the
case where identical characters from diverse ISO-8859-? character sets
can be encoded using a single one of the corresponding coding systems.

It treats `mm-coding-system-priorities' as the list of preferred
coding systems; a useful example setting for this list in Western
Europe would be '(iso-8859-1 iso-8859-15 utf-8), which would default
to the very standard Latin 1 coding system, and only move to coding
systems that are less supported as is necessary to encode the
characters that exist in the buffer.

Latin Unity doesn't know about those non-ASCII Roman characters that
are available in various East Asian character sets. As such, its
behavior if you have a JIS 0212 LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH ACUTE in a
buffer and it can otherwise be encoded as Latin 1, won't be ideal.
But this is very much a corner case, so don't worry about it.

Function: Buffer-menu-backup-unmark

Move up and cancel all requested operations on buffer on line above.

Function: msb-mode

Toggle Msb mode.
With a prefix argument ARG, enable Msb mode if ARG is positive,
and disable it otherwise. If called from Lisp, enable the mode
if ARG is omitted or nil.

This mode overrides the binding(s) of `mouse-buffer-menu' to provide a
different buffer menu using the function `msb'. (fn &optional ARG)

Variable: msb-mode

Non-nil if Msb mode is enabled.
See the command `msb-mode' for a description of this minor mode.
Setting this variable directly does not take effect;
either customize it (see the info node `Easy Customization')
or call the function `msb-mode'.

Function: ido-find-file-read-only-other-frame

Edit file read-only in other frame with name obtained via minibuffer.
The file name is selected interactively by typing a substring.
For details of keybindings, see `ido-find-file'. (fn)

Function: insert-directory-safely

Insert directory listing for FILE, formatted according to SWITCHES.

Like `insert-directory', but if FILE does not exist, it inserts a
message to that effect instead of signaling an error.

Function: backward-paragraph

Move backward to start of paragraph.
With argument ARG, do it ARG times;
a negative argument ARG = -N means move forward N paragraphs.

A paragraph start is the beginning of a line which is a
`paragraph-start' or which is ordinary text and follows a
`paragraph-separate'ing line; except: if the first real line of a
paragraph is preceded by a blank line, the paragraph starts at that
blank line.

See `forward-paragraph' for more information.

Function: iso-iso2sgml

Translate ISO 8859-1 characters in the region to SGML entities.
Use entities from "ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Added Latin 1//EN".
Optional arg BUFFER is ignored (for use in `format-alist').

(fn FROM TO &optional BUFFER)

Function: waiting-for-user-input-p

Returns non-nil if Emacs is waiting for input from the user.
This is intended for use by asynchronous process output filters and sentinels.

Function: eieio-compiled-function-arglist

Return the argument list for the compiled function FUNC.

Function: cl-gethash

Look up KEY in TABLE and return its associated value.
If KEY is not found, return DFLT which defaults to nil.

(fn KEY TABLE &optional DFLT)

Variable: fill-individual-varying-indent

Controls criterion for a new paragraph in `fill-individual-paragraphs'.
Non-nil means changing indent doesn't end a paragraph.
That mode can handle paragraphs with extra indentation on the first line,
but it requires separator lines between paragraphs.
A value of nil means that any change in indentation starts a new paragraph.

Function: pr-ps-directory-using-ghostscript

Print directory using PostScript through ghostscript.

Interactively, the command prompts for N-UP printing number, a directory, a
file name regexp for matching and, when you use a prefix argument (C-u), the
command prompts the user for a file name, and saves the PostScript image in
that file instead of saving it in a temporary file.

Noninteractively, if N-UP is nil, prompts for N-UP printing number. If DIR is
nil, prompts for DIRectory. If FILE-REGEXP is nil, prompts for
FILE(name)-REGEXP. The argument FILENAME is treated as follows: if it's nil,
save the image in a temporary file. If FILENAME is a string, save the
PostScript image in a file with that name. If FILENAME is t, prompts for a
file name.

See also documentation for `pr-list-directory'. (fn N-UP DIR FILE-REGEXP &optional FILENAME)

Variable: before-revert-hook

Normal hook for `revert-buffer' to run before reverting.
If `revert-buffer-function' is used to override the normal revert
mechanism, this hook is not used.

Function: increment-register

Augment contents of REGISTER.
Interactively, PREFIX is in raw form.

If REGISTER contains a number, add `prefix-numeric-value' of
PREFIX to it.

If REGISTER is empty or if it contains text, call
`append-to-register' with `delete-flag' set to PREFIX.

Function: do-after-load-evaluation

Evaluate all `eval-after-load' forms, if any, for ABS-FILE.
ABS-FILE, a string, should be the absolute true name of a file just loaded.
This function is called directly from the C code.

Function: face-attributes-as-vector

Return a vector of face attributes corresponding to PLIST.

(fn PLIST)

Function: pcmpl-ssh-known-hosts

Return a list of hosts found in `pcmpl-ssh-known-hosts-file'.

Function: url-file-nondirectory

Return the nondirectory part of FILE, for a URL.

Function: mml2015-encrypt

(fn CONT &optional SIGN)

Function: kill-some-buffers

Kill some buffers. Asks the user whether to kill each one of them.
Non-interactively, if optional argument LIST is non-nil, it
specifies the list of buffers to kill, asking for approval for each one.

Function: executable-find

Search for COMMAND in `exec-path' and return the absolute file name.
Return nil if COMMAND is not found anywhere in `exec-path'.

Function: binary-overwrite-mode

Toggle Binary Overwrite mode.
With a prefix argument ARG, enable Binary Overwrite mode if ARG
is positive, and disable it otherwise. If called from Lisp,
enable the mode if ARG is omitted or nil.

When Binary Overwrite mode is enabled, printing characters typed
in replace existing text. Newlines are not treated specially, so
typing at the end of a line joins the line to the next, with the
typed character between them. Typing before a tab character
simply replaces the tab with the character typed.
C-q replaces the text at the cursor, just as
ordinary typing characters do.

Note that Binary Overwrite mode is not its own minor mode; it is
a specialization of overwrite mode, entered by setting the `overwrite-mode' variable to `overwrite-mode-binary'.

Function: pr-toggle-file-landscape

Toggle landscape for PostScript file.


Function: ediff-merge-directories

Run Ediff on a pair of directories, DIR1 and DIR2, merging files that have
the same name in both. The third argument, REGEXP, is nil or a regular
expression; only file names that match the regexp are considered.


Function: process-mark

Return the marker for the end of the last output from PROCESS.


Function: getenv-internal

Get the value of environment variable VARIABLE.
VARIABLE should be a string. Value is nil if VARIABLE is undefined in
the environment. Otherwise, value is a string.

This function searches `process-environment' for VARIABLE.

If optional parameter ENV is a list, then search this list instead of
`process-environment', and return t when encountering a negative entry
(an entry for a variable with no value). (fn VARIABLE &optional ENV)

Variable: menu-prompting

Non-nil means prompt with menus when appropriate.
This is done when reading from a keymap that has a prompt string,
for elements that have prompt strings.
The menu is displayed on the screen
if X menus were enabled at configuration
time and the previous event was a mouse click prefix key.
Otherwise, menu prompting uses the echo area.

Function: smie-down-list

Move forward down one level paren-like blocks. Like `down-list'.
With argument ARG, do this that many times.
A negative argument means move backward but still go down a level.
This command assumes point is not in a string or comment.

(fn &optional ARG)

Variable: insert-pair-alist

Alist of paired characters inserted by `insert-pair'.
Each element looks like (OPEN-CHAR CLOSE-CHAR) or (COMMAND-CHAR
of the pair whose key is equal to the last input character with
or without modifiers, are inserted by `insert-pair'.

Function: jka-compr-set

Internal Custom :set function.

Function: nnfolder-generate-active-file

Look for mbox folders in the nnfolder directory and make them into groups.
This command does not work if you use short group names.

Function: edt-set-scroll-margins

Set scroll margins.
Argument TOP is the top margin in number of lines or percent of window.
Argument BOTTOM is the bottom margin in number of lines or percent of window.


Function: customize-saved

Customize all saved options and faces.


Function: run-mode-hooks

Run mode hooks `delayed-mode-hooks' and HOOKS, or delay HOOKS.
If the variable `delay-mode-hooks' is non-nil, does not run any hooks,
just adds the HOOKS to the list `delayed-mode-hooks'.
Otherwise, runs hooks in the sequence: `change-major-mode-after-body-hook',
`delayed-mode-hooks' (in reverse order), HOOKS, and finally
`after-change-major-mode-hook'. Major mode functions should use
this instead of `run-hooks' when running their FOO-mode-hook.

Function: user-real-login-name

Return the name of the user's real uid, as a string.
This ignores the environment variables LOGNAME and USER, so it differs from
`user-login-name' when running under `su'. (fn)

Variable: user-real-login-name

The user's name, based upon the real uid only.

Function: cl--make-type-test


Function: select-safe-coding-system

Ask a user to select a safe coding system from candidates.
The candidates of coding systems which can safely encode a text
between FROM and TO are shown in a popup window. Among them, the most
proper one is suggested as the default.

The list of `buffer-file-coding-system' of the current buffer, the
default `buffer-file-coding-system', and the most preferred coding
system (if it corresponds to a MIME charset) is treated as the
default coding system list. Among them, the first one that safely
encodes the text is normally selected silently and returned without
any user interaction. See also the command `prefer-coding-system'.

However, the user is queried if the chosen coding system is
inconsistent with what would be selected by `find-auto-coding' from
coding cookies &c. if the contents of the region were read from a
file. (That could lead to data corruption in a file subsequently
re-visited and edited.)

Optional 3rd arg DEFAULT-CODING-SYSTEM specifies a coding system or a
list of coding systems to be prepended to the default coding system
list. However, if DEFAULT-CODING-SYSTEM is a list and the first
element is t, the cdr part is used as the default coding system list,
i.e. current `buffer-file-coding-system', default `buffer-file-coding-system',
and the most preferred coding system are not used.

Optional 4th arg ACCEPT-DEFAULT-P, if non-nil, is a function to
determine the acceptability of the silently selected coding system.
It is called with that coding system, and should return nil if it
should not be silently selected and thus user interaction is required.

Optional 5th arg FILE is the file name to use for this purpose.
That is different from `buffer-file-name' when handling `write-region'
(for example).

The variable `select-safe-coding-system-accept-default-p', if non-nil, overrides ACCEPT-DEFAULT-P. Kludgy feature: if FROM is a string, the string is the target text, and TO is ignored.

Function: abbrev--write

Write the abbrev in a `read'able form.
Only writes the non-system abbrevs.
Presumes that `standard-output' points to `current-buffer'.
(fn SYM)

Function: custom-theme-visit-theme

Set up a Custom buffer to edit custom theme THEME.

(fn THEME)

Function: batch-update-autoloads

Update loaddefs.el autoloads in batch mode.
Calls `update-directory-autoloads' on the command line arguments.
Definitions are written to `generated-autoload-file' (which
should be non-nil). (fn)

Variable: initial-buffer-choice

Buffer to show after starting Emacs.
If the value is nil and `inhibit-startup-screen' is nil, show the
startup screen. If the value is a string, visit the specified file
or directory using `find-file'. If t, open the `*scratch*'

A string value also causes emacsclient to open the specified file
or directory when no target file is specified.

Function: walk-windows

Cycle through all live windows, calling FUN for each one.
FUN must specify a function with a window as its sole argument.
The optional arguments MINIBUF and ALL-FRAMES specify the set of
windows to include in the walk.

MINIBUF t means include the minibuffer window even if the
minibuffer is not active. MINIBUF nil or omitted means include
the minibuffer window only if the minibuffer is active. Any
other value means do not include the minibuffer window even if
the minibuffer is active.

ALL-FRAMES nil or omitted means consider all windows on the
selected frame, plus the minibuffer window if specified by the
MINIBUF argument. If the minibuffer counts, consider all windows
on all frames that share that minibuffer too. The following
non-nil values of ALL-FRAMES have special meanings:

- t means consider all windows on all existing frames.

- `visible' means consider all windows on all visible frames on
the current terminal.

- 0 (the number zero) means consider all windows on all visible
and iconified frames on the current terminal.

- A frame means consider all windows on that frame only.

Anything else means consider all windows on the selected frame and no others. This function changes neither the order of recently selected windows nor the buffer list.

Function: format-insert-file

Insert the contents of file FILENAME using data format FORMAT.
If FORMAT is nil then do not do any format conversion.
The optional third and fourth arguments BEG and END specify
the part (in bytes) of the file to read.

The return value is like the value of `insert-file-contents':

Variable: custom-define-hook

Hook called after defining each customize option.

Variable: default-text-properties

Property-list used as default values.
The value of a property in this list is seen as the value for every
character that does not have its own value for that property.

Function: bolp

Return t if point is at the beginning of a line.


Variable: mm-hack-charsets

A list of special charsets.
Valid elements include:
`iso-8859-15' convert ISO-8859-1, -9 to ISO-8859-15 if ISO-8859-15 exists.
`iso-2022-jp-2' convert ISO-2022-jp to ISO-2022-jp-2 if ISO-2022-jp-2 exists.

Function: debugger-setup-buffer

Initialize the `*Backtrace*' buffer for entry to the debugger.
That buffer should be current already.

Function: window-inside-edges

Return a list of the edge coordinates of WINDOW.
WINDOW must be a live window and defaults to the selected one.

The returned list has the form (LEFT TOP RIGHT BOTTOM). TOP and BOTTOM
count by lines, and LEFT and RIGHT count by columns, all relative to 0,
0 at top left corner of frame.

RIGHT is one more than the rightmost column of WINDOW's text area.
BOTTOM is one more than the bottommost row of WINDOW's text area. The
inside edges do not include the space used by the WINDOW's scroll bar,
display margins, fringes, header line, and/or mode line. (fn &optional WINDOW)

Function: float

Return the floating point number equal to ARG.

(fn ARG)

Function: vc-git-stash-show

Show the contents of stash NAME.

(fn NAME)

Variable: jit-lock-contextually

If non-nil, means fontification should be syntactically true.
If nil, means fontification occurs only on those lines modified. This
means where modification on a line causes syntactic change on subsequent lines,
those subsequent lines are not refontified to reflect their new context.
If t, means fontification occurs on those lines modified and all
subsequent lines. This means those subsequent lines are refontified to reflect
their new syntactic context, after `jit-lock-context-time' seconds.
If any other value, e.g., `syntax-driven', means syntactically true
fontification occurs only if syntactic fontification is performed using the
buffer mode's syntax table, i.e., only if `font-lock-keywords-only' is nil.

The value of this variable is used when JIT Lock mode is turned on.

Function: event-apply-meta-modifier

Add the Meta modifier to the following event.
For example, type C-x @ m & to enter Meta-&.

Function: display-message-or-buffer

Display MESSAGE in the echo area if possible, otherwise in a pop-up buffer.
MESSAGE may be either a string or a buffer.

A buffer is displayed using `display-buffer' if MESSAGE is too long for
the maximum height of the echo area, as defined by `max-mini-window-height'
if `resize-mini-windows' is non-nil.

Returns either the string shown in the echo area, or when a pop-up
buffer is used, the window used to display it.

If MESSAGE is a string, then the optional argument BUFFER-NAME is the
name of the buffer used to display it in the case where a pop-up buffer
is used, defaulting to `*Message*'. In the case where MESSAGE is a
string and it is displayed in the echo area, it is not specified whether
the contents are inserted into the buffer anyway.

Optional arguments NOT-THIS-WINDOW and FRAME are as for `display-buffer', and only used if a buffer is displayed.

Variable: build-files

A list of files used to build this Emacs binary.

Function: beginning-of-buffer

Move point to the beginning of the buffer.
With numeric arg N, put point N/10 of the way from the beginning.
If the buffer is narrowed, this command uses the beginning of the
accessible part of the buffer.

If Transient Mark mode is disabled, leave mark at previous
position, unless a C-u prefix is supplied.

Don't use this command in Lisp programs!
(goto-char (point-min)) is faster.

Variable: class-public-printer

Printer for a slot.

Variable: apropos-sort-by-scores

Non-nil means sort matches by scores; best match is shown first.
This applies to all `apropos' commands except `apropos-documentation'.
If value is `verbose', the computed score is shown for each match.

Function: sgml-validate

Validate an SGML document.
Runs COMMAND, a shell command, in a separate process asynchronously
with output going to the buffer `*compilation*'.
You can then use the command C-x ` to find the next error message
and move to the line in the SGML document that caused it.

Function: pr-despool-using-ghostscript

Print spooled PostScript using ghostscript.

Interactively, when you use a prefix argument (C-u), the command prompts the
user for a file name, and saves the spooled PostScript image in that file
instead of sending it to the printer.

Noninteractively, the argument FILENAME is treated as follows: if it is nil,
send the image to the printer. If FILENAME is a string, save the PostScript
image in a file with that name. (fn &optional FILENAME)

Function: find-function-other-window

Find, in another window, the definition of FUNCTION near point.

See `find-function' for more details.


Function: 5x5-crack-randomly

Attempt to crack 5x5 using random solutions.


Function: window-full-width-p

Return t if WINDOW is as wide as its containing frame.
More precisely, return t if and only if the total width of WINDOW
equals the total width of the root window of WINDOW's frame.
WINDOW must be a valid window and defaults to the selected one.

Function: iso-sgml2iso

Translate SGML entities in the region to ISO 8859-1 characters.
Use entities from "ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Added Latin 1//EN".
Optional arg BUFFER is ignored (for use in `format-alist').

(fn FROM TO &optional BUFFER)

Function: primitive-undo

Undo N records from the front of the list LIST.
Return what remains of the list.

(fn N LIST)

Function: html-checkboxes

Group of connected checkbox inputs.

This is a skeleton command (see `skeleton-insert').
Normally the skeleton text is inserted at point, with nothing "inside".
If there is a highlighted region, the skeleton text is wrapped
around the region text.

A prefix argument ARG says to wrap the skeleton around the next ARG words.
A prefix argument of -1 says to wrap around region, even if not highlighted.
A prefix argument of zero says to wrap around zero words---that is, nothing.
This is a way of overriding the use of a highlighted region.

Function: winner-redo

Restore a more recent window configuration saved by Winner mode.

Function: mm-default-file-encoding

Return a default encoding for FILE.

(fn FILE)

Function: hi-lock-line-face-buffer

Set face of all lines containing a match of REGEXP to FACE.
Interactively, prompt for REGEXP then FACE, using a buffer-local
history list for REGEXP and a global history list for FACE.

If Font Lock mode is enabled in the buffer, it is used to
highlight REGEXP. If Font Lock mode is disabled, overlays are
used for highlighting; in this case, the highlighting will not be
updated as you type. (fn REGEXP &optional FACE)

Variable: facemenu-color-alist

Alist of colors, used for completion.
If this is nil, then the value of (defined-colors) is used.

Function: coding-system-type

Return the coding type of CODING-SYSTEM.
A coding type is a symbol indicating the encoding method of CODING-SYSTEM.
See the function `define-coding-system' for more detail.

Variable: x-cursor-fore-pixel

A string indicating the foreground color of the cursor box.

Function: image-mask-p

Return t if image SPEC has a mask bitmap.
FRAME is the frame on which the image will be displayed. FRAME nil
or omitted means use the selected frame.

(fn SPEC &optional FRAME)

Variable: parse-sexp-lookup-properties

Non-nil means `forward-sexp', etc., obey `syntax-table' property.
Otherwise, that text property is simply ignored.
See the info node `(elisp)Syntax Properties' for a description of the
`syntax-table' property.

Function: forward-point

Return buffer position N characters after (before if N negative) point.

(fn N)

Function: delete-overlay

Delete the overlay OVERLAY from its buffer.


Function: byte-compile-check-lambda-list

Check lambda-list LIST for errors.

(fn LIST)

Function: byte-compile-file-form-with-no-warnings

(fn FORM)

Function: count-if-not

Count the number of items not satisfying PREDICATE in SEQ.

Keywords supported: :key :start :end


Function: comment-indent-new-line

Break line at point and indent, continuing comment if within one.
This indents the body of the continued comment
under the previous comment line.

This command is intended for styles where you write a comment per line,
starting a new comment (and terminating it if necessary) on each line.
If you want to continue one comment across several lines, use C-j.

If a fill column is specified, it overrides the use of the comment column
or comment indentation.

The inserted newline is marked hard if variable `use-hard-newlines' is true,
unless optional argument SOFT is non-nil. (fn &optional SOFT)

Function: epa-file-handler


Variable: init-file-user

Identity of user whose init file is or was read.
The value is nil if `-q' or `--no-init-file' was specified,
meaning do not load any init file.

Otherwise, the value may be an empty string, meaning
use the init file for the user who originally logged in,
or it may be a string containing a user's name meaning
use that person's init file.

In either of the latter cases, `(concat "~" init-file-user "/")'
evaluates to the name of the directory where the init file was
looked for.

Setting `init-file-user' does not prevent Emacs from loading
`site-start.el'. The only way to do that is to use `--no-site-file'.

Variable: buffer-access-fontify-functions

List of functions called by `buffer-substring' to fontify if necessary.
Each function is called with two arguments which specify the range
of the buffer being accessed.

Variable: standard-translation-table-for-encode

Table for translating characters while encoding.

Face: info-header-node

Face for Info nodes in a node header.

Function: sgml-maybe-name-self

Insert a symbolic character name according to `sgml-char-names'.

Function: repunctuate-sentences

Put two spaces at the end of sentences from point to the end of buffer.
It works using `query-replace-regexp'.

Variable: x-fixed-font-alist

X fonts suitable for use in Emacs.

Function: syntax-ppss-debug


Function: url-eat-trailing-space

Remove spaces/tabs at the end of a string.

Variable: mail-default-directory

Value of `default-directory' for Mail mode buffers.
This directory is used for auto-save files of Mail mode buffers.

Note that Message mode does not use this variable; it auto-saves
in `message-auto-save-directory'.

Function: find-tag-noselect

Find tag (in current tags table) whose name contains TAGNAME.
Returns the buffer containing the tag's definition and moves its point there,
but does not select the buffer.
The default for TAGNAME is the expression in the buffer near point.

If second arg NEXT-P is t (interactively, with prefix arg), search for
another tag that matches the last tagname or regexp used. When there are
multiple matches for a tag, more exact matches are found first. If NEXT-P
is the atom `-' (interactively, with prefix arg that is a negative number
or just M--), pop back to the previous tag gone to.

If third arg REGEXP-P is non-nil, treat TAGNAME as a regexp.

A marker representing the point when this command is invoked is pushed
onto a ring and may be popped back to with M-*.
Contrast this with the ring of marks gone to by the command.

See documentation of variable `tags-file-name'. (fn TAGNAME &optional NEXT-P REGEXP-P)

Function: edt-emulation-on

Turn on EDT Emulation.


Function: read-buffer

Read the name of a buffer and return as a string.
Prompt with PROMPT.
Optional second arg DEF is value to return if user enters an empty line.
If DEF is a list of default values, return its first element.
Optional third arg REQUIRE-MATCH determines whether non-existing
buffer names are allowed. It has the same meaning as the
REQUIRE-MATCH argument of `completing-read'.
The argument PROMPT should be a string ending with a colon and a space.
If `read-buffer-completion-ignore-case' is non-nil, completion ignores
case while reading the buffer name.
If `read-buffer-function' is non-nil, this works by calling it as a
function, instead of the usual behavior. (fn PROMPT &optional DEF REQUIRE-MATCH)

Variable: sh-remember-variable-min

Don't remember variables less than this length for completing reads.

Function: mm-coding-system-p

Return non-nil if CS is a symbol naming a coding system.
In XEmacs, also return non-nil if CS is a coding system object.
If CS is available, return CS itself in Emacs, and return a coding
system object in XEmacs.

Function: vc-git-unregister

(fn FILE)

Variable: tab-stop-list

List of tab stop positions used by `tab-to-tab-stop'.
This should be a list of integers, ordered from smallest to largest.

Variable: view-read-only

Non-nil means buffers visiting files read-only do so in view mode.
In fact, this means that all read-only buffers normally have
View mode enabled, including buffers that are read-only because
you visit a file you cannot alter, and buffers you make read-only
using M-x toggle-read-only.

Variable: backup-by-copying-when-privileged-mismatch

Non-nil means create backups by copying to preserve a privileged owner.
Renaming may still be used (subject to control of other variables)
when it would not result in changing the owner of the file or if the owner
has a user id greater than the value of this variable. This is useful
when low-numbered uid's are used for special system users (such as root)
that must maintain ownership of certain files.
This variable is relevant only if `backup-by-copying' and
`backup-by-copying-when-mismatch' are nil.

Variable: delete-auto-save-files

Non-nil means delete auto-save file when a buffer is saved or killed.

Note that the auto-save file will not be deleted if the buffer is killed
when it has unsaved changes.

Function: window-fringes

Get width of fringes of window WINDOW.
WINDOW must be a live window and defaults to the selected one.

Value is a list of the form (LEFT-WIDTH RIGHT-WIDTH OUTSIDE-MARGINS).

(fn &optional WINDOW)

Function: window-end

Return position at which display currently ends in WINDOW.
WINDOW must be a live window and defaults to the selected one.
This is updated by redisplay, when it runs to completion.
Simply changing the buffer text or setting `window-start'
does not update this value.
Return nil if there is no recorded value. (This can happen if the
last redisplay of WINDOW was preempted, and did not finish.)
If UPDATE is non-nil, compute the up-to-date position
if it isn't already recorded. (fn &optional WINDOW UPDATE)

Variable: last-kbd-macro

Last kbd macro defined, as a string or vector; nil if none defined.

Variable: shell-delimiter-argument-list

List of characters to recognize as separate arguments.
This variable is used to initialize `comint-delimiter-argument-list' in the
shell buffer. The value may depend on the operating system or shell.

Function: x-dnd-drop-data

Drop one data item onto a frame.
EVENT is the client message for the drop, FRAME is the frame the drop
occurred on. WINDOW is the window of FRAME where the drop happened.
DATA is the data received from the source, and type is the type for DATA,
see `x-dnd-types-alist').

Returns the action used (move, copy, link, private) if drop was successful, nil if not.

Function: beginning-of-defun-raw

Move point to the character that starts a defun.
This is identical to function `beginning-of-defun', except that point
does not move to the beginning of the line when `defun-prompt-regexp'
is non-nil.

If variable `beginning-of-defun-function' is non-nil, its value
is called as a function to find the defun's beginning.

Variable: last-abbrev-text

The exact text of the last abbrev expanded.
It is nil if the abbrev has already been unexpanded.

Variable: read-file-name-predicate

Current predicate used by `read-file-name-internal'.

Function: completion-table-subvert

Return a completion table from TABLE with S1 replaced by S2.
The result is a completion table which completes strings of the
form (concat S1 S) in the same way as TABLE completes strings of
the form (concat S2 S).

(fn TABLE S1 S2)

Function: print-buffer

Paginate and print buffer contents.

The variable `lpr-headers-switches' controls how to paginate.
If it is nil (the default), we run the `pr' program (or whatever program
`lpr-page-header-program' specifies) to paginate.
`lpr-page-header-switches' specifies the switches for that program.

Otherwise, the switches in `lpr-headers-switches' are used
in the print command itself; we expect them to request pagination.

See the variables `lpr-switches' and `lpr-command'
for further customization of the printer command. (fn)

Function: x-server-version

Return the version numbers of the X server of display TERMINAL.
The value is a list of three integers: the major and minor
version numbers of the X Protocol in use, and the distributor-specific release
number. See also the function `x-server-vendor'.

The optional argument TERMINAL specifies which display to ask about.
TERMINAL should be a terminal object, a frame or a display name (a string).
If omitted or nil, that stands for the selected frame's display. (fn &optional TERMINAL)

Function: <=

Return t if first arg is less than or equal to second arg.
Both must be numbers or markers.

(fn NUM1 NUM2)

Variable: sh-indent-for-then

How much to indent a `then' relative to its `if'.

Variable: byte-save-current-buffer

Byte code opcode To make a binding to record the current buffer.

Function: sgml-skip-tag-forward

Skip to end of tag or matching closing tag if present.
With prefix argument ARG, repeat this ARG times.
Return t if after a closing tag.

Variable: tooltip-last-mouse-motion-event

A copy of the last mouse motion event seen.

Function: find-lisp-find-dired-subdirectories

Find all subdirectories of DIR.

(fn DIR)

Variable: ad-redefinition-action

Defines what to do with redefinitions during Advice de/activation.
Redefinition occurs if a previously activated function that already has an
original definition associated with it gets redefined and then de/activated.
In such a case we can either accept the current definition as the new
original definition, discard the current definition and replace it with the
old original, or keep it and raise an error. The values `accept', `discard',
`error' or `warn' govern what will be done. `warn' is just like `accept' but
it additionally prints a warning message. All other values will be interpreted as `error'.

Function: yank

Reinsert ("paste") the last stretch of killed text.
More precisely, reinsert the most recent kill, which is the
stretch of killed text most recently killed OR yanked. Put point
at the end, and set mark at the beginning without activating it.
With just C-u as argument, put point at beginning, and mark at end.
With argument N, reinsert the Nth most recent kill.

When this command inserts text into the buffer, it honors the
`yank-handled-properties' and `yank-excluded-properties'
variables, and the `yank-handler' text property. See
`insert-for-yank-1' for details. See also the command `yank-pop' (M-y).

Function: format-deannotate-region

Translate annotations in the region into text properties.
This sets text properties between FROM to TO as directed by the

NEXT-FN is a function that searches forward from point for an annotation.
It should return a list of 4 elements: (BEGIN END NAME POSITIVE). BEGIN and
END are buffer positions bounding the annotation, NAME is the name searched
for in TRANSLATIONS, and POSITIVE should be non-nil if this annotation marks
the beginning of a region with some property, or nil if it ends the region.
NEXT-FN should return nil if there are no annotations after point.

The basic format of the TRANSLATIONS argument is described in the
documentation for the `format-annotate-region' function. There are some
additional things to keep in mind for decoding, though:

When an annotation is found, the TRANSLATIONS list is searched for a
text-property name and value that corresponds to that annotation. If the
text-property has several annotations associated with it, it will be used only
if the other annotations are also in effect at that point. The first match
found whose annotations are all present is used.

The text property thus determined is set to the value over the region between
the opening and closing annotations. However, if the text-property name has a
non-nil `format-list-valued' property, then the value will be consed onto the
surrounding value of the property, rather than replacing that value.

There are some special symbols that can be used in the "property" slot of
the TRANSLATIONS list: PARAMETER and FUNCTION (spelled in uppercase).
Annotations listed under the pseudo-property PARAMETER are considered to be
arguments of the immediately surrounding annotation; the text between the
opening and closing parameter annotations is deleted from the buffer but saved
as a string.

The surrounding annotation should be listed under the pseudo-property
FUNCTION. Instead of inserting a text-property for this annotation,
the function listed in the VALUE slot is called to make whatever
changes are appropriate. It can also return a list of the form
(START LOC PROP VALUE) which specifies a property to put on. The
function's first two arguments are the START and END locations, and
the rest of the arguments are any PARAMETERs found in that region.

Any annotations that are found by NEXT-FN but not defined by TRANSLATIONS
are saved as values of the `unknown' text-property (which is list-valued). The TRANSLATIONS list should usually contain an entry of the form (unknown (nil format-annotate-value)) to write these unknown annotations back into the file.

Function: current-bidi-paragraph-direction

Return paragraph direction at point in BUFFER.
Value is either `left-to-right' or `right-to-left'.
If BUFFER is omitted or nil, it defaults to the current buffer.

Paragraph direction determines how the text in the paragraph is displayed.
In left-to-right paragraphs, text begins at the left margin of the window
and the reading direction is generally left to right. In right-to-left
paragraphs, text begins at the right margin and is read from right to left.

See also `bidi-paragraph-direction'. (fn &optional BUFFER)

Variable: undo-limit

Keep no more undo information once it exceeds this size.
This limit is applied when garbage collection happens.
When a previous command increases the total undo list size past this
value, the earlier commands that came before it are forgotten.

The size is counted as the number of bytes occupied,
which includes both saved text and other data.

Function: current-case-table

Return the case table of the current buffer.


Variable: pcomplete-file-ignore

A regexp of filenames to be disregarded during file completion.

Function: member-if

Find the first item satisfying PREDICATE in LIST.
Return the sublist of LIST whose car matches.

Keywords supported: :key


Function: mouse-start-end

Return a list of region bounds based on START and END according to MODE.
If MODE is 0 then set point to (min START END), mark to (max START END).
If MODE is 1 then set point to start of word at (min START END),
mark to end of word at (max START END).
If MODE is 2 then do the same for lines.

Function: gnus-sorted-difference

Return a list of elements of LIST1 that do not appear in LIST2.
Both lists have to be sorted over <.
The tail of LIST1 is not copied.

(fn LIST1 LIST2)

Function: macroexp--const-symbol-p

Non-nil if SYMBOL is constant.
If ANY-VALUE is nil, only return non-nil if the value of the symbol is the
symbol itself.

(fn SYMBOL &optional ANY-VALUE)

Variable: display-buffer-mark-dedicated

If non-nil, `display-buffer' marks the windows it creates as dedicated.
The actual non-nil value of this variable will be copied to the
`window-dedicated-p' flag.

Function: byte-decompile-bytecode-1


Function: eieio-generic-form

Return the lambda form belonging to METHOD using KEY based upon CLASS.
If CLASS is not a class then use `generic' instead. If class has
no form, but has a parent class, then trace to that parent class.
The first time a form is requested from a symbol, an optimized path
is memorized for faster future use.

Function: ansi-color-for-comint-mode-off

Set `ansi-color-for-comint-mode' to nil.

Function: find-if-not

Find the first item not satisfying PREDICATE in SEQ.
Return the matching item, or nil if not found.

Keywords supported: :key :start :end :from-end


Function: backward-kill-paragraph

Kill back to start of paragraph.
With arg N, kill back to Nth start of paragraph;
negative arg -N means kill forward to Nth end of paragraph.

Variable: apropos-compact-layout

If non-nil, use a single line per binding.

Variable: vc-git-log-view-mode-hook

Hook run when entering Git-Log-View mode.
No problems result if this variable is not bound.
`add-hook' automatically binds it. (This is true for all hook variables.)

Function: cl--do-subst


Function: cl-copy-seq

Return a copy of a list, vector, string or char-table.
The elements of a list or vector are not copied; they are shared
with the original.
(fn ARG)

Function: vi-mode

Major mode that acts like the `vi' editor.
The purpose of this mode is to provide you the combined power of vi (namely,
the "cross product" effect of commands and repeat last changes) and Emacs.

This command redefines nearly all keys to look like vi commands.
It records the previous major mode, and any vi command for input
(`i', `a', `s', etc.) switches back to that mode.
Thus, ordinary Emacs (in whatever major mode you had been using)
is "input" mode as far as vi is concerned.

To get back into vi from "input" mode, you must issue this command again.
Therefore, it is recommended that you assign it to a key.

Major differences between this mode and real vi :

* Limitations and unsupported features
- Search patterns with line offset (e.g. /pat/+3 or /pat/z.) are
not supported.
- Ex commands are not implemented; try ':' to get some hints.
- No line undo (i.e. the 'U' command), but multi-undo is a standard feature.

* Modifications
- The stopping positions for some point motion commands (word boundary,
pattern search) are slightly different from standard 'vi'.
Also, no automatic wrap around at end of buffer for pattern searching.
- Since changes are done in two steps (deletion then insertion), you need
to undo twice to completely undo a change command. But this is not needed
for undoing a repeated change command.
- No need to set/unset 'magic', to search for a string with regular expr
in it just put a prefix arg for the search commands. Replace cmds too.
- ^R is bound to incremental backward search, so use ^L to redraw screen.

* Extensions
- Some standard (or modified) Emacs commands were integrated, such as
incremental search, query replace, transpose objects, and keyboard macros.
- In command state, ^X links to the 'ctl-x-map', and ESC can be linked to
esc-map or set undefined. These can give you the full power of Emacs.
- See vi-com-map for those keys that are extensions to standard vi, e.g.
`vi-name-last-change-or-macro', `vi-verify-spelling', `vi-locate-def',
`vi-mark-region', and 'vi-quote-words'. Some of them are quite handy. - Use M-x vi-switch-mode to switch among different modes quickly. Syntax table and abbrevs while in vi mode remain as they were in Emacs. (fn)

Function: window--resize-root-window-vertically

Resize root window WINDOW vertically by DELTA lines.
If DELTA is less than zero and we can't shrink WINDOW by DELTA
lines, shrink it as much as possible. If DELTA is greater than
zero, this function can resize fixed-size windows in order to
recover the necessary lines.

Return the number of lines that were recovered.

This function is only called by the minibuffer window resizing
routines. It resizes windows proportionally and never deletes any windows.

Function: member

Return non-nil if ELT is an element of LIST. Comparison done with `equal'.
The value is actually the tail of LIST whose car is ELT.


Face: bold

Basic bold face.

Function: comint-how-many-region

Return number of matches for REGEXP from BEG to END.


Variable: font-lock-fontify-region-function

Function to use for fontifying a region.
It should take two args, the beginning and end of the region, and an optional
third arg VERBOSE. If VERBOSE is non-nil, the function should print status
messages. This is normally set via `font-lock-defaults'.

Function: file-modes-symbolic-to-number

Convert symbolic file modes to numeric file modes.
MODES is the string to convert, it should match
See Info node `(coreutils)File permissions' for more information on this
FROM (or 0 if nil) gives the mode bits on which to base permissions if
MODES request to add, remove, or set permissions based on existing ones, as in "og+rX-w".

Function: unlock-buffer

Unlock the file visited in the current buffer.
If the buffer is not modified, this does nothing because the file
should not be locked in that case. (fn)

Function: downcase

Convert argument to lower case and return that.
The argument may be a character or string. The result has the same type.
The argument object is not altered--the value is a copy.
(fn OBJ)

Function: ftruncate

Truncate a floating point number to an integral float value.
Rounds the value toward zero.

(fn ARG)

Variable: auto-resize-tool-bars

Non-nil means automatically resize tool-bars.
This dynamically changes the tool-bar's height to the minimum height
that is needed to make all tool-bar items visible.
If value is `grow-only', the tool-bar's height is only increased
automatically; to decrease the tool-bar height, use M-x recenter.

Function: gnus-turn-off-edit-menu

Turn off edit menu in `gnus-TYPE-mode-map'.

Function: Info-find-index-name

Move point to the place within the current node where NAME is defined.

Function: eval-defun-2

Evaluate defun that point is in or before.
The value is displayed in the minibuffer.
If the current defun is actually a call to `defvar',
then reset the variable using the initial value expression
even if the variable already has some other value.
(Normally `defvar' does not change the variable's value
if it already has a value.)

With argument, insert value in current buffer after the defun.
Return the result of evaluation.

Variable: next-error-highlight-no-select

Highlighting of locations in `next-error-no-select'.
If number, highlight the locus in `next-error' face for given time in seconds.
If t, highlight the locus indefinitely until some other locus replaces it.
If nil, don't highlight the locus in the source buffer.
If `fringe-arrow', indicate the locus by the fringe arrow
indefinitely until some other locus replaces it.

Function: completion-pcm--prepare-delim-re


Function: eudc-set-server

Set the directory server to SERVER using PROTOCOL.
Unless NO-SAVE is non-nil, the server is saved as the default
server for future sessions.


Function: previous-window

Return live window before WINDOW in the cyclic ordering of windows.
WINDOW must be a live window and defaults to the selected one. The
optional arguments MINIBUF and ALL-FRAMES specify the set of windows to

MINIBUF nil or omitted means consider the minibuffer window only if the
minibuffer is active. MINIBUF t means consider the minibuffer window
even if the minibuffer is not active. Any other value means do not
consider the minibuffer window even if the minibuffer is active.

ALL-FRAMES nil or omitted means consider all windows on WINDOW's frame,
plus the minibuffer window if specified by the MINIBUF argument. If the
minibuffer counts, consider all windows on all frames that share that
minibuffer too. The following non-nil values of ALL-FRAMES have special

- t means consider all windows on all existing frames.

- `visible' means consider all windows on all visible frames.

- 0 (the number zero) means consider all windows on all visible and
iconified frames.

- A frame means consider all windows on that frame only.

Anything else means consider all windows on WINDOW's frame and no

If you use consistent values for MINIBUF and ALL-FRAMES, you can
use `previous-window' to iterate through the entire cycle of
acceptable windows, eventually ending up back at the window you started with. `next-window' traverses the same cycle, in the reverse order. (fn &optional WINDOW MINIBUF ALL-FRAMES)

Function: gpm-mouse-start

Open a connection to Gpm.
Gpm-mouse can only be activated for one tty at a time.

Function: system-name

Return the host name of the machine you are running on, as a string.


Variable: system-name

The host name of the machine Emacs is running on.

Function: exit-recursive-edit

Exit from the innermost recursive edit or minibuffer.


Function: eieiomt-install

Install the method tree, and obarray onto METHOD-NAME.
Do not do the work if they already exist.

Function: eval-defun-1

Treat some expressions specially.
Reset the `defvar' and `defcustom' variables to the initial value.
Reinitialize the face according to the `defface' specification.

Function: message-forward

Forward the current message via mail.
Optional NEWS will use news to forward instead of mail.
Optional DIGEST will use digest to forward.

(fn &optional NEWS DIGEST)

Function: gnus-registry-initialize

Initialize the Gnus registry.


Function: ses-mode

Major mode for Simple Emacs Spreadsheet.
See "ses-example.ses" (in `data-directory') for more info.

Key definitions:

Uses keymap `ses-mode-map', which is not currently defined.

These key definitions are active only in the print area (the visible part):

Uses keymap `ses-mode-print-map', which is not currently defined.

These are active only in the minibuffer, when entering or editing a formula:

Uses keymap `ses-mode-edit-map', which is not currently defined. (fn)

Function: open-line

Insert a newline and leave point before it.
If there is a fill prefix and/or a `left-margin', insert them
on the new line if the line would have been blank.
With arg N, insert N newlines.

Function: x-display-list

Return the list of display names that Emacs has connections to.


Variable: indent-tabs-mode

Indentation can insert tabs if this is non-nil.

Variable: floats-consed

Number of floats that have been consed so far.

Function: gnus-put-text-property-excluding-newlines

The same as `put-text-property', but don't put this prop on any newlines in the region.

Function: snake

Play the Snake game.
Move the snake around without colliding with its tail or with the border.

Eating dots causes the snake to get longer.

Snake mode keybindings:

Uses keymap `snake-mode-map', which is not currently defined.

M-x snake-start-game Starts a new game of Snake
M-x snake-end-game Terminates the current game
M-x snake-pause-game Pauses (or resumes) the current game
M-x snake-move-left Makes the snake move left
M-x snake-move-right Makes the snake move right
M-x snake-move-up Makes the snake move up M-x snake-move-down Makes the snake move down (fn)

Function: lunar-phases

Display the quarters of the moon for last month, this month, and next month.
If called with an optional prefix argument ARG, prompts for month and year.
This function is suitable for execution in an init file.

(fn &optional ARG)

Function: ispell-comments-and-strings

Check comments and strings in the current buffer for spelling errors.


Function: keyboard-translate

Translate character FROM to TO on the current terminal.
This function creates a `keyboard-translate-table' if necessary
and then modifies one entry in it.

Function: hash-table-count

Return the number of elements in TABLE.

(fn TABLE)

Variable: display-time-world-buffer-name

Name of the world clock buffer.

Variable: emacs-save-session-functions

Special hook run when a save-session event occurs.
The functions do not get any argument.
Functions can return non-nil to inform the session manager that the
window system shutdown should be aborted.

See also `emacs-session-save'.

Function: facemenu-complete-face-list

Return list of all faces that look different.
Starts with given ALIST of faces, and adds elements only if they display
differently from any face already on the list.
The faces on ALIST will end up at the end of the returned list, in reverse order.

Function: ps-setup

Return the current PostScript-generation setup.


Function: grep

Run grep, with user-specified args, and collect output in a buffer.
While grep runs asynchronously, you can use C-x ` (M-x next-error),
Uses keymap `grep-mode-map', which is not currently defined.
M-x compile-goto-error in the *grep* buffer, to go to the lines where grep found
matches. To kill the grep job before it finishes, type M-x kill-compilation.

For doing a recursive `grep', see the `rgrep' command. For running
`grep' in a specific directory, see `lgrep'.

This command uses a special history list for its COMMAND-ARGS, so you
can easily repeat a grep command.

A prefix argument says to default the argument based upon the current
tag the cursor is over, substituting it into the last grep command
in the grep command history (or into `grep-command' if that history list is empty). (fn COMMAND-ARGS)

Function: expand-add-abbrevs

Add a list of abbreviations to abbrev table TABLE.
ABBREVS is a list of abbrev definitions; each abbrev description entry
has the form (ABBREV EXPANSION ARG).

ABBREV is the abbreviation to replace.

EXPANSION is the replacement string or a function which will make the
expansion. For example, you could use the DMacros or skeleton packages
to generate such functions.

ARG is an optional argument which can be a number or a list of
numbers. If ARG is a number, point is placed ARG chars from the
beginning of the expanded text.

If ARG is a list of numbers, point is placed according to the first
member of the list, but you can visit the other specified positions
cyclically with the functions `expand-jump-to-previous-slot' and

If ARG is omitted, point is placed at the end of the expanded text. (fn TABLE ABBREVS)

Function: emacs-bzr-get-version

Try to return as a string the bzr revision of the Emacs sources.
The format is: [revno] revision_id, where revno may be absent.
Value is nil if the sources do not seem to be under bzr, or if we could
not determine the revision. Note that this reports on the current state
of the sources, which may not correspond to the running Emacs.

Optional argument DIR is a directory to use instead of `source-directory'.
Optional argument EXTERNAL non-nil means to maybe ask `bzr' itself,
if the sources appear to be under bzr. If `force', always ask bzr.
Otherwise only ask bzr if we cannot find any information ourselves.

Function: rplacd

Set the cdr of CELL to be NEWCDR. Returns NEWCDR.


Function: re-builder

Construct a regexp interactively.
This command makes the current buffer the "target" buffer of
the regexp builder. It displays a buffer named "*RE-Builder*"
in another window, initially containing an empty regexp.

As you edit the regexp in the "*RE-Builder*" buffer, the
matching parts of the target buffer will be highlighted. (fn)

Function: org-git-version

The Git version of org-mode.
Inserted by installing org-mode or when a release is made.

Function: browse-url-emacs

Ask Emacs to load URL into a buffer and show it in another window.

(fn URL &optional NEW-WINDOW)

Function: window--major-non-side-window

Return the major non-side window of frame FRAME.
The optional argument FRAME must be a live frame and defaults to
the selected one.

If FRAME has at least one side window, the major non-side window
is either an internal non-side window such that all other
non-side windows on FRAME descend from it, or the single live
non-side window of FRAME. If FRAME has no side windows, return its root window.

Function: process-send-region

Send current contents of region as input to PROCESS.
PROCESS may be a process, a buffer, the name of a process or buffer, or
nil, indicating the current buffer's process.
Called from program, takes three arguments, PROCESS, START and END.
If the region is more than 500 characters long,
it is sent in several bunches. This may happen even for shorter regions.
Output from processes can arrive in between bunches. (fn PROCESS START END)

Function: sin

Return the sine of ARG.

(fn ARG)

Function: bitmap-spec-p

Value is non-nil if OBJECT is a valid bitmap specification.
A bitmap specification is either a string, a file name, or a list
(WIDTH HEIGHT DATA) where WIDTH is the pixel width of the bitmap,
HEIGHT is its height, and DATA is a string containing the bits of
the pixmap. Bits are stored row by row, each row occupies
(WIDTH + 7)/8 bytes. (fn OBJECT)

Function: sh-smie--newline-semi-p

Return non-nil if a newline should be treated as a semi-colon.
Here we assume that a newline should be treated as a semi-colon unless it
comes right after a special keyword.
This function does not pay attention to line-continuations.
If TOK is nil, point should be before the newline; otherwise, TOK is the token
before the newline and in that case point should be just before the token.

Variable: byte-goto-ops

List of byte-codes whose offset is a pc.

Function: Info-goto-node

Go to Info node named NODENAME. Give just NODENAME or (FILENAME)NODENAME.
If NODENAME is of the form (FILENAME)NODENAME, the node is in the Info file
FILENAME; otherwise, NODENAME should be in the current Info file (or one of
its sub-files).
Completion is available, but only for node names in the current Info file.
If FORK is non-nil (interactively with a prefix arg), show the node in
a new Info buffer.
If FORK is a string, it is the name to use for the new buffer.

Function: vip-setup

Set up bindings for C-x 7 and C-z that are useful for VIP users.


Function: expand-jump-to-previous-slot

Move the cursor to the previous slot in the last abbrev expansion.
This is used only in conjunction with `expand-add-abbrevs'.

Function: insert-file-contents-literally

Like `insert-file-contents', but only reads in the file literally.
A buffer may be modified in several ways after reading into the buffer,
to Emacs features such as format decoding, character code
conversion, `find-file-hook', automatic uncompression, etc.

This function ensures that none of these modifications will take place.

Function: x-select-font

Read a font using a GTK dialog.
Return either a font spec (for GTK versions >= 3.2) or a string
containing a GTK-style font name.

FRAME is the frame on which to pop up the font chooser. If omitted or
nil, it defaults to the selected frame.

(fn &optional FRAME IGNORED)

Function: eieio-oset

Do the work for the macro `oset'.
Fills in OBJ's SLOT with VALUE.

Function: vc-default-state-heuristic

Default implementation of vc-BACKEND-state-heuristic.
It simply calls the real state computation function `vc-BACKEND-state'
and does not employ any heuristic at all.

Function: face-remap-add-relative

Add a face remapping entry of FACE to SPECS in the current buffer.
Return a cookie which can be used to delete this remapping with

The remaining arguments, SPECS, should form a list of faces.
Each list element should be either a face name or a property list
of face attribute/value pairs. If more than one face is listed,
that specifies an aggregate face, in the same way as in a `face'
text property, except for possible priority changes noted below.

The face remapping specified by SPECS takes effect alongside the
remappings from other calls to `face-remap-add-relative' for the
same FACE, as well as the normal definition of FACE (at lowest
priority). This function tries to sort multiple remappings for
the same face, so that remappings specifying relative face
attributes are applied after remappings specifying absolute face

The base (lowest priority) remapping may be set to something
other than the normal definition of FACE via `face-remap-set-base'. (fn FACE &rest SPECS)

Variable: electric-indent-chars

Characters that should cause automatic reindentation.

Function: tty-color-values

Return RGB values of the color COLOR on a termcap frame FRAME.

If COLOR is not directly supported by the display, return the RGB
values for a supported color that is its best approximation.
The value is a list of integer RGB values--(RED GREEN BLUE).
These values range from 0 to 65535; white is (65535 65535 65535).
If FRAME is omitted or nil, use the selected frame.

Function: rplaca

Set the car of CELL to be NEWCAR. Returns NEWCAR.


Variable: completion-ignore-case

Non-nil means don't consider case significant in completion.
For file-name completion, `read-file-name-completion-ignore-case'
controls the behavior, rather than this variable.
For buffer name completion, `read-buffer-completion-ignore-case'
controls the behavior, rather than this variable.

Function: file-directory-p

Return t if FILENAME names an existing directory.
Symbolic links to directories count as directories.
See `file-symlink-p' to distinguish symlinks.


Function: cl-acons

Return a new list with (cons KEY VALUE) as car and ALIST as cdr.


Function: isearch-forward-word

Do incremental search forward for a sequence of words.
With a prefix argument, do a regular string search instead.
Like ordinary incremental search except that your input is treated
as a sequence of words without regard to how the words are separated.
See the command `isearch-forward' for more information.

Function: make-symbolic-link

Make a symbolic link to FILENAME, named LINKNAME.
Both args must be strings.
Signals a `file-already-exists' error if a file LINKNAME already exists
unless optional third argument OK-IF-ALREADY-EXISTS is non-nil.
A number as third arg means request confirmation if LINKNAME already exists.
This happens for interactive use with M-x.


Variable: holiday-islamic-holidays

Islamic holidays.
See the documentation for `calendar-holidays' for details.

Function: edit-kbd-macro

Edit a keyboard macro.
At the prompt, type any key sequence which is bound to a keyboard macro.
Or, type `C-x e' or RET to edit the last keyboard macro, `C-h l' to edit
the last 300 keystrokes as a keyboard macro, or `M-x' to edit a macro by
its command name.
With a prefix argument, format the macro in a more concise way.


Function: window--display-buffer

TYPE must be one of the symbols `reuse', `window' or `frame' and
is passed unaltered to `display-buffer-record-window'. ALIST is
the alist argument of `display-buffer'. Set `window-dedicated-p'
to DEDICATED if non-nil. Return WINDOW if BUFFER and WINDOW are live.

Variable: input-method-after-insert-chunk-hook

Normal hook run just after an input method insert some chunk of text.

Function: help-make-xrefs

Parse and hyperlink documentation cross-references in the given BUFFER.

Find cross-reference information in a buffer and activate such cross
references for selection with `help-follow'. Cross-references have
the canonical form `...' and the type of reference may be
disambiguated by the preceding word(s) used in
`help-xref-symbol-regexp'. Faces only get cross-referenced if
preceded or followed by the word `face'. Variables without
variable documentation do not get cross-referenced, unless
preceded by the word `variable' or `option'.

If the variable `help-xref-mule-regexp' is non-nil, find also
cross-reference information related to multilingual environment
(e.g., coding-systems). This variable is also used to disambiguate
the type of reference as the same way as `help-xref-symbol-regexp'.

A special reference `back' is made to return back through a stack of
help buffers. Variable `help-back-label' specifies the text for that.

Function: face-attr-construct

Return a `defface'-style attribute list for FACE.
Value is a property list of pairs ATTRIBUTE VALUE for all specified
face attributes of FACE where ATTRIBUTE is the attribute name and
VALUE is the specified value of that attribute.
Argument FRAME is ignored and retained for compatibility.

Function: disable-theme

Disable all variable and face settings defined by THEME.
See `custom-enabled-themes' for a list of enabled themes.

Function: buffer-narrowed-p

Return non-nil if the current buffer is narrowed.

Variable: mm-auto-save-coding-system

Coding system of auto save file.

Variable: vc-dir-buffers

List of vc-dir buffers.

Function: advertised-undo

Undo some previous changes.
Repeat this command to undo more changes.
A numeric ARG serves as a repeat count.

In Transient Mark mode when the mark is active, only undo changes within
the current region. Similarly, when not in Transient Mark mode, just C-u
as an argument limits undo to changes within the current region.

Function: erc-ezb-add-session

Add an EZBounce session to the session list.


Function: bs-cycle-next

Select next buffer defined by buffer cycling.
The buffers taking part in buffer cycling are defined
by buffer configuration `bs-cycle-configuration-name'. (fn)

Function: yank-handle-font-lock-face-property

If `font-lock-defaults' is nil, apply FACE as a `face' property.
START and END denote the start and end of the text to act on.
Do nothing if FACE is nil.

Function: profiler-memory-running-p

Return non-nil if memory profiler is running.


Function: window-use-time

Return the use time of window WINDOW.
WINDOW must be a live window and defaults to the selected one.
The window with the highest use time is the most recently selected
one. The window with the lowest use time is the least recently
selected one.

(fn &optional WINDOW)

Function: load

Execute a file of Lisp code named FILE.
First try FILE with `.elc' appended, then try with `.el',
then try FILE unmodified (the exact suffixes in the exact order are
determined by `load-suffixes'). Environment variable references in
FILE are replaced with their values by calling `substitute-in-file-name'.
This function searches the directories in `load-path'.

If optional second arg NOERROR is non-nil,
report no error if FILE doesn't exist.
Print messages at start and end of loading unless
optional third arg NOMESSAGE is non-nil (but `force-load-messages'
overrides that).
If optional fourth arg NOSUFFIX is non-nil, don't try adding
suffixes `.elc' or `.el' to the specified name FILE.
If optional fifth arg MUST-SUFFIX is non-nil, insist on
the suffix `.elc' or `.el'; don't accept just FILE unless
it ends in one of those suffixes or includes a directory name.

If NOSUFFIX is nil, then if a file could not be found, try looking for
a different representation of the file by adding non-empty suffixes to
its name, before trying another file. Emacs uses this feature to find
compressed versions of files when Auto Compression mode is enabled.
If NOSUFFIX is non-nil, disable this feature.

The suffixes that this function tries out, when NOSUFFIX is nil, are
given by the return value of `get-load-suffixes' and the values listed
in `load-file-rep-suffixes'. If MUST-SUFFIX is non-nil, only the
return value of `get-load-suffixes' is used, i.e. the file name is
required to have a non-empty suffix.

Loading a file records its definitions, and its `provide' and
`require' calls, in an element of `load-history' whose
car is the file name loaded. See `load-history'.

While the file is in the process of being loaded, the variable
`load-in-progress' is non-nil and the variable `load-file-name'
is bound to the file's name. Return t if the file exists and loads successfully. (fn FILE &optional NOERROR NOMESSAGE NOSUFFIX MUST-SUFFIX)

Function: file-accessible-directory-p

Return t if file FILENAME names a directory you can open.
For the value to be t, FILENAME must specify the name of a directory as a file,
and the directory must allow you to open files in it. In order to use a
directory as a buffer's current directory, this predicate must return true.
A directory name spec may be given instead; then the value is t
if the directory so specified exists and really is a readable and
searchable directory. (fn FILENAME)

Variable: comint-inhibit-carriage-motion

If nil, Comint will interpret `carriage control' characters in output.
See `comint-carriage-motion' for details.

Function: View-kill-and-leave

Quit View mode, kill current buffer and return to previous buffer.

Function: emacs-lisp-byte-compile

Byte compile the file containing the current buffer.

Variable: font-lock-string-face

Face name to use for strings.

Face: font-lock-string-face

Font Lock mode face used to highlight strings.

Variable: vc-mtn-admin-format

Name of the monotone directory's format file.

Function: bug-reference-prog-mode

Like `bug-reference-mode', but only buttonize in comments and strings.

(fn &optional ARG)

Function: sh-select

Insert a select statement. See `sh-feature'.

This is a skeleton command (see `skeleton-insert').
Normally the skeleton text is inserted at point, with nothing "inside".
If there is a highlighted region, the skeleton text is wrapped
around the region text.

A prefix argument ARG says to wrap the skeleton around the next ARG words.
A prefix argument of -1 says to wrap around region, even if not highlighted.
A prefix argument of zero says to wrap around zero words---that is, nothing.
This is a way of overriding the use of a highlighted region.

Variable: sgml-display-text

Tag names as lowercase symbols, and display string when invisible.

Function: stable-sort

Sort the argument SEQ stably according to PREDICATE.
This is a destructive function; it reuses the storage of SEQ if possible.

Keywords supported: :key


Variable: fill-nobreak-invisible

Non-nil means that fill commands do not break lines in invisible text.

Function: decrease-left-margin

Make the left margin of the region smaller.
With no prefix argument, decrease the indentation by `standard-indent'.
A prefix arg (optional third arg INC noninteractively) specifies the amount
to change the margin by, in characters.
If `auto-fill-mode' is active, re-fill the region to fit the new margin.

Variable: special-mode-hook

Hook run when entering Special mode.
No problems result if this variable is not bound.
`add-hook' automatically binds it. (This is true for all hook variables.)

Function: store-substring

Embed OBJ (string or character) at index IDX of STRING.

Variable: x-display-name

The name of the window display on which Emacs was started.
On X, the display name of individual X frames is recorded in the
`display' frame parameter.

Function: with-no-warnings

Like `progn', but prevents compiler warnings in the body.

(fn &rest BODY)

Function: directory-files-and-attributes

Return a list of names of files and their attributes in DIRECTORY.
There are four optional arguments:
If FULL is non-nil, return absolute file names. Otherwise return names
that are relative to the specified directory.
If MATCH is non-nil, mention only file names that match the regexp MATCH.
If NOSORT is non-nil, the list is not sorted--its order is unpredictable.
NOSORT is useful if you plan to sort the result yourself.
ID-FORMAT specifies the preferred format of attributes uid and gid, see
`file-attributes' for further documentation.
On MS-Windows, performance depends on `w32-get-true-file-attributes',
which see.


Function: flycheck-define-command-checker

Define SYMBOL as syntax checker to run a command.

Define SYMBOL as generic syntax checker via
`flycheck-define-generic-checker', which uses an external command
to check the buffer. SYMBOL and DOCSTRING are the same as for

In addition to the properties understood by
`flycheck-define-generic-checker', the following PROPERTIES
constitute a command syntax checker. Unless otherwise noted, all
properties are mandatory. Note that the default `:error-filter'
of command checkers is `flycheck-sanitize-errors'.

`:command COMMAND'
The command to run for syntax checking.

COMMAND is a list of the form `(EXECUTABLE [ARG ...])'.

EXECUTABLE is a string with the executable of this syntax
checker. It can be overridden with the variable
`flycheck-SYMBOL-executable'. Note that this variable is
NOT implicitly defined by this function. Use
`flycheck-def-executable-var' to define this variable.

Each ARG is an argument to the executable, either as string,
or as special symbol or form for
`flycheck-substitute-argument', which see.

`:error-patterns PATTERNS'
A list of patterns to parse the output of the `:command'.

Each ITEM in PATTERNS is a list `(LEVEL SEXP ...)', where
LEVEL is a Flycheck error level (see
`flycheck-define-error-level'), followed by one or more RX
`SEXP's which parse an error of that level and extract line,
column, file name and the message.

See `rx' for general information about RX, and
`flycheck-rx-to-string' for some special RX forms provided
by Flycheck.

All patterns are applied in the order of declaration to the
whole output of the syntax checker. Output already matched
by a pattern will not be matched by subsequent patterns. In
other words, the first pattern wins.

This property is optional. If omitted, however, an
`:error-parser' is mandatory.

`:error-parser FUNCTION'
A function to parse errors with.

The function shall accept three arguments OUTPUT CHECKER
BUFFER. OUTPUT is the syntax checker output as string,
CHECKER the syntax checker that was used, and BUFFER a
buffer object representing the checked buffer. The function
must return a list of `flycheck-error' objects parsed from

This property is optional. If omitted, it defaults to
`flycheck-parse-with-patterns'. In this case,
`:error-patterns' is mandatory.

`:standard-input t'
Whether to send the buffer contents on standard input.

If this property is given and has a non-nil value, send the
contents of the buffer on standard input.

Defaults to nil. Note that you may not give `:start', `:interrupt', and `:print-doc' for a command checker. You can give a custom `:verify' function, though, whose results will be appended to the default `:verify' function of command checkers. (fn SYMBOL DOCSTRING &rest PROPERTIES)

Variable: minibuffer-local-isearch-map

Keymap for editing Isearch strings in the minibuffer.

Variable: mouse-secondary-overlay

An overlay which records the current secondary selection.
It is deleted when there is no secondary selection.

Function: customize-mark-to-save

Mark SYMBOL for later saving.

If the default value of SYMBOL is different from the standard value,
set the `saved-value' property to a list whose car evaluates to the
default value. Otherwise, set it to nil.

To actually save the value, call `custom-save-all'.

Return non-nil if the `saved-value' property actually changed.

Function: run-with-timer

Perform an action after a delay of SECS seconds.
Repeat the action every REPEAT seconds, if REPEAT is non-nil.
SECS and REPEAT may be integers or floating point numbers.
The action is to call FUNCTION with arguments ARGS.

This function returns a timer object which you can use in `cancel-timer'.

Function: keymapp

Return t if OBJECT is a keymap.

A keymap is a list (keymap . ALIST),
or a symbol whose function definition is itself a keymap.
ALIST elements look like (CHAR . DEFN) or (SYMBOL . DEFN);
a vector of densely packed bindings for small character codes
is also allowed as an element. (fn OBJECT)

Function: sgml-empty-tag-p

Return non-nil if TAG-NAME is an implicitly empty tag.

Function: cl-maphash

Call FUNCTION for all entries in hash table TABLE.
FUNCTION is called with two arguments, KEY and VALUE.


Function: cl-ninth

Return the ninth element of the list X.

(fn X)

Variable: search-ring-yank-pointer

Index in `search-ring' of last string reused.
It is nil if none yet.

Function: snarf-spooks

Return a vector containing the lines from `spook-phrases-file'.


Function: quail-update-leim-list-file

Update entries for Quail packages in `LEIM' list file in directory DIRNAME.
DIRNAME is a directory containing Emacs input methods;
normally, it should specify the `leim' subdirectory
of the Emacs source tree.

It searches for Quail packages under `quail' subdirectory of DIRNAME,
and update the file "leim-list.el" in DIRNAME.

When called from a program, the remaining arguments are additional
directory names to search for Quail packages under `quail' subdirectory
of each directory. (fn DIRNAME &rest DIRNAMES)

Function: fancy-about-screen

Display fancy About screen.


Function: set-face-foreground

Change the foreground color of face FACE to COLOR (a string).
FRAME nil or not specified means change face on all frames.
COLOR can be a system-defined color name (see `list-colors-display')
or a hex spec of the form #RRGGBB.
When called interactively, prompts for the face and color.

Function: unify-charset

Unify characters of CHARSET with Unicode.
This means reading the relevant file and installing the table defined
by CHARSET's `:unify-map' property.

Optional second arg UNIFY-MAP is a file name string or a vector. It has
the same meaning as the `:unify-map' attribute in the function
`define-charset' (which see).

Optional third argument DEUNIFY, if non-nil, means to de-unify CHARSET.


Function: gnus-invisible-p

Non-nil if the property makes the text invisible.
POS-OR-PROP can be a marker or number, in which case it is taken to be
a position in the current buffer and the value of the `invisible' property
is checked; or it can be some other value, which is then presumed to be the
value of the `invisible' property of the text of interest.
The non-nil value returned can be t for truly invisible text or something
else if the text is replaced by an ellipsis. (fn POS-OR-PROP)

Variable: pcomplete-compare-entry-function

This function is used to order file entries for completion.
The behavior of most all shells is to sort alphabetically.

Function: Info-read-node-name

Read an Info node name with completion, prompting with PROMPT.
A node name can have the form "NODENAME", referring to a node
in the current Info file, or "(FILENAME)NODENAME".

Function: insert-pair

Enclose following ARG sexps in a pair of OPEN and CLOSE characters.
Leave point after the first character.
A negative ARG encloses the preceding ARG sexps instead.
No argument is equivalent to zero: just insert characters
and leave point between.
If `parens-require-spaces' is non-nil, this command also inserts a space
before and after, depending on the surrounding characters.
If region is active, insert enclosing characters at region boundaries.

If arguments OPEN and CLOSE are nil, the character pair is found
from the variable `insert-pair-alist' according to the last input
character with or without modifiers. If no character pair is
found in the variable `insert-pair-alist', then the last input
character is inserted ARG times.

This command assumes point is not in a string or comment.

Function: isearch-toggle-symbol

Toggle symbol searching on or off.

Function: find-name-dired

Search DIR recursively for files matching the globbing pattern PATTERN,
and run dired on those files.
PATTERN is a shell wildcard (not an Emacs regexp) and need not be quoted.
The command run (after changing into DIR) is

find . -name 'PATTERN' -ls (fn DIR PATTERN)

Variable: auto-save-default

Non-nil says by default do auto-saving of every file-visiting buffer.

Variable: mm-universal-coding-system

The universal coding system.

Function: set-syntax-table

Select a new syntax table for the current buffer.
One argument, a syntax table.

(fn TABLE)

Function: current-time-string

Return the current local time, as a human-readable string.
Programs can use this function to decode a time,
since the number of columns in each field is fixed
if the year is in the range 1000-9999.
The format is `Sun Sep 16 01:03:52 1973'.
However, see also the functions `decode-time' and `format-time-string'
which provide a much more powerful and general facility.

If SPECIFIED-TIME is given, it is a time to format instead of the
current time. The argument should have the form (HIGH LOW . IGNORED).
Thus, you can use times obtained from `current-time' and from
`file-attributes'. SPECIFIED-TIME can also have the form (HIGH . LOW),
but this is considered obsolete. (fn &optional SPECIFIED-TIME)

Variable: lisp-lambda-list-keyword-parameter-alignment

Whether to vertically align lambda-list keyword parameters together.
If nil (the default), the parameters are aligned
with their corresponding keyword, plus the value of
`lisp-lambda-list-keyword-parameter-indentation', like this:

(defun foo (arg1 arg2 &key key1 key2
key3 key4)

If non-nil, alignment is done with the first parameter
(or falls back to the previous case), as in:

(defun foo (arg1 arg2 &key key1 key2
key3 key4) #|...|#)

Function: completion-table-with-quoting

Return a new completion table operating on quoted text.
TABLE operates on the unquoted text.
UNQUOTE is a function that takes a string and returns a new unquoted string.
REQUOTE is a function of 2 args (UPOS QSTR) where
QSTR is a string entered by the user (and hence indicating
the user's preferred form of quoting); and
UPOS is a position within the unquoted form of QSTR.
REQUOTE should return a pair (QPOS . QFUN) such that QPOS is the
position corresponding to UPOS but in QSTR, and QFUN is a function
of one argument (a string) which returns that argument appropriately quoted

Variable: fancy-splash-image

The image to show in the splash screens, or nil for defaults.

Function: point

Return value of point, as an integer.
Beginning of buffer is position (point-min).

Variable: obarray

Symbol table for use by `intern' and `read'.
It is a vector whose length ought to be prime for best results.
The vector's contents don't make sense if examined from Lisp programs;
to find all the symbols in an obarray, use `mapatoms'.

Function: listp

Return t if OBJECT is a list, that is, a cons cell or nil.
Otherwise, return nil.


Function: sh-smie--rc-after-special-arg-p

Check if we're after the first arg of an if/while/for/... construct.
Returns the construct's token and moves point before it, if so.

Variable: url-os-type

What OS we are on.

Function: menu-bar-open

Start key navigation of the menu bar in FRAME.

This function decides which method to use to access the menu
depending on FRAME's terminal device. On X displays, it calls
`x-menu-bar-open'; on Windows, `w32-menu-bar-open' otherwise it
calls `tmm-menubar'.

If FRAME is nil or not given, use the selected frame.

Function: pr-ps-directory-print

Print directory using PostScript printer.

Interactively, the command prompts for N-UP printing number, a directory, a
file name regexp for matching and, when you use a prefix argument (C-u), the
command prompts the user for a file name, and saves the PostScript image in
that file instead of saving it in a temporary file.

Noninteractively, if N-UP is nil, prompts for N-UP printing number. If DIR is
nil, prompts for DIRectory. If FILE-REGEXP is nil, prompts for
FILE(name)-REGEXP. The argument FILENAME is treated as follows: if it's nil,
save the image in a temporary file. If FILENAME is a string, save the
PostScript image in a file with that name. If FILENAME is t, prompts for a
file name.

See also documentation for `pr-list-directory'. (fn N-UP DIR FILE-REGEXP &optional FILENAME)

Function: js-mode

Major mode for editing JavaScript.


Function: Electric-command-history-redo-expression

Edit current history line in minibuffer and execute result.
With prefix arg NOCONFIRM, execute current line as-is without editing.

(fn &optional NOCONFIRM)

Variable: help-window-point-marker

Marker to override default `window-point' in help windows.

Function: overlay-start

Return the position at which OVERLAY starts.


Function: make-sparse-keymap

Construct and return a new sparse keymap.
Its car is `keymap' and its cdr is an alist of (CHAR . DEFINITION),
which binds the character CHAR to DEFINITION, or (SYMBOL . DEFINITION),
which binds the function key or mouse event SYMBOL to DEFINITION.
Initially the alist is nil.

The optional arg STRING supplies a menu name for the keymap
in case you use it as a menu with `x-popup-menu'. (fn &optional STRING)

Function: eieio-barf-if-slot-unbound

Throw a signal if VALUE is a representation of an UNBOUND slot.
INSTANCE is the object being referenced. SLOTNAME is the offending
slot. If the slot is ok, return VALUE.
Argument FN is the function calling this verifier.

Function: easy-menu-filter-return

Convert MENU to the right thing to return from a menu filter.
MENU is a menu as computed by `easy-menu-define' or `easy-menu-create-menu' or
a symbol whose value is such a menu.
In Emacs a menu filter must return a menu (a keymap), in XEmacs a filter must
return a menu items list (without menu name and keywords).
This function returns the right thing in the two cases.
If NAME is provided, it is used for the keymap.

Variable: rmail-insert-mime-forwarded-message-function

Function to insert a message in MIME format so it can be forwarded.
This function is called if `rmail-enable-mime' and
`rmail-enable-mime-composing' are non-nil.
It is called with one argument FORWARD-BUFFER, which is a
buffer containing the message to forward. The current buffer
is the outgoing mail buffer.

Function: set-default

Set SYMBOL's default value to VALUE. SYMBOL and VALUE are evaluated.
The default value is seen in buffers that do not have their own values
for this variable.


Function: gnus-cache-file-contents

Cache the contents of FILE in VARIABLE. The contents come from FUNCTION.

Variable: pcomplete-parse-arguments-function

A function to call to parse the current line's arguments.
It should be called with no parameters, and with point at the position
of the argument that is to be completed.

It must either return nil, or a cons cell of the form:

((ARG...) (BEG-POS...))

The two lists must be identical in length. The first gives the final
value of each command line argument (which need not match the textual
representation of that argument), and BEG-POS gives the beginning
position of each argument, as it is seen by the user. The establishes
a relationship between the fully resolved value of the argument, and the textual representation of the argument.

Function: comint-send-eof

Send an EOF to the current buffer's process.


Function: cl--simple-expr-p

Check if no side effects, and executes quickly.

(fn X &optional SIZE)

Function: font-lock-append-text-property

Append to one property of the text from START to END.
Arguments PROP and VALUE specify the property and value to append to the value
already in place. The resulting property values are always lists.
Optional argument OBJECT is the string or buffer containing the text.

Function: gravatar-retrieve-synchronously

Retrieve MAIL-ADDRESS gravatar and returns it.


Function: find-tag-regexp

Find tag (in current tags table) whose name matches REGEXP.
Select the buffer containing the tag's definition and move point there.

If second arg NEXT-P is t (interactively, with prefix arg), search for
another tag that matches the last tagname or regexp used. When there are
multiple matches for a tag, more exact matches are found first. If NEXT-P
is negative (interactively, with prefix arg that is a negative number or
just M--), pop back to the previous tag gone to.

If third arg OTHER-WINDOW is non-nil, select the buffer in another window.

A marker representing the point when this command is invoked is pushed
onto a ring and may be popped back to with M-*.
Contrast this with the ring of marks gone to by the command.

See documentation of variable `tags-file-name'. (fn REGEXP &optional NEXT-P OTHER-WINDOW)

Function: erc-ezb-init-session-list

Reset the EZBounce session list to nil.


Function: epa-global-mail-mode

Minor mode to hook EasyPG into Mail mode.
With a prefix argument ARG, enable the mode if ARG is positive,
and disable it otherwise. If called from Lisp, enable the mode
if ARG is omitted or nil.

(fn &optional ARG)

Variable: epa-global-mail-mode

Non-nil if Epa-Global-Mail mode is enabled.
See the command `epa-global-mail-mode' for a description of this minor mode.
Setting this variable directly does not take effect;
either customize it (see the info node `Easy Customization')
or call the function `epa-global-mail-mode'.

Function: tty-create-frame-with-faces

Create and return a frame from optional frame parameters PARAMETERS.
If PARAMETERS contains a `reverse' parameter, handle that.

Function: save-buffers-kill-emacs

Offer to save each buffer, then kill this Emacs process.
With prefix ARG, silently save all file-visiting buffers without asking.
If there are active processes where `process-query-on-exit-flag'
returns non-nil, asks whether processes should be killed.
Runs the members of `kill-emacs-query-functions' in turn and stops
if any returns nil. If `confirm-kill-emacs' is non-nil, calls it.

Function: auto-coding-regexp-alist-lookup

Lookup `auto-coding-regexp-alist' for the contents of the current buffer.
The value is a coding system is specified for the region FROM and TO,
or nil.

Variable: sh-backslash-align

If non-nil, `sh-backslash-region' will align backslashes.

Variable: vc-git-log-edit-mode-abbrev-table

Abbrev table for `vc-git-log-edit-mode'.

Function: fill-individual-paragraphs

Fill paragraphs of uniform indentation within the region.
This command divides the region into "paragraphs",
treating every change in indentation level or prefix as a paragraph boundary,
then fills each paragraph using its indentation level as the fill prefix.

There is one special case where a change in indentation does not start
a new paragraph. This is for text of this form:

foo> This line with extra indentation starts
foo> a paragraph that continues on more lines.

These lines are filled together.

When calling from a program, pass the range to fill
as the first two arguments.

Optional third and fourth arguments JUSTIFY and CITATION-REGEXP:
JUSTIFY to justify paragraphs (prefix arg).
When filling a mail message, pass a regexp for CITATION-REGEXP
which will match the prefix of a line which is a citation marker
plus whitespace, but no other kind of prefix. Also, if CITATION-REGEXP is non-nil, don't fill header lines.

Function: texi2info

Convert the current buffer (written in Texinfo code) into an Info file.
The Info file output is generated in a buffer visiting the Info file
names specified in the @setfilename command.

This function automatically updates all node pointers and menus, and
creates a master menu. This work is done on a temporary buffer that
is automatically removed when the Info file is created. The original
Texinfo source buffer is not changed.

Non-nil argument (prefix, if interactive) means don't split the file
if large. You can use `Info-split' to do this manually. (fn &optional NOSPLIT)

Function: tags-search

Search through all files listed in tags table for match for REGEXP.
Stops when a match is found.
To continue searching for next match, use command M-,.

If FILE-LIST-FORM is non-nil, it should be a form that, when
evaluated, will return a list of file names. The search will be
restricted to these files.

Also see the documentation of the `tags-file-name' variable.

(fn REGEXP &optional FILE-LIST-FORM)

Function: pop-to-buffer

Select buffer BUFFER in some window, preferably a different one.
BUFFER may be a buffer, a string (a buffer name), or nil. If it
is a string not naming an existent buffer, create a buffer with
that name. If BUFFER is nil, choose some other buffer. Return
the buffer.

This uses `display-buffer' as a subroutine. The optional ACTION
argument is passed to `display-buffer' as its ACTION argument.
See `display-buffer' for more information. ACTION is t if called
interactively with a prefix argument, which means to pop to a
window other than the selected one even if the buffer is already
displayed in the selected window.

If the window to show BUFFER is not on the selected
frame, raise that window's frame and give it input focus.

Optional third arg NORECORD non-nil means do not put this buffer at the front of the list of recently selected ones.

Function: terminal-list

Return a list of all terminal devices.


Function: frame-pointer-visible-p

Return t if the mouse pointer displayed on FRAME is visible.
Otherwise it returns nil. FRAME omitted or nil means the
selected frame. This is useful when `make-pointer-invisible' is set.

(fn &optional FRAME)

Function: mapatoms

Call FUNCTION on every symbol in OBARRAY.
OBARRAY defaults to the value of `obarray'.

(fn FUNCTION &optional OBARRAY)

Function: sh-smie--keyword-p

Non-nil if TOK (at which we're looking) really is a keyword.

Function: comint-magic-space

Expand input history references before point and insert ARG spaces.
A useful command to bind to SPC. See `comint-replace-by-expanded-history'.

(fn ARG)

Function: comint-next-matching-input

Search forwards through input history for match for REGEXP.
(Later history elements are more recent commands.)
With prefix argument N, search for Nth following match.
If N is negative, find the previous or Nth previous match.

Variable: mouse-buffer-menu-maxlen

Number of buffers in one pane (submenu) of the buffer menu.
If we have lots of buffers, divide them into groups of
`mouse-buffer-menu-maxlen' and make a pane (or submenu) for each one.

Function: syntax-propertize-via-font-lock

Propertize for syntax in START..END using font-lock syntax.
KEYWORDS obeys the format used in `font-lock-syntactic-keywords'.
The return value is a function suitable for `syntax-propertize-function'.


Variable: warning-fill-prefix

Non-nil means fill each warning text using this string as `fill-prefix'.

Function: vc-annotate

Display the edit history of the current FILE using colors.

This command creates a buffer that shows, for each line of the current
file, when it was last edited and by whom. Additionally, colors are
used to show the age of each line--blue means oldest, red means
youngest, and intermediate colors indicate intermediate ages. By
default, the time scale stretches back one year into the past;
everything that is older than that is shown in blue.

With a prefix argument, this command asks two questions in the
minibuffer. First, you may enter a revision number REV; then the buffer
displays and annotates that revision instead of the working revision
(type RET in the minibuffer to leave that default unchanged). Then,
you are prompted for the time span in days which the color range
should cover. For example, a time span of 20 days means that changes
over the past 20 days are shown in red to blue, according to their
age, and everything that is older than that is shown in blue.

If MOVE-POINT-TO is given, move the point to that line.

If VC-BK is given used that VC backend.

Customization variables:

`vc-annotate-menu-elements' customizes the menu elements of the
mode-specific menu. `vc-annotate-color-map' and
`vc-annotate-very-old-color' define the mapping of time to colors.
`vc-annotate-background' specifies the background color. (fn FILE REV &optional DISPLAY-MODE BUF MOVE-POINT-TO VC-BK)

Function: button-end

Return the position at which BUTTON ends.

Function: custom-available-themes

Return a list of available Custom themes (symbols).

Function: byte-compile-nogroup-warn

(fn FORM)

Variable: eieio-skip-typecheck

If non-nil, skip all slot typechecking.
Set this to t permanently if a program is functioning well to get a
small speed increase. This variable is also used internally to handle
default setting for optimization purposes.

Function: comint-arguments

Return from STRING the NTH to MTH arguments.
NTH and/or MTH can be nil, which means the last argument.
Returned arguments are separated by single spaces.
We assume whitespace separates arguments, except within quotes
and except for a space or tab that immediately follows a backslash.
Also, a run of one or more of a single character
in `comint-delimiter-argument-list' is a separate argument.
Argument 0 is the command name. (fn STRING NTH MTH)

Variable: display-time-world-mode-syntax-table

Syntax table for `display-time-world-mode'.

Function: url-open-stream

Open a stream to HOST, possibly via a gateway.
Args per `open-network-stream'.
Will not make a connection if `url-gateway-unplugged' is non-nil.
Might do a non-blocking connection; use `process-status' to check.


Function: mouse-drag-throw

"Throw" the page according to a mouse drag.

A "throw" is scrolling the page at a speed relative to the distance
from the original mouse click to the current mouse location. Try it;
you'll like it. It's easier to observe than to explain.

If the mouse is clicked and released in the same place of time we
assume that the user didn't want to scroll but wanted to whatever
mouse-2 used to do, so we pass it through.

Throw scrolling was inspired (but is not identical to) the "hand"
option in MacPaint, or the middle button in Tk text widgets.

If `mouse-throw-with-scroll-bar' is non-nil, then this command scrolls
in the opposite direction. (Different people have different ideas
about which direction is natural. Perhaps it has to do with which
hemisphere you're in.)

To test this function, evaluate: (global-set-key [down-mouse-2] 'mouse-drag-throw) (fn START-EVENT)

Function: mh-version

Display version information about MH-E and the MH mail handling system.


Function: delete-dir-local-variable

Delete all MODE settings of file-local VARIABLE from .dir-locals.el.


Function: backward-prefix-chars

Move point backward over any number of chars with prefix syntax.
This includes chars with "quote" or "prefix" syntax (' or p).

Variable: minibuffer-help-form

Value that `help-form' takes on inside the minibuffer.

Variable: default-left-fringe-width

Default value of `left-fringe-width' for buffers that don't override it.
This is the same as (default-value 'left-fringe-width).

Function: vc-git-expanded-log-entry


Variable: comment-use-global-state

Non-nil means that the global syntactic context is used.
More specifically, it means that `syntax-ppss' is used to find out whether
point is within a string or not. Major modes whose syntax is faithfully
described by the syntax-tables can set this to non-nil so comment markers
in strings will not confuse Emacs.

Function: denato-region

Convert NATO phonetic alphabet in region to ordinary ASCII text.

(fn BEG END)

Function: file-ownership-preserved-p

Return t if deleting FILE and rewriting it would preserve the owner.

Function: display-buffer--maybe-same-window

Conditionally display BUFFER in the selected window.
If `same-window-p' returns non-nil for BUFFER's name, call
`display-buffer-same-window' and return its value. Otherwise,
return nil.

Function: signal

Signal an error. Args are ERROR-SYMBOL and associated DATA.
This function does not return.

An error symbol is a symbol with an `error-conditions' property
that is a list of condition names.
A handler for any of those names will get to handle this signal.
The symbol `error' should normally be one of them.

DATA should be a list. Its elements are printed as part of the error message.
See Info anchor `(elisp)Definition of signal' for some details on how this
error message is constructed.
If the signal is handled, DATA is made available to the handler.
See also the function `condition-case'. (fn ERROR-SYMBOL DATA)

Variable: url-unreserved-chars

List of characters that are unreserved in the URL spec.
This is taken from RFC 3986 (section 2.3).

Function: byte-compile-list

(fn FORM)

Function: auto-encryption-mode

Toggle automatic file encryption/decryption (Auto Encryption mode).
With a prefix argument ARG, enable Auto Encryption mode if ARG is
positive, and disable it otherwise. If called from Lisp, enable
the mode if ARG is omitted or nil.

(fn &optional ARG)

Variable: auto-encryption-mode

Non-nil if Auto-Encryption mode is enabled.
See the command `auto-encryption-mode' for a description of this minor mode.
Setting this variable directly does not take effect;
either customize it (see the info node `Easy Customization')
or call the function `auto-encryption-mode'.

Function: function-called-at-point

Return a function around point or else called by the list containing point.
If that doesn't give a function, return nil.

Function: time-less-p

Return non-nil if time value T1 is earlier than time value T2.

Variable: change-major-mode-after-body-hook

Normal hook run in major mode functions, before the mode hooks.

Function: set-window-display-table

Set WINDOW's display-table to TABLE.
WINDOW must be a live window and defaults to the selected one.


Function: regexp-quote

Return a regexp string which matches exactly STRING and nothing else.


Variable: Info-suffix-list

List of file name suffixes and associated decoding commands.
Each entry should be (SUFFIX . STRING); the file is given to
the command as standard input.

STRING may be a list of strings. In that case, the first element is
the command name, and the rest are arguments to that command.

If STRING is nil, no decoding is done.
Because the SUFFIXes are tried in order, the empty string should be last in the list.

Variable: occur-mode-abbrev-table

Abbrev table for `occur-mode'.

Function: tramp-register-file-name-handlers

Add Tramp file name handlers to `file-name-handler-alist'.

Function: pr-ps-buffer-preview

Preview buffer using ghostview.

Interactively, the command prompts for N-UP printing number and, when you use a
prefix argument (C-u), the command prompts the user for a file name, and saves
the PostScript image in that file instead of saving it in a temporary file.

Noninteractively, if N-UP is nil, prompts for N-UP printing number. The
argument FILENAME is treated as follows: if it's nil, save the image in a
temporary file. If FILENAME is a string, save the PostScript image in a file
with that name. If FILENAME is t, prompts for a file name. (fn N-UP &optional FILENAME)

Function: newsticker-start-ticker

Start newsticker's ticker (but not the news retrieval).
Start display timer for the actual ticker if wanted and not
running already. (fn)

Variable: ff-special-constructs

List of special constructs recognized by `ff-treat-as-special'.
Each element, tried in order, has the form (REGEXP . EXTRACT).
If REGEXP matches the current line (from the beginning of the line),
`ff-treat-as-special' calls function EXTRACT with no args.
If EXTRACT returns nil, keep trying. Otherwise, return the
filename that EXTRACT returned.

Function: diff-latest-backup-file

Return the latest existing backup of FILE, or nil.

(fn FN)

Function: display-buffer-same-window

Display BUFFER in the selected window.
This fails if ALIST has a non-nil `inhibit-same-window' entry, or
if the selected window is a minibuffer window or is dedicated to
another buffer; in that case, return nil. Otherwise, return the
selected window.

Variable: lucid-menu-bar-dirty-flag

Non-nil means menu bar, specified Lucid style, needs to be recomputed.

Variable: pcomplete-recexact

If non-nil, use shortest completion if characters cannot be added.
This mirrors the optional behavior of tcsh.

A non-nil value is useful if `pcomplete-autolist' is non-nil too.

Function: nnml-generate-nov-databases

Generate NOV databases in all nnml directories.

(fn &optional SERVER)

Function: robin-use-package

Start using robin package NAME, which is a string.

(fn NAME)

Function: ido-display-buffer

Display a buffer in another window but don't select it.
The buffer name is selected interactively by typing a substring.
For details of keybindings, see `ido-switch-buffer'. (fn)

Function: epa-decrypt-region

Decrypt the current region between START and END.

If MAKE-BUFFER-FUNCTION is non-nil, call it to prepare an output buffer.
It should return that buffer. If it copies the input, it should
delete the text now being decrypted. It should leave point at the
proper place to insert the plaintext.

Be careful about using this command in Lisp programs!
Since this function operates on regions, it does some tricks such
as coding-system detection and unibyte/multibyte conversion. If
you are sure how the data in the region should be treated, you
should consider using the string based counterpart
`epg-decrypt-string', or the file based counterpart
`epg-decrypt-file' instead.

For example:

(let ((context (epg-make-context 'OpenPGP)))
(epg-decrypt-string context (buffer-substring start end)) 'utf-8)) (fn START END &optional MAKE-BUFFER-FUNCTION)

Function: cpp-highlight-buffer

Highlight C code according to preprocessor conditionals.
This command pops up a buffer which you should edit to specify
what kind of highlighting to use, and the criteria for highlighting.
A prefix arg suppresses display of that buffer. (fn ARG)

Function: gnus-completing-read

Call `gnus-completing-read-function'.

Function: vc-git-dir-status-goto-stage


Function: tabulated-list-get-entry

Return the Tabulated List entry at POS.
The value is a vector of column descriptors, or nil if there is
no entry at POS. POS, if omitted or nil, defaults to point.

(fn &optional POS)

Variable: query-replace-to-history-variable

History list to use for the TO argument of `query-replace' commands.
The value of this variable should be a symbol; that symbol
is used as a variable to hold a history list for replacement
strings or patterns.

Function: menu-bar-options-save

Save current values of Options menu items using Custom.

Function: morse-region

Convert all text in a given region to morse code.

(fn BEG END)

Function: tex-mode

Major mode for editing files of input for TeX, LaTeX, or SliTeX.
Tries to determine (by looking at the beginning of the file) whether
this file is for plain TeX, LaTeX, or SliTeX and calls `plain-tex-mode',
`latex-mode', or `slitex-mode', respectively. If it cannot be determined,
such as if there are no commands in the file, the value of `tex-default-mode'
says which mode to use. (fn)

Variable: mode-line-buffer-identification

Mode line construct for identifying the buffer being displayed.
Its default value is ("%12b") with some text properties added.
Major modes that edit things other than ordinary files may change this
(e.g. Info, Dired,...)

Function: min

Return smallest of all the arguments (which must be numbers or markers).
The value is always a number; markers are converted to numbers.


Function: mm-find-charset-region

Return a list of Emacs charsets in the region B to E.

Variable: jka-compr-temp-name-template

Prefix added to all temp files created by jka-compr.
There should be no more than seven characters after the final `/'.

Function: message-wide-reply

Make a "wide" reply to the message in the current buffer.

(fn &optional TO-ADDRESS)

Function: ps-despool

Send the spooled PostScript to the printer.

Interactively, when you use a prefix argument (C-u), the command prompts the
user for a file name, and saves the spooled PostScript image in that file
instead of sending it to the printer.

Noninteractively, the argument FILENAME is treated as follows: if it is nil,
send the image to the printer. If FILENAME is a string, save the PostScript
image in a file with that name. (fn &optional FILENAME)

Function: clone-indirect-buffer-other-window

Like `clone-indirect-buffer' but display in another window.

Variable: Buffer-menu-files-only

Non-nil if the current Buffer Menu lists only file buffers.
This is set by the prefix argument to `buffer-menu' and related

Function: kill-this-buffer-enabled-p

Return non-nil if the `kill-this-buffer' menu item should be enabled.

Variable: font-lock-unfontify-buffer-function

Function to use for unfontifying the buffer.
This is used when turning off Font Lock mode.
This is normally set via `font-lock-defaults'.

Function: ispell-continue

Continue a halted spelling session beginning with the current word.


Function: standard-display-ascii

Display character C using printable string S.

Function: minibuffer-prompt

Return the prompt string of the currently-active minibuffer.
If no minibuffer is active, return nil.

Face: minibuffer-prompt

Face for minibuffer prompts.
By default, Emacs automatically adds this face to the value of
`minibuffer-prompt-properties', which is a list of text properties
used to display the prompt text.

Function: ccl-program-p

Return t if OBJECT is a CCL program name or a compiled CCL program code.
See the documentation of `define-ccl-program' for the detail of CCL program.


Variable: class-public-doc

Class documentation strings for attributes.

Function: cl-sort

Sort the argument SEQ according to PREDICATE.
This is a destructive function; it reuses the storage of SEQ if possible.

Keywords supported: :key


Function: table-capture

Convert plain text into a table by capturing the text in the region.
Create a table with the text in region as cell contents. BEG and END
specify the region. The text in the region is replaced with a table.
The removed text is inserted in the table. When optional
COL-DELIM-REGEXP and ROW-DELIM-REGEXP are provided the region contents
is parsed and separated into individual cell contents by using the
delimiter regular expressions. This parsing determines the number of
columns and rows of the table automatically. If COL-DELIM-REGEXP and
ROW-DELIM-REGEXP are omitted the result table has only one cell and
the entire region contents is placed in that cell. Optional JUSTIFY
is one of 'left, 'center or 'right, which specifies the cell
justification. Optional MIN-CELL-WIDTH specifies the minimum cell
width. Optional COLUMNS specify the number of columns when
ROW-DELIM-REGEXP is not specified.

Example 1:

1, 2, 3, 4
5, 6, 7, 8
, 9, 10

Running `table-capture' on above 3 line region with COL-DELIM-REGEXP
"," and ROW-DELIM-REGEXP "\n" creates the following table. In
this example the cells are centered and minimum cell width is
specified as 5.

| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
| 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
| | 9 | 10 | |


In case the function is called interactively user must use C-q `quoted-insert'
in order to enter "\n" successfully. COL-DELIM-REGEXP at the end
of each row is optional.

Example 2:

This example shows how a table can be used for text layout editing.
Let `table-capture' capture the following region starting from
-!- and ending at -*-, that contains three paragraphs and two item
name headers. This time specify empty string for both

-!-`table-capture' is a powerful command however mastering its power
requires some practice. Here is a list of items what it can do.

Parse Cell Items By using column delimiter regular
expression and raw delimiter regular
expression, it parses the specified text
area and extracts cell items from
non-table text and then forms a table out
of them.

Capture Text Area When no delimiters are specified it
creates a single cell table. The text in
the specified region is placed in that

Now the entire content is captured in a cell which is itself a table
like this.

|`table-capture' is a powerful command however mastering its power|
|requires some practice. Here is a list of items what it can do. |
| |
|Parse Cell Items By using column delimiter regular |
| expression and raw delimiter regular |
| expression, it parses the specified text |
| area and extracts cell items from |
| non-table text and then forms a table out |
| of them. |
| |
|Capture Text Area When no delimiters are specified it |
| creates a single cell table. The text in |
| the specified region is placed in that |
| cell. |

By splitting the cell appropriately we now have a table consisting of
paragraphs occupying its own cell. Each cell can now be edited

|`table-capture' is a powerful command however mastering its power|
|requires some practice. Here is a list of items what it can do. |
|Parse Cell Items |By using column delimiter regular |
| |expression and raw delimiter regular |
| |expression, it parses the specified text |
| |area and extracts cell items from |
| |non-table text and then forms a table out |
| |of them. |
|Capture Text Area |When no delimiters are specified it |
| |creates a single cell table. The text in |
| |the specified region is placed in that | | |cell. | +---------------------+-------------------------------------------+ By applying `table-release', which does the opposite process, the contents become once again plain text. `table-release' works as companion command to `table-capture' this way. (fn BEG END &optional COL-DELIM-REGEXP ROW-DELIM-REGEXP JUSTIFY MIN-CELL-WIDTH COLUMNS)

Function: hi-lock-unface-buffer

Remove highlighting of each match to REGEXP set by hi-lock.
Interactively, prompt for REGEXP, accepting only regexps
previously inserted by hi-lock interactive functions.

Function: ediff-merge-revisions-with-ancestor

Run Ediff by merging two revisions of a file with a common ancestor.
The file is the optional FILE argument or the file visited by the current


Function: insert-button

Insert a button with the label LABEL.
The remaining arguments form a sequence of PROPERTY VALUE pairs,
specifying properties to add to the button.
In addition, the keyword argument :type may be used to specify a
button-type from which to inherit other properties; see

Also see `insert-text-button', `make-button'.

Function: window-normalize-buffer

Return buffer specified by BUFFER-OR-NAME.
BUFFER-OR-NAME must be either a buffer or a string naming a live
buffer and defaults to the current buffer.

Function: get-charset-property

Return the value of CHARSET's PROPNAME property.
This is the last value stored with
(put-charset-property CHARSET PROPNAME VALUE).

Variable: x-gtk-use-system-tooltips

If non-nil with a Gtk+ built Emacs, the Gtk+ tooltip is used.
Otherwise use Emacs own tooltip implementation.
When using Gtk+ tooltips, the tooltip face is not used.

Function: terminal-name

Return the name of the terminal device TERMINAL.
It is not guaranteed that the returned value is unique among opened devices.

TERMINAL may be a terminal object, a frame, or nil (meaning the
selected frame's terminal).

(fn &optional TERMINAL)

Function: process-command

Return the command that was executed to start PROCESS.
This is a list of strings, the first string being the program executed
and the rest of the strings being the arguments given to it.
For a network or serial process, this is nil (process is running) or t
(process is stopped). (fn PROCESS)

Function: coding-system-plist

Return the property list of CODING-SYSTEM.


Variable: visual-line-fringe-indicators

How fringe indicators are shown for wrapped lines in `visual-line-mode'.
The value should be a list of the form (LEFT RIGHT), where LEFT
and RIGHT are symbols representing the bitmaps to display, to
indicate wrapped lines, in the left and right fringes respectively.
See also `fringe-indicator-alist'.
The default is not to display fringe indicators for wrapped lines.
This variable does not affect fringe indicators displayed for other purposes.

Variable: vc-mtn-admin-dir

Name of the monotone directory.

Function: emerge-files-command


Function: desktop-change-dir

Change to desktop saved in DIRNAME.
Kill the desktop as specified by variables `desktop-save-mode' and
`desktop-save', then clear the desktop and load the desktop file in
directory DIRNAME.

Function: post-read-decode-hz

(fn LEN)

Function: cl--sm-macroexpand

Special macro expander used inside `cl-symbol-macrolet'.
This function replaces `macroexpand' during macro expansion
of `cl-symbol-macrolet', and does the same thing as `macroexpand'
except that it additionally expands symbol macros.

(fn EXP &optional ENV)

Variable: buffers-menu-show-status

If non-nil, show modified/read-only status of buffers in the Buffers menu.
Setting this variable directly does not take effect until next time the
Buffers menu is regenerated.

Variable: leim-list-file-name

Name of LEIM list file.
This file contains a list of libraries of Emacs input methods (LEIM)
in the format of Lisp expression for registering each input method.
Emacs loads this file at startup time.

Function: ediff

Run Ediff on a pair of files, FILE-A and FILE-B.


Function: shrink-window-horizontally

Make selected window DELTA columns narrower.
Interactively, if no argument is given, make selected window one
column narrower.

Function: View-scroll-line-forward

Scroll forward one line (or prefix LINES lines) in View mode.
See also `View-scroll-page-forward', but note that scrolling is limited
to minimum of LINES and one window-full.

Function: pcomplete-parse-buffer-arguments

Parse whitespace separated arguments in the current region.


Function: comint-proc-query

Send to the inferior process PROC the string STR.
Pop-up but do not select a window for the inferior process so that
its response can be seen.


Variable: Info-history-list

List of all Info nodes user has visited.
Each element of the list is a list (FILENAME NODENAME).

Variable: facemenu-menu

Facemenu top-level menu keymap.

Function: trace-function-background

Traces FUNCTION with trace output going quietly to BUFFER.
When this tracing is enabled, every call to FUNCTION writes
a Lisp-style trace message (showing the arguments and return value)
into BUFFER. This function generates advice to trace FUNCTION
and activates it together with any other advice there might be.
The trace output goes to BUFFER quietly, without changing
the window or buffer configuration.

BUFFER defaults to `trace-buffer'.

To untrace a function, use `untrace-function' or `untrace-all'. (fn FUNCTION &optional BUFFER)

Function: srt-mode

Major-mode for writing SRecode macros.


Function: byte-compile-inline-lapcode


Function: abbrev-table-empty-p

Return nil if there are no abbrev symbols in OBJECT.
If IGNORE-SYSTEM is non-nil, system definitions are ignored.


Function: pong

Play pong and waste time.
This is an implementation of the classical game pong.
Move left and right bats and try to bounce the ball to your opponent.

pong-mode keybindings:
Uses keymap `pong-mode-map', which is not currently defined.

Uses keymap `pong-mode-map', which is not currently defined. (fn)

Variable: suspend-resume-hook

Normal hook run by `suspend-emacs', after Emacs is continued.

Function: byte-compile-log-file


Function: gnus-message

If LEVEL is lower than `gnus-verbose' print ARGS using `message'.

Guideline for numbers:
1 - error messages, 3 - non-serious error messages, 5 - messages for things
that take a long time, 7 - not very important messages on stuff, 9 - messages inside loops.

Function: set-fringe-mode

Set `fringe-mode' to VALUE and put the new value into effect.
See `fringe-mode' for possible values and their effect.

Function: ask-user-about-supersession-threat

Ask a user who is about to modify an obsolete buffer what to do.
This function has two choices: it can return, in which case the modification
of the buffer will proceed, or it can (signal 'file-supersession (file)),
in which case the proposed buffer modification will not be made.

You can rewrite this to use any criterion you like to choose which one to do.
The buffer in question is current when this function is called.

Function: timeclock-workday-elapsed-string

Return a string representing the amount of time worked today.
Display seconds resolution if SHOW-SECONDS is non-nil. If RELATIVE is
non-nil, the amount returned will be relative to past time worked.

(fn &optional SHOW-SECONDS)

Function: face-foreground

Return the foreground color name of FACE, or nil if unspecified.
If the optional argument FRAME is given, report on face FACE in that frame.
If FRAME is t, report on the defaults for face FACE (for new frames).
If FRAME is omitted or nil, use the selected frame.

If INHERIT is nil, only a foreground color directly defined by FACE is
considered, so the return value may be nil.
If INHERIT is t, and FACE doesn't define a foreground color, then any
foreground color that FACE inherits through its `:inherit' attribute
is considered as well; however the return value may still be nil.
If INHERIT is a face or a list of faces, then it is used to try to
resolve an unspecified foreground color.

To ensure that a valid color is always returned, use a value of
`default' for INHERIT; this will resolve any unspecified values by
merging with the `default' face (which is always completely specified).

Function: sh-modify

Modify a copy of SKELETON by replacing I1 with REPL1, I2 with REPL2 ...

Function: smie-rule-sibling-p

Return non-nil if the parent is actually a sibling.
Only meaningful when called from within `smie-rules-function'.

Variable: url-package-name

Name of package using URL.

Function: Info-hide-cookies-node

Hide unrecognized cookies in current node.

Variable: font-lock-variable-name-face

Face name to use for variable names.

Face: font-lock-variable-name-face

Font Lock mode face used to highlight variable names.

Variable: universal-argument-num-events

Number of argument-specifying events read by `universal-argument'.
`universal-argument-other-key' uses this to discard those events
from (this-command-keys), and reread only the final command.

Variable: edit-abbrevs-map

Keymap used in `edit-abbrevs'.

Function: pcomplete-help

Display any help information relative to the current argument.


Variable: pcomplete-help

A string or function (or nil) used for context-sensitive help.
If a string, it should name an Info node that will be jumped to.
If non-nil, it must a sexp that will be evaluated, and whose
result will be shown in the minibuffer.
If nil, the function `pcomplete-man-function' will be called with the
current command argument.

Function: org-dblock-write:columnview

Write the column view table.
PARAMS is a property list of parameters:

:width enforce same column widths with specifiers.
:id the :ID: property of the entry where the columns view
should be built. When the symbol `local', call locally.
When `global' call column view with the cursor at the beginning
of the buffer (usually this means that the whole buffer switches
to column view). When "file:path/to/file.org", invoke column
view at the start of that file. Otherwise, the ID is located
using `org-id-find'.
:hlines When t, insert a hline before each item. When a number, insert
a hline before each level <= that number.
:vlines When t, make each column a colgroup to enforce vertical lines.
:maxlevel When set to a number, don't capture headlines below this level.
When t, skip rows where all specifiers other than ITEM are empty.
:format When non-nil, specify the column view format to use. (fn PARAMS)

Function: position-bytes

Return the byte position for character position POSITION.
If POSITION is out of range, the value is nil.


Function: recent-auto-save-p

Return t if current buffer has been auto-saved recently.
More precisely, if it has been auto-saved since last read from or saved
in the visited file. If the buffer has no visited file,
then any auto-save counts as "recent". (fn)

Function: sh-blink

Move cursor momentarily to BLINKPOS and display MSG.

Variable: sh-blink

If non-nil, `sh-show-indent' shows the line indentation is relative to.
The position on the line is not necessarily meaningful.
In some cases the line will be the matching keyword, but this is not
always the case.

Variable: tabulated-list-mode-map

Local keymap for `tabulated-list-mode' buffers.

Function: pr-printify-directory

Replace nonprinting characters in directory with printable representations.
The printable representations use ^ (for ASCII control characters) or hex.
The characters tab, linefeed, space, return and formfeed are not affected.

Interactively, the command prompts for a directory and a file name regexp for

Noninteractively, if DIR is nil, prompts for DIRectory. If FILE-REGEXP is nil,
prompts for FILE(name)-REGEXP.

See also documentation for `pr-list-directory'. (fn &optional DIR FILE-REGEXP)

Variable: cvs-global-menu

Global menu used by PCL-CVS.

Function: make-face-bold

Make the font of FACE be bold, if possible.
FRAME nil or not specified means change face on all frames.
Argument NOERROR is ignored and retained for compatibility.
Use `set-face-attribute' for finer control of the font weight.

Function: field-string

Return the contents of the field surrounding POS as a string.
A field is a region of text with the same `field' property.
If POS is nil, the value of point is used for POS.

(fn &optional POS)

Function: hash-table-p

Return t if OBJ is a Lisp hash table object.

(fn OBJ)

Function: byte-compile-if

(fn FORM)

Function: byte-compile-arglist-warn


Function: visit-tags-table

Tell tags commands to use tags table file FILE.
FILE should be the name of a file created with the `etags' program.
A directory name is ok too; it means file TAGS in that directory.

Normally M-x visit-tags-table sets the global value of `tags-file-name'.
With a prefix arg, set the buffer-local value instead.
When you find a tag with M-., the buffer it finds the tag
in is given a local value of this variable which is the name of the tags
file the tag was in. (fn FILE &optional LOCAL)

Function: quick-calc

Do a quick calculation in the minibuffer without invoking full Calculator.


Variable: auth-source-cache-expiry

How many seconds passwords are cached, or nil to disable
expiring. Overrides `password-cache-expiry' through a

Face: sh-quoted-exec

Face to show quoted execs like ``

Function: object-remove-from-list

In OBJECT's SLOT, remove occurrences of ITEM.
Deletion is done with `delete', which deletes by side effect,
and comparisons are done with `equal'.
If SLOT is unbound, do nothing.

Variable: debugger-mode-hook

Hooks run when `debugger-mode' is turned on.

Function: cl-cdadr

Return the `cdr' of the `car' of the `cdr' of X.

(fn X)

Variable: lisp-mode-syntax-table

Syntax table used in `lisp-mode'.

Function: string-to-vector

Return a vector of characters in STRING.

Function: info-finder

Display descriptions of the keywords in the Finder virtual manual.
In interactive use, a prefix argument directs this command to read
a list of keywords separated by comma. After that, it displays a node
with a list of packages that contain all specified keywords.

Function: binhex-decode-region-internal

Binhex decode region between START and END without using an external program.
If HEADER-ONLY is non-nil only decode header and return filename.

(fn START END &optional HEADER-ONLY)

Function: gnus-string-equal

Like `string-equal', except it compares case-insensitively.

Variable: help-mode-abbrev-table

Abbrev table for `help-mode'.

Function: vc-create-tag

Descending recursively from DIR, make a tag called NAME.
For each registered file, the working revision becomes part of
the named configuration. If the prefix argument BRANCHP is
given, the tag is made as a new branch and the files are
checked out in that new branch.


Variable: texinfo-close-quote

String inserted by typing M-x texinfo-insert-quote to close a quotation.

Variable: initial-scratch-message

Initial message displayed in *scratch* buffer at startup.
If this is nil, no message will be displayed.

Function: byte-compile-unfold-bcf

Inline call to byte-code-functions.

(fn FORM)

Function: class-children

Return child classes to CLASS.

The CLOS function `class-direct-subclasses' is aliased to this function.

Variable: class-children

Class children class slot.

Function: implement-debug-on-entry

Conditionally call the debugger.
A call to this function is inserted by `debug-on-entry' to cause
functions to break on entry.

Function: process-menu-mode

Major mode for listing the processes called by Emacs.

In addition to any hooks its parent mode `tabulated-list-mode' might have run,
this mode runs the hook `process-menu-mode-hook', as the final step
during initialization.

key binding
--- -------

Function: mml2015-decrypt


Function: butterfly

Use butterflies to flip the desired bit on the drive platter.
Open hands and let the delicate wings flap once. The disturbance
ripples outward, changing the flow of the eddy currents in the
upper atmosphere. These cause momentary pockets of higher-pressure
air to form, which act as lenses that deflect incoming cosmic rays,
focusing them to strike the drive platter and flip the desired bit.
You can type `M-x butterfly C-M-c' to run it. This is a permuted
variation of `C-x M-c M-butterfly' from url `http://xkcd.com/378/'. (fn)

Function: gap-size

Return the size of the current buffer's gap.
See also `gap-position'.

Face: mode-line-inactive

Basic mode line face for non-selected windows.

Variable: debugger-step-after-exit

Non-nil means "single-step" after the debugger exits.

Function: html-imenu-index

Return a table of contents for an HTML buffer for use with Imenu.

Function: gentemp

Generate a new interned symbol with a unique name.
The name is made by appending a number to PREFIX, default "G".

(fn &optional PREFIX)

Function: register-swap-out

Turn markers into file-query references when a buffer is killed.

Variable: search-nonincremental-instead

If non-nil, do a nonincremental search instead of exiting immediately.
Actually, `isearch-edit-string' is called to let you enter the search
string, and RET terminates editing and does a nonincremental search.

Variable: rmail-displayed-headers

Regexp to match Header fields that Rmail should display.
If nil, display all header fields except those matched by

Function: elint-current-buffer

Lint the current buffer.
If necessary, this first calls `elint-initialize'.

Function: face-set-after-frame-default

Initialize the frame-local faces of FRAME.
Calculate the face definitions using the face specs, custom theme
settings, X resources, and `face-new-frame-defaults'.
Finally, apply any relevant face attributes found amongst the
frame parameters in PARAMETERS.

Function: url-mime-charset-string

Generate a list of preferred MIME charsets for HTTP requests.
Generated according to current coding system priorities.

Variable: url-mime-charset-string

String to send in the Accept-charset: field in HTTP requests.
The MIME charset corresponding to the most preferred coding system is
given priority 1 and the rest are given priority 0.5.

Function: pcomplete-match

Like `string-match', but on the current completion argument.


Variable: mouse-wheel-scroll-amount

Amount to scroll windows by when spinning the mouse wheel.
This is an alist mapping the modifier key to the amount to scroll when
the wheel is moved with the modifier key depressed.
Elements of the list have the form (MODIFIERS . AMOUNT) or just AMOUNT if

AMOUNT should be the number of lines to scroll, or nil for near full
screen. It can also be a floating point number, specifying the fraction of
a full screen to scroll. A near full screen is `next-screen-context-lines' less than a full screen.

Function: yenc-decode-region

Yenc decode region between START and END using an internal decoder.


Function: sql-postgres

Run psql by Postgres as an inferior process.

If buffer `*SQL*' exists but no process is running, make a new process.
If buffer exists and a process is running, just switch to buffer

Interpreter used comes from variable `sql-postgres-program'. Login uses
the variables `sql-database' and `sql-server' as default, if set.
Additional command line parameters can be stored in the list

The buffer is put in SQL interactive mode, giving commands for sending
input. See `sql-interactive-mode'.

To set the buffer name directly, use C-u
before M-x sql-postgres. Once session has started,
M-x sql-rename-buffer can be called separately to rename the

To specify a coding system for converting non-ASCII characters
in the input and output to the process, use C-x RET c
before M-x sql-postgres. You can also specify this with C-x RET p
in the SQL buffer, after you start the process.
The default comes from `process-coding-system-alist' and
`default-process-coding-system'. If your output lines end with ^M,
your might try undecided-dos as a coding system. If this doesn't help,
Try to set `comint-output-filter-functions' like this:

(setq comint-output-filter-functions (append comint-output-filter-functions
'(comint-strip-ctrl-m))) (Type C-h m in the SQL buffer for a list of commands.) (fn &optional BUFFER)

Variable: comint-file-name-prefix

Prefix prepended to absolute file names taken from process input.
This is used by Comint's and shell's completion functions, and by shell's
directory tracking functions.

Function: init-image-library

Initialize image library implementing image type TYPE.
Return non-nil if TYPE is a supported image type.

If image libraries are loaded dynamically (currently only the case on
MS-Windows), load the library for TYPE if it is not yet loaded, using
the library file(s) specified by `dynamic-library-alist'. (fn TYPE)

Function: hash-table-rehash-threshold

Return the current rehash threshold of TABLE.

(fn TABLE)

Variable: inhibit-load-charset-map

Inhibit loading of charset maps. Used when dumping Emacs.

Function: ring-convert-sequence-to-ring

Convert sequence SEQ to a ring. Return the ring.
If SEQ is already a ring, return it.

Function: cl--compile-time-too

(fn FORM)

Function: lpr-buffer

Print buffer contents without pagination or page headers.
See the variables `lpr-switches' and `lpr-command'
for customization of the printer command. (fn)

Variable: custom-buffer-sort-alphabetically

Whether to sort customization groups alphabetically in Custom buffer.

Function: frame-initialize

Create an initial frame if necessary.

Variable: default-indicate-buffer-boundaries

Default value of `indicate-buffer-boundaries' for buffers that don't override it.
This is the same as (default-value 'indicate-buffer-boundaries).

Function: auth-source-macos-keychain-create

(fn &rest SPEC &key BACKEND TYPE MAX HOST USER PORT &allow-other-keys)

Function: flycheck-package-setup

Setup flycheck-package.
Add `flycheck-emacs-lisp-package' to `flycheck-checkers'.

Variable: package-obsolete-alist

Representation of obsolete packages.
Like `package-alist', but maps package name to a second alist.
The inner alist is keyed by version.

Function: syntax-ppss-after-change-function

Flush the cache of `syntax-ppss' starting at position BEG.

(fn BEG &rest IGNORED)

Variable: blink-cursor-timer

Timer started from `blink-cursor-start'.
This timer calls `blink-cursor-timer-function' every
`blink-cursor-interval' seconds.

Function: icalendar-import-buffer

Extract iCalendar events from current buffer.

This function searches the current buffer for the first iCalendar
object, reads it and adds all VEVENT elements to the diary

It will ask for each appointment whether to add it to the diary
unless DO-NOT-ASK is non-nil. When called interactively,
DO-NOT-ASK is nil, so that you are asked for each event.

NON-MARKING determines whether diary events are created as

Return code t means that importing worked well, return code nil
means that an error has occurred. Error messages will be in the
buffer `*icalendar-errors*'. (fn &optional DIARY-FILE DO-NOT-ASK NON-MARKING)

Function: epa-list-secret-keys

List all keys matched with NAME from the private keyring.

(fn &optional NAME)

Function: color-supported-p

Return non-nil if COLOR can be displayed on FRAME.
BACKGROUND-P non-nil means COLOR is used as a background.
Otherwise, this function tells whether it can be used as a foreground.
If FRAME is nil or omitted, use the selected frame.
COLOR must be a valid color name.


Function: auth-source-remembered-p

Check if SPEC is remembered.

Variable: easy-menu-precalculate-equivalent-keybindings

Determine when equivalent key bindings are computed for easy-menu menus.
It can take some time to calculate the equivalent key bindings that are shown
in a menu. If the variable is on, then this calculation gives a (maybe
noticeable) delay when a mode is first entered. If the variable is off, then
this delay will come when a menu is displayed the first time. If you never use
menus, turn this variable off, otherwise it is probably better to keep it on.

Function: cl--make-usage-var

X can be a var or a (destructuring) lambda-list.

(fn X)

Variable: lisp-mode-map

Keymap for ordinary Lisp mode.
All commands in `lisp-mode-shared-map' are inherited by this map.

Function: face-spec-reset-face

Reset all attributes of FACE on FRAME to unspecified.

Function: window--even-window-heights

Even heights of WINDOW and selected window.
Do this only if these windows are vertically adjacent to each
other, `even-window-heights' is non-nil, and the selected window
is higher than WINDOW.

Face: underline

Basic underlined face.

Variable: comint-prompt-regexp

Regexp to recognize prompts in the inferior process.
Defaults to "^", the null string at BOL.

This variable is only used if the variable
`comint-use-prompt-regexp' is non-nil.

Good choices:
Canonical Lisp: "^[^> \n]*>+:? *" (Lucid, franz, kcl, T, cscheme, oaklisp)
Lucid Common Lisp: "^\\(>\\|\\(->\\)+\\) *"
franz: "^\\(->\\|<[0-9]*>:\\) *"
kcl: "^>+ *"
shell: "^[^#$%>\n]*[#$%>] *"
T: "^>+ *" This is a good thing to set in mode hooks.

Variable: command-line-functions

List of functions to process unrecognized command-line arguments.
Each function should access the dynamically bound variables
`argi' (the current argument) and `command-line-args-left' (the remaining
arguments). The function should return non-nil only if it recognizes and
processes `argi'. If it does so, it may consume successive arguments by
altering `command-line-args-left' to remove them.

Function: sgml-fill-nobreak

Don't break between a tag name and its first argument.
This function is designed for use in `fill-nobreak-predicate'.

^ ^
| no break here | but still allowed here

Variable: password-cache

Whether to cache passwords.

Function: multi-isearch-buffers-regexp

Start multi-buffer regexp Isearch on a list of BUFFERS.
This list can contain live buffers or their names.
Interactively read buffer names to search, one by one, ended with RET.
With a prefix argument, ask for a regexp, and search in buffers
whose names match the specified regexp.

Function: autoload-coding-system

Define SYMBOL as a coding-system that is defined on demand.

FORM is a form to evaluate to define the coding-system.

Variable: default-scroll-down-aggressively

Default value of `scroll-down-aggressively'.
This value applies in buffers that don't have their own local values.
This is the same as (default-value 'scroll-down-aggressively).

Function: tty-color-define

Specify a tty color by its NAME, terminal INDEX and RGB values.
NAME is a string, INDEX is typically a small integer used to send to
the terminal driver a command to switch this color on, and RGB is a
list of 3 numbers that specify the intensity of red, green, and blue
components of the color.
If specified, each one of the RGB components must be a number between
0 and 65535. If RGB is omitted, the specified color will never be used
by `tty-color-translate' as an approximation to another color.
FRAME is the frame where the defined color should be used.
If FRAME is not specified or is nil, it defaults to the selected frame.

Variable: display-time-default-load-average

Which load average value will be shown in the mode line.
Almost every system can provide values of load for the past 1 minute,
past 5 or past 15 minutes. The default is to display 1-minute load average.
The value can be one of:

0 => 1 minute load
1 => 5 minutes load
2 => 15 minutes load
nil => None (do not display the load average)

Function: cl--map-keymap-recursively

(fn CL-FUNC-REC CL-MAP &optional CL-BASE)

Variable: adaptive-fill-first-line-regexp

Regexp specifying whether to set fill prefix from a one-line paragraph.
When a paragraph has just one line, then after `adaptive-fill-regexp'
finds the prefix at the beginning of the line, if it doesn't
match this regexp, it is replaced with whitespace.

By default, this regexp matches sequences of just spaces and tabs.

However, we never use a prefix from a one-line paragraph
if it would act as a paragraph-starter on the second line.

Function: display-completion-list

Display the list of completions, COMPLETIONS, using `standard-output'.
Each element may be just a symbol or string
or may be a list of two strings to be printed as if concatenated.
If it is a list of two strings, the first is the actual completion
alternative, the second serves as annotation.
`standard-output' must be a buffer.
The actual completion alternatives, as inserted, are given `mouse-face'
properties of `highlight'.
At the end, this runs the normal hook `completion-setup-hook'.
It can find the completion buffer in `standard-output'.

The obsolete optional arg COMMON-SUBSTRING, if non-nil, should be a string
specifying a common substring for adding the faces
`completions-first-difference' and `completions-common-part' to
the completions buffer. (fn COMPLETIONS &optional COMMON-SUBSTRING)

Function: make-face-unitalic

Make the font of FACE be non-italic, if possible.
FRAME nil or not specified means change face on all frames.
Argument NOERROR is ignored and retained for compatibility.

Function: hack-local-variables-apply

Apply the elements of `file-local-variables-alist'.
If there are any elements, runs `before-hack-local-variables-hook',
then calls `hack-one-local-variable' to apply the alist elements one by one.
Finishes by running `hack-local-variables-hook', regardless of whether
the alist is empty or not.

Note that this function ignores a `mode' entry if it specifies the same
major mode as the buffer already has.

Function: custom-add-option

To the variable SYMBOL add OPTION.

If SYMBOL's custom type is a hook, OPTION should be a hook member.
If SYMBOL's custom type is an alist, OPTION specifies a symbol
to offer to the user as a possible key in the alist.
For other custom types, this has no effect.

Variable: vc-handled-backends

List of version control backends for which VC will be used.
Entries in this list will be tried in order to determine whether a
file is under that sort of version control.
Removing an entry from the list prevents VC from being activated
when visiting a file managed by that backend.
An empty list disables VC altogether.

Variable: x-dnd-motif-message-types

Mapping from numbers to Motif DND message types.

Function: normal-mouse-startup-screen


Variable: window-setup-hook

Normal hook run to initialize window system display.
Emacs runs this hook after processing the command line arguments and loading
the user's init file.

Function: sh-maybe-here-document

Insert self. Without prefix, following unquoted `<' inserts here document.
The document is bounded by `sh-here-document-word'.

Function: table-unrecognize


Function: pr-show-pr-setup

Show current printing settings.

(fn &rest IGNORE)

Variable: menu-bar-select-buffer-function

Function to select the buffer chosen from the `Buffers' menu-bar menu.
It must accept a buffer as its only required argument.

Function: describe-input-method

Describe input method INPUT-METHOD.

Function: url-build-query-string

Build a query-string.

Given a QUERY in the form:
'((key1 val1)
(key2 val2)
(key3 val1 val2)
(key5 ""))

(This is the same format as produced by `url-parse-query-string')

This will return a string
"key1=val1&key2=val2&key3=val1&key3=val2&key4&key5". Keys may
be strings or symbols; if they are symbols, the symbol name will
be used.

When SEMICOLONS is given, the separator will be ";".

When KEEP-EMPTY is given, empty values will show as "key=" instead of just "key" as in the example above.

Function: byte-compile-lambda-form

(fn FORM)

Function: apropos-false-hit-str

Return t if STR is not really matched by the current keywords.

Function: vc-git-extra-fileinfo->orig-name

(fn CL-X)

Function: cl-notevery

Return true if PREDICATE is false of some element of SEQ or SEQs.


Variable: indent-line-function

Function to indent the current line.
This function will be called with no arguments.
If it is called somewhere where auto-indentation cannot be done
(e.g. inside a string), the function should simply return `noindent'.
Setting this function is all you need to make TAB indent appropriately.
Don't rebind TAB unless you really need to.

Variable: comment-indent-function

Function to compute desired indentation for a comment.
This function is called with no args with point at the beginning of
the comment's starting delimiter and should return either the desired
column indentation or nil.
If nil is returned, indentation is delegated to `indent-according-to-mode'.

Function: gs-load-image

Load a PS image for display on FRAME.
SPEC is an image specification, IMG-HEIGHT and IMG-WIDTH are width
and height of the image in pixels. WINDOW-AND-PIXMAP-ID is a string of
the form "WINDOW-ID PIXMAP-ID". Value is non-nil if successful.


Function: gnus-cache-rename-group

Always updates the cache, even when disabled, as the old cache
files would corrupt Gnus when the cache was next enabled. It
depends on the caller to determine whether group renaming is


Function: verilog-mode

Major mode for editing Verilog code.

Uses keymap `verilog-mode-map', which is not currently defined.

See C-h f verilog-auto (M-x verilog-auto) for details on how
AUTOs can improve coding efficiency.

Use M-x verilog-faq for a pointer to frequently asked questions.

NEWLINE, TAB indents for Verilog code.
Delete converts tabs to spaces as it moves back.

Supports highlighting.

Turning on Verilog mode calls the value of the variable `verilog-mode-hook'
with no args, if that value is non-nil.

Variables controlling indentation/edit style:

variable `verilog-indent-level' (default 3)
Indentation of Verilog statements with respect to containing block.
`verilog-indent-level-module' (default 3)
Absolute indentation of Module level Verilog statements.
Set to 0 to get initial and always statements lined up
on the left side of your screen.
`verilog-indent-level-declaration' (default 3)
Indentation of declarations with respect to containing block.
Set to 0 to get them list right under containing block.
`verilog-indent-level-behavioral' (default 3)
Indentation of first begin in a task or function block
Set to 0 to get such code to lined up underneath the task or
function keyword.
`verilog-indent-level-directive' (default 1)
Indentation of `ifdef/`endif blocks.
`verilog-cexp-indent' (default 1)
Indentation of Verilog statements broken across lines i.e.:
if (a)
`verilog-case-indent' (default 2)
Indentation for case statements.
`verilog-auto-newline' (default nil)
Non-nil means automatically newline after semicolons and the punctuation
mark after an end.
`verilog-auto-indent-on-newline' (default t)
Non-nil means automatically indent line after newline.
`verilog-tab-always-indent' (default t)
Non-nil means TAB in Verilog mode should always reindent the current line,
regardless of where in the line point is when the TAB command is used.
`verilog-indent-begin-after-if' (default t)
Non-nil means to indent begin statements following a preceding
if, else, while, for and repeat statements, if any. Otherwise,
the begin is lined up with the preceding token. If t, you get:
if (a)
begin // amount of indent based on `verilog-cexp-indent'
otherwise you get:
if (a)
`verilog-auto-endcomments' (default t)
Non-nil means a comment /* ... */ is set after the ends which ends
cases, tasks, functions and modules.
The type and name of the object will be set between the braces.
`verilog-minimum-comment-distance' (default 10)
Minimum distance (in lines) between begin and end required before a comment
will be inserted. Setting this variable to zero results in every
end acquiring a comment; the default avoids too many redundant
comments in tight quarters.
`verilog-auto-lineup' (default 'declarations)
List of contexts where auto lineup of code should be done.

Variables controlling other actions:

`verilog-linter' (default surelint)
Unix program to call to run the lint checker. This is the default
command for M-x compile-command and M-x verilog-auto-save-compile.

See M-x customize for the complete list of variables.

AUTO expansion functions are, in part:

M-x verilog-auto Expand AUTO statements.
M-x verilog-delete-auto Remove the AUTOs.
M-x verilog-inject-auto Insert AUTOs for the first time.

Some other functions are:

M-x verilog-complete-word Complete word with appropriate possibilities.
M-x verilog-mark-defun Mark function.
M-x verilog-beg-of-defun Move to beginning of current function.
M-x verilog-end-of-defun Move to end of current function.
M-x verilog-label-be Label matching begin ... end, fork ... join, etc statements.

M-x verilog-comment-region Put marked area in a comment.
M-x verilog-uncomment-region Uncomment an area commented with M-x verilog-comment-region.
M-x verilog-insert-block Insert begin ... end.
M-x verilog-star-comment Insert /* ... */.

M-x verilog-sk-always Insert an always @(AS) begin .. end block.
M-x verilog-sk-begin Insert a begin .. end block.
M-x verilog-sk-case Insert a case block, prompting for details.
M-x verilog-sk-for Insert a for (...) begin .. end block, prompting for details.
M-x verilog-sk-generate Insert a generate .. endgenerate block.
M-x verilog-sk-header Insert a header block at the top of file.
M-x verilog-sk-initial Insert an initial begin .. end block.
M-x verilog-sk-fork Insert a fork begin .. end .. join block.
M-x verilog-sk-module Insert a module .. (/*AUTOARG*/);.. endmodule block.
M-x verilog-sk-ovm-class Insert an OVM Class block.
M-x verilog-sk-uvm-class Insert an UVM Class block.
M-x verilog-sk-primitive Insert a primitive .. (.. );.. endprimitive block.
M-x verilog-sk-repeat Insert a repeat (..) begin .. end block.
M-x verilog-sk-specify Insert a specify .. endspecify block.
M-x verilog-sk-task Insert a task .. begin .. end endtask block.
M-x verilog-sk-while Insert a while (...) begin .. end block, prompting for details.
M-x verilog-sk-casex Insert a casex (...) item: begin.. end endcase block, prompting for details.
M-x verilog-sk-casez Insert a casez (...) item: begin.. end endcase block, prompting for details.
M-x verilog-sk-if Insert an if (..) begin .. end block.
M-x verilog-sk-else-if Insert an else if (..) begin .. end block.
M-x verilog-sk-comment Insert a comment block.
M-x verilog-sk-assign Insert an assign .. = ..; statement.
M-x verilog-sk-function Insert a function .. begin .. end endfunction block.
M-x verilog-sk-input Insert an input declaration, prompting for details.
M-x verilog-sk-output Insert an output declaration, prompting for details.
M-x verilog-sk-state-machine Insert a state machine definition, prompting for details.
M-x verilog-sk-inout Insert an inout declaration, prompting for details. M-x verilog-sk-wire Insert a wire declaration, prompting for details. M-x verilog-sk-reg Insert a register declaration, prompting for details. M-x verilog-sk-define-signal Define signal under point as a register at the top of the module. All key bindings can be seen in a Verilog-buffer with C-h b. Key bindings specific to `verilog-mode-map' are: Uses keymap `verilog-mode-map', which is not currently defined. (fn)

Function: makefile-automake-mode

An adapted `makefile-mode' that knows about automake.


Variable: write-contents-functions

List of functions to be called before writing out a buffer to a file.
If one of them returns non-nil, the file is considered already written
and the rest are not called and neither are the functions in

This variable is meant to be used for hooks that pertain to the
buffer's contents, not to the particular visited file; thus,
`set-visited-file-name' does not clear this variable; but changing the
major mode does clear it.

For hooks that _do_ pertain to the particular visited file, use
`write-file-functions'. Both this variable and
`write-file-functions' relate to how a buffer is saved to file.
To perform various checks or updates before the buffer is saved, use `before-save-hook'.

Function: Snarf-documentation

Used during Emacs initialization to scan the `etc/DOC...' file.
This searches the `etc/DOC...' file for doc strings and
records them in function and variable definitions.
The function takes one argument, FILENAME, a string;
it specifies the file name (without a directory) of the DOC file.
That file is found in `../etc' now; later, when the dumped Emacs is run,
the same file name is found in the `doc-directory'. (fn FILENAME)

Function: Info-speedbar-expand-node

Expand the node the user clicked on.
TEXT is the text of the button we clicked on, a + or - item.
TOKEN is data related to this node (NAME . FILE).
INDENT is the current indentation depth.

Variable: sentence-end-without-space

String of characters that end sentence without following spaces.

This value is used by the function `sentence-end' to construct the
regexp describing the end of a sentence, when the value of the variable
`sentence-end' is nil. See Info node `(elisp)Standard Regexps'.

Function: describe-specified-language-support

Describe how Emacs supports the specified language environment.

Function: studlify-buffer

Studlify-case the current buffer.


Function: animate-string

Display STRING animations starting at position VPOS, HPOS.
The characters start at randomly chosen places,
and all slide in parallel to their final positions,
passing through `animate-n-steps' positions before the final ones.
If HPOS is nil (or omitted), center the string horizontally
in the current window.

(fn STRING VPOS &optional HPOS)

Variable: x-underline-at-descent-line

Non-nil means to draw the underline at the same place as the descent line.
A value of nil means to draw the underline according to the value of the
variable `x-use-underline-position-properties', which is usually at the
baseline level. The default value is nil.

Variable: auto-save-list-file-name

File name in which we write a list of all auto save file names.
This variable is initialized automatically from `auto-save-list-file-prefix'
shortly after Emacs reads your init file, if you have not yet given it
a non-nil value.

Function: byte-compile-fdefinition


Function: goto-address-prog-mode

Like `goto-address-mode', but only for comments and strings.

(fn &optional ARG)

Function: executable-self-display

Turn a text file into a self-displaying Un*x command.
The magic number of such a command displays all lines but itself.

Variable: executable-self-display

Command you use with argument `+2' to make text files self-display.
Note that the like of `more' doesn't work too well under Emacs M-x shell.

Function: button-has-type-p

Return t if BUTTON has button-type TYPE, or one of TYPE's subtypes.

Function: sh-smie--sh-keyword-in-p

Assuming we're looking at "in", return non-nil if it's a keyword.
Does not preserve point.

Function: comint-kill-subjob

Send kill signal to the current subjob.
This command also kills the pending input
between the process mark and point. (fn)

Function: tpu-edt-mode

Toggle TPU/edt emulation on or off.
With a prefix argument ARG, enable the mode if ARG is positive,
and disable it otherwise. If called from Lisp, enable the mode
if ARG is omitted or nil.

(fn &optional ARG)

Variable: tpu-edt-mode

Non-nil if Tpu-Edt mode is enabled.
See the command `tpu-edt-mode' for a description of this minor mode.
Setting this variable directly does not take effect;
either customize it (see the info node `Easy Customization')
or call the function `tpu-edt-mode'.

Function: ping

Ping HOST.
If your system's ping continues until interrupted, you can try setting
(fn HOST)

Function: flymake-mode-on

Turn flymake mode on.


Function: text-scale-decrease

Decrease the height of the default face in the current buffer by DEC steps.
See `text-scale-increase' for more details.

(fn DEC)

Function: ebnf-print-directory

Generate and print a PostScript syntactic chart image of DIRECTORY.

If DIRECTORY is nil, it's used `default-directory'.

The files in DIRECTORY that matches `ebnf-file-suffix-regexp' (which see) are

See also `ebnf-print-buffer'. (fn &optional DIRECTORY)

Function: window-configuration-to-register

Store the window configuration of the selected frame in register REGISTER.
Use C-x r j to restore the configuration.
Argument is a character, naming the register.

Function: right-word

Move point N words to the right (to the left if N is negative).

Depending on the bidirectional context, this may move either forward
or backward in the buffer. This is in contrast with M-f
and M-b, which see.

Value is normally t.
If an edge of the buffer or a field boundary is reached, point is left there
there and the function returns nil. Field boundaries are not noticed
if `inhibit-field-text-motion' is non-nil.

Function: suppress-keymap

Make MAP override all normally self-inserting keys to be undefined.
Normally, as an exception, digits and minus-sign are set to make prefix args,
but optional second arg NODIGITS non-nil treats them like other chars.

Function: overlay-get

Get the property of overlay OVERLAY with property name PROP.


Function: comint-word

Return the word of WORD-CHARS at point, or nil if none is found.
Word constituents are considered to be those in WORD-CHARS, which is like the
inside of a "[...]" (see `skip-chars-forward'), plus all non-ASCII characters.


Function: comint-get-next-from-history

After fetching a line from input history, this fetches the following line.
In other words, this recalls the input line after the line you recalled last.
You can use this to repeat a sequence of input lines. (fn)

Variable: Info-isearch-search

If non-nil, isearch in Info searches through multiple nodes.
Before leaving the initial Info node, where isearch was started,
it fails once with the error message [end of node], and with
subsequent C-s/C-r continues through other nodes without failing
with this error message in other nodes. When isearch fails for
the rest of the manual, it displays the error message [end of manual],
wraps around the whole manual and restarts the search from the top/final
node depending on search direction.

Setting this option to nil restores the default isearch behavior
with wrapping around the current Info node.

Function: registerv-make

Create a register value object.

DATA can be any value.
PRINT-FUNC if provided controls how `list-registers' and
`view-register' print the register. It should be a function
receiving one argument DATA and print text that completes
this sentence:
Register X contains [TEXT PRINTED BY PRINT-FUNC]
JUMP-FUNC if provided, controls how `jump-to-register' jumps to the register.
INSERT-FUNC if provided, controls how `insert-register' insert the register.
They both receive DATA as argument.


Function: comint-redirect-results-list-from-process

Return a list of expressions in the output which match REGEXP.
REGEXP-GROUP is the regular expression group in REGEXP to use.


Function: generic-char-p

Always return nil. This is provided for backward compatibility.

Function: set

Set SYMBOL's value to NEWVAL, and return NEWVAL.


Function: fit-frame-to-buffer

Adjust height of FRAME to display its buffer contents exactly.
FRAME can be any live frame and defaults to the selected one.

Optional argument MAX-HEIGHT specifies the maximum height of FRAME.
It defaults to the height of the display below the current
top line of FRAME, minus `fit-frame-to-buffer-bottom-margin'.
Optional argument MIN-HEIGHT specifies the minimum height of FRAME.
The default corresponds to `window-min-height'.

Variable: fit-frame-to-buffer

Non-nil means `fit-window-to-buffer' can resize frames.
A frame can be resized if and only if its root window is a live
window. The height of the root window is subject to the values
of `fit-frame-to-buffer-max-height' and `window-min-height'.

Function: set-window-new-total

Set new total size of WINDOW to SIZE.
WINDOW must be a valid window and defaults to the selected one.
Return SIZE.

Optional argument ADD non-nil means add SIZE to the new total size of
WINDOW and return the sum.

Note: This function does not operate on any child windows of WINDOW.
(fn WINDOW SIZE &optional ADD)

Variable: signal-hook-function

If non-nil, this is a function for `signal' to call.
It receives the same arguments that `signal' was given.
The Edebug package uses this to regain control.

Variable: apropos-mode-abbrev-table

Abbrev table for `apropos-mode'.

Variable: shell-dirtrack-verbose

If non-nil, show the directory stack following directory change.
This is effective only if directory tracking is enabled.
The `dirtrack' package provides an alternative implementation of this feature -
see the function `dirtrack-mode'.

Function: Info-history-toc-nodes

History-specific implementation of `Info-toc-nodes'.

Variable: process-menu-mode-map

Keymap for `process-menu-mode'.

Function: ps-spool-buffer

Generate and spool a PostScript image of the buffer.
Like `ps-print-buffer' except that the PostScript image is saved in a local
buffer to be sent to the printer later.

Use the command `ps-despool' to send the spooled images to the printer. (fn)

Variable: dir-locals-class-alist

Alist mapping directory-local variable classes (symbols) to variable lists.

Function: metapost-mode

Major mode for editing MetaPost sources.


Function: hi-lock-write-interactive-patterns

Write interactively added patterns, if any, into buffer at point.

Interactively added patterns are those normally specified using
`highlight-regexp' and `highlight-lines-matching-regexp'; they can
be found in variable `hi-lock-interactive-patterns'. (fn)

Function: async-shell-command

Execute string COMMAND asynchronously in background.

Like `shell-command', but adds `&' at the end of COMMAND
to execute it asynchronously.

The output appears in the buffer `*Async Shell Command*'.
That buffer is in shell mode.

In Elisp, you will often be better served by calling `start-process'
directly, since it offers more control and does not impose the use of a
shell (with its need to quote arguments).

Function: gnutls-error-fatalp

Check if ERROR is fatal.
ERROR is an integer or a symbol with an integer `gnutls-code' property.

(fn ERROR)

Variable: wrap-prefix

Prefix prepended to all continuation lines at display time.
The value may be a string, an image, or a stretch-glyph; it is
interpreted in the same way as the value of a `display' text property.

This variable is overridden by any `wrap-prefix' text or overlay

To add a prefix to non-continuation lines, use `line-prefix'.

Function: tty-top-frame

Return the topmost terminal frame on TERMINAL.
TERMINAL can be a terminal object, a frame or nil (meaning the
selected frame's terminal). This function returns nil if TERMINAL
does not refer to a text terminal. Otherwise, it returns the
top-most frame on the text terminal.

(fn &optional TERMINAL)

Function: list-at-point

Return the Lisp list at point, or nil if none is found.


Variable: inhibit-startup-screen

Non-nil inhibits the startup screen.

This is for use in your personal init file (but NOT site-start.el),
once you are familiar with the contents of the startup screen.

Function: buffer-size

Return the number of characters in the current buffer.
If BUFFER, return the number of characters in that buffer instead.

(fn &optional BUFFER)

Variable: face-new-frame-defaults

List of global face definitions (for internal use only.)

Function: isearch-yank-pop

Replace just-yanked search string with previously killed string.

Variable: blink-cursor-delay

Seconds of idle time after which cursor starts to blink.

Function: tibetan-post-read-conversion

(fn LEN)

Function: epa-dired-do-verify

Verify marked files.


Variable: inhibit-default-init

Non-nil inhibits loading the `default' library.

Function: file-local-copy

Copy the file FILE into a temporary file on this machine.
Returns the name of the local copy, or nil, if FILE is directly

Function: comint-regexp-arg

Return list of regexp and prefix arg using PROMPT.


Function: type-break-mode

Enable or disable typing-break mode.
This is a minor mode, but it is global to all buffers by default.

When this mode is enabled, the user is encouraged to take typing breaks at
appropriate intervals; either after a specified amount of time or when the
user has exceeded a keystroke threshold. When the time arrives, the user
is asked to take a break. If the user refuses at that time, Emacs will ask
again in a short period of time. The idea is to give the user enough time
to find a good breaking point in his or her work, but be sufficiently
annoying to discourage putting typing breaks off indefinitely.

A negative prefix argument disables this mode.
No argument or any non-negative argument enables it.

The user may enable or disable this mode by setting the variable of the
same name, though setting it in that way doesn't reschedule a break or
reset the keystroke counter.

If the mode was previously disabled and is enabled as a consequence of
calling this function, it schedules a break with `type-break-schedule' to
make sure one occurs (the user can call that command to reschedule the
break at any time). It also initializes the keystroke counter.

The variable `type-break-interval' specifies the number of seconds to
schedule between regular typing breaks. This variable doesn't directly
affect the time schedule; it simply provides a default for the
`type-break-schedule' command.

If set, the variable `type-break-good-rest-interval' specifies the minimum
amount of time which is considered a reasonable typing break. Whenever
that time has elapsed, typing breaks are automatically rescheduled for
later even if Emacs didn't prompt you to take one first. Also, if a break
is ended before this much time has elapsed, the user will be asked whether
or not to continue. A nil value for this variable prevents automatic
break rescheduling, making `type-break-interval' an upper bound on the time
between breaks. In this case breaks will be prompted for as usual before
the upper bound if the keystroke threshold is reached.

If `type-break-good-rest-interval' is nil and
`type-break-good-break-interval' is set, then confirmation is required to
interrupt a break before `type-break-good-break-interval' seconds
have passed. This provides for an upper bound on the time between breaks
together with confirmation of interruptions to these breaks.

The variable `type-break-keystroke-threshold' is used to determine the
thresholds at which typing breaks should be considered. You can use
the command `type-break-guesstimate-keystroke-threshold' to try to
approximate good values for this.

There are several variables that affect how or when warning messages about
imminent typing breaks are displayed. They include:


There are several variables that affect if, how, and when queries to begin
a typing break occur. They include:


The command `type-break-statistics' prints interesting things. Finally, a file (named `type-break-file-name') is used to store information across Emacs sessions. This provides recovery of the break status between sessions and after a crash. Manual changes to the file may result in problems. (fn &optional ARG)

Variable: type-break-mode

Non-nil if Type-Break mode is enabled.
See the command `type-break-mode' for a description of this minor mode.
Setting this variable directly does not take effect;
either customize it (see the info node `Easy Customization')
or call the function `type-break-mode'.

Function: mail-unquote-printable-region

Undo the "quoted printable" encoding in buffer from BEG to END.
If the optional argument WRAPPER is non-nil,
we expect to find and remove the wrapper characters =?ISO-8859-1?Q?....?=.
On encountering malformed quoted-printable text, exits with an error,
unless NOERROR is non-nil, in which case it continues, and returns nil
when finished. Returns non-nil on successful completion.
If UNIBYTE is non-nil, insert converted characters as unibyte.
That is useful if you are going to character code decoding afterward,
as Rmail does.


Function: gmm-tool-bar-from-list

Make a tool bar from ICON-LIST.

Within each entry of ICON-LIST, the first element is a menu
command, the second element is an icon file name and the third
element is a test function. You can use C-h k
to find out the name of a menu command. The fourth
and all following elements are passed as the PROPS argument to the
function `tool-bar-local-item'.

If ZAP-LIST is a list, remove those item from the default
`tool-bar-map'. If it is t, start with a new sparse map. You
can use C-h k to find out the name of an icon
item. When C-h k shows "
runs the command find-file", then use `new-file' in ZAP-LIST.

DEFAULT-MAP specifies the default key map for ICON-LIST. (fn ICON-LIST ZAP-LIST DEFAULT-MAP)

Function: eudc-query-form

Display a form to query the directory server.
If given a non-nil argument GET-FIELDS-FROM-SERVER, the function first
queries the server for the existing fields and displays a corresponding form.


Function: outline-minor-mode

Toggle Outline minor mode.
With a prefix argument ARG, enable Outline minor mode if ARG is
positive, and disable it otherwise. If called from Lisp, enable
the mode if ARG is omitted or nil.

See the command `outline-mode' for more information on this mode. (fn &optional ARG)

Variable: vector-cells-consed

Number of vector cells that have been consed so far.

Function: fundamental-mode

Major mode not specialized for anything in particular.
Other major modes are defined by comparison with this one.

Function: vc-checkout-model

Indicate how FILES are checked out.

If FILES are not registered, this function always returns nil.
For registered files, the possible values are:

'implicit FILES are always writable, and checked out `implicitly'
when the user saves the first changes to the file.

'locking FILES are read-only if up-to-date; user must type
C-x v v before editing. Strict locking
is assumed.

'announce FILES are read-only if up-to-date; user must type
C-x v v before editing. But other users may be editing at the same time.

Variable: font-lock-mark-block-function

Non-nil means use this function to mark a block of text.
When called with no args it should leave point at the beginning of any
enclosing textual block and mark at the end.
This is normally set via `font-lock-defaults'.

Variable: last-abbrev

The abbrev-symbol of the last abbrev expanded. See `abbrev-symbol'.

Function: ediff-files3

Run Ediff on three files, FILE-A, FILE-B, and FILE-C.


Function: insert-for-yank-1

Insert STRING at point for the `yank' command.
This function is like `insert', except it honors the variables
`yank-handled-properties' and `yank-excluded-properties', and the
`yank-handler' text property.

Properties listed in `yank-handled-properties' are processed,
then those listed in `yank-excluded-properties' are discarded.

If STRING has a non-nil `yank-handler' property on its first
character, the normal insert behavior is altered. The value of
the `yank-handler' property must be a list of one to four
elements, of the form (FUNCTION PARAM NOEXCLUDE UNDO).
FUNCTION, if non-nil, should be a function of one argument, an
object to insert; it is called instead of `insert'.
PARAM, if present and non-nil, replaces STRING as the argument to
FUNCTION or `insert'; e.g. if FUNCTION is `yank-rectangle', PARAM
may be a list of strings to insert as a rectangle.
If NOEXCLUDE is present and non-nil, the normal removal of
`yank-excluded-properties' is not performed; instead FUNCTION is
responsible for the removal. This may be necessary if FUNCTION
adjusts point before or after inserting the object.
UNDO, if present and non-nil, should be a function to be called
by `yank-pop' to undo the insertion of the current object. It is
given two arguments, the start and end of the region. FUNCTION may set `yank-undo-function' to override UNDO.

Variable: sh-header-marker

When non-nil is the end of header for prepending by M-x sh-execute-region.
That command is also used for setting this variable.

Function: Info-mouse-follow-nearest-node

Follow a node reference near point.
Like m, f, n, p or ^ command, depending on where you click.
At end of the node's text, moves to the next node, or up if none.

Function: landmark-repeat

Run 100 Landmark games, each time saving the weights from the previous game.


Function: hack-one-local-variable-eval-safep

Return t if it is safe to eval EXP when it is found in a file.

Function: inhibit-local-variables-p

Return non-nil if file local variables should be ignored.
This checks the file (or buffer) name against `inhibit-local-variables-regexps'
and `inhibit-local-variables-suffixes'.

Function: cd-absolute

Change current directory to given absolute file name DIR.

Function: comment-normalize-vars

Check and set up variables needed by other commenting functions.
All the `comment-*' commands call this function to set up various
variables, like `comment-start', to ensure that the commenting
functions work correctly. Lisp callers of any other `comment-*'
function should first call this function explicitly.

(fn &optional NOERROR)

Function: font-lock-value-in-major-mode

Return value in ALIST for `major-mode', or ALIST if it is not an alist.
Structure is ((MAJOR-MODE . VALUE) ...) where MAJOR-MODE may be t.

Function: define-global-abbrev

Define ABBREV as a global abbreviation for EXPANSION.
The characters in ABBREV must all be word constituents in the standard
syntax table.


Variable: completion-extra-properties

Property list of extra properties of the current completion job.
These include:

`:annotation-function': Function to annotate the completions buffer.
The function must accept one argument, a completion string,
and return either nil or a string which is to be displayed
next to the completion (but which is not part of the
completion). The function can access the completion data via
`minibuffer-completion-table' and related variables.

`:exit-function': Function to run after completion is performed.

The function must accept two arguments, STRING and STATUS.
STRING is the text to which the field was completed, and
STATUS indicates what kind of operation happened:
`finished' - text is now complete
`sole' - text cannot be further completed but
completion is not finished
`exact' - text is a valid completion but may be further completed.

Function: sort-columns

Sort lines in region alphabetically by a certain range of columns.
For the purpose of this command, the region BEG...END includes
the entire line that point is in and the entire line the mark is in.
The column positions of point and mark bound the range of columns to sort on.
A prefix argument means sort into REVERSE order.
The variable `sort-fold-case' determines whether alphabetic case affects
the sort order.

Note that `sort-columns' rejects text that contains tabs,
because tabs could be split across the specified columns
and it doesn't know how to handle that. Also, when possible,
it uses the `sort' utility program, which doesn't understand tabs.
Use M-x untabify to convert tabs to spaces before sorting. (fn REVERSE &optional BEG END)

Variable: command-line-default-directory

Default directory to use for command line arguments.
This is normally copied from `default-directory' when Emacs starts.

Function: bindings--define-key

Make as much as possible of the menus pure.

Function: define-fringe-bitmap

Define fringe bitmap BITMAP from BITS of size HEIGHT x WIDTH.
BITMAP is a symbol identifying the new fringe bitmap.
BITS is either a string or a vector of integers.
HEIGHT is height of bitmap. If HEIGHT is nil, use length of BITS.
WIDTH must be an integer between 1 and 16, or nil which defaults to 8.
Optional fifth arg ALIGN may be one of `top', `center', or `bottom',
indicating the positioning of the bitmap relative to the rows where it
is used; the default is to center the bitmap. Fifth arg may also be a
list (ALIGN PERIODIC) where PERIODIC non-nil specifies that the bitmap
should be repeated.
If BITMAP already exists, the existing definition is replaced.


Function: window-at

Return window containing coordinates X and Y on FRAME.
FRAME must be a live frame and defaults to the selected one.
The top left corner of the frame is considered to be row 0,
column 0.

(fn X Y &optional FRAME)

Variable: auto-save-include-big-deletions

If non-nil, auto-save even if a large part of the text is deleted.
If nil, deleting a substantial portion of the text disables auto-save
in the buffer; this is the default behavior, because the auto-save
file is usually more useful if it contains the deleted text.

Function: current-idle-time

Return the current length of Emacs idleness, or nil.
The value when Emacs is idle is a list of four integers (HIGH LOW USEC PSEC)
in the same style as (current-time).

The value when Emacs is not idle is nil.

PSEC is a multiple of the system clock resolution. (fn)

Function: gnus-next-char-property-change

Return the position of next text property or overlay change.
This scans characters forward in the current buffer from POSITION till
it finds a change in some text property, or the beginning or end of an
overlay, and returns the position of that.
If none is found up to (point-max), the function returns (point-max).

If the optional second argument LIMIT is non-nil, don't search
past position LIMIT; return LIMIT if nothing is found before LIMIT.
LIMIT is a no-op if it is greater than (point-max). (fn POSITION &optional LIMIT)

Function: mm-detect-mime-charset-region

Detect MIME charset of the text in the region between START and END.

Function: password-read-and-add

Read password, for use with KEY, from user, or from cache if wanted.
Then store the password in the cache. Uses `password-read' and
`password-cache-add'. Custom variables `password-cache' and
`password-cache-expiry' regulate cache behavior.

Warning: the password is cached without checking that it is
correct. It is better to check the password before caching. If
you must use this function, take care to check passwords and
remove incorrect ones from the cache.

Variable: font-lock-function-name-face

Face name to use for function names.

Face: font-lock-function-name-face

Font Lock mode face used to highlight function names.

Function: allout-setup

Do fundamental Emacs session for allout auto-activation.

Establishes allout processing as part of visiting a file if
`allout-auto-activation' is non-nil, or removes it otherwise.

The proper way to use this is through customizing the setting of
`allout-auto-activation'. (fn)

Variable: read-file-name-completion-ignore-case

Non-nil means when reading a file name completion ignores case.

Variable: pop-up-windows

Non-nil means `display-buffer' should make a new window.

Function: extended-loop-p

True if an extended loop form starts at LOOP-START.

Function: sgml-guess-indent

Guess an appropriate value for `sgml-basic-offset'.
Base the guessed indentation level on the first indented tag in the buffer.
Add this to `sgml-mode-hook' for convenience.

Function: ring-size

Return the size of RING, the maximum number of elements it can contain.

Function: occur-prev

Move to the Nth (default 1) previous match in an Occur mode buffer.

Function: replace-string

Replace occurrences of FROM-STRING with TO-STRING.
Preserve case in each match if `case-replace' and `case-fold-search'
are non-nil and FROM-STRING has no uppercase letters.
(Preserving case means that if the string matched is all caps, or capitalized,
then its replacement is upcased or capitalized.)

If `replace-lax-whitespace' is non-nil, a space or spaces in the string
to be replaced will match a sequence of whitespace chars defined by the
regexp in `search-whitespace-regexp'.

In Transient Mark mode, if the mark is active, operate on the contents
of the region. Otherwise, operate from point to the end of the buffer.

Third arg DELIMITED (prefix arg if interactive), if non-nil, means replace
only matches surrounded by word boundaries.
Fourth and fifth arg START and END specify the region to operate on.

Use M-n to pull the last incremental search string to the minibuffer
that reads FROM-STRING.

This function is usually the wrong thing to use in a Lisp program.
What you probably want is a loop like this:
(while (search-forward FROM-STRING nil t)
(replace-match TO-STRING nil t))
which will run faster and will not set the mark or print anything.
(You may need a more complex loop if FROM-STRING can match the null string and TO-STRING is also null.)

Function: smtpmail-send-queued-mail

Send mail that was queued as a result of setting `smtpmail-queue-mail'.


Function: standard-display-underline

Display character C as character UC plus underlining.

Function: background-color-at-point

Return the background color of the character after point.

Function: completion-table-in-turn

Create a completion table that tries each table in TABLES in turn.

(fn &rest TABLES)

Function: custom-theme-recalc-face

Set FACE according to currently enabled custom themes.

Function: second

Return the car of the cdr of X.

Variable: sh-mode-abbrev-table

Abbrev table for `sh-mode'.

Function: cl--compiler-macro-list*

(fn FORM ARG &rest OTHERS)

Function: thumbs-dired-show

In dired, make a thumbs buffer with all files in current directory.


Function: apropos-documentation

Show symbols whose documentation contains matches for PATTERN.
PATTERN can be a word, a list of words (separated by spaces),
or a regexp (using some regexp special characters). If it is a word,
search for matches for that word as a substring. If it is a list of words,
search for matches for any two (or more) of those words.

Note that by default this command only searches in the file specified by
`internal-doc-file-name'; i.e., the etc/DOC file. With C-u prefix,
or if `apropos-do-all' is non-nil, it searches all currently defined
documentation strings.

Returns list of symbols and documentation found.

Function: window-size-fixed-p

Return non-nil if WINDOW's height is fixed.
WINDOW must be a valid window and defaults to the selected one.
Optional argument HORIZONTAL non-nil means return non-nil if
WINDOW's width is fixed.

If this function returns nil, this does not necessarily mean that
WINDOW can be resized in the desired direction. The function
`window-resizable' can tell that.

Variable: tty-defined-color-alist

An alist of defined terminal colors and their RGB values.
See the docstring of `tty-color-alist' for the details.

Variable: url-max-redirections

The maximum number of redirection requests to honor in a HTTP connection.
A negative number means to honor an unlimited number of redirection requests.

Function: easy-menu-convert-item

Memoize the value returned by `easy-menu-convert-item-1' called on ITEM.
This makes key-shortcut-caching work a *lot* better when this
conversion is done from within a filter.
This also helps when the NAME of the entry is recreated each time:
since the menu is built and traversed separately, the lookup
would always fail because the key is `equal' but not `eq'.

Function: cl-copy-tree

Make a copy of TREE.
If TREE is a cons cell, this recursively copies both its car and its cdr.
Contrast to `copy-sequence', which copies only along the cdrs. With second
argument VECP, this copies vectors as well as conses.

Function: titdic-convert

Convert a TIT dictionary of FILENAME into a Quail package.
Optional argument DIRNAME if specified is the directory name under which
the generated Quail package is saved.

(fn FILENAME &optional DIRNAME)

Function: concat

Concatenate all the arguments and make the result a string.
The result is a string whose elements are the elements of all the arguments.
Each argument may be a string or a list or vector of characters (integers).

(fn &rest SEQUENCES)

Function: mm-set-buffer-multibyte

Set the multibyte flag of the current buffer to FLAG.
If FLAG is t, this makes the buffer a multibyte buffer.
If FLAG is nil, this makes the buffer a single-byte buffer.
In these cases, the buffer contents remain unchanged as a sequence of
bytes but the contents viewed as characters do change.
If FLAG is `to', this makes the buffer a multibyte buffer by changing
all eight-bit bytes to eight-bit characters.
If the multibyte flag was really changed, undo information of the
current buffer is cleared. (fn FLAG)

Function: comint-kill-input

Kill all text from last stuff output by interpreter to point.


Function: isearch-delete-char

Discard last input item and move point back.
If no previous match was done, just beep.

Function: completion-initials-all-completions


Variable: enable-local-eval

Control processing of the "variable" `eval' in a file's local variables.
The value can be t, nil or something else.
A value of t means obey `eval' variables.
A value of nil means ignore them; anything else means query.

Function: display-selections-p

Return non-nil if DISPLAY supports selections.
A selection is a way to transfer text or other data between programs
via special system buffers called `selection' or `clipboard'.
DISPLAY can be a display name, a frame, or nil (meaning the selected
frame's display).

Function: mm-set-buffer-file-coding-system

Set the file coding-system of the current buffer to CODING-SYSTEM.
This means that when you save the buffer, it will be converted
according to CODING-SYSTEM. For a list of possible values of
CODING-SYSTEM, use M-x list-coding-systems.

If CODING-SYSTEM leaves the text conversion unspecified, or if it leaves
the end-of-line conversion unspecified, FORCE controls what to do.
If FORCE is nil, get the unspecified aspect (or aspects) from the buffer's
previous `buffer-file-coding-system' value (if it is specified there).
Otherwise, leave it unspecified.

This marks the buffer modified so that the succeeding C-x C-s
surely saves the buffer with CODING-SYSTEM. From a program, if you
don't want to mark the buffer modified, specify t for NOMODIFY.
If you know exactly what coding system you want to use,
just set the variable `buffer-file-coding-system' directly.

Function: debug-arglist

Return the argument list of DEFINITION.

Function: facemenu-set-invisible

Make the region invisible.
This sets the `invisible' text property; it can be undone with

Function: info-emacs-bug

Display the "Reporting Bugs" section of the Emacs manual in Info mode.

Function: gnus-html-prefetch-images


Function: gmm-widget-p

Non-nil if SYMBOL is a widget.


Function: abbreviate-file-name

Return a version of FILENAME shortened using `directory-abbrev-alist'.
This also substitutes "~" for the user's home directory (unless the
home directory is a root directory) and removes automounter prefixes
(see the variable `automount-dir-prefix').

Function: x-popup-dialog

Pop up a dialog box and return user's selection.
POSITION specifies which frame to use.
This is normally a mouse button event or a window or frame.
If POSITION is t, it means to use the frame the mouse is on.
The dialog box appears in the middle of the specified frame.

CONTENTS specifies the alternatives to display in the dialog box.
It is a list of the form (DIALOG ITEM1 ITEM2...).
Each ITEM is a cons cell (STRING . VALUE).
The return value is VALUE from the chosen item.

An ITEM may also be just a string--that makes a nonselectable item.
An ITEM may also be nil--that means to put all preceding items
on the left of the dialog box and all following items on the right.
(By default, approximately half appear on each side.)

If HEADER is non-nil, the frame title for the box is "Information",
otherwise it is "Question".

If the user gets rid of the dialog box without making a valid choice,
for instance using the window manager, then this produces a quit and `x-popup-dialog' does not return. (fn POSITION CONTENTS &optional HEADER)

Function: cl-remove-if

Remove all items satisfying PREDICATE in SEQ.
This is a non-destructive function; it makes a copy of SEQ if necessary
to avoid corrupting the original SEQ.

Keywords supported: :key :count :start :end :from-end


Function: url-encode-url

Return a properly URI-encoded version of URL.
This function also performs URI normalization, e.g. converting
the scheme to lowercase if it is uppercase. Apart from
normalization, if URL is already URI-encoded, this function
should return it unchanged.

Function: url-telnet

(fn URL)

Function: time-add

Add two time values T1 and T2. One should represent a time difference.

Function: cvs-dired-noselect

Run `cvs-examine' if DIR is a CVS administrative directory.
The exact behavior is determined also by `cvs-dired-use-hook'.

Function: widget-get

In WIDGET, get the value of PROPERTY.
The value could either be specified when the widget was created, or
later with `widget-put'.


Function: Man-bookmark-jump

Default bookmark handler for Man buffers.


Variable: auto-mode-alist

Alist of filename patterns vs corresponding major mode functions.
Each element looks like (REGEXP . FUNCTION) or (REGEXP FUNCTION NON-NIL).
(NON-NIL stands for anything that is not nil; the value does not matter.)
Visiting a file whose name matches REGEXP specifies FUNCTION as the
mode function to use. FUNCTION will be called, unless it is nil.

If the element has the form (REGEXP FUNCTION NON-NIL), then after
calling FUNCTION (if it's not nil), we delete the suffix that matched
REGEXP and search the list again for another match.

The extensions whose FUNCTION is `archive-mode' should also
appear in `auto-coding-alist' with `no-conversion' coding system.

See also `interpreter-mode-alist', which detects executable script modes
based on the interpreters they specify to run,
and `magic-mode-alist', which determines modes based on file contents.

Variable: max-mini-window-height

Maximum height for resizing mini-windows (the minibuffer and the echo area).
If a float, it specifies a fraction of the mini-window frame's height.
If an integer, it specifies a number of lines.

Variable: terminal-frame

The initial frame-object, which represents Emacs's stdout.

Variable: print-gensym

Non-nil means print uninterned symbols so they will read as uninterned.
I.e., the value of (make-symbol "foobar") prints as #:foobar.
When the uninterned symbol appears within a recursive data structure,
and the symbol appears more than once, in addition use the #N# and #N=
constructs as needed, so that multiple references to the same symbol are
shared once again when the text is read back.

Function: coding-system-put

Change value in CODING-SYSTEM's property list PROP to VAL.


Function: getf

Search PROPLIST for property PROPNAME; return its value or DEFAULT.
PROPLIST is a list of the sort returned by `symbol-plist'.


Function: url-generic-parse-url

Return an URL-struct of the parts of URL.
The CL-style struct contains the following fields:

TYPE is the URI scheme (string or nil).
USER is the user name (string or nil).
PASSWORD is the password (string [deprecated] or nil).
HOST is the host (a registered name, IP literal in square
brackets, or IPv4 address in dotted-decimal form).
PORTSPEC is the specified port (a number), or nil.
FILENAME is the path AND the query component of the URI.
TARGET is the fragment identifier component (used to refer to a
subordinate resource, e.g. a part of a webpage).
ATTRIBUTES is nil; this slot originally stored the attribute and
value alists for IMAP URIs, but this feature was removed
since it conflicts with RFC 3986.
FULLNESS is non-nil iff the hierarchical sequence component of
the URL starts with two slashes, "//".

The parser follows RFC 3986, except that it also tries to handle
URIs that are not fully specified (e.g. lacking TYPE), and it
does not check for or perform %-encoding.

Here is an example. The URL


parses to

TYPE = "foo"
USER = "bob"
PASSWORD = "pass"
HOST = "example.com" PORTSPEC = 42 FILENAME = "/a/b/c.dtb?type=animal&name=narwhal" TARGET = "nose" ATTRIBUTES = nil FULLNESS = t

Function: ispell-buffer

Check the current buffer for spelling errors interactively.


Function: forward-sentence

Move forward to next end of sentence. With argument, repeat.
With negative argument, move backward repeatedly to start of sentence.

The variable `sentence-end' is a regular expression that matches ends of
sentences. Also, every paragraph boundary terminates sentences as well.

Function: subst-char-in-string

Replace FROMCHAR with TOCHAR in STRING each time it occurs.
Unless optional argument INPLACE is non-nil, return a new string.

Function: byte-to-string

Convert arg BYTE to a unibyte string containing that byte.

(fn BYTE)

Function: cl-adjoin

Return ITEM consed onto the front of LIST only if it's not already there.
Otherwise, return LIST unmodified.

Keywords supported: :test :test-not :key


Function: toggle-indicate-empty-lines

Toggle whether to indicate trailing empty lines in fringe, globally.
In an interactive call, record this option as a candidate for saving
by "Save Options" in Custom buffers.

Function: jit-lock-force-redisplay

Force the display engine to re-render buffer BUF from START to END.

Variable: holiday-local-holidays

Local holidays.
See the documentation for `calendar-holidays' for details.

Function: ebrowse-tags-search

Search for REGEXP in all files in a tree.
If marked classes exist, process marked classes, only.
If regular expression is nil, repeat last search.

Function: ebrowse-tree-mode

Major mode for Ebrowse class tree buffers.
Each line corresponds to a class in a class tree.
Letters do not insert themselves, they are commands.
File operations in the tree buffer work on class tree data structures.
E.g.C-x C-s writes the tree to the file it was loaded from.

Tree mode key bindings:

Uses keymap `ebrowse-tree-mode-map', which is not currently defined. (fn)

Function: make-obsolete

Make the byte-compiler warn that function OBSOLETE-NAME is obsolete.
OBSOLETE-NAME should be a function name or macro name (a symbol).

The warning will say that CURRENT-NAME should be used instead.
If CURRENT-NAME is a string, that is the `use instead' message
(it should end with a period, and not start with a capital).
WHEN should be a string indicating when the function
was first made obsolete, for example a date or a release number.


Function: make-bool-vector

Return a new bool-vector of length LENGTH, using INIT for each element.
LENGTH must be a number. INIT matters only in whether it is t or nil.


Face: mouse

Basic face for the mouse color under X.

Function: byte-compile-progn

(fn FORM)

Variable: dabbrev-abbrev-skip-leading-regexp

Regexp for skipping leading characters of an abbreviation.

Example: Set this to "\\$" for programming languages
in which variable names may appear with or without a leading `$'.
(For example, in Makefiles.)

Set this to nil if no characters should be skipped.

Function: cl-substitute

Substitute NEW for OLD in SEQ.
This is a non-destructive function; it makes a copy of SEQ if necessary
to avoid corrupting the original SEQ.

Keywords supported: :test :test-not :key :count :start :end :from-end


Function: minibuffer-history-isearch-setup

Set up a minibuffer for using isearch to search the minibuffer history.
Intended to be added to `minibuffer-setup-hook'.

Function: pr-toggle-faces

Toggle printing with faces.


Variable: hippie-expand-try-functions-list

The list of expansion functions tried in order by `hippie-expand'.
To change the behavior of `hippie-expand', remove, change the order of,
or insert functions in this list.

Function: standard-display-g1

Display character C as character SC in the g1 character set.
This function assumes that your terminal uses the SO/SI characters;
it is meaningless for an X frame.

Function: eieio-defgeneric

Obsolete work part of an old version of the `defgeneric' macro.

Variable: help-mode-hook

Hook run by `help-mode'.

Variable: vc-git-error-regexp-alist

Value of `compilation-error-regexp-alist' in *vc-git* buffers.

Function: cl--compiler-macro-assoc

(fn FORM A LIST &rest KEYS)

Variable: grep-find-use-xargs

How to invoke find and grep.
If `exec', use `find -exec {} ;'.
If `exec-plus' use `find -exec {} +'.
If `gnu', use `find -print0' and `xargs -0'.
Any other value means to use `find -print' and `xargs'.

This variable's value takes effect when `grep-compute-defaults' is called.

Function: auto-fill-mode

Toggle automatic line breaking (Auto Fill mode).
With a prefix argument ARG, enable Auto Fill mode if ARG is
positive, and disable it otherwise. If called from Lisp, enable
the mode if ARG is omitted or nil.

When Auto Fill mode is enabled, inserting a space at a column
beyond `current-fill-column' automatically breaks the line at a
previous space.

When `auto-fill-mode' is on, the `auto-fill-function' variable is

The value of `normal-auto-fill-function' specifies the function to use
for `auto-fill-function' when turning Auto Fill mode on.

Function: sh-reset-indent-vars-to-global-values

Reset local indentation variables to the global values.
Then, if variable `sh-make-vars-local' is non-nil, make them local.

Function: gnus-mode-string-quote

Quote all "%"'s in STRING.

Function: mm-annotationp

Do nothing and return nil.
This function accepts any number of arguments, but ignores them.

Function: cl-hash-table-count

Return the number of elements in TABLE.

(fn TABLE)

Function: isearch-yank-word-or-char

Pull next character, subword or word from buffer into search string.
Subword is used when `subword-mode' is activated.

Function: tramp-unload-tramp

Discard Tramp from loading remote files.


Function: manual-entry

Get a Un*x manual page and put it in a buffer.
This command is the top-level command in the man package. It
runs a Un*x command to retrieve and clean a manpage in the
background and places the results in a `Man-mode' browsing
buffer. See variable `Man-notify-method' for what happens when
the buffer is ready. If a buffer already exists for this man
page, it will display immediately.

For a manpage from a particular section, use either of the
following. "cat(1)" is how cross-references appear and is
passed to man as "1 cat".

1 cat

To see manpages from all sections related to a subject, use an
"all pages" option (which might be "-a" if it's not the
default), then step through with `Man-next-manpage' (
Uses keymap `Man-mode-map', which is not currently defined.
M-x Man-next-manpage) etc.
Add to `Man-switches' to make this option permanent.

-a chmod

An explicit filename can be given too. Use -l if it might
otherwise look like a page name.

-l somefile.1

An "apropos" query with -k gives a buffer of matching page names or descriptions. The pattern argument is usually an "egrep" style regexp. -k pattern (fn MAN-ARGS)

Function: ange-ftp-reread-dir

Reread remote directory DIR to update the directory cache.
The implementation of remote FTP file names caches directory contents
for speed. Therefore, when new remote files are created, Emacs
may not know they exist. You can use this command to reread a specific
directory, so that Emacs will know its current contents.
(fn &optional DIR)

Function: process-query-on-exit-flag

Return the current value of query-on-exit flag for PROCESS.


Function: set-char-table-range

Set the value in CHAR-TABLE for a range of characters RANGE to VALUE.
RANGE should be t (for all characters), nil (for the default value),
a cons of character codes (for characters in the range),
or a character code. Return VALUE.


Function: url-parse-make-urlobj


Function: package-show-package-list

Display PACKAGES in a *Packages* buffer.
This is similar to `list-packages', but it does not fetch the
updated list of packages, and it only displays packages with
names in PACKAGES (which should be a list of symbols).

Function: cddddr

Return the `cdr' of the `cdr' of the `cdr' of the `cdr' of X.

(fn X)

Function: tabulated-list-print-fake-header

Insert a fake Tabulated List "header line" at the start of the buffer.


Function: scroll-bar-scroll-up

Scroll the line next to the scroll bar click to the top of the window.
EVENT should be a scroll bar click.

Function: lpr-customize

Customization of the `lpr' group.

(fn &rest IGNORE)

Function: comint-redirect-send-command

Send COMMAND to process in current buffer, with output to OUTPUT-BUFFER.
With prefix arg ECHO, echo output in process buffer.

If NO-DISPLAY is non-nil, do not show the output buffer.


Function: get-lru-window

Return the least recently used window on frames specified by ALL-FRAMES.
Return a full-width window if possible. A minibuffer window is
never a candidate. A dedicated window is never a candidate
unless DEDICATED is non-nil, so if all windows are dedicated, the
value is nil. Avoid returning the selected window if possible.
Optional argument NOT-SELECTED non-nil means never return the
selected window.

The following non-nil values of the optional argument ALL-FRAMES
have special meanings:

- t means consider all windows on all existing frames.

- `visible' means consider all windows on all visible frames on
the current terminal.

- 0 (the number zero) means consider all windows on all visible
and iconified frames on the current terminal.

- A frame means consider all windows on that frame only.

Any other value of ALL-FRAMES means consider all windows on the selected frame and no others.

Variable: mode-line-end-spaces

Mode line construct to put at the end of the mode line.

Function: x-disown-selection-internal

If we own the selection SELECTION, disown it.
Disowning it means there is no such selection.

Sets the last-change time for the selection to TIME-OBJECT (by default
the time of the last event).

TERMINAL should be a terminal object or a frame specifying the X
server to query. If omitted or nil, that stands for the selected
frame's display, or the first available X display.

On Nextstep, the TIME-OBJECT and TERMINAL arguments are unused.
On MS-DOS, all this does is return non-nil if we own the selection.

Variable: mode-line-format

Template for displaying mode line for current buffer.

The value may be nil, a string, a symbol or a list.

A value of nil means don't display a mode line.

For any symbol other than t or nil, the symbol's value is processed as
a mode line construct. As a special exception, if that value is a
string, the string is processed verbatim, without handling any
%-constructs (see below). Also, unless the symbol has a non-nil
`risky-local-variable' property, all properties in any strings, as
well as all :eval and :propertize forms in the value, are ignored.

A list whose car is a string or list is processed by processing each
of the list elements recursively, as separate mode line constructs,
and concatenating the results.

A list of the form `(:eval FORM)' is processed by evaluating FORM and
using the result as a mode line construct. Be careful--FORM should
not load any files, because that can cause an infinite recursion.

A list of the form `(:propertize ELT PROPS...)' is processed by
processing ELT as the mode line construct, and adding the text
properties PROPS to the result.

A list whose car is a symbol is processed by examining the symbol's
value, and, if that value is non-nil, processing the cadr of the list
recursively; and if that value is nil, processing the caddr of the
list recursively.

A list whose car is an integer is processed by processing the cadr of
the list, and padding (if the number is positive) or truncating (if
negative) to the width specified by that number.

A string is printed verbatim in the mode line except for %-constructs:
%b -- print buffer name. %f -- print visited file name.
%F -- print frame name.
%* -- print %, * or hyphen. %+ -- print *, % or hyphen.
%& is like %*, but ignore read-only-ness.
% means buffer is read-only and * means it is modified.
For a modified read-only buffer, %* gives % and %+ gives *.
%s -- print process status. %l -- print the current line number.
%c -- print the current column number (this makes editing slower).
To make the column number update correctly in all cases,
`column-number-mode' must be non-nil.
%i -- print the size of the buffer.
%I -- like %i, but use k, M, G, etc., to abbreviate.
%p -- print percent of buffer above top of window, or Top, Bot or All.
%P -- print percent of buffer above bottom of window, perhaps plus Top,
or print Bottom or All.
%n -- print Narrow if appropriate.
%t -- visited file is text or binary (if OS supports this distinction).
%z -- print mnemonics of keyboard, terminal, and buffer coding systems.
%Z -- like %z, but including the end-of-line format.
%e -- print error message about full memory.
%@ -- print @ or hyphen. @ means that default-directory is on a remote machine. %[ -- print one [ for each recursive editing level. %] similar. %% -- print %. %- -- print infinitely many dashes. Decimal digits after the % specify field width to which to pad.

Function: set-file-selinux-context

Set SELinux context of file named FILENAME to CONTEXT.
CONTEXT should be a list (USER ROLE TYPE RANGE), where the list
elements are strings naming the components of a SELinux context.

This function does nothing if SELinux is disabled, or if Emacs was not
compiled with SELinux support.

Function: cl-signum

Return 1 if X is positive, -1 if negative, 0 if zero.

(fn X)

Variable: three-step-help

Non-nil means give more info about Help command in three steps.
The three steps are simple prompt, prompt with all options, and
window listing and describing the options.
A value of nil means skip the middle step, so that C-h C-h
gives the window that lists the options.

Variable: buffer-auto-save-file-name

Name of file for auto-saving current buffer.
If it is nil, that means don't auto-save this buffer.

Function: asin

Return the inverse sine of ARG.

(fn ARG)

Function: numberp

Return t if OBJECT is a number (floating point or integer).


Function: byte-compile-top-level


Function: vc-git-annotate-time


Function: selected-terminal

Return the terminal that is now selected.

Variable: undo-equiv-table

Table mapping redo records to the corresponding undo one.
A redo record for undo-in-region maps to t.
A redo record for ordinary undo maps to the following (earlier) undo.

Variable: tex-main-file

The main TeX source file which includes this buffer's file.
The command `tex-file' runs TeX on the file specified by `tex-main-file'
if the variable is non-nil.

Variable: erc-ctcp-query-DCC-hook

Hook variable for CTCP DCC queries.

Function: diary

Generate the diary window for ARG days starting with the current date.
If no argument is provided, the number of days of diary entries is governed
by the variable `diary-number-of-entries'. A value of ARG less than 1
does nothing. This function is suitable for execution in an init file.

(fn &optional ARG)

Function: face-spec-set-match-display

Non-nil if DISPLAY matches FRAME.
DISPLAY is part of a spec such as can be used in `defface'.
If FRAME is nil, the current FRAME is used.

Function: ignore

Do nothing and return nil.
This function accepts any number of arguments, but ignores them.

Function: gnus-remove-text-with-property

Delete all text in the current buffer with text property PROP.

Function: View-scroll-line-backward

Scroll backward one line (or prefix LINES lines) in View mode.
See also `View-scroll-line-forward'.

Function: multi-isearch-read-matching-files

Return a list of files whose names match specified wildcard.

Variable: Info-tag-table-marker

Marker pointing at beginning of current Info file's tag table.
Marker points nowhere if file has no tag table.

Function: list*

Return a new list with specified ARGs as elements, consed to last ARG.
Thus, `(cl-list* A B C D)' is equivalent to `(nconc (list A B C) D)', or to
`(cons A (cons B (cons C D)))'.
(fn ARG...)

Function: remove-duplicates

Return a copy of SEQ with all duplicate elements removed.

Keywords supported: :test :test-not :key :start :end :from-end


Variable: holiday-general-holidays

General holidays. Default value is for the United States.
See the documentation for `calendar-holidays' for details.

Function: dired-other-window

"Edit" directory DIRNAME. Like `dired' but selects in another window.

(fn DIRNAME &optional SWITCHES)

Face: tool-bar

Basic tool-bar face.

Variable: sh-mode-hook

Hook run by `sh-mode'.

Variable: sgml-transformation-function

Default value for `skeleton-transformation-function' in SGML mode.

Variable: x-last-selected-text-primary

The value of the PRIMARY X selection last time we selected or
pasted text.

Variable: register-separator

Register containing the text to put between collected texts, or nil if none.

When collecting text with
`append-to-register' (resp. `prepend-to-register') contents of
this register is added to the beginning (resp. end) of the marked text.

Function: ido-insert-file

Insert contents of file in current buffer.
The file name is selected interactively by typing a substring.
For details of keybindings, see `ido-find-file'. (fn)

Function: marker-buffer

Return the buffer that MARKER points into, or nil if none.
Returns nil if MARKER points into a dead buffer.


Face: italic

Basic italic face.

Function: cl-cdaar

Return the `cdr' of the `car' of the `car' of X.

(fn X)

Function: choose-completion

Choose the completion at point.

Function: org-toggle-sticky-agenda

Toggle `org-agenda-sticky'.

(fn &optional ARG)

Variable: keypad-numlock-shifted-setup

Specifies the keypad setup for shifted keypad keys when NumLock is off.
When selecting the plain numeric keypad setup, the character returned by the
decimal key must be specified.

Function: set-process-inherit-coding-system-flag

Determine whether buffer of PROCESS will inherit coding-system.
If the second argument FLAG is non-nil, then the variable
`buffer-file-coding-system' of the buffer associated with PROCESS
will be bound to the value of the coding system used to decode
the process output.

This is useful when the coding system specified for the process buffer
leaves either the character code conversion or the end-of-line conversion
unspecified, or if the coding system used to decode the process output
is more appropriate for saving the process buffer.

Binding the variable `inherit-process-coding-system' to non-nil before
starting the process is an alternative way of setting the inherit flag
for the process which will run. This function returns FLAG. (fn PROCESS FLAG)

Function: overwrite-mode

Toggle Overwrite mode.
With a prefix argument ARG, enable Overwrite mode if ARG is
positive, and disable it otherwise. If called from Lisp, enable
the mode if ARG is omitted or nil.

When Overwrite mode is enabled, printing characters typed in
replace existing text on a one-for-one basis, rather than pushing
it to the right. At the end of a line, such characters extend
the line. Before a tab, such characters insert until the tab is
filled in. C-q still inserts characters in
overwrite mode; this is supposed to make it easier to insert characters when necessary.

Variable: overwrite-mode

Non-nil if self-insertion should replace existing text.
The value should be one of `overwrite-mode-textual',
`overwrite-mode-binary', or nil.
If it is `overwrite-mode-textual', self-insertion still
inserts at the end of a line, and inserts when point is before a tab,
until the tab is filled in.
If `overwrite-mode-binary', self-insertion replaces newlines and tabs too.

Variable: lisp-indent-lambda-list-keywords-regexp

Regular expression matching lambda-list keywords.

Function: sgml-tag-help

Display description of tag TAG. If TAG is omitted, use the tag at point.

Variable: sgml-tag-help

Alist of tag name and short description.

Function: org-reload

Reload all org lisp files.
With prefix arg UNCOMPILED, load the uncompiled versions.

(fn &optional UNCOMPILED)

Function: find-file-other-window

Edit file FILENAME, in another window.

Like C-x C-f (which see), but creates a new window or reuses
an existing one. See the function `display-buffer'.

Interactively, the default if you just type RET is the current directory,
but the visited file name is available through the minibuffer history:
type M-n to pull it into the minibuffer.

Interactively, or if WILDCARDS is non-nil in a call from Lisp,
expand wildcards (if any) and visit multiple files.

Variable: emacs-major-version

Major version number of this version of Emacs.
This variable first existed in version 19.23.

Function: plusp

Return t if NUMBER is positive.


Function: facemenu-set-default

Select face `default' for subsequent insertion.
If the mark is active and there is no prefix argument,
apply face `default' to the region instead.
This command was defined by `facemenu-add-new-face'.

Function: next-complete-history-element

Get next history element which completes the minibuffer before the point.
The contents of the minibuffer after the point are deleted, and replaced
by the new completion.

Function: todo-insert-item

Insert new TODO list entry.
With a prefix argument ARG solicit the category, otherwise use the current
(fn ARG)

Function: mode-line-modified-help-echo

Return help text specifying WINDOW's buffer modification status.

Function: transient-mark-mode

Toggle Transient Mark mode.
With a prefix argument ARG, enable Transient Mark mode if ARG is
positive, and disable it otherwise. If called from Lisp, enable
Transient Mark mode if ARG is omitted or nil.

Transient Mark mode is a global minor mode. When enabled, the
region is highlighted whenever the mark is active. The mark is
"deactivated" by changing the buffer, and after certain other
operations that set the mark but whose main purpose is something
else--for example, incremental search, M-<, and M->.

You can also deactivate the mark by typing C-g or

Many commands change their behavior when Transient Mark mode is
in effect and the mark is active, by acting on the region instead
of their usual default part of the buffer's text. Examples of
such commands include M-;, M-x flush-lines, M-x keep-lines,
M-%, C-M-%, M-x ispell, and C-x u.
To see the documentation of commands which are sensitive to the
Transient Mark mode, invoke C-h d and type "transient" or "mark.*active" at the prompt.

Variable: transient-mark-mode

Non-nil if Transient Mark mode is enabled.
See the command `transient-mark-mode' for a description of this minor mode.

Non-nil also enables highlighting of the region whenever the mark is active.
The variable `highlight-nonselected-windows' controls whether to highlight
all windows or just the selected window.

Lisp programs may give this variable certain special values:

- A value of `lambda' enables Transient Mark mode temporarily.
It is disabled again after any subsequent action that would
normally deactivate the mark (e.g. buffer modification).

- A value of (only . OLDVAL) enables Transient Mark mode
temporarily. After any subsequent point motion command that is
not shift-translated, or any other action that would normally
deactivate the mark (e.g. buffer modification), the value of `transient-mark-mode' is set to OLDVAL.

Variable: mouse-wheel-progressive-speed

If non-nil, the faster the user moves the wheel, the faster the scrolling.
Note that this has no effect when `mouse-wheel-scroll-amount' specifies
a "near full screen" scroll or when the mouse wheel sends key instead
of button events.

Function: set-left-margin

Set the left margin of the region to WIDTH.
If `auto-fill-mode' is active, re-fill the region to fit the new margin.

Interactively, WIDTH is the prefix argument, if specified.
Without prefix argument, the command prompts for WIDTH.

Variable: set-language-environment-hook

Normal hook run after some language environment is set.

When you set some hook function here, that effect usually should not
be inherited to another language environment. So, you had better set
another function in `exit-language-environment-hook' (which see) to
cancel the effect.

Function: reposition-window

Make the current definition and/or comment visible.
Further invocations move it to the top of the window or toggle the
visibility of comments that precede it.
Point is left unchanged unless prefix ARG is supplied.
If the definition is fully onscreen, it is moved to the top of the
window. If it is partly offscreen, the window is scrolled to get the
definition (or as much as will fit) onscreen, unless point is in a comment
which is also partly offscreen, in which case the scrolling attempts to get
as much of the comment onscreen as possible.
Initially `reposition-window' attempts to make both the definition and
preceding comments visible. Further invocations toggle the visibility of
the comment lines.
If ARG is non-nil, point may move in order to make the whole defun
visible (if only part could otherwise be made so), to make the defun line
visible (if point is in code and it could not be made so, or if only
comments, including the first comment line, are visible), or to make the
first comment line visible (if point is in a comment). (fn &optional ARG)

Function: custom-declare-group

Like `defgroup', but SYMBOL is evaluated as a normal argument.

Function: minibuffer-default-add-completions

Return a list of all completions without the default value.
This function is used to add all elements of the completion table to
the end of the list of defaults just after the default value.

Function: tmm-prompt

Text-mode emulation of calling the bindings in keymap.
Creates a text-mode menu of possible choices. You can access the elements
in the menu in two ways:
*) via history mechanism from minibuffer;
*) Or via completion-buffer that is automatically shown.
The last alternative is currently a hack, you cannot use mouse reliably.

MENU is like the MENU argument to `x-popup-menu': either a
keymap or an alist of alists.
DEFAULT-ITEM, if non-nil, specifies an initial default choice.
Its value should be an event that has a binding in MENU.

Function: pr-despool-print

Send the spooled PostScript to the printer.

Interactively, when you use a prefix argument (C-u), the command prompts the
user for a file name, and saves the spooled PostScript image in that file
instead of sending it to the printer.

Noninteractively, the argument FILENAME is treated as follows: if it is nil,
send the image to the printer. If FILENAME is a string, save the PostScript
image in a file with that name. (fn &optional FILENAME)

Function: tool-bar-lines-needed

Return the number of lines occupied by the tool bar of FRAME.

(fn &optional FRAME)

Function: set-text-properties

Completely replace properties of text from START to END.
The third argument PROPERTIES is the new property list.
If the optional fourth argument OBJECT is a buffer (or nil, which means
the current buffer), START and END are buffer positions (integers or
markers). If OBJECT is a string, START and END are 0-based indices into it.
If PROPERTIES is nil, the effect is to remove all properties from
the designated part of OBJECT.


Function: pcomplete-match-string

Like `match-string', but on the current completion argument.

(fn WHICH &optional INDEX OFFSET)

Variable: zoneinfo-style-world-list

Alist of zoneinfo-style time zones and places for `display-time-world'.
Each element has the form (TIMEZONE LABEL).
TIMEZONE should be a string of the form AREA/LOCATION, where AREA is
the name of a region -- a continent or ocean, and LOCATION is the name
of a specific location, e.g., a city, within that region.
LABEL is a string to display as the label of that TIMEZONE's time.

Function: cl-mismatch

Compare SEQ1 with SEQ2, return index of first mismatching element.
Return nil if the sequences match. If one sequence is a prefix of the
other, the return value indicates the end of the shorter sequence.

Keywords supported: :test :test-not :key :start1 :end1 :start2 :end2 :from-end


Function: indian-compose-string


Function: package-initialize

Load Emacs Lisp packages, and activate them.
The variable `package-load-list' controls which packages to load.
If optional arg NO-ACTIVATE is non-nil, don't activate packages.

Variable: delete-exited-processes

Non-nil means delete processes immediately when they exit.
A value of nil means don't delete them until `list-processes' is run.

Variable: input-method-alist

Alist of input method names vs how to use them.
Each element has the form:
See the function `register-input-method' for the meanings of the elements.

Function: delete-other-windows-vertically

Delete the windows in the same column with WINDOW, but not WINDOW itself.
This may be a useful alternative binding for C-x 1
if you often split windows horizontally.

Function: sh-prev-thing

Return the previous thing this logical line.

Function: comint-quote-filename

Return FILENAME with magic characters quoted.
Magic characters are those in `comint-file-name-quote-list'.


Variable: font-lock-unfontify-region-function

Function to use for unfontifying a region.
It should take two args, the beginning and end of the region.
This is normally set via `font-lock-defaults'.

Function: sdb

Run sdb on program FILE in buffer *gud-FILE*.
The directory containing FILE becomes the initial working directory
and source-file directory for your debugger.


Function: assoc

Return non-nil if KEY is `equal' to the car of an element of LIST.
The value is actually the first element of LIST whose car equals KEY.


Function: isearch-describe-mode

Display documentation of Isearch mode.

Function: syntax-ppss-toplevel-pos

Get the latest syntactically outermost position found in a syntactic scan.
PPSS is a scan state, as returned by `parse-partial-sexp' or `syntax-ppss'.
An "outermost position" means one that it is outside of any syntactic entity:
outside of any parentheses, comments, or strings encountered in the scan.
If no such position is recorded in PPSS (because the end of the scan was
itself at the outermost level), return nil. (fn PPSS)

Function: remote-compile

Compile the current buffer's directory on HOST. Log in as USER.
See M-x compile.


Function: org-cycle

TAB-action and visibility cycling for Org-mode.

This is the command invoked in Org-mode by the TAB key. Its main purpose
is outline visibility cycling, but it also invokes other actions
in special contexts.

- When this function is called with a prefix argument, rotate the entire
buffer through 3 states (global cycling)
1. OVERVIEW: Show only top-level headlines.
2. CONTENTS: Show all headlines of all levels, but no body text.
3. SHOW ALL: Show everything.
When called with two `C-u C-u' prefixes, switch to the startup visibility,
determined by the variable `org-startup-folded', and by any VISIBILITY
properties in the buffer.
When called with three `C-u C-u C-u' prefixed, show the entire buffer,
including any drawers.

- When inside a table, re-align the table and move to the next field.

- When point is at the beginning of a headline, rotate the subtree started
by this line through 3 different states (local cycling)
1. FOLDED: Only the main headline is shown.
2. CHILDREN: The main headline and the direct children are shown.
From this state, you can move to one of the children
and zoom in further.
3. SUBTREE: Show the entire subtree, including body text.
If there is no subtree, switch directly from CHILDREN to FOLDED.

- When point is at the beginning of an empty headline and the variable
`org-cycle-level-after-item/entry-creation' is set, cycle the level
of the headline by demoting and promoting it to likely levels. This
speeds up creation document structure by pressing TAB once or several
times right after creating a new headline.

- When there is a numeric prefix, go up to a heading with level ARG, do
a `show-subtree' and return to the previous cursor position. If ARG
is negative, go up that many levels.

- When point is not at the beginning of a headline, execute the global
binding for TAB, which is re-indenting the line. See the option
`org-cycle-emulate-tab' for details.

- Special case: if point is at the beginning of the buffer and there is
no headline in line 1, this function will act as if called with prefix arg (C-u TAB, same as S-TAB) also when called without prefix arg. But only if also the variable `org-cycle-global-at-bob' is t. (fn &optional ARG)

Variable: hscroll-margin

How many columns away from the window edge point is allowed to get
before automatic hscrolling will horizontally scroll the window.

Function: menu-set-font

Interactively select a font and make it the default.

Function: strokes-compose-complex-stroke

Read a complex stroke and insert its glyph into the current buffer.


Function: what-domain

Convert mail domain DOMAIN to the country it corresponds to.


Function: read-face-and-attribute

Read face name and face attribute value.
ATTRIBUTE is the attribute whose new value is read.
FRAME nil or unspecified means read attribute value of global face.
Value is a list (FACE NEW-VALUE) where FACE is the face read
(a symbol), and NEW-VALUE is value read.

Function: conf-mode

Mode for Unix and Windows Conf files and Java properties.
Most conf files know only three kinds of constructs: parameter
assignments optionally grouped into sections and comments. Yet
there is a great range of variation in the exact syntax of conf
files. See below for various wrapper commands that set up the
details for some of the most widespread variants.

This mode sets up font locking, outline, imenu and it provides
alignment support through `conf-align-assignments'. If strings
come out wrong, try `conf-quote-normal'.

Some files allow continuation lines, either with a backslash at
the end of line, or by indenting the next line (further). These
constructs cannot currently be recognized.

Because of this great variety of nuances, which are often not
even clearly specified, please don't expect it to get every file
quite right. Patches that clearly identify some special case,
without breaking the general ones, are welcome.

If instead you start this mode with the generic `conf-mode'
command, it will parse the buffer. It will generally well
identify the first four cases listed below. If the buffer
doesn't have enough contents to decide, this is identical to
`conf-windows-mode' on Windows, elsewhere to `conf-unix-mode'.
See also `conf-space-mode', `conf-colon-mode', `conf-javaprop-mode',
`conf-ppd-mode' and `conf-xdefaults-mode'. Uses keymap `conf-mode-map', which is not currently defined. (fn)

Function: set-frame-parameter

Set frame parameter PARAMETER to VALUE on FRAME.
If FRAME is nil, it defaults to the selected frame.
See `modify-frame-parameters'.

Function: sh-help-string-for-variable

Construct a string for `sh-read-variable' when changing variable VAR .

Function: object-print

Pretty printer for object THIS. Call function `object-name' with STRINGS.

It is sometimes useful to put a summary of the object into the
default # string when using EIEIO browsing tools.
Implement this method to customize the summary.

Function: completion-table-case-fold

Return new completion TABLE that is case insensitive.
If DONT-FOLD is non-nil, return a completion table that is
case sensitive instead.

(fn TABLE &optional DONT-FOLD)

Function: ethio-write-file

Transliterate Ethiopic characters in ASCII depending on the file extension.


Function: set-temporary-overlay-map

Set MAP as a temporary keymap taking precedence over most other keymaps.
Note that this does NOT take precedence over the "overriding" maps
`overriding-terminal-local-map' and `overriding-local-map' (or the
`keymap' text property). Unlike those maps, if no match for a key is
found in MAP, the normal key lookup sequence then continues.

Normally, MAP is used only once. If the optional argument
KEEP-PRED is t, MAP stays active if a key from MAP is used.
KEEP-PRED can also be a function of no arguments: if it returns non-nil then MAP stays active.

Function: scan-lists

Scan from character number FROM by COUNT lists.
Scan forward if COUNT is positive, backward if COUNT is negative.
Return the character number of the position thus found.

A "list", in this context, refers to a balanced parenthetical
grouping, as determined by the syntax table.

If DEPTH is nonzero, treat that as the nesting depth of the starting
point (i.e. the starting point is DEPTH parentheses deep). This
function scans over parentheses until the depth goes to zero COUNT
times. Hence, positive DEPTH moves out that number of levels of
parentheses, while negative DEPTH moves to a deeper level.

Comments are ignored if `parse-sexp-ignore-comments' is non-nil.

If we reach the beginning or end of the accessible part of the buffer
before we have scanned over COUNT lists, return nil if the depth at
that point is zero, and signal a error if the depth is nonzero. (fn FROM COUNT DEPTH)

Variable: minibuffer-allow-text-properties

Non-nil means `read-from-minibuffer' should not discard text properties.
This also affects `read-string', but it does not affect `read-minibuffer',
`read-no-blanks-input', or any of the functions that do minibuffer input
with completion; they always discard text properties.

Function: modify-category-entry

Modify the category set of CHARACTER by adding CATEGORY to it.
The category is changed only for table TABLE, which defaults to
the current buffer's category table.
CHARACTER can be either a single character or a cons representing the
lower and upper ends of an inclusive character range to modify.
If optional fourth argument RESET is non-nil,
then delete CATEGORY from the category set instead of adding it.


Function: multibyte-string-p

Return t if OBJECT is a multibyte string.


Function: sort-paragraphs

Sort paragraphs in region alphabetically; argument means descending order.
Called from a program, there are three arguments:
REVERSE (non-nil means reverse order), BEG and END (region to sort).
The variable `sort-fold-case' determines whether alphabetic case affects
the sort order.


Function: cvs-quickdir

Open a *cvs* buffer on DIR without running cvs.
With a prefix argument, prompt for a directory to use.
A prefix arg >8 (ex: C-u C-u),
prevents reuse of an existing *cvs* buffer.
Optional argument NOSHOW if non-nil means not to display the buffer.
FLAGS is ignored.

(fn DIR &optional FLAGS NOSHOW)

Function: button-put

Set BUTTON's PROP property to VAL.

Function: run-window-configuration-change-hook

Run `window-configuration-change-hook' for FRAME.

(fn FRAME)

Function: Info-file-supports-index-cookies

Return non-nil value if FILE supports Info index cookies.
Info index cookies were first introduced in 4.7, and all later
makeinfo versions output them in index nodes, so we can rely
solely on the makeinfo version. This function caches the information
in `Info-file-supports-index-cookies-list'.

Variable: Info-file-supports-index-cookies

Non-nil if current Info file supports index cookies.

Function: cl-caaadr

Return the `car' of the `car' of the `car' of the `cdr' of X.

(fn X)

Function: tabulated-list-set-col

Change the Tabulated List entry at point, setting COL to DESC.
COL is the column number to change, or the name of the column to change.
DESC is the new column descriptor, which is inserted via

If CHANGE-ENTRY-DATA is non-nil, modify the underlying entry data
by setting the appropriate slot of the vector originally used to
print this entry. If `tabulated-list-entries' has a list value,
this is the vector stored within it.


Function: todo-add-item-non-interactively

Insert NEW-ITEM in TODO list as a new entry in CATEGORY.


Function: display-buffer-at-bottom

Try displaying BUFFER in a window at the bottom of the selected frame.
This either splits the window at the bottom of the frame or the
frame's root window, or reuses an existing window at the bottom
of the selected frame.

Function: get-buffer-window-list

Return list of all windows displaying BUFFER-OR-NAME, or nil if none.
BUFFER-OR-NAME may be a buffer or the name of an existing buffer
and defaults to the current buffer. Windows are scanned starting
with the selected window.

MINIBUF t means include the minibuffer window even if the
minibuffer is not active. MINIBUF nil or omitted means include
the minibuffer window only if the minibuffer is active. Any
other value means do not include the minibuffer window even if
the minibuffer is active.

ALL-FRAMES nil or omitted means consider all windows on the
selected frame, plus the minibuffer window if specified by the
MINIBUF argument. If the minibuffer counts, consider all windows
on all frames that share that minibuffer too. The following
non-nil values of ALL-FRAMES have special meanings:

- t means consider all windows on all existing frames.

- `visible' means consider all windows on all visible frames on
the current terminal.

- 0 (the number zero) means consider all windows on all visible
and iconified frames on the current terminal.

- A frame means consider all windows on that frame only. Anything else means consider all windows on the selected frame and no others.

Function: Info-install-speedbar-variables

Install those variables used by speedbar to enhance Info.

Function: package-menu-mark-unmark

Clear any marks on a package and move to the next line.

Function: occur-cease-edit

Switch from Occur Edit mode to Occur mode.

Function: alter-text-property

Programmatically change value of a text-property.
For each region between FROM and TO that has a single value for PROPERTY,
apply FUNCTION to that value and sets the property to the function's result.
Optional fifth argument OBJECT specifies the string or buffer to operate on.

Function: tibetan-transcription-to-tibetan

Convert Tibetan Roman string STR to Tibetan character string.
The returned string has no composition information.

(fn STR)

Function: erc-create-imenu-index


Function: suspend-frame

Do whatever is right to suspend the current frame.
Calls `suspend-emacs' if invoked from the controlling tty device,
`suspend-tty' from a secondary tty device, and
`iconify-or-deiconify-frame' from an X frame.

Function: tabulated-list-print-col

Insert a specified Tabulated List entry at point.
N is the column number, COL-DESC is a column descriptor (see
`tabulated-list-entries'), and X is the column number at point.
Return the column number after insertion.


Face: file-name-shadow

Face used by `file-name-shadow-mode' for the shadow.

Variable: table-load-hook

List of functions to be called after the table is first loaded.

Variable: allout-auto-activation

Configure allout outline mode auto-activation.

Control whether and how allout outline mode is automatically
activated when files are visited with non-nil buffer-specific
file variable `allout-layout'.

When allout-auto-activation is "On" (t), allout mode is
activated in buffers with non-nil `allout-layout', and the
specified layout is applied.

With value "ask", auto-mode-activation is enabled, and endorsement for
performing auto-layout is asked of the user each time.

With value "activate", only auto-mode-activation is enabled.
Auto-layout is not.

With value nil, inhibit any automatic allout-mode activation.

Function: next-matching-history-element

Find the next history element that matches REGEXP.
(The next history element refers to a more recent action.)
With prefix argument N, search for Nth next match.
If N is negative, find the previous or Nth previous match.
Normally, history elements are matched case-insensitively if
`case-fold-search' is non-nil, but an uppercase letter in REGEXP
makes the search case-sensitive.

Function: display-delayed-warnings

Display delayed warnings from `delayed-warnings-list'.
Used from `delayed-warnings-hook' (which see).

Function: comint-redirect-cleanup

End a Comint redirection. See `comint-redirect-send-command'.


Function: cl-remove

Remove all occurrences of ITEM in SEQ.
This is a non-destructive function; it makes a copy of SEQ if necessary
to avoid corrupting the original SEQ.

Keywords supported: :test :test-not :key :count :start :end :from-end


Function: font-lock-fontify-anchored-keywords

Fontify according to KEYWORDS until LIMIT.
KEYWORDS should be of the form MATCH-ANCHORED, see `font-lock-keywords',
LIMIT can be modified by the value of its PRE-MATCH-FORM.

Variable: set-mark-default-inactive

If non-nil, setting the mark does not activate it.
This option does the same thing as disabling Transient Mark mode,
and it will be removed in the near future.

Function: jka-compr-uninstall

Uninstall jka-compr.
This removes the entries in `file-name-handler-alist' and `auto-mode-alist'
and `inhibit-local-variables-suffixes' that were added
by `jka-compr-installed'.

Function: cancel-debug-on-entry

Undo effect of M-x debug-on-entry on FUNCTION.
If FUNCTION is nil, cancel debug-on-entry for all functions.
When called interactively, prompt for FUNCTION in the minibuffer.
To specify a nil argument interactively, exit with an empty minibuffer.

Function: face-spec-match-p

Return t if FACE, on FRAME, matches what SPEC says it should look like.

Function: shell-resync-dirs

Resync the buffer's idea of the current directory stack.
This command queries the shell with the command bound to
`shell-dirstack-query' (default "dirs"), reads the next
line output and parses it to form the new directory stack.
DON'T issue this command unless the buffer is at a shell prompt.
Also, note that if some other subprocess decides to do output
immediately after the query, its output will be taken as the
new directory stack -- you lose. If this happens, just do the command again. (fn)

Function: sh-while

Insert a while loop. See `sh-feature'.

This is a skeleton command (see `skeleton-insert').
Normally the skeleton text is inserted at point, with nothing "inside".
If there is a highlighted region, the skeleton text is wrapped
around the region text.

A prefix argument ARG says to wrap the skeleton around the next ARG words.
A prefix argument of -1 says to wrap around region, even if not highlighted.
A prefix argument of zero says to wrap around zero words---that is, nothing.
This is a way of overriding the use of a highlighted region.

Function: pcomplete/time

Completion for `xargs'.

Variable: initial-major-mode

Major mode command symbol to use for the initial `*scratch*' buffer.

Function: window-width

Return the width, in columns, of WINDOW's text area.
WINDOW must be a live window and defaults to the selected one.

The return value does not include any vertical dividers, fringe or
marginal areas, or scroll bars. On a graphical display, the width is
expressed as an integer multiple of the default character width.
(fn &optional WINDOW)

Function: easy-menu-always-true-p

Return true if form X never evaluates to nil.

Function: nsubst-if

Substitute NEW for elements matching PREDICATE in TREE (destructively).
Any element of TREE which matches is changed to NEW (via a call to `setcar').

Keywords supported: :key


Function: cl-random-time


Function: dnd-open-remote-url

Open a remote file with `find-file' and `url-handler-mode'.
Turns `url-handler-mode' on if not on before. The file is opened in the
current window, or a new window if `dnd-open-file-other-window' is set.
URI is the url for the file. ACTION is ignored.

Function: widget-prompt-value

Prompt for a value matching WIDGET, using PROMPT.
The current value is assumed to be VALUE, unless UNBOUND is non-nil.


Function: time-subtract

Subtract two time values, T1 minus T2.
Return the difference in the format of a time value.

Function: rsh

Open a network login connection to host named HOST (a string).
Communication with HOST is recorded in a buffer `*rsh-HOST*'.
Normally input is edited in Emacs and sent a line at a time.
(fn HOST)

Function: image-size

Return the size of image SPEC as pair (WIDTH . HEIGHT).
PIXELS non-nil means return the size in pixels, otherwise return the
size in canonical character units.
FRAME is the frame on which the image will be displayed. FRAME nil
or omitted means use the selected frame.

(fn SPEC &optional PIXELS FRAME)

Variable: tex-dvi-print-command

Command used by M-x tex-print to print a .dvi file.
If this string contains an asterisk (`*'), that is replaced by the file name;
otherwise, the file name, preceded by blank, is added at the end.

Variable: small-temporary-file-directory

The directory for writing small temporary files.
If non-nil, this directory is used instead of `temporary-file-directory'
by programs that create small temporary files. This is for systems that
have fast storage with limited space, such as a RAM disk.

Function: forward-list

Move forward across one balanced group of parentheses.
With ARG, do it that many times.
Negative arg -N means move backward across N groups of parentheses.
This command assumes point is not in a string or comment.

Function: isnan

Return non nil iff argument X is a NaN.

(fn X)

Function: sh-canonicalize-shell

Convert a shell name SHELL to the one we should handle it as.

Function: menu-bar-non-minibuffer-window-p

Return non-nil if selected window of the menu frame is not a minibuf window.

See the documentation of `menu-bar-menu-frame-live-and-visible-p'
for the definition of the menu frame.

Face: isearch-lazy-highlight-face

isearch-lazy-highlight-face is an alias for the face `lazy-highlight'.
Face for lazy highlighting of matches other than the current one.

Function: field-end

Return the end of the field surrounding POS.
A field is a region of text with the same `field' property.
If POS is nil, the value of point is used for POS.
If ESCAPE-FROM-EDGE is non-nil and POS is at the end of its field,
then the end of the *following* field is returned.
If LIMIT is non-nil, it is a buffer position; if the end of the field
is after LIMIT, then LIMIT will be returned instead.


Variable: shell-file-name

File name to load inferior shells from.
Initialized from the SHELL environment variable, or to a system-dependent
default if SHELL is not set.

Function: View-scroll-page-forward

Scroll "page size" or prefix LINES lines forward in View mode.
Exit if end of text is visible and `view-scroll-auto-exit' is non-nil.
"page size" is whole window full, or number of lines set by
M-x View-scroll-page-forward-set-page-size or
M-x View-scroll-page-backward-set-page-size.
If LINES is more than a window-full, only the last window-full is shown.

Function: font-setting-change-default-font

Change font and/or font settings for frames on display DISPLAY-OR-FRAME.
If DISPLAY-OR-FRAME is a frame, the display is the one for that frame.

If SET-FONT is non-nil, change the font for frames. Otherwise re-apply the
current form for the frame (i.e. hinting or somesuch changed).

Function: remember-other-frame

Call `remember' in another frame.

(fn &optional INITIAL)

Function: reftex-reset-scanning-information

Reset the symbols containing information from buffer scanning.
This enforces rescanning the buffer on next use.

Function: desktop-remove

Delete desktop file in `desktop-dirname'.
This function also sets `desktop-dirname' to nil.

Function: delete-window-internal

Remove WINDOW from its frame.
WINDOW defaults to the selected window. Return nil.
Signal an error when WINDOW is the only window on its frame.

Function: eieio-oset-default

Do the work for the macro `oset-default'.
Fills in the default value in CLASS' in SLOT with VALUE.

Function: insert-kbd-macro

Insert in buffer the definition of kbd macro NAME, as Lisp code.
Optional second arg KEYS means also record the keys it is on
(this is the prefix argument, when calling interactively).

This Lisp code will, when executed, define the kbd macro with the same
definition it has now. If you say to record the keys, the Lisp code
will also rebind those keys to the macro. Only global key bindings
are recorded since executing this Lisp code always makes global

To save a kbd macro, visit a file of Lisp code such as your `~/.emacs',
use this command, and then save the file. (fn MACRONAME &optional KEYS)

Function: autoloadp

Non-nil if OBJECT is an autoload.

Function: process-datagram-address

Get the current datagram address associated with PROCESS.


Function: set-case-table

Select a new case table for the current buffer.
A case table is a char-table which maps characters
to their lower-case equivalents. It also has three "extra" slots
which may be additional char-tables or nil.
UPCASE maps each non-upper-case character to its upper-case equivalent.
(The value in UPCASE for an upper-case character is never used.)
If lower and upper case characters are in 1-1 correspondence,
you may use nil and the upcase table will be deduced from DOWNCASE.
CANONICALIZE maps each character to a canonical equivalent;
any two characters that are related by case-conversion have the same
canonical equivalent character; it may be nil, in which case it is
deduced from DOWNCASE and UPCASE.
EQUIVALENCES is a map that cyclically permutes each equivalence class
(of characters with the same canonical equivalent); it may be nil,
in which case it is deduced from CANONICALIZE. (fn TABLE)

Function: keymap-parent

Return the parent keymap of KEYMAP.
If KEYMAP has no parent, return nil.


Variable: sh-imenu-generic-expression

Alist of regular expressions for recognizing shell function definitions.
See `sh-feature' and `imenu-generic-expression'.

Function: facemenu-set-face

Apply FACE to the region or next character typed.

If the region is active (normally true except in Transient
Mark mode) and nonempty, and there is no prefix argument,
this command applies FACE to the region. Otherwise, it applies FACE
to the faces to use for the next character
inserted. (Moving point or switching buffers before typing
a character to insert cancels the specification.)

If FACE is `default', to "apply" it means clearing
the list of faces to be used. For any other value of FACE,
to "apply" it means putting FACE at the front of the list
of faces to be used, and removing any faces further
along in the list that would be completely overridden by
preceding faces (including FACE).

This command can also add FACE to the menu of faces, if `facemenu-listed-faces' says to do that.

Function: edit-and-eval-command

Prompting with PROMPT, let user edit COMMAND and eval result.
COMMAND is a Lisp expression. Let user edit that expression in
the minibuffer, then read and evaluate the result.

Function: tibetan-char-p

Check if char CH is Tibetan character.
Returns non-nil if CH is Tibetan. Otherwise, returns nil.
(fn CH)

Function: byte-compile

If FORM is a symbol, byte-compile its function definition.
If FORM is a lambda or a macro, byte-compile it as a function.

(fn FORM)

Function: processp

Return t if OBJECT is a process.


Function: overlays-in

Return a list of the overlays that overlap the region BEG ... END.
Overlap means that at least one character is contained within the overlay
and also contained within the specified region.
Empty overlays are included in the result if they are located at BEG,
between BEG and END, or at END provided END denotes the position at the
end of the buffer. (fn BEG END)

Function: auth-source-format-prompt

Format PROMPT using %x (for any character x) specifiers in ALIST.

Function: make-instance

Make a new instance of CLASS based on INITARGS.
CLASS is a class symbol. For example:

(make-instance 'foo)

INITARGS is a property list with keywords based on the :initarg
for each slot. For example:

(make-instance 'foo :slot1 value1 :slotN valueN)

Compatibility note:

If the first element of INITARGS is a string, it is used as the
name of the class.

In EIEIO, the class' constructor requires a name for use when printing.
`make-instance' in CLOS doesn't use names the way Emacs does, so the
class is used as the name slot instead when INITARGS doesn't start with a string.

Function: view-mode-enable

Turn on View mode.

Variable: help-xref-stack-forward-item

An item for `help-go-back' to push onto `help-xref-forward-stack'.
The format is (FUNCTION ARGS...).

Function: cl-gentemp

Generate a new interned symbol with a unique name.
The name is made by appending a number to PREFIX, default "G".

(fn &optional PREFIX)

Function: mail-unquote-printable

Undo the "quoted printable" encoding.
If the optional argument WRAPPER is non-nil,
we expect to find and remove the wrapper characters =?ISO-8859-1?Q?....?=.

(fn STRING &optional WRAPPER)

Function: get

Return the value of SYMBOL's PROPNAME property.
This is the last value stored with `(put SYMBOL PROPNAME VALUE)'.


Variable: write-region-annotate-functions

A list of functions to be called at the start of `write-region'.
Each is passed two arguments, START and END as for `write-region'.
These are usually two numbers but not always; see the documentation
for `write-region'. The function should return a list of pairs
of the form (POSITION . STRING), consisting of strings to be effectively
inserted at the specified positions of the file being written (1 means to
insert before the first byte written). The POSITIONs must be sorted into
increasing order.

If there are several annotation functions, the lists returned by these
functions are merged destructively. As each annotation function runs,
the variable `write-region-annotations-so-far' contains a list of all
annotations returned by previous annotation functions.

An annotation function can return with a different buffer current.
Doing so removes the annotations returned by previous functions, and
resets START and END to `point-min' and `point-max' of the new buffer.

After `write-region' completes, Emacs calls the function stored in
`write-region-post-annotation-function', once for each buffer that was
current when building the annotations (i.e., at least once), with that buffer current.

Function: shell-strip-ctrl-m

Strip trailing `^M' characters from the current output group.
This function could be on `comint-output-filter-functions' or bound to a key.

(fn &optional STRING)

Function: vc-git-dir-status

Return a list of (FILE STATE EXTRA) entries for DIR.


Function: nunion

Combine LIST1 and LIST2 using a set-union operation.
The resulting list contains all items that appear in either LIST1 or LIST2.
This is a destructive function; it reuses the storage of LIST1 and LIST2
whenever possible.

Keywords supported: :test :test-not :key


Function: search

Search for SEQ1 as a subsequence of SEQ2.
Return the index of the leftmost element of the first match found;
return nil if there are no matches.

Keywords supported: :test :test-not :key :start1 :end1 :start2 :end2 :from-end


Variable: prog-mode-map

Keymap used for programming modes.

Function: kbd-macro-query

Query user during kbd macro execution.
With prefix argument, enters recursive edit, reading keyboard
commands even within a kbd macro. You can give different commands
each time the macro executes.
Without prefix argument, asks whether to continue running the macro.
Your options are:
Y Finish this iteration normally and continue with the next.
N Skip the rest of this iteration, and start the next.
RET Stop the macro entirely right now.
C-l Redisplay the screen, then ask again.
C-r Enter recursive edit; ask again when you exit from that. (fn FLAG)

Function: find-variable-at-point

Find directly the variable at point in the other window.


Function: frame-or-buffer-changed-p

Return non-nil if the frame and buffer state appears to have changed.
VARIABLE is a variable name whose value is either nil or a state vector
that will be updated to contain all frames and buffers,
aside from buffers whose names start with space,
along with the buffers' read-only and modified flags. This allows a fast
check to see whether buffer menus might need to be recomputed.
If this function returns non-nil, it updates the internal vector to reflect
the current state.

If VARIABLE is nil, an internal variable is used. Users should not
pass nil for VARIABLE. (fn &optional VARIABLE)

Function: get-byte

Return a byte value of a character at point.
Optional 1st arg POSITION, if non-nil, is a position of a character to get
a byte value.
Optional 2nd arg STRING, if non-nil, is a string of which first
character is a target to get a byte value. In this case, POSITION, if
non-nil, is an index of a target character in the string.

If the current buffer (or STRING) is multibyte, and the target
character is not ASCII nor 8-bit character, an error is signaled. (fn &optional POSITION STRING)

Function: t-mouse-mode

Toggle mouse support in GNU/Linux consoles (GPM Mouse mode).
With a prefix argument ARG, enable GPM Mouse mode if ARG is
positive, and disable it otherwise. If called from Lisp, enable
the mode if ARG is omitted or nil.

This allows the use of the mouse when operating on a GNU/Linux console,
in the same way as you can use the mouse under X11.
It relies on the `gpm' daemon being activated. (fn &optional ARG)

Function: gv-get

Build the code that applies DO to PLACE.
PLACE must be a valid generalized variable.
DO must be a function; it will be called with 2 arguments: GETTER and SETTER,
where GETTER is a (copyable) Elisp expression that returns the value of PLACE,
and SETTER is a function which returns the code to set PLACE when called
with a (not necessarily copyable) Elisp expression that returns the value to
set it to.
DO must return an Elisp expression. (fn PLACE DO)

Function: x-display-backing-store

Return an indication of whether X display TERMINAL does backing store.
The value may be `always', `when-mapped', or `not-useful'.
The optional argument TERMINAL specifies which display to ask about.
TERMINAL should be a terminal object, a frame or a display name (a string).
If omitted or nil, that stands for the selected frame's display.

(fn &optional TERMINAL)

Variable: last-event-frame

The frame in which the most recently read event occurred.
If the last event came from a keyboard macro, this is set to `macro'.

Function: byte-compile-cl-warn

Warn if FORM is a call of a function from the CL package.

(fn FORM)

Variable: debugger-bury-or-kill

What to do with the debugger buffer when exiting `debug'.
The value affects the behavior of operations on any window
previously showing the debugger buffer.

`nil' means that if its window is not deleted when exiting the
debugger, invoking `switch-to-prev-buffer' will usually show
the debugger buffer again.

`append' means that if the window is not deleted, the debugger
buffer moves to the end of the window's previous buffers so
it's less likely that a future invocation of
`switch-to-prev-buffer' will switch to it. Also, it moves the
buffer to the end of the frame's buffer list.

`bury' means that if the window is not deleted, its buffer is
removed from the window's list of previous buffers. Also, it
moves the buffer to the end of the frame's buffer list. This
value provides the most reliable remedy to not have
`switch-to-prev-buffer' switch to the debugger buffer again
without killing the buffer.

`kill' means to kill the debugger buffer. The value used here is passed to `quit-restore-window'.

Function: sgml-auto-attributes

Self insert the character typed; at top level of tag, prompt for attributes.
With prefix argument, only self insert.

Variable: inhibit-field-text-motion

Non-nil means text motion commands don't notice fields.

Variable: class-public-d

Class attribute defaults index.

Function: apropos-describe-plist

Display a pretty listing of SYMBOL's plist.

Function: url-insert-entities-in-string

Convert HTML markup-start characters to entity references in STRING.
Also replaces the " character, so that the result may be safely used as
an attribute value in a tag. Returns a new string with the result of the
conversion. Replaces these characters as follows:
& ==> &
< ==> <
> ==> > " ==> "

Function: Info-goto-emacs-key-command-node

Go to the node in the Emacs manual which describes the command bound to KEY.
KEY is a string.
Interactively, if the binding is `execute-extended-command', a command is read.
The command is found by looking up in Emacs manual's indices
or in another manual found via COMMAND's `info-file' property or
the variable `Info-file-list-for-emacs'.

Function: gnus-delay-article

Delay this article by some time.
DELAY is a string, giving the length of the time. Possible values are:

* for in minutes (`m'), hours (`h'), days (`d'),
weeks (`w'), months (`M'), or years (`Y');

* YYYY-MM-DD for a specific date. The time of day is given by the
variable `gnus-delay-default-hour', minute and second are zero.

* hh:mm for a specific time. Use 24h format. If it is later than this
time, then the deadline is tomorrow, else today. (fn DELAY)

Function: backtrace

Print a trace of Lisp function calls currently active.
Output stream used is value of `standard-output'.

Function: ansi-color-get-face-1

Get face definition from `ansi-color-map'.
ANSI-CODE is used as an index into the vector.

Function: thai-compose-string

Compose Thai characters in STRING and return the resulting string.


Function: scroll-right

Scroll selected window display ARG columns right.
Default for ARG is window width minus 2.
Value is the total amount of leftward horizontal scrolling in
effect after the change.
If SET-MINIMUM is non-nil, the new scroll amount becomes the
lower bound for automatic scrolling, i.e. automatic scrolling
will not scroll a window to a column less than the value returned
by this function. This happens in an interactive call.
(fn &optional ARG SET-MINIMUM)

Variable: create-lockfiles

Non-nil means use lockfiles to avoid editing collisions.

Function: byte-decompile-bytecode

Turn BYTECODE into lapcode, referring to CONSTVEC.


Function: comint-previous-input

Cycle backwards through input history, saving input.

(fn ARG)

Variable: x-initialized

Non-nil if the X window system has been initialized.

Function: isearch-repeat-backward

Repeat incremental search backwards.

Function: restore-overriding-map

Restore `overriding-terminal-local-map' to its saved value.

Function: next-error-find-buffer

Return a `next-error' capable buffer.

If AVOID-CURRENT is non-nil, treat the current buffer
as an absolute last resort only.

The function EXTRA-TEST-INCLUSIVE, if non-nil, is called in each buffer
that normally would not qualify. If it returns t, the buffer
in question is treated as usable.

The function EXTRA-TEST-EXCLUSIVE, if non-nil, is called in each buffer
that would normally be considered usable. If it returns nil, that buffer is rejected.

Variable: make-backup-file-name-function

A function to use instead of the default `make-backup-file-name'.
A value of nil gives the default `make-backup-file-name' behavior.

This could be buffer-local to do something special for specific
files. If you define it, you may need to change `backup-file-name-p'
and `file-name-sans-versions' too.

See also `backup-directory-alist'.

Function: x-backspace-delete-keys-p

Check if both Backspace and Delete keys are on the keyboard of FRAME.
FRAME nil means use the selected frame.
Value is t if we know that both keys are present, and are mapped to the
usual X keysyms. Value is `lambda' if we cannot determine if both keys are
present and mapped to the usual X keysyms.

(fn &optional FRAME)

Function: url-port

Return the port number for the URL specified by URLOBJ.

Variable: class-public-a

Class attribute index.

Variable: search-upper-case

If non-nil, upper case chars disable case fold searching.
That is, upper and lower case chars must match exactly.
This applies no matter where the chars come from, but does not
apply to chars in regexps that are prefixed with `\'.
If this value is `not-yanks', text yanked into the search string
in Isearch mode is always downcased.

Function: compose-string

Compose characters in string STRING.

The return value is STRING with the `composition' property put on all
the characters in it.

Optional 2nd and 3rd arguments START and END specify the range of
STRING to be composed. They default to the beginning and the end of
STRING respectively.

Optional 4th argument COMPONENTS, if non-nil, is a character or a
sequence (vector, list, or string) of integers. See the function
`compose-region' for more detail.

Optional 5th argument MODIFICATION-FUNC is a function to call to
adjust the composition when it gets invalid because of a change of text in the composition.

Function: pp-macroexpand-expression

Macroexpand EXPRESSION and pretty-print its value.

Function: pcomplete-shell-setup

Setup `shell-mode' to use pcomplete.


Function: erc-ezb-select-session

Select a detached EZBounce session.


Function: update-directory-autoloads

Update autoload definitions for Lisp files in the directories DIRS.
In an interactive call, you must give one argument, the name of a
single directory. In a call from Lisp, you can supply multiple
directories as separate arguments, but this usage is discouraged.

The function does NOT recursively descend into subdirectories of the
directory or directories specified.

In an interactive call, prompt for a default output file for the
autoload definitions, and temporarily bind the variable
`generated-autoload-file' to this value. When called from Lisp,
use the existing value of `generated-autoload-file'. If any Lisp
file binds `generated-autoload-file' as a file-local variable,
write its autoloads into the specified file instead. (fn &rest DIRS)

Function: read-face-name

Read one or more face names, defaulting to the face(s) at point.
PROMPT should be a prompt string; it should not end in a space or
a colon.

The optional argument DEFAULT specifies the default face name(s)
to return if the user just types RET. If its value is non-nil,
it should be a list of face names (symbols); in that case, the
default return value is the `car' of DEFAULT (if the argument
MULTIPLE is non-nil), or DEFAULT (if MULTIPLE is nil). See below
for the meaning of MULTIPLE.

If DEFAULT is nil, the list of default face names is taken from
the `read-face-name' property of the text at point, or, if that
is nil, from the `face' property of the text at point.

This function uses `completing-read-multiple' with "," as the
separator character. Thus, the user may enter multiple face
names, separated by commas. The optional argument MULTIPLE
specifies the form of the return value. If MULTIPLE is non-nil,
return a list of face names; if the user entered just one face
name, the return value would be a list of one face name.
Otherwise, return a single face name; if the user entered more than one face name, return only the first one.

Variable: key-substitution-in-progress

Used internally by `substitute-key-definition'.

Variable: alternate-fontname-alist

Alist of fontname vs list of the alternate fontnames.
When a specified font name is not found, the corresponding
alternate fontnames (if any) are tried instead.

Function: isearch-query-replace-regexp

Start `query-replace-regexp' with string to replace from last search string.
See `isearch-query-replace' for more information.

Function: define-mode-abbrev

Define ABBREV as a mode-specific abbreviation for EXPANSION.
The characters in ABBREV must all be word-constituents in the current mode.


Function: url-dav-request

Perform WebDAV operation METHOD on URL. Return the parsed responses.
Automatically creates an XML request body if TAG is non-nil.
BODY is the XML document fragment to be enclosed by .

DEPTH is how deep the request should propagate. Default is 0, meaning
it should apply only to URL. A negative number means to use
`Infinity' for the depth. Not all WebDAV servers support this depth

HEADERS is an assoc list of extra headers to send in the request.

NAMESPACES is an assoc list of (NAMESPACE . EXPANSION), and these are
added to the element. The DAV=DAV: namespace is automatically
added to this list, so most requests can just pass in nil.


Function: ucs-normalize-HFS-NFC-string

Normalize the string STR by the Unicode NFC and Mac OS's HFS Plus.

(fn STR)

Variable: revert-buffer-insert-file-contents-function

Function to use to insert contents when reverting this buffer.
Gets two args, first the nominal file name to use,
and second, t if reading the auto-save file.

The function you specify is responsible for updating (or preserving) point.

Function: mode-line-change-eol

Cycle through the various possible kinds of end-of-line styles.

Function: set-window-configuration

Set the configuration of windows and buffers as specified by CONFIGURATION.
CONFIGURATION must be a value previously returned
by `current-window-configuration' (which see).
If CONFIGURATION was made from a frame that is now deleted,
only frame-independent values can be restored. In this case,
the return value is nil. Otherwise the value is t. (fn CONFIGURATION)

Function: tool-bar-mode

Toggle the tool bar in all graphical frames (Tool Bar mode).
With a prefix argument ARG, enable Tool Bar mode if ARG is
positive, and disable it otherwise. If called from Lisp, enable
Tool Bar mode if ARG is omitted or nil.

See `tool-bar-add-item' and `tool-bar-add-item-from-menu' for
conveniently adding tool bar items.

Variable: tool-bar-mode

Non-nil if Tool-Bar mode is enabled.
See the command `tool-bar-mode' for a description of this minor mode.
Setting this variable directly does not take effect;
either customize it (see the info node `Easy Customization')
or call the function `tool-bar-mode'.

Function: read-from-string

Read one Lisp expression which is represented as text by STRING.
FINAL-STRING-INDEX is an integer giving the position of the next
remaining character in STRING.
START and END optionally delimit a substring of STRING from which to read;
they default to 0 and (length STRING) respectively.

(fn STRING &optional START END)

Function: comint-read-noecho

(fn PROMPT &optional IGNORE)

Function: completion--twq-all


Function: message-unbold-region

Remove all boldness (overstruck characters) in the region.
Called from program, takes two arguments START and END
which specify the range to operate on.


Function: erc-add-pal

Add pal interactively to `erc-pals'.


Variable: magic-mode-regexp-match-limit

Upper limit on `magic-mode-alist' regexp matches.
Also applies to `magic-fallback-mode-alist'.

Function: window--in-subtree-p

Return t if WINDOW is either ROOT or a member of ROOT's subtree.

Function: frame-parameter

Return FRAME's value for parameter PARAMETER.
If FRAME is nil, describe the currently selected frame.


Function: erc-ezb-select

Select an IRC server to use by EZBounce, in ERC style.


Function: x-color-defined-p

Return non-nil if COLOR is supported on frame FRAME.
COLOR should be a string naming a color (e.g. "white"), or a
string specifying a color's RGB components (e.g. "#ff12ec"), or
the symbol `unspecified'.

This function returns nil if COLOR is the symbol `unspecified',
or one of the strings "unspecified-fg" or "unspecified-bg".

If FRAME is omitted or nil, use the selected frame.

Function: format-write-file

Write current buffer into FILENAME, using a format based on FORMAT.
Constructs the actual format starting from FORMAT, then appending
any elements from the value of `buffer-file-format' with a non-nil
`preserve' flag (see the documentation of `format-alist'), if they
are not already present in FORMAT. It then updates `buffer-file-format'
with this format, making it the default for future saves.

If the buffer is already visiting a file, you can specify a
directory name as FILENAME, to write a file of the same old name
in that directory.

If optional third arg CONFIRM is non-nil, asks for confirmation before
overwriting an existing file. Interactively, requires confirmation unless you supply a prefix argument.

Variable: message-truncate-lines

If non-nil, messages are truncated instead of resizing the echo area.
Bind this around calls to `message' to let it take effect.

Function: find-charset-string

Return a list of charsets in STR.
Optional arg TABLE if non-nil is a translation table to look up.

If STR is unibyte, the returned list may contain
only `ascii', `eight-bit-control', and `eight-bit-graphic'.

(fn STR &optional TABLE)

Function: mm-decode-coding-region

Decode the current region from the specified coding system.
When called from a program, takes four arguments:
START and END are buffer positions.

Optional 4th arguments DESTINATION specifies where the decoded text goes.
If nil, the region between START and END is replaced by the decoded text.
If buffer, the decoded text is inserted in that buffer after point (point
does not move).
In those cases, the length of the decoded text is returned.
If DESTINATION is t, the decoded text is returned.

This function sets `last-coding-system-used' to the precise coding system
used (which may be different from CODING-SYSTEM if CODING-SYSTEM is
not fully specified.) (fn START END CODING-SYSTEM &optional DESTINATION)

Function: package-desc-reqs

Extract requirements from a package description vector.

Variable: font-lock-maximum-decoration

Maximum decoration level for fontification.
If nil, use the default decoration (typically the minimum available).
If t, use the maximum decoration available.
If a number, use that level of decoration (or if not available the maximum).
The higher the number, the more decoration is done.
If a list, each element should be a cons pair of the form (MAJOR-MODE . LEVEL),
where MAJOR-MODE is a symbol or t (meaning the default). For example:
((c-mode . t) (c++-mode . 2) (t . 1))
means use the maximum decoration available for buffers in C mode, level 2
decoration for buffers in C++ mode, and level 1 decoration otherwise.

Function: facemenu-set-intangible

Make the region intangible: disallow moving into it.
This sets the `intangible' text property; it can be undone with

Function: ispell-kill-ispell

Kill current Ispell process (so that you may start a fresh one).
With NO-ERROR, just return non-nil if there was no Ispell running.
With CLEAR, buffer session localwords are cleaned.

(fn &optional NO-ERROR CLEAR)

Variable: face-attribute-name-alist

An alist of descriptive names for face attributes.
Each element has the form (ATTRIBUTE-NAME . DESCRIPTION) where
ATTRIBUTE-NAME is a face attribute name (a keyword symbol), and
DESCRIPTION is a descriptive name for ATTRIBUTE-NAME.

Function: makefile-imake-mode

An adapted `makefile-mode' that knows about imake.


Variable: left-fringe-width

Width of this buffer's left fringe (in pixels).
A value of 0 means no left fringe is shown in this buffer's window.
A value of nil means to use the left fringe width from the window's frame.

Function: terminal-coding-system

Return coding system specified for terminal output on the given terminal.
TERMINAL may be a terminal object, a frame, or nil for the selected
frame's terminal device.

(fn &optional TERMINAL)

Function: mm-replace-in-string

See `replace-regexp-in-string', only the order of args differs.

Variable: Info-virtual-nodes

List of definitions of virtual Info nodes.
Each element of the list has the format (NODENAME (OPERATION . HANDLER) ...)
where NODENAME is a regexp that matches a class of virtual Info node names.
It should be carefully chosen to not cause node name clashes with
existing node names. OPERATION is one of the following operation
symbols `find-node' that define what HANDLER function to call instead
of calling the default corresponding function to override it.

Function: isearch-toggle-regexp

Toggle regexp searching on or off.

Function: y-or-n-p-with-timeout

Like (y-or-n-p PROMPT), with a timeout.
If the user does not answer after SECONDS seconds, return DEFAULT-VALUE.

Function: string-insert-rectangle

Insert STRING on each line of region-rectangle, shifting text right.

When called from a program, the rectangle's corners are START and END.
The left edge of the rectangle specifies the column for insertion.
This command does not delete or overwrite any existing text.


Function: gnus-delay-send-queue

Send all the delayed messages that are due now.


Variable: add-log-full-name

Full name of user, for inclusion in ChangeLog daily headers.
This defaults to the value returned by the function `user-full-name'.

Function: describe-gnu-project

Display info on the GNU project.

Variable: window-safe-min-height

The absolute minimum number of lines of a window.
Anything less might crash Emacs.

Function: redraw-frame

Clear frame FRAME and output again what is supposed to appear on it.

(fn FRAME)

Function: find-coding-systems-region-internal

Internal use only.

(fn START END &optional EXCLUDE)

Function: url-recreate-url-attributes

Recreate the attributes of an URL string from the parsed URLOBJ.

Variable: isearch-hide-immediately

If non-nil, re-hide an invisible match right away.
This variable makes a difference when `search-invisible' is set to `open'.
It means that after search makes some invisible text visible
to show the match, it makes the text invisible again when the match moves.
Ordinarily the text becomes invisible again at the end of the search.

Function: run-dig

Run dig program.

(fn HOST)

Function: customize-apropos

Customize loaded options, faces and groups matching PATTERN.
PATTERN can be a word, a list of words (separated by spaces),
or a regexp (using some regexp special characters). If it is a word,
search for matches for that word as a substring. If it is a list of words,
search for matches for any two (or more) of those words.

If TYPE is `options', include only options.
If TYPE is `faces', include only faces.
If TYPE is `groups', include only groups. (fn PATTERN &optional TYPE)

Function: help-mode

Major mode for viewing help text and navigating references in it.
Entry to this mode runs the normal hook `help-mode-hook'.
key binding
--- -------

C-c Prefix Command
TAB forward-button
RET help-follow
ESC Prefix Command
SPC scroll-up-command
- negative-argument
0 .. 9 digit-argument
< beginning-of-buffer
> end-of-buffer
? describe-mode
g revert-buffer
h describe-mode
q quit-window
DEL scroll-down-command
Prefix Command

C-c C-b help-go-back C-c C-c help-follow-symbol C-c C-f help-go-forward C-M-i backward-button

Variable: show-trailing-whitespace

Non-nil means highlight trailing whitespace.
The face used for trailing whitespace is `trailing-whitespace'.

Function: process-running-child-p

Return t if PROCESS has given the terminal to a child.
If the operating system does not make it possible to find out,
return t unconditionally.

(fn &optional PROCESS)

Variable: combine-after-change-calls

Used internally by the `combine-after-change-calls' macro.

Function: invocation-name

Return the program name that was used to run Emacs.
Any directory names are omitted.

Variable: invocation-name

The program name that was used to run Emacs.
Any directory names are omitted.

Function: buffer-list

Return a list of all existing live buffers.
If the optional arg FRAME is a frame, we return the buffer list in the
proper order for that frame: the buffers show in FRAME come first,
followed by the rest of the buffers.

(fn &optional FRAME)

Variable: default-fringes-outside-margins

Default value of `fringes-outside-margins' for buffers that don't override it.
This is the same as (default-value 'fringes-outside-margins).

Function: mapcon

Like `cl-maplist', but nconc's together the values returned by the function.


Variable: tabulated-list-sort-button-map

Local keymap for `tabulated-list-mode' sort buttons.

Function: completion-pcm--string->pattern

Split STRING into a pattern.
A pattern is a list where each element is either a string
or a symbol, see `completion-pcm--merge-completions'.

(fn STRING &optional POINT)

Function: xterm-mouse-mode

Toggle XTerm mouse mode.
With a prefix argument ARG, enable XTerm mouse mode if ARG is
positive, and disable it otherwise. If called from Lisp, enable
the mode if ARG is omitted or nil.

Turn it on to use Emacs mouse commands, and off to use xterm mouse commands.
This works in terminal emulators compatible with xterm. It only
works for simple uses of the mouse. Basically, only non-modified
single clicks are supported. When turned on, the normal xterm
mouse functionality for such clicks is still available by holding
down the SHIFT key while pressing the mouse button. (fn &optional ARG)

Variable: xterm-mouse-mode

Non-nil if Xterm-Mouse mode is enabled.
See the command `xterm-mouse-mode' for a description of this minor mode.
Setting this variable directly does not take effect;
either customize it (see the info node `Easy Customization')
or call the function `xterm-mouse-mode'.

Function: japanese-hiragana

Convert argument to Hiragana and return that.
The argument may be a character or string. The result has the same type.
The argument object is not altered--the value is a copy.
(fn OBJ)

Function: image-dired-show-all-from-dir

Make a preview buffer for all images in DIR and display it.
If the number of files in DIR matching `image-file-name-regexp'
exceeds `image-dired-show-all-from-dir-max-files', a warning will be
displayed. (fn DIR)

Variable: post-self-insert-hook

Hook run at the end of `self-insert-command'.
This is run after inserting the character.

Variable: default-ctl-arrow

Default value of `ctl-arrow' for buffers that do not override it.
This is the same as (default-value 'ctl-arrow).

Function: gnus-iswitchb-completing-read

`iswitchb' based completing-read function.

Function: cl-some

Return true if PREDICATE is true of any element of SEQ or SEQs.
If so, return the true (non-nil) value returned by PREDICATE.


Variable: isearch-search-fun-function

Non-default value overrides the behavior of `isearch-search-fun-default'.
This variable's value should be a function, which will be called
with no arguments, and should return a function that takes three
arguments: STRING, BOUND, and NOERROR.

This returned function will be used by `isearch-search-string' to
search for the first occurrence of STRING or its translation.

Variable: rmail-secondary-file-directory

Directory for additional secondary Rmail files.

Function: puthash

Associate KEY with VALUE in hash table TABLE.
If KEY is already present in table, replace its current value with
VALUE. In any case, return VALUE.


Function: charset-id-internal

Internal use only.
Return charset identification number of CHARSET.

(fn &optional CHARSET)

Variable: byte-code-vector

An array containing byte-code names indexed by byte-code values.

Function: eieio-defgeneric-form-primary-only

The lambda form that would be used as the function defined on METHOD.
All methods should call the same EIEIO function for dispatch.
DOC-STRING is the documentation attached to METHOD.

Function: sgml-electric-tag-pair-mode

Toggle SGML Electric Tag Pair mode.
With a prefix argument ARG, enable the mode if ARG is positive,
and disable it otherwise. If called from Lisp, enable the mode
if ARG is omitted or nil.

SGML Electric Tag Pair mode is a buffer-local minor mode for use
with `sgml-mode' and related major modes. When enabled, editing
an opening markup tag automatically updates the closing tag.

Variable: sgml-electric-tag-pair-mode

Non-nil if Sgml-Electric-Tag-Pair mode is enabled.
Use the command `sgml-electric-tag-pair-mode' to change this variable.

Function: cl-assoc-if

Find the first item whose car satisfies PREDICATE in LIST.

Keywords supported: :key


Variable: comment-auto-fill-only-comments

Non-nil means to only auto-fill inside comments.
This has no effect in modes that do not define a comment syntax.

Face: completions-first-difference

Face put on the first uncommon character in completions in *Completions* buffer.

Function: with-electric-help

Pop up an "electric" help buffer.
THUNK is a function of no arguments which is called to initialize the
contents of BUFFER. BUFFER defaults to `*Help*'. BUFFER will be
erased before THUNK is called unless NOERASE is non-nil. THUNK will
be called while BUFFER is current and with `standard-output' bound to
the buffer specified by BUFFER.

If THUNK returns nil, we display BUFFER starting at the top, and shrink
the window to fit. If THUNK returns non-nil, we don't do those things.

After THUNK has been called, this function "electrically" pops up a
window in which BUFFER is displayed and allows the user to scroll
through that buffer in `electric-help-mode'. The window's height will
be at least MINHEIGHT if this value is non-nil.

If THUNK returns nil, we display BUFFER starting at the top, and
shrink the window to fit if `electric-help-shrink-window' is non-nil.
If THUNK returns non-nil, we don't do those things.

When the user exits (with `electric-help-exit', or otherwise), the help
buffer's window disappears (i.e., we use `save-window-excursion'), and
BUFFER is put back into its original major mode. (fn THUNK &optional BUFFER NOERASE MINHEIGHT)

Function: format-encode-buffer

Translate the buffer into FORMAT.
FORMAT defaults to `buffer-file-format'. It is a symbol naming one of the
formats defined in `format-alist', or a list of such symbols.

Variable: buffers-menu-show-directories

If non-nil, show directories in the Buffers menu for buffers that have them.
The special value `unless-uniquify' means that directories will be shown
unless `uniquify-buffer-name-style' is non-nil (in which case, buffer
names should include enough of a buffer's directory to distinguish it
from other buffers).

Setting this variable directly does not take effect until next time the
Buffers menu is regenerated.

Function: mouse-drag-header-line

Change the height of a window by dragging on the header line.


Function: define-coding-system-alias

Define ALIAS as an alias for CODING-SYSTEM.


Function: byte-optimize-body


Function: byte-compile-save-current-buffer

(fn FORM)

Function: cl-position-if-not

Find the first item not satisfying PREDICATE in SEQ.
Return the index of the matching item, or nil if not found.

Keywords supported: :key :start :end :from-end


Function: tool-bar-local-item

Add an item to the tool bar in map MAP.
ICON names the image, DEF is the key definition and KEY is a symbol
for the fake function key in the menu keymap. Remaining arguments
PROPS are additional items to add to the menu item specification. See
Info node `(elisp)Tool Bar'. Items are added from left to right.

ICON is the base name of a file containing the image to use. The
function will first try to use low-color/ICON.xpm if `display-color-cells'
is less or equal to 256, then ICON.xpm, then ICON.pbm, and finally ICON.xbm, using `find-image'.

Variable: auto-save-list-file-prefix

Prefix for generating `auto-save-list-file-name'.
This is used after reading your init file to initialize
`auto-save-list-file-name', by appending Emacs's pid and the system name,
if you have not already set `auto-save-list-file-name' yourself.
Directories in the prefix will be created if necessary.
Set this to nil if you want to prevent `auto-save-list-file-name'
from being initialized.

Variable: shell-dirtrackp

Non-nil in a shell buffer means directory tracking is enabled.

Function: x-must-resolve-font-name

Like `x-resolve-font-name', but always return a font name.
XLFD-FIELDS is a vector of XLFD (X Logical Font Description) fields.
If no font matching XLFD-FIELDS is available, successively replace
parts of the font name pattern with "*" until some font is found.
Value is name of that font.

Function: locale-name-match

Search for KEY in ALIST, which should be a list of regexp-value pairs.
Return the value corresponding to the first regexp that matches the
start of KEY, or nil if there is no match.

Function: destroy-fringe-bitmap

Destroy fringe bitmap BITMAP.
If BITMAP overrides a standard fringe bitmap, the original bitmap is restored.


Function: lsh

Return VALUE with its bits shifted left by COUNT.
If COUNT is negative, shifting is actually to the right.
In this case, zeros are shifted in on the left.


Function: pcomplete-next-arg

Move the various pointers to the next argument.


Variable: comint-ptyp

Non-nil if communications via pty; false if by pipe. Buffer local.
This is to work around a bug in Emacs process signaling.

Function: cdddar

Return the `cdr' of the `cdr' of the `cdr' of the `car' of X.

(fn X)

Function: cl-member-if-not

Find the first item not satisfying PREDICATE in LIST.
Return the sublist of LIST whose car matches.

Keywords supported: :key


Function: ftp

Run ftp program.

(fn HOST)

Function: mml-attach-file

Attach a file to the outgoing MIME message.
The file is not inserted or encoded until you send the message with
`M-x message-send-and-exit' or `M-x message-send' in Message mode,
or `M-x mail-send-and-exit' or `M-x mail-send' in Mail mode.

FILE is the name of the file to attach. TYPE is its
content-type, a string of the form "type/subtype". DESCRIPTION
is a one-line description of the attachment. The DISPOSITION
specifies how the attachment is intended to be displayed. It can
be either "inline" (displayed automatically within the message
body) or "attachment" (separate from the body).


Function: scroll-down

Scroll text of selected window down ARG lines.
If ARG is omitted or nil, scroll down by a near full screen.
A near full screen is `next-screen-context-lines' less than a full screen.
Negative ARG means scroll upward.
If ARG is the atom `-', scroll upward by nearly full screen.
When calling from a program, supply as argument a number, nil, or `-'. (fn &optional ARG)

Variable: explicit-bash-args

Args passed to inferior shell by M-x shell, if the shell is bash.
Value is a list of strings, which may be nil.

Variable: x-colors

List of basic colors available on color displays.
For X, the list comes from the `rgb.txt' file,v 10.41 94/02/20.
For Nextstep, this is a list of non-PANTONE colors returned by
the operating system.

Variable: lazy-highlight-max-at-a-time

Maximum matches to highlight at a time (for `lazy-highlight').
Larger values may reduce Isearch's responsiveness to user input;
smaller values make matches highlight slowly.
A value of nil means highlight all matches.

Function: ucs-insert

Insert COUNT copies of CHARACTER.
Interactively, prompt for CHARACTER. You can specify CHARACTER in one
of these ways:

- As its Unicode character name, e.g. "LATIN SMALL LETTER A".
Completion is available; if you type a substring of the name
preceded by an asterisk `*', Emacs shows all names which include
that substring, not necessarily at the beginning of the name.

- As a hexadecimal code point, e.g. 263A. Note that code points in
Emacs are equivalent to Unicode up to 10FFFF (which is the limit of
the Unicode code space).

- As a code point with a radix specified with #, e.g. #o21430
(octal), #x2318 (hex), or #10r8984 (decimal).

If called interactively, COUNT is given by the prefix argument. If
omitted or nil, it defaults to 1.

Inserting the character(s) relocates point and before-insertion
markers in the same ways as the function `insert'.

The optional third argument INHERIT, if non-nil, says to inherit text
properties from adjoining text, if those properties are sticky. If called interactively, INHERIT is t. (fn CHARACTER &optional COUNT INHERIT)

Function: unload-feature

Unload the library that provided FEATURE.
If the feature is required by any other loaded code, and prefix arg FORCE
is nil, raise an error.

Standard unloading activities include restoring old autoloads for
functions defined by the library, undoing any additions that the
library has made to hook variables or to `auto-mode-alist', undoing
ELP profiling of functions in that library, unproviding any features
provided by the library, and canceling timers held in variables
defined by the library.

If a function `FEATURE-unload-function' is defined, this function
calls it with no arguments, before doing anything else. That function
can do whatever is appropriate to undo the loading of the library. If
`FEATURE-unload-function' returns non-nil, that suppresses the
standard unloading of the library. Otherwise the standard unloading

`FEATURE-unload-function' has access to the package's list of
definitions in the variable `unload-function-defs-list' and could
remove symbols from it in the event that the package has done
something strange, such as redefining an Emacs function. (fn FEATURE &optional FORCE)

Function: isearchb-activate

Active isearchb mode for subsequent alphanumeric keystrokes.
Executing this command again will terminate the search; or, if
the search has not yet begun, will toggle to the last buffer
accessed via isearchb. (fn)

Function: display-buffer-use-some-window

Display BUFFER in an existing window.
Search for a usable window, set that window to the buffer, and
return the window. If no suitable window is found, return nil.

If ALIST has a non-nil `inhibit-switch-frame' entry, then in the
event that a window in another frame is chosen, avoid raising that frame.

Variable: installation-directory

A directory within which to look for the `lib-src' and `etc' directories.
In an installed Emacs, this is normally nil. It is non-nil if
both `lib-src' (on MS-DOS, `info') and `etc' directories are found
within the variable `invocation-directory' or its parent. For example,
this is the case when running an uninstalled Emacs executable from its
build directory.

Variable: custom-safe-themes

Themes that are considered safe to load.
If the value is a list, each element should be either the SHA-256
hash of a safe theme file, or the symbol `default', which stands
for any theme in the built-in Emacs theme directory (a directory
named "themes" in `data-directory').

If the value is t, Emacs treats all themes as safe.

This variable cannot be set in a Custom theme.

Variable: key-translation-map

Keymap of key translations that can override keymaps.
This keymap works like `function-key-map', but comes after that,
and its non-prefix bindings override ordinary bindings.

Function: byte-compile-form-do-effect

(fn FORM)

Function: help-make-usage


Function: terminal-init-screen

Terminal initialization function for screen.

Function: facemenu-set-background

Set the background COLOR of the region or next character typed.
This command reads the color in the minibuffer.

If the region is active (normally true except in Transient Mark mode)
and there is no prefix argument, this command sets the region to the
requested face.

Otherwise, this command specifies the face for the next character
inserted. Moving point or switching buffers before
typing a character to insert cancels the specification.

Function: edirs3

Run Ediff on three directories, DIR1, DIR2, and DIR3, comparing files that
have the same name in all three. The last argument, REGEXP, is nil or a
regular expression; only file names that match the regexp are considered.


Variable: ctl-x-r-map

Keymap for subcommands of C-x r.

Variable: vc-make-backup-files

If non-nil, backups of registered files are made as with other files.
If nil (the default), files covered by version control don't get backups.

Function: nato-region

Convert all text in a given region to NATO phonetic alphabet.

(fn BEG END)

Function: find-function-other-frame

Find, in another frame, the definition of FUNCTION near point.

See `find-function' for more details.


Face: modeline-buffer-id

modeline-buffer-id is an alias for the face `mode-line-buffer-id'.
Face used for buffer identification parts of the mode line.

Function: buffer-name

Return the name of BUFFER, as a string.
BUFFER defaults to the current buffer.
Return nil if BUFFER has been killed.

(fn &optional BUFFER)

Variable: inhibit-file-name-handlers

A list of file name handlers that temporarily should not be used.
This applies only to the operation `inhibit-file-name-operation'.

Function: pcomplete-match-beginning

Return position of start of text matched by last search.
SUBEXP, a number, specifies which parenthesized expression in the last
Value is nil if SUBEXPth pair didn't match, or there were less than
SUBEXP pairs.
Zero means the entire text matched by the whole regexp or whole string. (fn SUBEXP)

Variable: Info-current-subfile

Info subfile that is actually in the *info* buffer now.
It is nil if current Info file is not split into subfiles.

Function: frame-list

Return a list of all live frames.


Function: suspend-emacs

Stop Emacs and return to superior process. You can resume later.
If `cannot-suspend' is non-nil, or if the system doesn't support job
control, run a subshell instead.

If optional arg STUFFSTRING is non-nil, its characters are stuffed
to be read as terminal input by Emacs's parent, after suspension.

Before suspending, run the normal hook `suspend-hook'.
After resumption run the normal hook `suspend-resume-hook'.

Some operating systems cannot stop the Emacs process and resume it later.
On such systems, Emacs starts a subshell instead of suspending. (fn &optional STUFFSTRING)

Function: sh-shell-initialize-variables

Scan the buffer for variable assignments.
Add these variables to `sh-shell-variables'.

Function: menu-bar-help-extra-packages

Display help about some additional packages available for Emacs.

Function: menu-bar-read-lispref

Display the Emacs Lisp Reference manual in Info mode.

Function: vc-ediff

Display diffs between file revisions using ediff.
Normally this compares the currently selected fileset with their
working revisions. With a prefix argument HISTORIC, it reads two revision
designators specifying which revisions to compare.

The optional argument NOT-URGENT non-nil means it is ok to say no to
saving the buffer.

(fn HISTORIC &optional NOT-URGENT)

Function: quickurl-add-url

Allow the user to interactively add a new URL associated with WORD.

See `quickurl-grab-url' for details on how the default word/URL combination
is decided.


Variable: mail-complete-style

Specifies how M-x mail-complete formats the full name when it completes.
If `nil', they contain just the return address like:
If `parens', they look like:
king@grassland.com (Elvis Parsley)
If `angles', they look like:
Elvis Parsley

Function: copy-dir-locals-to-file-locals

Copy directory-local variables to the Local Variables list.


Function: ediff-merge-revisions

Run Ediff by merging two revisions of a file.
The file is the optional FILE argument or the file visited by the current


Function: mouse-avoidance-mode

Set Mouse Avoidance mode to MODE.
MODE should be one of the symbols `banish', `exile', `jump', `animate',
`cat-and-mouse', `proteus', or `none'.

If MODE is nil, toggle mouse avoidance between `none' and `banish'
modes. Positive numbers and symbols other than the above are treated
as equivalent to `banish'; negative numbers and `-' are equivalent to `none'.

Effects of the different modes:
* banish: Move the mouse to the upper-right corner on any keypress.
* exile: Move the mouse to the corner only if the cursor gets too close,
and allow it to return once the cursor is out of the way.
* jump: If the cursor gets too close to the mouse, displace the mouse
a random distance & direction.
* animate: As `jump', but shows steps along the way for illusion of motion.
* cat-and-mouse: Same as `animate'.
* proteus: As `animate', but changes the shape of the mouse pointer too.

Whenever the mouse is moved, the frame is also raised.

(See `mouse-avoidance-threshold' for definition of "too close",
and `mouse-avoidance-nudge-dist' and `mouse-avoidance-nudge-var' for definition of "random distance".) (fn &optional MODE)

Variable: mouse-avoidance-mode

Activate Mouse Avoidance mode.
See function `mouse-avoidance-mode' for possible values.
Setting this variable directly does not take effect;
use either M-x customize or the function `mouse-avoidance-mode'.

Function: rot13

Return ROT13 encryption of OBJECT, a buffer or string.

(fn OBJECT &optional START END)

Variable: line-number-display-limit-width

Maximum line width (in characters) for line number display.
If the average length of the lines near point is bigger than this, then the
line number may be omitted from the mode line.

Function: multibyte-char-to-unibyte

Convert the multibyte character CH to a byte.
If the multibyte character does not represent a byte, return -1.
(fn CH)

Function: define-coding-system-internal

For internal use only.

(fn ...)

Function: auth-source-netrc-saver

Save a line ADD in FILE, prompting along the way.
Respects `auth-source-save-behavior'. Uses
`auth-source-netrc-cache' to avoid prompting more than once.

Variable: sgml-face-tag-alist

Alist of face and tag name for facemenu.

Function: flycheck-manual

Open the Flycheck manual.


Function: cl--arglist-args

(fn ARGS)

Function: rassoc-if

Find the first item whose cdr satisfies PREDICATE in LIST.

Keywords supported: :key


Function: get*

Return the value of SYMBOL's PROPNAME property, or DEFAULT if none.


Function: shell-command-to-string

Execute shell command COMMAND and return its output as a string.

Function: face-spec-recalc

Reset the face attributes of FACE on FRAME according to its specs.
This applies the defface/custom spec first, then the custom theme specs,
then the override spec.

Variable: apropos-files-scanned

List of elc files already scanned in current run of `apropos-documentation'.

Variable: sentence-end-without-period

Non-nil means a sentence will end without a period.
For example, a sentence in Thai text ends with double space but
without a period.

This value is used by the function `sentence-end' to construct the
regexp describing the end of a sentence, when the value of the variable
`sentence-end' is nil. See Info node `(elisp)Standard Regexps'.

Function: completion--some

Apply FUN to each element of XS in turn.
Return the first non-nil returned value.
Like CL's `some'.
(fn FUN XS)

Function: vc-revert-buffer

Revert working copies of the selected fileset to their repository contents.
This asks for confirmation if the buffer contents are not identical
to the working revision (except for keyword expansion). (fn)

Function: hanoi

Towers of Hanoi diversion. Use NRINGS rings.


Function: checkdoc-interactive

Interactively check the current buffer for doc string errors.
Prefix argument START-HERE will start the checking from the current
point, otherwise the check starts at the beginning of the current
buffer. Allows navigation forward and backwards through document
errors. Does not check for comment or space warnings.
Optional argument SHOWSTATUS indicates that we should update the
checkdoc status window instead of the usual behavior.


Function: read-color

Read a color name or RGB triplet.
Completion is available for color names, but not for RGB triplets.

RGB triplets have the form "#RRGGBB". Each of the R, G, and B
components can have one to four digits, but all three components
must have the same number of digits. Each digit is a hex value
between 0 and F; either upper case or lower case for A through F
are acceptable.

In addition to standard color names and RGB hex values, the
following are available as color candidates. In each case, the
corresponding color is used.

* `foreground at point' - foreground under the cursor
* `background at point' - background under the cursor

Optional arg PROMPT is the prompt; if nil, use a default prompt.

Interactively, or with optional arg CONVERT-TO-RGB-P non-nil,
convert an input color name to an RGB hex string. Return the RGB
hex string.

If optional arg ALLOW-EMPTY-NAME is non-nil, the user is allowed
to enter an empty color name (the empty string).

Interactively, or with optional arg MSG non-nil, print the resulting color name in the echo area.

Variable: sh-indent-for-done

How much to indent a `done' relative to its matching stmt. Usually 0.

Function: byte-compile-prog2

(fn FORM)

Variable: url-current-mime-headers

A parsed representation of the MIME headers for the current URL.

Function: strokes-global-set-stroke

Interactively give STROKE the global binding as COMMAND.
Operated just like `global-set-key', except for strokes.
COMMAND is a symbol naming an interactively-callable function. STROKE
is a list of sampled positions on the stroke grid as described in the
documentation for the `strokes-define-stroke' function.

See also `strokes-global-set-stroke-string'. (fn STROKE COMMAND)

Variable: dir-locals-directory-cache

List of cached directory roots for directory-local variable classes.
Each element in this list has the form (DIR CLASS MTIME).
DIR is the name of the directory.
CLASS is the name of a variable class (a symbol).
MTIME is the recorded modification time of the directory-local
variables file associated with this entry. This time is a list
of integers (the same format as `file-attributes'), and is
used to test whether the cache entry is still valid.
Alternatively, MTIME can be nil, which means the entry is always considered valid.

Function: regexp-opt

Return a regexp to match a string in the list STRINGS.
Each string should be unique in STRINGS and should not contain any regexps,
quoted or not. If optional PAREN is non-nil, ensure that the returned regexp
is enclosed by at least one regexp grouping construct.
The returned regexp is typically more efficient than the equivalent regexp:

(let ((open (if PAREN "\\(" "")) (close (if PAREN "\\)" "")))
(concat open (mapconcat 'regexp-quote STRINGS "\\|") close))

If PAREN is `words', then the resulting regexp is additionally surrounded
by \< and \>.
If PAREN is `symbols', then the resulting regexp is additionally surrounded by \_< and \_>.

Function: custom-initialize-changed

Initialize SYMBOL with VALUE.
Like `custom-initialize-reset', but only use the `:set' function if
not using the standard setting.
For the standard setting, use `set-default'.

Function: max-char

Return the character of the maximum code.


Variable: command-debug-status

Debugging status of current interactive command.
Bound each time `call-interactively' is called;
may be set by the debugger as a reminder for itself.

Variable: default-abbrev-mode

Default value of `abbrev-mode' for buffers that do not override it.
This is the same as (default-value 'abbrev-mode).

Function: smie-op-right

Return the car of the cdr of X.

Function: byte-compile-prog1

(fn FORM)

Function: font-lock-default-fontify-buffer

Fontify the whole buffer using `font-lock-fontify-region-function'.

Function: checkdoc-ispell-continue

Check the style and spelling of the current buffer after point.
Calls `checkdoc-continue' with spell-checking turned on.
Prefix argument TAKE-NOTES is the same as for `checkdoc-continue'

(fn &optional TAKE-NOTES)

Function: bibtex-mode

Major mode for editing BibTeX files.

General information on working with BibTeX mode:

Use commands such as
Uses keymap `bibtex-mode-map', which is not currently defined.
M-x bibtex-Book to get a template for a specific entry.
Then fill in all desired fields using M-x bibtex-next-field to jump from field
to field. After having filled in all desired fields in the entry, clean the
new entry with the command M-x bibtex-clean-entry.

Some features of BibTeX mode are available only by setting the variable
`bibtex-maintain-sorted-entries' to non-nil. However, then BibTeX mode
works only with buffers containing valid (syntactically correct) and sorted
entries. This is usually the case, if you have created a buffer completely
with BibTeX mode and finished every new entry with M-x bibtex-clean-entry.

For third party BibTeX files, call the command M-x bibtex-convert-alien
to fully take advantage of all features of BibTeX mode.

Special information:

A command such as M-x bibtex-Book outlines the fields for a BibTeX book entry.

The names of optional fields start with the string OPT, and are thus ignored
by BibTeX. The names of alternative fields from which only one is required
start with the string ALT. The OPT or ALT string may be removed from
the name of a field with M-x bibtex-remove-OPT-or-ALT.
M-x bibtex-make-field inserts a new field after the current one.
M-x bibtex-kill-field kills the current field entirely.
M-x bibtex-yank yanks the last recently killed field after the current field.
M-x bibtex-remove-delimiters removes the double-quotes or braces around the text of the current field.
M-x bibtex-empty-field replaces the text of the current field with the default "" or {}.
M-x bibtex-find-text moves point to the end of the current field.
M-x completion-at-point completes word fragment before point according to context.

The command M-x bibtex-clean-entry cleans the current entry, i.e. it removes OPT/ALT
from the names of all non-empty optional or alternative fields, checks that
no required fields are empty, and does some formatting dependent on the value
of `bibtex-entry-format'. Furthermore, it can automatically generate a key
for the BibTeX entry, see `bibtex-generate-autokey'.
Note: some functions in BibTeX mode depend on entries being in a special
format (all fields beginning on separate lines), so it is usually a bad
idea to remove `realign' from `bibtex-entry-format'.

BibTeX mode supports Imenu and hideshow minor mode (`hs-minor-mode').

---------------------------------------------------------- Entry to BibTeX mode calls the value of `bibtex-mode-hook' if that value is non-nil. Uses keymap `bibtex-mode-map', which is not currently defined. (fn)

Function: delete-forward-char

Delete the following N characters (previous if N is negative).
If Transient Mark mode is enabled, the mark is active, and N is 1,
delete the text in the region and deactivate the mark instead.
To disable this, set `delete-active-region' to nil.

Optional second arg KILLFLAG non-nil means to kill (save in kill
ring) instead of delete. Interactively, N is the prefix arg, and
KILLFLAG is set if N was explicitly specified.

Variable: max-image-size

Maximum size of images.
Emacs will not load an image into memory if its pixel width or
pixel height exceeds this limit.

If the value is an integer, it directly specifies the maximum
image height and width, measured in pixels. If it is a floating
point number, it specifies the maximum image height and width
as a ratio to the frame height and width. If the value is
non-numeric, there is no explicit limit on the size of images.

Function: setcdr

Set the cdr of CELL to be NEWCDR. Returns NEWCDR.


Function: sh-find-prev-matching

Find a matching token for a set of opening and closing keywords.
This takes into account that there may be nested open..close pairings.
OPEN and CLOSE are regexps denoting the tokens to be matched.
Optional parameter DEPTH (usually 1) says how many to look for.

Function: sh-mkword-regexpr

Make a regexp which matches WORD as a word.
This specifically excludes an occurrence of WORD followed by
punctuation characters like '-'.

Function: comment-string-reverse

Return the mirror image of string S, without any trailing space.

(fn S)

Function: comint-output-filter


Function: list-packages

Display a list of packages.
This first fetches the updated list of packages before
displaying, unless a prefix argument NO-FETCH is specified.
The list is displayed in a buffer named `*Packages*'.

Function: cancel-change-group

Finish a change group made with `prepare-change-group' (which see).
This finishes the change group by reverting all of its changes.

Function: split-window-internal

Split window OLD.
Second argument TOTAL-SIZE specifies the number of lines or columns of the
new window. In any case TOTAL-SIZE must be a positive integer.

Third argument SIDE nil (or `below') specifies that the new window shall
be located below WINDOW. SIDE `above' means the new window shall be
located above WINDOW. In both cases TOTAL-SIZE specifies the number of
lines of the new window including space reserved for the mode and/or
header line.

SIDE t (or `right') specifies that the new window shall be located on
the right side of WINDOW. SIDE `left' means the new window shall be
located on the left of WINDOW. In both cases TOTAL-SIZE specifies the
number of columns of the new window including space reserved for fringes
and the scrollbar or a divider column.

Fourth argument NORMAL-SIZE specifies the normal size of the new window
according to the SIDE argument.

The new total and normal sizes of all involved windows must have been
set correctly. See the code of `split-window' for how this is done. (fn OLD TOTAL-SIZE SIDE NORMAL-SIZE)

Function: aset

Store into the element of ARRAY at index IDX the value NEWELT.
Return NEWELT. ARRAY may be a vector, a string, a char-table or a
bool-vector. IDX starts at 0.


Variable: pp-escape-newlines

Value of `print-escape-newlines' used by pp-* functions.

Variable: leim-list-entry-regexp

Regexp matching head of each entry in LEIM list file.
See also the variable `leim-list-header'.

Function: whitespace-report-region

Report some whitespace problems in a region.

Return nil if there is no whitespace problem; otherwise, return

If FORCE is non-nil or C-u was pressed just
before calling `whitespace-report-region' interactively, it
forces `whitespace-style' to have:


If REPORT-IF-BOGUS is non-nil, it reports only when there are any
whitespace problems in buffer.

Report if some of the following whitespace problems exist:

* If `indent-tabs-mode' is non-nil:
empty 1. empty lines at beginning of buffer.
empty 2. empty lines at end of buffer.
trailing 3. SPACEs or TABs at end of line.
indentation 4. 8 or more SPACEs at beginning of line.
space-before-tab 5. SPACEs before TAB.
space-after-tab 6. 8 or more SPACEs after TAB.

* If `indent-tabs-mode' is nil:
empty 1. empty lines at beginning of buffer.
empty 2. empty lines at end of buffer.
trailing 3. SPACEs or TABs at end of line.
indentation 4. TABS at beginning of line.
space-before-tab 5. SPACEs before TAB.
space-after-tab 6. 8 or more SPACEs after TAB.

See `whitespace-style' for documentation. See also `whitespace-cleanup' and `whitespace-cleanup-region' for cleaning up these problems. (fn START END &optional FORCE REPORT-IF-BOGUS)

Variable: vc-checkin-hook

Normal hook (list of functions) run after commit or file checkin.
See also `log-edit-done-hook'.

Function: savehist-mode

Toggle saving of minibuffer history (Savehist mode).
With a prefix argument ARG, enable Savehist mode if ARG is
positive, and disable it otherwise. If called from Lisp, enable
the mode if ARG is omitted or nil.

When Savehist mode is enabled, minibuffer history is saved
periodically and when exiting Emacs. When Savehist mode is
enabled for the first time in an Emacs session, it loads the
previous minibuffer history from `savehist-file'.

This mode should normally be turned on from your Emacs init file.
Calling it at any other time replaces your current minibuffer
histories, which is probably undesirable. (fn &optional ARG)

Variable: savehist-mode

Non-nil if Savehist mode is enabled.
See the command `savehist-mode' for a description of this minor mode.
Setting this variable directly does not take effect;
either customize it (see the info node `Easy Customization')
or call the function `savehist-mode'.

Function: forms-find-file

Visit a file in Forms mode.

(fn FN)

Variable: font-lock-builtin-face

Face name to use for builtins.

Face: font-lock-builtin-face

Font Lock mode face used to highlight builtins.

Function: user-error

Signal a pilot error, making error message by passing all args to `format'.
In Emacs, the convention is that error messages start with a capital
letter but *do not* end with a period. Please follow this convention
for the sake of consistency.
This is just like `error' except that `user-error's are expected to be the
result of an incorrect manipulation on the part of the user, rather than the
result of an actual problem.

Function: windmove-down

Select the window below the current one.
With no prefix argument, or with prefix argument equal to zero,
"down" is relative to the position of point in the window; otherwise
it is relative to the left edge (for positive ARG) or the right edge
(for negative ARG) of the current window.
If no window is at the desired location, an error is signaled. (fn &optional ARG)

Function: kill-buffer-ask

Kill BUFFER if confirmed.

Function: bobp

Return t if point is at the beginning of the buffer.
If the buffer is narrowed, this means the beginning of the narrowed part.

Function: sh-if

Insert an if statement. See `sh-feature'.

This is a skeleton command (see `skeleton-insert').
Normally the skeleton text is inserted at point, with nothing "inside".
If there is a highlighted region, the skeleton text is wrapped
around the region text.

A prefix argument ARG says to wrap the skeleton around the next ARG words.
A prefix argument of -1 says to wrap around region, even if not highlighted.
A prefix argument of zero says to wrap around zero words---that is, nothing.
This is a way of overriding the use of a highlighted region.

Function: Info-apropos-toc-nodes

Apropos-specific implementation of `Info-toc-nodes'.

Variable: backward-delete-char-untabify-method

The method for untabifying when deleting backward.
Can be `untabify' -- turn a tab to many spaces, then delete one space;
`hungry' -- delete all whitespace, both tabs and spaces;
`all' -- delete all whitespace, including tabs, spaces and newlines;
nil -- just delete one character.

Variable: last-abbrev-location

The location of the start of the last abbrev expanded.

Function: gdb

Run gdb on program FILE in buffer *gud-FILE*.
The directory containing FILE becomes the initial working directory
and source-file directory for your debugger.

COMMAND-LINE is the shell command for starting the gdb session.
It should be a string consisting of the name of the gdb
executable followed by command-line options. The command-line
options should include "-i=mi" to use gdb's MI text interface.
Note that the old "--annotate" option is no longer supported.

If `gdb-many-windows' is nil (the default value) then gdb just
pops up the GUD buffer unless `gdb-show-main' is t. In this case
it starts with two windows: one displaying the GUD buffer and the
other with the source file with the main routine of the inferior.

If `gdb-many-windows' is t, regardless of the value of
`gdb-show-main', the layout below will appear. Keybindings are
shown in some of the buffers.

Watch expressions appear in the speedbar/slowbar.

The following commands help control operation :

`gdb-many-windows' - Toggle the number of windows gdb uses.
`gdb-restore-windows' - To restore the window layout.

See Info node `(emacs)GDB Graphical Interface' for a more
detailed description of this mode.

| GDB Toolbar |
| GUD buffer (I/O of GDB) | Locals buffer |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Source buffer | I/O buffer (of debugged program) |
| | (comint-mode) |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Stack buffer | Breakpoints buffer |
| RET gdb-select-frame | SPC gdb-toggle-breakpoint |
| | RET gdb-goto-breakpoint | | | D gdb-delete-breakpoint | +-----------------------------------+----------------------------------+ (fn COMMAND-LINE)

Function: window-body-width

Return the width, in columns, of WINDOW's text area.
WINDOW must be a live window and defaults to the selected one.

The return value does not include any vertical dividers, fringe or
marginal areas, or scroll bars. On a graphical display, the width is
expressed as an integer multiple of the default character width.
(fn &optional WINDOW)

Function: frame-pixel-height

Return a FRAME's height in pixels.
If FRAME is omitted, the selected frame is used. The exact value
of the result depends on the window-system and toolkit in use:

In the Gtk+ version of Emacs, it includes only any window (including
the minibuffer or echo area), mode line, and header line. It does not
include the tool bar or menu bar.

With other graphical versions, it also includes the tool bar and the
menu bar.

For a text terminal, it includes the menu bar. In this case, the
result is really in characters rather than pixels (i.e., is identical to `frame-height'). (fn &optional FRAME)

Variable: cursor-type

Cursor to use when this buffer is in the selected window.
Values are interpreted as follows:

t use the cursor specified for the frame
nil don't display a cursor
box display a filled box cursor
hollow display a hollow box cursor
bar display a vertical bar cursor with default width
(bar . WIDTH) display a vertical bar cursor with width WIDTH
hbar display a horizontal bar cursor with default height
(hbar . HEIGHT) display a horizontal bar cursor with height HEIGHT
ANYTHING ELSE display a hollow box cursor

When the buffer is displayed in a non-selected window, the
cursor's appearance is instead controlled by the variable `cursor-in-non-selected-windows'.

Variable: url-max-password-attempts

Maximum number of times a password will be prompted for.
Applies when a protected document is denied by the server.

Function: jka-compr-get-compression-info

Return information about the compression scheme of FILENAME.
The determination as to which compression scheme, if any, to use is
based on the filename itself and `jka-compr-compression-info-list'.

Function: tramp-unload-file-name-handlers


Variable: directory-free-space-args

Options to use when running `directory-free-space-program'.

Function: compose-string-internal

Internal use only.

Compose text between indices START and END of STRING.
Optional 4th and 5th arguments are COMPONENTS and MODIFICATION-FUNC
for the composition. See `compose-string' for more details.


Function: max

Return largest of all the arguments (which must be numbers or markers).
The value is always a number; markers are converted to numbers.


Function: byte-compile-top-level-body

(fn BODY &optional FOR-EFFECT)

Function: Info-extract-pointer

Extract the value of the node-pointer named NAME.
If there is none, use ERRORNAME in the error message;
if ERRORNAME is nil, just return nil.

Function: vc-git-rename-as-string

Return a string describing the copy or rename associated with INFO,
or an empty string if none.


Function: vc-git-extra-fileinfo->new-perm

(fn CL-X)

Function: yenc-extract-filename

Extract file name from an yenc header.


Function: woman-find-file

Find, decode and browse a specific UN*X man-page source file FILE-NAME.
Use existing buffer if possible; reformat only if prefix arg given.
When called interactively, optional argument REFORMAT forces reformatting
of an existing WoMan buffer formatted earlier.
No external programs are used, except that `gunzip' will be used to
decompress the file if appropriate. See the documentation for the
`woman' command for further details.

(fn FILE-NAME &optional REFORMAT)

Function: gravatar-retrieve

Retrieve MAIL-ADDRESS gravatar and call CB on retrieval.
You can provide a list of argument to pass to CB in CBARGS.


Function: gnus-sync-install-hooks

Install the sync hooks.


Function: char-after

Return character in current buffer at position POS.
POS is an integer or a marker and defaults to point.
If POS is out of range, the value is nil.

(fn &optional POS)

Variable: inhibit-null-byte-detection

If non-nil, Emacs ignores null bytes on code detection.
By default, Emacs treats it as binary data, and does not attempt to
decode it. The effect is as if you specified `no-conversion' for
reading that text.

Set this to non-nil when a regular text happens to include null bytes.
Examples are Index nodes of Info files and null-byte delimited output
from GNU Find and GNU Grep. Emacs will then ignore the null bytes and decode text as usual.

Variable: shell-completion-execonly

If non-nil, use executable files only for completion candidates.
This mirrors the optional behavior of tcsh.

Detecting executability of files may slow command completion considerably.

Function: cl-caaaar

Return the `car' of the `car' of the `car' of the `car' of X.

(fn X)

Function: canonically-space-region

Remove extra spaces between words in region.
Leave one space between words, two at end of sentences or after colons
(depending on values of `sentence-end-double-space', `colon-double-space',
and `sentence-end-without-period').
Remove indentation from each line.

Function: compose-last-chars

Compose last characters.
The argument is a parameterized event of the form
(compose-last-chars N COMPONENTS),
where N is the number of characters before point to compose,
COMPONENTS, if non-nil, is the same as the argument to `compose-region'
(which see). If it is nil, `compose-chars-after' is called,
and that function finds a proper rule to compose the target characters.
This function is intended to be used from input methods.
The global keymap binds special event `compose-last-chars' to this
function. Input method may generate an event (compose-last-chars N COMPONENTS)
after a sequence of character events.

Function: current-word

Return the symbol or word that point is on (or a nearby one) as a string.
The return value includes no text properties.
If optional arg STRICT is non-nil, return nil unless point is within
or adjacent to a symbol or word. In all cases the value can be nil
if there is no word nearby.
The function, belying its name, normally finds a symbol.
If optional arg REALLY-WORD is non-nil, it finds just a word.

Function: gnus-group-split

Use information from group parameters in order to split mail.
See `gnus-group-split-fancy' for more information.

`gnus-group-split' is a valid value for `nnmail-split-methods'. (fn)

Variable: custom-menu-sort-alphabetically

If non-nil, sort each customization group alphabetically in menus.

Variable: current-language-environment

The last language environment specified with `set-language-environment'.
This variable should be set only with M-x customize, which is equivalent
to using the function `set-language-environment'.

Function: decode-big5-char

Decode a Big5 character which has CODE in BIG5 coding system.
Return the corresponding character.

(fn CODE)

Function: arrayp

Return t if OBJECT is an array (string or vector).


Function: eieio-set-defaults

Take object OBJ, and reset all slots to their defaults.
If SET-ALL is non-nil, then when a default is nil, that value is
reset. If SET-ALL is nil, the slots are only reset if the default is
not nil.

Function: help-fns--signature


Function: url-register-auth-scheme

Register an HTTP authentication method.

TYPE is a string or symbol specifying the name of the method.
This should be the same thing you expect to get returned in
an Authenticate header in HTTP/1.0 - it will be downcased.
FUNCTION is the function to call to get the authorization information.
This defaults to `url-?-auth', where ? is TYPE.
RATING a rating between 1 and 10 of the strength of the authentication.
This is used when asking for the best authentication for a specific
URL. The item with the highest rating is returned.

Function: ediff-windows-linewise

Compare WIND-A and WIND-B, which are selected by clicking, linewise.
With prefix argument, DUMB-MODE, or on a non-windowing display, works as
If WIND-A is nil, use selected window.
If WIND-B is nil, use window next to WIND-A.


Function: align-highlight-rule

Highlight the whitespace which a given rule would have modified.
BEG and END mark the extent of the region. TITLE identifies the rule
that should be highlighted. If RULES or EXCLUDE-RULES is set to a
list of rules (see `align-rules-list'), it can be used to override the
default alignment rules that would have been used to identify the text
to be colored.


Variable: ignored-local-variables

Variables to be ignored in a file's local variable spec.

Function: point-at-bol

Return the character position of the first character on the current line.
With optional argument N, scan forward N - 1 lines first.
If the scan reaches the end of the buffer, return that position.

This function ignores text display directionality; it returns the
position of the first character in logical order, i.e. the smallest
character position on the line.

This function constrains the returned position to the current field
unless that position would be on a different line than the original,
unconstrained result. If N is nil or 1, and a front-sticky field
starts at point, the scan stops as soon as it starts. To ignore field
boundaries, bind `inhibit-field-text-motion' to t.

This function does not move point. (fn &optional N)

Function: sh-add-completer

Do completion using `sh-shell-variables', but initialize it first.
This function is designed for use as the "completion table",
so it takes three arguments:
STRING, the current buffer contents;
PREDICATE, the predicate for filtering possible matches;
CODE, which says what kind of things to do.
CODE can be nil, t or `lambda'.
nil means to return the best completion of STRING, or nil if there is none.
t means to return a list of all possible completions of STRING.
`lambda' means to return t if STRING is a valid completion as it stands.

Function: word-search-regexp

Return a regexp which matches words, ignoring punctuation.
Given STRING, a string of words separated by word delimiters,
compute a regexp that matches those exact words separated by
arbitrary punctuation. If LAX is non-nil, the end of the string
need not match a word boundary unless it ends in whitespace.

Used in `word-search-forward', `word-search-backward',
`word-search-forward-lax', `word-search-backward-lax'.

Function: pop3-movemail

Transfer contents of a maildrop to the specified FILE.
Use streaming commands.

(fn FILE)

Function: list-tags

Display list of tags in file FILE.
This searches only the first table in the list, and no included tables.
FILE should be as it appeared in the `etags' command, usually without a
directory specification.

(fn FILE &optional NEXT-MATCH)

Function: epatch

Query for a file name, and then run Ediff by patching that file.
If optional PATCH-BUF is given, use the patch in that buffer
and don't ask the user.
If prefix argument, then: if even argument, assume that the patch is in a
buffer. If odd -- assume it is in a file.

(fn &optional ARG PATCH-BUF)

Function: full-calc

Invoke the Calculator and give it a full-sized window.

(fn &optional INTERACTIVE)

Variable: font-list-limit

This variable is obsolete and has no effect.

Function: set-auto-mode-1

Find the -*- spec in the buffer.
Call with point at the place to start searching from.
If one is found, set point to the beginning and return the position
of the end. Otherwise, return nil; may change point.
The variable `inhibit-local-variables-regexps' can cause a -*- spec to
be ignored; but `enable-local-variables' and `local-enable-local-variables' have no effect.

Function: eval-after-load

Arrange that if FILE is loaded, FORM will be run immediately afterwards.
If FILE is already loaded, evaluate FORM right now.

If a matching file is loaded again, FORM will be evaluated again.

If FILE is a string, it may be either an absolute or a relative file
name, and may have an extension (e.g. ".el") or may lack one, and
additionally may or may not have an extension denoting a compressed
format (e.g. ".gz").

When FILE is absolute, this first converts it to a true name by chasing
symbolic links. Only a file of this name (see next paragraph regarding
extensions) will trigger the evaluation of FORM. When FILE is relative,
a file whose absolute true name ends in FILE will trigger evaluation.

When FILE lacks an extension, a file name with any extension will trigger
evaluation. Otherwise, its extension must match FILE's. A further
extension for a compressed format (e.g. ".gz") on FILE will not affect
this name matching.

Alternatively, FILE can be a feature (i.e. a symbol), in which case FORM
is evaluated at the end of any file that `provide's this feature.
If the feature is provided when evaluating code not associated with a
file, FORM is evaluated immediately after the provide statement.

Usually FILE is just a library name like "font-lock" or a feature name like 'font-lock. This function makes or adds to an entry on `after-load-alist'.

Function: tty-display-color-cells

Return the number of colors supported by the tty device TERMINAL.

TERMINAL can be a terminal object, a frame, or nil (meaning the
selected frame's terminal). This function always returns 0 if
TERMINAL does not refer to a text terminal.

(fn &optional TERMINAL)

Function: sh-learn-line-indent

Learn how to indent a line as it currently is indented.

If there is an indentation variable which controls this line's indentation,
then set it to a value which would indent the line the way it
presently is.

If the value can be represented by one of the symbols then do so
unless optional argument ARG (the prefix when interactive) is non-nil.

Variable: occur-mode-map

Keymap for `occur-mode'.

Function: set-auto-mode-0

Apply MODE and return it.
If optional arg KEEP-MODE-IF-SAME is non-nil, MODE is chased of
any aliases and compared to current major mode. If they are the
same, do nothing and return nil.

Function: unhighlight-regexp

Remove highlighting of each match to REGEXP set by hi-lock.
Interactively, prompt for REGEXP, accepting only regexps
previously inserted by hi-lock interactive functions.

Function: customize-push-and-save

Add ELTS to LIST-VAR and save for future sessions, safely.
ELTS should be a list. This function adds each entry to the
value of LIST-VAR using `add-to-list'.

If Emacs is initialized, call `customize-save-variable' to save
the resulting list value now. Otherwise, add an entry to
`after-init-hook' to save it after initialization. (fn LIST-VAR ELTS)

Variable: byte-stack+-info

An array with the stack adjustment for each byte-code.

Function: class-of

Return the class struct defining OBJ.

Variable: occur-edit-mode-abbrev-table

Abbrev table for `occur-edit-mode'.

Variable: uncomment-region-function

Function to uncomment a region.
Its args are the same as those of `uncomment-region', but BEG and END are
guaranteed to be correctly ordered. It is called within `save-excursion'.

Applicable at least in modes for languages like fixed-format Fortran where
comments always start in column zero.

Variable: minibuffer-completing-symbol

Non-nil means completing a Lisp symbol in the minibuffer.

Function: rmail

Read and edit incoming mail.
Moves messages into file named by `rmail-file-name' and edits that
file in RMAIL Mode.
Type C-h m once editing that file, for a list of RMAIL commands.

May be called with file name as argument; then performs rmail editing on
that file, but does not copy any new mail into the file.
Interactively, if you supply a prefix argument, then you
have a chance to specify a file name with the minibuffer.

If `rmail-display-summary' is non-nil, make a summary for this RMAIL file. (fn &optional FILE-NAME-ARG)

Function: quail-use-package

Start using Quail package PACKAGE-NAME.
The remaining arguments are LIBRARIES to be loaded before using the package.

This activates input method defined by PACKAGE-NAME by running
`quail-activate', which see.


Function: find-file-literally

Visit file FILENAME with no conversion of any kind.
Format conversion and character code conversion are both disabled,
and multibyte characters are disabled in the resulting buffer.
The major mode used is Fundamental mode regardless of the file name,
and local variable specifications in the file are ignored.
Automatic uncompression and adding a newline at the end of the
file due to `require-final-newline' is also disabled.

You cannot absolutely rely on this function to result in
visiting the file literally. If Emacs already has a buffer
which is visiting the file, you get the existing buffer,
regardless of whether it was created literally or not.

In a Lisp program, if you want to be sure of accessing a file's
contents literally, you should create a temporary buffer and then read
the file contents into it using `insert-file-contents-literally'.

Variable: find-file-literally

Non-nil if this buffer was made by `find-file-literally' or equivalent.
This has the `permanent-local' property, which takes effect if you
make the variable buffer-local.

Function: gnus-make-predicate

Transform SPEC into a function that can be called.
SPEC is a predicate specifier that contains stuff like `or', `and',
`not', lists and functions. The functions all take one parameter.

Function: mm-charset-after

Return charset of a character in current buffer at position POS.
If POS is nil, it defaults to the current point.
If POS is out of range, the value is nil.
If the charset is `composition', return the actual one.

Function: Info-unescape-quotes

Unescape double quotes and backslashes in VALUE.

Function: cl-copy-list

Return a copy of LIST, which may be a dotted list.
The elements of LIST are not copied, just the list structure itself.

(fn LIST)

Variable: float-pi

The value of Pi (3.1415926...).

Function: buffer-menu

Switch to the Buffer Menu.
By default, the Buffer Menu lists all buffers except those whose
names start with a space (which are for internal use). With
prefix argument ARG, show only buffers that are visiting files.

In the Buffer Menu, the first column (denoted "C") shows "."
for the buffer from which you came, ">" for buffers you mark to
be displayed, and "D" for those you mark for deletion.

The "R" column has a "%" if the buffer is read-only.
The "M" column has a "*" if it is modified, or "S" if you
have marked it for saving.

The remaining columns show the buffer name, the buffer size in
characters, its major mode, and the visited file name (if any).

See `Buffer-menu-mode' for the keybindings available the Buffer Menu.

Function: executable-command-find-posix-p

Check if PROGRAM handles arguments Posix-style.
If PROGRAM is non-nil, use that instead of "find".

Function: sql-mode

Major mode to edit SQL.

You can send SQL statements to the SQLi buffer using
M-x sql-send-region. Such a buffer must exist before you can do this.
See `sql-help' on how to create SQLi buffers.

Uses keymap `sql-mode-map', which is not currently defined.

Customization: Entry to this mode runs the `sql-mode-hook'.

When you put a buffer in SQL mode, the buffer stores the last SQLi
buffer created as its destination in the variable `sql-buffer'. This
will be the buffer M-x sql-send-region sends the region to. If this
SQLi buffer is killed, M-x sql-send-region is no longer able to
determine where the strings should be sent to. You can set the
value of `sql-buffer' using M-x sql-set-sqli-buffer.

For information on how to create multiple SQLi buffers, see

Note that SQL doesn't have an escape character unless you specify
one. If you specify backslash as escape character in SQL, you
must tell Emacs. Here's how to do that in your init file:

(add-hook 'sql-mode-hook (lambda () (modify-syntax-entry ?\\ "." sql-mode-syntax-table))) (fn)

Variable: undo-in-progress

Non-nil while performing an undo.
Some change-hooks test this variable to do something different.

Function: char-before

Return character in current buffer preceding position POS.
POS is an integer or a marker and defaults to point.
If POS is out of range, the value is nil.

(fn &optional POS)

Function: byte-optimize-form

The source-level pass of the optimizer.

(fn FORM &optional FOR-EFFECT)

Function: ansi-color-apply-on-region

Translates SGR control sequences into overlays or extents.
Delete all other control sequences without processing them.

SGR control sequences are applied by calling the function
specified by `ansi-color-apply-face-function'. The default
function sets foreground and background colors to the text
between BEGIN and END, using overlays. The colors used are given
in `ansi-color-faces-vector' and `ansi-color-names-vector'. See
`ansi-color-apply-sequence' for details.

Every call to this function will set and use the buffer-local
variable `ansi-color-context-region' to save position and current
ansi codes. This information will be used for the next call to
`ansi-color-apply-on-region'. Specifically, it will override
BEGIN, the start of the region and set the face with which to
start. Set `ansi-color-context-region' to nil if you don't want this.

Function: highlight-changes-remove-highlight

Remove the change face from the region between BEG and END.
This allows you to manually remove highlighting from uninteresting changes.

(fn BEG END)

Variable: ctext-standard-encodings

List of approved standard encodings (i.e. charsets) of X's Compound Text.
Coding-system `compound-text-with-extensions' encodes a character
belonging to any of those charsets using the normal ISO2022
designation sequence unless the current language environment or
the variable `ctext-non-standard-encodings' decide to use an extended
segment of CTEXT for that character. See also the documentation
of `ctext-non-standard-encodings-alist'.

Function: map

Map a FUNCTION across one or more SEQUENCEs, returning a sequence.
TYPE is the sequence type to return.


Function: vc-parse-buffer

Find PATTERN in the current buffer and return its Ith submatch.

Function: encode-composition-rule

Encode composition rule RULE into an integer value.
RULE is a cons of global and new reference point symbols
(see `reference-point-alist').

Variable: load-path

List of directories to search for files to load.
Each element is a string (directory name) or nil (try default directory).
Initialized based on EMACSLOADPATH environment variable, if any,
otherwise to default specified by file `epaths.h' when Emacs was built.

Variable: byte-compile-call-tree

Alist of functions and their call tree.
Each element looks like


where CALLERS is a list of functions that call FUNCTION, and CALLS
is a list of functions for which calls were generated while compiling FUNCTION.

Function: sh-beginning-of-command

Move point to successive beginnings of commands.

Variable: sh-beginning-of-command

Regexp to determine the beginning of a shell command.
The actual command starts at the beginning of the second \(grouping\).

Function: cl-expand-do-loop


Function: scroll-all-mode

Toggle shared scrolling in same-frame windows (Scroll-All mode).
With a prefix argument ARG, enable Scroll-All mode if ARG is
positive, and disable it otherwise. If called from Lisp, enable
the mode if ARG is omitted or nil.

When Scroll-All mode is enabled, scrolling commands invoked in
one window apply to all visible windows in the same frame. (fn &optional ARG)

Variable: scroll-all-mode

Non-nil if Scroll-All mode is enabled.
See the command `scroll-all-mode' for a description of this minor mode.
Setting this variable directly does not take effect;
either customize it (see the info node `Easy Customization')
or call the function `scroll-all-mode'.

Function: reftex-all-document-files

Return a list of all files belonging to the current document.
When RELATIVE is non-nil, give file names relative to directory
of master file.

(fn &optional RELATIVE)

Function: org-babel-do-load-languages

Load the languages defined in `org-babel-load-languages'.


Function: man

Get a Un*x manual page and put it in a buffer.
This command is the top-level command in the man package. It
runs a Un*x command to retrieve and clean a manpage in the
background and places the results in a `Man-mode' browsing
buffer. See variable `Man-notify-method' for what happens when
the buffer is ready. If a buffer already exists for this man
page, it will display immediately.

For a manpage from a particular section, use either of the
following. "cat(1)" is how cross-references appear and is
passed to man as "1 cat".

1 cat

To see manpages from all sections related to a subject, use an
"all pages" option (which might be "-a" if it's not the
default), then step through with `Man-next-manpage' (
Uses keymap `Man-mode-map', which is not currently defined.
M-x Man-next-manpage) etc.
Add to `Man-switches' to make this option permanent.

-a chmod

An explicit filename can be given too. Use -l if it might
otherwise look like a page name.

-l somefile.1

An "apropos" query with -k gives a buffer of matching page names or descriptions. The pattern argument is usually an "egrep" style regexp. -k pattern (fn MAN-ARGS)

Function: help-xref-button

Make a hyperlink for cross-reference text previously matched.
MATCH-NUMBER is the subexpression of interest in the last matched
regexp. TYPE is the type of button to use. Any remaining arguments are
passed to the button's help-function when it is invoked.
See `help-make-xrefs'.

Function: mode-line-next-buffer

Like `next-buffer', but temporarily select EVENT's window.

Function: gnutls-boot

Initialize GnuTLS client for process PROC with TYPE+PROPLIST.
Currently only client mode is supported. Return a success/failure
value you can check with `gnutls-errorp'.

TYPE is a symbol, either `gnutls-anon' or `gnutls-x509pki'.
PROPLIST is a property list with the following keys:

:hostname is a string naming the remote host.

:priority is a GnuTLS priority string, defaults to "NORMAL".

:trustfiles is a list of PEM-encoded trust files for `gnutls-x509pki'.

:crlfiles is a list of PEM-encoded CRL lists for `gnutls-x509pki'.

:keylist is an alist of PEM-encoded key files and PEM-encoded
certificates for `gnutls-x509pki'.

:callbacks is an alist of callback functions, see below.

:loglevel is the debug level requested from GnuTLS, try 4.

:verify-flags is a bitset as per GnuTLS'

:verify-hostname-error, if non-nil, makes a hostname mismatch an
error. Otherwise it will be just a warning.

:min-prime-bits is the minimum accepted number of bits the client will
accept in Diffie-Hellman key exchange.

The debug level will be set for this process AND globally for GnuTLS.
So if you set it higher or lower at any point, it affects global

Note that the priority is set on the client. The server does not use
the protocols's priority except for disabling protocols that were not

Processes must be initialized with this function before other GnuTLS
functions are used. This function allocates resources which can only
be deallocated by calling `gnutls-deinit' or by calling it again.

The callbacks alist can have a `verify' key, associated with a
verification function (UNUSED).

Each authentication type may need additional information in order to work. For X.509 PKI (`gnutls-x509pki'), you probably need at least one trustfile (usually a CA bundle). (fn PROC TYPE PROPLIST)

Variable: package-menu-mode-hook

Hook run when entering Package Menu mode.
No problems result if this variable is not bound.
`add-hook' automatically binds it. (This is true for all hook variables.)

Function: query-replace-compile-replacement

Maybe convert a regexp replacement TO to Lisp.
Returns a list suitable for `perform-replace' if necessary,
the original string if not.

Variable: end-of-defun-function

Function for `end-of-defun' to call.
This is used to find the end of the defun at point.
It is called with no argument, right after calling `beginning-of-defun-raw'.
So the function can assume that point is at the beginning of the defun body.
It should move point to the first position after the defun.

Variable: help-enable-auto-load

Whether Help commands can perform autoloading.
If non-nil, whenever C-h f is called for an
autoloaded function whose docstring contains any key substitution
construct (see `substitute-command-keys'), the library is loaded,
so that the documentation can show the right key bindings.

Function: completion--embedded-envvar-table

Completion table for envvars embedded in a string.
The envvar syntax (and escaping) rules followed by this table are the
same as `substitute-in-file-name'.


Function: dcl-mode

Major mode for editing DCL-files.

This mode indents command lines in blocks. (A block is commands between
THEN-ELSE-ENDIF and between lines matching dcl-block-begin-regexp and

Labels are indented to a fixed position unless they begin or end a block.
Whole-line comments (matching dcl-comment-line-regexp) are not indented.
Data lines are not indented.

Key bindings:

Uses keymap `dcl-mode-map', which is not currently defined.

Commands not usually bound to keys:

M-x dcl-save-nondefault-options Save changed options
M-x dcl-save-all-options Save all options
M-x dcl-save-option Save any option
M-x dcl-save-mode Save buffer mode

Variables controlling indentation style and extra features:

Extra indentation within blocks.

Extra indentation for continued lines.

Indentation for the first command line in a file or SUBROUTINE.

Indentation for a label.

Lines matching this regexp will not be indented.

Regexps that match command lines that begin and end, respectively,
a block of command lines that will be given extra indentation.
Command lines between THEN-ELSE-ENDIF are always indented; these variables
make it possible to define other places to indent.
Set to nil to disable this feature.

Can be set to a function that customizes indentation for command lines.
Two such functions are included in the package:

Can be set to a function that customizes indentation for continued lines.
One such function is included in the package:
dcl-calc-cont-indent-relative (set by default)

If t, pressing TAB always indents the current line.
If nil, pressing TAB indents the current line if point is at the left

Non-nil causes lines to be indented at once when a label, ELSE or ENDIF is

Use this variable and function dcl-electric-character to customize
which words trigger electric indentation.

These variables control the look of expanded templates.

Default value for imenu-generic-expression. The default includes
SUBROUTINE labels in the main listing and sub-listings for
other labels, CALL, GOTO and GOSUB statements.

Change the text that is used as sub-listing labels in imenu.

Loading this package calls the value of the variable
`dcl-mode-load-hook' with no args, if that value is non-nil.
Turning on DCL mode calls the value of the variable `dcl-mode-hook'
with no args, if that value is non-nil.

The following example uses the default values for all variables:

$! This is a comment line that is not indented (it matches
$! dcl-comment-line-regexp)
$! Next follows the first command line. It is indented dcl-margin-offset.
$ i = 1
$ ! Other comments are indented like command lines.
$ ! A margin label indented dcl-margin-label-offset:
$ label:
$ if i.eq.1
$ then
$ ! Lines between THEN-ELSE and ELSE-ENDIF are
$ ! indented dcl-basic-offset
$ loop1: ! This matches dcl-block-begin-regexp...
$ ! ...so this line is indented dcl-basic-offset $ text = "This " + - ! is a continued line "lined up with the command line" $ type sys$input Data lines are not indented at all. $ endloop1: ! This matches dcl-block-end-regexp $ endif $ There is some minimal font-lock support (see vars `dcl-font-lock-defaults' and `dcl-font-lock-keywords'). (fn)

Function: get-unused-category

Return a category which is not yet defined in TABLE.
If no category remains available, return nil.
The optional argument TABLE specifies which category table to modify;
it defaults to the current buffer's category table.

(fn &optional TABLE)

Function: prin1-to-string

Return a string containing the printed representation of OBJECT.
OBJECT can be any Lisp object. This function outputs quoting characters
when necessary to make output that `read' can handle, whenever possible,
unless the optional second argument NOESCAPE is non-nil. For complex objects,
the behavior is controlled by `print-level' and `print-length', which see.

OBJECT is any of the Lisp data types: a number, a string, a symbol,
a list, a buffer, a window, a frame, etc.

A printed representation of an object is text which describes that object. (fn OBJECT &optional NOESCAPE)

Variable: float-output-format

The format descriptor string used to print floats.
This is a %-spec like those accepted by `printf' in C,
but with some restrictions. It must start with the two characters `%.'.
After that comes an integer precision specification,
and then a letter which controls the format.
The letters allowed are `e', `f' and `g'.
Use `e' for exponential notation "DIG.DIGITSeEXPT"
Use `f' for decimal point notation "DIGITS.DIGITS".
Use `g' to choose the shorter of those two formats for the number at hand.
The precision in any of these cases is the number of digits following
the decimal point. With `f', a precision of 0 means to omit the
decimal point. 0 is not allowed with `e' or `g'.

A value of nil means to use the shortest notation
that represents the number without losing information.

Function: comint-set-process-mark

Set the process mark at point.


Function: timer-relative-time

Advance TIME by SECS seconds and optionally USECS nanoseconds
and PSECS picoseconds. SECS may be either an integer or a
floating point number.

Function: unjustify-current-line

Remove justification whitespace from current line.
If the line is centered or right-justified, this function removes any
indentation past the left margin. If the line is full-justified, it removes
extra spaces between words. It does nothing in other justification modes.

Function: todo-mode

Major mode for editing TODO lists.


Function: apropos-variable

Show user variables that match PATTERN.
PATTERN can be a word, a list of words (separated by spaces),
or a regexp (using some regexp special characters). If it is a word,
search for matches for that word as a substring. If it is a list of words,
search for matches for any two (or more) of those words.

With C-u prefix, or if `apropos-do-all' is non-nil, also show normal variables.

Function: new-frame

Return a newly created frame displaying the current buffer.
Optional argument PARAMETERS is an alist of frame parameters for
the new frame. Each element of PARAMETERS should have the
form (NAME . VALUE), for example:

(name . STRING) The frame should be named STRING.

(width . NUMBER) The frame should be NUMBER characters in width.
(height . NUMBER) The frame should be NUMBER text lines high.

You cannot specify either `width' or `height', you must specify
neither or both.

(minibuffer . t) The frame should have a minibuffer.
(minibuffer . nil) The frame should have no minibuffer.
(minibuffer . only) The frame should contain only a minibuffer.
(minibuffer . WINDOW) The frame should use WINDOW as its minibuffer window.

(window-system . nil) The frame should be displayed on a terminal device.
(window-system . x) The frame should be displayed in an X window.

(display . ":0") The frame should appear on display :0.

(terminal . TERMINAL) The frame should use the terminal object TERMINAL.

In addition, any parameter specified in `default-frame-alist',
but not present in PARAMETERS, is applied.

Before creating the frame (via `frame-creation-function-alist'),
this function runs the hook `before-make-frame-hook'. After
creating the frame, it runs the hook `after-make-frame-functions'
with one arg, the newly created frame.

If a display parameter is supplied and a window-system is not,
guess the window-system from the display.

On graphical displays, this function does not itself make the new frame the selected frame. However, the window system may select the new frame according to its own rules.

Function: window-full-height-p

Return t if WINDOW is as high as its containing frame.
More precisely, return t if and only if the total height of
WINDOW equals the total height of the root window of WINDOW's
frame. WINDOW must be a valid window and defaults to the
selected one.

Function: process-lines

Execute PROGRAM with ARGS, returning its output as a list of lines.
Signal an error if the program returns with a non-zero exit status.

Function: marker-insertion-type

Return insertion type of MARKER: t if it stays after inserted text.
The value nil means the marker stays before text inserted there.


Function: read-coding-system

Read a coding system from the minibuffer, prompting with string PROMPT.
If the user enters null input, return second argument DEFAULT-CODING-SYSTEM.
Ignores case when completing coding systems (all Emacs coding systems
are lower-case).


Function: gcd

Return the greatest common divisor of the arguments.

(fn &rest ARGS)

Function: goto-history-element

Puts element of the minibuffer history in the minibuffer.
The argument NABS specifies the absolute history position.

Function: ido-find-file-other-frame

Switch to another file and show it in another frame.
The file name is selected interactively by typing a substring.
For details of keybindings, see `ido-find-file'. (fn)

Function: propertized-buffer-identification

Return a list suitable for `mode-line-buffer-identification'.
FMT is a format specifier such as "%12b". This function adds
text properties for face, help-echo, and local-map to it.

Function: global-flycheck-mode

Toggle Flycheck mode in all buffers.
With prefix ARG, enable Global-Flycheck mode if ARG is positive;
otherwise, disable it. If called from Lisp, enable the mode if
ARG is omitted or nil.

Flycheck mode is enabled in all buffers where
`flycheck-mode-on-safe' would do it.
See `flycheck-mode' for more information on Flycheck mode. (fn &optional ARG)

Variable: global-flycheck-mode

Non-nil if Global-Flycheck mode is enabled.
See the command `global-flycheck-mode' for a description of this minor mode.
Setting this variable directly does not take effect;
either customize it (see the info node `Easy Customization')
or call the function `global-flycheck-mode'.

Variable: package--builtins

Alist of built-in packages.
The actual value is initialized by loading the library
`finder-inf'; this is not done until it is needed, e.g. by the
function `package-built-in-p'.

Each element has the form (PKG . DESC), where PKG is a package
name (a symbol) and DESC is a vector that describes the package.
The vector DESC has the form [VERSION-LIST REQS DOCSTRING].
VERSION-LIST is a version list.
REQS is a list of packages required by the package, each
requirement having the form (NAME VL), where NAME is a string
and VL is a version list.
DOCSTRING is a brief description of the package.

Function: define-mail-user-agent

Define a symbol to identify a mail-sending package for `mail-user-agent'.

SYMBOL can be any Lisp symbol. Its function definition and/or
value as a variable do not matter for this usage; we use only certain
properties on its property list, to encode the rest of the arguments.

COMPOSEFUNC is program callable function that composes an outgoing
mail message buffer. This function should set up the basics of the
buffer without requiring user interaction. It should populate the
standard mail headers, leaving the `to:' and `subject:' headers blank
by default.

COMPOSEFUNC should accept several optional arguments--the same
arguments that `compose-mail' takes. See that function's documentation.

SENDFUNC is the command a user would run to send the message.

Optional ABORTFUNC is the command a user would run to abort the
message. For mail packages that don't have a separate abort function,
this can be `kill-buffer' (the equivalent of omitting this argument).

Optional HOOKVAR is a hook variable that gets run before the message
is actually sent. Callers that use the `mail-user-agent' may
install a hook function temporarily on this hook variable.
If HOOKVAR is nil, `mail-send-hook' is used. The properties used on SYMBOL are `composefunc', `sendfunc', `abortfunc', and `hookvar'.

Function: split-string-and-unquote

Split the STRING into a list of strings.
It understands Emacs Lisp quoting within STRING, such that
(split-string-and-unquote (combine-and-quote-strings strs)) == strs
The SEPARATOR regexp defaults to "\s-+".

Function: file-modes

Return mode bits of file named FILENAME, as an integer.
Return nil, if file does not exist or is not accessible.


Function: apropos-score-doc

Return apropos score for documentation string DOC.

Function: dump-emacs

Dump current state of Emacs into executable file FILENAME.
Take symbols from SYMFILE (presumably the file you executed to run Emacs).
This is used in the file `loadup.el' when building Emacs.

You must run Emacs in batch mode in order to dump it.


Function: smie-rule-hanging-p

Return non-nil if the current token is "hanging".
A hanging keyword is one that's at the end of a line except it's not at
the beginning of a line. (fn)

Variable: byte-compile-noruntime-functions

Alist of functions called that may not be defined when the compiled code is run.
Used for warnings about calling a function that is defined during compilation
but won't necessarily be defined when the compiled file is loaded.

Face: apropos-misc-button

Button face indicating a miscellaneous object type in Apropos.

Function: tibetan-pre-write-conversion

(fn FROM TO)

Function: ebrowse-tags-find-definition

Find definition of member at point.


Function: internal-face-x-get-resource


Variable: byte-compile-global-not-obsolete-vars

Global list of variables that shouldn't be reported as obsolete.

Variable: byte-compile-log-buffer

Name of the byte-compiler's log buffer.

Variable: apropos-all-words

Current list of words and synonyms.

Function: word-search-forward

Search forward from point for STRING, ignoring differences in punctuation.
Set point to the end of the occurrence found, and return point.
An optional second argument bounds the search; it is a buffer position.
The match found must not extend after that position.
Optional third argument, if t, means if fail just return nil (no error).
If not nil and not t, move to limit of search and return nil.
Optional fourth argument is repeat count--search for successive occurrences.

Relies on the function `word-search-regexp' to convert a sequence
of words in STRING to a regexp used to search words without regard to punctuation.

Function: read-multilingual-string

Read a multilingual string from minibuffer, prompting with string PROMPT.
The input method selected last time is activated in minibuffer.
If optional second argument INITIAL-INPUT is non-nil, insert it in the
minibuffer initially.
Optional 3rd argument INPUT-METHOD specifies the input method to be activated
instead of the one selected last time. It is a symbol or a string.

Function: clone-indirect-buffer

Create an indirect buffer that is a twin copy of the current buffer.

Give the indirect buffer name NEWNAME. Interactively, read NEWNAME
from the minibuffer when invoked with a prefix arg. If NEWNAME is nil
or if not called with a prefix arg, NEWNAME defaults to the current
buffer's name. The name is modified by adding a `' suffix to it
or by incrementing the N in an existing suffix. Trying to clone a
buffer whose major mode symbol has a non-nil `no-clone-indirect'
property results in an error.

DISPLAY-FLAG non-nil means show the new buffer with `pop-to-buffer'.
This is always done when called interactively.

Optional third arg NORECORD non-nil means do not put this buffer at the front of the list of recently selected ones.

Function: recover-session-finish

Choose one saved session to recover auto-save files from.
This command is used in the special Dired buffer created by
M-x recover-session.

Function: split-window

Make a new window adjacent to WINDOW.
WINDOW must be a valid window and defaults to the selected one.
Return the new window which is always a live window.

Optional argument SIZE a positive number means make WINDOW SIZE
lines or columns tall. If SIZE is negative, make the new window
-SIZE lines or columns tall. If and only if SIZE is non-nil, its
absolute value can be less than `window-min-height' or
`window-min-width'; so this command can make a new window as
small as one line or two columns. SIZE defaults to half of
WINDOW's size. Interactively, SIZE is the prefix argument.

Optional third argument SIDE nil (or `below') specifies that the
new window shall be located below WINDOW. SIDE `above' means the
new window shall be located above WINDOW. In both cases SIZE
specifies the new number of lines for WINDOW (or the new window
if SIZE is negative) including space reserved for the mode and/or
header line.

SIDE t (or `right') specifies that the new window shall be
located on the right side of WINDOW. SIDE `left' means the new
window shall be located on the left of WINDOW. In both cases
SIZE specifies the new number of columns for WINDOW (or the new
window provided SIZE is negative) including space reserved for
fringes and the scrollbar or a divider column. Any other non-nil
value for SIDE is currently handled like t (or `right').

If the variable `ignore-window-parameters' is non-nil or the
`split-window' parameter of WINDOW equals t, do not process any
parameters of WINDOW. Otherwise, if the `split-window' parameter
of WINDOW specifies a function, call that function with all three
arguments and return the value returned by that function.

Otherwise, if WINDOW is part of an atomic window, "split" the
root of that atomic window. The new window does not become a
member of that atomic window.

If WINDOW is live, properties of the new window like margins and
scrollbars are inherited from WINDOW. If WINDOW is an internal
window, these properties as well as the buffer displayed in the new window are inherited from the window selected on WINDOW's frame. The selected window is not changed by this function.

Variable: no-redraw-on-reenter

Non-nil means no need to redraw entire frame after suspending.
A non-nil value is useful if the terminal can automatically preserve
Emacs's frame display when you reenter Emacs.
It is up to you to set this variable if your terminal can do that.

Function: keywordp

Return t if OBJECT is a keyword.
This means that it is a symbol with a print name beginning with `:'
interned in the initial obarray.

Face: apropos-keybinding

Face for lists of keybinding in Apropos output.

Function: dabbrev--find-all-expansions

Return a list of all possible expansions of ABBREV.
If IGNORE-CASE is non-nil, accept matches which differ in case.


Function: rmail-movemail-variant-p

Return t if the current movemail variant is any of VARIANTS.
Currently known variants are 'emacs and 'mailutils.

(fn &rest VARIANTS)

Function: kmacro-call-macro

Call the last keyboard macro that you defined with C-x (.
A prefix argument serves as a repeat count. Zero means repeat until error.

When you call the macro, you can call the macro again by repeating
just the last key in the key sequence that you used to call this
command. See `kmacro-call-repeat-key' and `kmacro-call-repeat-with-arg'
for details on how to adjust or disable this behavior.

To make a macro permanent so you can call it even after defining
others, use M-x kmacro-name-last-macro.
(fn ARG &optional NO-REPEAT END-MACRO)

Function: gnus-sieve-generate

Generate the Sieve script in gnus-sieve-file, by replacing the region
between gnus-sieve-region-start and gnus-sieve-region-end with
(gnus-sieve-script gnus-sieve-select-method gnus-sieve-crosspost).
See the documentation for these variables and functions for details. (fn)

Function: erc-delete-keyword

Delete keyword interactively to `erc-keywords'.


Variable: dabbrev-search-these-buffers-only

If non-nil, a list of buffers which dabbrev should search.
If this variable is non-nil, dabbrev will only look in these buffers.
It will not even look in the current buffer if it is not a member of
this list.

Function: tabulated-list-put-tag

Put TAG in the padding area of the current line.
TAG should be a string, with length <= `tabulated-list-padding'.
If ADVANCE is non-nil, move forward by one line afterwards.

(fn TAG &optional ADVANCE)

Function: table-unrecognize-cell


Function: eudc-display-sound

Display a button to play the sound DATA.

(fn DATA)

Function: bookmark-bmenu-search

Incremental search of bookmarks, hiding the non-matches as we go.


Function: focus-frame

Function: md5

Return MD5 message digest of OBJECT, a buffer or string.

A message digest is a cryptographic checksum of a document, and the
algorithm to calculate it is defined in RFC 1321.

The two optional arguments START and END are character positions
specifying for which part of OBJECT the message digest should be
computed. If nil or omitted, the digest is computed for the whole

The MD5 message digest is computed from the result of encoding the
text in a coding system, not directly from the internal Emacs form of
the text. The optional fourth argument CODING-SYSTEM specifies which
coding system to encode the text with. It should be the same coding
system that you used or will use when actually writing the text into a

If CODING-SYSTEM is nil or omitted, the default depends on OBJECT. If
OBJECT is a buffer, the default for CODING-SYSTEM is whatever coding
system would be chosen by default for writing this text into a file.

If OBJECT is a string, the most preferred coding system (see the
command `prefer-coding-system') is used.

If NOERROR is non-nil, silently assume the `raw-text' coding if the
guesswork fails. Normally, an error is signaled in such case. (fn OBJECT &optional START END CODING-SYSTEM NOERROR)

Function: comint-history-isearch-pop-state

Restore the input history search state.
Go to the history element by the absolute history position HIST-POS.


Function: url-man

Fetch a Unix manual page URL.

(fn URL)

Function: quail-defrule-internal

Define KEY as TRANS in a Quail map MAP.

If Optional 4th arg APPEND is non-nil, TRANS is appended to the
current translations for KEY instead of replacing them.

Optional 5th arg DECODE-MAP is a Quail decode map.

Optional 6th arg PROPS is a property list annotating TRANS. See the
function `quail-define-rules' for the detail.


Function: setup-korean-environment-internal


Function: select-safe-coding-system-interactively

Select interactively a coding system for the region FROM ... TO.
FROM can be a string, as in `write-region'.
CODINGS is the list of base coding systems known to be safe for this region,
typically obtained with `find-coding-systems-region'.
UNSAFE is a list of coding systems known to be unsafe for this region.
REJECTED is a list of coding systems which were safe but for some reason
were not recommended in the particular context.
DEFAULT is the coding system to use by default in the query.

Function: custom-add-frequent-value

To the variable SYMBOL add OPTION.

If SYMBOL's custom type is a hook, OPTION should be a hook member.
If SYMBOL's custom type is an alist, OPTION specifies a symbol
to offer to the user as a possible key in the alist.
For other custom types, this has no effect.

Variable: eol-mnemonic-mac

*String displayed in mode line for MAC-like (CR) end-of-line format.

Variable: smie-grammar

List of token parsing info.
This list is normally built by `smie-prec2->grammar'.
Each element is of the form (TOKEN LEFT-LEVEL RIGHT-LEVEL).
Parsing is done using an operator precedence parser.
LEFT-LEVEL and RIGHT-LEVEL can be either numbers or a list, where a list
means that this operator does not bind on the corresponding side,
e.g. a LEFT-LEVEL of nil means this is a token that behaves somewhat like
an open-paren, whereas a RIGHT-LEVEL of nil would correspond to something like a close-paren.

Function: package-download-transaction

Download and install all the packages in PACKAGE-LIST.
PACKAGE-LIST should be a list of package names (symbols).
This function assumes that all package requirements in
PACKAGE-LIST are satisfied, i.e. that PACKAGE-LIST is computed
using `package-compute-transaction'.

Function: facemenu-color-equal

Return t if colors A and B are the same color.
A and B should be strings naming colors.
This function queries the display system to find out what the color
names mean. It returns nil if the colors differ or if it can't
determine the correct answer.

Function: narrow-to-page

Make text outside current page invisible.
A numeric arg specifies to move forward or backward by that many pages,
thus showing a page other than the one point was originally in.

Function: custom-declare-theme

Like `deftheme', but THEME is evaluated as a normal argument.
FEATURE is the feature this theme provides. Normally, this is a symbol
created from THEME by `custom-make-theme-feature'.

Function: assoc-ignore-case

Like `assoc', but ignores differences in case and text representation.
KEY must be a string. Upper-case and lower-case letters are treated as equal.
Unibyte strings are converted to multibyte for comparison.

Variable: file-name-handler-alist

Alist of elements (REGEXP . HANDLER) for file names handled specially.
If a file name matches REGEXP, all I/O on that file is done by calling
HANDLER. If a file name matches more than one handler, the handler
whose match starts last in the file name gets precedence. The
function `find-file-name-handler' checks this list for a handler for
its argument.

HANDLER should be a function. The first argument given to it is the
name of the I/O primitive to be handled; the remaining arguments are
the arguments that were passed to that primitive. For example, if you
do (file-exists-p FILENAME) and FILENAME is handled by HANDLER, then
HANDLER is called like this:

(funcall HANDLER 'file-exists-p FILENAME)

Note that HANDLER must be able to handle all I/O primitives; if it has
nothing special to do for a primitive, it should reinvoke the
primitive to handle the operation "the usual way". See Info node `(elisp)Magic File Names' for more details.

Variable: comint-redirect-finished-regexp

Regular expression that determines when to stop redirection in Comint.
When the redirection filter function is given output that matches this regexp,
the output is inserted as usual, and redirection is completed.

Function: endp

Return t if OBJECT is nil.


Function: tooltip-expr-to-print

Return an expression that should be printed for EVENT.
If a region is active and the mouse is inside the region, print
the region. Otherwise, figure out the identifier around the point
where the mouse is.

Function: url-normalize-url

Return a 'normalized' version of URL.
Strips out default port numbers, etc.

Variable: compilation-mode-hook

List of hook functions run by `compilation-mode' (see `run-mode-hooks').

Variable: version-control

Control use of version numbers for backup files.
When t, make numeric backup versions unconditionally.
When nil, make them for files that have some already.
The value `never' means do not make them.

Function: mouse-movement-p

Return non-nil if OBJECT is a mouse movement event.

Function: internal-get-lisp-face-attribute

Return face attribute KEYWORD of face SYMBOL.
If SYMBOL does not name a valid Lisp face or KEYWORD isn't a valid
face attribute name, signal an error.
If the optional argument FRAME is given, report on face SYMBOL in that
frame. If FRAME is t, report on the defaults for face SYMBOL (for new
frames). If FRAME is omitted or nil, use the selected frame.


Function: tibetan-compose-region

Compose Tibetan text the region BEG and END.

(fn BEG END)

Variable: binhex-begin-line

Regular expression matching the start of a BinHex encoded region.

Function: macroexpand-all

Return result of expanding macros at all levels in FORM.
If no macros are expanded, FORM is returned unchanged.
The second optional arg ENVIRONMENT specifies an environment of macro
definitions to shadow the loaded ones for use in file byte-compilation.

(fn FORM &optional ENVIRONMENT)

Function: append-to-file

Append the contents of the region to the end of file FILENAME.
When called from a function, expects three arguments,
START, END and FILENAME. START and END are normally buffer positions
specifying the part of the buffer to write.
If START is nil, that means to use the entire buffer contents.
If START is a string, then output that string to the file
instead of any buffer contents; END is ignored.

This does character code conversion and applies annotations like `write-region' does.

Face: cursor

Basic face for the cursor color under X.
Currently, only the `:background' attribute is meaningful; all
other attributes are ignored. The cursor foreground color is
taken from the background color of the underlying text.

Note: Other faces cannot inherit from the cursor face.

Function: kill-paragraph

Kill forward to end of paragraph.
With arg N, kill forward to Nth end of paragraph;
negative arg -N means kill backward to Nth start of paragraph.

Variable: split-window-keep-point

If non-nil, C-x 2 preserves point in the new window.
If nil, adjust point in the two windows to minimize redisplay.
This option applies only to `split-window-below' and functions
that call it. The low-level `split-window' function always keeps
the original point in both windows.

Function: redraw-modeline

Force redisplay of the current buffer's mode line and header line.
With optional non-nil ALL, force redisplay of all mode lines and
header lines. This function also forces recomputation of the
menu bar menus and the frame title.

Variable: x-toolkit-scroll-bars

Which toolkit scroll bars Emacs uses, if any.
A value of nil means Emacs doesn't use toolkit scroll bars.
With the X Window system, the value is a symbol describing the
X toolkit. Possible values are: gtk, motif, xaw, or xaw3d.
With MS Windows or Nextstep, the value is t.

Variable: window-configuration-change-hook

Functions to call when window configuration changes.
The buffer-local part is run once per window, with the relevant window
selected; while the global part is run only once for the modified frame,
with the relevant frame selected.

Variable: emacs-lisp-file-regexp

Regexp which matches Emacs Lisp source files.
If you change this, you might want to set `byte-compile-dest-file-function'.

Function: acons

Return a new list with (cons KEY VALUE) as car and ALIST as cdr.


Function: menu-bar-no-scroll-bar

Turn off scroll bars.

Function: font-lock-fontify-syntactically-region

Put proper face on each string and comment between START and END.
START should be at the beginning of a line.

Function: recent-keys

Return vector of last 300 events, not counting those from keyboard macros.


Variable: sgml-slash-distance

If non-nil, is the maximum distance to search for matching `/'.

Function: sunrise-sunset

Local time of sunrise and sunset for today. Accurate to a few seconds.
If called with an optional prefix argument ARG, prompt for date.
If called with an optional double prefix argument, prompt for
longitude, latitude, time zone, and date, and always use standard time.

This function is suitable for execution in an init file. (fn &optional ARG)

Function: macroexp--compiler-macro


Variable: sh-indent-after-function

How much to indent after a function line.

Function: byte-compile-file-form-custom-declare-variable

(fn FORM)

Function: view-buffer-other-window

View BUFFER in View mode in another window.
Emacs commands editing the buffer contents are not available;
instead, a special set of commands (mostly letters and
punctuation) are defined for moving around in the buffer.
Space scrolls forward, Delete scrolls backward.
For a list of all View commands, type H or h while viewing.

This command runs the normal hook `view-mode-hook'.

Optional argument NOT-RETURN is ignored.

Optional argument EXIT-ACTION is either nil or a function with buffer as
argument. This function is called when finished viewing buffer. Use
this argument instead of explicitly setting `view-exit-action'.

This function does not enable View mode if the buffer's major-mode
has a `special' mode-class, because such modes usually have their own View-like bindings.

Function: org-calendar-goto-agenda

Compute the Org-mode agenda for the calendar date displayed at the cursor.
This is a command that has to be installed in `calendar-mode-map'.

Function: store-kbd-macro-event

Store EVENT into the keyboard macro being defined.

(fn EVENT)

Function: auto-compose-chars

Compose the characters at FROM by FUNC.
FUNC is called with one argument GSTRING which is built for characters
in the region FROM (inclusive) and TO (exclusive).

If the character are composed on a graphic display, FONT-OBJECT
is a font to use. Otherwise, FONT-OBJECT is nil, and the function
`compose-gstring-for-terminal' is used instead of FUNC.

If STRING is non-nil, it is a string, and FROM and TO are indices
into the string. In that case, compose characters in the string.

The value is a gstring containing information for shaping the characters.

This function is the default value of `auto-composition-function' (which see).

Function: table-delete-column

Delete N column(s) of cells.
Delete N columns of cells from current column. The current column is
the column contains the current cell where point is located. Each
column must consists from cells of same width. (fn N)

Function: finder-list-keywords

Display descriptions of the keywords in the Finder buffer.


Function: hack-local-variables-confirm

Get confirmation before setting up local variable values.
ALL-VARS is the list of all variables to be set up.
UNSAFE-VARS is the list of those that aren't marked as safe or risky.
RISKY-VARS is the list of those that are marked as risky.
If these settings come from directory-local variables, then
DIR-NAME is the name of the associated directory. Otherwise it is nil.

Function: local-unset-key

Remove local binding of KEY.
KEY is a string or vector representing a sequence of keystrokes.

Function: member-if-not

Find the first item not satisfying PREDICATE in LIST.
Return the sublist of LIST whose car matches.

Keywords supported: :key


Variable: image-type-file-name-regexps

Alist of (REGEXP . IMAGE-TYPE) pairs used to identify image files.
When the name of an image file match REGEXP, it is assumed to
be of image type IMAGE-TYPE.

Function: hippie-expand

Try to expand text before point, using multiple methods.
The expansion functions in `hippie-expand-try-functions-list' are
tried in order, until a possible expansion is found. Repeated
application of `hippie-expand' inserts successively possible
With a positive numeric argument, jumps directly to the ARG next
function in this list. With a negative argument or just C-u,
undoes the expansion. (fn ARG)

Function: variable-pitch-mode

Variable-pitch default-face mode.
An interface to `buffer-face-mode' which uses the `variable-pitch' face.
Besides the choice of face, it is the same as `buffer-face-mode'.

(fn &optional ARG)

Variable: profiler-max-stack-depth

Number of elements from the call-stack recorded in the log.

Function: delete-field

Delete the field surrounding POS.
A field is a region of text with the same `field' property.
If POS is nil, the value of point is used for POS.

(fn &optional POS)

Variable: timer-list

List of active absolute time timers in order of increasing time.

Function: menu-bar-showhide-fringe-menu-customize-disable

Do not display window fringes.

Function: toggle-truncate-lines

Toggle truncating of long lines for the current buffer.
When truncating is off, long lines are folded.
With prefix argument ARG, truncate long lines if ARG is positive,
otherwise fold them. Note that in side-by-side windows, this
command has no effect if `truncate-partial-width-windows' is non-nil.

Function: table-justify

Justify contents of a cell, a row of cells or a column of cells.
WHAT is a symbol 'cell, 'row or 'column. JUSTIFY is a symbol 'left,
'center, 'right, 'top, 'middle, 'bottom or 'none.


Variable: package-enable-at-startup

Whether to activate installed packages when Emacs starts.
If non-nil, packages are activated after reading the init file
and before `after-init-hook'. Activation is not done if
`user-init-file' is nil (e.g. Emacs was started with "-q").

Even if the value is nil, you can type M-x package-initialize to
activate the package system at any time.

Function: sh-mode

Major mode for editing shell scripts.
This mode works for many shells, since they all have roughly the same syntax,
as far as commands, arguments, variables, pipes, comments etc. are concerned.
Unless the file's magic number indicates the shell, your usual shell is
assumed. Since filenames rarely give a clue, they are not further analyzed.

This mode adapts to the variations between shells (see `sh-set-shell') by
means of an inheritance based feature lookup (see `sh-feature'). This
mechanism applies to all variables (including skeletons) that pertain to
shell-specific features.

The default style of this mode is that of Rosenblatt's Korn shell book.
The syntax of the statements varies with the shell being used. The
following commands are available, based on the current shell's syntax:

C-c C-c case statement
C-c C-f for loop
C-c ( function definition
C-c TAB if statement
C-c C-l indexed loop from 1 to n
C-c C-o while getopts loop
C-c C-r repeat loop
C-c C-s select loop
C-c C-u until loop
C-c C-w while loop

For sh and rc shells indentation commands are:
C-c ? Show the variable controlling this line's indentation.
C-c = Set then variable controlling this line's indentation.
C-c < Change the indentation variable so this line
would indent to the way it currently is.
C-c > Set the indentation variables so the
buffer indents as it currently is indented.

DEL Delete backward one position, even if it was a tab.
C-j Delete unquoted space and indent new line same as this one.
M-e Go to end of successive commands.
M-a Go to beginning of successive commands.
C-c : Set this buffer's shell, and maybe its magic number.
C-M-x Have optional header and region be executed in a subshell.

`sh-electric-here-document-mode' controls whether insertion of two
unquoted < insert a here document.

If you generally program a shell different from your login shell you can
set `sh-shell-file' accordingly. If your shell's file name doesn't correctly
indicate what shell it is use `sh-alias-alist' to translate.

If your shell gives error messages with line numbers, you can use C-c C-x
with your script for an edit-interpret-debug cycle. In addition to any hooks its parent mode `prog-mode' might have run, this mode runs the hook `sh-mode-hook', as the final step during initialization.

Variable: auto-coding-alist

Alist of filename patterns vs corresponding coding systems.
Each element looks like (REGEXP . CODING-SYSTEM).
A file whose name matches REGEXP is decoded by CODING-SYSTEM on reading.

The settings in this alist take priority over `coding:' tags
in the file (see the function `set-auto-coding')
and the contents of `file-coding-system-alist'.

Function: yank-handle-category-property

Apply property category CATEGORY's properties between START and END.

Function: recenter

Center point in selected window and maybe redisplay frame.
With prefix argument ARG, recenter putting point on screen line ARG
relative to the selected window. If ARG is negative, it counts up from the
bottom of the window. (ARG should be less than the height of the window.)

If ARG is omitted or nil, then recenter with point on the middle line of
the selected window; if the variable `recenter-redisplay' is non-nil,
also erase the entire frame and redraw it (when `auto-resize-tool-bars'
is set to `grow-only', this resets the tool-bar's height to the minimum
height needed); if `recenter-redisplay' has the special value `tty',
then only tty frames are redrawn.

Just C-u as prefix means put point in the center of the window
and redisplay normally--don't erase and redraw the frame. (fn &optional ARG)

Function: kill-buffer

Kill the buffer specified by BUFFER-OR-NAME.
The argument may be a buffer or the name of an existing buffer.
Argument nil or omitted means kill the current buffer. Return t if the
buffer is actually killed, nil otherwise.

The functions in `kill-buffer-query-functions' are called with the
buffer to be killed as the current buffer. If any of them returns nil,
the buffer is not killed. The hook `kill-buffer-hook' is run before the
buffer is actually killed. The buffer being killed will be current
while the hook is running. Functions called by any of these hooks are
supposed to not change the current buffer.

Any processes that have this buffer as the `process-buffer' are killed
with SIGHUP. This function calls `replace-buffer-in-windows' for
cleaning up all windows currently displaying the buffer to be killed. (fn &optional BUFFER-OR-NAME)

Variable: gnus-completion-styles

Value of `completion-styles' to use when completing.

Function: delete-if

Remove all items satisfying PREDICATE in SEQ.
This is a destructive function; it reuses the storage of SEQ whenever possible.

Keywords supported: :key :count :start :end :from-end


Variable: lazy-highlight-initial-delay

Seconds to wait before beginning to lazily highlight all matches.

Function: vc-default-registered

Check if FILE is registered in BACKEND using vc-BACKEND-master-templates.

Function: strokes-do-stroke

Read a simple stroke from the user and then execute its command.
This must be bound to a mouse event.

(fn EVENT)

Function: gnus-slave

Read news as a slave.

(fn &optional ARG)

Function: diary-mode

Major mode for editing the diary file.


Function: coding-system-doc-string

Return the documentation string for CODING-SYSTEM.

Function: remove-overlays

Clear BEG and END of overlays whose property NAME has value VAL.
Overlays might be moved and/or split.
BEG and END default respectively to the beginning and end of buffer.

Face: sh-escaped-newline

Face used for (non-escaped) backslash at end of a line in Shell-script mode.

Variable: byte-compile-macro-environment

Alist of macros defined in the file being compiled.
Each element looks like (MACRONAME . DEFINITION). It is
(MACRONAME . nil) when a macro is redefined as a function.

Function: ninth

Return the ninth element of the list X.

(fn X)

Function: indented-text-mode

Major mode for editing text written for humans to read.
In this mode, paragraphs are delimited only by blank or white lines.
You can thus get the full benefit of adaptive filling
(see the variable `adaptive-fill-mode').
key binding
--- -------

ESC Prefix Command

C-M-i ispell-complete-word

Turning on Text mode runs the normal hook `text-mode-hook'.

Function: ediff-merge-directory-revisions

Run Ediff on a directory, DIR1, merging its files with their revisions.
The second argument, REGEXP, is a regular expression that filters the file
names. Only the files that are under revision control are taken into account.


Variable: fancy-startup-text

A list of texts to show in the middle part of splash screens.
Each element in the list should be a list of strings or pairs
`:face FACE', like `fancy-splash-insert' accepts them.

Function: completion-table-with-context


Function: set-minibuffer-window

Specify which minibuffer window to use for the minibuffer.
This affects where the minibuffer is displayed if you put text in it
without invoking the usual minibuffer commands.

Function: fmakunbound

Make SYMBOL's function definition be void.
Return SYMBOL.


Variable: winner-boring-buffers

List of buffer names whose windows `winner-undo' will not restore.
You may want to include buffer names such as *Help*, *Apropos*,
*Buffer List*, *info* and *Compile-Log*.

Function: comment-region-default

(fn BEG END &optional ARG)

Function: subtract-time

Subtract two time values, T1 minus T2.
Return the difference in the format of a time value.

Function: file-symlink-p

Return non-nil if file FILENAME is the name of a symbolic link.
The value is the link target, as a string.
Otherwise it returns nil.

This function returns t when given the name of a symlink that
points to a nonexistent file. (fn FILENAME)

Face: isearch-fail

Face for highlighting failed part in Isearch echo-area message.

Function: vc-git-permissions-as-string

Format a permission change as string.


Function: package-read-archive-contents

Re-read archive contents for ARCHIVE.
If successful, set the variable `package-archive-contents'.
If the archive version is too new, signal an error.

Function: cl-not-hash-table

(fn X &optional Y &rest Z)

Function: beginning-of-line-text

Move to the beginning of the text on this line.
With optional argument, move forward N-1 lines first.
From the beginning of the line, moves past the left-margin indentation, the
fill-prefix, and any indentation used for centering or right-justifying the
line, but does not move past any whitespace that was explicitly inserted
(such as a tab used to indent the first line of a paragraph).

Function: object-class-name

Return a Lisp like symbol name for OBJ's class.

Function: gnus-delete-duplicates

Remove duplicate entries from LIST.

Function: mm-insert-file-contents

Like `insert-file-contents', but only reads in the file.
A buffer may be modified in several ways after reading into the buffer due
to advanced Emacs features, such as file-name-handlers, format decoding,
`find-file-hooks', etc.
If INHIBIT is non-nil, inhibit `mm-inhibit-file-name-handlers'.
This function ensures that none of these modifications will take place.

Function: subsetp

Return true if LIST1 is a subset of LIST2.
I.e., if every element of LIST1 also appears in LIST2.

Keywords supported: :test :test-not :key


Function: isearch-done

Exit Isearch mode.
For successful search, pass no args.
For a failing search, NOPUSH is t.
For going to the minibuffer to edit the search string,
NOPUSH is t and EDIT is t.

Variable: tabulated-list-revert-hook

Hook run before reverting a Tabulated List buffer.
This is commonly used to recompute `tabulated-list-entries'.

Variable: suggest-key-bindings

Non-nil means show the equivalent key-binding when M-x command has one.
The value can be a length of time to show the message for.
If the value is non-nil and not a number, we wait 2 seconds.

Function: easy-menu-create-menu

Create a menu called MENU-NAME with items described in MENU-ITEMS.
MENU-NAME is a string, the name of the menu. MENU-ITEMS is a list of items
possibly preceded by keyword pairs as described in `easy-menu-define'.

Function: time-stamp

Update the time stamp string(s) in the buffer.
A template in a file can be automatically updated with a new time stamp
every time you save the file. Add this line to your init file:
(add-hook 'before-save-hook 'time-stamp)
or customize `before-save-hook' through Custom.
Normally the template must appear in the first 8 lines of a file and
look like one of the following:
Time-stamp: <>
Time-stamp: " "
The time stamp is written between the brackets or quotes:
Time-stamp: <2001-02-18 10:20:51 gildea>
The time stamp is updated only if the variable `time-stamp-active' is non-nil.
The format of the time stamp is set by the variable `time-stamp-pattern' or
`time-stamp-format'. The variables `time-stamp-pattern',
`time-stamp-line-limit', `time-stamp-start', `time-stamp-end',
`time-stamp-count', and `time-stamp-inserts-lines' control finding the template. (fn)

Function: bovine-grammar-mode

Major mode for editing Bovine grammars.


Function: window--check

Check atomic and side windows on FRAME.
FRAME defaults to the selected frame.

Function: eieio-c3-candidate

Returns CLASS if it can go in the result now, otherwise nil

Function: generic-primary-only-p

Return t if symbol METHOD is a generic function with only primary methods.
Only methods have the symbol `eieio-method-obarray' as a property (which
contains a list of all bindings to that method type.)
Methods with only primary implementations are executed in an optimized way.

Function: pcomplete-show-completions

List in help buffer sorted COMPLETIONS.
Typing SPC flushes the help buffer.


Function: ediff-merge-directories-with-ancestor

Merge files in directories DIR1 and DIR2 using files in ANCESTOR-DIR as ancestors.
Ediff merges files that have identical names in DIR1, DIR2. If a pair of files
in DIR1 and DIR2 doesn't have an ancestor in ANCESTOR-DIR, Ediff will merge
without ancestor. The fourth argument, REGEXP, is nil or a regular expression;
only file names that match the regexp are considered.


Variable: mail-host-address

Name of this machine, for purposes of naming users.
If non-nil, Emacs uses this instead of `system-name' when constructing
email addresses.

Variable: enable-local-variables

Control use of local variables in files you visit.
The value can be t, nil, :safe, :all, or something else.

A value of t means file local variables specifications are obeyed
if all the specified variable values are safe; if any values are
not safe, Emacs queries you, once, whether to set them all.
(When you say yes to certain values, they are remembered as safe.)

:safe means set the safe variables, and ignore the rest.
:all means set all variables, whether safe or not.
(Don't set it permanently to :all.)
A value of nil means always ignore the file local variables.

Any other value means always query you once whether to set them all.
(When you say yes to certain values, they are remembered as safe, but
this has no effect when `enable-local-variables' is "something else".)

This variable also controls use of major modes specified in
a -*- line.

The command M-x normal-mode, when used interactively,
always obeys file local variable specifications and the -*- line, and ignores this variable.

Function: move-to-window-line

Position point relative to window.
ARG nil means position point at center of window.
Else, ARG specifies vertical position within the window;
zero means top of window, negative means relative to bottom of window. (fn ARG)

Function: set-window-hscroll

Set number of columns WINDOW is scrolled from left margin to NCOL.
WINDOW must be a live window and defaults to the selected one.
Clip the number to a reasonable value if out of range.
Return the new number. NCOL should be zero or positive.

Note that if `automatic-hscrolling' is non-nil, you cannot scroll the
window so that the location of point moves off-window. (fn WINDOW NCOL)

Function: next-overlay-change

Return the next position after POS where an overlay starts or ends.
If there are no overlay boundaries from POS to (point-max),
the value is (point-max).
(fn POS)

Function: 1-

Return NUMBER minus one. NUMBER may be a number or a marker.
Markers are converted to integers.


Function: kill-sexp

Kill the sexp (balanced expression) following point.
With ARG, kill that many sexps after point.
Negative arg -N means kill N sexps before point.
This command assumes point is not in a string or comment.

Function: line-end-position

Return the character position of the last character on the current line.
With argument N not nil or 1, move forward N - 1 lines first.
If scan reaches end of buffer, return that position.

This function ignores text display directionality; it returns the
position of the last character in logical order, i.e. the largest
character position on the line.

This function constrains the returned position to the current field
unless that would be on a different line than the original,
unconstrained result. If N is nil or 1, and a rear-sticky field ends
at point, the scan stops as soon as it starts. To ignore field
boundaries bind `inhibit-field-text-motion' to t.

This function does not move point. (fn &optional N)

Function: current-buffer

Return the current buffer as a Lisp object.


Function: abs

Return the absolute value of ARG.

(fn ARG)

Function: rename-file

Rename FILE as NEWNAME. Both args must be strings.
If file has names other than FILE, it continues to have those names.
Signals a `file-already-exists' error if a file NEWNAME already exists
unless optional third argument OK-IF-ALREADY-EXISTS is non-nil.
A number as third arg means request confirmation if NEWNAME already exists.
This is what happens in interactive use with M-x.


Function: shell-filter-ctrl-a-ctrl-b

Remove `^A' and `^B' characters from comint output.

Bash uses these characters as internal quoting characters in its
prompt. Due to a bug in some bash versions (including 2.03,
2.04, and 2.05b), they may erroneously show up when bash is
started with the `--noediting' option and Select Graphic
Rendition (SGR) control sequences (formerly known as ANSI escape
sequences) are used to color the prompt.

This function can be put on `comint-preoutput-filter-functions'. (fn STRING)

Function: gnus-insert-random-x-face-header

Insert a random X-Face header from `gnus-x-face-directory'.


Function: version=

Return t if version V1 is equal to V2.

Note that version string "1" is equal to "1.0", "1.0.0", "",
etc. That is, the trailing ".0"s are insignificant. Also, version
string "1" is higher (newer) than "1pre", which is higher than "1beta",
which is higher than "1alpha". Also, "-CVS" and "-NNN" are treated as alpha versions.

Function: 1+

Return NUMBER plus one. NUMBER may be a number or a marker.
Markers are converted to integers.


Function: smie-indent-fixindent


Function: gnus-boundp

Return non-nil if VARIABLE is bound and non-nil.

Variable: mm-use-find-coding-systems-region

Use `find-coding-systems-region' to find proper coding systems.

Setting it to nil is useful on Emacsen supporting Unicode if sending
mail with multiple parts is preferred to sending a Unicode one.

Variable: register-alist

Alist of elements (NAME . CONTENTS), one for each Emacs register.
NAME is a character (a number). CONTENTS is a string, number, marker, list
or a struct returned by `registerv-make'.
A list of strings represents a rectangle.
A list of the form (file . FILE-NAME) represents the file named FILE-NAME.
A list of the form (file-query FILE-NAME POSITION) represents
position POSITION in the file named FILE-NAME, but query before
visiting it.
represents a saved window configuration plus a saved value of point.
represents a saved frame configuration plus a saved value of point.

Function: completion--flush-all-sorted-completions

(fn &optional START END LEN)

Variable: font-lock-keywords

A list of the keywords to highlight.
There are two kinds of values: user-level, and compiled.

A user-level keywords list is what a major mode or the user would
set up. Normally the list would come from `font-lock-defaults'.
through selection of a fontification level and evaluation of any
contained expressions. You can also alter it by calling
`font-lock-add-keywords' or `font-lock-remove-keywords' with MODE = nil.

Each element in a user-level keywords list should have one of these forms:

(eval . FORM)

where MATCHER can be either the regexp to search for, or the function name to
call to make the search (called with one argument, the limit of the search;
it should return non-nil, move point, and set `match-data' appropriately if
it succeeds; like `re-search-forward' would).
MATCHER regexps can be generated via the function `regexp-opt'.

FORM is an expression, whose value should be a keyword element, evaluated when
the keyword is (first) used in a buffer. This feature can be used to provide a
keyword that can only be generated when Font Lock mode is actually turned on.


For highlighting single items, for example each instance of the word "foo",
typically only MATCH-HIGHLIGHT is required.
However, if an item or (typically) items are to be highlighted following the
instance of another item (the anchor), for example each instance of the
word "bar" following the word "anchor" then MATCH-ANCHORED may be required.

MATCH-HIGHLIGHT should be of the form:


SUBEXP is the number of the subexpression of MATCHER to be highlighted.

FACENAME is an expression whose value is the face name to use.
Instead of a face, FACENAME can evaluate to a property list
of the form (face FACE PROP1 VAL1 PROP2 VAL2 ...)
in which case all the listed text-properties will be set rather than
just FACE. In such a case, you will most likely want to put those
properties in `font-lock-extra-managed-props' or to override

OVERRIDE and LAXMATCH are flags. If OVERRIDE is t, existing fontification can
be overwritten. If `keep', only parts not already fontified are highlighted.
If `prepend' or `append', existing fontification is merged with the new, in
which the new or existing fontification, respectively, takes precedence.
If LAXMATCH is non-nil, that means don't signal an error if there is
no match for SUBEXP in MATCHER.

For example, an element of the form highlights (if not already highlighted):

"\\" discrete occurrences of "foo" in the value of the
variable `font-lock-keyword-face'.
("fu\\(bar\\)" . 1) substring "bar" within all occurrences of "fubar" in
the value of `font-lock-keyword-face'.
("fubar" . fubar-face) Occurrences of "fubar" in the value of `fubar-face'.
("foo\\|bar" 0 foo-bar-face t)
occurrences of either "foo" or "bar" in the value
of `foo-bar-face', even if already highlighted.
(fubar-match 1 fubar-face)
the first subexpression within all occurrences of
whatever the function `fubar-match' finds and matches
in the value of `fubar-face'.

MATCH-ANCHORED should be of the form:


where MATCHER is a regexp to search for or the function name to call to make
the search, as for MATCH-HIGHLIGHT above, but with one exception; see below.
PRE-MATCH-FORM and POST-MATCH-FORM are evaluated before the first, and after
the last, instance MATCH-ANCHORED's MATCHER is used. Therefore they can be
used to initialize before, and cleanup after, MATCHER is used. Typically,
PRE-MATCH-FORM is used to move to some position relative to the original
be used to move back, before resuming with MATCH-ANCHORED's parent's MATCHER.

For example, an element of the form highlights (if not already highlighted):

("\\" (0 anchor-face) ("\\" nil nil (0 item-face)))

discrete occurrences of "anchor" in the value of `anchor-face', and subsequent
discrete occurrences of "item" (on the same line) in the value of `item-face'.
(Here PRE-MATCH-FORM and POST-MATCH-FORM are nil. Therefore "item" is
initially searched for starting from the end of the match of "anchor", and
searching for subsequent instances of "anchor" resumes from where searching
for "item" concluded.)

The above-mentioned exception is as follows. The limit of the MATCHER search
defaults to the end of the line after PRE-MATCH-FORM is evaluated.
However, if PRE-MATCH-FORM returns a position greater than the position after
PRE-MATCH-FORM is evaluated, that position is used as the limit of the search.
It is generally a bad idea to return a position greater than the end of the
line, i.e., cause the MATCHER search to span lines.

These regular expressions can match text which spans lines, although
it is better to avoid it if possible since updating them while editing
text is slower, and it is not guaranteed to be always correct when using
support modes like jit-lock or lazy-lock.

This variable is set by major modes via the variable `font-lock-defaults'. Be careful when composing regexps for this list; a poorly written pattern can dramatically slow things down! A compiled keywords list starts with t. It is produced internal by `font-lock-compile-keywords' from a user-level keywords list. Its second element is the user-level keywords list that was compiled. The remaining elements have the same form as user-level keywords, but normally their values have been optimized.

Function: version<

Return t if version V1 is lower (older) than V2.

Note that version string "1" is equal to "1.0", "1.0.0", "",
etc. That is, the trailing ".0"s are insignificant. Also, version
string "1" is higher (newer) than "1pre", which is higher than "1beta",
which is higher than "1alpha". Also, "-CVS" and "-NNN" are treated as alpha versions.

Function: pcomplete-dirs

Complete amongst a list of directories.

(fn &optional REGEXP)

Function: register-to-point

Move point to location stored in a register.
If the register contains a file name, find that file.
(To put a file name in a register, you must use `set-register'.)
If the register contains a window configuration (one frame) or a frame
configuration (all frames), restore that frame or all frames accordingly.
First argument is a character, naming the register.
Optional second arg non-nil (interactively, prefix argument) says to
delete any existing frames that the frame configuration doesn't mention.
(Otherwise, these frames are iconified.)

Variable: isearch-resume-in-command-history

If non-nil, `isearch-resume' commands are added to the command history.
This allows you to resume earlier Isearch sessions through the
command history.

Variable: font-lock-verbose

If non-nil, means show status messages for buffer fontification.
If a number, only buffers greater than this size have fontification messages.

Function: set-justification-none

Disable automatic filling for paragraphs in the region.
If the mark is not active, this applies to the current paragraph.

Function: gnus-agent-get-undownloaded-list

Construct list of articles that have not been downloaded.


Function: checkdoc-eval-current-buffer

Evaluate and check documentation for the current buffer.
Evaluation is done first because good documentation for something that
doesn't work is just not useful. Comments, doc strings, and rogue
spacing are all verified. (fn)

Function: current-indentation

Return the indentation of the current line.
This is the horizontal position of the character
following any initial whitespace. (fn)

Function: user-login-name

Return the name under which the user logged in, as a string.
This is based on the effective uid, not the real uid.
Also, if the environment variables LOGNAME or USER are set,
that determines the value of this function.

If optional argument UID is an integer or a float, return the login name
of the user with that uid, or nil if there is no such user. (fn &optional UID)

Variable: user-login-name

The user's name, taken from environment variables if possible.

Function: garbage-collect

Reclaim storage for Lisp objects no longer needed.
Garbage collection happens automatically if you cons more than
`gc-cons-threshold' bytes of Lisp data since previous garbage collection.
`garbage-collect' normally returns a list with info on amount of space in use,
where each entry has the form (NAME SIZE USED FREE), where:
- NAME is a symbol describing the kind of objects this entry represents,
- SIZE is the number of bytes used by each one,
- USED is the number of those objects that were found live in the heap,
- FREE is the number of those objects that are not live but that Emacs
keeps around for future allocations (maybe because it does not know how
to return them to the OS).
However, if there was overflow in pure space, `garbage-collect'
returns nil, because real GC can't be done.
See Info node `(elisp)Garbage Collection'. (fn)

Function: handle-select-window

Handle select-window events.

Function: merge-face-attribute

Return face ATTRIBUTE VALUE1 merged with VALUE2.
If VALUE1 or VALUE2 are absolute (see `face-attribute-relative-p'), then
the result will be absolute, otherwise it will be relative.


Function: internal-set-lisp-face-attribute-from-resource

(fn FACE ATTR VALUE &optional FRAME)

Function: smie-indent--parent


Variable: comint-input-filter

Predicate for filtering additions to input history.
Takes one argument, the input. If non-nil, the input may be saved on the input
history list. Default is to save anything that isn't all whitespace.

Function: jka-compr-partial-uncompress

Call program PROG with ARGS args taking input from INFILE.
Fourth and fifth args, BEG and LEN, specify which part of the output
to keep: LEN chars starting BEG chars from the beginning.

Function: ediff-regions-linewise

Run Ediff on a pair of regions in specified buffers.
Regions (i.e., point and mark) can be set in advance or marked interactively.
Each region is enlarged to contain full lines.
This function is effective for large regions, over 100-200
lines. For small regions, use `ediff-regions-wordwise'.


Function: abbrev-prefix-mark

Mark current point as the beginning of an abbrev.
Abbrev to be expanded starts here rather than at beginning of word.
This way, you can expand an abbrev with a prefix: insert the prefix,
use this command, then insert the abbrev. This command inserts a
temporary hyphen after the prefix (until the intended abbrev
expansion occurs).
If the prefix is itself an abbrev, this command expands it, unless
ARG is non-nil. Interactively, ARG is the prefix argument. (fn &optional ARG)

Variable: fontset-alias-alist

Alist of fontset names vs the aliases.

Function: setcar

Set the car of CELL to be NEWCAR. Returns NEWCAR.


Variable: view-exit-action

If non-nil, a function with one argument (a buffer) called when finished viewing.
Commands like M-x view-file and M-x view-file-other-window may
set this to bury or kill the viewed buffer.
Observe that the buffer viewed might not appear in any window at
the time this function is called.

Variable: comint-redirect-echo-input

Non-nil means echo input in the process buffer even during redirection.

Function: complete-with-action

Perform completion ACTION.
STRING is the string to complete.
TABLE is the completion table.
PRED is a completion predicate.
ACTION can be one of nil, t or `lambda'.


Function: coding-system-translation-table-for-decode

Return the value of CODING-SYSTEM's `decode-translation-table' property.

Function: ediff-version

Return string describing the version of Ediff.
When called interactively, displays the version.

Variable: macroexp--pending-eager-loads

Stack of files currently undergoing eager macro-expansion.

Function: backquote-process

Process the body of a backquote.
S is the body. Returns a cons cell whose cdr is piece of code which
is the macro-expansion of S, and whose car is a small integer whose value
can either indicate that the code is constant (0), or not (1), or returns
a list which should be spliced into its environment (2).
LEVEL is only used internally and indicates the nesting level:
0 (the default) is for the toplevel nested inside a single backquote.

Function: variable-binding-locus

Return a value indicating where VARIABLE's current binding comes from.
If the current binding is buffer-local, the value is the current buffer.
If the current binding is frame-local, the value is the selected frame.
If the current binding is global (the default), the value is nil.

Function: eieiomt-add

Add to METHOD-NAME the forms METHOD in a call position KEY for CLASS.
METHOD-NAME is the name created by a call to `defgeneric'.
METHOD are the forms for a given implementation.
KEY is an integer (see comment in eieio.el near this function) which
is associated with the :static :before :primary and :after tags.
It also indicates if CLASS is defined or not.
CLASS is the class this method is associated with.

Function: fill-context-prefix

Compute a fill prefix from the text between FROM and TO.
This uses the variables `adaptive-fill-regexp' and `adaptive-fill-function'
and `adaptive-fill-first-line-regexp'. `paragraph-start' also plays a role;
we reject a prefix based on a one-line paragraph if that prefix would
act as a paragraph-separator.

Face: completions-annotations

Face to use for annotations in the *Completions* buffer.

Function: multi-isearch-buffers

Start multi-buffer Isearch on a list of BUFFERS.
This list can contain live buffers or their names.
Interactively read buffer names to search, one by one, ended with RET.
With a prefix argument, ask for a regexp, and search in buffers
whose names match the specified regexp.

Function: dired-noselect

Like `dired' but returns the dired buffer as value, does not select it.

(fn DIR-OR-LIST &optional SWITCHES)

Function: define-category

Define CATEGORY as a category which is described by DOCSTRING.
CATEGORY should be an ASCII printing character in the range ` ' to `~'.
DOCSTRING is the documentation string of the category. The first line
should be a terse text (preferably less than 16 characters),
and the rest lines should be the full description.
The category is defined only in category table TABLE, which defaults to
the current buffer's category table.


Variable: comint-scroll-show-maximum-output

Controls how to scroll due to interpreter output.
This variable applies when point is at the end of the buffer
(either because it was originally there, or because
`comint-move-point-for-output' said to move it there)
and output from the subprocess is inserted.

Non-nil means scroll so that the window is full of text
and point is on the last line. A value of nil
means don't do anything special--scroll normally.

See also the variable `comint-move-point-for-output' and the function
This variable is buffer-local in all Comint buffers.

Variable: blink-matching-paren-dont-ignore-comments

If nil, `blink-matching-paren' ignores comments.
More precisely, when looking for the matching parenthesis,
it skips the contents of comments that end before point.

Function: completion--insert-strings

Insert a list of STRINGS into the current buffer.
Uses columns to keep the listing readable but compact.
It also eliminates runs of equal strings.


Function: recover-session

Recover auto save files from a previous Emacs session.
This command first displays a Dired buffer showing you the
previous sessions that you could recover from.
To choose one, move point to the proper line and then type C-c C-c.
Then you'll be asked about a number of files to recover.

Function: window-pixel-edges

Return a list of the edge pixel coordinates of WINDOW.
WINDOW must be a valid window and defaults to the selected one.

The returned list has the form (LEFT TOP RIGHT BOTTOM), all relative to
0, 0 at the top left corner of the frame.

RIGHT is one more than the rightmost x position occupied by WINDOW.
BOTTOM is one more than the bottommost y position occupied by WINDOW.
The pixel edges include the space used by WINDOW's scroll bar, display
margins, fringes, header line, and/or mode line. For the pixel edges
of just the text area, use `window-inside-pixel-edges'. (fn &optional WINDOW)

Function: find-file-noselect

Read file FILENAME into a buffer and return the buffer.
If a buffer exists visiting FILENAME, return that one, but
verify that the file has not changed since visited or saved.
The buffer is not selected, just returned to the caller.
Optional second arg NOWARN non-nil means suppress any warning messages.
Optional third arg RAWFILE non-nil means the file is read literally.
Optional fourth arg WILDCARDS non-nil means do wildcard processing
and visit all the matching files. When wildcards are actually
used and expanded, return a list of buffers that are visiting the various files.

Function: backward-sentence

Move backward to start of sentence. With arg, do it arg times.
See `forward-sentence' for more information.

Function: quoted-insert

Read next input character and insert it.
This is useful for inserting control characters.
With argument, insert ARG copies of the character.

If the first character you type after this command is an octal digit,
you should type a sequence of octal digits which specify a character code.
Any nondigit terminates the sequence. If the terminator is a RET,
it is discarded; any other terminator is used itself as input.
The variable `read-quoted-char-radix' specifies the radix for this feature;
set it to 10 or 16 to use decimal or hex instead of octal.

In overwrite mode, this function inserts the character anyway, and
does not handle octal digits specially. This means that if you use
overwrite as your normal editing mode, you can use this function to
insert characters when necessary.

In binary overwrite mode, this function does overwrite, and octal
digits are interpreted as a character code. This is intended to be useful for editing binary files.

Function: add-to-ordered-list

Add ELEMENT to the value of LIST-VAR if it isn't there yet.
The test for presence of ELEMENT is done with `eq'.

The resulting list is reordered so that the elements are in the
order given by each element's numeric list order. Elements
without a numeric list order are placed at the end of the list.

If the third optional argument ORDER is a number (integer or
float), set the element's list order to the given value. If
ORDER is nil or omitted, do not change the numeric order of
ELEMENT. If ORDER has any other value, remove the numeric order
of ELEMENT if it has one.

The list order for each element is stored in LIST-VAR's
`list-order' property. The return value is the new value of LIST-VAR.

Variable: kill-emacs-hook

Hook run when `kill-emacs' is called.
Since `kill-emacs' may be invoked when the terminal is disconnected (or
in other similar situations), functions placed on this hook should not
expect to be able to interact with the user. To ask for confirmation,
see `kill-emacs-query-functions' instead.

Before Emacs 24.1, the hook was not run in batch mode, i.e., if
`noninteractive' was non-nil.

Function: mm-guess-charset

Guess Mule charset from the language environment.

Function: cl-puthash

Associate KEY with VALUE in hash table TABLE.
If KEY is already present in table, replace its current value with
VALUE. In any case, return VALUE.


Function: syntax-ppss-context

(fn PPSS)

Variable: leim-list-header

Header to be inserted in LEIM list file.

Function: delimit-columns-customize

Customization of `columns' group.


Function: conf-space-mode

Conf Mode starter for space separated conf files.
"Assignments" are with ` '. Keywords before the parameters are
recognized according to the variable `conf-space-keywords-alist'.
Alternatively, you can specify a value for the file local variable
Use the function `conf-space-keywords' if you want to specify keywords
in an interactive fashion instead.

For details see `conf-mode'. Example:

# Conf mode font-locks this right with M-x conf-space-mode (space separated)

image/jpeg jpeg jpg jpe
image/png png
image/tiff tiff tif

# Or with keywords (from a recognized file name):
class desktop
# Standard multimedia devices add /dev/audio desktop add /dev/mixer desktop (fn)

Function: dns-mode

Major mode for viewing and editing DNS master files.
This mode is inherited from text mode. It add syntax
highlighting, and some commands for handling DNS master files.
Its keymap inherits from `text-mode' and it has the same
variables for customizing indentation. It has its own abbrev
table and its own syntax table.

Turning on DNS mode runs `dns-mode-hook'. (fn)

Function: make-serial-process

Create and return a serial port process.

In Emacs, serial port connections are represented by process objects,
so input and output work as for subprocesses, and `delete-process'
closes a serial port connection. However, a serial process has no
process id, it cannot be signaled, and the status codes are different
from normal processes.

`make-serial-process' creates a process and a buffer, on which you
probably want to use `process-send-string'. Try M-x serial-term for
an interactive terminal. See below for examples.

Arguments are specified as keyword/argument pairs. The following
arguments are defined:

:port PORT -- (mandatory) PORT is the path or name of the serial port.
For example, this could be "/dev/ttyS0" on Unix. On Windows, this
could be "COM1", or "\\.\COM10" for ports higher than COM9 (double
the backslashes in strings).

:speed SPEED -- (mandatory) is handled by `serial-process-configure',
which this function calls.

:name NAME -- NAME is the name of the process. If NAME is not given,
the value of PORT is used.

:buffer BUFFER -- BUFFER is the buffer (or buffer-name) to associate
with the process. Process output goes at the end of that buffer,
unless you specify an output stream or filter function to handle the
output. If BUFFER is not given, the value of NAME is used.

:coding CODING -- If CODING is a symbol, it specifies the coding
system used for both reading and writing for this process. If CODING
is a cons (DECODING . ENCODING), DECODING is used for reading, and
ENCODING is used for writing.

:noquery BOOL -- When exiting Emacs, query the user if BOOL is nil and
the process is running. If BOOL is not given, query before exiting.

:stop BOOL -- Start process in the `stopped' state if BOOL is non-nil.
In the stopped state, a serial process does not accept incoming data,
but you can send outgoing data. The stopped state is cleared by
`continue-process' and set by `stop-process'.

:filter FILTER -- Install FILTER as the process filter.

:sentinel SENTINEL -- Install SENTINEL as the process sentinel.

:plist PLIST -- Install PLIST as the initial plist of the process.

-- This function calls `serial-process-configure' to handle these

The original argument list, possibly modified by later configuration,
is available via the function `process-contact'.


(make-serial-process :port "/dev/ttyS0" :speed 9600) (make-serial-process :port "COM1" :speed 115200 :stopbits 2) (make-serial-process :port "\\.\COM13" :speed 1200 :bytesize 7 :parity 'odd) (make-serial-process :port "/dev/tty.BlueConsole-SPP-1" :speed nil) (fn &rest ARGS)

Variable: eieio-generic-call-methodname

When using `call-next-method', provides a context on how to do it.

Function: multi-occur

Show all lines in buffers BUFS containing a match for REGEXP.
This function acts on multiple buffers; otherwise, it is exactly like
`occur'. When you invoke this command interactively, you must specify
the buffer names that you want, one by one.
See also `multi-occur-in-matching-buffers'.

Function: set-frame-configuration

Restore the frames to the state described by CONFIGURATION.
Each frame listed in CONFIGURATION has its position, size, window
configuration, and other parameters set as specified in CONFIGURATION.
However, this function does not restore deleted frames.

Ordinarily, this function deletes all existing frames not
listed in CONFIGURATION. But if optional second argument NODELETE
is given and non-nil, the unwanted frames are iconified instead.

Function: compilation-start

Run compilation command COMMAND (low level interface).
If COMMAND starts with a cd command, that becomes the `default-directory'.
The rest of the arguments are optional; for them, nil means use the default.

MODE is the major mode to set in the compilation buffer. Mode
may also be t meaning use `compilation-shell-minor-mode' under `comint-mode'.

If NAME-FUNCTION is non-nil, call it with one argument (the mode name)
to determine the buffer name. Otherwise, the default is to
reuses the current buffer if it has the proper major mode,
else use or create a buffer with name based on the major mode.

If HIGHLIGHT-REGEXP is non-nil, `next-error' will temporarily highlight
the matching section of the visited source line; the default is to use the
global value of `compilation-highlight-regexp'.

Returns the compilation buffer created. (fn COMMAND &optional MODE NAME-FUNCTION HIGHLIGHT-REGEXP)

Function: checkdoc

Interactively check the entire buffer for style errors.
The current status of the check will be displayed in a buffer which
the users will view as each check is completed. (fn)

Face: success

Basic face used to indicate successful operation.

Function: log

Return the natural logarithm of ARG.
If the optional argument BASE is given, return log ARG using that base.

(fn ARG &optional BASE)

Function: values-list

Return the argument unchanged.

(fn ARG)

Variable: imagemagick-types-inhibit

List of ImageMagick types that should never be treated as images.
This should be a list of symbols, each of which should be one of
the ImageMagick types listed by `imagemagick-types'. The listed
image types are not registered by `imagemagick-register-types'.

If the value is t, inhibit the use of ImageMagick for images.

If you change this without using customize, you must call
`imagemagick-register-types' afterwards.

If Emacs is compiled without ImageMagick support, this variable has no effect.

Function: Info-next-menu-item

Go to the node of the next menu item.

Function: vc-git-checkout-model

(fn FILES)

Function: replace-quote

Quote a replacement string.
This just doubles all backslashes in REPLACEMENT and
returns the resulting string. If REPLACEMENT is not
a string, it is first passed through `prin1-to-string'
with the `noescape' argument set.

`match-data' is preserved across the call.

Function: prog-mode

Major mode for editing programming language source code.

This mode runs the hook `prog-mode-hook', as the final step
during initialization.

key binding
--- -------

ESC Prefix Command C-M-q prog-indent-sexp

Function: completion-initials-expand


Variable: warning-type-format

Format for displaying the warning type in the warning message.
The result of formatting the type this way gets included in the
message under the control of the string in `warning-levels'.

Variable: latex-inputenc-coding-alist

Mapping from LaTeX encodings in "inputenc.sty" to Emacs coding systems.
LaTeX encodings are specified with "\usepackage[encoding]{inputenc}".
Used by the function `latexenc-find-file-coding-system'.

Function: derived-mode-p

Non-nil if the current major mode is derived from one of MODES.
Uses the `derived-mode-parent' property of the symbol to trace backwards.

Function: next-frame

Return the next frame in the frame list after FRAME.
It considers only frames on the same terminal as FRAME.
By default, skip minibuffer-only frames.
If omitted, FRAME defaults to the selected frame.
If optional argument MINIFRAME is nil, exclude minibuffer-only frames.
If MINIFRAME is a window, include only its own frame
and any frame now using that window as the minibuffer.
If MINIFRAME is `visible', include all visible frames.
If MINIFRAME is 0, include all visible and iconified frames.
Otherwise, include all frames. (fn &optional FRAME MINIFRAME)

Variable: default-buffer-file-coding-system

Default value of `buffer-file-coding-system' for buffers not overriding it.
This is the same as (default-value 'buffer-file-coding-system).

Function: encode-coding-string

Encode STRING to CODING-SYSTEM, and return the result.

Optional third arg NOCOPY non-nil means it is OK to return STRING
itself if the encoding operation is trivial.

Optional fourth arg BUFFER non-nil means that the encoded text is
inserted in that buffer after point (point does not move). In this
case, the return value is the length of the encoded text.

This function sets `last-coding-system-used' to the precise coding system
used (which may be different from CODING-SYSTEM if CODING-SYSTEM is
not fully specified.)


Variable: mail-parse-ignored-charsets

Ignored charsets used by low-level libraries.
This variable should never be set. Instead, it should be bound by
functions that wish to call mail-parse functions and let them know
what the desired charsets is to be ignored.

Function: lisp-indent-line

Indent current line as Lisp code.
With argument, indent any additional lines of the same expression
rigidly along with this one.

Function: calculate-lisp-indent

Return appropriate indentation for current line as Lisp code.
In usual case returns an integer: the column to indent to.
If the value is nil, that means don't change the indentation
because the line starts inside a string.

The value can also be a list of the form (COLUMN CONTAINING-SEXP-START).
This means that following lines at the same level of indentation
should not necessarily be indented the same as this line.
Then COLUMN is the column to indent to, and CONTAINING-SEXP-START
is the buffer position of the start of the containing expression.

Function: nonincremental-re-search-backward

Read a regular expression and search backward for it nonincrementally.

Function: isearch-query-replace

Start `query-replace' with string to replace from last search string.
The arg DELIMITED (prefix arg if interactive), if non-nil, means replace
only matches surrounded by word boundaries. Note that using the prefix arg
is possible only when `isearch-allow-scroll' is non-nil, and it doesn't
always provide the correct matches for `query-replace', so the preferred
way to run word replacements from Isearch is `M-s w ... M-%'.

Variable: jka-compr-inhibit

Non-nil means inhibit automatic uncompression temporarily.
Lisp programs can bind this to t to do that.
It is not recommended to set this variable permanently to anything but nil.

Function: face-at-point

Return the face of the character after point.
If it has more than one face, return the first one.
Return nil if it has no specified face.

Function: timerp

Return t if OBJECT is a timer.

Function: list-matching-lines

Show all lines in the current buffer containing a match for REGEXP.
If a match spreads across multiple lines, all those lines are shown.

Each line is displayed with NLINES lines before and after, or -NLINES
before if NLINES is negative.
NLINES defaults to `list-matching-lines-default-context-lines'.
Interactively it is the prefix arg.

The lines are shown in a buffer named `*Occur*'.
It serves as a menu to find any of the occurrences in this buffer.
C-h m in that buffer will explain how.

If REGEXP contains upper case characters (excluding those preceded by `\')
and `search-upper-case' is non-nil, the matching is case-sensitive.

When NLINES is a string or when the function is called
interactively with prefix argument without a number (`C-u' alone
as prefix) the matching strings are collected into the `*Occur*'
buffer by using NLINES as a replacement regexp. NLINES may
contain \& and \N which convention follows `replace-match'.
For example, providing "defun\s +\(\S +\)" for REGEXP and
"\1" for NLINES collects all the function names in a lisp
program. When there is no parenthesized subexpressions in REGEXP the entire match is collected. In any case the searched buffer is not modified.

Function: facemenu-set-face-from-menu

Set the FACE of the region or next character typed.
This function is designed to be called from a menu; FACE is determined
using the event type of the menu entry. If FACE is a symbol whose
name starts with "fg:" or "bg:", then this functions sets the
foreground or background to the color specified by the rest of the
symbol's name. Any other symbol is considered the name of a face.

If the region is active (normally true except in Transient Mark mode)
and there is no prefix argument, this command sets the region to the
requested face.

Otherwise, this command specifies the face for the next character
inserted. Moving point or switching buffers before typing a character to insert cancels the specification.

Function: iconify-or-deiconify-frame

Iconify the selected frame, or deiconify if it's currently an icon.

Function: lwarn

Display a warning message made from (format MESSAGE ARGS...).
Aside from generating the message with `format',
this is equivalent to `display-warning'.

TYPE is the warning type: either a custom group name (a symbol),
or a list of symbols whose first element is a custom group name.
(The rest of the symbols represent subcategories and
can be whatever you like.)

LEVEL should be either :debug, :warning, :error, or :emergency
(but see `warning-minimum-level' and `warning-minimum-log-level').

:emergency -- a problem that will seriously impair Emacs operation soon
if you do not attend to it promptly.
:error -- invalid data or circumstances.
:warning -- suspicious data or circumstances.
:debug -- info for debugging only. (fn TYPE LEVEL MESSAGE &rest ARGS)

Function: linum-mode

Toggle display of line numbers in the left margin (Linum mode).
With a prefix argument ARG, enable Linum mode if ARG is positive,
and disable it otherwise. If called from Lisp, enable the mode
if ARG is omitted or nil.

Linum mode is a buffer-local minor mode. (fn &optional ARG)

Function: ebnf-eps-buffer

Generate a PostScript syntactic chart image of the buffer in an EPS file.

Generate an EPS file for each production in the buffer.
The EPS file name has the following form:


is given by variable `ebnf-eps-prefix'.
The default value is "ebnf--".

is the production name.
Some characters in the production file name are replaced to
produce a valid file name. For example, the production name
"A/B + C" is modified to produce "A_B_+_C", and the EPS
file name used in this case will be "ebnf--A_B_+_C.eps".

WARNING: This function does *NOT* ask any confirmation to override existing files. (fn)

Variable: yank-handled-properties

List of special text property handling conditions for yanking.
Each element should have the form (PROP . FUN), where PROP is a
property symbol and FUN is a function. When the `yank' command
inserts text into the buffer, it scans the inserted text for
stretches of text that have `eq' values of the text property
PROP; for each such stretch of text, FUN is called with three
arguments: the property's value in that text, and the start and
end positions of the text.

This is done prior to removing the properties specified by `yank-excluded-properties'.

Function: add-text-properties

Add properties to the text from START to END.
The third argument PROPERTIES is a property list
specifying the property values to add. If the optional fourth argument
OBJECT is a buffer (or nil, which means the current buffer),
START and END are buffer positions (integers or markers).
If OBJECT is a string, START and END are 0-based indices into it.
Return t if any property value actually changed, nil otherwise.


Variable: buffer-display-table

Display table that controls display of the contents of current buffer.

If this variable is nil, the value of `standard-display-table' is used.
Each window can have its own, overriding display table, see
`set-window-display-table' and `window-display-table'.

The display table is a char-table created with `make-display-table'.
A char-table is an array indexed by character codes. Normal array
primitives `aref' and `aset' can be used to access elements of a char-table.

Each of the char-table elements control how to display the corresponding
text character: the element at index C in the table says how to display
the character whose code is C. Each element should be a vector of
characters or nil. The value nil means display the character in the
default fashion; otherwise, the characters from the vector are delivered
to the screen instead of the original character.

For example, (aset buffer-display-table ?X [?Y]) tells Emacs
to display a capital Y instead of each X character.

In addition, a char-table has six extra slots to control the display of:

the end of a truncated screen line (extra-slot 0, a single character);
the end of a continued line (extra-slot 1, a single character);
the escape character used to display character codes in octal
(extra-slot 2, a single character);
the character used as an arrow for control characters (extra-slot 3,
a single character);
the decoration indicating the presence of invisible lines (extra-slot 4,
a vector of characters);
the character used to draw the border between side-by-side windows (extra-slot 5, a single character). See also the functions `display-table-slot' and `set-display-table-slot'.

Function: keyboard-coding-system

Return coding system specified for decoding keyboard input.

(fn &optional TERMINAL)

Variable: keyboard-coding-system

Specify coding system for keyboard input.
If you set this on a terminal which can't distinguish Meta keys from
8-bit characters, you will have to use ESC to type Meta characters.
See Info node `Terminal Coding' and Info node `Unibyte Mode'.

On non-windowing terminals, this is set from the locale by default.

Setting this variable directly does not take effect;
use either M-x customize or C-x RET k.

Function: object-slots

Return list of slots available in OBJ.

Function: turn-on-gnus-dired-mode

Convenience method to turn on gnus-dired-mode.


Function: clear-rectangle

Blank out the region-rectangle.
The text previously in the region is overwritten with blanks.

When called from a program the rectangle's corners are START and END.
With a prefix (or a FILL) argument, also fill with blanks the parts of the
rectangle which were empty.

(fn START END &optional FILL)

Variable: mode-line-frame-identification

Mode line construct to describe the current frame.

Function: /=

Return t if first arg is not equal to second arg. Both must be numbers or markers.

(fn NUM1 NUM2)

Function: cl-position-if

Find the first item satisfying PREDICATE in SEQ.
Return the index of the matching item, or nil if not found.

Keywords supported: :key :start :end :from-end


Function: cl-delete-duplicates

Remove all duplicate elements from SEQ (destructively).

Keywords supported: :test :test-not :key :start :end :from-end


Function: disable-timeout

Remove TIMER from the list of active timers.

Variable: package-user-dir

Directory containing the user's Emacs Lisp packages.
The directory name should be absolute.
Apart from this directory, Emacs also looks for system-wide
packages in `package-directory-list'.

Variable: directory-free-space-program

Program to get the amount of free space on a file system.
We assume the output has the format of `df'.
The value of this variable must be just a command name or file name;
if you want to specify options, use `directory-free-space-args'.

A value of nil disables this feature.

If the function `file-system-info' is defined, it is always used in
preference to the program given by this variable.

Function: class-name

Return a Lisp like symbol name for CLASS.

Variable: x-sent-selection-functions

A list of functions to be called when Emacs answers a selection request.
The functions are called with three arguments:
- the selection name (typically `PRIMARY', `SECONDARY', or `CLIPBOARD');
- the selection-type which Emacs was asked to convert the
selection into before sending (for example, `STRING' or `LENGTH');
- a flag indicating success or failure for responding to the request.
We might have failed (and declined the request) for any number of reasons,
including being asked for a selection that we no longer own, or being asked
to convert into a type that we don't know about or that is inappropriate.
This hook doesn't let you change the behavior of Emacs's selection replies,
it merely informs you that they have happened.

Variable: x-bitmap-file-path

List of directories to search for window system bitmap files.

Function: forward-line

Move N lines forward (backward if N is negative).
Precisely, if point is on line I, move to the start of line I + N
("start of line" in the logical order).
If there isn't room, go as far as possible (no error).
Returns the count of lines left to move. If moving forward,
that is N - number of lines moved; if backward, N + number moved.
With positive N, a non-empty line at the end counts as one line
successfully moved (for the return value). (fn &optional N)

Function: nreverse

Reverse LIST by modifying cdr pointers.
Return the reversed list. Expects a properly nil-terminated list.

(fn LIST)

Function: comint-snapshot-last-prompt

`snapshot' any current `comint-last-prompt-overlay'.
Freeze its attributes in place, even when more input comes along
and moves the prompt overlay. (fn)

Function: cl-round

Return a list of X rounded to the nearest integer and the remainder.
With two arguments, return rounding and remainder of their quotient.

(fn X &optional Y)

Function: gnus-article-outlook-repair-attribution

Repair a broken attribution line.
If NODISPLAY is non-nil, don't redisplay the article buffer.

(fn &optional NODISPLAY)

Function: walk-window-tree

Run function FUN on each live window of FRAME.
FUN must be a function with one argument - a window. FRAME must
be a live frame and defaults to the selected one. ANY, if
non-nil, means to run FUN on all live and internal windows of

Optional argument MINIBUF t means run FUN on FRAME's minibuffer
window even if it isn't active. MINIBUF nil or omitted means run
FUN on FRAME's minibuffer window only if it's active. In both
cases the minibuffer window must be part of FRAME. MINIBUF
neither nil nor t means never run FUN on the minibuffer window.

This function performs a pre-order, depth-first traversal of the
window tree. If FUN changes the window tree, the result is unpredictable.

Function: read-key

Read a key from the keyboard.
Contrary to `read-event' this will not return a raw event but instead will
obey the input decoding and translations usually done by `read-key-sequence'.
So escape sequences and keyboard encoding are taken into account.
When there's an ambiguity because the key looks like the prefix of
some sort of escape sequence, the ambiguity is resolved via `read-key-delay'.

Function: cl--do-remf


Function: edit-tab-stops-note-changes

Put edited tab stops into effect.

Function: make-abbrev-table

Create a new, empty abbrev table object.
PROPS is a list of properties.

(fn &optional PROPS)

Function: generic-mode

Enter generic mode MODE.

Generic modes provide basic comment and font-lock functionality
for "generic" files. (Files which are too small to warrant their
own mode, but have comment characters, keywords, and the like.)

To define a generic-mode, use the function `define-generic-mode'.
Some generic modes are defined in `generic-x.el'. (fn MODE)

Function: copy-file-locals-to-dir-locals

Copy file-local variables to .dir-locals.el.


Variable: command-switch-alist

Alist of command-line switches.
HANDLER-FUNCTION receives the switch string as its sole argument;
the remaining command-line args are in the variable `command-line-args-left'.

Function: display-buffer-in-previous-window

Display BUFFER in a window previously showing it.
If ALIST has a non-nil `inhibit-same-window' entry, the selected
window is not eligible for reuse.

If ALIST contains a `reusable-frames' entry, its value determines
which frames to search for a reusable window:
nil -- the selected frame (actually the last non-minibuffer frame)
A frame -- just that frame
`visible' -- all visible frames
0 -- all frames on the current terminal
t -- all frames.

If ALIST contains no `reusable-frames' entry, search just the
selected frame if `display-buffer-reuse-frames' and
`pop-up-frames' are both nil; search all frames on the current
terminal if either of those variables is non-nil.

If ALIST has a `previous-window' entry, the window specified by
that entry will override any other window found by the methods above, even if that window never showed BUFFER before.

Function: car-less-than-car

Return t if (car A) is numerically less than (car B).

(fn A B)

Function: byte-optimize-quote

(fn FORM)

Function: tooltip-mode

Toggle Tooltip mode.
With a prefix argument ARG, enable Tooltip mode if ARG is positive,
and disable it otherwise. If called from Lisp, enable the mode
if ARG is omitted or nil.

When this global minor mode is enabled, Emacs displays help
text (e.g. for buttons and menu items that you put the mouse on)
in a pop-up window.

When Tooltip mode is disabled, Emacs displays help text in the
echo area, instead of making a pop-up window.

Variable: tooltip-mode

Non-nil if Tooltip mode is enabled.
See the command `tooltip-mode' for a description of this minor mode.
Setting this variable directly does not take effect;
either customize it (see the info node `Easy Customization')
or call the function `tooltip-mode'.

Function: url-get-normalized-date

Return a 'real' date string that most HTTP servers can understand.

Function: ucs-normalize-NFKD-string

Normalize the string STR by the Unicode NFKD.

(fn STR)

Function: decode-coding-inserted-region

Decode the region between FROM and TO as if it is read from file FILENAME.
The idea is that the text between FROM and TO was just inserted somehow.
Optional arguments VISIT, BEG, END, and REPLACE are the same as those
of the function `insert-file-contents'.
Part of the job of this function is setting `buffer-undo-list' appropriately.

Function: event-modifiers

Return a list of symbols representing the modifier keys in event EVENT.
The elements of the list may include `meta', `control',
`shift', `hyper', `super', `alt', `click', `double', `triple', `drag',
and `down'.
EVENT may be an event or an event type. If EVENT is a symbol
that has never been used in an event that has been read as input
in the current Emacs session, then this function may fail to include the `click' modifier.

Function: cdadr

Return the `cdr' of the `car' of the `cdr' of X.

(fn X)

Function: read-extended-command

Read command name to invoke in `execute-extended-command'.

Function: widget-setup

Setup current buffer so editing string widgets works.


Function: eshell-command-result

Execute the given Eshell COMMAND, and return the result.
The result might be any Lisp object.
If STATUS-VAR is a symbol, it will be set to the exit status of the
command. This is the only way to determine whether the value returned
corresponding to a successful execution.

(fn COMMAND &optional STATUS-VAR)

Variable: window-size-fixed

Non-nil in a buffer means windows displaying the buffer are fixed-size.
If the value is `height', then only the window's height is fixed.
If the value is `width', then only the window's width is fixed.
Any other non-nil value fixes both the width and the height.

Emacs won't change the size of any window displaying that buffer,
unless it has no other choice (like when deleting a neighboring window).

Function: custom-check-theme

Check whether THEME is valid, and signal an error if it is not.

Function: handle-save-session

Handle the save_yourself event from a session manager.
A session manager can tell Emacs that the window system is shutting down
by sending Emacs a save_yourself message. Emacs executes this function when
such an event occurs. This function then executes `emacs-session-save'.
After that, this function informs the session manager that it can continue
or abort shutting down the window system depending on the return value
from `emacs-session-save' If the return value is non-nil the session manager
is told to abort the window system shutdown.

Do not call this function yourself. (fn EVENT)

Function: next-window

Return live window after WINDOW in the cyclic ordering of windows.
WINDOW must be a live window and defaults to the selected one. The
optional arguments MINIBUF and ALL-FRAMES specify the set of windows to

MINIBUF nil or omitted means consider the minibuffer window only if the
minibuffer is active. MINIBUF t means consider the minibuffer window
even if the minibuffer is not active. Any other value means do not
consider the minibuffer window even if the minibuffer is active.

ALL-FRAMES nil or omitted means consider all windows on WINDOW's frame,
plus the minibuffer window if specified by the MINIBUF argument. If the
minibuffer counts, consider all windows on all frames that share that
minibuffer too. The following non-nil values of ALL-FRAMES have special

- t means consider all windows on all existing frames.

- `visible' means consider all windows on all visible frames.

- 0 (the number zero) means consider all windows on all visible and
iconified frames.

- A frame means consider all windows on that frame only.

Anything else means consider all windows on WINDOW's frame and no

If you use consistent values for MINIBUF and ALL-FRAMES, you can use
`next-window' to iterate through the entire cycle of acceptable
windows, eventually ending up back at the window you started with. `previous-window' traverses the same cycle, in the reverse order. (fn &optional WINDOW MINIBUF ALL-FRAMES)

Variable: inverse-video

Non-nil means invert the entire frame display.
This means everything is in inverse video which otherwise would not be.

Function: view-hello-file

Display the HELLO file, which lists many languages and characters.

Function: gnus-fetch-group

Start Gnus if necessary and enter GROUP.
If ARTICLES, display those articles.
Returns whether the fetching was successful or not.

(fn GROUP &optional ARTICLES)

Function: highlight-phrase

Set face of each match of phrase REGEXP to FACE.
If called interactively, replaces whitespace in REGEXP with
arbitrary whitespace and makes initial lower-case letters case-insensitive.

If Font Lock mode is enabled in the buffer, it is used to
highlight REGEXP. If Font Lock mode is disabled, overlays are
used for highlighting; in this case, the highlighting will not be
updated as you type. (fn REGEXP &optional FACE)

Variable: selection-inhibit-update-commands

List of commands which should not update the selection.
Normally, if `select-active-regions' is non-nil and the mark remains
active after a command (i.e. the mark was not deactivated), the Emacs
command loop sets the selection to the text in the region. However,
if the command is in this list, the selection is not updated.

Function: table-span-cell

Span current cell into adjacent cell in DIRECTION.
DIRECTION is one of symbols; right, left, above or below.


Function: turn-on-orgtbl

Unconditionally turn on `orgtbl-mode'.


Function: find-lisp-find-dired-filter

Change the filter on a find-lisp-find-dired buffer to REGEXP.


Variable: coding-system-iso-2022-flags

List of symbols that control ISO-2022 encoder/decoder.

The value of the `:flags' attribute in the argument of the function
`define-coding-system' must be one of them.

If `long-form' is specified, use a long designation sequence on
encoding for the charsets `japanese-jisx0208-1978', `chinese-gb2312',
and `japanese-jisx0208'. The long designation sequence doesn't
conform to ISO 2022, but is used by such coding systems as

If `ascii-at-eol' is specified, designate ASCII to g0 at end of line
on encoding.

If `ascii-at-cntl' is specified, designate ASCII to g0 before control
codes and SPC on encoding.

If `7-bit' is specified, use 7-bit code only on encoding.

If `locking-shift' is specified, decode locking-shift code correctly
on decoding, and use locking-shift to invoke a graphic element on

If `single-shift' is specified, decode single-shift code correctly on
decoding, and use single-shift to invoke a graphic element on encoding.

If `designation' is specified, decode designation code correctly on
decoding, and use designation to designate a charset to a graphic
element on encoding.

If `revision' is specified, produce an escape sequence to specify
revision number of a charset on encoding. Such an escape sequence is
always correctly decoded on decoding.

If `direction' is specified, decode ISO6429's code for specifying
direction correctly, and produce the code on encoding.

If `init-at-bol' is specified, on encoding, it is assumed that
invocation and designation statuses are reset at each beginning of
line even if `ascii-at-eol' is not specified; thus no codes for
resetting them are produced.

If `safe' is specified, on encoding, characters not supported by a
coding are replaced with `?'.

If `latin-extra' is specified, the code-detection routine assumes that a
code specified in `latin-extra-code-table' (which see) is valid.

If `composition' is specified, an escape sequence to specify
composition sequence is correctly decoded on decoding, and is produced
on encoding.

If `euc-tw-shift' is specified, the EUC-TW specific shifting code is
correctly decoded on decoding, and is produced on encoding. If `use-roman' is specified, JIS0201-1976-Roman is designated instead of ASCII. If `use-oldjis' is specified, JIS0208-1976 is designated instead of JIS0208-1983.

Variable: hscroll-step

How many columns to scroll the window when point gets too close to the edge.
When point is less than `hscroll-margin' columns from the window
edge, automatic hscrolling will scroll the window by the amount of columns
determined by this variable. If its value is a positive integer, scroll that
many columns. If it's a positive floating-point number, it specifies the
fraction of the window's width to scroll. If it's nil or zero, point will be
centered horizontally after the scroll. Any other value, including negative
numbers, are treated as if the value were zero.

Automatic hscrolling always moves point outside the scroll margin, so if
point was more than scroll step columns inside the margin, the window will
scroll more than the value given by the scroll step.

Note that the lower bound for automatic hscrolling specified by `scroll-left'
and `scroll-right' overrides this variable's effect.

Variable: baud-rate

The output baud rate of the terminal.
On most systems, changing this value will affect the amount of padding
and the other strategic decisions made during redisplay.

Function: Info-speedbar-fetch-file-nodes

Fetch the subnodes from the info NODESPEC.
NODESPEC is a string of the form: (file)node.

Variable: vc-git-log-view-mode-abbrev-table

Abbrev table for `vc-git-log-view-mode'.

Variable: cl-float-epsilon

The smallest positive float that adds to 1.0 to give a distinct value.
Adding a number less than this to 1.0 returns 1.0 due to roundoff.
For IEEE machines, epsilon is about 2.22e-16.
Call `cl-float-limits' to set this.

Function: font-lock-unfontify-region

Unfontify the text between BEG and END.
This works by calling `font-lock-unfontify-region-function'.

Function: tai-viet-composition-function


Variable: major-mode

Symbol for current buffer's major mode.
The default value (normally `fundamental-mode') affects new buffers.
A value of nil means to use the current buffer's major mode, provided
it is not marked as "special".

When a mode is used by default, `find-file' switches to it before it
reads the contents into the buffer and before it finishes setting up
the buffer. Thus, the mode and its hooks should not expect certain
variables such as `buffer-read-only' and `buffer-file-coding-system' to be set up.

Function: autoload

Define FUNCTION to autoload from FILE.
FUNCTION is a symbol; FILE is a file name string to pass to `load'.
Third arg DOCSTRING is documentation for the function.
Fourth arg INTERACTIVE if non-nil says function can be called interactively.
Fifth arg TYPE indicates the type of the object:
nil or omitted says FUNCTION is a function,
`keymap' says FUNCTION is really a keymap, and
`macro' or t says FUNCTION is really a macro.
Third through fifth args give info about the real definition.
They default to nil.
If FUNCTION is already defined other than as an autoload,
this does nothing and returns nil.


Variable: eol-mnemonic-unix

*String displayed in mode line for UNIX-like (LF) end-of-line format.

Variable: eieio-generic-call-key

When using `call-next-method', provides a context for the current key.
Keys are a number representing :before, :primary, and :after methods.

Function: epa-file--file-name-regexp-set


Function: pr-ps-mode-preview

Preview major mode using ghostview.

See also `pr-ps-buffer-preview'.

(fn N-UP &optional FILENAME)

Function: eieio-oref-default

Do the work for the macro `oref-default' with similar parameters.
Fills in OBJ's SLOT with its default value.

Function: mouse--strip-first-event


Function: type-break-statistics

Print statistics about typing breaks in a temporary buffer.
This includes the last time a typing break was taken, when the next one is
scheduled, the keystroke thresholds and the current keystroke count, etc. (fn)

Function: gdb-script-mode

Major mode for editing GDB scripts.


Variable: display-buffer-overriding-action

Overriding action to perform to display a buffer.
It should be a cons cell (FUNCTION . ALIST), where FUNCTION is a
function or a list of functions. Each function should accept two
arguments: a buffer to display and an alist similar to ALIST.
See `display-buffer' for details.

Function: xml-find-file-coding-system

Determine the coding system of an XML file without a declaration.
Strictly speaking, the file should be utf-8, but mistakes are
made, and there are genuine cases where XML fragments are saved,
with the encoding properly specified in a master document, or
added by processing software.

Variable: sh-indent-for-fi

How much to indent a `fi' relative to its `if'. Usually 0.

Function: Info-prev

Go to the previous node of this node.

Function: flycheck-mode

Minor mode for on-the-fly syntax checking.

When called interactively, toggle `flycheck-mode'. With prefix
ARG, enable `flycheck-mode' if ARG is positive, otherwise disable

When called from Lisp, enable `flycheck-mode' if ARG is omitted,
nil or positive. If ARG is `toggle', toggle `flycheck-mode'.
Otherwise behave as if called interactively.

In `flycheck-mode' the buffer is automatically syntax-checked
using the first suitable syntax checker from `flycheck-checkers'.
Use `flycheck-select-checker' to select a checker for the current
buffer manually.

Uses keymap `flycheck-mode-map', which is not currently defined. (fn &optional ARG)

Function: edit-abbrevs

Alter abbrev definitions by editing a list of them.
Selects a buffer containing a list of abbrev definitions with
point located in the abbrev table of current buffer.
You can edit them and type C-c C-c to redefine abbrevs
according to your editing.
Buffer contains a header line for each abbrev table,
which is the abbrev table name in parentheses.
This is followed by one line per abbrev in that table:
where NAME and EXPANSION are strings with quotes,
USECOUNT is an integer, and HOOK is any valid function
or may be omitted (it is usually omitted). (fn)

Function: reftex-citation

Make a citation using BibTeX database files.
After prompting for a regular expression, scans the buffers with
bibtex entries (taken from the \bibliography command) and offers the
matching entries for selection. The selected entry is formatted according
to `reftex-cite-format' and inserted into the buffer.

If NO-INSERT is non-nil, nothing is inserted, only the selected key returned.

FORMAT-KEY can be used to pre-select a citation format.

When called with a `C-u' prefix, prompt for optional arguments in
cite macros. When called with a numeric prefix, make that many
citations. When called with point inside the braces of a `\cite'
command, it will add another key, ignoring the value of

The regular expression uses an expanded syntax: && is interpreted as `and'.
Thus, `aaaa&&bbb' matches entries which contain both `aaaa' and `bbb'.
While entering the regexp, completion on knows citation keys is possible.
`=' is a good regular expression to match all entries in all files. (fn &optional NO-INSERT FORMAT-KEY)

Function: edebug-defun

Evaluate the top level form point is in, stepping through with Edebug.
This is like `eval-defun' except that it steps the code for Edebug
before evaluating it. It displays the value in the echo area
using `eval-expression' (which see).

If you do this on a function definition such as a defun or defmacro,
it defines the function and instruments its definition for Edebug,
so it will do Edebug stepping when called later. It displays
`Edebug: FUNCTION' in the echo area to indicate that FUNCTION is now
instrumented for Edebug.

If the current defun is actually a call to `defvar' or `defcustom',
evaluating it this way resets the variable using its initial value
expression even if the variable already has some other value.
(Normally `defvar' and `defcustom' do not alter the value if there already is one.) (fn)

Function: view-buffer

View BUFFER in View mode, returning to previous buffer when done.
Emacs commands editing the buffer contents are not available; instead, a
special set of commands (mostly letters and punctuation) are defined for
moving around in the buffer.
Space scrolls forward, Delete scrolls backward.
For a list of all View commands, type H or h while viewing.

This command runs the normal hook `view-mode-hook'.

Optional argument EXIT-ACTION is either nil or a function with buffer as
argument. This function is called when finished viewing buffer. Use
this argument instead of explicitly setting `view-exit-action'.

Do not set EXIT-ACTION to `kill-buffer' when BUFFER visits a
file: Users may suspend viewing in order to modify the buffer.
Exiting View mode will then discard the user's edits. Setting
EXIT-ACTION to `kill-buffer-if-not-modified' avoids this.

This function does not enable View mode if the buffer's major-mode
has a `special' mode-class, because such modes usually have their own View-like bindings.

Function: checkdoc-defun

Examine the doc string of the function or variable under point.
Call `error' if the doc string has problems. If NO-ERROR is
non-nil, then do not call error, but call `message' instead.
If the doc string passes the test, then check the function for rogue white
space at the end of each line.

(fn &optional NO-ERROR)

Function: autoarg-kp-mode

Toggle Autoarg-KP mode, a global minor mode.
With a prefix argument ARG, enable Autoarg-KP mode if ARG is
positive, and disable it otherwise. If called from Lisp, enable
the mode if ARG is omitted or nil.

Uses keymap `autoarg-kp-mode-map', which is not currently defined.

This is similar to `autoarg-mode' but rebinds the keypad keys
`kp-1' etc. to supply digit arguments.

Uses keymap `autoarg-kp-mode-map', which is not currently defined. (fn &optional ARG)

Variable: autoarg-kp-mode

Non-nil if Autoarg-Kp mode is enabled.
See the command `autoarg-kp-mode' for a description of this minor mode.
Setting this variable directly does not take effect;
either customize it (see the info node `Easy Customization')
or call the function `autoarg-kp-mode'.

Variable: translation-table-for-input

Char table for translating self-inserting characters.
This is applied to the result of input methods, not their input.
See also `keyboard-translate-table'.

Use of this variable for character code unification was rendered
obsolete in Emacs 23.1 and later, since Unicode is now the basis of
internal character representation.

Variable: apropos-match-face

Face for matching text in Apropos documentation/value, or nil for none.
This applies when you look for matches in the documentation or variable value
for the pattern; the part that matches gets displayed in this font.

Variable: grep-find-command

The default find command for M-x grep-find.
In interactive usage, the actual value of this variable is set up
by `grep-compute-defaults'; to change the default value, use
Customize or call the function `grep-apply-setting'.

Function: ebnf-insert-style

Insert a new style NAME with inheritance INHERITS and values VALUES.

See `ebnf-style-database' documentation.


Variable: find-file-run-dired

Non-nil means allow `find-file' to visit directories.
To visit the directory, `find-file' runs `find-directory-functions'.

Function: recenter-top-bottom

Move current buffer line to the specified window line.
With no prefix argument, successive calls place point according
to the cycling order defined by `recenter-positions'.

A prefix argument is handled like `recenter':
With numeric prefix ARG, move current line to window-line ARG.
With plain `C-u', move current line to window center.

Variable: system-key-alist

Alist of system-specific X windows key symbols.
Each element should have the form (N . SYMBOL) where N is the
numeric keysym code (sans the "system-specific" bit 1<<28)
and SYMBOL is its name.

`system-key-alist' has a separate binding for each terminal device.
See Info node `(elisp)Multiple Terminals'.

Variable: byte-call

Byte code opcode for calling a function.

Variable: url-automatic-caching

If non-nil, all documents will be automatically cached to the local disk.

Function: vc-git-create-repo

Create a new Git repository.


Function: isearch-yank-char

Pull next character from buffer into search string.

Function: syntax-ppss-flush-cache

Flush the cache of `syntax-ppss' starting at position BEG.

(fn BEG &rest IGNORED)

Function: url-news

(fn URL)

Function: mark-word

Set mark ARG words away from point.
The place mark goes is the same place M-f would
move to with the same argument.
Interactively, if this command is repeated
or (in Transient Mark mode) if the mark is active,
it marks the next ARG words after the ones already marked.

Variable: window-size-change-functions

Functions called before redisplay, if window sizes have changed.
The value should be a list of functions that take one argument.
Just before redisplay, for each frame, if any of its windows have changed
size since the last redisplay, or have been split or deleted,
all the functions in the list are called, with the frame as argument.

Function: boundp

Return t if SYMBOL's value is not void.
Note that if `lexical-binding' is in effect, this refers to the
global value outside of any lexical scope.

Function: shell-prefixed-directory-name

(fn DIR)

Function: completion-table-dynamic

Use function FUN as a dynamic completion table.
FUN is called with one argument, the string for which completion is required,
and it should return an alist containing all the intended possible completions.
This alist may be a full list of possible completions so that FUN can ignore
the value of its argument. If completion is performed in the minibuffer,
FUN will be called in the buffer from which the minibuffer was entered.

The result of the `completion-table-dynamic' form is a function
that can be used as the COLLECTION argument to `try-completion' and
`all-completions'. See Info node `(elisp)Programmed Completion'. (fn FUN)

Function: window-dot

Return current value of point in WINDOW.
WINDOW must be a live window and defaults to the selected one.

For a nonselected window, this is the value point would have if that
window were selected.

Note that, when WINDOW is selected, the value returned is the same as
that returned by `point' for WINDOW's buffer. It would be more strictly
correct to return the `top-level' value of `point', outside of any
`save-excursion' forms. But that is hard to define. (fn &optional WINDOW)

Variable: x-max-tooltip-size

Maximum size for tooltips.
Value is a pair (COLUMNS . ROWS). Text larger than this is clipped.

Variable: buffer-auto-save-file-format

Format in which to write auto-save files.
Should be a list of symbols naming formats that are defined in `format-alist'.
If it is t, which is the default, auto-save files are written in the
same format as a regular save would use.

Variable: use-dialog-box

Non-nil means mouse commands use dialog boxes to ask questions.
This applies to `y-or-n-p' and `yes-or-no-p' questions asked by commands
invoked by mouse clicks and mouse menu items.

On some platforms, file selection dialogs are also enabled if this is non-nil.

Function: unintern

Delete the symbol named NAME, if any, from OBARRAY.
The value is t if a symbol was found and deleted, nil otherwise.
NAME may be a string or a symbol. If it is a symbol, that symbol
is deleted, if it belongs to OBARRAY--no other symbol is deleted.
OBARRAY defaults to the value of the variable `obarray'.

(fn NAME &optional OBARRAY)

Variable: num-input-keys

Number of complete key sequences read as input so far.
This includes key sequences read from keyboard macros.
The number is effectively the number of interactive command invocations.

Function: mm-default-multibyte-p

Return non-nil if the session is multibyte.
This affects whether coding conversion should be attempted generally.

Function: x-dnd-current-type

Return the type we want the DND data to be in for the current drop.
FRAME-OR-WINDOW is the frame or window that the mouse is over.

Variable: occur-hook

Hook run by Occur when there are any matches.

Function: pr-ps-file-ps-print

Send PostScript file FILENAME to printer or use ghostscript to print it.


Function: message-bold-region

Bold all nonblank characters in the region.
Works by overstriking characters.
Called from program, takes two arguments START and END
which specify the range to operate on.

Function: help-at-pt-set-timer

Enable `help-at-pt-display-when-idle'.
This is done by setting a timer, if none is currently active.

Function: mail-add-payment-async

Add X-Payment: and X-Hashcash: headers with a hashcash payment
for each recipient address. Prefix arg sets default payment temporarily.
Calculation is asynchronous.

(fn &optional ARG)

Function: x-handle-display

Handle -display DISPLAY option.

Function: compose-mail-other-frame

Like C-x m, but edit the outgoing message in another frame.

Function: charset-iso-final-char

Return ISO-2022 final character of CHARSET.
Return -1 if charset isn't an ISO 2022 one.

Variable: byte-compile-call-tree-sort

If non-nil, sort the call tree.
The values `name', `callers', `calls', `calls+callers'
specify different fields to sort on.

Function: recentf-mode

Toggle "Open Recent" menu (Recentf mode).
With a prefix argument ARG, enable Recentf mode if ARG is
positive, and disable it otherwise. If called from Lisp, enable
Recentf mode if ARG is omitted or nil.

When Recentf mode is enabled, a "Open Recent" submenu is
displayed in the "File" menu, containing a list of files that
were operated on recently. (fn &optional ARG)

Variable: recentf-mode

Non-nil if Recentf mode is enabled.
See the command `recentf-mode' for a description of this minor mode.
Setting this variable directly does not take effect;
either customize it (see the info node `Easy Customization')
or call the function `recentf-mode'.

Function: find-file-existing

Edit the existing file FILENAME.
Like C-x C-f, but only allow a file that exists, and do not allow
file names with wildcards.

Function: capitalize-word

Capitalize the following word (or ARG words), moving over.
This gives the word(s) a first character in upper case
and the rest lower case.
With negative argument, capitalize previous words but do not move. (fn ARG)

Variable: gcs-done

Accumulated number of garbage collections done.

Function: clear-face-cache

Clear face caches on all frames.
Optional THOROUGHLY non-nil means try to free unused fonts, too.

(fn &optional THOROUGHLY)

Function: pcomplete-insert-entry

Insert a completion entry at point.
Returns non-nil if a space was appended at the end.


Function: byte-compile-constant

(fn CONST)

Variable: executable-query

If non-nil, ask user before changing an existing magic number.
When this is `function', only ask when called non-interactively.

Function: gnus-time-iso8601

Return a string of TIME in YYYYMMDDTHHMMSS format.

Function: query-replace-read-to

Query and return the `to' argument of a query-replace operation.

Function: kkc-region

Convert Kana string in the current region to Kanji-Kana mixed string.
Users can select a desirable conversion interactively.
When called from a program, expects two arguments,
positions FROM and TO (integers or markers) specifying the target region.
When it returns, the point is at the tail of the selected conversion,
and the return value is the length of the conversion. (fn FROM TO)

Function: image-dired-display-thumb

Shorthand for `image-dired-display-thumbs' with prefix argument.


Function: gnus-article-outlook-unwrap-lines

Unwrap lines that appear to be wrapped citation lines.
You can control what lines will be unwrapped by frobbing
`gnus-outlook-deuglify-unwrap-min' and `gnus-outlook-deuglify-unwrap-max',
indicating the minimum and maximum length of an unwrapped citation line. If
NODISPLAY is non-nil, don't redisplay the article buffer.

(fn &optional NODISPLAY)

Function: string-to-int

Parse STRING as a decimal number and return the number.
This parses both integers and floating point numbers.
It ignores leading spaces and tabs, and all trailing chars.

If BASE, interpret STRING as a number in that base. If BASE isn't
present, base 10 is used. BASE must be between 2 and 16 (inclusive).
If the base used is not 10, STRING is always parsed as integer.
(fn STRING &optional BASE)

Function: upcase-region

Convert the region to upper case. In programs, wants two arguments.
These arguments specify the starting and ending character numbers of
the region to operate on. When used as a command, the text between
point and the mark is operated on.
See also `capitalize-region'. (fn BEG END)

Function: write-char

Output character CHARACTER to stream PRINTCHARFUN.
PRINTCHARFUN defaults to the value of `standard-output' (which see).


Variable: method-static

Index into :static tag on a method.

Function: Info-backward-node

Go backward one node, considering all nodes as forming one sequence.

Variable: display-time-world-time-format

Format of the time displayed, see `format-time-string'.

Function: cl-coerce

Coerce OBJECT to type TYPE.
TYPE is a Common Lisp type specifier.


Function: terminal-emulator

Under a display-terminal emulator in BUFFER, run PROGRAM on arguments ARGS.
ARGS is a list of argument-strings. Remaining arguments are WIDTH and HEIGHT.
BUFFER's contents are made an image of the display generated by that program,
and any input typed when BUFFER is the current Emacs buffer is sent to that
program as keyboard input.

Interactively, BUFFER defaults to "*terminal*" and PROGRAM and ARGS
are parsed from an input-string using your usual shell.
WIDTH and HEIGHT are determined from the size of the current window
-- WIDTH will be one less than the window's width, HEIGHT will be its height.

To switch buffers and leave the emulator, or to give commands
to the emulator itself (as opposed to the program running under it),
type Control-^. The following character is an emulator command.
Type Control-^ twice to send it to the subprogram.
This escape character may be changed using the variable `terminal-escape-char'.

`Meta' characters may not currently be sent through the terminal emulator.

Here is a list of some of the variables which control the behavior
of the emulator -- see their documentation for more information:
terminal-escape-char, terminal-scrolling, terminal-more-processing,

This function calls the value of terminal-mode-hook if that exists
and is non-nil after the terminal buffer has been set up and the subprocess started. (fn BUFFER PROGRAM ARGS &optional WIDTH HEIGHT)

Function: file-cache-add-file

Add FILE to the file cache.

(fn FILE)

Function: get-buffer

Return the buffer named BUFFER-OR-NAME.
BUFFER-OR-NAME must be either a string or a buffer. If BUFFER-OR-NAME
is a string and there is no buffer with that name, return nil. If
BUFFER-OR-NAME is a buffer, return it as given.


Function: make-variable-frame-local

Enable VARIABLE to have frame-local bindings.
This does not create any frame-local bindings for VARIABLE,
it just makes them possible.

A frame-local binding is actually a frame parameter value.
If a frame F has a value for the frame parameter named VARIABLE,
that also acts as a frame-local binding for VARIABLE in F--
provided this function has been called to enable VARIABLE
to have frame-local bindings at all.

The only way to create a frame-local binding for VARIABLE in a frame
is to set the VARIABLE frame parameter of that frame. See
`modify-frame-parameters' for how to set frame parameters.

Note that since Emacs 23.1, variables cannot be both buffer-local and
frame-local any more (buffer-local bindings used to take precedence over frame-local bindings). (fn VARIABLE)

Function: sh-repeat

Insert a repeat loop definition. See `sh-feature'.

This is a skeleton command (see `skeleton-insert').
Normally the skeleton text is inserted at point, with nothing "inside".
If there is a highlighted region, the skeleton text is wrapped
around the region text.

A prefix argument ARG says to wrap the skeleton around the next ARG words.
A prefix argument of -1 says to wrap around region, even if not highlighted.
A prefix argument of zero says to wrap around zero words---that is, nothing.
This is a way of overriding the use of a highlighted region.

Function: mouse-tear-off-window

Delete the window clicked on, and create a new frame displaying its buffer.

(fn CLICK)

Function: file-newest-backup

Return most recent backup file for FILENAME or nil if no backups exist.

Function: byte-compile-toplevel-file-form

(fn FORM)

Function: pcomplete-dirs-or-entries

Return either directories, or qualified entries.

(fn &optional REGEXP PREDICATE)

Function: forth-block-p

Guess whether the current buffer is a Forth block file.

Function: vc-register

Register into a version control system.
If VC-FILESET is given, register the files in that fileset.
Otherwise register the current file.
With prefix argument SET-REVISION, allow user to specify initial revision
level. If COMMENT is present, use that as an initial comment.

The version control system to use is found by cycling through the list
`vc-handled-backends'. The first backend in that list which declares
itself responsible for the file (usually because other files in that
directory are already registered under that backend) will be used to
register the file. If no backend declares itself responsible, the
first backend that could register the file is used.

Function: edebug-all-forms

Toggle edebugging of all forms.


Variable: edebug-all-forms

Non-nil means evaluation of all forms will instrument for Edebug.
This doesn't apply to loading or evaluations in the minibuffer.
Use the command `edebug-all-forms' to toggle the value of this option.

Function: define-translation-table

Define SYMBOL as the name of translation table made by ARGS.
This sets up information so that the table can be used for
translations in a CCL program.

If the first element of ARGS is a char-table whose purpose is
`translation-table', just define SYMBOL to name it. (Note that this
function does not bind SYMBOL.)

Any other ARGS should be suitable as arguments of the function
`make-translation-table' (which see).

This function sets properties `translation-table' and
`translation-table-id' of SYMBOL to the created table itself and the
identification number of the table respectively. It also registers the table in `translation-table-vector'.

Function: libxml-parse-html-region

Parse the region as an HTML document and return the parse tree.
If BASE-URL is non-nil, it is used to expand relative URLs.

(fn START END &optional BASE-URL)

Variable: inhibit-modification-hooks

Non-nil means don't run any of the hooks that respond to buffer changes.
This affects `before-change-functions' and `after-change-functions',
as well as hooks attached to text properties and overlays.

Variable: gujarati-composable-pattern

Regexp matching a composable sequence of Gujarati characters.

Function: progress-reporter-done

Print reporter's message followed by word "done" in echo area.

Function: insert-char

Insert COUNT copies of CHARACTER.
Interactively, prompt for CHARACTER. You can specify CHARACTER in one
of these ways:

- As its Unicode character name, e.g. "LATIN SMALL LETTER A".
Completion is available; if you type a substring of the name
preceded by an asterisk `*', Emacs shows all names which include
that substring, not necessarily at the beginning of the name.

- As a hexadecimal code point, e.g. 263A. Note that code points in
Emacs are equivalent to Unicode up to 10FFFF (which is the limit of
the Unicode code space).

- As a code point with a radix specified with #, e.g. #o21430
(octal), #x2318 (hex), or #10r8984 (decimal).

If called interactively, COUNT is given by the prefix argument. If
omitted or nil, it defaults to 1.

Inserting the character(s) relocates point and before-insertion
markers in the same ways as the function `insert'.

The optional third argument INHERIT, if non-nil, says to inherit text
properties from adjoining text, if those properties are sticky. If called interactively, INHERIT is t. (fn CHARACTER &optional COUNT INHERIT)

Function: constrain-to-field

Return the position closest to NEW-POS that is in the same field as OLD-POS.
A field is a region of text with the same `field' property.

If NEW-POS is nil, then use the current point instead, and move point
to the resulting constrained position, in addition to returning that

If OLD-POS is at the boundary of two fields, then the allowable
positions for NEW-POS depends on the value of the optional argument
constrained to the field that has the same `field' char-property
as any new characters inserted at OLD-POS, whereas if ESCAPE-FROM-EDGE
is non-nil, NEW-POS is constrained to the union of the two adjacent
fields. Additionally, if two fields are separated by another field with
the special value `boundary', then any point within this special field is
also considered to be `on the boundary'.

If the optional argument ONLY-IN-LINE is non-nil and constraining
NEW-POS would move it to a different line, NEW-POS is returned
unconstrained. This useful for commands that move by line, like
C-n or M-x beginning-of-line, which should generally respect field boundaries
only in the case where they can still move to the right line.

If the optional argument INHIBIT-CAPTURE-PROPERTY is non-nil, and OLD-POS has
a non-nil property of that name, then any field boundaries are ignored.

Field boundaries are not noticed if `inhibit-field-text-motion' is non-nil. (fn NEW-POS OLD-POS &optional ESCAPE-FROM-EDGE ONLY-IN-LINE INHIBIT-CAPTURE-PROPERTY)

Variable: smie-indent-basic

Basic amount of indentation.

Variable: tex-default-mode

Mode to enter for a new file that might be either TeX or LaTeX.
This variable is used when it can't be determined whether the file
is plain TeX or LaTeX or what because the file contains no commands.
Normally set to either `plain-tex-mode' or `latex-mode'.

Function: add-dir-local-variable

Add directory-local VARIABLE with its VALUE and MODE to .dir-locals.el.


Function: ebrowse-save-tree-as

Write the current tree data structure to a file.
Read the file name from the minibuffer if interactive.
Otherwise, FILE-NAME specifies the file to save the tree in.

(fn &optional FILE-NAME)

Function: ccl-compile

Return the compiled code of CCL-PROGRAM as a vector of integers.


Function: bookmark-save

Save currently defined bookmarks.
Saves by default in the file defined by the variable
`bookmark-default-file'. With a prefix arg, save it in file FILE
(second argument).

If you are calling this from Lisp, the two arguments are PARG and
FILE, and if you just want it to write to the default file, then
pass no arguments. Or pass in nil and FILE, and it will save in FILE
instead. If you pass in one argument, and it is non-nil, then the
user will be interactively queried for a file to save in.

When you want to load in the bookmarks from a file, use
`bookmark-load', M-x bookmark-load. That function will prompt you
for a file, defaulting to the file defined by variable `bookmark-default-file'. (fn &optional PARG FILE)

Function: button-type-get

Get the property of button-type TYPE named PROP.

Function: custom-face-attributes-get

For FACE on FRAME, return an alternating list describing its attributes.
The list has the form (KEYWORD VALUE KEYWORD VALUE...).
Each keyword should be listed in `custom-face-attributes'.

If FRAME is nil, use the global defaults for FACE.

Function: make-vector

Return a newly created vector of length LENGTH, with each element being INIT.
See also the function `vector'.


Function: sh-this-is-a-continuation

Return non-nil if current line is a continuation of previous line.

Function: cl--map-overlays


Function: jit-lock-function

Fontify current buffer starting at position START.
This function is added to `fontification-functions' when `jit-lock-mode'
is active.

Variable: minibuffer-default-add-function

Function run by `goto-history-element' before consuming default values.
This is useful to dynamically add more elements to the list of default values
when `goto-history-element' reaches the end of this list.
Before calling this function `goto-history-element' sets the variable
`minibuffer-default-add-done' to t, so it will call this function only
once. In special cases, when this function needs to be called more
than once, it can set `minibuffer-default-add-done' to nil explicitly,
overriding the setting of this variable to t in `goto-history-element'.

Function: diff-minor-mode

Toggle Diff minor mode.
With a prefix argument ARG, enable Diff minor mode if ARG is
positive, and disable it otherwise. If called from Lisp, enable
the mode if ARG is omitted or nil.

Uses keymap `diff-minor-mode-map', which is not currently defined. (fn &optional ARG)

Variable: debian-emacs-flavor

A symbol representing the particular debian flavor of emacs running.
Something like 'emacs20, 'xemacs20, etc.

Function: safe-local-variable-p

Non-nil if SYM is safe as a file-local variable with value VAL.
It is safe if any of these conditions are met:

* There is a matching entry (SYM . VAL) in the
`safe-local-variable-values' user option.

* The `safe-local-variable' property of SYM is a function that
evaluates to a non-nil value with VAL as an argument.

Function: find

Find the first occurrence of ITEM in SEQ.
Return the matching ITEM, or nil if not found.

Keywords supported: :test :test-not :key :start :end :from-end


Function: custom-quote

Quote SEXP if it is not self quoting.

Function: query-replace-read-from

Query and return the `from' argument of a query-replace operation.
The return value can also be a pair (FROM . TO) indicating that the user
wants to replace FROM with TO.

Function: url-file-handler

Function called from the `file-name-handler-alist' routines.
OPERATION is what needs to be done (`file-exists-p', etc). ARGS are
the arguments that would have been passed to OPERATION.


Function: eieio-describe-class

Describe a CLASS defined by a string or symbol.
If CLASS is actually an object, then also display current values of that object.
Optional HEADERFCN should be called to insert a few bits of info first.

(fn CLASS &optional HEADERFCN)

Function: c-set-style

Set the current buffer to use the style STYLENAME.
STYLENAME, a string, must be an existing CC Mode style - These are contained
in the variable `c-style-alist'.

The variable `c-indentation-style' will get set to STYLENAME.

"Setting the style" is done by setting CC Mode's "style variables" to the
values indicated by the pertinent entry in `c-style-alist'. Other variables
might get set too.

If DONT-OVERRIDE is neither nil nor t, style variables whose default values
have been set (more precisely, whose default values are not the symbol
`set-from-style') will not be changed. This avoids overriding global settings
done in your init file. It is useful to call c-set-style from a mode hook
in this way.

If DONT-OVERRIDE is t, style variables that already have values (i.e., whose
values are not the symbol `set-from-style') will not be overridden. CC Mode
calls c-set-style internally in this way whilst initializing a buffer; if
cc-set-style is called like this from anywhere else, it will usually behave as a null operation. (fn STYLENAME &optional DONT-OVERRIDE)

Function: custom-variable-theme-value

Return (list VALUE) indicating the custom theme value of VARIABLE.
That is to say, it specifies what the value should be according to
currently enabled custom themes.

This function returns nil if no custom theme specifies a value for VARIABLE.

Function: byte-compile-constants-vector


Function: x-dnd-insert-utf16-text

Decode the UTF-16 text and insert it at point.
TEXT is the text as a string, WINDOW is the window where the drop happened.

Function: word-search-backward-lax

Search backward from point for STRING, ignoring differences in punctuation.
Set point to the beginning of the occurrence found, and return point.

Unlike `word-search-backward', the end of STRING need not match a word
boundary, unless STRING ends in whitespace.

An optional second argument bounds the search; it is a buffer position.
The match found must not extend before that position.
Optional third argument, if t, means if fail just return nil (no error).
If not nil and not t, move to limit of search and return nil.
Optional fourth argument is repeat count--search for successive occurrences.

Relies on the function `word-search-regexp' to convert a sequence
of words in STRING to a regexp used to search words without regard to punctuation.

Function: read-abbrev-file

Read abbrev definitions from file written with `write-abbrev-file'.
Optional argument FILE is the name of the file to read;
it defaults to the value of `abbrev-file-name'.
Optional second argument QUIETLY non-nil means don't display a message.

(fn &optional FILE QUIETLY)

Function: completion-emacs22-all-completions


Function: pr-printify-buffer

Replace nonprinting characters in buffer with printable representations.
The printable representations use ^ (for ASCII control characters) or hex.
The characters tab, linefeed, space, return and formfeed are not affected. (fn)

Function: balance-windows-2

Subroutine of `balance-windows-1'.
WINDOW must be a vertical combination (horizontal if HORIZONTAL
is non-nil).

Function: process-filter-multibyte-p

Return t if a multibyte string is given to PROCESS's filter.


Function: file-newer-than-file-p

Return t if file FILE1 is newer than file FILE2.
If FILE1 does not exist, the answer is nil;
otherwise, if FILE2 does not exist, the answer is t.

(fn FILE1 FILE2)

Function: View-search-regexp-forward

Search forward for first (or prefix Nth) occurrence of REGEXP in View mode.

Displays line found at center of window. Sets mark at starting position and
pushes mark ring.

Characters @ and ! are special at the beginning of REGEXP. They modify
the search rather than become part of the pattern searched for.
@ means search all the buffer i.e. start search at the beginning of buffer.
! means search for a line that contains no match for the pattern.
If REGEXP is empty or only consist of these control characters, then
an earlier remembered REGEXP is used, otherwise REGEXP is remembered
for use by later search commands.

The variable `view-highlight-face' controls the face that is used for highlighting the match that is found.

Variable: Info-apropos-file

Info file name of the virtual manual for matches of `info-apropos'.

Function: cl--transform-lambda

Transform a function form FORM of name BIND-BLOCK.
BIND-BLOCK is the name of the symbol to which the function will be bound,
and which will be used for the name of the `cl-block' surrounding the
function's body.
FORM is of the form (ARGS . BODY).


Function: multi-occur-in-matching-buffers

Show all lines matching REGEXP in buffers specified by BUFREGEXP.
Normally BUFREGEXP matches against each buffer's visited file name,
but if you specify a prefix argument, it matches against the buffer name.
See also `multi-occur'.

Function: completion-emacs21-all-completions


Function: metamail-interpret-body

Interpret a body part of a MIME message in current buffer.
Optional argument VIEWMODE specifies the value of the
EMACS_VIEW_MODE environment variable (defaulted to 1).
Optional argument NODISPLAY non-nil means buffer is not
redisplayed as output is inserted.
Its header part is not interpreted at all.


Function: balance-windows-1

Subroutine of `balance-windows'.

Function: window-new-total

Return the new total size of window WINDOW.
WINDOW must be a valid window and defaults to the selected one.

(fn &optional WINDOW)

Function: set-terminal-parameter

Set TERMINAL's value for parameter PARAMETER to VALUE.
Return the previous value of PARAMETER.

TERMINAL can be a terminal object, a frame or nil (meaning the
selected frame's terminal).


Variable: default-scroll-up-aggressively

Default value of `scroll-up-aggressively'.
This value applies in buffers that don't have their own local values.
This is the same as (default-value 'scroll-up-aggressively).

Function: disabled-command-function

(fn &optional CMD KEYS)

Variable: disabled-command-function

Function to call to handle disabled commands.
If nil, the feature is disabled, i.e., all commands work normally.

Function: tooltip-strip-prompt

Return OUTPUT with any prompt of PROCESS stripped from its end.

Function: mouse-buffer-menu

Pop up a menu of buffers for selection with the mouse.
This switches buffers in the window that you clicked on,
and selects that window.
(fn EVENT)

Function: erc-truncate-buffer-to-size

Truncates the buffer to the size SIZE.
If BUFFER is not provided, the current buffer is assumed. The deleted
region is logged if `erc-logging-enabled' returns non-nil.

(fn SIZE &optional BUFFER)

Function: set-face-stipple

Change the stipple pixmap of face FACE to STIPPLE.
FRAME nil or not specified means change face on all frames.
STIPPLE should be a string, the name of a file of pixmap data.
The directories listed in the `x-bitmap-file-path' variable are searched.

Alternatively, STIPPLE may be a list of the form (WIDTH HEIGHT DATA)
where WIDTH and HEIGHT are the size in pixels,
and DATA is a string, containing the raw bits of the bitmap.

Function: chmod

Set mode bits of file named FILENAME to MODE (an integer).
Only the 12 low bits of MODE are used.

Interactively, mode bits are read by `read-file-modes', which accepts
symbolic notation, like the `chmod' command from GNU Coreutils.

Function: replace-buffer-in-windows

Replace BUFFER-OR-NAME with some other buffer in all windows showing it.
BUFFER-OR-NAME may be a buffer or the name of an existing buffer
and defaults to the current buffer.

When a window showing BUFFER-OR-NAME is dedicated, that window is
deleted. If that window is the only window on its frame, the
frame is deleted too when there are other frames left. If there
are no other frames left, some other buffer is displayed in that

This function removes the buffer denoted by BUFFER-OR-NAME from all window-local buffer lists.

Variable: class-class-allocation-printer

Class allocated printer for a slot.

Function: cl--defalias

(fn CL-F EL-F &optional DOC)

Function: menu-bar-showhide-fringe-ind-customize

Show customization buffer for `indicate-buffer-boundaries'.

Function: jit-lock-after-change

Mark the rest of the buffer as not fontified after a change.
Installed on `after-change-functions'.
START and END are the start and end of the changed text. OLD-LEN
is the pre-change length.
This function ensures that lines following the change will be refontified
in case the syntax of those lines has changed. Refontification
will take place when text is fontified stealthily.

Function: sieve-manage

(fn SERVER &optional PORT)

Function: coding-system-charset-list

Return list of charsets supported by CODING-SYSTEM.
If CODING-SYSTEM supports all ISO-2022 charsets, return `iso-2022'.
If CODING-SYSTEM supports all emacs-mule charsets, return `emacs-mule'.

Function: category-set-mnemonics

Return a string containing mnemonics of the categories in CATEGORY-SET.
CATEGORY-SET is a bool-vector, and the categories "in" it are those
that are indexes where t occurs in the bool-vector.
The return value is a string containing those same categories.


Variable: load-convert-to-unibyte

Non-nil means `read' converts strings to unibyte whenever possible.
This is normally bound by `load' and `eval-buffer' to control `read',
and is not meant for users to change.

Function: undo-only

Undo some previous changes.
Repeat this command to undo more changes.
A numeric ARG serves as a repeat count.
Contrary to `undo', this will not redo a previous undo.

Function: pr-toggle-mode

Toggle auto mode.


Function: propertize

Return a copy of STRING with text properties added.
First argument is the string to copy.
Remaining arguments form a sequence of PROPERTY VALUE pairs for text
properties to add to the result.


Function: overlays-at

Return a list of the overlays that contain the character at POS.

(fn POS)

Function: cl--safe-expr-p

Check if no side effects.

(fn X)

Function: emacs-lisp-byte-code-comment

Try to syntactically mark the #@NNN ....^_ docstrings in byte-code files.

Function: describe-categories

Describe the category specifications in the current category table.
The descriptions are inserted in a buffer, which is then displayed.
If BUFFER is non-nil, then describe BUFFER's category table instead.
BUFFER should be a buffer or a buffer name.

(fn &optional BUFFER)

Function: compile-defun

Compile and evaluate the current top-level form.
Print the result in the echo area.
With argument ARG, insert value in current buffer after the form.

(fn &optional ARG)

Function: special-display-p

Return non-nil if a buffer named BUFFER-NAME gets a special frame.
More precisely, return t if `special-display-buffer-names' or
`special-display-regexps' contain a string entry equaling or
matching BUFFER-NAME. If `special-display-buffer-names' or
`special-display-regexps' contain a list entry whose car equals
or matches BUFFER-NAME, the return value is the cdr of that entry.

Function: window--state-get-1

Helper function for `window-state-get'.

Function: insert-for-yank

Call `insert-for-yank-1' repetitively for each `yank-handler' segment.

See `insert-for-yank-1' for more details.

Function: view-search-no-match-lines

Search for the TIMESth occurrence of a line with no match for REGEXP.
If such a line is found, return non-nil and set the match-data to that line.
If TIMES is negative, search backwards.

Function: comint-send-region

Like `process-send-region', but also does extra bookkeeping for Comint mode.


Function: Info-search

Search for REGEXP, starting from point, and select node it's found in.
If DIRECTION is `backward', search in the reverse direction.

Function: debugger-return-value

Continue, specifying value to return.
This is only useful when the value returned from the debugger
will be used, such as in a debug on exit from a frame.

Variable: package-menu--new-package-list

List of newly-available packages since `list-packages' was last called.

Function: batch-byte-compile-if-not-done

Like `byte-compile-file' but doesn't recompile if already up to date.
Use this from the command line, with `-batch';
it won't work in an interactive Emacs. (fn)

Variable: interpreter-mode-alist

Alist mapping interpreter names to major modes.
This is used for files whose first lines match `auto-mode-interpreter-regexp'.
Each element looks like (INTERPRETER . MODE).
If INTERPRETER matches the name of the interpreter specified in the first line
of a script, mode MODE is enabled.

See also `auto-mode-alist'.

Function: vc-git-registered

Check whether FILE is registered with git.

(fn FILE)

Function: remove-images

Remove images between START and END in BUFFER.
Remove only images that were put in BUFFER with calls to `put-image'.
BUFFER nil or omitted means use the current buffer.

Function: define-auto-insert

Associate CONDITION with (additional) ACTION in `auto-insert-alist'.
Optional AFTER means to insert action after all existing actions for CONDITION,
or if CONDITION had no actions, after all other CONDITIONs.


Variable: write-region-inhibit-fsync

Non-nil means don't call fsync in `write-region'.
This variable affects calls to `write-region' as well as save commands.
A non-nil value may result in data loss!

Function: byte-compile-butlast

(fn FORM)

Variable: shell-mode-map

Keymap for `shell-mode'.

Function: browse-url-mozilla

Ask the Mozilla WWW browser to load URL.
Default to the URL around or before point. The strings in variable
`browse-url-mozilla-arguments' are also passed to Mozilla.

When called interactively, if variable `browse-url-new-window-flag' is
non-nil, load the document in a new Mozilla window, otherwise use a
random existing one. A non-nil interactive prefix argument reverses
the effect of `browse-url-new-window-flag'.

If `browse-url-mozilla-new-window-is-tab' is non-nil, then whenever a
document would otherwise be loaded in a new window, it is loaded in a
new tab in an existing window instead.

When called non-interactively, optional second argument NEW-WINDOW is
used instead of `browse-url-new-window-flag'. (fn URL &optional NEW-WINDOW)

Variable: command-line-ns-option-alist

Alist of NS options.
Each element has the form
where NAME is the option name string, NUMARGS is the number of arguments
that the option accepts, HANDLER is a function to call to handle the option.
FRAME-PARAM (optional) is the frame parameter this option specifies,
and VALUE is the value which is given to that frame parameter
(most options use the argument for this, so VALUE is not present).

Function: read-number

Read a numeric value in the minibuffer, prompting with PROMPT.
DEFAULT specifies a default value to return if the user just types RET.
The value of DEFAULT is inserted into PROMPT.

Variable: sh-indent-for-do

How much to indent a `do' statement.
This is relative to the statement before the `do', typically a
`while', `until', `for', `repeat' or `select' statement.

Function: gnus-find-text-property-region

Return a list of text property regions that has property PROP.

Function: apropos-true-hit-doc

Return t if DOC is really matched by the current keywords.

Variable: shell-last-dir

Keep track of last directory for ksh `cd -' command.

Variable: debugger-batch-max-lines

Maximum lines to show in debugger buffer in a noninteractive Emacs.
When the debugger is entered and Emacs is running in batch mode,
if the backtrace text has more than this many lines,
the middle is discarded, and just the beginning and end are displayed.

Function: ido-find-file-other-window

Switch to another file and show it in another window.
The file name is selected interactively by typing a substring.
For details of keybindings, see `ido-find-file'. (fn)

Variable: after-save-hook

Normal hook that is run after a buffer is saved to its file.

Function: run-at-time

Perform an action at time TIME.
Repeat the action every REPEAT seconds, if REPEAT is non-nil.
TIME should be one of: a string giving an absolute time like
"11:23pm" (the acceptable formats are those recognized by
`diary-entry-time'; note that such times are interpreted as times
today, even if in the past); a string giving a relative time like
"2 hours 35 minutes" (the acceptable formats are those
recognized by `timer-duration'); nil meaning now; a number of
seconds from now; a value from `encode-time'; or t (with non-nil
REPEAT) meaning the next integral multiple of REPEAT. REPEAT may
be an integer or floating point number. The action is to call
FUNCTION with arguments ARGS.

This function returns a timer object which you can use in `cancel-timer'.

Function: window--side-check

Check the side window configuration of FRAME.
FRAME defaults to the selected frame.

A valid side window configuration preserves the following two

- If there exists a window whose window-side parameter is
non-nil, there must exist at least one live window whose
window-side parameter is nil.

- If a window W has a non-nil window-side parameter (i) it must
have a parent window and that parent's window-side parameter
must be either nil or the same as for W, and (ii) any child
window of W must have the same window-side parameter as W.

If the configuration is invalid, reset the window-side parameters of all windows on FRAME to nil.

Function: end-of-buffer

Move point to the end of the buffer.
With numeric arg N, put point N/10 of the way from the end.
If the buffer is narrowed, this command uses the end of the
accessible part of the buffer.

If Transient Mark mode is disabled, leave mark at previous
position, unless a C-u prefix is supplied.

Don't use this command in Lisp programs!
(goto-char (point-max)) is faster.

Variable: jit-lock-defer-time

Idle time after which deferred fontification should take place.
If nil, fontification is not deferred.

Function: pike-mode

Major mode for editing Pike code.
To submit a problem report, enter `M-x c-submit-bug-report' from a
pike-mode buffer. This automatically sets up a mail buffer with
version information already added. You just need to add a description
of the problem, including a reproducible test case, and send the

To see what version of CC Mode you are running, enter `M-x c-version'.

The hook `c-mode-common-hook' is run with no args at mode
initialization, then `pike-mode-hook'.

Key bindings:

Uses keymap `pike-mode-map', which is not currently defined. (fn)

Function: face-read-integer

Interactively read an integer face attribute value.
FACE is the face whose attribute is read. DEFAULT is the default
value to return if no new value is entered. NAME is a descriptive
name of the attribute for prompting. Value is the new attribute value.

Function: display-buffer--special-action

Return special display action for BUFFER, if any.
If `special-display-p' returns non-nil for BUFFER, return an
appropriate display action involving `special-display-function'.
See `display-buffer' for the format of display actions.

Function: x-show-tip

Show STRING in a "tooltip" window on frame FRAME.
A tooltip window is a small X window displaying a string.

This is an internal function; Lisp code should call `tooltip-show'.

FRAME nil or omitted means use the selected frame.

PARMS is an optional list of frame parameters which can be used to
change the tooltip's appearance.

Automatically hide the tooltip after TIMEOUT seconds. TIMEOUT nil
means use the default timeout of 5 seconds.

If the list of frame parameters PARMS contains a `left' parameters,
the tooltip is displayed at that x-position. Otherwise it is
displayed at the mouse position, with offset DX added (default is 5 if
DX isn't specified). Likewise for the y-position; if a `top' frame
parameter is specified, it determines the y-position of the tooltip
window, otherwise it is displayed at the mouse position, with offset
DY added (default is -10).

A tooltip's maximum size is specified by `x-max-tooltip-size'.
Text larger than the specified size is clipped. (fn STRING &optional FRAME PARMS TIMEOUT DX DY)

Function: shared-initialize

Set slots of OBJ with SLOTS which is a list of name/value pairs.
Called from the constructor routine.

Function: comint-add-to-input-history

Add CMD to the input history.
Ignore duplicates if `comint-input-ignoredups' is non-nil.

(fn CMD)

Variable: search-slow-window-lines

Number of lines in slow search display windows.
These are the short windows used during incremental search on slow terminals.
Negative means put the slow search window at the top (normally it's at bottom)
and the value is minus the number of lines.

Function: normal-about-screen


Variable: local-enable-local-variables

Like `enable-local-variables' but meant for buffer-local bindings.
The meaningful values are nil and non-nil. The default is non-nil.
If a major mode sets this to nil, buffer-locally, then any local
variables list in a file visited in that mode will be ignored.

This variable does not affect the use of major modes specified in a -*- line.

Function: fround

Return the nearest integer to ARG, as a float.

(fn ARG)

Function: auth-source-plstore-create

(fn &rest SPEC &key BACKEND SECRET HOST USER PORT CREATE &allow-other-keys)

Function: gnus-select-frame-set-input-focus

Select FRAME, raise it, and set input focus, if possible.
If `mouse-autoselect-window' is non-nil, also move mouse pointer
to FRAME's selected window. Otherwise, if `focus-follows-mouse'
is non-nil, move mouse cursor to FRAME.

Optional argument NORECORD means to neither change the order of
recently selected windows nor the buffer list.

Function: cl-nsubstitute

Substitute NEW for OLD in SEQ.
This is a destructive function; it reuses the storage of SEQ whenever possible.

Keywords supported: :test :test-not :key :count :start :end :from-end


Function: cl-caadr

Return the `car' of the `car' of the `cdr' of X.

(fn X)

Function: Buffer-menu-save

Mark the buffer on this Buffer Menu line for saving.
A subsequent `x' command
will save it.

Function: vc-diff

Display diffs between file revisions.
Normally this compares the currently selected fileset with their
working revisions. With a prefix argument HISTORIC, it reads two revision
designators specifying which revisions to compare.

The optional argument NOT-URGENT non-nil means it is ok to say no to
saving the buffer.

(fn &optional HISTORIC NOT-URGENT)

Function: quoted-printable-decode-region

Decode quoted-printable in the region between FROM and TO, per RFC 2045.
If CODING-SYSTEM is non-nil, decode bytes into characters with that

Interactively, you can supply the CODING-SYSTEM argument
with C-x RET c.

The CODING-SYSTEM argument is a historical hangover and is deprecated.
QP encodes raw bytes and should be decoded into raw bytes. Decoding
them into characters should be done separately.
(fn FROM TO &optional CODING-SYSTEM)

Function: mml2015-decrypt-test


Function: gmm-regexp-concat

Potentially concat a list of regexps into a single one.
The concatenation is done with logical ORs.


Variable: buffer-invisibility-spec

Invisibility spec of this buffer.
The default is t, which means that text is invisible
if it has a non-nil `invisible' property.
If the value is a list, a text character is invisible if its `invisible'
property is an element in that list (or is a list with members in common).
If an element is a cons cell of the form (PROP . ELLIPSIS),
then characters with property value PROP are invisible,
and they have an ellipsis as well if ELLIPSIS is non-nil.

Variable: strings-consed

Number of strings that have been consed so far.

Variable: Buffer-menu-size-width

Width of buffer size column in the Buffer Menu.

Function: comment-region-internal

Comment region BEG .. END.
CS and CE are the comment start string and comment end string,
respectively. CCS and CCE are the comment continuation strings
for the start and end of lines, respectively (default to CS and CE).
BLOCK indicates that end of lines should be marked with either CCE,
CE or CS (if CE is empty) and that those markers should be aligned.
LINES indicates that an extra lines will be used at the beginning
and end of the region for CE and CS.
INDENT indicates to put CS and CCS at the current indentation of
the region rather than at left margin.


Function: help-quit

Just exit from the Help command's command loop.

Function: lisp-complete-symbol

Perform completion on Lisp symbol preceding point.
Compare that symbol against the known Lisp symbols.
If no characters can be completed, display a list of possible completions.
Repeating the command at that point scrolls the list.

When called from a program, optional arg PREDICATE is a predicate
determining which symbols are considered, e.g. `commandp'.
If PREDICATE is nil, the context determines which symbols are
considered. If the symbol starts just after an open-parenthesis, only
symbols with function definitions are considered. Otherwise, all
symbols with function definitions, values or properties are considered.

Variable: minibuffer-message-timeout

How long to display an echo-area message when the minibuffer is active.
If the value is not a number, such messages don't time out.

Variable: syntax-begin-function

Function to move back outside of any comment/string/paren.
This function should move the cursor back to some syntactically safe
point (where the PPSS is equivalent to nil).

Function: fit-window-to-buffer

Adjust height of WINDOW to display its buffer's contents exactly.
WINDOW must be a live window and defaults to the selected one.

Optional argument MAX-HEIGHT specifies the maximum height of
WINDOW and defaults to the height of WINDOW's frame. Optional
argument MIN-HEIGHT specifies the minimum height of WINDOW and
defaults to `window-min-height'. Both MAX-HEIGHT and MIN-HEIGHT
are specified in lines and include the mode line and header line,
if any.

If WINDOW is a full height window, then if the option
`fit-frame-to-buffer' is non-nil, this calls the function
`fit-frame-to-buffer' to adjust the frame height.

Return the number of lines by which WINDOW was enlarged or
shrunk. If an error occurs during resizing, return nil but don't
signal an error.

Note that even if this function makes WINDOW large enough to show
_all_ lines of its buffer you might not see the first lines when WINDOW was scrolled.

Variable: default-scroll-bar-width

Default value of `scroll-bar-width' for buffers that don't override it.
This is the same as (default-value 'scroll-bar-width).

Function: comint-restore-input

Restore unfinished input.


Function: spook

Adds that special touch of class to your outgoing mail.


Function: desktop-save

Save the desktop in a desktop file.
Parameter DIRNAME specifies where to save the desktop file.
Optional parameter RELEASE says whether we're done with this desktop.
See also `desktop-base-file-name'.

(fn DIRNAME &optional RELEASE)

Function: process-put

Change PROCESS' PROPNAME property to VALUE.
It can be retrieved with `(process-get PROCESS PROPNAME)'.

Function: menu-or-popup-active-p

Return t if a menu or popup dialog is active.


Face: vertical-border

Face used for vertical window dividers on ttys.

Function: get-file-char

Don't use this yourself.


Variable: auth-source-gpg-encrypt-to

List of recipient keys that `authinfo.gpg' encrypted to.
If the value is not a list, symmetric encryption will be used.

Function: multi-isearch-push-state

Save a function restoring the state of multiple buffers search.
Save the current buffer to the additional state parameter in the
search status stack.

Function: vc-git-extra-fileinfo-p

(fn CL-X)

Function: timeout-event-p

Non-nil if EVENT is a timeout event.

Variable: tramp-completion-file-name-regexp-unified

Value for `tramp-completion-file-name-regexp' for unified remoting.
GNU Emacs uses a unified filename syntax for Tramp and Ange-FTP.
See `tramp-file-name-structure' for more explanations.

On W32 systems, the volume letter must be ignored.

Function: gnus-treat-from-gravatar

Display gravatar in the From header.
If gravatar is already displayed, remove it.

(fn &optional FORCE)

Function: push-button

Perform the action specified by a button at location POS.
POS may be either a buffer position or a mouse-event. If
USE-MOUSE-ACTION is non-nil, invoke the button's mouse-action
instead of its normal action; if the button has no mouse-action,
the normal action is used instead. The action may be either a
function to call or a marker to display.
POS defaults to point, except when `push-button' is invoked
interactively as the result of a mouse-event, in which case, the
mouse event is used.
If there's no button at POS, do nothing and return nil, otherwise return t.

Function: frame-selected-window

Return the selected window of FRAME-OR-WINDOW.
If omitted, FRAME-OR-WINDOW defaults to the currently selected frame.
Else if FRAME-OR-WINDOW denotes a valid window, return the selected
window of that window's frame. If FRAME-OR-WINDOW denotes a live frame,
return the selected window of that frame.

(fn &optional FRAME-OR-WINDOW)

Function: field-string-no-properties

Return the contents of the field around POS, without text properties.
A field is a region of text with the same `field' property.
If POS is nil, the value of point is used for POS.

(fn &optional POS)

Variable: Info-edit-mode-hook

Hooks run when `Info-edit-mode' is called.

Variable: facemenu-keymap

Keymap for face-changing commands.
`Facemenu-update' fills in the keymap according to the bindings
requested in `facemenu-keybindings'.

Function: custom-handle-keyword

For customization option SYMBOL, handle KEYWORD with VALUE.
Fourth argument TYPE is the custom option type.

Function: file-name-absolute-p

Return t if file FILENAME specifies an absolute file name.
On Unix, this is a name starting with a `/' or a `~'.


Function: current-active-maps

Return a list of the currently active keymaps.
OLP if non-nil indicates that we should obey `overriding-local-map' and
`overriding-terminal-local-map'. POSITION can specify a click position
like in the respective argument of `key-binding'.

(fn &optional OLP POSITION)

Variable: eval-expression-print-level

Value for `print-level' while printing value in `eval-expression'.
A value of nil means no limit.

Function: bookmark-set

Set a bookmark named NAME at the current location.
If name is nil, then prompt the user.

With a prefix arg (non-nil NO-OVERWRITE), do not overwrite any
existing bookmark that has the same name as NAME, but instead push the
new bookmark onto the bookmark alist. The most recently set bookmark
with name NAME is thus the one in effect at any given time, but the
others are still there, should the user decide to delete the most
recent one.

To yank words from the text of the buffer and use them as part of the
bookmark name, type C-w while setting a bookmark. Successive C-w's
yank successive words.

Typing C-u inserts (at the bookmark name prompt) the name of the last
bookmark used in the document where the new bookmark is being set;
this helps you use a single bookmark name to track progress through a
large document. If there is no prior bookmark for this document, then
C-u inserts an appropriate name based on the buffer or file.

Use M-x bookmark-delete to remove bookmarks (you give it a name and
it removes only the first instance of a bookmark with that name from the list of bookmarks.) (fn &optional NAME NO-OVERWRITE)

Function: define-key-after

Add binding in KEYMAP for KEY => DEFINITION, right after AFTER's binding.
This is like `define-key' except that the binding for KEY is placed
just after the binding for the event AFTER, instead of at the beginning
of the map. Note that AFTER must be an event type (like KEY), NOT a command

If AFTER is t or omitted, the new binding goes at the end of the keymap.
AFTER should be a single event type--a symbol or a character, not a sequence.

Bindings are always added before any inherited map.

The order of bindings in a keymap only matters when it is used as
a menu, so this function is not useful for non-menu keymaps.

Function: window-text-height

Return the height in lines of the text display area of WINDOW.
WINDOW must be a live window and defaults to the selected one.

The returned height does not include the mode line, any header line,
nor any partial-height lines at the bottom of the text area.

(fn &optional WINDOW)

Function: encode-time

Convert SECOND, MINUTE, HOUR, DAY, MONTH, YEAR and ZONE to internal time.
This is the reverse operation of `decode-time', which see.
ZONE defaults to the current time zone rule. This can
be a string or t (as from `set-time-zone-rule'), or it can be a list
(as from `current-time-zone') or an integer (as from `decode-time')
applied without consideration for daylight saving time.

You can pass more than 7 arguments; then the first six arguments
are used as SECOND through YEAR, and the *last* argument is used as ZONE.
The intervening arguments are ignored.
This feature lets (apply 'encode-time (decode-time ...)) work.

Out-of-range values for SECOND, MINUTE, HOUR, DAY, or MONTH are allowed;
for example, a DAY of 0 means the day preceding the given month.
Year numbers less than 100 are treated just like other year numbers.
If you want them to stand for years in this century, you must do that yourself.

Years before 1970 are not guaranteed to work. On some systems,
year values as low as 1901 do work. (fn SECOND MINUTE HOUR DAY MONTH YEAR &optional ZONE)

Function: smie-indent-after-keyword


Function: eieio-default-superclass-p

Test OBJ to see if it an object of type eieio-default-superclass

Function: Info-try-follow-nearest-node

Follow a node reference near point. Return non-nil if successful.
If FORK is non-nil, it is passed to `Info-goto-node'.

Variable: isearch-help-map

Keymap for characters following the Help key for Isearch mode.

Function: font-menu-add-default


Function: file-modes-char-to-who

Convert CHAR to a numeric bit-mask for extracting mode bits.
CHAR is in [ugoa] and represents the category of users (Owner, Group,
Others, or All) for whom to produce the mask.
The bit-mask that is returned extracts from mode bits the access rights
for the specified category of users.

Function: find-file-read-only-other-window

Edit file FILENAME in another window but don't allow changes.
Like C-x 4 C-f, but marks buffer as read-only.
Use M-x toggle-read-only to permit editing.

Variable: quit-flag

Non-nil causes `eval' to abort, unless `inhibit-quit' is non-nil.
If the value is t, that means do an ordinary quit.
If the value equals `throw-on-input', that means quit by throwing
to the tag specified in `throw-on-input'; it's for handling `while-no-input'.
Typing C-g sets `quit-flag' to t, regardless of `inhibit-quit',
but `inhibit-quit' non-nil prevents anything from taking notice of that.

Variable: load-in-progress

Non-nil if inside of `load'.

Function: mail-other-frame

Like `mail' command, but display mail buffer in another frame.


Variable: inhibit-local-variables-suffixes

List of regexps matching suffixes to remove from file names.
When checking `inhibit-local-variables-regexps', we first discard
from the end of the file name anything that matches one of these regexps.

Function: antlr-mode

Major mode for editing ANTLR grammar files.


Function: compute-motion

Scan through the current buffer, calculating screen position.
Scan the current buffer forward from offset FROM,
assuming it is at position FROMPOS--a cons of the form (HPOS . VPOS)--
to position TO or position TOPOS--another cons of the form (HPOS . VPOS)--
and return the ending buffer position and screen location.

If TOPOS is nil, the actual width and height of the window's
text area are used.

There are three additional arguments:

WIDTH is the number of columns available to display text;
this affects handling of continuation lines. A value of nil
corresponds to the actual number of available text columns.

OFFSETS is either nil or a cons cell (HSCROLL . TAB-OFFSET).
HSCROLL is the number of columns not being displayed at the left
margin; this is usually taken from a window's hscroll member.
TAB-OFFSET is the number of columns of the first tab that aren't
being displayed, perhaps because the line was continued within it.
If OFFSETS is nil, HSCROLL and TAB-OFFSET are assumed to be zero.

WINDOW is the window to operate on. It is used to choose the display table;
if it is showing the current buffer, it is used also for
deciding which overlay properties apply.
Note that `compute-motion' always operates on the current buffer.

The value is a list of five elements:
POS is the buffer position where the scan stopped.
VPOS is the vertical position where the scan stopped.
HPOS is the horizontal position where the scan stopped.

PREVHPOS is the horizontal position one character back from POS.
CONTIN is t if a line was continued after (or within) the previous character.

For example, to find the buffer position of column COL of line LINE
of a certain window, pass the window's starting location as FROM
and the window's upper-left coordinates as FROMPOS.
Pass the buffer's (point-max) as TO, to limit the scan to the end of the visible section of the buffer, and pass LINE and COL as TOPOS. (fn FROM FROMPOS TO TOPOS WIDTH OFFSETS WINDOW)

Function: char-table-range

Return the value in CHAR-TABLE for a range of characters RANGE.
RANGE should be nil (for the default value),
a cons of character codes (for characters in the range), or a character code.


Function: set-input-interrupt-mode

Set interrupt mode of reading keyboard input.
If INTERRUPT is non-nil, Emacs will use input interrupts;
otherwise Emacs uses CBREAK mode.

See also `current-input-mode'. (fn INTERRUPT)

Variable: scalable-fonts-allowed

Allowed scalable fonts.
A value of nil means don't allow any scalable fonts.
A value of t means allow any scalable font.
Otherwise, value must be a list of regular expressions. A font may be
scaled if its name matches a regular expression in the list.
Note that if value is nil, a scalable font might still be used, if no
other font of the appropriate family and registry is available.

Face: region

Basic face for highlighting the region.

Function: byte-compile-delete-first


Function: comint--requote-argument


Function: cl-subsetp

Return true if LIST1 is a subset of LIST2.
I.e., if every element of LIST1 also appears in LIST2.

Keywords supported: :test :test-not :key


Function: underline-region

Underline all nonblank characters in the region.
Works by overstriking underscores.
Called from program, takes two arguments START and END
which specify the range to operate on.

Function: hexlify-buffer

Convert a binary buffer to hexl format.
This discards the buffer's undo information.

Function: fortune-add-fortune

Add STRING to a fortune file FILE.

Interactively, if called with a prefix argument,
read the file name to use. Otherwise use the value of `fortune-file'.


Function: fill

Fill the elements of SEQ with ITEM.

Keywords supported: :start :end


Function: insert-buffer-substring-no-properties

Insert before point a substring of BUFFER, without text properties.
BUFFER may be a buffer or a buffer name.
Arguments START and END are character positions specifying the substring.
They default to the values of (point-min) and (point-max) in BUFFER.

Function: smie-backward-sexp-command

Move backward through N logical elements.

(fn &optional N)

Variable: comint-completion-fignore

List of suffixes to be disregarded during file completion.
This mirrors the optional behavior of bash and tcsh.

Note that this applies to `comint-dynamic-complete-filename' only.

Function: map-charset-chars

Call FUNCTION for all characters in CHARSET.
FUNCTION is called with an argument RANGE and the optional 3rd
argument ARG.

RANGE is a cons (FROM . TO), where FROM and TO indicate a range of
characters contained in CHARSET.

The optional 4th and 5th arguments FROM-CODE and TO-CODE specify the
range of code points (in CHARSET) of target characters.


Function: smie-blink-matching-open

Blink the matching opener when applicable.
This uses SMIE's tables and is expected to be placed on `post-self-insert-hook'.

Function: menu-bar-showhide-fringe-ind-left

Display buffer boundaries and arrows in the left fringe.

Function: char-displayable-p

Return non-nil if we should be able to display CHAR.
On a multi-font display, the test is only whether there is an
appropriate font from the selected frame's fontset to display
CHAR's charset in general. Since fonts may be specified on a
per-character basis, this may not be accurate.

Variable: display-buffer--action-function-custom-type

Custom type for `display-buffer' action functions.

Function: minibuffer-contents-no-properties

Return the user input in a minibuffer as a string, without text-properties.
If the current buffer is not a minibuffer, return its entire contents.

Function: easy-menu-convert-item-1

Parse an item description and convert it to a menu keymap element.
ITEM defines an item as in `easy-menu-define'.

Function: help-go-back

Go back to previous topic in this help buffer.

Variable: display-time-load-average

Value of the system's load average currently shown on the mode line.
See `display-time-default-load-average'.

This is an internal variable; setting it has no effect.

Function: cdaar

Return the `cdr' of the `car' of the `car' of X.

(fn X)

Variable: image-animated-types

List of supported animated image types.

Variable: Info-current-node

Name of node that Info is now looking at, or nil.

Function: abbrev-table-name

Value is the name of abbrev table TABLE.

(fn TABLE)

Function: table-recognize-table

Recognize a table at point.
If the optional numeric prefix argument ARG is negative the table
becomes inactive, meaning the table becomes plain text and loses all
the table specific features.

(fn &optional ARG)

Function: edit-picture

Switch to Picture mode, in which a quarter-plane screen model is used.

Uses keymap `picture-mode-map', which is not currently defined.

Printing characters replace instead of inserting themselves with motion
afterwards settable by these commands:

Move left after insertion: M-x picture-movement-left
Move right after insertion: M-x picture-movement-right
Move up after insertion: M-x picture-movement-up
Move down after insertion: M-x picture-movement-down

Move northwest (nw) after insertion: M-x picture-movement-nw
Move northeast (ne) after insertion: M-x picture-movement-ne
Move southwest (sw) after insertion: M-x picture-movement-sw
Move southeast (se) after insertion: M-x picture-movement-se

Move westnorthwest (wnw) after insertion: C-u M-x picture-movement-nw
Move eastnortheast (ene) after insertion: C-u M-x picture-movement-ne
Move westsouthwest (wsw) after insertion: C-u M-x picture-movement-sw
Move eastsoutheast (ese) after insertion: C-u M-x picture-movement-se

The current direction is displayed in the mode line. The initial
direction is right. Whitespace is inserted and tabs are changed to
spaces when required by movement. You can move around in the buffer
with these commands:

Move vertically to SAME column in previous line: M-x picture-move-down
Move vertically to SAME column in next line: M-x picture-move-up
Move to column following last
non-whitespace character: M-x picture-end-of-line
Move right, inserting spaces if required: M-x picture-forward-column
Move left changing tabs to spaces if required: M-x picture-backward-column
Move in direction of current picture motion: M-x picture-motion
Move opposite to current picture motion: M-x picture-motion-reverse
Move to beginning of next line: C-n

You can edit tabular text with these commands:

Move to column beneath (or at) next interesting
character (see variable `picture-tab-chars'): M-x picture-tab-search
Move to next stop in tab stop list: M-x picture-tab
Set tab stops according to context of this line: M-x picture-set-tab-stops
(With ARG, resets tab stops to default value.)
Change the tab stop list: M-x edit-tab-stops

You can manipulate text with these commands:
Clear ARG columns after point without moving: M-x picture-clear-column
Delete char at point: M-x picture-delete-char
Clear ARG columns backward: M-x picture-backward-clear-column
Clear ARG lines, advancing over them: M-x picture-clear-line
(the cleared text is saved in the kill ring)
Open blank line(s) beneath current line: M-x picture-open-line

You can manipulate rectangles with these commands:
Clear a rectangle and save it: M-x picture-clear-rectangle
Clear a rectangle, saving in a named register: M-x picture-clear-rectangle-to-register
Insert currently saved rectangle at point: M-x picture-yank-rectangle
Insert rectangle from named register: M-x picture-yank-rectangle-from-register
Draw a rectangular box around mark and point: M-x picture-draw-rectangle
Copies a rectangle to a register: C-x r r
Undo effects of rectangle overlay commands: C-x u

You can return to the previous mode with M-x picture-mode-exit, which
also strips trailing whitespace from every line. Stripping is suppressed by supplying an argument. Entry to this mode calls the value of `picture-mode-hook' if non-nil. Note that Picture mode commands will work outside of Picture mode, but they are not by default assigned to keys. (fn)

Function: replace-match

Replace text matched by last search with NEWTEXT.
Leave point at the end of the replacement text.

If optional second arg FIXEDCASE is non-nil, do not alter the case of
the replacement text. Otherwise, maybe capitalize the whole text, or
maybe just word initials, based on the replaced text. If the replaced
text has only capital letters and has at least one multiletter word,
convert NEWTEXT to all caps. Otherwise if all words are capitalized
in the replaced text, capitalize each word in NEWTEXT.

If optional third arg LITERAL is non-nil, insert NEWTEXT literally.
Otherwise treat `\' as special:
`\&' in NEWTEXT means substitute original matched text.
`\N' means substitute what matched the Nth `\(...\)'.
If Nth parens didn't match, substitute nothing.
`\\' means insert one `\'.
`\?' is treated literally
(for compatibility with `query-replace-regexp').
Any other character following `\' signals an error.
Case conversion does not apply to these substitutions.

If optional fourth argument STRING is non-nil, it should be a string
to act on; this should be the string on which the previous match was
done via `string-match'. In this case, `replace-match' creates and
returns a new string, made by copying STRING and replacing the part of
STRING that was matched (the original STRING itself is not altered).

The optional fifth argument SUBEXP specifies a subexpression;
it says to replace just that subexpression with NEWTEXT,
rather than replacing the entire matched text.
This is, in a vague sense, the inverse of using `\N' in NEWTEXT;
`\N' copies subexp N into NEWTEXT, but using N as SUBEXP puts
NEWTEXT in place of subexp N.
This is useful only after a regular expression search or match, since only regular expressions have distinguished subexpressions. (fn NEWTEXT &optional FIXEDCASE LITERAL STRING SUBEXP)

Variable: max-specpdl-size

Limit on number of Lisp variable bindings and `unwind-protect's.
If Lisp code tries to increase the total number past this amount,
an error is signaled.
You can safely use a value considerably larger than the default value,
if that proves inconveniently small. However, if you increase it too far,
Emacs could run out of memory trying to make the stack bigger.

Function: ethio-insert-ethio-space

Insert the Ethiopic word delimiter (the colon-like character).
With ARG, insert that many delimiters.

(fn ARG)

Variable: delete-old-versions

If t, delete excess backup versions silently.
If nil, ask confirmation. Any other value prevents any trimming.

Variable: most-positive-fixnum

The largest value that is representable in a Lisp integer.

Function: byte-compile-arglist-signatures-congruent-p

(fn OLD NEW)

Function: recover-file

Visit file FILE, but get contents from its last auto-save file.

Function: gnutls-available-p

Return t if GnuTLS is available in this instance of Emacs.


Function: auto-composition-mode

Toggle Auto Composition mode.
With a prefix argument ARG, enable Auto Composition mode if ARG
is positive, and disable it otherwise. If called from Lisp,
enable the mode if ARG is omitted or nil.

When Auto Composition mode is enabled, text characters are
automatically composed by functions registered in

You can use `global-auto-composition-mode' to turn on
Auto Composition mode in all buffers (this is the default).

Variable: auto-composition-mode

Non-nil if Auto-Composition mode is enabled.
Use the command `auto-composition-mode' to change this variable.

Variable: overwrite-mode-binary

The string displayed in the mode line when in binary overwrite mode.

Function: isearch-other-meta-char

Process a miscellaneous key sequence in Isearch mode.

Try to convert the current key-sequence to something usable in Isearch
mode, either by converting it with `function-key-map', downcasing a
key with C-, or finding a "scrolling command" bound to
it. (In the last case, we may have to read more events.) If so,
either unread the converted sequence or execute the command.

Otherwise, if `search-exit-option' is non-nil (the default) unread the
key-sequence and exit the search normally. If it is the symbol
`edit', the search string is edited in the minibuffer and the meta
character is unread so that it applies to editing the string.

ARG is the prefix argument. It will be transmitted through to the
scrolling command or to the command whose key-sequence exits Isearch mode.

Function: quickurl-browse-url-ask

Browse the URL, with `completing-read' prompt, associated with LOOKUP.


Function: comint-insert-previous-argument

Insert the INDEXth argument from the previous Comint command-line at point.
Spaces are added at beginning and/or end of the inserted string if
necessary to ensure that it's separated from adjacent arguments.
Interactively, if no prefix argument is given, the last argument is inserted.
Repeated interactive invocations will cycle through the same argument
from progressively earlier commands (using the value of INDEX specified
with the first command).
This command is like `M-.' in bash. (fn INDEX)

Function: Info-history-forward

Go forward in the history of visited nodes.

Variable: Info-history-forward

Stack of Info nodes user has visited with `Info-history-back' command.
Each element of the stack is a list (FILENAME NODENAME BUFFERPOS).

Function: package--dir

Return the directory where a package is installed, or nil if none.
NAME and VERSION are both strings.

Function: keep-lines

Delete all lines except those containing matches for REGEXP.
A match split across lines preserves all the lines it lies in.
When called from Lisp (and usually interactively as well, see below)
applies to all lines starting after point.

If REGEXP contains upper case characters (excluding those preceded by `\')
and `search-upper-case' is non-nil, the matching is case-sensitive.

Second and third arg RSTART and REND specify the region to operate on.
This command operates on (the accessible part of) all lines whose
accessible part is entirely contained in the region determined by RSTART
and REND. (A newline ending a line counts as part of that line.)

Interactively, in Transient Mark mode when the mark is active, operate
on all lines whose accessible part is entirely contained in the region.
Otherwise, the command applies to all lines starting after point.
When calling this function from Lisp, you can pretend that it was
called interactively by passing a non-nil INTERACTIVE argument.

This function starts looking for the next match from the end of
the previous match. Hence, it ignores matches that overlap a previously found match.

Function: emacs-lisp-byte-code-mode

Major mode for *.elc files.

In addition to any hooks its parent mode `emacs-lisp-mode' might have run,
this mode runs the hook `emacs-lisp-byte-code-mode-hook', as the final step
during initialization.

key binding
--- -------

Function: table-insert-column

Insert N table column(s).
When point is in a table the newly inserted column(s) are placed left
of the current column. When point is outside of the table it must be
right side of the table within the table height range, then the newly
created column(s) are appended at the right of the table. (fn N)

Function: pr-ps-mode-using-ghostscript

Print major mode using PostScript through ghostscript.

See also `pr-ps-buffer-using-ghostscript'.

(fn N-UP &optional FILENAME)

Function: appt-add

Add an appointment for today at TIME with message MSG.
The time should be in either 24 hour format or am/pm format.
Optional argument WARNTIME is an integer (or string) giving the number
of minutes before the appointment at which to start warning.
The default is `appt-message-warning-time'.

(fn TIME MSG &optional WARNTIME)

Function: window-min-size

Return the minimum size of WINDOW.
WINDOW must be a valid window and defaults to the selected one.
Optional argument HORIZONTAL non-nil means return the minimum
number of columns of WINDOW; otherwise return the minimum number
of WINDOW's lines.

Optional argument IGNORE, if non-nil, means ignore restrictions
imposed by fixed size windows, `window-min-height' or
`window-min-width' settings. If IGNORE equals `safe', live
windows may get as small as `window-safe-min-height' lines and
`window-safe-min-width' columns. If IGNORE is a window, ignore
restrictions for that window only. Any other non-nil value
means ignore all of the above restrictions for all windows.

Function: type-of

Return a symbol representing the type of OBJECT.
The symbol returned names the object's basic type;
for example, (type-of 1) returns `integer'.

Variable: mm-binary-coding-system

100% binary coding system.

Function: mm-multibyte-char-to-unibyte

Convert the multibyte character CH to a byte.
If the multibyte character does not represent a byte, return -1.
(fn CH)

Function: Info-mouse-scroll-down

Scroll one screenful backward in Info, using the mouse.
See `Info-scroll-down'.

Function: shadow-initialize

Set up file shadowing.


Function: run-python

Run an inferior Python process.
Input and output via buffer named after
`python-shell-buffer-name'. If there is a process already
running in that buffer, just switch to it.

With argument, allows you to define CMD so you can edit the
command used to call the interpreter and define DEDICATED, so a
dedicated process for the current buffer is open. When numeric
prefix arg is other than 0 or 4 do not SHOW.

Runs the hook `inferior-python-mode-hook' (after the
`comint-mode-hook' is run). (Type C-h m in the
process buffer for a list of commands.) (fn CMD &optional DEDICATED SHOW)

Function: set-window-dedicated-p

Mark WINDOW as dedicated according to FLAG.
WINDOW must be a live window and defaults to the selected one. FLAG
non-nil means mark WINDOW as dedicated to its buffer. FLAG nil means
mark WINDOW as non-dedicated. Return FLAG.

When a window is dedicated to its buffer, `display-buffer' will refrain
from displaying another buffer in it. `get-lru-window' and
`get-largest-window' treat dedicated windows specially.
`delete-windows-on', `replace-buffer-in-windows', `quit-window',
`quit-restore-window' and `kill-buffer' can delete a dedicated window
and the containing frame.

As a special case, if FLAG is t, mark WINDOW as "strongly" dedicated to
its buffer. Functions like `set-window-buffer' may change the buffer
displayed by a window, unless that window is strongly dedicated to its
buffer. If and when `set-window-buffer' displays another buffer in a
window, it also makes sure that the window is no more dedicated. (fn WINDOW FLAG)

Variable: sh-indent-after-loop-construct

How much to indent a statement after a loop construct.

This variable is used when the keyword `do' is on the same line as the
loop statement (e.g., `until', `while' or `for').
If the `do' is on a line by itself, then `sh-indent-after-do' is used instead.

Function: Info-toc-build

Build table of contents from menus of Info FILE and its subfiles.

Function: Buffer-menu-isearch-buffers

Search for a string through all marked buffers using Isearch.

Function: viet-encode-viqr-region

Convert Vietnamese characters of the current region to `VIQR' mnemonics.
When called from a program, expects two arguments,
positions (integers or markers) specifying the stretch of the region.

(fn FROM TO)

Function: ispell-complete-word-interior-frag

Completes word matching character sequence inside a word.


Function: ert-run-tests-batch

Run the tests specified by SELECTOR, printing results to the terminal.

SELECTOR works as described in `ert-select-tests', except if
SELECTOR is nil, in which case all tests rather than none will be
run; this makes the command line "emacs -batch -l my-tests.el -f
ert-run-tests-batch-and-exit" useful.

Returns the stats object. (fn &optional SELECTOR)

Function: comint-run

Run PROGRAM in a Comint buffer and switch to it.
The buffer name is made by surrounding the file name of PROGRAM with `*'s.
The file name is used to make a symbol name, such as `comint-sh-hook', and any
hooks on this symbol are run in the buffer.
See `make-comint' and `comint-exec'. (fn PROGRAM)

Function: vendor-specific-keysyms

Return the appropriate value of `system-key-alist' for VENDOR.
VENDOR is a string containing the name of the X Server's vendor,
as returned by `x-server-vendor'.

Function: point-marker

Return value of point, as a marker object.


Variable: sh-indent-supported

Indentation rule set to use for each shell type.

Function: debugger-make-xrefs

Attach cross-references to function names in the `*Backtrace*' buffer.

Function: tooltip-delay

Return the delay in seconds for the next tooltip.

Variable: tooltip-delay

Seconds to wait before displaying a tooltip the first time.

Function: generic-mode-internal

Go into the generic mode MODE.


Function: browse-url-text-emacs

Ask a text browser to load URL.
URL defaults to the URL around or before point.
This runs the text browser specified by `browse-url-text-browser'.
With a prefix argument, it runs a new browser process in a new buffer.

When called interactively, if variable `browse-url-new-window-flag' is
non-nil, load the document in a new browser process in a new term window,
otherwise use any existing one. A non-nil interactive prefix argument
reverses the effect of `browse-url-new-window-flag'.

When called non-interactively, optional second argument NEW-WINDOW is
used instead of `browse-url-new-window-flag'. (fn URL &optional NEW-BUFFER)

Function: use-fancy-splash-screens-p

Return t if fancy splash screens should be used.


Function: find-alternate-file-other-window

Find file FILENAME as a replacement for the file in the next window.
This command does not select that window.

See C-x C-f for the possible forms of the FILENAME argument.

Interactively, or if WILDCARDS is non-nil in a call from Lisp,
expand wildcards (if any) and replace the file with multiple files.

Function: byte-compile-output-docform

Print a form with a doc string. INFO is (prefix doc-index postfix).
If PREFACE and NAME are non-nil, print them too,
before INFO and the FORM but after the doc string itself.
If SPECINDEX is non-nil, it is the index in FORM
of the function bytecode string. In that case,
we output that argument and the following argument
(the constants vector) together, for lazy loading.
QUOTED says that we have to put a quote before the
list that represents a doc string reference.
`defvaralias', `autoload' and `custom-declare-variable' need that.


Function: pcomplete-read-event

(fn &optional PROMPT)

Function: cadddr

Return the `car' of the `cdr' of the `cdr' of the `cdr' of X.

(fn X)

Variable: fringe-styles

Alist mapping fringe mode names to fringe widths.
Each list element has the form (NAME . WIDTH), where NAME is a
mnemonic fringe mode name (a symbol) and WIDTH is one of the
- nil, which means the default width (8 pixels).
- a cons cell (LEFT . RIGHT), where LEFT and RIGHT are
respectively the left and right fringe widths in pixels, or
nil (meaning to disable that fringe).
- a single integer, which specifies the pixel widths of both fringes.

Function: tibetan-tibetan-to-transcription

Transcribe Tibetan string STR and return the corresponding Roman string.

(fn STR)

Function: setup-japanese-environment-internal


Function: capitalized-words-mode

Toggle Capitalized Words mode.
With a prefix argument ARG, enable Capitalized Words mode if ARG
is positive, and disable it otherwise. If called from Lisp,
enable the mode if ARG is omitted or nil.

Capitalized Words mode is a buffer-local minor mode. When
enabled, a word boundary occurs immediately before an uppercase
letter in a symbol. This is in addition to all the normal
boundaries given by the syntax and category tables. There is no
restriction to ASCII.

E.g. the beginning of words in the following identifier are as marked:

^ ^ ^^

Note that these word boundaries only apply for word motion and
marking commands such as M-f. This mode does not affect word
boundaries found by regexp matching (`\>', `\w' &c).

This style of identifiers is common in environments like Java ones,
where underscores aren't trendy enough. Capitalization rules are
sometimes part of the language, e.g. Haskell, which may thus encourage
such a style. It is appropriate to add `capitalized-words-mode' to
the mode hook for programming language modes in which you encounter
variables like this, e.g. `java-mode-hook'. It's unlikely to cause
trouble if such identifiers aren't used.
See also `glasses-mode' and `studlify-word'. Obsoletes `c-forward-into-nomenclature'. (fn &optional ARG)

Variable: display-buffer--other-frame-action

A `display-buffer' action for displaying in another frame.

Function: window-body-size

Return the height or width of WINDOW's text area.
WINDOW must be a live window and defaults to the selected one.

If HORIZONTAL is omitted or nil, return the height of the text
area, like `window-body-height'. Otherwise, return the width of
the text area, like `window-body-width'.

Variable: x-select-enable-clipboard-manager

Whether to enable X clipboard manager support.
If non-nil, then whenever Emacs is killed or an Emacs frame is deleted
while owning the X clipboard, the clipboard contents are saved to the
clipboard manager if one is present.

Variable: input-method-previous-message

When `input-method-function' is called, hold the previous echo area message.
This variable exists because `read-event' clears the echo area
before running the input method. It is nil if there was no message.

Function: isearch-yank-kill

Pull string from kill ring into search string.

Function: find-variable

Find the definition of the VARIABLE at or before point.

Finds the library containing the definition of the variable
near point (selected by `variable-at-point') in a buffer and
places point before the definition.

Set mark before moving, if the buffer already existed.

The library where VARIABLE is defined is searched for in
`find-function-source-path', if non-nil, otherwise in `load-path'.
See also `find-function-recenter-line' and `find-function-after-hook'. (fn VARIABLE)

Function: remove-from-invisibility-spec

Remove ELEMENT from `buffer-invisibility-spec'.

Variable: dbus-message-type-error

Message type of an error reply message.

Variable: blink-matching-check-function

Function to check parentheses mismatches.
The function takes two arguments (START and END) where START is the
position just before the opening token and END is the position right after.
START can be nil, if it was not found.
The function should return non-nil if the two tokens do not match.

Function: kill-buffer-if-not-modified

Like `kill-buffer', but does nothing if the buffer is modified.

Variable: add-log-lisp-like-modes

Modes that look like Lisp to `add-log-current-defun'.

Function: copy-rectangle-as-kill

Copy the region-rectangle and save it as the last killed one.


Function: field-at-pos

Return the field at position POS, taking stickiness etc into account.

Function: smie-rule-bolp

Return non-nil if the current token is the first on the line.


Function: gnus-date-iso8601


Function: scroll-bar-event-ratio

Given a scroll bar event EVENT, return the scroll bar position as a ratio.
The value is a cons cell (PORTION . WHOLE) containing two integers
whose ratio gives the event's vertical position in the scroll bar, with 0
referring to the top and 1 to the bottom.

Function: jka-compr-installed-p

Return non-nil if jka-compr is installed.
The return value is the entry in `file-name-handler-alist' for jka-compr.

Variable: undo-no-redo

If t, `undo' doesn't go through redo entries.

Variable: page-delimiter

Regexp describing line-beginnings that separate pages.

Function: previous-history-element

Puts previous element of the minibuffer history in the minibuffer.
With argument N, it uses the Nth previous element.

Variable: comint-unquote-function

Function to use for completion of quoted data.
See `completion-table-with-quoting' and `comint-requote-function'.

Variable: scroll-bar-mode-explicit

Non-nil means `set-scroll-bar-mode' should really do something.
This is nil while loading `scroll-bar.el', and t afterward.

Variable: locale-charset-alist

Coding system alist keyed on locale-style charset name.
Used by `locale-charset-to-coding-system'.

Function: wdired-change-to-wdired-mode

Put a Dired buffer in Writable Dired (WDired) mode.

Uses keymap `wdired-mode-map', which is not currently defined.

In WDired mode, you can edit the names of the files in the
buffer, the target of the links, and the permission bits of the
files. After typing M-x wdired-finish-edit, Emacs modifies the files and
directories to reflect your edits. See `wdired-mode'. (fn)

Function: ps-print-buffer

Generate and print a PostScript image of the buffer.

Interactively, when you use a prefix argument (C-u), the command prompts the
user for a file name, and saves the PostScript image in that file instead of
sending it to the printer.

Noninteractively, the argument FILENAME is treated as follows: if it is nil,
send the image to the printer. If FILENAME is a string, save the PostScript
image in a file with that name. (fn &optional FILENAME)

Variable: class-public-custom-label

Class custom group for a slot.

Variable: occur-edit-mode-map

Keymap for `occur-edit-mode'.

Function: completion--make-envvar-table


Function: mh-smail-other-window

Compose a message with the MH mail system in other window.
See `mh-send' for more details on composing mail.

Function: ido-read-directory-name

Ido replacement for the built-in `read-directory-name'.
Read directory name, prompting with PROMPT and completing in directory DIR.
See `read-directory-name' for additional parameters.


Function: erc-save-buffer-in-logs

Append BUFFER contents to the log file, if logging is enabled.
If BUFFER is not provided, current buffer is used.
Logging is enabled if `erc-logging-enabled' returns non-nil.

This is normally done on exit, to save the unsaved portion of the
buffer, since only the text that runs off the buffer limit is logged

You can save every individual message by putting this function on
`erc-insert-post-hook'. (fn &optional BUFFER)

Function: window-atom-root

Return root of atomic window WINDOW is a part of.
WINDOW must be a valid window and defaults to the selected one.
Return nil if WINDOW is not part of an atomic window.

Variable: default-fringe-indicator-alist

Default value of `fringe-indicator-alist' for buffers that don't override it.
This is the same as (default-value 'fringe-indicator-alist').

Variable: ansi-color-map

A brand new color map suitable for `ansi-color-get-face'.

The value of this variable is usually constructed by
`ansi-color-make-color-map'. The values in the array are such that the
numbers included in an SGR control sequences point to the correct
foreground or background colors.

Example: The sequence  specifies a blue foreground. Therefore:
(aref ansi-color-map 34)
=> (foreground-color . "blue")

Variable: fill-paragraph-handle-comment

Non-nil means paragraph filling will try to pay attention to comments.

Variable: temporary-goal-column

Current goal column for vertical motion.
It is the column where point was at the start of the current run
of vertical motion commands.

When moving by visual lines via `line-move-visual', it is a cons
cell (COL . HSCROLL), where COL is the x-position, in pixels,
divided by the default column width, and HSCROLL is the number of
columns by which window is scrolled from left margin.

When the `track-eol' feature is doing its job, the value is `most-positive-fixnum'.

Function: shell-mode

Major mode for interacting with an inferior shell.
RET after the end of the process' output sends the text from
the end of process to the end of the current line.
RET before end of process output copies the current line minus the prompt to
the end of the buffer and sends it (C-c RET just copies the current line).
M-x send-invisible reads a line of text without echoing it, and sends it to
the shell. This is useful for entering passwords. Or, add the function
`comint-watch-for-password-prompt' to `comint-output-filter-functions'.

If you want to make multiple shell buffers, rename the `*shell*' buffer
using M-x rename-buffer or M-x rename-uniquely and start a new shell.

If you want to make shell buffers limited in length, add the function
`comint-truncate-buffer' to `comint-output-filter-functions'.

If you accidentally suspend your process, use M-x comint-continue-subjob
to continue it.

`cd', `pushd' and `popd' commands given to the shell are watched by Emacs to
keep this buffer's default directory the same as the shell's working directory.
While directory tracking is enabled, the shell's working directory is displayed
by C-x C-b or in the `File' field.
M-x dirs queries the shell and resyncs Emacs's idea of what the current
directory stack is.
M-x shell-dirtrack-mode turns directory tracking on and off.
(The `dirtrack' package provides an alternative implementation of this
feature - see the function `dirtrack-mode'.)

key binding
--- -------

C-c Prefix Command
C-d comint-delchar-or-maybe-eof
TAB completion-at-point
RET comint-send-input
ESC Prefix Command

M-RET shell-resync-dirs
M-? comint-dynamic-list-filename-completions

C-c C-b shell-backward-command
C-c C-f shell-forward-command

C-c C-a comint-bol-or-process-mark
C-c C-c comint-interrupt-subjob
C-c C-d comint-send-eof
C-c C-e comint-show-maximum-output
C-c C-l comint-dynamic-list-input-ring
C-c RET comint-copy-old-input
C-c C-n comint-next-prompt
C-c C-o comint-delete-output
C-c C-p comint-previous-prompt
C-c C-r comint-show-output
C-c C-s comint-write-output
C-c C-u comint-kill-input
C-c C-w backward-kill-word
C-c C-x comint-get-next-from-history
C-c C-z comint-stop-subjob
C-c ESC Prefix Command
C-c C-\ comint-quit-subjob
C-c SPC comint-accumulate
C-c . comint-insert-previous-argument

C-M-l comint-show-output
M-n comint-next-input
M-p comint-previous-input
M-r comint-history-isearch-backward-regexp

C-c M-r comint-previous-matching-input-from-input
C-c M-s comint-next-matching-input-from-input

Customization: Entry to this mode runs the hooks on `comint-mode-hook' and
`shell-mode-hook' (in that order). Before each input, the hooks on
`comint-input-filter-functions' are run. After each shell output, the hooks
on `comint-output-filter-functions' are run.

Variables `shell-cd-regexp', `shell-chdrive-regexp', `shell-pushd-regexp'
and `shell-popd-regexp' are used to match their respective commands,
while `shell-pushd-tohome', `shell-pushd-dextract' and `shell-pushd-dunique'
control the behavior of the relevant command.

Variables `comint-completion-autolist', `comint-completion-addsuffix',
`comint-completion-recexact' and `comint-completion-fignore' control the
behavior of file name, command name and variable name completion. Variable
`shell-completion-execonly' controls the behavior of command name completion.
Variable `shell-completion-fignore' is used to initialize the value of
Variables `comint-input-ring-file-name' and `comint-input-autoexpand' control the initialization of the input ring history, and history expansion. Variables `comint-output-filter-functions', a hook, and `comint-scroll-to-bottom-on-input' and `comint-scroll-to-bottom-on-output' control whether input and output cause the window to scroll to the end of the buffer. (fn)

Function: completion--file-name-table

Internal subroutine for `read-file-name'. Do not call this.
This is a completion table for file names, like `completion-file-name-table'
except that it passes the file name through `substitute-in-file-name'.

Function: ebnf-setup

Return the current ebnf2ps setup.


Variable: c-guess-guessed-basic-offset

Currently guessed basic-offset.

Function: last

Return the last link of LIST. Its car is the last element.
If LIST is nil, return nil.
If N is non-nil, return the Nth-to-last link of LIST.
If N is bigger than the length of LIST, return LIST.

Function: redraw-display

Clear and redisplay all visible frames.


Function: byte-compile-set-default

(fn FORM)

Function: sgml-get-context

Determine the context of the current position.
By default, parse until we find a start-tag as the first thing on a line.
If UNTIL is `empty', return even if the context is empty (i.e.
we just skipped over some element and got to a beginning of line).

The context is a list of tag-info structures. The last one is the tag
immediately enclosing the current position.

Point is assumed to be outside of any tag. If we discover that it's
not the case, the first tag returned is the one inside which we are.

Function: thai-compose-buffer

Compose Thai characters in the current buffer.


Face: modeline-highlight

modeline-highlight is an alias for the face `mode-line-highlight'.
Basic mode line face for highlighting.

Function: mark-defun

Put mark at end of this defun, point at beginning.
The defun marked is the one that contains point or follows point.

Interactively, if this command is repeated
or (in Transient Mark mode) if the mark is active,
it marks the next defun after the ones already marked.

Variable: print-escape-nonascii

Non-nil means print unibyte non-ASCII chars in strings as \OOO.
(OOO is the octal representation of the character code.)
Only single-byte characters are affected, and only in `prin1'.
When the output goes in a multibyte buffer, this feature is
enabled regardless of the value of the variable.

Variable: url-mime-separator-chars

Characters allowable in a MIME multipart separator.

Variable: cl-least-negative-float

The smallest value less than zero that a Lisp float can hold.
This is simply -`cl-least-positive-float'.
Call `cl-float-limits' to set this.

Function: fill-move-to-break-point

Move to the position where the line should be broken.
The break position will be always after LINEBEG and generally before point.

Function: quickurl-ask

Insert a URL, with `completing-read' prompt, based on LOOKUP.


Function: c-macro-expand

Expand C macros in the region, using the C preprocessor.
Normally display output in temp buffer, but
prefix arg means replace the region with it.

`c-macro-preprocessor' specifies the preprocessor to use.
Tf the user option `c-macro-prompt-flag' is non-nil
prompt for arguments to the preprocessor (e.g. `-DDEBUG -I ./include'),
otherwise use `c-macro-cppflags'.

Noninteractive args are START, END, SUBST.
For use inside Lisp programs, see also `c-macro-expansion'. (fn START END SUBST)

Function: view-order-manuals

Display the Emacs ORDERS file.

Function: font-shape-gstring

Shape the glyph-string GSTRING.
Shaping means substituting glyphs and/or adjusting positions of glyphs
to get the correct visual image of character sequences set in the
header of the glyph-string.

If the shaping was successful, the value is GSTRING itself or a newly
created glyph-string. Otherwise, the value is nil.

See the documentation of `composition-get-gstring' for the format of GSTRING. (fn GSTRING)

Function: point-min-marker

Return a marker to the minimum permissible value of point in this buffer.
This is the beginning, unless narrowing (a buffer restriction) is in effect.

Variable: vc-git-program

Name of the Git executable (excluding any arguments).

Variable: syntax-ppss-cache

List of (POS . PPSS) pairs, in decreasing POS order.

Function: route

Run route and display diagnostic output.


Function: gnus-article-outlook-deuglify-article

Deuglify broken Outlook (Express) articles and redisplay.


Function: apropos-documentation-property

Like (documentation-property SYMBOL PROPERTY RAW) but handle errors.

Function: previous-buffer

In selected window switch to previous buffer.

Function: frexp

Get significand and exponent of a floating point number.
Breaks the floating point number X into its binary significand SGNFCAND
(a floating point value between 0.5 (included) and 1.0 (excluded))
and an integral exponent EXP for 2, such that:


The function returns the cons cell (SGNFCAND . EXP).
If X is zero, both parts (SGNFCAND and EXP) are zero. (fn X)

Function: byte-compile-catch

(fn FORM)

Variable: byte-unwind-protect

Byte code opcode for unwind-protect. Takes, on stack, an expression for the unwind-action.

Function: abbrev-table-menu

Return a menu that shows all abbrevs in TABLE.
Selecting an entry runs `abbrev-insert'.
PROMPT is the prompt to use for the keymap.
SORTFUN is passed to `sort' to change the default ordering.


Function: fortune-from-region

Append the current region to a local fortune-like data file.

Interactively, if called with a prefix argument,
read the file name to use. Otherwise use the value of `fortune-file'.


Function: ethio-sera-to-fidel-marker

Convert the regions surrounded by "" and "" from SERA to FIDEL.
Assume that each region begins with `ethio-primary-language'.
The markers "" and "" themselves are not deleted.

(fn &optional FORCE)

Function: erc-ezb-lookup-action


Function: jka-compr-load

Documented as original.

Function: abbrev-expansion

Return the string that ABBREV expands into in the current buffer.
Optionally specify an abbrev table as second arg;
then ABBREV is looked up in that table only.

(fn ABBREV &optional TABLE)

Function: unrmail

Convert old-style Rmail Babyl file FILE to system inbox format file TO-FILE.


Function: tags-table-mode

Major mode for tags table file buffers.


Function: process-plist

Return the plist of PROCESS.


Variable: x-dnd-xdnd-to-action

Mapping from XDND action types to lisp symbols.

Function: eudc-edit-hotlist

Edit the hotlist of directory servers in a specialized buffer.


Function: walk-window-tree-1

Helper function for `walk-window-tree' and `walk-window-subtree'.

Variable: otf-script-alist

Alist of OpenType script tags vs the corresponding script names.

Variable: comment-line-break-function

Mode-specific function which line breaks and continues a comment.
This function is called during auto-filling when a comment syntax
is defined.
The function should take a single optional argument, which is a flag
indicating whether it should use soft newlines.

Function: quail-show-keyboard-layout

Show the physical layout of the keyboard type KEYBOARD-TYPE.

The variable `quail-keyboard-layout-type' holds the currently selected
keyboard type.

(fn &optional KEYBOARD-TYPE)

Function: ff-mouse-find-other-file

Visit the file you click on.

(fn EVENT)

Face: help-argument-name

Face to highlight argument names in *Help* buffers.

Function: window-normalize-buffer-to-switch-to

Normalize BUFFER-OR-NAME argument of buffer switching functions.
If BUFFER-OR-NAME is nil, return the buffer returned by
`other-buffer'. Else, if a buffer specified by BUFFER-OR-NAME
exists, return that buffer. If no such buffer exists, create a
buffer with the name BUFFER-OR-NAME and return that buffer.

Function: undo-boundary

Mark a boundary between units of undo.
An undo command will stop at this point,
but another undo command will undo to the previous boundary. (fn)

Function: minibuffer-depth

Return current depth of activations of minibuffer, a nonnegative integer.


Function: eieio-oref

Return the value in OBJ at SLOT in the object vector.

Function: Info-scroll-down

Scroll one screenful back in Info, considering all nodes as one sequence.
If point is within the menu of a node, and `Info-scroll-prefer-subnodes'
is non-nil, this goes to its last subnode. When you scroll past the
beginning of a node, that goes to the previous node or back up to the
parent node.

Function: compose-gstring-for-terminal

Compose glyph string GSTRING for terminal display.
Non-spacing characters are composed with the preceding base
character. If the preceding character is not a base character,
each non-spacing character is composed as a spacing character by
prepending a space before it.

Variable: tex-start-commands

TeX commands to use when starting TeX.
They are shell-quoted and precede the input file name, with a separating space.
If nil, no commands are used. See the documentation of `tex-command'.

Function: remember-diary-extract-entries

Extract diary entries from the region.


Function: pre-write-encode-hz

(fn FROM TO)

Variable: remote-shell-program

Program to use to execute commands on a remote host (e.g. ssh or rsh).

Variable: emacs-minor-version

Minor version number of this version of Emacs.
This variable first existed in version 19.23.

Function: delete*

Remove all occurrences of ITEM in SEQ.
This is a destructive function; it reuses the storage of SEQ whenever possible.

Keywords supported: :test :test-not :key :count :start :end :from-end


Variable: shell-command-default-error-buffer

Buffer name for `shell-command' and `shell-command-on-region' error output.
This buffer is used when `shell-command' or `shell-command-on-region'
is run interactively. A value of nil means that output to stderr and
stdout will be intermixed in the output stream.

Function: set-window-new-normal

Set new normal size of WINDOW to SIZE.
WINDOW must be a valid window and defaults to the selected one.
Return SIZE.

Note: This function does not operate on any child windows of WINDOW.

(fn WINDOW &optional SIZE)

Function: toggle-horizontal-scroll-bar

Toggle whether or not the selected frame has horizontal scroll bars.
With arg, turn horizontal scroll bars on if and only if arg is positive.
Horizontal scroll bars aren't implemented yet.

Function: bibtex-search-entry

Move point to the beginning of BibTeX entry named KEY.
Return position of entry if KEY is found or nil if not found.
With GLOBAL non-nil, search KEY in `bibtex-files'. Otherwise the search
is limited to the current buffer. Optional arg START is buffer position
where the search starts. If it is nil, start search at beginning of buffer.
If DISPLAY is non-nil, display the buffer containing KEY.
Otherwise, use `set-buffer'.
When called interactively, START is nil, DISPLAY is t.
Also, GLOBAL is t if the current mode is not `bibtex-mode'
or `bibtex-search-entry-globally' is non-nil.
A prefix arg negates the value of `bibtex-search-entry-globally'.

Function: x-create-frame-with-faces

Create and return a frame with frame parameters PARAMETERS.
If PARAMETERS specify a frame name, handle X geometry resources
for that name. If PARAMETERS includes a `reverse' parameter, or
the X resource ``reverseVideo'' is present, handle that.

Variable: set-auto-coding-function

If non-nil, a function to call to decide a coding system of file.
Two arguments are passed to this function: the file name
and the length of a file contents following the point.
This function should return a coding system to decode the file contents.
It should check the file name against `auto-coding-alist'.
If no coding system is decided, it should check a coding system
specified in the heading lines with the format:
-*- ... coding: CODING-SYSTEM; ... -*-
or local variable spec of the tailing lines with `coding:' tag.

Function: expand-file-name

Convert filename NAME to absolute, and canonicalize it.
Second arg DEFAULT-DIRECTORY is directory to start with if NAME is relative
(does not start with slash or tilde); if DEFAULT-DIRECTORY is nil or missing,
the current buffer's value of `default-directory' is used.
NAME should be a string that is a valid file name for the underlying
File name components that are `.' are removed, and
so are file name components followed by `..', along with the `..' itself;
note that these simplifications are done without checking the resulting
file names in the file system.
Multiple consecutive slashes are collapsed into a single slash,
except at the beginning of the file name when they are significant (e.g.,
UNC file names on MS-Windows.)
An initial `~/' expands to your home directory.
An initial `~USER/' expands to USER's home directory.
See also the function `substitute-in-file-name'.

For technical reasons, this function can return correct but
non-intuitive results for the root directory; for instance,
(expand-file-name ".." "/") returns "/..". For this reason, use
(directory-file-name (file-name-directory dirname)) to traverse a
filesystem tree, not (expand-file-name ".." dirname). (fn NAME &optional DEFAULT-DIRECTORY)

Function: sh-execute-region

Pass optional header and region to a subshell for noninteractive execution.
The working directory is that of the buffer, and only environment variables
are already set which is why you can mark a header within the script.

With a positive prefix ARG, instead of sending region, define header from
beginning of buffer to point. With a negative prefix ARG, instead of sending
region, clear header.

Function: isearch-lazy-highlight-update

Update highlighting of other matches for current search.

Function: set-language-environment-coding-systems

Do various coding system setups for language environment LANGUAGE-NAME.

Variable: abbrev-table-name-list

List of symbols whose values are abbrev tables.

Variable: rmail-mode-hook

List of functions to call when Rmail is invoked.

Function: x-selection-exists-p

Whether there is an owner for the given X selection.
SELECTION should be the name of the selection in question, typically
one of the symbols `PRIMARY', `SECONDARY', `CLIPBOARD', or
`CLIPBOARD_MANAGER' (X expects these literal upper-case names.) The
symbol nil is the same as `PRIMARY', and t is the same as `SECONDARY'.

TERMINAL should be a terminal object or a frame specifying the X
server to query. If omitted or nil, that stands for the selected
frame's display, or the first available X display.

On Nextstep, TERMINAL is unused. (fn &optional SELECTION TERMINAL)

Function: x-server-max-request-size

Return the maximum request size of the X server of display TERMINAL.
The optional argument TERMINAL specifies which display to ask about.
TERMINAL should be a terminal object, a frame or a display name (a string).
If omitted or nil, that stands for the selected frame's display.

(fn &optional TERMINAL)

Variable: mark-even-if-inactive

Non-nil means you can use the mark even when inactive.
This option makes a difference in Transient Mark mode.
When the option is non-nil, deactivation of the mark
turns off region highlighting, but commands that use the mark
behave as if the mark were still active.

Function: apropos-print

Output result of apropos searching into buffer `*Apropos*'.
The value of `apropos-accumulator' is the list of items to output.
Each element should have the format
The return value is the list that was in `apropos-accumulator', sorted
alphabetically by symbol name; but this function also sets
`apropos-accumulator' to nil before returning.

If SPACING is non-nil, it should be a string; separate items with that string.
If non-nil TEXT is a string that will be printed as a heading.

Variable: comint-use-prompt-regexp

If non-nil, use `comint-prompt-regexp' to recognize prompts.
If nil, then program output and user-input are given different `field'
properties, which Emacs commands can use to distinguish them (in
particular, common movement commands such as `beginning-of-line'
respect field boundaries in a natural way).

Function: sgml-pretty-print

Simple-minded pretty printer for SGML.
Re-indents the code and inserts newlines between BEG and END.
You might want to turn on `auto-fill-mode' to get better results.

Function: package-untar-buffer

Untar the current buffer.
This uses `tar-untar-buffer' from Tar mode. All files should
untar into a directory named DIR; otherwise, signal an error.

Function: make-char

Return a character of CHARSET whose position codes are CODEn.

CODE1 through CODE4 are optional, but if you don't supply sufficient
position codes, it is assumed that the minimum code in each dimension
is specified.

(fn CHARSET &optional CODE1 CODE2 CODE3 CODE4)

Variable: comint-redirect-perform-sanity-check

If non-nil, check that redirection is likely to complete successfully.
More precisely, before starting a redirection, verify that the
regular expression `comint-redirect-finished-regexp' that controls
when to terminate it actually matches some text already in the process
buffer. The idea is that this regular expression should match a prompt
string, and that there ought to be at least one copy of your prompt string
in the process buffer already.

Function: help-follow-mouse

Follow the cross-reference that you click on.

Variable: abbrev-all-caps

Non-nil means expand multi-word abbrevs all caps if abbrev was so.

Function: sql-oracle

Run sqlplus by Oracle as an inferior process.

If buffer `*SQL*' exists but no process is running, make a new process.
If buffer exists and a process is running, just switch to buffer

Interpreter used comes from variable `sql-oracle-program'. Login uses
the variables `sql-user', `sql-password', and `sql-database' as
defaults, if set. Additional command line parameters can be stored in
the list `sql-oracle-options'.

The buffer is put in SQL interactive mode, giving commands for sending
input. See `sql-interactive-mode'.

To set the buffer name directly, use C-u
before M-x sql-oracle. Once session has started,
M-x sql-rename-buffer can be called separately to rename the

To specify a coding system for converting non-ASCII characters
in the input and output to the process, use C-x RET c
before M-x sql-oracle. You can also specify this with C-x RET p
in the SQL buffer, after you start the process.
The default comes from `process-coding-system-alist' and
`default-process-coding-system'. (Type C-h m in the SQL buffer for a list of commands.) (fn &optional BUFFER)

Function: gnus-other-frame

Pop up a frame to read news.
This will call one of the Gnus commands which is specified by the user
option `gnus-other-frame-function' (default `gnus') with the argument
ARG if Gnus is not running, otherwise just pop up a Gnus frame. The
optional second argument DISPLAY should be a standard display string
such as "unix:0" to specify where to pop up a frame. If DISPLAY is
omitted or the function `make-frame-on-display' is not available, the
current display is used. (fn &optional ARG DISPLAY)

Function: getenv

Get the value of environment variable VARIABLE.
VARIABLE should be a string. Value is nil if VARIABLE is undefined in
the environment. Otherwise, value is a string.

If optional parameter FRAME is non-nil, then it should be a
frame. This function will look up VARIABLE in its 'environment

Otherwise, this function searches `process-environment' for
VARIABLE. If it is not found there, then it continues the search
in the environment list of the selected frame.

Function: get-char-property-and-overlay

Like `get-char-property', but with extra overlay information.
The value is a cons cell. Its car is the return value of `get-char-property'
with the same arguments--that is, the value of POSITION's property
PROP in OBJECT. Its cdr is the overlay in which the property was
found, or nil, if it was found as a text property or not found at all.

OBJECT is optional and defaults to the current buffer. OBJECT may be
a string, a buffer or a window. For strings, the cdr of the return
value is always nil, since strings do not have overlays. If OBJECT is
a window, then that window's buffer is used, but window-specific
overlays are considered only if they are associated with OBJECT. If
POSITION is at the end of OBJECT, both car and cdr are nil. (fn POSITION PROP &optional OBJECT)

Variable: method-generic-after

Index into generic :after tag on a method.

Function: Info-finder-find-file

Finder-specific implementation of `Info-find-file'.

Function: execute-extended-command

Read function name, then read its arguments and call it.

To pass a numeric argument to the command you are invoking, specify
the numeric argument to this command.

Noninteractively, the argument PREFIXARG is the prefix argument to
give to the command you invoke, if it asks for an argument.

Variable: Info-standalone

Non-nil if Emacs was started solely as an Info browser.

Variable: display-time-24hr-format

Non-nil indicates time should be displayed as hh:mm, 0 <= hh <= 23.
A value of nil means 1 <= hh <= 12, and an AM/PM suffix is used.

Variable: next-error-last-buffer

The most recent `next-error' buffer.
A buffer becomes most recent when its compilation, grep, or
similar mode is started, or when it is used with C-x `
or M-x compile-goto-error.

Function: split-string

Split STRING into substrings bounded by matches for SEPARATORS.

The beginning and end of STRING, and each match for SEPARATORS, are
splitting points. The substrings matching SEPARATORS are removed, and
the substrings between the splitting points are collected as a list,
which is returned.

If SEPARATORS is non-nil, it should be a regular expression matching text
which separates, but is not part of, the substrings. If nil it defaults to
`split-string-default-separators', normally "[ \f\t\n\r\v]+", and
OMIT-NULLS is forced to t.

If OMIT-NULLS is t, zero-length substrings are omitted from the list (so
that for the default value of SEPARATORS leading and trailing whitespace
are effectively trimmed). If nil, all zero-length substrings are retained,
which correctly parses CSV format, for example.

Note that the effect of `(split-string STRING)' is the same as
`(split-string STRING split-string-default-separators t)'. In the rare
case that you wish to retain zero-length substrings when splitting on
whitespace, use `(split-string STRING split-string-default-separators)'. Modifies the match data; use `save-match-data' if necessary.

Function: eval-region

Execute the region as Lisp code.
When called from programs, expects two arguments,
giving starting and ending indices in the current buffer
of the text to be executed.
Programs can pass third argument PRINTFLAG which controls output:
A value of nil means discard it; anything else is stream for printing it.
Also the fourth argument READ-FUNCTION, if non-nil, is used
instead of `read' to read each expression. It gets one argument
which is the input stream for reading characters.

This function does not move point.


Variable: smie-rules-function

Function providing the indentation rules.
It takes two arguments METHOD and ARG where the meaning of ARG
and the expected return value depends on METHOD.
METHOD can be:
- :after, in which case ARG is a token and the function should return the
OFFSET to use for indentation after ARG.
- :before, in which case ARG is a token and the function should return the
OFFSET to use to indent ARG itself.
- :elem, in which case the function should return either:
- the offset to use to indent function arguments (ARG = `arg')
- the basic indentation step (ARG = `basic').
- :list-intro, in which case ARG is a token and the function should return
non-nil if TOKEN is followed by a list of expressions (not separated by any
token) rather than an expression.

When ARG is a token, the function is called with point just before that token.
A return value of nil always means to fallback on the default behavior, so the
function should return nil for arguments it does not expect.

OFFSET can be:
nil use the default indentation rule.
(column . COLUMN) indent to column COLUMN.
NUMBER offset by NUMBER, relative to a base token
which is the current token for :after and
its parent for :before.

The functions whose name starts with "smie-rule-" are helper functions designed specifically for use in this function.

Function: sh-tmp-file

Insert code to setup temporary file handling. See `sh-feature'.

This is a skeleton command (see `skeleton-insert').
Normally the skeleton text is inserted at point, with nothing "inside".
If there is a highlighted region, the skeleton text is wrapped
around the region text.

A prefix argument ARG says to wrap the skeleton around the next ARG words.
A prefix argument of -1 says to wrap around region, even if not highlighted.
A prefix argument of zero says to wrap around zero words---that is, nothing.
This is a way of overriding the use of a highlighted region.

Function: byte-compile-bind

Emit byte-codes to bind VAR and update `byte-compile--lexical-environment'.
INIT-LEXENV should be a lexical-environment alist describing the
positions of the init value that have been pushed on the stack.
Return non-nil if the TOS value was popped.


Function: vc-git-log-outgoing


Function: cdaddr

Return the `cdr' of the `car' of the `cdr' of the `cdr' of X.

(fn X)

Variable: warning-prefix-function

Function to generate warning prefixes.
This function, if non-nil, is called with two arguments,
the severity level and its entry in `warning-levels',
and should return the entry that should actually be used.
The warnings buffer is current when this function is called
and the function can insert text in it. This text becomes
the beginning of the warning.

Function: ido-insert-buffer

Insert contents of a buffer in current buffer after point.
The buffer name is selected interactively by typing a substring.
For details of keybindings, see `ido-switch-buffer'. (fn)

Variable: tool-bar-position

Specify on which side the tool bar shall be.
Possible values are `top' (tool bar on top), `bottom' (tool bar at bottom),
`left' (tool bar on left) and `right' (tool bar on right).
Customize `tool-bar-mode' if you want to show or hide the tool bar.

Function: charset-plist

Return the property list of CHARSET.


Variable: prefix-help-command

Command to run when `help-char' character follows a prefix key.
This command is used only when there is no actual binding
for that character after that prefix key.

Variable: smie-indent-functions

Functions to compute the indentation.
Each function is called with no argument, shouldn't move point, and should
return either nil if it has no opinion, or an integer representing the column
to which that point should be aligned, if we were to reindent it.

Function: ring-length

Return the number of elements in the RING.

Function: timer-activate

Insert TIMER into `timer-list'.
If TRIGGERED-P is t, make TIMER inactive (put it on the list, but
mark it as already triggered). To remove it, use `cancel-timer'.

REUSE-CELL, if non-nil, is a cons cell to reuse when inserting
TIMER into `timer-list' (usually a cell removed from that list by
`cancel-timer-internal'; using this reduces consing for repeat
timers). If nil, allocate a new cell.

Function: mouse-appearance-menu

Show a menu for changing the default face in the current buffer.

(fn EVENT)

Function: prin1-char

Return a string representing CHAR as a character rather than as an integer.
If CHAR is not a character, return nil.

Function: viet-decode-viqr-region

Convert `VIQR' mnemonics of the current region to Vietnamese characters.
When called from a program, expects two arguments,
positions (integers or markers) specifying the stretch of the region.

(fn FROM TO)

Function: dired-other-frame

"Edit" directory DIRNAME. Like `dired' but makes a new frame.

(fn DIRNAME &optional SWITCHES)

Function: window-current-scroll-bars

Return the current scroll bar settings for WINDOW.
WINDOW must be a live window and defaults to the selected one.

The return value is a cons cell (VERTICAL . HORIZONTAL) where
VERTICAL specifies the current location of the vertical scroll
bars (`left', `right', or nil), and HORIZONTAL specifies the
current location of the horizontal scroll bars (`top', `bottom',
or nil).

Unlike `window-scroll-bars', this function reports the scroll bar
type actually used, once frame defaults and `scroll-bar-mode' are taken into account.

Function: iso-tex2iso

Translate TeX sequences to ISO 8859-1 characters.
Translate the region between FROM and TO using the table
Optional arg BUFFER is ignored (for use in `format-alist').

(fn FROM TO &optional BUFFER)

Function: mouse-event-p

Return non-nil if OBJECT is a mouse click event.

Function: Info-last-menu-item

Go to the node of the previous menu item.

Function: mouse-select-font

Prompt for a font name, using `x-popup-menu', and return it.


Function: whitespace-cleanup-region

Cleanup some blank problems at region.

The problems cleaned up are:

1. 8 or more SPACEs at beginning of line.
If `whitespace-style' includes the value `indentation':
replace 8 or more SPACEs at beginning of line by TABs, if
`indent-tabs-mode' is non-nil; otherwise, replace TABs by
If `whitespace-style' includes the value `indentation::tab',
replace 8 or more SPACEs at beginning of line by TABs.
If `whitespace-style' includes the value `indentation::space',
replace TABs by SPACEs.

2. SPACEs before TAB.
If `whitespace-style' includes the value `space-before-tab':
replace SPACEs by TABs, if `indent-tabs-mode' is non-nil;
otherwise, replace TABs by SPACEs.
If `whitespace-style' includes the value
`space-before-tab::tab', replace SPACEs by TABs.
If `whitespace-style' includes the value
`space-before-tab::space', replace TABs by SPACEs.

3. SPACEs or TABs at end of line.
If `whitespace-style' includes the value `trailing', remove
all SPACEs or TABs at end of line.

4. 8 or more SPACEs after TAB.
If `whitespace-style' includes the value `space-after-tab':
replace SPACEs by TABs, if `indent-tabs-mode' is non-nil;
otherwise, replace TABs by SPACEs.
If `whitespace-style' includes the value
`space-after-tab::tab', replace SPACEs by TABs.
If `whitespace-style' includes the value
`space-after-tab::space', replace TABs by SPACEs. See `whitespace-style', `indent-tabs-mode' and `tab-width' for documentation. (fn START END)

Function: message-news

Start editing a news article to be sent.


Function: dabbrev-completion

Completion on current word.
Like M-/ but finds all expansions in the current buffer
and presents suggestions for completion.

With a prefix argument ARG, it searches all buffers accepted by the
function pointed out by `dabbrev-friend-buffer-function' to find the

If the prefix argument is 16 (which comes from C-u C-u),
then it searches *all* buffers. (fn &optional ARG)

Function: forward-button

Move to the Nth next button, or Nth previous button if N is negative.
If N is 0, move to the start of any button at point.
If WRAP is non-nil, moving past either end of the buffer continues from the
other end.
If DISPLAY-MESSAGE is non-nil, the button's help-echo string is displayed.
Any button with a non-nil `skip' property is skipped over.
Returns the button found.

Function: x-display-color-p

Return t if DISPLAY supports color.
The optional argument DISPLAY specifies which display to ask about.
DISPLAY should be either a frame or a display name (a string).
If omitted or nil, that stands for the selected frame's display.

Function: scroll-up-command

Scroll text of selected window upward ARG lines; or near full screen if no ARG.
If `scroll-error-top-bottom' is non-nil and `scroll-up' cannot
scroll window further, move cursor to the bottom line.
When point is already on that position, then signal an error.
A near full screen is `next-screen-context-lines' less than a full screen.
Negative ARG means scroll downward.
If ARG is the atom `-', scroll downward by nearly full screen.

Variable: noninteractive

Non-nil means Emacs is running without interactive terminal.

Variable: input-method-use-echo-area

This flag controls how an input method shows an intermediate key sequence.
Usually, the input method inserts the intermediate key sequence,
or candidate translations corresponding to the sequence,
at point in the current buffer.
But, if this flag is non-nil, it displays them in echo area instead.

Function: sh-var-value

Return the value of variable VAR, interpreting symbols.
It can also return t or nil.
If an invalid value is found, throw an error unless Optional argument
IGNORE-ERROR is non-nil.

Variable: x-meta-keysym

Which keys Emacs uses for the meta modifier.
This should be one of the symbols `alt', `hyper', `meta', `super'.
For example, `meta' means use the Meta_L and Meta_R keysyms. The
default is nil, which is the same as `meta'.

Variable: winner-ring-size

Maximum number of stored window configurations per frame.

Function: view-emacs-problems

Display info on known problems with Emacs and possible workarounds.

Function: grep-find

Run grep via find, with user-specified args COMMAND-ARGS.
Collect output in a buffer.
While find runs asynchronously, you can use the C-x ` command
to find the text that grep hits refer to.

This command uses a special history list for its arguments, so you can
easily repeat a find command. (fn COMMAND-ARGS)

Function: format-replace-strings

Do multiple replacements on the buffer.
ALIST is a list of (FROM . TO) pairs, which should be proper arguments to
`search-forward' and `replace-match', respectively.
Optional second arg REVERSE, if non-nil, means the pairs are (TO . FROM),
so that you can use the same list in both directions if it contains only
literal strings.
Optional args BEG and END specify a region of the buffer on which to operate.

Variable: ctl-x-4-map

Keymap for subcommands of C-x 4.

Function: byte-compile-nilconstp

Return non-nil if FORM always evaluates to a nil value.

(fn FORM)

Function: cl-caaar

Return the `car' of the `car' of the `car' of X.

(fn X)

Function: ediff-backup

Run Ediff on FILE and its backup file.
Uses the latest backup, if there are several numerical backups.
If this file is a backup, `ediff' it with its original.
(fn FILE)

Variable: html-mode-hook

Hook run by command `html-mode'.
`text-mode-hook' and `sgml-mode-hook' are run first.

Variable: query-replace-show-replacement

Non-nil means to show what actual replacement text will be.

Variable: buffers-menu-max-size

Maximum number of entries which may appear on the Buffers menu.
If this is 10, then only the ten most-recently-selected buffers are shown.
If this is nil, then all buffers are shown.
A large number or nil slows down menu responsiveness.

Function: isearch-ring-advance

Advance to the next search string in the ring.

Function: gdb-enable-debug

Toggle logging of transaction between Emacs and Gdb.
The log is stored in `gdb-debug-log' as an alist with elements
whose cons is send, send-item or recv and whose cdr is the string
being transferred. This list may grow up to a size of
`gdb-debug-log-max' after which the oldest element (at the end of
the list) is deleted every time a new one is added (at the front). (fn &optional ARG)

Variable: gdb-enable-debug

Non-nil if Gdb-Enable-Debug mode is enabled.
See the command `gdb-enable-debug' for a description of this minor mode.

Function: c-guess-buffer-no-install

Guess the style on the whole current buffer; don't install it.

If given a prefix argument (or if the optional argument ACCUMULATE is
non-nil) then the previous guess is extended, otherwise a new guess is
made from scratch.

(fn &optional ACCUMULATE)

Face: shadow

Basic face for shadowed text.

Variable: backup-by-copying

Non-nil means always use copying to create backup files.
See documentation of variable `make-backup-files'.

Function: list-buffers

Display a list of existing buffers.
The list is displayed in a buffer named "*Buffer List*".
See `buffer-menu' for a description of the Buffer Menu.

By default, all buffers are listed except those whose names start
with a space (which are for internal use). With prefix argument
ARG, show only buffers that are visiting files.

Function: coding-system-eol-type-mnemonic

Return the string indicating end-of-line format of CODING-SYSTEM.

Function: vc-git-workfile-unchanged-p

(fn FILE)

Function: menu-find-file-existing

Edit the existing file FILENAME.

Variable: completion--capf-safe-funs

List of well-behaved functions found on `completion-at-point-functions'.
These are functions which return proper completion data rather than
a completion function or god knows what else.

Function: list-coding-systems

Display a list of all coding systems.
This shows the mnemonic letter, name, and description of each coding system.

With prefix ARG, the output format gets more cryptic,
but still contains full information about each coding system.
(fn &optional ARG)

Function: match-substitute-replacement

Return REPLACEMENT as it will be inserted by `replace-match'.
In other words, all back-references in the form `\&' and `\N'
are substituted with actual strings matched by the last search.
Optional FIXEDCASE, LITERAL, STRING and SUBEXP have the same
meaning as for `replace-match'.

Function: process-tty-name

Return the name of the terminal PROCESS uses, or nil if none.
This is the terminal that the process itself reads and writes on,
not the name of the pty that Emacs uses to talk with that terminal.


Variable: debug-on-next-call

Non-nil means enter debugger before next `eval', `apply' or `funcall'.

Function: sgml-indent-line

Indent the current line as SGML.

Variable: sentence-end-base

Regexp matching the basic end of a sentence, not including following space.

Function: indent-region

Indent each nonblank line in the region.
A numeric prefix argument specifies a column: indent each line to that column.

With no prefix argument, the command chooses one of these methods and
indents all the lines with it:

1) If `fill-prefix' is non-nil, insert `fill-prefix' at the
beginning of each line in the region that does not already begin
with it.
2) If `indent-region-function' is non-nil, call that function
to indent the region.
3) Indent each line via `indent-according-to-mode'.

Called from a program, START and END specify the region to indent.
If the third argument COLUMN is an integer, it specifies the
column to indent to; if it is nil, use one of the three methods above.

Variable: default-sendmail-coding-system

Default coding system for encoding the outgoing mail.
This variable is used only when `sendmail-coding-system' is nil.

This variable is set/changed by the command `set-language-environment'.
User should not set this variable manually,
instead use `sendmail-coding-system' to get a constant encoding
of outgoing mails regardless of the current language environment.
See also the function `select-message-coding-system'.

Function: info-other-window

Like `info' but show the Info buffer in another window.

Variable: mode-line-mule-info

Mode line construct to report the multilingual environment.
Normally it displays current input method (if any activated) and
mnemonics of the following coding systems:
coding system for saving or writing the current buffer
coding system for keyboard input (on a text terminal)
coding system for terminal output (on a text terminal)

Function: make-frame-visible

Make the frame FRAME visible (assuming it is an X window).
If omitted, FRAME defaults to the currently selected frame.

(fn &optional FRAME)

Function: current-minor-mode-maps

Return a list of keymaps for the minor modes of the current buffer.


Function: dir-locals-set-directory-class

Declare that the DIRECTORY root is an instance of CLASS.
DIRECTORY is the name of a directory, a string.
CLASS is the name of a project class, a symbol.
MTIME is either the modification time of the directory-local
variables file that defined this class, or nil.

When a file beneath DIRECTORY is visited, the mode-specific
variables from CLASS are applied to the buffer. The variables
for a class are defined using `dir-locals-set-class-variables'.

Variable: Buffer-menu-mode-syntax-table

Syntax table for `Buffer-menu-mode'.

Function: prepend-to-register

Prepend region to text in register REGISTER.
With prefix arg, delete as well.
Called from program, takes four args: REGISTER, START, END and DELETE-FLAG.
START and END are buffer positions indicating what to prepend.

Function: psychoanalyze-pinhead

Zippy goes to the analyst.


Function: file-cache-add-directory-recursively

Adds DIR and any subdirectories to the file-cache.
This function does not use any external programs.
If the optional REGEXP argument is non-nil, only files which match it
will be added to the cache. Note that the REGEXP is applied to the
files in each directory, not to the directory list itself.

(fn DIR &optional REGEXP)

Variable: custom-theme-directory

Default user directory for storing custom theme files.
The command `customize-create-theme' writes theme files into this
directory. By default, Emacs searches for custom themes in this
directory first---see `custom-theme-load-path'.

Variable: byte-goto-if-nil-else-pop

Byte code opcode to examine top-of-stack, jump and don't pop it if it's nil,
otherwise pop it.

Variable: prog-mode-syntax-table

Syntax table for `prog-mode'.

Function: erc-determine-network

Return the name of the network or "Unknown" as a symbol. Use the
server parameter NETWORK if provided, otherwise parse the server name and
search for a match in `erc-networks-alist'. (fn)

Function: cyrillic-encode-koi8-r-char

Return KOI8-R external character code of CHAR if appropriate.

(fn CHAR)

Function: read-directory-name

Read directory name, prompting with PROMPT and completing in directory DIR.
Value is not expanded---you must call `expand-file-name' yourself.
Default name to DEFAULT-DIRNAME if user exits with the same
non-empty string that was inserted by this function.
(If DEFAULT-DIRNAME is omitted, DIR combined with INITIAL is used,
or just DIR if INITIAL is nil.)
If the user exits with an empty minibuffer, this function returns
an empty string. (This can only happen if the user erased the
pre-inserted contents or if `insert-default-directory' is nil.)
Fourth arg MUSTMATCH non-nil means require existing directory's name.
Non-nil and non-t means also require confirmation after completion.
Fifth arg INITIAL specifies text to start with.
DIR should be an absolute directory name. It defaults to the value of `default-directory'.

Function: unrecord-window-buffer

Unrecord BUFFER in WINDOW.
WINDOW must be a live window and defaults to the selected one.
BUFFER must be a live buffer and defaults to the buffer of WINDOW.

Function: byte-compile-annotate-call-tree

(fn FORM)

Variable: isearch-allow-scroll

Whether scrolling is allowed during incremental search.
If non-nil, scrolling commands can be used in Isearch mode.
However, the current match will never scroll offscreen.
If nil, scrolling commands will first cancel Isearch mode.

Function: set-case-syntax

Make character C case-invariant with syntax SYNTAX.
This sets the entry for character C in TABLE, which is a string
that will be used as the downcase part of a case table.
It also modifies `standard-syntax-table'.
SYNTAX should be " ", "w", "." or "_".

Variable: auto-fill-inhibit-regexp

Regexp to match lines which should not be auto-filled.

Variable: mail-citation-hook

Hook for modifying a citation just inserted in the mail buffer.
Each hook function can find the citation between (point) and (mark t),
and should leave point and mark around the citation text as modified.
The hook functions can find the header of the cited message
in the variable `mail-citation-header', whether or not this is included
in the cited portion of the message.

If this hook is entirely empty (nil), a default action is taken instead of no action.

Function: ethio-modify-vowel

Modify the vowel of the FIDEL that is under the cursor.


Function: check-face

Signal an error if FACE doesn't name a face.
Value is FACE.

Function: backward-list

Move backward across one balanced group of parentheses.
With ARG, do it that many times.
Negative arg -N means move forward across N groups of parentheses.
This command assumes point is not in a string or comment.

Function: kill-all-local-variables

Switch to Fundamental mode by killing current buffer's local variables.
Most local variable bindings are eliminated so that the default values
become effective once more. Also, the syntax table is set from
`standard-syntax-table', the local keymap is set to nil,
and the abbrev table from `fundamental-mode-abbrev-table'.
This function also forces redisplay of the mode line.

Every function to select a new major mode starts by
calling this function.

As a special exception, local variables whose names have
a non-nil `permanent-local' property are not eliminated by this function.

The first thing this function does is run the normal hook `change-major-mode-hook'. (fn)

Function: pcomplete-executables

Complete amongst a list of directories and executables.

(fn &optional REGEXP)

Function: package-install-from-buffer

Install a package from the current buffer.
When called interactively, the current buffer is assumed to be a
single .el file that follows the packaging guidelines; see info
node `(elisp)Packaging'.

When called from Lisp, PKG-INFO is a vector describing the
information, of the type returned by `package-buffer-info'; and
TYPE is the package type (either `single' or `tar').

Function: ediff-files

Run Ediff on a pair of files, FILE-A and FILE-B.


Function: last-buffer

Return the last buffer in FRAME's buffer list.
If BUFFER is the last buffer, return the preceding buffer
instead. Buffers not visible in windows are preferred to visible
buffers, unless optional argument VISIBLE-OK is non-nil.
Optional third argument FRAME nil or omitted means use the
selected frame's buffer list. If no such buffer exists, return
the buffer `*scratch*', creating it if necessary.

Function: format-network-address

Convert network ADDRESS from internal format to a string.
A 4 or 5 element vector represents an IPv4 address (with port number).
An 8 or 9 element vector represents an IPv6 address (with port number).
If optional second argument OMIT-PORT is non-nil, don't include a port
number in the string, even when present in ADDRESS.
Returns nil if format of ADDRESS is invalid.

(fn ADDRESS &optional OMIT-PORT)

Function: char-table-subtype

Return the subtype of char-table CHAR-TABLE. The value is a symbol.


Function: auth-source-netrc-search

Given a property list SPEC, return search matches from the :backend.
See `auth-source-search' for details on SPEC.


Function: comint-insert-input

In a Comint buffer, set the current input to the previous input at point.
If there is no previous input at point, run the command specified
by the global keymap (usually `mouse-yank-at-click').
(fn EVENT)

Variable: forth-mode-hook

Hook run when entering Forth mode.
No problems result if this variable is not bound.
`add-hook' automatically binds it. (This is true for all hook variables.)

Function: play-sound-file

Play sound stored in FILE.
VOLUME and DEVICE correspond to the keywords of the sound
specification for `play-sound'.

Function: pcomplete/bzip2

Completion for `bzip2'.


Function: beginning-of-defun

Move backward to the beginning of a defun.
With ARG, do it that many times. Negative ARG means move forward
to the ARGth following beginning of defun.

If search is successful, return t; point ends up at the beginning
of the line where the search succeeded. Otherwise, return nil.

When `open-paren-in-column-0-is-defun-start' is non-nil, a defun
is assumed to start where there is a char with open-parenthesis
syntax at the beginning of a line. If `defun-prompt-regexp' is
non-nil, then a string which matches that regexp may also precede
the open-parenthesis. If `defun-prompt-regexp' and
`open-paren-in-column-0-is-defun-start' are both nil, this
function instead finds an open-paren at the outermost level.

If the variable `beginning-of-defun-function' is non-nil, its
value is called as a function, with argument ARG, to find the
defun's beginning.

Regardless of the values of `defun-prompt-regexp' and
`beginning-of-defun-function', point always moves to the beginning of the line whenever the search is successful.

Variable: sh-indent-after-done

How much to indent a statement after a `done' keyword.
Normally this is 0, which aligns the `done' to the matching
looping construct line.
Setting it non-zero allows you to have the `do' statement on a line
by itself and align the done under to do.

Function: vc-git-revision-table

(fn FILES)

Variable: mwheel-inhibit-click-event-timer

Timer running while mouse wheel click event is inhibited.

Function: describe-language-environment

Describe how Emacs supports language environment LANGUAGE-NAME.

Variable: kill-ring-max

Maximum length of kill ring before oldest elements are thrown away.

Function: vc-dir

Show the VC status for "interesting" files in and below DIR.
This allows you to mark files and perform VC operations on them.
The list omits files which are up to date, with no changes in your copy
or the repository, if there is nothing in particular to say about them.

Preparing the list of file status takes time; when the buffer
first appears, it has only the first few lines of summary information.
The file lines appear later.

Optional second argument BACKEND specifies the VC backend to use.
Interactively, a prefix argument means to ask for the backend.

These are the commands available for use in the file status buffer:

Uses keymap `vc-dir-mode-map', which is not currently defined. (fn DIR &optional BACKEND)

Function: normal-no-mouse-startup-screen


Variable: version-separator

Specify the string used to separate the version elements.

Usually the separator is ".", but it can be any other string.

Function: copysign

Copy sign of X2 to value of X1, and return the result.
Cause an error if X1 or X2 is not a float.

(fn X1 X2)

Function: shell-write-history-on-exit

Called when the shell process is stopped.

Writes the input history to a history file
`comint-input-ring-file-name' using `comint-write-input-ring'
and inserts a short message in the shell buffer.

This function is a sentinel watching the shell interpreter process.
Sentinels will always get the two parameters PROCESS and EVENT. (fn PROCESS EVENT)

Function: help-mode-menu

Menu for Help Mode.

Variable: help-mode-menu

Menu for Help Mode.

Function: sgml-tag

Prompt for a tag and insert it, optionally with attributes.
Completion and configuration are done according to `sgml-tag-alist'.
If you like tags and attributes in uppercase do M-x set-variable
`skeleton-transformation-function' RET `upcase' RET, or put this
in your `.emacs':
(setq sgml-transformation-function 'upcase)

This is a skeleton command (see `skeleton-insert').
Normally the skeleton text is inserted at point, with nothing "inside".
If there is a highlighted region, the skeleton text is wrapped
around the region text.

A prefix argument ARG says to wrap the skeleton around the next ARG words.
A prefix argument of -1 says to wrap around region, even if not highlighted.
A prefix argument of zero says to wrap around zero words---that is, nothing.
This is a way of overriding the use of a highlighted region.

Function: eldoc-mode

Toggle echo area display of Lisp objects at point (ElDoc mode).
With a prefix argument ARG, enable ElDoc mode if ARG is positive,
and disable it otherwise. If called from Lisp, enable ElDoc mode
if ARG is omitted or nil.

ElDoc mode is a buffer-local minor mode. When enabled, the echo
area displays information about a function or variable in the
text where point is. If point is on a documented variable, it
displays the first line of that variable's doc string. Otherwise
it displays the argument list of the function called in the
expression point is on. (fn &optional ARG)

Function: left-word

Move point N words to the left (to the right if N is negative).

Depending on the bidirectional context, this may move either backward
or forward in the buffer. This is in contrast with M-b
and M-f, which see.

Value is normally t.
If an edge of the buffer or a field boundary is reached, point is left there
there and the function returns nil. Field boundaries are not noticed
if `inhibit-field-text-motion' is non-nil.

Variable: sh-var-list

A list of variables used by script mode to control indentation.
This list is used when switching between buffer-local and global
values of variables, and for the commands using indentation styles.

Function: image-animate-timer

Return the animation timer for image IMAGE.

Variable: minibuffer-inactive-mode-hook

Hook run when entering InactiveMinibuffer mode.
No problems result if this variable is not bound.
`add-hook' automatically binds it. (This is true for all hook variables.)

Function: midnight-delay-set

Modify `midnight-timer' according to `midnight-delay'.
Sets the first argument SYMB (which must be symbol `midnight-delay')
to its second argument TM.

(fn SYMB TM)

Function: make-comint-in-buffer

Make a Comint process NAME in BUFFER, running PROGRAM.
If BUFFER is nil, it defaults to NAME surrounded by `*'s.
If there is a running process in BUFFER, it is not restarted.

PROGRAM should be one of the following:
- a string, denoting an executable program to create via
- a cons pair of the form (HOST . SERVICE), denoting a TCP
connection to be opened via `open-network-stream'
- nil, denoting a newly-allocated pty.

Optional fourth arg STARTFILE is the name of a file, whose
contents are sent to the process as its initial input.

If PROGRAM is a string, any more args are arguments to PROGRAM.

Return the (possibly newly created) process buffer. (fn NAME BUFFER PROGRAM &optional STARTFILE &rest SWITCHES)

Function: clear-this-command-keys

Clear out the vector that `this-command-keys' returns.
Also clear the record of the last 100 events, unless optional arg
KEEP-RECORD is non-nil.

(fn &optional KEEP-RECORD)

Function: auth-source-backend-list-p

Test OBJ to see if it a list of objects which are a child of type auth-source-backend

Variable: syntax-propertize-function

Mode-specific function to apply `syntax-table' text properties.
The value of this variable is a function to be called by Font
Lock mode, prior to performing syntactic fontification on a
stretch of text. It is given two arguments, START and END: the
start and end of the text to be fontified. Major modes can
specify a custom function to apply `syntax-table' properties to
override the default syntax table in special cases.

The specified function may call `syntax-ppss' on any position
before END, but it should not call `syntax-ppss-flush-cache',
which means that it should not call `syntax-ppss' on some
position and later modify the buffer on some earlier position.

Variable: compilation-disable-input

If non-nil, send end-of-file as compilation process input.
This only affects platforms that support asynchronous processes (see
`start-process'); synchronous compilation processes never accept input.

Function: read-key-sequence

Read a sequence of keystrokes and return as a string or vector.
The sequence is sufficient to specify a non-prefix command in the
current local and global maps.

First arg PROMPT is a prompt string. If nil, do not prompt specially.
Second (optional) arg CONTINUE-ECHO, if non-nil, means this key echos
as a continuation of the previous key.

The third (optional) arg DONT-DOWNCASE-LAST, if non-nil, means do not
convert the last event to lower case. (Normally any upper case event
is converted to lower case if the original event is undefined and the lower
case equivalent is defined.) A non-nil value is appropriate for reading
a key sequence to be defined.

A C-g typed while in this function is treated like any other character,
and `quit-flag' is not set.

If the key sequence starts with a mouse click, then the sequence is read
using the keymaps of the buffer of the window clicked in, not the buffer
of the selected window as normal.

`read-key-sequence' drops unbound button-down events, since you normally
only care about the click or drag events which follow them. If a drag
or multi-click event is unbound, but the corresponding click event would
be bound, `read-key-sequence' turns the event into a click event at the
drag's starting position. This means that you don't have to distinguish
between click and drag, double, or triple events unless you want to.

`read-key-sequence' prefixes mouse events on mode lines, the vertical
lines separating windows, and scroll bars with imaginary keys
`mode-line', `vertical-line', and `vertical-scroll-bar'.

Optional fourth argument CAN-RETURN-SWITCH-FRAME non-nil means that this
function will process a switch-frame event if the user switches frames
before typing anything. If the user switches frames in the middle of a
key sequence, or at the start of the sequence but CAN-RETURN-SWITCH-FRAME
is nil, then the event will be put off until after the current key sequence.

`read-key-sequence' checks `function-key-map' for function key
sequences, where they wouldn't conflict with ordinary bindings. See
`function-key-map' for more details.

The optional fifth argument CMD-LOOP, if non-nil, means
that this key sequence is being read by something that will
read commands one after another. It should be nil if the caller will read just one key sequence. (fn PROMPT &optional CONTINUE-ECHO DONT-DOWNCASE-LAST CAN-RETURN-SWITCH-FRAME CMD-LOOP)

Variable: class-class-allocation-a

Class allocated attributes.

Function: indent-sexp

Indent each line of the list starting just after point.
If optional arg ENDPOS is given, indent each line, stopping when
ENDPOS is encountered.

Function: open-dribble-file

Start writing all keyboard characters to a dribble file called FILE.
If FILE is nil, close any open dribble file.
The file will be closed when Emacs exits.
(fn FILE)

Function: smerge-start-session

Turn on `smerge-mode' and move point to first conflict marker.
If no conflict maker is found, turn off `smerge-mode'.

Function: decode-hz-region

Decode HZ/ZW encoded text in the current region.
Return the length of resulting text.

(fn BEG END)

Function: window-inside-pixel-edges

Return a list of the edge pixel coordinates of WINDOW's text area.
WINDOW must be a live window and defaults to the selected one.

The returned list has the form (LEFT TOP RIGHT BOTTOM), all relative to
(0,0) at the top left corner of the frame's window area.

RIGHT is one more than the rightmost x position of WINDOW's text area.
BOTTOM is one more than the bottommost y position of WINDOW's text area.
The inside edges do not include the space used by WINDOW's scroll bar,
display margins, fringes, header line, and/or mode line. (fn &optional WINDOW)

Function: handle-shift-selection

Activate/deactivate mark depending on invocation thru shift translation.
This function is called by `call-interactively' when a command
with a `^' character in its `interactive' spec is invoked, before
running the command itself.

If `shift-select-mode' is enabled and the command was invoked
through shift translation, set the mark and activate the region
temporarily, unless it was already set in this way. See
`this-command-keys-shift-translated' for the meaning of shift

Otherwise, if the region has been activated temporarily,
deactivate it, and restore the variable `transient-mark-mode' to its earlier value.

Variable: lisp-indent-defun-method

Defun-like indentation method.
This applies when the value of the `common-lisp-indent-function' property
is set to `defun'.

Function: face-attribute-relative-p

Check whether a face attribute value is relative.
Specifically, this function returns t if the attribute ATTRIBUTE
with the value VALUE is relative.

A relative value is one that doesn't entirely override whatever is
inherited from another face. For most possible attributes,
the only relative value that users see is `unspecified'.
However, for :height, floating point values are also relative. (fn ATTRIBUTE VALUE)

Variable: class-options

Storage location of tagged class options.
Stored outright without modifications or stripping.

Function: face-italic-p

Return non-nil if the font of FACE is italic on FRAME.
If the optional argument FRAME is given, report on face FACE in that frame.
If FRAME is t, report on the defaults for face FACE (for new frames).
If FRAME is omitted or nil, use the selected frame.
Use `face-attribute' for finer control.

Variable: inhibit-changing-match-data

Internal use only.
If non-nil, the primitive searching and matching functions
such as `looking-at', `string-match', `re-search-forward', etc.,
do not set the match data. The proper way to use this variable
is to bind it with `let' around a small expression.

Function: upcase-word

Convert following word (or ARG words) to upper case, moving over.
With negative argument, convert previous words but do not move.
See also `capitalize-word'.
(fn ARG)

Function: display-supports-face-attributes-p

Return non-nil if all the face attributes in ATTRIBUTES are supported.
The optional argument DISPLAY can be a display name, a frame, or
nil (meaning the selected frame's display).

The definition of `supported' is somewhat heuristic, but basically means
that a face containing all the attributes in ATTRIBUTES, when merged
with the default face for display, can be represented in a way that's

(1) different in appearance than the default face, and
(2) `close in spirit' to what the attributes specify, if not exact.

Point (2) implies that a `:weight black' attribute will be satisfied by
any display that can display bold, and a `:foreground "yellow"' as long
as it can display a yellowish color, but `:slant italic' will _not_ be
satisfied by the tty display code's automatic substitution of a `dim' face for italic. (fn ATTRIBUTES &optional DISPLAY)

Function: change-class

Change the class of OBJ to type CLASS.
This may create or delete slots, but does not affect the return value
of `eq'.

Function: vc-git-print-log

Get change log associated with FILES.
Note that using SHORTLOG requires at least Git version 1.5.6,
for the --graph option.


Variable: jit-lock-stealth-nice

Time in seconds to pause between chunks of stealth fontification.
Each iteration of stealth fontification is separated by this amount of time,
thus reducing the demand that stealth fontification makes on the system.
If nil, means stealth fontification is never paused.
To reduce machine load during stealth fontification, at the cost of stealth
taking longer to fontify, you could increase the value of this variable.
See also `jit-lock-stealth-load'.

Function: lisp-interaction-mode

Major mode for typing and evaluating Lisp forms.
Like Lisp mode except that M-x eval-print-last-sexp evals the Lisp expression
before point, and prints its value into the buffer, advancing point.
Note that printing is controlled by `eval-expression-print-length'
and `eval-expression-print-level'.

Delete converts tabs to spaces as it moves back.
Paragraphs are separated only by blank lines.
Semicolons start comments.

key binding
--- -------

C-j eval-print-last-sexp
ESC Prefix Command
DEL backward-delete-char-untabify

C-M-i completion-at-point
C-M-q indent-pp-sexp
C-M-x eval-defun

C-M-q indent-sexp
(that binding is currently shadowed by another mode)
Entry to this mode calls the value of `lisp-interaction-mode-hook' if that value is non-nil.

Function: indent-new-comment-line

Break line at point and indent, continuing comment if within one.
This indents the body of the continued comment
under the previous comment line.

This command is intended for styles where you write a comment per line,
starting a new comment (and terminating it if necessary) on each line.
If you want to continue one comment across several lines, use C-j.

If a fill column is specified, it overrides the use of the comment column
or comment indentation.

The inserted newline is marked hard if variable `use-hard-newlines' is true,
unless optional argument SOFT is non-nil. (fn &optional SOFT)

Variable: point-before-scroll

Value of point before the last series of scroll operations, or nil.

Function: concatenate

Concatenate, into a sequence of type TYPE, the argument SEQUENCEs.


Function: decompose-string

Return STRING where `composition' property is removed.

Function: set-default-coding-systems

Set default value of various coding systems to CODING-SYSTEM.
This sets the following coding systems:
o coding system of a newly created buffer
o default coding system for subprocess I/O
This also sets the following values:
o default value used as `file-name-coding-system' for converting file names
if CODING-SYSTEM is ASCII-compatible
o default value for the command `set-terminal-coding-system'
o default value for the command `set-keyboard-coding-system'
if CODING-SYSTEM is ASCII-compatible

Function: pcomplete/ssh

Completion rules for the `ssh' command.

Function: defined-colors

Return a list of colors supported for a particular frame.
The argument FRAME specifies which frame to try.
The value may be different for frames on different display types.
If FRAME doesn't support colors, the value is nil.
If FRAME is nil, that stands for the selected frame.

Function: wildcard-to-regexp

Given a shell file name pattern WILDCARD, return an equivalent regexp.
The generated regexp will match a filename only if the filename
matches that wildcard according to shell rules. Only wildcards known
by `sh' are supported.

Variable: scroll-error-top-bottom

Move point to top/bottom of buffer before signaling a scrolling error.
A value of nil means just signal an error if no more scrolling possible.
A value of t means point moves to the beginning or the end of the buffer
(depending on scrolling direction) when no more scrolling possible.
When point is already on that position, then signal an error.

Function: compose-mail-other-window

Like C-x m, but edit the outgoing message in another window.

Function: sh-make-vars-local

Make the indentation variables local to this buffer.
Normally they already are local. This command is provided in case
variable `sh-make-vars-local' has been set to nil.

To revert all these variables to the global values, use
command `sh-reset-indent-vars-to-global-values'.

Variable: sh-make-vars-local

Controls whether indentation variables are local to the buffer.
If non-nil, indentation variables are made local initially.
If nil, you can later make the variables local by invoking
command `sh-make-vars-local'.
The default is t because I assume that in one Emacs session one is
frequently editing existing scripts with different styles.

Function: mm-setup-codepage-iso-8859

Add appropriate entries to `mm-charset-synonym-alist'.
Unless LIST is given, `mm-codepage-iso-8859-list' is used.

Function: caddar

Return the `car' of the `cdr' of the `cdr' of the `car' of X.

(fn X)

Function: set-justification

Set the region's justification style to STYLE.
This commands prompts for the kind of justification to use.
If the mark is not active, this command operates on the current paragraph.
If the mark is active, it operates on the region. However, if the
beginning and end of the region are not at paragraph breaks, they are
moved to the beginning and end (respectively) of the paragraphs they
are in.

If variable `use-hard-newlines' is true, all hard newlines are
taken to be paragraph breaks.

When calling from a program, operates just on region between BEGIN and END,
unless optional fourth arg WHOLE-PAR is non-nil. In that case bounds are
extended to include entire paragraphs as in the interactive command.

Variable: mail-setup-hook

Normal hook, run each time a new outgoing message is initialized.

Variable: cd-path

Value of the CDPATH environment variable, as a list.
Not actually set up until the first time you use it.

Function: charset-dimension

Return dimension of CHARSET.

Variable: x-hyper-keysym

Which keys Emacs uses for the hyper modifier.
This should be one of the symbols `alt', `hyper', `meta', `super'.
For example, `hyper' means use the Hyper_L and Hyper_R keysyms. The
default is nil, which is the same as `hyper'.

Variable: inhibit-file-name-operation

The operation for which `inhibit-file-name-handlers' is applicable.

Function: makunbound

Make SYMBOL's value be void.
Return SYMBOL.


Variable: byte-compile-warning-types

The list of warning types used when `byte-compile-warnings' is t.

Function: cl--loop-handle-accum

(fn DEF &optional FUNC)

Function: subseq

Return the subsequence of SEQ from START to END.
If END is omitted, it defaults to the length of the sequence.
If START or END is negative, it counts from the end.

(fn SEQ START &optional END)

Variable: cl-float-negative-epsilon

The smallest positive float that subtracts from 1.0 to give a distinct value.
For IEEE machines, it is about 1.11e-16.
Call `cl-float-limits' to set this.

Function: event-apply-control-modifier

Add the Ctrl modifier to the following event.
For example, type C-x @ c & to enter Ctrl-&.

Function: exit-minibuffer

Terminate this minibuffer argument.


Function: gnus-cache-delete-group

Delete GROUP from the cache.
Always updates the cache, even when disabled, as the old cache
files would corrupt gnus when the cache was next enabled.
Depends upon the caller to determine whether group deletion is
supported. (fn GROUP)

Variable: file-name-invalid-regexp

Regexp recognizing file names which aren't allowed by the filesystem.

Function: toggle-case-fold-search

Toggle whether to ignore letter-case in search commands.
In an interactive call, record this option as a candidate for saving
by "Save Options" in Custom buffers.

Function: mh-fully-kill-draft

Quit editing and delete draft message.

If for some reason you are not happy with the draft, you can use
this command to kill the draft buffer and delete the draft
message. Use the command C-x k if you don't want to
delete the draft message. (fn)

Function: recover-this-file

Recover the visited file--get contents from its last auto-save file.

Function: repeat-complex-command

Edit and re-evaluate last complex command, or ARGth from last.
A complex command is one which used the minibuffer.
The command is placed in the minibuffer as a Lisp form for editing.
The result is executed, repeating the command as changed.
If the command has been changed or is not the most recent previous
command it is added to the front of the command history.
You can use the minibuffer history commands M-n and M-p
to get different commands to edit and resubmit.

Function: logior

Return bitwise-or of all the arguments.
Arguments may be integers, or markers converted to integers.

(fn &rest INTS-OR-MARKERS)

Variable: completion-list-mode-syntax-table

Syntax table for `completion-list-mode'.

Function: smerge-ediff

Invoke ediff to resolve the conflicts.
NAME-MINE, NAME-OTHER, and NAME-BASE, if non-nil, are used for the
buffer names.


Function: x-delete-window-property

Remove window property PROP from X window of FRAME.
FRAME nil or omitted means use the selected frame. Value is PROP.

(fn PROP &optional FRAME)

Function: reverse

Reverse LIST, copying. Return the reversed list.
See also the function `nreverse', which is used more often.

(fn LIST)

Function: set-default-file-modes

Set the file permission bits for newly created files.
The argument MODE should be an integer; only the low 9 bits are used.
This setting is inherited by subprocesses.
(fn MODE)

Variable: Info-selection-hook

Hooks run when `Info-select-node' is called.

Variable: interprogram-cut-function

Function to call to make a killed region available to other programs.
Most window systems provide a facility for cutting and pasting
text between different programs, such as the clipboard on X and
MS-Windows, or the pasteboard on Nextstep/Mac OS.

This variable holds a function that Emacs calls whenever text is
put in the kill ring, to make the new kill available to other
programs. The function takes one argument, TEXT, which is a
string containing the text which should be made available.

Variable: grep-program

The default grep program for `grep-command' and `grep-find-command'.
This variable's value takes effect when `grep-compute-defaults' is called.

Function: Info-directory

Go to the Info directory node.

Function: get-buffer-window

Return a window currently displaying BUFFER-OR-NAME, or nil if none.
BUFFER-OR-NAME may be a buffer or a buffer name and defaults to
the current buffer.

The optional argument ALL-FRAMES specifies the frames to consider:

- t means consider all windows on all existing frames.

- `visible' means consider all windows on all visible frames.

- 0 (the number zero) means consider all windows on all visible
and iconified frames.

- A frame means consider all windows on that frame only.

Any other value of ALL-FRAMES means consider all windows on the
selected frame and no others. (fn &optional BUFFER-OR-NAME ALL-FRAMES)

Function: window-parent

Return the parent window of window WINDOW.
WINDOW must be a valid window and defaults to the selected one.
Return nil for a window with no parent (e.g. a root window).

(fn &optional WINDOW)

Function: event-apply-modifier

Apply a modifier flag to event EVENT.
SYMBOL is the name of this modifier, as a symbol.
LSHIFTBY is the numeric value of this modifier, in keyboard events.
PREFIX is the string that represents this modifier in an event type symbol.

Function: zrgrep

Recursively grep for REGEXP in gzipped FILES in tree rooted at DIR.
Like `rgrep' but uses `zgrep' for `grep-program', sets the default
file name to `*.gz', and sets `grep-highlight-matches' to `always'.


Function: apropos-library

List the variables and functions defined by library FILE.
FILE should be one of the libraries currently loaded and should
thus be found in `load-history'. If `apropos-do-all' is non-nil,
the output includes key-bindings of commands.

Function: insert-directory

Insert directory listing for FILE, formatted according to SWITCHES.
Leaves point after the inserted text.
SWITCHES may be a string of options, or a list of strings.
Optional third arg WILDCARD means treat FILE as shell wildcard.
Optional fourth arg FULL-DIRECTORY-P means file is a directory and
switches do not contain `d', so that a full listing is expected.

This version of the function comes from `ls-lisp.el'.
If the value of `ls-lisp-use-insert-directory-program' is non-nil then
it works exactly like the version from `files.el' and runs a directory
listing program whose name is in the variable
`insert-directory-program'; if also WILDCARD is non-nil then it runs
the shell specified by `shell-file-name'. If the value of
`ls-lisp-use-insert-directory-program' is nil then it runs a Lisp

The Lisp emulation does not run any external programs or shells. It
supports ordinary shell wildcards if `ls-lisp-support-shell-wildcards'
is non-nil; otherwise, it interprets wildcards as regular expressions
to match file names. It does not support all `ls' switches -- those
that work are: A a B C c F G g h i n R r S s t U u X. The l switch is assumed to be always present and cannot be turned off.

Function: scroll-up-line

Scroll text of selected window upward ARG lines; or one line if no ARG.
If ARG is omitted or nil, scroll upward by one line.
This is different from `scroll-up-command' that scrolls a full screen.

Function: cdr-safe

Return the cdr of OBJECT if it is a cons cell, or else nil.


Function: create-fontset-from-fontset-spec

Create a fontset from fontset specification string FONTSET-SPEC.
FONTSET-SPEC is a string of the format:
Any number of SPACE, TAB, and NEWLINE can be put before and after commas.

When a frame uses the fontset as the `font' parameter, the frame's
default font name is derived from FONTSET-NAME by substituting
"iso8859-1" for the tail part "fontset-XXX". But, if SCRIPT-NAMEn
is "ascii", use the corresponding FONT-NAMEn as the default font

Optional 2nd and 3rd arguments exist just for backward compatibility,
and are ignored.

It returns a name of the created fontset.

For backward compatibility, SCRIPT-NAME may be a charset name, in
which case, the corresponding script is decided by the variable `charset-script-alist' (which see).

Variable: select-safe-coding-system-accept-default-p

If non-nil, a function to control the behavior of coding system selection.
The meaning is the same as the argument ACCEPT-DEFAULT-P of the
function `select-safe-coding-system' (which see). This variable
overrides that argument.

Variable: completion-show-inline-help

If non-nil, print helpful inline messages during completion.

Function: align-newline-and-indent

A replacement function for `newline-and-indent', aligning as it goes.


Function: scroll-down-command

Scroll text of selected window down ARG lines; or near full screen if no ARG.
If `scroll-error-top-bottom' is non-nil and `scroll-down' cannot
scroll window further, move cursor to the top line.
When point is already on that position, then signal an error.
A near full screen is `next-screen-context-lines' less than a full screen.
Negative ARG means scroll upward.
If ARG is the atom `-', scroll upward by nearly full screen.

Function: equal-including-properties

Return t if two Lisp objects have similar structure and contents.
This is like `equal' except that it compares the text properties
of strings. (`equal' ignores text properties.)
(fn O1 O2)

Function: terpri

Output a newline to stream PRINTCHARFUN.
If PRINTCHARFUN is omitted or nil, the value of `standard-output' is used.

(fn &optional PRINTCHARFUN)

Variable: holiday-bahai-holidays

Bahá'í holidays.
See the documentation for `calendar-holidays' for details.

Function: encode-hz-buffer

Encode the text in the current buffer to HZ.


Variable: most-negative-fixnum

The smallest value that is representable in a Lisp integer.

Variable: enable-disabled-menus-and-buttons

If non-nil, don't ignore events produced by disabled menu items and tool-bar.

Help functions bind this to allow help on disabled menu items
and tool-bar buttons.

Variable: url-query-allowed-chars

Allowed-character byte mask for the query segment of a URI.
These characters are specified in RFC 3986, Appendix A.

Function: flycheck-define-error-level

Define a new error LEVEL with PROPERTIES.

The following PROPERTIES constitute an error level:

`:severity SEVERITY'
A number denoting the severity of this level. The higher
the number, the more severe is this level compared to other
levels. Defaults to 0.

The severity is used by `flycheck-error-level-<' to
determine the ordering of errors according to their levels.

`:compilation-level LEVEL'

A number indicating the broad class of messages that errors
at this level belong to: one of 0 (info), 1 (warning), or
2 or nil (error). Defaults to nil.

This is used by `flycheck-checker-pattern-to-error-regexp'
to map error levels into `compilation-mode''s hierarchy and
to get proper highlighting of errors in `compilation-mode'.

`:overlay-category CATEGORY'
A symbol denoting the overlay category to use for error
highlight overlays for this level. See Info
node `(elisp)Overlay Properties' for more information about
overlay categories.

A category for an error level overlay should at least define
the `face' property, for error highlighting. Another useful
property for error level categories is `priority', to
influence the stacking of multiple error level overlays.

`:fringe-bitmap BITMAP'
A fringe bitmap symbol denoting the bitmap to use for fringe
indicators for this level. See Info node `(elisp)Fringe
Bitmaps' for more information about fringe bitmaps,
including a list of built-in fringe bitmaps.

`:fringe-face FACE'
A face symbol denoting the face to use for fringe indicators
for this level.

`:error-list-face FACE' A face symbol denoting the face to use for messages of this level in the error list. See `flycheck-list-errors'. (fn LEVEL &rest PROPERTIES)

Function: backward-button

Move to the Nth previous button, or Nth next button if N is negative.
If N is 0, move to the start of any button at point.
If WRAP is non-nil, moving past either end of the buffer continues from the
other end.
If DISPLAY-MESSAGE is non-nil, the button's help-echo string is displayed.
Any button with a non-nil `skip' property is skipped over.
Returns the button found.

Function: get-unicode-property-internal

Return an element of CHAR-TABLE for character CH.
CHAR-TABLE must be what returned by `unicode-property-table-internal'.


Face: apropos-property

Face for property name in apropos output, or nil for none.

Function: up-list

Move forward out of one level of parentheses.
With ARG, do this that many times.
A negative argument means move backward but still to a less deep spot.
This command assumes point is not in a string or comment.

Variable: search-ring-max

Maximum length of search ring before oldest elements are thrown away.

Function: exchange-dot-and-mark

Put the mark where point is now, and point where the mark is now.
This command works even when the mark is not active,
and it reactivates the mark.

If Transient Mark mode is on, a prefix ARG deactivates the mark
if it is active, and otherwise avoids reactivating it. If
Transient Mark mode is off, a prefix ARG enables Transient Mark mode temporarily.

Function: minibuffer-prompt-width

Return the display width of the minibuffer prompt.
Return 0 if current buffer is not a minibuffer.

Function: prog-indent-sexp

Indent the expression after point.

Function: enable-flow-control-on

Enable flow control if using one of a specified set of terminal types.
Use `(enable-flow-control-on "vt100" "h19")' to enable flow control
on VT-100 and H19 terminals. When flow control is enabled,
you must type C-\ to get the effect of a C-s, and type C-^
to get the effect of a C-q.


Function: slot-makeunbound

In OBJECT, make SLOT unbound.

Variable: jit-lock-defer-timer

Timer for deferred fontification in Just-in-time Lock mode.

Function: view-file-other-frame

View FILE in View mode in another frame.
When done, kill the buffer visiting FILE if unmodified and if it wasn't
visited before; also, maybe delete other frame and/or return to previous

Emacs commands editing the buffer contents are not available; instead,
a special set of commands (mostly letters and punctuation)
are defined for moving around in the buffer.
Space scrolls forward, Delete scrolls backward.
For a list of all View commands, type H or h while viewing.

This command runs the normal hook `view-mode-hook'.

Function: customize-browse

Create a tree browser for the customize hierarchy.

(fn &optional GROUP)

Variable: kill-emacs-query-functions

Functions to call with no arguments to query about killing Emacs.
If any of these functions returns nil, killing Emacs is canceled.
`save-buffers-kill-emacs' calls these functions, but `kill-emacs',
the low level primitive, does not. See also `kill-emacs-hook'.

Function: symbol-file

Return the name of the file that defined SYMBOL.
The value is normally an absolute file name. It can also be nil,
if the definition is not associated with any file. If SYMBOL
specifies an autoloaded function, the value can be a relative
file name without extension.

If TYPE is nil, then any kind of definition is acceptable. If
TYPE is `defun', `defvar', or `defface', that specifies function
definition, variable definition, or face definition only.

Face: tooltip

Face for tooltips.

Function: vertical-motion

Move point to start of the screen line LINES lines down.
If LINES is negative, this means moving up.

This function is an ordinary cursor motion function
which calculates the new position based on how text would be displayed.
The new position may be the start of a line,
or just the start of a continuation line.
The function returns number of screen lines moved over;
that usually equals LINES, but may be closer to zero
if beginning or end of buffer was reached.

The optional second argument WINDOW specifies the window to use for
parameters such as width, horizontal scrolling, and so on.
The default is to use the selected window's parameters.

LINES can optionally take the form (COLS . LINES), in which case
the motion will not stop at the start of a screen line but on
its column COLS (if such exists on that line, that is).

`vertical-motion' always uses the current buffer,
regardless of which buffer is displayed in WINDOW.
This is consistent with other cursor motion functions
and makes it possible to use `vertical-motion' in any buffer, whether or not it is currently displayed in some window. (fn LINES &optional WINDOW)

Function: command-history

Examine commands from `command-history' in a buffer.
The number of commands listed is controlled by `list-command-history-max'.
The command history is filtered by `list-command-history-filter' if non-nil.
Uses keymap `command-history-map', which is not currently defined.
M-x command-history-repeat to repeat the command on the current line.

Otherwise much like Emacs-Lisp Mode except that there is no self-insertion
and digits provide prefix arguments. Tab does not indent.

Uses keymap `command-history-map', which is not currently defined.

This command always recompiles the Command History listing
and runs the normal hook `command-history-hook'. (fn)

Variable: command-history

List of recent commands that read arguments from terminal.
Each command is represented as a form to evaluate.

Maximum length of the history list is determined by the value
of `history-length', which see.

Function: make-char-table

Return a newly created char-table, with purpose PURPOSE.
Each element is initialized to INIT, which defaults to nil.

PURPOSE should be a symbol. If it has a `char-table-extra-slots'
property, the property's value should be an integer between 0 and 10
that specifies how many extra slots the char-table has. Otherwise,
the char-table has no extra slot.
(fn PURPOSE &optional INIT)

Function: mouse-buffer-menu-alist


Variable: default-input-method

Default input method for multilingual text (a string).
This is the input method activated automatically by the command
`toggle-input-method' (C-\).

Function: smerge-mode

Minor mode to simplify editing output from the diff3 program.
With a prefix argument ARG, enable the mode if ARG is positive,
and disable it otherwise. If called from Lisp, enable the mode
if ARG is omitted or nil.

Uses keymap `smerge-mode-map', which is not currently defined.
(fn &optional ARG)

Function: inferior-octave

Run an inferior Octave process, I/O via `inferior-octave-buffer'.
This buffer is put in Inferior Octave mode. See `inferior-octave-mode'.

Unless ARG is non-nil, switches to this buffer.

The elements of the list `inferior-octave-startup-args' are sent as
command line arguments to the inferior Octave process on startup.

Additional commands to be executed on startup can be provided either in
the file specified by `inferior-octave-startup-file' or by the default
startup file, `~/.emacs-octave'. (fn &optional ARG)

Variable: make-backup-files

Non-nil means make a backup of a file the first time it is saved.
This can be done by renaming the file or by copying.

Renaming means that Emacs renames the existing file so that it is a
backup file, then writes the buffer into a new file. Any other names
that the old file had will now refer to the backup file. The new file
is owned by you and its group is defaulted.

Copying means that Emacs copies the existing file into the backup
file, then writes the buffer on top of the existing file. Any other
names that the old file had will now refer to the new (edited) file.
The file's owner and group are unchanged.

The choice of renaming or copying is controlled by the variables
`backup-by-copying', `backup-by-copying-when-linked',
`backup-by-copying-when-mismatch' and
`backup-by-copying-when-privileged-mismatch'. See also `backup-inhibited'.

Function: sh-font-lock-keywords-2

Function to get better fontification including keywords and builtins.

Variable: sh-indentation

The width for further indentation in Shell-Script mode.

Variable: url-get-url-filename-chars

Valid characters in a URL.

Variable: sgml-specials

List of characters that have a special meaning for SGML mode.
This list is used when first loading the `sgml-mode' library.
The supported characters and potential disadvantages are:

?\" Makes " in text start a string.
?' Makes ' in text start a string.
?- Makes -- in text start a comment.

When only one of ?\" or ?' are included, "'" or '"', as can be found in
DTDs, start a string. To partially avoid this problem this also makes these
self insert as named entities depending on `sgml-quick-keys'.

Including ?- has the problem of affecting dashes that have nothing to do with comments, so we normally turn it off.

Function: display-table-slot

Return the value of the extra slot in DISPLAY-TABLE named SLOT.
SLOT may be a number from 0 to 5 inclusive, or a slot name (symbol).
Valid symbols are `truncation', `wrap', `escape', `control',
`selective-display', and `vertical-border'.

Function: delete-window

Delete WINDOW.
WINDOW must be a valid window and defaults to the selected one.
Return nil.

If the variable `ignore-window-parameters' is non-nil or the
`delete-window' parameter of WINDOW equals t, do not process any
parameters of WINDOW. Otherwise, if the `delete-window'
parameter of WINDOW specifies a function, call that function with
WINDOW as its sole argument and return the value returned by that

Otherwise, if WINDOW is part of an atomic window, call
`delete-window' with the root of the atomic window as its
argument. Signal an error if WINDOW is either the only window on
its frame, the last non-side window, or part of an atomic window that is its frame's root window.

Function: sh-font-lock-keywords-1

Function to get better fontification including keywords.

Function: eieio-class-slot-name-index

In CLASS find the index of the named SLOT.
The slot is a symbol which is installed in CLASS by the `defclass'
call. If SLOT is the value created with :initarg instead,
reverse-lookup that name, and recurse with the associated slot value.

Function: speedbar-frame-mode

Enable or disable speedbar. Positive ARG means turn on, negative turn off.
A nil ARG means toggle. Once the speedbar frame is activated, a buffer in
`speedbar-mode' will be displayed. Currently, only one speedbar is
supported at a time.
`speedbar-before-popup-hook' is called before popping up the speedbar frame.
`speedbar-before-delete-hook' is called before the frame is deleted. (fn &optional ARG)

Function: byte-compile-inline-expand

(fn FORM)

Variable: default-right-fringe-width

Default value of `right-fringe-width' for buffers that don't override it.
This is the same as (default-value 'right-fringe-width).

Function: base64-decode-region

Base64-decode the region between BEG and END.
Return the length of the decoded text.
If the region can't be decoded, signal an error and don't modify the buffer.

(fn BEG END)

Function: ansi-color-unfontify-region

Unfontify the text between BEG and END.
This function is the default `font-lock-unfontify-region-function'.

Function: subst-if-not

Substitute NEW for elts not matching PREDICATE in TREE (non-destructively).
Return a copy of TREE with all non-matching elements replaced by NEW.

Keywords supported: :key


Function: facemenu-update

Add or update the "Face" menu in the menu bar.
You can call this to update things if you change any of the menu configuration

Function: reset-language-environment

Reset multilingual environment of Emacs to the default status.

The default status is as follows:

The default value of `buffer-file-coding-system' is nil.
The default coding system for process I/O is nil.
The default value for the command `set-terminal-coding-system' is nil.
The default value for the command `set-keyboard-coding-system' is nil.

The order of priorities of coding systems are as follows:
iso-2022-7bit-lock iso-2022-8bit-ss2 emacs-mule raw-text

Variable: completion--capf-misbehave-funs

List of functions found on `completion-at-point-functions' that misbehave.
These are functions that neither return completion data nor a completion
function but instead perform completion right away.

Function: org-agenda-list-stuck-projects

Create agenda view for projects that are stuck.
Stuck projects are project that have no next actions. For the definitions
of what a project is and how to check if it stuck, customize the variable

(fn &rest IGNORE)

Function: visit-tags-table-buffer

Select the buffer containing the current tags table.
If optional arg is a string, visit that file as a tags table.
If optional arg is t, visit the next table in `tags-table-list'.
If optional arg is the atom `same', don't look for a new table;
just select the buffer visiting `tags-file-name'.
If arg is nil or absent, choose a first buffer from information in
`tags-file-name', `tags-table-list', `tags-table-list-pointer'.
Returns t if it visits a tags table, or nil if there are no more in the list. (fn &optional CONT)

Face: trailing-whitespace

Basic face for highlighting trailing whitespace.

Function: exp

Return the exponential base e of ARG.

(fn ARG)

Function: byte-compile-lapcode

Turns lapcode into bytecode. The lapcode is destroyed.

(fn LAP)

Function: dabbrev--reset-global-variables

Initialize all global variables.


Variable: isearch-lazy-highlight

Controls the lazy-highlighting during incremental search.
When non-nil, all text in the buffer matching the current search
string is highlighted lazily (see `lazy-highlight-initial-delay'
and `lazy-highlight-interval').

Function: windmove-right

Select the window to the right of the current one.
With no prefix argument, or with prefix argument equal to zero,
"right" is relative to the position of point in the window;
otherwise it is relative to the top edge (for positive ARG) or the
bottom edge (for negative ARG) of the current window.
If no window is at the desired location, an error is signaled. (fn &optional ARG)

Function: ispell-change-dictionary

Change to dictionary DICT for Ispell.
With a prefix arg, set it "globally", for all buffers.
Without a prefix arg, set it "locally", just for this buffer.

By just answering RET you can find out what the current dictionary is.

(fn DICT &optional ARG)

Function: face-differs-from-default-p

Return non-nil if FACE displays differently from the default face.
If the optional argument FRAME is given, report on face FACE in that frame.
If FRAME is t, report on the defaults for face FACE (for new frames).
If FRAME is omitted or nil, use the selected frame.

Function: byte-compile-log-lap-1

(fn FORMAT &rest ARGS)

Variable: gnus-use-byte-compile

If non-nil, byte-compile crucial run-time code.
Setting it to nil has no effect after the first time `gnus-byte-compile'
is run.

Variable: comint-redirect-output-buffer

The buffer or list of buffers to put output into.

Function: cl-typep

Check that OBJECT is of type TYPE.
TYPE is a Common Lisp-style type specifier.


Function: vc-check-master-templates

Return non-nil if there is a master corresponding to FILE.

TEMPLATES is a list of strings or functions. If an element is a
string, it must be a control string as required by `format', with two
string placeholders, such as "%sRCS/%s,v". The directory part of
FILE is substituted for the first placeholder, the basename of FILE
for the second. If a file with the resulting name exists, it is taken
as the master of FILE, and returned.

If an element of TEMPLATES is a function, it is called with the
directory part and the basename of FILE as arguments. It should
return non-nil if it finds a master; that value is then returned by this function.

Variable: tibetan-precomposition-rule-regexp

Regexp string to match a sequence of Tibetan consonantic components, i.e.,
one base consonant and one or more subjoined consonants.
The result of matching is to be used for indexing alist when the component
sequence is converted to the corresponding precomposed glyph.
This also matches some punctuation characters which need conversion.

Function: browse-url-xdg-open

Pass the specified URL to the "xdg-open" command.
xdg-open is a desktop utility that calls your preferred web browser.
The optional argument IGNORED is not used.

(fn URL &optional IGNORED)

Variable: query-replace-map

Keymap of responses to questions posed by commands like `query-replace'.
The "bindings" in this map are not commands; they are answers.
The valid answers include `act', `skip', `act-and-show',
`act-and-exit', `exit', `exit-prefix', `recenter', `scroll-up',
`scroll-down', `scroll-other-window', `scroll-other-window-down',
`edit', `edit-replacement', `delete-and-edit', `automatic',
`backup', `quit', and `help'.

This keymap is used by `y-or-n-p' as well as `query-replace'.

Variable: current-input-method

The current input method for multilingual text.
If nil, that means no input method is activated now.

Variable: ctl-arrow

Non-nil means display control chars with uparrow.
A value of nil means use backslash and octal digits.
This variable does not apply to characters whose display is specified
in the current display table (if there is one).

Function: gnus-delete-file

Delete FILE if it exists.

Variable: with-timeout-timers

List of all timers used by currently pending `with-timeout' calls.

Variable: rmail-default-dont-reply-to-names

Regexp specifying part of the default value of `mail-dont-reply-to-names'.
This is used when the user does not set `mail-dont-reply-to-names'

Function: xdb

Run xdb on program FILE in buffer *gud-FILE*.
The directory containing FILE becomes the initial working directory
and source-file directory for your debugger.

You can set the variable `gud-xdb-directories' to a list of program source
directories if your program contains sources from more than one directory. (fn COMMAND-LINE)

Function: resize-mini-window-internal

Resize minibuffer window WINDOW.


Function: frame-char-height

Height in pixels of a line in the font in frame FRAME.
If FRAME is omitted, the selected frame is used.
For a terminal frame, the value is always 1.

(fn &optional FRAME)

Variable: print-charset-text-property

A flag to control printing of `charset' text property on printing a string.
The value must be nil, t, or `default'.

If the value is nil, don't print the text property `charset'.

If the value is t, always print the text property `charset'.

If the value is `default', print the text property `charset' only when
the value is different from what is guessed in the current charset priorities.

Function: define-charset-internal

For internal use only.

(fn ...)

Function: package-activate

Activate package PACKAGE, of version MIN-VERSION or newer.
MIN-VERSION should be a version list.
If PACKAGE has any dependencies, recursively activate them.
Return nil if the package could not be activated.

Function: ethio-fidel-to-java-buffer

Convert Ethiopic characters into the Java escape sequences.

Each escape sequence is of the form \uXXXX, where XXXX is the
character's codepoint (in hex) in Unicode.

If `ethio-java-save-lowercase' is non-nil, use [0-9a-f].
Otherwise, [0-9A-F]. (fn)

Function: zone-mode

Major mode for viewing and editing DNS master files.
This mode is inherited from text mode. It add syntax
highlighting, and some commands for handling DNS master files.
Its keymap inherits from `text-mode' and it has the same
variables for customizing indentation. It has its own abbrev
table and its own syntax table.

Turning on DNS mode runs `dns-mode-hook'. (fn)

Function: mode-line-toggle-read-only

Like `toggle-read-only', for the mode-line.

Function: start-process

Start a program in a subprocess. Return the process object for it.
NAME is name for process. It is modified if necessary to make it unique.
BUFFER is the buffer (or buffer name) to associate with the process.

Process output (both standard output and standard error streams) goes
at end of BUFFER, unless you specify an output stream or filter
function to handle the output. BUFFER may also be nil, meaning that
this process is not associated with any buffer.

PROGRAM is the program file name. It is searched for in `exec-path'
(which see). If nil, just associate a pty with the buffer. Remaining
arguments are strings to give program as arguments.

If you want to separate standard output from standard error, invoke
the command through a shell and redirect one of them using the shell syntax. (fn NAME BUFFER PROGRAM &rest PROGRAM-ARGS)

Variable: byte-constant-limit

Exclusive maximum index usable in the `byte-constant' opcode.

Variable: completion-category-overrides

List of `completion-styles' overrides for specific categories.
Each override has the shape (CATEGORY . ALIST) where ALIST is
an association list that can specify properties such as:
- `styles': the list of `completion-styles' to use for that category.
- `cycle': the `completion-cycle-threshold' to use for that category.
Categories are symbols such as `buffer' and `file', used when
completing buffer and file names, respectively.

Function: ruler-mode

Toggle display of ruler in header line (Ruler mode).
With a prefix argument ARG, enable Ruler mode if ARG is positive,
and disable it otherwise. If called from Lisp, enable the mode
if ARG is omitted or nil.

(fn &optional ARG)

Variable: ruler-mode

Non-nil if Ruler mode is enabled.
Use the command `ruler-mode' to change this variable.

Function: mail-hist-put-headers-into-history

Put headers and contents of this message into mail header history.
Each header has its own independent history, as does the body of the

This function normally would be called when the message is sent. (fn)

Function: info-lookup-reset

Throw away all cached data.
This command is useful if the user wants to start at the beginning without
quitting Emacs, for example, after some Info documents were updated on the
system. (fn)

Function: checkdoc-ispell-message-text

Check the style and spelling of message text interactively.
Calls `checkdoc-message-text' with spell-checking turned on.
Prefix argument TAKE-NOTES is the same as for `checkdoc-message-text'

(fn &optional TAKE-NOTES)

Function: org-mode

Outline-based notes management and organizer, alias
"Carsten's outline-mode for keeping track of everything."

Org-mode develops organizational tasks around a NOTES file which
contains information about projects as plain text. Org-mode is
implemented on top of outline-mode, which is ideal to keep the content
of large files well structured. It supports ToDo items, deadlines and
time stamps, which magically appear in the diary listing of the Emacs
calendar. Tables are easily created with a built-in table editor.
Plain text URL-like links connect to websites, emails (VM), Usenet
messages (Gnus), BBDB entries, and any files related to the project.
For printing and sharing of notes, an Org-mode file (or a part of it)
can be exported as a structured ASCII or HTML file.

The following commands are available:

Uses keymap `org-mode-map', which is not currently defined. (fn)

Function: ethio-fidel-to-sera-marker

Convert the regions surrounded by "" and "" from FIDEL to SERA.
The markers "" and "" themselves are not deleted.

(fn &optional FORCE)

Variable: save-some-buffers-action-alist

ACTION-ALIST argument used in call to `map-y-or-n-p'.

Function: lookup-image-map

Lookup in image map MAP coordinates X and Y.
An image map is an alist where each element has the format (AREA ID PLIST).
An AREA is specified as either a rectangle, a circle, or a polygon:
A rectangle is a cons (rect . ((x0 . y0) . (x1 . y1))) specifying the
pixel coordinates of the upper left and bottom right corners.
A circle is a cons (circle . ((x0 . y0) . r)) specifying the center
and the radius of the circle; r may be a float or integer.
A polygon is a cons (poly . [x0 y0 x1 y1 ...]) where each pair in the
vector describes one corner in the polygon.
Returns the alist element for the first matching AREA in MAP. (fn MAP X Y)

Function: read-file-name-internal

Internal subroutine for `read-file-name'. Do not call this.

Function: sgml-name-8bit-mode

Toggle whether to insert named entities instead of non-ASCII characters.
This only works for Latin-1 input.

Variable: sgml-name-8bit-mode

When non-nil, insert non-ASCII characters as named entities.

Function: pcomplete/tar

Completion for the GNU tar utility.


Function: eudc-get-email

Get the email field of NAME from the directory server.
If ERROR is non-nil, report an error if there is none.

(fn NAME &optional ERROR)

Function: read-file-name

Read file name, prompting with PROMPT and completing in directory DIR.
Value is not expanded---you must call `expand-file-name' yourself.

DIR is the directory to use for completing relative file names.
It should be an absolute directory name, or nil (which means the
current buffer's value of `default-directory').

DEFAULT-FILENAME specifies the default file name to return if the
user exits the minibuffer with the same non-empty string inserted
by this function. If DEFAULT-FILENAME is a string, that serves
as the default. If DEFAULT-FILENAME is a list of strings, the
first string is the default. If DEFAULT-FILENAME is omitted or
nil, then if INITIAL is non-nil, the default is DIR combined with
INITIAL; otherwise, if the current buffer is visiting a file,
that file serves as the default; otherwise, the default is simply
the string inserted into the minibuffer.

If the user exits with an empty minibuffer, return an empty
string. (This happens only if the user erases the pre-inserted
contents, or if `insert-default-directory' is nil.)

Fourth arg MUSTMATCH can take the following values:
- nil means that the user can exit with any input.
- t means that the user is not allowed to exit unless
the input is (or completes to) an existing file.
- `confirm' means that the user can exit with any input, but she needs
to confirm her choice if the input is not an existing file.
- `confirm-after-completion' means that the user can exit with any
input, but she needs to confirm her choice if she called
`minibuffer-complete' right before `minibuffer-complete-and-exit'
and the input is not an existing file.
- anything else behaves like t except that typing RET does not exit if it
does non-null completion.

Fifth arg INITIAL specifies text to start with.

Sixth arg PREDICATE, if non-nil, should be a function of one
argument; then a file name is considered an acceptable completion
alternative only if PREDICATE returns non-nil with the file name
as its argument.

If this command was invoked with the mouse, use a graphical file
dialog if `use-dialog-box' is non-nil, and the window system or X
toolkit in use provides a file dialog box, and DIR is not a
remote file. For graphical file dialogs, any of the special values
of MUSTMATCH `confirm' and `confirm-after-completion' are
treated as equivalent to nil. Some graphical file dialogs respect
a MUSTMATCH value of t, and some do not (or it only has a cosmetic
effect, and does not actually prevent the user from entering a non-existent file). See also `read-file-name-completion-ignore-case' and `read-file-name-function'. (fn PROMPT &optional DIR DEFAULT-FILENAME MUSTMATCH INITIAL PREDICATE)

Function: cdadar

Return the `cdr' of the `car' of the `cdr' of the `car' of X.

(fn X)

Function: gnus-batch-kill

Run batched scoring.
Usage: emacs -batch -l ~/.emacs -l gnus -f gnus-batch-score

Variable: comint-completion-autolist

If non-nil, automatically list possibilities on partial completion.
This mirrors the optional behavior of tcsh.

Variable: overriding-terminal-local-map

Per-terminal keymap that overrides all other local keymaps.
If this variable is non-nil, it is used as a keymap instead of the
buffer's local map, and the minor mode keymaps and text property keymaps.
It also replaces `overriding-local-map'.

This variable is intended to let commands such as `universal-argument'
set up a different keymap for reading the next command.

`overriding-terminal-local-map' has a separate binding for each
terminal device.
See Info node `(elisp)Multiple Terminals'.

Function: command-execute

Execute CMD as an editor command.
CMD must be a symbol that satisfies the `commandp' predicate.
Optional second arg RECORD-FLAG non-nil
means unconditionally put this command in `command-history'.
Otherwise, that is done only if an arg is read using the minibuffer.
The argument KEYS specifies the value to use instead of (this-command-keys)
when reading the arguments; if it is nil, (this-command-keys) is used.
The argument SPECIAL, if non-nil, means that this command is executing
a special event, so ignore the prefix argument and don't clear it.


Function: internal-make-lisp-face

Make FACE, a symbol, a Lisp face with all attributes nil.
If FACE was not known as a face before, create a new one.
If optional argument FRAME is specified, make a frame-local face
for that frame. Otherwise operate on the global face definition.
Value is a vector of face attributes.

(fn FACE &optional FRAME)

Variable: byte-compile-error-on-warn

If true, the byte-compiler reports warnings with `error'.

Variable: debugger-old-buffer

This is the buffer that was current when the debugger was entered.

Function: cl-gensym

Generate a new uninterned symbol.
The name is made by appending a number to PREFIX, default "G".

(fn &optional PREFIX)

Variable: idl-mode-syntax-table

Syntax table used in idl-mode buffers.

Variable: dir-locals-file

File that contains directory-local variables.
It has to be constant to enforce uniform values
across different environments and users.

Function: x-gtk-map-stock

Map icon with file name FILE to a Gtk+ stock name.
This uses `icon-map-list' to map icon file names to stock icon names.

Variable: byte-compile-root-dir

Directory relative to which file names in error messages are written.

Function: easy-menu-return-item

In menu MENU try to look for menu item with name NAME.
If a menu item is found, return (NAME . item), otherwise return nil.
If item is an old format item, a new format item is returned.

Variable: vc-git-root-log-format

Git log format for `vc-print-root-log'.
This should be a list (FORMAT REGEXP KEYWORDS), where FORMAT is a
format string (which is passed to "git log" via the argument
"--pretty=tformat:FORMAT"), REGEXP is a regular expression
matching the resulting Git log output, and KEYWORDS is a list of
`font-lock-keywords' for highlighting the Log View buffer.

Function: icalendar-export-region

Export region in diary file to iCalendar format.
All diary entries in the region from MIN to MAX in the current buffer are
converted to iCalendar format. The result is appended to the file
This function attempts to return t if something goes wrong. In this
case an error string which describes all the errors and problems is
written into the buffer `*icalendar-errors*'.

Function: byte-compile-negation-optimizer

(fn FORM)

Function: eieio--defgeneric-init-form

Form to use for the initial definition of a generic.

Function: mm-find-mime-charset-region

Return the MIME charsets needed to encode the region between B and E.
nil means ASCII, a single-element list represents an appropriate MIME
charset, and a longer list means no appropriate charset.

Variable: comint-input-filter-functions

Abnormal hook run before input is sent to the process.
These functions get one argument, a string containing the text to send.

Function: emacs-session-save

This function is called when the window system is shutting down.
If this function returns non-nil, the window system shutdown is canceled.

When a session manager tells Emacs that the window system is shutting
down, this function is called. It calls the functions in the hook
`emacs-save-session-functions'. Functions are called with the current
buffer set to a temporary buffer. Functions should use `insert' to insert
lisp code to save the session state. The buffer is saved in a file in the
home directory of the user running Emacs. The file is evaluated when
Emacs is restarted by the session manager.

If any of the functions returns non-nil, no more functions are called
and this function returns non-nil. This will inform the session manager
that it should abort the window system shutdown.

Variable: multi-isearch-next-buffer-current-function

The currently active function to get the next buffer to search.
Initialized from `multi-isearch-next-buffer-function' when
Isearch starts.

Function: set-face-attribute-from-resource

Set FACE's ATTRIBUTE from X resource RESOURCE, class CLASS on FRAME.
Value is the attribute value specified by the resource, or nil
if not present. This function displays a message if the resource
specifies an invalid attribute.

Function: identity

Return the argument unchanged.

(fn ARG)

Variable: garbage-collection-messages

Non-nil means display messages at start and end of garbage collection.

Function: byte-compile-file-form-progn

(fn FORM)

Function: shell-command-completion

Return the completion data for the command at point, if any.


Function: font-lock-extend-region-wholelines

Move fontification boundaries to beginning of lines.

Function: discard-input

Discard the contents of the terminal input buffer.
Also end any kbd macro being defined.

Function: menu-bar-next-tag-other-window

Find the next definition of the tag already specified.

Variable: locale-preferred-coding-systems

List of pairs of locale regexps and preferred coding systems.
The first element whose locale regexp matches the start of a downcased locale
specifies the coding system to prefer when using that locale.
This coding system is used if the locale specifies a specific charset.

Function: end-of-visible-line

Move to end of current visible line.

Function: make-ring

Make a ring that can contain SIZE elements.

Function: indent-to

Indent from point with tabs and spaces until COLUMN is reached.
Optional second argument MINIMUM says always do at least MINIMUM spaces
even if that goes past COLUMN; by default, MINIMUM is zero.

The return value is COLUMN.

(fn COLUMN &optional MINIMUM)

Function: nset-difference

Combine LIST1 and LIST2 using a set-difference operation.
The resulting list contains all items that appear in LIST1 but not LIST2.
This is a destructive function; it reuses the storage of LIST1 and LIST2
whenever possible.

Keywords supported: :test :test-not :key


Variable: tabulated-list-sort-key

Sort key for the current Tabulated List mode buffer.
If nil, no additional sorting is performed.
Otherwise, this should be a cons cell (NAME . FLIP).
NAME is a string matching one of the column names in
`tabulated-list-format' (the corresponding SORT entry in
`tabulated-list-format' then specifies how to sort). FLIP, if
non-nil, means to invert the resulting sort.

Function: fancy-splash-head

Insert the head part of the splash screen into the current buffer.


Variable: break-hardlink-on-save

Non-nil means when saving a file that exists under several names
(i.e., has multiple hardlinks), break the hardlink associated with
`buffer-file-name' and write to a new file, so that the other
instances of the file are not affected by the save.

If `buffer-file-name' refers to a symlink, do not break the symlink.

Unlike `file-precious-flag', `break-hardlink-on-save' is not advisory.
For example, if the directory in which a file is being saved is not
itself writable, then error instead of saving in some
hardlink-nonbreaking way.

See also `backup-by-copying' and `backup-by-copying-when-linked'.

Function: syntax-table-p

Return t if OBJECT is a syntax table.
Currently, any char-table counts as a syntax table.


Function: select-frame

Select FRAME.
Subsequent editing commands apply to its selected window.
Optional argument NORECORD means to neither change the order of
recently selected windows nor the buffer list.

The selection of FRAME lasts until the next time the user does
something to select a different frame, or until the next time
this function is called. If you are using a window system, the
previously selected frame may be restored as the selected frame
when returning to the command loop, because it still may have
the window system's input focus. On a text terminal, the next
redisplay will display FRAME.

This function returns FRAME, or nil if FRAME has been deleted. (fn FRAME &optional NORECORD)

Variable: comint-mode-map

Keymap for `comint-mode'.

Variable: char-acronym-table

Char table of acronyms for non-graphic characters.

Function: keypad-setup

Set keypad bindings in `function-key-map' according to SETUP.
If optional second argument NUMLOCK is non-nil, the NumLock On bindings
are changed. Otherwise, the NumLock Off bindings are changed.
If optional third argument SHIFT is non-nil, the shifted keypad
keys are bound.

Setup Binding
'prefix Command prefix argument, i.e. M-0 .. M-9 and M--
'S-cursor Bind shifted keypad keys to the shifted cursor movement keys.
'cursor Bind keypad keys to the cursor movement keys.
'numeric Plain numeric keypad, i.e. 0 .. 9 and . (or DECIMAL arg)
'none Removes all bindings for keypad keys in function-key-map;
this enables any user-defined bindings for the keypad keys
in the global and local keymaps.

If SETUP is 'numeric and the optional fourth argument DECIMAL is non-nil,
the decimal key on the keypad is mapped to DECIMAL instead of `.' (fn SETUP &optional NUMLOCK SHIFT DECIMAL)

Variable: keypad-setup

Specifies the keypad setup for unshifted keypad keys when NumLock is off.
When selecting the plain numeric keypad setup, the character returned by the
decimal key must be specified.

Function: gnus-article-prepare-display

Make the current buffer look like a nice article.


Function: batch-byte-compile

Run `byte-compile-file' on the files remaining on the command line.
Use this from the command line, with `-batch';
it won't work in an interactive Emacs.
Each file is processed even if an error occurred previously.
For example, invoke "emacs -batch -f batch-byte-compile $emacs/ ~/*.el".
If NOFORCE is non-nil, don't recompile a file that seems to be
already up-to-date. (fn &optional NOFORCE)

Function: run-with-idle-timer

Perform an action the next time Emacs is idle for SECS seconds.
The action is to call FUNCTION with arguments ARGS.
SECS may be an integer, a floating point number, or the internal
time format returned by, e.g., `current-idle-time'.
If Emacs is currently idle, and has been idle for N seconds (N < SECS),
then it will call FUNCTION in SECS - N seconds from now. Using
SECS <= N is not recommended if this function is invoked from an idle
timer, because FUNCTION will then be called immediately.

If REPEAT is non-nil, do the action each time Emacs has been idle for
exactly SECS seconds (that is, only once for each time Emacs becomes idle).

This function returns a timer object which you can use in `cancel-timer'.

Function: x-uses-old-gtk-dialog

Return t if the old Gtk+ file selection dialog is used.


Function: position

Find the first occurrence of ITEM in SEQ.
Return the index of the matching item, or nil if not found.

Keywords supported: :test :test-not :key :start :end :from-end


Variable: read-expression-history

A history list for arguments that are Lisp expressions to evaluate.
For example, `eval-expression' uses this.

Variable: Info-apropos-nodes

Alist of cached apropos matched nodes.
Each element is (NODENAME STRING MATCHES) where
NODENAME is the name of the node that holds the search result,
STRING is the search string given as an argument to `info-apropos',
MATCHES is a list of index matches found by `Info-apropos-matches'.

Function: erc-ctcp-query-DCC

The function called when a CTCP DCC request is detected by the client.
It examines the DCC subcommand, and calls the appropriate routine for
that subcommand.


Variable: bookmark-map

Keymap containing bindings to bookmark functions.
It is not bound to any key by default: to bind it
so that you have a bookmark prefix, just use `global-set-key' and bind a
key of your choice to `bookmark-map'. All interactive bookmark
functions have a binding in this keymap.

Function: define-coding-system

Define NAME (a symbol) as a coding system with DOCSTRING and attributes.
The remaining arguments must come in pairs ATTRIBUTE VALUE. ATTRIBUTE
may be any symbol.

The following attributes have special meanings. Those labeled as
"(required)" should not be omitted.

`:mnemonic' (required)

VALUE is a character to display on mode line for the coding system.

`:coding-type' (required)

VALUE must be one of `charset', `utf-8', `utf-16', `iso-2022',
`emacs-mule', `shift-jis', `ccl', `raw-text', `undecided'.


VALUE is the EOL (end-of-line) format of the coding system. It must be
one of `unix', `dos', `mac'. The symbol `unix' means Unix-like EOL
(i.e. single LF), `dos' means DOS-like EOL (i.e. sequence of CR LF),
and `mac' means Mac-like EOL (i.e. single CR). If omitted, Emacs
detects the EOL format automatically when decoding.


VALUE must be a list of charsets supported by the coding system. On
encoding by the coding system, if a character belongs to multiple
charsets in the list, a charset that comes earlier in the list is
selected. If `:coding-type' is `iso-2022', VALUE may be `iso-2022',
which indicates that the coding system supports all ISO-2022 based
charsets. If `:coding-type' is `emacs-mule', VALUE may be
`emacs-mule', which indicates that the coding system supports all
charsets that have the `:emacs-mule-id' property.


If VALUE is non-nil, the coding system decodes all 7-bit bytes into
the corresponding ASCII characters, and encodes all ASCII characters
back to the corresponding 7-bit bytes. VALUE defaults to nil.


VALUE must be a translation table to use on decoding.


VALUE must be a translation table to use on encoding.


VALUE must be a function to call after some text is inserted and
decoded by the coding system itself and before any functions in
`after-insert-functions' are called. This function is passed one
argument; the number of characters in the text to convert, with
point at the start of the text. The function should leave point
the same, and return the new character count.


VALUE must be a function to call after all functions in
`write-region-annotate-functions' and `buffer-file-format' are
called, and before the text is encoded by the coding system
itself. This function should convert the whole text in the
current buffer. For backward compatibility, this function is
passed two arguments which can be ignored.


VALUE must be a character. On encoding, a character not supported by
the coding system is replaced with VALUE.


VALUE non-nil means that visiting a file with the coding system
results in a unibyte buffer.


VALUE must be a symbol whose name is that of a MIME charset converted
to lower case.


VALUE non-nil means the `:mime-charset' property names a charset which
is unsuitable for the top-level media type "text".


VALUE must be a list of symbols that control the ISO-2022 converter.
Each must be a member of the list `coding-system-iso-2022-flags'
(which see). This attribute has a meaning only when `:coding-type'
is `iso-2022'.


VALUE must be a vector [G0-USAGE G1-USAGE G2-USAGE G3-USAGE].
GN-USAGE specifies the usage of graphic register GN as follows.

If it is nil, no charset can be designated to GN.

If it is a charset, the charset is initially designated to GN, and
never used by the other charsets.

If it is a list, the elements must be charsets, nil, 94, or 96. GN
can be used by all the listed charsets. If the list contains 94, any
iso-2022 charset whose code-space ranges are 94 long can be designated
to GN. If the list contains 96, any charsets whose whose ranges are
96 long can be designated to GN. If the first element is a charset,
that charset is initially designated to GN.

This attribute has a meaning only when `:coding-type' is `iso-2022'.


This attributes specifies whether the coding system uses a `byte order
mark'. VALUE must be nil, t, or cons of coding systems whose
`:coding-type' is `utf-16' or `utf-8'.

If the value is nil, on decoding, don't treat the first two-byte as
BOM, and on encoding, don't produce BOM bytes.

If the value is t, on decoding, skip the first two-byte as BOM, and on
encoding, produce BOM bytes according to the value of `:endian'.

If the value is cons, on decoding, check the first two-byte. If they
are 0xFE 0xFF, use the car part coding system of the value. If they
are 0xFF 0xFE, use the cdr part coding system of the value.
Otherwise, treat them as bytes for a normal character. On encoding,
produce BOM bytes according to the value of `:endian'.

This attribute has a meaning only when `:coding-type' is `utf-16' or `utf-8'. `:endian' VALUE must be `big' or `little' specifying big-endian and little-endian respectively. The default value is `big'. This attribute has a meaning only when `:coding-type' is `utf-16'. `:ccl-decoder' VALUE is a symbol representing the registered CCL program used for decoding. This attribute has a meaning only when `:coding-type' is `ccl'. `:ccl-encoder' VALUE is a symbol representing the registered CCL program used for encoding. This attribute has a meaning only when `:coding-type' is `ccl'.

Function: byte-compile-fix-header

If the current buffer has any multibyte characters, insert a version test.


Function: comint-check-source

Check whether to save buffers visiting file FNAME.
Prior to loading or compiling (or otherwise processing) a file (in the CMU
process-in-a-buffer modes), this function can be called on the filename.
If the file is loaded into a buffer, and the buffer is modified, the user
is queried to see if he wants to save the buffer before proceeding with
the load or compile. (fn FNAME)

Function: edit-tab-stops

Edit the tab stops used by `tab-to-tab-stop'.
Creates a buffer *Tab Stops* containing text describing the tab stops.
A colon indicates a column where there is a tab stop.
You can add or remove colons and then do C-c C-c to make changes take effect.

Function: current-fill-column

Return the fill-column to use for this line.
The fill-column to use for a buffer is stored in the variable `fill-column',
but can be locally modified by the `right-margin' text property, which is
subtracted from `fill-column'.

The fill column to use for a line is the first column at which the column
number equals or exceeds the local fill-column - right-margin difference.

Function: reveal-mode

Toggle uncloaking of invisible text near point (Reveal mode).
With a prefix argument ARG, enable Reveal mode if ARG is
positive, and disable it otherwise. If called from Lisp, enable
Reveal mode if ARG is omitted or nil.

Reveal mode is a buffer-local minor mode. When enabled, it
reveals invisible text around point. (fn &optional ARG)

Function: ebrowse-tags-query-replace

Query replace FROM with TO in all files of a class tree.
With prefix arg, process files of marked classes only.

(fn FROM TO)

Function: make-face

Define a new face with name FACE, a symbol.
Do not call this directly from Lisp code; use `defface' instead.

If NO-INIT-FROM-RESOURCES is non-nil, don't initialize face
attributes from X resources. If FACE is already known as a face,
leave it unmodified. Return FACE.

Function: window--size-ignore-p

Return non-nil if IGNORE says to ignore size restrictions for WINDOW.

Function: cddr

Return the cdr of the cdr of X.

Function: backtrace-frame

Return the function and arguments NFRAMES up from current execution point.
If that frame has not evaluated the arguments yet (or is a special form),
the value is (nil FUNCTION ARG-FORMS...).
If that frame has evaluated its arguments and called its function already,
the value is (t FUNCTION ARG-VALUES...).
A &rest arg is represented as the tail of the list ARG-VALUES.
FUNCTION is whatever was supplied as car of evaluated list,
or a lambda expression for macro calls.
If NFRAMES is more than the number of frames, the value is nil. (fn NFRAMES)

Function: gnus-message-with-timestamp

Display message with timestamp. Arguments are the same as `message'.
The `gnus-add-timestamp-to-message' variable controls how to add
timestamp to message.

Function: dabbrev--ignore-case-p


Variable: html-imenu-regexp

A regular expression matching a head line to be added to the menu.
The first `match-string' should be a number from 1-9.
The second `match-string' matches extra tags and is ignored.
The third `match-string' will be the used in the menu.

Function: icalendar-import-file

Import an iCalendar file and append to a diary file.
Argument ICAL-FILENAME output iCalendar file.
Argument DIARY-FILENAME input `diary-file'.
Optional argument NON-MARKING determines whether events are created as
non-marking or not.


Function: frame-visible-p

Return t if FRAME is "visible" (actually in use for display).
Return the symbol `icon' if FRAME is iconified or "minimized".
Return nil if FRAME was made invisible, via `make-frame-invisible'.
On graphical displays, invisible frames are not updated and are
usually not displayed at all, even in a window system's "taskbar".

If FRAME is a text terminal frame, this always returns t.
Such frames are always considered visible, whether or not they are
currently being displayed on the terminal. (fn FRAME)

Variable: sh-indent-after-case

How much to indent a statement relative to the `case' statement.
This is for the rc shell.

Function: password-read-from-cache

Obtain passphrase for KEY from time-limited passphrase cache.
Custom variables `password-cache' and `password-cache-expiry'
regulate cache behavior.

Function: pcomplete-parse-comint-arguments

Parse whitespace separated arguments in the current region.


Function: package-desc-vers

Extract version from a package description vector.

Variable: isearch-lax-whitespace

If non-nil, a space will match a sequence of whitespace chars.
When you enter a space or spaces in ordinary incremental search, it
will match any sequence matched by the regexp defined by the variable
`search-whitespace-regexp'. If the value is nil, each space you type
matches literally, against one space. You can toggle the value of this
variable by the command `isearch-toggle-lax-whitespace'.

Function: message-forward-rmail-make-body


Function: set-locale-environment

Set up multilingual environment for using LOCALE-NAME.
This sets the language environment, the coding system priority,
the default input method and sometimes other things.

LOCALE-NAME should be a string which is the name of a locale supported
by the system. Often it is of the form xx_XX.CODE, where xx is a
language, XX is a country, and CODE specifies a character set and
coding system. For example, the locale name "ja_JP.EUC" might name
a locale for Japanese in Japan using the `japanese-iso-8bit'
coding-system. The name may also have a modifier suffix, e.g. `@euro'
or `@cyrillic'.

If LOCALE-NAME is nil, its value is taken from the environment
variables LC_ALL, LC_CTYPE and LANG (the first one that is set).

The locale names supported by your system can typically be found in a
directory named `/usr/share/locale' or `/usr/lib/locale'. LOCALE-NAME
will be translated according to the table specified by

If FRAME is non-nil, only set the keyboard coding system and the
terminal coding system for the terminal of that frame, and don't
touch session-global parameters like the language environment.

See also `locale-charset-language-names', `locale-language-names', `locale-preferred-coding-systems' and `locale-coding-system'.

Variable: magic-fallback-mode-alist

Like `magic-mode-alist' but has lower priority than `auto-mode-alist'.
Each element looks like (REGEXP . FUNCTION) or (MATCH-FUNCTION . FUNCTION).
After visiting a file, if REGEXP matches the text at the beginning of the
buffer, or calling MATCH-FUNCTION returns non-nil, `normal-mode' will
call FUNCTION, provided that `magic-mode-alist' and `auto-mode-alist'
have not specified a mode for this file.

If FUNCTION is nil, then it is not called.

Function: cl-macroexpand

Return result of expanding macros at top level of FORM.
If FORM is not a macro call, it is returned unchanged.
Otherwise, the macro is expanded and the expansion is considered
in place of FORM. When a non-macro-call results, it is returned.

The second optional arg ENVIRONMENT specifies an environment of macro
definitions to shadow the loaded ones for use in file byte-compilation.

(fn FORM &optional ENVIRONMENT)

Variable: yank-menu-length

Maximum length to display in the yank-menu.

Function: info-xref-check-all

Check external references in all info documents in the info path.
`Info-directory-list' and `Info-additional-directory-list' are
the info paths. See `info-xref-check' for how each file is

The search for "all" info files is rather permissive, since
info files don't necessarily have a ".info" extension and in
particular the Emacs manuals normally don't. If you have a
source code directory in `Info-directory-list' then a lot of
extraneous files might be read. This will be time consuming but should be harmless. (fn)

Function: make-temp-file

Create a temporary file.
The returned file name (created by appending some random characters at the end
of PREFIX, and expanding against `temporary-file-directory' if necessary),
is guaranteed to point to a newly created empty file.
You can then use `write-region' to write new data into the file.

If DIR-FLAG is non-nil, create a new empty directory instead of a file.

If SUFFIX is non-nil, add that at the end of the file name.

Function: frame-configuration-to-register

Store the window configuration of all frames in register REGISTER.
Use C-x r j to restore the configuration.
Argument is a character, naming the register.

Function: window-system

The name of the window system that FRAME is displaying through.
The value is a symbol:
nil for a termcap frame (a character-only terminal),
'x' for an Emacs frame that is really an X window,
'w32' for an Emacs frame that is a window on MS-Windows display,
'ns' for an Emacs frame on a GNUstep or Macintosh Cocoa display,
'pc' for a direct-write MS-DOS frame.

FRAME defaults to the currently selected frame.

Use of this function as a predicate is deprecated. Instead,
use `display-graphic-p' or any of the other `display-*-p'
predicates which report frame's specific UI-related capabilities. (fn &optional FRAME)

Variable: window-system

Name of window system through which the selected frame is displayed.
The value is a symbol:
nil for a termcap frame (a character-only terminal),
'x' for an Emacs frame that is really an X window,
'w32' for an Emacs frame that is a window on MS-Windows display,
'ns' for an Emacs frame on a GNUstep or Macintosh Cocoa display,
'pc' for a direct-write MS-DOS frame.

Use of this variable as a boolean is deprecated. Instead,
use `display-graphic-p' or any of the other `display-*-p'
predicates which report frame's specific UI-related capabilities.

Function: set-char-table-extra-slot

Set CHAR-TABLE's extra-slot number N to VALUE.


Function: url-path-and-query

Return the path and query components of URLOBJ.
These two components are stored together in the FILENAME slot of
the object. The return value of this function is (PATH . QUERY),
where each of PATH and QUERY are strings or nil.

Function: abbrev-edit-save-buffer

Save all user-level abbrev definitions in current buffer.
The saved abbrevs are written to the file specified by
`abbrev-file-name'. (fn)

Function: doc-view-minor-mode

Toggle displaying buffer via Doc View (Doc View minor mode).
With a prefix argument ARG, enable Doc View minor mode if ARG is
positive, and disable it otherwise. If called from Lisp, enable
the mode if ARG is omitted or nil.

See the command `doc-view-mode' for more information on this mode. (fn &optional ARG)

Function: tty-register-default-colors

Register the default set of colors for a character terminal.

Function: window-hscroll

Return the number of columns by which WINDOW is scrolled from left margin.
WINDOW must be a live window and defaults to the selected one.

(fn &optional WINDOW)

Function: line-beginning-position

Return the character position of the first character on the current line.
With optional argument N, scan forward N - 1 lines first.
If the scan reaches the end of the buffer, return that position.

This function ignores text display directionality; it returns the
position of the first character in logical order, i.e. the smallest
character position on the line.

This function constrains the returned position to the current field
unless that position would be on a different line than the original,
unconstrained result. If N is nil or 1, and a front-sticky field
starts at point, the scan stops as soon as it starts. To ignore field
boundaries, bind `inhibit-field-text-motion' to t.

This function does not move point. (fn &optional N)

Function: mapcar

Apply FUNCTION to each element of SEQUENCE, and make a list of the results.
The result is a list just as long as SEQUENCE.
SEQUENCE may be a list, a vector, a bool-vector, or a string.


Variable: completion-base-position

Position of the base of the text corresponding to the shown completions.
This variable is used in the *Completions* buffers.
Its value is a list of the form (START END) where START is the place
where the completion should be inserted and END (if non-nil) is the end
of the text to replace. If END is nil, point is used instead.

Variable: tramp-completion-file-name-regexp-url

Value for `tramp-completion-file-name-regexp' for URL-like remoting.
See `tramp-file-name-structure' for more explanations.

Function: table-split-cell

Split current cell in ORIENTATION.
ORIENTATION is a symbol either horizontally or vertically.


Variable: x-stretch-cursor

Non-nil means draw block cursor as wide as the glyph under it.
For example, if a block cursor is over a tab, it will be drawn as
wide as that tab on the display.

Variable: file-name-coding-system

Coding system for encoding file names.
If it is nil, `default-file-name-coding-system' (which see) is used.

Variable: sh-basic-offset

The default indentation increment.
This value is used for the `+' and `-' symbols in an indentation variable.

Variable: Info-mode-syntax-table

Syntax table used in `Info-mode'.

Variable: tooltip-y-offset

Y offset, in pixels, for the display of tooltips.
The offset is the distance between the Y position of the mouse and
the top border of the tooltip window. It must be chosen so that the
tooltip window doesn't contain the mouse when it pops up, or it may
interfere with clicking where you wish.

If `tooltip-frame-parameters' includes the `top' parameter,
the value of `tooltip-y-offset' is ignored.

Variable: emacs-lisp-byte-code-mode-hook

Hook run when entering Elisp-Byte-Code mode.
No problems result if this variable is not bound.
`add-hook' automatically binds it. (This is true for all hook variables.)

Variable: font-lock-warning-face

Face name to use for things that should stand out.

Face: font-lock-warning-face

Font Lock mode face used to highlight warnings.

Function: command-line

A subroutine of `normal-top-level'.
Amongst another things, it parses the command-line arguments.

Function: snmpv2-mode

Major mode for editing SNMPv2 MIBs.
Expression and list commands understand all C brackets.
Tab indents for C code.
Comments start with -- and end with newline or another --.
Delete converts tabs to spaces as it moves back.

Uses keymap `snmp-mode-map', which is not currently defined.

Turning on snmp-mode runs the hooks in `snmp-common-mode-hook', then `snmpv2-mode-hook'. (fn)

Variable: isearch-mode-map

Keymap for `isearch-mode'.

Function: facemenu-add-new-color

Add COLOR (a color name string) to the appropriate Face menu.
MENU should be `facemenu-foreground-menu' or `facemenu-background-menu'.
Return the event type (a symbol) of the added menu entry.

This is called whenever you use a new color.

Function: completion-pcm--pattern-trivial-p


Function: minibuffer-hide-completions

Get rid of an out-of-date *Completions* buffer.


Function: epa-dired-do-sign

Sign marked files.


Function: int-to-string

Return the decimal representation of NUMBER as a string.
Uses a minus sign if negative.
NUMBER may be an integer or a floating point number.

Function: cconv--analyse-function


Function: package-autoload-ensure-default-file

Make sure that the autoload file FILE exists and if not create it.

Function: mapcan

Like `cl-mapcar', but nconc's together the values returned by the function.


Function: special-mode

Parent major mode from which special major modes should inherit.

This mode runs the hook `special-mode-hook', as the final step
during initialization.

key binding
--- -------

SPC scroll-up-command
- negative-argument
0 .. 9 digit-argument
< beginning-of-buffer
> end-of-buffer
? describe-mode
g revert-buffer
h describe-mode
q quit-window DEL scroll-down-command Prefix Command

Function: uce-reply-to-uce

Compose a reply to unsolicited commercial email (UCE).
Sets up a reply buffer addressed to: the sender, his postmaster,
his abuse@ address, and the postmaster of the mail relay used.
You might need to set `uce-mail-reader' before using this.

(fn &optional IGNORED)

Function: quail-install-decode-map

Install the Quail decode map DECODE-MAP in the current Quail package.

Optional 2nd arg NAME, if non-nil, is a name of Quail package for
which to install MAP.

The installed decode map can be referred by the function `quail-decode-map'.

(fn DECODE-MAP &optional NAME)

Function: delete-trailing-whitespace

Delete trailing whitespace between START and END.
If called interactively, START and END are the start/end of the
region if the mark is active, or of the buffer's accessible
portion if the mark is inactive.

This command deletes whitespace characters after the last
non-whitespace character in each line between START and END. It
does not consider formfeed characters to be whitespace.

If this command acts on the entire buffer (i.e. if called
interactively with the mark inactive, or called from Lisp with
END nil), it also deletes all trailing lines at the end of the
buffer if the variable `delete-trailing-lines' is non-nil.

Function: some-window

Return a live window satisfying PREDICATE.
More precisely, cycle through all windows calling the function
PREDICATE on each one of them with the window as its sole
argument. Return the first window for which PREDICATE returns
non-nil. Windows are scanned starting with the window following
the selected window. If no window satisfies PREDICATE, return

MINIBUF t means include the minibuffer window even if the
minibuffer is not active. MINIBUF nil or omitted means include
the minibuffer window only if the minibuffer is active. Any
other value means do not include the minibuffer window even if
the minibuffer is active.

ALL-FRAMES nil or omitted means consider all windows on the selected
frame, plus the minibuffer window if specified by the MINIBUF
argument. If the minibuffer counts, consider all windows on all
frames that share that minibuffer too. The following non-nil
values of ALL-FRAMES have special meanings:

- t means consider all windows on all existing frames.

- `visible' means consider all windows on all visible frames on
the current terminal.

- 0 (the number zero) means consider all windows on all visible
and iconified frames on the current terminal.

- A frame means consider all windows on that frame only. Anything else means consider all windows on the selected frame and no others.

Variable: sh-font-lock-keywords-var-2

Gaudy level highlighting for Shell Script modes.

Function: global-whitespace-mode

Toggle whitespace visualization globally (Global Whitespace mode).
With a prefix argument ARG, enable Global Whitespace mode if ARG
is positive, and disable it otherwise. If called from Lisp,
enable it if ARG is omitted or nil.

See also `whitespace-style', `whitespace-newline' and
`whitespace-display-mappings'. (fn &optional ARG)

Variable: global-whitespace-mode

Non-nil if Global-Whitespace mode is enabled.
See the command `global-whitespace-mode' for a description of this minor mode.
Setting this variable directly does not take effect;
either customize it (see the info node `Easy Customization')
or call the function `global-whitespace-mode'.

Function: info-xref-check

Check external references in FILENAME, an info document.
Interactively from an `Info-mode' or `texinfo-mode' buffer the
current info file is the default.

Results are shown in a `compilation-mode' buffer. The format is
a bit rough, but there shouldn't be many problems normally. The
file:line:column: is the info document, but of course normally
any correction should be made in the original .texi file.
Finding the right place in the .texi is a manual process.

When a target info file doesn't exist there's obviously no way to
validate node references within it. A message is given for
missing target files once per source document. It could be
simply that you don't have the target installed, or it could be a
mistake in the reference.

Indirect info files are understood, just pass the top-level
foo.info to `info-xref-check' and it traverses all sub-files.
Compressed info files are accepted too as usual for `Info-mode'.

"makeinfo" checks references internal to an info document, but
not external references, which makes it rather easy for mistakes
to creep in or node name changes to go unnoticed. `Info-validate' doesn't check external references either. (fn FILENAME)

Function: artist-mode

Toggle Artist mode.
With argument ARG, turn Artist mode on if ARG is positive.
Artist lets you draw lines, squares, rectangles and poly-lines,
ellipses and circles with your mouse and/or keyboard.

How to quit Artist mode

Type M-x artist-mode-off to quit artist-mode.

How to submit a bug report

Type M-x artist-submit-bug-report to submit a bug report.

Drawing with the mouse:

shift mouse-2 Pops up a menu where you can select what to draw with
mouse-1, and where you can do some settings (described

shift mouse-1 Draws lines, rectangles or poly-lines, erases, cuts, copies
or pastes:

Operation Not shifted Shifted
Pen fill-char at point line from last point
to new point
Line Line in any direction Straight line
Rectangle Rectangle Square
Poly-line Poly-line in any dir Straight poly-lines
Ellipses Ellipses Circles
Text Text (see thru) Text (overwrite)
Spray-can Spray-can Set size for spray
Erase Erase character Erase rectangle
Vaporize Erase single line Erase connected
Cut Cut rectangle Cut square
Copy Copy rectangle Copy square
Paste Paste Paste
Flood-fill Flood-fill Flood-fill

* Straight lines can only go horizontally, vertically
or diagonally.

* Poly-lines are drawn while holding mouse-1 down. When you
release the button, the point is set. If you want a segment
to be straight, hold down shift before pressing the
mouse-1 button. Click mouse-2 or mouse-3 to stop drawing

* See thru for text means that text already in the buffer
will be visible through blanks in the text rendered, while
overwrite means the opposite.

* Vaporizing connected lines only vaporizes lines whose
_endpoints_ are connected. See also the variable

* Cut copies, then clears the rectangle/square.

* When drawing lines or poly-lines, you can set arrows.
See below under ``Arrows'' for more info.

* The mode line shows the currently selected drawing operation.
In addition, if it has an asterisk (*) at the end, you
are currently drawing something.

* Be patient when flood-filling -- large areas take quite
some time to fill.

mouse-3 Erases character under pointer
shift mouse-3 Erases rectangle


Set fill Sets the character used when filling rectangles/squares

Set line Sets the character used when drawing lines

Erase char Sets the character used when erasing

Rubber-banding Toggles rubber-banding

Trimming Toggles trimming of line-endings (that is: when the shape
is drawn, extraneous white-space at end of lines is removed)

Borders Toggles the drawing of line borders around filled shapes

Drawing with keys

M-x artist-key-set-point Does one of the following:
For lines/rectangles/squares: sets the first/second endpoint
For poly-lines: sets a point (use C-u M-x artist-key-set-point to set last point)
When erase characters: toggles erasing
When cutting/copying: Sets first/last endpoint of rect/square
When pasting: Pastes

M-x artist-select-operation Selects what to draw

Move around with M-x artist-next-line, M-x artist-previous-line, M-x artist-forward-char and M-x artist-backward-char.

M-x artist-select-fill-char Sets the character to use when filling
M-x artist-select-line-char Sets the character to use when drawing
M-x artist-select-erase-char Sets the character to use when erasing
M-x artist-toggle-rubber-banding Toggles rubber-banding
M-x artist-toggle-trim-line-endings Toggles trimming of line-endings
M-x artist-toggle-borderless-shapes Toggles borders on drawn shapes


M-x artist-toggle-first-arrow Sets/unsets an arrow at the beginning
of the line/poly-line

M-x artist-toggle-second-arrow Sets/unsets an arrow at the end
of the line/poly-line

Selecting operation

There are some keys for quickly selecting drawing operations:

M-x artist-select-op-line Selects drawing lines
M-x artist-select-op-straight-line Selects drawing straight lines
M-x artist-select-op-rectangle Selects drawing rectangles
M-x artist-select-op-square Selects drawing squares
M-x artist-select-op-poly-line Selects drawing poly-lines
M-x artist-select-op-straight-poly-line Selects drawing straight poly-lines
M-x artist-select-op-ellipse Selects drawing ellipses
M-x artist-select-op-circle Selects drawing circles
M-x artist-select-op-text-see-thru Selects rendering text (see thru)
M-x artist-select-op-text-overwrite Selects rendering text (overwrite)
M-x artist-select-op-spray-can Spray with spray-can
M-x artist-select-op-spray-set-size Set size for the spray-can
M-x artist-select-op-erase-char Selects erasing characters
M-x artist-select-op-erase-rectangle Selects erasing rectangles
M-x artist-select-op-vaporize-line Selects vaporizing single lines
M-x artist-select-op-vaporize-lines Selects vaporizing connected lines
M-x artist-select-op-cut-rectangle Selects cutting rectangles
M-x artist-select-op-copy-rectangle Selects copying rectangles
M-x artist-select-op-paste Selects pasting
M-x artist-select-op-flood-fill Selects flood-filling


This is a brief overview of the different variables. For more info,
see the documentation for the variables (type C-h v RET).

artist-rubber-banding Interactively do rubber-banding or not
artist-first-char What to set at first/second point...
artist-second-char ...when not rubber-banding
artist-interface-with-rect If cut/copy/paste should interface with rect
artist-arrows The arrows to use when drawing arrows
artist-aspect-ratio Character height-to-width for squares
artist-trim-line-endings Trimming of line endings
artist-flood-fill-right-border Right border when flood-filling
artist-flood-fill-show-incrementally Update display while filling
artist-pointer-shape Pointer shape to use while drawing
artist-ellipse-left-char Character to use for narrow ellipses artist-ellipse-right-char Character to use for narrow ellipses artist-borderless-shapes If shapes should have borders artist-picture-compatibility Whether or not to be picture mode compatible artist-vaporize-fuzziness Tolerance when recognizing lines artist-spray-interval Seconds between repeated sprayings artist-spray-radius Size of the spray-area artist-spray-chars The spray-``color'' artist-spray-new-chars Initial spray-``color'' Hooks Turning the mode on or off runs `artist-mode-hook'. Keymap summary Uses keymap `artist-mode-map', which is not currently defined. (fn &optional ARG)

Variable: selection-coding-system

Coding system for communicating with other programs.

For MS-Windows and MS-DOS:
When sending or receiving text via selection and clipboard, the text
is encoded or decoded by this coding system. The default value is
the current system default encoding on 9x/Me, `utf-16le-dos'
(Unicode) on NT/W2K/XP, and `iso-latin-1-dos' on MS-DOS.

For X Windows:
When sending text via selection and clipboard, if the target
data-type matches with the type of this coding system, it is used
for encoding the text. Otherwise (including the case that this
variable is nil), a proper coding system is used as below:

data-type coding system
--------- -------------
COMPOUND_TEXT compound-text-with-extensions
STRING iso-latin-1
C_STRING no-conversion

When receiving text, if this coding system is non-nil, it is used
for decoding regardless of the data-type. If this is nil, a
proper coding system is used according to the data-type as above.

See also the documentation of the variable `x-select-request-type' how to control which data-type to request for receiving text. The default value is nil.

Face: header-line

Basic header-line face.

Variable: sh-font-lock-keywords-var-1

Subdued level highlighting for Shell Script modes.

Function: byte-optimize-predicate

(fn FORM)

Function: cl-getf

Search PROPLIST for property PROPNAME; return its value or DEFAULT.
PROPLIST is a list of the sort returned by `symbol-plist'.


Function: abbrev-table-put

Set the PROP property of abbrev table TABLE to VAL.


Variable: tramp-syntax

Tramp filename syntax to be used.

It can have the following values:

'ftp -- Ange-FTP respective EFS like syntax (GNU Emacs default)
'sep -- Syntax as defined for XEmacs (not available yet for GNU Emacs)
'url -- URL-like syntax.

Variable: sh-shell

The shell being programmed. This is set by M-x sh-set-shell.

Function: prolog-mode

Major mode for editing Prolog code.

Blank lines and `%%...' separate paragraphs. `%'s starts a comment
line and comments can also be enclosed in /* ... */.

If an optional argument SYSTEM is non-nil, set up mode for the given system.

To find out what version of Prolog mode you are running, enter
`M-x prolog-mode-version'.


Uses keymap `prolog-mode-map', which is not currently defined.

Entry to this mode calls the value of `prolog-mode-hook' if that value is non-nil. (fn)

Function: load-with-code-conversion

Execute a file of Lisp code named FILE whose absolute name is FULLNAME.
The file contents are decoded before evaluation if necessary.
If optional third arg NOERROR is non-nil,
report no error if FILE doesn't exist.
Print messages at start and end of loading unless
optional fourth arg NOMESSAGE is non-nil.
Return t if file exists.

Variable: x-session-previous-id

The previous session id Emacs got from session manager.
If Emacs is running on a window system that has a session manager, the
session manager gives Emacs a session id. It is feasible for Emacs Lisp
code to use the session id to save configuration in, for example, a file
with a file name based on the session id. If Emacs is running when the
window system is shut down, the session manager remembers that Emacs was
running and saves the session id Emacs had.

When the window system is started again, the session manager restarts
Emacs and hands Emacs the session id it had the last time it was
running. This is now the previous session id and the value of this
variable. If configuration was saved in a file as stated above, the
previous session id shall be used to reconstruct the file name.

The session id Emacs has while it is running is in the variable
`x-session-id'. The value of this variable and `x-session-id' may be the
same, depending on how the session manager works.

See also `emacs-save-session-functions', `emacs-session-save' and `emacs-session-restore'."

Function: buffer-local-variables

Return an alist of variables that are buffer-local in BUFFER.
Most elements look like (SYMBOL . VALUE), describing one variable.
For a symbol that is locally unbound, just the symbol appears in the value.
Note that storing new VALUEs in these elements doesn't change the variables.
No argument or nil as argument means use current buffer as BUFFER.

(fn &optional BUFFER)

Function: require

If feature FEATURE is not loaded, load it from FILENAME.
If FEATURE is not a member of the list `features', then the feature
is not loaded; so load the file FILENAME.
If FILENAME is omitted, the printname of FEATURE is used as the file name,
and `load' will try to load this name appended with the suffix `.elc' or
`.el', in that order. The name without appended suffix will not be used.
See `get-load-suffixes' for the complete list of suffixes.
If the optional third argument NOERROR is non-nil,
then return nil if the file is not found instead of signaling an error.
Normally the return value is FEATURE.
The normal messages at start and end of loading FILENAME are suppressed.

Function: comint-strip-ctrl-m

Strip trailing `^M' characters from the current output group.
This function could be on `comint-output-filter-functions' or bound to a key.

(fn &optional STRING)

Function: image-animated-p

Return non-nil if IMAGE can be animated.
To be capable of being animated, an image must be of a type
listed in `image-animated-types', and contain more than one
sub-image, with a specified animation delay. The actual return
value is a cons (NIMAGES . DELAY), where NIMAGES is the number
of sub-images in the animated image and DELAY is the delay in
seconds until the next sub-image should be displayed.

Function: pcomplete

Support extensible programmable completion.
To use this function, just bind the TAB key to it, or add it to your
completion functions list (it should occur fairly early in the list).

(fn &optional INTERACTIVELY)

Function: standard-display-8bit

Display characters representing raw bytes in the range L to H literally.

On a terminal display, each character in the range is displayed
by sending the corresponding byte directly to the terminal.

On a graphic display, each character in the range is displayed
using the default font by a glyph whose code is the corresponding

Note that ASCII printable characters (SPC to TILDA) are displayed in the default way after this call.

Function: describe-theme

Display a description of the Custom theme THEME (a symbol).

(fn THEME)

Function: set-process-filter

Give PROCESS the filter function FILTER; nil means no filter.
A value of t means stop accepting output from the process.

When a process has a filter, its buffer is not used for output.
Instead, each time it does output, the entire string of output is
passed to the filter.

The filter gets two arguments: the process and the string of output.
The string argument is normally a multibyte string, except:
- if the process' input coding system is no-conversion or raw-text,
it is a unibyte string (the non-converted input), or else
- if `default-enable-multibyte-characters' is nil, it is a unibyte
string (the result of converting the decoded input multibyte
string to unibyte with `string-make-unibyte'). (fn PROCESS FILTER)

Function: interactive-p

Return t if the containing function was run directly by user input.
This means that the function was called with `call-interactively'
(which includes being called as the binding of a key)
and input is currently coming from the keyboard (not a keyboard macro),
and Emacs is not running in batch mode (`noninteractive' is nil).

The only known proper use of `interactive-p' is in deciding whether to
display a helpful message, or how to display it. If you're thinking
of using it for any other purpose, it is quite likely that you're
making a mistake. Think: what do you want to do when the command is
called from a keyboard macro?

To test whether your function was called with `call-interactively',
either (i) add an extra optional argument and give it an `interactive'
spec that specifies non-nil unconditionally (such as "p"); or (ii) use `called-interactively-p'. (fn)

Function: nlistp

Return t if OBJECT is not a list. Lists include nil.


Function: internal-lisp-face-p

Return non-nil if FACE names a face.
FACE should be a symbol or string.
If optional second argument FRAME is non-nil, check for the
existence of a frame-local face with name FACE on that frame.
Otherwise check for the existence of a global face.

(fn FACE &optional FRAME)

Function: auth-source-backend

Create a new object with name NAME of class type auth-source-backend

Function: shell-dirtrack-mode

Toggle directory tracking in this shell buffer (Shell Dirtrack mode).
With a prefix argument ARG, enable Shell Dirtrack mode if ARG is
positive, and disable it otherwise. If called from Lisp, enable
the mode if ARG is omitted or nil.

The `dirtrack' package provides an alternative implementation of
this feature; see the function `dirtrack-mode'. (fn &optional ARG)

Variable: shell-dirtrack-mode

Non-nil if Shell-Dirtrack mode is enabled.
Use the command `shell-dirtrack-mode' to change this variable.

Variable: paragraph-indent-text-mode-hook

Hook run when entering Parindent mode.
No problems result if this variable is not bound.
`add-hook' automatically binds it. (This is true for all hook variables.)

Function: network-connection

Open a network connection to HOST on PORT.


Variable: after-insert-file-functions

A list of functions to be called at the end of `insert-file-contents'.
Each is passed one argument, the number of characters inserted,
with point at the start of the inserted text. Each function
should leave point the same, and return the new character count.
If `insert-file-contents' is intercepted by a handler from
`file-name-handler-alist', that handler is responsible for calling the
functions in `after-insert-file-functions' if appropriate.

Function: comint-dynamic-complete

Perform completion on the text around point.
The completion method is determined by `completion-at-point-functions'.

Function: Info-next-preorder

Go to the next subnode or the next node, or go up a level.

Function: comment-make-extra-lines

Make the leading and trailing extra lines.
This is used for `extra-line' style (or `box' style if BLOCK is specified).


Variable: abbrevs-changed

Set non-nil by defining or altering any word abbrevs.
This causes `save-some-buffers' to offer to save the abbrevs.

Variable: pending-undo-list

Within a run of consecutive undo commands, list remaining to be undone.
If t, we undid all the way to the end of it.

Function: rest

Return the cdr of LIST. If arg is nil, return nil.
Error if arg is not nil and not a cons cell. See also `cdr-safe'.

See Info node `(elisp)Cons Cells' for a discussion of related basic
Lisp concepts such as cdr, car, cons cell and list. (fn LIST)

Function: face-font

Return the font name of face FACE, or nil if it is unspecified.
The font name is, by default, for ASCII characters.
If the optional argument FRAME is given, report on face FACE in that frame.
If FRAME is t, report on the defaults for face FACE (for new frames).
The font default for a face is either nil, or a list
of the form (bold), (italic) or (bold italic).
If FRAME is omitted or nil, use the selected frame. And, in this case,
if the optional third argument CHARACTER is given,
return the font name used for CHARACTER.

Function: comint-exec-1


Function: dynamic-setting-handle-config-changed-event

Handle config-changed-event on the display in EVENT.
Changes can be
The monospace font. If `font-use-system-font' is nil, the font
is not changed.
The normal font.
Xft parameters, like DPI and hinting.
The Gtk+ theme name. The tool bar style.

Function: display-battery-mode

Toggle battery status display in mode line (Display Battery mode).
With a prefix argument ARG, enable Display Battery mode if ARG is
positive, and disable it otherwise. If called from Lisp, enable
the mode if ARG is omitted or nil.

The text displayed in the mode line is controlled by
`battery-mode-line-format' and `battery-status-function'.
The mode line is be updated every `battery-update-interval'
seconds. (fn &optional ARG)

Variable: display-battery-mode

Non-nil if Display-Battery mode is enabled.
See the command `display-battery-mode' for a description of this minor mode.
Setting this variable directly does not take effect;
either customize it (see the info node `Easy Customization')
or call the function `display-battery-mode'.

Function: allout-widgets-setup

Commission or decommission allout-widgets-mode along with allout-mode.

Meant to be used by customization of `allout-widgets-auto-activation'.


Function: custom-autoload

Mark SYMBOL as autoloaded custom variable and add dependency LOAD.
If NOSET is non-nil, don't bother autoloading LOAD when setting the variable.

Function: accept-change-group

Finish a change group made with `prepare-change-group' (which see).
This finishes the change group by accepting its changes as final.

Variable: input-method-exit-on-invalid-key

This flag controls the behavior of an input method on invalid key input.
Usually, when a user types a key which doesn't start any character
handled by the input method, the key is handled by turning off the
input method temporarily. After that key, the input method is re-enabled.
But, if this flag is non-nil, the input method is never back on.

Variable: completion-show-help

Non-nil means show help message in *Completions* buffer.

Variable: completion-in-region-mode-map

Keymap activated during `completion-in-region'.

Function: browse-url-w3-gnudoit

Ask another Emacs running gnuserv to load the URL using the W3 browser.
The `browse-url-gnudoit-program' program is used with options given by
`browse-url-gnudoit-args'. Default to the URL around or before point.

(fn URL &optional NEW-WINDOW)

Function: modify-coding-system-alist

Modify one of look up tables for finding a coding system on I/O operation.
There are three of such tables, `file-coding-system-alist',
`process-coding-system-alist', and `network-coding-system-alist'.

TARGET-TYPE specifies which of them to modify.
If it is `file', it affects `file-coding-system-alist' (which see).
If it is `process', it affects `process-coding-system-alist' (which see).
If it is `network', it affects `network-coding-system-alist' (which see).

REGEXP is a regular expression matching a target of I/O operation.
The target is a file name if TARGET-TYPE is `file', a program name if
TARGET-TYPE is `process', or a network service name or a port number
to connect to if TARGET-TYPE is `network'.

CODING-SYSTEM is a coding system to perform code conversion on the I/O
operation, or a cons cell (DECODING . ENCODING) specifying the coding
systems for decoding and encoding respectively, or a function symbol which, when called, returns such a cons cell.

Function: revert-buffer-with-coding-system

Visit the current buffer's file again using coding system CODING-SYSTEM.
For a list of possible values of CODING-SYSTEM, use M-x list-coding-systems.

If CODING-SYSTEM leaves the text conversion unspecified, or if it leaves
the end-of-line conversion unspecified, FORCE controls what to do.
If FORCE is nil, get the unspecified aspect (or aspects) from the buffer's
previous `buffer-file-coding-system' value (if it is specified there).
Otherwise, determine it from the file contents as usual for visiting a file.

Function: vc-git-grep

Run git grep, searching for REGEXP in FILES in directory DIR.
The search is limited to file names matching shell pattern FILES.
FILES may use abbreviations defined in `grep-files-aliases', e.g.
entering `ch' is equivalent to `*.[ch]'.

With C-u prefix, you can edit the constructed shell command line
before it is executed.
With two C-u prefixes, directly edit and run `grep-command'.

Collect output in a buffer. While git grep runs asynchronously, you
can use C-x ` (M-x next-error), or
Uses keymap `grep-mode-map', which is not currently defined.
M-x compile-goto-error in the grep output buffer,
to go to the lines where grep found matches.

This command shares argument histories with M-x rgrep and M-x grep. (fn REGEXP &optional FILES DIR)

Function: cl-nsubst

Substitute NEW for OLD everywhere in TREE (destructively).
Any element of TREE which is `eql' to OLD is changed to NEW (via a call
to `setcar').

Keywords supported: :test :test-not :key


Function: indent-pp-sexp

Indent each line of the list starting just after point, or prettyprint it.
A prefix argument specifies pretty-printing.

Function: unify-8859-on-encoding-mode

Exists only for backwards compatibility.

Variable: unify-8859-on-encoding-mode

Non-nil if Unify-8859-On-Encoding mode is enabled.
See the command `unify-8859-on-encoding-mode' for a description of this minor mode.

Function: customize-menu-create

Return a customize menu for customization group SYMBOL.
If optional NAME is given, use that as the name of the menu.
Otherwise the menu will be named `Customize'.
The format is suitable for use with `easy-menu-define'.

(fn SYMBOL &optional NAME)

Function: customize-option-other-window

Customize SYMBOL, which must be a user option.
Show the buffer in another window, but don't select it.


Function: member-ignore-case

Like `member', but ignore differences in case and text representation.
ELT must be a string. Upper-case and lower-case letters are treated as equal.
Unibyte strings are converted to multibyte for comparison.
Non-strings in LIST are ignored.

Function: tooltip-timeout

Function called when timer with id `tooltip-timeout-id' fires.

Function: tabulated-list-revert

The `revert-buffer-function' for `tabulated-list-mode'.
It runs `tabulated-list-revert-hook', then calls `tabulated-list-print'.

(fn &rest IGNORED)

Function: comment-beginning

Find the beginning of the enclosing comment.
Returns nil if not inside a comment, else moves point and returns
the same as `comment-search-backward'. (fn)

Function: gnus-bookmark-bmenu-list

Display a list of existing Gnus bookmarks.
The list is displayed in a buffer named `*Gnus Bookmark List*'.
The leftmost column displays a D if the bookmark is flagged for
deletion, or > if it is flagged for displaying. (fn)

Function: x-open-connection

Open a connection to a display server.
DISPLAY is the name of the display to connect to.
Optional second arg XRM-STRING is a string of resources in xrdb format.
If the optional third arg MUST-SUCCEED is non-nil,
terminate Emacs if we can't open the connection.
(In the Nextstep version, the last two arguments are currently ignored.)


Variable: nobreak-char-display

Control highlighting of non-ASCII space and hyphen chars.
If the value is t, Emacs highlights non-ASCII chars which have the
same appearance as an ASCII space or hyphen, using the `nobreak-space'
or `escape-glyph' face respectively.

U+00A0 (no-break space), U+00AD (soft hyphen), U+2010 (hyphen), and
U+2011 (non-breaking hyphen) are affected.

Any other non-nil value means to display these characters as a escape
glyph followed by an ordinary space or hyphen.

A value of nil means no special handling of these characters.

Function: comment-only-p

Return non-nil if the text between BEG and END is all comments.

(fn BEG END)

Function: jit-lock-fontify-now

Fontify current buffer from START to END.
Defaults to the whole buffer. END can be out of bounds.

Variable: last-coding-system-specified

Most recent coding system explicitly specified by the user when asked.
This variable is set whenever Emacs asks the user which coding system
to use in order to write a file. If you set it to nil explicitly,
then call `write-region', then afterward this variable will be non-nil
only if the user was explicitly asked and specified a coding system.

Function: ffap-at-mouse

Find file or URL guessed from text around mouse click.
Interactively, calls `ffap-at-mouse-fallback' if no guess is found.
Return value:
* if a guess string is found, return it (after finding it)
* if the fallback is called, return whatever it returns
* otherwise, nil (fn E)

Variable: after-init-hook

Normal hook run after initializing the Emacs session.
It is run after Emacs loads the init file, `default' library, the
abbrevs file, and additional Lisp packages (if any), and setting
the value of `after-init-time'.

There is no `condition-case' around the running of this hook;
therefore, if `debug-on-error' is non-nil, an error in one of
these functions will invoke the debugger.

Variable: find-file-not-found-functions

List of functions to be called for `find-file' on nonexistent file.
These functions are called as soon as the error is detected.
Variable `buffer-file-name' is already set up.
The functions are called in the order given until one of them returns non-nil.

Function: display-buffer-record-window

Record information for window used by `display-buffer'.
TYPE specifies the type of the calling operation and must be one
of the symbols 'reuse (when WINDOW existed already and was
reused for displaying BUFFER), 'window (when WINDOW was created
on an already existing frame), or 'frame (when WINDOW was
created on a new frame). WINDOW is the window used for or created
by the `display-buffer' routines. BUFFER is the buffer that
shall be displayed.

This function installs or updates the quit-restore parameter of
WINDOW. The quit-restore parameter is a list of four elements:
The first element is one of the symbols 'window, 'frame, 'same or
'other. The second element is either one of the symbols 'window
or 'frame or a list whose elements are the buffer previously
shown in the window, that buffer's window start and window point,
and the window's height. The third element is the window
selected at the time the parameter was created. The fourth element is BUFFER.

Function: window-fixed-size-p

Return t if WINDOW cannot be resized in DIRECTION.
WINDOW defaults to the selected window. DIRECTION can be
nil (i.e. any), `height' or `width'.

Function: assq-delete-all

Delete from ALIST all elements whose car is `eq' to KEY.
Return the modified alist.
Elements of ALIST that are not conses are ignored.

Function: dbus-handle-event

Handle events from the D-Bus.
EVENT is a D-Bus event, see `dbus-check-event'. HANDLER, being
part of the event, is called with arguments ARGS.
If the HANDLER returns a `dbus-error', it is propagated as return message. (fn EVENT)

Function: selected-window

Return the selected window.
The selected window is the window in which the standard cursor for
selected windows appears and to which many commands apply. (fn)

Function: next-char-property-change

Return the position of next text property or overlay change.
This scans characters forward in the current buffer from POSITION till
it finds a change in some text property, or the beginning or end of an
overlay, and returns the position of that.
If none is found up to (point-max), the function returns (point-max).

If the optional second argument LIMIT is non-nil, don't search
past position LIMIT; return LIMIT if nothing is found before LIMIT.
LIMIT is a no-op if it is greater than (point-max). (fn POSITION &optional LIMIT)

Function: integerp

Return t if OBJECT is an integer.


Function: sgml-maybe-end-tag

Name self unless in position to end a tag or a prefix ARG is given.

Variable: comment-use-syntax

Non-nil if syntax-tables can be used instead of regexps.
Can also be `undecided' which means that a somewhat expensive test will
be used to try to determine whether syntax-tables should be trusted
to understand comments or not in the given buffer.
Major modes should set this variable.

Variable: fill-forward-paragraph-function

Function to move over paragraphs used by the filling code.
It is called with a single argument specifying the number of paragraphs to move.
Just like `forward-paragraph', it should return the number of paragraphs
left to move.

Function: set-default-font

Set the default font to FONT.
When called interactively, prompt for the name of a font, and use
that font on the selected frame. When called from Lisp, FONT
should be a font name (a string), a font object, font entity, or
font spec.

If KEEP-SIZE is nil, keep the number of frame lines and columns
fixed. If KEEP-SIZE is non-nil (or with a prefix argument), try
to keep the current frame size fixed (in pixels) by adjusting the
number of lines and columns.

If FRAMES is nil, apply the font to the selected frame only.
If FRAMES is non-nil, it should be a list of frames to act upon,
or t meaning all graphical frames. Also, if FRAME is non-nil,
alter the user's Customization settings as though the
font-related attributes of the `default' face had been "set in
this session", so that the font is applied to future frames.

Function: event-apply-shift-modifier

Add the Shift modifier to the following event.
For example, type C-x @ S & to enter Shift-&.

Function: describe-fontset

Display information about FONTSET.
This shows which font is used for which character(s).


Function: japanese-hankaku-region

Convert Japanese `zenkaku' chars in the region to `hankaku' chars.
`Zenkaku' chars belong to `japanese-jisx0208'
`Hankaku' chars belong to `ascii' or `japanese-jisx0201-kana'.
Optional argument ASCII-ONLY non-nil means to convert only to ASCII char.

(fn FROM TO &optional ASCII-ONLY)

Function: eieio-describe-generic

Describe the generic function GENERIC.
Also extracts information about all methods specific to this generic.


Variable: ls-lisp-support-shell-wildcards

Non-nil means ls-lisp treats file patterns as shell wildcards.
Otherwise they are treated as Emacs regexps (for backward compatibility).

Function: open-font



Variable: display-pixels-per-inch

Pixels per inch value for non-window system displays.
Value is a number or a cons (WIDTH-DPI . HEIGHT-DPI).

Function: delete-non-matching-lines

Delete all lines except those containing matches for REGEXP.
A match split across lines preserves all the lines it lies in.
When called from Lisp (and usually interactively as well, see below)
applies to all lines starting after point.

If REGEXP contains upper case characters (excluding those preceded by `\')
and `search-upper-case' is non-nil, the matching is case-sensitive.

Second and third arg RSTART and REND specify the region to operate on.
This command operates on (the accessible part of) all lines whose
accessible part is entirely contained in the region determined by RSTART
and REND. (A newline ending a line counts as part of that line.)

Interactively, in Transient Mark mode when the mark is active, operate
on all lines whose accessible part is entirely contained in the region.
Otherwise, the command applies to all lines starting after point.
When calling this function from Lisp, you can pretend that it was
called interactively by passing a non-nil INTERACTIVE argument.

This function starts looking for the next match from the end of
the previous match. Hence, it ignores matches that overlap a previously found match.

Function: invisible-p

Non-nil if the property makes the text invisible.
POS-OR-PROP can be a marker or number, in which case it is taken to be
a position in the current buffer and the value of the `invisible' property
is checked; or it can be some other value, which is then presumed to be the
value of the `invisible' property of the text of interest.
The non-nil value returned can be t for truly invisible text or something
else if the text is replaced by an ellipsis. (fn POS-OR-PROP)

Function: window--resize-root-window

Resize root window WINDOW vertically by DELTA lines.
HORIZONTAL non-nil means resize root window WINDOW horizontally
by DELTA columns.

IGNORE non-nil means ignore any restrictions imposed by fixed
size windows, `window-min-height' or `window-min-width' settings.

This function is only called by the frame resizing routines. It
resizes windows proportionally and never deletes any windows.

Function: register-ccl-program

Register CCL program CCL-PROG as NAME in `ccl-program-table'.
CCL-PROG should be a compiled CCL program (vector), or nil.
If it is nil, just reserve NAME as a CCL program name.
Return index number of the registered CCL program.


Variable: fringe-cursor-alist

Mapping from logical to physical fringe cursor bitmaps.
The value is an alist where each element (CURSOR . BITMAP)
specifies the fringe bitmaps used to display a specific logical
cursor type in the fringe.

CURSOR specifies the logical cursor type which is one of the following
symbols: `box' , `hollow', `bar', `hbar', or `hollow-small'. The last
one is used to show a hollow cursor on narrow lines display lines
where the normal hollow cursor will not fit.

BITMAP is the corresponding fringe bitmap shown for the logical cursor type.

Variable: unread-command-events

List of events to be read as the command input.
These events are processed first, before actual keyboard input.
Events read from this list are not normally added to `this-command-keys',
as they will already have been added once as they were read for the first time.
An element of the form (t . EVENT) forces EVENT to be added to that list.

Function: password-cache-add

Add password to cache.
The password is removed by a timer after `password-cache-expiry' seconds.

Function: org-agenda-to-appt

Activate appointments found in `org-agenda-files'.
With a C-u prefix, refresh the list of

If FILTER is t, interactively prompt the user for a regular
expression, and filter out entries that don't match it.

If FILTER is a string, use this string as a regular expression
for filtering entries out.

If FILTER is a function, filter out entries against which
calling the function returns nil. This function takes one
argument: an entry from `org-agenda-get-day-entries'.

FILTER can also be an alist with the car of each cell being
either 'headline or 'category. For example:

'((headline "IMPORTANT")
(category "Work"))

will only add headlines containing IMPORTANT or headlines
belonging to the "Work" category.

ARGS are symbols indicating what kind of entries to consider.
By default `org-agenda-to-appt' will use :deadline, :scheduled
and :timestamp entries. See the docstring of `org-diary' for
details and examples.

If an entry has a APPT_WARNTIME property, its value will be used to override `appt-message-warning-time'. (fn &optional REFRESH FILTER &rest ARGS)

Variable: selection-converter-alist

An alist associating X Windows selection-types with functions.
These functions are called to convert the selection, with three args:
the name of the selection (typically `PRIMARY', `SECONDARY', or `CLIPBOARD');
a desired type to which the selection should be converted;
and the local selection value (whatever was given to `x-own-selection').

The function should return the value to send to the X server
(typically a string). A return value of nil
means that the conversion could not be done.
A return value which is the symbol `NULL'
means that a side-effect was executed,
and there is no meaningful selection value.

Variable: parse-sexp-ignore-comments

Non-nil means `forward-sexp', etc., should treat comments as whitespace.

Function: downcase-word

Convert following word (or ARG words) to lower case, moving over.
With negative argument, convert previous words but do not move.

(fn ARG)

Function: cl--expr-contains-any

(fn X Y)

Function: floatp-safe

Return t if OBJECT is a floating point number.
On Emacs versions that lack floating-point support, this function
always returns nil.

Variable: find-tag-hook

Hook to be run by M-. after finding a tag. See `run-hooks'.
The value in the buffer in which M-. is done is used,
not the value in the buffer M-. goes to.

Function: macroexp--maxsize


Function: format-read

Read and return the name of a format.
Return value is a list, like `buffer-file-format'; it may be nil.
Formats are defined in `format-alist'. Optional arg is the PROMPT to use.

Function: emacs-bzr-version-dirstate

Try to return as a string the bzr revision ID of directory DIR.
This uses the dirstate file's parent revision entry.
Returns nil if unable to find this information.

Function: window-display-table

Return the display-table that WINDOW is using.
WINDOW must be a live window and defaults to the selected one.

(fn &optional WINDOW)

Function: byte-optimize-while

(fn FORM)

Function: comint-dynamic-complete-filename

Dynamically complete the filename at point.
Completes if after a filename.
This function is similar to `comint-replace-by-expanded-filename', except that
it won't change parts of the filename already entered in the buffer; it just
adds completion characters to the end of the filename. A completions listing
may be shown in a separate buffer if completion is ambiguous.

Completion is dependent on the value of `comint-completion-addsuffix',
`comint-completion-recexact' and `comint-completion-fignore', and the timing of
completions listing is dependent on the value of `comint-completion-autolist'. Returns t if successful. (fn)

Function: package--read-archive-file

Re-read archive file FILE, if it exists.
Will return the data from the file, or nil if the file does not exist.
Will throw an error if the archive version is too new.

Function: mwheel-install

Enable mouse wheel support.

Function: completion-pcm--merge-try


Function: gnus-intersection

(fn LIST1 LIST2)

Function: edirs-merge-with-ancestor

Merge files in directories DIR1 and DIR2 using files in ANCESTOR-DIR as ancestors.
Ediff merges files that have identical names in DIR1, DIR2. If a pair of files
in DIR1 and DIR2 doesn't have an ancestor in ANCESTOR-DIR, Ediff will merge
without ancestor. The fourth argument, REGEXP, is nil or a regular expression;
only file names that match the regexp are considered.


Variable: argv

List of command-line args not yet processed.
This is a convenience alias, so that one can write (pop argv)
inside of --eval command line arguments in order to access
following arguments.

Function: charset-chars

Return number of characters contained in DIMENSION of CHARSET.
DIMENSION defaults to the first dimension.

Function: keymap--menu-item-with-binding

Build a menu-item like ITEM but with its binding changed to BINDING.

Variable: auth-source-save-behavior

If set, auth-source will respect it for save behavior.

Function: tramp-completion-handle-file-name-all-completions

Like `file-name-all-completions' for partial Tramp files.


Variable: find-word-boundary-function-table

Char table of functions to search for the word boundary.
Each function is called with two arguments; POS and LIMIT.
POS and LIMIT are character positions in the current buffer.

If POS is less than LIMIT, POS is at the first character of a word,
and the return value of a function is a position after the last
character of that word.

If POS is not less than LIMIT, POS is at the last character of a word,
and the return value of a function is a position at the first
character of that word.
In both cases, LIMIT bounds the search.

Function: Buffer-menu-mode

Major mode for Buffer Menu buffers.
The Buffer Menu is invoked by the commands C-x C-b,
M-x buffer-menu, and M-x buffer-menu-other-window.
See `buffer-menu' for a description of its contents.

In Buffer Menu mode, the following commands are defined:

q Remove the Buffer Menu from the display.
RET Select current line's buffer in place of the buffer menu.
o Select that buffer in another window,
so the Buffer Menu remains visible in its window.
V Select current line's buffer, in View mode.
M-x Buffer-menu-view-other-window Select that buffer in
another window, in view-mode.
C-o Make another window display that buffer.
m Mark current line's buffer to be displayed.
v Select current line's buffer.
Also show buffers marked with m, in other windows.
1 Select that buffer in full-frame window.
2 Select that buffer in one window, together with the
buffer selected before this one in another window.
M-s a C-s Incremental search in the marked buffers.
M-s a C-M-s Isearch for regexp in the marked buffers.
t visit-tags-table this buffer.
~ Clear modified-flag on that buffer.
s Mark that buffer to be saved, and move down.
C-k Mark that buffer to be deleted, and move down.
C-d Mark that buffer to be deleted, and move up.
x Delete or save marked buffers.
u Remove all marks from current line.
With prefix argument, also move up one line.
DEL Back up a line and remove marks.
% Toggle read-only status of buffer on this line.
g Update the list of buffers.
T Toggle whether the menu displays only file buffers.
b Bury the buffer listed on this line.

In addition to any hooks its parent mode `tabulated-list-mode' might have run, this mode runs the hook `Buffer-menu-mode-hook', as the final step during initialization.

Function: copy-region-as-kill

Save the region as if killed, but don't kill it.
In Transient Mark mode, deactivate the mark.
If `interprogram-cut-function' is non-nil, also save the text for a window
system cut and paste.

This command's old key binding has been given to `kill-ring-save'.

Function: isearch-forward

Do incremental search forward.
With a prefix argument, do an incremental regular expression search instead.

As you type characters, they add to the search string and are found.
The following non-printing keys are bound in `isearch-mode-map'.

Type DEL to cancel last input item from end of search string.
Type RET to exit, leaving point at location found.
Type LFD (C-j) to match end of line.
Type C-s to search again forward, C-r to search again backward.
Type C-w to yank next word or character in buffer
onto the end of the search string, and search for it.
Type C-M-w to delete character from end of search string.
Type C-M-y to yank char from buffer onto end of search string and search for it.
Type M-s C-e to yank rest of line onto end of search string and search for it.
Type C-y to yank the last string of killed text.
Type M-y to replace string just yanked into search prompt
with string killed before it.
Type C-q to quote control character to search for it.
C-g while searching or when search has failed cancels input back to what has
been found successfully.
C-g when search is successful aborts and moves point to starting point.

If you try to exit with the search string still empty, it invokes
nonincremental search.

Type M-c to toggle search case-sensitivity.
Type M-r to toggle regular-expression mode.
Type M-s w to toggle word mode.
Type M-s _ to toggle symbol mode.

Type M-s SPC to toggle whitespace matching.
In incremental searches, a space or spaces normally matches any whitespace
defined by the variable `search-whitespace-regexp'; see also the variables
`isearch-lax-whitespace' and `isearch-regexp-lax-whitespace'.

Type M-e to edit the search string in the minibuffer.

Also supported is a search ring of the previous 16 search strings.
Type M-n to search for the next item in the search ring.
Type M-p to search for the previous item in the search ring.
Type C-M-i to complete the search string using the search ring.

Type M-% to run `query-replace' with string to replace from last search string.
Type C-M-% to run `query-replace-regexp' with the last search string.
Type M-s o to run `occur' that shows the last search string.
Type M-s h r to run `highlight-regexp' that highlights the last search string.

Type C-h b to display all Isearch key bindings.
Type C-h k to display documentation of Isearch key.
Type C-h m to display documentation of Isearch mode.

If an input method is turned on in the current buffer, that input
method is also active while you are typing characters to search.
To toggle the input method, type C-\. It also toggles the input
method in the current buffer.

To use a different input method for searching, type C-^,
and specify an input method you want to use.

The above keys, bound in `isearch-mode-map', are often controlled by
options; do M-x apropos on search-.* to find them.
Other control and meta characters terminate the search and are then executed normally (depending on `search-exit-option'). Likewise for function keys and mouse button events. If this function is called non-interactively, it does not return to the calling function until the search is done.

Function: internal-temp-output-buffer-show

Internal function for `with-output-to-temp-buffer'.

Function: info-setup

Display Info node FILE-OR-NODE in BUFFER.

Function: occur-mode-mouse-goto

Go to the occurrence on the current line.

Function: with-timeout-unsuspend

Restart the clock for `with-timeout'.
The argument should be a value previously returned by `with-timeout-suspend'.

Face: font-lock-regexp-grouping-construct

Font Lock mode face used to highlight grouping constructs in Lisp regexps.

Function: strokes-load-user-strokes

Load user-defined strokes from file named by `strokes-file'.


Function: mail-complete

Perform completion on header field or word preceding point.
Completable headers are according to `mail-complete-alist'. If none matches
current header, calls `mail-complete-function' and passes prefix ARG if any.
(fn ARG)

Function: feedmail-run-the-queue-global-prompt

Like `feedmail-run-the-queue', but with a global confirmation prompt.
This is generally most useful if run non-interactively, since you can
bail out with an appropriate answer to the global confirmation prompt.

(fn &optional ARG)

Function: list-processes

Display a list of all processes.
If optional argument QUERY-ONLY is non-nil, only processes with
the query-on-exit flag set are listed.
Any process listed as exited or signaled is actually eliminated
after the listing is made.
Optional argument BUFFER specifies a buffer to use, instead of
"*Process List*".
The return value is always nil.

Function: generate-new-buffer-name

Return a string that is the name of no existing buffer based on NAME.
If there is no live buffer named NAME, then return NAME.
Otherwise modify name by appending `', incrementing NUMBER
(starting at 2) until an unused name is found, and then return that name.
Optional second argument IGNORE specifies a name that is okay to use (if
it is in the sequence to be tried) even if a buffer with that name exists.

If NAME begins with a space (i.e., a buffer that is not normally
visible to users), then if buffer NAME already exists a random number
is first appended to NAME, to speed up finding a non-existent buffer. (fn NAME &optional IGNORE)

Function: round

Return the nearest integer to ARG.
With optional DIVISOR, return the nearest integer to ARG/DIVISOR.

Rounding a value equidistant between two integers may choose the
integer closer to zero, or it may prefer an even integer, depending on
your machine. For example, (round 2.5) can return 3 on some
systems, but 2 on others.
(fn ARG &optional DIVISOR)

Variable: input-method-exit-on-first-char

This flag controls when an input method returns.
Usually, the input method does not return while there's a possibility
that it may find a different translation if a user types another key.
But, if this flag is non-nil, the input method returns as soon as the
current key sequence gets long enough to have some valid translation.

Function: comint-previous-input-string

Return the string ARG places along the input ring.
Moves relative to `comint-input-ring-index'.

(fn ARG)

Variable: track-eol

Non-nil means vertical motion starting at end of line keeps to ends of lines.
This means moving to the end of each line moved onto.
The beginning of a blank line does not count as the end of a line.
This has no effect when `line-move-visual' is non-nil.

Variable: vc-rcs-master-templates

Where to look for RCS master files.
For a description of possible values, see `vc-check-master-templates'.

Function: cwarn-mode

Minor mode that highlights suspicious C and C++ constructions.

Suspicious constructs are highlighted using `font-lock-warning-face'.

Note, in addition to enabling this minor mode, the major mode must
be included in the variable `cwarn-configuration'. By default C and
C++ modes are included.

With a prefix argument ARG, enable the mode if ARG is positive,
and disable it otherwise. If called from Lisp, enable the mode
if ARG is omitted or nil. (fn &optional ARG)

Variable: completion-regexp-list

List of regexps that should restrict possible completions.
The basic completion functions only consider a completion acceptable
if it matches all regular expressions in this list, with
`case-fold-search' bound to the value of `completion-ignore-case'.
See Info node `(elisp)Basic Completion', for a description of these functions.

Function: canlock-insert-header

Insert a Cancel-Key and/or a Cancel-Lock header if possible.


Function: sort-charsets

Sort charset list CHARSETS by a priority of each charset.
Return the sorted list. CHARSETS is modified by side effects.
See also `charset-priority-list' and `set-charset-priority'.


Variable: url-show-status

Whether to show a running total of bytes transferred.
Can cause a large hit if using a remote X display over a slow link, or
a terminal with a slow modem.

Function: View-scroll-half-page-forward

Scroll forward a "half page" (or prefix LINES) lines in View mode.
If LINES is not omitted, the "half page size" is set to the minimum of
window height and the absolute value of LINES.
LINES=0 resets "half page size" to half window height.

Function: help-highlight-arg

Highlight ARG as an argument name for a *Help* buffer.
Return ARG in face `help-argument-name'; ARG is also downcased
if the variable `help-downcase-arguments' is non-nil.
(fn ARG)

Function: sgml-delete-tag

Delete tag on or after cursor, and matching closing or opening tag.
With prefix argument ARG, repeat this ARG times.

Function: subst-if

Substitute NEW for elements matching PREDICATE in TREE (non-destructively).
Return a copy of TREE with all matching elements replaced by NEW.

Keywords supported: :key


Function: previous-char-property-change

Return the position of previous text property or overlay change.
Scans characters backward in the current buffer from POSITION till it
finds a change in some text property, or the beginning or end of an
overlay, and returns the position of that.
If none is found since (point-min), the function returns (point-min).

If the optional second argument LIMIT is non-nil, don't search
past position LIMIT; return LIMIT if nothing is found before LIMIT.
LIMIT is a no-op if it is less than (point-min). (fn POSITION &optional LIMIT)

Function: set-process-buffer

Set buffer associated with PROCESS to BUFFER (a buffer, or nil).
Return BUFFER.


Function: minibuffer-contents

Return the user input in a minibuffer as a string.
If the current buffer is not a minibuffer, return its entire contents.

Function: transpose-paragraphs

Interchange the current paragraph with the next one.
With prefix argument ARG a non-zero integer, moves the current
paragraph past ARG paragraphs, leaving point after the current paragraph.
If ARG is positive, moves the current paragraph forwards, if
ARG is negative moves it backwards. If ARG is zero, exchanges
the current paragraph with the one containing the mark.

Function: completion-pcm-try-completion


Function: bookmark-jump

Jump to bookmark BOOKMARK (a point in some file).
You may have a problem using this function if the value of variable
`bookmark-alist' is nil. If that happens, you need to load in some
bookmarks. See help on function `bookmark-load' for more about

If the file pointed to by BOOKMARK no longer exists, you will be asked
if you wish to give the bookmark a new location, and `bookmark-jump'
will then jump to the new location, as well as recording it in place
of the old one in the permanent bookmark record.

BOOKMARK is usually a bookmark name (a string). It can also be a
bookmark record, but this is usually only done by programmatic callers.

If DISPLAY-FUNC is non-nil, it is a function to invoke to display the
bookmark. It defaults to `switch-to-buffer'. A typical value for
DISPLAY-FUNC would be `switch-to-buffer-other-window'. (fn BOOKMARK &optional DISPLAY-FUNC)

Face: font-lock-regexp-grouping-backslash

Font Lock mode face for backslashes in Lisp regexp grouping constructs.

Function: vc-revert

Revert working copies of the selected fileset to their repository contents.
This asks for confirmation if the buffer contents are not identical
to the working revision (except for keyword expansion). (fn)

Function: toggle-input-method

Enable or disable multilingual text input method for the current buffer.
Only one input method can be enabled at any time in a given buffer.

The normal action is to enable an input method if none was enabled,
and disable the current one otherwise. Which input method to enable
can be determined in various ways--either the one most recently used,
or the one specified by `default-input-method', or as a last resort
by reading the name of an input method in the minibuffer.

With a prefix argument ARG, read an input method name with the minibuffer
and enable that one. The default is the most recent input method specified
(not including the currently active input method, if any).

When called interactively, the optional argument INTERACTIVE is non-nil,
which marks the variable `default-input-method' as set for Custom buffers.

Function: transpose-regions

Transpose region STARTR1 to ENDR1 with STARTR2 to ENDR2.
The regions should not be overlapping, because the size of the buffer is
never changed in a transposition.

Optional fifth arg LEAVE-MARKERS, if non-nil, means don't update
any markers that happen to be located in the regions.

Transposing beyond buffer boundaries is an error.


Function: make-directory-internal

Create a new directory named DIRECTORY.


Variable: byte-save-window-excursion-OBSOLETE

Byte code opcode to make a binding to record entire window configuration.

Variable: glyphless-char-display-control

List of directives to control display of glyphless characters.

Each element has the form (GROUP . METHOD), where GROUP is a
symbol specifying the character group, and METHOD is a symbol
specifying the method of displaying characters belonging to that

GROUP must be one of these symbols:
`c0-control': U+0000..U+001F, but excluding newline and TAB.
`c1-control': U+0080..U+009F.
`format-control': Characters of Unicode General Category `Cf',
such as U+200C (ZWNJ), U+200E (LRM), but
excluding characters that have graphic images,
such as U+00AD (SHY).
`no-font': characters for which no suitable font is found.
For character terminals, characters that cannot
be encoded by `terminal-coding-system'.

METHOD must be one of these symbols:
`zero-width': don't display.
`thin-space': display a thin (1-pixel width) space. On character
terminals, display as 1-character space.
`empty-box': display an empty box.
`acronym': display an acronym of the character in a box. The
acronym is taken from `char-acronym-table', which see. `hex-code': display the hexadecimal character code in a box.

Variable: minibuffer-local-shell-command-map

Keymap used for completing shell commands in minibuffer.

Function: ebnf-spool-buffer

Generate and spool a PostScript syntactic chart image of the buffer.
Like `ebnf-print-buffer' except that the PostScript image is saved in a
local buffer to be sent to the printer later.

Use the command `ebnf-despool' to send the spooled images to the printer. (fn)

Function: display-startup-screen

Display startup screen according to display.
A fancy display is used on graphic displays, normal otherwise.

If CONCISE is non-nil, display a concise version of the startup

(fn &optional CONCISE)

Function: set-face-font

Change font-related attributes of FACE to those of FONT (a string).
FRAME nil or not specified means change face on all frames.
This sets the attributes `:family', `:foundry', `:width',
`:height', `:weight', and `:slant'. When called interactively,
prompt for the face and font.

Function: display-buffer-pop-up-window

Display BUFFER by popping up a new window.
The new window is created on the selected frame, or in
`last-nonminibuffer-frame' if no windows can be created there.
If successful, return the new window; otherwise return nil.

If ALIST has a non-nil `inhibit-switch-frame' entry, then in the
event that the new window is created on another frame, avoid raising the frame.

Function: previous-frame

Return the previous frame in the frame list before FRAME.
It considers only frames on the same terminal as FRAME.
By default, skip minibuffer-only frames.
If omitted, FRAME defaults to the selected frame.
If optional argument MINIFRAME is nil, exclude minibuffer-only frames.
If MINIFRAME is a window, include only its own frame
and any frame now using that window as the minibuffer.
If MINIFRAME is `visible', include all visible frames.
If MINIFRAME is 0, include all visible and iconified frames.
Otherwise, include all frames. (fn &optional FRAME MINIFRAME)

Function: Info-toc

Go to a node with table of contents of the current Info file.
Table of contents is created from the tree structure of menus.

Function: help-insert-xref-button

Insert STRING and make a hyperlink from cross-reference text on it.
TYPE is the type of button to use. Any remaining arguments are passed
to the button's help-function when it is invoked.
See `help-make-xrefs'.

Function: eudc-display-mail

Display e-mail address and make it clickable.

(fn MAIL)

Function: what-cursor-position

Print info on cursor position (on screen and within buffer).
Also describe the character after point, and give its character code
in octal, decimal and hex.

For a non-ASCII multibyte character, also give its encoding in the
buffer's selected coding system if the coding system encodes the
character safely. If the character is encoded into one byte, that
code is shown in hex. If the character is encoded into more than one
byte, just "..." is shown.

In addition, with prefix argument, show details about that character
in *Help* buffer. See also the command `describe-char'.

Function: info

Enter Info, the documentation browser.
Optional argument FILE-OR-NODE specifies the file to examine;
the default is the top-level directory of Info.
Called from a program, FILE-OR-NODE may specify an Info node of the form
Optional argument BUFFER specifies the Info buffer name;
the default buffer name is *info*. If BUFFER exists,
just switch to BUFFER. Otherwise, create a new buffer
with the top-level Info directory.

In interactive use, a non-numeric prefix argument directs
this command to read a file name from the minibuffer.
A numeric prefix argument selects an Info buffer with the prefix number
appended to the Info buffer name.

The search path for Info files is in the variable `Info-directory-list'.
The top-level Info directory is made by combining all the files named `dir'
in all the directories in that path. See a list of available Info commands in `Info-mode'.

Function: auto-save-mode

Toggle auto-saving in the current buffer (Auto Save mode).
With a prefix argument ARG, enable Auto Save mode if ARG is
positive, and disable it otherwise.

If called from Lisp, enable the mode if ARG is omitted or nil.

Function: smie-bnf--classify

Return a table classifying terminals.
Each terminal can either be an `opener', a `closer', or `neither'.

(fn BNF)

Variable: font-lock-removed-keywords-alist

Alist of `font-lock-keywords' elements to be removed for major modes.

Each element has the form (MODE . KEYWORDS). `font-lock-set-defaults'
removes the elements in the list KEYWORDS from `font-lock-keywords'
when Font Lock is turned on in major mode MODE.

This is normally set via `font-lock-add-keywords' and

Variable: mail-self-blind

Non-nil means insert BCC to self in messages to be sent.
This is done when the message is initialized,
so you can remove or alter the BCC field to override the default.

Function: print-region

Paginate and print the region contents.

The variable `lpr-headers-switches' controls how to paginate.
If it is nil (the default), we run the `pr' program (or whatever program
`lpr-page-header-program' specifies) to paginate.
`lpr-page-header-switches' specifies the switches for that program.

Otherwise, the switches in `lpr-headers-switches' are used
in the print command itself; we expect them to request pagination.

See the variables `lpr-switches' and `lpr-command'
for further customization of the printer command. (fn START END)

Variable: default-process-coding-system

Cons of coding systems used for process I/O by default.
The car part is used for decoding a process output,
the cdr part is used for encoding a text to be sent to a process.

Function: isearch--get-state

(fn &aux (STRING isearch-string) (MESSAGE isearch-message) (POINT (point)) (SUCCESS isearch-success) (FORWARD isearch-forward) (OTHER-END isearch-other-end) (WORD isearch-word) (ERROR isearch-error) (WRAPPED isearch-wrapped) (BARRIER isearch-barrier) (CASE-FOLD-SEARCH isearch-case-fold-search) (POP-FUN (if isearch-push-state-function (funcall isearch-push-state-function))))

Function: quickurl-edit-urls

Pull `quickurl-url-file' into a buffer for hand editing.


Function: ethio-input-special-character

This function is deprecated.

(fn ARG)

Function: insert-buffer-substring-as-yank

Insert before point a part of BUFFER, stripping some text properties.
BUFFER may be a buffer or a buffer name.
Arguments START and END are character positions specifying the substring.
They default to the values of (point-min) and (point-max) in BUFFER.
Before insertion, process text properties according to
`yank-handled-properties' and `yank-excluded-properties'.

Variable: resume-tty-functions

Functions run after resuming a tty.
The functions are run with one argument, the terminal object that was revived.
See `resume-tty'.

Function: length

Return the length of vector, list or string SEQUENCE.
A byte-code function object is also allowed.
If the string contains multibyte characters, this is not necessarily
the number of bytes in the string; it is the number of characters.
To get the number of bytes, use `string-bytes'. (fn SEQUENCE)

Function: object-assoc

Return an object if KEY is `equal' to SLOT's value of an object in LIST.
LIST is a list of objects whose slots are searched.
Objects in LIST do not need to have a slot named SLOT, nor does
SLOT need to be bound. If these errors occur, those objects will be ignored.

Variable: sh-mode-map

Keymap used in Shell-Script mode.

Function: vc-rename-file

Rename file OLD to NEW in both work area and repository.

(fn OLD NEW)

Function: mercury-mode

Major mode for editing Mercury programs.
Actually this is just customized `prolog-mode'.

Variable: argi

Current command-line argument.

Function: macroexp--cons

Return (CAR . CDR), using ORIGINAL-CONS if possible.


Variable: buffer-file-coding-system-explicit

The file coding system explicitly specified for the current buffer.
The value is a cons of coding systems for reading (decoding) and
writing (encoding).
Internal use only.

Variable: vertical-centering-font-regexp

Regexp matching font names that require vertical centering on display.
When a character is displayed with such fonts, the character is displayed
at the vertical center of lines.

Variable: byte-stack-ref

Byte code opcode for stack reference.

Function: comint-copy-old-input

Insert after prompt old input at point as new input to be edited.
Calls `comint-get-old-input' to get old input.

Function: cl-member

Find the first occurrence of ITEM in LIST.
Return the sublist of LIST whose car is ITEM.

Keywords supported: :test :test-not :key


Function: skeleton-proxy-new

Prefix ARG allows wrapping around words or regions (see `skeleton-insert').
If no ARG was given, but the region is visible, ARG defaults to -1 depending
on `skeleton-autowrap'. An ARG of M-0 will prevent this just for once.
This command can also be an abbrev expansion (3rd and 4th columns in
M-x edit-abbrevs buffer: "" command-name).

Optional second argument STR may also be a string which will be the value
of `str' whereas the skeleton's interactor is then ignored.
(fn SKELETON &optional STR ARG)

Function: minibuffer-electric-default-mode

Toggle Minibuffer Electric Default mode.
With a prefix argument ARG, enable Minibuffer Electric Default
mode if ARG is positive, and disable it otherwise. If called
from Lisp, enable the mode if ARG is omitted or nil.

Minibuffer Electric Default mode is a global minor mode. When
enabled, minibuffer prompts that show a default value only show
the default when it's applicable -- that is, when hitting RET
would yield the default value. If the user modifies the input
such that hitting RET would enter a non-default value, the prompt
is modified to remove the default indication. (fn &optional ARG)

Variable: minibuffer-electric-default-mode

Non-nil if Minibuffer-Electric-Default mode is enabled.
See the command `minibuffer-electric-default-mode' for a description of this minor mode.
Setting this variable directly does not take effect;
either customize it (see the info node `Easy Customization')
or call the function `minibuffer-electric-default-mode'.

Function: window-absolute-pixel-edges

Return a list of the edge pixel coordinates of WINDOW.
WINDOW must be a valid window and defaults to the selected one.

The returned list has the form (LEFT TOP RIGHT BOTTOM), all relative to
0, 0 at the top left corner of the display.

RIGHT is one more than the rightmost x position occupied by WINDOW.
BOTTOM is one more than the bottommost y position occupied by WINDOW.
The pixel edges include the space used by WINDOW's scroll bar, display
margins, fringes, header line, and/or mode line. For the pixel edges
of just the text area, use `window-inside-absolute-pixel-edges'. (fn &optional WINDOW)

Function: sha1

Return the SHA1 (Secure Hash Algorithm) of an OBJECT.
OBJECT is either a string or a buffer. Optional arguments START and
END are character positions specifying which portion of OBJECT for
computing the hash. If BINARY is non-nil, return a string in binary form.

Function: byte-compile-make-lambda-lexenv

Return a new lexical environment for a lambda expression FORM.

(fn FORM)

Function: easy-menu-make-symbol

Return a unique symbol with CALLBACK as function value.
When non-nil, NOEXP indicates that CALLBACK cannot be an expression
(i.e. does not need to be turned into a function).

Function: startup-echo-area-message


Function: face-descriptive-attribute-name

Return a descriptive name for ATTRIBUTE.

Function: set-visited-file-name

Change name of file visited in current buffer to FILENAME.
This also renames the buffer to correspond to the new file.
The next time the buffer is saved it will go in the newly specified file.
FILENAME nil or an empty string means mark buffer as not visiting any file.
Remember to delete the initial contents of the minibuffer
if you wish to pass an empty string as the argument.

The optional second argument NO-QUERY, if non-nil, inhibits asking for
confirmation in the case where another buffer is already visiting FILENAME.

The optional third argument ALONG-WITH-FILE, if non-nil, means that
the old visited file has been renamed to the new name FILENAME.

Function: x-menu-bar-open-internal

Start key navigation of the menu bar in FRAME.
This initially opens the first menu bar item and you can then navigate with the
arrow keys, select a menu entry with the return key or cancel with the
escape key. If FRAME has no menu bar this function does nothing.

If FRAME is nil or not given, use the selected frame.
(fn &optional FRAME)

Variable: fringe-mode-explicit

Non-nil means `set-fringe-mode' should really do something.
This is nil while loading `fringe.el', and t afterward.

Variable: comment-end-skip

Regexp to match the end of a comment plus everything back to its body.

Variable: prog-mode-hook

Hook run when entering Prog mode.
No problems result if this variable is not bound.
`add-hook' automatically binds it. (This is true for all hook variables.)

Function: format-annotate-atomic-property-change

Internal function to annotate a single property change.
PROP-ALIST is the relevant element of a TRANSLATIONS list.
OLD and NEW are the values.

Function: tool-bar-get-system-style

Get the system tool bar style.
If no system tool bar style is known, return `tool-bar-style' if set to a
known style. Otherwise return image. (fn)

Function: set-frame-size

Sets size of FRAME to COLS by ROWS, measured in characters.


Function: lcm

Return the least common multiple of the arguments.

(fn &rest ARGS)

Function: delete-matching-lines

Delete lines containing matches for REGEXP.
When called from Lisp (and usually when called interactively as
well, see below), applies to the part of the buffer after point.
The line point is in is deleted if and only if it contains a
match for regexp starting after point.

If REGEXP contains upper case characters (excluding those preceded by `\')
and `search-upper-case' is non-nil, the matching is case-sensitive.

Second and third arg RSTART and REND specify the region to operate on.
Lines partially contained in this region are deleted if and only if
they contain a match entirely contained in it.

Interactively, in Transient Mark mode when the mark is active, operate
on the contents of the region. Otherwise, operate from point to the
end of (the accessible portion of) the buffer. When calling this function
from Lisp, you can pretend that it was called interactively by passing
a non-nil INTERACTIVE argument.

If a match is split across lines, all the lines it lies in are deleted.
They are deleted _before_ looking for the next match. Hence, a match starting on the same line at which another match ended is ignored.

Function: lisp-outline-level

Lisp mode `outline-level' function.

Function: reverse-region

Reverse the order of lines in a region.
From a program takes two point or marker arguments, BEG and END.

(fn BEG END)

Function: epa-sign-region

Sign the current region between START and END by SIGNERS keys selected.

Don't use this command in Lisp programs!
Since this function operates on regions, it does some tricks such
as coding-system detection and unibyte/multibyte conversion. If
you are sure how the data should be treated, you should consider
using the string based counterpart `epg-sign-string', or the file
based counterpart `epg-sign-file' instead.

For example:

(let ((context (epg-make-context 'OpenPGP)))
(encode-coding-string (buffer-substring start end) 'utf-8))) (fn START END SIGNERS MODE)

Function: match-data

Return a list containing all info on what the last search matched.
Element 2N is `(match-beginning N)'; element 2N + 1 is `(match-end N)'.
All the elements are markers or nil (nil if the Nth pair didn't match)
if the last match was on a buffer; integers or nil if a string was matched.
Use `set-match-data' to reinstate the data in this list.

If INTEGERS (the optional first argument) is non-nil, always use
integers (rather than markers) to represent buffer positions. In
this case, and if the last match was in a buffer, the buffer will get
stored as one additional element at the end of the list.

If REUSE is a list, reuse it as part of the value. If REUSE is long
enough to hold all the values, and if INTEGERS is non-nil, no consing
is done.

If optional third arg RESEAT is non-nil, any previous markers on the
REUSE list will be modified to point to nowhere.

Return value is undefined if the last search failed. (fn &optional INTEGERS REUSE RESEAT)

Function: comment-add

Compute the number of extra comment starter characters.
(Extra semicolons in Lisp mode, extra stars in C mode, etc.)
If ARG is non-nil, just follow ARG.
If the comment starter is multi-char, just follow ARG.
Otherwise obey `comment-add'. (fn ARG)

Variable: comment-add

How many more comment chars should be inserted by `comment-region'.
This determines the default value of the numeric argument of `comment-region'.
The `plain' comment style doubles this value.

This should generally stay 0, except for a few modes like Lisp where
it is 1 so that regions are commented with two or three semi-colons.

Function: describe-minor-mode-from-symbol

Display documentation of a minor mode given as a symbol, SYMBOL

Function: first-error

Restart at the first error.
Visit corresponding source code.
With prefix arg N, visit the source code of the Nth error.
This operates on the output from the M-x compile command, for instance.

Function: abbrev--active-tables

Return the list of abbrev tables currently active.
TABLES if non-nil overrides the usual rules. It can hold
either a single abbrev table or a list of abbrev tables.

(fn &optional TABLES)

Variable: command-line-x-option-alist

Alist of X Windows options.
Each element has the form
where NAME is the option name string, NUMARGS is the number of arguments
that the option accepts, HANDLER is a function to call to handle the option.
FRAME-PARAM (optional) is the frame parameter this option specifies,
and VALUE is the value which is given to that frame parameter
(most options use the argument for this, so VALUE is not present).

Function: regexp-opt-charset

Return a regexp to match a character in CHARS.
CHARS should be a list of characters.

Function: isearch-range-invisible

Return t if all the text from BEG to END is invisible.

Function: eudc-get-phone

Get the phone field of NAME from the directory server.
If ERROR is non-nil, report an error if there is none.

(fn NAME &optional ERROR)

Function: gnus-error

Beep an error if LEVEL is equal to or less than `gnus-verbose'.
ARGS are passed to `message'.

Function: Info-fontify-node

Fontify the node.

Function: debugger-eval-expression

Eval an expression, in an environment like that outside the debugger.

Variable: parens-require-spaces

If non-nil, add whitespace as needed when inserting parentheses.
This affects `insert-parentheses' and `insert-pair'.

Function: prepare-abbrev-list-buffer

(fn &optional LOCAL)

Function: ccl-execute-with-args

Execute CCL-PROGRAM with registers initialized by the remaining args.
The return value is a vector of resulting CCL registers.

See the documentation of `define-ccl-program' for the detail of CCL program.

(fn CCL-PROG &rest ARGS)

Function: c-guess

Guess the style in the region up to `c-guess-region-max', and install it.

The style is given a name based on the file's absolute file name.

If given a prefix argument (or if the optional argument ACCUMULATE is
non-nil) then the previous guess is extended, otherwise a new guess is
made from scratch.
(fn &optional ACCUMULATE)

Function: mm-substring-no-properties

Return a substring of STRING, without text properties.
It starts at index FROM and ends before TO.
TO may be nil or omitted; then the substring runs to the end of STRING.
If FROM is nil or omitted, the substring starts at the beginning of STRING.
If FROM or TO is negative, it counts from the end.

With one argument, just copy STRING without its properties.

(fn STRING &optional FROM TO)

Function: cl-parse-loop-clause


Function: proclaim

Record a global declaration specified by SPEC.

(fn SPEC)

Function: isearch-cancel

Terminate the search and go back to the starting point.

Variable: facemenu-add-face-function

Function called at beginning of text to change or nil.
This function is passed the FACE to set and END of text to change, and must
return a string which is inserted. It may set `facemenu-end-add-face'.

Function: macroexp-small-p

Return non-nil if EXP can be considered small.

(fn EXP)

Function: balance-windows

Balance the sizes of windows of WINDOW-OR-FRAME.
WINDOW-OR-FRAME is optional and defaults to the selected frame.
If WINDOW-OR-FRAME denotes a frame, balance the sizes of all
windows of that frame. If WINDOW-OR-FRAME denotes a window,
recursively balance the sizes of all child windows of that window.

Variable: selective-display

Non-nil enables selective display.
An integer N as value means display only lines
that start with less than N columns of space.
A value of t means that the character ^M makes itself and
all the rest of the line invisible; also, when saving the buffer
in a file, save the ^M as a newline.

Function: pcomplete-parse-arguments

Parse the command line arguments. Most completions need this info.

(fn &optional EXPAND-P)

Function: cl--simple-exprs-p

(fn XS)

Function: vc-file-getprop

Get per-file VC PROPERTY for FILE.

Variable: lisp-doc-string-elt-property

The symbol property that holds the docstring position info.

Function: frame-terminal-default-bg-mode

Return the default background mode of FRAME.
This checks the `frame-background-mode' variable, the X resource
named "backgroundMode" (if FRAME is an X frame), and finally
the `background-mode' terminal parameter.

Function: minibuffer-complete

Complete the minibuffer contents as far as possible.
Return nil if there is no valid completion, else t.
If no characters can be completed, display a list of possible completions.
If you repeat this command after it displayed such a list,
scroll the window of possible completions. (fn)

Function: set-process-query-on-exit-flag

Specify if query is needed for PROCESS when Emacs is exited.
If the second argument FLAG is non-nil, Emacs will query the user before
exiting or killing a buffer if PROCESS is running. This function
returns FLAG.


Variable: history-delete-duplicates

Non-nil means to delete duplicates in history.
If set to t when adding a new history element, all previous identical
elements are deleted from the history list.

Function: cons

Create a new cons, give it CAR and CDR as components, and return it.

(fn CAR CDR)

Variable: smie-blink-matching-triggers

Chars which might trigger `blink-matching-open'.
These can include the final chars of end-tokens, or chars that are
typically inserted right after an end token.
I.e. a good choice can be:
(mapcar (lambda (kw) (aref (cdr kw) (1- (length (cdr kw)))))

Function: gnus-previous-char-property-change

Return the position of previous text property or overlay change.
Scans characters backward in the current buffer from POSITION till it
finds a change in some text property, or the beginning or end of an
overlay, and returns the position of that.
If none is found since (point-min), the function returns (point-min).

If the optional second argument LIMIT is non-nil, don't search
past position LIMIT; return LIMIT if nothing is found before LIMIT.
LIMIT is a no-op if it is less than (point-min). (fn POSITION &optional LIMIT)

Variable: font-lock-constant-face

Face name to use for constant and label names.

Face: font-lock-constant-face

Font Lock mode face used to highlight constants and labels.

Function: forward-word

Move point forward ARG words (backward if ARG is negative).
Normally returns t.
If an edge of the buffer or a field boundary is reached, point is left there
and the function returns nil. Field boundaries are not noticed if
`inhibit-field-text-motion' is non-nil.
(fn &optional ARG)

Function: cl-maclisp-member


Function: url-store-in-cache

Store buffer BUFF in the cache.

(fn &optional BUFF)

Variable: browse-url-browser-function

Function to display the current buffer in a WWW browser.
This is used by the `browse-url-at-point', `browse-url-at-mouse', and
`browse-url-of-file' commands.

If the value is not a function it should be a list of pairs
(REGEXP . FUNCTION). In this case the function called will be the one
associated with the first REGEXP which matches the current URL. The
function is passed the URL and any other args of `browse-url'. The last
regexp should probably be "." to specify a default browser.

Function: stop-process

Stop process PROCESS. May be process or name of one.
See function `interrupt-process' for more details on usage.
If PROCESS is a network or serial process, inhibit handling of incoming


Function: delete-directory

Delete the directory named DIRECTORY. Does not follow symlinks.
If RECURSIVE is non-nil, all files in DIRECTORY are deleted as well.
TRASH non-nil means to trash the directory instead, provided
`delete-by-moving-to-trash' is non-nil.

When called interactively, TRASH is t if no prefix argument is
given. With a prefix argument, TRASH is nil.

Function: shell-dirstack-message


Function: comint-replace-by-expanded-history-before-point

Expand directory stack reference before point.
See `comint-replace-by-expanded-history'. Returns t if successful.

If the optional argument START is non-nil, that specifies the
start of the text to scan for history references, rather
than the logical beginning of line.

If DRY-RUN is non-nil, throw to DRY-RUN before performing any
actual side-effect.
(fn SILENT &optional START DRY-RUN)

Function: cl-multiple-value-call

Apply FUNCTION to ARGUMENTS, taking multiple values into account.
This implementation only handles the case where there is only one argument.

Function: time-to-days

The number of days between the Gregorian date 0001-12-31bce and TIME.
TIME should be a time value.
The Gregorian date Sunday, December 31, 1bce is imaginary.

Function: sql-help

Show short help for the SQL modes.

Use an entry function to open an interactive SQL buffer. This buffer is
usually named `*SQL*'. The name of the major mode is SQLi.

Use the following commands to start a specific SQL interpreter:


Other non-free SQL implementations are also supported:


But we urge you to choose a free implementation instead of these.

You can also use M-x sql-product-interactive to invoke the
interpreter for the current `sql-product'.

Once you have the SQLi buffer, you can enter SQL statements in the
buffer. The output generated is appended to the buffer and a new prompt
is generated. See the In/Out menu in the SQLi buffer for some functions
that help you navigate through the buffer, the input history, etc.

If you have a really complex SQL statement or if you are writing a
procedure, you can do this in a separate buffer. Put the new buffer in
`sql-mode' by calling M-x sql-mode. The name of this buffer can be
anything. The name of the major mode is SQL.

In this SQL buffer (SQL mode), you can send the region or the entire
buffer to the interactive SQL buffer (SQLi mode). The results are appended to the SQLi buffer without disturbing your SQL buffer. (fn)

Function: file-name-sans-extension

Return FILENAME sans final "extension".
The extension, in a file name, is the part that follows the last `.',
except that a leading `.', if any, doesn't count.

Variable: auto-coding-functions

A list of functions which attempt to determine a coding system.

Each function in this list should be written to operate on the
current buffer, but should not modify it in any way. The buffer
will contain undecoded text of parts of the file. Each function
should take one argument, SIZE, which says how many characters
(starting from point) it should look at.

If one of these functions succeeds in determining a coding
system, it should return that coding system. Otherwise, it
should return nil.

If a file has a `coding:' tag, that takes precedence over these functions, so they won't be called at all.

Function: cdar

Return the cdr of the car of X.

Function: frame-terminal

Return the terminal that FRAME is displayed on.
If FRAME is nil, the selected frame is used.

The terminal device is represented by its integer identifier.

(fn &optional FRAME)

Function: tool-bar--image-expression

Return an expression that evaluates to an image spec for ICON.

Function: set-mark

Set this buffer's mark to POS. Don't use this function!
That is to say, don't use this function unless you want
the user to see that the mark has moved, and you want the previous
mark position to be lost.

Normally, when a new mark is set, the old one should go on the stack.
This is why most applications should use `push-mark', not `set-mark'.

Novice Emacs Lisp programmers often try to use the mark for the wrong
purposes. The mark saves a location for the user's convenience.
Most editing commands should not alter the mark.
To remember a location for internal use in the Lisp program,
store it in a Lisp variable. Example:

(let ((beg (point))) (forward-line 1) (delete-region beg (point))).

Function: inversion-require-emacs

Declare that you need either EMACS-VER, XEMACS-VER or SXEMACS-ver.
Only checks one based on which kind of Emacs is being run.


Variable: display-buffer--action-custom-type

Custom type for `display-buffer' actions.

Variable: custom-enabled-themes

List of enabled Custom Themes, highest precedence first.
This list does not include the `user' theme, which is set by
Customize and always takes precedence over other Custom Themes.

This variable cannot be defined inside a Custom theme; there, it
is simply ignored.

Setting this variable through Customize calls `enable-theme' or
`load-theme' for each theme in the list.

Function: apropos-calc-scores

Return apropos scores for string STR matching WORDS.
Value is a list of offsets of the words into the string.

Function: tty-color-canonicalize

Return COLOR in canonical form.
A canonicalized color name is all-lower case, with any blanks removed.

Function: increase-right-margin

Increase the right-margin of the region.
With no prefix argument, increase the right margin by `standard-indent'.
A prefix arg (optional third arg INC noninteractively) specifies the amount
to change the margin by, in characters. A negative argument decreases
the right margin width.
If `auto-fill-mode' is active, re-fill the region to fit the new margin.

Variable: kannada-composable-pattern

Regexp matching a composable sequence of Kannada characters.

Function: viper-mode

Turn on Viper emulation of Vi in Emacs. See Info node `(viper)Top'.


Function: erc-cmd-ezb

Send EZB commands to the EZBouncer verbatim.

(fn LINE &optional FORCE)

Function: progress-reporter-force-update

Report progress of an operation in the echo area unconditionally.

The first two arguments are the same as in `progress-reporter-update'.
NEW-MESSAGE, if non-nil, sets a new message for the reporter.

Function: after-insert-file-set-coding

Set `buffer-file-coding-system' of current buffer after text is inserted.
INSERTED is the number of characters that were inserted, as figured
in the situation before this function. Return the number of characters
inserted, as figured in the situation after. The two numbers can be
different if the buffer has become unibyte.
The optional second arg VISIT non-nil means that we are visiting a file.

Function: byte-compile-one-arg

(fn FORM)

Variable: byte-goto-if-not-nil

Byte code opcode to pop value and jump if it's not nil.

Function: vc-git-pull

Pull changes into the current Git branch.
Normally, this runs "git pull". If PROMPT is non-nil, prompt
for the Git command to run.

Function: mwheel-scroll

Scroll up or down according to the EVENT.
This should only be bound to mouse buttons 4 and 5.

Function: menu-bar-menu-frame-live-and-visible-p

Return non-nil if the menu frame is alive and visible.
The menu frame is the frame for which we are updating the menu.

Function: mouse-buffer-menu-split


Function: ucs-normalize-HFS-NFD-region

Normalize the current region by the Unicode NFD and Mac OS's HFS Plus.

(fn FROM TO)

Function: ediff3

Run Ediff on three files, FILE-A, FILE-B, and FILE-C.


Variable: bidi-paragraph-direction

If non-nil, forces directionality of text paragraphs in the buffer.

If this is nil (the default), the direction of each paragraph is
determined by the first strong directional character of its text.
The values of `right-to-left' and `left-to-right' override that.
Any other value is treated as nil.

This variable has no effect unless the buffer's value of
`bidi-display-reordering' is non-nil.

Function: string-make-unibyte

Return the unibyte equivalent of STRING.
Multibyte character codes are converted to unibyte according to
`nonascii-translation-table' or, if that is nil, `nonascii-insert-offset'.
If the lookup in the translation table fails, this function takes just
the low 8 bits of each character. (fn STRING)

Variable: mm-codepage-ibm-list

List of IBM codepage numbers.

The codepage mappings slightly differ between IBM and other vendors.
See "ftp://ftp.unicode.org/Public/MAPPINGS/VENDORS/IBM/README.TXT".

If an element is a number corresponding to a supported windows
codepage, appropriate entries to `mm-charset-synonym-alist' are
added by `mm-setup-codepage-ibm'.

Function: bibtex-initialize

(Re)Initialize BibTeX buffers.
Visit the BibTeX files defined by `bibtex-files' and return a list
of corresponding buffers.
Initialize in these buffers `bibtex-reference-keys' if not yet set.
List of BibTeX buffers includes current buffer if CURRENT is non-nil.
If FORCE is non-nil, (re)initialize `bibtex-reference-keys' even if
already set. If SELECT is non-nil interactively select a BibTeX buffer.
When called interactively, FORCE is t, CURRENT is t if current buffer uses
`bibtex-mode', and SELECT is t if current buffer does not use `bibtex-mode',

Function: prefix-numeric-value

Return numeric meaning of raw prefix argument RAW.
A raw prefix argument is what you get from `(interactive "P")'.
Its numeric meaning is what you would get from `(interactive "p")'.
(fn RAW)

Function: url--allowed-chars

Return an "allowed character" mask (a 256-slot vector).
The Nth element is non-nil if character N is in CHAR-LIST. The
result can be passed as the second arg to `url-hexify-string'.

Variable: jit-lock-functions

Functions to do the actual fontification.
They are called with two arguments: the START and END of the region to fontify.

Function: remember

Remember an arbitrary piece of data.
INITIAL is the text to initially place in the *Remember* buffer,
or nil to bring up a blank *Remember* buffer.

With a prefix or a visible region, use the region as INITIAL.

(fn &optional INITIAL)

Function: find-face-definition

Find the definition of FACE. FACE defaults to the name near point.

Finds the Emacs Lisp library containing the definition of the face
near point (selected by `variable-at-point') in a buffer and
places point before the definition.

Set mark before moving, if the buffer already existed.

The library where FACE is defined is searched for in
`find-function-source-path', if non-nil, otherwise in `load-path'.
See also `find-function-recenter-line' and `find-function-after-hook'. (fn FACE)

Function: repeat-matching-complex-command

Edit and re-evaluate complex command with name matching PATTERN.
Matching occurrences are displayed, most recent first, until you select
a form for evaluation. If PATTERN is empty (or nil), every form in the
command history is offered. The form is placed in the minibuffer for
editing and the result is evaluated.

(fn &optional PATTERN)

Variable: display-buffer-reuse-frames

Non-nil means `display-buffer' should reuse frames.
If the buffer in question is already displayed in a frame, raise
that frame.

Function: transform-make-coding-system-args

For internal use only.
Transform XEmacs style args for `make-coding-system' to Emacs style.
Value is a list of transformed arguments.

Function: sh-get-kw

Return first word of line from WHERE.
If AND-MOVE is non-nil then move to end of word.

Variable: eieio-pre-method-execution-functions

Abnormal hook run just before an EIEIO method is executed.
The hook function must accept one argument, the list of forms
about to be executed.

Function: next-error-no-select

Move point to the next error in the `next-error' buffer and highlight match.
Prefix arg N says how many error messages to move forwards (or
backwards, if negative).
Finds and highlights the source line like C-x `, but does not
select the source buffer.

Variable: file-name-at-point-functions

List of functions to try in sequence to get a file name at point.
Each function should return either nil or a file name found at the
location of point in the current buffer.

Function: macro-declaration-function

Process a declaration found in a macro definition.
This is set as the value of the variable `macro-declaration-function'.
MACRO is the name of the macro being defined.
DECL is a list `(declare ...)' containing the declarations.
The return value of this function is not used.

Variable: macro-declaration-function

Function to process declarations in a macro definition.
The function will be called with two args MACRO and DECL.
MACRO is the name of the macro being defined.
DECL is a list `(declare ...)' containing the declarations.
The value the function returns is not used.

Function: delq

Delete members of LIST which are `eq' to ELT, and return the result.
More precisely, this function skips any members `eq' to ELT at the
front of LIST, then removes members `eq' to ELT from the remaining
sublist by modifying its list structure, then returns the resulting

Write `(setq foo (delq element foo))' to be sure of correctly changing
the value of a list `foo'. (fn ELT LIST)

Function: class-slot-initarg

Fetch from CLASS, SLOT's :initarg.

Variable: help-xref-following

Non-nil when following a help cross-reference.

Function: next-logical-line

Move cursor vertically down ARG lines.
This is identical to `next-line', except that it always moves
by logical lines instead of visual lines, ignoring the value of
the variable `line-move-visual'.

Variable: mail-personal-alias-file

If non-nil, the name of the user's personal mail alias file.
This file typically should be in same format as the `.mailrc' file used by
the `Mail' or `mailx' program.
This file need not actually exist.

Function: org-capture-string

(fn STRING &optional KEYS)

Function: multi-isearch-files

Start multi-buffer Isearch on a list of FILES.
Relative file names in this list are expanded to absolute
file names using the current buffer's value of `default-directory'.
Interactively read file names to search, one by one, ended with RET.
With a prefix argument, ask for a wildcard, and search in file buffers
whose file names match the specified wildcard.

Function: buffer-disable-undo

Make BUFFER stop keeping undo information.
No argument or nil as argument means do this for the current buffer.

Function: balance-windows-area

Make all visible windows the same area (approximately).
See also `window-area-factor' to change the relative size of
specific buffers.

Function: delete-minibuffer-contents

Delete all user input in a minibuffer.
If the current buffer is not a minibuffer, erase its entire contents.

Variable: dbus-message-type-signal

Message type of a signal message.

Function: window-start

Return position at which display currently starts in WINDOW.
WINDOW must be a live window and defaults to the selected one.
This is updated by redisplay or by calling `set-window-start'.

(fn &optional WINDOW)

Function: copy-syntax-table

Construct a new syntax table and return it.
It is a copy of the TABLE, which defaults to the standard syntax table.

(fn &optional TABLE)

Function: map-keymap

Call FUNCTION once for each event binding in KEYMAP.
FUNCTION is called with two arguments: the event that is bound, and
the definition it is bound to. The event may be a character range.

If KEYMAP has a parent, the parent's bindings are included as well.
This works recursively: if the parent has itself a parent, then the
grandparent's bindings are also included and so on. (fn FUNCTION KEYMAP)

Function: byte-compile-body

(fn BODY &optional FOR-EFFECT)

Variable: completion-no-auto-exit

Non-nil means `choose-completion-string' should never exit the minibuffer.
This also applies to other functions such as `choose-completion'.

Function: symbol-at-point

Return the symbol at point, or nil if none is found.


Variable: display-buffer-alist

Alist of conditional actions for `display-buffer'.
This is a list of elements (CONDITION . ACTION), where:

CONDITION is either a regexp matching buffer names, or a
function that takes two arguments - a buffer name and the
ACTION argument of `display-buffer' - and returns a boolean.

ACTION is a cons cell (FUNCTION . ALIST), where FUNCTION is a
function or a list of functions. Each such function should
accept two arguments: a buffer to display and an alist of the
same form as ALIST. See `display-buffer' for details.

`display-buffer' scans this alist until it either finds a
matching regular expression or the function specified by a
condition returns non-nil. In any of these cases, it adds the associated action to the list of actions it will try.

Variable: buffer-file-coding-system

Coding system to be used for encoding the buffer contents on saving.
This variable applies to saving the buffer, and also to `write-region'
and other functions that use `write-region'.
It does not apply to sending output to subprocesses, however.

If this is nil, the buffer is saved without any code conversion
unless some coding system is specified in `file-coding-system-alist'
for the buffer file.

If the text to be saved cannot be encoded as specified by this variable,
an alternative encoding is selected by `select-safe-coding-system', which see.

The variable `coding-system-for-write', if non-nil, overrides this variable.

This variable is never applied to a way of decoding a file while reading it.

Function: make-marker

Return a newly allocated marker which does not point at any place.


Variable: sgml-basic-offset

Specifies the basic indentation level for `sgml-indent-line'.

Variable: display-time-world-mode-hook

Hook run when entering World clock mode.
No problems result if this variable is not bound.
`add-hook' automatically binds it. (This is true for all hook variables.)

Function: face-background-pixmap

Return the stipple pixmap name of FACE, or nil if unspecified.
If the optional argument FRAME is given, report on face FACE in that frame.
If FRAME is t, report on the defaults for face FACE (for new frames).
If FRAME is omitted or nil, use the selected frame.

If INHERIT is nil, only a stipple directly defined by FACE is
considered, so the return value may be nil.
If INHERIT is t, and FACE doesn't define a stipple, then any stipple
that FACE inherits through its `:inherit' attribute is considered as
well; however the return value may still be nil.
If INHERIT is a face or a list of faces, then it is used to try to
resolve an unspecified stipple.

To ensure that a valid stipple or nil is always returned, use a value of
`default' for INHERIT; this will resolve any unspecified values by merging
with the `default' face (which is always completely specified).

Function: x-window-property

Value is the value of window property PROP on FRAME.
If FRAME is nil or omitted, use the selected frame.

On X Windows, the following optional arguments are also accepted:
If TYPE is nil or omitted, get the property as a string.
Otherwise TYPE is the name of the atom that denotes the type expected.
If SOURCE is non-nil, get the property on that window instead of from
FRAME. The number 0 denotes the root window.
If DELETE-P is non-nil, delete the property after retrieving it.
If VECTOR-RET-P is non-nil, don't return a string but a vector of values.

On MS Windows, this function accepts but ignores those optional arguments.

Value is nil if FRAME hasn't a property with name PROP or if PROP has
no value of TYPE (always string in the MS Windows case).

Function: font-info

Return information about a font named NAME on frame FRAME.
If FRAME is omitted or nil, use the selected frame.
The returned value is a vector of OPENED-NAME, FULL-NAME, SIZE,
OPENED-NAME is the name used for opening the font,
FULL-NAME is the full name of the font,
SIZE is the pixelsize of the font,
HEIGHT is the pixel-height of the font (i.e., ascent + descent),
BASELINE-OFFSET is the upward offset pixels from ASCII baseline,
RELATIVE-COMPOSE and DEFAULT-ASCENT are the numbers controlling
how to compose characters.
If the named font is not yet loaded, return nil. (fn NAME &optional FRAME)

Function: decode-char

Decode the pair of CHARSET and CODE-POINT into a character.
Return nil if CODE-POINT is not valid in CHARSET.


Optional argument RESTRICTION specifies a way to map the pair of CCS
and CODE-POINT to a character. Currently not supported and just ignored.


Function: byte-optimize-multiply

(fn FORM)

Function: gnus-set-work-buffer

Put point in the empty Gnus work buffer.

Variable: Info-mode-map

Keymap containing Info commands.

Variable: mule-menu-keymap

Keymap for Mule (Multilingual environment) menu specific commands.

Function: handwrite

Turns the buffer into a "handwritten" document.
The functions `handwrite-10pt', `handwrite-11pt', `handwrite-12pt'
and `handwrite-13pt' set up for various sizes of output.

Variables: `handwrite-linespace' (default 12)
`handwrite-fontsize' (default 11)
`handwrite-numlines' (default 60)
`handwrite-pagenumbering' (default nil) (fn)

Function: eudc-try-bbdb-insert

Call `eudc-insert-record-at-point-into-bbdb' if on a record.


Variable: eieio-generic-call-next-method-list

When executing a PRIMARY or STATIC method, track the 'next-method'.
During executions, the list is first generated, then as each next method
is called, the next method is popped off the stack.

Function: ebnf-apply-style

Set STYLE as the current style.

Returns the old style symbol.

See `ebnf-style-database' documentation. (fn STYLE)

Variable: buffer-display-count

A number incremented each time this buffer is displayed in a window.
The function `set-window-buffer' increments it.

Function: eieio-slot-name-index

In CLASS for OBJ find the index of the named SLOT.
The slot is a symbol which is installed in CLASS by the `defclass'
call. OBJ can be nil, but if it is an object, and the slot in question
is protected, access will be allowed if OBJ is a child of the currently
If SLOT is the value created with :initarg instead,
reverse-lookup that name, and recurse with the associated slot value.

Function: occur-mode-goto-occurrence-other-window

Go to the occurrence the current line describes, in another window.

Variable: isearch-push-state-function

Function to save a function restoring the mode-specific Isearch state
to the search status stack.

Variable: mode-line-remote

Mode line construct to indicate a remote buffer.

Function: x-wm-set-size-hint

Send the size hints for frame FRAME to the window manager.
If FRAME is nil, use the selected frame.

(fn &optional FRAME)

Function: sh-learn-buffer-indent

Learn how to indent the buffer the way it currently is.

Output in buffer "*indent*" shows any lines which have conflicting
values of a variable, and the final value of all variables learned.
When called interactively, pop to this buffer automatically if
there are any discrepancies.

If no prefix ARG is given, then variables are set to numbers.
If a prefix arg is given, then variables are set to symbols when
applicable -- e.g. to symbol `+' if the value is that of the
basic indent.
If a positive numerical prefix is given, then `sh-basic-offset'
is set to the prefix's numerical value.
Otherwise, sh-basic-offset may or may not be changed, according
to the value of variable `sh-learn-basic-offset'.

Abnormal hook `sh-learned-buffer-hook' if non-nil is called when the
function completes. The function is abnormal because it is called
with an alist of variables learned. This feature may be changed or removed in the future. This command can often take a long time to run.

Function: hangul-input-method-activate

Activate Hangul input method INPUT-METHOD.
FUNC is a function to handle input key.
HELP-TEXT is a text set in `hangul-input-method-help-text'.

Function: tooltip-show-help

Function installed as `show-help-function'.
MSG is either a help string to display, or nil to cancel the display.

Variable: query-replace-lazy-highlight

Controls the lazy-highlighting during query replacements.
When non-nil, all text in the buffer matching the current match
is highlighted lazily using isearch lazy highlighting (see
`lazy-highlight-initial-delay' and `lazy-highlight-interval').

Function: sequencep

Return t if OBJECT is a sequence (list or array).


Function: byte-compile-char-before

(fn FORM)

Function: delete-frame-enabled-p

Return non-nil if `delete-frame' should be enabled in the menu bar.

Variable: isearch-cmds

Stack of search status sets.
Each set is a vector of the form:

Function: sort-fields

Sort lines in region lexicographically by the ARGth field of each line.
Fields are separated by whitespace and numbered from 1 up.
With a negative arg, sorts by the ARGth field counted from the right.
Called from a program, there are three arguments:
FIELD, BEG and END. BEG and END specify region to sort.
The variable `sort-fold-case' determines whether alphabetic case affects
the sort order. (fn FIELD BEG END)

Variable: mail-mailing-lists

List of mailing list addresses the user is subscribed to.
The variable is used to trigger insertion of the "Mail-Followup-To"
header when sending a message to a mailing list.

Function: build-mail-abbrevs

Read mail aliases from personal mail alias file and set `mail-abbrevs'.
By default this is the file specified by `mail-personal-alias-file'.

(fn &optional FILE RECURSIVEP)

Function: kmacro-exec-ring-item

Execute item ITEM from the macro ring.


Function: window-combined-p

Return non-nil if WINDOW has siblings in a given direction.
WINDOW must be a valid window and defaults to the selected one.

HORIZONTAL determines a direction for the window combination.
If HORIZONTAL is omitted or nil, return non-nil if WINDOW is part
of a vertical window combination.
If HORIZONTAL is non-nil, return non-nil if WINDOW is part of a
horizontal window combination.

Variable: delete-terminal-functions

Special hook run when a terminal is deleted.
Each function is called with argument, the terminal.
This may be called just before actually deleting the terminal,
or some time later.

Function: looking-at

Return t if text after point matches regular expression REGEXP.
This function modifies the match data that `match-beginning',
`match-end' and `match-data' access; save and restore the match
data if you want to preserve them.

Variable: kill-ring

List of killed text sequences.
Since the kill ring is supposed to interact nicely with cut-and-paste
facilities offered by window systems, use of this variable should
interact nicely with `interprogram-cut-function' and
`interprogram-paste-function'. The functions `kill-new',
`kill-append', and `current-kill' are supposed to implement this
interaction; you may want to use them instead of manipulating the kill ring directly.

Function: turn-on-auto-revert-tail-mode

Turn on Auto-Revert Tail mode.

This function is designed to be added to hooks, for example:
(add-hook 'my-logfile-mode-hook 'turn-on-auto-revert-tail-mode) (fn)

Function: window--min-delta-1

Internal function for `window-min-delta'.

Function: narrow-to-defun

Make text outside current defun invisible.
The defun visible is the one that contains point or follows point.
Optional ARG is ignored.

Function: utf-7-post-read-conversion

(fn LEN)

Function: byte-compile-warning-prefix


Function: eieiomt-next

Return the next parent class for CLASS.
If CLASS is a superclass, return variable `eieio-default-superclass'.
If CLASS is variable `eieio-default-superclass' then return nil.
This is different from function `class-parent' as class parent returns
nil for superclasses. This function performs no type checking!

Function: caadr

Return the `car' of the `car' of the `cdr' of X.

(fn X)

Function: x-selection

Return the value of an X Windows selection.
The argument TYPE (default `PRIMARY') says which selection,
and the argument DATA-TYPE (default `STRING') says
how to convert the data.

TYPE may be any symbol (but nil stands for `PRIMARY'). However,
only a few symbols are commonly used. They conventionally have
all upper-case names. The most often used ones, in addition to

DATA-TYPE is usually `STRING', but can also be one of the symbols
in `selection-converter-alist', which see.

Function: pcomplete/which

Completion for `which'.

Function: electric-helpify

(fn FUN &optional NAME)

Variable: auto-mode-case-fold

Non-nil means to try second pass through `auto-mode-alist'.
This means that if the first case-sensitive search through the alist fails
to find a matching major mode, a second case-insensitive search is made.
On systems with case-insensitive file names, this variable is ignored,
since only a single case-insensitive search through the alist is made.

Function: format-delq-cons

Remove the given CONS from LIST by side effect and return the new LIST.
Since CONS could be the first element of LIST, write
`(setq foo (format-delq-cons element foo))' to be sure of changing
the value of `foo'.

Function: skip-chars-backward

Move point backward, stopping after a char not in STRING, or at pos LIM.
See `skip-chars-forward' for details.
Returns the distance traveled, either zero or negative.

(fn STRING &optional LIM)

Variable: translation-table-vector

Vector recording all translation tables ever defined.
Each element is a pair (SYMBOL . TABLE) relating the table to the
symbol naming it. The ID of a translation table is an index into this vector.

Function: sh-append

Return list composed of first argument (a list) physically appended to rest.

Function: eieiomt-method-list

Return an alist list of methods lambdas.
METHOD is the method name.
KEY represents either :before, or :after methods.
CLASS is the starting class to search from in the method tree.
If CLASS is nil, then an empty list of methods should be returned.

Function: vc-git-escape-file-name

Escape a file name if necessary.

(fn NAME)

Function: cl-isqrt

Return the integer square root of the argument.

(fn X)

Function: set-fringe-mode-1

Call `set-fringe-mode' with VALUE.
See `fringe-mode' for valid values and their effect.
This is usually invoked when setting `fringe-mode' via customize.

Variable: jka-compr-file-name-handler-entry

`file-name-handler-alist' entry used by jka-compr I/O functions.

Function: describe-generic

Describe the generic function GENERIC.
Also extracts information about all methods specific to this generic.


Function: handle-switch-frame

Handle a switch-frame event EVENT.
Switch-frame events are usually bound to this function.
A switch-frame event tells Emacs that the window manager has requested
that the user's events be directed to the frame mentioned in the event.
This function selects the selected window of the frame of EVENT.

If EVENT is frame object, handle it as if it were a switch-frame event
to that frame. (fn EVENT)

Function: rotate-yank-pointer

Rotate the yanking point in the kill ring.
With ARG, rotate that many kills forward (or backward, if negative).

Function: tabulated-list-mode

Generic major mode for browsing a list of items.
This mode is usually not used directly; instead, other major
modes are derived from it, using `define-derived-mode'.

In this major mode, the buffer is divided into multiple columns,
which are labeled using the header line. Each non-empty line
belongs to one "entry", and the entries can be sorted according
to their column values.

An inheriting mode should usually do the following in their body:

- Set `tabulated-list-format', specifying the column format.
- Set `tabulated-list-revert-hook', if the buffer contents need
to be specially recomputed prior to `revert-buffer'.
- Maybe set a `tabulated-list-entries' function (see below).
- Maybe set `tabulated-list-printer' (see below).
- Maybe set `tabulated-list-padding'.
- Call `tabulated-list-init-header' to initialize `header-line-format'
according to `tabulated-list-format'.

An inheriting mode is usually accompanied by a "list-FOO"
command (e.g. `list-packages', `list-processes'). This command
creates or switches to a buffer and enables the major mode in
that buffer. If `tabulated-list-entries' is not a function, the
command should initialize it to a list of entries for displaying.
Finally, it should call `tabulated-list-print'.

`tabulated-list-print' calls the printer function specified by
`tabulated-list-printer', once for each entry. The default
printer is `tabulated-list-print-entry', but a mode that keeps
data in an ewoc may instead specify a printer function (e.g., one
that calls `ewoc-enter-last'), with `tabulated-list-print-entry'
as the ewoc pretty-printer.

In addition to any hooks its parent mode `special-mode' might have run,
this mode runs the hook `tabulated-list-mode-hook', as the final step
during initialization.

key binding
--- -------

TAB forward-button
ESC Prefix Command
SPC scroll-up-command
- negative-argument
0 .. 9 digit-argument
< beginning-of-buffer
> end-of-buffer
? describe-mode
S tabulated-list-sort
g revert-buffer
h describe-mode
n next-line p previous-line q quit-window DEL scroll-down-command backward-button mouse-face mouse-select-window Prefix Command C-M-i backward-button (fn)

Variable: backup-directory-alist

Alist of filename patterns and backup directory names.
Each element looks like (REGEXP . DIRECTORY). Backups of files with
names matching REGEXP will be made in DIRECTORY. DIRECTORY may be
relative or absolute. If it is absolute, so that all matching files
are backed up into the same directory, the file names in this
directory will be the full name of the file backed up with all
directory separators changed to `!' to prevent clashes. This will not
work correctly if your filesystem truncates the resulting name.

For the common case of all backups going into one directory, the alist
should contain a single element pairing "." with the appropriate
directory name.

If this variable is nil, or it fails to match a filename, the backup
is made in the original file's directory.

On MS-DOS filesystems without long names this variable is always ignored.

Variable: before-save-hook

Normal hook that is run before a buffer is saved to its file.

Function: ange-ftp-hook-function


Variable: temp-buffer-setup-hook

Normal hook run by `with-output-to-temp-buffer' at the start.
When the hook runs, the temporary buffer is current.
This hook is normally set up with a function to put the buffer in Help mode.

Variable: class-class-allocation-custom

Class allocated custom descriptor.

Function: comint-within-quotes

Return t if the number of quotes between BEG and END is odd.
Quotes are single and double.

(fn BEG END)

Variable: Info-link-keymap

Keymap to put on Info links.
This is used for the "Next", "Prev", and "Up" links in the
first line or header line, and for breadcrumb links.

Function: help-follow-symbol

In help buffer, show docs for symbol at POS, defaulting to point.
Show all docs for that symbol as either a variable, function or face.

Function: isearch-yank-x-selection

Pull current X selection into search string.

Function: search-backward-lax-whitespace

Search backward for STRING, matching a sequence of whitespace chars.

Function: todo-cp

Make a diary entry appear only in the current date's diary.


Function: eieio-describe-constructor

Describe the constructor function FCN.
Uses `eieio-describe-class' to describe the class being constructed.

(fn FCN)

Function: align-entire

Align the selected region as if it were one alignment section.
BEG and END mark the extent of the region. If RULES or EXCLUDE-RULES
is set to a list of rules (see `align-rules-list'), it can be used to
override the default alignment rules that would have been used to
align that section.


Function: gnus-map-function

Apply the result of the first function in FUNS to the second, and so on.
ARG is passed to the first function.

Variable: debugger-previous-backtrace

The contents of the previous backtrace (including text properties).
This is to optimize `debugger-make-xrefs'.

Variable: buffer-substring-filters

List of filter functions for `filter-buffer-substring'.
Each function must accept a single argument, a string, and return
a string. The buffer substring is passed to the first function
in the list, and the return value of each function is passed to
the next. The final result (if `buffer-substring-filters' is
nil, this is the unfiltered buffer-substring) is passed to the
first function on `filter-buffer-substring-functions'.

As a special convention, point is set to the start of the buffer text
being operated on (i.e., the first argument of `filter-buffer-substring') before these functions are called.

Function: list-coding-categories

Display a list of all coding categories.


Function: scroll-left

Scroll selected window display ARG columns left.
Default for ARG is window width minus 2.
Value is the total amount of leftward horizontal scrolling in
effect after the change.
If SET-MINIMUM is non-nil, the new scroll amount becomes the
lower bound for automatic scrolling, i.e. automatic scrolling
will not scroll a window to a column less than the value returned
by this function. This happens in an interactive call.
(fn &optional ARG SET-MINIMUM)

Function: posn-at-x-y

Return position information for pixel coordinates X and Y.
By default, X and Y are relative to text area of the selected window.
Optional third arg FRAME-OR-WINDOW non-nil specifies frame or window.
If optional fourth arg WHOLE is non-nil, X is relative to the left
edge of the window.

The return value is similar to a mouse click position:
The `posn-' functions access elements of such lists.

(fn X Y &optional FRAME-OR-WINDOW WHOLE)

Function: smie-forward-sexp-command

Move forward through N logical elements.

(fn &optional N)

Function: Info-summary

Display a brief summary of all Info commands.

Function: complete-in-turn

Create a completion table that tries each table in TABLES in turn.

(fn &rest TABLES)

Function: make-empty-face

Define a new, empty face with name FACE.
Do not call this directly from Lisp code; use `defface' instead.

Function: assoc-string

Like `assoc' but specifically for strings (and symbols).

This returns the first element of LIST whose car matches the string or
symbol KEY, or nil if no match exists. When performing the
comparison, symbols are first converted to strings, and unibyte
strings to multibyte. If the optional arg CASE-FOLD is non-nil, case
is ignored.

Unlike `assoc', KEY can also match an entry in LIST consisting of a
single string, rather than a cons cell whose car is a string. (fn KEY LIST &optional CASE-FOLD)

Variable: byte-varbind

Byte code opcode for binding a variable.

Variable: completion-styles

List of completion styles to use.
The available styles are listed in `completion-styles-alist'.

Note that `completion-category-overrides' may override these
styles for specific categories, such as files, buffers, etc.

Variable: help-at-pt-display-when-idle

Automatically show local help on point-over.
If the value is t, the string obtained from any `kbd-help' or
`help-echo' property at point is automatically printed in the
echo area, if nothing else is already displayed there, or after a
quit. If both `kbd-help' and `help-echo' produce help strings,
`kbd-help' is used. If the value is a list, the help only gets
printed if there is a text or overlay property at point that is
included in this list. Suggested properties are `keymap',
`local-map', `button' and `kbd-help'. Any value other than t or
a non-empty list disables the feature.

This variable only takes effect after a call to
`help-at-pt-set-timer'. The help gets printed after Emacs has
been idle for `help-at-pt-timer-delay' seconds. You can call
`help-at-pt-cancel-timer' to cancel the timer set by, and the
effect of, `help-at-pt-set-timer'.

When this variable is set through Custom, `help-at-pt-set-timer'
is called automatically, unless the value is `never', in which
case `help-at-pt-cancel-timer' is called. Specifying an empty
list of properties through Custom will set the timer, thus
enabling buffer local values. It sets the actual value to nil.
Thus, Custom distinguishes between a nil value and other values that disable the feature, which Custom identifies with `never'. The default is `never'.

Function: set-file-name-coding-system

Set coding system for decoding and encoding file names to CODING-SYSTEM.
It actually just set the variable `file-name-coding-system' (which see)

Function: file-expand-wildcards

Expand wildcard pattern PATTERN.
This returns a list of file names which match the pattern.

If PATTERN is written as an absolute file name,
the values are absolute also.

If PATTERN is written as a relative file name, it is interpreted
relative to the current default directory, `default-directory'.
The file names returned are normally also relative to the current
default directory. However, if FULL is non-nil, they are absolute.

Variable: right-fringe-width

Width of this buffer's right fringe (in pixels).
A value of 0 means no right fringe is shown in this buffer's window.
A value of nil means to use the right fringe width from the window's frame.

Variable: eieio-optimize-primary-methods-flag

Non-nil means to optimize the method dispatch on primary methods.

Variable: debugger-record-buffer

Buffer name for expression values, for M-x debugger-record-expression.

Function: cl-delete-if-not

Remove all items not satisfying PREDICATE in SEQ.
This is a destructive function; it reuses the storage of SEQ whenever possible.

Keywords supported: :key :count :start :end :from-end


Function: rlogin

Open a network login connection via `rlogin' with args INPUT-ARGS.
INPUT-ARGS should start with a host name; it may also contain
other arguments for `rlogin'.

Input is sent line-at-a-time to the remote connection.

Communication with the remote host is recorded in a buffer `*rlogin-HOST*'
(or `*rlogin-USER@HOST*' if the remote username differs).
If a prefix argument is given and the buffer `*rlogin-HOST*' already exists,
a new buffer with a different connection will be made.

When called from a program, if the optional second argument BUFFER is
a string or buffer, it specifies the buffer to use.

The variable `rlogin-program' contains the name of the actual program to
run. It can be a relative or absolute path.

The variable `rlogin-explicit-args' is a list of arguments to give to
the rlogin when starting. They are added after any arguments given in

If the default value of `rlogin-directory-tracking-mode' is t, then the
default directory in that buffer is set to a remote (FTP) file name to
access your home directory on the remote machine. Occasionally this causes
an error, if you cannot access the home directory on that machine. This
error is harmless as long as you don't try to use that default directory.

If `rlogin-directory-tracking-mode' is neither t nor nil, then the default
directory is initially set up to your (local) home directory.
This is useful if the remote machine and your local machine
share the same files via NFS. This is the default.

If you wish to change directory tracking styles during a session, use the function `rlogin-directory-tracking-mode' rather than simply setting the variable. (fn INPUT-ARGS &optional BUFFER)

Function: complete-tag

Perform tags completion on the text around point.
Completes to the set of names listed in the current tags table.
The string to complete is chosen in the same way as the default
for M-. (which see). (fn)

Function: aref

Return the element of ARRAY at index IDX.
ARRAY may be a vector, a string, a char-table, a bool-vector,
or a byte-code object. IDX starts at 0.


Function: smie-indent--hanging-p

Return non-nil if the current token is "hanging".
A hanging keyword is one that's at the end of a line except it's not at
the beginning of a line. (fn)

Variable: pcomplete-default-completion-function

Function called when no completion rule can be found.
This function is used to generate completions for every argument.

Function: comment-region

Comment or uncomment each line in the region.
With just C-u prefix arg, uncomment each line in region BEG .. END.
Numeric prefix ARG means use ARG comment characters.
If ARG is negative, delete that many comment characters instead.

The strings used as comment starts are built from `comment-start'
and `comment-padding'; the strings used as comment ends are built
from `comment-end' and `comment-padding'.

By default, the `comment-start' markers are inserted at the
current indentation of the region, and comments are terminated on
each line (even for syntaxes in which newline does not end the
comment and blank lines do not get comments). This can be
changed with `comment-style'. (fn BEG END &optional ARG)

Function: cancel-function-timers

Cancel all timers which would run FUNCTION.
This affects ordinary timers such as are scheduled by `run-at-time',
and idle timers such as are scheduled by `run-with-idle-timer'.

Function: font-lock-prepend-text-property

Prepend to one property of the text from START to END.
Arguments PROP and VALUE specify the property and value to prepend to the value
already in place. The resulting property values are always lists.
Optional argument OBJECT is the string or buffer containing the text.

Function: url-file-extension

Return the filename extension of FNAME.
If optional argument X is t, then return the basename
of the file with the extension stripped off.

Function: local-set-key

Give KEY a local binding as COMMAND.
COMMAND is the command definition to use; usually it is
a symbol naming an interactively-callable function.
KEY is a key sequence; noninteractively, it is a string or vector
of characters or event types, and non-ASCII characters with codes
above 127 (such as ISO Latin-1) can be included if you use a vector.

The binding goes in the current buffer's local map,
which in most cases is shared with all other buffers in the same major mode.

Function: char-or-string-p

Return t if OBJECT is a character or a string.


Function: recursive-edit

Invoke the editor command loop recursively.
To get out of the recursive edit, a command can do `(throw 'exit nil)';
that tells this function to return.
Alternatively, `(throw 'exit t)' makes this function signal an error.
This function is called by the editor initialization to begin editing. (fn)

Variable: lisp-indent-maximum-backtracking

Maximum depth to backtrack out from a sublist for structured indentation.
If this variable is 0, no backtracking will occur and forms such as `flet'
may not be correctly indented.

Function: Info-find-in-tag-table-1

Find a node in a tag table.
MARKER specifies the buffer and position to start searching at.
REGEXP is a regular expression matching nodes or references. Its first
group should match `Node:' or `Ref:'.
CASE-FOLD t means search for a case-insensitive match.
If a match was found, value is a list (FOUND-ANCHOR POS MODE), where
FOUND-ANCHOR is non-nil if a `Ref:' was matched, POS is the position
where the match was found, and MODE is `major-mode' of the buffer in which the match was found.

Function: shell-quote-argument

Quote ARGUMENT for passing as argument to an inferior shell.

Variable: x-super-keysym

Which keys Emacs uses for the super modifier.
This should be one of the symbols `alt', `hyper', `meta', `super'.
For example, `super' means use the Super_L and Super_R keysyms. The
default is nil, which is the same as `super'.

Function: directory-file-name

Returns the file name of the directory named DIRECTORY.
This is the name of the file that holds the data for the directory DIRECTORY.
This operation exists because a directory is also a file, but its name as
a directory is different from its name as a file.
In Unix-syntax, this function just removes the final slash. (fn DIRECTORY)

Variable: pcomplete-try-first-hook

A list of functions which are called before completing an argument.
This can be used, for example, for completing things which might apply
to all arguments, such as variable names after a $.

Function: image-load-path-for-library

Return a suitable search path for images used by LIBRARY.

It searches for IMAGE in `image-load-path' (excluding
"`data-directory'/images") and `load-path', followed by a path
suitable for LIBRARY, which includes "../../etc/images" and
"../etc/images" relative to the library file itself, and then
in "`data-directory'/images".

Then this function returns a list of directories which contains
first the directory in which IMAGE was found, followed by the
value of `load-path'. If PATH is given, it is used instead of

If NO-ERROR is non-nil and a suitable path can't be found, don't
signal an error. Instead, return a list of directories as before,
except that nil appears in place of the image directory.

Here is an example that uses a common idiom to provide
compatibility with versions of Emacs that lack the variable

;; Shush compiler.
(defvar image-load-path)

(let* ((load-path (image-load-path-for-library "mh-e" "mh-logo.xpm"))
(image-load-path (cons (car load-path)
(when (boundp 'image-load-path) image-load-path)))) (mh-tool-bar-folder-buttons-init))

Variable: emacs-lisp-mode-hook

Hook run when entering Emacs Lisp mode.

Function: pcomplete-expand

Expand the textual value of the current argument.
This will modify the current buffer.

Function: ispell-minor-mode

Toggle last-word spell checking (Ispell minor mode).
With a prefix argument ARG, enable Ispell minor mode if ARG is
positive, and disable it otherwise. If called from Lisp, enable
the mode if ARG is omitted or nil.

Ispell minor mode is a buffer-local minor mode. When enabled,
typing SPC or RET warns you if the previous word is incorrectly

All the buffer-local variables and dictionaries are ignored. To
read them into the running ispell process, type M-$

For spell-checking "on the fly", not just after typing SPC or RET, use `flyspell-mode'. (fn &optional ARG)

Function: ert

Run the tests specified by SELECTOR and display the results in a buffer.

SELECTOR works as described in `ert-select-tests'.
OUTPUT-BUFFER-NAME and MESSAGE-FN should normally be nil; they
are used for automated self-tests and specify which buffer to use
and how to display message.


Function: set-selection-coding-system

Make CODING-SYSTEM used for communicating with other X clients.
When sending or receiving text via cut_buffer, selection, and clipboard,
the text is encoded or decoded by CODING-SYSTEM.

Variable: words-include-escapes

Non-nil means `forward-word', etc., should treat escape chars part of words.

Function: buffer-substring

Return the contents of part of the current buffer as a string.
The two arguments START and END are character positions;
they can be in either order.
The string returned is multibyte if the buffer is multibyte.

This function copies the text properties of that part of the buffer
into the result string; if you don't want the text properties,
use `buffer-substring-no-properties' instead. (fn START END)

Function: overlay-properties

Return a list of the properties on OVERLAY.
This is a copy of OVERLAY's plist; modifying its conses has no effect on


Function: delete-duplicates

Remove all duplicate elements from SEQ (destructively).

Keywords supported: :test :test-not :key :start :end :from-end


Function: dnd-insert-text

Insert text at point or push to the kill ring if buffer is read only.
TEXT is the text as a string, WINDOW is the window where the drop happened.

Function: popup-menu

Popup the given menu and call the selected option.
MENU can be a keymap, an easymenu-style menu or a list of keymaps as for
The menu is shown at the place where POSITION specifies. About
the form of POSITION, see `popup-menu-normalize-position'.
PREFIX is the prefix argument (if any) to pass to the command.


Function: ansi-color-process-output

Maybe translate SGR control sequences of comint output into text properties.

Depending on variable `ansi-color-for-comint-mode' the comint output is
either not processed, SGR control sequences are filtered using
`ansi-color-filter-region', or SGR control sequences are translated into
text properties using `ansi-color-apply-on-region'.

The comint output is assumed to lie between the marker
`comint-last-output-start' and the process-mark.

This is a good function to put in `comint-output-filter-functions'.

Function: sieve-mode

Major mode for editing Sieve code.
This is much like C mode except for the syntax of comments. Its keymap
inherits from C mode's and it has the same variables for customizing
indentation. It has its own abbrev table and its own syntax table.

Turning on Sieve mode runs `sieve-mode-hook'. (fn)

Function: set-buffer-file-coding-system

Set the file coding-system of the current buffer to CODING-SYSTEM.
This means that when you save the buffer, it will be converted
according to CODING-SYSTEM. For a list of possible values of
CODING-SYSTEM, use M-x list-coding-systems.

If CODING-SYSTEM leaves the text conversion unspecified, or if it leaves
the end-of-line conversion unspecified, FORCE controls what to do.
If FORCE is nil, get the unspecified aspect (or aspects) from the buffer's
previous `buffer-file-coding-system' value (if it is specified there).
Otherwise, leave it unspecified.

This marks the buffer modified so that the succeeding C-x C-s
surely saves the buffer with CODING-SYSTEM. From a program, if you
don't want to mark the buffer modified, specify t for NOMODIFY.
If you know exactly what coding system you want to use,
just set the variable `buffer-file-coding-system' directly.

Function: comint-completion-file-name-table


Function: comint-args


Function: toggle-save-place-globally

Toggle whether to visit files of previous session when restarting Emacs.
In an interactive call, record this option as a candidate for saving
by "Save Options" in Custom buffers.

Function: url-file

Handle file: and ftp: URLs.


Function: documentation-property

Return the documentation string that is SYMBOL's PROP property.
Third argument RAW omitted or nil means pass the result through
`substitute-command-keys' if it is a string.

This differs from `get' in that it can refer to strings stored in the
`etc/DOC' file; and that it evaluates documentation properties that
aren't strings.

(fn SYMBOL PROP &optional RAW)

Function: internal-copy-lisp-face

Copy face FROM to TO.
If FRAME is t, copy the global face definition of FROM.
Otherwise, copy the frame-local definition of FROM on FRAME.
If NEW-FRAME is a frame, copy that data into the frame-local
definition of TO on NEW-FRAME. If NEW-FRAME is nil,
FRAME controls where the data is copied to.

The value is TO.

Function: multi-isearch-read-buffers

Return a list of buffers specified interactively, one by one.

Function: Info-directory-find-file

Directory-specific implementation of `Info-find-file'.

Variable: standard-fontset-spec

String of fontset spec of the standard fontset.
You have the biggest chance to display international characters
with correct glyphs by using the standard fontset.
See the documentation of `create-fontset-from-fontset-spec' for the format.

Function: completion--cycle-threshold


Function: elint-file

Lint the file FILE.

(fn FILE)

Function: allout-auto-activation-helper

Institute `allout-auto-activation'.

Intended to be used as the `allout-auto-activation' :set function.


Function: string-prefix-p

Return non-nil if STR1 is a prefix of STR2.
If IGNORE-CASE is non-nil, the comparison is done without paying attention
to case differences.

Function: eieio-defclass

Define CNAME as a new subclass of SUPERCLASSES.
SLOTS are the slots residing in that class definition, and options or
documentation OPTIONS-AND-DOC is the toplevel documentation for this class.
See `defclass' for more information.

Function: copy-seq

Return a copy of a list, vector, string or char-table.
The elements of a list or vector are not copied; they are shared
with the original.
(fn ARG)

Function: transpose-sentences

Interchange the current sentence with the next one.
With prefix argument ARG a non-zero integer, moves the current
sentence past ARG sentences, leaving point after the current sentence.
If ARG is positive, moves the current sentence forwards, if
ARG is negative moves it backwards. If ARG is zero, exchanges
the current sentence with the one containing the mark.

Function: eudc-load-eudc

Load the Emacs Unified Directory Client.
This does nothing except loading eudc by autoload side-effect.

Variable: case-replace

Non-nil means `query-replace' should preserve case in replacements.

Variable: current-input-method-title

Title string of the current input method shown in mode line.

Function: macroexp--warn-and-return


Function: switch-to-buffer-other-window

Select the buffer specified by BUFFER-OR-NAME in another window.
BUFFER-OR-NAME may be a buffer, a string (a buffer name), or
nil. Return the buffer switched to.

If called interactively, prompt for the buffer name using the
minibuffer. The variable `confirm-nonexistent-file-or-buffer'
determines whether to request confirmation before creating a new

If BUFFER-OR-NAME is a string and does not identify an existing
buffer, create a new buffer with that name. If BUFFER-OR-NAME is
nil, switch to the buffer returned by `other-buffer'.

Optional second argument NORECORD non-nil means do not put this
buffer at the front of the list of recently selected ones.

This uses the function `display-buffer' as a subroutine; see its documentation for additional customization information.

Function: iso-gtex2iso

Translate German TeX sequences to ISO 8859-1 characters.
Translate the region between FROM and TO using the table
Optional arg BUFFER is ignored (for use in `format-alist').

(fn FROM TO &optional BUFFER)

Function: class-direct-subclasses

Return child classes to CLASS.

The CLOS function `class-direct-subclasses' is aliased to this function.

Variable: method-before

Index into :before tag on a method.

Function: gnus-extract-address-components

Extract address components from a From header.
Given an RFC-822 address FROM, extract full name and canonical address.
Returns a list of the form (FULL-NAME CANONICAL-ADDRESS). Much more simple
solution than `mail-extract-address-components', which works much better, but is slower.

Function: byte-compile-form

(fn FORM &optional FOR-EFFECT)

Function: object-assoc-list

Return an association list with the contents of SLOT as the key element.
LIST must be a list of objects with SLOT in it.
This is useful when you need to do completing read on an object group.

Function: mm-multibyte-p

Non-nil if multibyte is enabled in the current buffer.

Function: beginning-of-visual-line

Move point to beginning of current visual line.
With argument N not nil or 1, move forward N - 1 visual lines first.
If point reaches the beginning or end of buffer, it stops there.
To ignore intangibility, bind `inhibit-point-motion-hooks' to t.

Variable: next-error-highlight

Highlighting of locations in selected source buffers.
If a number, highlight the locus in `next-error' face for the given time
in seconds, or until the next command is executed.
If t, highlight the locus until the next command is executed, or until
some other locus replaces it.
If nil, don't highlight the locus in the source buffer.
If `fringe-arrow', indicate the locus by the fringe arrow
indefinitely until some other locus replaces it.

Function: windmove-left

Select the window to the left of the current one.
With no prefix argument, or with prefix argument equal to zero,
"left" is relative to the position of point in the window; otherwise
it is relative to the top edge (for positive ARG) or the bottom edge
(for negative ARG) of the current window.
If no window is at the desired location, an error is signaled. (fn &optional ARG)

Function: ffap-menu

Put up a menu of files and URLs mentioned in this buffer.
Then set mark, jump to choice, and try to fetch it. The menu is
cached in `ffap-menu-alist', and rebuilt by `ffap-menu-rescan'.
The optional RESCAN argument (a prefix, interactively) forces
a rebuild. Searches with `ffap-menu-regexp'.

(fn &optional RESCAN)

Function: window-scroll-bars

Get width and type of scroll bars of window WINDOW.
WINDOW must be a live window and defaults to the selected one.

If WIDTH is nil or TYPE is t, the window is using the frame's corresponding
(fn &optional WINDOW)

Function: execute-kbd-macro

Execute MACRO as string of editor command characters.
If MACRO is a symbol, its function definition is used.
COUNT is a repeat count, or nil for once, or 0 for infinite loop.

Optional third arg LOOPFUNC may be a function that is called prior to
each iteration of the macro. Iteration stops if LOOPFUNC returns nil.


Function: file-selinux-context

Return SELinux context of file named FILENAME.
The return value is a list (USER ROLE TYPE RANGE), where the list
elements are strings naming the user, role, type, and range of the
file's SELinux security context.

Return (nil nil nil nil) if the file is nonexistent or inaccessible,
or if SELinux is disabled, or if Emacs lacks SELinux support. (fn FILENAME)

Function: clone-process

Create a twin copy of PROCESS.
If NEWNAME is nil, it defaults to PROCESS' name;
NEWNAME is modified by adding or incrementing at the end as necessary.
If PROCESS is associated with a buffer, the new process will be associated
with the current buffer instead.
Returns nil if PROCESS has already terminated.

Variable: global-mark-ring-max

Maximum size of global mark ring. Start discarding off end if gets this big.

Function: completion-boundaries

Return the boundaries of the completions returned by TABLE for STRING.
STRING is the string on which completion will be performed.
SUFFIX is the string after point.
The result is of the form (START . END) where START is the position
in STRING of the beginning of the completion field and END is the position
in SUFFIX of the end of the completion field.
E.g. for simple completion tables, the result is always (0 . (length SUFFIX))
and for file names the result is the positions delimited by
the closest directory separators. (fn STRING TABLE PRED SUFFIX)

Function: gnus-draft-reminder

Reminder user if there are unsent drafts.


Function: checkdoc-continue

Find the next doc string in the current buffer which has a style error.
Prefix argument TAKE-NOTES means to continue through the whole buffer and
save warnings in a separate buffer. Second optional argument START-POINT
is the starting location. If this is nil, `point-min' is used instead.

(fn &optional TAKE-NOTES)

Function: vc-find-file-hook

Function for `find-file-hook' activating VC mode if appropriate.

Function: window--try-to-split-window

Try to split WINDOW.
Return value returned by `split-window-preferred-function' if it
represents a live window, nil otherwise.

Function: set-window-prev-buffers

Set WINDOW's previous buffers to PREV-BUFFERS.
WINDOW must be a live window and defaults to the selected one.

PREV-BUFFERS should be a list of elements (BUFFER WINDOW-START POS),
where BUFFER is a buffer, WINDOW-START is the start position of the
window for that buffer, and POS is a window-specific point value.


Function: nconc

Concatenate any number of lists by altering them.
Only the last argument is not altered, and need not be a list.

(fn &rest LISTS)

Variable: executable-insert

Non-nil means offer to add a magic number to a file.
This takes effect when you switch to certain major modes,
including Shell-script mode (`sh-mode').
When you type M-x executable-set-magic, it always offers to add or
update the magic number.

Variable: text-mode-abbrev-table

Abbrev table for `text-mode'.

Variable: menu-bar-update-hook

Normal hook run to update the menu bar definitions.
Redisplay runs this hook before it redisplays the menu bar.
This is used to update submenus such as Buffers,
whose contents depend on various data.

Function: user-full-name

Return the full name of the user logged in, as a string.
If the full name corresponding to Emacs's userid is not known,
return "unknown".

If optional argument UID is an integer or float, return the full name
of the user with that uid, or nil if there is no such user.
If UID is a string, return the full name of the user with that login
name, or nil if there is no such user. (fn &optional UID)

Variable: user-full-name

The full name of the user logged in.

Function: set-terminal-coding-system-internal

Internal use only.


Function: quail-set-keyboard-layout

Set the current keyboard layout to the same as keyboard KBD-TYPE.

Since some Quail packages depends on a physical layout of keys (not
characters generated by them), those are created by assuming the
standard layout defined in `quail-keyboard-layout-standard'. This
function tells Quail system the layout of your keyboard so that what
you type is correctly handled. (fn KBD-TYPE)

Function: electric-layout-mode

Automatically insert newlines around some chars.
With a prefix argument ARG, enable Electric Layout mode if ARG is
positive, and disable it otherwise. If called from Lisp, enable
the mode if ARG is omitted or nil.
The variable `electric-layout-rules' says when and how to insert newlines.
(fn &optional ARG)

Variable: electric-layout-mode

Non-nil if Electric-Layout mode is enabled.
See the command `electric-layout-mode' for a description of this minor mode.
Setting this variable directly does not take effect;
either customize it (see the info node `Easy Customization')
or call the function `electric-layout-mode'.

Function: custom-buffer-create-other-window

Create a buffer containing OPTIONS, and display it in another window.
The result includes selecting that window.
Optional NAME is the name of the buffer.
OPTIONS should be an alist of the form ((SYMBOL WIDGET)...), where
SYMBOL is a customization option, and WIDGET is a widget for editing
that option.


Function: compose-mail

Start composing a mail message to send.
This uses the user's chosen mail composition package
as selected with the variable `mail-user-agent'.
The optional arguments TO and SUBJECT specify recipients
and the initial Subject field, respectively.

OTHER-HEADERS is an alist specifying additional
header fields. Elements look like (HEADER . VALUE) where both
HEADER and VALUE are strings.

CONTINUE, if non-nil, says to continue editing a message already
being composed. Interactively, CONTINUE is the prefix argument.

SWITCH-FUNCTION, if non-nil, is a function to use to
switch to and display the buffer used for mail composition.

YANK-ACTION, if non-nil, is an action to perform, if and when necessary,
to insert the raw text of the message being replied to.
It has the form (FUNCTION . ARGS). The user agent will apply
FUNCTION to ARGS, to insert the raw text of the original message.
(The user agent will also run `mail-citation-hook', *after* the
original text has been inserted in this way.)

SEND-ACTIONS is a list of actions to call when the message is sent.
Each action has the form (FUNCTION . ARGS).

RETURN-ACTION, if non-nil, is an action for returning to the
caller. It has the form (FUNCTION . ARGS). The function is called after the mail has been sent or put aside, and the mail buffer buried.

Function: hash-table-rehash-size

Return the current rehash size of TABLE.

(fn TABLE)

Function: auth-source-epa-extract-gpg-token

Pass either the decoded SECRET or the gpg:BASE64DATA version.
FILE is the file from which we obtained this token.

Function: comint-history-isearch-backward

Search for a string backward in input history using Isearch.


Function: dabbrev--minibuffer-origin

Get the buffer from which mini-buffer.


Function: Info-display-images-node

Display images in current node.

Function: assoc-if-not

Find the first item whose car does not satisfy PREDICATE in LIST.

Keywords supported: :key


Function: epa-decrypt-file

Decrypt FILE.

(fn FILE)

Variable: version-regexp-alist

Specify association between non-numeric version and its priority.

This association is used to handle version string like "1.0pre2",
"0.9alpha1", etc. It's used by `version-to-list' (which see) to convert the
non-numeric part of a version string to an integer. For example:

String Version Integer List Version
"1.0pre2" (1 0 -1 2)
"1.0PRE2" (1 0 -1 2)
"22.8beta3" (22 8 -2 3)
"22.8 Beta3" (22 8 -2 3)
"0.9alpha1" (0 9 -3 1)
"0.9AlphA1" (0 9 -3 1)
"0.9 alpha" (0 9 -3)

Each element has the following form:



REGEXP regexp used to match non-numeric part of a version string.
It should begin with the `^' anchor and end with a `$' to
prevent false hits. Letter-case is ignored while matching REGEXP. PRIORITY a negative integer specifying non-numeric priority of REGEXP.

Variable: minibuffer-completing-file-name

Non-nil means completing file names.

Function: sh-backslash-region

Insert, align, or delete end-of-line backslashes on the lines in the region.
With no argument, inserts backslashes and aligns existing backslashes.
With an argument, deletes the backslashes.

This function does not modify the last line of the region if the region ends
right at the start of the following line; it does not modify blank lines
at the start of the region. So you can put the region around an entire
shell command and conveniently use this command.

Function: byte-optimize-cond

(fn FORM)

Function: cconv--convert-function


Function: package-menu-mark-upgrades

Mark all upgradable packages in the Package Menu.
For each installed package with a newer version available, place
an (I)nstall flag on the available version and a (D)elete flag on
the installed version. A subsequent M-x package-menu-execute
call will upgrade the package.

Function: nonincremental-search-forward

Read a string and search for it nonincrementally.

Variable: rfn-eshadow-setup-minibuffer-hook

Minibuffer setup functions from other packages.

Variable: automount-dir-prefix

Regexp to match the automounter prefix in a directory name.

Function: clear-visited-file-modtime

Clear out records of last mod time of visited file.
Next attempt to save will certainly not complain of a discrepancy.

Function: sgml-unclosed-tag-p

Return non-nil if TAG-NAME is a tag for which an end-tag is optional.

Function: lpr-region

Print region contents without pagination or page headers.
See the variables `lpr-switches' and `lpr-command'
for customization of the printer command.


Function: cfengine2-mode

Major mode for editing CFEngine2 input.
There are no special keybindings by default.

Action blocks are treated as defuns, i.e. C-M-a moves
to the action header. (fn)

Variable: doc-directory

Directory containing the DOC file that comes with GNU Emacs.
This is usually the same as `data-directory'.

Function: toggle-enable-multibyte-characters

Change whether this buffer uses multibyte characters.
With ARG, use multibyte characters if the ARG is positive.

Note that this command does not convert the byte contents of
the buffer; it only changes the way those bytes are interpreted.
In general, therefore, this command *changes* the sequence of
characters that the current buffer contains.

We suggest you avoid using this command unless you know what you are
doing. If you use it by mistake, and the buffer is now displayed
wrong, use this command again to toggle back to the right mode.

Function: sendmail-user-agent-compose


Function: ebnf-find-style

Return style definition if NAME is already defined; otherwise, return nil.

See `ebnf-style-database' documentation.
(fn NAME)

Function: key-description

Return a pretty description of key-sequence KEYS.
Optional arg PREFIX is the sequence of keys leading up to KEYS.
For example, [?C-x ?l] is converted into the string "C-x l".

For an approximate inverse of this, see `kbd'.

(fn KEYS &optional PREFIX)

Function: pcomplete--here

Complete against the current argument, if at the end.
See the documentation for `pcomplete-here'.


Function: vc-up-to-date-p

Convenience function that checks whether `vc-state' of FILE is `up-to-date'.

Variable: text-mode-map

Keymap for `text-mode'.
Many other modes, such as `mail-mode', `outline-mode' and `indented-text-mode',
inherit all the commands defined in this map.

Function: sql-sybase

Run isql by Sybase as an inferior process.

If buffer `*SQL*' exists but no process is running, make a new process.
If buffer exists and a process is running, just switch to buffer

Interpreter used comes from variable `sql-sybase-program'. Login uses
the variables `sql-server', `sql-user', `sql-password', and
`sql-database' as defaults, if set. Additional command line parameters
can be stored in the list `sql-sybase-options'.

The buffer is put in SQL interactive mode, giving commands for sending
input. See `sql-interactive-mode'.

To set the buffer name directly, use C-u
before M-x sql-sybase. Once session has started,
M-x sql-rename-buffer can be called separately to rename the

To specify a coding system for converting non-ASCII characters
in the input and output to the process, use C-x RET c
before M-x sql-sybase. You can also specify this with C-x RET p
in the SQL buffer, after you start the process.
The default comes from `process-coding-system-alist' and
`default-process-coding-system'. (Type C-h m in the SQL buffer for a list of commands.) (fn &optional BUFFER)

Function: double-mode

Toggle special insertion on double keypresses (Double mode).
With a prefix argument ARG, enable Double mode if ARG is
positive, and disable it otherwise. If called from Lisp, enable
the mode if ARG is omitted or nil.

When Double mode is enabled, some keys will insert different
strings when pressed twice. See `double-map' for details. (fn &optional ARG)

Function: browse-url-text-xterm

Ask a text browser to load URL.
URL defaults to the URL around or before point.
This runs the text browser specified by `browse-url-text-browser'.
in an Xterm window using the Xterm program named by `browse-url-xterm-program'
with possible additional arguments `browse-url-xterm-args'.

(fn URL &optional NEW-WINDOW)

Variable: flyspell-mode

Non-nil if Flyspell mode is enabled.

Function: read-variable

Read the name of a user option and return it as a symbol.
Prompt with PROMPT. By default, return DEFAULT-VALUE or its first element
if it is a list.
A user option, or customizable variable, is one for which
`custom-variable-p' returns non-nil.


Function: isearch-del-char

Delete character from end of search string and search again.
If search string is empty, just beep.

Variable: frame-background-mode

The brightness of the background.
Set this to the symbol `dark' if your background color is dark,
`light' if your background is light, or nil (automatic by default)
if you want Emacs to examine the brightness for you. Don't set this
variable with `setq'; this won't have the expected effect.

Function: strokes-decode-buffer

Decode stroke strings in BUFFER and display their corresponding glyphs.
Optional BUFFER defaults to the current buffer.
Optional FORCE non-nil will ignore the buffer's read-only status.

(fn &optional BUFFER FORCE)

Function: ido-switch-buffer

Switch to another buffer.
The buffer is displayed according to `ido-default-buffer-method' -- the
default is to show it in the same window, unless it is already visible
in another frame.

As you type in a string, all of the buffers matching the string are
displayed if substring-matching is used (default). Look at
`ido-enable-prefix' and `ido-toggle-prefix'. When you have found the
buffer you want, it can then be selected. As you type, most keys have
their normal keybindings, except for the following:
Uses keymap `ido-buffer-completion-map', which is not currently defined.

RET Select the buffer at the front of the list of matches. If the
list is empty, possibly prompt to create new buffer.

M-x ido-select-text Use the current input string verbatim.

M-x ido-next-match Put the first element at the end of the list.
M-x ido-prev-match Put the last element at the start of the list.
M-x ido-complete Complete a common suffix to the current string that
matches all buffers. If there is only one match, select that buffer.
If there is no common suffix, show a list of all matching buffers
in a separate window.
M-x ido-edit-input Edit input string.
M-x ido-fallback-command Fallback to non-ido version of current command.
M-x ido-toggle-regexp Toggle regexp searching.
M-x ido-toggle-prefix Toggle between substring and prefix matching.
M-x ido-toggle-case Toggle case-sensitive searching of buffer names.
M-x ido-completion-help Show list of matching buffers in separate window.
M-x ido-enter-find-file Drop into `ido-find-file'.
M-x ido-kill-buffer-at-head Kill buffer at head of buffer list. M-x ido-toggle-ignore Toggle ignoring buffers listed in `ido-ignore-buffers'. (fn)

Function: file-cache-minibuffer-complete

Complete a filename in the minibuffer using a preloaded cache.
Filecache does two kinds of substitution: it completes on names in
the cache, and, once it has found a unique name, it cycles through
the directories that the name is available in. With a prefix argument,
the name is considered already unique; only the second substitution
(directories) is done. (fn ARG)

Function: daemon-initialized

Mark the Emacs daemon as being initialized.
This finishes the daemonization process by doing the other half of detaching
from the parent process and its tty file descriptors. (fn)

Variable: lpr-lp-system

Non-nil if running on a system type that uses the "lp" command.

Function: erc

ERC is a powerful, modular, and extensible IRC client.
This function is the main entry point for ERC.

It permits you to select connection parameters, and then starts ERC.

Non-interactively, it takes the keyword arguments
(server (erc-compute-server))
(port (erc-compute-port))
(nick (erc-compute-nick))
(full-name (erc-compute-full-name)))

That is, if called with

(erc :server "irc.freenode.net" :full-name "Harry S Truman")

then the server and full-name will be set to those values, whereas
`erc-compute-port', `erc-compute-nick' and `erc-compute-full-name' will
be invoked for the values of the other parameters.

(fn &key (server (erc-compute-server)) (port (erc-compute-port)) (nick (erc-compute-nick)) PASSWORD (full-name (erc-compute-full-name)))

Function: mm-insert-byte

Insert COUNT (second arg) copies of BYTE (first arg).
Both arguments are required.
BYTE is a number of the range 0..255.

If BYTE is 128..255 and the current buffer is multibyte, the
corresponding eight-bit character is inserted.

Point, and before-insertion markers, are relocated as in the function `insert'.
The optional third arg INHERIT, if non-nil, says to inherit text properties
from adjoining text, if those properties are sticky. (fn BYTE COUNT &optional INHERIT)

Variable: make-pointer-invisible

If non-nil, make pointer invisible while typing.
The pointer becomes visible again when the mouse is moved.

Function: isearch-intersects-p

Return t if regions START0..END0 and START1..END1 intersect.

Function: tool-bar-local-item-from-menu

Define local tool bar binding for COMMAND using the given ICON.
This makes a binding for COMMAND in IN-MAP, copying its binding from
the menu bar in FROM-MAP (which defaults to `global-map'), but
modifies the binding by adding an image specification for ICON. It
finds ICON just like `tool-bar-add-item'. PROPS are additional
properties to add to the binding.

FROM-MAP must contain appropriate binding for `[menu-bar]' which holds a keymap.

Function: japanese-hiragana-region

Convert Japanese `katakana' chars in the region to `hiragana' chars.

(fn FROM TO)

Function: ediff-merge-buffers-with-ancestor

Merge buffers with ancestor.


Function: mouse-autoselect-window-cancel

Cancel delayed window autoselection.
Optional argument FORCE means cancel unconditionally.

Function: expt

Return the exponential ARG1 ** ARG2.

(fn ARG1 ARG2)

Function: gnus-string-match-p

Same as `string-match' except this function does not change the match data.

Function: cl--set-buffer-substring


Function: window-resize

Resize WINDOW vertically by DELTA lines.
WINDOW can be an arbitrary window and defaults to the selected
one. An attempt to resize the root window of a frame will raise
an error though.

DELTA a positive number means WINDOW shall be enlarged by DELTA
lines. DELTA negative means WINDOW shall be shrunk by -DELTA

Optional argument HORIZONTAL non-nil means resize WINDOW
horizontally by DELTA columns. In this case a positive DELTA
means enlarge WINDOW by DELTA columns. DELTA negative means
WINDOW shall be shrunk by -DELTA columns.

Optional argument IGNORE non-nil means ignore restrictions
imposed by fixed size windows, `window-min-height' or
`window-min-width' settings. If IGNORE is a window, ignore
restrictions for that window only. If IGNORE equals `safe',
live windows may get as small as `window-safe-min-height' lines
and `window-safe-min-width' columns. Any other non-nil value
means ignore all of the above restrictions for all windows.

This function resizes other windows proportionally and never
deletes any windows. If you want to move only the low (right) edge of WINDOW consider using `adjust-window-trailing-edge' instead.

Variable: comment-multi-line

Non-nil means `comment-indent-new-line' continues comments.
That is, it inserts no new terminator or starter.
This affects `auto-fill-mode', which is the main reason to
customize this variable.

It also affects C-M-j. However, if you want this
behavior for explicit filling, you might as well use C-j.

Function: custom-handle-all-keywords

For customization option SYMBOL, handle keyword arguments ARGS.
Third argument TYPE is the custom option type.

Function: smie-rule-prev-p

Return non-nil if the previous token is among TOKENS.

(fn &rest TOKENS)

Function: object-name-string

Return a string which is OBJ's name.

Function: Info-edit

Edit the contents of this Info node.
Allowed only if variable `Info-enable-edit' is non-nil.

Variable: process-menu-mode-hook

Hook run when entering Process Menu mode.
No problems result if this variable is not bound.
`add-hook' automatically binds it. (This is true for all hook variables.)

Function: cperl-perldoc

Run `perldoc' on WORD.

(fn WORD)

Function: move-beginning-of-line

Move point to beginning of current line as displayed.
(If there's an image in the line, this disregards newlines
which are part of the text that the image rests on.)

With argument ARG not nil or 1, move forward ARG - 1 lines first.
If point reaches the beginning or end of buffer, it stops there.
To ignore intangibility, bind `inhibit-point-motion-hooks' to t.

Function: format-annotate-function

Return annotations for writing region as FORMAT.
FORMAT is a symbol naming one of the formats defined in `format-alist'.
It must be a single symbol, not a list like `buffer-file-format'.
FROM and TO delimit the region to be operated on in the current buffer.
ORIG-BUF is the original buffer that the data came from.

FORMAT-COUNT is an integer specifying how many times this function has
been called in the process of decoding ORIG-BUF.

This function works like a function in `write-region-annotate-functions':
it either returns a list of annotations, or returns with a different buffer
current, which contains the modified text to write. In the latter case,
this function's value is nil.

For most purposes, consider using `format-encode-region' instead.

Face: info-menu-header

Face for headers in Info menus.

Function: ring-next

Return the next item in the RING, after ITEM.
Raise error if ITEM is not in the RING.

Function: insert-register

Insert contents of register REGISTER. (REGISTER is a character.)
Normally puts point before and mark after the inserted text.
If optional second arg is non-nil, puts mark before and point after.
Interactively, second arg is non-nil if prefix arg is supplied.

Function: compose-region-internal

Internal use only.

Compose text in the region between START and END.
Optional 3rd and 4th arguments are COMPONENTS and MODIFICATION-FUNC
for the composition. See `compose-region' for more details.


Variable: enable-character-translation

*Non-nil enables character translation while encoding and decoding.

Function: sh-indent-line

Indent the current line.

Function: byte-compile-make-args-desc


Variable: apropos-words

Current list of apropos words extracted from `apropos-pattern'.

Variable: Info-mode-hook

Hooks run when `Info-mode' is called.

Function: vc-git-revert

Revert FILE to the version stored in the git repository.

(fn FILE &optional CONTENTS-DONE)

Function: toggle-debug-on-quit

Toggle whether to enter Lisp debugger when C-g is pressed.
In an interactive call, record this option as a candidate for saving
by "Save Options" in Custom buffers.

Function: fancy-startup-screen

Display fancy startup screen.
If CONCISE is non-nil, display a concise version of the
splash screen in another window.

(fn &optional CONCISE)

Function: posn-image

Return the image object of POSITION.
Value is a list (image ...), or nil if not an image.
POSITION should be a list of the form returned by the `event-start'
and `event-end' functions.

Variable: dbus-message-type-method-call

Message type of a method call message.

Function: terminal-live-p

Return non-nil if OBJECT is a terminal which has not been deleted.
Value is nil if OBJECT is not a live display terminal.
If object is a live display terminal, the return value indicates what
sort of output terminal it uses. See the documentation of `framep' for
possible return values. (fn OBJECT)

Function: eql

Return t if the two args are the same Lisp object.
Floating-point numbers of equal value are `eql', but they may not be `eq'.

(fn OBJ1 OBJ2)

Function: sh-assignment

Remember preceding identifier for future completion and do self-insert.

Function: gnus-read-event-char

Get the next event.

Function: help-do-arg-highlight


Function: mh-nmail

Check for new mail in inbox folder.
Scan an MH folder if ARG is non-nil.

This function is an entry point to MH-E, the Emacs interface to
the MH mail system.
(fn &optional ARG)

Function: cookie-insert

Insert random phrases from PHRASE-FILE; COUNT of them.
When the phrase file is read in, display STARTMSG at the beginning
of load, ENDMSG at the end.


Function: compilation-next-error-function

Advance to the next error message and visit the file where the error was.
This is the value of `next-error-function' in Compilation buffers.

(fn N &optional RESET)

Function: subr-name

Return name of subroutine SUBR.
SUBR must be a built-in function.

(fn SUBR)

Function: executable-chmod

This gets called after saving a file to assure that it be executable.
You can set the absolute or relative mode in variable `executable-chmod' for
non-executable files.

Variable: executable-chmod

After saving, if the file is not executable, set this mode.
This mode passed to `set-file-modes' is taken absolutely when negative, or
relative to the files existing modes. Do nothing if this is nil.
Typical values are 73 (+x) or -493 (rwxr-xr-x).

Function: cl-endp

Return t if OBJECT is nil.


Function: locale-charset-to-coding-system

Find coding system corresponding to CHARSET.
CHARSET is any sort of non-Emacs charset name, such as might be used
in a locale codeset, or elsewhere. It is matched to a coding system
first by case-insensitive lookup in `locale-charset-alist'. Then
matches are looked for in the coding system list, treating case and
the characters `-' and `_' as insignificant. The coding system base
is returned. Thus, for instance, if charset "ISO8859-2",
`iso-latin-2' is returned.

Function: vc-transfer-file

Transfer FILE to another version control system NEW-BACKEND.
If NEW-BACKEND has a higher precedence than FILE's current backend
(i.e. it comes earlier in `vc-handled-backends'), then register FILE in
NEW-BACKEND, using the revision number from the current backend as the
base level. If NEW-BACKEND has a lower precedence than the current
backend, then commit all changes that were made under the current
backend to NEW-BACKEND, and unregister FILE from the current backend.
(If FILE is not yet registered under NEW-BACKEND, register it.) (fn FILE NEW-BACKEND)

Function: studlify-region

Studlify-case the region.


Function: landmark

Start or resume an Landmark game.
If a game is in progress, this command allows you to resume it.
Here is the relation between prefix args and game options:

prefix arg | robot is auto-started | weights are saved from last game
none / 1 | yes | no
2 | yes | yes
3 | no | yes
4 | no | no

You start by moving to a square and typing M-x landmark-start-robot,
if you did not use a prefix arg to ask for automatic start. Use C-h m for more info. (fn PARG)

Function: custom-theme-reset-variables

Reset some variable settings in THEME to their values in other themes.
Each of the arguments ARGS has this form:


This means reset VARIABLE. (The argument IGNORED is ignored).

Function: read-command

Read the name of a command and return as a symbol.
Prompt with PROMPT. By default, return DEFAULT-VALUE or its first element
if it is a list.


Function: url-password-for-url

Attempt to use .authinfo to find a password for this URL.

Function: auth-source-user-or-password

Find MODE (string or list of strings) matching HOST and PORT.

DEPRECATED in favor of `auth-source-search'!

USERNAME is optional and will be used as "login" in a search
across the Secret Service API (see secrets.el) if the resulting
items don't have a username. This means that if you search for
username "joe" and it matches an item but the item doesn't have
a :user attribute, the username "joe" will be returned.

A non nil DELETE-EXISTING means deleting any matching password
entry in the respective sources. This is useful only when
CREATE-MISSING is non nil as well; the intended use case is to
remove wrong password entries.

If no matching entry is found, and CREATE-MISSING is non nil,
the password will be retrieved interactively, and it will be
stored in the password database which matches best (see `auth-sources'). MODE can be "login" or "password".

Variable: font-lock-global-modes

Modes for which Font Lock mode is automagically turned on.
Global Font Lock mode is controlled by the command `global-font-lock-mode'.
If nil, means no modes have Font Lock mode automatically turned on.
If t, all modes that support Font Lock mode have it automatically turned on.
If a list, it should be a list of `major-mode' symbol names for which Font Lock
mode should be automatically turned on. The sense of the list is negated if it
begins with `not'. For example:
(c-mode c++-mode)
means that Font Lock mode is turned on for buffers in C and C++ modes only.

Function: kmacro-end-call-mouse

Move point to the position clicked with the mouse and call last kbd macro.
If kbd macro currently being defined end it before activating it.

(fn EVENT)

Function: dir-locals-read-from-file

Load a variables FILE and register a new class and instance.
FILE is the name of the file holding the variables to apply.
The new class name is the same as the directory in which FILE
is found. Returns the new class name.

Variable: find-file-wildcards

Non-nil means file-visiting commands should handle wildcards.
For example, if you specify `*.c', that would visit all the files
whose names match the pattern.

Variable: mwheel-scroll-up-function

Function that does the job of scrolling upward.

Function: find-file-read-only-other-frame

Edit file FILENAME in another frame but don't allow changes.
Like C-x 5 C-f, but marks buffer as read-only.
Use M-x toggle-read-only to permit editing.

Variable: auto-composition-function

Function to call to compose characters automatically.
This function is called from the display routine with four arguments:

If STRING is nil, the function must compose characters in the region
between FROM and TO in the current buffer.

Otherwise, STRING is a string, and FROM and TO are indices into the
string. In this case, the function must compose characters in the string.

Function: help-button-action

Call BUTTON's help function.

Variable: isearch-mode-end-hook-quit

Non-nil while running `isearch-mode-end-hook' if the user quits the search.

Function: lao-composition-function


Function: overlay-end

Return the position at which OVERLAY ends.


Function: comint-kill-whole-line

Kill current line, ignoring read-only and field properties.
With prefix arg COUNT, kill that many lines starting from the current line.
If COUNT is negative, kill backward. Also kill the preceding newline,
instead of the trailing one. (This is meant to make C-x z work well
with negative arguments.)
If COUNT is zero, kill current line but exclude the trailing newline.
The read-only status of newlines is updated with `comint-update-fence',
if necessary. (fn &optional COUNT)

Variable: dabbrev-backward-only

If non-nil, `dabbrev-expand' only looks backwards.

Function: common-lisp-indent-function

Function to indent the arguments of a Lisp function call.
This is suitable for use as the value of the variable
`lisp-indent-function'. INDENT-POINT is the point at which the
indentation function is called, and STATE is the
`parse-partial-sexp' state at that position. Browse the
`lisp-indent' customize group for options affecting the behavior
of this function.

If the indentation point is in a call to a Lisp function, that
function's `common-lisp-indent-function' property specifies how
this function should indent it. Possible values for this
property are:

* defun, meaning indent according to `lisp-indent-defun-method';
i.e., like (4 &lambda &body), as explained below.

* any other symbol, meaning a function to call. The function should
PATH is a list of integers describing the position of point in terms of
list-structure with respect to the containing lists. For example, in
((a b c (d foo) f) g), foo has a path of (0 3 1). In other words,
to reach foo take the 0th element of the outermost list, then
the 3rd element of the next list, and finally the 1st element.
STATE and INDENT-POINT are as in the arguments to
`common-lisp-indent-function'. SEXP-COLUMN is the column of
the open parenthesis of the innermost containing list.
NORMAL-INDENT is the column the indentation point was
originally in. This function should behave like `lisp-indent-259'.

* an integer N, meaning indent the first N arguments like
function arguments, and any further arguments like a body.
This is equivalent to (4 4 ... &body).

* a list. The list element in position M specifies how to indent the Mth
function argument. If there are fewer elements than function arguments,
the last list element applies to all remaining arguments. The accepted
list elements are:

* nil, meaning the default indentation.

* an integer, specifying an explicit indentation.

* &lambda. Indent the argument (which may be a list) by 4.

* &rest. When used, this must be the penultimate element. The
element after this one applies to all remaining arguments.

* &body. This is equivalent to &rest lisp-body-indent, i.e., indent
all remaining elements by `lisp-body-indent'.

* &whole. This must be followed by nil, an integer, or a
function symbol. This indentation is applied to the
associated argument, and as a base indent for all remaining
arguments. For example, an integer P means indent this
argument by P, and all remaining arguments by P, plus the
value specified by their associated list element.

* a symbol. A function to call, with the 6 arguments specified above.

* a list, with elements as described above. This applies when the
associated function argument is itself a list. Each element of the list
specifies how to indent the associated argument.

For example, the function `case' has an indent property (4 &rest (&whole 2 &rest 1)), meaning: * indent the first argument by 4. * arguments after the first should be lists, and there may be any number of them. The first list element has an offset of 2, all the rest have an offset of 2+1=3.

Function: bug-reference-mode

Toggle hyperlinking bug references in the buffer (Bug Reference mode).
With a prefix argument ARG, enable Bug Reference mode if ARG is
positive, and disable it otherwise. If called from Lisp, enable
the mode if ARG is omitted or nil.

(fn &optional ARG)

Variable: ascii-case-table

Case table for the ASCII character set.

Function: auth-source-recall

Recall FOUND search results for SPEC.

Function: byte-compile-and

(fn FORM)

Function: easy-menu-define-key

Add binding in MENU for KEY => ITEM. Similar to `define-key-after'.
If KEY is not nil then delete any duplications.
If ITEM is nil, then delete the definition of KEY.

Optional argument BEFORE is nil or a key in MENU. If BEFORE is not nil,
put binding before the item in MENU named BEFORE; otherwise,
if a binding for KEY is already present in MENU, just change it;
otherwise put the new binding last in MENU.
BEFORE can be either a string (menu item name) or a symbol
(the fake function key for the menu item).
KEY does not have to be a symbol, and comparison is done with equal.

Function: make-frame-command

Make a new frame, on the same terminal as the selected frame.
If the terminal is a text-only terminal, this also selects the
new frame.

Function: table-unrecognize-table


Function: ps-spool-region

Generate a PostScript image of the region and spool locally.
Like `ps-spool-buffer', but spools just the current region.

Use the command `ps-despool' to send the spooled images to the printer.
(fn FROM TO)

Function: region-active-p

Return t if Transient Mark mode is enabled and the mark is active.

Some commands act specially on the region when Transient Mark
mode is enabled. Usually, such commands should use
`use-region-p' instead of this function, because `use-region-p'
also checks the value of `use-empty-active-region'.

Function: charset-priority-list

Return the list of charsets ordered by priority.
HIGHESTP non-nil means just return the highest priority one.

(fn &optional HIGHESTP)

Function: vector

Return a newly created vector with specified arguments as elements.
Any number of arguments, even zero arguments, are allowed.

(fn &rest OBJECTS)

Function: comint-mode

Major mode for interacting with an inferior interpreter.
Interpreter name is same as buffer name, sans the asterisks.
Return at end of buffer sends line as input.
Return not at end copies rest of line to end and sends it.
Setting variable `comint-eol-on-send' means jump to the end of the line
before submitting new input.

This mode is customized to create major modes such as Inferior Lisp
mode, Shell mode, etc. This can be done by setting the hooks
`comint-input-filter-functions', `comint-input-filter', `comint-input-sender'
and `comint-get-old-input' to appropriate functions, and the variable
`comint-prompt-regexp' to the appropriate regular expression.

The mode maintains an input history of size `comint-input-ring-size'.
You can access this with the commands M-x comint-next-input,
M-x comint-previous-input, and M-x comint-dynamic-list-input-ring.
Input ring history expansion can be achieved with the commands
M-x comint-replace-by-expanded-history or M-x comint-magic-space.
Input ring expansion is controlled by the variable `comint-input-autoexpand',
and addition is controlled by the variable `comint-input-ignoredups'.

Commands with no default key bindings include `send-invisible',
`comint-dynamic-complete', `comint-dynamic-list-filename-completions', and

Input to, and output from, the subprocess can cause the window to scroll to
the end of the buffer. See variables `comint-output-filter-functions',
`comint-preoutput-filter-functions', `comint-scroll-to-bottom-on-input',
and `comint-move-point-for-output'.

If you accidentally suspend your process, use M-x comint-continue-subjob
to continue it.

key binding
--- -------

C-c Prefix Command
C-d comint-delchar-or-maybe-eof
RET comint-send-input
ESC Prefix Command

C-c C-a comint-bol-or-process-mark
C-c C-c comint-interrupt-subjob
C-c C-d comint-send-eof
C-c C-e comint-show-maximum-output
C-c C-l comint-dynamic-list-input-ring
C-c RET comint-copy-old-input
C-c C-n comint-next-prompt
C-c C-o comint-delete-output
C-c C-p comint-previous-prompt
C-c C-r comint-show-output
C-c C-s comint-write-output
C-c C-u comint-kill-input
C-c C-w backward-kill-word
C-c C-x comint-get-next-from-history
C-c C-z comint-stop-subjob
C-c ESC Prefix Command
C-c C-\ comint-quit-subjob
C-c SPC comint-accumulate
C-c . comint-insert-previous-argument

C-M-l comint-show-output M-n comint-next-input M-p comint-previous-input M-r comint-history-isearch-backward-regexp C-c M-r comint-previous-matching-input-from-input C-c M-s comint-next-matching-input-from-input Entry to this mode runs the hooks on `comint-mode-hook'. (fn)

Variable: dabbrev-eliminate-newlines

Non-nil means dabbrev should not insert newlines.
Instead it converts them to spaces.

Function: eighth

Return the eighth element of the list X.

(fn X)

Function: help-at-pt-string

Return the help-echo string at point.
Normally, the string produced by the `help-echo' text or overlay
property, or nil, is returned.
If KBD is non-nil, `kbd-help' is used instead, and any
`help-echo' property is ignored. In this case, the return value
can also be t, if that is the value of the `kbd-help' property. (fn &optional KBD)

Function: c-mode

Major mode for editing K&R and ANSI C code.
To submit a problem report, enter `M-x c-submit-bug-report' from a
c-mode buffer. This automatically sets up a mail buffer with version
information already added. You just need to add a description of the
problem, including a reproducible test case, and send the message.

To see what version of CC Mode you are running, enter `M-x c-version'.

The hook `c-mode-common-hook' is run with no args at mode
initialization, then `c-mode-hook'.

Key bindings:

Uses keymap `c-mode-map', which is not currently defined. (fn)

Function: move-past-close-and-reindent

Move past next `)', delete indentation before it, then indent after it.

Function: sh-font-lock-quoted-subshell

Search for a subshell embedded in a string.
Find all the unescaped " characters within said subshell, remembering that
subshells can nest.

Variable: malayalam-composable-pattern

Regexp matching a composable sequence of Malayalam characters.

Function: inactivate-input-method

Turn off the current input method.

Function: minibuffer-history-isearch-search

Return the proper search function, for isearch in minibuffer history.

Function: pcomplete/xargs

Completion for `xargs'.

Function: message-bounce

Re-mail the current message.
This only makes sense if the current message is a bounce message that
contains some mail you have written which has been bounced back to
you. (fn)

Function: image-type-from-file-name

Determine the type of image file FILE from its name.
Value is a symbol specifying the image type, or nil if type cannot
be determined.

Function: find-definition-noselect

Return a pair `(BUFFER . POINT)' pointing to the definition of SYMBOL.
If the definition can't be found in the buffer, return (BUFFER).
TYPE says what type of definition: nil for a function, `defvar' for a
variable, `defface' for a face. This function does not switch to the
buffer nor display it.

The library where SYMBOL is defined is searched for in FILE or
`find-function-source-path', if non-nil, otherwise in `load-path'.
(fn SYMBOL TYPE &optional FILE)

Variable: default-fringe-cursor-alist

Default value of `fringe-cursor-alist' for buffers that don't override it.
This is the same as (default-value 'fringe-cursor-alist').

Function: tabulated-list--sort-by-column-name

(fn NAME)

Function: rfn-eshadow-update-overlay

Update `rfn-eshadow-overlay' to cover shadowed part of minibuffer input.
This is intended to be used as a minibuffer `post-command-hook' for
`file-name-shadow-mode'; the minibuffer should have already
been set up by `rfn-eshadow-setup-minibuffer'.

Function: timer-activate-when-idle

Insert TIMER into `timer-idle-list'.
This arranges to activate TIMER whenever Emacs is next idle.
If optional argument DONT-WAIT is non-nil, set TIMER to activate
immediately (see below), or at the right time, if Emacs is
already idle.

REUSE-CELL, if non-nil, is a cons cell to reuse when inserting
TIMER into `timer-idle-list' (usually a cell removed from that
list by `cancel-timer-internal'; using this reduces consing for
repeat timers). If nil, allocate a new cell.

Using non-nil DONT-WAIT is not recommended when activating an
idle timer from an idle timer handler, if the timer being
activated has an idleness time that is smaller or equal to
the time of the current timer. That's because the activated timer will fire right away.

Variable: read-quoted-char-radix

Radix for C-q and other uses of `read-quoted-char'.
Legitimate radix values are 8, 10 and 16.

Function: move-marker

Position MARKER before character number POSITION in BUFFER,
which defaults to the current buffer. If POSITION is nil,
makes marker point nowhere so it no longer slows down
editing in any buffer. Returns MARKER.


Function: global-set-key

Give KEY a global binding as COMMAND.
COMMAND is the command definition to use; usually it is
a symbol naming an interactively-callable function.
KEY is a key sequence; noninteractively, it is a string or vector
of characters or event types, and non-ASCII characters with codes
above 127 (such as ISO Latin-1) can be included if you use a vector.

Note that if KEY has a local binding in the current buffer,
that local binding will continue to shadow any global binding
that you make with this function.

Function: vc-git-log-edit-mode

Major mode for editing Git log messages.
It is based on `log-edit-mode', and has Git-specific extensions.

In addition to any hooks its parent mode might have run,
this mode runs the hook `vc-git-log-edit-mode-hook', as the final step
during initialization.

key binding
--- -------

C-c Prefix Command

C-c C-e vc-git-log-edit-toggle-amend C-c C-s vc-git-log-edit-toggle-signoff (fn)

Function: set-input-method

Select and activate input method INPUT-METHOD for the current buffer.
This also sets the default input method to the one you specify.
If INPUT-METHOD is nil, this function turns off the input method, and
also causes you to be prompted for a name of an input method the next
time you invoke C-\.
When called interactively, the optional arg INTERACTIVE is non-nil,
which marks the variable `default-input-method' as set for Custom buffers.

To deactivate the input method interactively, use C-\.
To deactivate it programmatically, use `deactivate-input-method'.

Function: mail-quote-printable

Convert a string to the "quoted printable" Q encoding if necessary.
If the string contains only ASCII characters and no troublesome ones,
we return it unconverted.

If the optional argument WRAPPER is non-nil,
we add the wrapper characters =?ISO-8859-1?Q?....?=.

(fn STRING &optional WRAPPER)

Function: load-average

Return list of 1 minute, 5 minute and 15 minute load averages.

Each of the three load averages is multiplied by 100, then converted
to integer.

When USE-FLOATS is non-nil, floats will be used instead of integers.
These floats are not multiplied by 100.

If the 5-minute or 15-minute load averages are not available, return a
shortened list, containing only those averages which are available.

An error is thrown if the load average can't be obtained. In some
cases making it work would require Emacs being installed setuid or
setgid so that it can read kernel information, and that usually isn't advisable. (fn &optional USE-FLOATS)

Variable: sh-indent-after-open

How much to indent after a line with an opening parenthesis or brace.
For an open paren after a function, `sh-indent-after-function' is used.

Variable: method-generic-before

Index into generic :before tag on a method.

Variable: sgml-char-names

Vector of symbolic character names without `&' and `;'.

Function: mouse-menu-bar-map

Return a keymap equivalent to the menu bar.
The contents are the items that would be in the menu bar whether or
not it is actually displayed. (fn)

Function: set-frame-name

Set the name of the selected frame to NAME.
When called interactively, prompt for the name of the frame.
On text terminals, the frame name is displayed on the mode line.
On graphical displays, it is displayed on the frame's title bar.

Function: hexl-mode

Uses keymap `hexl-mode-map', which is not currently defined.
A mode for editing binary files in hex dump format.
This is not an ordinary major mode; it alters some aspects
of the current mode's behavior, but not all; also, you can exit
Hexl mode and return to the previous mode using `hexl-mode-exit'.

This function automatically converts a buffer into the hexl format
using the function `hexlify-buffer'.

Each line in the buffer has an "address" (displayed in hexadecimal)
representing the offset into the file that the characters on this line
are at and 16 characters from the file (displayed as hexadecimal
values grouped every `hexl-bits' bits) and as their ASCII values.

If any of the characters (displayed as ASCII characters) are
unprintable (control or meta characters) they will be replaced as

If `hexl-mode' is invoked with an argument the buffer is assumed to be
in hexl format.

A sample format:

HEX ADDR: 0001 0203 0405 0607 0809 0a0b 0c0d 0e0f ASCII-TEXT
-------- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----------------
00000000: 5468 6973 2069 7320 6865 786c 2d6d 6f64 This is hexl-mod
00000010: 652e 2020 4561 6368 206c 696e 6520 7265 e. Each line re
00000020: 7072 6573 656e 7473 2031 3620 6279 7465 presents 16 byte
00000030: 7320 6173 2068 6578 6164 6563 696d 616c s as hexadecimal
00000040: 2041 5343 4949 0a61 6e64 2070 7269 6e74 ASCII.and print
00000050: 6162 6c65 2041 5343 4949 2063 6861 7261 able ASCII chara
00000060: 6374 6572 732e 2020 416e 7920 636f 6e74 cters. Any cont
00000070: 726f 6c20 6f72 206e 6f6e 2d41 5343 4949 rol or non-ASCII
00000080: 2063 6861 7261 6374 6572 730a 6172 6520 characters.are
00000090: 6469 7370 6c61 7965 6420 6173 2070 6572 displayed as per
000000a0: 696f 6473 2069 6e20 7468 6520 7072 696e iods in the prin
000000b0: 7461 626c 6520 6368 6172 6163 7465 7220 table character
000000c0: 7265 6769 6f6e 2e0a region..

Movement is as simple as movement in a normal Emacs text buffer. Most
cursor movement bindings are the same: use M-x hexl-backward-char, M-x hexl-forward-char, M-x hexl-next-line, and M-x hexl-previous-line
to move the cursor left, right, down, and up.

Advanced cursor movement commands (ala M-x hexl-beginning-of-line, M-x hexl-end-of-line, M-x hexl-beginning-of-buffer, and M-x hexl-end-of-buffer) are
also supported.

There are several ways to change text in hexl mode:

ASCII characters (character between space (0x20) and tilde (0x7E)) are
bound to self-insert so you can simply type the character and it will
insert itself (actually overstrike) into the buffer.

M-x hexl-quoted-insert followed by another keystroke allows you to insert the key even if
it isn't bound to self-insert. An octal number can be supplied in place
of another key to insert the octal number's ASCII representation.

M-x hexl-insert-hex-char will insert a given hexadecimal value (if it is between 0 and 0xFF)
into the buffer at the current point.

M-x hexl-insert-octal-char will insert a given octal value (if it is between 0 and 0377)
into the buffer at the current point.

M-x hexl-insert-decimal-char will insert a given decimal value (if it is between 0 and 255)
into the buffer at the current point.

M-x hexl-mode-exit will exit hexl-mode. Note: saving the file with any of the usual Emacs commands will actually convert it back to binary format while saving. You can use M-x hexl-find-file to visit a file in Hexl mode. C-h b for advanced commands. (fn &optional ARG)

Function: gnus-seconds-month

Return the number of seconds passed this month.

Function: set-comment-column

Set the comment column based on point.
With no ARG, set the comment column to the current column.
With just minus as arg, kill any comment on this line.
With any other arg, set comment column to indentation of the previous comment
and then align or create a comment on this line at that column. (fn ARG)

Variable: completion-reference-buffer

Record the buffer that was current when the completion list was requested.
This is a local variable in the completion list buffer.
Initial value is nil to avoid some compiler warnings.

Function: add-to-coding-system-list

Add CODING-SYSTEM to `coding-system-list' while keeping it sorted.

Function: current-time

Return the current time, as the number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00.
The time is returned as a list of integers (HIGH LOW USEC PSEC).
HIGH has the most significant bits of the seconds, while LOW has the
least significant 16 bits. USEC and PSEC are the microsecond and
picosecond counts. (fn)

Function: caaar

Return the `car' of the `car' of the `car' of X.

(fn X)

Function: cl-second

Return the car of the cdr of X.

Function: tool-bar-make-keymap

Generate an actual keymap from `tool-bar-map'.
Its main job is to figure out which images to use based on the display's
color capability and based on the available image libraries.

Function: window-in-direction

Return window in DIRECTION as seen from WINDOW.
More precisely, return the nearest window in direction DIRECTION
as seen from the position of `window-point' in window WINDOW.
DIRECTION must be one of `above', `below', `left' or `right'.
WINDOW must be a live window and defaults to the selected one.

Do not return a window whose `no-other-window' parameter is
non-nil. If the nearest window's `no-other-window' parameter is
non-nil, try to find another window in the indicated direction.
If, however, the optional argument IGNORE is non-nil, return that
window even if its `no-other-window' parameter is non-nil.

Return nil if no suitable window can be found.

Function: window-left

Return WINDOW's left sibling.
Return nil if WINDOW is the root window of its frame. WINDOW can
be any window.

Function: remq

Return LIST with all occurrences of ELT removed.
The comparison is done with `eq'. Contrary to `delq', this does not use
side-effects, and the argument LIST is not modified.

Variable: bytecomp-version-regexp

Regular expression matching safe to load compiled Lisp files.
When Emacs loads a compiled Lisp file, it reads the first 512 bytes
from the file, and matches them against this regular expression.
When the regular expression matches, the file is considered to be safe
to load. See also `load-dangerous-libraries'.

Function: byte-compile-refresh-preloaded

Reload any Lisp file that was changed since Emacs was dumped.
Use with caution.

Function: vc-git-show-log-entry

Move to the log entry for REVISION.
REVISION may have the form BRANCH, BRANCH~N,
or BRANCH^ (where "^" can be repeated).


Variable: cl-least-positive-float

The smallest value greater than zero that a Lisp float can hold.
For IEEE machines, it is about 4.94e-324 if denormals are supported,
or 2.22e-308 if they are not.
Call `cl-float-limits' to set this.

Function: encoded-string-description

Return a pretty description of STR that is encoded by CODING-SYSTEM.

Variable: abbrev-start-location

Buffer position for `expand-abbrev' to use as the start of the abbrev.
When nil, use the word before point as the abbrev.
Calling `expand-abbrev' sets this to nil.

Function: minibuffer--double-dollars

(fn STR)

Function: c-guess-no-install

Guess the style in the region up to `c-guess-region-max'; don't install it.

If given a prefix argument (or if the optional argument ACCUMULATE is
non-nil) then the previous guess is extended, otherwise a new guess is
made from scratch.

(fn &optional ACCUMULATE)

Function: clear-string

Clear the contents of STRING.
This makes STRING unibyte and may change its length.


Function: smie-backward-sexp

Skip over one sexp.
HALFSEXP if non-nil, means skip over a partial sexp if needed. I.e. if the
first token we see is an operator, skip over its left-hand-side argument.
HALFSEXP can also be a token, in which case we should skip the text
assuming it is the left-hand-side argument of that token.
Possible return values:
(LEFT-LEVEL POS TOKEN): we couldn't skip TOKEN because its right-level
is too high. LEFT-LEVEL is the left-level of TOKEN,
POS is its start position in the buffer.
(t POS TOKEN): same thing but for an open-paren or the beginning of buffer.
Instead of t, the `car' can also be some other non-nil non-number value.
(nil POS TOKEN): we skipped over a paren-like pair.
nil: we skipped over an identifier, matched parentheses, ... (fn &optional HALFSEXP)

Function: url-make-private-file

Make FILE only readable and writable by the current user.
Creates FILE and its parent directories if they do not exist.

Function: gnus-bookmark-jump

Jump to a Gnus bookmark (BMK-NAME).

(fn &optional BMK-NAME)

Face: fixed-pitch

The basic fixed-pitch face.

Variable: mode-specific-map

Keymap for characters following C-c.

Function: completion-at-point

Perform completion on the text around point.
The completion method is determined by `completion-at-point-functions'.

Function: network-interface-list

Return an alist of all network interfaces and their network address.
Each element is a cons, the car of which is a string containing the
interface name, and the cdr is the network address in internal
format; see the description of ADDRESS in `make-network-process'. (fn)

Face: sh-heredoc-face

sh-heredoc-face is an alias for the face `sh-heredoc'.
Face to show a here-document

Function: mm-setup-codepage-ibm

Add appropriate entries to `mm-charset-synonym-alist'.
Unless LIST is given, `mm-codepage-ibm-list' is used.

Function: Info-mouse-follow-link

Follow a link where you click.

Function: delete-if-not

Remove all items not satisfying PREDICATE in SEQ.
This is a destructive function; it reuses the storage of SEQ whenever possible.

Keywords supported: :key :count :start :end :from-end


Function: mod*

The remainder of X divided by Y, with the same sign as Y.

(fn X Y)

Function: Buffer-menu-view-other-window

View this line's buffer in View mode in another window.

Function: antlr-set-tabs

Use ANTLR's convention for TABs according to `antlr-tab-offset-alist'.
Used in `antlr-mode'. Also a useful function in `java-mode-hook'.

Variable: frame-auto-hide-function

Function called to automatically hide frames.
The function is called with one argument - a frame.

Functions affected by this option are those that bury a buffer
shown in a separate frame like `quit-window' and `bury-buffer'.

Function: slot-missing

Method invoked when an attempt to access a slot in OBJECT fails.

Variable: image-type-auto-detectable

Alist of (IMAGE-TYPE . AUTODETECT) pairs used to auto-detect image files.
(See `image-type-auto-detected-p').

- t always auto-detect.
- nil never auto-detect.
- maybe auto-detect only if the image type is available
(see `image-type-available-p').

Function: Buffer-menu-mouse-select

Select the buffer whose line you click on.

Function: vc-log-outgoing

Show a log of changes that will be sent with a push operation to REMOTE-LOCATION.
When called interactively with a prefix argument, prompt for REMOTE-LOCATION.

(fn &optional REMOTE-LOCATION)

Function: epa-mail-sign

Sign the current buffer.
The buffer is expected to contain a mail message.

Don't use this command in Lisp programs!


Function: gnus-url-unhex-string

Remove %XX, embedded spaces, etc in a url.
If optional second argument ALLOW-NEWLINES is non-nil, then allow the
decoding of carriage returns and line feeds in the string, which is normally
forbidden in URL encoding.

Variable: mm-iso-8859-15-compatible

ISO-8859-15 exchangeable coding systems and inconvertible characters.

Variable: shell-font-lock-keywords

Additional expressions to highlight in Shell mode.

Function: xterm-remove-modify-other-keys

Turn off the modifyOtherKeys feature of xterm for good.

Function: xselect-convert-to-name

Convert selection to name.
This function returns the string "emacs".

Function: grep-mode

Sets `grep-last-buffer' and `compilation-window-height'.


Function: end-of-line

Move point to end of current line (in the logical order).
With argument N not nil or 1, move forward N - 1 lines first.
If point reaches the beginning or end of buffer, it stops there.
To ignore intangibility, bind `inhibit-point-motion-hooks' to t.

This function constrains point to the current field unless this moves
point to a different line than the original, unconstrained result. If
N is nil or 1, and a rear-sticky field ends at point, the point does
not move. To ignore field boundaries bind `inhibit-field-text-motion' to t. (fn &optional N)

Function: dabbrev--safe-replace-match


Variable: jit-lock-stealth-verbose

If non-nil, means stealth fontification should show status messages.

Function: pr-ps-file-up-preview

Preview PostScript file FILENAME.


Function: erc-ezb-notice-autodetect

React on an EZBounce NOTICE request.


Function: ad-enable-advice

Enables the advice of FUNCTION with CLASS and NAME.


Variable: buffer-list-update-hook

Hook run when the buffer list changes.
Functions running this hook are `get-buffer-create',
`make-indirect-buffer', `rename-buffer', `kill-buffer',
and `bury-buffer-internal'.

Function: byte-optimize-minus

(fn FORM)

Function: gnus-write-buffer

Write the current buffer's contents to FILE.

Function: cl-ldiff

Return a copy of LIST with the tail SUBLIST removed.


Function: gnus-sorted-nintersection

Return intersection of LIST1 and LIST2 by modifying cdr pointers of LIST1.
LIST1 and LIST2 have to be sorted over <.

(fn LIST1 LIST2)

Face: variable-pitch

The basic variable-pitch face.

Variable: tool-bar-button-relief

Relief thickness of tool-bar buttons.

Variable: comint-redirect-subvert-readonly

Non-nil means `comint-redirect' can insert into read-only buffers.
This works by binding `inhibit-read-only' around the insertion.
This is useful, for instance, for insertion into Help mode buffers.
You probably want to set it locally to the output buffer.

Function: caaddr

Return the `car' of the `car' of the `cdr' of the `cdr' of X.

(fn X)

Function: ispell-region

Interactively check a region for spelling errors.
Return nil if spell session was terminated, otherwise returns shift offset
amount for last line processed.


Function: set-keyboard-coding-system-internal

Internal use only.


Function: comint-directory

Return expanded DIRECTORY, with `comint-file-name-prefix' if absolute.


Function: edirs-merge

Run Ediff on a pair of directories, DIR1 and DIR2, merging files that have
the same name in both. The third argument, REGEXP, is nil or a regular
expression; only file names that match the regexp are considered.


Function: momentary-string-display

Momentarily display STRING in the buffer at POS.
Display remains until next event is input.
If POS is a marker, only its position is used; its buffer is ignored.
Optional third arg EXIT-CHAR can be a character, event or event
description list. EXIT-CHAR defaults to SPC. If the input is
EXIT-CHAR it is swallowed; otherwise it is then available as
input (as a command if nothing else).
Display MESSAGE (optional fourth arg) in the echo area.
If MESSAGE is nil, instructions to type EXIT-CHAR are displayed there.

Function: remhash

Remove KEY from TABLE.


Function: byte-compile-make-tag


Function: gnus-multiple-choice

Ask user a multiple choice question.
CHOICE is a list of the choice char and help message at IDX.

Function: buffer-menu-other-window

Display the Buffer Menu in another window.
See `buffer-menu' for a description of the Buffer Menu.

By default, all buffers are listed except those whose names start
with a space (which are for internal use). With prefix argument
ARG, show only buffers that are visiting files.

Variable: diff-switches

A string or list of strings specifying switches to be passed to diff.

Function: tty-display-color-p

Return non-nil if the tty device TERMINAL can display colors.

TERMINAL can be a terminal object, a frame, or nil (meaning the
selected frame's terminal). This function always returns nil if
TERMINAL does not refer to a text terminal.

(fn &optional TERMINAL)

Function: Helper-describe-bindings

Describe local key bindings of current mode.


Variable: find-file-hook

List of functions to be called after a buffer is loaded from a file.
The buffer's local variables (if any) will have been processed before the
functions are called.

Variable: backquote-backquote-symbol

Symbol used to represent a backquote or nested backquote.

Function: set-file-modes

Set mode bits of file named FILENAME to MODE (an integer).
Only the 12 low bits of MODE are used.

Interactively, mode bits are read by `read-file-modes', which accepts
symbolic notation, like the `chmod' command from GNU Coreutils.

Variable: eieio-unbound

Uninterned symbol representing an unbound slot in an object.

Function: Info-find-emacs-command-nodes

Return a list of locations documenting COMMAND.
The `info-file' property of COMMAND says which Info manual to search.
If COMMAND has no property, the variable `Info-file-list-for-emacs'
defines heuristics for which Info manual to try.
The locations are of the format used in `Info-history', i.e.
in the first element of the returned list (which is treated specially in
`Info-goto-emacs-command-node'), and 0 for the rest elements of a list.

Function: cl-cddddr

Return the `cdr' of the `cdr' of the `cdr' of the `cdr' of X.

(fn X)

Function: isearch-lookup-scroll-key

If KEY-SEQ is bound to a scrolling command, return it as a symbol.
Otherwise return nil.

Function: font-lock-defontify

Clear out all `font-lock-face' properties in current buffer.
A major mode that uses `font-lock-face' properties might want to put
this function onto `change-major-mode-hook'.

Function: ediff-merge-files

Merge two files without ancestor.


Function: outlinify-sticky

Activate outline mode and establish file var so it is started subsequently.

See `allout-layout' and customization of `allout-auto-activation'
for details on preparing Emacs for automatic allout activation.

(fn &optional ARG)

Function: make-face-unbold

Make the font of FACE be non-bold, if possible.
FRAME nil or not specified means change face on all frames.
Argument NOERROR is ignored and retained for compatibility.

Variable: standard-translation-table-for-decode

Table for translating characters while decoding.

Function: mm-string-as-unibyte

Return a unibyte string with the same individual bytes as STRING.
If STRING is unibyte, the result is STRING itself.
Otherwise it is a newly created string, with no text properties.
If STRING is multibyte and contains a character of charset
`eight-bit', it is converted to the corresponding single byte. (fn STRING)

Function: vc-git-command

A wrapper around `vc-do-command' for use in vc-git.el.
The difference to vc-do-command is that this function always invokes


Function: ucs-normalize-NFKC-string

Normalize the string STR by the Unicode NFKC.

(fn STR)

Function: epa-list-keys

List all keys matched with NAME from the public keyring.

(fn &optional NAME)

Function: read-file-modes

Read file modes in octal or symbolic notation and return its numeric value.
PROMPT is used as the prompt, default to `File modes (octal or symbolic): '.
ORIG-FILE is the name of a file on whose mode bits to base returned
permissions if what user types requests to add, remove, or set permissions
based on existing mode bits, as in "og+rX-w".

Variable: emulation-mode-map-alists

List of keymap alists to use for emulations modes.
It is intended for modes or packages using multiple minor-mode keymaps.
Each element is a keymap alist just like `minor-mode-map-alist', or a
symbol with a variable binding which is a keymap alist, and it is used
the same way. The "active" keymaps in each alist are used before
`minor-mode-map-alist' and `minor-mode-overriding-map-alist'.

Function: debugger-record-expression

Display a variable's value and record it in `*Backtrace-record*' buffer.

Function: cl--loop-build-ands

Return various representations of (and . CLAUSES).
CLAUSES is a list of Elisp expressions, where clauses of the form
(progn E1 E2 E3 .. t) are the focus of particular optimizations.
The return value has shape (COND BODY COMBO)
such that COMBO is equivalent to (and . CLAUSES). (fn CLAUSES)

Function: tab-to-tab-stop

Insert spaces or tabs to next defined tab-stop column.
The variable `tab-stop-list' is a list of columns at which there are tab stops.
Use M-x edit-tab-stops to edit them interactively.

Variable: mail-from-style

Specifies how "From:" fields look.

If `nil', they contain just the return address like:
If `parens', they look like:
king@grassland.com (Elvis Parsley)
If `angles', they look like:
Elvis Parsley

Otherwise, most addresses look like `angles', but they look like
`parens' if `angles' would need quoting and `parens' would not.

Function: org-switchb

Switch between Org buffers.
With one prefix argument, restrict available buffers to files.
With two prefix arguments, restrict available buffers to agenda files.

Defaults to `iswitchb' for buffer name completion.
Set `org-completion-use-ido' to make it use ido instead. (fn &optional ARG)

Function: gnus-no-server

Read network news.
If ARG is a positive number, Gnus will use that as the startup
level. If ARG is nil, Gnus will be started at level 2. If ARG is
non-nil and not a positive number, Gnus will prompt the user for the
name of an NNTP server to use.
As opposed to `gnus', this command will not connect to the local
(fn &optional ARG SLAVE)

Function: comint-watch-for-password-prompt

Prompt in the minibuffer for password and send without echoing.
This function uses `send-invisible' to read and send a password to the buffer's
process if STRING contains a password prompt defined by

This function could be in the list `comint-output-filter-functions'. (fn STRING)

Function: window--resize-reset

Reset resize values for all windows on FRAME.
FRAME defaults to the selected frame.

This function stores the current value of `window-total-size' applied
with argument HORIZONTAL in the new total size of all windows on
FRAME. It also resets the new normal size of each of these windows.

Function: pcomplete-uniqify-list

Sort and remove multiples in L.

(fn L)

Function: Info-read-node-name-2

Internal function used to complete Info node names.
Return a completion table for Info files---the FILENAME part of a
node named "(FILENAME)NODENAME". DIRS is a list of Info
directories to search if FILENAME is not absolute; SUFFIXES is a
list of valid filename suffixes for Info files. See
`try-completion' for a description of the remaining arguments.

Variable: eval-expression-print-length

Value for `print-length' while printing value in `eval-expression'.
A value of nil means no limit.

Function: url-basepath

Return the directory part of FILE, for a URL.

Function: ert-run-tests-batch-and-exit

Like `ert-run-tests-batch', but exits Emacs when done.

The exit status will be 0 if all test results were as expected, 1
on unexpected results, or 2 if the tool detected an error outside
of the tests (e.g. invalid SELECTOR or bug in the code that runs
the tests).
(fn &optional SELECTOR)

Function: doc-view-mode

Major mode in DocView buffers.

DocView Mode is an Emacs document viewer. It displays PDF, PS
and DVI files (as PNG images) in Emacs buffers.

You can use
Uses keymap `doc-view-mode-map', which is not currently defined.
M-x doc-view-toggle-display to
toggle between displaying the document or editing it as text.

Uses keymap `doc-view-mode-map', which is not currently defined. (fn)

Function: customize-option

Customize SYMBOL, which must be a user option.


Variable: backquote-unquote-symbol

Symbol used to represent an unquote inside a backquote.

Function: message

Display a message at the bottom of the screen.
The message also goes into the `*Messages*' buffer, if `message-log-max'
is non-nil. (In keyboard macros, that's all it does.)
Return the message.

The first argument is a format control string, and the rest are data
to be formatted under control of the string. See `format' for details.

Note: Use (message "%s" VALUE) to print the value of expressions and
variables to avoid accidentally interpreting `%' as format specifiers.

If the first argument is nil or the empty string, the function clears
any existing message; this lets the minibuffer contents show. See
also `current-message'. (fn FORMAT-STRING &rest ARGS)

Variable: pcomplete-suffix-list

A list of characters which constitute a proper suffix.

Function: Info-read-node-name-1

Internal function used by `Info-read-node-name'.
See `completing-read' for a description of arguments and usage.

Function: window-combinations

Return largest number of windows vertically arranged within WINDOW.
WINDOW must be a valid window and defaults to the selected one.
If HORIZONTAL is non-nil, return the largest number of
windows horizontally arranged within WINDOW.

Function: text-char-description

Return a pretty description of file-character CHARACTER.
Control characters turn into "^char", etc. This differs from
`single-key-description' which turns them into "C-char".
Also, this function recognizes the 2**7 bit as the Meta character,
whereas `single-key-description' uses the 2**27 bit for Meta.
See Info node `(elisp)Describing Characters' for examples. (fn CHARACTER)

Function: epa-sign-file

Sign FILE by SIGNERS keys selected.


Function: elint-directory

Lint all the .el files in DIRECTORY.
A complicated directory may require a lot of memory.


Function: internal-set-font-selection-order

Set font selection order for face font selection to ORDER.
ORDER must be a list of length 4 containing the symbols `:width',
`:height', `:weight', and `:slant'. Face attributes appearing
first in ORDER are matched first, e.g. if `:height' appears before
`:weight' in ORDER, font selection first tries to find a font with
a suitable height, and then tries to match the font weight.
Value is ORDER. (fn ORDER)

Function: pcomplete-command-name

Return the command name of the first argument.


Function: comint-skip-prompt

Skip past the text matching regexp `comint-prompt-regexp'.
If this takes us past the end of the current line, don't skip at all.

Function: cl-nset-exclusive-or

Combine LIST1 and LIST2 using a set-exclusive-or operation.
The resulting list contains all items appearing in exactly one of LIST1, LIST2.
This is a destructive function; it reuses the storage of LIST1 and LIST2
whenever possible.

Keywords supported: :test :test-not :key


Function: org-todo-list

Show all (not done) TODO entries from all agenda file in a single list.
The prefix arg can be used to select a specific TODO keyword and limit
the list to these. When using C-u, you will be prompted
for a keyword. A numeric prefix directly selects the Nth keyword in
(fn &optional ARG)

Function: hashcash-verify-payment

Verify a hashcash payment


Function: string-rectangle

Replace rectangle contents with STRING on each line.
The length of STRING need not be the same as the rectangle width.

Called from a program, takes three args; START, END and STRING.


Function: comint-adjust-point

Move point in the selected window based on Comint settings.
SELECTED is the window that was originally selected.


Function: indent-for-tab-command

Indent the current line or region, or insert a tab, as appropriate.
This function either inserts a tab, or indents the current line,
or performs symbol completion, depending on `tab-always-indent'.
The function called to actually indent the line or insert a tab
is given by the variable `indent-line-function'.

If a prefix argument is given, after this function indents the
current line or inserts a tab, it also rigidly indents the entire
balanced expression which starts at the beginning of the current
line, to reflect the current line's indentation.

In most major modes, if point was in the current line's
indentation, it is moved to the first non-whitespace character
after indenting; otherwise it stays at the same position relative
to the text.

If `transient-mark-mode' is turned on and the region is active,
this function instead calls `indent-region'. In this case, any prefix argument is ignored.

Variable: latex-block-names

User defined LaTeX block names.
Combined with `latex-standard-block-names' for minibuffer completion.

Function: describe-font

Display information about a font whose name is FONTNAME.
The font must be already used by Emacs.


Function: ido-read-buffer

Ido replacement for the built-in `read-buffer'.
Return the name of a buffer selected.
PROMPT is the prompt to give to the user. DEFAULT if given is the default
buffer to be selected, which will go to the front of the list.
If REQUIRE-MATCH is non-nil, an existing buffer must be selected.


Function: highlight-compare-with-file

Compare this buffer with a file, and highlight differences.

If the buffer has a backup filename, it is used as the default when
this function is called interactively.

If the current buffer is visiting the file being compared against, it
also will have its differences highlighted. Otherwise, the file is
read in temporarily but the buffer is deleted.

If the buffer is read-only, differences will be highlighted but no property
changes are made, so M-x highlight-changes-next-change and
M-x highlight-changes-previous-change will not work. (fn FILE-B)

Function: file-attributes-lessp

Return t if first arg file attributes list is less than second.
Comparison is in lexicographic order and case is significant.

(fn F1 F2)

Function: internal-merge-in-global-face

Add attributes from frame-default definition of FACE to FACE on FRAME.
Default face attributes override any local face attributes.


Function: byte-optimize-associative-math

(fn FORM)

Function: mm-coding-system-equal

Return t if and only if CODING-SYSTEM-1 and CODING-SYSTEM-2 are identical.
Two coding systems are identical if both symbols are equal
or one is an alias of the other.

Face: info-node

Face for Info node names.

Variable: generic-mode-list

A list of mode names for `generic-mode'.
Do not add entries to this list directly; use `define-generic-mode'
instead (which see).

Variable: scroll-up-aggressively

How far to scroll windows upward.
If you move point off the bottom, the window scrolls automatically.
This variable controls how far it scrolls. The value nil, the default,
means scroll to center point. A fraction means scroll to put point
that fraction of the window's height from the bottom of the window.
When the value is 0.0, point goes at the bottom line, which in the
simple case that you moved off with C-f means scrolling just one line.
1.0 means point goes at the top, so that in that simple case, the
window scrolls by a full window height. Meaningful values are between 0.0 and 1.0, inclusive.

Variable: sh-shell-arg

Single argument string for the magic number. See `sh-feature'.

Function: comint-write-output

Write output from interpreter since last input to FILENAME.
Any prompt at the end of the output is not written.

If the optional argument APPEND (the prefix argument when interactive)
is non-nil, the output is appended to the file instead.

If the optional argument MUSTBENEW is non-nil, check for an existing
file with the same name. If MUSTBENEW is `excl', that means to get an
error if the file already exists; never overwrite. If MUSTBENEW is
neither nil nor `excl', that means ask for confirmation before
overwriting, but do go ahead and overwrite the file if the user
confirms. When interactive, MUSTBENEW is nil when appending, and t
otherwise. (fn FILENAME &optional APPEND MUSTBENEW)

Function: font-lock-apply-highlight

Apply HIGHLIGHT following a match.
HIGHLIGHT should be of the form MATCH-HIGHLIGHT, see `font-lock-keywords'.

Function: help-for-help-internal

Help command.

Variable: mark-ring-max

Maximum size of mark ring. Start discarding off end if gets this big.

Function: text-mode

Major mode for editing text written for humans to read.
In this mode, paragraphs are delimited only by blank or white lines.
You can thus get the full benefit of adaptive filling
(see the variable `adaptive-fill-mode').
key binding
--- -------

ESC Prefix Command

C-M-i ispell-complete-word

Turning on Text mode runs the normal hook `text-mode-hook'.

Function: set-auto-coding

Return coding system for a file FILENAME of which SIZE bytes follow point.
See `find-auto-coding' for how the coding system is found.
Return nil if an invalid coding system is found.

The variable `set-auto-coding-function' (which see) is set to this
function by default.

Function: x-file-dialog

Read file name, prompting with PROMPT in directory DIR.
Use a file selection dialog. Select DEFAULT-FILENAME in the dialog's file
selection box, if specified. If MUSTMATCH is non-nil, the returned file
or directory must exist.

This function is only defined on NS, MS Windows, and X Windows with the
Motif or Gtk toolkits. With the Motif toolkit, ONLY-DIR-P is ignored.
Otherwise, if ONLY-DIR-P is non-nil, the user can only select directories.


Variable: x-resource-name

The name Emacs uses to look up X resources.
`x-get-resource' uses this as the first component of the instance name
when requesting resource values.
Emacs initially sets `x-resource-name' to the name under which Emacs
was invoked, or to the value specified with the `-name' or `-rn'
switches, if present.

It may be useful to bind this variable locally around a call
to `x-get-resource'. See also the variable `x-resource-class'.

Function: abbrev-mode

Toggle Abbrev mode in the current buffer.
With a prefix argument ARG, enable Abbrev mode if ARG is
positive, and disable it otherwise. If called from Lisp, enable
Abbrev mode if ARG is omitted or nil.

In Abbrev mode, inserting an abbreviation causes it to expand and
be replaced by its expansion. (fn &optional ARG)

Variable: abbrev-mode

Non-nil if Abbrev mode is enabled.
Use the command `abbrev-mode' to change this variable.

Variable: pcomplete-dir-ignore

A regexp of names to be disregarded during directory completion.

Variable: byte-compile-function-environment

Alist of functions defined in the file being compiled.
This is so we can inline them when necessary.
Each element looks like (FUNCTIONNAME . DEFINITION). It is
(FUNCTIONNAME . nil) when a function is redefined as a macro.
It is (FUNCTIONNAME . t) when all we know is that it was defined,
and we don't know the definition. For an autoloaded function, DEFINITION
has the form (autoload . FILENAME).

Function: cl-first

Return the car of LIST. If arg is nil, return nil.
Error if arg is not nil and not a cons cell. See also `car-safe'.

See Info node `(elisp)Cons Cells' for a discussion of related basic
Lisp concepts such as car, cdr, cons cell and list. (fn LIST)

Function: add-timeout

Add a timer to run SECS seconds from now, to call FUNCTION on OBJECT.
If REPEAT is non-nil, repeat the timer every REPEAT seconds.
This function is for compatibility; see also `run-with-timer'.

Variable: tramp-file-name-regexp-unified

Value for `tramp-file-name-regexp' for unified remoting.
Emacs (not XEmacs) uses a unified filename syntax for Ange-FTP and
Tramp. See `tramp-file-name-structure' for more explanations.

On W32 systems, the volume letter must be ignored.

Function: password-in-cache-p

Check if KEY is in the cache.

Function: easy-mmode-define-keymap

Return a keymap built from bindings BS.
BS must be a list of (KEY . BINDING) where
KEY and BINDINGS are suitable for `define-key'.
Optional NAME is passed to `make-sparse-keymap'.
Optional map M can be used to modify an existing map.
ARGS is a list of additional keyword arguments.

Valid keywords and arguments are:

:name Name of the keymap; overrides NAME argument.
:dense Non-nil for a dense keymap.
:inherit Parent keymap.
:group Ignored.
:suppress Non-nil to call `suppress-keymap' on keymap,
'nodigits to suppress digits as prefix arguments. (fn BS &optional NAME M ARGS)

Variable: font-slant-table

Vector of font slant symbols vs the corresponding numeric values.
See `font-weight-table' for the format of the vector.

Function: goto-char

Set point to POSITION, a number or marker.
Beginning of buffer is position (point-min), end is (point-max).

The return value is POSITION.

Function: set-justification-left

Make paragraphs in the region left-justified.
This means they are flush at the left margin and ragged on the right.
This is usually the default, but see the variable `default-justification'.
If the mark is not active, this applies to the current paragraph.

Function: pr-ps-file-up-ps-print

Process a PostScript file IFILENAME and send it to printer.

Interactively, the command prompts for N-UP printing number, for an input
PostScript file IFILENAME and, when you use a prefix argument (C-u), the
command prompts the user for an output PostScript file name OFILENAME, and
saves the PostScript image in that file instead of sending it to the printer.

Noninteractively, if N-UP is nil, prompts for N-UP printing number. The
argument IFILENAME is treated as follows: if it's t, prompts for an input
PostScript file name; otherwise, it *must* be a string that it's an input
PostScript file name. The argument OFILENAME is treated as follows: if it's
nil, send the image to the printer. If OFILENAME is a string, save the
PostScript image in a file with that name. If OFILENAME is t, prompts for a
file name. (fn N-UP IFILENAME &optional OFILENAME)

Variable: imenu-create-index-function

The function to use for creating an index alist of the current buffer.

It should be a function that takes no arguments and returns
an index alist of the current buffer. The function is
called within a `save-excursion'.

See `imenu--index-alist' for the format of the buffer index alist.

Function: check-declare-file

Check veracity of all `declare-function' statements in FILE.
See `check-declare-directory' for more information.

(fn FILE)

Function: next-buffer

In selected window switch to next buffer.

Variable: inhibit-eval-during-redisplay

Non-nil means don't eval Lisp during redisplay.

Function: text-property-not-all

Check text from START to END for property PROPERTY not equaling VALUE.
If so, return the position of the first character whose property PROPERTY
is not `eq' to VALUE. Otherwise, return nil.
If the optional fifth argument OBJECT is a buffer (or nil, which means
the current buffer), START and END are buffer positions (integers or
markers). If OBJECT is a string, START and END are 0-based indices into it.


Variable: intervals-consed

Number of intervals that have been consed so far.

Function: url-port-if-non-default

Return the port number specified by URLOBJ, if it is not the default.
If the specified port number is the default, return nil.

Function: byte-compile-not-lexical-var-p

(fn VAR)

Variable: xterm-alternatives-map

Keymap of possible alternative meanings for some keys.

Function: org-capture-import-remember-templates

Set org-capture-templates to be similar to `org-remember-templates'.


Function: gnus-agent-regenerate

Regenerate all agent covered files.
If CLEAN, obsolete (ignore).

(fn &optional CLEAN REREAD)

Variable: byte-compile-verbose

Non-nil means print messages describing progress of byte-compiler.

Variable: sgml-tag-syntax-table

Syntax table used to parse SGML tags.

Function: pkg-info-defining-library-version

Get the version of the library defining FUNCTION.

If SHOW is non-nil, show the version in mini-buffer.

This function is mainly intended to find the version of a major
or minor mode, i.e.

(pkg-info-defining-library-version 'flycheck-mode)

Return the version of the library defining FUNCTION. Signal an
error if FUNCTION is not a valid function, if its defining
library was not found, or if the library had no proper version header. (fn FUNCTION &optional SHOW)

Function: eshell-mode

Emacs shell interactive mode.

Uses keymap `eshell-mode-map', which is not currently defined. (fn)

Function: notevery

Return true if PREDICATE is false of some element of SEQ or SEQs.


Variable: vc-stay-local

Non-nil means use local operations when possible for remote repositories.
This avoids slow queries over the network and instead uses heuristics
and past information to determine the current status of a file.

If value is the symbol `only-file' `vc-dir' will connect to the
server, but heuristics will be used to determine the status for
all other VC operations.

The value can also be a regular expression or list of regular
expressions to match against the host name of a repository; then VC
only stays local for hosts that match it. Alternatively, the value
can be a list of regular expressions where the first element is the
symbol `except'; then VC always stays local except for hosts matched by these regular expressions.

Function: org-run-like-in-org-mode

Run a command, pretending that the current buffer is in Org-mode.
This will temporarily bind local variables that are typically bound in
Org-mode to the values they have in Org-mode, and then interactively
call CMD. (fn CMD)

Function: plist-get

Extract a value from a property list.
PLIST is a property list, which is a list of the form
(PROP1 VALUE1 PROP2 VALUE2...). This function returns the value
corresponding to the given PROP, or nil if PROP is not one of the
properties on the list. This function never signals an error.

Variable: delayed-warnings-hook

Normal hook run to process and display delayed warnings.
By default, this hook contains functions to consolidate the
warnings listed in `delayed-warnings-list', display them, and set
`delayed-warnings-list' back to nil.

Variable: apropos-accumulator

Alist of symbols already found in current apropos run.
Each element has the form


where SYMBOL is the symbol name, SCORE is its relevance score (a
number), FUN-DOC is the function docstring, VAR-DOC is the
variable docstring, PLIST is the list of the symbols names in the
property list, WIDGET-DOC is the widget docstring, FACE-DOC is
the face docstring, and CUS-GROUP-DOC is the custom group
docstring. Each docstring is either nil or a string.

Variable: Info-breadcrumbs-depth

Depth of breadcrumbs to display.
0 means do not display breadcrumbs.

Variable: facemenu-indentation-menu

Submenu for indentation commands.

Function: list-character-sets

Display a list of all character sets.

The D column contains the dimension of this character set. The CH
column contains the number of characters in a block of this character
set. The FINAL-BYTE column contains an ISO-2022 to use
in the designation escape sequence for this character set in
ISO-2022-based coding systems.

With prefix ARG, the output format gets more cryptic,
but still shows the full information. (fn ARG)

Function: sh-guess-basic-offset

See if we can determine a reasonable value for `sh-basic-offset'.
This is experimental, heuristic and arbitrary!
Argument VEC is a vector of information collected by
Return values:
number - there appears to be a good single value
list of numbers - no obvious one, here is a list of one or more
reasonable choices
nil - we couldn't find a reasonable one.

Function: auth-source-backend-p

Test OBJ to see if it an object of type auth-source-backend

Function: object-assoc-list-safe

Return an association list with the contents of SLOT as the key element.
LIST must be a list of objects, but those objects do not need to have
SLOT in it. If it does not, then that element is left out of the association list.

Function: comment-quote-nested

Quote or unquote nested comments.
If UNP is non-nil, unquote nested comment markers.

(fn CS CE UNP)

Variable: comment-quote-nested

Non-nil if nested comments should be quoted.
This should be locally set by each major mode if needed.

Function: skip-syntax-forward

Move point forward across chars in specified syntax classes.
SYNTAX is a string of syntax code characters.
Stop before a char whose syntax is not in SYNTAX, or at position LIM.
If SYNTAX starts with ^, skip characters whose syntax is NOT in SYNTAX.
This function returns the distance traveled, either zero or positive.

(fn SYNTAX &optional LIM)

Function: category-docstring

Return the documentation string of CATEGORY, as defined in TABLE.
TABLE should be a category table and defaults to the current buffer's
category table.

(fn CATEGORY &optional TABLE)

Function: rfn-eshadow-setup-minibuffer

Set up a minibuffer for `file-name-shadow-mode'.
The prompt and initial input should already have been inserted.

Function: sieve-upload-and-kill

(fn &optional NAME)

Function: posnp

Return non-nil if OBJ appears to be a valid `posn' object.

Function: signal-process

Send PROCESS the signal with code SIGCODE.
PROCESS may also be a number specifying the process id of the
process to signal; in this case, the process need not be a child of
this Emacs.
SIGCODE may be an integer, or a symbol whose name is a signal name.


Function: ccl-execute-on-string

Execute CCL-PROGRAM with initial STATUS on STRING.

CCL-PROGRAM is a symbol registered by `register-ccl-program',
or a compiled code generated by `ccl-compile' (for backward compatibility,
in this case, the execution is slower).

Read buffer is set to STRING, and write buffer is allocated automatically.

STATUS is a vector of [R0 R1 ... R7 IC], where
R0..R7 are initial values of corresponding registers,
IC is the instruction counter specifying from where to start the program.
If R0..R7 are nil, they are initialized to 0.
If IC is nil, it is initialized to head of the CCL program.

If optional 4th arg CONTINUE is non-nil, keep IC on read operation
when read buffer is exhausted, else, IC is always set to the end of
CCL-PROGRAM on exit.

It returns the contents of write buffer as a string,
and as side effect, STATUS is updated.
If the optional 5th arg UNIBYTE-P is non-nil, the returned string
is a unibyte string. By default it is a multibyte string.

See the documentation of `define-ccl-program' for the detail of CCL program. (fn CCL-PROGRAM STATUS STRING &optional CONTINUE UNIBYTE-P)

Function: vc-git-stash-apply-at-point


Function: vc-do-command

Execute a slave command, notifying user and checking for errors.
Output from COMMAND goes to BUFFER, or the current buffer if
BUFFER is t. If the destination buffer is not already current,
set it up properly and erase it. The command is considered
successful if its exit status does not exceed OKSTATUS (if
OKSTATUS is nil, that means to ignore error status, if it is
`async', that means not to wait for termination of the
subprocess; if it is t it means to ignore all execution errors).
FILE-OR-LIST is the name of a working file; it may be a list of
files or be nil (to execute commands that don't expect a file
name or set of files). If an optional list of FLAGS is present,
that is inserted into the command line before the filename.
Return the return value of the slave command in the synchronous
case, and the process object in the asynchronous case.

Function: list-system-processes

Return a list of numerical process IDs of all running processes.
If this functionality is unsupported, return nil.

See `process-attributes' for getting attributes of a process given its ID. (fn)

Function: gnus-article-html

(fn &optional HANDLE)

Variable: buffer-offer-save

Non-nil in a buffer means always offer to save buffer on exit.
Do so even if the buffer is not visiting a file.
Automatically local in all buffers.

Function: forth-mode

Major mode for editing Forth files.

In addition to any hooks its parent mode `prog-mode' might have run,
this mode runs the hook `forth-mode-hook', as the final step
during initialization.

key binding
--- -------

C-c Prefix Command C-c C-l forth-load-file

Function: image-refresh

Fush the image with specification SPEC on frame FRAME.
This removes the image from the Emacs image cache. If SPEC specifies
an image file, the next redisplay of this image will read from the
current contents of that file.

FRAME nil or omitted means use the selected frame.
FRAME t means refresh the image on all frames.
(fn SPEC &optional FRAME)

Function: netrc-credentials

Return a user name/password pair.
Port specifications will be prioritized in the order they are
listed in the PORTS list.

(fn MACHINE &rest PORTS)

Variable: compilation-buffer-name-function

Function to compute the name of a compilation buffer.
The function receives one argument, the name of the major mode of the
compilation buffer. It should return a string.
If nil, compute the name with `(concat "*" (downcase major-mode) "*")'.

Function: window-sizable

Return DELTA if DELTA lines can be added to WINDOW.
WINDOW must be a valid window and defaults to the selected one.
Optional argument HORIZONTAL non-nil means return DELTA if DELTA
columns can be added to WINDOW. A return value of zero means
that no lines (or columns) can be added to WINDOW.

This function looks only at WINDOW and, recursively, its child
windows. The function `window-resizable' looks at other windows
as well.

DELTA positive means WINDOW shall be enlarged by DELTA lines or
columns. If WINDOW cannot be enlarged by DELTA lines or columns
return the maximum value in the range 0..DELTA by which WINDOW
can be enlarged.

DELTA negative means WINDOW shall be shrunk by -DELTA lines or
columns. If WINDOW cannot be shrunk by -DELTA lines or columns,
return the minimum value in the range DELTA..0 by which WINDOW
can be shrunk.

Optional argument IGNORE non-nil means ignore restrictions
imposed by fixed size windows, `window-min-height' or
`window-min-width' settings. If IGNORE equals `safe', live
windows may get as small as `window-safe-min-height' lines and
`window-safe-min-width' columns. If IGNORE is a window, ignore
restrictions for that window only. Any other non-nil value means ignore all of the above restrictions for all windows.

Function: byte-compile-variable-set

Generate code to set the variable VAR from the top-of-stack value.

(fn VAR)

Variable: mouse-wheel-down-event

Event used for scrolling down.

Function: extract-rectangle

Return the contents of the rectangle with corners at START and END.
Return it as a list of strings, one for each line of the rectangle.


Function: cfengine3-mode

Major mode for editing CFEngine3 input.
There are no special keybindings by default.

Action blocks are treated as defuns, i.e. C-M-a moves
to the action header. (fn)

Function: count-windows

Return the number of live windows on the selected frame.
The optional argument MINIBUF specifies whether the minibuffer
window shall be counted. See `walk-windows' for the precise
meaning of this argument.

Function: convert-standard-filename

Convert a standard file's name to something suitable for the OS.
This means to guarantee valid names and perhaps to canonicalize
certain patterns.

FILENAME should be an absolute file name since the conversion rules
sometimes vary depending on the position in the file name. E.g. c:/foo
is a valid DOS file name, but c:/bar/c:/foo is not.

This function's standard definition is trivial; it just returns
the argument. However, on Windows and DOS, replace invalid
characters. On DOS, make sure to obey the 8.3 limitations.
In the native Windows build, turn Cygwin names into native names,
and also turn slashes into backslashes if the shell requires it (see

See Info node `(elisp)Standard File Names' for more details.

Function: handle-delete-frame

Handle delete-frame events from the X server.

Function: window-next-buffers

Return list of buffers recently re-shown in WINDOW.
WINDOW must be a live window and defaults to the selected one.

(fn &optional WINDOW)

Variable: font-lock-keywords-alist

Alist of additional `font-lock-keywords' elements for major modes.

Each element has the form (MODE KEYWORDS . HOW).
`font-lock-set-defaults' adds the elements in the list KEYWORDS to
`font-lock-keywords' when Font Lock is turned on in major mode MODE.

If HOW is nil, KEYWORDS are added at the beginning of
`font-lock-keywords'. If it is `set', they are used to replace the
value of `font-lock-keywords'. If HOW is any other non-nil value,
they are added at the end.

This is normally set via `font-lock-add-keywords' and `font-lock-remove-keywords'.

Function: time-stamp-toggle-active

Toggle `time-stamp-active', setting whether M-x time-stamp updates a buffer.
With ARG, turn time stamping on if and only if arg is positive.

(fn &optional ARG)

Function: same-window-p

Return non-nil if a buffer named BUFFER-NAME would be shown in the "same" window.
This function returns non-nil if `display-buffer' or
`pop-to-buffer' would show a buffer named BUFFER-NAME in the
selected rather than (as usual) some other window. See
`same-window-buffer-names' and `same-window-regexps'.

Function: string-equal

Return t if two strings have identical contents.
Case is significant, but text properties are ignored.
Symbols are also allowed; their print names are used instead.
(fn S1 S2)

Variable: global-disable-point-adjustment

If non-nil, always suppress point adjustment.

The default value is nil, in which case, point adjustment are
suppressed only after special commands that set
`disable-point-adjustment' (which see) to non-nil.

Variable: url-uncompressor-alist

An alist of file extensions and appropriate content-transfer-encodings.

Function: x-dnd-handle-xdnd

Receive one XDND event (client message) and send the appropriate reply.
EVENT is the client message. FRAME is where the mouse is now.
WINDOW is the window within FRAME where the mouse is now.
FORMAT is 32 (not used). MESSAGE is the data part of an XClientMessageEvent.

Variable: lisp-interaction-mode-syntax-table

Syntax table for `lisp-interaction-mode'.

Function: facemenu-set-read-only

Make the region unmodifiable.
This sets the `read-only' text property; it can be undone with

Function: master-mode

Toggle Master mode.
With a prefix argument ARG, enable Master mode if ARG is
positive, and disable it otherwise. If called from Lisp, enable
the mode if ARG is omitted or nil.

When Master mode is enabled, you can scroll the slave buffer
using the following commands:

Uses keymap `master-mode-map', which is not currently defined.

The slave buffer is stored in the buffer-local variable `master-of'.
You can set this variable using `master-set-slave'. You can show
yourself the value of `master-of' by calling `master-show-slave'. (fn &optional ARG)

Variable: dbus-registered-objects-table

Hash table of registered functions for D-Bus.

There are two different uses of the hash table: for accessing
registered interfaces properties, targeted by signals or method calls,
and for calling handlers in case of non-blocking method call returns.

In the first case, the key in the hash table is the list (TYPE BUS
INTERFACE MEMBER). TYPE is one of the Lisp symbols `:method',
`:signal' or `:property'. BUS is either a Lisp symbol, `:system' or
`:session', or a string denoting the bus address. INTERFACE is a
string which denotes a D-Bus interface, and MEMBER, also a string, is
either a method, a signal or a property INTERFACE is offering. All
arguments but BUS must not be nil.

The value in the hash table is a list of quadruple lists ((UNAME
SERVICE PATH OBJECT [RULE]) ...). SERVICE is the service name as
registered, UNAME is the corresponding unique name. In case of
registered methods and properties, UNAME is nil. PATH is the object
path of the sending object. All of them can be nil, which means a
wildcard then. OBJECT is either the handler to be called when a D-Bus
message, which matches the key criteria, arrives (TYPE `:method' and
`:signal'), or a cons cell containing the value of the property (TYPE

For entries of type `:signal', there is also a fifth element RULE,
which keeps the match string the signal is registered with.

In the second case, the key in the hash table is the list (:serial BUS
SERIAL). BUS is either a Lisp symbol, `:system' or `:session', or a
string denoting the bus address. SERIAL is the serial number of the
non-blocking method call, a reply is expected. Both arguments must not be nil. The value in the hash table is HANDLER, the function to be called when the D-Bus reply message arrives.

Function: call-last-kbd-macro

Call the last keyboard macro that you defined with M-x start-kbd-macro.

A prefix argument serves as a repeat count. Zero means repeat until error.

To make a macro permanent so you can call it even after
defining others, use M-x name-last-kbd-macro.

In Lisp, optional second arg LOOPFUNC may be a function that is called prior to
each iteration of the macro. Iteration stops if LOOPFUNC returns nil. (fn &optional PREFIX LOOPFUNC)

Function: base64-encode-string

Base64-encode STRING and return the result.
Optional second argument NO-LINE-BREAK means do not break long lines
into shorter lines.

(fn STRING &optional NO-LINE-BREAK)

Function: copy-hash-table

Return a copy of hash table TABLE.

(fn TABLE)

Function: mm-append-to-file

Append the contents of the region to the end of file FILENAME.
When called from a function, expects three arguments,
START, END and FILENAME. START and END are buffer positions
saying what text to write.
Optional fourth argument specifies the coding system to use when
encoding the file.
If INHIBIT is non-nil, inhibit `mm-inhibit-file-name-handlers'.

Function: skip-line-prefix

If point is inside the string PREFIX at the beginning of line, move past it.

Function: scroll-bar-drag

Scroll the window by dragging the scroll bar slider.
If you click outside the slider, the window scrolls to bring the slider there.

Function: gnus-sieve-article-add-rule


Variable: load-file-name

Full name of file being loaded by `load'.

Variable: sh-assignment-regexp

Regexp for the variable name and what may follow in an assignment.
First grouping matches the variable name. This is upto and including the `='
sign. See `sh-feature'.

Function: obj-of-class-p

Return non-nil if OBJ is an instance of CLASS or CLASS' subclasses.

Variable: display-time-hook

List of functions to be called when the time is updated on the mode line.

Function: typep

Check that OBJECT is of type TYPE.
TYPE is a Common Lisp-style type specifier.


Function: calc-dispatch

Invoke the GNU Emacs Calculator. See `calc-dispatch-help' for details.

(fn &optional ARG)

Function: values

Return a newly created list with specified arguments as elements.
Any number of arguments, even zero arguments, are allowed.

(fn &rest OBJECTS)

Variable: values

List of values of all expressions which were read, evaluated and printed.
Order is reverse chronological.

Function: byte-compile-funcall

(fn FORM)

Function: gnus-run-hook-with-args

Does the same as `run-hook-with-args', but saves the current buffer.

Variable: comint-preoutput-filter-functions

List of functions to call before inserting Comint output into the buffer.
Each function gets one argument, a string containing the text received
from the subprocess. It should return the string to insert, perhaps
the same string that was received, or perhaps a modified or transformed

The functions on the list are called sequentially, and each one is
given the string returned by the previous one. The string returned by
the last function is the text that is actually inserted in the
redirection buffer.

You can use `add-hook' to add functions to this list either globally or locally.

Function: dabbrev--make-friend-buffer-list


Variable: vc-git-log-edit-mode-syntax-table

Syntax table for `vc-git-log-edit-mode'.

Function: package-maybe-load-descriptor

Maybe load a specific package from directory DIR.
NAME and VERSION are the package's name and version strings.
This function checks `package-load-list', before actually loading
the package by calling `package-load-descriptor'.

Function: Buffer-menu-select

Select this line's buffer; also, display buffers marked with `>'.
You can mark buffers with the `m' command.
This command deletes and replaces all the previously existing windows
in the selected frame.

Variable: replace-re-search-function

Function to use when searching for regexps to replace.
It is used by `query-replace-regexp', `replace-regexp',
`query-replace-regexp-eval', and `map-query-replace-regexp'.
It is called with three arguments, as if it were

Variable: facemenu-new-faces-at-end

Where in the menu to insert newly-created faces.
This should be nil to put them at the top of the menu, or t to put them
just before "Other" at the end.

Function: command-line-1

A subroutine of `command-line'.


Function: push-mark

Set mark at LOCATION (point, by default) and push old mark on mark ring.
If the last global mark pushed was not in the current buffer,
also push LOCATION on the global mark ring.
Display `Mark set' unless the optional second arg NOMSG is non-nil.

Novice Emacs Lisp programmers often try to use the mark for the wrong
purposes. See the documentation of `set-mark' for more information.

In Transient Mark mode, activate mark if optional third arg ACTIVATE non-nil.

Variable: x-session-id

The session id Emacs got from the session manager for this session.
Changing the value does not change the session id used by Emacs.
The value is nil if no session manager is running.
See also `x-session-previous-id', `emacs-save-session-functions',
`emacs-session-save' and `emacs-session-restore'."

Function: buffer-modified-p

Return t if BUFFER was modified since its file was last read or saved.
No argument or nil as argument means use current buffer as BUFFER.

(fn &optional BUFFER)

Function: gnus-emacs-completing-read

Call standard `completing-read-function'.

Function: Info-forward-node

Go forward one node, considering all nodes as forming one sequence.

Variable: vc-consult-headers

If non-nil, identify work files by searching for version headers.

Function: completion-help-at-point

Display the completions on the text around point.
The completion method is determined by `completion-at-point-functions'.

Function: org-diary

Return diary information from org files.
This function can be used in a "sexp" diary entry in the Emacs calendar.
It accesses org files and extracts information from those files to be
listed in the diary. The function accepts arguments specifying what
items should be listed. For a list of arguments allowed here, see the
variable `org-agenda-entry-types'.

The call in the diary file should look like this:

&%%(org-diary) ~/path/to/some/orgfile.org

Use a separate line for each org file to check. Or, if you omit the file name,
all files listed in `org-agenda-files' will be checked automatically:


If you don't give any arguments (as in the example above), the default
arguments (:deadline :scheduled :timestamp :sexp) are used.
So the example above may also be written as

&%%(org-diary :deadline :timestamp :sexp :scheduled)

The function expects the lisp variables `entry' and `date' to be provided
by the caller, because this is how the calendar works. Don't use this function from a program - use `org-agenda-get-day-entries' instead. (fn &rest ARGS)

Function: local-variable-p

Non-nil if VARIABLE has a local binding in buffer BUFFER.
BUFFER defaults to the current buffer.

(fn VARIABLE &optional BUFFER)

Variable: url-load-hook

Hook run after initializing the URL library.

Function: ispell-complete-word

Try to complete the word before or under point (see `lookup-words').
If optional INTERIOR-FRAG is non-nil then the word may be a character
sequence inside of a word.

Standard ispell choices are then available.

(fn &optional INTERIOR-FRAG)

Function: char-width

Return width of CHAR when displayed in the current buffer.
The width is measured by how many columns it occupies on the screen.
Tab is taken to occupy `tab-width' columns.
(fn CHAR)

Function: byte-compile-indent-to

(fn FORM)

Function: byte-compile-find-cl-functions


Function: pcomplete-opt

Complete a set of OPTIONS, each beginning with PREFIX (?- by default).
PREFIX may be t, in which case no PREFIX character is necessary.
If NO-GANGING is non-nil, each option is separate (-xy is not allowed).
If ARGS-FOLLOW is non-nil, then options which take arguments may have
the argument appear after a ganged set of options. This is how tar
behaves, for example.
Arguments NO-GANGING and ARGS-FOLLOW are currently ignored.


Function: cl-nunion

Combine LIST1 and LIST2 using a set-union operation.
The resulting list contains all items that appear in either LIST1 or LIST2.
This is a destructive function; it reuses the storage of LIST1 and LIST2
whenever possible.

Keywords supported: :test :test-not :key


Function: cl-search

Search for SEQ1 as a subsequence of SEQ2.
Return the index of the leftmost element of the first match found;
return nil if there are no matches.

Keywords supported: :test :test-not :key :start1 :end1 :start2 :end2 :from-end


Variable: help-return-method

What to do to "exit" the help buffer.
This is a list
(WINDOW . t) delete the selected window (and possibly its frame,
see `quit-window'), go to WINDOW.
(WINDOW . quit-window) do quit-window, then select WINDOW.

Function: ps-print-buffer-with-faces

Generate and print a PostScript image of the buffer.
Like `ps-print-buffer', but includes font, color, and underline information in
the generated image. This command works only if you are using a window system,
so it has a way to determine color values.

(fn &optional FILENAME)

Variable: fontification-functions

List of functions to call to fontify regions of text.
Each function is called with one argument POS. Functions must
fontify a region starting at POS in the current buffer, and give
fontified regions the property `fontified'.

Function: process-list

Return a list of all processes.


Function: charset-after

Return charset of a character in the current buffer at position POS.
If POS is nil, it defaults to the current point.
If POS is out of range, the value is nil.

(fn &optional POS)

Function: winner-equal

Check whether two Winner configurations (as produced by
`winner-conf') are equal.

Function: minibuffer-complete-word

Complete the minibuffer contents at most a single word.
After one word is completed as much as possible, a space or hyphen
is added, provided that matches some possible completion.
Return nil if there is no valid completion, else t. (fn)

Function: gnus-notifications

Send a notification on new message.
This check for new messages that are in group with a level lower
or equal to `gnus-notifications-minimum-level' and send a
notification using `notifications-notify' for it.

This is typically a function to add in
`gnus-after-getting-new-news-hook' (fn)

Function: dired

"Edit" directory DIRNAME--delete, rename, print, etc. some files in it.
Optional second argument SWITCHES specifies the `ls' options used.
(Interactively, use a prefix argument to be able to specify SWITCHES.)
Dired displays a list of files in DIRNAME (which may also have
shell wildcards appended to select certain files). If DIRNAME is a cons,
its first element is taken as the directory name and the rest as an explicit
list of files to make directory entries for.

Uses keymap `dired-mode-map', which is not currently defined.
You can flag files for deletion with M-x dired-flag-file-deletion and then
delete them by typing M-x dired-do-flagged-delete.
Type C-h m after entering Dired for more info.

If DIRNAME is already in a dired buffer, that buffer is used without refresh. (fn DIRNAME &optional SWITCHES)

Function: Info-find-file

Return expanded FILENAME, or t if FILENAME is "dir".
Optional second argument NOERROR, if t, means if file is not found
just return nil (no error).

Variable: occur-mode-syntax-table

Syntax table for `occur-mode'.

Variable: edit-tab-stops-map

Keymap used in `edit-tab-stops'.

Variable: temp-buffer-max-height

Maximum height of a window displaying a temporary buffer.
This is effective only when Temp Buffer Resize mode is enabled.
The value is the maximum height (in lines) which
`resize-temp-buffer-window' will give to a window displaying a
temporary buffer. It can also be a function to be called to
choose the height for such a buffer. It gets one argument, the
buffer, and should return a positive integer. At the time the
function is called, the window to be resized is selected.

Variable: package-directory-list

List of additional directories containing Emacs Lisp packages.
Each directory name should be absolute.

These directories contain packages intended for system-wide; in
contrast, `package-user-dir' contains packages for personal use.

Variable: buffer-file-type

Non-nil if the visited file is a binary file.
This variable is meaningful on MS-DOG and MS-Windows.
On those systems, it is automatically local in every buffer.
On other systems, this variable is normally always nil.

WARNING: This variable is obsolete and will disapper Real Soon Now. Don't use it!

Function: Info-find-node-in-buffer

Find a node or anchor in the current buffer.
REGEXP is a regular expression matching nodes or references. Its first
group should match `Node:' or `Ref:'.
Value is the position at which a match was found, or nil if not found.
This function looks for a case-sensitive match first. If none is found,
a case-insensitive match is tried.

Function: describe-class

Describe a CLASS defined by a string or symbol.
If CLASS is actually an object, then also display current values of that object.
Optional HEADERFCN should be called to insert a few bits of info first.

(fn CLASS &optional HEADERFCN)

Variable: window-system-initialization-alist

Alist of window-system initialization functions.
Window-system startup files should add their own initialization
function to this list. The function should take no arguments,
and initialize the window system environment to prepare for
opening the first frame (e.g. open a connection to an X server).

Variable: recenter-last-op

Indicates the last recenter operation performed.
Possible values: `top', `middle', `bottom', integer or float numbers.

Function: temp-buffer-window-show

Show temporary buffer BUFFER in a window.
Return the window showing BUFFER. Pass ACTION as action argument
to `display-buffer'.

Function: posix-search-forward

Search forward from point for regular expression REGEXP.
Find the longest match in accord with Posix regular expression rules.
Set point to the end of the occurrence found, and return point.
An optional second argument bounds the search; it is a buffer position.
The match found must not extend after that position.
Optional third argument, if t, means if fail just return nil (no error).
If not nil and not t, move to limit of search and return nil.
Optional fourth argument is repeat count--search for successive occurrences.

Search case-sensitivity is determined by the value of the variable
`case-fold-search', which see.

See also the functions `match-beginning', `match-end', `match-string',
and `replace-match'. (fn REGEXP &optional BOUND NOERROR COUNT)

Function: byte-compile-and-recursion


Function: comint-substitute-in-file-name

Return FILENAME with environment variables substituted.
Supports additional environment variable syntax of the command
interpreter (e.g., the percent notation of cmd.exe on Windows).


Function: syntax-propertize

Ensure that syntax-table properties are set until POS.

(fn POS)

Function: tcl-mode

Major mode for editing Tcl code.
Expression and list commands understand all Tcl brackets.
Tab indents for Tcl code.
Paragraphs are separated by blank lines only.
Delete converts tabs to spaces as it moves back.

Variables controlling indentation style:
Indentation of Tcl statements within surrounding block.
Indentation of continuation line relative to first line of command.

Variables controlling user interaction with mode (see variable
documentation for details):
Controls action of TAB key.
Non-nil means automatically newline before and after braces, brackets,
and semicolons inserted in Tcl code.
If not nil, use a smarter, Tcl-specific way to find the current
word when looking up help on a Tcl command.

Turning on Tcl mode runs `tcl-mode-hook'. Read the documentation for `tcl-mode-hook' to see what kinds of interesting hook functions already exist. (fn)

Function: window--resize-this-window

Resize WINDOW vertically by DELTA lines.
Optional argument HORIZONTAL non-nil means resize WINDOW
horizontally by DELTA columns.

Optional argument IGNORE non-nil means ignore restrictions
imposed by fixed size windows, `window-min-height' or
`window-min-width' settings. If IGNORE equals `safe', live
windows may get as small as `window-safe-min-height' lines and
`window-safe-min-width' columns. If IGNORE is a window, ignore
restrictions for that window only. Any other non-nil value
means ignore all of the above restrictions for all windows.

Optional argument ADD non-nil means add DELTA to the new total
size of WINDOW.

Optional arguments TRAIL and EDGE, when non-nil, refine the set
of windows that shall be resized. If TRAIL equals `before',
resize only windows on the left or above EDGE. If TRAIL equals
`after', resize only windows on the right or below EDGE. Also,
preferably only resize windows adjacent to EDGE.

This function recursively resizes WINDOW's child windows to fit the
new size. Make sure that WINDOW is `window--resizable' before
calling this function. Note that this function does not resize
siblings of WINDOW or WINDOW's parent window. You have to eventually call `window-resize-apply' in order to make resizing actually take effect.

Function: eieiomt-sym-optimize

Find the next class above S which has a function body for the optimizer.

Function: cl-find

Find the first occurrence of ITEM in SEQ.
Return the matching ITEM, or nil if not found.

Keywords supported: :test :test-not :key :start :end :from-end


Variable: list-matching-lines-buffer-name-face

Face used by M-x list-matching-lines to show the names of buffers.
If the value is nil, don't highlight the buffer names specially.

Function: search-emacs-glossary

Display the Glossary node of the Emacs manual in Info mode.

Function: font-lock-fontify-block

Fontify some lines the way `font-lock-fontify-buffer' would.
The lines could be a function or paragraph, or a specified number of lines.
If ARG is given, fontify that many lines before and after point, or 16 lines if
no ARG is given and `font-lock-mark-block-function' is nil.
If `font-lock-mark-block-function' non-nil and no ARG is given, it is used to
delimit the region to fontify.

Variable: standard-indent

Default number of columns for margin-changing functions to indent.

Function: indent-according-to-mode

Indent line in proper way for current major mode.
Normally, this is done by calling the function specified by the
variable `indent-line-function'. However, if the value of that
variable is `indent-relative' or `indent-relative-maybe', handle
it specially (since those functions are used for tabbing); in
that case, indent by aligning to the previous non-blank line.

Function: flymake-mode-off

Turn flymake mode off.


Function: feedmail-run-the-queue

Visit each message in the feedmail queue directory and send it out.
Return value is a list of three things: number of messages sent, number of
messages skipped, and number of non-message things in the queue (commonly
backup file names and the like).

(fn &optional ARG)

Function: easy-menu-add-item

To the submenu of MAP with path PATH, add ITEM.

If an item with the same name is already present in this submenu,
then ITEM replaces it. Otherwise, ITEM is added to this submenu.
In the latter case, ITEM is normally added at the end of the submenu.
However, if BEFORE is a string and there is an item in the submenu
with that name, then ITEM is added before that item.

MAP should normally be a keymap; nil stands for the local menu-bar keymap.
It can also be a symbol, which has earlier been used as the first
argument in a call to `easy-menu-define', or the value of such a symbol.

PATH is a list of strings for locating the submenu where ITEM is to be
added. If PATH is nil, MAP itself is used. Otherwise, the first
element should be the name of a submenu directly under MAP. This
submenu is then traversed recursively with the remaining elements of PATH.

ITEM is either defined as in `easy-menu-define' or a non-nil value returned
by `easy-menu-item-present-p' or `easy-menu-remove-item' or a menu defined earlier by `easy-menu-define' or `easy-menu-create-menu'.

Function: erc-speedbar-browser

Initialize speedbar to display an ERC browser.
This will add a speedbar major display mode.

Function: epa-select-keys

Display a user's keyring and ask him to select keys.
CONTEXT is an epg-context.
PROMPT is a string to prompt with.
NAMES is a list of strings to be matched with keys. If it is nil, all
the keys are listed.
If SECRET is non-nil, list secret keys instead of public keys.


Function: exit-splash-screen

Stop displaying the splash screen buffer.


Function: macroexp-const-p

Return non-nil if EXP will always evaluate to the same value.

(fn EXP)

Function: next-single-char-property-change

Return the position of next text property or overlay change for a specific property.
Scans characters forward from POSITION till it finds
a change in the PROP property, then returns the position of the change.
If the optional third argument OBJECT is a buffer (or nil, which means
the current buffer), POSITION is a buffer position (integer or marker).
If OBJECT is a string, POSITION is a 0-based index into it.

In a string, scan runs to the end of the string.
In a buffer, it runs to (point-max), and the value cannot exceed that.

The property values are compared with `eq'.
If the property is constant all the way to the end of OBJECT, return the
last valid position in OBJECT.
If the optional fourth argument LIMIT is non-nil, don't search
past position LIMIT; return LIMIT if nothing is found before LIMIT. (fn POSITION PROP &optional OBJECT LIMIT)

Function: image-animate

Start animating IMAGE.
Animation occurs by destructively altering the IMAGE spec list.

With optional INDEX, begin animating from that animation frame.
LIMIT specifies how long to animate the image. If omitted or
nil, play the animation until the end. If t, loop forever. If a
number, play until that number of seconds has elapsed.

Variable: font-lock-syntax-table

Non-nil means use this syntax table for fontifying.
If this is nil, the major mode's syntax table is used.
This is normally set via `font-lock-defaults'.

Function: erc-tls

Interactively select TLS connection parameters and run ERC.
Arguments are the same as for `erc'.

(fn &rest R)

Variable: file-local-variables-alist

Alist of file-local variable settings in the current buffer.
Each element in this list has the form (VAR . VALUE), where VAR
is a file-local variable (a symbol) and VALUE is the value
specified. The actual value in the buffer may differ from VALUE,
if it is changed by the major or minor modes, or by the user.

Function: switch-to-prev-buffer

In WINDOW switch to previous buffer.
WINDOW must be a live window and defaults to the selected one.
Return the buffer switched to, nil if no suitable buffer could be

Optional argument BURY-OR-KILL non-nil means the buffer currently
shown in WINDOW is about to be buried or killed and consequently
shall not be switched to in future invocations of this command.

As a special case, if BURY-OR-KILL equals `append', this means to
move the buffer to the end of WINDOW's previous buffers list so a
future invocation of `switch-to-prev-buffer' less likely switches to it.

Function: sh-name-style

Name the current indentation settings as a style called NAME.
If this name exists, the command will prompt whether it should be
overwritten if
- - it was called interactively with a prefix argument, or
- - called non-interactively with optional CONFIRM-OVERWRITE non-nil.

Function: tar-mode

Major mode for viewing a tar file as a dired-like listing of its contents.
You can move around using the usual cursor motion commands.
Letters no longer insert themselves.
Type `e' to pull a file out of the tar file and into its own buffer;
or click mouse-2 on the file's line in the Tar mode buffer.
Type `c' to copy an entry from the tar file into another file on disk.

If you edit a sub-file of this archive (as with the `e' command) and
save it with C-x C-s, the contents of that buffer will be
saved back into the tar-file buffer; in this way you can edit a file
inside of a tar archive without extracting it and re-archiving it.

See also: variables `tar-update-datestamp' and `tar-anal-blocksize'.

Uses keymap `tar-mode-map', which is not currently defined. (fn)

Function: utf-7-pre-write-conversion

(fn FROM TO)

Function: skip-chars-forward

Move point forward, stopping before a char not in STRING, or at pos LIM.
STRING is like the inside of a `[...]' in a regular expression
except that `]' is never special and `\' quotes `^', `-' or `\'
(but not at the end of a range; quoting is never needed there).
Thus, with arg "a-zA-Z", this skips letters stopping before first nonletter.
With arg "^a-zA-Z", skips nonletters stopping before first letter.
Char classes, e.g. `[:alpha:]', are supported.

Returns the distance traveled, either zero or positive. (fn STRING &optional LIM)

Variable: insert-default-directory

Non-nil means when reading a filename start with default dir in minibuffer.

When the initial minibuffer contents show a name of a file or a directory,
typing RETURN without editing the initial contents is equivalent to typing
the default file name.

If this variable is non-nil, the minibuffer contents are always
initially non-empty, and typing RETURN without editing will fetch the
default name, if one is provided. Note however that this default name
is not necessarily the same as initial contents inserted in the minibuffer,
if the initial contents is just the default directory.

If this variable is nil, the minibuffer often starts out empty. In
that case you may have to explicitly fetch the next history element to
request the default name; typing RETURN without editing will leave
the minibuffer empty.

For some commands, exiting with an empty minibuffer has a special meaning,
such as making the current buffer visit no file in the case of `set-visited-file-name'.

Function: minibuffer--bitset


Function: bs-cycle-previous

Select previous buffer defined by buffer cycling.
The buffers taking part in buffer cycling are defined
by buffer configuration `bs-cycle-configuration-name'. (fn)

Variable: command-line-processed

Non-nil once command line has been processed.

Variable: print-length

Maximum length of list to print before abbreviating.
A value of nil means no limit. See also `eval-expression-print-length'.

Function: vc-name

Return the master name of FILE.
If the file is not registered, or the master name is not known, return nil.

Function: byte-compiler-base-file-name


Function: table-forward-cell

Move point forward to the beginning of the next cell.
With argument ARG, do it ARG times;
a negative argument ARG = -N means move backward N cells.
Do not specify NO-RECOGNIZE and UNRECOGNIZE. They are for internal use only.

Sample Cell Traveling Order (In Irregular Table Cases)

You can actually try how it works in this buffer. Press
M-x table-recognize and go to cells in the following tables and press
M-x table-forward-cell or TAB key.

+-----+--+ +--+-----+ +--+--+--+ +--+--+--+ +---------+ +--+---+--+
|0 |1 | |0 |1 | |0 |1 |2 | |0 |1 |2 | |0 | |0 |1 |2 |
+--+--+ | | +--+--+ +--+ | | | | +--+ +----+----+ +--+-+-+--+
|2 |3 | | | |2 |3 | |3 +--+ | | +--+3 | |1 |2 | |3 |4 |
| +--+--+ +--+--+ | +--+4 | | | |4 +--+ +--+-+-+--+ +----+----+
| |4 | |4 | | |5 | | | | | |5 | |3 |4 |5 | |5 |
+--+-----+ +-----+--+ +--+--+--+ +--+--+--+ +--+---+--+ +---------+

+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+ +--+--+--+ +--+--+--+
|0 |1 |2 | |0 |1 |2 | |0 |1 |2 | |0 |1 |2 |
| | | | | +--+ | | | | | +--+ +--+
+--+ +--+ +--+3 +--+ | +--+ | |3 +--+4 |
|3 | |4 | |4 +--+5 | | |3 | | +--+5 +--+
| | | | | |6 | | | | | | |6 | |7 |
+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+ +--+--+--+ +--+--+--+

+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+ +--+-----+--+ +--+--+--+--+
|0 |1 |2 | |0 |1 |2 | |0 |1 |2 |3 | |0 |1 |2 | |0 |1 |2 |3 |
| +--+ | | +--+ | | +--+--+ | | | | | | +--+--+ |
| |3 +--+ +--+3 | | +--+4 +--+ +--+ +--+ +--+4 +--+
+--+ |4 | |4 | +--+ |5 +--+--+6 | |3 +--+--+4 | |5 | |6 |
|5 +--+ | | +--+5 | | |7 |8 | | | |5 |6 | | | | | |
| |6 | | | |6 | | +--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+ +--+-----+--+ +--+--+--+ +--+--+--+ (fn &optional ARG NO-RECOGNIZE UNRECOGNIZE)

Function: ps-line-lengths

Display the correspondence between a line length and a font size.
Done using the current ps-print setup.
Try: pr -t file | awk '{printf "%3d %s
", length($0), $0}' | sort -r | head (fn)

Variable: exec-suffixes

List of suffixes to try to find executable file names.
Each element is a string.

Variable: shell-mode-abbrev-table

Abbrev table for `shell-mode'.

Function: cl-find-if-not

Find the first item not satisfying PREDICATE in SEQ.
Return the matching item, or nil if not found.

Keywords supported: :key :start :end :from-end


Function: user-variable-p

Return non-nil if VARIABLE is a customizable variable.
A customizable variable is either (i) a variable whose property
list contains a non-nil `standard-value' or `custom-autoload'
property, or (ii) an alias for another customizable variable.

Function: custom-declare-face

Like `defface', but FACE is evaluated as a normal argument.

Variable: source-directory

Directory in which Emacs sources were found when Emacs was built.
You cannot count on them to still be there!

Function: smie-indent-comment-close


Function: smie-indent-comment

Compute indentation of a comment.


Function: smie-op-left

Return the car of LIST. If arg is nil, return nil.
Error if arg is not nil and not a cons cell. See also `car-safe'.

See Info node `(elisp)Cons Cells' for a discussion of related basic
Lisp concepts such as car, cdr, cons cell and list. (fn LIST)

Function: dir-locals-find-file

Find the directory-local variables for FILE.
This searches upward in the directory tree from FILE.
It stops at the first directory that has been registered in
`dir-locals-directory-cache' or contains a `dir-locals-file'.
If it finds an entry in the cache, it checks that it is valid.
A cache entry with no modification time element (normally, one that
has been assigned directly using `dir-locals-set-directory-class', not
set from a file) is always valid.
A cache entry based on a `dir-locals-file' is valid if the modification
time stored in the cache matches the current file modification time.
If not, the cache entry is cleared so that the file will be re-read.

This function returns either nil (no directory local variables found),
or the matching entry from `dir-locals-directory-cache' (a list),
or the full path to the `dir-locals-file' (a string) in the case of no valid cache entry.

Function: process-name

Return the name of PROCESS, as a string.
This is the name of the program invoked in PROCESS,
possibly modified to make it unique among process names.


Function: winner-undo

Switch back to an earlier window configuration saved by Winner mode.
In other words, "undo" changes in window configuration.

Function: feedmail-queue-reminder

Perform some kind of reminder activity about queued and draft messages.
Called with an optional symbol argument which says what kind of event
is triggering the reminder activity. The default is 'on-demand, which
is what you typically would use if you were putting this in your Emacs start-up
or mail hook code. Other recognized values for WHAT-EVENT (these are passed
internally by feedmail):

after-immediate (a message has just been sent in immediate mode)
after-queue (a message has just been queued)
after-draft (a message has just been placed in the draft directory)
after-run (the queue has just been run, possibly sending messages)

WHAT-EVENT is used as a key into the table `feedmail-queue-reminder-alist'. If
the associated value is a function, it is called without arguments and is expected
to perform the reminder activity. You can supply your own reminder functions
by redefining `feedmail-queue-reminder-alist'. If you don't want any reminders,
you can set `feedmail-queue-reminder-alist' to nil. (fn &optional WHAT-EVENT)

Function: facemenu-add-new-face

Add FACE (a face) to the Face menu if `facemenu-listed-faces' says so.
This is called whenever you create a new face, and at other times.

Function: save-some-buffers

Save some modified file-visiting buffers. Asks user about each one.
You can answer `y' to save, `n' not to save, `C-r' to look at the
buffer in question with `view-buffer' before deciding or `d' to
view the differences using `diff-buffer-with-file'.

This command first saves any buffers where `buffer-save-without-query' is
non-nil, without asking.

Optional argument (the prefix) non-nil means save all with no questions.
Optional second argument PRED determines which buffers are considered:
If PRED is nil, all the file-visiting buffers are considered.
If PRED is t, then certain non-file buffers will also be considered.
If PRED is a zero-argument function, it indicates for each buffer whether
to consider it or not when called with that buffer current.

See `save-some-buffers-action-alist' if you want to change the additional actions you can take on files.

Function: x-display-visual-class

Return the visual class of the X display TERMINAL.
The value is one of the symbols `static-gray', `gray-scale',
`static-color', `pseudo-color', `true-color', or `direct-color'.

The optional argument TERMINAL specifies which display to ask about.
TERMINAL should a terminal object, a frame or a display name (a string).
If omitted or nil, that stands for the selected frame's display.
(fn &optional TERMINAL)

Variable: compose-chars-after-function

Function to adjust composition of buffer text.

This function is called with three arguments: FROM, TO, and OBJECT.
FROM and TO specify the range of text whose composition should be
adjusted. OBJECT, if non-nil, is a string that contains the text.

This function is called after a text with `composition' property is
inserted or deleted to keep `composition' property of buffer text

The default value is the function `compose-chars-after'.

Function: eieio-help-mode-augmentation-maybee

For buffers thrown into help mode, augment for EIEIO.
Arguments UNUSED are not used.

(fn &rest UNUSED)

Function: cl-mapcon

Like `cl-maplist', but nconc's together the values returned by the function.


Function: minibuffer-history-isearch-message

Display the minibuffer history search prompt.
If there are no search errors, this function displays an overlay with
the isearch prompt which replaces the original minibuffer prompt.
Otherwise, it displays the standard isearch message returned from

Function: global-linum-mode

Toggle Linum mode in all buffers.
With prefix ARG, enable Global-Linum mode if ARG is positive;
otherwise, disable it. If called from Lisp, enable the mode if
ARG is omitted or nil.

Linum mode is enabled in all buffers where
`linum-on' would do it.
See `linum-mode' for more information on Linum mode. (fn &optional ARG)

Variable: global-linum-mode

Non-nil if Global-Linum mode is enabled.
See the command `global-linum-mode' for a description of this minor mode.
Setting this variable directly does not take effect;
either customize it (see the info node `Easy Customization')
or call the function `global-linum-mode'.

Function: edebug-all-defs

Toggle edebugging of all definitions.


Variable: edebug-all-defs

If non-nil, evaluating defining forms instruments for Edebug.
This applies to `eval-defun', `eval-region', `eval-buffer', and
`eval-current-buffer'. `eval-region' is also called by
`eval-last-sexp', and `eval-print-last-sexp'.

You can use the command `edebug-all-defs' to toggle the value of this
variable. You may wish to make it local to each buffer with
(make-local-variable 'edebug-all-defs) in your `emacs-lisp-mode-hook'.

Function: ebrowse-tags-find-declaration-other-window

Find declaration of member at point in other window.


Function: copy-sequence

Return a copy of a list, vector, string or char-table.
The elements of a list or vector are not copied; they are shared
with the original.
(fn ARG)

Function: make-local-variable

Make VARIABLE have a separate value in the current buffer.
Other buffers will continue to share a common default value.
(The buffer-local value of VARIABLE starts out as the same value
VARIABLE previously had. If VARIABLE was void, it remains void.)

If the variable is already arranged to become local when set,
this function causes a local value to exist for this buffer,
just as setting the variable would do.

This function returns VARIABLE, and therefore
(set (make-local-variable 'VARIABLE) VALUE-EXP)

See also `make-variable-buffer-local'.

Do not use `make-local-variable' to make a hook variable buffer-local.
Instead, use `add-hook' and specify t for the LOCAL argument. (fn VARIABLE)

Variable: explicit-shell-file-name

If non-nil, is file name to use for explicitly requested inferior shell.

Variable: easy-menu-avoid-duplicate-keys

Dynamically scoped var to register already used keys in a menu.
If it holds a list, this is expected to be a list of keys already seen in the
menu we're processing. Else it means we're not processing a menu.

Function: mwheel-inhibit-click-timeout

Handler for `mwheel-inhibit-click-event-timer'.

Function: fill-find-break-point

Move point to a proper line breaking position of the current line.
Don't move back past the buffer position LIMIT.

This function is called when we are going to break the current line
after or before a non-ASCII character. If the charset of the
character has the property `fill-find-break-point-function', this
function calls the property value as a function with one arg LIMIT.
If the charset has no such property, do nothing.

Variable: fill-nobreak-predicate

List of predicates for recognizing places not to break a line.
The predicates are called with no arguments, with point at the place to
be tested. If it returns t, fill commands do not break the line there.

Variable: global-abbrev-table

The abbrev table whose abbrevs affect all buffers.
Each buffer may also have a local abbrev table.
If it does, the local table overrides the global one
for any particular abbrev defined in both.

Function: fetch-bytecode

If byte-compiled OBJECT is lazy-loaded, fetch it now.


Function: mm-detect-coding-region

Like `detect-coding-region' except returning the best one.

Function: caadar

Return the `car' of the `car' of the `cdr' of the `car' of X.

(fn X)

Variable: paragraph-indent-text-mode-map

Keymap for `paragraph-indent-text-mode'.

Function: timer-set-time-with-usecs

Set the trigger time of TIMER to TIME plus USECS.
TIME must be in the internal format returned by, e.g., `current-time'.
The microsecond count from TIME is ignored, and USECS is used instead.
If optional fourth argument DELTA is a positive number, make the timer
fire repeatedly that many seconds apart.

Variable: minibuffer-inactive-mode-syntax-table

Syntax table for `minibuffer-inactive-mode'.

Function: rst-minor-mode

Toggle ReST minor mode.
With a prefix argument ARG, enable ReST minor mode if ARG is
positive, and disable it otherwise. If called from Lisp, enable
the mode if ARG is omitted or nil.

When ReST minor mode is enabled, the ReST mode keybindings
are installed on top of the major mode bindings. Use this
for modes derived from Text mode, like Mail mode. (fn &optional ARG)

Variable: grep-command

The default grep command for M-x grep.
If the grep program used supports an option to always include file names
in its output (such as the `-H' option to GNU grep), it's a good idea to
include it when specifying `grep-command'.

In interactive usage, the actual value of this variable is set up
by `grep-compute-defaults'; to change the default value, use
Customize or call the function `grep-apply-setting'.

Function: gnus-agent-find-parameter

Search for GROUPs SYMBOL in the group's parameters, the group's
topic parameters, the group's category, or the customizable
variables. Returns the first non-nil value found.


Variable: shell-completion-fignore

List of suffixes to be disregarded during file/command completion.
This variable is used to initialize `comint-completion-fignore' in the shell
buffer. The default is nil, for compatibility with most shells.
Some people like ("~" "#" "%").

Variable: mouse-1-click-follows-link

Non-nil means that clicking Mouse-1 on a link follows the link.

With the default setting, an ordinary Mouse-1 click on a link
performs the same action as Mouse-2 on that link, while a longer
Mouse-1 click (hold down the Mouse-1 button for more than 450
milliseconds) performs the original Mouse-1 binding (which
typically sets point where you click the mouse).

If value is an integer, the time elapsed between pressing and
releasing the mouse button determines whether to follow the link
or perform the normal Mouse-1 action (typically set point).
The absolute numeric value specifies the maximum duration of a
"short click" in milliseconds. A positive value means that a
short click follows the link, and a longer click performs the
normal action. A negative value gives the opposite behavior.

If value is `double', a double click follows the link.

Otherwise, a single Mouse-1 click unconditionally follows the link.

Note that dragging the mouse never follows the link.

This feature only works in modes that specifically identify
clickable text as links, so it may not work with some external packages. See `mouse-on-link-p' for details.

Function: format-encode-region

Translate the region into some FORMAT.
FORMAT defaults to `buffer-file-format'. It is a symbol naming
one of the formats defined in `format-alist', or a list of such symbols.

Variable: fringe-indicator-alist

Mapping from logical to physical fringe indicator bitmaps.
The value is an alist where each element (INDICATOR . BITMAPS)
specifies the fringe bitmaps used to display a specific logical
fringe indicator.

INDICATOR specifies the logical indicator type which is one of the
following symbols: `truncation' , `continuation', `overlay-arrow',
`top', `bottom', `top-bottom', `up', `down', empty-line', or `unknown'.

BITMAPS is a list of symbols (LEFT RIGHT [LEFT1 RIGHT1]) which specifies
the actual bitmap shown in the left or right fringe for the logical
indicator. LEFT and RIGHT are the bitmaps shown in the left and/or
right fringe for the specific indicator. The LEFT1 or RIGHT1 bitmaps
are used only for the `bottom' and `top-bottom' indicators when the
last (only) line has no final newline. BITMAPS may also be a single symbol which is used in both left and right fringes.

Function: gnus-remove-if

Return a copy of SEQUENCE with all items satisfying PREDICATE removed.
SEQUENCE should be a list, a vector, or a string. Returns always a list.
If HASH-TABLE-P is non-nil, regards SEQUENCE as a hash table.

Function: find-coding-systems-for-charsets

Return a list of proper coding systems to encode characters of CHARSETS.
CHARSETS is a list of character sets.

This only finds coding systems of type `charset', whose
`:charset-list' property includes all of CHARSETS (plus `ascii' for
ASCII-compatible coding systems). It was used in older versions of
Emacs, but is unlikely to be what you really want now.

Function: view-mode-disable

Turn off View mode.

Function: highlight-changes-mode

Toggle highlighting changes in this buffer (Highlight Changes mode).
With a prefix argument ARG, enable Highlight Changes mode if ARG
is positive, and disable it otherwise. If called from Lisp,
enable the mode if ARG is omitted or nil.

When Highlight Changes is enabled, changes are marked with a text
property. Normally they are displayed in a distinctive face, but
command M-x highlight-changes-visible-mode can be used to toggles
this on and off.

Other functions for buffers in this mode include:
M-x highlight-changes-next-change - move point to beginning of next change
M-x highlight-changes-previous-change - move to beginning of previous change
M-x highlight-changes-remove-highlight - remove the change face from the region
M-x highlight-changes-rotate-faces - rotate different "ages" of changes
through various faces.
M-x highlight-compare-with-file - mark text as changed by comparing this
buffer with the contents of a file
M-x highlight-compare-buffers highlights differences between two buffers. (fn &optional ARG)

Function: elt

Return element of SEQUENCE at index N.


Function: color-distance

Return an integer distance between COLOR1 and COLOR2 on FRAME.
COLOR1 and COLOR2 may be either strings containing the color name,
or lists of the form (RED GREEN BLUE).
If FRAME is unspecified or nil, the current frame is used.

(fn COLOR1 COLOR2 &optional FRAME)

Variable: help-mode-syntax-table

Syntax table for `help-mode'.

Function: ucs-normalize-NFD-string

Normalize the string STR by the Unicode NFD.

(fn STR)

Variable: compile-command

Last shell command used to do a compilation; default for next compilation.

Sometimes it is useful for files to supply local values for this variable.
You might also use mode hooks to specify it in certain modes, like this:

(add-hook 'c-mode-hook
(lambda ()
(unless (or (file-exists-p "makefile")
(file-exists-p "Makefile"))
(set (make-local-variable 'compile-command)
(concat "make -k "
(file-name-sans-extension buffer-file-name))))))

Function: TeX-mode

Major mode for editing files of input for TeX, LaTeX, or SliTeX.
Tries to determine (by looking at the beginning of the file) whether
this file is for plain TeX, LaTeX, or SliTeX and calls `plain-tex-mode',
`latex-mode', or `slitex-mode', respectively. If it cannot be determined,
such as if there are no commands in the file, the value of `tex-default-mode'
says which mode to use. (fn)

Function: make-button

Make a button from BEG to END in the current buffer.
The remaining arguments form a sequence of PROPERTY VALUE pairs,
specifying properties to add to the button.
In addition, the keyword argument :type may be used to specify a
button-type from which to inherit other properties; see

Also see `make-text-button', `insert-button'.

Function: charset-id

Always return 0. This is provided for backward compatibility.

Function: assoc-default

Find object KEY in a pseudo-alist ALIST.
ALIST is a list of conses or objects. Each element
(or the element's car, if it is a cons) is compared with KEY by
calling TEST, with two arguments: (i) the element or its car,
and (ii) KEY.
If that is non-nil, the element matches; then `assoc-default'
returns the element's cdr, if it is a cons, or DEFAULT if the
element is not a cons.

If no element matches, the value is nil.
If TEST is omitted or nil, `equal' is used.

Function: html-unordered-list

HTML unordered list tags.

This is a skeleton command (see `skeleton-insert').
Normally the skeleton text is inserted at point, with nothing "inside".
If there is a highlighted region, the skeleton text is wrapped
around the region text.

A prefix argument ARG says to wrap the skeleton around the next ARG words.
A prefix argument of -1 says to wrap around region, even if not highlighted.
A prefix argument of zero says to wrap around zero words---that is, nothing.
This is a way of overriding the use of a highlighted region.

Function: cl-cdddar

Return the `cdr' of the `cdr' of the `cdr' of the `car' of X.

(fn X)

Function: font-lock-extend-region-multiline

Move fontification boundaries away from any `font-lock-multiline' property.

Function: mouse-choose-completion

Choose the completion at point.

Function: erc-logging-enabled

Return non-nil if logging is enabled for BUFFER.
If BUFFER is nil, the value of `current-buffer' is used.
Logging is enabled if `erc-log-channels-directory' is non-nil, the directory
is writable (it will be created as necessary) and
`erc-enable-logging' returns a non-nil value.

(fn &optional BUFFER)

Variable: java-mode-syntax-table

Syntax table used in java-mode buffers.

Function: process-filter

Returns the filter function of PROCESS; nil if none.
See `set-process-filter' for more info on filter functions.


Variable: lisp-lambda-list-keyword-alignment

Whether to vertically align lambda-list keywords together.
If nil (the default), keyworded lambda-list parts are aligned
with the initial mandatory arguments, like this:

(defun foo (arg1 arg2 &rest rest
&key key1 key2)

If non-nil, alignment is done with the first keyword
(or falls back to the previous case), as in:

(defun foo (arg1 arg2 &rest rest
&key key1 key2) #|...|#)

Function: package-installed-p

Return true if PACKAGE, of MIN-VERSION or newer, is installed.
MIN-VERSION should be a version list.

Variable: language-info-alist

Alist of language environment definitions.
Each element looks like:
where LANGUAGE-NAME is a string, the name of the language environment,
KEY is a symbol denoting the kind of information, and
INFO is the data associated with KEY.
Meaningful values for KEY include

documentation value is documentation of what this language environment
is meant for, and how to use it.
charset value is a list of the character sets mainly used
by this language environment.
sample-text value is an expression which is evalled to generate
a line of text written using characters appropriate
for this language environment.
setup-function value is a function to call to switch to this
language environment.
exit-function value is a function to call to leave this
language environment.
coding-system value is a list of coding systems that are good for
saving text written in this language environment.
This list serves as suggestions to the user;
in effect, as a kind of documentation.
coding-priority value is a list of coding systems for this language
environment, in order of decreasing priority.
This is used to set up the coding system priority
list when you switch to this language environment.
value is a charset of dimension one to use for
converting a unibyte character to multibyte
and vice versa.
input-method value is a default input method for this language
features value is a list of features requested in this
language environment.
value is a list of non-standard encoding names used
in extended segments of CTEXT. See the variable
`ctext-non-standard-encodings' for more detail.

The following key takes effect only when multibyte characters are
globally disabled, i.e. the default value of `enable-multibyte-characters'
is nil (which is an obsolete and deprecated use):

unibyte-display value is a coding system to encode characters for the terminal. Characters in the range of 160 to 255 display not as octal escapes, but as non-ASCII characters in this language environment.

Function: completion-metadata-get


Variable: large-file-warning-threshold

Maximum size of file above which a confirmation is requested.
When nil, never request confirmation.

Function: backward-kill-sexp

Kill the sexp (balanced expression) preceding point.
With ARG, kill that many sexps before point.
Negative arg -N means kill N sexps after point.
This command assumes point is not in a string or comment.

Face: match

Face used to highlight matches permanently.

Variable: command-line-args

Args passed by shell to Emacs, as a list of strings.
Many arguments are deleted from the list as they are processed.

Variable: real-last-command

Same as `last-command', but never altered by Lisp code.
Taken from the previous value of `real-this-command'.

Function: eieio-defgeneric-form-primary-only-one

The lambda form that would be used as the function defined on METHOD.
All methods should call the same EIEIO function for dispatch.
DOC-STRING is the documentation attached to METHOD.
CLASS is the class symbol needed for private method access.
IMPL is the symbol holding the method implementation.

Function: pcomplete--help

Produce context-sensitive help for the current argument.
If specific documentation can't be given, be generic.

Function: html-list-item

HTML list item tag.

This is a skeleton command (see `skeleton-insert').
Normally the skeleton text is inserted at point, with nothing "inside".
If there is a highlighted region, the skeleton text is wrapped
around the region text.

A prefix argument ARG says to wrap the skeleton around the next ARG words.
A prefix argument of -1 says to wrap around region, even if not highlighted.
A prefix argument of zero says to wrap around zero words---that is, nothing.
This is a way of overriding the use of a highlighted region.

Function: isearch-help-for-help-internal

Help command.

Function: completion-all-sorted-completions


Function: doc-file-to-info

Produce a texinfo buffer with sorted doc-strings from the DOC file.

(fn FILE)

Function: turn-on-gnus-mailing-list-mode


Function: gnus-agent-possibly-alter-active

Possibly expand a group's active range to include articles
downloaded into the agent.

(fn GROUP ACTIVE &optional INFO)

Function: add-submenu

Add submenu SUBMENU in the menu at MENU-PATH.
If BEFORE is non-nil, add before the item named BEFORE.
If IN-MENU is non-nil, follow MENU-PATH in IN-MENU.
This is a compatibility function; use `easy-menu-add-item'.

Function: macroexp--all-clauses

Return CLAUSES with macros expanded.
CLAUSES is a list of lists of forms; any clause that's not a list is ignored.
If SKIP is non-nil, then don't expand that many elements at the start of
each clause.

(fn CLAUSES &optional SKIP)

Variable: class-class-allocation-doc

Class allocated documentation.

Function: emacs-init-time

Return a string giving the duration of the Emacs initialization.

Function: mismatch

Compare SEQ1 with SEQ2, return index of first mismatching element.
Return nil if the sequences match. If one sequence is a prefix of the
other, the return value indicates the end of the shorter sequence.

Keywords supported: :test :test-not :key :start1 :end1 :start2 :end2 :from-end


Function: search-forward

Search forward from point for STRING.
Set point to the end of the occurrence found, and return point.
An optional second argument bounds the search; it is a buffer position.
The match found must not extend after that position. A value of nil is
equivalent to (point-max).
Optional third argument, if t, means if fail just return nil (no error).
If not nil and not t, move to limit of search and return nil.
Optional fourth argument COUNT, if non-nil, means to search for COUNT
successive occurrences. If COUNT is negative, search backward,
instead of forward, for -COUNT occurrences.

Search case-sensitivity is determined by the value of the variable
`case-fold-search', which see.

See also the functions `match-beginning', `match-end' and `replace-match'. (fn STRING &optional BOUND NOERROR COUNT)

Function: byte-compile-three-args

(fn FORM)

Function: sh-function

Insert a function definition. See `sh-feature'.

This is a skeleton command (see `skeleton-insert').
Normally the skeleton text is inserted at point, with nothing "inside".
If there is a highlighted region, the skeleton text is wrapped
around the region text.

A prefix argument ARG says to wrap the skeleton around the next ARG words.
A prefix argument of -1 says to wrap around region, even if not highlighted.
A prefix argument of zero says to wrap around zero words---that is, nothing.
This is a way of overriding the use of a highlighted region.

Function: cl--compiler-macro-cXXr

(fn FORM X)

Function: append-to-register

Append region to text in register REGISTER.
With prefix arg, delete as well.
Called from program, takes four args: REGISTER, START, END and DELETE-FLAG.
START and END are buffer positions indicating what to append.

Function: imenu-add-menubar-index

Add an Imenu "Index" entry on the menu bar for the current buffer.

A trivial interface to `imenu-add-to-menubar' suitable for use in a hook. (fn)

Variable: grep-find-history

History list for grep-find.

Function: ert-describe-test

Display the documentation for TEST-OR-TEST-NAME (a symbol or ert-test).


Variable: pop-up-frame-alist

Alist of parameters for automatically generated new frames.
If non-nil, the value you specify here is used by the default
`pop-up-frame-function' for the creation of new frames.

Since `pop-up-frame-function' is used by `display-buffer' for
making new frames, any value specified here by default affects
the automatic generation of new frames via `display-buffer' and
all functions based on it. The behavior of `make-frame' is not affected by this variable.

Function: minibuffer-window-active-p

Return t if WINDOW is the currently active minibuffer window.

Function: previous-single-property-change

Return the position of previous property change for a specific property.
Scans characters backward from POSITION till it finds
a change in the PROP property, then returns the position of the change.
If the optional third argument OBJECT is a buffer (or nil, which means
the current buffer), POSITION is a buffer position (integer or marker).
If OBJECT is a string, POSITION is a 0-based index into it.
The property values are compared with `eq'.
Return nil if the property is constant all the way to the start of OBJECT.
If the value is non-nil, it is a position less than POSITION, never equal.

If the optional fourth argument LIMIT is non-nil, don't search
back past position LIMIT; return LIMIT if nothing is found until LIMIT. (fn POSITION PROP &optional OBJECT LIMIT)

Variable: mark-active

Non-nil means the mark and region are currently active in this buffer.

Function: single-key-description

Return a pretty description of command character KEY.
Control characters turn into C-whatever, etc.
Optional argument NO-ANGLES non-nil means don't put angle brackets
around function keys and event symbols.

(fn KEY &optional NO-ANGLES)

Function: byte-compile-format-warn

Warn if FORM is `format'-like with inconsistent args.
Applies if head of FORM is a symbol with non-nil property
`byte-compile-format-like' and first arg is a constant string.
Then check the number of format fields matches the number of
extra args. (fn FORM)

Function: package-built-in-p

Return true if PACKAGE is built-in to Emacs.
Optional arg MIN-VERSION, if non-nil, should be a version list
specifying the minimum acceptable version.

Function: set-justification-right

Make paragraphs in the region right-justified.
This means they are flush at the right margin and ragged on the left.
If the mark is not active, this applies to the current paragraph.

Function: iwconfig

Run iwconfig and display diagnostic output.


Function: byte-compile-backward-char

(fn FORM)

Function: byte-compile-output-as-comment

Print Lisp object EXP in the output file, inside a comment,
and return the file (byte) position it will have.
If QUOTED is non-nil, print with quoting; otherwise, print without quoting.


Variable: byte-constant2

Byte code opcode for reference to a constant with vector index >= byte-constant-limit.

Variable: font-lock-extend-region-functions

Special hook run just before proceeding to fontify a region.
This is used to allow major modes to help font-lock find safe buffer positions
as beginning and end of the fontified region. Its most common use is to solve
the problem of /identification/ of multiline elements by providing a function
that tries to find such elements and move the boundaries such that they do
not fall in the middle of one.
Each function is called with no argument; it is expected to adjust the
dynamically bound variables `font-lock-beg' and `font-lock-end'; and return
non-nil if it did make such an adjustment.
These functions are run in turn repeatedly until they all return nil.
Put first the functions more likely to cause a change and cheaper to compute.

Function: set-foreground-color

Set the foreground color of the selected frame to COLOR-NAME.
When called interactively, prompt for the name of the color to use.
To get the frame's current foreground color, use `frame-parameters'.

Function: vc-insert-headers

Insert headers into a file for use with a version control system.
Headers desired are inserted at point, and are pulled from
the variable `vc-BACKEND-header'. (fn)

Function: global-hl-line-mode

Toggle line highlighting in all buffers (Global Hl-Line mode).
With a prefix argument ARG, enable Global Hl-Line mode if ARG is
positive, and disable it otherwise. If called from Lisp, enable
the mode if ARG is omitted or nil.

If `global-hl-line-sticky-flag' is non-nil, Global Hl-Line mode
highlights the line about the current buffer's point in all

Global-Hl-Line mode uses the functions `global-hl-line-unhighlight' and
`global-hl-line-highlight' on `pre-command-hook' and `post-command-hook'. (fn &optional ARG)

Variable: global-hl-line-mode

Non-nil if Global-Hl-Line mode is enabled.
See the command `global-hl-line-mode' for a description of this minor mode.
Setting this variable directly does not take effect;
either customize it (see the info node `Easy Customization')
or call the function `global-hl-line-mode'.

Function: set-window-dot

Make point value in WINDOW be at position POS in WINDOW's buffer.
WINDOW must be a live window and defaults to the selected one.
Return POS.


Function: upcase

Convert argument to upper case and return that.
The argument may be a character or string. The result has the same type.
The argument object is not altered--the value is a copy.
See also `capitalize', `downcase' and `upcase-initials'. (fn OBJ)

Function: gnus-seconds-year

Return the number of seconds passed this year.

Face: apropos-function-button

Button face indicating a function, macro, or command in Apropos.

Function: html-image

HTML image tag.

This is a skeleton command (see `skeleton-insert').
Normally the skeleton text is inserted at point, with nothing "inside".
If there is a highlighted region, the skeleton text is wrapped
around the region text.

A prefix argument ARG says to wrap the skeleton around the next ARG words.
A prefix argument of -1 says to wrap around region, even if not highlighted.
A prefix argument of zero says to wrap around zero words---that is, nothing.
This is a way of overriding the use of a highlighted region.

Function: cl-stable-sort

Sort the argument SEQ stably according to PREDICATE.
This is a destructive function; it reuses the storage of SEQ if possible.

Keywords supported: :key


Function: create-default-fontset

Create the default fontset.
Internal use only. Should be called at startup time.

Function: file-cache-add-directory-using-locate

Use the `locate' command to add files to the file cache.
STRING is passed as an argument to the locate command.


Function: find-lisp-object-file-name

Guess the file that defined the Lisp object OBJECT, of type TYPE.
OBJECT should be a symbol associated with a function, variable, or face;
alternatively, it can be a function definition.
If TYPE is `defvar', search for a variable definition.
If TYPE is `defface', search for a face definition.
If TYPE is the value returned by `symbol-function' for a function symbol,
search for a function definition.

The return value is the absolute name of a readable file where OBJECT is
defined. If several such files exist, preference is given to a file
found via `load-path'. The return value can also be `C-source', which
means that OBJECT is a function or variable defined in C. If no
suitable file is found, return nil. (fn OBJECT TYPE)

Function: profiler-memory-stop

Stop the memory profiler. The profiler log is not affected.
Return non-nil if the profiler was running.

Function: cl-fifth

Return the fifth element of the list X.

(fn X)

Function: vc-follow-link

If current buffer visits a symbolic link, visit the real file.
If the real file is already visited in another buffer, make that buffer
current, and kill the buffer that visits the link.

Function: fill-nobreak-p

Return nil if breaking the line at point is allowed.
Can be customized with the variables `fill-nobreak-predicate'
and `fill-nobreak-invisible'.

Function: global-whitespace-toggle-options

Toggle global `whitespace-mode' options.

If global whitespace-mode is off, toggle the option given by ARG
and turn on global whitespace-mode.

If global whitespace-mode is on, toggle the option given by ARG
and restart global whitespace-mode.

Interactively, it accepts one of the following chars:

f toggle face visualization
t toggle TAB visualization
s toggle SPACE and HARD SPACE visualization
r toggle trailing blanks visualization
l toggle "long lines" visualization
L toggle "long lines" tail visualization
n toggle NEWLINE visualization
e toggle empty line at bob and/or eob visualization
C-i toggle indentation SPACEs visualization (via `indent-tabs-mode')
I toggle indentation SPACEs visualization
i toggle indentation TABs visualization
C-a toggle SPACEs after TAB visualization (via `indent-tabs-mode')
A toggle SPACEs after TAB: SPACEs visualization
a toggle SPACEs after TAB: TABs visualization
C-b toggle SPACEs before TAB visualization (via `indent-tabs-mode')
B toggle SPACEs before TAB: SPACEs visualization
b toggle SPACEs before TAB: TABs visualization

T toggle TAB visualization
S toggle SPACEs before TAB visualization
N toggle NEWLINE visualization

x restore `whitespace-style' value
? display brief help

Non-interactively, ARG should be a symbol or a list of symbols.
The valid symbols are:

face toggle face visualization
tabs toggle TAB visualization
spaces toggle SPACE and HARD SPACE visualization
trailing toggle trailing blanks visualization
lines toggle "long lines" visualization
lines-tail toggle "long lines" tail visualization
newline toggle NEWLINE visualization
empty toggle empty line at bob and/or eob visualization
indentation toggle indentation SPACEs visualization
indentation::tab toggle indentation SPACEs visualization
indentation::space toggle indentation TABs visualization
space-after-tab toggle SPACEs after TAB visualization
space-after-tab::tab toggle SPACEs after TAB: SPACEs visualization
space-after-tab::space toggle SPACEs after TAB: TABs visualization
space-before-tab toggle SPACEs before TAB visualization
space-before-tab::tab toggle SPACEs before TAB: SPACEs visualization
space-before-tab::space toggle SPACEs before TAB: TABs visualization

tab-mark toggle TAB visualization space-mark toggle SPACEs before TAB visualization newline-mark toggle NEWLINE visualization whitespace-style restore `whitespace-style' value See `whitespace-style' and `indent-tabs-mode' for documentation. (fn ARG)

Function: pcomplete-reverse

If cycling completion is in use, cycle backwards.


Function: erc-select

ERC is a powerful, modular, and extensible IRC client.
This function is the main entry point for ERC.

It permits you to select connection parameters, and then starts ERC.

Non-interactively, it takes the keyword arguments
(server (erc-compute-server))
(port (erc-compute-port))
(nick (erc-compute-nick))
(full-name (erc-compute-full-name)))

That is, if called with

(erc :server "irc.freenode.net" :full-name "Harry S Truman")

then the server and full-name will be set to those values, whereas
`erc-compute-port', `erc-compute-nick' and `erc-compute-full-name' will
be invoked for the values of the other parameters.

(fn &key (server (erc-compute-server)) (port (erc-compute-port)) (nick (erc-compute-nick)) PASSWORD (full-name (erc-compute-full-name)))

Function: emerge-files-with-ancestor-command


Function: button-start

Return the position at which BUTTON starts.

Function: sh-quoted-p

Is point preceded by an odd number of backslashes?

Variable: package-menu-mode-abbrev-table

Abbrev table for `package-menu-mode'.

Function: package-download-tar

Download and install a tar package.

Function: completion--sreverse

Like `reverse' but for a string STR rather than a list.

(fn STR)

Function: posn-actual-col-row

Return the actual column and row in POSITION, measured in characters.
These are the actual row number in the window and character number in that row.
Return nil if POSITION does not contain the actual position; in that case
`posn-col-row' can be used to get approximate values.
POSITION should be a list of the form returned by the `event-start'
and `event-end' functions.

Function: overlay-put

Set one property of overlay OVERLAY: give property PROP value VALUE.
VALUE will be returned.


Variable: inhibit-iso-escape-detection

If non-nil, Emacs ignores ISO-2022 escape sequences during code detection.

When Emacs reads text, it tries to detect how the text is encoded.
This code detection is sensitive to escape sequences. If Emacs sees
a valid ISO-2022 escape sequence, it assumes the text is encoded in one
of the ISO2022 encodings, and decodes text by the corresponding coding
system (e.g. `iso-2022-7bit').

However, there may be a case that you want to read escape sequences in
a file as is. In such a case, you can set this variable to non-nil.
Then the code detection will ignore any escape sequences, and no text is
detected as encoded in some ISO-2022 encoding. The result is that all
escape sequences become visible in a buffer.

The default value is nil, and it is strongly recommended not to change
it. That is because many Emacs Lisp source files that contain
non-ASCII characters are encoded by the coding system `iso-2022-7bit'
in Emacs's distribution, and they won't be decoded correctly on
reading if you suppress escape sequence detection.

The other way to read escape sequences in a file without decoding is
to explicitly specify some coding system that doesn't use ISO-2022 escape sequence (e.g., `latin-1') on reading by C-x RET c.

Function: gnus-run-mode-hooks

Run `run-mode-hooks' if it is available, otherwise `run-hooks'.
This function saves the current buffer.

Function: gnus-replace-in-string

Replace all matches for REGEXP with NEWTEXT in STRING.
If LITERAL is non-nil, insert NEWTEXT literally. Return a new
string containing the replacements.

This is a compatibility function for different Emacsen.

Function: cl--expr-depends-p

Check whether X may depend on any of the symbols in Y.

(fn X Y)

Function: cl-fill

Fill the elements of SEQ with ITEM.

Keywords supported: :start :end


Variable: mouse-wheel-click-event

Event that should be temporarily inhibited after mouse scrolling.
The mouse wheel is typically on the mouse-2 button, so it may easily
happen that text is accidentally yanked into the buffer when
scrolling with the mouse wheel. To prevent that, this variable can be
set to the event sent when clicking on the mouse wheel button.

Variable: tramp-completion-file-name-handler-alist

Alist of completion handler functions.
Used for file names matching `tramp-file-name-regexp'. Operations
not mentioned here will be handled by Tramp's file name handler
functions, or the normal Emacs functions.

Function: insert-string

Mocklisp-compatibility insert function.
Like the function `insert' except that any argument that is a number
is converted into a string by expressing it in decimal.

Function: x-server-vendor

Return the "vendor ID" string of the X server of display TERMINAL.
(Labeling every distributor as a "vendor" embodies the false assumption
that operating systems cannot be developed and distributed noncommercially.)
The optional argument TERMINAL specifies which display to ask about.
TERMINAL should be a terminal object, a frame or a display name (a string).
If omitted or nil, that stands for the selected frame's display.
(fn &optional TERMINAL)

Variable: string-chars-consed

Number of string characters that have been consed so far.

Function: rem*

The remainder of X divided by Y, with the same sign as X.

(fn X Y)

Function: font-lock-default-fontify-region

Fontify the text between BEG and END.
If LOUDLY is non-nil, print status messages while fontifying.
This function is the default `font-lock-fontify-region-function'.

Function: ido-display-file

Display a file in another window but don't select it.
The file name is selected interactively by typing a substring.
For details of keybindings, see `ido-find-file'. (fn)

Function: mode-line-other-buffer

Switch to the most recently selected buffer other than the current one.

Variable: system-configuration-options

String containing the configuration options Emacs was built with.

Function: ring-plus1

Return INDEX+1, with wraparound.

Function: sublis

Perform substitutions indicated by ALIST in TREE (non-destructively).
Return a copy of TREE with all matching elements replaced.

Keywords supported: :test :test-not :key


Variable: mouse-drag-copy-region

If non-nil, copy to kill-ring upon mouse adjustments of the region.

This affects `mouse-save-then-kill' () in
addition to mouse drags.

Function: completion-pcm--pattern->regex

(fn PATTERN &optional GROUP)

Function: todo-print

Print todo summary using `todo-print-function'.
If CATEGORY-PR-PAGE is non-nil, a page separator `^L' is inserted
between each category.

Number of entries for each category is given by `todo-print-priorities'.

(fn &optional CATEGORY-PR-PAGE)

Variable: table-point-entered-cell-hook

List of functions to be called after point entered a table cell.

Function: make-glyph-code

Return a glyph code representing char CHAR with face FACE.

Function: bookmark-insert-location

Insert the name of the file associated with BOOKMARK-NAME.

Optional second arg NO-HISTORY means don't record this in the
minibuffer history list `bookmark-history'.


Function: coding-system-list

Return a list of all existing non-subsidiary coding systems.
If optional arg BASE-ONLY is non-nil, only base coding systems are
listed. The value doesn't include subsidiary coding systems which are
made from bases and aliases automatically for various end-of-line
formats (e.g. iso-latin-1-unix, koi8-r-dos).

Variable: coding-system-list

List of coding systems.

Do not alter the value of this variable manually. This variable should be
updated by the functions `define-coding-system' and

Function: comint-show-output

Display start of this batch of interpreter output at top of window.
Sets mark to the value of point when this command is run.

Function: package-tar-file-info

Find package information for a tar file.
FILE is the name of the tar file to examine.
The return result is a vector like `package-buffer-info'.

Variable: x-dnd-motif-to-action

Mapping from number to operation for Motif DND.

Function: facemenu-remove-face-props

Remove `face' and `mouse-face' text properties.

Function: info-apropos

Grovel indices of all known Info files on your system for STRING.
Build a menu of the possible matches.

Function: filesets-init

Filesets initialization.
Set up hooks, load the cache file -- if existing -- and build the menu.

Function: ediff-merge-directory-revisions-with-ancestor

Run Ediff on a directory, DIR1, merging its files with their revisions and ancestors.
The second argument, REGEXP, is a regular expression that filters the file
names. Only the files that are under revision control are taken into account.


Function: custom-variable-p

Return non-nil if VARIABLE is a customizable variable.
A customizable variable is either (i) a variable whose property
list contains a non-nil `standard-value' or `custom-autoload'
property, or (ii) an alias for another customizable variable.

Variable: sh-indent-comment

How a comment line is to be indented.
nil means leave it as it is;
t means indent it as a normal line, aligning it to previous non-blank
non-comment line;
a number means align to that column, e.g. 0 means first column.

Function: mm-enable-multibyte

Set the multibyte flag of the current buffer.
Only do this if the default value of `enable-multibyte-characters' is
non-nil. This is a no-op in XEmacs.

Function: princ-list

Print all arguments with `princ', then print "\n".

Function: completion-in-region

Complete the text between START and END using COLLECTION.
Return nil if there is no valid completion, else t.
Point needs to be somewhere between START and END.
PREDICATE (a function called with no arguments) says when to


Function: fill-common-string-prefix

Return the longest common prefix of strings S1 and S2, or nil if none.

Function: mail-abbrevs-setup

Initialize use of the `mailabbrev' package.


Function: hack-dir-local-variables

Read per-directory local variables for the current buffer.
Store the directory-local variables in `dir-local-variables-alist'
and `file-local-variables-alist', without applying them.

Function: use-local-map

Select KEYMAP as the local keymap.
If KEYMAP is nil, that means no local keymap.


Function: smie-indent-comment-inside


Variable: occur-excluded-properties

Text properties to discard when copying lines to the *Occur* buffer.
The value should be a list of text properties to discard or t,
which means to discard all text properties.

Variable: objc-mode-syntax-table

Syntax table used in objc-mode buffers.

Function: byte-compile-report-ops


Variable: occur-edit-mode-hook

Hook run when entering Occur-Edit mode.
No problems result if this variable is not bound.
`add-hook' automatically binds it. (This is true for all hook variables.)

Function: gnus-unplugged

Start Gnus unplugged.


Function: emerge-revisions-with-ancestor

Emerge two RCS revisions of a file, with another revision as ancestor.


Variable: before-init-hook

Normal hook run after handling urgent options but before loading init files.

Function: cl-remhash

Remove KEY from TABLE.


Variable: file-name-shadow-tty-properties

Properties given to the `shadowed' part of a filename in the minibuffer.
Only used when `file-name-shadow-mode' is active and Emacs
is not running under a window-system; if Emacs is running under a window
system, `file-name-shadow-properties' is used instead.

Function: epa-file-find-file-hook


Function: vera-mode

Major mode for editing Vera code.


INDENTATION: Typing `TAB' at the beginning of a line indents the line.
The amount of indentation is specified by option `vera-basic-offset'.
Indentation can be done for an entire region (`M-C-\') or buffer (menu).
`TAB' always indents the line if option `vera-intelligent-tab' is nil.

WORD/COMMAND COMPLETION: Typing `TAB' after a (not completed) word looks
for a word in the buffer or a Vera keyword that starts alike, inserts it
and adjusts case. Re-typing `TAB' toggles through alternative word

Typing `TAB' after a non-word character inserts a tabulator stop (if not
at the beginning of a line). `M-TAB' always inserts a tabulator stop.

COMMENTS: `C-c C-c' comments out a region if not commented out, and
uncomments a region if already commented out.

HIGHLIGHTING (fontification): Vera keywords, predefined types and
constants, function names, declaration names, directives, as well as
comments and strings are highlighted using different colors.

VERA VERSION: OpenVera 1.4 and Vera version 6.2.8.


To submit a bug report, use the corresponding menu entry within Vera Mode.
Add a description of the problem and include a reproducible test case.

Feel free to send questions and enhancement requests to .

Official distribution is at
URL `http://www.iis.ee.ethz.ch/~zimmi/emacs/vera-mode.html'

The Vera Mode Maintainer
Reto Zimmermann Key bindings: ------------- Uses keymap `vera-mode-map', which is not currently defined. (fn)

Variable: sh-indent-after-continuation

If non-nil, try to make sure text is indented after a line continuation.

Function: mm-multibyte-string-p

Return t if OBJECT is a multibyte string.


Variable: sgml-char-names-table

A table for mapping non-ASCII characters into SGML entity names.
Currently, only Latin-1 characters are supported.

Function: sexp-at-point

Return the sexp at point, or nil if none is found.


Variable: compilation-finish-function

Function to call when a compilation process finishes.
It is called with two arguments: the compilation buffer, and a string
describing how the process finished.

Function: process-buffer

Return the buffer PROCESS is associated with.
Output from PROCESS is inserted in this buffer unless PROCESS has a filter.


Function: font-lock-fontify-buffer

Fontify the current buffer the way the function `font-lock-mode' would.

Variable: next-line-add-newlines

If non-nil, `next-line' inserts newline to avoid `end of buffer' error.

Variable: mail-header-separator

Line used to separate headers from text in messages being composed.

Function: desktop-save-mode

Toggle desktop saving (Desktop Save mode).
With a prefix argument ARG, enable Desktop Save mode if ARG is
positive, and disable it otherwise. If called from Lisp, enable
the mode if ARG is omitted or nil.

If Desktop Save mode is enabled, the state of Emacs is saved from
one session to another. See variable `desktop-save' and function
`desktop-read' for details. (fn &optional ARG)

Variable: desktop-save-mode

Non-nil if Desktop-Save mode is enabled.
See the command `desktop-save-mode' for a description of this minor mode.

Face: bold-italic

Basic bold-italic face.

Function: process-inherit-coding-system-flag

Return the value of inherit-coding-system flag for PROCESS.
If this flag is t, `buffer-file-coding-system' of the buffer
associated with PROCESS will inherit the coding system used to decode
the process output.

Function: isearch-mouse-2

Handle mouse-2 in Isearch mode.
For a click in the echo area, invoke `isearch-yank-x-selection'.
Otherwise invoke whatever the calling mouse-2 command sequence
is bound to outside of Isearch.

Function: batch-titdic-convert

Run `titdic-convert' on the files remaining on the command line.
Use this from the command line, with `-batch';
it won't work in an interactive Emacs.
For example, invoke "emacs -batch -f batch-titdic-convert XXX.tit" to
generate Quail package file "xxx.el" from TIT dictionary file "XXX.tit".
To get complete usage, invoke "emacs -batch -f batch-titdic-convert -h".
(fn &optional FORCE)

Function: table-narrow-cell

Narrow the current cell by N columns and shrink the cell horizontally.
Some other cells in the same table are narrowed as well to keep the
table's rectangle structure. (fn N)

Function: inferior-lisp

Run an inferior Lisp process, input and output via buffer `*inferior-lisp*'.
If there is a process already running in `*inferior-lisp*', just switch
to that buffer.
With argument, allows you to edit the command line (default is value
of `inferior-lisp-program'). Runs the hooks from
`inferior-lisp-mode-hook' (after the `comint-mode-hook' is run).
(Type C-h m in the process buffer for a list of commands.) (fn CMD)

Function: macroexp--funcall-if-compiled

Pseudo function used internally by macroexp to delay warnings.
The purpose is to delay warnings to bytecomp.el, so they can use things
like `byte-compile-log-warning' to get better file-and-line-number data
and also to avoid outputting the warning during normal execution. (fn FORM)

Variable: gnus-add-timestamp-to-message

Non-nil means add timestamps to messages that Gnus issues.
If it is `log', add timestamps to only the messages that go into the
"*Messages*" buffer (in XEmacs, it is the " *Message-Log*" buffer).
If it is neither nil nor `log', add timestamps not only to log messages
but also to the ones displayed in the echo area.

Variable: apropos-mode-syntax-table

Syntax table for `apropos-mode'.

Function: shell-dirtrack-toggle

Toggle directory tracking in this shell buffer (Shell Dirtrack mode).
With a prefix argument ARG, enable Shell Dirtrack mode if ARG is
positive, and disable it otherwise. If called from Lisp, enable
the mode if ARG is omitted or nil.

The `dirtrack' package provides an alternative implementation of
this feature; see the function `dirtrack-mode'. (fn &optional ARG)

Function: pcomplete-process-result

Call CMD using `call-process' and return the simplest result.

(fn CMD &rest ARGS)

Function: sort*

Sort the argument SEQ according to PREDICATE.
This is a destructive function; it reuses the storage of SEQ if possible.

Keywords supported: :key


Function: mouse-posn-property

Look for a property at click position.
POS may be either a buffer position or a click position like
those returned from `event-start'. If the click position is on
a string, the text property PROPERTY is examined.
If this is nil or the click is not on a string, then
the corresponding buffer position is searched for PROPERTY.
If PROPERTY is encountered in one of those places,
its value is returned. (fn POS PROPERTY)

Function: url-info

Fetch a GNU Info URL.

(fn URL)

Function: strokes-mode

Toggle Strokes mode, a global minor mode.
With a prefix argument ARG, enable Strokes mode if ARG is
positive, and disable it otherwise. If called from Lisp, enable
the mode if ARG is omitted or nil.

Uses keymap `strokes-mode-map', which is not currently defined.

Strokes are pictographic mouse gestures which invoke commands.
Strokes are invoked with M-x strokes-do-stroke. You can define
new strokes with M-x strokes-global-set-stroke. See also
M-x strokes-do-complex-stroke for `complex' strokes.

To use strokes for pictographic editing, such as Chinese/Japanese, use
M-x strokes-compose-complex-stroke, which draws strokes and inserts them.
Encode/decode your strokes with M-x strokes-encode-buffer,
M-x strokes-decode-buffer.

Uses keymap `strokes-mode-map', which is not currently defined. (fn &optional ARG)

Variable: strokes-mode

Non-nil if Strokes mode is enabled.
See the command `strokes-mode' for a description of this minor mode.
Setting this variable directly does not take effect;
either customize it (see the info node `Easy Customization')
or call the function `strokes-mode'.

Function: window-sizable-p

Return t if WINDOW can be resized by DELTA lines.
WINDOW must be a valid window and defaults to the selected one.
For the meaning of the arguments of this function see the
doc-string of `window-sizable'.

Function: shell-c-a-p-replace-by-expanded-directory

Expand directory stack reference before point.
For use on `completion-at-point-functions'.

Variable: html-tag-help

Value of `sgml-tag-help' for HTML mode.

Variable: devanagari-composable-pattern

Regexp matching a composable sequence of Devanagari characters.

Function: global-reveal-mode

Toggle Reveal mode in all buffers (Global Reveal mode).
Reveal mode renders invisible text around point visible again.

With a prefix argument ARG, enable Global Reveal mode if ARG is
positive, and disable it otherwise. If called from Lisp, enable
the mode if ARG is omitted or nil. (fn &optional ARG)

Variable: global-reveal-mode

Non-nil if Global-Reveal mode is enabled.
See the command `global-reveal-mode' for a description of this minor mode.
Setting this variable directly does not take effect;
either customize it (see the info node `Easy Customization')
or call the function `global-reveal-mode'.

Function: pcomplete/rmdir

Completion for `rmdir'.

Function: ediff-revision

Run Ediff by comparing versions of a file.
The file is an optional FILE argument or the file entered at the prompt.
Default: the file visited by the current buffer.
Uses `vc.el' or `rcs.el' depending on `ediff-version-control-package'.

(fn &optional FILE STARTUP-HOOKS)

Function: edir-merge-revisions-with-ancestor

Run Ediff on a directory, DIR1, merging its files with their revisions and ancestors.
The second argument, REGEXP, is a regular expression that filters the file
names. Only the files that are under revision control are taken into account.


Variable: even-window-heights

If non-nil `display-buffer' will try to even window heights.
Otherwise `display-buffer' will leave the window configuration
alone. Heights are evened only when `display-buffer' chooses a
window that appears above or below the selected window.

Function: just-one-space

Delete all spaces and tabs around point, leaving one space (or N spaces).
If N is negative, delete newlines as well, leaving -N spaces.

Function: indirect-function

Return the function at the end of OBJECT's function chain.
If OBJECT is not a symbol, just return it. Otherwise, follow all
function indirections to find the final function binding and return it.
If the final symbol in the chain is unbound, signal a void-function error.
Optional arg NOERROR non-nil means to return nil instead of signaling.
Signal a cyclic-function-indirection error if there is a loop in the
function chain of symbols.

(fn OBJECT &optional NOERROR)

Variable: debug-on-event

Enter debugger on this event. When Emacs
receives the special event specified by this variable, it will try to
break into the debugger as soon as possible instead of processing the
event normally through `special-event-map'.

Currently, the only supported values for this
variable are `sigusr1' and `sigusr2'.

Function: Info-split-parameter-string

Return alist of ("KEY" . "VALUE") from PARAMETER-STRING.
PARAMETER-STRING is a whitespace separated list of KEY=VALUE pairs.
If VALUE contains whitespace or double quotes, it must be quoted
in double quotes and any double quotes or backslashes must be
escaped (\",\\).

Function: cl-third

Return the third element of the list X.

Function: auto-coding-alist-lookup

Return the coding system specified by `auto-coding-alist' for FILENAME.

Function: self-insert-command

Insert the character you type.
Whichever character you type to run this command is inserted.
Before insertion, `expand-abbrev' is executed if the inserted character does
not have word syntax and the previous character in the buffer does.
After insertion, the value of `auto-fill-function' is called if the
`auto-fill-chars' table has a non-nil value for the inserted character.
At the end, it runs `post-self-insert-hook'. (fn N)

Function: url-extract-mime-headers

Set `url-current-mime-headers' in current buffer.

Function: random*

Return a random nonnegative number less than LIM, an integer or float.
Optional second arg STATE is a random-state object.

(fn LIM &optional STATE)

Variable: locale-translation-file-name

File name for the system's file of locale-name aliases, or nil if none.

Function: dynamic-completion-table

Use function FUN as a dynamic completion table.
FUN is called with one argument, the string for which completion is required,
and it should return an alist containing all the intended possible completions.
This alist may be a full list of possible completions so that FUN can ignore
the value of its argument. If completion is performed in the minibuffer,
FUN will be called in the buffer from which the minibuffer was entered.

The result of the `completion-table-dynamic' form is a function
that can be used as the COLLECTION argument to `try-completion' and
`all-completions'. See Info node `(elisp)Programmed Completion'. (fn FUN)

Function: erevision

Run Ediff by comparing versions of a file.
The file is an optional FILE argument or the file entered at the prompt.
Default: the file visited by the current buffer.
Uses `vc.el' or `rcs.el' depending on `ediff-version-control-package'.

(fn &optional FILE STARTUP-HOOKS)

Function: customize-set-value

Set VARIABLE to VALUE, and return VALUE. VALUE is a Lisp object.

If VARIABLE has a `variable-interactive' property, that is used as if
it were the arg to `interactive' (which see) to interactively read the value.

If VARIABLE has a `custom-type' property, it must be a widget and the
`:prompt-value' property of that widget will be used for reading the value.

If given a prefix (or a COMMENT argument), also prompt for a comment.


Function: undo-more

Undo back N undo-boundaries beyond what was already undone recently.
Call `undo-start' to get ready to undo recent changes,
then call `undo-more' one or more times to undo them.

Variable: scroll-margin

Number of lines of margin at the top and bottom of a window.
Recenter the window whenever point gets within this many lines
of the top or bottom of the window.

Function: apropos-next-label-button

Return the next apropos label button after POS, or nil if there's none.
Will also return nil if more than one `apropos-symbol' button is encountered
before finding a label.

Variable: search-exit-option

Non-nil means random control characters terminate incremental search.

Function: auto-compression-mode

Toggle Auto Compression mode.
With a prefix argument ARG, enable Auto Compression mode if ARG
is positive, and disable it otherwise. If called from Lisp,
enable the mode if ARG is omitted or nil.

Auto Compression mode is a global minor mode. When enabled,
compressed files are automatically uncompressed for reading, and
compressed when writing.

Variable: auto-compression-mode

Non-nil if Auto-Compression mode is enabled.
See the command `auto-compression-mode' for a description of this minor mode.
Setting this variable directly does not take effect;
either customize it (see the info node `Easy Customization')
or call the function `auto-compression-mode'.

Variable: x-use-underline-position-properties

Non-nil means make use of UNDERLINE_POSITION font properties.
A value of nil means ignore them. If you encounter fonts with bogus
UNDERLINE_POSITION font properties, for example 7x13 on XFree prior
to 4.1, set this to nil. You can also use `underline-minimum-offset'
to override the font's UNDERLINE_POSITION for small font display sizes.

Function: widget-put

The value can later be retrieved with `widget-get'.


Function: package-menu--generate

Populate the Package Menu.
If REMEMBER-POS is non-nil, keep point on the same entry.
PACKAGES should be t, which means to display all known packages,
or a list of package names (symbols) to display.

Function: jka-compr-install

Install jka-compr.
This adds entries to `file-name-handler-alist' and `auto-mode-alist'
and `inhibit-local-variables-suffixes'.

Function: completion-basic--pattern


Function: Info-split

Split an info file into an indirect file plus bounded-size subfiles.
Each subfile will be up to the number of characters that
`Info-split-threshold' specifies, plus one node.

To use this command, first visit a large Info file that has a tag
table. The buffer is modified into a (small) indirect info file which
should be saved in place of the original visited file.

The subfiles are written in the same directory the original file is
in, with names generated by appending `-' and a number to the original
file name. The indirect file still functions as an Info file, but it
contains just the tag table and a directory of subfiles. (fn)

Function: epa-decrypt-armor-in-region

Decrypt OpenPGP armors in the current region between START and END.

Don't use this command in Lisp programs!
See the reason described in the `epa-decrypt-region' documentation.

Function: syntax-after

Return the raw syntax descriptor for the char after POS.
If POS is outside the buffer's accessible portion, return nil.

Variable: jka-compr-shell

Shell to be used for calling compression programs.
NOTE: Not used in MS-DOS and Windows systems.

Function: tabulated-list-init-header

Set up header line for the Tabulated List buffer.


Variable: compilation-finish-functions

Functions to call when a compilation process finishes.
Each function is called with two arguments: the compilation buffer,
and a string describing how the process finished.

Function: custom-fix-face-spec

Convert face SPEC, replacing obsolete :bold and :italic attributes.
Also change :reverse-video to :inverse-video.

Variable: undo-inhibit-record-point

Non-nil means do not record `point' in `buffer-undo-list'.

Function: lognot

Return the bitwise complement of NUMBER. NUMBER must be an integer.


Function: comint-goto-process-mark

Move point to the process mark.
The process mark separates output, and input already sent,
from input that has not yet been sent. (fn)

Function: after-find-file

Called after finding a file and by the default revert function.
Sets buffer mode, parses local variables.
Optional args ERROR, WARN, and NOAUTO: ERROR non-nil means there was an
error in reading the file. WARN non-nil means warn if there
exists an auto-save file more recent than the visited file.
NOAUTO means don't mess with auto-save mode.
(see `revert-buffer-in-progress-p' for similar functionality).
Fifth arg NOMODES non-nil means don't alter the file's modes.
Finishes by calling the functions in `find-file-hook' unless NOMODES is non-nil.

Function: auth-source-search-collection

Returns t is VALUE is t or COLLECTION is t or contains VALUE.

Function: info-initialize

Initialize `Info-directory-list', if that hasn't been done yet.

Function: m2-mode

This is a mode intended to support program development in Modula-2.
All control constructs of Modula-2 can be reached by typing C-c
followed by the first character of the construct.

Uses keymap `m2-mode-map', which is not currently defined.

M-x m2-begin begin M-x m2-case case
M-x m2-definition definition M-x m2-else else
M-x m2-for for M-x m2-header header
M-x m2-if if M-x m2-module module
M-x m2-loop loop M-x m2-or or
M-x m2-procedure procedure Control-c Control-w with
M-x m2-record record M-x m2-stdio stdio
M-x m2-type type M-x m2-until until
M-x m2-var var M-x m2-while while
M-x m2-export export M-x m2-import import
M-x m2-begin-comment begin-comment M-x m2-end-comment end-comment
M-x suspend-emacs suspend Emacs M-x m2-toggle toggle
M-x m2-compile compile M-x m2-next-error next-error
M-x m2-link link

`m2-indent' controls the number of spaces for each indentation.
`m2-compile-command' holds the command to compile a Modula-2 program. `m2-link-command' holds the command to link a Modula-2 program. (fn)

Function: read-passwd

Read a password, prompting with PROMPT, and return it.
If optional CONFIRM is non-nil, read the password twice to make sure.
Optional DEFAULT is a default password to use instead of empty input.

This function echoes `.' for each character that the user types.

Once the caller uses the password, it can erase the password
by doing (clear-string STRING).

Variable: default-directory

Name of default directory of current buffer. Should end with slash.
To interactively change the default directory, use command `cd'.

Function: sh-mode-syntax-table

Copy TABLE and set syntax for successive CHARs according to strings S.

Variable: sh-mode-syntax-table

The syntax table to use for Shell-Script mode.
This is buffer-local in every such buffer.

Function: byte-compile-autoload

(fn FORM)

Variable: class-class-allocation-values

Class allocated value vector.

Variable: regexp-search-ring

List of regular expression search string sequences.

Function: font-lock-fontify-keywords-region

Fontify according to `font-lock-keywords' between START and END.
START should be at the beginning of a line.
LOUDLY, if non-nil, allows progress-meter bar.

Variable: completion-list-mode-map

Local map for completion list buffers.

Function: completion-table-with-predicate

Make a completion table equivalent to TABLE but filtered through PRED1.
PRED1 is a function of one argument which returns non-nil if and only if the
argument is an element of TABLE which should be considered for completion.
STRING, PRED2, and ACTION are the usual arguments to completion tables,
as described in `try-completion', `all-completions', and `test-completion'.
If STRICT is t, the predicate always applies; if nil it only applies if
it does not reduce the set of possible completions to nothing.
Note: TABLE needs to be a proper completion table which obeys predicates.


Function: calendar

Display a three-month Gregorian calendar.
The three months appear side by side, with the current month in
the middle surrounded by the previous and next months. The
cursor is put on today's date. If optional prefix argument ARG
is non-nil, prompts for the central month and year.

Once in the calendar window, future or past months can be moved
into view. Arbitrary months can be displayed, or the calendar
can be scrolled forward or backward. The cursor can be moved
forward or backward by one day, one week, one month, or one year.
All of these commands take prefix arguments which, when negative,
cause movement in the opposite direction. For convenience, the
digit keys and the minus sign are automatically prefixes. Use
C-h m for details of the key bindings in the calendar

Displays the calendar in a separate window, or optionally in a
separate frame, depending on the value of `calendar-setup'.

If `calendar-view-diary-initially-flag' is non-nil, also displays the
diary entries for the current date (or however many days
`diary-number-of-entries' specifies). This variable can be
overridden by `calendar-setup'. As well as being displayed,
diary entries can also be marked on the calendar (see

Runs the following hooks:

`calendar-load-hook' - after loading calendar.el
`calendar-today-visible-hook', `calendar-today-invisible-hook' - after
generating a calendar, if today's date is visible or not, respectively
`calendar-initial-window-hook' - after first creating a calendar This function is suitable for execution in an init file. (fn &optional ARG)

Function: custom-initialize-delay

Delay initialization of SYMBOL to the next Emacs start.
This is used in files that are preloaded (or for autoloaded
variables), so that the initialization is done in the run-time
context rather than the build-time context. This also has the
side-effect that the (delayed) initialization is performed with
the :set function.

For variables in preloaded files, you can simply use this
function for the :initialize property. For autoloaded variables,
you will also need to add an autoload stanza calling this
function, and another one setting the standard-value property.
Or you can wrap the defcustom in a progn, to force the autoloader to include all of it.

Function: gnus-and

Return non-nil if all of the elements are non-nil.

Function: View-revert-buffer-scroll-page-forward

Scroll forward, reverting buffer if needed, in View mode.
If buffer has not been changed and the corresponding file is newer, first
revert the buffer, then scroll.
This command is useful if you are viewing a changing file.

The prefix argument LINES says how many lines to scroll.
If you don't specify a prefix argument, it uses the number of lines set by
M-x View-scroll-page-forward-set-page-size or
M-x View-scroll-page-backward-set-page-size.
If LINES is more than a window-full, only the last window-full is shown.

Function: timer--time-less-p

Say whether time value T1 is less than time value T2.

Variable: saved-overriding-map

The saved value of `overriding-terminal-local-map'.
That variable gets restored to this value on exiting "universal
argument mode".

Function: wordstar-mode

Major mode with WordStar-like key bindings.

- Help menus with WordStar commands (C-j just calls help-for-help)
are not implemented
- Options for search and replace
- Show markers (C-k h) is somewhat strange
- Search and replace (C-q a) is only available in forward direction

No key bindings beginning with ESC are installed, they will work

The key bindings are:

C-a backward-word
C-b fill-paragraph
C-c scroll-up-line
C-d forward-char
C-e previous-line
C-f forward-word
C-g delete-char
C-h backward-char
C-i indent-for-tab-command
C-j help-for-help
C-k ordstar-C-k-map
C-l ws-repeat-search
C-n open-line
C-p quoted-insert
C-r scroll-down-line
C-s backward-char
C-t kill-word
C-u keyboard-quit
C-v overwrite-mode
C-w scroll-down
C-x next-line
C-y kill-complete-line
C-z scroll-up

C-k 0 ws-set-marker-0
C-k 1 ws-set-marker-1
C-k 2 ws-set-marker-2
C-k 3 ws-set-marker-3
C-k 4 ws-set-marker-4
C-k 5 ws-set-marker-5
C-k 6 ws-set-marker-6
C-k 7 ws-set-marker-7
C-k 8 ws-set-marker-8
C-k 9 ws-set-marker-9
C-k b ws-begin-block
C-k c ws-copy-block
C-k d save-buffers-kill-emacs
C-k f find-file
C-k h ws-show-markers
C-k i ws-indent-block
C-k k ws-end-block
C-k p ws-print-block
C-k q kill-emacs
C-k r insert-file
C-k s save-some-buffers
C-k t ws-mark-word
C-k u ws-exdent-block
C-k C-u keyboard-quit
C-k v ws-move-block
C-k w ws-write-block
C-k x kill-emacs
C-k y ws-delete-block

C-o c wordstar-center-line
C-o b switch-to-buffer
C-o j justify-current-line
C-o k kill-buffer
C-o l list-buffers
C-o m auto-fill-mode
C-o r set-fill-column
C-o C-u keyboard-quit
C-o wd delete-other-windows
C-o wh split-window-right
C-o wo other-window
C-o wv split-window-below

C-q 0 ws-find-marker-0
C-q 1 ws-find-marker-1
C-q 2 ws-find-marker-2
C-q 3 ws-find-marker-3
C-q 4 ws-find-marker-4
C-q 5 ws-find-marker-5
C-q 6 ws-find-marker-6
C-q 7 ws-find-marker-7
C-q 8 ws-find-marker-8 C-q 9 ws-find-marker-9 C-q a ws-query-replace C-q b ws-to-block-begin C-q c end-of-buffer C-q d end-of-line C-q f ws-search C-q k ws-to-block-end C-q l ws-undo C-q p ws-last-cursorp C-q r beginning-of-buffer C-q C-u keyboard-quit C-q w ws-last-error C-q y ws-kill-eol C-q DEL ws-kill-bol (fn)

Function: pr-ps-region-print

Print region using PostScript printer.

See also `pr-ps-buffer-print'.

(fn N-UP &optional FILENAME)

Function: locate

Run the program `locate', putting results in `*Locate*' buffer.
Pass it SEARCH-STRING as argument. Interactively, prompt for SEARCH-STRING.
With prefix arg ARG, prompt for the exact shell command to run instead.

This program searches for those file names in a database that match
SEARCH-STRING and normally outputs all matching absolute file names,
one per line. The database normally consists of all files on your
system, or of all files that you have access to. Consult the
documentation of the program for the details about how it determines
which file names match SEARCH-STRING. (Those details vary highly with
the version.)

You can specify another program for this command to run by customizing
the variables `locate-command' or `locate-make-command-line'.

The main use of FILTER is to implement `locate-with-filter'. See
the docstring of that function for its meaning.

After preparing the results buffer, this runs `dired-mode-hook' and
then `locate-post-command-hook'. (fn SEARCH-STRING &optional FILTER ARG)

Function: switch-to-buffer-other-frame

Switch to buffer BUFFER-OR-NAME in another frame.
BUFFER-OR-NAME may be a buffer, a string (a buffer name), or
nil. Return the buffer switched to.

If called interactively, prompt for the buffer name using the
minibuffer. The variable `confirm-nonexistent-file-or-buffer'
determines whether to request confirmation before creating a new

If BUFFER-OR-NAME is a string and does not identify an existing
buffer, create a new buffer with that name. If BUFFER-OR-NAME is
nil, switch to the buffer returned by `other-buffer'.

Optional second arg NORECORD non-nil means do not put this
buffer at the front of the list of recently selected ones.

This uses the function `display-buffer' as a subroutine; see its documentation for additional customization information.

Function: new-fontset

Create a new fontset NAME from font information in FONTLIST.

FONTLIST is an alist of scripts vs the corresponding font specification list.
Each element of FONTLIST has the form (SCRIPT FONT-SPEC ...), where a
character of SCRIPT is displayed by a font that matches one of

SCRIPT is a symbol that appears in the first extra slot of the
char-table `char-script-table'.

FONT-SPEC is a vector, a cons, or a string. See the documentation of
`set-fontset-font' for the meaning. (fn NAME FONTLIST)

Variable: bidi-display-reordering

Non-nil means reorder bidirectional text for display in the visual order.

Function: encode-big5-char

Encode the Big5 character CH to BIG5 coding system.
Return the corresponding character code in Big5.
(fn CH)

Variable: class-symbol-obarray

Obarray permitting fast access to variable position indexes.

Variable: reference-point-alist

Alist of symbols vs integer codes of glyph reference points.
A glyph reference point symbol is to be used to specify a composition
rule in COMPONENTS argument to such functions as `compose-region'.

The meaning of glyph reference point codes is as follows:

0----1----2 <---- ascent 0:tl or top-left
| | 1:tc or top-center
| | 2:tr or top-right
| | 3:Bl or base-left 9:cl or center-left
9 10 11 <---- center 4:Bc or base-center 10:cc or center-center
| | 5:Br or base-right 11:cr or center-right
--3----4----5-- <-- baseline 6:bl or bottom-left
| | 7:bc or bottom-center
6----7----8 <---- descent 8:br or bottom-right

Glyph reference point symbols are to be used to specify composition
rule of the form (GLOBAL-REF-POINT . NEW-REF-POINT), where
GLOBAL-REF-POINT is a reference point in the overall glyphs already
composed, and NEW-REF-POINT is a reference point in the new glyph to
be added.

For instance, if GLOBAL-REF-POINT is `br' (bottom-right) and
NEW-REF-POINT is `tc' (top-center), the overall glyph is updated as
follows (the point `*' corresponds to both reference points):

+-------+--+ <--- new ascent
| | |
| global| |
| glyph | |
-- | | |-- <--- baseline (doesn't change)
| | new |
| |glyph|
+----+-----+ <--- new descent

A composition rule may have the form (GLOBAL-REF-POINT
NEW-REF-POINT XOFF YOFF), where XOFF and YOFF specify how much
to shift NEW-REF-POINT from GLOBAL-REF-POINT. In this case, XOFF and YOFF are integers in the range -100..100 representing the shifting percentage against the font size.

Function: destructor

Destructor for cleaning up any dynamic links to our object.

Variable: abbrev-expand-functions

Wrapper hook around `expand-abbrev'.
The functions on this special hook are called with one argument:
a function that performs the abbrev expansion. It should return
the abbrev symbol if expansion took place.

Function: sql-ms

Run osql by Microsoft as an inferior process.

If buffer `*SQL*' exists but no process is running, make a new process.
If buffer exists and a process is running, just switch to buffer

Interpreter used comes from variable `sql-ms-program'. Login uses the
variables `sql-user', `sql-password', `sql-database', and `sql-server'
as defaults, if set. Additional command line parameters can be stored
in the list `sql-ms-options'.

The buffer is put in SQL interactive mode, giving commands for sending
input. See `sql-interactive-mode'.

To set the buffer name directly, use C-u
before M-x sql-ms. Once session has started,
M-x sql-rename-buffer can be called separately to rename the

To specify a coding system for converting non-ASCII characters
in the input and output to the process, use C-x RET c
before M-x sql-ms. You can also specify this with C-x RET p
in the SQL buffer, after you start the process.
The default comes from `process-coding-system-alist' and
`default-process-coding-system'. (Type C-h m in the SQL buffer for a list of commands.) (fn &optional BUFFER)

Variable: mail-use-rfc822

If non-nil, use a full, hairy RFC822 parser on mail addresses.
Otherwise, (the default) use a smaller, somewhat faster, and
often correct parser.

Function: auto-image-file-mode

Toggle visiting of image files as images (Auto Image File mode).
With a prefix argument ARG, enable Auto Image File mode if ARG is
positive, and disable it otherwise. If called from Lisp, enable
the mode if ARG is omitted or nil.

An image file is one whose name has an extension in
`image-file-name-extensions', or matches a regexp in
`image-file-name-regexps'. (fn &optional ARG)

Variable: auto-image-file-mode

Non-nil if Auto-Image-File mode is enabled.
See the command `auto-image-file-mode' for a description of this minor mode.
Setting this variable directly does not take effect;
either customize it (see the info node `Easy Customization')
or call the function `auto-image-file-mode'.

Function: goto-address

Sets up goto-address functionality in the current buffer.
Allows user to use mouse/keyboard command to click to go to a URL
or to send e-mail.
By default, goto-address binds `goto-address-at-point' to mouse-2 and C-c RET
only on URLs and e-mail addresses.

Also fontifies the buffer appropriately (see `goto-address-fontify-p' and
`goto-address-highlight-p' for more information). (fn)

Function: emerge-files-remote


Function: gpm-mouse-stop

Close a connection to Gpm.


Variable: jka-compr-compression-info-list

List of vectors that describe available compression techniques.
Each element, which describes a compression technique, is a vector of

regexp is a regexp that matches filenames that are
compressed with this format

compress-msg is the message to issue to the user when doing this
type of compression (nil means no message)

compress-program is a program that performs this compression
(nil means visit file in read-only mode)

compress-args is a list of args to pass to the compress program

uncompress-msg is the message to issue to the user when doing this
type of uncompression (nil means no message)

uncompress-program is a program that performs this compression

uncompress-args is a list of args to pass to the uncompress program

append-flag is non-nil if this compression technique can be

strip-extension-flag non-nil means strip the regexp from file names
before attempting to set the mode.

file-magic-chars is a string of characters that you would find
at the beginning of a file compressed in this way.

If you set this outside Custom while Auto Compression mode is
already enabled (as it is by default), you have to call `jka-compr-update' after setting it to properly update other variables. Setting this through Custom does that automatically.

Function: describe-prefix-bindings

Describe the bindings of the prefix used to reach this command.
The prefix described consists of all but the last event
of the key sequence that ran this command.

Variable: mail-archive-file-name

Name of file to write all outgoing messages in, or nil for none.
This is normally an mbox file, but for backwards compatibility may also
be a Babyl file.

Function: prompt-for-change-log-name

Prompt for a change log name.


Variable: display-buffer--same-window-action

A `display-buffer' action for displaying in the same window.

Function: composition-get-gstring

Return a glyph-string for characters between FROM and TO.
If the glyph string is for graphic display, FONT-OBJECT must be
a font-object to use for those characters.
Otherwise (for terminal display), FONT-OBJECT must be a terminal ID, a
frame, or nil for the selected frame's terminal device.

If the optional 4th argument STRING is not nil, it is a string
containing the target characters between indices FROM and TO.

A glyph-string is a vector containing information about how to display
a specific character sequence. The format is:

HEADER is a vector of this form:
FONT-OBJECT is a font-object for all glyphs in the glyph-string,
or the terminal coding system of the specified terminal.
CHARs are characters to be composed by GLYPHs.

ID is an identification number of the glyph-string. It may be nil if
not yet shaped.

GLYPH is a vector whose elements have this form:
[ [X-OFF Y-OFF WADJUST] | nil] ]
FROM-IDX and TO-IDX are used internally and should not be touched.
C is the character of the glyph.
CODE is the glyph-code of C in FONT-OBJECT.
WIDTH thru DESCENT are the metrics (in pixels) of the glyph.
X-OFF and Y-OFF are offsets to the base position for the glyph.
WADJUST is the adjustment to the normal width of the glyph. If GLYPH is nil, the remaining elements of the glyph-string vector should be ignored. (fn FROM TO FONT-OBJECT STRING)

Function: byte-optimize-nth

(fn FORM)

Function: gnus-recursive-directory-files

Return all regular files below DIR.

Function: Info-apropos-matches

Collect STRING matches from all known Info files on your system.
Return a list of matches where each element is in the format

Variable: font-lock-dont-widen

If non-nil, font-lock will work on the non-widened buffer.
Useful for things like RMAIL and Info where the whole buffer is not
a very meaningful entity to highlight.

Function: goto-address-at-point

Send to the e-mail address or load the URL at point.
Send mail to address at point. See documentation for
`goto-address-find-address-at-point'. If no address is found
there, then load the URL at or before point.

(fn &optional EVENT)

Variable: delayed-mode-hooks

List of delayed mode hooks waiting to be run.

Function: byte-compile-form-make-variable-buffer-local

(fn FORM)

Function: find-class

Return the class that SYMBOL represents.
If there is no class, nil is returned if ERRORP is nil.
If ERRORP is non-nil, `wrong-argument-type' is signaled.

Function: isearch-filter-visible

Test whether the current search hit is visible at least partially.
Return non-nil if the text from BEG to END is visible to Isearch as
determined by `isearch-range-invisible' unless invisible text can be
searched too when `search-invisible' is t.

Function: move-to-tab-stop

Move point to next defined tab-stop column.
The variable `tab-stop-list' is a list of columns at which there are tab stops.
Use M-x edit-tab-stops to edit them interactively.

Function: cvs-checkout

Run a 'cvs checkout MODULES' in DIR.
Feed the output to a *cvs* buffer, display it in the current window,
and run `cvs-mode' on it.

With a prefix argument, prompt for cvs FLAGS to use.


Function: htmlfontify-buffer

Create a new buffer, named for the current buffer + a .html extension,
containing an inline CSS-stylesheet and formatted CSS-markup HTML
that reproduces the look of the current Emacs buffer as closely
as possible.

Dangerous characters in the existing buffer are turned into HTML
entities, so you should even be able to do HTML-within-HTML
fontified display.

You should, however, note that random control or eight-bit
characters such as ^L ( ) or ¤ (244) won't get mapped yet.

If the SRCDIR and FILE arguments are set, lookup etags derived
entries in the `hfy-tags-cache' and add HTML anchors and
hyperlinks as appropriate. (fn &optional SRCDIR FILE)

Variable: char-script-table

Char table of script symbols.
It has one extra slot whose value is a list of script symbols.

Function: comint-skip-input

Skip all pending input, from last stuff output by interpreter to point.
This means mark it as if it had been sent as input, without sending it.

Variable: comint-get-old-input

Function that returns old text in Comint mode.
This function is called when return is typed while the point is in old
text. It returns the text to be submitted as process input. The
default is `comint-get-old-input-default', which either grabs the
current input field or grabs the current line and strips off leading
text matching `comint-prompt-regexp', depending on the value of

Function: Info-search-backward

Search for REGEXP in the reverse direction.

Function: assoc-if

Find the first item whose car satisfies PREDICATE in LIST.

Keywords supported: :key


Variable: idle-update-delay

Idle time delay before updating various things on the screen.
Various Emacs features that update auxiliary information when point moves
wait this many seconds after Emacs becomes idle before doing an update.

Function: turn-on-orgstruct

Unconditionally turn on `orgstruct-mode'.


Function: message-mail-other-frame

Like `message-mail' command, but display mail buffer in another frame.

(fn &optional TO SUBJECT)

Function: dir-locals-set-class-variables

Map the type CLASS to a list of variable settings.
CLASS is the project class, a symbol. VARIABLES is a list
that declares directory-local variables for the class.
An element in VARIABLES is either of the form:

In the first form, MAJOR-MODE is a symbol, and ALIST is an alist
whose elements are of the form (VARIABLE . VALUE).

In the second form, DIRECTORY is a directory name (a string), and
LIST is a list of the form accepted by the function.

When a file is visited, the file's class is found. A directory
may be assigned a class using `dir-locals-set-directory-class'.
Then variables are set in the file's buffer according to the
VARIABLES list of the class. The list is processed in order.

* If the element is of the form (MAJOR-MODE . ALIST), and the
buffer's major mode is derived from MAJOR-MODE (as determined
by `derived-mode-p'), then all the variables in ALIST are
applied. A MAJOR-MODE of nil may be used to match any buffer.
`make-local-variable' is called for each variable before it is

* If the element is of the form (DIRECTORY . LIST), and DIRECTORY
is an initial substring of the file's directory, then LIST is applied by recursively following these rules.

Variable: window-min-width

The minimum number of columns of any window.
The value has to accommodate margins, fringes, or scrollbars if
present. A value less than `window-safe-min-width' is ignored.
The value of this variable is honored when windows are resized or

Applications should never rebind this variable. To resize a
window to a width less than the one specified here, an
application should instead call `window-resize' with a non-nil
IGNORE argument. In order to have `split-window' make a window
narrower, explicitly specify the SIZE argument of that function.

Function: gnus-globalify-regexp

Return a regexp that matches a whole line, if RE matches a part of it.

Function: batch-unrmail

Convert old-style Rmail Babyl files to system inbox format.
Specify the input Rmail Babyl file names as command line arguments.
For each Rmail file, the corresponding output file name
is made by adding `.mail' at the end.
For example, invoke `emacs -batch -f batch-unrmail RMAIL'. (fn)

Function: gnus-registry-install-hooks

Install the registry hooks.


Function: byte-compile-file

Compile a file of Lisp code named FILENAME into a file of byte code.
The output file's name is generated by passing FILENAME to the
function `byte-compile-dest-file' (which see).
With prefix arg (noninteractively: 2nd arg), LOAD the file after compiling.
The value is non-nil if there were no errors, nil if errors.

(fn FILENAME &optional LOAD)

Function: add-hook

Add to the value of HOOK the function FUNCTION.
FUNCTION is not added if already present.
FUNCTION is added (if necessary) at the beginning of the hook list
unless the optional argument APPEND is non-nil, in which case
FUNCTION is added at the end.

The optional fourth argument, LOCAL, if non-nil, says to modify
the hook's buffer-local value rather than its global value.
This makes the hook buffer-local, and it makes t a member of the
buffer-local value. That acts as a flag to run the hook
functions of the global value as well as in the local value.

HOOK should be a symbol, and FUNCTION may be any valid function. If
HOOK is void, it is first set to nil. If HOOK's value is a single function, it is changed to a list of functions.

Function: fillarray

Store each element of ARRAY with ITEM.
ARRAY is a vector, string, char-table, or bool-vector.


Function: set-safe-terminal-coding-system-internal

Internal use only.


Function: eieio-initarg-to-attribute

For CLASS, convert INITARG to the actual attribute name.
If there is no translation, pass it in directly (so we can cheat if
need be... May remove that later...)

Function: shell-unquote-argument

Remove all kinds of shell quoting from STRING.


Variable: xterm-standard-colors

Names of 16 standard xterm/aixterm colors, their numbers, and RGB values.

Variable: query-replace-highlight

Non-nil means to highlight matches during query replacement.

Function: gnus-jog-cache

Go through all groups and put the articles into the cache.

$ emacs -batch -l ~/.emacs -l gnus -f gnus-jog-cache (fn)

Function: feedmail-send-it

Send the current mail buffer using the Feedmail package.
This is a suitable value for `send-mail-function'. It can be used
with various lower-level mechanisms to provide features such as queueing. (fn)

Function: car-safe

Return the car of OBJECT if it is a cons cell, or else nil.


Variable: apropos-multi-type

If non-nil, this apropos query concerns multiple types.
This is used to decide whether to print the result's type or not.

Function: help-fns--key-bindings


Face: info-header-xref

Face for Info cross-references in a node header.

Function: generate-fontset-menu

Return list to be appended to `x-fixed-font-alist'.
Done when `mouse-set-font' is called.

Function: view-return-to-alist-update

Update `view-return-to-alist' of buffer BUFFER.
Remove from `view-return-to-alist' all entries referencing dead
windows. Optional argument ITEM non-nil means add ITEM to
`view-return-to-alist' after purging. For a description of items
that can be added see the RETURN-TO-ALIST argument of the
function `view-mode-exit'. If `view-return-to-alist' contains an
entry for the selected window, purge that entry from
`view-return-to-alist' before adding ITEM.

Variable: word-wrap

Non-nil means to use word-wrapping for continuation lines.
When word-wrapping is on, continuation lines are wrapped at the space
or tab character nearest to the right window edge.
If nil, continuation lines are wrapped at the right screen edge.

This variable has no effect if long lines are truncated (see
`truncate-lines' and `truncate-partial-width-windows'). If you use
word-wrapping, you might want to reduce the value of
`truncate-partial-width-windows', since wrapping can make text readable
in narrower windows.

Instead of setting this variable directly, most users should use
Visual Line mode . Visual Line mode, when enabled, sets `word-wrap'
to t, and additionally redefines simple editing commands to act on
visual lines rather than logical lines. See the documentation of `visual-line-mode'.

Function: decode-coding-string

Decode STRING which is encoded in CODING-SYSTEM, and return the result.

Optional third arg NOCOPY non-nil means it is OK to return STRING itself
if the decoding operation is trivial.

Optional fourth arg BUFFER non-nil means that the decoded text is
inserted in that buffer after point (point does not move). In this
case, the return value is the length of the decoded text.

This function sets `last-coding-system-used' to the precise coding system
used (which may be different from CODING-SYSTEM if CODING-SYSTEM is
not fully specified.)


Function: smie-indent-virtual

Compute the virtual indentation to use for point.
This is used when we're not trying to indent point but just
need to compute the column at which point should be indented
in order to figure out the indentation of some other (further down) point. (fn)

Function: byte-compile-file-form-autoload

(fn FORM)

Function: initialize-instance

Construct the new object THIS based on SLOTS.

Variable: comint-input-ring-file-name

If non-nil, name of the file to read/write input history.
See also `comint-read-input-ring' and `comint-write-input-ring'.
`comint-mode' makes this a buffer-local variable. You probably want
to set this in a mode hook, rather than customize the default value.

Function: image-type-from-data

Determine the image type from image data DATA.
Value is a symbol specifying the image type or nil if type cannot
be determined.

Variable: x-selection-timeout

Number of milliseconds to wait for a selection reply.
If the selection owner doesn't reply in this time, we give up.
A value of 0 means wait as long as necessary. This is initialized from the
"*selectionTimeout" resource.

Function: gnus-treat-newsgroups-picon

Display picons in the Newsgroups and Followup-To headers.
If picons are already displayed, remove them.

Function: browse-url-of-file

Ask a WWW browser to display FILE.
Display the current buffer's file if FILE is nil or if called
interactively. Turn the filename into a URL with function
`browse-url-file-url'. Pass the URL to a browser using the
`browse-url' function then run `browse-url-of-file-hook'.
(fn &optional FILE)

Function: window--size-fixed-1

Internal function for `window-size-fixed-p'.

Variable: custom-known-themes

Themes that have been defined with `deftheme'.
The default value is the list (user changed). The theme `changed'
contains the settings before custom themes are applied. The theme
`user' contains all the settings the user customized and saved.
Additional themes declared with the `deftheme' macro will be added
to the front of this list.

Function: define-widget

Define a new widget type named NAME from CLASS.

NAME and CLASS should both be symbols, CLASS should be one of the
existing widget types, or nil to create the widget from scratch.

After the new widget has been defined, the following two calls will
create identical widgets:

* (widget-create NAME)

* (apply 'widget-create CLASS ARGS)

The third argument DOC is a documentation string for the widget.

Function: yes-or-no-p

Ask user a yes-or-no question. Return t if answer is yes.
PROMPT is the string to display to ask the question. It should end in
a space; `yes-or-no-p' adds "(yes or no) " to it.

The user must confirm the answer with RET, and can edit it until it
has been confirmed.

Under a windowing system a dialog box will be used if `last-nonmenu-event'
is nil, and `use-dialog-box' is non-nil. (fn PROMPT)

Function: apropos-symbol-button-display-help

Display further help for the `apropos-symbol' button BUTTON.

Function: kill-this-buffer

Kill the current buffer.
When called in the minibuffer, get out of the minibuffer
using `abort-recursive-edit'.

Function: toggle-word-wrap

Toggle whether to use word-wrapping for continuation lines.
With prefix argument ARG, wrap continuation lines at word boundaries
if ARG is positive, otherwise wrap them at the right screen edge.
This command toggles the value of `word-wrap'. It has no effect
if long lines are truncated.

Function: inferior-tcl

Run inferior Tcl process.
Prefix arg means enter program name interactively.
See documentation for function `inferior-tcl-mode' for more information.
(fn CMD)

Function: pcomplete/scp

Completion rules for the `scp' command.
Includes files as well as host names followed by a colon.

Function: dsssl-mode

Major mode for editing DSSSL code.
Editing commands are similar to those of `lisp-mode'.

Delete converts tabs to spaces as it moves back.
Blank lines separate paragraphs. Semicolons start comments.

Uses keymap `scheme-mode-map', which is not currently defined.

Entering this mode runs the hooks `scheme-mode-hook' and then
`dsssl-mode-hook' and inserts the value of `dsssl-sgml-declaration' if
that variable's value is a string. (fn)

Function: normal-backup-enable-predicate

Default `backup-enable-predicate' function.
Checks for files in `temporary-file-directory',
`small-temporary-file-directory', and /tmp.

Function: overlay-lists

Return a pair of lists giving all the overlays of the current buffer.
The car has all the overlays before the overlay center;
the cdr has all the overlays after the overlay center.
Recentering overlays moves overlays between these lists.
The lists you get are copies, so that changing them has no effect.
However, the overlays you get are the real objects that the buffer uses. (fn)

Variable: comint-accum-marker

Non-nil if you are accumulating input lines to send as input together.
The command M-x comint-accumulate sets this.

Function: xselect--selection-bounds

Return bounds of X selection value VALUE.
The return value is a list (BEG END BUF) if VALUE is a cons of
two markers or an overlay. Otherwise, it is nil.

Variable: next-error-function

Function to use to find the next error in the current buffer.
The function is called with 2 parameters:
ARG is an integer specifying by how many errors to move.
RESET is a boolean which, if non-nil, says to go back to the beginning
of the errors before moving.
Major modes providing compile-like functionality should set this variable
to indicate to `next-error' that this is a candidate buffer and how to navigate in it.

Function: sql-linter

Run inl by RELEX as an inferior process.

If buffer `*SQL*' exists but no process is running, make a new process.
If buffer exists and a process is running, just switch to buffer

Interpreter used comes from variable `sql-linter-program' - usually `inl'.
Login uses the variables `sql-user', `sql-password', `sql-database' and
`sql-server' as defaults, if set. Additional command line parameters
can be stored in the list `sql-linter-options'. Run inl -h to get help on

`sql-database' is used to set the LINTER_MBX environment variable for
local connections, `sql-server' refers to the server name from the
`nodetab' file for the network connection (dbc_tcp or friends must run
for this to work). If `sql-password' is an empty string, inl will use
an empty password.

The buffer is put in SQL interactive mode, giving commands for sending
input. See `sql-interactive-mode'.

To set the buffer name directly, use C-u
before M-x sql-linter. Once session has started,
M-x sql-rename-buffer can be called separately to rename the buffer. (Type C-h m in the SQL buffer for a list of commands.) (fn &optional BUFFER)

Function: pwd

Show the current default directory.

Variable: line-spacing

Additional space to put between lines when displaying a buffer.
The space is measured in pixels, and put below lines on graphic displays,
see `display-graphic-p'.
If value is a floating point number, it specifies the spacing relative
to the default frame line height. A value of nil means add no extra space.

Function: common-lisp-mode

Major mode for editing Lisp code for Lisps other than GNU Emacs Lisp.
Delete converts tabs to spaces as it moves back.
Blank lines separate paragraphs. Semicolons start comments.

key binding
--- -------

C-c Prefix Command
ESC Prefix Command
DEL backward-delete-char-untabify

C-c C-z run-lisp

C-M-x lisp-eval-defun

C-M-q indent-sexp

Note that `run-lisp' may be used either to start an inferior Lisp job
or to switch back to an existing one.
Entry to this mode calls the value of `lisp-mode-hook' if that value is non-nil.

Function: emacs-lisp-byte-compile-and-load

Byte-compile the current file (if it has changed), then load compiled code.

Function: read-input-method-name

Read a name of input method from a minibuffer prompting with PROMPT.
If DEFAULT is non-nil, use that as the default,
and substitute it into PROMPT at the first `%s'.
If INHIBIT-NULL is non-nil, null input signals an error.

The return value is a string.

Function: run-lisp

Run an inferior Lisp process, input and output via buffer `*inferior-lisp*'.
If there is a process already running in `*inferior-lisp*', just switch
to that buffer.
With argument, allows you to edit the command line (default is value
of `inferior-lisp-program'). Runs the hooks from
`inferior-lisp-mode-hook' (after the `comint-mode-hook' is run).
(Type C-h m in the process buffer for a list of commands.) (fn CMD)

Function: gnus-convert-face-to-png

Convert FACE (which is base64-encoded) to a PNG.
The PNG is returned as a string.

(fn FACE)

Function: epa-verify-file

Verify FILE.

(fn FILE)

Function: gnutls-deinit

Deallocate GnuTLS resources associated with process PROC.
See also `gnutls-init'.

(fn PROC)

Function: decode-sjis-char

Decode a Japanese character which has CODE in shift_jis encoding.
Return the corresponding character.

(fn CODE)

Variable: sh-debug

Enable lots of debug messages - if function `sh-debug' is enabled.

Variable: cl-least-negative-normalized-float

The smallest normalized Lisp float less than zero.
This is simply -`cl-least-positive-normalized-float'.
Call `cl-float-limits' to set this.

Function: erc-delete-pal

Delete pal interactively to `erc-pals'.


Function: kill-region

Kill ("cut") text between point and mark.
This deletes the text from the buffer and saves it in the kill ring.
The command C-y can retrieve it from there.
(If you want to save the region without killing it, use M-w.)

If you want to append the killed region to the last killed text,
use C-M-w before C-w.

If the buffer is read-only, Emacs will beep and refrain from deleting
the text, but put the text in the kill ring anyway. This means that
you can use the killing commands to copy text from a read-only buffer.

Lisp programs should use this function for killing text.
(To delete text, use `delete-region'.)
Supply two arguments, character positions indicating the stretch of text
to be killed.
Any command that calls this function is a "kill command".
If the previous command was also a kill command,
the text killed this time appends to the text killed last time to make one entry in the kill ring.

Variable: narrow-map

Keymap for narrowing commands.

Variable: mm-inhibit-file-name-handlers

A list of handlers doing (un)compression (etc) thingies.

Function: nndiary-generate-nov-databases

Generate NOV databases in all nndiary directories.

(fn &optional SERVER)

Variable: kept-new-versions

Number of newest versions to keep when a new numbered backup is made.
Includes the new backup. Must be > 0

Function: redirect-frame-focus

Arrange for keystrokes typed at FRAME to be sent to FOCUS-FRAME.
In other words, switch-frame events caused by events in FRAME will
request a switch to FOCUS-FRAME, and `last-event-frame' will be
FOCUS-FRAME after reading an event typed at FRAME.

If FOCUS-FRAME is nil, any existing redirection is canceled, and the
frame again receives its own keystrokes.

Focus redirection is useful for temporarily redirecting keystrokes to
a surrogate minibuffer frame when a frame doesn't have its own
minibuffer window.

A frame's focus redirection can be changed by `select-frame'. If frame
FOO is selected, and then a different frame BAR is selected, any
frames redirecting their focus to FOO are shifted to redirect their
focus to BAR. This allows focus redirection to work properly when the
user switches from one frame to another using `select-window'.

This means that a frame whose focus is redirected to itself is treated
differently from a frame whose focus is redirected to nil; the former
is affected by `select-frame', while the latter is not.

The redirection lasts until `redirect-frame-focus' is called to change it. (fn FRAME &optional FOCUS-FRAME)

Function: get-register

Return contents of Emacs register named REGISTER, or nil if none.

Function: vc-version-ediff

Show differences between revisions of the fileset in the
repository history using ediff.


Variable: rmail-retry-ignored-headers

Headers that should be stripped when retrying a failed message.

Function: completion--merge-suffix

Merge end of COMPLETION with beginning of SUFFIX.
Simple generalization of the "merge trailing /" done in Emacs-22.
Return the new suffix.


Variable: help-xref-stack

A stack of ways by which to return to help buffers after following xrefs.
Used by `help-follow' and `help-xref-go-back'.
An element looks like (POSITION FUNCTION ARGS...).
To use the element, do (apply FUNCTION ARGS) then goto the point.

Function: read-face-font

Read the name of a font for FACE on FRAME.
If optional argument FRAME is nil or omitted, use the selected frame.

Function: mode-line-bury-buffer

Like `bury-buffer', but temporarily select EVENT's window.

Function: hash-table-size

Return the size of TABLE.
The size can be used as an argument to `make-hash-table' to create
a hash table than can hold as many elements as TABLE holds
without need for resizing. (fn TABLE)

Variable: vc-git-diff-switches

String or list of strings specifying switches for Git diff under VC.
If nil, use the value of `vc-diff-switches'. If t, use no switches.

Function: forward-visible-line

Move forward by ARG lines, ignoring currently invisible newlines only.
If ARG is negative, move backward -ARG lines.
If ARG is zero, move to the beginning of the current line.

Function: ispell-help

Display a list of the options available when a misspelling is encountered.

Selections are:

DIGIT: Replace the word with a digit offered in the *Choices* buffer.
SPC: Accept word this time.
`i': Accept word and insert into private dictionary.
`a': Accept word for this session.
`A': Accept word and place in `buffer-local dictionary'.
`r': Replace word with typed-in value. Rechecked.
`R': Replace word with typed-in value. Query-replaced in buffer. Rechecked.
`?': Show these commands.
`x': Exit spelling buffer. Move cursor to original point.
`X': Exit spelling buffer. Leaves cursor at the current point, and permits
the aborted check to be completed later.
`q': Quit spelling session (Kills ispell process).
`l': Look up typed-in replacement in alternate dictionary. Wildcards okay.
`u': Like `i', but the word is lower-cased first.
`m': Place typed-in value in personal dictionary, then recheck current word.
`C-l': Redraw screen. `C-r': Recursive edit. `C-z': Suspend Emacs or iconify frame. (fn)

Function: epa-verify-region

Verify the current region between START and END.

Don't use this command in Lisp programs!
Since this function operates on regions, it does some tricks such
as coding-system detection and unibyte/multibyte conversion. If
you are sure how the data in the region should be treated, you
should consider using the string based counterpart
`epg-verify-string', or the file based counterpart
`epg-verify-file' instead.

For example:

(let ((context (epg-make-context 'OpenPGP)))
(epg-verify-string context (buffer-substring start end)) 'utf-8)) (fn START END)

Function: css-mode

Major mode to edit Cascading Style Sheets.


Variable: locate-dominating-stop-dir-regexp

Regexp of directory names which stop the search in `locate-dominating-file'.
Any directory whose name matches this regexp will be treated like
a kind of root directory by `locate-dominating-file' which will stop its search
when it bumps into it.
The default regexp prevents fruitless and time-consuming attempts to find
special files in directories in which filenames are interpreted as hostnames,
or mount points potentially requiring authentication as a different user.

Function: warn

Display a warning message made from (format MESSAGE ARGS...).
Aside from generating the message with `format',
this is equivalent to `display-warning', using
`emacs' as the type and `:warning' as the level.

(fn MESSAGE &rest ARGS)

Function: View-quit

Quit View mode, trying to restore window and buffer to previous state.
Maybe kill this buffer. Try to restore selected window to previous state
and go to previous buffer or window.

Function: file-name-shadow-mode

Toggle file-name shadowing in minibuffers (File-Name Shadow mode).
With a prefix argument ARG, enable File-Name Shadow mode if ARG
is positive, and disable it otherwise. If called from Lisp,
enable the mode if ARG is omitted or nil.

File-Name Shadow mode is a global minor mode. When enabled, any
part of a filename being read in the minibuffer that would be
ignored (because the result is passed through
`substitute-in-file-name') is given the properties in
`file-name-shadow-properties', which can be used to make that
portion dim, invisible, or otherwise less visually noticeable.

Function: quail-defrule

Add one translation rule, KEY to TRANSLATION, in the current Quail package.
KEY is a string meaning a sequence of keystrokes to be translated.
TRANSLATION is a character, a string, a vector, a Quail map,
a function, or a cons.
It it is a character, it is the sole translation of KEY.
If it is a string, each character is a candidate for the translation.
If it is a vector, each element (string or character) is a candidate
for the translation.
If it is a cons, the car is one of the above and the cdr is a function
to call when translating KEY (the return value is assigned to the
variable `quail-current-data'). If the cdr part is not a function,
the value itself is assigned to `quail-current-data'.
In these cases, a key specific Quail map is generated and assigned to KEY.

If TRANSLATION is a Quail map or a function symbol which returns a Quail map,
it is used to handle KEY.

Optional 3rd argument NAME, if specified, says which Quail package
to define this translation rule in. The default is to define it in the
current Quail package.

Optional 4th argument APPEND, if non-nil, appends TRANSLATION
to the current translations for KEY instead of replacing them. (fn KEY TRANSLATION &optional NAME APPEND)

Function: display-buffer-assq-regexp

Retrieve ALIST entry corresponding to BUFFER-NAME.
ACTION is the action argument passed to `display-buffer'.

Variable: ignore-relative-composition

Char table of characters which are not composed relatively.
If an entry for a character is non-nil, a composition sequence
which contains that character is displayed so that
the glyph of that character is put without considering
an ascent and descent value of a previous character.

Function: set-mouse-pixel-position

Move the mouse pointer to pixel position (X,Y) in FRAME.
The position is given in pixels, where (0, 0) is the upper-left corner
of the frame, X is the horizontal offset, and Y is the vertical offset.

Note, this is a no-op for an X frame that is not visible.
If you have just created a frame, you must wait for it to become visible
before calling this function on it, like this.
(while (not (frame-visible-p frame)) (sleep-for .5)) (fn FRAME X Y)

Function: pcomplete-find-completion-function

Find the completion function to call for the given COMMAND.


Variable: query-replace-from-history-variable

History list to use for the FROM argument of `query-replace' commands.
The value of this variable should be a symbol; that symbol
is used as a variable to hold a history list for the strings
or patterns to be replaced.

Function: use-default-char-width-table

Internal use only.
Setup char-width-table appropriate for non-CJK language environment.

Function: update-leim-list-file

Update LEIM list file in directories DIRS.

Function: fill-region-as-paragraph

Fill the region as one paragraph.
It removes any paragraph breaks in the region and extra newlines at the end,
indents and fills lines between the margins given by the
`current-left-margin' and `current-fill-column' functions.
(In most cases, the variable `fill-column' controls the width.)
It leaves point at the beginning of the line following the paragraph.

Normally performs justification according to the `current-justification'
function, but with a prefix arg, does full justification instead.

From a program, optional third arg JUSTIFY can specify any type of
justification. Fourth arg NOSQUEEZE non-nil means not to make spaces
between words canonical before filling. Fifth arg SQUEEZE-AFTER, if non-nil,
means don't canonicalize spaces before that position.

Return the `fill-prefix' used for filling.

If `sentence-end-double-space' is non-nil, then period followed by one space does not end a sentence, so don't break a line there.

Function: tabify

Convert multiple spaces in region to tabs when possible.
A group of spaces is partially replaced by tabs
when this can be done without changing the column they end at.
Called non-interactively, the region is specified by arguments
START and END, rather than by the position of point and mark.
The variable `tab-width' controls the spacing of tab stops. (fn START END)

Function: add-log-current-defun

Return name of function definition point is in, or nil.

Understands C, Lisp, LaTeX ("functions" are chapters, sections, ...),
Texinfo (@node titles) and Perl.

Other modes are handled by a heuristic that looks in the 10K before
point for uppercase headings starting in the first column or
identifiers followed by `:' or `='. See variables
`add-log-current-defun-header-regexp' and

Has a preference of looking backwards. (fn)

Function: read-char-exclusive

Read a character from the command input (keyboard or macro).
It is returned as a number. Non-character events are ignored.
If the character has modifiers, they are resolved and reflected to the
character code if possible (e.g. C-SPC -> 0).

If the optional argument PROMPT is non-nil, display that as a prompt.
If the optional argument INHERIT-INPUT-METHOD is non-nil and some
input method is turned on in the current buffer, that input method
is used for reading a character.
If the optional argument SECONDS is non-nil, it should be a number
specifying the maximum number of seconds to wait for input. If no
input arrives in that time, return nil. SECONDS may be a
floating-point value.

Variable: url-directory-index-file

The filename to look for when indexing a directory.
If this file exists, and is readable, then it will be viewed instead of
using `dired' to view the directory.

Function: help-fns--compiler-macro


Variable: add-log-current-defun-function

If non-nil, function to guess name of surrounding function.
It is used by `add-log-current-defun' in preference to built-in rules.
Returns function's name as a string, or nil if outside a function.

Variable: undo-strong-limit

Don't keep more than this much size of undo information.
This limit is applied when garbage collection happens.
When a previous command increases the total undo list size past this
value, that command and the earlier commands that came before it are forgotten.
However, the most recent buffer-modifying command's undo info
is never discarded for this reason.

The size is counted as the number of bytes occupied,
which includes both saved text and other data.

Variable: list-matching-lines-default-context-lines

Default number of context lines included around `list-matching-lines' matches.
A negative number means to include that many lines before the match.
A positive number means to include that many lines both before and after.

Function: jit-lock-deferred-fontify

Fontify what was deferred.

Function: describe-character-set

Display information about built-in character set CHARSET.


Function: describe-display-table

Describe the display table DT in a help buffer.

Function: dynamic-completion-mode

Toggle dynamic word-completion on or off.
With a prefix argument ARG, enable the mode if ARG is positive,
and disable it otherwise. If called from Lisp, enable the mode
if ARG is omitted or nil.

(fn &optional ARG)

Variable: dynamic-completion-mode

Non-nil if Dynamic-Completion mode is enabled.
See the command `dynamic-completion-mode' for a description of this minor mode.
Setting this variable directly does not take effect;
either customize it (see the info node `Easy Customization')
or call the function `dynamic-completion-mode'.

Function: standard-case-table

Return the standard case table.
This is the one used for new buffers.

Variable: shell-cd-regexp

Regexp to match subshell commands equivalent to cd.

Variable: shell-dynamic-complete-functions

List of functions called to perform completion.
This variable is used to initialize `comint-dynamic-complete-functions' in the
shell buffer.

Function: minibuffer-history-isearch-end

Clean up the minibuffer after terminating isearch in the minibuffer.

Variable: warning-series

Non-nil means treat multiple `display-warning' calls as a series.
A marker indicates a position in the warnings buffer
which is the start of the current series; it means that
additional warnings in the same buffer should not move point.
If t, the next warning begins a series (and stores a marker here).
A symbol with a function definition is like t, except
also call that function before the next warning.

Function: smiley-buffer

Run `smiley-region' at the BUFFER, specified in the argument or
interactively. If there's no argument, do it at the current buffer.

(fn &optional BUFFER)

Function: gmm-message

If LEVEL is lower than `gmm-verbose' print ARGS using `message'.

Guideline for numbers:
1 - error messages
3 - non-serious error messages
5 - messages for things that take a long time
7 - not very important messages on stuff
9 - messages inside loops. (fn LEVEL &rest ARGS)

Function: comint-redirect-results-list

Send COMMAND to current process.
Return a list of expressions in the output which match REGEXP.
REGEXP-GROUP is the regular expression group in REGEXP to use.


Variable: overline-margin

Space between overline and text, in pixels.
The default value is 2: the height of the overline (1 pixel) plus 1 pixel
margin to the character height.

Variable: minibuffer-local-filename-completion-map

Local keymap for minibuffer input with completion for filenames.
Gets combined either with `minibuffer-local-completion-map' or
with `minibuffer-local-must-match-map'.

Function: describe-package

Display the full documentation of PACKAGE (a symbol).

Function: unhandled-file-name-directory

Return a directly usable directory name somehow associated with FILENAME.
A `directly usable' directory name is one that may be used without the
intervention of any file handler.
If FILENAME is a directly usable file itself, return
(file-name-directory FILENAME).
If FILENAME refers to a file which is not accessible from a local process,
then this should return nil.
The `call-process' and `start-process' functions use this function to
get a current directory to run processes in. (fn FILENAME)

Function: vc-git-extra-status-menu


Variable: display-time-mail-face

Face to use for `display-time-mail-string'.
If `display-time-use-mail-icon' is non-nil, the image's
background color is the background of this face. Set this to
make the mail indicator stand out on a color display.

Function: isqrt

Return the integer square root of the argument.

(fn X)

Function: frame-remove-geometry-params

Return the parameter list PARAM-LIST, but with geometry specs removed.
This deletes all bindings in PARAM-LIST for `top', `left', `width',
`height', `user-size' and `user-position' parameters.
Emacs uses this to avoid overriding explicit moves and resizings from
the user during startup.

Function: gnus-fetch-original-field

Fetch FIELD from the original version of the current article.

Function: mm-string-as-multibyte

Return a multibyte string with the same individual bytes as STRING.
If STRING is multibyte, the result is STRING itself.
Otherwise it is a newly created string, with no text properties.

If STRING is unibyte and contains an individual 8-bit byte (i.e. not
part of a correct utf-8 sequence), it is converted to the corresponding
multibyte character of charset `eight-bit'.
See also `string-to-multibyte'.

Beware, this often doesn't really do what you think it does.
It is similar to (decode-coding-string STRING 'utf-8-emacs).
If you're not sure, whether to use `string-as-multibyte' or
`string-to-multibyte', use `string-to-multibyte'. (fn STRING)

Variable: dabbrev-ignored-buffer-names

List of buffer names that dabbrev should not check.
See also `dabbrev-ignored-buffer-regexps'.

Function: word-search-backward

Search backward from point for STRING, ignoring differences in punctuation.
Set point to the beginning of the occurrence found, and return point.
An optional second argument bounds the search; it is a buffer position.
The match found must not extend before that position.
Optional third argument, if t, means if fail just return nil (no error).
If not nil and not t, move to limit of search and return nil.
Optional fourth argument is repeat count--search for successive occurrences.

Relies on the function `word-search-regexp' to convert a sequence
of words in STRING to a regexp used to search words without regard to punctuation.

Function: completion-pcm--merge-completions

Extract the commonality in STRS, with the help of PATTERN.
PATTERN can contain strings and symbols chosen among `star', `any', `point',
and `prefix'. They all match anything (aka ".*") but are merged differently:
`any' only grows from the left (when matching "a1b" and "a2b" it gets
completed to just "a").
`prefix' only grows from the right (when matching "a1b" and "a2b" it gets
completed to just "b").
`star' grows from both ends and is reified into a "*" (when matching "a1b"
and "a2b" it gets completed to "a*b").
`point' is like `star' except that it gets reified as the position of point
instead of being reified as a "*" character.
The underlying idea is that we should return a string which still matches
the same set of elements. (fn STRS PATTERN)

Function: texinfo-mode

Major mode for editing Texinfo files.

It has these extra commands:

Uses keymap `texinfo-mode-map', which is not currently defined.

These are files that are used as input for TeX to make printed manuals
and also to be turned into Info files with M-x makeinfo-buffer or
the `makeinfo' program. These files must be written in a very restricted and
modified version of TeX input format.

Editing commands are like text-mode except that the syntax table is
set up so expression commands skip Texinfo bracket groups. To see
what the Info version of a region of the Texinfo file will look like,
use M-x makeinfo-region, which runs `makeinfo' on the current region.

You can show the structure of a Texinfo file with M-x texinfo-show-structure.
This command shows the structure of a Texinfo file by listing the
lines with the @-sign commands for @chapter, @section, and the like.
These lines are displayed in another window called the *Occur* window.
In that window, you can position the cursor over one of the lines and
use M-x occur-mode-goto-occurrence, to jump to the corresponding spot
in the Texinfo file.

In addition, Texinfo mode provides commands that insert various
frequently used @-sign commands into the buffer. You can use these
commands to save keystrokes. And you can insert balanced braces with
M-x texinfo-insert-braces and later use the command M-x up-list to
move forward past the closing brace.

Also, Texinfo mode provides functions for automatically creating or
updating menus and node pointers. These functions

* insert the `Next', `Previous' and `Up' pointers of a node,
* insert or update the menu for a section, and
* create a master menu for a Texinfo source file.

Here are the functions:

texinfo-update-node M-x texinfo-update-node
texinfo-every-node-update M-x texinfo-every-node-update

texinfo-make-menu M-x texinfo-make-menu
texinfo-all-menus-update M-x texinfo-all-menus-update

texinfo-indent-menu-description (column &optional region-p)

The `texinfo-column-for-description' variable specifies the column to
which menu descriptions are indented.

Passed an argument (a prefix argument, if interactive), the
`texinfo-update-node' and `texinfo-make-menu' functions do their jobs
in the region.

To use the updating commands, you must structure your Texinfo file
hierarchically, such that each `@node' line, with the exception of the
Top node, is accompanied by some kind of section line, such as an
`@chapter' or `@section' line. If the file has a `top' node, it must be called `top' or `Top' and be the first node in the file. Entering Texinfo mode calls the value of `text-mode-hook', and then the value of `texinfo-mode-hook'. (fn)

Variable: special-display-regexps

List of regexps saying which buffers should be displayed specially.
Displaying a buffer with `display-buffer' or `pop-to-buffer', if
any regexp in this list matches its name, displays it specially
using `special-display-function'. `special-display-popup-frame'
(the default for `special-display-function') usually displays
the buffer in a separate frame made with the parameters specified
by `special-display-frame-alist'. If `special-display-function'
has been set to some other function, that function is called with
the buffer as first, and nil as second argument.

Alternatively, an element of this list can be specified as
(REGEXP FRAME-PARAMETERS), where REGEXP is a regexp as above and
`special-display-popup-frame' will then interpret these pairs as
frame parameters when creating a special frame for a buffer whose
name matches REGEXP, overriding the corresponding values from

As a special case, if FRAME-PARAMETERS contains (same-window . t)
`special-display-popup-frame' displays buffers matching REGEXP in
the selected window. (same-frame . t) in FRAME-PARAMETERS means
to display such buffers in a window on the selected frame.

If `special-display-function' specifies some other function than
`special-display-popup-frame', that function is called with the
buffer whose name matched REGEXP as first, and FRAME-PARAMETERS
as second argument.

Finally, an element of this list can be also specified as
(REGEXP FUNCTION OTHER-ARGS). `special-display-popup-frame'
will then call FUNCTION with the buffer whose name matched
REGEXP as first, and OTHER-ARGS as second argument.

Any alternative function specified here is responsible for
setting up the quit-restore parameter of the window used.

If this variable appears "not to work", because you added a
name to it but the corresponding buffer is displayed in the
selected window, look at the values of `same-window-buffer-names' and `same-window-regexps'. Those variables take precedence over this one. See also `special-display-buffer-names'.

Function: copy-rectangle-to-register

Copy rectangular region into register REGISTER.
With prefix arg, delete as well.
To insert this register in the buffer, use C-x r g.

Called from a program, takes four args: REGISTER, START, END and DELETE-FLAG.
START and END are buffer positions giving two corners of rectangle.

Variable: class-parent

Class parent slot.

Variable: Info-point-loc

Point location within a selected node.
If string, the point is moved to the proper occurrence of the
name of the followed cross reference within a selected node.
If number, the point is moved to the corresponding line.

Function: dired-mode

Mode for "editing" directory listings.
In Dired, you are "editing" a list of the files in a directory and
(optionally) its subdirectories, in the format of `ls -lR'.
Each directory is a page: use C-x [ and C-x ] to move pagewise.
"Editing" means that you can run shell commands on files, visit,
compress, load or byte-compile them, change their file attributes
and insert subdirectories into the same buffer. You can "mark"
files for later commands or "flag" them for deletion, either file
by file or all files matching certain criteria.
You can move using the usual cursor motion commands.
Uses keymap `dired-mode-map', which is not currently defined.

The buffer is read-only. Digits are prefix arguments.
Type M-x dired-flag-file-deletion to flag a file `D' for deletion.
Type M-x dired-mark to Mark a file or subdirectory for later commands.
Most commands operate on the marked files and use the current file
if no files are marked. Use a numeric prefix argument to operate on
the next ARG (or previous -ARG if ARG<0) files, or just `1'
to operate on the current file only. Prefix arguments override marks.
Mark-using commands display a list of failures afterwards. Type M-x dired-summary
to see why something went wrong.
Type M-x dired-unmark to Unmark a file or all files of an inserted subdirectory.
Type M-x dired-unmark-backward to back up one line and unmark or unflag.
Type M-x dired-do-flagged-delete to delete (eXecute) the files flagged `D'.
Type M-x dired-find-file to Find the current line's file
(or dired it in another buffer, if it is a directory).
Type M-x dired-find-file-other-window to find file or dired directory in Other window.
Type M-x dired-maybe-insert-subdir to Insert a subdirectory in this buffer.
Type M-x dired-do-rename to Rename a file or move the marked files to another directory.
Type M-x dired-do-copy to Copy files.
Type M-x dired-sort-toggle-or-edit to toggle Sorting by name/date or change the `ls' switches.
Type M-x revert-buffer to read all currently expanded directories aGain.
This retains all marks and hides subdirs again that were hidden before.
Use `SPC' and `DEL' to move down and up by lines.

If Dired ever gets confused, you can either type M-x revert-buffer to read the
directories again, type M-x dired-do-redisplay to relist the file at point or the marked files or a
subdirectory, or type M-x dired-build-subdir-alist to parse the buffer
again for the directory tree.

Customization variables (rename this buffer and type C-h v on each line
for more info):


Hooks (use C-h v to see their documentation):
`dired-before-readin-hook' `dired-after-readin-hook' `dired-mode-hook' `dired-load-hook' Keybindings: Uses keymap `dired-mode-map', which is not currently defined. (fn &optional DIRNAME SWITCHES)

Function: locate-file-completion-table

Do completion for file names passed to `locate-file'.

Variable: mouse-leave-buffer-hook

Hook to run when about to switch windows with a mouse command.
Its purpose is to give temporary modes such as Isearch mode
a way to turn themselves off when a mouse command switches windows.

Function: put

Store SYMBOL's PROPNAME property with value VALUE.
It can be retrieved with `(get SYMBOL PROPNAME)'.


Function: smie-indent-comment-continue


Variable: url-host-allowed-chars

Allowed-character byte mask for the host segment of a URI.
These characters are specified in RFC 3986, Appendix A.

Variable: url-news-server

The default news server from which to get newsgroups/articles.
Applies if no server is specified in the URL. Defaults to the
environment variable NNTPSERVER or "news" if NNTPSERVER is

Variable: url-system-type

What type of system we are on.

Function: Info-menu

Go to the node pointed to by the menu item named (or abbreviated) MENU-ITEM.
The menu item should one of those listed in the current node's menu.
Completion is allowed, and the default menu item is the one point is on.
If FORK is non-nil (interactively with a prefix arg), show the node in
a new Info buffer. If FORK is a string, it is the name to use for the new buffer.

Function: copy-face

Define a face named NEW-FACE, which is a copy of OLD-FACE.
This function does not copy face customization data, so NEW-FACE
will not be made customizable. Most Lisp code should not call
this function; use `defface' with :inherit instead.

If NEW-FACE already exists as a face, modify it to be like
OLD-FACE. If NEW-FACE doesn't already exist, create it.

If the optional argument FRAME is a frame, change NEW-FACE on
FRAME only. If FRAME is t, copy the frame-independent default
specification for OLD-FACE to NEW-FACE. If FRAME is nil, copy
the defaults as well as the faces on each existing frame.

If the optional fourth argument NEW-FRAME is given, copy the
information from face OLD-FACE on frame FRAME to NEW-FACE on frame NEW-FRAME. In this case, FRAME must not be nil.

Function: auth-source-forget-all-cached

Forget all cached auth-source data.

Variable: occur-menu-map

Menu keymap for `occur-mode'.

Function: emacs-index-search

Look up TOPIC in the indices of the Emacs User Manual.

Function: url-rlogin

(fn URL)

Function: ebnf-print-buffer

Generate and print a PostScript syntactic chart image of the buffer.

When called with a numeric prefix argument (C-u), prompts the user for
the name of a file to save the PostScript image in, instead of sending
it to the printer.

More specifically, the FILENAME argument is treated as follows: if it
is nil, send the image to the printer. If FILENAME is a string, save
the PostScript image in a file with that name. If FILENAME is a
number, prompt the user for the name of the file to save in. (fn &optional FILENAME)

Function: calc-embedded-activate

Scan the current editing buffer for all embedded := and => formulas.
Also looks for the equivalent TeX words, \gets and \evalto.

(fn &optional ARG CBUF)

Function: browse-url-w3

Ask the w3 WWW browser to load URL.
Default to the URL around or before point.

When called interactively, if variable `browse-url-new-window-flag' is
non-nil, load the document in a new window. A non-nil interactive
prefix argument reverses the effect of `browse-url-new-window-flag'.

When called non-interactively, optional second argument NEW-WINDOW is
used instead of `browse-url-new-window-flag'. (fn URL &optional NEW-WINDOW)

Function: keyboard-escape-quit

Exit the current "mode" (in a generalized sense of the word).
This command can exit an interactive command such as `query-replace',
can clear out a prefix argument or a region,
can get out of the minibuffer or other recursive edit,
cancel the use of the current buffer (for special-purpose buffers),
or go back to just one window (by deleting all but the selected window).

Function: read-no-blanks-input

Read a string from the terminal, not allowing blanks.
Prompt with PROMPT. Whitespace terminates the input. If INITIAL is
non-nil, it should be a string, which is used as initial input, with
point positioned at the end, so that SPACE will accept the input.
(Actually, INITIAL can also be a cons of a string and an integer.
Such values are treated as in `read-from-minibuffer', but are normally
not useful in this function.)
Third arg INHERIT-INPUT-METHOD, if non-nil, means the minibuffer inherits
the current input method and the setting of`enable-multibyte-characters'.


Variable: exec-path

List of directories to search programs to run in subprocesses.
Each element is a string (directory name) or nil (try default directory).

Function: smie-indent-inside-string


Function: shell--unquote-argument

(fn STR)

Function: check-declare-directory

Check veracity of all `declare-function' statements under directory ROOT.
Returns non-nil if any false statements are found.

(fn ROOT)

Function: backward-word

Move backward until encountering the beginning of a word.
With argument ARG, do this that many times.

Function: frame-first-window

Return the topmost, leftmost live window on FRAME-OR-WINDOW.
If omitted, FRAME-OR-WINDOW defaults to the currently selected frame.
Else if FRAME-OR-WINDOW denotes a valid window, return the first window
of that window's frame. If FRAME-OR-WINDOW denotes a live frame, return
the first window of that frame.

(fn &optional FRAME-OR-WINDOW)

Function: byte-compile-zero-or-one-arg

(fn FORM)

Function: shell-process-popd

(fn ARG)

Function: time-to-number-of-days

Return the number of days represented by TIME.
Returns a floating point number.

Function: log-edit

Setup a buffer to enter a log message.
The buffer is put in mode MODE or `log-edit-mode' if MODE is nil.

Uses keymap `log-edit-mode-map', which is not currently defined.

If SETUP is non-nil, erase the buffer and run `log-edit-hook'.
Set mark and point around the entire contents of the buffer, so
that it is easy to kill the contents of the buffer with
C-w. Once the user is done editing the message,
invoking the command M-x log-edit-done (`log-edit-done') will
call CALLBACK to do the actual commit.

PARAMS if non-nil is an alist of variables and buffer-local
values to give them in the Log Edit buffer. Possible keys and
associated values:
`log-edit-listfun' -- function taking no arguments that returns the list of
files that are concerned by the current operation (using relative names);
`log-edit-diff-function' -- function taking no arguments that
displays a diff of the files concerned by the current operation.
`vc-log-fileset' -- the VC fileset to be committed (if any).

If BUFFER is non-nil `log-edit' will jump to that buffer, use it
to edit the log message and go back to the current buffer when
done. Otherwise, it uses the current buffer. (fn CALLBACK &optional SETUP PARAMS BUFFER MODE &rest IGNORE)

Function: bs-customize

Customization of group bs for Buffer Selection Menu.


Function: previous-property-change

Return the position of previous property change.
Scans characters backwards from POSITION in OBJECT till it finds
a change in some text property, then returns the position of the change.
If the optional second argument OBJECT is a buffer (or nil, which means
the current buffer), POSITION is a buffer position (integer or marker).
If OBJECT is a string, POSITION is a 0-based index into it.
Return nil if the property is constant all the way to the start of OBJECT.
If the value is non-nil, it is a position less than POSITION, never equal.

If the optional third argument LIMIT is non-nil, don't search
back past position LIMIT; return LIMIT if nothing is found until LIMIT. (fn POSITION &optional OBJECT LIMIT)

Variable: pcomplete-cycle-cutoff-length

If the number of completions is greater than this, don't cycle.
This variable is a compromise between the traditional Emacs style of
completion, and the "cycling" style. Basically, if there are more
than this number of completions possible, don't automatically pick the
first one and then expect the user to press TAB to cycle through them.
Typically, when there are a large number of completion possibilities,
the user wants to see them in a list buffer so that they can know what
options are available. But if the list is small, it means the user
has already entered enough input to disambiguate most of the
possibilities, and therefore they are probably most interested in
cycling through the candidates. Set this value to nil if you want cycling to always be enabled.

Variable: html-quick-keys

Use C-c X combinations for quick insertion of frequent tags when non-nil.
This defaults to `sgml-quick-keys'.
This takes effect when first loading the library.

Function: cl-count-if-not

Count the number of items not satisfying PREDICATE in SEQ.

Keywords supported: :key :start :end


Function: image-dired-mark-tagged-files

Use regexp to mark files with matching tag.
A `tag' is a keyword, a piece of meta data, associated with an
image file and stored in image-dired's database file. This command
lets you input a regexp and this will be matched against all tags
on all image files in the database file. The files that have a
matching tag will be marked in the dired buffer. (fn)

Variable: minibuffer-setup-hook

Normal hook run just after entry to minibuffer.

Function: optimize-char-table

Optimize CHAR-TABLE.
TEST is the comparison function used to decide whether two entries are
equivalent and can be merged. It defaults to `equal'.

(fn CHAR-TABLE &optional TEST)

Variable: buffer-read-only

Non-nil if this buffer is read-only.

Variable: last-input-event

Last input event.

Variable: url-mime-language-string

String to send in the Accept-language: field in HTTP requests.

Specifies the preferred language when servers can serve documents in
several languages. Use RFC 1766 abbreviations, e.g.: `en' for
English, `de' for German. A comma-separated specifies descending
order of preference. The ordering can be made explicit using `q'
factors defined by HTTP, e.g. `de,en-gb;q=0.8,en;q=0.7'. `*' means
get the first available language (as opposed to the default).

Function: ansi-color-make-face

Return a face with PROPERTY set to COLOR.
PROPERTY can be either symbol `foreground' or symbol `background'.

For Emacs, we just return the cons cell (PROPERTY . COLOR).
For XEmacs, we create a temporary face and return it.

Variable: forth-mode-map

Keymap for `forth-mode'.

Variable: confirm-kill-emacs

How to ask for confirmation when leaving Emacs.
If nil, the default, don't ask at all. If the value is non-nil, it should
be a predicate function such as `yes-or-no-p'.

Function: x-get-resource

Return the value of ATTRIBUTE, of class CLASS, from the X defaults database.
This uses `INSTANCE.ATTRIBUTE' as the key and `Emacs.CLASS' as the
class, where INSTANCE is the name under which Emacs was invoked, or
the name specified by the `-name' or `-rn' command-line arguments.

The optional arguments COMPONENT and SUBCLASS add to the key and the
class, respectively. You must specify both of them or neither.
If you specify them, the key is `INSTANCE.COMPONENT.ATTRIBUTE'
and the class is `Emacs.CLASS.SUBCLASS'.


Function: read-from-minibuffer

Read a string from the minibuffer, prompting with string PROMPT.
The optional second arg INITIAL-CONTENTS is an obsolete alternative to
DEFAULT-VALUE. It normally should be nil in new code, except when
HIST is a cons. It is discussed in more detail below.

Third arg KEYMAP is a keymap to use whilst reading;
if omitted or nil, the default is `minibuffer-local-map'.

If fourth arg READ is non-nil, interpret the result as a Lisp object
and return that object:
in other words, do `(car (read-from-string INPUT-STRING))'

Fifth arg HIST, if non-nil, specifies a history list and optionally
the initial position in the list. It can be a symbol, which is the
history list variable to use, or a cons cell (HISTVAR . HISTPOS).
In that case, HISTVAR is the history list variable to use, and
HISTPOS is the initial position for use by the minibuffer history
commands. For consistency, you should also specify that element of
the history as the value of INITIAL-CONTENTS. Positions are counted
starting from 1 at the beginning of the list.

Sixth arg DEFAULT-VALUE, if non-nil, should be a string, which is used
as the default to `read' if READ is non-nil and the user enters
empty input. But if READ is nil, this function does _not_ return
DEFAULT-VALUE for empty input! Instead, it returns the empty string.

Whatever the value of READ, DEFAULT-VALUE is made available via the
minibuffer history commands. DEFAULT-VALUE can also be a list of
strings, in which case all the strings are available in the history,
and the first string is the default to `read' if READ is non-nil.

Seventh arg INHERIT-INPUT-METHOD, if non-nil, means the minibuffer inherits
the current input method and the setting of `enable-multibyte-characters'.

If the variable `minibuffer-allow-text-properties' is non-nil,
then the string which is returned includes whatever text properties
were present in the minibuffer. Otherwise the value has no text properties.

The remainder of this documentation string describes the
INITIAL-CONTENTS argument in more detail. It is only relevant when
studying existing code, or when HIST is a cons. If non-nil,
INITIAL-CONTENTS is a string to be inserted into the minibuffer before
reading input. Normally, point is put at the end of that string.
However, if INITIAL-CONTENTS is (STRING . POSITION), the initial
input is STRING, but point is placed at _one-indexed_ position
POSITION in the minibuffer. Any integer value less than or equal to
one puts point at the beginning of the string. *Note* that this
behavior differs from the way such arguments are used in `completing-read' and some related functions, which use zero-indexing for POSITION. (fn PROMPT &optional INITIAL-CONTENTS KEYMAP READ HIST DEFAULT-VALUE INHERIT-INPUT-METHOD)

Function: pcmpl-unix-group-names

Read the contents of /etc/group for group names.

Face: sgml-namespace

`sgml-mode' face used to highlight the namespace part of identifiers.

Function: url-hexify-string

URI-encode STRING and return the result.
If STRING is multibyte, it is first converted to a utf-8 byte
string. Each byte corresponding to an allowed character is left
as-is, while all other bytes are converted to a three-character
string: "%" followed by two upper-case hex digits.

The allowed characters are specified by ALLOWED-CHARS. If this
argument is nil, the list `url-unreserved-chars' determines the
allowed characters. Otherwise, ALLOWED-CHARS should be a vector
whose Nth element is non-nil if character N is allowed.

Function: ido-find-file-read-only-other-window

Edit file read-only in other window with name obtained via minibuffer.
The file name is selected interactively by typing a substring.
For details of keybindings, see `ido-find-file'. (fn)

Variable: lexical-binding

Whether to use lexical binding when evaluating code.
Non-nil means that the code in the current buffer should be evaluated
with lexical binding.
This variable is automatically set from the file variables of an
interpreted Lisp file read using `load'. Unlike other file local
variables, this must be set in the first line of a file.

Function: internal-event-symbol-parse-modifiers

Parse the event symbol. For internal use.


Variable: mode-line-process

Mode line construct for displaying info on process status.
Normally nil in most modes, since there is no process to display.

Function: format-make-relatively-unique

Delete common elements of lists A and B, return as pair.
Compare using `equal'.

Variable: ring-bell-function

Non-nil means call this function to ring the bell.
The function should accept no arguments.

Function: multi-isearch-next-file-buffer-from-list

Return the next buffer in the series of file buffers.
This function is used for multiple file buffers Isearch. A sequence
of files is defined by the variable `multi-isearch-file-list' set in
`multi-isearch-files' or `multi-isearch-files-regexp'.
Every next/previous file in the defined sequence is visited by
`find-file-noselect' that returns the corresponding file buffer.

Function: html-paragraph

HTML paragraph tag.

This is a skeleton command (see `skeleton-insert').
Normally the skeleton text is inserted at point, with nothing "inside".
If there is a highlighted region, the skeleton text is wrapped
around the region text.

A prefix argument ARG says to wrap the skeleton around the next ARG words.
A prefix argument of -1 says to wrap around region, even if not highlighted.
A prefix argument of zero says to wrap around zero words---that is, nothing.
This is a way of overriding the use of a highlighted region.

Function: toggle-use-system-font

Toggle whether to use the monospaced font defined by the system.
In an interactive call, record this option as a candidate for saving
by "Save Options" in Custom buffers.

Function: completion--metadata


Function: tpu-edt

Turn on TPU/edt emulation.


Function: erc-ezb-initialize

Add EZBouncer convenience functions to ERC.


Function: ebnf-eps-region

Generate a PostScript syntactic chart image of the region in an EPS file.

Generate an EPS file for each production in the region.
The EPS file name has the following form:


is given by variable `ebnf-eps-prefix'.
The default value is "ebnf--".

is the production name.
Some characters in the production file name are replaced to
produce a valid file name. For example, the production name
"A/B + C" is modified to produce "A_B_+_C", and the EPS
file name used in this case will be "ebnf--A_B_+_C.eps".

WARNING: This function does *NOT* ask any confirmation to override existing files. (fn FROM TO)

Function: edit-bookmarks

Display a list of existing bookmarks.
The list is displayed in a buffer named `*Bookmark List*'.
The leftmost column displays a D if the bookmark is flagged for
deletion, or > if it is flagged for displaying. (fn)

Function: 5x5

Play 5x5.

The object of 5x5 is very simple, by moving around the grid and flipping
squares you must fill the grid.

5x5 keyboard bindings are:

Uses keymap `5x5-mode-map', which is not currently defined.

Flip M-x 5x5-flip-current
Move up M-x 5x5-up
Move down M-x 5x5-down
Move left M-x 5x5-left
Move right M-x 5x5-right
Start new game M-x 5x5-new-game
New game with random grid M-x 5x5-randomize
Random cracker M-x 5x5-crack-randomly
Mutate current cracker M-x 5x5-crack-mutating-current
Mutate best cracker M-x 5x5-crack-mutating-best
Mutate xor cracker M-x 5x5-crack-xor-mutate
Solve with Calc M-x 5x5-solve-suggest
Rotate left Calc Solutions M-x 5x5-solve-rotate-left
Rotate right Calc Solutions M-x 5x5-solve-rotate-right Quit current game M-x 5x5-quit-game (fn &optional SIZE)

Function: customize-group

Customize GROUP, which must be a customization group.
If OTHER-WINDOW is non-nil, display in another window.

(fn &optional GROUP OTHER-WINDOW)

Function: create-image

Create an image.
FILE-OR-DATA is an image file name or image data.
Optional TYPE is a symbol describing the image type. If TYPE is omitted
or nil, try to determine the image type from its first few bytes
of image data. If that doesn't work, and FILE-OR-DATA is a file name,
use its file extension as image type.
Optional DATA-P non-nil means FILE-OR-DATA is a string containing image data.
Optional PROPS are additional image attributes to assign to the image,
like, e.g. `:mask MASK'.
Value is the image created, or nil if images of type TYPE are not supported.

Images should not be larger than specified by `max-image-size'.

Image file names that are not absolute are searched for in the
"images" sub-directory of `data-directory' and `x-bitmap-file-path' (in that order).

Function: delete-frame

Delete FRAME, permanently eliminating it from use.
FRAME defaults to the selected frame.

A frame may not be deleted if its minibuffer is used by other frames.
Normally, you may not delete a frame if all other frames are invisible,
but if the second optional argument FORCE is non-nil, you may do so.

This function runs `delete-frame-functions' before actually
deleting the frame, unless the frame is a tooltip.
The functions are run with one argument, the frame to be deleted. (fn &optional FRAME FORCE)

Function: multi-isearch-read-files

Return a list of files specified interactively, one by one.

Function: cl-tailp

Return true if SUBLIST is a tail of LIST.


Function: completion-substring-try-completion


Function: picture-mode

Switch to Picture mode, in which a quarter-plane screen model is used.

Uses keymap `picture-mode-map', which is not currently defined.

Printing characters replace instead of inserting themselves with motion
afterwards settable by these commands:

Move left after insertion: M-x picture-movement-left
Move right after insertion: M-x picture-movement-right
Move up after insertion: M-x picture-movement-up
Move down after insertion: M-x picture-movement-down

Move northwest (nw) after insertion: M-x picture-movement-nw
Move northeast (ne) after insertion: M-x picture-movement-ne
Move southwest (sw) after insertion: M-x picture-movement-sw
Move southeast (se) after insertion: M-x picture-movement-se

Move westnorthwest (wnw) after insertion: C-u M-x picture-movement-nw
Move eastnortheast (ene) after insertion: C-u M-x picture-movement-ne
Move westsouthwest (wsw) after insertion: C-u M-x picture-movement-sw
Move eastsoutheast (ese) after insertion: C-u M-x picture-movement-se

The current direction is displayed in the mode line. The initial
direction is right. Whitespace is inserted and tabs are changed to
spaces when required by movement. You can move around in the buffer
with these commands:

Move vertically to SAME column in previous line: M-x picture-move-down
Move vertically to SAME column in next line: M-x picture-move-up
Move to column following last
non-whitespace character: M-x picture-end-of-line
Move right, inserting spaces if required: M-x picture-forward-column
Move left changing tabs to spaces if required: M-x picture-backward-column
Move in direction of current picture motion: M-x picture-motion
Move opposite to current picture motion: M-x picture-motion-reverse
Move to beginning of next line: C-n

You can edit tabular text with these commands:

Move to column beneath (or at) next interesting
character (see variable `picture-tab-chars'): M-x picture-tab-search
Move to next stop in tab stop list: M-x picture-tab
Set tab stops according to context of this line: M-x picture-set-tab-stops
(With ARG, resets tab stops to default value.)
Change the tab stop list: M-x edit-tab-stops

You can manipulate text with these commands:
Clear ARG columns after point without moving: M-x picture-clear-column
Delete char at point: M-x picture-delete-char
Clear ARG columns backward: M-x picture-backward-clear-column
Clear ARG lines, advancing over them: M-x picture-clear-line
(the cleared text is saved in the kill ring)
Open blank line(s) beneath current line: M-x picture-open-line

You can manipulate rectangles with these commands:
Clear a rectangle and save it: M-x picture-clear-rectangle
Clear a rectangle, saving in a named register: M-x picture-clear-rectangle-to-register
Insert currently saved rectangle at point: M-x picture-yank-rectangle
Insert rectangle from named register: M-x picture-yank-rectangle-from-register
Draw a rectangular box around mark and point: M-x picture-draw-rectangle
Copies a rectangle to a register: C-x r r
Undo effects of rectangle overlay commands: C-x u

You can return to the previous mode with M-x picture-mode-exit, which
also strips trailing whitespace from every line. Stripping is suppressed by supplying an argument. Entry to this mode calls the value of `picture-mode-hook' if non-nil. Note that Picture mode commands will work outside of Picture mode, but they are not by default assigned to keys. (fn)

Function: netstat

Run netstat and display diagnostic output.


Function: describe-no-warranty

Display info on all the kinds of warranty Emacs does NOT have.

Function: x-apply-session-resources

Apply X resources which specify initial values for Emacs variables.
This is called from a window-system initialization function, such
as `x-initialize-window-system' for X, either at startup (prior
to reading the init file), or afterwards when the user first
opens a graphical frame.

This can set the values of `menu-bar-mode', `tool-bar-mode', and
`no-blinking-cursor', as well as the `cursor' face. Changed
settings will be marked as "CHANGED outside of Customize". (fn)

Function: byte-compile-save-excursion

(fn FORM)

Variable: byte-compile-variables

List of all variables encountered during compilation of this form.

Function: window--resize-mini-window

Resize minibuffer window WINDOW by DELTA lines.
If WINDOW cannot be resized by DELTA lines make it as large (or
as small) as possible, but don't signal an error.

Function: image-metadata

Return metadata for image SPEC.
FRAME is the frame on which the image will be displayed. FRAME nil
or omitted means use the selected frame.

(fn SPEC &optional FRAME)

Variable: print-level

Maximum depth of list nesting to print before abbreviating.
A value of nil means no limit. See also `eval-expression-print-level'.

Function: cconv--map-diff

Return the submap of map M1 that has Dom(M2) removed.

(fn M1 M2)

Function: cl-svref

Return the element of ARRAY at index IDX.
ARRAY may be a vector, a string, a char-table, a bool-vector,
or a byte-code object. IDX starts at 0.


Function: dnd-get-local-file-uri

Return an uri converted to file:/// syntax if uri is a local file.
Return nil if URI is not a local file.

Function: describe-bindings-internal

Show a list of all defined keys, and their definitions.
We put that list in a buffer, and display the buffer.

The optional argument MENUS, if non-nil, says to mention menu bindings.
(Ordinarily these are omitted from the output.)
The optional argument PREFIX, if non-nil, should be a key sequence;
then we display only bindings that start with that prefix.

Function: erc-xdcc-add-file

Add a file to `erc-xdcc-files'.

(fn FILE)

Function: ediff-toggle-use-toolbar

Enable or disable Ediff toolbar.
Works only in versions of Emacs that support toolbars.
To change the default, set the variable `ediff-use-toolbar-p', which see. (fn)

Variable: font-lock-defaults

Defaults for Font Lock mode specified by the major mode.
Defaults should be of the form:


KEYWORDS may be a symbol (a variable or function whose value is the keywords
to use for fontification) or a list of symbols (specifying different levels
of fontification).

If KEYWORDS-ONLY is non-nil, syntactic fontification (strings and
comments) is not performed.

If CASE-FOLD is non-nil, the case of the keywords is ignored when fontifying.

If SYNTAX-ALIST is non-nil, it should be a list of cons pairs of the form
(CHAR-OR-STRING . STRING) used to set the local Font Lock syntax table, for
keyword and syntactic fontification (see `modify-syntax-entry').

If SYNTAX-BEGIN is non-nil, it should be a function with no args used to move
backwards outside any enclosing syntactic block, for syntactic fontification.
Typical values are `beginning-of-line' (i.e., the start of the line is known to
be outside a syntactic block), or `beginning-of-defun' for programming modes or
`backward-paragraph' for textual modes (i.e., the mode-dependent function is
known to move outside a syntactic block). If nil, the beginning of the buffer
is used as a position outside of a syntactic block, in the worst case.

(See also Info node `(elisp)Font Lock Basics'.)

These item elements are used by Font Lock mode to set the variables
`font-lock-keywords', `font-lock-keywords-only',
`font-lock-keywords-case-fold-search', `font-lock-syntax-table' and
`font-lock-beginning-of-syntax-function', respectively.

Further item elements are alists of the form (VARIABLE . VALUE) and are in no
particular order. Each VARIABLE is made buffer-local before set to VALUE.

Currently, appropriate variables include `font-lock-mark-block-function'.
If this is non-nil, it should be a function with no args used to mark any
enclosing block of text, for fontification via M-o M-o.
Typical values are `mark-defun' for programming modes or `mark-paragraph' for
textual modes (i.e., the mode-dependent function is known to put point and mark
around a text block relevant to that mode).

Other variables include that for syntactic keyword fontification,
`font-lock-syntactic-keywords' and those for buffer-specialized fontification
functions, `font-lock-fontify-buffer-function', `font-lock-unfontify-buffer-function', `font-lock-fontify-region-function', `font-lock-unfontify-region-function', and `font-lock-inhibit-thing-lock'.

Function: play-sound-internal

Play sound SOUND.

Internal use only, use `play-sound' instead.
(fn SOUND)

Function: delete-process

Delete PROCESS: kill it and forget about it immediately.
PROCESS may be a process, a buffer, the name of a process or buffer, or
nil, indicating the current buffer's process.


Function: starttls-open-stream

Open a TLS connection for a port to a host.
Returns a subprocess object to represent the connection.
Input and output work as for subprocesses; `delete-process' closes it.
NAME is name for process. It is modified if necessary to make it unique.
BUFFER is the buffer (or `buffer-name') to associate with the process.
Process output goes at end of that buffer, unless you specify
an output stream or filter function to handle the output.
BUFFER may be also nil, meaning that this process is not associated
with any buffer
Third arg is name of the host to connect to, or its IP address.
Fourth arg PORT is an integer specifying a port to connect to.
If `starttls-use-gnutls' is nil, this may also be a service name, but
GnuTLS requires a port number. (fn NAME BUFFER HOST PORT)

Function: set-window-buffer

Make WINDOW display BUFFER-OR-NAME as its contents.
WINDOW must be a live window and defaults to the selected one.
BUFFER-OR-NAME must be a buffer or the name of an existing buffer.

Optional third argument KEEP-MARGINS non-nil means that WINDOW's current
display margins, fringe widths, and scroll bar settings are preserved;
the default is to reset these from the local settings for BUFFER-OR-NAME
or the frame defaults. Return nil.

This function throws an error when WINDOW is strongly dedicated to its
buffer (that is `window-dedicated-p' returns t for WINDOW) and does not
already display BUFFER-OR-NAME.

This function runs `window-scroll-functions' before running
`window-configuration-change-hook'. (fn WINDOW BUFFER-OR-NAME &optional KEEP-MARGINS)

Function: process-status

Return the status of PROCESS.
The returned value is one of the following symbols:
run -- for a process that is running.
stop -- for a process stopped but continuable.
exit -- for a process that has exited.
signal -- for a process that has got a fatal signal.
open -- for a network stream connection that is open.
listen -- for a network stream server that is listening.
closed -- for a network stream connection that is closed.
connect -- when waiting for a non-blocking connection to complete.
failed -- when a non-blocking connection has failed.
nil -- if arg is a process name and no such process exists.
PROCESS may be a process, a buffer, the name of a process, or
nil, indicating the current buffer's process. (fn PROCESS)

Function: smie-indent-bob


Variable: comint-mode-hook

Hook run upon entry to `comint-mode'.
This is run before the process is cranked up.

Function: uncomment-region-default

Uncomment each line in the BEG .. END region.
The numeric prefix ARG can specify a number of chars to remove from the
comment markers.

(fn BEG END &optional ARG)

Function: set-scroll-bar-mode

Set the scroll bar mode to VALUE and put the new value into effect.
See the `scroll-bar-mode' variable for possible values to use.

Function: abbrev-get

Get the property PROP of abbrev ABBREV


Function: url-gateway-nslookup-host

Attempt to resolve the given HOST using nslookup if possible.

(fn HOST)

Function: dirtrack

Determine the current directory from the process output for a prompt.
This filter function is used by `dirtrack-mode'. It looks for
the prompt specified by `dirtrack-list', and calls
`shell-process-cd' if the directory seems to have changed away
from `default-directory'. (fn INPUT)

Function: c++-mode

Major mode for editing C++ code.
To submit a problem report, enter `M-x c-submit-bug-report' from a
c++-mode buffer. This automatically sets up a mail buffer with
version information already added. You just need to add a description
of the problem, including a reproducible test case, and send the

To see what version of CC Mode you are running, enter `M-x c-version'.

The hook `c-mode-common-hook' is run with no args at mode
initialization, then `c++-mode-hook'.

Key bindings:

Uses keymap `c++-mode-map', which is not currently defined. (fn)

Variable: suspend-hook

Normal hook run by `suspend-emacs', before suspending.

Function: posn-area

Return the window area recorded in POSITION, or nil for the text area.
POSITION should be a list of the form returned by the `event-start'
and `event-end' functions.

Function: window-configuration-p

Return t if OBJECT is a window-configuration object.


Function: string-lessp

Return t if first arg string is less than second in lexicographic order.
Case is significant.
Symbols are also allowed; their print names are used instead.
(fn S1 S2)

Function: find-file-name-handler

Return FILENAME's handler function for OPERATION, if it has one.
Otherwise, return nil.
A file name is handled if one of the regular expressions in
`file-name-handler-alist' matches it.

If OPERATION equals `inhibit-file-name-operation', then we ignore
any handlers that are members of `inhibit-file-name-handlers',
but we still do run any other handlers. This lets handlers
use the standard functions without calling themselves recursively. (fn FILENAME OPERATION)

Variable: font-lock-keyword-face

Face name to use for keywords.

Face: font-lock-keyword-face

Font Lock mode face used to highlight keywords.

Function: ediff-directories

Run Ediff on a pair of directories, DIR1 and DIR2, comparing files that have
the same name in both. The third argument, REGEXP, is nil or a regular
expression; only file names that match the regexp are considered.


Function: iso-iso2gtex

Translate ISO 8859-1 characters to German TeX sequences.
Translate the region between FROM and TO using the table
Optional arg BUFFER is ignored (for use in `format-alist').

(fn FROM TO &optional BUFFER)

Variable: sh-use-smie

Whether to use the SMIE code for navigation and indentation.

Variable: process-menu-mode-abbrev-table

Abbrev table for `process-menu-mode'.

Function: pp-eval-last-sexp

Run `pp-eval-expression' on sexp before point.
With argument, pretty-print output into current buffer.
Ignores leading comment characters.

Function: x-set-selection

Make an X selection of type TYPE and value DATA.
The argument TYPE (nil means `PRIMARY') says which selection, and
DATA specifies the contents. TYPE must be a symbol. (It can also
be a string, which stands for the symbol with that name, but this
is considered obsolete.) DATA may be a string, a symbol, an
integer (or a cons of two integers or list of two integers).

The selection may also be a cons of two markers pointing to the same buffer,
or an overlay. In these cases, the selection is considered to be the text
between the markers *at whatever time the selection is examined*.
Thus, editing done in the buffer after you specify the selection
can alter the effective value of the selection.

The data may also be a vector of valid non-vector selection values.

The return value is DATA.

Interactively, this command sets the primary selection. Without
prefix argument, it reads the selection in the minibuffer. With
prefix argument, it uses the text of the region as the selection value.

Note that on MS-Windows, primary and secondary selections set by Emacs are not available to other programs.

Variable: mm-text-coding-system

Text-safe coding system (For removing ^M).

Function: mm-read-coding-system

Read a coding system from the minibuffer, prompting with string PROMPT.
If the user enters null input, return second argument DEFAULT-CODING-SYSTEM.
Ignores case when completing coding systems (all Emacs coding systems
are lower-case).


Function: comint-replace-by-expanded-filename

Dynamically expand and complete the filename at point.
Replace the filename with an expanded, canonicalized and
completed replacement, i.e. substituting environment
variables (e.g. $HOME), `~'s, `..', and `.', and making the
filename absolute. For expansion see `expand-file-name' and
`substitute-in-file-name'. For completion see
`comint-dynamic-complete-filename'. (fn)

Variable: dabbrev-select-buffers-function

A function that selects buffers that should be searched by dabbrev.
The function should take no arguments and return a list of buffers to
search for expansions. See the source of `dabbrev--select-buffers'
for an example.

A mode setting this variable should make it buffer local.

Variable: debug-function-list

List of functions currently set for debug on entry.

Function: comment-indent

Indent this line's comment to `comment-column', or insert an empty comment.
If CONTINUE is non-nil, use the `comment-continue' markers if any.

(fn &optional CONTINUE)

Function: transpose-words

Interchange words around point, leaving point at end of them.
With prefix arg ARG, effect is to take word before or around point
and drag it forward past ARG other words (backward if ARG negative).
If ARG is zero, the words around or after point and around or after mark
are interchanged.

Function: complete-symbol

Perform completion on the text around point.
The completion method is determined by `completion-at-point-functions'.

With a prefix argument, this command does completion within
the collection of symbols listed in the index of the manual for the
language you are using.

Function: kill-emacs

Exit the Emacs job and kill it.
If ARG is an integer, return ARG as the exit program code.
If ARG is a string, stuff it as keyboard input.

This function is called upon receipt of the signals SIGTERM
or SIGHUP, and upon SIGINT in batch mode.

The value of `kill-emacs-hook', if not void,
is a list of functions (of no args),
all of which are called before Emacs is actually killed. (fn &optional ARG)

Variable: process-coding-system-alist

Alist to decide a coding system to use for a process I/O operation.
The format is ((PATTERN . VAL) ...),
where PATTERN is a regular expression matching a program name,
VAL is a coding system, a cons of coding systems, or a function symbol.
If VAL is a coding system, it is used for both decoding what received
from the program and encoding what sent to the program.
If VAL is a cons of coding systems, the car part is used for decoding,
and the cdr part is used for encoding.
If VAL is a function symbol, the function must return a coding system
or a cons of coding systems which are used as above.

See also the function `find-operation-coding-system'.

Variable: gc-cons-percentage

Portion of the heap used for allocation.
Garbage collection can happen automatically once this portion of the heap
has been allocated since the last garbage collection.
If this portion is smaller than `gc-cons-threshold', this is ignored.

Function: sh-remember-variable

Make VARIABLE available for future completing reads in this buffer.

Function: byte-compile-cl-file-p

Return non-nil if FILE is one of the CL files.

(fn FILE)

Variable: facemenu-foreground-menu

Menu keymap for foreground colors.

Function: next-completion

Move to the next item in the completion list.
With prefix argument N, move N items (negative N means move backward).

Function: quickurl-list-mode

A mode for browsing the quickurl URL list.

The key bindings for `quickurl-list-mode' are:

Uses keymap `quickurl-list-mode-map', which is not currently defined. (fn)

Function: ff-mouse-find-other-file-other-window

Visit the file you click on in another window.

(fn EVENT)

Variable: class-class-allocation-custom-label

Class allocated custom descriptor.

Variable: comint-save-input-ring-index

Last input ring index which you copied.
This is to support the command M-x comint-get-next-from-history.

Function: easy-menu-add

Add the menu to the menubar.
On Emacs, menus are already automatically activated when the
corresponding keymap is activated. On XEmacs this is needed to
actually add the menu to the current menubar.

You should call this once the menu and keybindings are set up
completely and menu filter functions can be expected to work.

Function: x-initialize-window-system

Initialize Emacs for X frames and open the first connection to an X server.

Function: font-lock-choose-keywords

Return LEVELth element of KEYWORDS.
A LEVEL of nil is equal to a LEVEL of 0, a LEVEL of t is equal to
(1- (length KEYWORDS)).

Function: speedbar-get-focus

Change frame focus to or from the speedbar frame.
If the selected frame is not speedbar, then speedbar frame is
selected. If the speedbar frame is active, then select the attached frame. (fn)

Function: ido-find-alternate-file

Switch to another file and show it in another window.
The file name is selected interactively by typing a substring.
For details of keybindings, see `ido-find-file'. (fn)

Function: iso-charset

Return charset of ISO's specification DIMENSION, CHARS, and FINAL-CHAR.

ISO 2022's designation sequence (escape sequence) distinguishes charsets
whereas Emacs distinguishes them by charset symbol.
See the documentation of the function `charset-info' for the meanings of


Function: byte-compile-nconc

(fn FORM)

Function: gnus-agent-rename-group

Rename fully-qualified OLD-GROUP as NEW-GROUP.
Always updates the agent, even when disabled, as the old agent
files would corrupt gnus when the agent was next enabled.
Depends upon the caller to determine whether group renaming is


Function: expand-jump-to-next-slot

Move the cursor to the next slot in the last abbrev expansion.
This is used only in conjunction with `expand-add-abbrevs'.

Variable: saved-region-selection

Contents of active region prior to buffer modification.
If `select-active-regions' is non-nil, Emacs sets this to the
text in the region before modifying the buffer. The next
`deactivate-mark' call uses this to set the window selection.

Function: x-dnd-init-frame

Setup drag and drop for FRAME (i.e. create appropriate properties).

Function: paragraph-indent-text-mode

Major mode for editing text, with leading spaces starting a paragraph.
In this mode, you do not need blank lines between paragraphs
when the first line of the following paragraph starts with whitespace.
`paragraph-indent-minor-mode' provides a similar facility as a minor mode.
Special commands:
key binding
--- -------

ESC Prefix Command

C-M-i ispell-complete-word

Turning on Paragraph-Indent Text mode runs the normal hooks
`text-mode-hook' and `paragraph-indent-text-mode-hook'.

Function: switch-to-buffer

Display buffer BUFFER-OR-NAME in the selected window.

WARNING: This is NOT the way to work on another buffer temporarily
within a Lisp program! Use `set-buffer' instead. That avoids
messing with the window-buffer correspondences.

If the selected window cannot display the specified
buffer (e.g. if it is a minibuffer window or strongly dedicated
to another buffer), call `pop-to-buffer' to select the buffer in
another window.

If called interactively, read the buffer name using the
minibuffer. The variable `confirm-nonexistent-file-or-buffer'
determines whether to request confirmation before creating a new

BUFFER-OR-NAME may be a buffer, a string (a buffer name), or nil.
If BUFFER-OR-NAME is a string that does not identify an existing
buffer, create a buffer with that name. If BUFFER-OR-NAME is
nil, switch to the buffer returned by `other-buffer'.

If optional argument NORECORD is non-nil, do not put the buffer
at the front of the buffer list, and do not make the window
displaying it the most recently selected one.

If optional argument FORCE-SAME-WINDOW is non-nil, the buffer
must be displayed in the selected window; if that is impossible,
signal an error rather than calling `pop-to-buffer'.

The option `switch-to-buffer-preserve-window-point' can be used to make the buffer appear at its last position in the selected window. Return the buffer switched to.

Function: internal-char-font

For internal use only.

(fn POSITION &optional CH)

Function: current-window-configuration

Return an object representing the current window configuration of FRAME.
If FRAME is nil or omitted, use the selected frame.
This describes the number of windows, their sizes and current buffers,
and for each displayed buffer, where display starts, and the positions of
point and mark. An exception is made for point in the current buffer:
its value is -not- saved.
This also records the currently selected frame, and FRAME's focus
redirection (see `redirect-frame-focus'). The variable
`window-persistent-parameters' specifies which window parameters are
saved by this function. (fn &optional FRAME)

Function: set-frame-position

Sets position of FRAME in pixels to XOFFSET by YOFFSET.
This is actually the position of the upper left corner of the frame.
Negative values for XOFFSET or YOFFSET are interpreted relative to
the rightmost or bottommost possible position (that stays within the screen).


Function: previous-overlay-change

Return the previous position before POS where an overlay starts or ends.
If there are no overlay boundaries from (point-min) to POS,
the value is (point-min).
(fn POS)

Function: View-exit

Exit View mode but stay in current buffer.

Function: Info-cease-edit

Finish editing Info node; switch back to Info proper.

Variable: mule-version-date

Distribution date of this version of MULE (multilingual environment).

Variable: buffer-display-time

Time stamp updated each time this buffer is displayed in a window.
The function `set-window-buffer' updates this variable
to the value obtained by calling `current-time'.
If the buffer has never been shown in a window, the value is nil.

Variable: Info-enable-active-nodes

Non-nil allows Info to execute Lisp code associated with nodes.
The Lisp code is executed when the node is selected.

Function: vc-call-backend

Call for BACKEND the implementation of FUNCTION-NAME with the given ARGS.

(apply 'vc-BACKEND-FUN ARGS)

if vc-BACKEND-FUN exists (after trying to find it in vc-BACKEND.el)
and else calls

(apply 'vc-default-FUN BACKEND ARGS)

It is usually called via the `vc-call' macro.

Function: epa-dired-do-encrypt

Encrypt marked files.


Function: server-save-buffers-kill-terminal

Offer to save each buffer, then kill the current client.
With ARG non-nil, silently save all file-visiting buffers, then kill.

If emacsclient was started with a list of filenames to edit, then
only these files will be asked to be saved. (fn ARG)

Function: walk-window-subtree

Run function FUN on the subtree of windows rooted at WINDOW.
WINDOW defaults to the selected window. FUN must be a function
with one argument - a window. By default, run FUN only on live
windows of the subtree. If the optional argument ANY is non-nil,
run FUN on all live and internal windows of the subtree. If
WINDOW is live, run FUN on WINDOW only.

This function performs a pre-order, depth-first traversal of the
subtree rooted at WINDOW. If FUN changes that tree, the result is unpredictable.

Variable: Info-directory-list

List of directories to search for Info documentation files.
If nil, meaning not yet initialized, Info uses the environment
variable INFOPATH to initialize it, or `Info-default-directory-list'
if there is no INFOPATH variable in the environment, or the
concatenation of the two if INFOPATH ends with a `path-separator'.

When `Info-directory-list' is initialized from the value of
`Info-default-directory-list', and Emacs is installed in one of the
standard directories, the directory of Info files that come with Emacs
is put last (so that local Info files override standard ones).

When `Info-directory-list' is initialized from the value of
`Info-default-directory-list', and Emacs is not installed in one
of the standard directories, the first element of the resulting
list is the directory where Emacs installs the Info files that
come with it. This is so that Emacs's own manual, which suits the
version of Emacs you are using, will always be found first. This
is useful when you install an experimental version of Emacs without
removing the standard installation.

If you want to override the order of directories in
`Info-default-directory-list', set INFOPATH in the environment.

If you run the Emacs executable from the `src' directory in the Emacs
source tree, and INFOPATH is not defined, the `info' directory in the
source tree is used as the first element of `Info-directory-list', in
place of the installation Info directory. This is useful when you run a version of Emacs without installing it.

Function: url-ns-user-pref

(fn KEY &optional DEFAULT)

Function: table-fixed-width-mode

Cell width is fixed when this is non-nil.
Normally it should be nil for allowing automatic cell width expansion
that widens a cell when it is necessary. When non-nil, typing in a
cell does not automatically expand the cell width. A word that is too
long to fit in a cell is chopped into multiple lines. The chopped
location is indicated by `table-word-continuation-char'. This
variable's value can be toggled by M-x table-fixed-width-mode at
run-time. (fn &optional ARG)

Function: erc-ezb-identify

Identify to the EZBouncer server.


Variable: backquote-splice-symbol

Symbol used to represent a splice inside a backquote.

Variable: sh-here-document-word

Word to delimit here documents.
If the first character of this string is "-", this is taken as
part of the redirection operator, rather than part of the
word (that is, "<<-" instead of "<<"). This is a feature
used by some shells (for example Bash) to indicate that leading
tabs inside the here document should be ignored. In this case,
Emacs indents the initial body and end of the here document with
tabs, to the same level as the start (note that apart from this
there is no support for indentation of here documents). This
will only work correctly if `sh-basic-offset' is a multiple of

Any quote characters or leading whitespace in the word are removed when closing the here document.

Function: clear-image-cache

Clear the image cache.
FILTER nil or a frame means clear all images in the selected frame.
FILTER t means clear the image caches of all frames.
Anything else, means only clear those images which refer to FILTER,
which is then usually a filename.

(fn &optional FILTER)

Variable: inhibit-free-realized-faces

Non-nil means don't free realized faces. Internal use only.

Function: buffer-base-buffer

Return the base buffer of indirect buffer BUFFER.
If BUFFER is not indirect, return nil.
BUFFER defaults to the current buffer.

(fn &optional BUFFER)

Function: run-hook-wrapped

Run HOOK, passing each function through WRAP-FUNCTION.
I.e. instead of calling each function FUN directly with arguments ARGS,
it calls WRAP-FUNCTION with arguments FUN and ARGS.
As soon as a call to WRAP-FUNCTION returns non-nil, `run-hook-wrapped'
aborts and returns that value.


Function: color-gray-p

Return non-nil if COLOR is a shade of gray (or white or black).
FRAME specifies the frame and thus the display for interpreting COLOR.
If FRAME is nil or omitted, use the selected frame.

(fn COLOR &optional FRAME)

Function: vc-git-dir-status-files

Return a list of (FILE STATE EXTRA) entries for FILES in DIR.


Variable: display-time-use-mail-icon

Non-nil means use an icon as mail indicator on a graphic display.
Otherwise use `display-time-mail-string'. The icon may consume less
of the mode line. It is specified by `display-time-mail-icon'.

Function: revappend

Equivalent to (append (reverse X) Y).

(fn X Y)

Function: reduce

Reduce two-argument FUNCTION across SEQ.

Keywords supported: :start :end :from-end :initial-value :key


Variable: comment-insert-comment-function

Function to insert a comment when a line doesn't contain one.
The function has no args.

Applicable at least in modes for languages like fixed-format Fortran where
comments always start in column zero.

Function: sql-db2

Run db2 by IBM as an inferior process.

If buffer `*SQL*' exists but no process is running, make a new process.
If buffer exists and a process is running, just switch to buffer

Interpreter used comes from variable `sql-db2-program'. There is not
automatic login.

The buffer is put in SQL interactive mode, giving commands for sending
input. See `sql-interactive-mode'.

If you use M-x sql-accumulate-and-indent to send multiline commands to
db2, newlines will be escaped if necessary. If you don't want that, set
`comint-input-sender' back to `comint-simple-send' by writing an after
advice. See the elisp manual for more information.

To set the buffer name directly, use C-u
before M-x sql-db2. Once session has started,
M-x sql-rename-buffer can be called separately to rename the

To specify a coding system for converting non-ASCII characters
in the input and output to the process, use C-x RET c
before M-x sql-db2. You can also specify this with C-x RET p
in the SQL buffer, after you start the process.
The default comes from `process-coding-system-alist' and
`default-process-coding-system'. (Type C-h m in the SQL buffer for a list of commands.) (fn &optional BUFFER)

Function: dir-locals-get-class-variables

Return the variable list for CLASS.

Function: image-flush

Fush the image with specification SPEC on frame FRAME.
This removes the image from the Emacs image cache. If SPEC specifies
an image file, the next redisplay of this image will read from the
current contents of that file.

FRAME nil or omitted means use the selected frame.
FRAME t means refresh the image on all frames.
(fn SPEC &optional FRAME)

Function: byte-compile-keep-pending

(fn FORM &optional HANDLER)

Function: mouse-wheel-mode

Toggle mouse wheel support (Mouse Wheel mode).
With a prefix argument ARG, enable Mouse Wheel mode if ARG is
positive, and disable it otherwise. If called from Lisp, enable
the mode if ARG is omitted or nil.

Function: eieio-default-superclass-child-p

Test OBJ to see if it an object is a child of type eieio-default-superclass

Variable: eieiomt-optimizing-obarray

While mapping atoms, this contain the obarray being optimized.

Function: vc-git-annotate-command

(fn FILE BUF &optional REV)

Variable: sendmail-coding-system

Coding system for encoding the outgoing mail.
This has higher priority than the default `buffer-file-coding-system'
and `default-sendmail-coding-system',
but lower priority than the local value of `buffer-file-coding-system'.
See also the function `select-message-coding-system'.

Function: ibuffer

Begin using Ibuffer to edit a list of buffers.
Type 'h' after entering ibuffer for more information.

All arguments are optional.
OTHER-WINDOW-P says to use another window.
NAME specifies the name of the buffer (defaults to "*Ibuffer*").
QUALIFIERS is an initial set of filtering qualifiers to use;
see `ibuffer-filtering-qualifiers'.
NOSELECT means don't select the Ibuffer buffer.
SHRINK means shrink the buffer to minimal size. The special
value `onewindow' means always use another window.
FILTER-GROUPS is an initial set of filtering groups to use;
see `ibuffer-filter-groups'.
FORMATS is the value to use for `ibuffer-formats'.
If specified, then the variable `ibuffer-formats' will have
that value locally in this buffer.


Function: gud-tooltip-mode

Toggle the display of GUD tooltips.
With a prefix argument ARG, enable the feature if ARG is
positive, and disable it otherwise. If called from Lisp, enable
it if ARG is omitted or nil.

(fn &optional ARG)

Variable: gud-tooltip-mode

Non-nil if Gud-Tooltip mode is enabled.
See the command `gud-tooltip-mode' for a description of this minor mode.
Setting this variable directly does not take effect;
either customize it (see the info node `Easy Customization')
or call the function `gud-tooltip-mode'.

Function: ebrowse-tags-find-declaration-other-frame

Find definition of member at point in other frame.


Function: set-face-attributes-from-resources

Set attributes of FACE from X resources for FRAME.

Function: risky-local-variable-p

Non-nil if SYM could be dangerous as a file-local variable.
It is dangerous if either of these conditions are met:

* Its `risky-local-variable' property is non-nil.

* Its name ends with "hook(s)", "function(s)", "form(s)", "map",
"program", "command(s)", "predicate(s)", "frame-alist",
"mode-alist", "font-lock-(syntactic-)keyword*",
"map-alist", or "bindat-spec".

Face: info-menu-star

Face for every third `*' in an Info menu.

Variable: help-xref-info-regexp

Regexp matching doc string references to an Info node.

Variable: minibuffer-frame-alist

Alist of parameters for the initial minibuffer frame.
This is the minibuffer frame created if `initial-frame-alist'
calls for a frame without a minibuffer. The parameters specified
here supersede those given in `default-frame-alist', for the
initial minibuffer frame.

You can set this in your init file; for example,

(setq minibuffer-frame-alist
'((top . 1) (left . 1) (width . 80) (height . 2)))

It is not necessary to include (minibuffer . only); that is
appended when the minibuffer frame is created.

Variable: special-mode-map

Keymap for `special-mode'.

Function: find-function-at-point

Find directly the function at point in the other window.


Variable: help-char

Character to recognize as meaning Help.
When it is read, do `(eval help-form)', and display result if it's a string.
If the value of `help-form' is nil, this char can be read normally.

Variable: multi-isearch-search

Non-nil enables searching multiple related buffers, in certain modes.

Function: sgml-close-tag

Close current element.
Depending on context, inserts a matching close-tag, or closes
the current start-tag or the current comment or the current cdata, ...

Function: vc-git-state

Git-specific version of `vc-state'.

(fn FILE)

Function: pcomplete/gdb

Completion for `xargs'.

Function: ff-get-other-file

Find the header or source file corresponding to this file.
See also the documentation for `ff-find-other-file'.

If optional IN-OTHER-WINDOW is non-nil, find the file in another window.

(fn &optional IN-OTHER-WINDOW)

Function: file-modes-char-to-right

Convert CHAR to a numeric value of mode bits.
CHAR is in [rwxXstugo] and represents symbolic access permissions.
If CHAR is in [Xugo], the value is taken from FROM (or 0 if omitted).

Variable: dir-local-variables-alist

Alist of directory-local variable settings in the current buffer.
Each element in this list has the form (VAR . VALUE), where VAR
is a directory-local variable (a symbol) and VALUE is the value
specified in .dir-locals.el. The actual value in the buffer
may differ from VALUE, if it is changed by the major or minor modes, or by the user.

Function: abort-if-file-too-large

If file SIZE larger than `large-file-warning-threshold', allow user to abort.
OP-TYPE specifies the file operation being performed (for message to user).

Function: make-category-table

Construct a new and empty category table and return it.


Function: minor-mode-key-binding

Find the visible minor mode bindings of KEY.
Return an alist of pairs (MODENAME . BINDING), where MODENAME is
the symbol which names the minor mode binding KEY, and BINDING is
KEY's definition in that mode. In particular, if KEY has no
minor-mode bindings, return nil. If the first binding is a
non-prefix, all subsequent bindings will be omitted, since they would
be ignored. Similarly, the list doesn't include non-prefix bindings
that come after prefix bindings.

If optional argument ACCEPT-DEFAULT is non-nil, recognize default
bindings; see the description of `lookup-key' for more details about this. (fn KEY &optional ACCEPT-DEFAULT)

Function: timer-inc-time

Increment the time set in TIMER by SECS seconds, USECS nanoseconds,
and PSECS picoseconds. SECS may be a fraction. If USECS or PSECS are
omitted, they are treated as zero.

Function: sort-subr

General text sorting routine to divide buffer into records and sort them.

We divide the accessible portion of the buffer into disjoint pieces
called sort records. A portion of each sort record (perhaps all of
it) is designated as the sort key. The records are rearranged in the
buffer in order by their sort keys. The records may or may not be

Usually the records are rearranged in order of ascending sort key.
If REVERSE is non-nil, they are rearranged in order of descending sort key.
The variable `sort-fold-case' determines whether alphabetic case affects
the sort order.

The next four arguments are functions to be called to move point
across a sort record. They will be called many times from within sort-subr.

NEXTRECFUN is called with point at the end of the previous record.
It moves point to the start of the next record.
It should move point to the end of the buffer if there are no more records.
The first record is assumed to start at the position of point when sort-subr
is called.

ENDRECFUN is called with point within the record.
It should move point to the end of the record.

STARTKEYFUN moves from the start of the record to the start of the key.
It may return either a non-nil value to be used as the key, or
else the key is the substring between the values of point after
STARTKEYFUN and ENDKEYFUN are called. If STARTKEYFUN is nil, the key
starts at the beginning of the record.

ENDKEYFUN moves from the start of the sort key to the end of the sort key.
ENDKEYFUN may be nil if STARTKEYFUN returns a value or if it would be the
same as ENDRECFUN.

PREDICATE, if non-nil, is the predicate function for comparing
keys; it is called with two arguments, the keys to compare, and
should return non-nil if the first key should sort before the
second key. If PREDICATE is nil, comparison is done with `<' if
the keys are numbers, with `compare-buffer-substrings' if the
keys are cons cells (the car and cdr of each cons cell are taken as start and end positions), and with `string<' otherwise. (fn REVERSE NEXTRECFUN ENDRECFUN &optional STARTKEYFUN ENDKEYFUN PREDICATE)

Function: enriched-mode

Minor mode for editing text/enriched files.
These are files with embedded formatting information in the MIME standard
text/enriched format.

With a prefix argument ARG, enable the mode if ARG is positive,
and disable it otherwise. If called from Lisp, enable the mode
if ARG is omitted or nil.

Turning the mode on or off runs `enriched-mode-hook'.

More information about Enriched mode is available in the file
etc/enriched.doc in the Emacs distribution directory.


Uses keymap `enriched-mode-map', which is not currently defined. (fn &optional ARG)

Variable: history-length

Maximum length of history lists before truncation takes place.
A number means truncate to that length; truncation deletes old
elements, and is done just after inserting a new element.
A value of t means no truncation.

This variable only affects history lists that don't specify their own
maximum lengths. Setting the `history-length' property of a history
variable overrides this default.

Function: smie-precs->prec2

Compute a 2D precedence table from a list of precedences.
PRECS should be a list, sorted by precedence (e.g. "+" will
come before "*"), of elements of the form (left OP ...)
or (right OP ...) or (nonassoc OP ...) or (assoc OP ...). All operators in
one of those elements share the same precedence level and associativity. (fn PRECS)

Function: find-dired

Run `find' and go into Dired mode on a buffer of the output.
The command run (after changing into DIR) is essentially

find . \( ARGS \) -ls

except that the car of the variable `find-ls-option' specifies what to
use in place of "-ls" as the final argument. (fn DIR ARGS)

Function: desktop-revert

Revert to the last loaded desktop.


Variable: auto-save-file-name-transforms

Transforms to apply to buffer file name before making auto-save file name.
Each transform is a list (REGEXP REPLACEMENT UNIQUIFY):
REGEXP is a regular expression to match against the file name.
If it matches, `replace-match' is used to replace the
matching part with REPLACEMENT.
If the optional element UNIQUIFY is non-nil, the auto-save file name is
constructed by taking the directory part of the replaced file-name,
concatenated with the buffer file name with all directory separators
changed to `!' to prevent clashes. This will not work
correctly if your filesystem truncates the resulting name.

All the transforms in the list are tried, in the order they are listed.
When one transform applies, its result is final;
no further transforms are tried.

The default value is set up to put the auto-save file into the
temporary directory (see the variable `temporary-file-directory') for
editing a remote file.

On MS-DOS filesystems without long names this variable is always ignored.

Function: kill-all-abbrevs

Undefine all defined abbrevs.


Function: pcomplete/rpm

Completion for the `rpm' command.


Function: format-annotate-value

Return OLD and NEW as a (CLOSE . OPEN) annotation pair.
Useful as a default function for TRANSLATIONS alist when the value of the text
property is the name of the annotation that you want to use, as it is for the
`unknown' text property.

Function: unibyte-string

Concatenate all the argument bytes and make the result a unibyte string.

(fn &rest BYTES)

Variable: memory-full

Non-nil means Emacs cannot get much more Lisp memory.

Function: auth-source-secrets-search

Search the Secrets API; spec is like `auth-source'.

The :label key specifies the item's label. It is the only key
that can specify a substring. Any :label value besides a string
will allow any label.

All other search keys must match exactly. If you need substring
matching, do a wider search and narrow it down yourself.

You'll get back all the properties of the token as a plist.

Here's an example that looks for the first item in the 'Login'
Secrets collection:

(let ((auth-sources '("secrets:Login")))
(auth-source-search :max 1)

Here's another that looks for the first item in the 'Login'
Secrets collection whose label contains 'gnus':

(let ((auth-sources '("secrets:Login")))
(auth-source-search :max 1 :label "gnus")

And this one looks for the first item in the 'Login' Secrets
collection that's a Google Chrome entry for the git.gnus.org site
authentication tokens:

(let ((auth-sources '("secrets:Login")))
(auth-source-search :max 1 :signon_realm "https://git.gnus.org/Git")) (fn &rest SPEC &key BACKEND CREATE DELETE LABEL TYPE MAX HOST USER PORT &allow-other-keys)

Function: pcomplete-actual-arg

Return the actual text representation of the last argument.
This is different from `pcomplete-arg', which returns the textual value
that the last argument evaluated to. This function returns what the
user actually typed in.

(fn &optional INDEX OFFSET)

Function: image-extension-data

Return metadata for image SPEC.
FRAME is the frame on which the image will be displayed. FRAME nil
or omitted means use the selected frame.

(fn SPEC &optional FRAME)

Variable: lisp-font-lock-keywords

Default expressions to highlight in Lisp modes.

Function: table-delete-row

Delete N row(s) of cells.
Delete N rows of cells from current row. The current row is the row
contains the current cell where point is located. Each row must
consists from cells of same height. (fn N)

Function: ediff-merge

Merge two files without ancestor.


Function: ediff-windows-wordwise

Compare WIND-A and WIND-B, which are selected by clicking, wordwise.
With prefix argument, DUMB-MODE, or on a non-windowing display, works as
If WIND-A is nil, use selected window.
If WIND-B is nil, use window next to WIND-A.


Variable: font-lock-comment-face

Face name to use for comments.

Face: font-lock-comment-face

Font Lock mode face used to highlight comments.

Function: make-face-x-resource-internal

Fill frame-local FACE on FRAME from X resources.
FRAME nil or not specified means do it for all frames.

Function: object-write

Write out object THIS to the current stream.
Optional COMMENT will add comments to the beginning of the output.

Variable: comint-matching-input-from-input-string

Input previously used to match input history.

Function: cl-remove-if-not

Remove all items not satisfying PREDICATE in SEQ.
This is a non-destructive function; it makes a copy of SEQ if necessary
to avoid corrupting the original SEQ.

Keywords supported: :key :count :start :end :from-end


Variable: tooltip-x-offset

X offset, in pixels, for the display of tooltips.
The offset is the distance between the X position of the mouse and
the left border of the tooltip window. It must be chosen so that the
tooltip window doesn't contain the mouse when it pops up, or it may
interfere with clicking where you wish.

If `tooltip-frame-parameters' includes the `left' parameter,
the value of `tooltip-x-offset' is ignored.

Variable: x-dnd-test-function

The function drag and drop uses to determine if to accept or reject a drop.
The function takes three arguments, WINDOW, ACTION and TYPES.
WINDOW is where the mouse is when the function is called. WINDOW may be a
frame if the mouse isn't over a real window (i.e. menu bar, tool bar or
scroll bar). ACTION is the suggested action from the drag and drop source,
one of the symbols move, copy, link or ask. TYPES is a list of available
types for the drop.

The function shall return nil to reject the drop or a cons with two values,
the wanted action as car and the wanted type as cdr. The wanted action
can be copy, move, link, ask or private.
The default value for this variable is `x-dnd-default-test-function'.

Variable: help-window-select

Non-nil means select help window for viewing.
Choices are:
never (nil) Select help window only if there is no other window
on its frame.
other Select help window unless the selected window is the
only other window on the help window's frame.
always (t) Always select the help window.

This option has effect if and only if the help window was created by `with-help-window'

Function: mml-to-mime

Translate the current buffer from MML to MIME.


Variable: search-map

Keymap for search related commands.

Function: function-get

Return the value of property PROP of function F.
If AUTOLOAD is non-nil and F is autoloaded, try to autoload it
in the hope that it will set PROP. If AUTOLOAD is `macro', only do it
if it's an autoloaded macro.

Function: hash-table-test

Return the test TABLE uses.

(fn TABLE)

Variable: debugger-may-continue

Non-nil means debugger may continue execution.
This is nil when the debugger is called under circumstances where it
might not be safe to continue.

Variable: comint-input-sender

Function to actually send to PROCESS the STRING submitted by user.
Usually this is just `comint-simple-send', but if your mode needs to
massage the input string, put a different function here.
`comint-simple-send' just sends the string plus a newline.
(If `comint-input-sender-no-newline' is non-nil, it omits the newline.)
This is called from the user command `comint-send-input'.

Function: notany

Return true if PREDICATE is false of every element of SEQ or SEQs.


Function: display-screens

Return the number of screens associated with DISPLAY.

Function: vc-switch-backend

Make BACKEND the current version control system for FILE.
FILE must already be registered in BACKEND. The change is not
permanent, only for the current session. This function only changes
VC's perspective on FILE, it does not register or unregister it.
By default, this command cycles through the registered backends.
To get a prompt, use a prefix argument. (fn FILE BACKEND)

Function: todo-add-category

Add new category CAT to the TODO list.

(fn &optional CAT)

Function: copy-dir-locals-to-file-locals-prop-line

Copy directory-local variables to the -*- line.


Function: format-reorder

Arrange ITEMS to follow partial ORDER.
Elements of ITEMS equal to elements of ORDER will be rearranged
to follow the ORDER. Unmatched items will go last.

Function: translate-region-internal

Internal use only.
From START to END, translate characters according to TABLE.
TABLE is a string or a char-table; the Nth character in it is the
mapping for the character with code N.
It returns the number of characters changed.


Variable: url-gateway-method

The type of gateway support to use.
Should be a symbol specifying how to get a connection from the local machine.

Currently supported methods:
`telnet': Run telnet in a subprocess to connect;
`rlogin': Rlogin to another machine to connect;
`socks': Connect through a socks server;
`tls': Connect with TLS;
`ssl': Connect with SSL (deprecated, use `tls' instead); `native': Connect directly.

Function: vc-git-after-dir-status-stage

Process sentinel for the various dir-status stages.


Function: isearch-help-for-help

Display Isearch help menu.

Function: scroll-bar-mode

Toggle vertical scroll bars on all frames (Scroll Bar mode).
With a prefix argument ARG, enable Scroll Bar mode if ARG is
positive, and disable it otherwise. If called from Lisp, enable
the mode if ARG is omitted or nil.

This command applies to all frames that exist and frames to be
created in the future.

Variable: scroll-bar-mode

Specify whether to have vertical scroll bars, and on which side.
Possible values are nil (no scroll bars), `left' (scroll bars on left)
and `right' (scroll bars on right).
To set this variable in a Lisp program, use `set-scroll-bar-mode'
to make it take real effect.
Setting the variable with a customization buffer also takes effect.

Variable: special-mode-abbrev-table

Abbrev table for `special-mode'.

Variable: only-global-abbrevs

Non-nil means user plans to use global abbrevs only.
This makes the commands that normally define mode-specific abbrevs
define global abbrevs instead.

Variable: url-debug

What types of debug messages from the URL library to show.
Debug messages are logged to the *URL-DEBUG* buffer.

If t, all messages will be logged.
If a number, all messages will be logged, as well shown via `message'.
If a list, it is a list of the types of messages to be logged.

Function: pr-printify-region

Replace nonprinting characters in region with printable representations.
The printable representations use ^ (for ASCII control characters) or hex.
The characters tab, linefeed, space, return and formfeed are not affected. (fn)

Function: pp-buffer

Prettify the current buffer with printed representation of a Lisp object.

Function: goto-address-at-mouse

Send to the e-mail address or load the URL at point.
Send mail to address at point. See documentation for
`goto-address-find-address-at-point'. If no address is found
there, then load the URL at or before point.

(fn &optional EVENT)

Function: checkdoc-minor-mode

Toggle automatic docstring checking (Checkdoc minor mode).
With a prefix argument ARG, enable Checkdoc minor mode if ARG is
positive, and disable it otherwise. If called from Lisp, enable
the mode if ARG is omitted or nil.

In Checkdoc minor mode, the usual bindings for `eval-defun' which is
bound to
Uses keymap `checkdoc-minor-mode-map', which is not currently defined.
M-x checkdoc-eval-defun and `checkdoc-eval-current-buffer' are overridden to include
checking of documentation strings.

Uses keymap `checkdoc-minor-mode-map', which is not currently defined. (fn &optional ARG)

Function: progress-reporter-update

Report progress of an operation in the echo area.
REPORTER should be the result of a call to `make-progress-reporter'.

If REPORTER is a numerical progress reporter---i.e. if it was
made using non-nil MIN-VALUE and MAX-VALUE arguments to
`make-progress-reporter'---then VALUE should be a number between

If REPORTER is a non-numerical reporter, VALUE should be nil.

This function is relatively inexpensive. If the change since
last update is too small or insufficient time has passed, it does nothing.

Function: describe-buffer-bindings

Insert the list of all defined keys and their definitions.
The list is inserted in the current buffer, while the bindings are
looked up in BUFFER.
The optional argument PREFIX, if non-nil, should be a key sequence;
then we display only bindings that start with that prefix.
The optional argument MENUS, if non-nil, says to mention menu bindings.
(Ordinarily these are omitted from the output.)

(fn BUFFER &optional PREFIX MENUS)

Function: help-fns--autoloaded-p

Return non-nil if FUNCTION has previously been autoloaded.
FILE is the file where FUNCTION was probably defined.


Variable: html-mode-abbrev-table

Abbrev table for `html-mode'.

Function: window-child-count

Return number of WINDOW's child windows.
WINDOW can be any window.

Function: describe-current-input-method

Describe the input method currently in use.
This is a subroutine for `describe-input-method'.

Variable: comment-column

Column to indent right-margin comments to.
Each mode may establish a different default value for this variable; you
can set the value for a particular mode using that mode's hook.
Comments might be indented to a different value in order not to go beyond
`comment-fill-column' or in order to align them with surrounding comments.

Function: facemenu-set-foreground

Set the foreground COLOR of the region or next character typed.
This command reads the color in the minibuffer.

If the region is active (normally true except in Transient Mark mode)
and there is no prefix argument, this command sets the region to the
requested face.

Otherwise, this command specifies the face for the next character
inserted. Moving point or switching buffers before
typing a character to insert cancels the specification.

Function: minibuffer-history-isearch-pop-state

Restore the minibuffer history search state.
Go to the history element by the absolute history position HIST-POS.

Function: backward-to-indentation

Move backward ARG lines and position at first nonblank character.

Function: ibuffer-list-buffers

Display a list of buffers, in another window.
If optional argument FILES-ONLY is non-nil, then add a filter for
buffers which are visiting a file.

(fn &optional FILES-ONLY)

Function: scan-buf-move-to-region

Go to the start of the next region with non-nil PROP property.
Then run HOOK, which should be a quoted symbol that is a normal
hook variable, or an expression evaluating to such a symbol.
Adjacent areas with different non-nil PROP properties are
considered different regions.

With numeric argument ARG, move to the start of the ARGth next
such region, then run HOOK. If ARG is negative, move backward.
If point is already in a region, then that region does not count
toward ARG. If ARG is 0 and point is inside a region, move to
the start of that region. If ARG is 0 and point is not in a
region, print a message to that effect, but do not move point and
do not run HOOK. If there are not enough regions to move over,
an error results and the number of available regions is mentioned
in the error message. Point is not moved and HOOK is not run. (fn PROP &optional ARG HOOK)

Function: hashcash-insert-payment-async

Insert X-Payment and X-Hashcash headers with a payment for ARG
Only start calculation. Results are inserted when ready.

(fn ARG)

Function: locate-file

Search for FILENAME through PATH.
If found, return the absolute file name of FILENAME, with its suffixes;
otherwise return nil.
PATH should be a list of directories to look in, like the lists in
`exec-path' or `load-path'.
If SUFFIXES is non-nil, it should be a list of suffixes to append to
file name when searching. If SUFFIXES is nil, it is equivalent to '("").
Use '("/") to disable PATH search, but still try the suffixes in SUFFIXES.
If non-nil, PREDICATE is used instead of `file-readable-p'.

This function will normally skip directories, so if you want it to find
directories, make sure the PREDICATE function returns `dir-ok' for them.

PREDICATE can also be an integer to pass to the `access' system call,
in which case file-name handlers are ignored. This usage is deprecated.
For compatibility, PREDICATE can also be one of the symbols
`executable', `readable', `writable', or `exists', or a list of one or more of those symbols.

Function: subst-char-in-region

From START to END, replace FROMCHAR with TOCHAR each time it occurs.
If optional arg NOUNDO is non-nil, don't record this change for undo
and don't mark the buffer as really changed.
Both characters must have the same length of multi-byte form.


Function: floor*

Return a list of the floor of X and the fractional part of X.
With two arguments, return floor and remainder of their quotient.

(fn X &optional Y)

Function: cl--set-frame-visible-p


Function: describe-current-display-table

Describe the display table in use in the selected window and buffer.

Function: delete-all-overlays

Delete all overlays of BUFFER.
BUFFER omitted or nil means delete all overlays of the current

(fn &optional BUFFER)

Function: sh-set-var-value

Set variable VAR to VALUE.
Unless optional argument NO-SYMBOL is non-nil, then if VALUE is
can be represented by a symbol then do so.

Variable: byte-compile-initial-macro-environment

The default macro-environment passed to macroexpand by the compiler.
Placing a macro here will cause a macro to have different semantics when
expanded by the compiler as when expanded by the interpreter.

Function: comint-forward-matching-input

Search forward through buffer for input fields that match REGEXP.
If `comint-use-prompt-regexp' is non-nil, then input fields are identified
by lines that match `comint-prompt-regexp'.

With prefix argument N, search for Nth following match.
If N is negative, find the previous or Nth previous match. (fn REGEXP N)

Function: help-fns--parent-mode


Variable: woman-locale

String specifying a manual page locale, or nil.
If a manual page is available in the specified locale
(e.g. "sv_SE.ISO8859-1"), it will be offered in preference to the
default version. Normally, `set-locale-environment' sets this at startup.

Function: yank-pop

Replace just-yanked stretch of killed text with a different stretch.
This command is allowed only immediately after a `yank' or a `yank-pop'.
At such a time, the region contains a stretch of reinserted
previously-killed text. `yank-pop' deletes that text and inserts in its
place a different stretch of killed text.

With no argument, the previous kill is inserted.
With argument N, insert the Nth previous kill.
If N is negative, this is a more recent kill.

The sequence of kills wraps around, so that after the oldest one
comes the newest one.

When this command inserts killed text into the buffer, it honors
`yank-excluded-properties' and `yank-handler' as described in the doc string for `insert-for-yank-1', which see.

Function: booleanp

Return t if OBJECT is one of the two canonical boolean values: t or nil.
Otherwise, return nil.

Function: make-directory

Create the directory DIR and optionally any nonexistent parent dirs.
If DIR already exists as a directory, signal an error, unless
PARENTS is non-nil.

Interactively, the default choice of directory to create is the
current buffer's default directory. That is useful when you have
visited a file in a nonexistent directory.

Noninteractively, the second (optional) argument PARENTS, if
non-nil, says whether to create parent directories that don't
exist. Interactively, this happens by default.

If creating the directory or directories fail, an error will be raised.

Function: comint-history-isearch-message

Display the input history search prompt.
If there are no search errors, this function displays an overlay with
the Isearch prompt which replaces the original comint prompt.
Otherwise, it displays the standard Isearch message returned from

(fn &optional C-Q-HACK ELLIPSIS)

Variable: Info-refill-paragraphs

If non-nil, attempt to refill paragraphs with hidden references.
This refilling may accidentally remove explicit line breaks in the Info
file, so be prepared for a few surprises if you enable this feature.
This only has an effect if `Info-hide-note-references' is non-nil.

Function: browse-url-elinks

Ask the Elinks WWW browser to load URL.
Default to the URL around the point.

The document is loaded in a new tab of a running Elinks or, if
none yet running, a newly started instance.

The Elinks command will be prepended by the program+arguments
from `browse-url-elinks-wrapper'.
(fn URL &optional NEW-WINDOW)

Variable: window-state-put-list

Helper variable for `window-state-put'.

Function: redirect-debugging-output

Redirect debugging output (stderr stream) to file FILE.
If FILE is nil, reset target to the initial stderr stream.
Optional arg APPEND non-nil (interactively, with prefix arg) means
append to existing target file.

(fn FILE &optional APPEND)

Function: sh-smie--sh-keyword-p

Non-nil if TOK (at which we're looking) really is a keyword.

Function: vc-git-stash

Create a stash.

(fn NAME)

Function: Buffer-menu-toggle-files-only

Toggle whether the current buffer-menu displays only file buffers.
With a positive ARG, display only file buffers. With zero or
negative ARG, display other buffers as well.

Function: color-name-to-rgb

Convert COLOR string to a list of normalized RGB components.
COLOR should be a color name (e.g. "white") or an RGB triplet
string (e.g. "#ff12ec").

Normally the return value is a list of three floating-point
numbers, (RED GREEN BLUE), each between 0.0 and 1.0 inclusive.

Optional argument FRAME specifies the frame where the color is to be
displayed. If FRAME is omitted or nil, use the selected frame.
If FRAME cannot display COLOR, return nil. (fn COLOR &optional FRAME)

Function: help-window-setup

Set up help window for `with-help-window'.
HELP-WINDOW is the window used for displaying the help buffer.

Variable: font-ccl-encoder-alist

Alist of fontname patterns vs corresponding CCL program.
Each element looks like (REGEXP . CCL-CODE),
where CCL-CODE is a compiled CCL program.
When a font whose name matches REGEXP is used for displaying a character,
CCL-CODE is executed to calculate the code point in the font
from the charset number and position code(s) of the character which are set
in CCL registers R0, R1, and R2 before the execution.
The code point in the font is set in CCL registers R1 and R2
when the execution terminated.
If the font is single-byte font, the register R2 is not used.

Variable: last-nonmenu-event

Last input event in a command, except for mouse menu events.
Mouse menus give back keys that don't look like mouse events;
this variable holds the actual mouse event that led to the menu,
so that you can determine whether the command was run by mouse or not.

Function: facemenu-set-italic

Select face `italic' for subsequent insertion.
If the mark is active and there is no prefix argument,
apply face `italic' to the region instead.
This command was defined by `facemenu-add-new-face'.

Function: indent-to-column

Indent from point with tabs and spaces until COLUMN is reached.
Optional second argument MINIMUM says always do at least MINIMUM spaces
even if that goes past COLUMN; by default, MINIMUM is zero.

The return value is COLUMN.

(fn COLUMN &optional MINIMUM)

Variable: hourglass-delay

Seconds to wait before displaying an hourglass pointer when Emacs is busy.

Variable: fill-paragraph-function

Mode-specific function to fill a paragraph, or nil if there is none.
If the function returns nil, then `fill-paragraph' does its normal work.
A value of t means explicitly "do nothing special".
Note: This only affects `fill-paragraph' and not `fill-region'
nor `auto-fill-mode', so it is often better to use some other hook,
such as `fill-forward-paragraph-function'.

Function: search-unencodable-char

Search forward from point for a character that is not encodable.
It asks which coding system to check.
If such a character is found, set point after that character.
Otherwise, don't move point.

When called from a program, the value is the position of the unencodable
character found, or nil if all characters are encodable.

Function: lao-compose-string

(fn STR)

Function: custom-add-version

To the custom option SYMBOL add the version VERSION.

Function: unfocus-frame

Function: eieio-attribute-to-initarg

In CLASS, convert the ATTRIBUTE into the corresponding init argument tag.
This is usually a symbol that starts with `:'.

Function: compose-chars

Return a string from arguments in which all characters are composed.
For relative composition, arguments are characters.
For rule-based composition, Mth (where M is odd) arguments are
characters, and Nth (where N is even) arguments are composition rules.
A composition rule is a cons of glyph reference points of the form
(GLOBAL-REF-POINT . NEW-REF-POINT). See the documentation of
`reference-point-alist' for more detail.

Function: pp

Output the pretty-printed representation of OBJECT, any Lisp object.
Quoting characters are printed as needed to make output that `read'
can handle, whenever this is possible.
Output stream is STREAM, or value of `standard-output' (which see).

Function: x-color-values

Return a description of the color named COLOR on frame FRAME.
COLOR should be a string naming a color (e.g. "white"), or a
string specifying a color's RGB components (e.g. "#ff12ec").

Return a list of three integers, (RED GREEN BLUE), each between 0
and either 65280 or 65535 (the maximum depends on the system).
Use `color-name-to-rgb' if you want RGB floating-point values
normalized to 1.0.

If FRAME is omitted or nil, use the selected frame.
If FRAME cannot display COLOR, the value is nil.

COLOR can also be the symbol `unspecified' or one of the strings
"unspecified-fg" or "unspecified-bg", in which case the return value is nil.

Function: font-at

Return a font-object for displaying a character at POSITION.
Optional second arg WINDOW, if non-nil, is a window displaying
the current buffer. It defaults to the currently selected window.
Optional third arg STRING, if non-nil, is a string containing the target
character at index specified by POSITION.


Function: capitalize-region

Convert the region to capitalized form.
Capitalized form means each word's first character is upper case
and the rest of it is lower case.
In programs, give two arguments, the starting and ending
character positions to operate on. (fn BEG END)

Function: purecopy

Make a copy of object OBJ in pure storage.
Recursively copies contents of vectors and cons cells.
Does not copy symbols. Copies strings without text properties.
(fn OBJ)

Function: ring-minus1

Return INDEX-1, with wraparound.

Function: facemenu-set-bold-italic

Select face `bold-italic' for subsequent insertion.
If the mark is active and there is no prefix argument,
apply face `bold-italic' to the region instead.
This command was defined by `facemenu-add-new-face'.

Variable: tex-bibtex-command

Command used by `tex-bibtex-file' to gather bibliographic data.
If this string contains an asterisk (`*'), that is replaced by the file name;
otherwise, the file name, preceded by blank, is added at the end.

Function: Helper-help

Provide help for current mode.


Function: browse-url-of-dired-file

In Dired, ask a WWW browser to display the file named on this line.


Function: find-alternate-file

Find file FILENAME, select its buffer, kill previous buffer.
If the current buffer now contains an empty file that you just visited
(presumably by mistake), use this command to visit the file you really want.

See C-x C-f for the possible forms of the FILENAME argument.

Interactively, or if WILDCARDS is non-nil in a call from Lisp,
expand wildcards (if any) and replace the file with multiple files.

If the current buffer is an indirect buffer, or the base buffer
for one or more indirect buffers, the other buffer(s) are not killed.

Function: set-window-buffer-start-and-point

Set WINDOW's buffer to BUFFER.
WINDOW must be a live window and defaults to the selected one.
Optional argument START non-nil means set WINDOW's start position
to START. Optional argument POINT non-nil means set WINDOW's
point to POINT. If WINDOW is selected this also sets BUFFER's
`point' to POINT. If WINDOW is selected and the buffer it showed
before was current this also makes BUFFER the current buffer.

Variable: enable-kinsoku

Non-nil means enable "kinsoku" processing on filling paragraphs.
Kinsoku processing is designed to prevent certain characters from being
placed at the beginning or end of a line by filling.
See the documentation of `kinsoku' for more information.

Function: 5x5-crack-xor-mutate

Attempt to crack 5x5 by xoring the current and best solution.
Mutate the result.

Variable: inhibit-startup-buffer-menu

Non-nil inhibits display of buffer list when more than 2 files are loaded.

Function: read-face-attribute

Interactively read a new value for FACE's ATTRIBUTE.
Optional argument FRAME nil or unspecified means read an attribute value
of a global face. Value is the new attribute value.

Function: highlight-regexp

Set face of each match of REGEXP to FACE.
Interactively, prompt for REGEXP then FACE, using a buffer-local
history list for REGEXP and a global history list for FACE.

If Font Lock mode is enabled in the buffer, it is used to
highlight REGEXP. If Font Lock mode is disabled, overlays are
used for highlighting; in this case, the highlighting will not be
updated as you type. (fn REGEXP &optional FACE)

Function: smie-indent-forward-token

Skip token forward and return it, along with its levels.


Variable: mm-coding-system-priorities

Preferred coding systems for encoding outgoing messages.

More than one suitable coding system may be found for some text.
By default, the coding system with the highest priority is used
to encode outgoing messages (see `sort-coding-systems'). If this
variable is set, it overrides the default priority.

Function: mm-subst-char-in-string

Replace FROMCHAR with TOCHAR in STRING each time it occurs.
Unless optional argument INPLACE is non-nil, return a new string.

Function: easy-menu-binding

Return a binding suitable to pass to `define-key'.
This is expected to be bound to a mouse event.

Variable: occur-edit-mode-syntax-table

Syntax table for `occur-edit-mode'.

Function: view-buffer-other-frame

View BUFFER in View mode in another frame.
Emacs commands editing the buffer contents are not available;
instead, a special set of commands (mostly letters and
punctuation) are defined for moving around in the buffer.
Space scrolls forward, Delete scrolls backward.
For a list of all View commands, type H or h while viewing.

This command runs the normal hook `view-mode-hook'.

Optional argument NOT-RETURN is ignored.

Optional argument EXIT-ACTION is either nil or a function with buffer as
argument. This function is called when finished viewing buffer. Use
this argument instead of explicitly setting `view-exit-action'.

This function does not enable View mode if the buffer's major-mode
has a `special' mode-class, because such modes usually have their own View-like bindings.

Variable: split-window-preferred-function

Function called by `display-buffer' routines to split a window.
This function is called with a window as single argument and is
supposed to split that window and return the new window. If the
window can (or shall) not be split, it is supposed to return nil.
The default is to call the function `split-window-sensibly' which
tries to split the window in a way which seems most suitable.
You can customize the options `split-height-threshold' and/or
`split-width-threshold' in order to have `split-window-sensibly'
prefer either vertical or horizontal splitting.

If you set this to any other function, bear in mind that the
`display-buffer' routines may call this function two times. The
argument of the first call is the largest window on its frame.
If that call fails to return a live window, the function is
called again with the least recently used window as argument. If
that call fails too, `display-buffer' will use an existing window
to display its buffer.

The window selected at the time `display-buffer' was invoked is
still selected when this function is called. Hence you can
compare the window argument with the value of `selected-window'
if you intend to split the selected window instead or if you do not want to split the selected window.

Function: backward-delete-char

Delete the previous N characters (following if N is negative).
If Transient Mark mode is enabled, the mark is active, and N is 1,
delete the text in the region and deactivate the mark instead.
To disable this, set `delete-active-region' to nil.

Optional second arg KILLFLAG, if non-nil, means to kill (save in
kill ring) instead of delete. Interactively, N is the prefix
arg, and KILLFLAG is set if N is explicitly specified.

In Overwrite mode, single character backward deletion may replace
tabs with spaces so as to back over columns, unless point is at the end of the line.

Variable: redisplay-dont-pause

Non-nil means display update isn't paused when input is detected.

Function: file-name-nondirectory

Return file name FILENAME sans its directory.
For example, in a Unix-syntax file name,
this is everything after the last slash,
or the entire name if it contains no slash.

Function: package--add-to-archive-contents

Add the PACKAGE from the given ARCHIVE if necessary.
Also, add the originating archive to the end of the package vector.

Variable: emacs-lisp-byte-code-mode-map

Keymap for `emacs-lisp-byte-code-mode'.

Function: pr-toggle-spool

Toggle spooling.


Function: format-kbd-macro

Return the keyboard macro MACRO as a human-readable string.
This string is suitable for passing to `read-kbd-macro'.
Second argument VERBOSE means to put one command per line with comments.
If VERBOSE is `1', put everything on one line. If VERBOSE is omitted
or nil, use a compact 80-column format.

(fn &optional MACRO VERBOSE)

Function: ediff-show-registry

Display Ediff's registry.


Function: find-buffer-visiting

Return the buffer visiting file FILENAME (a string).
This is like `get-file-buffer', except that it checks for any buffer
visiting the same file, possibly under a different name.
If PREDICATE is non-nil, only buffers satisfying it are eligible,
and others are ignored.
If there is no such live buffer, return nil.

Variable: default-fill-column

Default value of `fill-column' for buffers that do not override it.
This is the same as (default-value 'fill-column).

Function: ldiff

Return a copy of LIST with the tail SUBLIST removed.


Function: gnus-sorted-union

Return union of LIST1 and LIST2.
LIST1 and LIST2 have to be sorted over <.

(fn LIST1 LIST2)

Function: locate-file-completion

Do completion for file names passed to `locate-file'.

Function: markerp

Return t if OBJECT is a marker (editor pointer).


Function: vc-git-stash-show-at-point


Function: menu-bar-showhide-fringe-ind-right

Display buffer boundaries and arrows in the right fringe.

Function: isearch-lazy-highlight-cleanup

Stop lazy highlighting and remove extra highlighting from current buffer.
FORCE non-nil means do it whether or not `lazy-highlight-cleanup'
is nil. This function is called when exiting an incremental search if
`lazy-highlight-cleanup' is non-nil.

Variable: font-lock-negation-char-face

Face name to use for easy to overlook negation.
This can be an "!" or the "n" in "ifndef".

Face: font-lock-negation-char-face

Font Lock mode face used to highlight easy to overlook negation.

Function: global-whitespace-newline-mode

Toggle global newline visualization (Global Whitespace Newline mode).
With a prefix argument ARG, enable Global Whitespace Newline mode
if ARG is positive, and disable it otherwise. If called from
Lisp, enable it if ARG is omitted or nil.

Use `global-whitespace-newline-mode' only for NEWLINE
visualization exclusively. For other visualizations, including
NEWLINE visualization together with (HARD) SPACEs and/or TABs,
please use `global-whitespace-mode'.

See also `whitespace-newline' and `whitespace-display-mappings'. (fn &optional ARG)

Variable: global-whitespace-newline-mode

Non-nil if Global-Whitespace-Newline mode is enabled.
See the command `global-whitespace-newline-mode' for a description of this minor mode.
Setting this variable directly does not take effect;
either customize it (see the info node `Easy Customization')
or call the function `global-whitespace-newline-mode'.

Function: delphi-mode

Major mode for editing Delphi code.
Uses keymap `delphi-mode-map', which is not currently defined.

M-x delphi-tab - Indents the current line (or region, if Transient Mark mode
is enabled and the region is active) of Delphi code.
M-x delphi-find-unit - Search for a Delphi source file.
M-x delphi-fill-comment - Fill the current comment.
M-x delphi-new-comment-line - If in a // comment, do a new comment line.

C-M-\ also works for indenting a whole region.


`delphi-indent-level' (default 3)
Indentation of Delphi statements with respect to containing block.
`delphi-compound-block-indent' (default 0)
Extra indentation for blocks in compound statements.
`delphi-case-label-indent' (default 0)
Extra indentation for case statement labels.
`delphi-tab-always-indents' (default t)
Non-nil means TAB in Delphi mode should always reindent the current line,
regardless of where in the line point is when the TAB command is used.
`delphi-newline-always-indents' (default t)
Non-nil means NEWLINE in Delphi mode should always reindent the current
line, insert a blank line and move to the default indent column of the
blank line.
`delphi-search-path' (default .)
Directories to search when finding external units.
`delphi-verbose' (default nil)
If true then Delphi token processing progress is reported to the user.


`delphi-comment-face' (default font-lock-comment-face)
Face used to color Delphi comments.
`delphi-string-face' (default font-lock-string-face)
Face used to color Delphi strings.
`delphi-keyword-face' (default font-lock-keyword-face)
Face used to color Delphi keywords.
`delphi-other-face' (default nil)
Face used to color everything else. Turning on Delphi mode calls the value of the variable `delphi-mode-hook' with no args, if that value is non-nil. (fn)

Function: modify-syntax-entry

Set syntax for character CHAR according to string NEWENTRY.
The syntax is changed only for table SYNTAX-TABLE, which defaults to
the current buffer's syntax table.
CHAR may be a cons (MIN . MAX), in which case, syntaxes of all characters
in the range MIN to MAX are changed.
The first character of NEWENTRY should be one of the following:
Space or - whitespace syntax. w word constituent.
_ symbol constituent. . punctuation.
( open-parenthesis. ) close-parenthesis.
" string quote. \ escape.
$ paired delimiter. ' expression quote or prefix operator.
< comment starter. > comment ender.
/ character-quote. @ inherit from parent table.
| generic string fence. ! generic comment fence.

Only single-character comment start and end sequences are represented thus.
Two-character sequences are represented as described below.
The second character of NEWENTRY is the matching parenthesis,
used only if the first character is `(' or `)'.
Any additional characters are flags.
Defined flags are the characters 1, 2, 3, 4, b, p, and n.
1 means CHAR is the start of a two-char comment start sequence.
2 means CHAR is the second character of such a sequence.
3 means CHAR is the start of a two-char comment end sequence.
4 means CHAR is the second character of such a sequence.

There can be several orthogonal comment sequences. This is to support
language modes such as C++. By default, all comment sequences are of style
a, but you can set the comment sequence style to b (on the second character
of a comment-start, and the first character of a comment-end sequence) and/or
c (on any of its chars) using this flag:
b means CHAR is part of comment sequence b.
c means CHAR is part of comment sequence c.
n means CHAR is part of a nestable comment sequence.

p means CHAR is a prefix character for `backward-prefix-chars'; such characters are treated as whitespace when they occur between expressions. (fn CHAR NEWENTRY &optional SYNTAX-TABLE)

Function: match-end

Return position of end of text matched by last search.
SUBEXP, a number, specifies which parenthesized expression in the last
Value is nil if SUBEXPth pair didn't match, or there were less than
SUBEXP pairs.
Zero means the entire text matched by the whole regexp or whole string. (fn SUBEXP)

Variable: scroll-bar-width

Width of this buffer's scroll bars in pixels.
A value of nil means to use the scroll bar width from the window's frame.

Variable: sh-backslash-column

Column in which `sh-backslash-region' inserts backslashes.

Function: byte-compile-from-buffer


Function: comint-goto-input

Put input history item of the absolute history position POS.

(fn POS)

Function: cl-hash-table-p

Return t if OBJ is a Lisp hash table object.

(fn OBJ)

Function: cl-rest

Return the cdr of LIST. If arg is nil, return nil.
Error if arg is not nil and not a cons cell. See also `cdr-safe'.

See Info node `(elisp)Cons Cells' for a discussion of related basic
Lisp concepts such as cdr, car, cons cell and list. (fn LIST)

Variable: pi

Obsolete since Emacs-23.3. Use `float-pi' instead.

Function: whois

Send SEARCH-STRING to server defined by the `whois-server-name' variable.
If `whois-guess-server' is non-nil, then try to deduce the correct server
from SEARCH-STRING. With argument, prompt for whois server.


Function: compare-windows

Compare text in current window with text in next window.
Compares the text starting at point in each window,
moving over text in each one as far as they match.

This command pushes the mark in each window
at the prior location of point in that window.
If both windows display the same buffer,
the mark is pushed twice in that buffer:
first in the other window, then in the selected window.

A prefix arg means reverse the value of variable
`compare-ignore-whitespace'. If `compare-ignore-whitespace' is
nil, then a prefix arg means ignore changes in whitespace. If
`compare-ignore-whitespace' is non-nil, then a prefix arg means
don't ignore changes in whitespace. The variable
`compare-windows-whitespace' controls how whitespace is skipped.
If `compare-ignore-case' is non-nil, changes in case are also

If `compare-windows-sync' is non-nil, then successive calls of
this command work in interlaced mode:
on first call it advances points to the next difference,
on second call it synchronizes points by skipping the difference,
on third call it again advances points to the next difference and so on. (fn IGNORE-WHITESPACE)

Function: allout-widgets-mode

Toggle Allout Widgets mode.
With a prefix argument ARG, enable Allout Widgets mode if ARG is
positive, and disable it otherwise. If called from Lisp, enable
the mode if ARG is omitted or nil.

Allout Widgets mode is an extension of Allout mode that provides
graphical decoration of outline structure. It is meant to
operate along with `allout-mode', via `allout-mode-hook'.

The graphics include:

- guide lines connecting item bullet-icons with those of their subitems.

- icons for item bullets, varying to indicate whether or not the item
has subitems, and if so, whether or not the item is expanded.

- cue area between the bullet-icon and the start of the body headline,
for item numbering, encryption indicator, and distinctive bullets.

The bullet-icon and guide line graphics provide keybindings and mouse
bindings for easy outline navigation and exposure control, extending outline hot-spot navigation (see `allout-mode'). (fn &optional ARG)

Function: window--resize-siblings

Resize other windows when WINDOW is resized vertically by DELTA lines.
Optional argument HORIZONTAL non-nil means resize other windows
when WINDOW is resized horizontally by DELTA columns. WINDOW
itself is not resized by this function.

Optional argument IGNORE non-nil means ignore restrictions
imposed by fixed size windows, `window-min-height' or
`window-min-width' settings. If IGNORE equals `safe', live
windows may get as small as `window-safe-min-height' lines and
`window-safe-min-width' columns. If IGNORE is a window, ignore
restrictions for that window only. Any other non-nil value means
ignore all of the above restrictions for all windows.

Optional arguments TRAIL and EDGE, when non-nil, refine the set
of windows that shall be resized. If TRAIL equals `before',
resize only windows on the left or above EDGE. If TRAIL equals
`after', resize only windows on the right or below EDGE. Also, preferably only resize windows adjacent to EDGE.

Function: other-frame

Select the ARGth different visible frame on current display, and raise it.
All frames are arranged in a cyclic order.
This command selects the frame ARG steps away in that order.
A negative ARG moves in the opposite order.

To make this command work properly, you must tell Emacs
how the system (or the window manager) generally handles
focus-switching between windows. If moving the mouse onto a window
selects it (gives it focus), set `focus-follows-mouse' to t.
Otherwise, that variable should be nil.

Variable: show-help-function

If non-nil, the function that implements the display of help.
It's called with one argument, the help string to display.

Function: byte-compile-concat

(fn FORM)

Variable: Info-search-whitespace-regexp

If non-nil, regular expression to match a sequence of whitespace chars.
This applies to Info search for regular expressions.
You might want to use something like "[ \t\r\n]+" instead.
In the Customization buffer, that is `[' followed by a space,
a tab, a carriage return (control-M), a newline, and `]+'.

Function: pkg-info-defining-library-original-version

Get the original version of the library defining FUNCTION.

The original version is stored in the X-Original-Version header.
This header is added by the MELPA package archive to preserve
upstream version numbers.

If SHOW is non-nil, show the version in mini-buffer.

This function is mainly intended to find the version of a major
or minor mode, i.e.

(pkg-info-defining-library-version 'flycheck-mode)

Return the version of the library defining FUNCTION. Signal an
error if FUNCTION is not a valid function, if its defining
library was not found, or if the library had no proper version header. (fn FUNCTION &optional SHOW)

Function: x-dnd-handle-drag-n-drop-event

Receive drag and drop events (X client messages).
Currently XDND, Motif and old KDE 1.x protocols are recognized.

Function: move-to-left-margin

Move to the left margin of the current line.
With optional argument, move forward N-1 lines first.
The column moved to is the one given by the `current-left-margin' function.
If the line's indentation appears to be wrong, and this command is called
interactively or with optional argument FORCE, it will be fixed.

Function: message-mode

Major mode for editing mail and news to be sent.
Like Text Mode but with these additional commands:
Uses keymap `message-mode-map', which is not currently defined.

C-c C-s `message-send' (send the message) C-c C-c `message-send-and-exit'
C-c C-d Postpone sending the message C-c C-k Kill the message
C-c C-f move to a header field (and create it if there isn't):
C-c C-f C-t move to To C-c C-f C-s move to Subject
C-c C-f C-c move to Cc C-c C-f C-b move to Bcc
C-c C-f C-w move to Fcc C-c C-f C-r move to Reply-To
C-c C-f C-u move to Summary C-c C-f C-n move to Newsgroups
C-c C-f C-k move to Keywords C-c C-f C-d move to Distribution
C-c C-f C-o move to From ("Originator")
C-c C-f C-f move to Followup-To
C-c C-f C-m move to Mail-Followup-To
C-c C-f C-e move to Expires
C-c C-f C-i cycle through Importance values
C-c C-f s change subject and append "(was: )"
C-c C-f x crossposting with FollowUp-To header and note in body
C-c C-f t replace To: header with contents of Cc: or Bcc:
C-c C-f a Insert X-No-Archive: header and a note in the body
C-c C-t `message-insert-to' (add a To header to a news followup)
C-c C-l `message-to-list-only' (removes all but list address in to/cc)
C-c C-n `message-insert-newsgroups' (add a Newsgroup header to a news reply)
C-c C-b `message-goto-body' (move to beginning of message text).
C-c C-i `message-goto-signature' (move to the beginning of the signature).
C-c C-w `message-insert-signature' (insert `message-signature-file' file).
C-c C-y `message-yank-original' (insert current message, if any).
C-c C-q `message-fill-yanked-message' (fill what was yanked).
C-c C-e `message-elide-region' (elide the text between point and mark).
C-c C-v `message-delete-not-region' (remove the text outside the region).
C-c C-z `message-kill-to-signature' (kill the text up to the signature).
C-c C-r `message-caesar-buffer-body' (rot13 the message body).
C-c C-a `mml-attach-file' (attach a file as MIME).
C-c C-u `message-insert-or-toggle-importance' (insert or cycle importance).
C-c M-n `message-insert-disposition-notification-to' (request receipt).
C-c M-m `message-mark-inserted-region' (mark region with enclosing tags).
C-c M-f `message-mark-insert-file' (insert file marked with enclosing tags). M-RET `message-newline-and-reformat' (break the line and reformat). (fn)

Function: indian-compose-region

Compose the region according to `composition-function-table'.

(fn FROM TO)

Function: browse-url-generic

Ask the WWW browser defined by `browse-url-generic-program' to load URL.
Default to the URL around or before point. A fresh copy of the
browser is started up in a new process with possible additional arguments
`browse-url-generic-args'. This is appropriate for browsers which
don't offer a form of remote control.

(fn URL &optional NEW-WINDOW)

Function: url-generate-unique-filename

Generate a unique filename in `url-temporary-directory'.

Function: byte-compile-quote

(fn FORM)

Function: Info-toc-insert

Insert table of contents with references to nodes.

Function: package-version-join

Return the version string corresponding to the list VLIST.
This is, approximately, the inverse of `version-to-list'.
(Actually, it returns only one of the possible inverses, since
`version-to-list' is a many-to-one operation.)

Variable: mail-specify-envelope-from

If non-nil, specify the envelope-from address when sending mail.
The value used to specify it is whatever is found in
the variable `mail-envelope-from', with `user-mail-address' as fallback.

On most systems, specifying the envelope-from address is a
privileged operation. This variable affects sendmail and
smtpmail -- if you use feedmail to send mail, see instead the
variable `feedmail-deduce-envelope-from'.

Variable: read-circle

Non-nil means read recursive structures using #N= and #N# syntax.

Function: comint-interrupt-subjob

Interrupt the current subjob.
This command also kills the pending input
between the process mark and point. (fn)

Variable: lisp-tag-body-indentation

Indentation of non-tagged lines relative to containing list.
This variable is used by the function `lisp-indent-tagbody' to indent normal
lines (lines without tags).
The indentation is relative to the indentation of the parenthesis enclosing
the special form. If the value is t, the body of tags will be indented
as a block at the same indentation as the first s-expression following
the tag. In this case, any forms before the first tag are indented by `lisp-body-indent'.

Function: vc-git-stash-apply

Apply stash NAME.

(fn NAME)

Function: x-dnd-init-motif-for-frame

Set _MOTIF_DRAG_RECEIVER_INFO for FRAME to indicate that we do Motif DND.

Function: desktop-read

Read and process the desktop file in directory DIRNAME.
Look for a desktop file in DIRNAME, or if DIRNAME is omitted, look in
directories listed in `desktop-path'. If a desktop file is found, it
is processed and `desktop-after-read-hook' is run. If no desktop file
is found, clear the desktop and run `desktop-no-desktop-file-hook'.
This function is a no-op when Emacs is running in batch mode.
It returns t if a desktop file was loaded, nil otherwise. (fn &optional DIRNAME)

Function: checkdoc-ispell-start

Check the style and spelling of the current buffer.
Calls `checkdoc-start' with spell-checking turned on.
Prefix argument TAKE-NOTES is the same as for `checkdoc-start'

(fn &optional TAKE-NOTES)

Function: diff-mode

Major mode for viewing/editing context diffs.
Supports unified and context diffs as well as (to a lesser extent)
normal diffs.

When the buffer is read-only, the ESC prefix is not necessary.
If you edit the buffer manually, diff-mode will try to update the hunk
headers for you on-the-fly.

You can also switch between context diff and unified diff with M-x diff-context->unified,
or vice versa with M-x diff-unified->context and you can also reverse the direction of
a diff with M-x diff-reverse-direction.

Uses keymap `diff-mode-map', which is not currently defined. (fn)

Function: window--frame-usable-p

Return FRAME if it can be used to display a buffer.

Function: find-coding-systems-string

Return a list of proper coding systems to encode STRING.
All coding systems in the list can safely encode any multibyte characters

If STRING contains no multibyte characters, return a list of a single
element `undecided'.

Function: syntax-class

Return the code for the syntax class described by SYNTAX.

SYNTAX should be a raw syntax descriptor; the return value is a
integer which encodes the corresponding syntax class. See Info
node `(elisp)Syntax Table Internals' for a list of codes.

If SYNTAX is nil, return nil.

Function: sh-feature

Index ALIST by the current shell.
If ALIST isn't a list where every element is a cons, it is returned as is.
Else indexing follows an inheritance logic which works in two ways:

- Fall back on successive ancestors (see `sh-ancestor-alist') as long as
the alist contains no value for the current shell.
The ultimate default is always `sh'.

- If the value thus looked up is a list starting with `sh-append',
we call the function `sh-append' with the rest of the list as
arguments, and use the value. However, the next element of the
list is not used as-is; instead, we look it up recursively
in ALIST to allow the function called to define the value for
one shell to be derived from another shell.
The value thus determined is physically replaced into the alist.

If FUNCTION is non-nil, it is called with one argument, the value thus obtained, and the result is used instead.

Variable: vc-before-checkin-hook

Normal hook (list of functions) run before a commit or a file checkin.
See `run-hooks'.

Variable: imenu-generic-expression

List of definition matchers for creating an Imenu index.
Each element of this list should have the form


MENU-TITLE should be nil (in which case the matches for this
element are put in the top level of the buffer index) or a
string (which specifies the title of a submenu into which the
matches are put).
REGEXP is a regular expression matching a definition construct
which is to be displayed in the menu. REGEXP may also be a
function, called without arguments. It is expected to search
backwards. It must return true and set `match-data' if it finds
another element.
INDEX is an integer specifying which subexpression of REGEXP
matches the definition's name; this subexpression is displayed as
the menu item.
FUNCTION, if present, specifies a function to call when the index
item is selected by the user. This function is called with
arguments consisting of the item name, the buffer position, and

The variable `imenu-case-fold-search' determines whether or not
the regexp matches are case sensitive, and `imenu-syntax-alist'
can be used to alter the syntax table for the search.

If non-nil this pattern is passed to `imenu--generic-function' to
create a buffer index.

For example, see the value of `fortran-imenu-generic-expression'
used by `fortran-mode' with `imenu-syntax-alist' set locally to give the characters which normally have "symbol" syntax "word" syntax during matching.

Function: display-buffer--maybe-pop-up-frame-or-window

Try displaying BUFFER based on `pop-up-frames' or `pop-up-windows'.

If `pop-up-frames' is non-nil (and not `graphic-only' on a
text-only terminal), try with `display-buffer-pop-up-frame'.

If that cannot be done, and `pop-up-windows' is non-nil, try
again with `display-buffer-pop-up-window'.

Variable: abbrev-map

Keymap for abbrev commands.

Variable: print-circle

Non-nil means print recursive structures using #N= and #N# syntax.
If nil, printing proceeds recursively and may lead to
`max-lisp-eval-depth' being exceeded or an error may occur:
"Apparently circular structure being printed." Also see
`print-length' and `print-level'.
If non-nil, shared substructures anywhere in the structure are printed
with `#N=' before the first occurrence (in the order of the print
representation) and `#N#' in place of each subsequent occurrence,
where N is a positive decimal integer.

Variable: apropos-do-all

Non nil means apropos commands will search more extensively.
This may be slower. This option affects the following commands:

`apropos-variable' will search all variables, not just user variables.
`apropos-command' will also search non-interactive functions.
`apropos' will search all symbols, not just functions, variables, faces,
and those with property lists.
`apropos-value' will also search in property lists and functions.
`apropos-documentation' will search all documentation strings, not just
those in the etc/DOC documentation file.

This option only controls the default behavior. Each of the above
commands also has an optional argument to request a more extensive search.

Additionally, this option makes the function `apropos-library' include key-binding information in its output.

Function: pcomplete-test

Predicates to test the current programmable argument with.


Function: common-lisp-loop-part-indentation

Compute the indentation of loop form constituents.

Variable: menu-bar-final-items

List of menu bar items to move to the end of the menu bar.
The elements of the list are event types that may have menu bar bindings.

Function: byte-compile-make-closure

Byte-compile the special `internal-make-closure' form.

(fn FORM)

Function: eieio--defmethod

Work part of the `defmethod' macro defining METHOD with ARGS.

Function: View-leave

Quit View mode and maybe switch buffers, but don't kill this buffer.

Function: facemenu-iterate

Apply FUNC to each element of LIST until one returns non-nil.
Returns the non-nil value it found, or nil if all were nil.

Function: thumbs-dired-setroot

In dired, call the setroot program on the image at point.


Function: crisp-mode

Toggle CRiSP/Brief emulation (CRiSP mode).
With a prefix argument ARG, enable CRiSP mode if ARG is positive,
and disable it otherwise. If called from Lisp, enable the mode
if ARG is omitted or nil.

(fn &optional ARG)

Variable: crisp-mode

Track status of CRiSP emulation mode.
A value of nil means CRiSP mode is not enabled. A value of t
indicates CRiSP mode is enabled.

Setting this variable directly does not take effect;
use either M-x customize or the function `crisp-mode'.

Function: checkdoc-message-text

Scan the buffer for occurrences of the error function, and verify text.
Optional argument TAKE-NOTES causes all errors to be logged.

(fn &optional TAKE-NOTES)

Function: perl-mode

Major mode for editing Perl code.
Expression and list commands understand all Perl brackets.
Tab indents for Perl code.
Comments are delimited with # ... \n.
Paragraphs are separated by blank lines only.
Delete converts tabs to spaces as it moves back.

Uses keymap `perl-mode-map', which is not currently defined.

Variables controlling indentation style:
Non-nil means TAB in Perl mode should always indent the current line,
regardless of where in the line point is when the TAB command is used.
Non-nil means that for lines which don't need indenting, TAB will
either delete an empty comment, indent an existing comment, move
to end-of-line, or if at end-of-line already, create a new comment.
Lines starting with this regular expression are not auto-indented.
Indentation of Perl statements within surrounding block.
The surrounding block's indentation is the indentation
of the line on which the open-brace appears.
Extra indentation given to a substatement, such as the
then-clause of an if or body of a while.
Extra indentation given to a brace that starts a substatement.
This is in addition to `perl-continued-statement-offset'.
Extra indentation for line if it starts with an open brace.
An open brace following other text is treated as if it were
this far to the right of the start of its line.
Extra indentation for line that is a label.
Offset of argument lines relative to usual indentation.

Various indentation styles: K&R BSD BLK GNU LW
perl-indent-level 5 8 0 2 4
perl-continued-statement-offset 5 8 4 2 4
perl-continued-brace-offset 0 0 0 0 -4
perl-brace-offset -5 -8 0 0 0
perl-brace-imaginary-offset 0 0 4 0 0 perl-label-offset -5 -8 -2 -2 -2 Turning on Perl mode runs the normal hook `perl-mode-hook'. (fn)

Function: help

Help command.

Function: pcomplete-begin

Return the beginning position of the INDEXth argument.
See the documentation for `pcomplete-arg'.

(fn &optional INDEX OFFSET)

Function: Buffer-menu-marked-buffers

Return the list of buffers marked with `Buffer-menu-mark'.
If UNMARK is non-nil, unmark them.

Function: compose-gstring-for-graphic

Compose glyph-string GSTRING for graphic display.
Combining characters are composed with the preceding base
character. If the preceding character is not a base character,
each combining character is composed as a spacing character by
a padding space before and/or after the character.

All non-spacing characters have this function in
`composition-function-table' unless overwritten.

Function: type-break

Take a typing break.

During the break, a demo selected from the functions listed in
`type-break-demo-functions' is run.

After the typing break is finished, the next break is scheduled
as per the function `type-break-schedule'. (fn)

Function: ethio-tex-to-fidel-buffer

Convert fidel-tex commands in the current buffer into fidel chars.


Function: make-frame-invisible

Make the frame FRAME invisible.
If omitted, FRAME defaults to the currently selected frame.
On graphical displays, invisible frames are not updated and are
usually not displayed at all, even in a window system's "taskbar".

Normally you may not make FRAME invisible if all other frames are invisible,
but if the second optional argument FORCE is non-nil, you may do so.

This function has no effect on text terminal frames. Such frames are
always considered visible, whether or not they are currently being
displayed in the terminal. (fn &optional FRAME FORCE)

Function: buffer-has-markers-at

Return t if there are markers pointing at POSITION in the current buffer.


Function: clear-charset-maps

Internal use only.
Clear temporary charset mapping tables.
It should be called only from temacs invoked for dumping. (fn)

Function: comint-dynamic-list-input-ring-select

Choose the input history entry that point is in or next to.


Function: multi-isearch-search-fun

Return the proper search function, for isearch in multiple buffers.

Function: package-desc-kind

Extract the kind of download from an archive package description vector.

Function: list-length

Return the length of list X. Return nil if list is circular.

(fn X)

Variable: minibuffer-text-before-history

Text that was in this minibuffer before any history commands.
This is nil if there have not yet been any history commands
in this use of the minibuffer.

Variable: next-error-hook

List of hook functions run by `next-error' after visiting source file.

Variable: minibuffer-local-must-match-map

Local keymap for minibuffer input with completion, for exact match.

Function: shadow-define-regexp-group

Make each of a group of files be shared between hosts.
Prompts for regular expression; files matching this are shared between a list
of sites, which are also prompted for. The filenames must be identical on all
hosts (if they aren't, use `shadow-define-literal-group' instead of this
function). Each site can be either a hostname or the name of a cluster (see
`shadow-define-cluster'). (fn)

Function: image-dired-display-thumbs-append

Append thumbnails to `image-dired-thumbnail-buffer'.


Function: browse-url-firefox

Ask the Firefox WWW browser to load URL.
Default to the URL around or before point. The strings in
variable `browse-url-firefox-arguments' are also passed to

When called interactively, if variable
`browse-url-new-window-flag' is non-nil, load the document in a
new Firefox window, otherwise use a random existing one. A
non-nil interactive prefix argument reverses the effect of

If `browse-url-firefox-new-window-is-tab' is non-nil, then
whenever a document would otherwise be loaded in a new window, it
is loaded in a new tab in an existing window instead.

When called non-interactively, optional second argument
NEW-WINDOW is used instead of `browse-url-new-window-flag'.

On MS-Windows systems the optional `new-window' parameter is
ignored. Firefox for Windows does not support the "-remote"
command line parameter. Therefore, the
`browse-url-new-window-flag' and `browse-url-firefox-new-window-is-tab'
are ignored as well. Firefox on Windows will always open the requested URL in a new window. (fn URL &optional NEW-WINDOW)

Function: icon-mode

Major mode for editing Icon code.
Expression and list commands understand all Icon brackets.
Tab indents for Icon code.
Paragraphs are separated by blank lines only.
Delete converts tabs to spaces as it moves back.

Uses keymap `icon-mode-map', which is not currently defined.

Variables controlling indentation style:
Non-nil means TAB in Icon mode should always reindent the current line,
regardless of where in the line point is when the TAB command is used.
Non-nil means automatically newline before and after braces
inserted in Icon code.
Indentation of Icon statements within surrounding block.
The surrounding block's indentation is the indentation
of the line on which the open-brace appears.
Extra indentation given to a substatement, such as the
then-clause of an if or body of a while.
Extra indentation given to a brace that starts a substatement.
This is in addition to `icon-continued-statement-offset'.
Extra indentation for line if it starts with an open brace.
An open brace following other text is treated as if it were
this far to the right of the start of its line.
Turning on Icon mode calls the value of the variable `icon-mode-hook' with no args, if that value is non-nil. (fn)

Variable: mm-codepage-iso-8859-list

A list of Windows codepage numbers and iso-8859 charset numbers.

If an element is a number corresponding to a supported windows
codepage, appropriate entries to `mm-charset-synonym-alist' are
added by `mm-setup-codepage-iso-8859'. An element may also be a
cons cell where the car is a codepage number and the cdr is the
corresponding number of an iso-8859 charset.

Function: pcomplete/make

Completion for GNU `make'.


Function: ebnf-customize

Customization for ebnf group.


Function: face-spec-choose

Choose the proper attributes for FRAME, out of SPEC.
If SPEC is nil, return nil.

Function: all-completions

Search for partial matches to STRING in COLLECTION.
Test each of the possible completions specified by COLLECTION
to see if it begins with STRING. The possible completions may be
strings or symbols. Symbols are converted to strings before testing,
see `symbol-name'.
The value is a list of all the possible completions that match STRING.

If COLLECTION is an alist, the keys (cars of elements) are the
possible completions. If an element is not a cons cell, then the
element itself is the possible completion.
If COLLECTION is a hash-table, all the keys that are strings or symbols
are the possible completions.
If COLLECTION is an obarray, the names of all symbols in the obarray
are the possible completions.

COLLECTION can also be a function to do the completion itself.
It receives three arguments: the values STRING, PREDICATE and t.
Whatever it returns becomes the value of `all-completions'.

If optional third argument PREDICATE is non-nil,
it is used to test each possible match.
The match is a candidate only if PREDICATE returns non-nil.
The argument given to PREDICATE is the alist element
or the symbol from the obarray. If COLLECTION is a hash-table,
predicate is called with two arguments: the key and the value.
Additionally to this predicate, `completion-regexp-list'
is used to further constrain the set of candidates.

An obsolete optional fourth argument HIDE-SPACES is still accepted for
backward compatibility. If non-nil, strings in COLLECTION that start
with a space are ignored unless STRING itself starts with a space. (fn STRING COLLECTION &optional PREDICATE HIDE-SPACES)

Variable: lisp-mode-shared-map

Keymap for commands shared by all sorts of Lisp modes.

Function: facemenu-remove-all

Remove all text properties from the region.

Function: ebrowse-tags-loop-continue

Repeat last operation on files in tree.
FIRST-TIME non-nil means this is not a repetition, but the first time.
TREE-BUFFER if indirectly specifies which files to loop over.


Function: transpose-lines

Exchange current line and previous line, leaving point after both.
With argument ARG, takes previous line and moves it past ARG lines.
With argument 0, interchanges line point is in with line mark is in.

Function: line-number-mode

Toggle line number display in the mode line (Line Number mode).
With a prefix argument ARG, enable Line Number mode if ARG is
positive, and disable it otherwise. If called from Lisp, enable
the mode if ARG is omitted or nil.

Line numbers do not appear for very large buffers and buffers
with very long lines; see variables `line-number-display-limit'
and `line-number-display-limit-width'.

Variable: line-number-mode

Non-nil if Line-Number mode is enabled.
See the command `line-number-mode' for a description of this minor mode.

Function: apropos-command

Show commands (interactively callable functions) that match PATTERN.
PATTERN can be a word, a list of words (separated by spaces),
or a regexp (using some regexp special characters). If it is a word,
search for matches for that word as a substring. If it is a list of words,
search for matches for any two (or more) of those words.

With C-u prefix, or if `apropos-do-all' is non-nil, also show
noninteractive functions.

If VAR-PREDICATE is non-nil, show only variables, and only those that
satisfy the predicate VAR-PREDICATE.

When called from a Lisp program, a string PATTERN is used as a regexp, while a list of strings is used as a word list.

Function: following-char

Return the character following point, as a number.
At the end of the buffer or accessible region, return 0.

Variable: apropos-mode-map

Keymap used in Apropos mode.

Function: clipboard-kill-region

Kill the region, and save it in the X clipboard.

Function: toggle-scroll-bar

Toggle whether or not the selected frame has vertical scroll bars.
With arg, turn vertical scroll bars on if and only if arg is positive.
The variable `scroll-bar-mode' controls which side the scroll bars are on
when they are turned on; if it is nil, they go on the left.

Function: turn-on-follow-mode

Turn on Follow mode. Please see the function `follow-mode'.


Function: make-hash-table

Create and return a new hash table.

Arguments are specified as keyword/argument pairs. The following
arguments are defined:

:test TEST -- TEST must be a symbol that specifies how to compare
keys. Default is `eql'. Predefined are the tests `eq', `eql', and
`equal'. User-supplied test and hash functions can be specified via

:size SIZE -- A hint as to how many elements will be put in the table.
Default is 65.

:rehash-size REHASH-SIZE - Indicates how to expand the table when it
fills up. If REHASH-SIZE is an integer, increase the size by that
amount. If it is a float, it must be > 1.0, and the new size is the
old size multiplied by that factor. Default is 1.5.

:rehash-threshold THRESHOLD -- THRESHOLD must a float > 0, and <= 1.0.
Resize the hash table when the ratio (number of entries / table size)
is greater than or equal to THRESHOLD. Default is 0.8.

:weakness WEAK -- WEAK must be one of nil, t, `key', `value',
`key-or-value', or `key-and-value'. If WEAK is not nil, the table
returned is a weak table. Key/value pairs are removed from a weak
hash table when there are no non-weak references pointing to their
key, value, one of key or value, or both key and value, depending on WEAK. WEAK t is equivalent to `key-and-value'. Default value of WEAK is nil. (fn &rest KEYWORD-ARGS)

Function: font-lock-default-unfontify-buffer

Unfontify the whole buffer using `font-lock-unfontify-region-function'.

Function: syntax-propertize--shift-groups

(fn RE N)

Function: cvs-update

Run a `cvs update' in the current working DIRECTORY.
Feed the output to a *cvs* buffer and run `cvs-mode' on it.
With a C-u prefix argument, prompt for a directory to use.
A prefix arg >8 (ex: C-u C-u),
prevents reuse of an existing *cvs* buffer.
The prefix is also passed to `cvs-flags-query' to select the FLAGS
passed to cvs. (fn DIRECTORY FLAGS)

Variable: find-file-visit-truename

Non-nil means visit a file under its truename.
The truename of a file is found by chasing all links
both at the file level and at the levels of the containing directories.

Function: first

Return the car of LIST. If arg is nil, return nil.
Error if arg is not nil and not a cons cell. See also `car-safe'.

See Info node `(elisp)Cons Cells' for a discussion of related basic
Lisp concepts such as car, cdr, cons cell and list. (fn LIST)

Variable: Info-use-header-line

Non-nil means to put the beginning-of-node links in an Emacs header-line.
A header-line does not scroll with the rest of the buffer.

Function: vc-user-login-name

Return the name under which the user accesses the given FILE.

Function: quit-windows-on

Quit all windows showing BUFFER-OR-NAME.
BUFFER-OR-NAME may be a buffer or the name of an existing buffer
and defaults to the current buffer. Optional argument KILL
non-nil means to kill BUFFER-OR-NAME. KILL nil means to bury
BUFFER-OR-NAME. Optional argument FRAME is handled as by

This function calls `quit-window' on all candidate windows showing BUFFER-OR-NAME.

Variable: word-combining-categories

List of pair (cons) of categories to determine word boundary.

Emacs treats a sequence of word constituent characters as a single
word (i.e. finds no word boundary between them) only if they belong to
the same script. But, exceptions are allowed in the following cases.

(1) The case that characters are in different scripts is controlled
by the variable `word-combining-categories'.

Emacs finds no word boundary between characters of different scripts
if they have categories matching some element of this list.

More precisely, if an element of this list is a cons of category CAT1
and CAT2, and a multibyte character C1 which has CAT1 is followed by
C2 which has CAT2, there's no word boundary between C1 and C2.

For instance, to tell that Han characters followed by Hiragana
characters can form a single word, the element `(?C . ?H)' should be
in this list.

(2) The case that character are in the same script is controlled by
the variable `word-separating-categories'.

Emacs finds a word boundary between characters of the same script
if they have categories matching some element of this list.

More precisely, if an element of this list is a cons of category CAT1
and CAT2, and a multibyte character C1 which has CAT1 but not CAT2 is
followed by C2 which has CAT2 but not CAT1, there's a word boundary
between C1 and C2.

For instance, to tell that there's a word boundary between Hiragana and Katakana (both are in the same script `kana'), the element `(?H . ?K) should be in this list.

Variable: sh-set-shell-hook

Hook run by `sh-set-shell'.

Function: eieio-class-precedence-c3

Return all parents of CLASS in c3 order.

Variable: vc-git-log-edit-mode-hook

Hook run when entering Log-Edit/git mode.
No problems result if this variable is not bound.
`add-hook' automatically binds it. (This is true for all hook variables.)

Function: eval-last-sexp-1

Evaluate sexp before point; print value in minibuffer.
With argument, print output into current buffer.

Function: font-lock-remove-keywords

Remove highlighting KEYWORDS for MODE.

MODE should be a symbol, the major mode command name, such as `c-mode'
or nil. If nil, highlighting keywords are removed for the current buffer.

To make the removal apply to modes derived from MODE as well,
pass nil for MODE and add the call to MODE-hook. This may fail
for some derived modes if some involved major mode does not
follow the standard conventions. File a bug report if this
happens, so the major mode can be corrected.

Function: abbrev-table-p

Return non-nil if OBJECT is an abbrev table.


Function: server-force-delete

Unconditionally delete connection file for server NAME.
If server is running, it is first stopped.
NAME defaults to `server-name'. With argument, ask for NAME.

(fn &optional NAME)

Function: view-file

View FILE in View mode, returning to previous buffer when done.
Emacs commands editing the buffer contents are not available; instead, a
special set of commands (mostly letters and punctuation) are defined for
moving around in the buffer.
Space scrolls forward, Delete scrolls backward.
For a list of all View commands, type H or h while viewing.

This command runs the normal hook `view-mode-hook'.

Function: lower-frame

Send FRAME to the back, so it is occluded by any frames that overlap it.
If you don't specify a frame, the selected frame is used.
If Emacs is displaying on an ordinary terminal or some other device which
doesn't support multiple overlapping frames, this function does nothing.

(fn &optional FRAME)

Function: make-keymap

Construct and return a new keymap, of the form (keymap CHARTABLE . ALIST).
CHARTABLE is a char-table that holds the bindings for all characters
without modifiers. All entries in it are initially nil, meaning
"command undefined". ALIST is an assoc-list which holds bindings for
function keys, mouse events, and any other things that appear in the
input stream. Initially, ALIST is nil.

The optional arg STRING supplies a menu name for the keymap
in case you use it as a menu with `x-popup-menu'. (fn &optional STRING)

Variable: sh-ancestor-alist

Alist showing the direct ancestor of various shells.
This is the basis for `sh-feature'. See also `sh-alias-alist'.
By default we have the following three hierarchies:

csh C Shell
jcsh C Shell with Job Control
tcsh TENEX C Shell
itcsh Ian's TENEX C Shell
rc Plan 9 Shell
es Extensible Shell
sh Bourne Shell
ash Almquist Shell
jsh Bourne Shell with Job Control
bash GNU Bourne Again Shell
ksh88 Korn Shell '88
ksh Korn Shell '93
dtksh CDE Desktop Korn Shell
pdksh Public Domain Korn Shell
wksh Window Korn Shell
zsh Z Shell
oash SCO OA (curses) Shell posix IEEE 1003.2 Shell Standard wsh ? Shell

Function: cl-cadddr

Return the `car' of the `cdr' of the `cdr' of the `cdr' of X.

(fn X)

Function: cl-multiple-value-list

Return a list of the multiple values produced by EXPRESSION.
This handles multiple values in Common Lisp style, but it does not
work right when EXPRESSION calls an ordinary Emacs Lisp function
that returns just one value.

Function: custom-menu-create

Create menu for customization group SYMBOL.
The menu is in a format applicable to `easy-menu-define'.


Variable: add-log-c-like-modes

Modes that look like C to `add-log-current-defun'.

Function: autoconf-mode

Major mode for editing Autoconf configure.ac files.


Variable: mouse-autoselect-window-timer

Timer used by delayed window autoselection.

Function: abbrev--before-point

Try and find an abbrev before point. Return it if found, nil otherwise.


Variable: switch-to-visible-buffer

If non-nil, allow switching to an already visible buffer.
If this variable is non-nil, `switch-to-prev-buffer' and
`switch-to-next-buffer' may switch to an already visible buffer
provided the buffer was shown before in the window specified as
argument to those functions. If this variable is nil,
`switch-to-prev-buffer' and `switch-to-next-buffer' always try to
avoid switching to a buffer that is already visible in another
window on the same frame.

Function: user-uid

Return the effective uid of Emacs.
Value is an integer or a float, depending on the value.

Variable: print-escape-multibyte

Non-nil means print multibyte characters in strings as \xXXXX.
(XXXX is the hex representation of the character code.)
This affects only `prin1'.

Function: make-list

Return a newly created list of length LENGTH, with each element being INIT.


Function: help-for-help-internal-doc

You have typed %THIS-KEY%, the help character. Type a Help option:
(Use SPC or DEL to scroll through this text. Type q to exit the Help command.)

a PATTERN Show commands whose name matches the PATTERN (a list of words
or a regexp). See also the `apropos' command.
b Display all key bindings.
c KEYS Display the command name run by the given key sequence.
C CODING Describe the given coding system, or RET for current ones.
d PATTERN Show a list of functions, variables, and other items whose
documentation matches the PATTERN (a list of words or a regexp).
e Go to the *Messages* buffer which logs echo-area messages.
f FUNCTION Display documentation for the given function.
F COMMAND Show the on-line manual's section that describes the command.
g Display information about the GNU project.
h Display the HELLO file which illustrates various scripts.
i Start the Info documentation reader: read on-line manuals.
I METHOD Describe a specific input method, or RET for current.
k KEYS Display the full documentation for the key sequence.
K KEYS Show the on-line manual's section for the command bound to KEYS.
l Show last 300 input keystrokes (lossage).
L LANG-ENV Describes a specific language environment, or RET for current.
m Display documentation of current minor modes and current major mode,
including their special commands.
n Display news of recent Emacs changes.
p TOPIC Find packages matching a given topic keyword.
r Display the Emacs manual in Info mode.
s Display contents of current syntax table, plus explanations.
S SYMBOL Show the section for the given symbol in the on-line manual
for the programming language used in this buffer.
t Start the Emacs learn-by-doing tutorial.
v VARIABLE Display the given variable's documentation and value.
w COMMAND Display which keystrokes invoke the given command (where-is).
. Display any available local help at point in the echo area.

C-a Information about Emacs.
C-c Emacs copying permission (GNU General Public License).
C-d Instructions for debugging GNU Emacs.
C-e External packages and information about Emacs.
C-f Emacs FAQ.
C-m How to order printed Emacs manuals.
C-n News of recent Emacs changes.
C-o Emacs ordering and distribution information. C-p Info about known Emacs problems. C-t Emacs TODO list. C-w Information on absence of warranty for GNU Emacs.

Function: pcomplete-list

Show the list of possible completions for the current argument.


Function: gnus-fetch-group-other-frame

Pop up a frame and enter GROUP.

(fn GROUP)

Function: store-match-data

Set internal data on last search match from elements of LIST.
LIST should have been created by calling `match-data' previously.

If optional arg RESEAT is non-nil, make markers on LIST point nowhere.

(fn LIST &optional RESEAT)

Function: search-backward

Search backward from point for STRING.
Set point to the beginning of the occurrence found, and return point.
An optional second argument bounds the search; it is a buffer position.
The match found must not extend before that position.
Optional third argument, if t, means if fail just return nil (no error).
If not nil and not t, position at limit of search and return nil.
Optional fourth argument COUNT, if non-nil, means to search for COUNT
successive occurrences. If COUNT is negative, search forward,
instead of backward, for -COUNT occurrences.

Search case-sensitivity is determined by the value of the variable
`case-fold-search', which see.

See also the functions `match-beginning', `match-end' and `replace-match'. (fn STRING &optional BOUND NOERROR COUNT)

Function: vc-git-dir-extra-headers

(fn DIR)

Function: reftex-isearch-minor-mode

When on, isearch searches the whole document, not only the current file.
This minor mode allows isearch to search through all the files of
the current TeX document.

With no argument, this command toggles
`reftex-isearch-minor-mode'. With a prefix argument ARG, turn
`reftex-isearch-minor-mode' on if ARG is positive, otherwise turn it off. (fn &optional ARG)

Function: iso-cvt-write-only

Warn that format is write-only.

(fn &rest IGNORE)

Function: window--state-put-2

Helper function for `window-state-put'.

Function: comint-completion-at-point


Variable: line-move-ignore-invisible

Non-nil means C-n and C-p ignore invisible lines.
Outline mode sets this.

Function: mh-smail

Compose a message with the MH mail system.
See `mh-send' for more details on composing mail.

Function: window--state-put-1

Helper function for `window-state-put'.

Function: char-table-parent

Return the parent char-table of CHAR-TABLE.
The value is either nil or another char-table.
If CHAR-TABLE holds nil for a given character,
then the actual applicable value is inherited from the parent char-table
(or from its parents, if necessary).

Variable: view-inhibit-help-message

Non-nil inhibits the help message shown upon entering View mode.

Function: vc-git-stash-snapshot

Create a stash with the current tree state.


Function: ps-print-region

Generate and print a PostScript image of the region.
Like `ps-print-buffer', but prints just the current region.

(fn FROM TO &optional FILENAME)

Function: edit-named-kbd-macro

Edit a keyboard macro which has been given a name by `name-last-kbd-macro'.

(fn &optional PREFIX)

Function: ediff-regions-wordwise

Run Ediff on a pair of regions in specified buffers.
Regions (i.e., point and mark) can be set in advance or marked interactively.
This function is effective only for relatively small regions, up to 200
lines. For large regions, use `ediff-regions-linewise'.


Function: zap-to-char

Kill up to and including ARGth occurrence of CHAR.
Case is ignored if `case-fold-search' is non-nil in the current buffer.
Goes backward if ARG is negative; error if CHAR not found.

Variable: mode-line-buffer-identification-keymap

Keymap for what is displayed by `mode-line-buffer-identification'.

Variable: default-frame-scroll-bars

Default position of scroll bars on this window-system.

Function: byte-compile-file-form-define-abbrev-table

(fn FORM)

Function: vc-file-clearprops

Clear all VC properties of FILE.

Variable: inhibit-startup-echo-area-message

Non-nil inhibits the initial startup echo area message.
Setting this variable takes effect
only if you do it with the customization buffer
or if your init file contains a line of this form:
(setq inhibit-startup-echo-area-message "YOUR-USER-NAME")
If your init file is byte-compiled, use the following form
(eval '(setq inhibit-startup-echo-area-message "YOUR-USER-NAME"))
Thus, someone else using a copy of your init file will see the
startup message unless he personally acts to inhibit it.

Function: send-string-to-terminal

Send STRING to the terminal without alteration.
Control characters in STRING will have terminal-dependent effects.

Optional parameter TERMINAL specifies the tty terminal device to use.
It may be a terminal object, a frame, or nil for the terminal used by
the currently selected frame. In batch mode, STRING is sent to stdout
when TERMINAL is nil.

(fn STRING &optional TERMINAL)

Function: buffer-local-value

Return the value of VARIABLE in BUFFER.
If VARIABLE does not have a buffer-local binding in BUFFER, the value
is the default binding of the variable.


Function: byte-compile-body-do-effect

(fn BODY)

Function: minusp

Return t if NUMBER is negative.


Function: debian-pkg-add-load-path-item

Takes a path item (a string) and adds it to load path in the
correct position for an add-on package, before the emacs system
directories, but after the /usr/local/ directories. After modifying
load-path, returns the new load-path.

Function: count-lines-region

Count the number of words in the region.
If called interactively, print a message reporting the number of
lines, words, and characters in the region (whether or not the
region is active); with prefix ARG, report for the entire buffer
rather than the region.

If called from Lisp, return the number of words between positions START and END.

Function: disassemble

Print disassembled code for OBJECT in (optional) BUFFER.
OBJECT can be a symbol defined as a function, or a function itself
(a lambda expression or a compiled-function object).
If OBJECT is not already compiled, we compile it, but do not
redefine OBJECT if it is a symbol.


Variable: mode-line-modes

Mode line construct for displaying major and minor modes.

Variable: Info-index-alternatives

List of possible matches for last `Info-index' command.

Function: thai-compose-region

Compose Thai characters in the region.
When called from a program, expects two arguments,
positions (integers or markers) specifying the region.

(fn BEG END)

Function: sh-font-lock-open-heredoc

Determine the syntax of the \n after a < START is the position of <<.
STRING is the actual word used as delimiter (e.g. "EOF").
INDENTED is non-nil if the here document's content (and the EOF mark) can
be indented (i.e. a <<- was used rather than just <<).
Point is at the beginning of the next line.

Function: sgml-namify-char

Change the char before point into its `&name;' equivalent.
Uses `sgml-char-names'.

Function: lazy-highlight-cleanup

Stop lazy highlighting and remove extra highlighting from current buffer.
FORCE non-nil means do it whether or not `lazy-highlight-cleanup'
is nil. This function is called when exiting an incremental search if
`lazy-highlight-cleanup' is non-nil.

Variable: lazy-highlight-cleanup

Controls whether to remove extra highlighting after a search.
If this is nil, extra highlighting can be "manually" removed with
M-x lazy-highlight-cleanup.

Variable: font-lock-comment-end-skip

If non-nil, Font Lock mode uses this instead of `comment-end'.

Function: button-label

Return BUTTON's text label.

Function: window-tree

Return the window tree of frame FRAME.
FRAME must be a live frame and defaults to the selected frame.
The return value is a list of the form (ROOT MINI), where ROOT
represents the window tree of the frame's root window, and MINI
is the frame's minibuffer window.

If the root window is not split, ROOT is the root window itself.
Otherwise, ROOT is a list (DIR EDGES W1 W2 ...) where DIR is nil
for a horizontal split, and t for a vertical split. EDGES gives
the combined size and position of the child windows in the split,
and the rest of the elements are the child windows in the split.
Each of the child windows may again be a window or a list
representing a window split, and so on. EDGES is a list (LEFT
TOP RIGHT BOTTOM) as returned by `window-edges'.

Function: string-to-unibyte

Return a unibyte string with the same individual chars as STRING.
If STRING is unibyte, the result is STRING itself.
Otherwise it is a newly created string, with no text properties,
where each `eight-bit' character is converted to the corresponding byte.
If STRING contains a non-ASCII, non-`eight-bit' character,
an error is signaled. (fn STRING)

Function: remove-if-not

Remove all items not satisfying PREDICATE in SEQ.
This is a non-destructive function; it makes a copy of SEQ if necessary
to avoid corrupting the original SEQ.

Keywords supported: :key :count :start :end :from-end


Function: compose-region

Compose characters in the current region.

Characters are composed relatively, i.e. composed by overstriking
or stacking depending on ascent, descent and other metrics of

For instance, if the region has three characters "XYZ", X is
regarded as BASE glyph, and Y is displayed:
(1) above BASE if Y's descent value is not positive
(2) below BASE if Y's ascent value is not positive
(3) on BASE (i.e. at the BASE position) otherwise
and Z is displayed with the same rule while regarding the whole
XY glyphs as BASE.

When called from a program, expects these four arguments.

First two arguments START and END are positions (integers or markers)
specifying the region.

Optional 3rd argument COMPONENTS, if non-nil, is a character, a string
or a vector or list of integers and rules.

If it is a character, it is an alternate character to display instead
of the text in the region.

If it is a string, the elements are alternate characters. In
this case, TAB element has a special meaning. If the first
character is TAB, the glyphs are displayed with left padding space
so that no pixel overlaps with the previous column. If the last
character is TAB, the glyphs are displayed with right padding
space so that no pixel overlaps with the following column.

If it is a vector or list, it is a sequence of alternate characters and
composition rules, where (2N)th elements are characters and (2N+1)th
elements are composition rules to specify how to compose (2N+2)th
elements with previously composed N glyphs.

A composition rule is a cons of global and new glyph reference point
symbols. See the documentation of `reference-point-alist' for more
Optional 4th argument MODIFICATION-FUNC is a function to call to adjust the composition when it gets invalid because of a change of text in the composition.

Variable: find-file-existing-other-name

Non-nil means find a file under alternative names, in existing buffers.
This means if any existing buffer is visiting the file you want
under another name, you get the existing buffer instead of a new buffer.

Function: open-rectangle

Blank out the region-rectangle, shifting text right.

The text previously in the region is not overwritten by the blanks,
but instead winds up to the right of the rectangle.

When called from a program the rectangle's corners are START and END.
With a prefix (or a FILL) argument, fill with blanks even if there is
no text on the right side of the rectangle.
(fn START END &optional FILL)

Variable: byte-varset

Byte code opcode for setting a variable.

Function: gnus-remove-text-properties-when

Like `remove-text-properties', only applied on where PROPERTY is VALUE.

Function: ring-elements

Return a list of the elements of RING, in order, newest first.

Function: cl--expr-contains

Count number of times X refers to Y. Return nil for 0 times.

(fn X Y)

Variable: colon-double-space

Non-nil means put two spaces after a colon when filling.

Variable: occur-collect-regexp-history

History of regexp for occur's collect operation

Function: current-left-margin

Return the left margin to use for this line.
This is the value of the buffer-local variable `left-margin' plus the value
of the `left-margin' text-property at the start of the line.

Function: ucs-normalize-HFS-NFC-region

Normalize the current region by the Unicode NFC and Mac OS's HFS Plus.

(fn FROM TO)

Function: make-term

Make a term process NAME in a buffer, running PROGRAM.
The name of the buffer is made by surrounding NAME with `*'s.
If there is already a running process in that buffer, it is not restarted.
Optional third arg STARTFILE is the name of a file to send the contents of to
the process. Any more args are arguments to PROGRAM.


Function: image-mode-as-text

Set a non-image mode as major mode in combination with image minor mode.
A non-image major mode found from `auto-mode-alist' or Fundamental mode
displays an image file as text. `image-minor-mode' provides the key

Uses keymap `image-mode-map', which is not currently defined.
M-x image-toggle-display to switch back to `image-mode'
to display an image file as the actual image.

You can use `image-mode-as-text' in `auto-mode-alist' when you want
to display an image file as text initially.

See commands `image-mode' and `image-minor-mode' for more information on these modes. (fn)

Variable: comint-input-autoexpand

If non-nil, expand input command history references on completion.
This mirrors the optional behavior of tcsh (its autoexpand and histlist).

If the value is `input', then the expansion is seen on input.
If the value is `history', then the expansion is only when inserting
into the buffer's input ring. See also `comint-magic-space' and

This variable is buffer-local.

Variable: cpp-font-lock-keywords-source-directives

Regular expression used in `cpp-font-lock-keywords'.

Variable: safe-local-variable-values

List variable-value pairs that are considered safe.
Each element is a cons cell (VAR . VAL), where VAR is a variable
symbol and VAL is a value that is considered safe.

Variable: search-spaces-regexp

Regexp to substitute for bunches of spaces in regexp search.
Some commands use this for user-specified regexps.
Spaces that occur inside character classes or repetition operators
or other such regexp constructs are not replaced with this.
A value of nil (which is the normal value) means treat spaces literally.

Function: thumbs-find-thumb

Display the thumbnail for IMG.

(fn IMG)

Function: strokes-list-strokes

Pop up a buffer containing an alphabetical listing of strokes in STROKES-MAP.
With CHRONOLOGICAL prefix arg (C-u) list strokes
chronologically by command name.
If STROKES-MAP is not given, `strokes-global-map' will be used instead.


Variable: insert-directory-program

Absolute or relative name of the `ls' program used by `insert-directory'.

Function: point-to-register

Store current location of point in register REGISTER.
With prefix argument, store current frame configuration.
Use C-x r j to go to that location or restore that configuration.
Argument is a character, naming the register.

Function: x-display-planes

Return the number of bitplanes of the X display TERMINAL.
The optional argument TERMINAL specifies which display to ask about.
TERMINAL should be a terminal object, a frame or a display name (a string).
If omitted or nil, that stands for the selected frame's display.

(fn &optional TERMINAL)

Variable: system-configuration

Value is string indicating configuration Emacs was built for.
On MS-Windows, the value reflects the OS flavor and version on which
Emacs is running.

Variable: default-case-fold-search

Default value of `case-fold-search' for buffers that don't override it.
This is the same as (default-value 'case-fold-search).

Function: find-charset-region

Return a list of charsets in the region between BEG and END.
BEG and END are buffer positions.
Optional arg TABLE if non-nil is a translation table to look up.

If the current buffer is unibyte, the returned list may contain
only `ascii', `eight-bit-control', and `eight-bit-graphic'.

(fn BEG END &optional TABLE)

Function: Info-mode-menu

Menu for Info files.

Variable: Info-mode-menu

Menu for Info files.

Function: display-images-p

Return non-nil if DISPLAY can display images.

DISPLAY can be a display name, a frame, or nil (meaning the selected
frame's display).

Function: xml-parse-region

Parse the region from BEG to END in BUFFER.
Return the XML parse tree, or raise an error if the region does
not contain well-formed XML.

If BEG is nil, it defaults to `point-min'.
If END is nil, it defaults to `point-max'.
If BUFFER is nil, it defaults to the current buffer.
If PARSE-DTD is non-nil, parse the DTD and return it as the first
element of the list.
If PARSE-NS is non-nil, then QNAMES are expanded. By default,
the variable `xml-default-ns' is the mapping from namespaces to
URIs, and expanded names will be returned as a cons

("namespace:" . "foo").

If PARSE-NS is an alist, it will be used as the mapping from
namespace to URIs instead.

If it is the symbol 'symbol-qnames, expanded names will be
returned as a plain symbol 'namespace:foo instead of a cons.

Both features can be combined by providing a cons cell (symbol-qnames . ALIST). (fn &optional BEG END BUFFER PARSE-DTD PARSE-NS)

Function: customize-object

Customize OBJ in a custom buffer.
Optional argument GROUP is the sub-group of slots to display.

(fn OBJ &optional GROUP)

Function: c-add-style

Adds a style to `c-style-alist', or updates an existing one.
STYLE is a string identifying the style to add or update. DESCRIPTION
is an association list describing the style and must be of the form:


See the variable `c-style-alist' for the semantics of BASESTYLE,
VARIABLE and VALUE. This function also sets the current style to
STYLE using `c-set-style' if the optional SET-P flag is non-nil.


Function: x-display-mm-width

Return the width in millimeters of the X display TERMINAL.
The optional argument TERMINAL specifies which display to ask about.
TERMINAL should be a terminal object, a frame or a display name (a string).
If omitted or nil, that stands for the selected frame's display.

(fn &optional TERMINAL)

Variable: first-change-hook

A list of functions to call before changing a buffer which is unmodified.
The functions are run using the `run-hooks' function.

Variable: pcomplete-restore-window-delay

The number of seconds to wait before restoring completion windows.
Once the completion window has been displayed, if the user then goes
on to type something else, that completion window will be removed from
the display (actually, the original window configuration before it was
displayed will be restored), after this many seconds of idle time. If
set to nil, completion windows will be left on second until the user
removes them manually. If set to 0, they will disappear immediately
after the user enters a key other than TAB.

Function: sh-while-getopts

Insert a while getopts loop. See `sh-feature'.
Prompts for an options string which consists of letters for each recognized
option followed by a colon `:' if the option accepts an argument.

This is a skeleton command (see `skeleton-insert').
Normally the skeleton text is inserted at point, with nothing "inside".
If there is a highlighted region, the skeleton text is wrapped
around the region text.

A prefix argument ARG says to wrap the skeleton around the next ARG words.
A prefix argument of -1 says to wrap around region, even if not highlighted.
A prefix argument of zero says to wrap around zero words---that is, nothing.
This is a way of overriding the use of a highlighted region.

Function: update-glyphless-char-display

Make the setting of `glyphless-char-display-control' take effect.
This function updates the char-table `glyphless-char-display'.

Function: ido-kill-buffer

Kill a buffer.
The buffer name is selected interactively by typing a substring.
For details of keybindings, see `ido-switch-buffer'. (fn)

Function: help-bookmark-jump

Jump to help-mode bookmark BOOKMARK.
Handler function for record returned by `help-bookmark-make-record'.
BOOKMARK is a bookmark name or a bookmark record.

Function: epa-dired-do-decrypt

Decrypt marked files.


Function: conf-unix-mode

Conf Mode starter for Unix style Conf files.
Comments start with `#'.
For details see `conf-mode'. Example:

# Conf mode font-locks this right on Unix and with M-x conf-unix-mode

[Desktop Entry]
Name=The GIMP
Name[ca]=El GIMP Name[cs]=GIMP (fn)

Function: m4-mode

A major mode to edit m4 macro files.


Function: read

Read one Lisp expression as text from STREAM, return as Lisp object.
If STREAM is nil, use the value of `standard-input' (which see).
STREAM or the value of `standard-input' may be:
a buffer (read from point and advance it)
a marker (read from where it points and advance it)
a function (call it with no arguments for each character,
call it with a char as argument to push a char back)
a string (takes text from string, starting at the beginning)
t (read text line using minibuffer and use it, or read from
standard input in batch mode). (fn &optional STREAM)

Function: byte-compile-save-restriction

(fn FORM)

Variable: comint-buffer-maximum-size

The maximum size in lines for Comint buffers.
Comint buffers are truncated from the top to be no greater than this number, if
the function `comint-truncate-buffer' is on `comint-output-filter-functions'.

Variable: shell-prompt-pattern

Regexp to match prompts in the inferior shell.
Defaults to "^[^#$%>\n]*[#$%>] *", which works pretty well.
This variable is used to initialize `comint-prompt-regexp' in the
shell buffer.

If `comint-use-prompt-regexp' is nil, then this variable is only used
to determine paragraph boundaries. See Info node `Shell Prompts' for
how Shell mode treats paragraphs.

The pattern should probably not match more than one line. If it does,
Shell mode may become confused trying to distinguish prompt from input
on lines which don't start with a prompt.

Variable: lisp-loop-keyword-indentation

Indentation of loop keywords in extended loop forms.

Variable: help-back-label

Label to use by `help-make-xrefs' for the go-back reference.

Function: xterm-register-default-colors

Register the default set of colors for xterm or compatible emulator.

This function registers the number of colors returned by `display-color-cells'
for the currently selected frame. The first 16 colors are taken from
`xterm-standard-colors', which see, while the rest are computed assuming
either the 88- or 256-color standard color scheme supported by latest versions of xterm.

Function: cl-substitute-if

Substitute NEW for all items satisfying PREDICATE in SEQ.
This is a non-destructive function; it makes a copy of SEQ if necessary
to avoid corrupting the original SEQ.

Keywords supported: :key :count :start :end :from-end


Variable: search-ring

List of search string sequences.

Variable: minibuffer-default

The current default value or list of default values in the minibuffer.
The functions `read-from-minibuffer' and `completing-read' bind
this variable locally.

Variable: comint-dynamic-complete-functions

List of functions called to perform completion.
Works like `completion-at-point-functions'.
See also `comint-dynamic-complete'.

This is a good thing to set in mode hooks.

Function: highlight-changes-rotate-faces

Rotate the faces if in Highlight Changes mode and the changes are visible.

Current changes are displayed in the face described by the first element
of `highlight-changes-face-list', one level older changes are shown in
face described by the second element, and so on. Very old changes remain
shown in the last face in the list.

You can automatically rotate colors when the buffer is saved by adding
this function to `write-file-functions' as a buffer-local value. To do
this, eval the following in the buffer to be saved:

(add-hook 'write-file-functions 'highlight-changes-rotate-faces nil t) (fn)

Function: turn-off-hideshow

Unconditionally turn off `hs-minor-mode'.


Function: sh-case

Insert a case/switch statement. See `sh-feature'.

This is a skeleton command (see `skeleton-insert').
Normally the skeleton text is inserted at point, with nothing "inside".
If there is a highlighted region, the skeleton text is wrapped
around the region text.

A prefix argument ARG says to wrap the skeleton around the next ARG words.
A prefix argument of -1 says to wrap around region, even if not highlighted.
A prefix argument of zero says to wrap around zero words---that is, nothing.
This is a way of overriding the use of a highlighted region.

Function: org-iswitchb

Switch between Org buffers.
With one prefix argument, restrict available buffers to files.
With two prefix arguments, restrict available buffers to agenda files.

Defaults to `iswitchb' for buffer name completion.
Set `org-completion-use-ido' to make it use ido instead. (fn &optional ARG)

Function: file-name-extension

Return FILENAME's final "extension".
The extension, in a file name, is the part that follows the last `.',
excluding version numbers and backup suffixes,
except that a leading `.', if any, doesn't count.
Return nil for extensionless file names such as `foo'.
Return the empty string for file names such as `foo.'.

If PERIOD is non-nil, then the returned value includes the period
that delimits the extension, and if FILENAME has no extension, the value is "".

Function: vc-git-rename-file

(fn OLD NEW)

Variable: font-lock-extra-managed-props

Additional text properties managed by font-lock.
This is used by `font-lock-default-unfontify-region' to decide
what properties to clear before refontifying a region.

Variable: facemenu-special-menu

Menu keymap for non-face text-properties.

Function: set-face-underline

Specify whether face FACE is underlined.
UNDERLINE nil means FACE explicitly doesn't underline.
UNDERLINE t means FACE underlines with its foreground color.
If UNDERLINE is a string, underline with that color.

UNDERLINE may also be a list of the form (:color COLOR :style STYLE),
where COLOR is a string or `foreground-color', and STYLE is either
`line' or `wave'. :color may be omitted, which means to use the
foreground color. :style may be omitted, which means to use a line.

FRAME nil or not specified means change face on all frames.
Use `set-face-attribute' to ``unspecify'' underlining.

Function: backup-file-name-p

Return non-nil if FILE is a backup file name (numeric or not).
This is a separate function so you can redefine it for customization.
You may need to redefine `file-name-sans-versions' as well.

Function: kbd

Convert KEYS to the internal Emacs key representation.
KEYS should be a string constant in the format used for
saving keyboard macros (see `edmacro-mode').

Function: cl-nsubstitute-if-not

Substitute NEW for all items not satisfying PREDICATE in SEQ.
This is a destructive function; it reuses the storage of SEQ whenever possible.

Keywords supported: :key :count :start :end :from-end


Variable: beginning-of-defun-function

If non-nil, function for `beginning-of-defun-raw' to call.
This is used to find the beginning of the defun instead of using the
normal recipe (see `beginning-of-defun'). Major modes can define this
if defining `defun-prompt-regexp' is not sufficient to handle the mode's

The function takes the same argument as `beginning-of-defun' and should
behave similarly, returning non-nil if it found the beginning of a defun.
Ideally it should move to a point right before an open-paren which encloses the body of the defun.

Function: put-image

Put image IMAGE in front of POS in the current buffer.
IMAGE must be an image created with `create-image' or `defimage'.
IMAGE is displayed by putting an overlay into the current buffer with a
`before-string' STRING that has a `display' property whose value is the
image. STRING is defaulted if you omit it.
The overlay created will have the `put-image' property set to t.
POS may be an integer or marker.
AREA is where to display the image. AREA nil or omitted means
display it in the text area, a value of `left-margin' means
display it in the left marginal area, a value of `right-margin'
means display it in the right marginal area.

Function: find-variable-other-frame

Find, in another frame, the definition of VARIABLE near point.

See `find-variable' for more details.


Function: frame-pixel-width

Return FRAME's width in pixels.
For a terminal frame, the result really gives the width in characters.
If FRAME is omitted, the selected frame is used.

(fn &optional FRAME)

Function: ceiling

Return the smallest integer no less than ARG.
This rounds the value towards +inf.
With optional DIVISOR, return the smallest integer no less than ARG/DIVISOR.

(fn ARG &optional DIVISOR)

Function: rassoc

Return non-nil if KEY is `equal' to the cdr of an element of LIST.
The value is actually the first element of LIST whose cdr equals KEY.


Function: set-file-times

Set times of file FILENAME to TIMESTAMP.
Set both access and modification times.
Return t on success, else nil.
Use the current time if TIMESTAMP is nil. TIMESTAMP is in the format of


Function: mm-make-temp-file

Create a temporary file.
The returned file name (created by appending some random characters at the end
of PREFIX, and expanding against `temporary-file-directory' if necessary),
is guaranteed to point to a newly created empty file.
You can then use `write-region' to write new data into the file.

If DIR-FLAG is non-nil, create a new empty directory instead of a file.

If SUFFIX is non-nil, add that at the end of the file name.

Function: mm-auto-mode-alist

Return an `auto-mode-alist' with only the .gz (etc) thingies.

Function: random-state-p

Return t if OBJECT is a random-state object.


Function: menu-bar-showhide-fringe-ind-mixed

Display top and bottom indicators in opposite fringes, arrows in right.

Variable: enable-recursive-minibuffers

Non-nil means to allow minibuffer commands while in the minibuffer.
This variable makes a difference whenever the minibuffer window is active.

Function: read-char

Read a character from the command input (keyboard or macro).
It is returned as a number.
If the character has modifiers, they are resolved and reflected to the
character code if possible (e.g. C-SPC -> 0).

If the user generates an event which is not a character (i.e. a mouse
click or function key event), `read-char' signals an error. As an
exception, switch-frame events are put off until non-character events
can be read.
If you want to read non-character events, or ignore them, call
`read-event' or `read-char-exclusive' instead.

If the optional argument PROMPT is non-nil, display that as a prompt.
If the optional argument INHERIT-INPUT-METHOD is non-nil and some
input method is turned on in the current buffer, that input method
is used for reading a character.
If the optional argument SECONDS is non-nil, it should be a number
specifying the maximum number of seconds to wait for input. If no
input arrives in that time, return nil. SECONDS may be a
floating-point value. (fn &optional PROMPT INHERIT-INPUT-METHOD SECONDS)

Function: cl-cdaddr

Return the `cdr' of the `car' of the `cdr' of the `cdr' of X.

(fn X)

Variable: hs-special-modes-alist

Alist for initializing the hideshow variables for different modes.
Each element has the form

If non-nil, hideshow will use these values as regexps to define blocks
and comments, respectively for major mode MODE.

START, END and COMMENT-START are regular expressions. A block is
defined as text surrounded by START and END.

As a special case, START may be a list of the form (COMPLEX-START
MDATA-SELECTOR), where COMPLEX-START is a regexp w/ multiple parts and
MDATA-SELECTOR an integer that specifies which sub-match is the proper
place to adjust point, before calling `hs-forward-sexp-func'. Point
is adjusted to the beginning of the specified match. For example,
see the `hs-special-modes-alist' entry for `bibtex-mode'.

For some major modes, `forward-sexp' does not work properly. In those
cases, FORWARD-SEXP-FUNC specifies another function to use instead.

See the documentation for `hs-adjust-block-beginning' to see what is the

If any of the elements is left nil or omitted, hideshow tries to guess
appropriate values. The regexps should not contain leading or trailing whitespace. Case does not matter.

Function: ange-ftp-re-read-dir

Reread remote directory DIR to update the directory cache.
The implementation of remote FTP file names caches directory contents
for speed. Therefore, when new remote files are created, Emacs
may not know they exist. You can use this command to reread a specific
directory, so that Emacs will know its current contents.
(fn &optional DIR)

Variable: code-conversion-map-vector

Vector of code conversion maps.

Function: byte-compile-file-form

(fn FORM)

Function: mouse-kill-secondary

Kill the text in the secondary selection.
This is intended more as a keyboard command than as a mouse command
but it can work as either one.

The current buffer (in case of keyboard use), or the buffer clicked on,
must be the one that the secondary selection is in. This requirement
is to prevent accidents. (fn)

Function: epa-encrypt-region

Encrypt the current region between START and END for RECIPIENTS.

Don't use this command in Lisp programs!
Since this function operates on regions, it does some tricks such
as coding-system detection and unibyte/multibyte conversion. If
you are sure how the data should be treated, you should consider
using the string based counterpart `epg-encrypt-string', or the
file based counterpart `epg-encrypt-file' instead.

For example:

(let ((context (epg-make-context 'OpenPGP)))
(encode-coding-string (buffer-substring start end) 'utf-8) nil)) (fn START END RECIPIENTS SIGN SIGNERS)

Function: window-left-column

Return left column of window WINDOW.
This is the distance, in columns, between the left edge of WINDOW and
the left edge of the frame's window area. For instance, the return
value is 0 if there is no window to the left of WINDOW.

WINDOW must be a valid window and defaults to the selected one.
(fn &optional WINDOW)

Function: compare-buffer-substrings

Compare two substrings of two buffers; return result as number.
Return -N if first string is less after N-1 chars, +N if first string is
greater after N-1 chars, or 0 if strings match. Each substring is
represented as three arguments: BUFFER, START and END. That makes six
args in all, three for each substring.

The value of `case-fold-search' in the current buffer
determines whether case is significant or ignored.


Function: char-resolve-modifiers

Resolve modifiers in the character CHAR.
The value is a character with modifiers resolved into the character
code. Unresolved modifiers are kept in the value.
(fn CHAR)

Function: defvaralias

Make NEW-ALIAS a variable alias for symbol BASE-VARIABLE.
Aliased variables always have the same value; setting one sets the other.
Third arg DOCSTRING, if non-nil, is documentation for NEW-ALIAS. If it is
omitted or nil, NEW-ALIAS gets the documentation string of BASE-VARIABLE,
or of the variable at the end of the chain of aliases, if BASE-VARIABLE is
itself an alias. If NEW-ALIAS is bound, and BASE-VARIABLE is not,
then the value of BASE-VARIABLE is set to that of NEW-ALIAS.
The return value is BASE-VARIABLE.


Function: smie-indent--rule

Compute indentation column according to `indent-rule-functions'.
METHOD and TOKEN are passed to `indent-rule-functions'.
AFTER is the position after TOKEN, if known.
PARENT is the parent info returned by `smie-backward-sexp', if known.
BASE-POS is the position relative to which offsets should be applied.


Function: occur-rename-buffer

Rename the current *Occur* buffer to *Occur: original-buffer-name*.
Here `original-buffer-name' is the buffer name where Occur was originally run.
When given the prefix argument, or called non-interactively, the renaming
will not clobber the existing buffer(s) of that name, but use
`generate-new-buffer-name' instead. You can add this to `occur-hook'
if you always want a separate *Occur* buffer for each buffer where you invoke `occur'.

Function: define-mail-abbrev

Define NAME as a mail alias abbrev that translates to DEFINITION.
If DEFINITION contains multiple addresses, separate them with commas.

Optional argument FROM-MAILRC-FILE means that DEFINITION comes
from a mailrc file. In that case, addresses are separated with
spaces and addresses with embedded spaces are surrounded by


Function: read-quoted-char

Like `read-char', but do not allow quitting.
Also, if the first character read is an octal digit,
we read any number of octal digits and return the
specified character code. Any nondigit terminates the sequence.
If the terminator is RET, it is discarded;
any other terminator is used itself as input.

The optional argument PROMPT specifies a string to use to prompt the user.
The variable `read-quoted-char-radix' controls which radix to use for numeric input.

Variable: char-code-property-alist

Alist of character property name vs char-table containing property values.
Internal use only.

Variable: input-decode-map

Keymap that decodes input escape sequences.
This is used mainly for mapping ASCII function key sequences into
real Emacs function key events (symbols).

The `read-key-sequence' function replaces any subsequence bound by
`input-decode-map' with its binding. Contrary to `function-key-map',
this map applies its rebinding regardless of the presence of an ordinary
binding. So it is more like `key-translation-map' except that it applies
before `function-key-map' rather than after.

If the binding is a function, it is called with one argument (the prompt)
and its return value (a key sequence) is used.

The events that come from bindings in `input-decode-map' are not themselves looked up in `input-decode-map'.

Variable: comint-completion-addsuffix

If non-nil, add ` ' to file names.
It can either be a string FILESUFFIX or a cons (DIRSUFFIX . FILESUFFIX)
where DIRSUFFIX is ignored and FILESUFFIX is a string added on unambiguous
or exact completion.
This mirrors the optional behavior of tcsh.

Function: dabbrev--same-major-mode-p

Check if OTHER-BUFFER has the same major mode as current buffer.


Function: scroll-bar-columns

Return the width, measured in columns, of the vertical scrollbar on SIDE.
SIDE must be the symbol `left' or `right'.

Function: turn-on-auto-fill

Unconditionally turn on Auto Fill mode.

Function: minibuffer-default-add-shell-commands

Return a list of all commands associated with the current file.
This function is used to add all related commands retrieved by `mailcap'
to the end of the list of defaults just after the default value.

Function: info-standalone

Run Emacs as a standalone Info reader.
Usage: emacs -f info-standalone [filename]
In standalone mode, q exits Emacs itself.

Variable: delayed-warnings-list

List of warnings to be displayed after this command.
Each element must be a list (TYPE MESSAGE [LEVEL [BUFFER-NAME]]),
as per the args of `display-warning' (which see).
If this variable is non-nil, `delayed-warnings-hook' will be run
immediately after running `post-command-hook'.

Function: reset-this-command-lengths

Make the unread events replace the last command and echo.
Used in `universal-argument-other-key'.

`universal-argument-other-key' rereads the event just typed.
It then gets translated through `function-key-map'.
The translated event has to replace the real events,
both in the value of (this-command-keys) and in echoing.
To achieve this, `universal-argument-other-key' calls
`reset-this-command-lengths', which discards the record of reading
these events the first time. (fn)

Variable: Info-finder-file

Info file name of the virtual Info keyword finder manual.

Function: cl-map-intervals


Function: font-lock-update-removed-keyword-alist

Update `font-lock-removed-keywords-alist' when adding new KEYWORDS to MODE.

Variable: change-major-mode-with-file-name

Non-nil means C-x C-w should set the major mode from the file name.
However, the mode will not be changed if
(1) a local variables list or the `-*-' line specifies a major mode, or
(2) the current major mode is a "special" mode,
not suitable for ordinary files, or
(3) the new file name does not particularly specify any mode.

Function: display-buffer-reuse-window

Return a window that is already displaying BUFFER.
Return nil if no usable window is found.

If ALIST has a non-nil `inhibit-same-window' entry, the selected
window is not eligible for reuse.

If ALIST contains a `reusable-frames' entry, its value determines
which frames to search for a reusable window:
nil -- the selected frame (actually the last non-minibuffer frame)
A frame -- just that frame
`visible' -- all visible frames
0 -- all frames on the current terminal
t -- all frames.

If ALIST contains no `reusable-frames' entry, search just the
selected frame if `display-buffer-reuse-frames' and
`pop-up-frames' are both nil; search all frames on the current
terminal if either of those variables is non-nil.

If ALIST has a non-nil `inhibit-switch-frame' entry, then in the event that a window on another frame is chosen, avoid raising that frame.

Function: error

Signal an error, making error message by passing all args to `format'.
In Emacs, the convention is that error messages start with a capital
letter but *do not* end with a period. Please follow this convention
for the sake of consistency.

Face: error

Basic face used to highlight errors and to denote failure.

Function: org-beamer-mode

Special support for editing Org-mode files made to export to beamer.

(fn &optional ARG)

Function: find-grep

Run grep via find, with user-specified args COMMAND-ARGS.
Collect output in a buffer.
While find runs asynchronously, you can use the C-x ` command
to find the text that grep hits refer to.

This command uses a special history list for its arguments, so you can
easily repeat a find command. (fn COMMAND-ARGS)

Function: select-tags-table

Select a tags table file from a menu of those you have already used.
The list of tags tables to select from is stored in `tags-table-set-list';
see the doc of that variable if you want to add names to the list. (fn)

Variable: window-safe-min-width

The absolute minimum number of columns of a window.
Anything less might crash Emacs.

Function: make-network-process

Create and return a network server or client process.

In Emacs, network connections are represented by process objects, so
input and output work as for subprocesses and `delete-process' closes
a network connection. However, a network process has no process id,
it cannot be signaled, and the status codes are different from normal

Arguments are specified as keyword/argument pairs. The following
arguments are defined:

:name NAME -- NAME is name for process. It is modified if necessary
to make it unique.

:buffer BUFFER -- BUFFER is the buffer (or buffer-name) to associate
with the process. Process output goes at end of that buffer, unless
you specify an output stream or filter function to handle the output.
BUFFER may be also nil, meaning that this process is not associated
with any buffer.

:host HOST -- HOST is name of the host to connect to, or its IP
address. The symbol `local' specifies the local host. If specified
for a server process, it must be a valid name or address for the local
host, and only clients connecting to that address will be accepted.

:service SERVICE -- SERVICE is name of the service desired, or an
integer specifying a port number to connect to. If SERVICE is t,
a random port number is selected for the server. (If Emacs was
compiled with getaddrinfo, a port number can also be specified as a
string, e.g. "80", as well as an integer. This is not portable.)

:type TYPE -- TYPE is the type of connection. The default (nil) is a
stream type connection, `datagram' creates a datagram type connection,
`seqpacket' creates a reliable datagram connection.

:family FAMILY -- FAMILY is the address (and protocol) family for the
service specified by HOST and SERVICE. The default (nil) is to use
whatever address family (IPv4 or IPv6) that is defined for the host
and port number specified by HOST and SERVICE. Other address families
supported are:
local -- for a local (i.e. UNIX) address specified by SERVICE.
ipv4 -- use IPv4 address family only.
ipv6 -- use IPv6 address family only.

:local ADDRESS -- ADDRESS is the local address used for the connection.
This parameter is ignored when opening a client process. When specified
for a server process, the FAMILY, HOST and SERVICE args are ignored.

:remote ADDRESS -- ADDRESS is the remote partner's address for the
connection. This parameter is ignored when opening a stream server
process. For a datagram server process, it specifies the initial
setting of the remote datagram address. When specified for a client
process, the FAMILY, HOST, and SERVICE args are ignored.

The format of ADDRESS depends on the address family:
- An IPv4 address is represented as an vector of integers [A B C D P]
corresponding to numeric IP address A.B.C.D and port number P.
- A local address is represented as a string with the address in the
local address space.
- An "unsupported family" address is represented by a cons (F . AV)
where F is the family number and AV is a vector containing the socket
address data with one element per address data byte. Do not rely on
this format in portable code, as it may depend on implementation
defined constants, data sizes, and data structure alignment.

:coding CODING -- If CODING is a symbol, it specifies the coding
system used for both reading and writing for this process. If CODING
is a cons (DECODING . ENCODING), DECODING is used for reading, and
ENCODING is used for writing.

:nowait BOOL -- If BOOL is non-nil for a stream type client process,
return without waiting for the connection to complete; instead, the
sentinel function will be called with second arg matching "open" (if
successful) or "failed" when the connect completes. Default is to use
a blocking connect (i.e. wait) for stream type connections.

:noquery BOOL -- Query the user unless BOOL is non-nil, and process is
running when Emacs is exited.

:stop BOOL -- Start process in the `stopped' state if BOOL non-nil.
In the stopped state, a server process does not accept new
connections, and a client process does not handle incoming traffic.
The stopped state is cleared by `continue-process' and set by

:filter FILTER -- Install FILTER as the process filter.

:filter-multibyte BOOL -- If BOOL is non-nil, strings given to the
process filter are multibyte, otherwise they are unibyte.
If this keyword is not specified, the strings are multibyte if
the default value of `enable-multibyte-characters' is non-nil.

:sentinel SENTINEL -- Install SENTINEL as the process sentinel.

:log LOG -- Install LOG as the server process log function. This
function is called when the server accepts a network connection from a
client. The arguments are SERVER, CLIENT, and MESSAGE, where SERVER
is the server process, CLIENT is the new process for the connection,
and MESSAGE is a string.

:plist PLIST -- Install PLIST as the new process' initial plist.

:server QLEN -- if QLEN is non-nil, create a server process for the
specified FAMILY, SERVICE, and connection type (stream or datagram).
If QLEN is an integer, it is used as the max. length of the server's
pending connection queue (also known as the backlog); the default
queue length is 5. Default is to create a client process.

The following network options can be specified for this connection:

:broadcast BOOL -- Allow send and receive of datagram broadcasts.
:dontroute BOOL -- Only send to directly connected hosts.
:keepalive BOOL -- Send keep-alive messages on network stream.
:linger BOOL or TIMEOUT -- Send queued messages before closing.
:oobinline BOOL -- Place out-of-band data in receive data stream.
:priority INT -- Set protocol defined priority for sent packets.
:reuseaddr BOOL -- Allow reusing a recently used local address
(this is allowed by default for a server process).
:bindtodevice NAME -- bind to interface NAME. Using this may require
special privileges on some systems.

Consult the relevant system programmer's manual pages for more
information on using these options.

A server process will listen for and accept connections from clients.
When a client connection is accepted, a new network process is created
for the connection with the following parameters:

- The client's process name is constructed by concatenating the server
process' NAME and a client identification string.
- If the FILTER argument is non-nil, the client process will not get a
separate process buffer; otherwise, the client's process buffer is a newly
created buffer named after the server process' BUFFER name or process
NAME concatenated with the client identification string.
- The connection type and the process filter and sentinel parameters are
inherited from the server process' TYPE, FILTER and SENTINEL.
- The client process' contact info is set according to the client's
addressing information (typically an IP address and a port number). - The client process' plist is initialized from the server's plist. Notice that the FILTER and SENTINEL args are never used directly by the server process. Also, the BUFFER argument is not used directly by the server process, but via the optional :log function, accepted (and failed) connections may be logged in the server process' buffer. The original argument list, modified with the actual connection information, is available via the `process-contact' function. (fn &rest ARGS)

Function: password-read

Read password, for use with KEY, from user, or from cache if wanted.
KEY indicate the purpose of the password, so the cache can
separate passwords. The cache is not used if KEY is nil. It is
typically a string.
The variable `password-cache' control whether the cache is used.

Variable: comint-redirect-original-mode-line-process

Original mode line for redirected process.

Variable: display-time-world-list

Alist of time zones and places for `display-time-world' to display.
Each element has the form (TIMEZONE LABEL).
TIMEZONE should be in a format supported by your system. See the
documentation of `zoneinfo-style-world-list' and
`legacy-style-world-list' for two widely used formats. LABEL is
a string to display as the label of that TIMEZONE's time.

Function: comment-padright

Construct a string composed of STR plus `comment-padding'.
It also adds N copies of the last non-whitespace chars of STR.
If STR already contains padding, the corresponding amount is
ignored from `comment-padding'.
N defaults to 0.
If N is `re', a regexp is returned instead, that would match
the string for any N. (fn STR &optional N)

Function: list-processes--refresh

Recompute the list of processes for the Process List buffer.
Also, delete any process that is exited or signaled.

Function: forms-mode

Major mode to visit files in a field-structured manner using a form.

Commands: Equivalent keys in read-only mode:
TAB forms-next-field TAB
C-c TAB forms-next-field
C-c < forms-first-record <
C-c > forms-last-record >
C-c ? describe-mode ?
C-c C-k forms-delete-record
C-c C-q forms-toggle-read-only q
C-c C-o forms-insert-record
C-c C-l forms-jump-record l
C-c C-n forms-next-record n
C-c C-p forms-prev-record p
C-c C-r forms-search-reverse r
C-c C-s forms-search-forward s
C-c C-x forms-exit x (fn &optional PRIMARY)

Function: read-envvar-name

Read environment variable name, prompting with PROMPT.
Optional second arg MUSTMATCH, if non-nil, means require existing envvar name.
If it is also not t, RET does not exit if it does non-null completion.

Variable: normal-erase-is-backspace

Set the default behavior of the Delete and Backspace keys.

If set to t, Delete key deletes forward and Backspace key deletes

If set to nil, both Delete and Backspace keys delete backward.

If set to 'maybe (which is the default), Emacs automatically
selects a behavior. On window systems, the behavior depends on
the keyboard used. If the keyboard has both a Backspace key and
a Delete key, and both are mapped to their usual meanings, the
option's default value is set to t, so that Backspace can be used
to delete backward, and Delete can be used to delete forward.

If not running under a window system, customizing this option
accomplishes a similar effect by mapping C-h, which is usually
generated by the Backspace key, to DEL, and by mapping DEL to C-d
via `keyboard-translate'. The former functionality of C-h is
available on the F1 key. You should probably not use this
setting if you don't have both Backspace, Delete and F1 keys.

Setting this variable with setq doesn't take effect. Programmatically, call `normal-erase-is-backspace-mode' (which see) instead.

Function: face-remap-set-base

Set the base remapping of FACE in the current buffer to SPECS.
This causes the remappings specified by `face-remap-add-relative'
to apply on top of the face specification given by SPECS.

The remaining arguments, SPECS, should form a list of faces.
Each list element should be either a face name or a property list
of face attribute/value pairs, like in a `face' text property.

If SPECS is empty, call `face-remap-reset-base' to use the normal
definition of FACE as the base remapping; note that this is
different from SPECS containing a single value `nil', which means
not to inherit from the global definition of FACE at all. (fn FACE &rest SPECS)

Function: emacs-version

Return string describing the version of Emacs that is running.
If optional argument HERE is non-nil, insert string at point.
Don't use this function in programs to choose actions according
to the system configuration; look at `system-configuration' instead.

Variable: emacs-version

Version numbers of this version of Emacs.

Function: smie-indent-backward-token

Skip token backward and return it, along with its levels.


Function: gnus-alive-p

Say whether Gnus is running or not.

Function: sgml-skip-tag-backward

Skip to beginning of tag or matching opening tag if present.
With prefix argument ARG, repeat this ARG times.
Return non-nil if we skipped over matched tags.

Variable: byte-compile-bound-variables

List of dynamic variables bound in the context of the current form.
This list lives partly on the stack.

Function: cl-nsubst-if-not

Substitute NEW for elements not matching PREDICATE in TREE (destructively).
Any element of TREE which matches is changed to NEW (via a call to `setcar').

Keywords supported: :key


Function: completion-metadata

Return the metadata of elements to complete at the end of STRING.
This metadata is an alist. Currently understood keys are:
- `category': the kind of objects returned by `all-completions'.
Used by `completion-category-overrides'.
- `annotation-function': function to add annotations in *Completions*.
Takes one argument (STRING), which is a possible completion and
returns a string to append to STRING.
- `display-sort-function': function to sort entries in *Completions*.
Takes one argument (COMPLETIONS) and should return a new list
of completions. Can operate destructively.
- `cycle-sort-function': function to sort entries when cycling.
Works like `display-sort-function'.
The metadata of a completion table should be constant between two boundaries. (fn STRING TABLE PRED)

Function: gnus-sync-initialize

Initialize the Gnus sync facility.


Function: terminal-parameter

Return TERMINAL's value for parameter PARAMETER.
TERMINAL can be a terminal object, a frame, or nil (meaning the
selected frame's terminal).


Function: delete-file

Delete file named FILENAME. If it is a symlink, remove the symlink.
If file has multiple names, it continues to exist with the other names.
TRASH non-nil means to trash the file instead of deleting, provided
`delete-by-moving-to-trash' is non-nil.

When called interactively, TRASH is t if no prefix argument is given.
With a prefix argument, TRASH is nil.

(fn FILENAME &optional TRASH)

Variable: package-el-version

Version of package.el.

Function: isearch-yank-line

Pull rest of line from buffer into search string.

Function: make-syntax-table

Return a new syntax table.
Create a syntax table which inherits from OLDTABLE (if non-nil) or
from `standard-syntax-table' otherwise.

Function: file-name-all-completions

Return a list of all completions of file name FILE in directory DIRECTORY.
These are all file names in directory DIRECTORY which begin with FILE.


Function: null

Return t if OBJECT is nil.


Function: insert-buffer

Insert after point the contents of BUFFER.
Puts mark after the inserted text.
BUFFER may be a buffer or a buffer name.

This function is meant for the user to run interactively.
Don't call it from programs: use `insert-buffer-substring' instead!

Function: mml2015-verify


Function: button-type

Return BUTTON's button-type.

Face: buffer-menu-buffer

Face for buffer names in the Buffer Menu.

Function: run-octave

Run an inferior Octave process, I/O via `inferior-octave-buffer'.
This buffer is put in Inferior Octave mode. See `inferior-octave-mode'.

Unless ARG is non-nil, switches to this buffer.

The elements of the list `inferior-octave-startup-args' are sent as
command line arguments to the inferior Octave process on startup.

Additional commands to be executed on startup can be provided either in
the file specified by `inferior-octave-startup-file' or by the default
startup file, `~/.emacs-octave'. (fn &optional ARG)

Function: global-cwarn-mode

Toggle Cwarn mode in all buffers.
With prefix ARG, enable Global-Cwarn mode if ARG is positive;
otherwise, disable it. If called from Lisp, enable the mode if
ARG is omitted or nil.

Cwarn mode is enabled in all buffers where
`turn-on-cwarn-mode-if-enabled' would do it.
See `cwarn-mode' for more information on Cwarn mode. (fn &optional ARG)

Variable: global-cwarn-mode

Non-nil if Global-Cwarn mode is enabled.
See the command `global-cwarn-mode' for a description of this minor mode.
Setting this variable directly does not take effect;
either customize it (see the info node `Easy Customization')
or call the function `global-cwarn-mode'.

Function: shell-process-cd

(fn ARG)

Function: comint-exec

Start up a process named NAME in buffer BUFFER for Comint modes.
Runs the given COMMAND with SWITCHES, and initial input from STARTFILE.

COMMAND should be one of the following:
- a string, denoting an executable program to create via
- a cons pair of the form (HOST . SERVICE), denoting a TCP
connection to be opened via `open-network-stream'
- nil, denoting a newly-allocated pty.

This function blasts any old process running in the buffer, and
does not set the buffer mode. You can use this to cheaply run a
series of processes in the same Comint buffer. The hook
`comint-exec-hook' is run after each exec. (fn BUFFER NAME COMMAND STARTFILE SWITCHES)

Function: replace-match-maybe-edit

Make a replacement with `replace-match', editing `\?'.
NEWTEXT, FIXEDCASE, LITERAL are just passed on. If NOEDIT is true, no
check for `\?' is made to save time. MATCH-DATA is used for the
replacement. In case editing is done, it is changed to use markers.

The return value is non-nil if there has been no `\?' or NOEDIT was
passed in. If LITERAL is set, no checking is done, anyway.

Function: scroll-lock-mode

Buffer-local minor mode for pager-like scrolling.
With a prefix argument ARG, enable the mode if ARG is positive,
and disable it otherwise. If called from Lisp, enable the mode
if ARG is omitted or nil. When enabled, keys that normally move
point by line or paragraph will scroll the buffer by the
respective amount of lines instead and point will be kept
vertically fixed relative to window boundaries during scrolling. (fn &optional ARG)

Function: mail-hist-define-keys

Define keys for accessing mail header history. For use in hooks.


Function: face-bold-p

Return non-nil if the font of FACE is bold on FRAME.
If the optional argument FRAME is given, report on face FACE in that frame.
If FRAME is t, report on the defaults for face FACE (for new frames).
If FRAME is omitted or nil, use the selected frame.
Use `face-attribute' for finer control.

Function: makefile-bsdmake-mode

An adapted `makefile-mode' that knows about BSD make.


Function: x-menu-bar-open

Open the menu bar if it is shown.
`popup-menu' is used if it is off.

Function: tpu-edt-on

Turn on TPU/edt emulation.


Function: set-face-documentation

Set the documentation string for FACE to STRING.

Variable: vc-git-log-view-mode-syntax-table

Syntax table for `vc-git-log-view-mode'.

Function: isearch-edit-string

Edit the search string in the minibuffer.
The following additional command keys are active while editing.

C-j to resume incremental searching with the edited string.
RET to do one nonincremental search.
C-s to resume isearching forward.
C-r to resume isearching backward.
C-M-i to complete the search string using the search ring.

Function: facemenu-set-bold

Select face `bold' for subsequent insertion.
If the mark is active and there is no prefix argument,
apply face `bold' to the region instead.
This command was defined by `facemenu-add-new-face'.

Function: facemenu-set-self-insert-face

Arrange for the next self-inserted char to have face `face'.

Function: message-followup

Follow up to the message in the current buffer.
If TO-NEWSGROUPS, use that as the new Newsgroups line.

(fn &optional TO-NEWSGROUPS)

Function: info-xref-docstrings

Check docstring info node references in source files.
The given files are searched for docstring hyperlinks like

Info node `(elisp)Documentation Tips'

and those links checked by attempting to visit the target nodes
as per `info-xref-check' does.

Interactively filenames are read as a wildcard pattern like
"foo*.el", with the current file as a default. Usually this
will be lisp sources, but anything with such hyperlinks can be
checked, including the Emacs .c sources (or the etc/DOC file of
all builtins).

Because info node hyperlinks are found by a simple regexp search
in the files, the Lisp code checked doesn't have to be loaded,
and links can be in the file commentary or elsewhere too. Even
.elc files can usually be checked successfully if you don't have the sources handy. (fn FILENAME-LIST)

Function: eshell

Create an interactive Eshell buffer.
The buffer used for Eshell sessions is determined by the value of
`eshell-buffer-name'. If there is already an Eshell session active in
that buffer, Emacs will simply switch to it. Otherwise, a new session
will begin. A numeric prefix arg (as in `C-u 42 M-x eshell RET')
switches to the session with that number, creating it if necessary. A
nonnumeric prefix arg means to create a new session. Returns the
buffer selected (or created). (fn &optional ARG)

Function: barf-if-buffer-read-only

Signal a `buffer-read-only' error if the current buffer is read-only.


Function: ebnf-delete-style

Delete style NAME.

See `ebnf-style-database' documentation.
(fn NAME)

Function: byteorder

Return the byteorder for the machine.
Returns 66 (ASCII uppercase B) for big endian machines or 108 (ASCII
lowercase l) for small endian machines. (fn)

Variable: real-this-command

This is like `this-command', except that commands should never modify it.

Function: mouse-yank-primary

Insert the primary selection at the position clicked on.
Move point to the end of the inserted text, and set mark at
beginning. If `mouse-yank-at-point' is non-nil, insert at point
regardless of where you click. (fn CLICK)

Function: type-break-guesstimate-keystroke-threshold

Guess values for the minimum/maximum keystroke threshold for typing breaks.

If called interactively, the user is prompted for their guess as to how
many words per minute they usually type. This value should not be your
maximum WPM, but your average. Of course, this is harder to gauge since it
can vary considerably depending on what you are doing. For example, one
tends to type less when debugging a program as opposed to writing
documentation. (Perhaps a separate program should be written to estimate
average typing speed.)

From that, this command sets the values in `type-break-keystroke-threshold'
based on a fairly simple algorithm involving assumptions about the average
length of words (5). For the minimum threshold, it uses about a fifth of
the computed maximum threshold.

When called from Lisp programs, the optional args WORDLEN and FRAC can be
used to override the default assumption about average word length and the
fraction of the maximum threshold to which to set the minimum threshold.
FRAC should be the inverse of the fractional value; for example, a value of
2 would mean to use one half, a value of 4 would mean to use one quarter, etc. (fn WPM &optional WORDLEN FRAC)

Function: pr-ps-file-using-ghostscript

Print PostScript file FILENAME using ghostscript.


Function: normal-top-level-add-subdirs-to-load-path

Add all subdirectories of `default-directory' to `load-path'.
More precisely, this uses only the subdirectories whose names
start with letters or digits; it excludes any subdirectory named `RCS'
or `CVS', and any subdirectory that contains a file named `.nosearch'. (fn)

Variable: char-code-property-table

Char-table containing a property list of each character code.
This table is used for properties not listed in `char-code-property-alist'.
See also the documentation of `get-char-code-property' and

Function: memory-limit

Return the address of the last byte Emacs has allocated, divided by 1024.
This may be helpful in debugging Emacs's memory usage.
We divide the value by 1024 to make sure it fits in a Lisp integer. (fn)

Function: bufferp

Return t if OBJECT is an editor buffer.


Variable: smie-forward-token-function

Function to scan forward for the next token.
Called with no argument should return a token and move to its end.
If no token is found, return nil or the empty string.
It can return nil when bumping into a parenthesis, which lets SMIE
use syntax-tables to handle them in efficient C code.

Function: cl-sixth

Return the sixth element of the list X.

(fn X)

Function: Buffer-menu-switch-other-window

Make the other window select this line's buffer.
The current window remains selected.

Function: tabulated-list-print

Populate the current Tabulated List mode buffer.
This sorts the `tabulated-list-entries' list if sorting is
specified by `tabulated-list-sort-key'. It then erases the
buffer and inserts the entries with `tabulated-list-printer'.

Optional argument REMEMBER-POS, if non-nil, means to move point
to the entry with the same ID element as the current line.
(fn &optional REMEMBER-POS)

Function: customize-apropos-options

Customize all loaded customizable options matching REGEXP.

(fn REGEXP &optional IGNORED)

Function: enlarge-window-horizontally

Make selected window DELTA columns wider.
Interactively, if no argument is given, make selected window one
column wider.

Function: make-translation-table-from-alist

Make translation table from N<->M mapping in ALIST.
ALIST is an alist, each element has the form (FROM . TO).
FROM and TO are a character or a vector of characters.
If FROM is a character, that character is translated to TO.
If FROM is a vector of characters, that sequence is translated to TO.
The first extra-slot of the value is a translation table for reverse mapping.

Variable: undo-in-region

Non-nil if `pending-undo-list' is not just a tail of `buffer-undo-list'.

Function: completion-pcm--find-all-completions

Find all completions for STRING at POINT in TABLE, satisfying PRED.
POINT is a position inside STRING.
FILTER is a function applied to the return value, that can be used, e.g. to
filter out additional entries (because TABLE might not obey PRED).


Function: latexenc-coding-system-to-inputenc

Return the corresponding input encoding for the specified coding system.
Return nil if no matching input encoding can be found.
(fn CS)

Function: erc-cmd-DCC

Parser for /dcc command.
This figures out the dcc subcommand and calls the appropriate routine to
handle it. The function dispatched should be named "erc-dcc-do-FOO-command",
where FOO is one of CLOSE, GET, SEND, LIST, CHAT, etc.

(fn CMD &rest ARGS)

Function: cl--defsubst-expand


Function: ad-disable-advice

Disable the advice of FUNCTION with CLASS and NAME.


Function: describe-mode

Display documentation of current major mode and minor modes.
A brief summary of the minor modes comes first, followed by the
major mode description. This is followed by detailed
descriptions of the minor modes, each on a separate page.

For this to work correctly for a minor mode, the mode's indicator
variable (listed in `minor-mode-alist') must also be a function
whose documentation describes the minor mode.

If called from Lisp with a non-nil BUFFER argument, display
documentation for the major and minor modes of that buffer.

Function: copy-to-buffer

Copy to specified buffer the text of the region.
It is inserted into that buffer, replacing existing text there.

When calling from a program, give three arguments:
BUFFER (or buffer name), START and END.
START and END specify the portion of the current buffer to be copied.

Function: copy-category-table

Construct a new category table and return it.
It is a copy of the TABLE, which defaults to the standard category table.

(fn &optional TABLE)

Function: command-remapping

Return the remapping for command COMMAND.
Returns nil if COMMAND is not remapped (or not a symbol).

If the optional argument POSITION is non-nil, it specifies a mouse
position as returned by `event-start' and `event-end', and the
remapping occurs in the keymaps associated with it. It can also be a
number or marker, in which case the keymap properties at the specified
buffer position instead of point are used. The KEYMAPS argument is
ignored if POSITION is non-nil.

If the optional argument KEYMAPS is non-nil, it should be a list of
keymaps to search for command remapping. Otherwise, search for the
remapping in all currently active keymaps. (fn COMMAND &optional POSITION KEYMAPS)

Face: comint-highlight-prompt

Face to use to highlight prompts.

Variable: ansi-color-regexp

Regexp that matches SGR control sequences.

Function: fourth

Return the `car' of the `cdr' of the `cdr' of the `cdr' of X.

(fn X)

Function: isearch-search-fun-default

Return default functions to use for the search.

Function: delete-file-local-variable

Delete all settings of file-local VARIABLE from the Local Variables list.


Function: debug-on-entry

Request FUNCTION to invoke debugger each time it is called.

When called interactively, prompt for FUNCTION in the minibuffer.

This works by modifying the definition of FUNCTION. If you tell the
debugger to continue, FUNCTION's execution proceeds. If FUNCTION is a
normal function or a macro written in Lisp, you can also step through
its execution. FUNCTION can also be a primitive that is not a special
form, in which case stepping is not possible. Break-on-entry for
primitive functions only works when that function is called from Lisp.

Use M-x cancel-debug-on-entry to cancel the effect of this command. Redefining FUNCTION also cancels it.

Function: add-to-list

Add ELEMENT to the value of LIST-VAR if it isn't there yet.
The test for presence of ELEMENT is done with `equal',
or with COMPARE-FN if that's non-nil.
If ELEMENT is added, it is added at the beginning of the list,
unless the optional argument APPEND is non-nil, in which case
ELEMENT is added at the end.

The return value is the new value of LIST-VAR.

If you want to use `add-to-list' on a variable that is not defined
until a certain package is loaded, you should put the call to `add-to-list'
into a hook function that will be run only after loading the package.
`eval-after-load' provides one way to do this. In some cases
other hooks, such as major mode hooks, can do the job.

Function: set-match-data

Set internal data on last search match from elements of LIST.
LIST should have been created by calling `match-data' previously.

If optional arg RESEAT is non-nil, make markers on LIST point nowhere.

(fn LIST &optional RESEAT)

Function: get-unused-iso-final-char

Return an unused ISO final char for a charset of DIMENSION and CHARS.
DIMENSION is the number of bytes to represent a character: 1 or 2.
CHARS is the number of characters in a dimension: 94 or 96.

This final char is for private use, thus the range is `0' (48) .. `?' (63).
If there's no unused final char for the specified kind of charset,
return nil. (fn DIMENSION CHARS)

Variable: sgml-validate-command

The command to validate an SGML document.
The file name of current buffer file name will be appended to this,
separated by a space.

Function: fifth

Return the fifth element of the list X.

(fn X)

Function: nset-exclusive-or

Combine LIST1 and LIST2 using a set-exclusive-or operation.
The resulting list contains all items appearing in exactly one of LIST1, LIST2.
This is a destructive function; it reuses the storage of LIST1 and LIST2
whenever possible.

Keywords supported: :test :test-not :key


Function: read-shell-command

Read a shell command from the minibuffer.
The arguments are the same as the ones of `read-from-minibuffer',
except READ and KEYMAP are missing and HIST defaults
to `shell-command-history'.

Function: finder-by-keyword

Find packages matching a given keyword.


Function: delimit-columns-rectangle

Prettify all columns in a text rectangle.

START and END delimits the corners of text rectangle.


Function: comint-postoutput-scroll-to-bottom

Go to the end of buffer in some or all windows showing it.
Do not scroll if the current line is the last line in the buffer.
Depends on the value of `comint-move-point-for-output' and

This function should be in the list `comint-output-filter-functions'. (fn STRING)

Variable: write-file-functions

List of functions to be called before writing out a buffer to a file.
If one of them returns non-nil, the file is considered already written
and the rest are not called.
These hooks are considered to pertain to the visited file.
So any buffer-local binding of this variable is discarded if you change
the visited file name with M-x set-visited-file-name, but not when you
change the major mode.

This hook is not run if any of the functions in
`write-contents-functions' returns non-nil. Both hooks pertain
to how to save a buffer to file, for instance, choosing a suitable
coding system and setting mode bits. (See Info
node `(elisp)Saving Buffers'.) To perform various checks or
updates before the buffer is saved, use `before-save-hook'.

Function: select-frame-set-input-focus

Select FRAME, raise it, and set input focus, if possible.
If `mouse-autoselect-window' is non-nil, also move mouse pointer
to FRAME's selected window. Otherwise, if `focus-follows-mouse'
is non-nil, move mouse cursor to FRAME.

Optional argument NORECORD means to neither change the order of
recently selected windows nor the buffer list.

Function: count-words-region

Count the number of words in the region.
If called interactively, print a message reporting the number of
lines, words, and characters in the region (whether or not the
region is active); with prefix ARG, report for the entire buffer
rather than the region.

If called from Lisp, return the number of words between positions START and END.

Variable: minor-mode-map-alist

Alist of keymaps to use for minor modes.
Each element looks like (VARIABLE . KEYMAP); KEYMAP is used to read
key sequences and look up bindings if VARIABLE's value is non-nil.
If two active keymaps bind the same key, the keymap appearing earlier
in the list takes precedence.

Variable: jit-lock-chunk-size

Jit-lock fontifies chunks of at most this many characters at a time.

This variable controls both display-time and stealth fontification.

Function: quail-define-package

Define NAME as a new Quail package for input LANGUAGE.
TITLE is a string to be displayed at mode-line to indicate this package.

GUIDANCE specifies how a guidance string is shown in echo area.
If it is t, list of all possible translations for the current key is shown
with the currently selected translation being highlighted.
If it is an alist, the element has the form (CHAR . STRING). Each character
in the current key is searched in the list and the corresponding string is
If it is nil, the current key is shown.

DOCSTRING is the documentation string of this package. The command
`describe-input-method' shows this string while replacing the form
\ in the string by the value of VAR. That value should be a
string. For instance, the form \ is
replaced by a description about how to select a translation from a
list of candidates.

TRANSLATION-KEYS specifies additional key bindings used while translation
region is active. It is an alist of single key character vs. corresponding
command to be called.

FORGET-LAST-SELECTION non-nil means a selected translation is not kept
for the future to translate the same key. If this flag is nil, a
translation selected for a key is remembered so that it can be the
first candidate when the same key is entered later.

DETERMINISTIC non-nil means the first candidate of translation is
selected automatically without allowing users to select another
translation for a key. In this case, unselected translations are of
no use for an interactive use of Quail but can be used by some other
programs. If this flag is non-nil, FORGET-LAST-SELECTION is also set
to t.

KBD-TRANSLATE non-nil means input characters are translated from a
user's keyboard layout to the standard keyboard layout. See the
documentation of `quail-keyboard-layout' and
`quail-keyboard-layout-standard' for more detail.

SHOW-LAYOUT non-nil means the `quail-help' command should show
the user's keyboard layout visually with translated characters.
If KBD-TRANSLATE is set, it is desirable to set also this flag unless
this package defines no translations for single character keys.

CREATE-DECODE-MAP non-nil means decode map is also created. A decode
map is an alist of translations and corresponding original keys.
Although this map is not used by Quail itself, it can be used by some
other programs. For instance, Vietnamese supporting needs this map to
convert Vietnamese text to VIQR format which uses only ASCII
characters to represent Vietnamese characters.

MAXIMUM-SHORTEST non-nil means break key sequence to get maximum
length of the shortest sequence. When we don't have a translation of
key "..ABCD" but have translations of "..AB" and "CD..", break
the key at "..AB" and start translation of "CD..". Hangul
packages, for instance, use this facility. If this flag is nil, we
break the key just at "..ABC" and start translation of "D..".

OVERLAY-PLIST if non-nil is a property list put on an overlay which
covers Quail translation region.

UPDATE-TRANSLATION-FUNCTION if non-nil is a function to call to update
the current translation region according to a new translation data. By
default, a translated text or a user's key sequence (if no translation
for it) is inserted.

CONVERSION-KEYS specifies additional key bindings used while
conversion region is active. It is an alist of single key character
vs. corresponding command to be called.

If SIMPLE is non-nil, then we do not alter the meanings of

Function: find-cmd

Initiate the building of a find command.
For example:

(find-cmd '(prune (name ".svn" ".git" ".CVS"))
'(and (or (name "*.pl" "*.pm" "*.t")
(mtime "+1"))
(fstype "nfs" "ufs"))))

`default-directory' is used as the initial search path. The
result is a string that should be ready for the command line. (fn &rest SUBFINDS)

Function: objc-mode

Major mode for editing Objective C code.
To submit a problem report, enter `M-x c-submit-bug-report' from an
objc-mode buffer. This automatically sets up a mail buffer with
version information already added. You just need to add a description
of the problem, including a reproducible test case, and send the

To see what version of CC Mode you are running, enter `M-x c-version'.

The hook `c-mode-common-hook' is run with no args at mode
initialization, then `objc-mode-hook'.

Key bindings:

Uses keymap `objc-mode-map', which is not currently defined. (fn)

Function: button-type-put

Set the button-type TYPE's PROP property to VAL.

Function: make-composed-keymap

Construct a new keymap composed of MAPS and inheriting from PARENT.
When looking up a key in the returned map, the key is looked in each
keymap of MAPS in turn until a binding is found.
If no binding is found in MAPS, the lookup continues in PARENT, if non-nil.
As always with keymap inheritance, a nil binding in MAPS overrides
any corresponding binding in PARENT, but it does not override corresponding
bindings in other keymaps of MAPS.
MAPS can be a list of keymaps or a single keymap.
PARENT if non-nil should be a keymap.

Variable: pcmpl-ssh-config-file

If non-nil, a string naming your SSH "config" file.
This allows one method of completion of SSH host names, the other
being via `pcmpl-ssh-known-hosts-file'.

Function: vc-git--run-command-string

Run a git command on FILE and return its output as string.
FILE can be nil.

(fn FILE &rest ARGS)

Function: how-many

Print and return number of matches for REGEXP following point.
When called from Lisp and INTERACTIVE is omitted or nil, just return
the number, do not print it; if INTERACTIVE is t, the function behaves
in all respects as if it had been called interactively.

If REGEXP contains upper case characters (excluding those preceded by `\')
and `search-upper-case' is non-nil, the matching is case-sensitive.

Second and third arg RSTART and REND specify the region to operate on.

Interactively, in Transient Mark mode when the mark is active, operate
on the contents of the region. Otherwise, operate from point to the
end of (the accessible portion of) the buffer.

This function starts looking for the next match from the end of
the previous match. Hence, it ignores matches that overlap a previously found match.

Function: checkdoc-ispell-current-buffer

Check the style and spelling of the current buffer.
Calls `checkdoc-current-buffer' with spell-checking turned on.
Prefix argument TAKE-NOTES is the same as for `checkdoc-current-buffer'

(fn &optional TAKE-NOTES)

Function: case-table-p

Return t if OBJECT is a case table.
See `set-case-table' for more information on these data structures.


Function: auth-source-forget+

Forget any cached data matching SPEC. Returns forgotten count.

This is not a full `auth-source-search' spec but works similarly.
For instance, (:host "myhost" "yourhost") would find all the
cached data that was found with a search for those two hosts,
while (:host t) would find all host entries.

(fn &rest SPEC &allow-other-keys)

Function: tty-color-off-gray-diag

Compute the angle between the color given by R,G,B and the gray diagonal.
The gray diagonal is the diagonal of the 3D cube in RGB space which
connects the points corresponding to the black and white colors. All the
colors whose RGB coordinates belong to this diagonal are various shades
of gray, thus the name.

Function: set-language-environment-unibyte

Do various unibyte-mode setups for language environment LANGUAGE-NAME.

Function: url-is-cached

Return non-nil if the URL is cached.
The actual return value is the last modification time of the cache file.

(fn URL)

Variable: send-mail-function

Function to call to send the current buffer as mail.
The headers should be delimited by a line which is
not a valid RFC822 header or continuation line,
that matches the variable `mail-header-separator'.
This is used by the default mail-sending commands. See also
`message-send-mail-function' for use with the Message package.

Function: ada-add-extensions

Define SPEC and BODY as being valid extensions for Ada files.
Going from body to spec with `ff-find-other-file' used these
SPEC and BODY are two regular expressions that must match against
the file name. (fn SPEC BODY)

Variable: glyphless-char-display

Char-table defining glyphless characters.
Each element, if non-nil, should be one of the following:
an ASCII acronym string: display this string in a box
`hex-code': display the hexadecimal code of a character in a box
`empty-box': display as an empty box
`thin-space': display as 1-pixel width space
`zero-width': don't display
An element may also be a cons cell (GRAPHICAL . TEXT), which specifies the
display method for graphical terminals and text terminals respectively.
GRAPHICAL and TEXT should each have one of the values listed above.

The char-table has one extra slot to control the display of a character for
which no font is found. This slot only takes effect on graphical terminals.
Its value should be an ASCII acronym string, `hex-code', `empty-box', or `thin-space'. The default is `empty-box'.

Function: comint-read-input-ring

Set the buffer's `comint-input-ring' from a history file.
The name of the file is given by the variable `comint-input-ring-file-name'.
The history ring is of size `comint-input-ring-size', regardless of file size.
If `comint-input-ring-file-name' is nil this function does nothing.

If the optional argument SILENT is non-nil, we say nothing about a
failure to read the history file.

This function is useful for major mode commands and mode hooks.

The commands stored in the history file are separated by the
`comint-input-ring-separator', and entries that match
`comint-input-history-ignore' are ignored. The most recent command
comes last.

See also `comint-input-ignoredups' and `comint-write-input-ring'. (fn &optional SILENT)

Function: vc-git-retrieve-tag


Function: todo-top-priorities

List top priorities for each category.

Number of entries for each category is given by NOF-PRIORITIES which
defaults to `todo-show-priorities'.

If CATEGORY-PR-PAGE is non-nil, a page separator '^L' is inserted
between each category.
INTERACTIVE should be non-nil if this function is called interactively.


Function: global-hi-lock-mode

Toggle Hi-Lock mode in all buffers.
With prefix ARG, enable Global-Hi-Lock mode if ARG is positive;
otherwise, disable it. If called from Lisp, enable the mode if
ARG is omitted or nil.

Hi-Lock mode is enabled in all buffers where
`turn-on-hi-lock-if-enabled' would do it.
See `hi-lock-mode' for more information on Hi-Lock mode. (fn &optional ARG)

Variable: global-hi-lock-mode

Non-nil if Global-Hi-Lock mode is enabled.
See the command `global-hi-lock-mode' for a description of this minor mode.
Setting this variable directly does not take effect;
either customize it (see the info node `Easy Customization')
or call the function `global-hi-lock-mode'.

Function: set-window-start

Make display in WINDOW start at position POS in WINDOW's buffer.
WINDOW must be a live window and defaults to the selected one. Return
POS. Optional third arg NOFORCE non-nil inhibits next redisplay from
overriding motion of point in order to display at this exact start.

(fn WINDOW POS &optional NOFORCE)

Function: cl-caddar

Return the `car' of the `cdr' of the `cdr' of the `car' of X.

(fn X)

Function: sgml-at-indentation-p

Return true if point is at the first non-whitespace character on the line.

Function: cl-subseq

Return the subsequence of SEQ from START to END.
If END is omitted, it defaults to the length of the sequence.
If START or END is negative, it counts from the end.

(fn SEQ START &optional END)

Variable: file-name-shadow-properties

Properties given to the `shadowed' part of a filename in the minibuffer.
Only used when `file-name-shadow-mode' is active.
If Emacs is not running under a window system,
`file-name-shadow-tty-properties' is used instead.

Function: jit-lock-context-fontify

Refresh fontification to take new context into account.

Function: close-rectangle

Delete all whitespace following a specified column in each line.
The left edge of the rectangle specifies the position in each line
at which whitespace deletion should begin. On each line in the
rectangle, all continuous whitespace starting at that column is deleted.

When called from a program the rectangle's corners are START and END.
With a prefix (or a FILL) argument, also fill too short lines.

(fn START END &optional FILL)

Function: mule-diag

Display diagnosis of the multilingual environment (Mule).

This shows various information related to the current multilingual
environment, including lists of input methods, coding systems,
character sets, and fontsets (if Emacs is running under a window
system which uses fontsets). (fn)

Variable: desktop-buffer-mode-handlers

Alist of major mode specific functions to restore a desktop buffer.
Functions listed are called by `desktop-create-buffer' when `desktop-read'
evaluates the desktop file. List elements must have the form


Buffers with a major mode not specified here, are restored by the default
handler `desktop-restore-file-buffer'.

Handlers are called with argument list


Furthermore, they may use the following variables:


If a handler returns a buffer, then the saved mode settings
and variable values for that buffer are copied into it.

Modules that define a major mode that needs a special handler should contain
code like

(defun foo-restore-desktop-buffer
(add-to-list 'desktop-buffer-mode-handlers '(foo-mode . foo-restore-desktop-buffer)) Furthermore the major mode function must be autoloaded.

Function: keyboard-quit

Signal a `quit' condition.
During execution of Lisp code, this character causes a quit directly.
At top-level, as an editor command, this simply beeps.

Function: list-buffers-noselect

Create and return a Buffer Menu buffer.
This is called by `buffer-menu' and others as a subroutine.

If FILES-ONLY is non-nil, show only file-visiting buffers.
If BUFFER-LIST is non-nil, it should be a list of buffers; it
means list those buffers and no others.

Variable: completing-read-function

The function called by `completing-read' to do its work.
It should accept the same arguments as `completing-read'.

Function: gmm-error

Beep an error if LEVEL is equal to or less than `gmm-verbose'.
ARGS are passed to `message'.

(fn LEVEL &rest ARGS)

Function: copyright

Insert a copyright by $ORGANIZATION notice at cursor.

(fn &optional STR ARG)

Function: make-comint

Make a Comint process NAME in a buffer, running PROGRAM.
The name of the buffer is made by surrounding NAME with `*'s.
PROGRAM should be either a string denoting an executable program to create
via `start-file-process', or a cons pair of the form (HOST . SERVICE) denoting
a TCP connection to be opened via `open-network-stream'. If there is already
a running process in that buffer, it is not restarted. Optional third arg
STARTFILE is the name of a file, whose contents are sent to the
process as its initial input.

If PROGRAM is a string, any more args are arguments to PROGRAM.

Returns the (possibly newly created) process buffer.


Function: mode-line-toggle-modified

Toggle the buffer-modified flag from the mode-line.

Function: fontset-list

Return a list of all defined fontset names.


Function: locate-file-internal

Search for FILENAME through PATH.
Returns the file's name in absolute form, or nil if not found.
If SUFFIXES is non-nil, it should be a list of suffixes to append to
file name when searching.
If non-nil, PREDICATE is used instead of `file-readable-p'.
PREDICATE can also be an integer to pass to the access(2) function,
in which case file-name-handlers are ignored.
This function will normally skip directories, so if you want it to find
directories, make sure the PREDICATE function returns `dir-ok' for them.


Function: minibuffer-frame-list

Return a list of all frames with their own minibuffers.

Variable: minibuffer-local-completion-map

Local keymap for minibuffer input with completion.

Function: rename-auto-save-file

Adjust current buffer's auto save file name for current conditions.
Also rename any existing auto save file, if it was made in this session.

Function: file-equal-p

Return non-nil if files FILE1 and FILE2 name the same file.
If FILE1 or FILE2 does not exist, the return value is unspecified.

Function: get-process

Return the process named NAME, or nil if there is none.

(fn NAME)

Variable: auto-save-timeout

Number of seconds idle time before auto-save.
Zero or nil means disable auto-saving due to idleness.
After auto-saving due to this many seconds of idle time,
Emacs also does a garbage collection if that seems to be warranted.

Function: byte-compile-cond


Variable: font-lock-extend-after-change-region-function

A function that determines the region to refontify after a change.

This variable is either nil, or is a function that determines the
region to refontify after a change.
It is usually set by the major mode via `font-lock-defaults'.
Font-lock calls this function after each buffer change.

The function is given three parameters, the standard BEG, END, and OLD-LEN
from `after-change-functions'. It should return either a cons of the beginning
and end buffer positions (in that order) of the region to refontify, or nil
(which directs the caller to fontify a default region).
This function should preserve the match-data.
The region it returns may start or end in the middle of a line.

Variable: jka-compr-compression-info-list--internal

Stored value of `jka-compr-compression-info-list'.
If Auto Compression mode is enabled, this is the value of
`jka-compr-compression-info-list' when `jka-compr-install' was last called.
Otherwise, it is nil.

Function: add-file-local-variable-prop-line

Add file-local VARIABLE with its VALUE to the -*- line.

This command deletes all existing settings of VARIABLE (except `mode'
and `eval') and adds a new file-local VARIABLE with VALUE to
the -*- line.

If there is no -*- line at the beginning of the current file buffer
then this function adds it. (fn VARIABLE VALUE)

Function: apropos-value

Show all symbols whose value's printed representation matches PATTERN.
PATTERN can be a word, a list of words (separated by spaces),
or a regexp (using some regexp special characters). If it is a word,
search for matches for that word as a substring. If it is a list of words,
search for matches for any two (or more) of those words.

With C-u prefix, or if `apropos-do-all' is non-nil, also looks
at function definitions (arguments, documentation and body) and at the
names and values of properties.

Returns list of symbols and values found.

Function: macroexp-let*

Return an expression equivalent to `(let* ,bindings ,exp).


Function: set-coding-system-priority

Assign higher priority to the coding systems given as arguments.
If multiple coding systems belong to the same category,
all but the first one are ignored.

(fn &rest coding-systems)

Variable: view-exits-all-viewing-windows

Non-nil means restore all windows used to view buffer.
Commands that restore windows when finished viewing a buffer,
apply to all windows that display the buffer and have restore
information. If `view-exits-all-viewing-windows' is nil, only
the selected window is considered for restoring.

Function: shell-dynamic-complete-filename

Dynamically complete the filename at point.
This completes only if point is at a suitable position for a
filename argument. (fn)

Variable: comint-redirect-original-filter-function

The process filter that was in place when redirection is started.
When redirection is completed, the process filter is restored to
this value.

Variable: mouse-wheel-inhibit-click-time

Time in seconds to inhibit clicking on mouse wheel button after scroll.

Function: center-paragraph

Center each nonblank line in the paragraph at or after point.
See `center-line' for more info.

Function: tty-color-approximate

Find the color in `tty-color-alist' that best approximates RGB.
Value is a list of the form (NAME INDEX R G B).
The argument RGB should be an rgb value, that is, a list of three
integers in the 0..65535 range.
FRAME defaults to the selected frame.

Function: ebnf-spool-directory

Generate and spool a PostScript syntactic chart image of DIRECTORY.

If DIRECTORY is nil, it's used `default-directory'.

The files in DIRECTORY that matches `ebnf-file-suffix-regexp' (which see) are

See also `ebnf-spool-buffer'. (fn &optional DIRECTORY)

Function: window-at-side-list

Return list of all windows on SIDE of FRAME.
FRAME must be a live frame and defaults to the selected frame.
SIDE can be any of the symbols `left', `top', `right' or
`bottom'. The default value nil is handled like `bottom'.

Function: map-keymap-sorted

Implement `map-keymap' with sorting.
Don't call this function; it is for internal use only.

Variable: executing-kbd-macro

Currently executing keyboard macro (string or vector).
This is nil when not executing a keyboard macro.

Variable: byte-compile-depth

Current depth of execution stack.

Function: next-method-p

Return non-nil if there is a next method.
Returns a list of lambda expressions which is the `next-method'

Function: view-mode-exit

Exit View mode in various ways.
If all arguments are nil, remove the current buffer from the
selected window using the `quit-restore' information associated
with the selected window. If optional argument ALL-WINDOWS or
`view-exits-all-viewing-windows' are non-nil, remove the current
buffer from all windows showing it.

Optional argument EXIT-ONLY non-nil means just exit `view-mode'
(unless `view-no-disable-on-exit' is non-nil) but do not change
the associations of any windows with the current buffer.

EXIT-ACTION, if non-nil, must specify a function that is called
with the current buffer as argument and is called after disabling
`view-mode' and removing any associations of windows with the current buffer.

Variable: Info-streamline-headings

List of elements (RE . NAME) to merge headings matching RE to NAME.

Function: vc-git--state-code

Convert from a string to a added/deleted/modified state.

(fn CODE)

Function: vc-workfile-unchanged-p

Return non-nil if FILE has not changed since the last checkout.

Function: table-heighten-cell

Heighten the current cell by N lines by expanding the cell vertically.
Heightening is done by adding blank lines at the bottom of the current
cell. Other cells aligned horizontally with the current one are also
heightened in order to keep the rectangular table structure. The
optional argument NO-COPY is internal use only and must not be

(fn N &optional NO-COPY NO-UPDATE)

Function: mml2015-verify-test


Function: find-variable-noselect

Return a pair `(BUFFER . POINT)' pointing to the definition of VARIABLE.

Finds the library containing the definition of VARIABLE in a buffer and
the point of the definition. The buffer is not selected.
If the variable's definition can't be found in the buffer, return (BUFFER).

The library where VARIABLE is defined is searched for in FILE or
`find-function-source-path', if non-nil, otherwise in `load-path'.
(fn VARIABLE &optional FILE)

Function: upcase-initials

Convert the initial of each word in the argument to upper case.
Do not change the other letters of each word.
The argument may be a character or string. The result has the same type.
The argument object is not altered--the value is a copy. (fn OBJ)

Function: Buffer-menu-mark

Mark the Buffer menu entry at point for later display.
It will be displayed by the v command.

Function: tramp-ftp-enable-ange-ftp


Function: hanoi-unix

Towers of Hanoi, UNIX doomsday version.
Displays 32-ring towers that have been progressing at one move per
second since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 GMT.

Repent before ring 31 moves. (fn)

Function: close-font


(fn FONT-OBJECT &optional FRAME)

Variable: print-continuous-numbering

Non-nil means number continuously across print calls.
This affects the numbers printed for #N= labels and #M# references.
See also `print-circle', `print-gensym', and `print-number-table'.
This variable should not be set with `setq'; bind it with a `let' instead.

Function: whitespace-toggle-options

Toggle local `whitespace-mode' options.

If local whitespace-mode is off, toggle the option given by ARG
and turn on local whitespace-mode.

If local whitespace-mode is on, toggle the option given by ARG
and restart local whitespace-mode.

Interactively, it reads one of the following chars:

f toggle face visualization
t toggle TAB visualization
s toggle SPACE and HARD SPACE visualization
r toggle trailing blanks visualization
l toggle "long lines" visualization
L toggle "long lines" tail visualization
n toggle NEWLINE visualization
e toggle empty line at bob and/or eob visualization
C-i toggle indentation SPACEs visualization (via `indent-tabs-mode')
I toggle indentation SPACEs visualization
i toggle indentation TABs visualization
C-a toggle SPACEs after TAB visualization (via `indent-tabs-mode')
A toggle SPACEs after TAB: SPACEs visualization
a toggle SPACEs after TAB: TABs visualization
C-b toggle SPACEs before TAB visualization (via `indent-tabs-mode')
B toggle SPACEs before TAB: SPACEs visualization
b toggle SPACEs before TAB: TABs visualization

T toggle TAB visualization
S toggle SPACEs before TAB visualization
N toggle NEWLINE visualization

x restore `whitespace-style' value
? display brief help

Non-interactively, ARG should be a symbol or a list of symbols.
The valid symbols are:

face toggle face visualization
tabs toggle TAB visualization
spaces toggle SPACE and HARD SPACE visualization
trailing toggle trailing blanks visualization
lines toggle "long lines" visualization
lines-tail toggle "long lines" tail visualization
newline toggle NEWLINE visualization
empty toggle empty line at bob and/or eob visualization
indentation toggle indentation SPACEs visualization
indentation::tab toggle indentation SPACEs visualization
indentation::space toggle indentation TABs visualization
space-after-tab toggle SPACEs after TAB visualization
space-after-tab::tab toggle SPACEs after TAB: SPACEs visualization
space-after-tab::space toggle SPACEs after TAB: TABs visualization
space-before-tab toggle SPACEs before TAB visualization
space-before-tab::tab toggle SPACEs before TAB: SPACEs visualization
space-before-tab::space toggle SPACEs before TAB: TABs visualization

tab-mark toggle TAB visualization space-mark toggle SPACEs before TAB visualization newline-mark toggle NEWLINE visualization whitespace-style restore `whitespace-style' value See `whitespace-style' and `indent-tabs-mode' for documentation. (fn ARG)

Function: plain-tex-mode

Major mode for editing files of input for plain TeX.
Makes $ and } display the characters they match.
Makes " insert `` when it seems to be the beginning of a quotation,
and '' when it appears to be the end; it inserts " only after a \.

Use M-x tex-region to run TeX on the current region, plus a "header"
copied from the top of the file (containing macro definitions, etc.),
running TeX under a special subshell. M-x tex-buffer does the whole buffer.
M-x tex-file saves the buffer and then processes the file.
M-x tex-print prints the .dvi file made by any of these.
M-x tex-view previews the .dvi file made by any of these.
M-x tex-bibtex-file runs bibtex on the file of the current buffer.

Use M-x tex-validate-buffer to check buffer for paragraphs containing
mismatched $'s or braces.

Special commands:

Uses keymap `plain-tex-mode-map', which is not currently defined.

Mode variables:
Command string used by M-x tex-region or M-x tex-buffer.
Directory in which to create temporary files for TeX jobs
run by M-x tex-region or M-x tex-buffer.
Command string used by M-x tex-print to print a .dvi file.
Alternative command string used by M-x tex-print (when given a prefix
argument) to print a .dvi file.
Command string used by M-x tex-view to preview a .dvi file.
Command string used by M-x tex-show-print-queue to show the print
queue that M-x tex-print put your job on.

Entering Plain-tex mode runs the hook `text-mode-hook', then the hook `tex-mode-hook', and finally the hook `plain-tex-mode-hook'. When the special subshell is initiated, the hook `tex-shell-hook' is run. (fn)

Function: generic-make-keywords-list

Return a `font-lock-keywords' construct that highlights KEYWORD-LIST.
KEYWORD-LIST is a list of keyword strings that should be
highlighted with face FACE. This function calculates a regular
expression that matches these keywords and concatenates it with
PREFIX and SUFFIX. Then it returns a construct based on this
regular expression that can be used as an element of


Function: encode-hz-region

Encode the text in the current region to HZ.
Return the length of resulting text.

(fn BEG END)

Function: delete-blank-lines

On blank line, delete all surrounding blank lines, leaving just one.
On isolated blank line, delete that one.
On nonblank line, delete any immediately following blank lines.

Function: pcomplete-match-end

Return position of end of text matched by last search.
SUBEXP, a number, specifies which parenthesized expression in the last
Value is nil if SUBEXPth pair didn't match, or there were less than
SUBEXP pairs.
Zero means the entire text matched by the whole regexp or whole string. (fn SUBEXP)

Function: hi-lock-face-phrase-buffer

Set face of each match of phrase REGEXP to FACE.
If called interactively, replaces whitespace in REGEXP with
arbitrary whitespace and makes initial lower-case letters case-insensitive.

If Font Lock mode is enabled in the buffer, it is used to
highlight REGEXP. If Font Lock mode is disabled, overlays are
used for highlighting; in this case, the highlighting will not be
updated as you type. (fn REGEXP &optional FACE)

Function: gnus-cache-generate-nov-databases

Generate NOV files recursively starting in DIR.

(fn DIR)

Function: ffap-next

Search buffer for next file or URL, and run ffap.
Optional argument BACK says to search backwards.
Optional argument WRAP says to try wrapping around if necessary.
Interactively: use a single prefix to search backwards,
double prefix to wrap forward, triple to wrap backwards.
Actual search is done by `ffap-next-guess'.

(fn &optional BACK WRAP)

Variable: enable-remote-dir-locals

Non-nil means dir-local variables will be applied to remote files.

Function: set-mark-command

Set the mark where point is, or jump to the mark.
Setting the mark also alters the region, which is the text
between point and mark; this is the closest equivalent in
Emacs to what some editors call the "selection".

With no prefix argument, set the mark at point, and push the
old mark position on local mark ring. Also push the old mark on
global mark ring, if the previous mark was set in another buffer.

When Transient Mark Mode is off, immediately repeating this
command activates `transient-mark-mode' temporarily.

With prefix argument (e.g., C-u C-SPC), jump to the mark, and set the mark from
position popped off the local mark ring (this does not affect the global
mark ring). Use C-x C-@ to jump to a mark popped off the global
mark ring (see `pop-global-mark').

If `set-mark-command-repeat-pop' is non-nil, repeating
the C-SPC command with no prefix argument pops the next position
off the local (or global) mark ring and jumps there.

With C-u C-u as prefix
argument, unconditionally set mark where point is, even if
`set-mark-command-repeat-pop' is non-nil.

Novice Emacs Lisp programmers often try to use the mark for the wrong purposes. See the documentation of `set-mark' for more information.

Function: copy-directory

Copy DIRECTORY to NEWNAME. Both args must be strings.
This function always sets the file modes of the output files to match
the corresponding input file.

The third arg KEEP-TIME non-nil means give the output files the same
last-modified time as the old ones. (This works on only some systems.)

A prefix arg makes KEEP-TIME non-nil.

Noninteractively, the last argument PARENTS says whether to
create parent directories if they don't exist. Interactively,
this happens by default.

If NEWNAME names an existing directory, copy DIRECTORY as a
subdirectory there. However, if called from Lisp with a non-nil
optional argument COPY-CONTENTS, copy the contents of DIRECTORY directly into NEWNAME instead.

Function: smie-setup

Setup SMIE navigation and indentation.
GRAMMAR is a grammar table generated by `smie-prec2->grammar'.
RULES-FUNCTION is a set of indentation rules for use on `smie-rules-function'.
KEYWORDS are additional arguments, which can use the following keywords:
- :forward-token FUN
- :backward-token FUN


Function: apropos-true-hit

Return t if STR is a genuine hit.
This may fail if only one of the keywords is matched more than once.
This requires that at least 2 keywords (unless only one was given).

Function: shell-dynamic-complete-command

Dynamically complete the command at point.
This function is similar to `comint-dynamic-complete-filename', except that it
searches `exec-path' (minus the trailing Emacs library path) for completion
candidates. Note that this may not be the same as the shell's idea of the

Completion is dependent on the value of `shell-completion-execonly', plus
those that effect file completion.
Returns t if successful. (fn)

Function: vc-git-checkout

(fn FILE &optional EDITABLE REV)

Function: third

Return the `car' of the `cdr' of the `cdr' of X.

(fn X)

Variable: facemenu-face-menu

Menu keymap for faces.

Function: pcomplete/gzip

Completion for `gzip'.


Function: make-mode-line-mouse-map

Return a keymap with single entry for mouse key MOUSE on the mode line.
MOUSE is defined to run function FUNCTION with no args in the buffer
corresponding to the mode line clicked.

Function: make-category-set

Return a newly created category-set which contains CATEGORIES.
CATEGORIES is a string of category mnemonics.
The value is a bool-vector which has t at the indices corresponding to
those categories.

Function: nth-value

Return the Nth element of LIST.
N counts from zero. If LIST is not that long, nil is returned.

(fn N LIST)

Variable: mail-hist-keep-history

Non-nil means keep a history for headers and text of outgoing mail.

Function: window-max-delta

Return maximum number of lines by which WINDOW can be enlarged.
WINDOW must be a valid window and defaults to the selected one.
The return value is zero if WINDOW cannot be enlarged.

Optional argument HORIZONTAL non-nil means return maximum number
of columns by which WINDOW can be enlarged.

Optional argument IGNORE non-nil means ignore restrictions
imposed by fixed size windows, `window-min-height' or
`window-min-width' settings. If IGNORE is a window, ignore
restrictions for that window only. If IGNORE equals `safe',
live windows may get as small as `window-safe-min-height' lines
and `window-safe-min-width' columns. Any other non-nil value means
ignore all of the above restrictions for all windows.

Optional argument TRAIL restricts the windows that can be enlarged.
If its value is `before', only windows to the left of or above WINDOW
can be enlarged. If it is `after', only windows to the right of or
below WINDOW can be enlarged.

Optional argument NOUP non-nil means don't go up in the window
tree but try to obtain the entire space from windows within
WINDOW's combination.

Optional argument NODOWN non-nil means do not check whether
WINDOW itself (and its child windows) can be enlarged; check only whether other windows can be shrunk appropriately.

Function: show-buffer

Make WINDOW display BUFFER-OR-NAME as its contents.
WINDOW must be a live window and defaults to the selected one.
BUFFER-OR-NAME must be a buffer or the name of an existing buffer.

Optional third argument KEEP-MARGINS non-nil means that WINDOW's current
display margins, fringe widths, and scroll bar settings are preserved;
the default is to reset these from the local settings for BUFFER-OR-NAME
or the frame defaults. Return nil.

This function throws an error when WINDOW is strongly dedicated to its
buffer (that is `window-dedicated-p' returns t for WINDOW) and does not
already display BUFFER-OR-NAME.

This function runs `window-scroll-functions' before running
`window-configuration-change-hook'. (fn WINDOW BUFFER-OR-NAME &optional KEEP-MARGINS)

Function: window-dedicated-p

Return non-nil when WINDOW is dedicated to its buffer.
More precisely, return the value assigned by the last call of
`set-window-dedicated-p' for WINDOW. Return nil if that function was
never called with WINDOW as its argument, or the value set by that
function was internally reset since its last call. WINDOW must be a
live window and defaults to the selected one.

When a window is dedicated to its buffer, `display-buffer' will refrain
from displaying another buffer in it. `get-lru-window' and
`get-largest-window' treat dedicated windows specially.
`delete-windows-on', `replace-buffer-in-windows', `quit-window' and
`kill-buffer' can delete a dedicated window and the containing frame.

Functions like `set-window-buffer' may change the buffer displayed by a
window, unless that window is "strongly" dedicated to its buffer, that
is the value returned by `window-dedicated-p' is t. (fn &optional WINDOW)

Variable: method-primary

Index into :primary tag on a method.

Function: object-name

Return a Lisp like symbol string for object OBJ.
If EXTRA, include that in the string returned to represent the symbol.

Variable: object-name

Index in an object where the name is stored.

Function: substitute-if

Substitute NEW for all items satisfying PREDICATE in SEQ.
This is a non-destructive function; it makes a copy of SEQ if necessary
to avoid corrupting the original SEQ.

Keywords supported: :key :count :start :end :from-end


Function: url-retrieve

Retrieve URL asynchronously and call CALLBACK with CBARGS when finished.
URL is either a string or a parsed URL. If it is a string
containing characters that are not valid in a URI, those
characters are percent-encoded; see `url-encode-url'.

CALLBACK is called when the object has been completely retrieved, with
the current buffer containing the object, and any MIME headers associated
with it. It is called as (apply CALLBACK STATUS CBARGS).
STATUS is a plist representing what happened during the request,
with most recent events first, or an empty list if no events have
occurred. Each pair is one of:

(:redirect REDIRECTED-TO) - the request was redirected to this URL
(:error (ERROR-SYMBOL . DATA)) - an error occurred. The error can be
signaled with (signal ERROR-SYMBOL DATA).

Return the buffer URL will load into, or nil if the process has
already completed (i.e. URL was a mailto URL or similar; in this case
the callback is not called).

The variables `url-request-data', `url-request-method' and
`url-request-extra-headers' can be dynamically bound around the
request; dynamic binding of other variables doesn't necessarily
take effect.

If SILENT, then don't message progress reports and the like.
If INHIBIT-COOKIES, cookies will neither be stored nor sent to
the server.
If URL is a multibyte string, it will be encoded as utf-8 and URL-encoded before it's used. (fn URL CALLBACK &optional CBARGS SILENT INHIBIT-COOKIES)

Function: Info-bookmark-jump

This implements the `handler' function interface for the record
type returned by `Info-bookmark-make-record', which see.

Function: face-valid-attribute-values

Return valid values for face attribute ATTRIBUTE.
The optional argument FRAME is used to determine available fonts
and colors. If it is nil or not specified, the selected frame is used.
Value is an alist of (NAME . VALUE) if ATTRIBUTE expects a value out
of a set of discrete values. Value is `integerp' if ATTRIBUTE expects
an integer value.

Function: recursion-depth

Return the current depth in recursive edits.


Variable: shell-chdrive-regexp

If non-nil, is regexp used to track drive changes.

Function: sh-set-shell

Set this buffer's shell to SHELL (a string).
When used interactively, insert the proper starting #!-line,
and make the visited file executable via `executable-set-magic',
perhaps querying depending on the value of `executable-query'.

When this function is called noninteractively, INSERT-FLAG (the third
argument) controls whether to insert a #!-line and think about making
the visited file executable, and NO-QUERY-FLAG (the second argument)
controls whether to query about making the visited file executable.

Calls the value of `sh-set-shell-hook' if set.

Function: describe-variable-custom-version-info


Function: newsticker-treeview

Start newsticker treeview.


Function: browse-url-gnome-moz

Ask Mozilla/Netscape to load URL via the GNOME program `gnome-moz-remote'.
Default to the URL around or before point. The strings in variable
`browse-url-gnome-moz-arguments' are also passed.

When called interactively, if variable `browse-url-new-window-flag' is
non-nil, load the document in a new browser window, otherwise use an
existing one. A non-nil interactive prefix argument reverses the
effect of `browse-url-new-window-flag'.

When called non-interactively, optional second argument NEW-WINDOW is
used instead of `browse-url-new-window-flag'. (fn URL &optional NEW-WINDOW)

Function: open-termscript

Start writing all terminal output to FILE as well as the terminal.
FILE = nil means just close any termscript file currently open.

(fn FILE)

Variable: script-representative-chars

Alist of scripts vs the representative characters.
Each element is a cons (SCRIPT . CHARS).
SCRIPT is a symbol representing a script or a subgroup of a script.
CHARS is a list or a vector of characters.
If it is a list, all characters in the list are necessary for supporting SCRIPT.
If it is a vector, one of the characters in the vector is necessary.
This variable is used to find a font for a specific script.

Function: byte-optimize-plus

(fn FORM)

Variable: byte-compile-last-position

Last known character position in the input.

Function: cl-values-list

Return multiple values, Common Lisp style, taken from a list.
LIST specifies the list of values
that the containing function should return.
(fn LIST)

Function: shadow-define-literal-group

Declare a single file to be shared between sites.
It may have different filenames on each site. When this file is edited, the
new version will be copied to each of the other locations. Sites can be
specific hostnames, or names of clusters (see `shadow-define-cluster'). (fn)

Variable: buffers-menu-buffer-name-length

Maximum length of the buffer name on the Buffers menu.
If this is a number, then buffer names are truncated to this length.
If this is nil, then buffer names are shown in full.
A large number or nil makes the menu too wide.

Function: message-resend

Resend the current article to ADDRESS.


Variable: minor-mode-list

List of all minor mode functions.

Variable: url-bad-port-list

List of ports to warn the user about connecting to.
Defaults to just the mail, chargen, and NNTP ports so you cannot be
tricked into sending fake mail or forging messages by a malicious HTML

Function: comment-choose-indent

Choose the indentation to use for a right-hand-side comment.
The criteria are (in this order):
- try to keep the comment's text within `comment-fill-column'.
- try to align with surrounding comments.
- prefer INDENT (or `comment-column' if nil).
Point is expected to be at the start of the comment.
(fn &optional INDENT)

Function: whitespace-cleanup

Cleanup some blank problems in all buffer or at region.

It usually applies to the whole buffer, but in transient mark
mode when the mark is active, it applies to the region. It also
applies to the region when it is not in transient mark mode, the
mark is active and C-u was pressed just before
calling `whitespace-cleanup' interactively.

See also `whitespace-cleanup-region'.

The problems cleaned up are:

1. empty lines at beginning of buffer.
2. empty lines at end of buffer.
If `whitespace-style' includes the value `empty', remove all
empty lines at beginning and/or end of buffer.

3. 8 or more SPACEs at beginning of line.
If `whitespace-style' includes the value `indentation':
replace 8 or more SPACEs at beginning of line by TABs, if
`indent-tabs-mode' is non-nil; otherwise, replace TABs by
If `whitespace-style' includes the value `indentation::tab',
replace 8 or more SPACEs at beginning of line by TABs.
If `whitespace-style' includes the value `indentation::space',
replace TABs by SPACEs.

4. SPACEs before TAB.
If `whitespace-style' includes the value `space-before-tab':
replace SPACEs by TABs, if `indent-tabs-mode' is non-nil;
otherwise, replace TABs by SPACEs.
If `whitespace-style' includes the value
`space-before-tab::tab', replace SPACEs by TABs.
If `whitespace-style' includes the value
`space-before-tab::space', replace TABs by SPACEs.

5. SPACEs or TABs at end of line.
If `whitespace-style' includes the value `trailing', remove
all SPACEs or TABs at end of line.

6. 8 or more SPACEs after TAB.
If `whitespace-style' includes the value `space-after-tab':
replace SPACEs by TABs, if `indent-tabs-mode' is non-nil;
otherwise, replace TABs by SPACEs.
If `whitespace-style' includes the value
`space-after-tab::tab', replace SPACEs by TABs.
If `whitespace-style' includes the value `space-after-tab::space', replace TABs by SPACEs. See `whitespace-style', `indent-tabs-mode' and `tab-width' for documentation. (fn)

Function: window--resizable-p

Return t if WINDOW can be resized vertically by DELTA lines.
WINDOW must be a valid window and defaults to the selected one.
For the meaning of the arguments of this function see the
doc-string of `window--resizable'.

Function: send-invisible

Read a string without echoing.
Then send it to the process running in the current buffer.
The string is sent using `comint-input-sender'.
Security bug: your string can still be temporarily recovered with
C-h l; `clear-this-command-keys' can fix that.

(fn &optional PROMPT)

Variable: sgml-mode-hook

Hook run by command `sgml-mode'.
`text-mode-hook' is run first.

Function: tpu-mapper

Create an Emacs lisp file defining the TPU-edt keypad for X-windows.

This command displays an instruction screen showing the TPU-edt keypad
and asks you to press the TPU-edt editing keys. It uses the keys you
press to create an Emacs Lisp file that will define a TPU-edt keypad
for your X server. You can even re-arrange the standard EDT keypad to
suit your tastes (or to cope with those silly Sun and PC keypads).

Finally, you will be prompted for the name of the file to store the key
definitions. If you chose the default, TPU-edt will find it and load it
automatically. If you specify a different file name, you will need to
set the variable ``tpu-xkeys-file'' before starting TPU-edt. Here's how
you might go about doing that in your init file.

(setq tpu-xkeys-file (expand-file-name "~/.my-emacs-x-keys"))

Known Problems:

Sometimes, tpu-mapper will ignore a key you press, and just continue to
prompt for the same key. This can happen when your window manager sucks
up the key and doesn't pass it on to Emacs, or it could be an Emacs bug.
Either way, there's nothing that tpu-mapper can do about it. You must
press RETURN, to skip the current key and continue. Later, you and/or your local X guru can try to figure out why the key is being ignored. (fn)

Function: rng-xsd-compile

Provides W3C XML Schema as a RELAX NG datatypes library.
NAME is a symbol giving the local name of the datatype. PARAMS is a
list of pairs (PARAM-NAME . PARAM-VALUE) where PARAM-NAME is a symbol
giving the name of the parameter and PARAM-VALUE is a string giving
its value. If NAME or PARAMS are invalid, it calls rng-dt-error
passing it arguments in the same style as format; the value from
rng-dt-error will be returned. Otherwise, it returns a list. The
first member of the list is t if any string is a legal value for the
datatype and nil otherwise. The second argument is a symbol; this
symbol will be called as a function passing it a string followed by
the remaining members of the list. The function must return an object
representing the value of the datatype that was represented by the
string, or nil if the string is not a representation of any value.
The object returned can be any convenient non-nil value, provided
that, if two strings represent the same value, the returned objects must be equal. (fn NAME PARAMS)

Function: delete-other-windows-internal

Make WINDOW fill its frame.
Only the frame WINDOW is on is affected. WINDOW must be a valid window
and defaults to the selected one.

Optional argument ROOT, if non-nil, must specify an internal window such
that WINDOW is in its window subtree. If this is the case, replace ROOT
by WINDOW and leave alone any windows not part of ROOT's subtree.

When WINDOW is live try to reduce display jumps by keeping the text
previously visible in WINDOW in the same place on the frame. Doing this
depends on the value of (window-start WINDOW), so if calling this
function in a program gives strange scrolling, make sure the
window-start value is reasonable when this function is called. (fn &optional WINDOW ROOT)

Variable: vc-ignore-dir-regexp

Regexp matching directory names that are not under VC's control.
The default regexp prevents fruitless and time-consuming attempts
to determine the VC status in directories in which filenames are
interpreted as hostnames.

Function: mouse-delete-window

Delete the window you click on.
Do nothing if the frame has just one window.
This command must be bound to a mouse click.
(fn CLICK)

Variable: comment-end

String to insert to end a new comment.
Should be an empty string if comments are terminated by end-of-line.

Function: ispell-pdict-save

Check to see if the personal dictionary has been modified.
If so, ask if it needs to be saved.

(fn &optional NO-QUERY FORCE-SAVE)

Function: version-list-not-zero

Return the first non-zero element of LST, which is a list of integers.

If all LST elements are zeros or LST is nil, return zero.

Function: redisplay

Perform redisplay.
Optional arg FORCE, if non-nil, prevents redisplay from being
preempted by arriving input, even if `redisplay-dont-pause' is nil.
If `redisplay-dont-pause' is non-nil (the default), redisplay is never
preempted by arriving input, so FORCE does nothing.

Return t if redisplay was performed, nil if redisplay was preempted
immediately by pending input. (fn &optional FORCE)

Function: charsetp

Return non-nil if and only if OBJECT is a charset.


Function: comint-next-prompt

Move to end of Nth next prompt in the buffer.
If `comint-use-prompt-regexp' is nil, then this means the beginning of
the Nth next `input' field, otherwise, it means the Nth occurrence of
text matching `comint-prompt-regexp'. (fn N)

Function: next-multiframe-window

Select the next window, regardless of which frame it is on.

Function: vc-revision-other-window

Visit revision REV of the current file in another window.
If the current file is named `F', the revision is named `F.~REV~'.
If `F.~REV~' already exists, use it instead of checking it out again.
(fn REV)

Function: safe-date-to-time

Parse a string DATE that represents a date-time and return a time value.
If DATE is malformed, return a time value of zeros.

Function: texinfo-format-buffer

Process the current buffer as texinfo code, into an Info file.
The Info file output is generated in a buffer visiting the Info file
name specified in the @setfilename command.

Non-nil argument (prefix, if interactive) means don't make tag table
and don't split the file if large. You can use `Info-tagify' and
`Info-split' to do these manually. (fn &optional NOSPLIT)

Variable: no-byte-compile

Non-nil to prevent byte-compiling of Emacs Lisp code.
This is normally set in local file variables at the end of the elisp file:

;; Local Variables:
;; no-byte-compile: t ;; End:

Function: vc-git-dir-printer

Pretty-printer for the vc-dir-fileinfo structure.

(fn INFO)

Function: set-difference

Combine LIST1 and LIST2 using a set-difference operation.
The resulting list contains all items that appear in LIST1 but not LIST2.
This is a non-destructive function; it makes a copy of the data if necessary
to avoid corrupting the original LIST1 and LIST2.

Keywords supported: :test :test-not :key


Function: registerv--make


Variable: fundamental-mode-abbrev-table

The abbrev table of mode-specific abbrevs for Fundamental Mode.

Function: completion-all-completions

List the possible completions of STRING in completion table TABLE.
Only the elements of table that satisfy predicate PRED are considered.
POINT is the position of point within STRING.
The return value is a list of completions and may contain the base-size
in the last `cdr'.


Function: batch-info-validate

Runs `Info-validate' on the files remaining on the command line.
Must be used only with -batch, and kills Emacs on completion.
Each file will be processed even if an error occurred previously.
For example, invoke "emacs -batch -f batch-info-validate $info/ ~/*.info" (fn)

Function: read-all-face-attributes

Interactively read all attributes for FACE.
If optional argument FRAME is nil or omitted, use the selected frame.
Value is a property list of attribute names and new values.

Function: tty-no-underline

Declare that the tty used by TERMINAL does not handle underlining.
This is used to override the terminfo data, for certain terminals that
do not really do underlining, but say that they do. This function has
no effect if used on a non-tty terminal.

TERMINAL can be a terminal object, a frame or nil (meaning the
selected frame's terminal). This function always returns nil if
TERMINAL does not refer to a text terminal. (fn &optional TERMINAL)

Function: occur-next

Move to the Nth (default 1) next match in an Occur mode buffer.

Function: hashcash-insert-payment

Insert X-Payment and X-Hashcash headers with a payment for ARG

(fn ARG)

Function: rassq

Return non-nil if KEY is `eq' to the cdr of an element of LIST.
The value is actually the first element of LIST whose cdr is KEY.


Function: Info-history

Go to a node with a menu of visited nodes.

Variable: Info-history

Stack of Info nodes user has visited.
Each element of the stack is a list (FILENAME NODENAME BUFFERPOS).

Function: cl-cdadar

Return the `cdr' of the `car' of the `cdr' of the `car' of X.

(fn X)

Function: next-error-buffer-p

Test if BUFFER is a `next-error' capable buffer.

If AVOID-CURRENT is non-nil, treat the current buffer
as an absolute last resort only.

The function EXTRA-TEST-INCLUSIVE, if non-nil, is called in each buffer
that normally would not qualify. If it returns t, the buffer
in question is treated as usable.

The function EXTRA-TEST-EXCLUSIVE, if non-nil, is called in each buffer
that would normally be considered usable. If it returns nil, that buffer is rejected.

Function: table-justify-cell

Justify cell contents.
JUSTIFY is a symbol 'left, 'center or 'right for horizontal, or 'top,
'middle, 'bottom or 'none for vertical. When optional PARAGRAPH is
non-nil the justify operation is limited to the current paragraph,
otherwise the entire cell contents is justified.

(fn JUSTIFY &optional PARAGRAPH)

Function: pcomplete/kill

Completion for GNU/Linux `kill', using /proc filesystem.


Function: ff-find-related-file

Find the header or source file corresponding to this file.
Being on a `#include' line pulls in that file.

If optional IN-OTHER-WINDOW is non-nil, find the file in the other window.
If optional IGNORE-INCLUDE is non-nil, ignore being on `#include' lines.

Variables of interest include:

- `ff-case-fold-search'
Non-nil means ignore cases in matches (see `case-fold-search').
If you have extensions in different cases, you will want this to be nil.

- `ff-always-in-other-window'
If non-nil, always open the other file in another window, unless an
argument is given to `ff-find-other-file'.

- `ff-ignore-include'
If non-nil, ignores #include lines.

- `ff-always-try-to-create'
If non-nil, always attempt to create the other file if it was not found.

- `ff-quiet-mode'
If non-nil, traces which directories are being searched.

- `ff-special-constructs'
A list of regular expressions specifying how to recognize special
constructs such as include files etc, and an associated method for
extracting the filename from that construct.

- `ff-other-file-alist'
Alist of extensions to find given the current file's extension.

- `ff-search-directories'
List of directories searched through with each extension specified in
`ff-other-file-alist' that matches this file's extension.

- `ff-pre-find-hook'
List of functions to be called before the search for the file starts.

- `ff-pre-load-hook'
List of functions to be called before the other file is loaded.

- `ff-post-load-hook'
List of functions to be called after the other file is loaded.

- `ff-not-found-hook'
List of functions to be called if the other file could not be found. - `ff-file-created-hook' List of functions to be called if the other file has been created. (fn &optional IN-OTHER-WINDOW IGNORE-INCLUDE)

Variable: pop-up-frame-function

Function used by `display-buffer' for creating a new frame.
This function is called with no arguments and should return a new
frame. The default value calls `make-frame' with the argument

Function: window-child

Return WINDOW's first child window.
WINDOW can be any window.

Variable: method-generic-primary

Index into generic :primary tag on a method.

Function: org-customize

Call the customize function with org as argument.


Function: open-protocol-stream

Open a TCP connection to HOST, optionally with encryption.
Normally, return a network process object; with a non-nil
:return-list parameter, return a list instead (see below).
Input and output work as for subprocesses; `delete-process'
closes it.

NAME is the name for the process. It is modified if necessary to
make it unique.
BUFFER is a buffer or buffer name to associate with the process.
Process output goes at end of that buffer. BUFFER may be nil,
meaning that the process is not associated with any buffer.
HOST is the name or IP address of the host to connect to.
SERVICE is the name of the service desired, or an integer specifying
a port number to connect to.

The remaining PARAMETERS should be a sequence of keywords and

:type specifies the connection type, one of the following:
nil or `network'
-- Begin with an ordinary network connection, and if
the parameters :success and :capability-command
are also supplied, try to upgrade to an encrypted
connection via STARTTLS. Even if that
fails (e.g. if HOST does not support TLS), retain
an unencrypted connection.
`plain' -- An ordinary, unencrypted network connection.
`starttls' -- Begin with an ordinary connection, and try
upgrading via STARTTLS. If that fails for any
reason, drop the connection; in that case the
returned object is a killed process.
`tls' -- A TLS connection.
`ssl' -- Equivalent to `tls'.
`shell' -- A shell connection.

:return-list specifies this function's return value.
If omitted or nil, return a process object. A non-nil means to
return (PROC . PROPS), where PROC is a process object and PROPS
is a plist of connection properties, with these keywords:
:greeting -- the greeting returned by HOST (a string), or nil.
:capabilities -- a string representing HOST's capabilities,
or nil if none could be found.
:type -- the resulting connection type; `plain' (unencrypted)
or `tls' (TLS-encrypted).

:end-of-command specifies a regexp matching the end of a command.

:end-of-capability specifies a regexp matching the end of the
response to the command specified for :capability-command.
It defaults to the regexp specified for :end-of-command.

:success specifies a regexp matching a message indicating a
successful STARTTLS negotiation. For instance, the default
should be "^3" for an NNTP connection.

:capability-command specifies a command used to query the HOST
for its capabilities. For instance, for IMAP this should be

:starttls-function specifies a function for handling STARTTLS.
This function should take one parameter, the response to the
capability command, and should return the command to switch on
STARTTLS if the server supports STARTTLS, and nil otherwise.

:always-query-capabilities says whether to query the server for
capabilities, even if we're doing a `plain' network connection.

:client-certificate should either be a list where the first
element is the certificate key file name, and the second
element is the certificate file name itself, or `t', which
means that `auth-source' will be queried for the key and the
certificate. This parameter will only be used when doing TLS
or STARTTLS connections. :use-starttls-if-possible is a boolean that says to do opportunistic STARTTLS upgrades even if Emacs doesn't have built-in TLS functionality. :nowait is a boolean that says the connection should be made asynchronously, if possible. (fn NAME BUFFER HOST SERVICE &rest PARAMETERS)

Function: tty-type

Return the type of the tty device that TERMINAL uses.
Returns nil if TERMINAL is not on a tty device.

TERMINAL can be a terminal object, a frame, or nil (meaning the
selected frame's terminal).

(fn &optional TERMINAL)

Function: debian-run-directories

Load each file of the form XXfilename.el or XXfilename.elc in any
of the dirs, where XX must be a number. The files will be run in
alphabetical order. If a file appears in more than one of the dirs,
then the earlier dir takes precedence, and a .elc file always
supercedes a .el file of the same name.

Function: isearch-mode-help

Display documentation of Isearch mode.

Function: dnd-open-file

Open a local or remote file.
The file is opened in the current window, or a new window if
`dnd-open-file-other-window' is set. URI is the url for the file,
and must have the format file://hostname/file-name. ACTION is ignored.
The last / in file://hostname/ is part of the file name.

Function: checkdoc-rogue-spaces

Find extra spaces at the end of lines in the current file.
Prefix argument TAKE-NOTES non-nil means to save warnings in a
separate buffer. Otherwise print a message. This returns the error
if there is one.
Optional argument INTERACT permits more interactive fixing.

(fn &optional TAKE-NOTES INTERACT)

Variable: deactivate-mark-hook

Hook run when the mark becomes inactive.

Function: scroll-other-window

Scroll next window upward ARG lines; or near full screen if no ARG.
A near full screen is `next-screen-context-lines' less than a full screen.
The next window is the one below the current one; or the one at the top
if the current one is at the bottom. Negative ARG means scroll downward.
If ARG is the atom `-', scroll downward by nearly full screen.
When calling from a program, supply as argument a number, nil, or `-'.

If `other-window-scroll-buffer' is non-nil, scroll the window
showing that buffer, popping the buffer up if necessary.
If in the minibuffer, `minibuffer-scroll-window' if non-nil
specifies the window to scroll. This takes precedence over
`other-window-scroll-buffer'. (fn &optional ARG)

Variable: kbd-macro-termination-hook

Normal hook run whenever a keyboard macro terminates.
This is run whether the macro ends normally or prematurely due to an error.

Variable: current-iso639-language

ISO639 language mnemonic symbol for the current language environment.
If the current language environment is for multiple languages (e.g. "Latin-1"),
the value may be a list of mnemonics.

Variable: url-confirmation-func

What function to use for asking yes or no functions.
Possible values are `yes-or-no-p' or `y-or-n-p', or any function that
takes a single argument (the prompt), and returns t only if a positive
answer is given.

Function: emerge-files

Run Emerge on two files.


Function: checkdoc-ispell-message-interactive

Check the style and spelling of message text interactively.
Calls `checkdoc-message-interactive' with spell-checking turned on.
Prefix argument TAKE-NOTES is the same as for `checkdoc-message-interactive'

(fn &optional TAKE-NOTES)

Function: display-color-cells

Return the number of color cells supported by DISPLAY.

Function: current-input-mode

Return information about the way Emacs currently reads keyboard input.
The value is a list of the form (INTERRUPT FLOW META QUIT), where
INTERRUPT is non-nil if Emacs is using interrupt-driven input; if
nil, Emacs is using CBREAK mode.
FLOW is non-nil if Emacs uses ^S/^Q flow control for output to the
terminal; this does not apply if Emacs uses interrupt-driven input.
META is t if accepting 8-bit input with 8th bit as Meta flag.
META nil means ignoring the top bit, on the assumption it is parity.
META is neither t nor nil if accepting 8-bit input and using
all 8 bits as the character code.
QUIT is the character Emacs currently uses to quit.
The elements of this list correspond to the arguments of `set-input-mode'. (fn)

Function: nsubst-if-not

Substitute NEW for elements not matching PREDICATE in TREE (destructively).
Any element of TREE which matches is changed to NEW (via a call to `setcar').

Keywords supported: :key


Function: customize-save-variable

Set the default for VARIABLE to VALUE, and save it for future sessions.
Return VALUE.

If VARIABLE has a `custom-set' property, that is used for setting
VARIABLE, otherwise `set-default' is used.

If VARIABLE has a `variable-interactive' property, that is used as if
it were the arg to `interactive' (which see) to interactively read the value.

If VARIABLE has a `custom-type' property, it must be a widget and the
`:prompt-value' property of that widget will be used for reading the value.

If given a prefix (or a COMMENT argument), also prompt for a comment. (fn VARIABLE VALUE &optional COMMENT)

Function: text-clone-create

Create a text clone of START...END at point.
Text clones are chunks of text that are automatically kept identical:
changes done to one of the clones will be immediately propagated to the other.

The buffer's content at point is assumed to be already identical to
the one between START and END.
If SYNTAX is provided it's a regexp that describes the possible text of
the clones; the clone will be shrunk or killed if necessary to ensure that
its text matches the regexp.
If SPREADP is non-nil it indicates that text inserted before/after the
clone should be incorporated in the clone.

Function: no-applicable-method

Called if there are no implementations for OBJECT in METHOD.

Function: custom-declare-variable

Like `defcustom', but SYMBOL and DEFAULT are evaluated as normal arguments.
DEFAULT should be an expression to evaluate to compute the default value,
not the default value itself.

DEFAULT is stored as SYMBOL's standard value, in SYMBOL's property
`standard-value'. At the same time, SYMBOL's property `force-value' is
set to nil, as the value is no longer rogue.

Function: smie-next-sexp

Skip over one sexp.
NEXT-TOKEN is a function of no argument that moves forward by one
token (after skipping comments if needed) and returns it.
NEXT-SEXP is a lower-level function to skip one sexp.
OP-FORW is the accessor to the forward level of the level data.
OP-BACK is the accessor to the backward level of the level data.
HALFSEXP if non-nil, means skip over a partial sexp if needed. I.e. if the
first token we see is an operator, skip over its left-hand-side argument.
HALFSEXP can also be a token, in which case it means to parse as if
we had just successfully passed this token.
Possible return values:
(FORW-LEVEL POS TOKEN): we couldn't skip TOKEN because its back-level
is too high. FORW-LEVEL is the forw-level of TOKEN,
POS is its start position in the buffer.
(t POS TOKEN): same thing when we bump on the wrong side of a paren.
Instead of t, the `car' can also be some other non-nil non-number value.
(nil POS TOKEN): we skipped over a paren-like pair.
nil: we skipped over an identifier, matched parentheses, ... (fn NEXT-TOKEN NEXT-SEXP OP-FORW OP-BACK HALFSEXP)

Variable: eol-mnemonic-dos

*String displayed in mode line for DOS-like (CRLF) end-of-line format.

Function: smie-indent--offset

(fn ELEM)

Function: url-user-for-url

Attempt to use .authinfo to find a user for this URL.

Function: object-class

Return the class struct defining OBJ.

Variable: object-class

Index in an object vector where the class is stored.

Function: mm-string-to-multibyte

Return a multibyte string with the same individual chars as STRING.
If STRING is multibyte, the result is STRING itself.
Otherwise it is a newly created string, with no text properties.

If STRING is unibyte and contains an 8-bit byte, it is converted to
the corresponding multibyte character of charset `eight-bit'.

This differs from `string-as-multibyte' by converting each byte of a correct
utf-8 sequence to an eight-bit character, not just bytes that don't form a correct sequence. (fn STRING)

Variable: deactivate-current-input-method-function

Function to call for deactivating the current input method.
Every input method should set this to an appropriate value when activated.
This function is called with no argument.

This function should never change the value of `current-input-method'.
It is set to nil by the function `deactivate-input-method'.

Variable: char-property-alias-alist

Alist of alternative properties for properties without a value.
Each element should look like (PROPERTY ALTERNATIVE1 ALTERNATIVE2...).
If a piece of text has no direct value for a particular property, then
this alist is consulted. If that property appears in the alist, then
the first non-nil value from the associated alternative properties is returned.

Function: interrupt-process

Interrupt process PROCESS.
PROCESS may be a process, a buffer, or the name of a process or buffer.
No arg or nil means current buffer's process.
Second arg CURRENT-GROUP non-nil means send signal to
the current process-group of the process's controlling terminal
rather than to the process's own process group.
If the process is a shell, this means interrupt current subjob
rather than the shell.

If CURRENT-GROUP is `lambda', and if the shell owns the terminal,
don't send the signal. (fn &optional PROCESS CURRENT-GROUP)

Function: set-buffer

Make buffer BUFFER-OR-NAME current for editing operations.
BUFFER-OR-NAME may be a buffer or the name of an existing buffer. See
also `with-current-buffer' when you want to make a buffer current
temporarily. This function does not display the buffer, so its effect
ends when the current command terminates. Use `switch-to-buffer' or
`pop-to-buffer' to switch buffers permanently.

Variable: gc-cons-threshold

Number of bytes of consing between garbage collections.
Garbage collection can happen automatically once this many bytes have been
allocated since the last garbage collection. All data types count.

Garbage collection happens automatically only when `eval' is called.

By binding this temporarily to a large number, you can effectively
prevent garbage collection during a part of the program.
See also `gc-cons-percentage'.

Function: defalias

Set SYMBOL's function definition to DEFINITION.
Associates the function with the current load file, if any.
The optional third argument DOCSTRING specifies the documentation string
for SYMBOL; if it is omitted or nil, SYMBOL uses the documentation string
determined by DEFINITION.
The return value is undefined.


Variable: apropos-mode-hook

Hook run when mode is turned on.

Function: find-if

Find the first item satisfying PREDICATE in SEQ.
Return the matching item, or nil if not found.

Keywords supported: :key :start :end :from-end


Function: switch-to-next-buffer

In WINDOW switch to next buffer.
WINDOW must be a live window and defaults to the selected one.
Return the buffer switched to, nil if no suitable buffer could be found.

Variable: default-line-spacing

Default value of `line-spacing' for buffers that don't override it.
This is the same as (default-value 'line-spacing).

Variable: sh-mode-syntax-table-input

Syntax-table used in Shell-Script mode. See `sh-feature'.

Function: read-key-sequence-vector

Like `read-key-sequence' but always return a vector.


Variable: url-parse-args-syntax-table

A syntax table for parsing sgml attributes.

Function: password-cache-remove

Remove password indexed by KEY from password cache.
This is typically run by a timer setup from `password-cache-add',
but can be invoked at any time to forcefully remove passwords
from the cache. This may be useful when it has been detected
that a password is invalid, so that `password-read' query the user again.

Function: pop-to-mark-command

Jump to mark, and pop a new position for mark off the ring.
(Does not affect global mark ring).

Function: next-single-property-change

Return the position of next property change for a specific property.
Scans characters forward from POSITION till it finds
a change in the PROP property, then returns the position of the change.
If the optional third argument OBJECT is a buffer (or nil, which means
the current buffer), POSITION is a buffer position (integer or marker).
If OBJECT is a string, POSITION is a 0-based index into it.
The property values are compared with `eq'.
Return nil if the property is constant all the way to the end of OBJECT.
If the value is non-nil, it is a position greater than POSITION, never equal.

If the optional fourth argument LIMIT is non-nil, don't search
past position LIMIT; return LIMIT if nothing is found before LIMIT. (fn POSITION PROP &optional OBJECT LIMIT)

Variable: comment-inline-offset

Inline comments have to be preceded by at least this many spaces.
This is useful when style-conventions require a certain minimal offset.
Python's PEP8 for example recommends two spaces, so you could do:

(add-hook 'python-mode-hook
(lambda () (set (make-local-variable 'comment-inline-offset) 2)))

See `comment-padding' for whole-line comments.

Function: blink-cursor-start

Timer function called from the timer `blink-cursor-idle-timer'.
This starts the timer `blink-cursor-timer', which makes the cursor blink
if appropriate. It also arranges to cancel that timer when the next
command starts, by installing a pre-command hook.

Function: follow-delete-other-windows-and-split

Create two side by side windows and enter Follow mode.

Execute this command to display as much as possible of the text
in the selected window. All other windows, in the current
frame, are deleted and the selected window is split in two
side-by-side windows. Follow mode is activated, hence the
two windows always will display two successive pages.
(If one window is moved, the other one will follow.)

If ARG is positive, the leftmost window is selected. If negative,
the rightmost is selected. If ARG is nil, the leftmost window is
selected if the original window is the first one in the frame. (fn &optional ARG)

Function: ecomplete-setup


Variable: jka-compr-dd-program

How to invoke `dd'.

Function: menu-bar-frame-for-menubar

Return the frame suitable for updating the menu bar.

Function: erc-ezb-get-login

Return an appropriate EZBounce login for SERVER and PORT.
Look up entries in `erc-ezb-login-alist'. If the username or password
in the alist is `nil', prompt for the appropriate values.


Function: browse-url-kde

Ask the KDE WWW browser to load URL.
Default to the URL around or before point.

(fn URL &optional NEW-WINDOW)

Function: move-end-of-line

Move point to end of current line as displayed.
With argument ARG not nil or 1, move forward ARG - 1 lines first.
If point reaches the beginning or end of buffer, it stops there.

To ignore the effects of the `intangible' text or overlay
property, bind `inhibit-point-motion-hooks' to t.
If there is an image in the current line, this function
disregards newlines that are part of the text on which the image rests.

Variable: unibyte-display-via-language-environment

Non-nil means display unibyte text according to language environment.
Specifically, this means that raw bytes in the range 160-255 decimal
are displayed by converting them to the equivalent multibyte characters
according to the current language environment. As a result, they are
displayed according to the current fontset.

Note that this variable affects only how these bytes are displayed,
but does not change the fact they are interpreted as raw bytes.

Variable: configure-info-directory

For internal use by the build procedure only.
This is the name of the directory in which the build procedure installed
Emacs's info files; the default value for `Info-default-directory-list'
includes this.

Function: Info-goto-index

Go to the first index node.

Function: vc-git-checkin


Function: xterm-turn-off-modify-other-keys

Temporarily turn off the modifyOtherKeys feature of xterm.

Variable: shell-command-switch

Switch used to have the shell execute its command line argument.

Function: cl-mapcar

Apply FUNCTION to each element of SEQ, and make a list of the results.
If there are several SEQs, FUNCTION is called with that many arguments,
and mapping stops as soon as the shortest list runs out. With just one
SEQ, this is like `mapcar'. With several, it is like the Common Lisp
`mapcar' function extended to arbitrary sequence types.


Variable: replace-regexp-lax-whitespace

Non-nil means `query-replace-regexp' matches a sequence of whitespace chars.
When you enter a space or spaces in the regexps to be replaced,
it will match any sequence matched by the regexp `search-whitespace-regexp'.

Function: forms-find-file-other-window

Visit a file in Forms mode in other window.

(fn FN)

Function: epg-expand-group

Look at CONFIG and try to expand GROUP.


Function: internal-set-lisp-face-attribute

Set attribute ATTR of FACE to VALUE.
FRAME being a frame means change the face on that frame.
FRAME nil means change the face of the selected frame.
FRAME t means change the default for new frames.
FRAME 0 means change the face on all frames, and change the default
for new frames.

(fn FACE ATTR VALUE &optional FRAME)

Function: gnus-make-sort-function-1

Return a composite sort condition based on the functions in FUNS.

Variable: pcomplete-man-function

A function to that will be called to display a manual page.
It will be passed the name of the command to document.

Variable: Info-additional-directory-list

List of additional directories to search for Info documentation files.
These directories are searched after those in `Info-directory-list'.

Function: help-xref-go-back

From BUFFER, go back to previous help buffer text using `help-xref-stack'.

Variable: debugger-args

Arguments with which the debugger was called.
It is a list expected to take the form (CAUSE . REST)
where CAUSE can be:
- debug: called for entry to a flagged function.
- t: called because of debug-on-next-call.
- lambda: same thing but via `funcall'.
- exit: called because of exit of a flagged function.
- error: called because of `debug-on-error'.

Function: cl--adjoin


Variable: x-dnd-known-types

The types accepted by default for dropped data.
The types are chosen in the order they appear in the list.

Variable: fill-find-break-point-function-table

Char-table of special functions to find line breaking point.

Function: syntax-propertize-wholelines


Function: image-type-from-buffer

Determine the image type from data in the current buffer.
Value is a symbol specifying the image type or nil if type cannot
be determined.

Variable: revert-without-query

Specify which files should be reverted without query.
The value is a list of regular expressions.
If the file name matches one of these regular expressions,
then `revert-buffer' reverts the file without querying
if the file has changed on disk and you have not edited the buffer.

Function: event-click-count

Return the multi-click count of EVENT, a click or drag event.
The return value is a positive integer.

Function: x-change-window-property

Change window property PROP to VALUE on the X window of FRAME.
PROP must be a string. VALUE may be a string or a list of conses,
numbers and/or strings. If an element in the list is a string, it is
converted to an atom and the value of the atom is used. If an element
is a cons, it is converted to a 32 bit number where the car is the 16
top bits and the cdr is the lower 16 bits.

FRAME nil or omitted means use the selected frame.
If TYPE is given and non-nil, it is the name of the type of VALUE.
If TYPE is not given or nil, the type is STRING.
FORMAT gives the size in bits of each element if VALUE is a list.
It must be one of 8, 16 or 32.
If VALUE is a string or FORMAT is nil or not given, FORMAT defaults to 8.
If OUTER-P is non-nil, the property is changed for the outer X window of
FRAME. Default is to change on the edit X window. (fn PROP VALUE &optional FRAME TYPE FORMAT OUTER-P)

Function: ansi-color-make-color-map

Creates a vector of face definitions and returns it.

The index into the vector is an ANSI code. See the documentation of
`ansi-color-map' for an example.

The face definitions are based upon the variables
`ansi-color-faces-vector' and `ansi-color-names-vector'.

Function: Info-speedbar-hierarchy-buttons

Display an Info directory hierarchy in speedbar.
DIRECTORY is the current directory in the attached frame.
DEPTH is the current indentation depth.
NODE is an optional argument that is used to represent the
specific node to expand.

Variable: mwheel-scroll-down-function

Function that does the job of scrolling downward.

Function: windmove-default-keybindings

Set up keybindings for `windmove'.
Keybindings are of the form MODIFIER-{left,right,up,down}.
Default MODIFIER is 'shift.

(fn &optional MODIFIER)

Function: erc-cmd-NOTIFY

Change `erc-notify-list' or list current notify-list members online.
Without args, list the current list of notified people online,
with args, toggle notify status of people.

(fn &rest ARGS)

Function: font-family-list

List available font families on the current frame.
Optional argument FRAME, if non-nil, specifies the target frame.

(fn &optional FRAME)

Function: mark

Return this buffer's mark value as integer, or nil if never set.

In Transient Mark mode, this function signals an error if
the mark is not active. However, if `mark-even-if-inactive' is non-nil,
or the argument FORCE is non-nil, it disregards whether the mark
is active, and returns an integer or nil in the usual way.

If you are using this in an editing command, you are most likely making
a mistake; see the documentation of `set-mark'.

Variable: paragraph-start

Regexp for beginning of a line that starts OR separates paragraphs.
This regexp should match lines that separate paragraphs
and should also match lines that start a paragraph
(and are part of that paragraph).

This is matched against the text at the left margin, which is not necessarily
the beginning of the line, so it should never use "^" as an anchor. This
ensures that the paragraph functions will work equally well within a region
of text indented by a margin setting.

The variable `paragraph-separate' specifies how to distinguish
lines that start paragraphs from lines that separate them.

If the variable `use-hard-newlines' is non-nil, then only lines following a hard newline are considered to match.

Variable: rfn-eshadow-update-overlay-hook

Customer overlay functions from other packages

Function: inverse-add-abbrev


Function: c-guess-buffer

Guess the style on the whole current buffer, and install it.

The style is given a name based on the file's absolute file name.

If given a prefix argument (or if the optional argument ACCUMULATE is
non-nil) then the previous guess is extended, otherwise a new guess is
made from scratch.
(fn &optional ACCUMULATE)

Function: mouse-minor-mode-menu

Show minor-mode menu for EVENT on minor modes area of the mode line.

(fn EVENT)

Function: posn-col-row

Return the nominal column and row in POSITION, measured in characters.
The column and row values are approximations calculated from the x
and y coordinates in POSITION and the frame's default character width
and height.
For a scroll-bar event, the result column is 0, and the row
corresponds to the vertical position of the click in the scroll bar.
POSITION should be a list of the form returned by the `event-start'
and `event-end' functions.

Function: file-readable-p

Return t if file FILENAME exists and you can read it.
See also `file-exists-p' and `file-attributes'.


Function: kill-local-variable

Make VARIABLE no longer have a separate value in the current buffer.
From now on the default value will apply in this buffer. Return VARIABLE.


Function: auth-source-pick-first-password

Pick the first secret found from applying SPEC to `auth-source-search'.

Function: cl-ceiling

Return a list of the ceiling of X and the fractional part of X.
With two arguments, return ceiling and remainder of their quotient.

(fn X &optional Y)

Function: cl-mapcan

Like `cl-mapcar', but nconc's together the values returned by the function.


Function: shell-filename-completion

Return the completion data for file name at point, if any.


Variable: radians-to-degrees

Radian to degree conversion constant.

Function: completion-pcm--all-completions

Find all completions for PATTERN in TABLE obeying PRED.
PATTERN is as returned by `completion-pcm--string->pattern'.


Function: find-lisp-find-dired

Find files in DIR, matching REGEXP.


Function: erc-identd-stop

(fn &rest IGNORE)

Function: window-list

Return a list of windows on FRAME, starting with WINDOW.
FRAME nil or omitted means use the selected frame.
WINDOW nil or omitted means use the window selected within FRAME.
MINIBUF t means include the minibuffer window, even if it isn't active.
MINIBUF nil or omitted means include the minibuffer window only
if it's active.
MINIBUF neither nil nor t means never include the minibuffer window.


Function: encode-coding-region

Encode the current region by specified coding system.
When called from a program, takes four arguments:
START and END are buffer positions.

Optional 4th arguments DESTINATION specifies where the encoded text goes.
If nil, the region between START and END is replace by the encoded text.
If buffer, the encoded text is inserted in that buffer after point (point
does not move).
In those cases, the length of the encoded text is returned.
If DESTINATION is t, the encoded text is returned.

This function sets `last-coding-system-used' to the precise coding system
used (which may be different from CODING-SYSTEM if CODING-SYSTEM is
not fully specified.) (fn START END CODING-SYSTEM &optional DESTINATION)

Function: vc-git-mode-line-string

Return a string for `vc-mode-line' to put in the mode line for FILE.

(fn FILE)

Face: button

Default face used for buttons.

Function: makefile-makepp-mode

An adapted `makefile-mode' that knows about makepp.


Function: seventh

Return the seventh element of the list X.

(fn X)

Function: image-animate-timeout

Display animation frame N of IMAGE.
N=0 refers to the initial animation frame.
COUNT is the total number of frames in the animation.
TIME-ELAPSED is the total time that has elapsed since
`image-animate-start' was called.
LIMIT determines when to stop. If t, loop forever. If nil, stop
after displaying the last animation frame. Otherwise, stop
after LIMIT seconds have elapsed.
The minimum delay between successive frames is 0.01s.

Variable: abbrev-minor-mode-table-alist

Alist of abbrev tables to use for minor modes.
Each element looks like (VARIABLE . ABBREV-TABLE);
ABBREV-TABLE is active whenever VARIABLE's value is non-nil.
ABBREV-TABLE can also be a list of abbrev tables.

Function: forward-thing

Move forward to the end of the Nth next THING.
THING should be a symbol specifying a type of syntactic entity.
Possibilities include `symbol', `list', `sexp', `defun',
`filename', `url', `email', `word', `sentence', `whitespace',
`line', and `page'.

(fn THING &optional N)

Function: tcl-help-on-word

Get help on Tcl command. Default is word at point.
Prefix argument means invert sense of `tcl-use-smart-word-finder'.

(fn COMMAND &optional ARG)

Function: delete-extract-rectangle

Delete the contents of the rectangle with corners at START and END.
Return it as a list of strings, one for each line of the rectangle.

When called from a program the rectangle's corners are START and END.
With an optional FILL argument, also fill lines where nothing has to be

(fn START END &optional FILL)

Variable: trash-directory

Directory for `move-file-to-trash' to move files and directories to.
This directory is only used when the function `system-move-file-to-trash'
is not defined.
Relative paths are interpreted relative to `default-directory'.
If the value is nil, Emacs uses a freedesktop.org-style trashcan.

Function: error-message-string

Convert an error value (ERROR-SYMBOL . DATA) to an error message.
See Info anchor `(elisp)Definition of signal' for some details on how this
error message is constructed.
(fn OBJ)

Function: byte-optimize-or

(fn FORM)

Variable: mm-charset-synonym-alist

A mapping from unknown or invalid charset names to the real charset names.

See `mm-codepage-iso-8859-list' and `mm-codepage-ibm-list'.

Function: package--download-one-archive

Retrieve an archive file FILE from ARCHIVE, and cache it.
ARCHIVE should be a cons cell of the form (NAME . LOCATION),
similar to an entry in `package-alist'. Save the cached copy to
"archives/NAME/archive-contents" in `package-user-dir'.

Variable: x-select-enable-clipboard

Non-nil means cutting and pasting uses the clipboard.
This is in addition to, but in preference to, the primary selection.

Note that MS-Windows does not support selection types other than the
clipboard. (The primary selection that is set by Emacs is not
accessible to other programs on MS-Windows.)

This variable is not used by the Nextstep port.

Variable: rmail-ignored-headers

Regexp to match header fields that Rmail should normally hide.
(See also `rmail-nonignored-headers', which overrides this regexp.)
This variable is used for reformatting the message header,
which normally happens once for each message,
when you view the message for the first time in Rmail.
To make a change in this variable take effect
for a message that you have already viewed,
go to that message and type M-x rmail-toggle-header twice.

Function: ethio-replace-space

Replace ASCII spaces with Ethiopic word separators in the region.

In the specified region, replace word separators surrounded by two
Ethiopic characters, depending on the first argument CH, which should
be 1, 2, or 3.

If CH = 1, word separator will be replaced with an ASCII space.
If CH = 2, with two ASCII spaces.
If CH = 3, with the Ethiopic colon-like word separator.

The 2nd and 3rd arguments BEGIN and END specify the region. (fn CH BEGIN END)

Function: epa-export-keys

Export selected KEYS to FILE.


Function: set-selective-display

Set `selective-display' to ARG; clear it if no arg.
When the value of `selective-display' is a number > 0,
lines whose indentation is >= that value are not displayed.
The variable `selective-display' has a separate value for each buffer.

Function: custom-reset-variables

Reset the specs of some variables to their values in other themes.
This creates settings in the `user' theme.

Each of the arguments ARGS has this form:


This means reset VARIABLE. (The argument IGNORED is ignored).

Variable: multiple-frames

Non-nil if more than one frame is visible on this display.
Minibuffer-only frames don't count, but iconified frames do.
This variable is not guaranteed to be accurate except while processing
`frame-title-format' and `icon-title-format'.

Function: x-dnd-get-state-for-frame

Return the state in `x-dnd-current-state' for a frame or window.

Variable: choose-completion-string-functions

Functions that may override the normal insertion of a completion choice.
These functions are called in order with four arguments:
CHOICE - the string to insert in the buffer,
BUFFER - the buffer in which the choice should be inserted,
MINI-P - non-nil if BUFFER is a minibuffer, and
BASE-SIZE - the number of characters in BUFFER before
the string being completed.

If a function in the list returns non-nil, that function is supposed
to have inserted the CHOICE in the BUFFER, and possibly exited
the minibuffer; no further functions will be called.

If all functions in the list return nil, that means to use
the default method of inserting the completion in BUFFER.

Variable: delete-trailing-lines

If non-nil, M-x delete-trailing-whitespace deletes trailing lines.
Trailing lines are deleted only if `delete-trailing-whitespace'
is called on the entire buffer (rather than an active region).

Function: fill-flowed

(fn &optional BUFFER DELETE-SPACE)

Function: delete-directory-internal

Delete the directory named DIRECTORY. Does not follow symlinks.


Function: cconv-convert

Return FORM with all its lambdas changed so they are closed.
ENV is a lexical environment mapping variables to the expression
used to get its value. This is used for variables that are copied into
closures, moved into cons cells, ...
ENV is a list where each entry takes the shape either:
(VAR . (car EXP)): VAR has been moved into the car of a cons-cell, and EXP
is an expression that evaluates to this cons-cell.
(VAR . (internal-get-closed-var N)): VAR has been copied into the closure
environment's Nth slot.
(VAR . (apply-partially F ARG1 ARG2 ..)): VAR has been λ-lifted and takes
additional arguments ARGs.
EXTEND is a list of variables which might need to be accessed even from places
where they are shadowed, because some part of ENV causes them to be used at
places where they originally did not directly appear. (fn FORM ENV EXTEND)

Function: gnus-remove-if-not

Return a copy of SEQUENCE with all items not satisfying PREDICATE removed.
SEQUENCE should be a list, a vector, or a string. Returns always a list.
If HASH-TABLE-P is non-nil, regards SEQUENCE as a hash table.

Function: dnsDomainIs


Function: pcomplete/chown

Completion for the `chown' command.

Variable: class-class-allocation-protection

Class allocated protection list.

Function: gnus-add-configuration

Add the window configuration CONF to `gnus-buffer-configuration'.

(fn CONF)

Function: utf-7-imap-post-read-conversion

(fn LEN)

Function: rassq-delete-all

Delete from ALIST all elements whose cdr is `eq' to VALUE.
Return the modified alist.
Elements of ALIST that are not conses are ignored.

Variable: Info-fontify-maximum-menu-size

Maximum size of menu to fontify if `font-lock-mode' is non-nil.
Set to nil to disable node fontification.

Function: ucs-normalize-NFKD-region

Normalize the current region by the Unicode NFKD.

(fn FROM TO)

Function: asm-mode

Major mode for editing typical assembler code.
Features a private abbrev table and the following bindings:

M-x asm-colon outdent a preceding label, tab to next tab stop.
M-i tab to next tab stop.
M-x asm-newline newline, then tab to next tab stop.
M-x asm-comment smart placement of assembler comments.

The character used for making comments is set by the variable
`asm-comment-char' (which defaults to `?\;').

Alternatively, you may set this variable in `asm-mode-set-comment-hook',
which is called near the beginning of mode initialization.

Turning on Asm mode runs the hook `asm-mode-hook' at the end of initialization.

Special commands:
Uses keymap `asm-mode-map', which is not currently defined. (fn)

Function: search-backward-regexp

Search backward from point for match for regular expression REGEXP.
Set point to the beginning of the match, and return point.
The match found is the one starting last in the buffer
and yet ending before the origin of the search.
An optional second argument bounds the search; it is a buffer position.
The match found must start at or after that position.
Optional third argument, if t, means if fail just return nil (no error).
If not nil and not t, move to limit of search and return nil.
Optional fourth argument is repeat count--search for successive occurrences.

Search case-sensitivity is determined by the value of the variable
`case-fold-search', which see.

See also the functions `match-beginning', `match-end', `match-string',
and `replace-match'. (fn REGEXP &optional BOUND NOERROR COUNT)

Variable: temp-buffer-show-function

Non-nil means call as function to display a help buffer.
The function is called with one argument, the buffer to be displayed.
Used by `with-output-to-temp-buffer'.
If this function is used, then it must do the entire job of showing
the buffer; `temp-buffer-show-hook' is not run unless this function runs it.

Function: continue-process

Continue process PROCESS. May be process or name of one.
See function `interrupt-process' for more details on usage.
If PROCESS is a network or serial process, resume handling of incoming


Function: byte-optimize-binary-predicate

(fn FORM)

Variable: url-version

Version number of URL package.

Variable: clone-indirect-buffer-hook

Normal hook to run in the new buffer at the end of `clone-indirect-buffer'.

Function: iso-cvt-define-menu

Add submenus to the File menu, to convert to and from various formats.


Function: open-network-stream

Open a TCP connection to HOST, optionally with encryption.
Normally, return a network process object; with a non-nil
:return-list parameter, return a list instead (see below).
Input and output work as for subprocesses; `delete-process'
closes it.

NAME is the name for the process. It is modified if necessary to
make it unique.
BUFFER is a buffer or buffer name to associate with the process.
Process output goes at end of that buffer. BUFFER may be nil,
meaning that the process is not associated with any buffer.
HOST is the name or IP address of the host to connect to.
SERVICE is the name of the service desired, or an integer specifying
a port number to connect to.

The remaining PARAMETERS should be a sequence of keywords and

:type specifies the connection type, one of the following:
nil or `network'
-- Begin with an ordinary network connection, and if
the parameters :success and :capability-command
are also supplied, try to upgrade to an encrypted
connection via STARTTLS. Even if that
fails (e.g. if HOST does not support TLS), retain
an unencrypted connection.
`plain' -- An ordinary, unencrypted network connection.
`starttls' -- Begin with an ordinary connection, and try
upgrading via STARTTLS. If that fails for any
reason, drop the connection; in that case the
returned object is a killed process.
`tls' -- A TLS connection.
`ssl' -- Equivalent to `tls'.
`shell' -- A shell connection.

:return-list specifies this function's return value.
If omitted or nil, return a process object. A non-nil means to
return (PROC . PROPS), where PROC is a process object and PROPS
is a plist of connection properties, with these keywords:
:greeting -- the greeting returned by HOST (a string), or nil.
:capabilities -- a string representing HOST's capabilities,
or nil if none could be found.
:type -- the resulting connection type; `plain' (unencrypted)
or `tls' (TLS-encrypted).

:end-of-command specifies a regexp matching the end of a command.

:end-of-capability specifies a regexp matching the end of the
response to the command specified for :capability-command.
It defaults to the regexp specified for :end-of-command.

:success specifies a regexp matching a message indicating a
successful STARTTLS negotiation. For instance, the default
should be "^3" for an NNTP connection.

:capability-command specifies a command used to query the HOST
for its capabilities. For instance, for IMAP this should be

:starttls-function specifies a function for handling STARTTLS.
This function should take one parameter, the response to the
capability command, and should return the command to switch on
STARTTLS if the server supports STARTTLS, and nil otherwise.

:always-query-capabilities says whether to query the server for
capabilities, even if we're doing a `plain' network connection.

:client-certificate should either be a list where the first
element is the certificate key file name, and the second
element is the certificate file name itself, or `t', which
means that `auth-source' will be queried for the key and the
certificate. This parameter will only be used when doing TLS
or STARTTLS connections. :use-starttls-if-possible is a boolean that says to do opportunistic STARTTLS upgrades even if Emacs doesn't have built-in TLS functionality. :nowait is a boolean that says the connection should be made asynchronously, if possible. (fn NAME BUFFER HOST SERVICE &rest PARAMETERS)

Function: dabbrev--search

Search for something that could be used to expand ABBREV.

Second arg, REVERSE, is t for reverse search, nil for forward.
The variable `dabbrev-limit' controls the maximum search region size.
Third argument IGNORE-CASE non-nil means treat case as insignificant while
looking for a match and when comparing with previous matches. Also if
that's non-nil and the match is found at the beginning of a sentence
and is in lower case except for the initial then it is converted to
all lower case for return.

Table of expansions already seen is examined in buffer
`dabbrev--last-table' so that only distinct possibilities are found
by dabbrev-re-expand.

Returns the expansion found, or nil if not found.
Leaves point at the location of the start of the expansion. (fn ABBREV REVERSE IGNORE-CASE)

Function: package-menu-mark-obsolete-for-deletion

Mark all obsolete packages for deletion.

Function: next-match

Visit next `next-error' message and corresponding source code.

If all the error messages parsed so far have been processed already,
the message buffer is checked for new ones.

A prefix ARG specifies how many error messages to move;
negative means move back to previous error messages.
Just C-u as a prefix means reparse the error message buffer
and start at the first error.

The RESET argument specifies that we should restart from the beginning.

C-x ` normally uses the most recently started
compilation, grep, or occur buffer. It can also operate on any
buffer with output from the M-x compile, M-x grep commands, or,
more generally, on any buffer in Compilation mode or with
Compilation Minor mode enabled, or any buffer in which
`next-error-function' is bound to an appropriate function.
To specify use of a particular buffer for error messages, type
C-x ` in that buffer when it is the only one displayed
in the current frame.

Once C-x ` has chosen the buffer for error messages, it
runs `next-error-hook' with `run-hooks', and stays with that buffer
until you use it in some other buffer which uses Compilation mode
or Compilation Minor mode. To control which errors are matched, customize the variable `compilation-error-regexp-alist'.

Function: shell-command-on-region

Execute string COMMAND in inferior shell with region as input.
Normally display output (if any) in temp buffer `*Shell Command Output*';
Prefix arg means replace the region with it. Return the exit code of

To specify a coding system for converting non-ASCII characters
in the input and output to the shell command, use C-x RET c
before this command. By default, the input (from the current buffer)
is encoded using coding-system specified by `process-coding-system-alist',
falling back to `default-process-coding-system' if no match for COMMAND
is found in `process-coding-system-alist'.

Noninteractive callers can specify coding systems by binding
`coding-system-for-read' and `coding-system-for-write'.

If the command generates output, the output may be displayed
in the echo area or in a buffer.
If the output is short enough to display in the echo area
(determined by the variable `max-mini-window-height' if
`resize-mini-windows' is non-nil), it is shown there.
Otherwise it is displayed in the buffer `*Shell Command Output*'.
The output is available in that buffer in both cases.

If there is output and an error, a message about the error
appears at the end of the output. If there is no output, or if
output is inserted in the current buffer, the buffer `*Shell
Command Output*' is deleted.

Optional fourth arg OUTPUT-BUFFER specifies where to put the
command's output. If the value is a buffer or buffer name, put
the output there. Any other value, including nil, means to
insert the output in the current buffer. In either case, the
output is inserted after point (leaving mark after it).

Optional fifth arg REPLACE, if non-nil, means to insert the
output in place of text from START to END, putting point and mark
around it.

Optional sixth arg ERROR-BUFFER, if non-nil, specifies a buffer
or buffer name to which to direct the command's standard error
output. If nil, error output is mingled with regular output.
When called interactively, `shell-command-default-error-buffer'
is used for ERROR-BUFFER. Optional seventh arg DISPLAY-ERROR-BUFFER, if non-nil, means to display the error buffer if there were any errors. When called interactively, this is t.

Function: visible-frame-list

Return a list of all frames now "visible" (being updated).


Function: input-pending-p

Return t if command input is currently available with no wait.
Actually, the value is nil only if we can be sure that no input is available;
if there is a doubt, the value is t. (fn)

Function: mm-encode-coding-string

Encode STRING to CODING-SYSTEM, and return the result.

Optional third arg NOCOPY non-nil means it is OK to return STRING
itself if the encoding operation is trivial.

Optional fourth arg BUFFER non-nil means that the encoded text is
inserted in that buffer after point (point does not move). In this
case, the return value is the length of the encoded text.

This function sets `last-coding-system-used' to the precise coding system
used (which may be different from CODING-SYSTEM if CODING-SYSTEM is
not fully specified.)


Function: isearch-toggle-lax-whitespace

Toggle whitespace matching in searching on or off.
In ordinary search, toggles the value of the variable
`isearch-lax-whitespace'. In regexp search, toggles the
value of the variable `isearch-regexp-lax-whitespace'.

Function: abbrev-edit-save-to-file

Save all user-level abbrev definitions in current buffer to FILE.

(fn FILE)

Function: cvs-examine

Run a `cvs -n update' in the specified DIRECTORY.
That is, check what needs to be done, but don't change the disc.
Feed the output to a *cvs* buffer and run `cvs-mode' on it.
With a prefix argument, prompt for a directory and cvs FLAGS to use.
A prefix arg >8 (ex: C-u C-u),
prevents reuse of an existing *cvs* buffer.
Optional argument NOSHOW if non-nil means not to display the buffer.


Function: byte-compile-warn-about-unresolved-functions


Function: vc-git-file-type-as-string

Return a string describing the file type based on its permissions.


Function: completion--do-completion

Do the completion and return a summary of what happened.
M = completion was performed, the text was Modified.
C = there were available Completions.
E = after completion we now have an Exact match.

000 0 no possible completion
001 1 was already an exact and unique completion
010 2 no completion happened
011 3 was already an exact completion
100 4 ??? impossible
101 5 ??? impossible
110 6 some completion happened
111 7 completed to an exact completion

TRY-COMPLETION-FUNCTION is a function to use in place of `try-completion'.
EXPECT-EXACT, if non-nil, means that there is no need to tell the user
when the buffer's text is already an exact match. (fn &optional TRY-COMPLETION-FUNCTION EXPECT-EXACT)

Function: gnus-sorted-complement

Return a list of elements that are in LIST1 or LIST2 but not both.
Both lists have to be sorted over <.

(fn LIST1 LIST2)

Function: define-translation-hash-table

Define SYMBOL as the name of the hash translation TABLE for use in CCL.

Analogous to `define-translation-table', but updates
`translation-hash-table-vector' and the table is for use in the CCL
`lookup-integer' and `lookup-character' functions.

Function: keymap--menu-item-binding

Return the binding part of a menu-item.

Function: declare-equiv-charset

Declare an equivalent charset for ISO-2022 decoding.

On decoding by an ISO-2022 base coding system, when a charset
specified by DIMENSION, CHARS, and FINAL-CHAR is designated, behave as
if CHARSET is designated instead.


Function: define-package

Define a new package.
NAME-STRING is the name of the package, as a string.
VERSION-STRING is the version of the package, as a string.
DOCSTRING is a short description of the package, a string.
REQUIREMENTS is a list of dependencies on other packages.
Each requirement is of the form (OTHER-PACKAGE OTHER-VERSION),
where OTHER-VERSION is a string.

EXTRA-PROPERTIES is currently unused.

Function: encode-coding-char

Encode CHAR by CODING-SYSTEM and return the resulting string.
If CODING-SYSTEM can't safely encode CHAR, return nil.
The 3rd optional argument CHARSET, if non-nil, is a charset preferred
on encoding.

Function: describe-coding-system

Display information about CODING-SYSTEM.


Function: memory-use-counts

Return a list of counters that measure how much consing there has been.
Each of these counters increments for a certain kind of object.
The counters wrap around from the largest positive integer to zero.
Garbage collection does not decrease them.
The elements of the value are as follows:
All are in units of 1 = one object consed
except for VECTOR-CELLS and STRING-CHARS, which count the total length of
objects consed.
MISCS include overlays, markers, and some internal types.
Frames, windows, buffers, and subprocesses count as vectors
(but the contents of a buffer's text do not count here). (fn)

Function: natnump

Return t if OBJECT is a nonnegative integer.


Function: internal-lisp-face-attribute-values

Return a list of valid discrete values for face attribute ATTR.
Value is nil if ATTR doesn't have a discrete set of valid values.

(fn ATTR)

Function: dabbrev--ignore-buffer-p

Return non-nil if BUFFER should be ignored by dabbrev.


Function: vc-git-create-tag


Variable: jit-lock-context-unfontify-pos

Consider text after this position as contextually unfontified.
If nil, contextual fontification is disabled.

Function: kmacro-start-macro-or-insert-counter

Record subsequent keyboard input, defining a keyboard macro.
The commands are recorded even as they are executed.

Sets the `kmacro-counter' to ARG (or 0 if no prefix arg) before defining the

With C-u, appends to current keyboard macro (keeping
the current value of `kmacro-counter').

When defining/executing macro, inserts macro counter and increments
the counter with ARG or 1 if missing. With C-u,
inserts previous `kmacro-counter' (but do not modify counter).

The macro counter can be modified via M-x kmacro-set-counter and M-x kmacro-add-counter.
The format of the counter can be modified via M-x kmacro-set-format. (fn ARG)

Function: line-number-at-pos

Return (narrowed) buffer line number at position POS.
If POS is nil, use current buffer location.
Counting starts at (point-min), so the value refers
to the contents of the accessible portion of the buffer.

Function: read-kbd-macro

Read the region as a keyboard macro definition.
The region is interpreted as spelled-out keystrokes, e.g., "M-x abc RET".
See documentation for `edmacro-mode' for details.
Leading/trailing "C-x (" and "C-x )" in the text are allowed and ignored.
The resulting macro is installed as the "current" keyboard macro.

In Lisp, may also be called with a single STRING argument in which case
the result is returned rather than being installed as the current macro.
The result will be a string if possible, otherwise an event vector.
Second argument NEED-VECTOR means to return an event vector always. (fn START &optional END)

Function: buffer-chars-modified-tick

Return BUFFER's character-change tick counter.
Each buffer has a character-change tick counter, which is set to the
value of the buffer's tick counter (see `buffer-modified-tick'), each
time text in that buffer is inserted or deleted. By comparing the
values returned by two individual calls of `buffer-chars-modified-tick',
you can tell whether a character change occurred in that buffer in
between these calls. No argument or nil as argument means use current
buffer as BUFFER. (fn &optional BUFFER)

Function: Info-history-find-file

History-specific implementation of `Info-find-file'.

Function: vc-git-extra-fileinfo->old-perm

(fn CL-X)

Variable: tooltip-frame-parameters

Frame parameters used for tooltips.

If `left' or `top' parameters are included, they specify the absolute
position to pop up the tooltip.

Note that font and color parameters are ignored, and the attributes
of the `tooltip' face are used instead.

Function: comment-valid-prefix-p

Check that the adaptive fill prefix is consistent with the context.
PREFIX is the prefix (presumably guessed by `adaptive-fill-mode').
COMPOS is the position of the beginning of the comment we're in, or nil
if we're not inside a comment.


Function: completion-pcm--pattern->string


Function: date-leap-year-p

Return t if YEAR is a leap year.

Function: rmail-output-body-to-file

Write this message body to the file FILE-NAME.
Interactively, the default file name comes from either the message
"Subject" header, or from `rmail-default-body-file'. Updates the value
of `rmail-default-body-file' accordingly. In all uses, if FILE-NAME
is not absolute, it is expanded with the directory part of

Note that this overwrites FILE-NAME (after confirmation), rather
than appending to it. Deletes the message after writing if
`rmail-delete-after-output' is non-nil. (fn FILE-NAME)

Function: Info-on-current-buffer

Use Info mode to browse the current Info buffer.
With a prefix arg, this queries for the node name to visit first;
otherwise, that defaults to `Top'.

Function: icomplete-mode

Toggle incremental minibuffer completion (Icomplete mode).
With a prefix argument ARG, enable Icomplete mode if ARG is
positive, and disable it otherwise. If called from Lisp, enable
the mode if ARG is omitted or nil.

(fn &optional ARG)

Variable: icomplete-mode

Non-nil if Icomplete mode is enabled.
See the command `icomplete-mode' for a description of this minor mode.
Setting this variable directly does not take effect;
either customize it (see the info node `Easy Customization')
or call the function `icomplete-mode'.

Function: kill-rectangle

Delete the region-rectangle and save it as the last killed one.

When called from a program the rectangle's corners are START and END.
You might prefer to use `delete-extract-rectangle' from a program.

With a prefix (or a FILL) argument, also fill lines where nothing has to be

If the buffer is read-only, Emacs will beep and refrain from deleting
the rectangle, but put it in the kill ring anyway. This means that
you can use this command to copy text from a read-only buffer.
(If the variable `kill-read-only-ok' is non-nil, then this won't even beep.) (fn START END &optional FILL)

Function: custom-theme-name-valid-p

Return t if NAME is a valid name for a Custom theme, nil otherwise.
NAME should be a symbol.

Function: profiler-cpu-log

Return the current cpu profiler log.
The log is a hash-table mapping backtraces to counters which represent
the amount of time spent at those points. Every backtrace is a vector
of functions, where the last few elements may be nil.
Before returning, a new log is allocated for future samples. (fn)

Variable: x-gtk-use-old-file-dialog

Non-nil means prompt with the old GTK file selection dialog.
If nil or if the file selection dialog is not available, the new GTK file
chooser is used instead. To turn off all file dialogs set the
variable `use-file-dialog'.

Function: keymap-prompt

Return the prompt-string of a keymap MAP.
If non-nil, the prompt is shown in the echo-area
when reading a key-sequence to be looked-up in this keymap.
(fn MAP)

Function: byte-optimize-nonassociative-math

(fn FORM)

Function: outline-mode

Set major mode for editing outlines with selective display.
Headings are lines which start with asterisks: one for major headings,
two for subheadings, etc. Lines not starting with asterisks are body lines.

Body text or subheadings under a heading can be made temporarily
invisible, or visible again. Invisible lines are attached to the end
of the heading, so they move with it, if the line is killed and yanked
back. A heading with text hidden under it is marked with an ellipsis (...).

Uses keymap `outline-mode-map', which is not currently defined.

M-x outline-next-visible-heading outline-next-visible-heading move by visible headings
M-x outline-previous-visible-heading outline-previous-visible-heading
M-x outline-forward-same-level outline-forward-same-level similar but skip subheadings
M-x outline-backward-same-level outline-backward-same-level
M-x outline-up-heading outline-up-heading move from subheading to heading

M-x hide-body make all text invisible (not headings).
M-x show-all make everything in buffer visible.
M-x hide-sublevels make only the first N levels of headers visible.

The remaining commands are used when point is on a heading line.
They apply to some of the body or subheadings of that heading.
M-x hide-subtree hide-subtree make body and subheadings invisible.
M-x show-subtree show-subtree make body and subheadings visible.
M-x show-children show-children make direct subheadings visible.
No effect on body, or subheadings 2 or more levels down.
With arg N, affects subheadings N levels down.
M-x hide-entry make immediately following body invisible.
M-x show-entry make it visible.
M-x hide-leaves make body under heading and under its subheadings invisible.
The subheadings remain visible.
M-x show-branches make all subheadings at all levels visible.

The variable `outline-regexp' can be changed to control what is a heading.
A line is a heading if `outline-regexp' matches something at the
beginning of the line. The longer the match, the deeper the level. Turning on outline mode calls the value of `text-mode-hook' and then of `outline-mode-hook', if they are non-nil. (fn)

Variable: extra-keyboard-modifiers

A mask of additional modifier keys to use with every keyboard character.
Emacs applies the modifiers of the character stored here to each keyboard
character it reads. For example, after evaluating the expression
(setq extra-keyboard-modifiers ?\C-x)
all input characters will have the control modifier applied to them.

Note that the character ?\C-@, equivalent to the integer zero, does
not count as a control character; rather, it counts as a character
with no modifiers; thus, setting `extra-keyboard-modifiers' to zero cancels any modification.

Variable: sh-regexp-for-done

A buffer-local regexp to match opening keyword for done.

Variable: class-default-object-cache

Cache index of what a newly created object would look like.
This will speed up instantiation time as only a `copy-sequence' will
be needed, instead of looping over all the values and setting them
from the default.

Function: tailp

Return true if SUBLIST is a tail of LIST.


Function: x-compose-font-name

Compose X fontname from FIELDS.
FIELDS is a vector of XLFD fields, of length 12.
If a field is nil, wild-card letter `*' is embedded.
Optional argument REDUCE exists just for backward compatibility,
and is always ignored.

Variable: window-persistent-parameters

Alist of persistent window parameters.
This alist specifies which window parameters shall get saved by
`current-window-configuration' and `window-state-get' and subsequently
restored to their previous values by `set-window-configuration' and

The car of each entry of this alist is the symbol specifying the
parameter. The cdr is one of the following:

nil means the parameter is neither saved by `window-state-get' nor by

t means the parameter is saved by `current-window-configuration' and,
provided its WRITABLE argument is nil, by `window-state-get'.

The symbol `writable' means the parameter is saved unconditionally by
both `current-window-configuration' and `window-state-get'. Do not use
this value for parameters without read syntax (like windows or frames).

Parameters not saved by `current-window-configuration' or
`window-state-get' are left alone by `set-window-configuration' respectively are not installed by `window-state-put'.

Variable: suspend-tty-functions

Functions run after suspending a tty.
The functions are run with one argument, the terminal object to be suspended.
See `suspend-tty'.

Function: scan-sexps

Scan from character number FROM by COUNT balanced expressions.
If COUNT is negative, scan backwards.
Returns the character number of the position thus found.

Comments are ignored if `parse-sexp-ignore-comments' is non-nil.

If the beginning or end of (the accessible part of) the buffer is reached
in the middle of a parenthetical grouping, an error is signaled.
If the beginning or end is reached between groupings
but before count is used up, nil is returned. (fn FROM COUNT)

Function: ring-copy

Return a copy of RING.

Function: isearch-describe-bindings

Show a list of all keys defined in Isearch mode, and their definitions.
This is like `describe-bindings', but displays only Isearch keys.

Function: display-visual-class

Return the visual class of DISPLAY.
The value is one of the symbols `static-gray', `gray-scale',
`static-color', `pseudo-color', `true-color', or `direct-color'.

Function: indent-relative

Space out to under next indent point in previous nonblank line.
An indent point is a non-whitespace character following whitespace.
The following line shows the indentation points in this line.
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
If the previous nonblank line has no indent points beyond the
column point starts at, `tab-to-tab-stop' is done instead, unless
this command is invoked with a numeric argument, in which case it
does nothing.

See also `indent-relative-maybe'.

Variable: set-mark-command-repeat-pop

Non-nil means repeating C-SPC after popping mark pops it again.
That means that C-u C-SPC C-SPC
will pop the mark twice, and
will pop the mark three times.

A value of nil means C-SPC's behavior does not change after C-u C-SPC.

Function: htmlfontify-copy-and-link-dir

Trawl SRCDIR and write fontified-and-hyperlinked output in DSTDIR.
F-EXT and L-EXT specify values for `hfy-extn' and `hfy-link-extn'.

You may also want to set `hfy-page-header' and `hfy-page-footer'.

(fn SRCDIR DSTDIR &optional F-EXT L-EXT)

Function: erc-delete-fool

Delete fool interactively to `erc-fools'.


Variable: mode-line-misc-info

Mode line construct for miscellaneous information.
By default, this shows the information specified by
`which-func-mode' and `global-mode-string'.

Function: mouse-save-then-kill

Set the region according to CLICK; the second time, kill it.
CLICK should be a mouse click event.

If the region is inactive, activate it temporarily. Set mark at
the original point, and move point to the position of CLICK.

If the region is already active, adjust it. Normally, do this by
moving point or mark, whichever is closer, to CLICK. But if you
have selected whole words or lines, move point or mark to the
word or line boundary closest to CLICK instead.

If `mouse-drag-copy-region' is non-nil, this command also saves the
new region to the kill ring (replacing the previous kill if the
previous region was just saved to the kill ring).

If this command is called a second consecutive time with the same
CLICK position, kill the region (or delete it if `mouse-drag-copy-region' is non-nil) (fn CLICK)

Variable: facemenu-end-add-face

String to insert or function called at end of text to change or nil.
This function is passed the FACE to set, and must return a string which is

Function: quickurl-browse-url

Browse the URL associated with LOOKUP.

If not supplied LOOKUP is taken to be the word at point in the
current buffer, this default action can be modified via

(fn &optional LOOKUP)

Function: display-grayscale-p

Return non-nil if frames on DISPLAY can display shades of gray.

Variable: icon-title-format

Template for displaying the title bar of an iconified frame.
(Assuming the window manager supports this feature.)
This variable has the same structure as `mode-line-format' (which see),
and is used only on frames for which no explicit name has been set
(see `modify-frame-parameters').

Variable: class-num-slots

Number of slots in the class definition object.

Function: svref

Return the element of ARRAY at index IDX.
ARRAY may be a vector, a string, a char-table, a bool-vector,
or a byte-code object. IDX starts at 0.


Function: setup-specified-language-environment

Switch to a specified language environment.

Variable: slitex-run-command

Command used to run SliTeX subjob.
SliTeX Mode sets `tex-command' to this string.
See the documentation of that variable.

Function: number-sequence

Return a sequence of numbers from FROM to TO (both inclusive) as a list.
INC is the increment used between numbers in the sequence and defaults to 1.
So, the Nth element of the list is (+ FROM (* N INC)) where N counts from
zero. TO is only included if there is an N for which TO = FROM + N * INC.
If TO is nil or numerically equal to FROM, return (FROM).
If INC is positive and TO is less than FROM, or INC is negative
and TO is larger than FROM, return nil.
If INC is zero and TO is neither nil nor numerically equal to
FROM, signal an error.

This function is primarily designed for integer arguments.
Nevertheless, FROM, TO and INC can be integer or float. However,
floating point arithmetic is inexact. For instance, depending on
the machine, it may quite well happen that
(number-sequence 0.4 0.6 0.2) returns the one element list (0.4),
whereas (number-sequence 0.4 0.8 0.2) returns a list with three
elements. Thus, if some of the arguments are floats and one wants
to make sure that TO is included, one may have to explicitly write
TO as (+ FROM (* N INC)) or use a variable whose value was
computed with this exact expression. Alternatively, you can,
of course, also replace TO with a slightly larger value (or a slightly more negative value if INC is negative).

Variable: sh-builtins

List of all shell builtins for completing read and fontification.
Note that on some systems not all builtins are available or some are
implemented as aliases. See `sh-feature'.

Function: apropos-safe-documentation

Like `documentation', except it avoids calling `get_doc_string'.
Will return nil instead.

Function: image-dired-setup-dired-keybindings

Setup easy-to-use keybindings for the commands to be used in dired mode.
Note that n, p and and will be hijacked and bound to
`image-dired-dired-x-line'. (fn)

Function: grep-process-setup

Setup compilation variables and buffer for `grep'.
Set up `compilation-exit-message-function' and run `grep-setup-hook'.

Function: emerge-buffers-with-ancestor

Run Emerge on two buffers, giving another buffer as the ancestor.


Function: parse-colon-path

Explode a search path into a list of directory names.
Directories are separated by `path-separator' (which is colon in
GNU and Unix systems). Substitute environment variables into the
resulting list of directory names. For an empty path element (i.e.,
a leading or trailing separator, or two adjacent separators), return
nil (meaning `default-directory') as the associated list element.

Variable: buffer-access-fontified-property

Property which (if non-nil) indicates text has been fontified.
`buffer-substring' need not call the `buffer-access-fontify-functions'
functions if all the text being accessed has this property.

Variable: sh-kws-for-done

Which keywords can match the word `done' in this shell.

Function: slot-value

Return the value in OBJ at SLOT in the object vector.

Variable: Info-edit-map

Local keymap used within `e' command of Info.

Variable: Info-file-attributes

Alist of file attributes of visited Info files.
Each element is a list (FILE-NAME FILE-ATTRIBUTES...).

Function: sgml-looking-back-at

Return t if the test before point matches STR.

Function: mouse-kill-ring-save

Copy the region between point and the mouse click in the kill ring.
This does not delete the region; it acts like M-w.

(fn CLICK)

Variable: window-point-insertion-type

Type of marker to use for `window-point'.

Function: char-category-set

Return the category set of CHAR.

(fn CHAR)

Variable: byte-boolean-vars

List of all DEFVAR_BOOL variables, used by the byte code optimizer.

Function: auth-source-forget

Forget any cached data matching SPEC exactly.

This is the same SPEC you passed to `auth-source-search'.
Returns t or nil for forgotten or not found.

Function: mm-coding-system-to-mime-charset

Return the MIME charset corresponding to CODING-SYSTEM.
To make this function work with XEmacs, the APEL package is required.

Variable: sgml-start-tag-regex

Regular expression that matches a non-empty start tag.
Any terminating `>' or `/' is not matched.

Function: vc-git-register

Register FILES into the git version-control system.

(fn FILES &optional REV COMMENT)

Function: cancel-timer-internal

Remove TIMER from the list of active timers or idle timers.
Only to be used in this file. It returns the cons cell
that was removed from the timer list.

Function: font-lock-extend-jit-lock-region-after-change

Function meant for `jit-lock-after-change-extend-region-functions'.
This function does 2 things:
- extend the region so that it not only includes the part that was modified
but also the surrounding text whose highlighting may change as a consequence.
- anticipate (part of) the region extension that will happen later in
`font-lock-default-fontify-region', in order to avoid the need for
double-redisplay in `jit-lock-fontify-now'.

Variable: holiday-solar-holidays

Sun-related holidays.
See the documentation for `calendar-holidays' for details.

Function: ediff-customize


Function: clrhash

Clear hash table TABLE and return it.

(fn TABLE)

Function: query-replace-regexp-eval

Replace some things after point matching REGEXP with the result of TO-EXPR.

Interactive use of this function is deprecated in favor of the
`\,' feature of `query-replace-regexp'. For non-interactive use, a loop
using `search-forward-regexp' and `replace-match' is preferred.

As each match is found, the user must type a character saying
what to do with it. For directions, type C-h at that time.

TO-EXPR is a Lisp expression evaluated to compute each replacement. It may
reference `replace-count' to get the number of replacements already made.
If the result of TO-EXPR is not a string, it is converted to one using
`prin1-to-string' with the NOESCAPE argument (which see).

For convenience, when entering TO-EXPR interactively, you can use `\&' or
`\0' to stand for whatever matched the whole of REGEXP, and `\N' (where
N is a digit) to stand for whatever matched the Nth `\(...\)' in REGEXP.
Use `\#&' or `\#N' if you want a number instead of a string.
In interactive use, `\#' in itself stands for `replace-count'.

In Transient Mark mode, if the mark is active, operate on the contents
of the region. Otherwise, operate from point to the end of the buffer.

Use M-n to pull the last incremental search regexp to the minibuffer
that reads REGEXP.

Preserves case in each replacement if `case-replace' and `case-fold-search'
are non-nil and REGEXP has no uppercase letters.

If `replace-regexp-lax-whitespace' is non-nil, a space or spaces in the regexp
to be replaced will match a sequence of whitespace chars defined by the
regexp in `search-whitespace-regexp'.

Third arg DELIMITED (prefix arg if interactive), if non-nil, means replace only matches that are surrounded by word boundaries. Fourth and fifth arg START and END specify the region to operate on.

Function: elint-initialize

Initialize elint.
If elint is already initialized, this does nothing, unless
optional prefix argument REINIT is non-nil.

(fn &optional REINIT)

Function: archive-mode

Major mode for viewing an archive file in a dired-like way.
You can move around using the usual cursor motion commands.
Letters no longer insert themselves.
Type `e' to pull a file out of the archive and into its own buffer;
or click mouse-2 on the file's line in the archive mode buffer.

If you edit a sub-file of this archive (as with the `e' command) and
save it, the contents of that buffer will be saved back into the

Uses keymap `archive-mode-map', which is not currently defined. (fn &optional FORCE)

Function: shrink-window-if-larger-than-buffer

Shrink height of WINDOW if its buffer doesn't need so many lines.
More precisely, shrink WINDOW vertically to be as small as
possible, while still showing the full contents of its buffer.
WINDOW must be a live window and defaults to the selected one.

Do not shrink WINDOW to less than `window-min-height' lines. Do
nothing if the buffer contains more lines than the present window
height, or if some of the window's contents are scrolled out of
view, or if shrinking this window would also shrink another
window, or if the window is the only window of its frame.

Return non-nil if the window was shrunk, nil otherwise.

Function: comment-set-column

Set the comment column based on point.
With no ARG, set the comment column to the current column.
With just minus as arg, kill any comment on this line.
With any other arg, set comment column to indentation of the previous comment
and then align or create a comment on this line at that column. (fn ARG)

Variable: window-combination-resize

If t, resize window combinations proportionally.
If this variable is nil, splitting a window gets the entire screen space
for displaying the new window from the window to split. Deleting and
resizing a window preferably resizes one adjacent window only.

If this variable is t, splitting a window tries to get the space
proportionally from all windows in the same combination. This also
allows to split a window that is otherwise too small or of fixed size.
Resizing and deleting a window proportionally resize all windows in the
same combination.

Other values are reserved for future use.

This variable takes no effect if `window-combination-limit' is non-nil.

Function: capitalize

Convert argument to capitalized form and return that.
This means that each word's first character is upper case
and the rest is lower case.
The argument may be a character or string. The result has the same type.
The argument object is not altered--the value is a copy. (fn OBJ)

Function: byte-compile-variable-ref

Generate code to push the value of the variable VAR on the stack.

(fn VAR)

Function: gnus-emacs-version

Stringified Emacs version.

Function: strokes-describe-stroke

Displays the command which STROKE maps to, reading STROKE interactively.


Function: ebnf-spool-region

Generate a PostScript syntactic chart image of the region and spool locally.
Like `ebnf-spool-buffer', but spools just the current region.

Use the command `ebnf-despool' to send the spooled images to the printer.
(fn FROM TO)

Function: default-file-modes

Return the default file protection for created files.
The value is an integer.

Function: cl--block-throw

Throw to the catch for TAG and return VALUE from it.
Both TAG and VALUE are evalled.


Function: Buffer-menu-isearch-buffers-regexp

Search for a regexp through all marked buffers using Isearch.

Function: re-search-backward-lax-whitespace

Search backward for REGEXP, matching a sequence of whitespace chars.

Function: char-code-property-description

Return a description string of character property PROP's value VALUE.
If there's no description string for VALUE, return nil.

Function: image-dired-delete-tag

Remove tag for selected file(s).
With prefix argument ARG, remove tag from file at point.

(fn ARG)

Function: custom-set-faces

Initialize faces according to user preferences.
This associates the settings with the `user' theme.
The arguments should be a list where each entry has the form:


SPEC is stored as the saved value for FACE, as well as the value for the
`user' theme. The `user' theme is one of the default themes known to Emacs.
See `custom-known-themes' for more information on the known themes.
See `custom-theme-set-faces' for more information on the interplay
between themes and faces.
See `defface' for the format of SPEC.

If NOW is present and non-nil, FACE is created now, according to SPEC. COMMENT is a string comment about FACE.

Function: sqrt

Return the square root of ARG.

(fn ARG)

Function: sh-mark-line

Insert MESSAGE referring to location POINT in current buffer into BUFFER.
Buffer BUFFER is in `occur-mode'.
If ADD-LINENUM is non-nil the message is preceded by the line number.
If OCCUR-POINT is non-nil then the line is marked as a new occurrence
so that `occur-next' and `occur-prev' will work.

Function: debugger-mode

Mode for backtrace buffers, selected in debugger.

A line starts with `*' if exiting that frame will call the debugger.
Type b or u to set or remove the `*'.

When in debugger due to frame being exited,
use the r command to override the value
being returned from that frame.

Use M-x debug-on-entry and M-x cancel-debug-on-entry to control
which functions will enter the debugger when called.

Complete list of commands:
key binding
--- -------

0 .. 9 digit-argument

TAB forward-button
RET debug-help-follow
ESC Prefix Command
SPC next-line
- negative-argument
R debugger-record-expression
b debugger-frame
c debugger-continue
d debugger-step-through
e debugger-eval-expression
h describe-mode
j debugger-jump
l debugger-list-functions
q top-level
r debugger-return-value u debugger-frame-clear backward-button push-button Prefix Command C-M-i backward-button

Function: package-list-packages-no-fetch

Display a list of packages.
Does not fetch the updated list of packages before displaying.
The list is displayed in a buffer named `*Packages*'.

Variable: jit-lock-after-change-extend-region-functions

Hook that can extend the text to refontify after a change.
This is run after every buffer change. The functions are called with
the three arguments of `after-change-functions': START END OLD-LEN.
The extended region to refontify is returned indirectly by modifying
the variables `jit-lock-start' and `jit-lock-end'.

Note that extending the region this way is not strictly necessary, except
that the nature of the redisplay code tends to otherwise leave some of
the rehighlighted text displayed with the old highlight until the next
redisplay (see comment about repeated redisplay in `jit-lock-fontify-now').

Function: fill-region

Fill each of the paragraphs in the region.
A prefix arg means justify as well.
The `fill-column' variable controls the width.

Noninteractively, the third argument JUSTIFY specifies which
kind of justification to do: `full', `left', `right', `center',
or `none' (equivalent to nil). A value of t means handle each
paragraph as specified by its text properties.

The fourth arg NOSQUEEZE non-nil means to leave whitespace other
than line breaks untouched, and fifth arg TO-EOP non-nil means
to keep filling to the end of the paragraph (or next hard newline,
if variable `use-hard-newlines' is on).

Return the fill-prefix used for filling the last paragraph.

If `sentence-end-double-space' is non-nil, then period followed by one space does not end a sentence, so don't break a line there.

Function: join-line

Join this line to previous and fix up whitespace at join.
If there is a fill prefix, delete it from the beginning of this line.
With argument, join this line to following line.

Function: ps-spool-buffer-with-faces

Generate and spool a PostScript image of the buffer.
Like `ps-spool-buffer', but includes font, color, and underline information in
the generated image. This command works only if you are using a window system,
so it has a way to determine color values.

Use the command `ps-despool' to send the spooled images to the printer. (fn)

Function: enriched-encode


Variable: after-load-functions

Special hook run after loading a file.
Each function there is called with a single argument, the absolute
name of the file just loaded.

Variable: dbus-message-type-method-return

Message type of a method return message.

Function: apropos-score-str

Return apropos score for string STR.

Function: imenu-add-to-menubar

Add an `imenu' entry to the menu bar for the current buffer.
NAME is a string used to name the menu bar item.
See the command `imenu' for more information.
(fn NAME)

Function: flyspell-buffer

Flyspell whole buffer.


Function: forward-paragraph

Move forward to end of paragraph.
With argument ARG, do it ARG times;
a negative argument ARG = -N means move backward N paragraphs.

A line which `paragraph-start' matches either separates paragraphs
(if `paragraph-separate' matches it also) or is the first line of a paragraph.
A paragraph end is the beginning of a line which is not part of the paragraph
to which the end of the previous line belongs, or the end of the buffer.
Returns the count of paragraphs left to move.

Function: custom-reevaluate-setting

Reset the value of SYMBOL by re-evaluating its saved or standard value.
Use the :set function to do so. This is useful for customizable options
that are defined before their standard value can really be computed.
E.g. dumped variables whose default depends on run-time information.

Function: byte-compile-quo

(fn FORM)

Function: mapl

Like `cl-maplist', but does not accumulate values returned by the function.


Function: mark-end-of-sentence

Put mark at end of sentence. Arg works as in `forward-sentence'.
If this command is repeated, it marks the next ARG sentences after the
ones already marked.

Function: ebnf-eps-file

Generate an EPS file from EBNF file FILE.

If optional arg DO-NOT-KILL-BUFFER-WHEN-DONE is non-nil, the buffer isn't
killed after EPS generation.

See also `ebnf-eps-buffer'.


Variable: compilation-start-hook

List of hook functions run by `compilation-start' on the compilation process.
(See `run-hook-with-args').
If you use "omake -P" and do not want C-x C-c to ask whether you want
the compilation to be killed, you can use this hook:
(add-hook 'compilation-start-hook
(lambda (process) (set-process-query-on-exit-flag process nil)) nil t)

Function: update-file-autoloads

Update the autoloads for FILE.
If prefix arg SAVE-AFTER is non-nil, save the buffer too.

If FILE binds `generated-autoload-file' as a file-local variable,
autoloads are written into that file. Otherwise, the autoloads
file is determined by OUTFILE. If called interactively, prompt
for OUTFILE; if called from Lisp with OUTFILE nil, use the
existing value of `generated-autoload-file'.

Return FILE if there was no autoload cookie in it, else nil.

Variable: overriding-local-map

Keymap that overrides all other local keymaps.
If this variable is non-nil, it is used as a keymap--replacing the
buffer's local map, the minor mode keymaps, and char property keymaps.

Function: byte-compile-stack-set

Output byte codes to store the TOS value at stack position STACK-POS.


Variable: eieio-defclass-autoload-map

Symbol map of superclasses we find in autoloads.

Function: gnus-list-memq-of-list

Return non-nil if any of the members of ELEMENTS are in LIST.

Function: Info-index-node

Return non-nil value if NODE is an index node.
If NODE is nil, check the current Info node.
If FILE is nil, check the current Info file.

Function: cl--set-getf


Variable: tabulated-list-glyphless-char-display

The `glyphless-char-display' table in Tabulated List buffers.

Function: whitespace-mode

Toggle whitespace visualization (Whitespace mode).
With a prefix argument ARG, enable Whitespace mode if ARG is
positive, and disable it otherwise. If called from Lisp, enable
the mode if ARG is omitted or nil.

See also `whitespace-style', `whitespace-newline' and
`whitespace-display-mappings'. (fn &optional ARG)

Variable: display-buffer-base-action

User-specified default action for `display-buffer'.
It should be a cons cell (FUNCTION . ALIST), where FUNCTION is a
function or a list of functions. Each function should accept two
arguments: a buffer to display and an alist similar to ALIST.
See `display-buffer' for details.

Variable: write-region-annotations-so-far

When an annotation function is called, this holds the previous annotations.
These are the annotations made by other annotation functions
that were already called. See also `write-region-annotate-functions'.

Function: tabulated-list-print-entry

Insert a Tabulated List entry at point.
This is the default `tabulated-list-printer' function. ID is a
Lisp object identifying the entry to print, and COLS is a vector
of column descriptors.
(fn ID COLS)

Variable: font-lock-doc-face

Face name to use for documentation.

Face: font-lock-doc-face

Font Lock mode face used to highlight documentation.

Function: describe-key-briefly

Print the name of the function KEY invokes. KEY is a string.
If INSERT (the prefix arg) is non-nil, insert the message in the buffer.
If non-nil, UNTRANSLATED is a vector of the untranslated events.
It can also be a number in which case the untranslated events from
the last key hit are used.

If KEY is a menu item or a tool-bar button that is disabled, this command
temporarily enables it to allow getting help on disabled items and buttons.

Function: cua-selection-mode

Enable CUA selection mode without the C-z/C-x/C-c/C-v bindings.

(fn ARG)

Function: foreground-color-at-point

Return the foreground color of the character after point.

Function: completing-read-multiple

Read multiple strings in the minibuffer, with completion.
By using this functionality, a user may specify multiple strings at a
single prompt, optionally using completion.

Multiple strings are specified by separating each of the strings with
a prespecified separator character. For example, if the separator
character is a comma, the strings 'alice', 'bob', and 'eve' would be
specified as 'alice,bob,eve'.

The default value for the separator character is the value of
`crm-default-separator' (comma). The separator character may be
changed by modifying the value of `crm-separator'.

Contiguous strings of non-separator-characters are referred to as
'elements'. In the aforementioned example, the elements are: 'alice',
'bob', and 'eve'.

Completion is available on a per-element basis. For example, if the
contents of the minibuffer are 'alice,bob,eve' and point is between
'l' and 'i', pressing TAB operates on the element 'alice'.

The return value of this function is a list of the read strings.

See the documentation for `completing-read' for details on the arguments:

Function: custom-note-var-changed

Inform Custom that VARIABLE has been set (changed).
VARIABLE is a symbol that names a user option.
The result is that the change is treated as having been made through Custom.

Function: set-input-meta-mode

Enable or disable 8-bit input on TERMINAL.
If META is t, Emacs will accept 8-bit input, and interpret the 8th
bit as the Meta modifier.

If META is nil, Emacs will ignore the top bit, on the assumption it is

Otherwise, Emacs will accept and pass through 8-bit input without
specially interpreting the top bit.

This setting only has an effect on tty terminal devices.

Optional parameter TERMINAL specifies the tty terminal device to use.
It may be a terminal object, a frame, or nil for the terminal used by
the currently selected frame.

See also `current-input-mode'. (fn META &optional TERMINAL)

Function: smie-indent--bolp-1

Return non-nil if the current token is the first on the line.
Comments are treated as spaces.

Function: eieio-add-new-slot

Add into NEWC attribute A.
If A already exists in NEWC, then do nothing. If it doesn't exist,
then also add in D (default), DOC, TYPE, CUST, LABEL, CUSTG, PRINT, PROT, and INIT arg.
Argument ALLOC specifies if the slot is allocated per instance, or per class.
If optional DEFAULTOVERRIDE is non-nil, then if A exists in NEWC,
we must override its value for a default.
Optional argument SKIPNIL indicates if type checking should be skipped
if default value is nil.

Variable: sgml-syntax-propertize-function

Syntactic keywords for `sgml-mode'.

Function: check-parens

Check for unbalanced parentheses in the current buffer.
More accurately, check the narrowed part of the buffer for unbalanced
expressions ("sexps") in general. This is done according to the
current syntax table and will find unbalanced brackets or quotes as
appropriate. (See Info node `(emacs)Parentheses'.) If imbalance is
found, an error is signaled and point is left at the first unbalanced character.

Variable: delete-active-region

Whether single-char deletion commands delete an active region.
This has an effect only if Transient Mark mode is enabled, and
affects `delete-forward-char' and `delete-backward-char', though
not `delete-char'.

If the value is the symbol `kill', the active region is killed instead of deleted.

Function: solitaire

Play Solitaire.

To play Solitaire, type M-x solitaire.

Uses keymap `solitaire-mode-map', which is not currently defined.

Move around the board using the cursor keys.
Move stones using M-x solitaire-move followed by a direction key.
Undo moves using M-x solitaire-undo.
Check for possible moves using M-x solitaire-do-check.
(The variable `solitaire-auto-eval' controls whether to automatically
check after each move or undo.)

What is Solitaire?

I don't know who invented this game, but it seems to be rather old and
its origin seems to be northern Africa. Here's how to play:
Initially, the board will look similar to this:

Le Solitaire

o o o

o o o

o o o o o o o

o o o . o o o

o o o o o o o

o o o

o o o

Let's call the o's stones and the .'s holes. One stone fits into one
hole. As you can see, all holes but one are occupied by stones. The
aim of the game is to get rid of all but one stone, leaving that last
one in the middle of the board if you're cool.

A stone can be moved if there is another stone next to it, and a hole
after that one. Thus there must be three fields in a row, either
horizontally or vertically, up, down, left or right, which look like
this: o o .

Then the first stone is moved to the hole, jumping over the second,
which therefore is taken away. The above thus `evaluates' to: . . o

That's all. Here's the board after two moves:

o o o

. o o

o o . o o o o o . o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Pick your favorite shortcuts: Uses keymap `solitaire-mode-map', which is not currently defined. (fn ARG)

Function: customize-changed-options

Customize all settings whose meanings have changed in Emacs itself.
This includes new user options and faces, and new customization
groups, as well as older options and faces whose meanings or
default values have changed since the previous major Emacs

With argument SINCE-VERSION (a string), customize all settings
that were added or redefined since that version.
(fn &optional SINCE-VERSION)

Variable: defun-declarations-alist

List associating function properties to their macro expansion.
Each element of the list takes the form (PROP FUN) where FUN is
a function. For each (PROP . VALUES) in a function's declaration,
the FUN corresponding to PROP is called with the function name,
the function's arglist, and the VALUES and should return the code to use
to set this property.

Variable: temp-buffer-show-hook

Normal hook run by `with-output-to-temp-buffer' after displaying the buffer.
When the hook runs, the temporary buffer is current, and the window it
was displayed in is selected.

Function: byte-optimize-delay-constants-math


Function: byte-compile-normal-call

(fn FORM)

Function: comint-delete-input

Delete all input between accumulation or process mark and point.


Function: Info-scroll-up

Scroll one screenful forward in Info, considering all nodes as one sequence.
Once you scroll far enough in a node that its menu appears on the screen
but after point, the next scroll moves into its first subnode, unless
`Info-scroll-prefer-subnodes' is nil.

When you scroll past the end of a node, that goes to the next node if
`Info-scroll-prefer-subnodes' is non-nil and to the first subnode otherwise;
if this node has no successor, it moves to the parent node's successor,
and so on. If `Info-scroll-prefer-subnodes' is non-nil and point is inside
the menu of a node, it moves to subnode indicated by the following menu
item. (That case won't normally result from this command, but can happen in other ways.)

Function: View-exit-and-edit

Exit View mode and make the current buffer editable.

Variable: tramp-mode

Whether Tramp is enabled.
If it is set to nil, all remote file names are used literally.

Function: set-downcase-syntax

Make character LC a downcase of character UC.
It also modifies `standard-syntax-table' to give them the syntax of
word constituents.

Function: quickurl-list

Display `quickurl-list' as a formatted list using `quickurl-list-mode'.


Function: pr-toggle-landscape

Toggle landscape.


Function: undo-start

Set `pending-undo-list' to the front of the undo list.
The next call to `undo-more' will undo the most recently made change.
If BEG and END are specified, then only undo elements
that apply to text between BEG and END are used; other undo elements
are ignored. If BEG and END are nil, all undo elements are used.

Variable: blink-cursor-alist

Alist specifying how to blink the cursor off.
Each element has the form (ON-STATE . OFF-STATE). Whenever the
`cursor-type' frame-parameter or variable equals ON-STATE,
comparing using `equal', Emacs uses OFF-STATE to specify
how to blink it off. ON-STATE and OFF-STATE are values for
the `cursor-type' frame parameter.

If a frame's ON-STATE has no entry in this list,
the frame's other specifications determine how to blink the cursor off.

Function: start-kbd-macro

Record subsequent keyboard input, defining a keyboard macro.
The commands are recorded even as they are executed.
Use M-x end-kbd-macro to finish recording and make the macro available.
Use M-x name-last-kbd-macro to give it a permanent name.
Non-nil arg (prefix arg) means append to last macro defined;
this begins by re-executing that macro as if you typed it again.
If optional second arg, NO-EXEC, is non-nil, do not re-execute last
macro before appending to it.
(fn APPEND &optional NO-EXEC)

Function: mm-inline-external-body

Show the external-body part of HANDLE.
This function replaces the buffer of HANDLE with a buffer contains
the entire message.
If NO-DISPLAY is nil, display it. Otherwise, do nothing after replacing.

(fn HANDLE &optional NO-DISPLAY)

Function: desktop-clear

Empty the Desktop.
This kills all buffers except for internal ones and those with names matched by
a regular expression in the list `desktop-clear-preserve-buffers'.
Furthermore, it clears the variables listed in `desktop-globals-to-clear'. (fn)

Function: copyright-update

Update copyright notice to indicate the current year.
With prefix ARG, replace the years in the notice rather than adding
the current year after them. If necessary, and
`copyright-current-gpl-version' is set, any copying permissions
following the copyright are updated as well.
If non-nil, INTERACTIVEP tells the function to behave as when it's called

(fn &optional ARG INTERACTIVEP)

Function: window-safely-shrinkable-p

Return t if WINDOW can be shrunk without shrinking other windows.
WINDOW defaults to the selected window.

Variable: debugger-will-be-back

Non-nil if we expect to get back in the debugger soon.

Variable: menu-bar-last-search-type

Type of last non-incremental search command called from the menu.

Function: mouse-set-point

Move point to the position clicked on with the mouse.
This should be bound to a mouse click event type.

(fn EVENT)

Function: pr-toggle-file-duplex

Toggle duplex for PostScript file.


Function: gnus

Read network news.
If ARG is non-nil and a positive number, Gnus will use that as the
startup level. If ARG is non-nil and not a positive number, Gnus will
prompt the user for the name of an NNTP server to use.


Function: checkdoc-ispell-comments

Check the style and spelling of the current buffer's comments.
Calls `checkdoc-comments' with spell-checking turned on.
Prefix argument TAKE-NOTES is the same as for `checkdoc-comments'

(fn &optional TAKE-NOTES)

Variable: mule-version

Version number and name of this version of MULE (multilingual environment).

Variable: gnus-verbose

*Integer that says how verbose Gnus should be.
The higher the number, the more messages Gnus will flash to say what
it's doing. At zero, Gnus will be totally mute; at five, Gnus will
display most important messages; and at ten, Gnus will keep on
jabbering all the time.

Function: comment-enter-backward

Move from the end of a comment to the end of its content.
Point is assumed to be just at the end of a comment.

Variable: text-mode-variant

Non-nil if this buffer's major mode is a variant of Text mode.
Use (derived-mode-p 'text-mode) instead.

Function: view-emacs-news

Display info on recent changes to Emacs.
With argument, display info only for the selected version.

Function: vc-version-diff

Report diffs between revisions of the fileset in the repository history.


Function: utf-7-imap-pre-write-conversion

(fn FROM TO)

Function: define-charset

Define NAME (symbol) as a charset with DOCSTRING.
The remaining arguments must come in pairs ATTRIBUTE VALUE. ATTRIBUTE
may be any symbol. The following have special meanings, and one of
`:code-offset', `:map', `:subset', `:superset' must be specified.


VALUE must be a short string to identify the charset. If omitted,
NAME is used.


VALUE must be a string longer than `:short-name' to identify the
charset. If omitted, the value of the `:short-name' attribute is used.


VALUE must be an integer 0, 1, 2, or 3, specifying the dimension of
code-points of the charsets. If omitted, it is calculated from the
value of the `:code-space' attribute.


VALUE must be a vector of length at most 8 specifying the byte code
range of each dimension in this format:
[ MIN-1 MAX-1 MIN-2 MAX-2 ... ]
where MIN-N is the minimum byte value of Nth dimension of code-point,
MAX-N is the maximum byte value of that.


VALUE must be an integer specifying the minimum code point of the
charset. If omitted, it is calculated from `:code-space'. VALUE may
be a cons (HIGH . LOW), where HIGH is the most significant 16 bits of
the code point and LOW is the least significant 16 bits.


VALUE must be an integer specifying the maximum code point of the
charset. If omitted, it is calculated from `:code-space'. VALUE may
be a cons (HIGH . LOW), where HIGH is the most significant 16 bits of
the code point and LOW is the least significant 16 bits.


VALUE must be a character in the range 32 to 127 (inclusive)
specifying the final char of the charset for ISO-2022 encoding. If
omitted, the charset can't be encoded by ISO-2022 based


VALUE must be an integer in the range 0..63, specifying the revision
number of the charset for ISO-2022 encoding.


VALUE must be an integer of 0, 129..255. If omitted, the charset
can't be encoded by coding-systems of type `emacs-mule'.


VALUE must be nil or t (default nil). If VALUE is t, the charset is
compatible with ASCII, i.e. the first 128 code points map to ASCII.


VALUE must be nil or t. If the VALUE is t, the charset is
supplementary, which means it is used only as a parent or a
subset of some other charset, or it is provided just for backward


VALUE must be a nonnegative integer that can be used as an invalid
code point of the charset. If the minimum code is 0 and the maximum
code is greater than Emacs's maximum integer value, `:invalid-code'
should not be omitted.


VALUE must be an integer added to the index number of a character to
get the corresponding character code.


VALUE must be vector or string.

If it is a vector, the format is [ CODE-1 CHAR-1 CODE-2 CHAR-2 ... ],
where CODE-n is a code-point of the charset, and CHAR-n is the
corresponding character code.

If it is a string, it is a name of file that contains the above
information. Each line of the file must be this format:
where XXX is a hexadecimal representation of CODE-n and YYY is a
hexadecimal representation of CHAR-n. A line starting with `#' is a
comment line.


VALUE must be a list:
PARENT is a parent charset. MIN-CODE and MAX-CODE specify the range
of characters inherited from the parent. OFFSET is an integer value
to add to a code point of the parent charset to get the corresponding
code point of this charset.


VALUE must be a list of parent charsets. The charset inherits
characters from them. Each element of the list may be a cons (PARENT
. OFFSET), where PARENT is a parent charset, and OFFSET is an offset
value to add to a code point of PARENT to get the corresponding code point of this charset. `:unify-map' VALUE must be vector or string. If it is a vector, the format is [ CODE-1 CHAR-1 CODE-2 CHAR-2 ... ], where CODE-n is a code-point of the charset, and CHAR-n is the corresponding Unicode character code. If it is a string, it is a name of file that contains the above information. The file format is the same as what described for `:map' attribute.

Function: process-coding-system

Return a cons of coding systems for decoding and encoding of PROCESS.


Function: current-column

Return the horizontal position of point. Beginning of line is column 0.
This is calculated by adding together the widths of all the displayed
representations of the character between the start of the previous line
and point (e.g., control characters will have a width of 2 or 4, tabs
will have a variable width).
Ignores finite width of frame, which means that this function may return
values greater than (frame-width).
Whether the line is visible (if `selective-display' is t) has no effect;
however, ^M is treated as end of line when `selective-display' is t.
Text that has an invisible property is considered as having width 0, unless
`buffer-invisibility-spec' specifies that it is replaced by an ellipsis. (fn)

Function: make-variable-buffer-local

Make VARIABLE become buffer-local whenever it is set.
At any time, the value for the current buffer is in effect,
unless the variable has never been set in this buffer,
in which case the default value is in effect.
Note that binding the variable with `let', or setting it while
a `let'-style binding made in this buffer is in effect,
does not make the variable buffer-local. Return VARIABLE.

In most cases it is better to use `make-local-variable',
which makes a variable local in just one buffer.

The function `default-value' gets the default value and `set-default' sets it. (fn VARIABLE)

Variable: url-mime-accept-string

String to send to the server in the Accept: field in HTTP requests.

Function: completion--styles


Variable: before-hack-local-variables-hook

Normal hook run before setting file-local variables.
It is called after checking for unsafe/risky variables and
setting `file-local-variables-alist', and before applying the
variables stored in `file-local-variables-alist'. A hook
function is allowed to change the contents of this alist.

This hook is called only if there is at least one file-local variable to set.

Function: mapc

Apply FUNCTION to each element of SEQUENCE for side effects only.
Unlike `mapcar', don't accumulate the results. Return SEQUENCE.
SEQUENCE may be a list, a vector, a bool-vector, or a string.


Variable: vc-git-log-view-mode-map

Keymap for `vc-git-log-view-mode'.

Function: strokes-help

Get instruction on using the Strokes package.


Function: battery

Display battery status information in the echo area.
The text being displayed in the echo area is controlled by the variables
`battery-echo-area-format' and `battery-status-function'. (fn)

Function: mouse-autoselect-window-select

Select window with delayed window autoselection.
If the mouse position has stabilized in a non-selected window, select
that window. The minibuffer window is selected only if the minibuffer
is active. This function is run by `mouse-autoselect-window-timer'.

Function: posn-object-width-height

Return the pixel width and height of the object of POSITION.
The return value has the form (WIDTH . HEIGHT). POSITION should
be a list of the form returned by `event-start' and `event-end'.

Function: shell-snarf-envar

Return as a string the shell's value of environment variable VAR.

(fn VAR)

Function: mouse-save-then-kill-delete-region

(fn BEG END)

Function: blink-cursor-mode

Toggle cursor blinking (Blink Cursor mode).
With a prefix argument ARG, enable Blink Cursor mode if ARG is
positive, and disable it otherwise. If called from Lisp, enable
the mode if ARG is omitted or nil.

This command is effective only on graphical frames. On text-only
terminals, cursor blinking is controlled by the terminal.

Variable: blink-cursor-mode

Non-nil if Blink-Cursor mode is enabled.
See the command `blink-cursor-mode' for a description of this minor mode.
Setting this variable directly does not take effect;
either customize it (see the info node `Easy Customization')
or call the function `blink-cursor-mode'.

Function: info-lookup-file

Display the documentation of a file.
When this command is called interactively, it reads FILE from the minibuffer.
In the minibuffer, use M-n to yank the default file name
into the minibuffer so you can edit it.
The default file name is the one found at point.

With prefix arg a query for the file help mode is offered.
(fn FILE &optional MODE)

Function: window-parameters

Return the parameters of WINDOW and their values.
WINDOW must be a valid window and defaults to the selected one. The
return value is a list of elements of the form (PARAMETER . VALUE).

(fn &optional WINDOW)

Function: insert-before-markers-and-inherit

Insert text at point, relocating markers and inheriting properties.
Point and markers move forward to end up after the inserted text.

If the current buffer is multibyte, unibyte strings are converted
to multibyte for insertion (see `unibyte-char-to-multibyte').
If the current buffer is unibyte, multibyte strings are converted
to unibyte for insertion. (fn &rest ARGS)

Variable: emacs-lisp-byte-code-mode-abbrev-table

Abbrev table for `emacs-lisp-byte-code-mode'.

Function: hl-line-mode

Toggle highlighting of the current line (Hl-Line mode).
With a prefix argument ARG, enable Hl-Line mode if ARG is
positive, and disable it otherwise. If called from Lisp, enable
the mode if ARG is omitted or nil.

Hl-Line mode is a buffer-local minor mode. If
`hl-line-sticky-flag' is non-nil, Hl-Line mode highlights the
line about the buffer's point in all windows. Caveat: the
buffer's point might be different from the point of a
non-selected window. Hl-Line mode uses the function
`hl-line-highlight' on `post-command-hook' in this case.

When `hl-line-sticky-flag' is nil, Hl-Line mode highlights the
line about point in the selected window only. In this case, it
uses the function `hl-line-unhighlight' on `pre-command-hook' in
addition to `hl-line-highlight' on `post-command-hook'. (fn &optional ARG)

Function: calculator

Run the Emacs calculator.
See the documentation for `calculator-mode' for more information.

Function: fancy-splash-frame

Return the frame to use for the fancy splash screen.
Returning non-nil does not mean we should necessarily
use the fancy splash screen, but if we do use it,
we put it on this frame. (fn)

Function: move-to-window-line-top-bottom

Position point relative to window.

With a prefix argument ARG, acts like `move-to-window-line'.

With no argument, positions point at center of window.
Successive calls position point at positions defined
by `recenter-positions'.

Function: quit-process

Send QUIT signal to process PROCESS. May be process or name of one.
See function `interrupt-process' for more details on usage.


Variable: display-time-day-and-date

Non-nil means M-x display-time should display day and date as well as time.

Function: compile

Compile the program including the current buffer. Default: run `make'.
Runs COMMAND, a shell command, in a separate process asynchronously
with output going to the buffer `*compilation*'.

You can then use the command C-x ` to find the next error message
and move to the source code that caused it.

If optional second arg COMINT is t the buffer will be in Comint mode with

Interactively, prompts for the command if `compilation-read-command' is
non-nil; otherwise uses `compile-command'. With prefix arg, always prompts.
Additionally, with universal prefix arg, compilation buffer will be in
comint mode, i.e. interactive.

To run more than one compilation at once, start one then rename
the `*compilation*' buffer to some other name with
M-x rename-buffer. Then _switch buffers_ and start the new compilation.
It will create a new `*compilation*' buffer.

On most systems, termination of the main compilation process
kills its subprocesses.

The name used for the buffer is actually whatever is returned by
the function in `compilation-buffer-name-function', so you can set that to a function that generates a unique name. (fn COMMAND &optional COMINT)

Function: checkdoc-list-of-strings-p

(fn OBJ)

Variable: face-name-history

History list for some commands that read face names.
Maximum length of the history list is determined by the value
of `history-length', which see.

Variable: split-height-threshold

Minimum height for splitting windows sensibly.
If this is an integer, `split-window-sensibly' may split a window
vertically only if it has at least this many lines. If this is
nil, `split-window-sensibly' is not allowed to split a window
vertically. If, however, a window is the only window on its
frame, `split-window-sensibly' may split it vertically
disregarding the value of this variable.

Variable: ctext-non-standard-encodings

List of non-standard encoding names used in extended segments of CTEXT.
Each element must be one of the names listed in the variable
`ctext-non-standard-encodings-alist' (which see).

Function: process-attributes

Return attributes of the process given by its PID, a number.

Value is an alist where each element is a cons cell of the form


If this functionality is unsupported, the value is nil.

See `list-system-processes' for getting a list of all process IDs.

The KEYs of the attributes that this function may return are listed
below, together with the type of the associated VALUE (in parentheses).
Not all platforms support all of these attributes; unsupported
attributes will not appear in the returned alist.
Unless explicitly indicated otherwise, numbers can have either
integer or floating point values.

euid -- Effective user User ID of the process (number)
user -- User name corresponding to euid (string)
egid -- Effective user Group ID of the process (number)
group -- Group name corresponding to egid (string)
comm -- Command name (executable name only) (string)
state -- Process state code, such as "S", "R", or "T" (string)
ppid -- Parent process ID (number)
pgrp -- Process group ID (number)
sess -- Session ID, i.e. process ID of session leader (number)
ttname -- Controlling tty name (string)
tpgid -- ID of foreground process group on the process's tty (number)
minflt -- number of minor page faults (number)
majflt -- number of major page faults (number)
cminflt -- cumulative number of minor page faults (number)
cmajflt -- cumulative number of major page faults (number)
utime -- user time used by the process, in (current-time) format,
which is a list of integers (HIGH LOW USEC PSEC)
stime -- system time used by the process (current-time)
time -- sum of utime and stime (current-time)
cutime -- user time used by the process and its children (current-time)
cstime -- system time used by the process and its children (current-time)
ctime -- sum of cutime and cstime (current-time)
pri -- priority of the process (number)
nice -- nice value of the process (number)
thcount -- process thread count (number)
start -- time the process started (current-time)
vsize -- virtual memory size of the process in KB's (number)
rss -- resident set size of the process in KB's (number)
etime -- elapsed time the process is running, in (HIGH LOW USEC PSEC) format
pcpu -- percents of CPU time used by the process (floating-point number)
pmem -- percents of total physical memory used by process's resident set (floating-point number) args -- command line which invoked the process (string). (fn PID)

Function: lax-plist-get

Extract a value from a property list, comparing with `equal'.
PLIST is a property list, which is a list of the form
(PROP1 VALUE1 PROP2 VALUE2...). This function returns the value
corresponding to the given PROP, or nil if PROP is not
one of the properties on the list.

Variable: view-half-page-size

Default number of lines to scroll by View half page commands.
If nil that means use half the window size.

Variable: lisp-lambda-list-keyword-parameter-indentation

Indentation of lambda list keyword parameters.
See `lisp-lambda-list-keyword-parameter-alignment'
for more information.

Variable: lisp-loop-forms-indentation

Indentation of forms in extended loop forms.

Function: query-replace-regexp

Replace some things after point matching REGEXP with TO-STRING.
As each match is found, the user must type a character saying
what to do with it. For directions, type C-h at that time.

In Transient Mark mode, if the mark is active, operate on the contents
of the region. Otherwise, operate from point to the end of the buffer.

Use M-n to pull the last incremental search regexp to the minibuffer
that reads REGEXP, or invoke replacements from
incremental search with a key sequence like `C-M-s C-M-s C-M-%'
to use its current search regexp as the regexp to replace.

Matching is independent of case if `case-fold-search' is non-nil and
REGEXP has no uppercase letters. Replacement transfers the case
pattern of the old text to the new text, if `case-replace' and
`case-fold-search' are non-nil and REGEXP has no uppercase letters.
(Transferring the case pattern means that if the old text matched is
all caps, or capitalized, then its replacement is upcased or

If `replace-regexp-lax-whitespace' is non-nil, a space or spaces in the regexp
to be replaced will match a sequence of whitespace chars defined by the
regexp in `search-whitespace-regexp'.

Third arg DELIMITED (prefix arg if interactive), if non-nil, means replace
only matches surrounded by word boundaries.
Fourth and fifth arg START and END specify the region to operate on.

In TO-STRING, `\&' stands for whatever matched the whole of REGEXP,
and `\N' (where N is a digit) stands for
whatever what matched the Nth `\(...\)' in REGEXP.
`\?' lets you edit the replacement text in the minibuffer
at the given position for each replacement.

In interactive calls, the replacement text can contain `\,'
followed by a Lisp expression. Each
replacement evaluates that expression to compute the replacement
string. Inside of that expression, `\&' is a string denoting the
whole match as a string, `\N' for a partial match, `\#&' and `\#N'
for the whole or a partial match converted to a number with
`string-to-number', and `\#' itself for the number of replacements
done so far (starting with zero).

If the replacement expression is a symbol, write a space after it
to terminate it. One space there, if any, will be discarded. When using those Lisp features interactively in the replacement text, TO-STRING is actually made a list instead of a string. Use C-x M-: after this command for details.

Function: ucs-normalize-NFC-string

Normalize the string STR by the Unicode NFC.

(fn STR)

Function: describe-variable

Display the full documentation of VARIABLE (a symbol).
Returns the documentation as a string, also.
If VARIABLE has a buffer-local value in BUFFER or FRAME
(default to the current buffer and current frame),
it is displayed along with the global value.


Function: get-next-valid-buffer

Search LIST for a valid buffer to display in FRAME.
Return nil when all buffers in LIST are undesirable for display,
otherwise return the first suitable buffer in LIST.

Buffers not visible in windows are preferred to visible buffers,
unless VISIBLE-OK is non-nil.
If the optional argument FRAME is nil, it defaults to the selected frame.
If BUFFER is non-nil, ignore occurrences of that buffer in LIST.

Function: comment-dwim

Call the comment command you want (Do What I Mean).
If the region is active and `transient-mark-mode' is on, call
`comment-region' (unless it only consists of comments, in which
case it calls `uncomment-region').
Else, if the current line is empty, call `comment-insert-comment-function'
if it is defined, otherwise insert a comment and indent it.
Else if a prefix ARG is specified, call `comment-kill'.
Else, call `comment-indent'.
You can configure `comment-style' to change the way regions are commented. (fn ARG)

Variable: custom-local-buffer

Non-nil, in a Customization buffer, means customize a specific buffer.
If this variable is non-nil, it should be a buffer,
and it means customize the local bindings of that buffer.
This variable is a permanent local, and it normally has a local binding
in every Customization buffer.

Function: custom-initialize-default

Initialize SYMBOL with VALUE.
This will do nothing if symbol already has a default binding.
Otherwise, if symbol has a `saved-value' property, it will evaluate
the car of that and use it as the default binding for symbol.
Otherwise, VALUE will be evaluated and used as the default binding for symbol.

Function: gnutls-error-string

Return a description of ERROR.
ERROR is an integer or a symbol with an integer `gnutls-code' property.

(fn ERROR)

Function: query-fontset

Return the name of a fontset that matches PATTERN.
The value is nil if there is no matching fontset.
PATTERN can contain `*' or `?' as a wildcard
just as X font name matching algorithm allows.
If REGEXPP is non-nil, PATTERN is a regular expression.

(fn PATTERN &optional REGEXPP)

Variable: unread-post-input-method-events

List of events to be processed as input by input methods.
These events are processed before `unread-command-events'
and actual keyboard input, but are not given to `input-method-function'.

Function: internal-lisp-face-equal-p

True if FACE1 and FACE2 are equal.
If the optional argument FRAME is given, report on FACE1 and FACE2 in that frame.
If FRAME is t, report on the defaults for FACE1 and FACE2 (for new frames).
If FRAME is omitted or nil, use the selected frame.

(fn FACE1 FACE2 &optional FRAME)

Variable: smie-backward-token-function

Function to scan backward the previous token.
Same calling convention as `smie-forward-token-function' except
it should move backward to the beginning of the previous token.

Function: eieio-class-precedence-dfs

Return all parents of CLASS in depth-first order.

Function: vc-mode-line

Set `vc-mode' to display type of version control for FILE.
The value is set in the current buffer, which should be the buffer
visiting FILE.
If BACKEND is passed use it as the VC backend when computing the result.

Function: mouse-skip-word

Skip over word, over whitespace, or over identical punctuation.
If DIR is positive skip forward; if negative, skip backward.

(fn DIR)

Variable: buffer-file-format

List of formats to use when saving this buffer.
Formats are defined by `format-alist'. This variable is
set when a file is visited.

Variable: delete-by-moving-to-trash

Specifies whether to use the system's trash can.
When non-nil, certain file deletion commands use the function
`move-file-to-trash' instead of deleting files outright.
This includes interactive calls to `delete-file' and
`delete-directory' and the Dired deletion commands.

Function: prepend-to-buffer

Prepend to specified buffer the text of the region.
It is inserted into that buffer after its point.

When calling from a program, give three arguments:
BUFFER (or buffer name), START and END.
START and END specify the portion of the current buffer to be copied.

Function: tex-start-shell


Function: erc-add-keyword

Add keyword interactively to `erc-keywords'.


Variable: inhibit-point-motion-hooks

If non-nil, don't run `point-left' and `point-entered' text properties.
This also inhibits the use of the `intangible' text property.

Function: file-exists-p

Return t if file FILENAME exists (whether or not you can read it.)
See also `file-readable-p' and `file-attributes'.
This returns nil for a symlink to a nonexistent file.
Use `file-symlink-p' to test for such links.

Function: byte-compile-negated

(fn FORM)

Variable: comint-completion-recexact

If non-nil, use shortest completion if characters cannot be added.
This mirrors the optional behavior of tcsh.

A non-nil value is useful if `comint-completion-autolist' is non-nil too.

Function: menu-bar-right-scroll-bar

Display scroll bars on the right of each window.

Variable: char-width-table

A char-table for width (columns) of each character.

Variable: last-code-conversion-error

Error status of the last code conversion.

When an error was detected in the last code conversion, this variable
is set to one of the following symbols.
When no error was detected, the value doesn't change. So, to check
the error status of a code conversion by this variable, you must
explicitly set this variable to nil before performing code conversion.

Function: internal-lisp-face-empty-p

True if FACE has no attribute specified.
If the optional argument FRAME is given, report on face FACE in that frame.
If FRAME is t, report on the defaults for face FACE (for new frames).
If FRAME is omitted or nil, use the selected frame.

(fn FACE &optional FRAME)

Variable: view-highlight-face

The face used for highlighting the match found by View mode search.

Function: debugger-jump

Continue to exit from this frame, with all debug-on-entry suspended.

Variable: locate-ls-subdir-switches

`ls' switches for inserting subdirectories in `*Locate*' buffers.
This should contain the "-l" switch, but not the "-F" or "-b" switches.

Function: set-network-process-option

For network process PROCESS set option OPTION to value VALUE.
See `make-network-process' for a list of options and values.
If optional fourth arg NO-ERROR is non-nil, don't signal an error if
OPTION is not a supported option, return nil instead; otherwise return t.


Variable: history-add-new-input

Non-nil means to add new elements in history.
If set to nil, minibuffer reading functions don't add new elements to the
history list, so it is possible to do this afterwards by calling
`add-to-history' explicitly.

Function: set-marker-insertion-type

Set the insertion-type of MARKER to TYPE.
If TYPE is t, it means the marker advances when you insert text at it.
If TYPE is nil, it means the marker stays behind when you insert text at it.


Function: move-overlay

Set the endpoints of OVERLAY to BEG and END in BUFFER.
If BUFFER is omitted, leave OVERLAY in the same buffer it inhabits now.
If BUFFER is omitted, and OVERLAY is in no buffer, put it in the current


Function: charset-list

Return list of all charsets ever defined.

Variable: charset-list

List of all charsets ever defined.

Function: sh-show-indent

Show the how the current line would be indented.
This tells you which variable, if any, controls the indentation of
this line.
If optional arg ARG is non-null (called interactively with a prefix),
a pop up window describes this variable.
If variable `sh-blink' is non-nil then momentarily go to the line
we are indenting relative to, if applicable.

Function: ring-index

Convert nominal ring index INDEX to an internal index.
The internal index refers to the items ordered from newest to oldest.
HEAD is the index of the oldest element in the ring.
RINGLEN is the number of elements currently in the ring.
VECLEN is the size of the vector in the ring.

Function: cl-make-random-state

Return a copy of random-state STATE, or of the internal state if omitted.
If STATE is t, return a new state object seeded from the time of day.

(fn &optional STATE)

Function: turn-off-auto-fill

Unconditionally turn off Auto Fill mode.

Function: tool-bar-add-item-from-menu

Define tool bar binding for COMMAND in keymap MAP using the given ICON.
This makes a binding for COMMAND in `tool-bar-map', copying its
binding from the menu bar in MAP (which defaults to `global-map'), but
modifies the binding by adding an image specification for ICON. It
finds ICON just like `tool-bar-add-item'. PROPS are additional
properties to add to the binding.

MAP must contain appropriate binding for `[menu-bar]' which holds a keymap.

Use this function only to make bindings in the global value of `tool-bar-map'.
To define items in any other map, use `tool-bar-local-item-from-menu'.

Function: make-command-summary

Make a summary of current key bindings in the buffer *Summary*.
Previous contents of that buffer are killed first.

Function: copyright-fix-years

Convert 2 digit years to 4 digit years.
Uses heuristic: year >= 50 means 19xx, < 50 means 20xx.
If `copyright-year-ranges' (which see) is non-nil, also
independently replaces consecutive years with a range. (fn)

Variable: message-log-max

Maximum number of lines to keep in the message log buffer.
If nil, disable message logging. If t, log messages but don't truncate
the buffer when it becomes large.

Function: byte-compile-let

Generate code for the `let' form FORM.

(fn FORM)

Function: comint-simple-send

Default function for sending to PROC input STRING.
This just sends STRING plus a newline. To override this,
set the hook `comint-input-sender'.


Variable: Info-enable-edit

Non-nil means the M-x Info-edit command in Info can edit the current node.
This is convenient if you want to write Info files by hand.
However, we recommend that you not do this.
It is better to write a Texinfo file and generate the Info file from that,
because that gives you a printed manual as well.

Function: vc-git-stash-delete-at-point


Variable: package-alist

Alist of all packages available for activation.
Each element has the form (PKG . DESC), where PKG is a package
name (a symbol) and DESC is a vector that describes the package.

The vector DESC has the form [VERSION-LIST REQS DOCSTRING].
VERSION-LIST is a version list.
REQS is a list of packages required by the package, each
requirement having the form (NAME VL) where NAME is a string
and VL is a version list.
DOCSTRING is a brief description of the package.

This variable is set automatically by `package-load-descriptor',
called via `package-initialize'. To change which packages are
loaded and/or activated, customize `package-load-list'.

Function: use-hard-newlines

Toggle distinguishing between hard and soft newlines.
With a prefix argument ARG, enable the feature if ARG is
positive, and disable it otherwise. If called from Lisp, enable
it if ARG is omitted or nil.

When enabled, the functions `newline' and `open-line' add the
text-property `hard' to newlines that they insert, and a line is
only considered as a candidate to match `paragraph-start' or
`paragraph-separate' if it follows a hard newline.

When enabling, if there are newlines in the buffer but no hard
newlines, ask the user whether to mark as hard any newlines
preceding a `paragraph-start' line. From a program, second arg
INSERT specifies whether to do this; it can be `never' to change
nothing, t or `always' to force marking, `guess' to try to do the
right thing with no questions, nil or anything else to ask the

Newlines not marked hard are called "soft", and are always internal
to paragraphs. The fill functions insert and delete only soft newlines.

Variable: use-hard-newlines

Non-nil if Use-Hard-Newlines mode is enabled.
Use the command `use-hard-newlines' to change this variable.

Function: sort-lines

Sort lines in region alphabetically; argument means descending order.
Called from a program, there are three arguments:
REVERSE (non-nil means reverse order), BEG and END (region to sort).
The variable `sort-fold-case' determines whether alphabetic case affects
the sort order.


Variable: rmail-spool-directory

Name of directory used by system mailer for delivering new mail.
Its name should end with a slash.

Function: hack-local-variables

Parse and put into effect this buffer's local variables spec.
Uses `hack-local-variables-apply' to apply the variables.

If MODE-ONLY is non-nil, all we do is check whether a "mode:"
is specified, and return the corresponding mode symbol, or nil.
In this case, we try to ignore minor-modes, and only return a

If `enable-local-variables' or `local-enable-local-variables' is nil,
this function does nothing. If `inhibit-local-variables-regexps'
applies to the file in question, the file is not scanned for
local variables, but directory-local variables may still be applied.

Function: replace

Replace the elements of SEQ1 with the elements of SEQ2.
SEQ1 is destructively modified, then returned.

Keywords supported: :start1 :end1 :start2 :end2


Function: cl-member-if

Find the first item satisfying PREDICATE in LIST.
Return the sublist of LIST whose car matches.

Keywords supported: :key


Function: xesam-search

Perform an interactive search.
ENGINE is the Xesam search engine to be applied, it must be one of the
entries of `xesam-search-engines'. QUERY is the search string in the
Xesam user query language. If the search engine does not support
the Xesam user query language, a Xesam fulltext search is applied.

The default search engine is the first entry in `xesam-search-engines'.

(xesam-search (car (xesam-search-engines)) "emacs") (fn ENGINE QUERY)

Function: newsticker-running-p

Check whether newsticker is running.
Return t if newsticker is running, nil otherwise. Newsticker is
considered to be running if the newsticker timer list is not empty. (fn)

Function: x-popup-menu

Pop up a deck-of-cards menu and return user's selection.
POSITION is a position specification. This is either a mouse button event
where XOFFSET and YOFFSET are positions in pixels from the top left
corner of WINDOW. (WINDOW may be a window or a frame object.)
This controls the position of the top left of the menu as a whole.
If POSITION is t, it means to use the current mouse position.

MENU is a specifier for a menu. For the simplest case, MENU is a keymap.
The menu items come from key bindings that have a menu string as well as
a definition; actually, the "definition" in such a key binding looks like
(STRING . REAL-DEFINITION). To give the menu a title, put a string into
the keymap as a top-level element.

If REAL-DEFINITION is nil, that puts a nonselectable string in the menu.
Otherwise, REAL-DEFINITION should be a valid key binding definition.

You can also use a list of keymaps as MENU.
Then each keymap makes a separate pane.

When MENU is a keymap or a list of keymaps, the return value is the
list of events corresponding to the user's choice. Note that
`x-popup-menu' does not actually execute the command bound to that
sequence of events.

Alternatively, you can specify a menu of multiple panes
with a list of the form (TITLE PANE1 PANE2...),
where each pane is a list of form (TITLE ITEM1 ITEM2...).
Each ITEM is normally a cons cell (STRING . VALUE);
but a string can appear as an item--that makes a nonselectable line
in the menu.
With this form of menu, the return value is VALUE from the chosen item.

If POSITION is nil, don't display the menu at all, just precalculate the
cached information about equivalent key sequences.

If the user gets rid of the menu without making a valid choice, for
instance by clicking the mouse away from a valid choice or by typing
keyboard input, then this normally results in a quit and
`x-popup-menu' does not return. But if POSITION is a mouse button event (indicating that the user invoked the menu with the mouse) then no quit occurs and `x-popup-menu' returns nil. (fn POSITION MENU)

Variable: make-cursor-line-fully-visible

Non-nil means to scroll (recenter) cursor line if it is not fully visible.

Function: byte-compile-file-form-eval

(fn FORM)

Variable: Info-file-supports-index-cookies-list

List of Info files with information about index cookies support.
Each element of the list is a list (FILENAME SUPPORTS-INDEX-COOKIES)
where SUPPORTS-INDEX-COOKIES can be either t or nil.

Function: ring-insert

Insert onto ring RING the item ITEM, as the newest (last) item.
If the ring is full, dump the oldest item to make room.

Function: dnsResolve

(fn HOST)

Variable: find-tag-default-function

A function of no arguments used by M-. to pick a default tag.
If nil, and the symbol that is the value of `major-mode'
has a `find-tag-default-function' property (see `put'), that is used.
Otherwise, `find-tag-default' is used.

Function: ebnf-reset-style

Reset current style.

Returns the old style symbol.

See `ebnf-style-database' documentation.

(fn &optional STYLE)

Function: delete-windows-on

Delete all windows showing BUFFER-OR-NAME.
BUFFER-OR-NAME may be a buffer or the name of an existing buffer
and defaults to the current buffer.

The following non-nil values of the optional argument FRAME
have special meanings:

- t means consider all windows on the selected frame only.

- `visible' means consider all windows on all visible frames on
the current terminal.

- 0 (the number zero) means consider all windows on all visible
and iconified frames on the current terminal.

- A frame means consider all windows on that frame only.

Any other value of FRAME means consider all windows on all

When a window showing BUFFER-OR-NAME is dedicated and the only window of its frame, that frame is deleted when there are other frames left.

Function: hs-minor-mode

Minor mode to selectively hide/show code and comment blocks.
With a prefix argument ARG, enable the mode if ARG is positive,
and disable it otherwise. If called from Lisp, enable the mode
if ARG is omitted or nil.

When hideshow minor mode is on, the menu bar is augmented with hideshow
commands and the hideshow commands are enabled.
The value '(hs . t) is added to `buffer-invisibility-spec'.

The main commands are: `hs-hide-all', `hs-show-all', `hs-hide-block',
`hs-show-block', `hs-hide-level' and `hs-toggle-hiding'. There is also
`hs-hide-initial-comment-block' and `hs-mouse-toggle-hiding'.

Turning hideshow minor mode off reverts the menu bar and the
variables to default values and disables the hideshow commands.

Lastly, the normal hook `hs-minor-mode-hook' is run using `run-hooks'.

Key bindings:

Uses keymap `hs-minor-mode-map', which is not currently defined. (fn &optional ARG)

Function: view-mode

Toggle View mode, a minor mode for viewing text but not editing it.
With a prefix argument ARG, enable View mode if ARG is positive,
and disable it otherwise. If called from Lisp, enable View mode
if ARG is omitted or nil.

When View mode is enabled, commands that do not change the buffer
contents are available as usual. Kill commands insert text in
kill buffers but do not delete. Most other commands beep and
tell the user that the buffer is read-only.

The following additional commands are provided. Most commands
take prefix arguments. Page commands default to "page size"
lines which is almost a whole window, or number of lines set by
z or w.
Half page commands default to and set "half page size" lines
which initially is half a window full. Search commands default
to a repeat count of one.

H, h, ? This message.
Digits provide prefix arguments.
- negative prefix argument.
< move to the beginning of buffer.
> move to the end of buffer.
o scroll so that buffer end is at last line of window.
SPC scroll forward "page size" lines.
With prefix scroll forward prefix lines.
DEL scroll backward "page size" lines.
With prefix scroll backward prefix lines.
z like SPC but with prefix sets "page size" to prefix.
w like DEL but with prefix sets "page size" to prefix.
d scroll forward "half page size" lines. With prefix, sets
"half page size" to prefix lines and scrolls forward that much.
u scroll backward "half page size" lines. With prefix, sets
"half page size" to prefix lines and scrolls backward that much.
RET, LFD scroll forward one line. With prefix scroll forward prefix line(s).
y scroll backward one line. With prefix scroll backward prefix line(s).
F revert-buffer if necessary and scroll forward.
Use this to view a changing file.
= prints the current line number.
% goes prefix argument (default 100) percent into buffer.
g goes to line given by prefix argument (default first line).
. set the mark.
x exchanges point and mark.
@ return to mark and pops mark ring.
Mark ring is pushed at start of every successful search and when
jump to line occurs. The mark is set on jump to buffer start or end.
m save current position in character register.
' go to position saved in character register.
s do forward incremental search.
r do reverse incremental search.
/ searches forward for regular expression, starting after current page.
! and @ have a special meaning at the beginning of the regexp.
! means search for a line with no match for regexp. @ means start
search at beginning (end for backward search) of buffer.
\ searches backward for regular expression, starting before current page.
n searches forward for last regular expression.
p searches backward for last regular expression.
q quit View mode, restoring this window and buffer to previous state.
q is the normal way to leave view mode.
e exit View mode but stay in current buffer. Use this if you started
viewing a buffer (file) and find out you want to edit it.
This command restores the previous read-only status of the buffer.
E exit View mode, and make the current buffer editable
even if it was not editable before entry to View mode.
Q quit View mode, restoring all windows to previous state.
c quit View mode and maybe switch buffers, but don't kill this buffer.
C quit View mode, kill current buffer and go back to other buffer.

The effect of c, q and C depends on how view-mode was entered. If it was
entered by view-file, view-file-other-window, view-file-other-frame, or
M-x dired-view-file (M-x view-file, M-x view-file-other-window,
M-x view-file-other-frame, or the Dired mode v command),
then q will try to kill the current buffer.
If view-mode was entered from another buffer, by M-x view-buffer, M-x view-buffer-other-window, M-x view-buffer-other frame, M-x view-file, M-x view-file-other-window, or M-x view-file-other-frame, then c, q and C will return to that buffer. Entry to view-mode runs the normal hook `view-mode-hook'.

Variable: view-mode

Non-nil if View mode is enabled.
Use the command `view-mode' to change this variable.

Variable: image-cache-eviction-delay

Maximum time after which images are removed from the cache.
When an image has not been displayed this many seconds, Emacs
automatically removes it from the image cache. If the cache contains
a large number of images, the actual eviction time may be shorter.
The value can also be nil, meaning the cache is never cleared.

The function `clear-image-cache' disregards this variable.

Function: cl-cdddr

Return the `cdr' of the `cdr' of the `cdr' of X.

(fn X)

Function: get-upcase-table

Return the upcase table of CASE-TABLE.

Function: url-strip-leading-spaces

Remove spaces at the front of a string.

Function: insert-sliced-image

Insert IMAGE into current buffer at point.
IMAGE is displayed by inserting STRING into the current buffer
with a `display' property whose value is the image. The default
STRING is a single space.
AREA is where to display the image. AREA nil or omitted means
display it in the text area, a value of `left-margin' means
display it in the left marginal area, a value of `right-margin'
means display it in the right marginal area.
The image is automatically split into ROWS x COLS slices.

Variable: ad-default-compilation-action

Defines whether to compile advised definitions during activation.
A value of `always' will result in unconditional compilation, `never' will
always avoid compilation, `maybe' will compile if the byte-compiler is already
loaded, and `like-original' will compile if the original definition of the
advised function is compiled or a built-in function. Every other value will
be interpreted as `maybe'. This variable will only be considered if the
COMPILE argument of `ad-activate' was supplied as nil.

Function: add-global-abbrev

Define global (all modes) abbrev for last word(s) before point.
The prefix argument specifies the number of words before point that form the
expansion; or zero means the region is the expansion.
A negative argument means to undefine the specified abbrev.
This command uses the minibuffer to read the abbreviation.

Don't use this function in a Lisp program; use `define-abbrev' instead. (fn ARG)

Function: autoload-do-load

Load FUNDEF which should be an autoload.
If non-nil, FUNNAME should be the symbol whose function value is FUNDEF,
in which case the function returns the new autoloaded function value.
If equal to `macro', MACRO-ONLY specifies that FUNDEF should only be loaded if
it is defines a macro.


Function: sh-get-word

Get a shell word skipping whitespace from point.

Variable: display-time-server-down-time

Time when mail file's file system was recorded to be down.
If that file system seems to be up, the value is nil.

Function: decrease-right-margin

Make the right margin of the region smaller.
With no prefix argument, decrease the right margin by `standard-indent'.
A prefix arg (optional third arg INC noninteractively) specifies the amount
of width to remove, in characters. A negative argument increases
the right margin width.
If `auto-fill-mode' is active, re-fills region to fit in new margin.

Function: describe-distribution

Display info on how to obtain the latest version of GNU Emacs.

Function: dirs

Resync the buffer's idea of the current directory stack.
This command queries the shell with the command bound to
`shell-dirstack-query' (default "dirs"), reads the next
line output and parses it to form the new directory stack.
DON'T issue this command unless the buffer is at a shell prompt.
Also, note that if some other subprocess decides to do output
immediately after the query, its output will be taken as the
new directory stack -- you lose. If this happens, just do the command again. (fn)

Function: make-obsolete-variable

Make the byte-compiler warn that OBSOLETE-NAME is obsolete.
The warning will say that CURRENT-NAME should be used instead.
If CURRENT-NAME is a string, that is the `use instead' message.
WHEN should be a string indicating when the variable
was first made obsolete, for example a date or a release number.
ACCESS-TYPE if non-nil should specify the kind of access that will trigger
obsolescence warnings; it can be either `get' or `set'.


Variable: read-mail-command

Your preference for a mail reading package.
This is used by some keybindings which support reading mail.
See also `mail-user-agent' concerning sending mail.

Function: seconds-to-time

Convert SECONDS (a floating point number) to a time value.

Function: pr-toggle-header-frame

Toggle printing header frame.


Function: epa-file-enable


Function: vconcat

Concatenate all the arguments and make the result a vector.
The result is a vector whose elements are the elements of all the arguments.
Each argument may be a list, vector or string.

(fn &rest SEQUENCES)

Variable: display-time-world-timer-enable

If non-nil, a timer will update the world clock.

Function: query-replace

Replace some occurrences of FROM-STRING with TO-STRING.
As each match is found, the user must type a character saying
what to do with it. For directions, type C-h at that time.

In Transient Mark mode, if the mark is active, operate on the contents
of the region. Otherwise, operate from point to the end of the buffer.

Use M-n to pull the last incremental search string to the minibuffer
that reads FROM-STRING, or invoke replacements from
incremental search with a key sequence like `C-s C-s M-%'
to use its current search string as the string to replace.

Matching is independent of case if `case-fold-search' is non-nil and
FROM-STRING has no uppercase letters. Replacement transfers the case
pattern of the old text to the new text, if `case-replace' and
`case-fold-search' are non-nil and FROM-STRING has no uppercase
letters. (Transferring the case pattern means that if the old text
matched is all caps, or capitalized, then its replacement is upcased
or capitalized.)

If `replace-lax-whitespace' is non-nil, a space or spaces in the string
to be replaced will match a sequence of whitespace chars defined by the
regexp in `search-whitespace-regexp'.

Third arg DELIMITED (prefix arg if interactive), if non-nil, means replace
only matches surrounded by word boundaries.
Fourth and fifth arg START and END specify the region to operate on. To customize possible responses, change the "bindings" in `query-replace-map'.

Face: query-replace

Face for highlighting query replacement matches.

Function: completion--cache-all-sorted-completions

(fn COMPS)

Variable: imenu-prev-index-position-function

Function for finding the next index position.

If `imenu-create-index-function' is set to
`imenu-default-create-index-function', then you must set this variable
to a function that will find the next index, looking backwards in the

The function should leave point at the place to be connected to the
index and it should return nil when it doesn't find another index.

Function: substitute-key-definition

Replace OLDDEF with NEWDEF for any keys in KEYMAP now defined as OLDDEF.
In other words, OLDDEF is replaced with NEWDEF where ever it appears.
Alternatively, if optional fourth argument OLDMAP is specified, we redefine
in KEYMAP as NEWDEF those keys which are defined as OLDDEF in OLDMAP.

If you don't specify OLDMAP, you can usually get the same results
in a cleaner way with command remapping, like this:
(define-key KEYMAP [remap OLDDEF] NEWDEF)


Function: comint-c-a-p-replace-by-expanded-history

Expand input command history at point.
For use on `completion-at-point-functions'.

(fn &optional SILENT START)

Function: sh-end-of-command

Move point to successive ends of commands.

Variable: sh-end-of-command

Regexp to determine the end of a shell command.
The actual command ends at the end of the first \(grouping\).

Function: info-insert-file-contents

Insert the contents of an Info file in the current buffer.
Do the right thing if the file has been compressed or zipped.

Variable: winner-dont-bind-my-keys

Non-nil means do not bind keys in Winner mode.

Function: vc-mistrust-permissions

Internal access function to variable `vc-mistrust-permissions' for FILE.

Variable: vc-mistrust-permissions

If non-nil, don't assume permissions/ownership track version-control status.
If nil, do rely on the permissions.
See also variable `vc-consult-headers'.

Function: toggle-uniquify-buffer-names

Toggle whether to uniquify buffer names by adding parent directory names.
In an interactive call, record this option as a candidate for saving
by "Save Options" in Custom buffers.

Function: get-char-code-property

Return the value of CHAR's PROPNAME property.

Function: plstore-mode

Major mode for editing PLSTORE files.


Function: comint-previous-matching-input-string-position

Return the index matching REGEXP ARG places along the input ring.
Moves relative to START, or `comint-input-ring-index'.

(fn REGEXP ARG &optional START)

Function: sgml-parse-tag-name

Skip past a tag-name, and return the name.

Function: describe-current-coding-system-briefly

Display coding systems currently used in a brief format in echo area.

The format is "F[..],K[..],T[..],P>[..],P<[..], default F[..],P<[..],P<[..]",
where mnemonics of the following coding systems come in this order
in place of `..':
`buffer-file-coding-system' (of the current buffer)
eol-type of `buffer-file-coding-system' (of the current buffer)
Value returned by `keyboard-coding-system'
eol-type of `keyboard-coding-system'
Value returned by `terminal-coding-system'.
eol-type of `terminal-coding-system'
`process-coding-system' for read (of the current buffer, if any)
eol-type of `process-coding-system' for read (of the current buffer, if any)
`process-coding-system' for write (of the current buffer, if any)
eol-type of `process-coding-system' for write (of the current buffer, if any)
default `buffer-file-coding-system'
eol-type of default `buffer-file-coding-system'
`default-process-coding-system' for read
eol-type of `default-process-coding-system' for read
`default-process-coding-system' for write eol-type of `default-process-coding-system' (fn)

Variable: menu-bar-separator

Separator for menus.

Function: byte-compile-while

(fn FORM)

Function: shell-command-completion-function

Completion function for shell command names.
This is the value of `pcomplete-command-completion-function' for
Shell buffers. It implements `shell-completion-execonly' for
`pcomplete' completion. (fn)

Function: cl-find-if

Find the first item satisfying PREDICATE in SEQ.
Return the matching item, or nil if not found.

Keywords supported: :key :start :end :from-end


Function: browse-url-of-buffer

Ask a WWW browser to display BUFFER.
Display the current buffer if BUFFER is nil. Display only the
currently visible part of BUFFER (from a temporary file) if buffer is

(fn &optional BUFFER)

Function: ada-find-file

Open FILENAME, from anywhere in the source path.
Completion is available.


Variable: face-font-selection-order

A list specifying how face font selection chooses fonts.
Each of the four symbols `:width', `:height', `:weight', and `:slant'
must appear once in the list, and the list must not contain any other
elements. Font selection first tries to find a best matching font
for those face attributes that appear before in the list. For
example, if `:slant' appears before `:height', font selection first
tries to find a font with a suitable slant, even if this results in
a font height that isn't optimal.

Variable: comment-styles

Comment region style definitions.
Each style is defined with a form (STYLE . (MULTI ALIGN EXTRA INDENT DOC)).
DOC should succinctly describe the style.
STYLE should be a mnemonic symbol.
MULTI specifies that comments are allowed to span multiple lines.
e.g. in C it comments regions as
/* blabla
* bli */
rather than
/* blabla */
/* bli */
if `comment-end' is empty, this has no effect.

ALIGN specifies that the `comment-end' markers should be aligned.
e.g. in C it comments regions as
/* blabla */
/* bli */
rather than
/* blabla */
/* bli */
if `comment-end' is empty, this has no effect, unless EXTRA is also set,
in which case the comment gets wrapped in a box.

EXTRA specifies that an extra line should be used before and after the
region to comment (to put the `comment-end' and `comment-start').
e.g. in C it comments regions as
* blabla
* bli
rather than
/* blabla
* bli */
if the comment style is not multi line, this has no effect, unless ALIGN
is also set, in which case the comment gets wrapped in a box.

INDENT specifies that the `comment-start' markers should not be put at the
left margin but at the current indentation of the region to comment. If INDENT is `multi-char', that means indent multi-character comment starters, but not one-character comment starters.

Function: center-line

Center the line point is on, within the width specified by `fill-column'.
This means adjusting the indentation so that it equals
the distance between the end of the text and `fill-column'.
The argument NLINES says how many lines to center.

Function: frame-geom-value-cons

Return equivalent geometry value for FRAME as a cons with car `+'.
A geometry value equivalent to VALUE for FRAME is returned,
where the value is a cons with car `+', not numeric.
TYPE is the car of the original geometry spec (TYPE . VALUE).
It is `top' or `left', depending on which edge VALUE is related to.
VALUE is the cdr of a frame geometry spec: (left/top . VALUE).
If VALUE is a number, then it is converted to a cons value, perhaps
relative to the opposite frame edge from that in the original spec.
FRAME defaults to the selected frame.

Examples (measures in pixels) -
Assuming display height/width=1024, frame height/width=600:
300 inside display edge: 300 => (+ 300)
(+ 300) => (+ 300)
300 inside opposite display edge: (- 300) => (+ 124)
-300 => (+ 124)
300 beyond display edge
(= 724 inside opposite display edge): (+ -300) => (+ -300)
300 beyond display edge
(= 724 inside opposite display edge): (- -300) => (+ 724)

In the 3rd, 4th, and 6th examples, the returned value is relative to the opposite frame edge from the edge indicated in the input spec.

Function: gnus-group-split-update

Computes nnmail-split-fancy from group params and CATCH-ALL.
It does this by calling by calling (gnus-group-split-fancy nil

If CATCH-ALL is nil, `gnus-group-split-default-catch-all-group' is used
instead. This variable is set by `gnus-group-split-setup'.

(fn &optional CATCH-ALL)

Variable: backup-inhibited

Non-nil means don't make a backup, regardless of the other parameters.
This variable is intended for use by making it local to a buffer.
But it is local only if you make it local.

Variable: goto-map

Keymap for navigation commands.

Function: remove-hook

Remove from the value of HOOK the function FUNCTION.
HOOK should be a symbol, and FUNCTION may be any valid function. If
FUNCTION isn't the value of HOOK, or, if FUNCTION doesn't appear in the
list of hooks to run in HOOK, then nothing is done. See `add-hook'.

The optional third argument, LOCAL, if non-nil, says to modify
the hook's buffer-local value rather than its default value.

Function: byte-recompile-file

Recompile FILENAME file if it needs recompilation.
This happens when its `.elc' file is older than itself.

If the `.elc' file exists and is up-to-date, normally this function
*does not* compile FILENAME. If the prefix argument FORCE is non-nil,
however, it compiles FILENAME even if the destination already
exists and is up-to-date.

If the `.elc' file does not exist, normally this function *does not*
compile FILENAME. If optional argument ARG is 0, it compiles
the input file even if the `.elc' file does not exist.
Any other non-nil value of ARG means to ask the user.

If optional argument LOAD is non-nil, loads the file after compiling.

If compilation is needed, this functions returns the result of
`byte-compile-file'; otherwise it returns 'no-byte-compile. (fn FILENAME &optional FORCE ARG LOAD)

Variable: facemenu-keybindings

Alist of interesting faces and keybindings.
Each element is itself a list: the car is the name of the face,
the next element is the key to use as a keyboard equivalent of the menu item;
the binding is made in `facemenu-keymap'.

The faces specifically mentioned in this list are put at the top of
the menu, in the order specified. All other faces which are defined
in `facemenu-listed-faces' are listed after them, but get no
keyboard equivalents.

If you change this variable after loading facemenu.el, you will need to call
`facemenu-update' to make it take effect.

Function: describe-current-coding-system

Display coding systems currently used, in detail.


Variable: pure-space-overflow

Non-nil if building Emacs overflowed pure space.

Function: call-interactively

Call FUNCTION, providing args according to its interactive calling specs.
Return the value FUNCTION returns.
The function contains a specification of how to do the argument reading.
In the case of user-defined functions, this is specified by placing a call
to the function `interactive' at the top level of the function body.
See `interactive'.

Optional second arg RECORD-FLAG non-nil
means unconditionally put this command in the command-history.
Otherwise, this is done only if an arg is read using the minibuffer.

Optional third arg KEYS, if given, specifies the sequence of events to
supply, as a vector, if the command inquires which events were used to
invoke it. If KEYS is omitted or nil, the return value of
`this-command-keys-vector' is used. (fn FUNCTION &optional RECORD-FLAG KEYS)

Variable: data-directory

Directory of machine-independent files that come with GNU Emacs.
These are files intended for Emacs to use while it runs.

Variable: vertical-scroll-bar

Position of this buffer's vertical scroll bar.
The value takes effect whenever you tell a window to display this buffer;
for instance, with `set-window-buffer' or when `display-buffer' displays it.

A value of `left' or `right' means put the vertical scroll bar at that side
of the window; a value of nil means don't show any vertical scroll bars.
A value of t (the default) means do whatever the window's frame specifies.

Function: byte-optimize-letX

(fn FORM)

Function: byte-compile-warning-series

(fn &rest IGNORE)

Function: Buffer-menu-toggle-read-only

Toggle read-only status of buffer on this line.
This behaves like invoking M-x toggle-read-only in that buffer.

Function: metamail-interpret-header

Interpret a header part of a MIME message in current buffer.
Its body part is not interpreted at all.

Variable: ispell-html-skip-alists

Lists of start and end keys to skip in HTML buffers.
Same format as `ispell-skip-region-alist'.
Note - substrings of other matches must come last
(e.g. "<[tT][tT]/" and "<[^ \t\n>]").

Function: tty-find-type

Return the longest prefix of TYPE to which PRED returns non-nil.
TYPE should be a tty type name such as "xterm-16color".

The function tries only those prefixes that are followed by a
dash or underscore in the original type name, like "xterm" in
the above example.

Variable: system-time-locale

System locale for time.

Function: rgrep

Recursively grep for REGEXP in FILES in directory tree rooted at DIR.
The search is limited to file names matching shell pattern FILES.
FILES may use abbreviations defined in `grep-files-aliases', e.g.
entering `ch' is equivalent to `*.[ch]'.

With C-u prefix, you can edit the constructed shell command line
before it is executed.
With two C-u prefixes, directly edit and run `grep-find-command'.

Collect output in a buffer. While the recursive grep is running,
you can use C-x ` (M-x next-error), or
Uses keymap `grep-mode-map', which is not currently defined.
M-x compile-goto-error in the grep output buffer,
to visit the lines where matches were found. To kill the job
before it finishes, type M-x kill-compilation.

This command shares argument histories with M-x lgrep and M-x grep-find.

When called programmatically and FILES is nil, REGEXP is expected to specify a command to run. (fn REGEXP &optional FILES DIR CONFIRM)

Function: byte-compile-disable-warning

Change `byte-compile-warnings' to disable WARNING.
If `byte-compile-warnings' is t, set it to `(not WARNING)'.
Otherwise, if the first element is `not', add WARNING, else remove it.
Normally you should let-bind `byte-compile-warnings' before calling this,
else the global value will be modified. (fn WARNING)

Variable: custom-delayed-init-variables

List of variables whose initialization is pending.

Function: list-fonts

List available fonts matching FONT-SPEC on the current frame.
Optional 2nd argument FRAME specifies the target frame.
Optional 3rd argument NUM, if non-nil, limits the number of returned fonts.
Optional 4th argument PREFER, if non-nil, is a font-spec to
control the order of the returned list. Fonts are sorted by
how close they are to PREFER.


Function: vc-git-find-revision


Function: display-time-next-load-average

Switch between different load averages in the mode line.
Switches from the 1 to 5 to 15 minute load average, and then back to 1.

Function: timeclock-mode-line-display

Toggle display of the amount of time left today in the mode line.
If `timeclock-use-display-time' is non-nil (the default), then
the function `display-time-mode' must be active, and the mode line
will be updated whenever the time display is updated. Otherwise,
the timeclock will use its own sixty second timer to do its
updating. With prefix ARG, turn mode line display on if and only
if ARG is positive. Returns the new status of timeclock mode line
display (non-nil means on). (fn &optional ARG)

Function: confirm-nonexistent-file-or-buffer

Whether to request confirmation before visiting a new file or buffer.
The variable `confirm-nonexistent-file-or-buffer' determines the
return value, which may be passed as the REQUIRE-MATCH arg to
`read-buffer' or `find-file-read-args'.

Variable: confirm-nonexistent-file-or-buffer

Whether confirmation is requested before visiting a new file or buffer.
If nil, confirmation is not requested.
If the value is `after-completion', confirmation is only
requested if the user called `minibuffer-complete' right before
Any other non-nil value means to request confirmation.

This affects commands like `switch-to-buffer' and `find-file'.

Function: View-scroll-half-page-backward

Scroll backward a "half page" (or prefix LINES) lines in View mode.
See also `View-scroll-half-page-forward'.

Function: set-fringe-style

Set the default appearance of fringes on the selected frame.
When called interactively, query the user for MODE; valid values
are `no-fringes', `default', `left-only', `right-only', `minimal'
and `half-width'. See `fringe-styles'.

When used in a Lisp program, MODE should be one of these:
- nil, which means the default width (8 pixels).
- a cons cell (LEFT . RIGHT), where LEFT and RIGHT are
respectively the left and right fringe widths in pixels, or
nil (meaning to disable that fringe).
- a single integer, which specifies the pixel widths of both
This command may round up the left and right width specifications
to ensure that their sum is a multiple of the character width of
a frame. It never rounds up a fringe width of 0.

Fringe widths set by `set-window-fringes' override the default
fringe widths set by this command. If you want to set the
default appearance of fringes on all frames, see the command `fringe-mode'.

Variable: frame-inherited-parameters

Parameters `make-frame' copies from the `selected-frame' to the new frame.

Function: eq

Return t if the two args are the same Lisp object.

(fn OBJ1 OBJ2)

Variable: echo-area-clear-hook

Normal hook run when clearing the echo area.

Function: dabbrev--abbrev-at-point

Extract the symbol at point to serve as abbreviation.


Function: set-exclusive-or

Combine LIST1 and LIST2 using a set-exclusive-or operation.
The resulting list contains all items appearing in exactly one of LIST1, LIST2.
This is a non-destructive function; it makes a copy of the data if necessary
to avoid corrupting the original LIST1 and LIST2.

Keywords supported: :test :test-not :key


Variable: regexp-search-ring-yank-pointer

Index in `regexp-search-ring' of last string reused.
It is nil if none yet.

Function: isPlainHostName

(fn HOST)

Function: cancel-kbd-macro-events

Cancel the events added to a keyboard macro for this command.


Variable: dabbrev-ignored-buffer-regexps

List of regexps matching names of buffers that dabbrev should not check.
See also `dabbrev-ignored-buffer-names'.

Variable: Buffer-menu-mode-map

Local keymap for `Buffer-menu-mode' buffers.

Variable: adaptive-fill-function

Function to call to choose a fill prefix for a paragraph, or nil.
A nil value means the function has not determined the fill prefix.

Function: lisp-mode-variables

Common initialization routine for lisp modes.
The LISP-SYNTAX argument is used by code in inf-lisp.el and is
(uselessly) passed from pp.el, chistory.el, gnus-kill.el and
score-mode.el. KEYWORDS-CASE-INSENSITIVE non-nil means that for
font-lock keywords will not be case sensitive.

Function: set-background-color

Set the background color of the selected frame to COLOR-NAME.
When called interactively, prompt for the name of the color to use.
To get the frame's current background color, use `frame-parameters'.

Function: pcomplete/umount

Completion for GNU/Linux `umount'.


Function: find-tag-other-window

Find tag (in current tags table) whose name contains TAGNAME.
Select the buffer containing the tag's definition in another window, and
move point there. The default for TAGNAME is the expression in the buffer
around or before point.

If second arg NEXT-P is t (interactively, with prefix arg), search for
another tag that matches the last tagname or regexp used. When there are
multiple matches for a tag, more exact matches are found first. If NEXT-P
is negative (interactively, with prefix arg that is a negative number or
just M--), pop back to the previous tag gone to.

If third arg REGEXP-P is non-nil, treat TAGNAME as a regexp.

A marker representing the point when this command is invoked is pushed
onto a ring and may be popped back to with M-*.
Contrast this with the ring of marks gone to by the command.

See documentation of variable `tags-file-name'. (fn TAGNAME &optional NEXT-P REGEXP-P)

Function: copy-tree

Make a copy of TREE.
If TREE is a cons cell, this recursively copies both its car and its cdr.
Contrast to `copy-sequence', which copies only along the cdrs. With second
argument VECP, this copies vectors as well as conses.

Function: random

Return a pseudo-random number.
All integers representable in Lisp, i.e. between `most-negative-fixnum'
and `most-positive-fixnum', inclusive, are equally likely.

With positive integer LIMIT, return random number in interval [0,LIMIT).
With argument t, set the random number seed from the current time and pid.
With a string argument, set the seed based on the string's contents.
Other values of LIMIT are ignored.

See Info node `(elisp)Random Numbers' for more details. (fn &optional LIMIT)

Function: make-symbol

Return a newly allocated uninterned symbol whose name is NAME.
Its value and function definition are void, and its property list is nil.

(fn NAME)

Function: smie-indent-close


Function: menu-bar-read-lispintro

Display the Introduction to Emacs Lisp Programming in Info mode.

Function: isearch-backward

Do incremental search backward.
With a prefix argument, do a regular expression search instead.
See the command `isearch-forward' for more information.

Function: mouse-on-link-p

Return non-nil if POS is on a link in the current buffer.
POS must be a buffer position in the current buffer or a mouse
event location in the selected window (see `event-start').
However, if `mouse-1-click-in-non-selected-windows' is non-nil,
POS may be a mouse event location in any window.

A clickable link is identified by one of the following methods:

- If the character at POS has a non-nil `follow-link' text or
overlay property, the value of that property determines what to do.

- If there is a local key-binding or a keybinding at position POS
for the `follow-link' event, the binding of that event determines
what to do.

The resulting value determine whether POS is inside a link:

- If the value is `mouse-face', POS is inside a link if there
is a non-nil `mouse-face' property at POS. Return t in this case.

- If the value is a function, FUNC, POS is inside a link if
the call (FUNC POS) returns non-nil. Return the return value
from that call. Arg is (posn-point POS) if POS is a mouse event.

- Otherwise, return the value itself.

The return value is interpreted as follows:

- If it is a string, the mouse-1 event is translated into the
first character of the string, i.e. the action of the mouse-1
click is the local or global binding of that character.

- If it is a vector, the mouse-1 event is translated into the
first element of that vector, i.e. the action of the mouse-1
click is the local or global binding of that event. - Otherwise, the mouse-1 event is translated into a mouse-2 event at the same position. (fn POS)

Variable: help-map

Keymap for characters following the Help key.

Function: activate-mark

Activate the mark.

Variable: minibuffer-default-add-done

When nil, add more elements to the end of the list of default values.
The value nil causes `goto-history-element' to add more elements to
the list of defaults when it reaches the end of this list. It does
this by calling a function defined by `minibuffer-default-add-function'.

Function: testcover-this-defun

Start coverage on function under point.


Function: lao-transcribe-roman-to-lao-string

Transcribe Romanized Lao string STR to Lao character string.

(fn STR)

Function: finder-commentary

Display FILE's commentary section.
FILE should be in a form suitable for passing to `locate-library'.

(fn FILE)

Function: custom-theme-set-variables

Initialize variables for theme THEME according to settings in ARGS.
Each of the arguments in ARGS should be a list of this form:


SYMBOL is the variable name, and EXP is an expression which
evaluates to the customized value. EXP will also be stored,
without evaluating it, in SYMBOL's `saved-value' property, so
that it can be restored via the Customize interface. It is also
added to the alist in SYMBOL's `theme-value' property (by
calling `custom-push-theme').

NOW, if present and non-nil, means to install the variable's
value directly now, even if its `defcustom' declaration has not
been executed. This is for internal use only.

REQUEST is a list of features to `require' (which are loaded
prior to evaluating EXP). COMMENT is a comment string about SYMBOL.

Variable: class-protection

Class protection for a slot.

Function: vc-pull

Update the current fileset or branch.
You must be visiting a version controlled file, or in a `vc-dir' buffer.
On a distributed version control system, this runs a "pull"
operation to update the current branch, prompting for an argument
list if required. Optional prefix ARG forces a prompt.

On a non-distributed version control system, update the current
fileset to the tip revisions. For each unchanged and unlocked
file, this simply replaces the work file with the latest revision
on its branch. If the file contains changes, any changes in the
tip revision are merged into the working file. (fn &optional ARG)

Function: prune-directory-list

Return a copy of DIRS with all non-existent directories removed.
The optional argument KEEP is a list of directories to retain even if
they don't exist, and REJECT is a list of directories to remove from
DIRS, even if they exist; REJECT takes precedence over KEEP.

Note that membership in REJECT and KEEP is checked using simple string comparison.

Variable: x-gtk-file-dialog-help-text

If non-nil, the GTK file chooser will show additional help text.
If more space for files in the file chooser dialog is wanted, set this to nil
to turn the additional text off.

Function: posix-looking-at

Return t if text after point matches regular expression REGEXP.
Find the longest match, in accord with Posix regular expression rules.
This function modifies the match data that `match-beginning',
`match-end' and `match-data' access; save and restore the match
data if you want to preserve them. (fn REGEXP)

Function: eieio-default-superclass

You cannot create a new object of type eieio-default-superclass

Variable: eieio-default-superclass

Default parent class for classes with no specified parent class.
Its slots are automatically adopted by classes with no specified parents.
This class is not stored in the `parent' slot of a class vector.

Function: gnus-create-info-command

Create a command that will go to info NODE.

Variable: comint-redirect-filter-functions

List of functions to call before inserting redirected process output.
Each function gets one argument, a string containing the text received
from the subprocess. It should return the string to insert, perhaps
the same string that was received, or perhaps a modified or transformed

The functions on the list are called sequentially, and each one is given
the string returned by the previous one. The string returned by the
last function is the text that is actually inserted in the redirection buffer.

You can use `add-hook' to add functions to this list either globally or locally.

Variable: ansi-color-apply-face-function

Function for applying an Ansi Color face to text in a buffer.
This function should accept three arguments: BEG, END, and FACE,
and it should apply face FACE to the text between BEG and END.

Function: remove-if

Remove all items satisfying PREDICATE in SEQ.
This is a non-destructive function; it makes a copy of SEQ if necessary
to avoid corrupting the original SEQ.

Keywords supported: :key :count :start :end :from-end


Variable: font-lock-comment-delimiter-face

Face name to use for comment delimiters.

Face: font-lock-comment-delimiter-face

Font Lock mode face used to highlight comment delimiters.

Function: unsafep

Return nil if evaluating FORM couldn't possibly do any harm.
Otherwise result is a reason why FORM is unsafe.
UNSAFEP-VARS is a list of symbols with local bindings.

(fn FORM &optional UNSAFEP-VARS)

Function: backquote-list*-function

Like `list' but the last argument is the tail of the new list.

For example (backquote-list* 'a 'b 'c) => (a b . c)

Function: completion-in-region--postch


Function: mail-extract-address-components

Given an RFC-822 address ADDRESS, extract full name and canonical address.
Returns a list of the form (FULL-NAME CANONICAL-ADDRESS). If no
name can be extracted, FULL-NAME will be nil. Also see
`mail-extr-ignore-single-names' and

If the optional argument ALL is non-nil, then ADDRESS can contain zero
or more recipients, separated by commas, and we return a list of
the form ((FULL-NAME CANONICAL-ADDRESS) ...) with one element for
each recipient. If ALL is nil, then if ADDRESS contains more than
one recipients, all but the first is ignored.

ADDRESS may be a string or a buffer. If it is a buffer, the visible
(narrowed) portion of the buffer will be interpreted as the address.
(This feature exists so that the clever caller might be able to avoid consing a string.) (fn ADDRESS &optional ALL)

Function: test-completion

Return non-nil if STRING is a valid completion.
Takes the same arguments as `all-completions' and `try-completion'.
If COLLECTION is a function, it is called with three arguments:
the values STRING, PREDICATE and `lambda'.


Function: cl-seventh

Return the seventh element of the list X.

(fn X)

Function: paragraph-indent-minor-mode

Minor mode for editing text, with leading spaces starting a paragraph.
In this mode, you do not need blank lines between paragraphs when the
first line of the following paragraph starts with whitespace, as with
Turning on Paragraph-Indent minor mode runs the normal hook

Variable: paragraph-indent-minor-mode

Non-nil if Paragraph-Indent minor mode is enabled.
Use the command `paragraph-indent-minor-mode' to change this variable.

Variable: lazy-highlight-interval

Seconds between lazily highlighting successive matches.

Function: locale-translate

Expand LOCALE according to `locale-translation-file-name', if possible.
For example, translate "swedish" into "sv_SE.ISO8859-1".

Variable: latin1-display-ucs-per-lynx

Set up Latin-1/ASCII display for Unicode characters.
This uses the transliterations of the Lynx browser. The display isn't
changed if the display can render Unicode characters.

Setting this variable directly does not take effect;
use either M-x customize or the function `latin1-display'.

Variable: before-change-functions

List of functions to call before each text change.
Two arguments are passed to each function: the positions of
the beginning and end of the range of old text to be changed.
(For an insertion, the beginning and end are at the same place.)
No information is given about the length of the text after the change.

Buffer changes made while executing the `before-change-functions'
don't call any before-change or after-change functions.
That's because `inhibit-modification-hooks' is temporarily set non-nil.

If an unhandled error happens in running these functions,
the variable's value remains nil. That prevents the error
from happening repeatedly and making Emacs nonfunctional.

Function: log10

Return the logarithm base 10 of ARG.

(fn ARG)

Function: commandp

Non-nil if FUNCTION makes provisions for interactive calling.
This means it contains a description for how to read arguments to give it.
The value is nil for an invalid function or a symbol with no function

Interactively callable functions include strings and vectors (treated
as keyboard macros), lambda-expressions that contain a top-level call
to `interactive', autoload definitions made by `autoload' with non-nil
fourth argument, and some of the built-in functions of Lisp.

Also, a symbol satisfies `commandp' if its function definition does so.

If the optional argument FOR-CALL-INTERACTIVELY is non-nil,
then strings and vectors are not accepted. (fn FUNCTION &optional FOR-CALL-INTERACTIVELY)

Function: intern-soft

Return the canonical symbol named NAME, or nil if none exists.
NAME may be a string or a symbol. If it is a symbol, that exact
symbol is searched for.
A second optional argument specifies the obarray to use;
it defaults to the value of `obarray'.

(fn NAME &optional OBARRAY)

Variable: mail-citation-prefix-regexp

Regular expression to match a citation prefix plus whitespace.
It should match whatever sort of citation prefixes you want to handle,
with whitespace before and after; it should also match just whitespace.
The default value matches citations like `foo-bar>' plus whitespace.

Function: isearch-process-search-multibyte-characters


Function: doctex-mode

Major mode to edit DocTeX files.


Function: window-height

Return the total height, in lines, of window WINDOW.
WINDOW must be a valid window and defaults to the selected one.

The return value includes the mode line and header line, if any.
If WINDOW is an internal window, the total height is the height
of the screen areas spanned by its children.

On a graphical display, this total height is reported as an
integer multiple of the default character height. (fn &optional WINDOW)

Variable: sh-shell-variables-initialized

Non-nil if `sh-shell-variables' is initialized.

Variable: help-xref-forward-stack

A stack used to navigate help forwards after using the back button.
Used by `help-follow' and `help-xref-go-forward'.
An element looks like (POSITION FUNCTION ARGS...).
To use the element, do (apply FUNCTION ARGS) then goto the point.

Function: mouse-drag-line

Drag a mode line, header line, or vertical line with the mouse.
START-EVENT is the starting mouse-event of the drag action. LINE
must be one of the symbols `header', `mode', or `vertical'.


Function: read-char-by-name

Read a character by its Unicode name or hex number string.
Display PROMPT and read a string that represents a character by its
Unicode property `name' or `old-name'.

This function returns the character as a number.

You can type a few of the first letters of the Unicode name and
use completion. If you type a substring of the Unicode name
preceded by an asterisk `*' and use completion, it will show all
the characters whose names include that substring, not necessarily
at the beginning of the name.

This function also accepts a hexadecimal number of Unicode code
point or a number in hash notation, e.g. #o21430 for octal, #x2318 for hex, or #10r8984 for decimal.

Function: longlines-mode

Toggle Long Lines mode in this buffer.
With a prefix argument ARG, enable Long Lines mode if ARG is
positive, and disable it otherwise. If called from Lisp, enable
the mode if ARG is omitted or nil.

When Long Lines mode is enabled, long lines are wrapped if they
extend beyond `fill-column'. The soft newlines used for line
wrapping will not show up when the text is yanked or saved to

If the variable `longlines-auto-wrap' is non-nil, lines are
automatically wrapped whenever the buffer is changed. You can
always call `fill-paragraph' to fill individual paragraphs.

If the variable `longlines-show-hard-newlines' is non-nil, hard
newlines are indicated with a symbol. (fn &optional ARG)

Function: emerge-merge-directories


Variable: default-major-mode

Value of `major-mode' for new buffers.

Function: memql

Return non-nil if ELT is an element of LIST. Comparison done with `eql'.
The value is actually the tail of LIST whose car is ELT.


Variable: last-command

The last command executed.
Normally a symbol with a function definition, but can be whatever was found
in the keymap, or whatever the variable `this-command' was set to by that

The value `mode-exit' is special; it means that the previous command
read an event that told it to exit, and it did so and unread that event.
In other words, the present command is the event that made the previous
command exit.

The value `kill-region' is special; it means that the previous command
was a kill command.

`last-command' has a separate binding for each terminal device. See Info node `(elisp)Multiple Terminals'.

Variable: byte-unbind

Byte code opcode for unbinding special bindings.

Function: sgml-name-char

Insert a symbolic character name according to `sgml-char-names'.
Non-ASCII chars may be inserted either with the meta key, as in M-SPC for
no-break space or M-- for a soft hyphen; or via an input method or
encoded keyboard operation.

Function: cl--block-wrapper

Return the argument unchanged.

(fn ARG)

Function: indent-code-rigidly

Indent all lines of code, starting in the region, sideways by ARG columns.
Does not affect lines starting inside comments or strings, assuming that
the start of the region is not inside them.

Called from a program, takes args START, END, COLUMNS and NOCHANGE-REGEXP.
The last is a regexp which, if matched at the beginning of a line,
means don't indent that line.

Variable: lisp-interaction-mode-hook

Hook run when entering Lisp Interaction mode.

Function: gnus-delete-first

Delete by side effect the first occurrence of ELT as a member of LIST.

Function: raise-sexp

Raise ARG sexps higher up the tree.

Function: elp-results

Display current profiling results.
If `elp-reset-after-results' is non-nil, then current profiling
information for all instrumented functions is reset after results are
displayed. (fn)

Function: customize-save-customized

Save all user options which have been set in this session.


Function: kill-line

Kill the rest of the current line; if no nonblanks there, kill thru newline.
With prefix argument ARG, kill that many lines from point.
Negative arguments kill lines backward.
With zero argument, kills the text before point on the current line.

When calling from a program, nil means "no arg",
a number counts as a prefix arg.

To kill a whole line, when point is not at the beginning, type C-a C-k C-k.

If `show-trailing-whitespace' is non-nil, this command will just
kill the rest of the current line, even if there are only
nonblanks there.

If `kill-whole-line' is non-nil, then this command kills the whole line
including its terminating newline, when used at the beginning of a line
with no argument. As a consequence, you can always kill a whole line
by typing C-a C-k.

If you want to append the killed line to the last killed text,
use C-M-w before C-k.

If the buffer is read-only, Emacs will beep and refrain from deleting
the line, but put the line in the kill ring anyway. This means that
you can use this command to copy text from a read-only buffer. (If the variable `kill-read-only-ok' is non-nil, then this won't even beep.)

Function: View-scroll-page-forward-set-page-size

Scroll forward LINES lines in View mode, setting the "page size".
This is the number of lines which M-x View-scroll-page-forward and
M-x View-scroll-page-backward scroll by default.
If LINES is omitted or = 0, sets "page size" to window height and
scrolls forward that much, otherwise scrolls forward LINES lines and sets
"page size" to the minimum of window height and the absolute value of LINES.
See also `View-scroll-page-forward'.

Function: vc-working-revision

Return the repository version from which FILE was checked out.
If FILE is not registered, this function always returns nil.

Function: isearch-quote-char

Quote special characters for incremental search.

Function: mouse-start-secondary

Set one end of the secondary selection to the position clicked on.
Use to set the other end
and complete the secondary selection.
(fn CLICK)

Function: tty-modify-color-alist

Put the association ELT into the alist of terminal colors for FRAME.
ELT should be of the form (NAME INDEX R G B) (see `tty-color-alist'
for details).
If the association for NAME already exists in the color alist, it is
modified to specify (INDEX R G B) as its cdr. Otherwise, ELT is
appended to the end of the color alist.
If FRAME is unspecified or nil, it defaults to the selected frame.
Value is the modified color alist for FRAME.

Function: window-redisplay-end-trigger

Return WINDOW's redisplay end trigger value.
WINDOW must be a live window and defaults to the selected one.
See `set-window-redisplay-end-trigger' for more information.

(fn &optional WINDOW)

Function: window-top-child

Return the topmost child window of window WINDOW.
WINDOW must be a valid window and defaults to the selected one.
Return nil if WINDOW is a live window (live windows have no children).
Return nil if WINDOW is an internal window whose children form a
horizontal combination. (fn WINDOW)

Function: encode-char

Encode the character CH into a code-point of CHARSET.
Return nil if CHARSET doesn't include CH.

Optional argument RESTRICTION specifies a way to map CH to a
code-point in CCS. Currently not supported and just ignored.


Function: shell--parse-pcomplete-arguments

Parse whitespace separated arguments in the current region.


Variable: comint-history-isearch

Non-nil to Isearch in input history only, not in comint buffer output.
If t, usual Isearch keys like `C-r' and `C-M-r' in comint mode search
in the input history.
If `dwim', Isearch keys search in the input history only when initial
point position is at the comint command line. When starting Isearch
from other parts of the comint buffer, they search in the comint buffer.
If nil, Isearch operates on the whole comint buffer.

Function: cl-mod

The remainder of X divided by Y, with the same sign as Y.

(fn X Y)

Function: view-todo

Display the Emacs TODO list.

Variable: undo-extra-outer-limit

If non-nil, an extra level of size that's ok in an undo item.
We don't ask the user about truncating the undo list until the
current item gets bigger than this amount.

This variable only matters if `undo-ask-before-discard' is non-nil.

Function: diary-mail-entries

Send a mail message showing diary entries for next NDAYS days.
If no prefix argument is given, NDAYS is set to `diary-mail-days'.
Mail is sent to the address specified by `diary-mail-addr'.

Here is an example of a script to call `diary-mail-entries',
suitable for regular scheduling using cron (or at). Note that
since `emacs -script' does not load your init file, you should
ensure that all relevant variables are set.

#!/usr/bin/emacs -script
;; diary-rem.el - run the Emacs diary-reminder

(setq diary-mail-days 3
diary-file "/path/to/diary.file"
calendar-date-style 'european
diary-mail-addr "user@host.name")

(diary-mail-entries) # diary-rem.el ends here (fn &optional NDAYS)

Function: font-variation-glyphs

Return a list of variation glyphs for CHAR in FONT-OBJECT.
Each element of the value is a cons (VARIATION-SELECTOR . GLYPH-ID),
VARIATION-SELECTOR is a character code of variation selection
(#xFE00..#xFE0F or #xE0100..#xE01EF)
GLYPH-ID is a glyph code of the corresponding variation glyph.


Function: ansi-color-for-comint-mode-filter

Set `ansi-color-for-comint-mode' to symbol `filter'.

Function: help-insert-string

Insert STRING to the help buffer and install xref info for it.
This function can be used to restore the old contents of the help buffer
when going back to the previous topic in the xref stack. It is needed
in case when it is impossible to recompute the old contents of the
help buffer by other means.

Function: intersection

Combine LIST1 and LIST2 using a set-intersection operation.
The resulting list contains all items that appear in both LIST1 and LIST2.
This is a non-destructive function; it makes a copy of the data if necessary
to avoid corrupting the original LIST1 and LIST2.

Keywords supported: :test :test-not :key


Variable: mouse-wheel-up-event

Event used for scrolling up.

Function: edit-abbrevs-mode

Major mode for editing the list of abbrev definitions.
key binding
--- -------

C-c Prefix Command
C-x Prefix Command

C-c C-c edit-abbrevs-redefine

C-x C-s abbrev-edit-save-buffer
C-x C-w abbrev-edit-save-to-file (fn)

Function: completion-basic-try-completion


Function: doc-view-mode-maybe

Switch to `doc-view-mode' if possible.
If the required external tools are not available, then fallback
to the next best mode. (fn)

Variable: x-hourglass-pointer-shape

The shape of the pointer when Emacs is busy.
This variable takes effect when you create a new frame
or when you set the mouse color.

Variable: load-source-file-function

Function called in `load' to load an Emacs Lisp source file.
The value should be a function for doing code conversion before
reading a source file. It can also be nil, in which case loading is
done without any code conversion.

If the value is a function, it is called with four arguments,
the file to load, FILE is the non-absolute name (for messages etc.),
and NOERROR and NOMESSAGE are the corresponding arguments passed to
`load'. The function should return t if the file was loaded.

Variable: timer-idle-list

List of active idle-time timers in order of increasing time.

Function: multi-isearch-next-buffer-from-list

Return the next buffer in the series of buffers.
This function is used for multiple buffers Isearch. A sequence of
buffers is defined by the variable `multi-isearch-buffer-list'
set in `multi-isearch-buffers' or `multi-isearch-buffers-regexp'.

Function: create-fontset-from-ascii-font

Create a fontset from an ASCII font FONT.

Optional 2nd arg RESOLVED-FONT is a resolved name of FONT.
If omitted, `x-resolve-font-name' is called to get the resolved name.
At this time, if FONT is not available, an error is signaled.

Optional 3rd arg FONTSET-NAME is a string to be used in
`' fields of a new fontset name. If it is omitted,
an appropriate name is generated automatically.

It returns a name of the created fontset.

Function: tetris

Play the Tetris game.
Shapes drop from the top of the screen, and the user has to move and
rotate the shape to fit in with those at the bottom of the screen so
as to form complete rows.

tetris-mode keybindings:

Uses keymap `tetris-mode-map', which is not currently defined.

M-x tetris-start-game Starts a new game of Tetris
M-x tetris-end-game Terminates the current game
M-x tetris-pause-game Pauses (or resumes) the current game
M-x tetris-move-left Moves the shape one square to the left
M-x tetris-move-right Moves the shape one square to the right
M-x tetris-rotate-prev Rotates the shape clockwise
M-x tetris-rotate-next Rotates the shape anticlockwise
M-x tetris-move-bottom Drops the shape to the bottom of the playing area (fn)

Function: fill-flowed-encode

(fn &optional BUFFER)

Function: byte-compile-setq-default

(fn FORM)

Function: shell-copy-environment-variable

Copy the environment variable VARIABLE from the subshell to Emacs.
This command reads the value of the specified environment variable
in the shell, and sets the same environment variable in Emacs
(what `getenv' in Emacs would return) to that value.
That value will affect any new subprocesses that you subsequently start
from Emacs. (fn VARIABLE)

Variable: syntax-ppss-last

Cache of (LAST-POS . LAST-PPSS).

Function: ansi-term

Start a terminal-emulator in a new buffer.


Function: previous-single-char-property-change

Return the position of previous text property or overlay change for a specific property.
Scans characters backward from POSITION till it finds
a change in the PROP property, then returns the position of the change.
If the optional third argument OBJECT is a buffer (or nil, which means
the current buffer), POSITION is a buffer position (integer or marker).
If OBJECT is a string, POSITION is a 0-based index into it.

In a string, scan runs to the start of the string.
In a buffer, it runs to (point-min), and the value cannot be less than that.

The property values are compared with `eq'.
If the property is constant all the way to the start of OBJECT, return the
first valid position in OBJECT.
If the optional fourth argument LIMIT is non-nil, don't search back past
position LIMIT; return LIMIT if nothing is found before reaching LIMIT. (fn POSITION PROP &optional OBJECT LIMIT)

Function: minibufferp

Return t if BUFFER is a minibuffer.
No argument or nil as argument means use current buffer as BUFFER.
BUFFER can be a buffer or a buffer name.

(fn &optional BUFFER)

Function: sc-cite-original

Workhorse citing function which performs the initial citation.
This is callable from the various mail and news readers' reply
function according to the agreed upon standard. See the associated
info node `(SC)Top' for more details.
`sc-cite-original' does not do any yanking of the
original message but it does require a few things:

1) The reply buffer is the current buffer.

2) The original message has been yanked and inserted into the
reply buffer.

3) Verbose mail headers from the original message have been
inserted into the reply buffer directly before the text of the
original message.

4) Point is at the beginning of the verbose headers.

5) Mark is at the end of the body of text to be cited.

The region need not be active (and typically isn't when this
function is called). Also, the hook `sc-pre-hook' is run before, and `sc-post-hook' is run after the guts of this function. (fn)

Variable: grep-history

History list for grep.

Function: pop-global-mark

Pop off global mark ring and jump to the top location.

Function: Info-bookmark-make-record

This implements the `bookmark-make-record-function' type (which see)
for Info nodes.

Face: info-menu-5

info-menu-5 is an alias for the face `info-menu-star'.
Face for every third `*' in an Info menu.

Function: cl--make-usage-args


Function: c-guess-region-no-install

Guess the style on the region; don't install it.

Every line of code in the region is examined and values for the following two
variables are guessed:

* `c-basic-offset', and
* the indentation values of the various syntactic symbols in

The guessed values are put into `c-guess-guessed-basic-offset' and

Frequencies of use are taken into account when guessing, so minor
inconsistencies in the indentation style shouldn't produce wrong guesses.

If given a prefix argument (or if the optional argument ACCUMULATE is
non-nil) then the previous examination is extended, otherwise a new
guess is made from scratch.

Note that the larger the region to guess in, the slower the guessing.
So you can limit the region with `c-guess-region-max'. (fn START END &optional ACCUMULATE)

Function: load-history-regexp

Form a regexp to find FILE in `load-history'.
FILE, a string, is described in the function `eval-after-load'.

Variable: completion-ignored-extensions

Completion ignores file names ending in any string in this list.
It does not ignore them if all possible completions end in one of
these strings or when displaying a list of completions.
It ignores directory names if they match any string in this list which
ends in a slash.

Variable: sh-indent-for-case-label

How much to indent a case label statement.
This is relative to the line containing the `case' statement.

Variable: mm-iso-8859-x-to-15-table

A table of the difference character between ISO-8859-X and ISO-8859-15.

Function: vc-git-responsible-p

(fn FILE)

Function: hexl-find-file

Edit file FILENAME as a binary file in hex dump format.
Switch to a buffer visiting file FILENAME, creating one if none exists,
and edit the file in `hexl-mode'.


Function: ert-run-tests-interactively

Run the tests specified by SELECTOR and display the results in a buffer.

SELECTOR works as described in `ert-select-tests'.
OUTPUT-BUFFER-NAME and MESSAGE-FN should normally be nil; they
are used for automated self-tests and specify which buffer to use
and how to display message.


Function: backward-up-list

Move backward out of one level of parentheses.
With ARG, do this that many times.
A negative argument means move forward but still to a less deep spot.
This command assumes point is not in a string or comment.

Function: window-configuration-frame

Return the frame that CONFIG, a window-configuration object, is about.


Function: help-highlight-arguments

(fn USAGE DOC &rest ARGS)

Variable: winner-pending-undo-ring

The ring currently used by `winner-undo'.

Function: url-ns-prefs

(fn &optional FILE)

Function: comint-redirect-send-command-to-process

Send COMMAND to PROCESS, with output to OUTPUT-BUFFER.
With prefix arg, echo output in process buffer.

If NO-DISPLAY is non-nil, do not show the output buffer.


Function: list-faces-display

List all faces, using the same sample text in each.
The sample text is a string that comes from the variable

If REGEXP is non-nil, list only those faces with names matching
this regular expression. When called interactively with a prefix
arg, prompt for a regular expression.

Function: mode-line-unbury-buffer

Call `unbury-buffer' in this window.

Function: fset

Set SYMBOL's function definition to DEFINITION, and return DEFINITION.


Function: encode-time-value

Encode HIGH, LOW, MICRO, and PICO into a time value of type TYPE.
Type 0 is the cons cell (HIGH . LOW), type 1 is the list (HIGH LOW),
type 2 is (HIGH LOW MICRO), and type 3 is (HIGH LOW MICRO PICO).

For backward compatibility, if only four arguments are given,
it is assumed that PICO was omitted and should be treated as zero.

Function: cl-concatenate

Concatenate, into a sequence of type TYPE, the argument SEQUENCEs.


Variable: blink-matching-paren-distance

If non-nil, maximum distance to search backwards for matching open-paren.
If nil, search stops at the beginning of the accessible portion of the buffer.

Function: load-theme

Load Custom theme named THEME from its file.
The theme file is named THEME-theme.el, in one of the directories
specified by `custom-theme-load-path'.

If the theme is not considered safe by `custom-safe-themes',
prompt the user for confirmation before loading it. But if
optional arg NO-CONFIRM is non-nil, load the theme without

Normally, this function also enables THEME. If optional arg
NO-ENABLE is non-nil, load the theme but don't enable it, unless
the theme was already enabled.

This function is normally called through Customize when setting
`custom-enabled-themes'. If used directly in your init file, it
should be called with a non-nil NO-CONFIRM argument, or after
`custom-safe-themes' has been loaded. Return t if THEME was successfully loaded, nil otherwise.

Function: activate-change-group

Activate a change group made with `prepare-change-group' (which see).

Function: set-visited-file-modtime

Update buffer's recorded modification time from the visited file's time.
Useful if the buffer was not read from the file normally
or if the file itself has been changed for some known benign reason.
An argument specifies the modification time value to use
(instead of that of the visited file), in the form of a list
(HIGH LOW USEC PSEC) as returned by `current-time'.

(fn &optional TIME-LIST)

Function: gnus-run-hooks

Does the same as `run-hooks', but saves the current buffer.

Function: pairlis

Make an alist from KEYS and VALUES.
Return a new alist composed by associating KEYS to corresponding VALUES;
the process stops as soon as KEYS or VALUES run out.
If ALIST is non-nil, the new pairs are prepended to it.

(fn KEYS VALUES &optional ALIST)

Variable: dbus-message-type-invalid

This value is never a valid message type.

Function: pcmpl-ssh-hosts

Return a list of known SSH hosts.
Uses both `pcmpl-ssh-config-file' and `pcmpl-ssh-known-hosts-file'.

Variable: x-gtk-stock-map

How icons for tool bars are mapped to Gtk+ stock items.
Emacs must be compiled with the Gtk+ toolkit for this to have any effect.
A value that begins with n: denotes a named icon instead of a stock icon.

Function: profiler-find-profile

Open profile FILENAME.


Function: hanoi-unix-64

Like hanoi-unix, but pretend to have a 64-bit clock.
This is, necessarily (as of Emacs 20.3), a crock. When the
current-time interface is made s2G-compliant, hanoi.el will need
to be updated. (fn)

Function: face-remap-reset-base

Set the base remapping of FACE to the normal definition of FACE.
This causes the remappings specified by `face-remap-add-relative'
to apply on top of the normal definition of FACE.
(fn FACE)

Function: tty-color-gray-shades

Return the number of gray colors supported by DISPLAY's terminal.
A color is considered gray if the 3 components of its RGB value are equal.

Variable: imagemagick-render-type

Integer indicating which ImageMagick rendering method to use.
The options are:
0 -- the default method (pixel pushing)
1 -- a newer method ("MagickExportImagePixels") that may perform
better (speed etc) in some cases, but has not been as thoroughly
tested with Emacs as the default method. This method requires
ImageMagick version 6.4.6 (approximately) or later.

Variable: truncate-lines

Non-nil means do not display continuation lines.
Instead, give each line of text just one screen line.

Note that this is overridden by the variable
`truncate-partial-width-windows' if that variable is non-nil
and this buffer is not full-frame width.

Minibuffers set this variable to nil.

Variable: throw-on-input

If non-nil, any keyboard input throws to this symbol.
The value of that variable is passed to `quit-flag' and later causes a
peculiar kind of quitting.

Variable: apropos-all-words-regexp

Regexp matching apropos-all-words.

Function: tooltip-identifier-from-point

Extract the identifier at POINT, if any.
Value is nil if no identifier exists at point. Identifier extraction
is based on the current syntax table.

Function: url-recreate-url

Recreate a URL string from the parsed URLOBJ.

Function: rcirc-track-minor-mode

Global minor mode for tracking activity in rcirc buffers.
With a prefix argument ARG, enable the mode if ARG is positive,
and disable it otherwise. If called from Lisp, enable the mode
if ARG is omitted or nil.

(fn &optional ARG)

Variable: rcirc-track-minor-mode

Non-nil if Rcirc-Track minor mode is enabled.
See the command `rcirc-track-minor-mode' for a description of this minor mode.
Setting this variable directly does not take effect;
either customize it (see the info node `Easy Customization')
or call the function `rcirc-track-minor-mode'.

Function: pr-txt-name

Interactively select a text printer.


Function: image-file-name-regexp

Return a regular expression matching image-file filenames.


Function: image-dired-jump-thumbnail-buffer

Jump to thumbnail buffer.


Function: image-dired-dired-with-window-configuration

Open directory DIR and create a default window configuration.

Convenience command that:

- Opens dired in folder DIR
- Splits windows in most useful (?) way
- Set `truncate-lines' to t

After the command has finished, you would typically mark some
image files in dired and type
M-x image-dired-display-thumbs (`image-dired-display-thumbs').

If called with prefix argument ARG, skip splitting of windows.

The current window configuration is saved and can be restored by
calling `image-dired-restore-window-configuration'. (fn DIR &optional ARG)

Function: rename-uniquely

Rename current buffer to a similar name not already taken.
This function is useful for creating multiple shell process buffers
or multiple mail buffers, etc.

Note that some commands, in particular those based on `compilation-mode'
(`compile', `grep', etc.) will reuse the current buffer if it has the
appropriate mode even if it has been renamed. So as well as renaming
the buffer, you also need to switch buffers before running another instance of such commands.

Function: load-library

Load the Emacs Lisp library named LIBRARY.
This is an interface to the function `load'. LIBRARY is searched
for in `load-path', both with and without `load-suffixes' (as
well as `load-file-rep-suffixes').

See Info node `(emacs)Lisp Libraries' for more details.
See `load-file' for a different interface to `load'.

Function: window-right

Return WINDOW's right sibling.
Return nil if WINDOW is the root window of its frame. WINDOW can
be any window.

Function: mouse-minibuffer-check

(fn EVENT)

Function: set-right-margin

Set the right margin of the region to WIDTH.
If `auto-fill-mode' is active, re-fill the region to fit the new margin.

Interactively, WIDTH is the prefix argument, if specified.
Without prefix argument, the command prompts for WIDTH.

Function: event-apply-alt-modifier

Add the Alt modifier to the following event.
For example, type C-x @ a & to enter Alt-&.

Variable: last-coding-system-used

Coding system used in the latest file or process I/O.

Variable: sh-leading-keywords

List of keywords that may be immediately followed by a builtin or keyword.
Given some confusion between keywords and builtins depending on shell and
system, the distinction here has been based on whether they influence the
flow of control or syntax. See `sh-feature'.

Function: cl-clrhash

Clear hash table TABLE and return it.

(fn TABLE)

Function: goto-address-mode

Minor mode to buttonize URLs and e-mail addresses in the current buffer.
With a prefix argument ARG, enable the mode if ARG is positive,
and disable it otherwise. If called from Lisp, enable the mode
if ARG is omitted or nil.

(fn &optional ARG)

Function: comment-forward

Skip forward over N comments.
Just like `forward-comment' but only for positive N
and can use regexps instead of syntax.

(fn &optional N)

Variable: search-ring-update

Non-nil if advancing or retreating in the search ring should cause search.
Default value, nil, means edit the string instead.

Variable: jit-lock-stealth-repeat-timer

Timer for repeated stealth fontification in Just-in-time Lock mode.

Function: kmacro-start-macro

Record subsequent keyboard input, defining a keyboard macro.
The commands are recorded even as they are executed.
Use C-x ) to finish recording and make the macro available.
Use C-x e to execute the macro.

Non-nil arg (prefix arg) means append to last macro defined.

With C-u prefix, append to last keyboard macro
defined. Depending on `kmacro-execute-before-append', this may begin
by re-executing the last macro as if you typed it again.

Otherwise, it sets `kmacro-counter' to ARG or 0 if missing before
defining the macro.

Use M-x kmacro-insert-counter to insert (and increment) the macro counter.
The counter value can be set or modified via M-x kmacro-set-counter and M-x kmacro-add-counter.
The format of the counter can be modified via M-x kmacro-set-format.

Use M-x kmacro-name-last-macro to give it a permanent name. Use M-x kmacro-bind-to-key to bind it to a key sequence. (fn ARG)

Function: color-defined-p

Return non-nil if COLOR is supported on frame FRAME.
COLOR should be a string naming a color (e.g. "white"), or a
string specifying a color's RGB components (e.g. "#ff12ec"), or
the symbol `unspecified'.

This function returns nil if COLOR is the symbol `unspecified',
or one of the strings "unspecified-fg" or "unspecified-bg".

If FRAME is omitted or nil, use the selected frame.

Function: standard-category-table

Return the standard category table.
This is the one used for new buffers.

Variable: help-event-list

List of input events to recognize as meaning Help.
These work just like the value of `help-char' (see that).

Function: minibuffer-history-isearch-push-state

Save a function restoring the state of minibuffer history search.
Save `minibuffer-history-position' to the additional state parameter
in the search status stack.

Function: rmail-mode

Rmail Mode is used by
Uses keymap `rmail-mode-map', which is not currently defined.
M-x rmail for editing Rmail files.
All normal editing commands are turned off.
Instead, these commands are available:

M-x rmail-beginning-of-message Move point to front of this message.
M-x rmail-end-of-message Move point to bottom of this message.
M-x scroll-up Scroll to next screen of this message.
M-x scroll-down Scroll to previous screen of this message.
M-x rmail-next-undeleted-message Move to Next non-deleted message.
M-x rmail-previous-undeleted-message Move to Previous non-deleted message.
M-x rmail-next-message Move to Next message whether deleted or not.
M-x rmail-previous-message Move to Previous message whether deleted or not.
M-x rmail-first-message Move to the first message in Rmail file.
M-x rmail-last-message Move to the last message in Rmail file.
M-x rmail-show-message Jump to message specified by numeric position in file.
M-x rmail-search Search for string and show message it is found in.
M-x rmail-delete-forward Delete this message, move to next nondeleted.
M-x rmail-delete-backward Delete this message, move to previous nondeleted.
M-x rmail-undelete-previous-message Undelete message. Tries current message, then earlier messages
till a deleted message is found.
M-x rmail-edit-current-message Edit the current message. M-x rmail-cease-edit to return to Rmail.
M-x rmail-expunge Expunge deleted messages.
M-x rmail-expunge-and-save Expunge and save the file.
M-x rmail-quit Quit Rmail: expunge, save, then switch to another buffer.
C-x C-s Save without expunging.
M-x rmail-get-new-mail Move new mail from system spool directory into this file.
M-x rmail-mail Mail a message (same as M-x mail-other-window).
M-x rmail-continue Continue composing outgoing message started before.
M-x rmail-reply Reply to this message. Like M-x rmail-mail but initializes some fields.
M-x rmail-retry-failure Send this message again. Used on a mailer failure message.
M-x rmail-forward Forward this message to another user.
M-x rmail-output Output (append) this message to another mail file.
M-x rmail-output-as-seen Output (append) this message to file as it's displayed.
M-x rmail-output-body-to-file Save message body to a file. Default filename comes from Subject line.
M-x rmail-input Input Rmail file. Run Rmail on that file.
M-x rmail-add-label Add label to message. It will be displayed in the mode line.
M-x rmail-kill-label Kill label. Remove a label from current message.
M-x rmail-next-labeled-message Move to Next message with specified label
(label defaults to last one specified).
Standard labels: filed, unseen, answered, forwarded, deleted.
Any other label is present only if you add it with M-x rmail-add-label.
M-x rmail-previous-labeled-message Move to Previous message with specified label
M-x rmail-summary Show headers buffer, with a one line summary of each message.
M-x rmail-summary-by-labels Summarize only messages with particular label(s).
M-x rmail-summary-by-recipients Summarize only messages with particular recipient(s).
M-x rmail-summary-by-regexp Summarize only messages with particular regexp(s). M-x rmail-summary-by-topic Summarize only messages with subject line regexp(s). M-x rmail-toggle-header Toggle display of complete header. (fn)

Function: negative-argument

Begin a negative numeric argument for the next command.
C-u following digits or minus sign ends the argument.

Variable: system-messages-locale

System locale for messages.

Function: byte-compile-goto


Function: mouse-drag-secondary

Set the secondary selection to the text that the mouse is dragged over.
Highlight the drag area as you move the mouse.
This must be bound to a button-down mouse event.
The function returns a non-nil value if it creates a secondary selection.


Function: jit-lock-mode

Toggle Just-in-time Lock mode.
Turn Just-in-time Lock mode on if and only if ARG is non-nil.
Enable it automatically by customizing group `font-lock'.

When Just-in-time Lock mode is enabled, fontification is different in the
following ways:

- Demand-driven buffer fontification triggered by Emacs C code.
This means initial fontification of the whole buffer does not occur.
Instead, fontification occurs when necessary, such as when scrolling
through the buffer would otherwise reveal unfontified areas. This is
useful if buffer fontification is too slow for large buffers.

- Stealthy buffer fontification if `jit-lock-stealth-time' is non-nil.
This means remaining unfontified areas of buffers are fontified if Emacs has
been idle for `jit-lock-stealth-time' seconds, while Emacs remains idle.
This is useful if any buffer has any deferred fontification.

- Deferred context fontification if `jit-lock-contextually' is
non-nil. This means fontification updates the buffer corresponding to
true syntactic context, after `jit-lock-context-time' seconds of Emacs
idle time, while Emacs remains idle. Otherwise, fontification occurs
on modified lines only, and subsequent lines can remain fontified
corresponding to previous syntactic contexts. This is useful where
strings or comments span lines.

Stealth fontification only occurs while the system remains unloaded.
If the system load rises above `jit-lock-stealth-load' percent, stealth
fontification is suspended. Stealth fontification intensity is controlled via the variable `jit-lock-stealth-nice'.

Variable: jit-lock-mode

Non-nil means Just-in-time Lock mode is active.

Function: gnus-sieve-update

Update the Sieve script in gnus-sieve-file, by replacing the region
between gnus-sieve-region-start and gnus-sieve-region-end with
(gnus-sieve-script gnus-sieve-select-method gnus-sieve-crosspost), then
execute gnus-sieve-update-shell-command.
See the documentation for these variables and functions for details. (fn)

Function: ediff-toggle-multiframe

Switch from multiframe display to single-frame display and back.
To change the default, set the variable `ediff-window-setup-function',
which see. (fn)

Variable: initial-window-system

Name of the window system that Emacs uses for the first frame.
The value is a symbol:
nil for a termcap frame (a character-only terminal),
'x' for an Emacs frame that is really an X window,
'w32' for an Emacs frame that is a window on MS-Windows display,
'ns' for an Emacs frame on a GNUstep or Macintosh Cocoa display,
'pc' for a direct-write MS-DOS frame.

Use of this variable as a boolean is deprecated. Instead,
use `display-graphic-p' or any of the other `display-*-p'
predicates which report frame's specific UI-related capabilities.

Function: sh-find-prev-switch

Find the line for the switch keyword matching this line's case keyword.

Variable: byte-compile-dest-file-function

Function for the function `byte-compile-dest-file' to call.
It should take one argument, the name of an Emacs Lisp source
file name, and return the name of the compiled file.

Function: x-dnd-more-than-3-from-flags

Return the nmore-than3 bit from the 32 bit FLAGS in an XDndEnter message

Function: file-cache-add-directory-list

Add DIRECTORY-LIST (a list of directory names) to the file cache.
If the optional REGEXP argument is non-nil, only files which match it
will be added to the cache. Note that the REGEXP is applied to the
files in each directory, not to the directory list itself.


Function: macroexp-unprogn

Turn EXP into a list of expressions to execute in sequence.

(fn EXP)

Function: forward-comment

Move forward across up to COUNT comments. If COUNT is negative, move backward.
Stop scanning if we find something other than a comment or whitespace.
Set point to where scanning stops.
If COUNT comments are found as expected, with nothing except whitespace
between them, return t; otherwise return nil. (fn COUNT)

Variable: eieio-error-unsupported-class-tags

Non-nil to throw an error if an encountered tag is unsupported.
This may prevent classes from CLOS applications from being used with EIEIO
since EIEIO does not support all CLOS tags.

Function: cl-set-getf


Function: read-language-name

Read a language environment name which has information for KEY.
If KEY is nil, read any language environment.
Prompt with PROMPT. DEFAULT is the default choice of language environment.
This returns a language environment name as a string.

Variable: minibuffer-history-case-insensitive-variables

Minibuffer history variables for which matching should ignore case.
If a history variable is a member of this list, then the
M-x previous-matching-history-element and M-x next-matching-history-element commands ignore case when searching it, regardless of `case-fold-search'.

Function: display-time

Enable display of time, load level, and mail flag in mode lines.
This display updates automatically every minute.
If `display-time-day-and-date' is non-nil, the current day and date
are displayed as well.
This runs the normal hook `display-time-hook' after each update.

Variable: remote-file-name-inhibit-cache

Whether to use the remote file-name cache for read access.
When `nil', never expire cached values (caution)
When `t', never use the cache (safe, but may be slow)
A number means use cached values for that amount of seconds since caching.

The attributes of remote files are cached for better performance.
If they are changed outside of Emacs's control, the cached values
become invalid, and must be reread. If you are sure that nothing
other than Emacs changes the files, you can set this variable to `nil'.

If a remote file is checked regularly, it might be a good idea to
let-bind this variable to a value less than the interval between
consecutive checks. For example:

(defun display-time-file-nonempty-p (file)
(let ((remote-file-name-inhibit-cache (- display-time-interval 5)))
(and (file-exists-p file)
(< 0 (nth 7 (file-attributes (file-chase-links file)))))))

Function: gnus-put-overlay-excluding-newlines

The same as `put-text-property', but don't put this prop on any newlines in the region.

Function: Info-apropos-find-file

Apropos-specific implementation of `Info-find-file'.

Function: vc-next-action

Do the next logical version control operation on the current fileset.
This requires that all files in the current VC fileset be in the
same state. If not, signal an error.

For merging-based version control systems:
If every file in the VC fileset is not registered for version
control, register the fileset (but don't commit).
If every work file in the VC fileset is added or changed, pop
up a *vc-log* buffer to commit the fileset.
For a centralized version control system, if any work file in
the VC fileset is out of date, offer to update the fileset.

For old-style locking-based version control systems, like RCS:
If every file is not registered, register the file(s).
If every file is registered and unlocked, check out (lock)
the file(s) for editing.
If every file is locked by you and has changes, pop up a
*vc-log* buffer to check in the changes. If the variable
`vc-keep-workfiles' is non-nil (the default), leave a
read-only copy of each changed file after checking in.
If every file is locked by you and unchanged, unlock them.
If every file is locked by someone else, offer to steal the lock. (fn VERBOSE)

Variable: rmail-file-coding-system

Coding system used in RMAIL file.

This is set to nil by default.

Function: image-dired-dired-toggle-marked-thumbs

Toggle thumbnails in front of file names in the dired buffer.
If no marked file could be found, insert or hide thumbnails on the
current line. ARG, if non-nil, specifies the files to use instead
of the marked files. If ARG is an integer, use the next ARG (or
previous -ARG, if ARG<0) files.
(fn &optional ARG)

Function: dig

Query addresses of a DOMAIN using dig, by calling `dig-invoke'.
Optional arguments are passed to `dig-invoke'.


Function: run-scheme

Run an inferior Scheme process, input and output via buffer `*scheme*'.
If there is a process already running in `*scheme*', switch to that buffer.
With argument, allows you to edit the command line (default is value
of `scheme-program-name').
If the file `~/.emacs_SCHEMENAME' or `~/.emacs.d/init_SCHEMENAME.scm' exists,
it is given as initial input.
Note that this may lose due to a timing error if the Scheme processor
discards input when it starts up.
Runs the hook `inferior-scheme-mode-hook' (after the `comint-mode-hook'
is run).
(Type C-h m in the process buffer for a list of commands.) (fn CMD)

Function: x-close-connection

Close the connection to TERMINAL's X server.
For TERMINAL, specify a terminal object, a frame or a display name (a
string). If TERMINAL is nil, that stands for the selected frame's

Function: cl-eighth

Return the eighth element of the list X.

(fn X)

Function: standard-display-graphic

Display character C as character GC in graphics character set.
This function assumes VT100-compatible escapes; it is meaningless for an
X frame.

Function: window-state-get

Return state of WINDOW as a Lisp object.
WINDOW can be any window and defaults to the root window of the
selected frame.

Optional argument WRITABLE non-nil means do not use markers for
sampling `window-point' and `window-start'. Together, WRITABLE
and the variable `window-persistent-parameters' specify which
window parameters are saved by this function. WRITABLE should be
non-nil when the return value shall be written to a file and read
back in another session. Otherwise, an application may run into
an `invalid-read-syntax' error while attempting to read back the
value from file.

The return value can be used as argument for `window-state-put'
to put the state recorded here into an arbitrary window. The
value can be also stored on disk and read back in a new session.

Function: copy-to-register

Copy region into register REGISTER.
With prefix arg, delete as well.
Called from program, takes four args: REGISTER, START, END and DELETE-FLAG.
START and END are buffer positions indicating what to copy.

Function: file-truename

Return the truename of FILENAME.
If FILENAME is not absolute, first expands it against `default-directory'.
The truename of a file name is found by chasing symbolic links
both at the level of the file and at the level of the directories
containing it, until no links are left at any level. (fn FILENAME)

Function: class-direct-superclasses

Return parent classes to CLASS. (overload of variable).

The CLOS function `class-direct-superclasses' is aliased to this function.

Variable: completion-list-mode-hook

Hook run when entering Completion List mode.
No problems result if this variable is not bound.
`add-hook' automatically binds it. (This is true for all hook variables.)

Variable: grep-setup-hook

List of hook functions run by `grep-process-setup' (see `run-hooks').

Function: ebnf-spool-file

Generate and spool a PostScript syntactic chart image of the file FILE.

If optional arg DO-NOT-KILL-BUFFER-WHEN-DONE is non-nil, the buffer isn't
killed after process termination.

See also `ebnf-spool-buffer'.


Variable: eval-buffer-list

List of buffers being read from by calls to `eval-buffer' and `eval-region'.

Variable: minor-mode-overriding-map-alist

Alist of keymaps to use for minor modes, in current major mode.
This variable is an alist just like `minor-mode-map-alist', and it is
used the same way (and before `minor-mode-map-alist'); however,
it is provided for major modes to bind locally.

Variable: url-nonrelative-link

A regular expression that will match an absolute URL.

Function: cl-cddar

Return the `cdr' of the `cdr' of the `car' of X.

(fn X)

Variable: dabbrev-case-replace

Whether dabbrev applies the abbreviations's case pattern to the expansion.

A value of nil means preserve the expansion's case pattern.
A value of `case-replace' means preserve it if `case-replace' is nil.
Any other non-nil value means modify the expansion
by applying the abbreviation's case pattern to it.

This variable has an effect only when the value of
`dabbrev-case-fold-search' specifies to ignore case.

Variable: overflow-newline-into-fringe

Non-nil means that newline may flow into the right fringe.
This means that display lines which are exactly as wide as the window
(not counting the final newline) will only occupy one screen line, by
showing (or hiding) the final newline in the right fringe; when point
is at the final newline, the cursor is shown in the right fringe.
If nil, also continue lines which are exactly as wide as the window.

Function: point-min

Return the minimum permissible value of point in the current buffer.
This is 1, unless narrowing (a buffer restriction) is in effect.

Function: split-char

Return list of charset and one to four position-codes of CH.
The charset is decided by the current priority order of charsets.
A position-code is a byte value of each dimension of the code-point of
CH in the charset. (fn CH)

Function: byte-compile-unfold-lambda

(fn FORM &optional NAME)

Function: ring-insert+extend

Like `ring-insert', but if GROW-P is non-nil, then enlarge ring.
Insert onto ring RING the item ITEM, as the newest (last) item.
If the ring is full, behavior depends on GROW-P:
If GROW-P is non-nil, enlarge the ring to accommodate the new item.
If GROW-P is nil, dump the oldest item to make room for the new.

Function: insert-zippyism

Prompt with completion for a known Zippy quotation, and insert it at point.

(fn &optional ZIPPYISM)

Function: image-mode

Major mode for image files.
You can use
Uses keymap `image-mode-map', which is not currently defined.
M-x image-toggle-display
to toggle between display as an image and display as text. (fn)

Function: window--delete

Delete WINDOW if possible.
WINDOW must be a live window and defaults to the selected one.
Optional argument DEDICATED-ONLY non-nil means to delete WINDOW
only if it's dedicated to its buffer. Optional argument KILL
means the buffer shown in window will be killed. Return non-nil
if WINDOW gets deleted or its frame is auto-hidden.

Function: transpose-chars

Interchange characters around point, moving forward one character.
With prefix arg ARG, effect is to take character before point
and drag it forward past ARG other characters (backward if ARG negative).
If no argument and at end of line, the previous two chars are exchanged.

Function: temp-buffer-resize-mode

Toggle auto-resizing temporary buffer windows (Temp Buffer Resize Mode).
With a prefix argument ARG, enable Temp Buffer Resize mode if ARG
is positive, and disable it otherwise. If called from Lisp,
enable the mode if ARG is omitted or nil.

When Temp Buffer Resize mode is enabled, the windows in which we
show a temporary buffer are automatically resized in height to
fit the buffer's contents, but never more than
`temp-buffer-max-height' nor less than `window-min-height'.

A window is resized only if it has been specially created for the
buffer. Windows that have shown another buffer before are not
resized. A frame is resized only if `fit-frame-to-buffer' is

This mode is used by `help', `apropos' and `completion' buffers, and some others.

Variable: temp-buffer-resize-mode

Non-nil if Temp-Buffer-Resize mode is enabled.
See the command `temp-buffer-resize-mode' for a description of this minor mode.
Setting this variable directly does not take effect;
either customize it (see the info node `Easy Customization')
or call the function `temp-buffer-resize-mode'.

Variable: memory-signal-data

Precomputed `signal' argument for memory-full error.

Function: set-input-mode

Set mode of reading keyboard input.
First arg INTERRUPT non-nil means use input interrupts;
nil means use CBREAK mode.
Second arg FLOW non-nil means use ^S/^Q flow control for output to terminal
(no effect except in CBREAK mode).
Third arg META t means accept 8-bit input (for a Meta key).
META nil means ignore the top bit, on the assumption it is parity.
Otherwise, accept 8-bit input and don't use the top bit for Meta.
Optional fourth arg QUIT if non-nil specifies character to use for quitting.
See also `current-input-mode'.

Variable: shell-pushd-regexp

Regexp to match subshell commands equivalent to pushd.

Variable: Info-scroll-prefer-subnodes

If non-nil, SPC in a menu visits subnodes.

If this is non-nil, and you scroll far enough in a node that its menu
appears on the screen, the next SPC
moves to a subnode indicated by the following menu item. This means
that you visit a subnode before getting to the end of the menu.

Setting this option to nil results in behavior similar to the stand-alone
Info reader program, which visits the first subnode from the menu only
when you hit the end of the current node.

Function: re-search-forward-lax-whitespace

Search forward for REGEXP, matching a sequence of whitespace chars.

Variable: display-mm-dimensions-alist

Alist for specifying screen dimensions in millimeters.
The dimensions will be used for `display-mm-height' and
`display-mm-width' if defined for the respective display.

Each element of the alist has the form (display . (width . height)),
e.g. (":0.0" . (287 . 215)).

If `display' equals t, it specifies dimensions for all graphical
displays not explicitly specified.

Function: window-total-size

Return the total height or width of WINDOW.
WINDOW must be a valid window and defaults to the selected one.

If HORIZONTAL is omitted or nil, return the total height of
WINDOW, in lines, like `window-total-height'. Otherwise return
the total width, in columns, like `window-total-width'.

Function: profiler-cpu-stop

Stop the cpu profiler. The profiler log is not affected.
Return non-nil if the profiler was running.

Function: map-char-table

Call FUNCTION for each character in CHAR-TABLE that has non-nil value.
FUNCTION is called with two arguments, KEY and VALUE.
KEY is a character code or a cons of character codes specifying a
range of characters that have the same value.
VALUE is what (char-table-range CHAR-TABLE KEY) returns.


Function: gnus-dd-mmm

Return a string like DD-MMM from a big messy string.

Function: framep

Return non-nil if OBJECT is a frame.
Value is:
t for a termcap frame (a character-only terminal),
'x' for an Emacs frame that is really an X window,
'w32' for an Emacs frame that is a window on MS-Windows display,
'ns' for an Emacs frame on a GNUstep or Macintosh Cocoa display,
'pc' for a direct-write MS-DOS frame.
See also `frame-live-p'. (fn OBJECT)

Function: set-category-table

Specify TABLE as the category table for the current buffer.
Return TABLE.

(fn TABLE)

Function: interactive-form

Return the interactive form of CMD or nil if none.
If CMD is not a command, the return value is nil.
Value, if non-nil, is a list (interactive SPEC).
(fn CMD)

Function: byte-optimize-apply

(fn FORM)

Function: dabbrev--find-expansion

Find one occurrence of ABBREV, and return the expansion.
DIRECTION > 0 means look that many times backwards.
DIRECTION < 0 means look that many times forward.
DIRECTION = 0 means try both backward and forward.
IGNORE-CASE non-nil means ignore case when searching.
This sets `dabbrev--last-direction' to 1 or -1 according
to the direction in which the occurrence was actually found.
It sets `dabbrev--last-expansion-location' to the location
of the start of the occurrence.

Function: what-page

Print page and line number of point.

Variable: font-lock-syntactic-keywords

A list of the syntactic keywords to put syntax properties on.
The value can be the list itself, or the name of a function or variable
whose value is the list.

See `font-lock-keywords' for a description of the form of this list;
only the differences are stated here. MATCH-HIGHLIGHT should be of the form:


where SYNTAX can be a string (as taken by `modify-syntax-entry'), a syntax
table, a cons cell (as returned by `string-to-syntax') or an expression whose
value is such a form. OVERRIDE cannot be `prepend' or `append'.

Here are two examples of elements of `font-lock-syntactic-keywords'
and what they do:

("\\$\\(#\\)" 1 ".")

gives a hash character punctuation syntax (".") when following a
dollar-sign character. Hash characters in other contexts will still
follow whatever the syntax table says about the hash character.

(1 "\"")
(2 "\""))

gives a pair single-quotes, which surround a single character, a SYNTAX of
"\"" (meaning string quote syntax). Single-quote characters in other contexts will not be affected. This is normally set via `font-lock-defaults'.

Function: edit-abbrevs-redefine

Redefine abbrevs according to current buffer contents.


Function: eshell-command

Execute the Eshell command string COMMAND.
With prefix ARG, insert output into the current buffer at point.

(fn &optional COMMAND ARG)

Function: set-face-underline-p

Specify whether face FACE is underlined.
UNDERLINE nil means FACE explicitly doesn't underline.
UNDERLINE t means FACE underlines with its foreground color.
If UNDERLINE is a string, underline with that color.

UNDERLINE may also be a list of the form (:color COLOR :style STYLE),
where COLOR is a string or `foreground-color', and STYLE is either
`line' or `wave'. :color may be omitted, which means to use the
foreground color. :style may be omitted, which means to use a line.

FRAME nil or not specified means change face on all frames.
Use `set-face-attribute' to ``unspecify'' underlining.

Function: deactivate-mark

Deactivate the mark.
If Transient Mark mode is disabled, this function normally does
nothing; but if FORCE is non-nil, it deactivates the mark anyway.

Deactivating the mark sets `mark-active' to nil, updates the
primary selection according to `select-active-regions', and runs

If Transient Mark mode was temporarily enabled, reset the value
of the variable `transient-mark-mode'; if this causes Transient
Mark mode to be disabled, don't change `mark-active' to nil or run `deactivate-mark-hook'.

Variable: deactivate-mark

If an editing command sets this to t, deactivate the mark afterward.
The command loop sets this to nil before each command,
and tests the value when the command returns.
Buffer modification stores t in this variable.

Function: byte-optimize-divide

(fn FORM)

Function: cl-unload-function

Stop unloading of the Common Lisp extensions.


Function: fixup-whitespace

Fixup white space between objects around point.
Leave one space or none, according to the context.

Function: mail-other-window

Like `mail' command, but display mail buffer in another window.


Function: mailclient-send-it

Pass current buffer on to the system's mail client.
Suitable value for `send-mail-function'.
The mail client is taken to be the handler of mailto URLs. (fn)

Function: find-image

Find an image, choosing one of a list of image specifications.

SPECS is a list of image specifications.

Each image specification in SPECS is a property list. The contents of
a specification are image type dependent. All specifications must at
least contain the properties `:type TYPE' and either `:file FILE' or
`:data DATA', where TYPE is a symbol specifying the image type,
e.g. `xbm', FILE is the file to load the image from, and DATA is a
string containing the actual image data. The specification whose TYPE
is supported, and FILE exists, is used to construct the image
specification to be returned. Return nil if no specification is

The image is looked for in `image-load-path'.

Image files should not be larger than specified by `max-image-size'.

Function: call-process-shell-command

Execute the shell command COMMAND synchronously in separate process.
The remaining arguments are optional.
The program's input comes from file INFILE (nil means `/dev/null').
Insert output in BUFFER before point; t means current buffer;
nil for BUFFER means discard it; 0 means discard and don't wait.
BUFFER can also have the form (REAL-BUFFER STDERR-FILE); in that case,
REAL-BUFFER says what to do with standard output, as above,
while STDERR-FILE says what to do with standard error in the child.
STDERR-FILE may be nil (discard standard error output),
t (mix it with ordinary output), or a file name string.

Fourth arg DISPLAY non-nil means redisplay buffer as output is inserted.
Remaining arguments are strings passed as additional arguments for COMMAND.
Wildcards and redirection are handled as usual in the shell.

If BUFFER is 0, `call-process-shell-command' returns immediately with value nil.
Otherwise it waits for COMMAND to terminate and returns a numeric exit
status or a signal description string.
If you quit, the process is killed with SIGINT, or SIGKILL if you quit again.

Function: window-list-1

Return a list of all live windows.
WINDOW specifies the first window to list and defaults to the selected

Optional argument MINIBUF nil or omitted means consider the minibuffer
window only if the minibuffer is active. MINIBUF t means consider the
minibuffer window even if the minibuffer is not active. Any other value
means do not consider the minibuffer window even if the minibuffer is

Optional argument ALL-FRAMES nil or omitted means consider all windows
on WINDOW's frame, plus the minibuffer window if specified by the
MINIBUF argument. If the minibuffer counts, consider all windows on all
frames that share that minibuffer too. The following non-nil values of
ALL-FRAMES have special meanings:

- t means consider all windows on all existing frames.

- `visible' means consider all windows on all visible frames.

- 0 (the number zero) means consider all windows on all visible and
iconified frames.

- A frame means consider all windows on that frame only.

Anything else means consider all windows on WINDOW's frame and no

If WINDOW is not on the list of windows returned, some other window will be listed first but no error is signaled. (fn &optional WINDOW MINIBUF ALL-FRAMES)

Variable: command-error-function

If non-nil, function to output error messages.
The arguments are the error data, a list of the form
such as just as `condition-case' would bind its variable to,
the context (a string which normally goes at the start of the message),
and the Lisp function within which the error was signaled.

Function: slot-unbound

Slot unbound is invoked during an attempt to reference an unbound slot.

Function: cl--set-elt

(fn SEQ N VAL)

Variable: Buffer-menu-name-width

Width of buffer name column in the Buffer Menu.

Function: bad-package-check

Run a check using the element from `bad-packages-alist' matching PACKAGE.

Function: table-insert-row-column

Insert row(s) or column(s).
See `table-insert-row' and `table-insert-column'.


Function: rot13-string

Return ROT13 encryption of STRING.


Function: octave-mode

Major mode for editing Octave code.

This mode makes it easier to write Octave code by helping with
indentation, doing some of the typing for you (with Abbrev mode) and by
showing keywords, comments, strings, etc. in different faces (with
Font Lock mode on terminals that support it).

Octave itself is a high-level language, primarily intended for numerical
computations. It provides a convenient command line interface for
solving linear and nonlinear problems numerically. Function definitions
can also be stored in files, and it can be used in a batch mode (which
is why you need this mode!).

The latest released version of Octave is always available via anonymous
ftp from ftp.octave.org in the directory `/pub/octave'. Complete
source and binaries for several popular systems are available.

Type M-x list-abbrevs to display the built-in abbrevs for Octave keywords.


Uses keymap `octave-mode-map', which is not currently defined.

Variables you can use to customize Octave mode

Non-nil means show matching begin of block when inserting a space,
newline or semicolon after an else or end keyword. Default is t.

Extra indentation applied to statements in block structures.
Default is 2.

Extra indentation applied to Octave continuation lines.
Default is 4.

String used for Octave continuation lines.
Default is a backslash.

Non-nil means always display `inferior-octave-buffer' after sending a
command to the inferior Octave process.

Non-nil means always go to the next unsent line of Octave code after
sending a line to the inferior Octave process.

Non-nil means echo input sent to the inferior Octave process.

Turning on Octave mode runs the hook `octave-mode-hook'.

To begin using this mode for all `.m' files that you edit, add the
following lines to your init file:

(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.m\\'" . octave-mode))

To automatically turn on the abbrev and auto-fill features,
add the following lines to your init file as well:

(add-hook 'octave-mode-hook
(lambda ()
(abbrev-mode 1)
(auto-fill-mode 1)))

To submit a problem report, enter M-x octave-submit-bug-report from an Octave mode buffer. This automatically sets up a mail buffer with version information already added. You just need to add a description of the problem, including a reproducible test case and send the message. (fn)

Function: window-resizable

Return DELTA if WINDOW can be resized vertically by DELTA lines.
WINDOW must be a valid window and defaults to the selected one.
Optional argument HORIZONTAL non-nil means return DELTA if WINDOW
can be resized horizontally by DELTA columns. A return value of
zero means that WINDOW is not resizable.

DELTA positive means WINDOW shall be enlarged by DELTA lines or
columns. If WINDOW cannot be enlarged by DELTA lines or columns
return the maximum value in the range 0..DELTA by which WINDOW
can be enlarged.

DELTA negative means WINDOW shall be shrunk by -DELTA lines or
columns. If WINDOW cannot be shrunk by -DELTA lines or columns,
return the minimum value in the range DELTA..0 that can be used
for shrinking WINDOW.

Optional argument IGNORE non-nil means ignore restrictions
imposed by fixed size windows, `window-min-height' or
`window-min-width' settings. If IGNORE is a window, ignore
restrictions for that window only. If IGNORE equals `safe',
live windows may get as small as `window-safe-min-height' lines
and `window-safe-min-width' columns. Any other non-nil value means ignore all of the above restrictions for all windows.

Function: vc-git-extra-fileinfo->rename-state

(fn CL-X)

Function: tooltip-start-delayed-tip

Add a one-shot timeout to call function `tooltip-timeout'.

Function: x-dnd-insert-ctext

Decode the compound text and insert it at point.
TEXT is the text as a string, WINDOW is the window where the drop happened.

Function: timeclock-status-string

Report the overall timeclock status at the present moment.
If SHOW-SECONDS is non-nil, display second resolution.
If TODAY-ONLY is non-nil, the display will be relative only to time
worked today, ignoring the time worked on previous days.


Function: shadow-define-cluster

Edit (or create) the definition of a cluster NAME.
This is a group of hosts that share directories, so that copying to or from
one of them is sufficient to update the file on all of them. Clusters are
defined by a name, the network address of a primary host (the one we copy
files to), and a regular expression that matches the hostnames of all the
sites in the cluster. (fn NAME)

Function: ispell-message

Check the spelling of a mail message or news post.
Don't check spelling of message headers except the Subject field.
Don't check included messages.

To abort spell checking of a message region and send the message anyway,
use the `x' command. (Any subsequent regions will be checked.)
The `X' command aborts sending the message so that you can edit the buffer.

To spell-check whenever a message is sent, include the appropriate lines
in your init file:
(add-hook 'message-send-hook 'ispell-message) ;; GNUS 5
(add-hook 'news-inews-hook 'ispell-message) ;; GNUS 4
(add-hook 'mail-send-hook 'ispell-message)
(add-hook 'mh-before-send-letter-hook 'ispell-message)

You can bind this to the key C-c i in GNUS or mail by adding to
`news-reply-mode-hook' or `mail-mode-hook' the following lambda expression:
(function (lambda () (local-set-key "\C-ci" 'ispell-message))) (fn)

Function: image-dired-dired-edit-comment-and-tags

Edit comment and tags of current or marked image files.
Edit comment and tags for all marked image files in an
easy-to-use form. (fn)

Function: frame-height

Return number of lines available for display on FRAME.
If FRAME is omitted, describe the currently selected frame.
Exactly what is included in the return value depends on the
window-system and toolkit in use - see `frame-pixel-height' for
more details. The lines are in units of the default font height.

The result is roughly related to the frame pixel height via
height in pixels = height in lines * `frame-char-height'.
However, this is only approximate, and is complicated e.g. by the
fact that individual window lines and menu bar lines can have differing font heights.

Function: replace-regexp-in-string

Replace all matches for REGEXP with REP in STRING.

Return a new string containing the replacements.

Optional arguments FIXEDCASE, LITERAL and SUBEXP are like the
arguments with the same names of function `replace-match'. If START
is non-nil, start replacements at that index in STRING.

REP is either a string used as the NEWTEXT arg of `replace-match' or a
function. If it is a function, it is called with the actual text of each
match, and its value is used as the replacement text. When REP is called,
the match data are the result of matching REGEXP against a substring

To replace only the first match (if any), make REGEXP match up to \'
and replace a sub-expression, e.g.
(replace-regexp-in-string "\\(foo\\).*\\'" "bar" " foo foo" nil nil 1) => " bar foo"

Function: iconify-frame

Make the frame FRAME into an icon.
If omitted, FRAME defaults to the currently selected frame.

(fn &optional FRAME)

Function: package-desc-doc

Extract doc string from a package description vector.

Variable: comment-padding

Padding string that `comment-region' puts between comment chars and text.
Can also be an integer which will be automatically turned into a string
of the corresponding number of spaces.

Extra spacing between the comment characters and the comment text
makes the comment easier to read. Default is 1. nil means 0.

Variable: pre-abbrev-expand-hook

Function or functions to be called before abbrev expansion is done.
This is the first thing that `expand-abbrev' does, and so this may change
the current abbrev table before abbrev lookup happens.

Function: ccl-dump

Disassemble compiled CCL-CODE.


Variable: format-alist

List of information about understood file formats.
Elements are of the form

NAME is a symbol, which is stored in `buffer-file-format'.

DOC-STR should be a single line providing more information about the
format. It is currently unused, but in the future will be shown to
the user if they ask for more information.

REGEXP is a regular expression to match against the beginning of the file;
it should match only files in that format. REGEXP may be nil, in
which case the format will never be applied automatically to a file.
Use this for formats that you only ever want to apply manually.

FROM-FN is called to decode files in that format; it takes two args, BEGIN
and END, and can make any modifications it likes, returning the new
end. It must make sure that the beginning of the file no longer
matches REGEXP, or else it will get called again.
Alternatively, FROM-FN can be a string, which specifies a shell command
(including options) to be used as a filter to perform the conversion.

TO-FN is called to encode a region into that format; it takes three
arguments: BEGIN, END, and BUFFER. BUFFER is the original buffer that
the data being written came from, which the function could use, for
example, to find the values of local variables. TO-FN should either
return a list of annotations like `write-region-annotate-functions',
or modify the region and return the new end.
Alternatively, TO-FN can be a string, which specifies a shell command
(including options) to be used as a filter to perform the conversion.

MODIFY, if non-nil, means the TO-FN wants to modify the region. If nil,
TO-FN will not make any changes but will instead return a list of

MODE-FN, if specified, is called when visiting a file with that format.
It is called with a single positive argument, on the assumption
that this would turn on some minor mode. PRESERVE, if non-nil, means that `format-write-file' should not remove this format from `buffer-file-format'.

Function: backquote-delay-process

Process a (un|back|splice)quote inside a backquote.
This simply recurses through the body.

Function: sleep-for

Pause, without updating display, for SECONDS seconds.
SECONDS may be a floating-point value, meaning that you can wait for a
fraction of a second. Optional second arg MILLISECONDS specifies an
additional wait period, in milliseconds; this is for backwards compatibility.
(Not all operating systems support waiting for a fraction of a second.)


Function: gnus-prin1-to-string

The same as `prin1'.
Bind `print-quoted' and `print-readably' to t, and `print-length' and
`print-level' to nil. See also `gnus-bind-print-variables'.

Variable: display-time-mail-directory

Name of mail inbox directory, for indicating existence of new mail.
Any nonempty regular file in the directory is regarded as newly arrived mail.
If nil, do not check a directory for arriving mail.

Function: mml1991-encrypt

(fn CONT &optional SIGN)

Function: make-backup-file-name

Create the non-numeric backup file name for FILE.
Normally this will just be the file's name with `~' appended.
Customization hooks are provided as follows.

If the variable `make-backup-file-name-function' is non-nil, its value
should be a function which will be called with FILE as its argument;
the resulting name is used.

Otherwise a match for FILE is sought in `backup-directory-alist'; see
the documentation of that variable. If the directory for the backup doesn't exist, it is created.

Function: cd

Make DIR become the current buffer's default directory.
If your environment includes a `CDPATH' variable, try each one of
that list of directories (separated by occurrences of
`path-separator') when resolving a relative directory name.
The path separator is colon in GNU and GNU-like systems.

Function: get-window-with-predicate

Return a live window satisfying PREDICATE.
More precisely, cycle through all windows calling the function
PREDICATE on each one of them with the window as its sole
argument. Return the first window for which PREDICATE returns
non-nil. Windows are scanned starting with the window following
the selected window. If no window satisfies PREDICATE, return

MINIBUF t means include the minibuffer window even if the
minibuffer is not active. MINIBUF nil or omitted means include
the minibuffer window only if the minibuffer is active. Any
other value means do not include the minibuffer window even if
the minibuffer is active.

ALL-FRAMES nil or omitted means consider all windows on the selected
frame, plus the minibuffer window if specified by the MINIBUF
argument. If the minibuffer counts, consider all windows on all
frames that share that minibuffer too. The following non-nil
values of ALL-FRAMES have special meanings:

- t means consider all windows on all existing frames.

- `visible' means consider all windows on all visible frames on
the current terminal.

- 0 (the number zero) means consider all windows on all visible
and iconified frames on the current terminal.

- A frame means consider all windows on that frame only. Anything else means consider all windows on the selected frame and no others.

Function: format-decode-run-method

Decode using METHOD the text from FROM to TO.
If METHOD is a string, it is a shell command (including options); otherwise,
it should be a Lisp function. BUFFER is currently ignored.

Variable: minibuffer-completion-table

Alist or obarray used for completion in the minibuffer.
This becomes the ALIST argument to `try-completion' and `all-completions'.
The value can also be a list of strings or a hash table.

The value may alternatively be a function, which is given three arguments:
STRING, the current buffer contents;
PREDICATE, the predicate for filtering possible matches;
CODE, which says what kind of things to do.
CODE can be nil, t or `lambda':
nil -- return the best completion of STRING, or nil if there is none.
t -- return a list of all possible completions of STRING.
lambda -- return t if STRING is a valid completion as it stands.

Function: user-real-uid

Return the real uid of Emacs.
Value is an integer or a float, depending on the value.

Variable: eieio-hook

This hook is executed, then cleared each time `defclass' is called.

Variable: font-lock-syntactically-fontified

Point up to which `font-lock-syntactic-keywords' has been applied.
If nil, this is ignored, in which case the syntactic fontification may
sometimes be slightly incorrect.

Function: url-file-local-copy

Copy URL into a temporary file on this machine.
Returns the name of the local copy, or nil, if FILE is directly

(fn URL &rest IGNORED)

Function: set-buffer-modified-p

Mark current buffer as modified or unmodified according to FLAG.
A non-nil FLAG means mark the buffer modified.

(fn FLAG)

Variable: class-public-type

Class type for a slot.

Function: smie-debug--describe-cycle


Function: byte-optimize-if

(fn FORM)

Function: cl-caaddr

Return the `car' of the `car' of the `cdr' of the `cdr' of X.

(fn X)

Function: decompose-region

Decompose text in the current region.

When called from a program, expects two arguments,
positions (integers or markers) specifying the region.

Function: visible-mode

Toggle making all invisible text temporarily visible (Visible mode).
With a prefix argument ARG, enable Visible mode if ARG is
positive, and disable it otherwise. If called from Lisp, enable
the mode if ARG is omitted or nil.

This mode works by saving the value of `buffer-invisibility-spec'
and setting it to nil.

Variable: visible-mode

Non-nil if Visible mode is enabled.
Use the command `visible-mode' to change this variable.

Function: smie-indent-keyword

Indent point based on the token that follows it immediately.
If TOKEN is non-nil, assume that that is the token that follows point.
Returns either a column number or nil if it considers that indentation
should not be computed on the basis of the following token.

(fn &optional TOKEN)

Variable: apropos-pattern

Apropos pattern as entered by user.

Function: comint-dynamic-list-filename-completions

Display a list of possible completions for the filename at point.


Variable: multi-isearch-pause

A choice defining where to pause the search.
If the value is nil, don't pause before going to the next buffer.
If the value is `initial', pause only after a failing search in the
initial buffer.
If t, pause in all buffers that contain the search string.

Function: completion--common-suffix

Return the common suffix of the strings STRS.

(fn STRS)

Face: link-visited

Basic face for visited links.

Variable: kept-old-versions

Number of oldest versions to keep when a new numbered backup is made.

Variable: Info-tag-table-buffer

Buffer used for indirect tag tables.

Function: minibuffer-force-complete

Complete the minibuffer to an exact match.
Repeated uses step through the possible completions.

Function: quail-install-map

Install the Quail map MAP in the current Quail package.

Optional 2nd arg NAME, if non-nil, is a name of Quail package for
which to install MAP.

The installed map can be referred by the function `quail-map'.
(fn MAP &optional NAME)

Variable: c-guess-guessed-offsets-alist

Currently guessed offsets-alist.

Function: face-id

Return the internal ID of face with name FACE.
If FACE is a face-alias, return the ID of the target face.
The optional argument FRAME is ignored, since the internal face ID
of a face name is the same for all frames.

Function: fill-paragraph

Fill paragraph at or after point.

If JUSTIFY is non-nil (interactively, with prefix argument), justify as well.
If `sentence-end-double-space' is non-nil, then period followed by one
space does not end a sentence, so don't break a line there.
The variable `fill-column' controls the width for filling.

If `fill-paragraph-function' is non-nil, we call it (passing our
argument to it), and if it returns non-nil, we simply return its value.

If `fill-paragraph-function' is nil, return the `fill-prefix' used for filling.

The REGION argument is non-nil if called interactively; in that
case, if Transient Mark mode is enabled and the mark is active,
call `fill-region' to fill each of the paragraphs in the active region, instead of just filling the current paragraph.

Variable: default-minibuffer-frame

Minibufferless frames use this frame's minibuffer.

Emacs cannot create minibufferless frames unless this is set to an
appropriate surrogate.

Emacs consults this variable only when creating minibufferless
frames; once the frame is created, it sticks with its assigned
minibuffer, no matter what this variable is set to. This means that
this variable doesn't necessarily say anything meaningful about the
current set of frames, or where the minibuffer is currently being

This variable is local to the current terminal and cannot be buffer-local.

Function: file-name-completion

Complete file name FILE in directory DIRECTORY.
Returns the longest string
common to all file names in DIRECTORY that start with FILE.
If there is only one and FILE matches it exactly, returns t.
Returns nil if DIRECTORY contains no name starting with FILE.

If PREDICATE is non-nil, call PREDICATE with each possible
completion (in absolute form) and ignore it if PREDICATE returns nil.

This function ignores some of the possible completions as
determined by the variable `completion-ignored-extensions', which see.

Function: this-command-keys-vector

Return the key sequence that invoked this command, as a vector.
However, if the command has called `read-key-sequence', it returns
the last key sequence that has been read.

See also `this-command-keys'. (fn)

Function: sgml-name-self

Insert a symbolic character name according to `sgml-char-names'.

Function: toggle-debug-on-error

Toggle whether to enter Lisp debugger when an error is signaled.
In an interactive call, record this option as a candidate for saving
by "Save Options" in Custom buffers.

Function: menu-bar-showhide-tool-bar-menu-customize-disable

Do not display tool bars.

Function: menu-bar-select-yank

Insert the stretch of previously-killed text selected from menu.
The menu shows all the killed text sequences stored in `kill-ring'.

Function: completion-substring--all-completions


Function: profiler-memory-log

Return the current memory profiler log.
The log is a hash-table mapping backtraces to counters which represent
the amount of memory allocated at those points. Every backtrace is a vector
of functions, where the last few elements may be nil.
Before returning, a new log is allocated for future samples. (fn)

Function: window-prev-sibling

Return the previous sibling window of window WINDOW.
WINDOW must be a valid window and defaults to the selected one.
Return nil if WINDOW has no previous sibling.

(fn &optional WINDOW)

Variable: comint-exec-hook

Hook run each time a process is exec'd by `comint-exec'.
This is called after the process is cranked up. It is useful for things that
must be done each time a process is executed in a Comint mode buffer (e.g.,
`(process-kill-without-query)'). In contrast, the `comint-mode-hook' is only
executed once when the buffer is created.

Function: sixth

Return the sixth element of the list X.

(fn X)

Variable: comment-start-skip

Regexp to match the start of a comment plus everything up to its body.
If there are any \(...\) pairs, the comment delimiter text is held to begin
at the place matched by the close of the first pair.

Function: completion-pcm--filename-try-filter

Filter to adjust `all' file completion to the behavior of `try'.

(fn ALL)

Variable: completion-at-point-functions

Special hook to find the completion table for the thing at point.
Each function on this hook is called in turns without any argument and should
return either nil to mean that it is not applicable at point,
or a function of no argument to perform completion (discouraged),
or a list of the form (START END COLLECTION . PROPS) where
START and END delimit the entity to complete and should include point,
COLLECTION is the completion table to use to complete it, and
PROPS is a property list for additional information.
Currently supported properties are all the properties that can appear in
`completion-extra-properties' plus:
`:predicate' a predicate that completion candidates need to satisfy.
`:exclusive' If `no', means that if the completion table fails to
match the text at point, then instead of reporting a completion
failure, the completion should try the next completion function.
As is the case with most hooks, the functions are responsible to preserve things like point and current buffer.

Function: gnus-agent-delete-group

Delete fully-qualified GROUP.
Always updates the agent, even when disabled, as the old agent
files would corrupt gnus when the agent was next enabled.
Depends upon the caller to determine whether group deletion is
supported. (fn GROUP)

Function: conf-javaprop-mode

Conf Mode starter for Java properties files.
Comments start with `#' but are also recognized with `//' or
between `/*' and `*/'.
For details see `conf-mode'. Example:

# Conf mode font-locks this right with M-x conf-javaprop-mode (Java properties)
// another kind of comment
/* yet another */

name value x.1 = x.2.y.1.z.1 = x.2.y.1.z.2.zz = (fn)

Function: window-normalize-frame

Return frame specified by FRAME.
FRAME must be a live frame and defaults to the selected frame.

Function: nbutlast

Modifies LIST to remove the last N elements.

Function: call-next-method

Call the superclass method from a subclass method.
The superclass method is specified in the current method list,
and is called the next method.

If REPLACEMENT-ARGS is non-nil, then use them instead of
`eieio-generic-call-arglst'. The generic arg list are the
arguments passed in at the top level.

Use `next-method-p' to find out if there is a next method to call.

Function: shell--command-completion-data

Return the completion data for the command at point.


Function: cl-replace

Replace the elements of SEQ1 with the elements of SEQ2.
SEQ1 is destructively modified, then returned.

Keywords supported: :start1 :end1 :start2 :end2


Face: isearch

Face for highlighting Isearch matches.

Function: highlight-lines-matching-regexp

Set face of all lines containing a match of REGEXP to FACE.
Interactively, prompt for REGEXP then FACE, using a buffer-local
history list for REGEXP and a global history list for FACE.

If Font Lock mode is enabled in the buffer, it is used to
highlight REGEXP. If Font Lock mode is disabled, overlays are
used for highlighting; in this case, the highlighting will not be
updated as you type. (fn REGEXP &optional FACE)

Function: file-attributes

Return a list of attributes of file FILENAME.
Value is nil if specified file cannot be opened.

ID-FORMAT specifies the preferred format of attributes uid and gid (see
below) - valid values are 'string and 'integer. The latter is the
default, but we plan to change that, so you should specify a non-nil value
for ID-FORMAT if you use the returned uid or gid.

Elements of the attribute list are:
0. t for directory, string (name linked to) for symbolic link, or nil.
1. Number of links to file.
2. File uid as a string or a number. If a string value cannot be
looked up, a numeric value, either an integer or a float, is returned.
3. File gid, likewise.
4. Last access time, as a list of integers (HIGH LOW USEC PSEC) in the
same style as (current-time).
(See a note below about access time on FAT-based filesystems.)
5. Last modification time, likewise. This is the time of the last
change to the file's contents.
6. Last status change time, likewise. This is the time of last change
to the file's attributes: owner and group, access mode bits, etc.
7. Size in bytes.
This is a floating point number if the size is too large for an integer.
8. File modes, as a string of ten letters or dashes as in ls -l.
9. t if file's gid would change if file were deleted and recreated.
10. inode number. If it is larger than what an Emacs integer can hold,
this is of the form (HIGH . LOW): first the high bits, then the low 16 bits.
If even HIGH is too large for an Emacs integer, this is instead of the form
(HIGH MIDDLE . LOW): first the high bits, then the middle 24 bits,
and finally the low 16 bits.
11. Filesystem device number. If it is larger than what the Emacs
integer can hold, this is a cons cell, similar to the inode number.

On most filesystems, the combination of the inode and the device
number uniquely identifies the file.

On MS-Windows, performance depends on `w32-get-true-file-attributes',
which see.

On some FAT-based filesystems, only the date of last access is recorded, so last access time will always be midnight of that day. (fn FILENAME &optional ID-FORMAT)

Variable: coding-system-require-warning

Internal use only.
If non-nil, on writing a file, `select-safe-coding-system-function' is
called even if `coding-system-for-write' is non-nil. The command
`universal-coding-system-argument' binds this variable to t temporarily.

Variable: syntax-propertize-extend-region-functions

Special hook run just before proceeding to propertize a region.
This is used to allow major modes to help `syntax-propertize' find safe buffer
positions as beginning and end of the propertized region. Its most common use
is to solve the problem of /identification/ of multiline elements by providing
a function that tries to find such elements and move the boundaries such that
they do not fall in the middle of one.
Each function is called with two arguments (START and END) and it should return
either a cons (NEW-START . NEW-END) or nil if no adjustment should be made.
These functions are run in turn repeatedly until they all return nil.
Put first the functions more likely to cause a change and cheaper to compute.

Function: org-store-link

Uses keymap `org-mode-map', which is not currently defined.
Store an org-link to the current location.
This link is added to `org-stored-links' and can later be inserted
into an org-buffer with M-x org-insert-link.

For some link types, a prefix arg is interpreted:
For links to usenet articles, arg negates `org-gnus-prefer-web-links'.
For file links, arg negates `org-context-in-file-links'. (fn ARG)

Function: list-charset-chars

Display a list of characters in character set CHARSET.


Variable: after-setting-font-hook

Functions to run after a frame's font has been changed.

Function: event-start

Return the starting position of EVENT.
EVENT should be a click, drag, or key press event.
If it is a key press event, the return value has the form
(WINDOW POS (0 . 0) 0)
If it is a click or drag event, it has the form
The `posn-' functions access elements of such lists.
For more information, see Info node `(elisp)Click Events'.

If EVENT is a mouse or key press or a mouse click, this is the
position of the event. If EVENT is a drag, this is the starting position of the drag.

Variable: mouse-position-function

If non-nil, function to transform normal value of `mouse-position'.
`mouse-position' calls this function, passing its usual return value as
argument, and returns whatever this function returns.
This abnormal hook exists for the benefit of packages like `xt-mouse.el'
which need to do mouse handling at the Lisp level.

Variable: print-escape-newlines

Non-nil means print newlines in strings as `\n'.
Also print formfeeds as `\f'.

Function: get-load-suffixes

Return the suffixes that `load' should try if a suffix is required.
This uses the variables `load-suffixes' and `load-file-rep-suffixes'.

Function: smie-indent-calculate

Compute the indentation to use for point.


Function: Info-virtual-call

Call a function that handles operations on virtual manuals.

Function: html-line

HTML line break tag.

This is a skeleton command (see `skeleton-insert').
Normally the skeleton text is inserted at point, with nothing "inside".
If there is a highlighted region, the skeleton text is wrapped
around the region text.

A prefix argument ARG says to wrap the skeleton around the next ARG words.
A prefix argument of -1 says to wrap around region, even if not highlighted.
A prefix argument of zero says to wrap around zero words---that is, nothing.
This is a way of overriding the use of a highlighted region.

Function: vc-git--empty-db-p

Check if the git db is empty (no commit done yet).


Function: cddadr

Return the `cdr' of the `cdr' of the `car' of the `cdr' of X.

(fn X)

Function: set-case-syntax-pair

Make characters UC and LC a pair of inter-case-converting letters.
This sets the entries for characters UC and LC in TABLE, which is a string
that will be used as the downcase part of a case table.
It also modifies `standard-syntax-table' to give them the syntax of
word constituents.

Function: doc-file-to-man

Produce an nroff buffer containing the doc-strings from the DOC file.

(fn FILE)

Variable: fit-frame-to-buffer-bottom-margin

Bottom margin for the command `fit-frame-to-buffer'.
This is the number of lines that function leaves free at the bottom of
the display, in order to not obscure any system task bar or panel.
If you do not have one (or if it is vertical) you might want to
reduce this. If it is thicker, you might want to increase this.

Function: gnus-macroexpand-all

Return result of expanding macros at all levels in FORM.
If no macros are expanded, FORM is returned unchanged.
The second optional arg ENVIRONMENT specifies an environment of macro
definitions to shadow the loaded ones for use in file byte-compilation.

(fn FORM &optional ENVIRONMENT)

Function: Info-next

Go to the next node of this node.

Function: append-next-kill

Cause following command, if it kills, to append to previous kill.
The argument is used for internal purposes; do not supply one.

Function: buffer-string

Return the contents of the current buffer as a string.
If narrowing is in effect, this function returns only the visible part
of the buffer. (fn)

Variable: shell-mode-hook

Hook for customizing Shell mode.

Function: backward-delete-char-untabify

Delete characters backward, changing tabs into spaces.
The exact behavior depends on `backward-delete-char-untabify-method'.
Delete ARG chars, and kill (save in kill ring) if KILLP is non-nil.
Interactively, ARG is the prefix arg (default 1)
and KILLP is t if a prefix arg was specified.

Function: name-last-kbd-macro

Assign a name to the last keyboard macro defined.
Argument SYMBOL is the name to define.
The symbol's function definition becomes the keyboard macro string.
Such a "function" cannot be called from Lisp, but it is a valid editor command.

Function: find-font

Return a font-entity matching with FONT-SPEC on the current frame.
Optional 2nd argument FRAME, if non-nil, specifies the target frame.

(fn FONT-SPEC &optional FRAME)

Function: cconv--set-diff-map

Return elements of set S that are not in Dom(M).

(fn S M)

Function: eieio-generic-call

Call METHOD with ARGS.
ARGS provides the context on which implementation to use.
This should only be called from a generic function.

Variable: ansi-color-context-region

Context saved between two calls to `ansi-color-apply-on-region'.
This is a list of the form (CODES MARKER) or nil. CODES
represents the state the last call to `ansi-color-apply-on-region'
ended with, currently a list of ansi codes, and MARKER is a
buffer position within an escape sequence or the last position processed.

Function: x-clipboard-yank

Insert the clipboard contents, or the last stretch of killed text.

Function: menu-bar-showhide-tool-bar-menu-customize-enable-top

Display tool bars on the top side.

Function: auth-source-format-cache-entry

Format SPEC entry to put it in the password cache.

Function: shell-directory-tracker

Tracks cd, pushd and popd commands issued to the shell.
This function is called on each input passed to the shell.
It watches for cd, pushd and popd commands and sets the buffer's
default directory to track these commands.

You may toggle this tracking on and off with M-x shell-dirtrack-mode.
If Emacs gets confused, you can resync with the shell with M-x dirs.
(The `dirtrack' package provides an alternative implementation of this
feature - see the function `dirtrack-mode'.)

See variables `shell-cd-regexp', `shell-chdrive-regexp', `shell-pushd-regexp',
and `shell-popd-regexp', while `shell-pushd-tohome', `shell-pushd-dextract',
and `shell-pushd-dunique' control the behavior of the relevant command.

Environment variables are expanded, see function `substitute-in-file-name'. (fn STR)

Function: gnus-set-sorted-intersection

Return intersection of LIST1 and LIST2 by modifying cdr pointers of LIST1.
LIST1 and LIST2 have to be sorted over <.

(fn LIST1 LIST2)

Function: set-face-inverse-video-p

Specify whether face FACE is in inverse video.
INVERSE-VIDEO-P non-nil means FACE displays explicitly in inverse video.
INVERSE-VIDEO-P nil means FACE explicitly is not in inverse video.
FRAME nil or not specified means change face on all frames.
Use `set-face-attribute' to ``unspecify'' the inverse video attribute.

Function: bookmark-locate

Insert the name of the file associated with BOOKMARK-NAME.

Optional second arg NO-HISTORY means don't record this in the
minibuffer history list `bookmark-history'.


Function: completing-read

Read a string in the minibuffer, with completion.
PROMPT is a string to prompt with; normally it ends in a colon and a space.
COLLECTION can be a list of strings, an alist, an obarray or a hash table.
COLLECTION can also be a function to do the completion itself.
PREDICATE limits completion to a subset of COLLECTION.
See `try-completion' and `all-completions' for more details
on completion, COLLECTION, and PREDICATE.

REQUIRE-MATCH can take the following values:
- t means that the user is not allowed to exit unless
the input is (or completes to) an element of COLLECTION or is null.
- nil means that the user can exit with any input.
- `confirm' means that the user can exit with any input, but she needs
to confirm her choice if the input is not an element of COLLECTION.
- `confirm-after-completion' means that the user can exit with any
input, but she needs to confirm her choice if she called
`minibuffer-complete' right before `minibuffer-complete-and-exit'
and the input is not an element of COLLECTION.
- anything else behaves like t except that typing RET does not exit if it
does non-null completion.

If the input is null, `completing-read' returns DEF, or the first element
of the list of default values, or an empty string if DEF is nil,
regardless of the value of REQUIRE-MATCH.

If INITIAL-INPUT is non-nil, insert it in the minibuffer initially,
with point positioned at the end.
If it is (STRING . POSITION), the initial input is STRING, but point
is placed at _zero-indexed_ position POSITION in STRING. (*Note*
that this is different from `read-from-minibuffer' and related
functions, which use one-indexing for POSITION.) This feature is
deprecated--it is best to pass nil for INITIAL-INPUT and supply the
default value DEF instead. The user can yank the default value into
the minibuffer easily using M-n.

HIST, if non-nil, specifies a history list and optionally the initial
position in the list. It can be a symbol, which is the history list
variable to use, or it can be a cons cell (HISTVAR . HISTPOS). In
that case, HISTVAR is the history list variable to use, and HISTPOS
is the initial position (the position in the list used by the
minibuffer history commands). For consistency, you should also
specify that element of the history as the value of
INITIAL-INPUT. (This is the only case in which you should use
INITIAL-INPUT instead of DEF.) Positions are counted starting from
1 at the beginning of the list. The variable `history-length'
controls the maximum length of a history list.

DEF, if non-nil, is the default value or the list of default values.

If INHERIT-INPUT-METHOD is non-nil, the minibuffer inherits
the current input method and the setting of `enable-multibyte-characters'.

Completion ignores case if the ambient value of `completion-ignore-case' is non-nil. See also `completing-read-function'. (fn PROMPT COLLECTION &optional PREDICATE REQUIRE-MATCH INITIAL-INPUT HIST DEF INHERIT-INPUT-METHOD)

Variable: print-number-table

A vector used internally to produce `#N=' labels and `#N#' references.
The Lisp printer uses this vector to detect Lisp objects referenced more
than once.

When you bind `print-continuous-numbering' to t, you should probably
also bind `print-number-table' to nil. This ensures that the value of
`print-number-table' can be garbage-collected once the printing is
done. If all elements of `print-number-table' are nil, it means that
the printing done so far has not found any shared structure or objects
that need to be recorded in the table.

Variable: load-dangerous-libraries

Non-nil means load dangerous compiled Lisp files.
Some versions of XEmacs use different byte codes than Emacs. These
incompatible byte codes can make Emacs crash when it tries to execute them.

Function: read-event

Read an event object from the input stream.
If the optional argument PROMPT is non-nil, display that as a prompt.
If the optional argument INHERIT-INPUT-METHOD is non-nil and some
input method is turned on in the current buffer, that input method
is used for reading a character.
If the optional argument SECONDS is non-nil, it should be a number
specifying the maximum number of seconds to wait for input. If no
input arrives in that time, return nil. SECONDS may be a
floating-point value.


Function: byte-compile-warn

Issue a byte compiler warning; use (format FORMAT ARGS...) for message.

(fn FORMAT &rest ARGS)

Function: nreconc

Equivalent to (nconc (nreverse X) Y).

(fn X Y)

Function: kill-backward-up-list

Kill the form containing the current sexp, leaving the sexp itself.
A prefix argument ARG causes the relevant number of surrounding
forms to be removed.
This command assumes point is not in a string or comment.

Variable: fill-indent-according-to-mode

Whether or not filling should try to use the major mode's indentation.

Function: line-move-to-column

Try to find column COL, considering invisibility.
This function works only in certain cases,
because what we really need is for `move-to-column'
and `current-column' to be able to ignore invisible text.

Function: rng-c-load-schema

Load a schema in RELAX NG compact syntax from FILENAME.
Return a pattern.


Function: x-own-selection-internal

Assert an X selection of the type SELECTION with and value VALUE.
SELECTION is a symbol, typically `PRIMARY', `SECONDARY', or `CLIPBOARD'.
(Those are literal upper-case symbol names, since that's what X expects.)
VALUE is typically a string, or a cons of two markers, but may be
anything that the functions on `selection-converter-alist' know about.

FRAME should be a frame that should own the selection. If omitted or
nil, it defaults to the selected frame.

On Nextstep, FRAME is unused.

Variable: text-property-default-nonsticky

Alist of properties vs the corresponding non-stickiness.
Each element has the form (PROPERTY . NONSTICKINESS).

If a character in a buffer has PROPERTY, new text inserted adjacent to
the character doesn't inherit PROPERTY if NONSTICKINESS is non-nil,
inherits it if NONSTICKINESS is nil. The `front-sticky' and
`rear-nonsticky' properties of the character override NONSTICKINESS.

Function: plist-member

Return non-nil if PLIST has the property PROP.
PLIST is a property list, which is a list of the form
(PROP1 VALUE1 PROP2 VALUE2 ...). PROP is a symbol.
Unlike `plist-get', this allows you to distinguish between a missing
property and a property with the value nil.
The value is actually the tail of PLIST whose car is PROP. (fn PLIST PROP)

Variable: comint-input-ring-size

Size of the input history ring in `comint-mode'.

Function: Info-finder-find-node

Finder-specific implementation of `Info-find-node-2'.

Variable: Info-current-node-virtual

Non-nil if the current Info node is virtual.

Function: vc-git-stash-pop-at-point


Function: package-menu-mark-install

Mark a package for installation and move to the next line.

Variable: fill-prefix

String for filling to insert at front of new line, or nil for none.

Variable: highlight-nonselected-windows

Non-nil means highlight region even in nonselected windows.

Function: gnus-set-process-query-on-exit-flag

Specify if query is needed for PROCESS when Emacs is exited.
If the second argument FLAG is non-nil, Emacs will query the user before
exiting or killing a buffer if PROCESS is running. This function
returns FLAG.


Function: text-properties-at

Return the list of properties of the character at POSITION in OBJECT.
If the optional second argument OBJECT is a buffer (or nil, which means
the current buffer), POSITION is a buffer position (integer or marker).
If OBJECT is a string, POSITION is a 0-based index into it.
If POSITION is at the end of OBJECT, the value is nil.

(fn POSITION &optional OBJECT)

Variable: prefix-arg

The value of the prefix argument for the next editing command.
It may be a number, or the symbol `-' for just a minus sign as arg,
or a list whose car is a number for just one or more C-u's
or nil if no argument has been specified.

You cannot examine this variable to find the argument for this command
since it has been set to nil by the time you can look.
Instead, you should use the variable `current-prefix-arg', although
normally commands can get this prefix argument with (interactive "P").

Function: current-local-map

Return current buffer's local keymap, or nil if it has none.
Normally the local keymap is set by the major mode with `use-local-map'.

Function: vc-git-branches

Return the existing branches, as a list of strings.
The car of the list is the current branch.

Function: mapcar*

Apply FUNCTION to each element of SEQ, and make a list of the results.
If there are several SEQs, FUNCTION is called with that many arguments,
and mapping stops as soon as the shortest list runs out. With just one
SEQ, this is like `mapcar'. With several, it is like the Common Lisp
`mapcar' function extended to arbitrary sequence types.


Function: isearch-yank-word

Pull next word from buffer into search string.

Function: customize-themes

Display a selectable list of Custom themes.
When called from Lisp, BUFFER should be the buffer to use; if
omitted, a buffer named *Custom Themes* is used.

(fn &optional BUFFER)

Variable: auto-mode-interpreter-regexp

Regexp matching interpreters, for file mode determination.
This regular expression is matched against the first line of a file
to determine the file's mode in `set-auto-mode'. If it matches, the file
is assumed to be interpreted by the interpreter matched by the second group
of the regular expression. The mode is then determined as the mode
associated with that interpreter in `interpreter-mode-alist'.

Function: ding

Beep, or flash the screen.
Also, unless an argument is given,
terminate any keyboard macro currently executing.

(fn &optional ARG)

Variable: emacs-lisp-mode-abbrev-table

Abbrev table for Emacs Lisp mode.
It has `lisp-mode-abbrev-table' as its parent.

Variable: undo-ask-before-discard

If non-nil ask about discarding undo info for the current command.
Normally, Emacs discards the undo info for the current command if
it exceeds `undo-outer-limit'. But if you set this option
non-nil, it asks in the echo area whether to discard the info.
If you answer no, there is a slight risk that Emacs might crash, so
only do it if you really want to undo the command.

This option is mainly intended for debugging. You have to be
careful if you use it for other purposes. Garbage collection is
inhibited while the question is asked, meaning that Emacs might
leak memory. So you should make sure that you do not wait
excessively long before answering the question.

Variable: tutorial-directory

Directory containing the Emacs TUTORIAL files.

Function: format-insert-annotations

Apply list of annotations to buffer as `write-region' would.
Insert each element of the given LIST of buffer annotations at its
appropriate place. Use second arg OFFSET if the annotations' locations are
not relative to the beginning of the buffer: annotations will be inserted
at their location-OFFSET+1 (ie, the offset is treated as the position of
the first character in the buffer).

Function: locale-info

Access locale data ITEM for the current C locale, if available.
ITEM should be one of the following:

`codeset', returning the character set as a string (locale item CODESET);

`days', returning a 7-element vector of day names (locale items DAY_n);

`months', returning a 12-element vector of month names (locale items MON_n);

`paper', returning a list (WIDTH HEIGHT) for the default paper size,
both measured in millimeters (locale items PAPER_WIDTH, PAPER_HEIGHT).

If the system can't provide such information through a call to
`nl_langinfo', or if ITEM isn't from the list above, return nil.

See also Info node `(libc)Locales'.

The data read from the system are decoded using `locale-coding-system'. (fn ITEM)

Variable: byte-dup

Byte code opcode to duplicate the top of the stack.

Function: comint-kill-region

Like `kill-region', but ignores read-only properties, if safe.
This command assumes that the buffer contains read-only
"prompts" which are regions with front-sticky read-only
properties at the beginning of a line, with the preceding newline
being read-only to protect the prompt. This is true of the
comint prompts if `comint-prompt-read-only' is non-nil. This
command will not delete the region if this would create mutilated
or out of place prompts. That is, if any part of a prompt is
deleted, the entire prompt must be deleted and all remaining
prompts should stay at the beginning of a line. If this is not
the case, this command just calls `kill-region' with all
read-only properties intact. The read-only status of newlines is
updated using `comint-update-fence', if necessary. (fn BEG END &optional YANK-HANDLER)

Variable: gurmukhi-composable-pattern

Regexp matching a composable sequence of Gurmukhi characters.

Function: talk

Connect to the Emacs talk group from the current X display or tty frame.


Function: multi-isearch-files-regexp

Start multi-buffer regexp Isearch on a list of FILES.
Relative file names in this list are expanded to absolute
file names using the current buffer's value of `default-directory'.
Interactively read file names to search, one by one, ended with RET.
With a prefix argument, ask for a wildcard, and search in file buffers
whose file names match the specified wildcard.

Function: find-library

Find the Emacs Lisp source of LIBRARY.
LIBRARY should be a string (the name of the library).


Function: color-values

Return a description of the color named COLOR on frame FRAME.
COLOR should be a string naming a color (e.g. "white"), or a
string specifying a color's RGB components (e.g. "#ff12ec").

Return a list of three integers, (RED GREEN BLUE), each between 0
and either 65280 or 65535 (the maximum depends on the system).
Use `color-name-to-rgb' if you want RGB floating-point values
normalized to 1.0.

If FRAME is omitted or nil, use the selected frame.
If FRAME cannot display COLOR, the value is nil.

COLOR can also be the symbol `unspecified' or one of the strings
"unspecified-fg" or "unspecified-bg", in which case the return value is nil.

Variable: backup-enable-predicate

Predicate that looks at a file name and decides whether to make backups.
Called with an absolute file name as argument, it returns t to enable backup.

Variable: buffer-file-truename

Abbreviated truename of file visited in current buffer, or nil if none.
The truename of a file is calculated by `file-truename'
and then abbreviated with `abbreviate-file-name'.

Function: mwheel-filter-click-events

Discard `mouse-wheel-click-event' while scrolling the mouse.

Function: pdb

Run pdb on program FILE in buffer `*gud-FILE*'.
The directory containing FILE becomes the initial working directory
and source-file directory for your debugger.


Function: lisp-indent-function

This function is the normal value of the variable `lisp-indent-function'.
The function `calculate-lisp-indent' calls this to determine
if the arguments of a Lisp function call should be indented specially.

INDENT-POINT is the position at which the line being indented begins.
Point is located at the point to indent under (for default indentation);
STATE is the `parse-partial-sexp' state for that position.

If the current line is in a call to a Lisp function that has a non-nil
property `lisp-indent-function' (or the deprecated `lisp-indent-hook'),
it specifies how to indent. The property value can be:

* `defun', meaning indent `defun'-style
(this is also the case if there is no property and the function
has a name that begins with "def", and three or more arguments);

* an integer N, meaning indent the first N arguments specially
(like ordinary function arguments), and then indent any further
arguments like a body;

* a function to call that returns the indentation (or nil).
`lisp-indent-function' calls this function with the same two arguments
that it itself received.

This function returns either the indentation to use, or nil if the Lisp function does not specify a special indentation.

Variable: lisp-indent-function

A function to be called by `calculate-lisp-indent'.
It indents the arguments of a Lisp function call. This function
should accept two arguments: the indent-point, and the
`parse-partial-sexp' state at that position. One option for this
function is `common-lisp-indent-function'.

Function: Info-virtual-fun

Find a function that handles operations on virtual manuals.
OP is an operation symbol (`find-file', `find-node' or `toc-nodes'),
FILENAME is a virtual Info file name, NODENAME is a virtual Info
node name. Return a function found either in `Info-virtual-files'
or `Info-virtual-nodes'.

Function: vc-retrieve-tag

Descending recursively from DIR, retrieve the tag called NAME.
If NAME is empty, it refers to the latest revisions.
If locking is used for the files in DIR, then there must not be any
locked files at or below DIR (but if NAME is empty, locked files are
allowed and simply skipped). (fn DIR NAME)

Function: binhex-decode-region

Binhex decode region between START and END.


Function: start-file-process

Start a program in a subprocess. Return the process object for it.

Similar to `start-process', but may invoke a file handler based on
`default-directory'. See Info node `(elisp)Magic File Names'.

This handler ought to run PROGRAM, perhaps on the local host,
perhaps on a remote host that corresponds to `default-directory'.
In the latter case, the local part of `default-directory' becomes
the working directory of the process.

PROGRAM and PROGRAM-ARGS might be file names. They are not
objects of file handler invocation. File handlers might not support pty association, if PROGRAM is nil.

Function: smie-rule-parent

Align with parent.
If non-nil, OFFSET should be an integer giving an additional offset to apply.
Only meaningful when called from within `smie-rules-function'.

(fn &optional OFFSET)

Function: comint-delete-output

Delete all output from interpreter since last input.
Does not delete the prompt.

Function: lisp-comment-indent

Default for `comment-indent-function'.


Function: list-registers

Display a list of nonempty registers saying briefly what they contain.

Function: vc-delete-file

Delete file and mark it as such in the version control system.

(fn FILE)

Function: shell

Run an inferior shell, with I/O through BUFFER (which defaults to `*shell*').
Interactively, a prefix arg means to prompt for BUFFER.
If `default-directory' is a remote file name, it is also prompted
to change if called with a prefix arg.

If BUFFER exists but shell process is not running, make new shell.
If BUFFER exists and shell process is running, just switch to BUFFER.
Program used comes from variable `explicit-shell-file-name',
or (if that is nil) from the ESHELL environment variable,
or (if that is nil) from `shell-file-name'.
If a file `~/.emacs_SHELLNAME' exists, or `~/.emacs.d/init_SHELLNAME.sh',
it is given as initial input (but this may be lost, due to a timing
error, if the shell discards input when it starts up).
The buffer is put in Shell mode, giving commands for sending input
and controlling the subjobs of the shell. See `shell-mode'.
See also the variable `shell-prompt-pattern'.

To specify a coding system for converting non-ASCII characters
in the input and output to the shell, use C-x RET c
before M-x shell. You can also specify this with C-x RET p
in the shell buffer, after you start the shell.
The default comes from `process-coding-system-alist' and

The shell file name (sans directories) is used to make a symbol name
such as `explicit-csh-args'. If that symbol is a variable,
its value is used as a list of arguments when invoking the shell.
Otherwise, one argument `-i' is passed to the shell. (Type C-h m in the shell buffer for a list of commands.) (fn &optional BUFFER)

Function: ebrowse-member-mode

Major mode for Ebrowse member buffers.


Function: set-frame-selected-window

Set selected window of FRAME to WINDOW.
FRAME must be a live frame and defaults to the selected one. If FRAME
is the selected frame, this makes WINDOW the selected window. Optional
argument NORECORD non-nil means to neither change the order of recently
selected windows nor the buffer list. WINDOW must denote a live window.
Return WINDOW.


Function: re-search-forward

Search forward from point for regular expression REGEXP.
Set point to the end of the occurrence found, and return point.
An optional second argument bounds the search; it is a buffer position.
The match found must not extend after that position.
Optional third argument, if t, means if fail just return nil (no error).
If not nil and not t, move to limit of search and return nil.
Optional fourth argument is repeat count--search for successive occurrences.

Search case-sensitivity is determined by the value of the variable
`case-fold-search', which see.

See also the functions `match-beginning', `match-end', `match-string',
and `replace-match'. (fn REGEXP &optional BOUND NOERROR COUNT)

Variable: standard-input

Stream for read to get input from.
See documentation of `read' for possible values.

Variable: num-nonmacro-input-events

Number of input events read from the keyboard so far.
This does not include events generated by keyboard macros.

Function: eieio-c3-merge-lists

Merge REVERSED-PARTIAL-RESULT REMAINING-INPUTS in a consistent order, if possible.
If a consistent order does not exist, signal an error.

Function: kill-comment

Kill the first comment on this line, if any.
With prefix ARG, kill comments on that many lines starting with this one.

(fn ARG)

Function: local-key-binding

Return the binding for command KEYS in current local keymap only.
KEYS is a string or vector, a sequence of keystrokes.
The binding is probably a symbol with a function definition.

If optional argument ACCEPT-DEFAULT is non-nil, recognize default
bindings; see the description of `lookup-key' for more details about this.

(fn KEYS &optional ACCEPT-DEFAULT)

Variable: lisp-mode-hook

Hook run when entering Lisp mode.

Variable: isearch-word

Regexp-based search mode for words/symbols.
If t, do incremental search for a sequence of words, ignoring punctuation.
If the value is a function (e.g. `isearch-symbol-regexp'), it is called to
convert the search string to a regexp used by regexp search functions.
The property `isearch-message-prefix' put on this function specifies the
prefix string displayed in the search message.

Function: font-lock-set-defaults

Set fontification defaults appropriately for this mode.
Sets various variables using `font-lock-defaults' and

Variable: blink-matching-delay

Time in seconds to delay after showing a matching paren.

Function: smie-indent-line

Indent current line using the SMIE indentation engine.


Function: cl-random-state-p

Return t if OBJECT is a random-state object.


Function: set-face-attribute

Set attributes of FACE on FRAME from ARGS.
This function overrides the face attributes specified by FACE's
face spec. It is mostly intended for internal use only.

If FRAME is nil, set the attributes for all existing frames, as
well as the default for new frames. If FRAME is t, change the
default for new frames only.

ARGS must come in pairs ATTRIBUTE VALUE. ATTRIBUTE must be a
valid face attribute name. All attributes can be set to
`unspecified'; this fact is not further mentioned below.

The following attributes are recognized:


VALUE must be a string specifying the font family
(e.g. "Monospace") or a fontset.


VALUE must be a string specifying the font foundry,
e.g. ``adobe''. If a font foundry is specified, wild-cards `*'
and `?' are allowed.


VALUE specifies the relative proportionate width of the font to use.
It must be one of the symbols `ultra-condensed', `extra-condensed',
`condensed', `semi-condensed', `normal', `semi-expanded', `expanded',
`extra-expanded', or `ultra-expanded'.


VALUE specifies the relative or absolute height of the font. An
absolute height is an integer, and specifies font height in units
of 1/10 pt. A relative height is either a floating point number,
which specifies a scaling factor for the underlying face height;
or a function that takes a single argument (the underlying face
height) and returns the new height. Note that for the `default'
face, you must specify an absolute height (since there is nothing
for it to be relative to).


VALUE specifies the weight of the font to use. It must be one of the
symbols `ultra-bold', `extra-bold', `bold', `semi-bold', `normal',
`semi-light', `light', `extra-light', `ultra-light'.


VALUE specifies the slant of the font to use. It must be one of the
symbols `italic', `oblique', `normal', `reverse-italic', or

`:foreground', `:background'

VALUE must be a color name, a string.


VALUE specifies whether characters in FACE should be underlined.
If VALUE is t, underline with foreground color of the face.
If VALUE is a string, underline with that color.
If VALUE is nil, explicitly don't underline.

Otherwise, VALUE must be a property list of the form:

`(:color COLOR :style STYLE)'.

COLOR can be a either a color name string or `foreground-color'.
STYLE can be either `line' or `wave'.
If a keyword/value pair is missing from the property list, a
default value will be used for the value.
The default value of COLOR is the foreground color of the face.
The default value of STYLE is `line'.


VALUE specifies whether characters in FACE should be overlined. If
VALUE is t, overline with foreground color of the face. If VALUE is a
string, overline with that color. If VALUE is nil, explicitly don't


VALUE specifies whether characters in FACE should be drawn with a line
striking through them. If VALUE is t, use the foreground color of the
face. If VALUE is a string, strike-through with that color. If VALUE
is nil, explicitly don't strike through.


VALUE specifies whether characters in FACE should have a box drawn
around them. If VALUE is nil, explicitly don't draw boxes. If
VALUE is t, draw a box with lines of width 1 in the foreground color
of the face. If VALUE is a string, the string must be a color name,
and the box is drawn in that color with a line width of 1. Otherwise,
VALUE must be a property list of the form `(:line-width WIDTH
:color COLOR :style STYLE)'. If a keyword/value pair is missing from
the property list, a default value will be used for the value, as
specified below. WIDTH specifies the width of the lines to draw; it
defaults to 1. If WIDTH is negative, the absolute value is the width
of the lines, and draw top/bottom lines inside the characters area,
not around it. COLOR is the name of the color to draw in, default is
the foreground color of the face for simple boxes, and the background
color of the face for 3D boxes. STYLE specifies whether a 3D box
should be draw. If STYLE is `released-button', draw a box looking
like a released 3D button. If STYLE is `pressed-button' draw a box
that appears like a pressed button. If STYLE is nil, the default if
the property list doesn't contain a style specification, draw a 2D


VALUE specifies whether characters in FACE should be displayed in
inverse video. VALUE must be one of t or nil.


If VALUE is a string, it must be the name of a file of pixmap data.
The directories listed in the `x-bitmap-file-path' variable are
searched. Alternatively, VALUE may be a list of the form (WIDTH
HEIGHT DATA) where WIDTH and HEIGHT are the size in pixels, and DATA
is a string containing the raw bits of the bitmap. VALUE nil means
explicitly don't use a stipple pattern.

For convenience, attributes `:family', `:foundry', `:width',
`:height', `:weight', and `:slant' may also be set in one step
from an X font name:


Set font-related face attributes from VALUE. VALUE must be a
valid font name or font object. Setting this attribute will also
set the `:family', `:foundry', `:width', `:height', `:weight',
and `:slant' attributes.


VALUE is the name of a face from which to inherit attributes, or
a list of face names. Attributes from inherited faces are merged
into the face like an underlying face would be, with higher priority than underlying faces. For backward compatibility, the keywords `:bold' and `:italic' can be used to specify weight and slant respectively. This usage is considered obsolete. For these two keywords, the VALUE must be either t or nil. A value of t for `:bold' is equivalent to setting `:weight' to `bold', and a value of t for `:italic' is equivalent to setting `:slant' to `italic'. But if `:weight' is specified in the face spec, `:bold' is ignored, and if `:slant' is specified, `:italic' is ignored.

Function: make-translation-table-from-vector

Make translation table from decoding vector VEC.
VEC is an array of 256 elements to map unibyte codes to multibyte
characters. Elements may be nil for undefined code points.

Function: font-get

Return the value of FONT's property KEY.
FONT is a font-spec, a font-entity, or a font-object.
KEY is any symbol, but these are reserved for specific meanings:
:family, :weight, :slant, :width, :foundry, :adstyle, :registry,
:size, :name, :script, :otf
See the documentation of `font-spec' for their meanings.
In addition, if FONT is a font-entity or a font-object, values of
:script and :otf are different from those of a font-spec as below:

The value of :script may be a list of scripts that are supported by the font.

The value of :otf is a cons (GSUB . GPOS) where GSUB and GPOS are lists
representing the OpenType features supported by the font by this form:
((SCRIPT (LANGSYS FEATURE ...) ...) ...)
SCRIPT, LANGSYS, and FEATURE are all symbols representing OpenType Layout tags. (fn FONT KEY)

Variable: sh-dynamic-complete-functions

Functions for doing TAB dynamic completion.

Function: gnus-seconds-today

Return the number of seconds passed today.

Function: isearch-toggle-word

Toggle word searching on or off.

Variable: non-essential

Whether the currently executing code is performing an essential task.
This variable should be non-nil only when running code which should not
disturb the user. E.g. it can be used to prevent Tramp from prompting the
user for a password when we are simply scanning a set of files in the
background or displaying possible completions before the user even asked for it.

Variable: isearch-barrier

Recorded minimum/maximal point for the current search.

Variable: imenu-name-lookup-function

Function to compare string with index item.

This function will be called with two strings, and should return
non-nil if they match.

If nil, comparison is done with `string='.
Set this to some other function for more advanced comparisons,
such as "begins with" or "name matches and number of arguments match".

Function: eshell-report-bug

Report a bug in GNU Emacs.
Prompts for bug subject. Leaves you in a mail buffer.

(fn TOPIC &optional RECENT-KEYS)

Function: button-activate

Call BUTTON's action property.
If USE-MOUSE-ACTION is non-nil, invoke the button's mouse-action
instead of its normal action; if the button has no mouse-action,
the normal action is used instead.

Variable: directory-files-no-dot-files-regexp

Regexp matching any file name except "." and "..".

Function: completion-table-with-terminator

Construct a completion table like TABLE but with an extra TERMINATOR.
This is meant to be called in a curried way by first passing TERMINATOR
and TABLE only (via `apply-partially').
TABLE is a completion table, and TERMINATOR is a string appended to TABLE's
completion if it is complete. TERMINATOR is also used to determine the
completion suffix's boundary.
in which case TERMINATOR-REGEXP is a regular expression whose submatch
number 1 should match TERMINATOR. This is used when there is a need to
distinguish occurrences of the TERMINATOR strings which are really terminators
from others (e.g. escaped). In this form, the car of TERMINATOR can also be,
instead of a string, a function that takes the completion and returns the

Function: html2text

Convert HTML to plain text in the current buffer.


Function: insert-image

Insert IMAGE into current buffer at point.
IMAGE is displayed by inserting STRING into the current buffer
with a `display' property whose value is the image. STRING
defaults to a single space if you omit it.
AREA is where to display the image. AREA nil or omitted means
display it in the text area, a value of `left-margin' means
display it in the left marginal area, a value of `right-margin'
means display it in the right marginal area.
SLICE specifies slice of IMAGE to insert. SLICE nil or omitted
means insert whole image. SLICE is a list (X Y WIDTH HEIGHT)
specifying the X and Y positions and WIDTH and HEIGHT of image area
to insert. A float value 0.0 - 1.0 means relative to the width or
height of the image; integer values are taken as pixel values.

Function: x-handle-reverse-video

Handle the reverse-video frame parameter and X resource.
`x-create-frame' does not handle this one.

Face: apropos-symbol

Face for the symbol name in Apropos output.

Variable: xterm-function-map

Function key map overrides for xterm.

Function: package-handle-response

Handle the response from a `url-retrieve-synchronously' call.
Parse the HTTP response and throw if an error occurred.
The url package seems to require extra processing for this.
This should be called in a `save-excursion', in the download buffer.
It will move point to somewhere in the headers.

Function: shell-command

Execute string COMMAND in inferior shell; display output, if any.
With prefix argument, insert the COMMAND's output at point.

If COMMAND ends in `&', execute it asynchronously.
The output appears in the buffer `*Async Shell Command*'.
That buffer is in shell mode. You can also use
`async-shell-command' that automatically adds `&'.

Otherwise, COMMAND is executed synchronously. The output appears in
the buffer `*Shell Command Output*'. If the output is short enough to
display in the echo area (which is determined by the variables
`resize-mini-windows' and `max-mini-window-height'), it is shown
there, but it is nonetheless available in buffer `*Shell Command
Output*' even though that buffer is not automatically displayed.

To specify a coding system for converting non-ASCII characters
in the shell command output, use C-x RET c before this command.

Noninteractive callers can specify coding systems by binding
`coding-system-for-read' and `coding-system-for-write'.

The optional second argument OUTPUT-BUFFER, if non-nil,
says to put the output in some other buffer.
If OUTPUT-BUFFER is a buffer or buffer name, put the output there.
If OUTPUT-BUFFER is not a buffer and not nil,
insert output in current buffer. (This cannot be done asynchronously.)
In either case, the buffer is first erased, and the output is
inserted after point (leaving mark after it).

If the command terminates without error, but generates output,
and you did not specify "insert it in the current buffer",
the output can be displayed in the echo area or in its buffer.
If the output is short enough to display in the echo area
(determined by the variable `max-mini-window-height' if
`resize-mini-windows' is non-nil), it is shown there.
Otherwise,the buffer containing the output is displayed.

If there is output and an error, and you did not specify "insert it
in the current buffer", a message about the error goes at the end
of the output.

If there is no output, or if output is inserted in the current buffer,
then `*Shell Command Output*' is deleted.

If the optional third argument ERROR-BUFFER is non-nil, it is a buffer
or buffer name to which to direct the command's standard error output.
If it is nil, error output is mingled with regular output.
In an interactive call, the variable `shell-command-default-error-buffer'
specifies the value of ERROR-BUFFER.

In Elisp, you will often be better served by calling `call-process' or `start-process' directly, since it offers more control and does not impose the use of a shell (with its need to quote arguments).

Function: gnutls-get-initstage

Return the GnuTLS init stage of process PROC.
See also `gnutls-boot'.

(fn PROC)

Function: debug-help-follow

Follow cross-reference at POS, defaulting to point.

For the cross-reference format, see `help-make-xrefs'.

Function: package-read-all-archive-contents

Re-read `archive-contents', if it exists.
If successful, set `package-archive-contents'.

Function: truncate*

Return a list of the integer part of X and the fractional part of X.
With two arguments, return truncation and remainder of their quotient.

(fn X &optional Y)

Function: cl-floatp-safe

Return t if OBJECT is a floating point number.
On Emacs versions that lack floating-point support, this function
always returns nil.

Function: cl-values

Return multiple values, Common Lisp style.
The arguments of `cl-values' are the values
that the containing function should return.

(fn &rest VALUES)

Variable: color-name-rgb-alist

An alist of X color names and associated 16-bit RGB values.

Variable: after-make-frame-functions

Functions to run after a frame is created.
The functions are run with one arg, the newly created frame.

Variable: mail-indentation-spaces

Number of spaces to insert at the beginning of each cited line.
Used by `mail-yank-original' via `mail-indent-citation'.

Function: make-auto-save-file-name

Return file name to use for auto-saves of current buffer.
Does not consider `auto-save-visited-file-name' as that variable is checked
before calling this function. You can redefine this for customization.
See also `auto-save-file-name-p'.

Function: display-buffer-in-atom-window

Display BUFFER in an atomic window.
This function displays BUFFER in a new window that will be
combined with an existing window to form an atomic window. If
the existing window is already part of an atomic window, add the
new window to that atomic window. Operations like `split-window'
or `delete-window', when applied to a constituent of an atomic
window, are applied atomically to the root of that atomic window.

ALIST is an association list of symbols and values. The
following symbols can be used.

`window' specifies the existing window the new window shall be
combined with. Use `window-atom-root' to make the new window a
sibling of an atomic window's root. If an internal window is
specified here, all children of that window become part of the
atomic window too. If no window is specified, the new window
becomes a sibling of the selected window.

`side' denotes the side of the existing window where the new
window shall be located. Valid values are `below', `right',
`above' and `left'. The default is `below'. The return value is the new window, nil when creating that window failed.

Function: mail

Edit a message to be sent. Prefix arg means resume editing (don't erase).
When this function returns, the buffer `*mail*' is selected.
The value is t if the message was newly initialized; otherwise, nil.

Optionally, the signature file `mail-signature-file' can be inserted at the
end; see the variable `mail-signature'.

Uses keymap `mail-mode-map', which is not currently defined.

While editing message, type M-x mail-send-and-exit to send the message and exit.

Various special commands starting with C-c are available in sendmail mode
to move to message header fields:

Uses keymap `mail-mode-map', which is not currently defined.

If `mail-self-blind' is non-nil, a BCC to yourself is inserted
when the message is initialized.

If `mail-default-reply-to' is non-nil, it should be an address (a string);
a Reply-to: field with that address is inserted.

If `mail-archive-file-name' is non-nil, an FCC field with that file name
is inserted.

The normal hook `mail-setup-hook' is run after the message is
initialized. It can add more default fields to the message.

The first argument, NOERASE, determines what to do when there is
an existing modified `*mail*' buffer. If NOERASE is nil, the
existing mail buffer is used, and the user is prompted whether to
keep the old contents or to erase them. If NOERASE has the value
`new', a new mail buffer will be created instead of using the old
one. Any other non-nil value means to always select the old
buffer without erasing the contents.

The second through fifth arguments,
TO, SUBJECT, IN-REPLY-TO and CC, specify if non-nil
the initial contents of those header fields.
These arguments should not have final newlines.
The sixth argument REPLYBUFFER is a buffer which contains an
original message being replied to, or else an action
of the form (FUNCTION . ARGS) which says how to insert the original.
Or it can be nil, if not replying to anything.
The seventh argument ACTIONS is a list of actions to take
if/when the message is sent. Each action looks like (FUNCTION . ARGS);
when the message is sent, we apply FUNCTION to ARGS. This is how Rmail arranges to mark messages `answered'. (fn &optional NOERASE TO SUBJECT IN-REPLY-TO CC REPLYBUFFER ACTIONS RETURN-ACTION)

Function: jump-to-register

Move point to location stored in a register.
If the register contains a file name, find that file.
(To put a file name in a register, you must use `set-register'.)
If the register contains a window configuration (one frame) or a frame
configuration (all frames), restore that frame or all frames accordingly.
First argument is a character, naming the register.
Optional second arg non-nil (interactively, prefix argument) says to
delete any existing frames that the frame configuration doesn't mention.
(Otherwise, these frames are iconified.)

Function: next-read-file-uses-dialog-p

Return t if a call to `read-file-name' will use a dialog.
The return value is only relevant for a call to `read-file-name' that happens
before any other event (mouse or keypress) is handled. (fn)

Function: move-file-to-trash

Move the file (or directory) named FILENAME to the trash.
When `delete-by-moving-to-trash' is non-nil, this function is
called by `delete-file' and `delete-directory' instead of
deleting files outright.

If the function `system-move-file-to-trash' is defined, call it
with FILENAME as an argument.
Otherwise, if `trash-directory' is non-nil, move FILENAME to that
Otherwise, trash FILENAME using the freedesktop.org conventions,
like the GNOME, KDE and XFCE desktop environments. Emacs only
moves files to "home trash", ignoring per-volume trashcans.

Function: disassemble-offset

Don't call this!

(fn BYTES)

Variable: url-mail-command

This function will be called whenever URL needs to send mail.
It should enter a mail-mode-like buffer in the current window.
The commands `mail-to' and `mail-subject' should still work in this
buffer, and it should use `mail-header-separator' if possible.

Function: sh-set-indent

Set the indentation for the current line.
If the current line is controlled by an indentation variable, prompt
for a new value for it.

Function: org-columns

Turn on column view on an org-mode file.
When COLUMNS-FMT-STRING is non-nil, use it as the column format.

(fn &optional COLUMNS-FMT-STRING)

Function: file-chase-links

Chase links in FILENAME until a name that is not a link.
Unlike `file-truename', this does not check whether a parent
directory name is a symbolic link.
If the optional argument LIMIT is a number,
it means chase no more than that many links and then stop.

Function: copy-overlay

Return a copy of overlay O.

Variable: face-font-rescale-alist

Alist of fonts vs the rescaling factors.
Each element is a cons (FONT-PATTERN . RESCALE-RATIO), where
FONT-PATTERN is a font-spec or a regular expression matching a font name, and
RESCALE-RATIO is a floating point number to specify how much larger
(or smaller) font we should use. For instance, if a face requests
a font of 10 point, we actually use a font of 10 * RESCALE-RATIO point.

Function: pcomplete-stub

Dynamically complete STUB from CANDIDATES list.
This function inserts completion characters at point by completing
STUB from the strings in CANDIDATES. A completions listing may be
shown in a help buffer if completion is ambiguous.

Returns nil if no completion was inserted.
Returns `sole' if completed with the only completion match.
Returns `shortest' if completed with the shortest of the matches.
Returns `partial' if completed as far as possible with the matches.
Returns `listed' if a completion listing was shown.

See also `pcomplete-filename'. (fn STUB CANDIDATES &optional CYCLE-P)

Function: widget-browse-at

Browse the widget under point.

(fn POS)

Function: message-supersede

Start composing a message to supersede the current message.
This is done simply by taking the old article and adding a Supersedes
header line with the old Message-ID. (fn)

Function: gnus-x-face-from-file

Insert an X-Face header based on an image file.

Depending on `gnus-convert-image-to-x-face-command' it may accept
different input formats. (fn FILE)

Function: insert

Insert the arguments, either strings or characters, at point.
Point and before-insertion markers move forward to end up
after the inserted text.
Any other markers at the point of insertion remain before the text.

If the current buffer is multibyte, unibyte strings are converted
to multibyte for insertion (see `string-make-multibyte').
If the current buffer is unibyte, multibyte strings are converted
to unibyte for insertion (see `string-make-unibyte').

When operating on binary data, it may be necessary to preserve the
original bytes of a unibyte string when inserting it into a multibyte
buffer; to accomplish this, apply `string-as-multibyte' to the string and insert the result. (fn &rest ARGS)

Function: comint-bol-or-process-mark

Move point to beginning of line (after prompt) or to the process mark.
The first time you use this command, it moves to the beginning of the line
(but after the prompt, if any). If you repeat it again immediately,
it moves point to the process mark.

The process mark separates the process output, along with input already sent,
from input that has not yet been sent. Ordinarily, the process mark
is at the beginning of the current input line; but if you have
used M-x comint-accumulate to send multiple lines at once,
the process mark is at the beginning of the accumulated input. (fn)

Variable: comint-input-ring-separator

Separator between commands in the history file.

Function: Info-virtual-file-p

Check if Info file FILENAME is virtual.

Function: Buffer-menu-delete

Mark the buffer on this Buffer Menu buffer line for deletion.
A subsequent `x' command
will delete it.

If prefix argument ARG is non-nil, it specifies the number of
buffers to delete; a negative ARG means to delete backwards.

Function: comment-string-strip

Strip STR of any leading (if BEFOREP) and/or trailing (if AFTERP) space.


Variable: jka-compr-mode-alist-additions

List of pairs added to `auto-mode-alist' when installing jka-compr.
Uninstalling jka-compr removes all pairs from `auto-mode-alist' that
installing added.

If you set this outside Custom while Auto Compression mode is
already enabled (as it is by default), you have to call
`jka-compr-update' after setting it to properly update other
variables. Setting this through Custom does that automatically.

Function: c-guess-install

Install the latest guessed style into the current buffer.
(This guessed style is a combination of `c-guess-guessed-basic-offset',
`c-guess-guessed-offsets-alist' and `c-offsets-alist'.)

The style is entered into CC Mode's style system by
`c-add-style'. Its name is either STYLE-NAME, or a name based on
the absolute file name of the file if STYLE-NAME is nil.
(fn &optional STYLE-NAME)

Variable: inhibit-local-variables-regexps

List of regexps matching file names in which to ignore local variables.
This includes `-*-' lines as well as trailing "Local Variables" sections.
Files matching this list are typically binary file formats.
They may happen to contain sequences that look like local variable
specifications, but are not really, or they may be containers for
member files with their own local variable sections, which are
not appropriate for the containing file.
See also `inhibit-local-variables-suffixes'.

Function: eieio-class-un-autoload

If class CNAME is in an autoload state, load its file.

Function: replace-rectangle

Replace rectangle contents with STRING on each line.
The length of STRING need not be the same as the rectangle width.

Called from a program, takes three args; START, END and STRING.


Function: ido-read-file-name

Ido replacement for the built-in `read-file-name'.
Read file name, prompting with PROMPT and completing in directory DIR.
See `read-file-name' for additional parameters.


Function: copy-list

Return a copy of LIST, which may be a dotted list.
The elements of LIST are not copied, just the list structure itself.

(fn LIST)

Function: cl-set-exclusive-or

Combine LIST1 and LIST2 using a set-exclusive-or operation.
The resulting list contains all items appearing in exactly one of LIST1, LIST2.
This is a non-destructive function; it makes a copy of the data if necessary
to avoid corrupting the original LIST1 and LIST2.

Keywords supported: :test :test-not :key


Function: info-lookup-symbol

Display the definition of SYMBOL, as found in the relevant manual.
When this command is called interactively, it reads SYMBOL from the
minibuffer. In the minibuffer, use M-n to yank the default argument
value into the minibuffer so you can edit it. The default symbol is the
one found at point.

With prefix arg a query for the symbol help mode is offered.
(fn SYMBOL &optional MODE)

Variable: default-enable-multibyte-characters

Default value of `enable-multibyte-characters' for buffers not overriding it.
This is the same as (default-value 'enable-multibyte-characters).

Variable: class-public-custom-group

Class custom group for a slot.

Function: lisp-eval-defun

Send the current defun to the Lisp process made by M-x run-lisp.

Variable: kill-ring-yank-pointer

The tail of the kill ring whose car is the last thing yanked.

Variable: tex-first-line-header-regexp

Regexp for matching a first line which `tex-region' should include.
If this is non-nil, it should be a regular expression string;
if it matches the first line of the file,
`tex-region' always includes the first line in the TeX run.

Function: metamail-buffer

Process current buffer through `metamail'.
Optional argument VIEWMODE specifies the value of the
EMACS_VIEW_MODE environment variable (defaulted to 1).
Optional argument BUFFER specifies a buffer to be filled (nil
means current).
Optional argument NODISPLAY non-nil means buffer is not
redisplayed as output is inserted.


Function: feedmail-run-the-queue-no-prompts

Like `feedmail-run-the-queue', but suppress confirmation prompts.

(fn &optional ARG)

Function: erc-truncate-buffer

Truncates the current buffer to `erc-max-buffer-size'.
Meant to be used in hooks, like `erc-insert-post-hook'.

Variable: revert-buffer-function

Function to use to revert this buffer, or nil to do the default.
The function receives two arguments IGNORE-AUTO and NOCONFIRM,
which are the arguments that `revert-buffer' received.

Function: next-line

Move cursor vertically down ARG lines.
Interactively, vscroll tall lines if `auto-window-vscroll' is enabled.
If there is no character in the target line exactly under the current column,
the cursor is positioned after the character in that line which spans this
column, or at the end of the line if it is not long enough.
If there is no line in the buffer after this one, behavior depends on the
value of `next-line-add-newlines'. If non-nil, it inserts a newline character
to create a line, and moves the cursor to that line. Otherwise it moves the
cursor to the end of the buffer.

If the variable `line-move-visual' is non-nil, this command moves
by display lines. Otherwise, it moves by buffer lines, without
taking variable-width characters or continued lines into account.

The command C-x C-n can be used to create
a semipermanent goal column for this command.
Then instead of trying to move exactly vertically (or as close as possible),
this command moves to the specified goal column (or as close as possible).
The goal column is stored in the variable `goal-column', which is nil
when there is no goal column. Note that setting `goal-column'
overrides `line-move-visual' and causes this command to move by buffer
lines rather than by display lines.

If you are thinking of using this in a Lisp program, consider
using `forward-line' instead. It is usually easier to use and more reliable (no dependence on goal column, etc.).

Function: windowp

Return t if OBJECT is a window and nil otherwise.


Variable: default-vertical-scroll-bar

Default value of `vertical-scroll-bar' for buffers that don't override it.
This is the same as (default-value 'vertical-scroll-bar).

Function: logand

Return bitwise-and of all the arguments.
Arguments may be integers, or markers converted to integers.

(fn &rest INTS-OR-MARKERS)

Function: pr-ps-region-preview

Preview region using ghostview.

See also `pr-ps-buffer-preview'.

(fn N-UP &optional FILENAME)

Function: get-internal-run-time

Return the current run time used by Emacs.
The time is returned as a list (HIGH LOW USEC PSEC), using the same
style as (current-time).

On systems that can't determine the run time, `get-internal-run-time'
does the same thing as `current-time'. (fn)

Function: vc-git-merge-branch

Merge changes into the current Git branch.
This prompts for a branch to merge from.

Function: facemenu-set-underline

Select face `underline' for subsequent insertion.
If the mark is active and there is no prefix argument,
apply face `underline' to the region instead.
This command was defined by `facemenu-add-new-face'.

Variable: tex-offer-save

If non-nil, ask about saving modified buffers before M-x tex-file is run.

Function: browse-url-chromium

Ask the Chromium WWW browser to load URL.
Default to the URL around or before point. The strings in
variable `browse-url-chromium-arguments' are also passed to

(fn URL &optional NEW-WINDOW)

Variable: custom--inhibit-theme-enable

Whether the custom-theme-set-* functions act immediately.
If nil, `custom-theme-set-variables' and `custom-theme-set-faces'
change the current values of the given variable or face. If
non-nil, they just make a record of the theme settings.

Function: keymap--merge-bindings

Merge bindings VAL1 and VAL2.

Function: smie--associative-p


Function: byte-compile-stack-adjustment

Return the amount by which an operation adjusts the stack.
OP and OPERAND are as passed to `byte-compile-out'.


Variable: completions-format

Define the appearance and sorting of completions.
If the value is `vertical', display completions sorted vertically
in columns in the *Completions* buffer.
If the value is `horizontal', display completions sorted
horizontally in alphabetical order, rather than down the screen.

Function: orgstruct-mode

Toggle the minor mode `orgstruct-mode'.
This mode is for using Org-mode structure commands in other
modes. The following keys behave as if Org-mode were active, if
the cursor is on a headline, or on a plain list item (both as
defined by Org-mode).

M-up Move entry/item up
M-down Move entry/item down
M-left Promote
M-right Demote
M-S-up Move entry/item up
M-S-down Move entry/item down
M-S-left Promote subtree
M-S-right Demote subtree
M-q Fill paragraph and items like in Org-mode
C-c ^ Sort entries
C-c - Cycle list bullet
TAB Cycle item visibility
M-RET Insert new heading/item
S-M-RET Insert new TODO heading / Checkbox item C-c C-c Set tags / toggle checkbox (fn &optional ARG)

Function: info-complete-symbol

Perform completion on symbol preceding point.

(fn &optional MODE)

Variable: byte-save-excursion

Byte code opcode to make a binding to record the buffer, point and mark.

Function: package-unpack-single

Install the contents of the current buffer as a package.

Function: preceding-sexp

Return sexp before the point.

Function: ido-dired

Call `dired' the ido way.
The directory is selected interactively by typing a substring.
For details of keybindings, see `ido-find-file'. (fn)

Variable: keyboard-type

The brand of keyboard you are using.
This variable is used to define the proper function and keypad
keys for use under X. It is used in a fashion analogous to the
environment variable TERM.

Function: window--atom-check-1

Subroutine of `window--atom-check'.

Function: which-func-mode

Toggle mode line display of current function (Which Function mode).
With a prefix argument ARG, enable Which Function mode if ARG is
positive, and disable it otherwise. If called from Lisp, enable
the mode if ARG is omitted or nil.

Which Function mode is a global minor mode. When enabled, the
current function name is continuously displayed in the mode line,
in certain major modes. (fn &optional ARG)

Function: bury-buffer

Put BUFFER-OR-NAME at the end of the list of all buffers.
There it is the least likely candidate for `other-buffer' to
return; thus, the least likely buffer for C-x b to
select by default.

You can specify a buffer name as BUFFER-OR-NAME, or an actual
buffer object. If BUFFER-OR-NAME is nil or omitted, bury the
current buffer. Also, if BUFFER-OR-NAME is nil or omitted,
remove the current buffer from the selected window if it is displayed there.

Variable: url-parse-syntax-table

A syntax table for parsing URLs.

Function: pr-ps-buffer-print

Print buffer using PostScript printer.

Interactively, the command prompts for N-UP printing number and, when you use a
prefix argument (C-u), the command prompts the user for a file name, and saves
the PostScript image in that file instead of sending it to the printer.

Noninteractively, if N-UP is nil, prompts for N-UP printing number. The
argument FILENAME is treated as follows: if it's nil, send the image to the
printer. If FILENAME is a string, save the PostScript image in a file with
that name. If FILENAME is t, prompts for a file name. (fn N-UP &optional FILENAME)

Function: gnus-cache-generate-active

Generate the cache active file.

(fn &optional DIRECTORY)

Function: find-function

Find the definition of the FUNCTION near point.

Finds the source file containing the definition of the function
near point (selected by `function-called-at-point') in a buffer and
places point before the definition.
Set mark before moving, if the buffer already existed.

The library where FUNCTION is defined is searched for in
`find-function-source-path', if non-nil, otherwise in `load-path'.
See also `find-function-recenter-line' and `find-function-after-hook'. (fn FUNCTION)

Function: read-only-mode

Change whether the current buffer is read-only.
With prefix argument ARG, make the buffer read-only if ARG is
positive, otherwise make it writable. If buffer is read-only
and `view-read-only' is non-nil, enter view mode.

Do not call this from a Lisp program unless you really intend to
do the same thing as the C-x C-q command, including
possibly enabling or disabling View mode. Also, note that this
command works by setting the variable `buffer-read-only', which
does not affect read-only regions caused by text properties. To
ignore read-only status in a Lisp program (whether due to text
properties or buffer state), bind `inhibit-read-only' temporarily to a non-nil value.

Function: Info-revert-find-node

Go to an Info node FILENAME and NODENAME, re-reading disk contents.
When *info* is already displaying FILENAME and NODENAME, the window position
is preserved, if possible.

Function: dnd-get-local-file-name

Return file name converted from file:/// or file: syntax.
URI is the uri for the file. If MUST-EXIST is given and non-nil,
only return non-nil if the file exists.
Return nil if URI is not a local file.

Variable: Info-split-threshold

The number of characters by which `Info-split' splits an info file.

Function: list-directory

Display a list of files in or matching DIRNAME, a la `ls'.
DIRNAME is globbed by the shell if necessary.
Prefix arg (second arg if noninteractive) means supply -l switch to `ls'.
Actions controlled by variables `list-directory-brief-switches'
and `list-directory-verbose-switches'.

Function: byte-compile-minus

(fn FORM)

Function: vc-git-annotate-extract-revision-at-line


Function: package-menu-refresh

Download the Emacs Lisp package archive.
This fetches the contents of each archive specified in
`package-archives', and then refreshes the package menu.

Variable: compose-mail-user-agent-warnings

If non-nil, `compose-mail' warns about changes in `mail-user-agent'.
If the value of `mail-user-agent' is the default, and the user
appears to have customizations applying to the old default,
`compose-mail' issues a warning.

Variable: url-path-allowed-chars

Allowed-character byte mask for the path segment of a URI.
These characters are specified in RFC 3986, Appendix A.

Function: comint-extract-string

Return string around point, or nil.


Function: cl--map-intervals


Function: cl-pairlis

Make an alist from KEYS and VALUES.
Return a new alist composed by associating KEYS to corresponding VALUES;
the process stops as soon as KEYS or VALUES run out.
If ALIST is non-nil, the new pairs are prepended to it.

(fn KEYS VALUES &optional ALIST)

Function: pr-ps-buffer-ps-print

Print buffer using PostScript printer or through ghostscript.

It depends on `pr-print-using-ghostscript'.

Interactively, the command prompts for N-UP printing number and, when you use a
prefix argument (C-u), the command prompts the user for a file name, and saves
the PostScript image in that file instead of sending it to the printer.

Noninteractively, if N-UP is nil, prompts for N-UP printing number. The
argument FILENAME is treated as follows: if it's nil, send the image to the
printer. If FILENAME is a string, save the PostScript image in a file with
that name. If FILENAME is t, prompts for a file name. (fn N-UP &optional FILENAME)

Function: unibyte-char-to-multibyte

Convert the byte CH to multibyte character.

(fn CH)

Function: package-compute-transaction

Return a list of packages to be installed, including PACKAGE-LIST.
PACKAGE-LIST should be a list of package names (symbols).

REQUIREMENTS should be a list of additional requirements; each
element in this list should have the form (PACKAGE VERSION-LIST),
where PACKAGE is a package name and VERSION-LIST is the required
version of that package.

This function recursively computes the requirements of the
packages in REQUIREMENTS, and returns a list of all the packages
that must be installed. Packages that are already installed are not included in this list.

Variable: isearch-filter-predicate

Predicate that filters the search hits that would normally be available.
Search hits that dissatisfy the predicate are skipped. The function
has two arguments: the positions of start and end of text matched by
the search. If this function returns nil, continue searching without
stopping at this match.

Function: sql-product-interactive

Run PRODUCT interpreter as an inferior process.

If buffer `*SQL*' exists but no process is running, make a new process.
If buffer exists and a process is running, just switch to buffer `*SQL*'.

To specify the SQL product, prefix the call with
C-u. To set the buffer name as well, prefix
the call to M-x sql-product-interactive with
C-u C-u.

(Type C-h m in the SQL buffer for a list of commands.) (fn &optional PRODUCT NEW-NAME)

Function: quail-title

Return the title of the current Quail package.


Function: face-equal

Non-nil if faces FACE1 and FACE2 are equal.
Faces are considered equal if all their attributes are equal.
If the optional argument FRAME is given, report on FACE1 and FACE2 in that frame.
If FRAME is t, report on the defaults for FACE1 and FACE2 (for new frames).
If FRAME is omitted or nil, use the selected frame.

Variable: char-coding-system-table

It exists just for backward compatibility, and the value is always nil.

Function: activate-input-method

Switch to input method INPUT-METHOD for the current buffer.
If some other input method is already active, turn it off first.
If INPUT-METHOD is nil, deactivate any current input method.

Function: gnus-parent-id

Return the last Message-ID in REFERENCES.
If N, return the Nth ancestor instead.

Variable: sgml-mode-map

Keymap for SGML mode. See also `sgml-specials'.

Function: url-mailto

Handle the mailto: URL syntax.

(fn URL)

Function: strokes-read-stroke

Read a simple stroke (interactively) and return the stroke.
Optional PROMPT in minibuffer displays before and during stroke reading.
This function will display the stroke interactively as it is being
entered in the strokes buffer if the variable
`strokes-use-strokes-buffer' is non-nil.
Optional EVENT is acceptable as the starting event of the stroke.

(fn &optional PROMPT EVENT)

Function: jdb

Run jdb with command line COMMAND-LINE in a buffer.
The buffer is named "*gud*" if no initial class is given or
"*gud-*" if there is. If the "-classpath"
switch is given, omit all whitespace between it and its value.

See `gud-jdb-use-classpath' and `gud-jdb-classpath' documentation for
information on how jdb accesses source files. Alternatively (if
`gud-jdb-use-classpath' is nil), see `gud-jdb-directories' for the
original source file access method.

For general information about commands available to control jdb from gud, see `gud-mode'. (fn COMMAND-LINE)

Function: eval-expression

Evaluate EVAL-EXPRESSION-ARG and print value in the echo area.
When called interactively, read an Emacs Lisp expression and
evaluate it.
Value is also consed on to front of the variable `values'.
Optional argument EVAL-EXPRESSION-INSERT-VALUE non-nil (interactively,
with prefix argument) means insert the result into the current buffer
instead of printing it in the echo area. Truncates long output
according to the value of the variables `eval-expression-print-length'
and `eval-expression-print-level'.

If `eval-expression-debug-on-error' is non-nil, which is the default,
this command arranges for all errors to enter the debugger.

Function: pkg-info-library-version

Get the version in the header of LIBRARY.

LIBRARY is either a symbol denoting a named feature, or a library
name as string.

If SHOW is non-nil, show the version in the minibuffer.

Return the version from the header of LIBRARY as list. Signal an
error if the LIBRARY was not found or had no proper header.

See Info node `(elisp)Library Headers' for more information
about library headers. (fn LIBRARY &optional SHOW)

Function: epa-mail-mode

A minor-mode for composing encrypted/clearsigned mails.
With a prefix argument ARG, enable the mode if ARG is positive,
and disable it otherwise. If called from Lisp, enable the mode
if ARG is omitted or nil.

(fn &optional ARG)

Variable: compilation-process-setup-function

Function to call to customize the compilation process.
This function is called immediately before the compilation process is
started. It can be used to set any variables or functions that are used
while processing the output of the compilation process.

Function: previous-line

Move cursor vertically up ARG lines.
Interactively, vscroll tall lines if `auto-window-vscroll' is enabled.
If there is no character in the target line exactly over the current column,
the cursor is positioned after the character in that line which spans this
column, or at the end of the line if it is not long enough.

If the variable `line-move-visual' is non-nil, this command moves
by display lines. Otherwise, it moves by buffer lines, without
taking variable-width characters or continued lines into account.

The command C-x C-n can be used to create
a semipermanent goal column for this command.
Then instead of trying to move exactly vertically (or as close as possible),
this command moves to the specified goal column (or as close as possible).
The goal column is stored in the variable `goal-column', which is nil
when there is no goal column. Note that setting `goal-column'
overrides `line-move-visual' and causes this command to move by buffer
lines rather than by display lines.

If you are thinking of using this in a Lisp program, consider using
`forward-line' with a negative argument instead. It is usually easier to use and more reliable (no dependence on goal column, etc.).

Variable: eol-mnemonic-undecided

*String displayed in mode line when end-of-line format is not yet determined.

Function: eieio-default-superclass-list-p

Test OBJ to see if it a list of objects which are a child of type eieio-default-superclass

Function: dabbrev--select-buffers

Return a list of other buffers to search for a possible abbrev.
The current buffer is not included in the list.

This function makes a list of all the buffers returned by `buffer-list',
then discards buffers whose names match `dabbrev-ignored-buffer-names'
or `dabbrev-ignored-buffer-regexps'. It also discards buffers for which
`dabbrev-friend-buffer-function', if it is bound, returns nil when called
with the buffer as argument.
It returns the list of the buffers that are not discarded. (fn)

Variable: Info-mode-line-node-keymap

Keymap to put on the Info node name in the mode line.

Function: uudecode-decode-region-external

Uudecode region between START and END using external program.
If FILE-NAME is non-nil, save the result to FILE-NAME. The program
used is specified by `uudecode-decoder-program'.

(fn START END &optional FILE-NAME)

Function: tildify-buffer

Add hard spaces in the current buffer.
See variables `tildify-pattern-alist', `tildify-string-alist', and
`tildify-ignored-environments-alist' for information about configuration
This function performs no refilling of the changed text. (fn)

Variable: require-final-newline

Whether to add a newline automatically at the end of the file.

A value of t means do this only when the file is about to be saved.
A value of `visit' means do this right after the file is visited.
A value of `visit-save' means do it at both of those times.
Any other non-nil value means ask user whether to add a newline, when saving.
A value of nil means don't add newlines.

Certain major modes set this locally to the value obtained
from `mode-require-final-newline'.

Function: batch-byte-compile-file

(fn FILE)

Function: gnus-string<

Return t if first arg string is less than second in lexicographic order.
Case is significant if and only if `case-fold-search' is nil.
Symbols are also allowed; their print names are used instead.

Function: cl-caadar

Return the `car' of the `car' of the `cdr' of the `car' of X.

(fn X)

Function: isearch-describe-key

Display documentation of the function invoked by isearch key.

Variable: overwrite-mode-textual

The string displayed in the mode line when in overwrite mode.

Function: repeat

Repeat most recently executed command.
If REPEAT-ARG is non-nil (interactively, with a prefix argument),
supply a prefix argument to that command. Otherwise, give the
command the same prefix argument it was given before, if any.

If this command is invoked by a multi-character key sequence, it
can then be repeated by repeating the final character of that
sequence. This behavior can be modified by the global variable

`repeat' ignores commands bound to input events. Hence the term
"most recently executed command" shall be read as "most
recently executed command not bound to an input event". (fn REPEAT-ARG)

Variable: read-buffer-completion-ignore-case

Non-nil means completion ignores case when reading a buffer name.

Function: coding-system-eol-type

Return eol-type of CODING-SYSTEM.
An eol-type is an integer 0, 1, 2, or a vector of coding systems.

Integer values 0, 1, and 2 indicate a format of end-of-line; LF, CRLF,
and CR respectively.

A vector value indicates that a format of end-of-line should be
detected automatically. Nth element of the vector is the subsidiary
coding system whose eol-type is N. (fn CODING-SYSTEM)

Function: position-if-not

Find the first item not satisfying PREDICATE in SEQ.
Return the index of the matching item, or nil if not found.

Keywords supported: :key :start :end :from-end


Function: cl-nsubst-if

Substitute NEW for elements matching PREDICATE in TREE (destructively).
Any element of TREE which matches is changed to NEW (via a call to `setcar').

Keywords supported: :key


Variable: tibetan-precomposed-regexp

Regexp string to match a romanized Tibetan complex consonant.
The result of matching is to be used for indexing alists when the input key
from an input method is converted to the corresponding precomposed glyph.

Variable: goal-column

Semipermanent goal column for vertical motion, as set by C-x C-n, or nil.
A non-nil setting overrides `line-move-visual', which see.

Function: insert-abbrevs

Insert after point a description of all defined abbrevs.
Mark is set after the inserted text.

Function: epa-delete-keys

Delete selected KEYS.

(fn KEYS &optional ALLOW-SECRET)

Function: customize-face-other-window

Show customization buffer for face FACE in other window.
If FACE is actually a face-alias, customize the face it is aliased to.

Interactively, when point is on text which has a face specified,
suggest to customize that face, if it's customizable.
(fn &optional FACE)

Function: customize-mode

Customize options related to the current major mode.
If a prefix C-u was given (or if the current major mode has no known group),
then prompt for the MODE to customize.
(fn MODE)

Function: lisp-mode

Major mode for editing Lisp code for Lisps other than GNU Emacs Lisp.
Delete converts tabs to spaces as it moves back.
Blank lines separate paragraphs. Semicolons start comments.

key binding
--- -------

C-c Prefix Command
ESC Prefix Command
DEL backward-delete-char-untabify

C-c C-z run-lisp

C-M-x lisp-eval-defun

C-M-q indent-sexp

Note that `run-lisp' may be used either to start an inferior Lisp job
or to switch back to an existing one.
Entry to this mode calls the value of `lisp-mode-hook' if that value is non-nil.

Function: locate-user-emacs-file

Return an absolute per-user Emacs-specific file name.
If OLD-NAME is non-nil and ~/OLD-NAME exists, return ~/OLD-NAME.
Else return NEW-NAME in `user-emacs-directory', creating the
directory if it does not exist.

Function: sit-for

Perform redisplay, then wait for SECONDS seconds or until input is available.
SECONDS may be a floating-point value.
(On operating systems that do not support waiting for fractions of a
second, floating-point values are rounded down to the nearest integer.)

If optional arg NODISP is t, don't redisplay, just wait for input.
Redisplay does not happen if input is available before it starts.

Value is t if waited the full time with no input arriving, and nil otherwise.

An obsolete, but still supported form is
where the optional arg MILLISECONDS specifies an additional wait period,
in milliseconds; this was useful when Emacs was built without floating point support.

Function: point-at-eol

Return the character position of the last character on the current line.
With argument N not nil or 1, move forward N - 1 lines first.
If scan reaches end of buffer, return that position.

This function ignores text display directionality; it returns the
position of the last character in logical order, i.e. the largest
character position on the line.

This function constrains the returned position to the current field
unless that would be on a different line than the original,
unconstrained result. If N is nil or 1, and a rear-sticky field ends
at point, the scan stops as soon as it starts. To ignore field
boundaries bind `inhibit-field-text-motion' to t.

This function does not move point. (fn &optional N)

Function: window-frame

Return the frame that window WINDOW is on.
WINDOW must be a valid window and defaults to the selected one.


Variable: cannot-suspend

Non-nil means to always spawn a subshell instead of suspending.
(Even if the operating system has support for stopping a process.)

Function: mouse-set-font

Set the default font for the selected frame.
The argument FONTS is a list of font names; the first valid font
in this list is used.

When called interactively, pop up a menu and allow the user to
choose a font. (fn &rest FONTS)

Variable: texinfo-open-quote

String inserted by typing M-x texinfo-insert-quote to open a quotation.

Function: rmail-input

Run Rmail on file FILENAME.


Function: window-minibuffer-p

Return non-nil if WINDOW is a minibuffer window.
WINDOW must be a valid window and defaults to the selected one.

(fn &optional WINDOW)

Function: comint-delim-arg

Return a list of arguments from ARG.
Break it up at the delimiters in `comint-delimiter-argument-list'.
Returned list is backwards.

Characters with non-nil values of the text property `literal' are
assumed to have literal values (e.g., backslash-escaped
characters), and are not considered to be delimiters. (fn ARG)

Function: dnd-handle-one-url

Handle one dropped url by calling the appropriate handler.
The handler is first located by looking at `dnd-protocol-alist'.
If no match is found here, and the value of `browse-url-browser-function'
is a pair of (REGEXP . FUNCTION), those regexps are tried for a match.
If no match is found, just call `dnd-insert-text'.
WINDOW is where the drop happened, ACTION is the action for the drop,
URL is what has been dropped. Returns ACTION.

Function: eval-defun

Evaluate the top-level form containing point, or after point.

If the current defun is actually a call to `defvar' or `defcustom',
evaluating it this way resets the variable using its initial value
expression even if the variable already has some other value.
(Normally `defvar' and `defcustom' do not alter the value if there
already is one.) In an analogous way, evaluating a `defface'
overrides any customizations of the face, so that it becomes
defined exactly as the `defface' expression says.

If `eval-expression-debug-on-error' is non-nil, which is the default,
this command arranges for all errors to enter the debugger.

With a prefix argument, instrument the code for Edebug.

If acting on a `defun' for FUNCTION, and the function was
instrumented, `Edebug: FUNCTION' is printed in the minibuffer. If not
instrumented, just FUNCTION is printed.

If not acting on a `defun', the result of evaluation is displayed in
the minibuffer. This display is controlled by the variables `eval-expression-print-length' and `eval-expression-print-level', which see.

Variable: font-lock-beginning-of-syntax-function

Non-nil means use this function to move back outside all constructs.
When called with no args it should move point backward to a place which
is not in a string or comment and not within any bracket-pairs (or else,
a place such that any bracket-pairs outside it can be ignored for Emacs
syntax analysis and fontification).

If this is nil, Font Lock uses `syntax-begin-function' to move back
outside of any comment, string, or sexp. This variable is semi-obsolete;
we recommend setting `syntax-begin-function' instead.

This is normally set via `font-lock-defaults'.

Function: modify-frame-parameters

Modify the parameters of frame FRAME according to ALIST.
If FRAME is nil, it defaults to the selected frame.
ALIST is an alist of parameters to change and their new values.
Each element of ALIST has the form (PARM . VALUE), where PARM is a symbol.
The meaningful PARMs depend on the kind of frame.
Undefined PARMs are ignored, but stored in the frame's parameter list
so that `frame-parameters' will return them.

The value of frame parameter FOO can also be accessed
as a frame-local binding for the variable FOO, if you have
enabled such bindings for that variable with `make-variable-frame-local'.
Note that this functionality is obsolete as of Emacs 22.2, and its
use is not recommended. Explicitly check for a frame-parameter instead. (fn FRAME ALIST)

Variable: deferred-action-list

List of deferred actions to be performed at a later time.
The precise format isn't relevant here; we just check whether it is nil.

Variable: pcomplete-termination-string

A string that is inserted after any completion or expansion.
This is usually a space character, useful when completing lists of
words separated by spaces. However, if your list uses a different
separator character, or if the completion occurs in a word that is
already terminated by a character, this variable should be locally
modified to be an empty string, or the desired separation string.

Function: set-frame-font

Set the default font to FONT.
When called interactively, prompt for the name of a font, and use
that font on the selected frame. When called from Lisp, FONT
should be a font name (a string), a font object, font entity, or
font spec.

If KEEP-SIZE is nil, keep the number of frame lines and columns
fixed. If KEEP-SIZE is non-nil (or with a prefix argument), try
to keep the current frame size fixed (in pixels) by adjusting the
number of lines and columns.

If FRAMES is nil, apply the font to the selected frame only.
If FRAMES is non-nil, it should be a list of frames to act upon,
or t meaning all graphical frames. Also, if FRAME is non-nil,
alter the user's Customization settings as though the
font-related attributes of the `default' face had been "set in
this session", so that the font is applied to future frames.

Variable: diff-command

The command to use to run diff.

Variable: text-mode-syntax-table

Syntax table used while in `text-mode'.

Function: vectorp

Return t if OBJECT is a vector.


Variable: url-standalone-mode

Rely solely on the cache?

Function: x-decompose-font-name

Decompose PATTERN into XLFD fields and return a vector of the fields.
The length of the vector is 12.
The FOUNDRY and FAMILY fields are concatenated and stored in the first
element of the vector.
The REGISTRY and ENCODING fields are concatenated and stored in the last
element of the vector.

Return nil if PATTERN doesn't conform to XLFD.

Function: keep-lines-read-args

Read arguments for `keep-lines' and friends.
Prompt for a regexp with PROMPT.
Value is a list, (REGEXP).

Function: isearch-complete

Complete the search string from the strings on the search ring.
The completed string is then editable in the minibuffer.
If there is no completion possible, say so and continue searching.

Function: next-error

Visit next `next-error' message and corresponding source code.

If all the error messages parsed so far have been processed already,
the message buffer is checked for new ones.

A prefix ARG specifies how many error messages to move;
negative means move back to previous error messages.
Just C-u as a prefix means reparse the error message buffer
and start at the first error.

The RESET argument specifies that we should restart from the beginning.

C-x ` normally uses the most recently started
compilation, grep, or occur buffer. It can also operate on any
buffer with output from the M-x compile, M-x grep commands, or,
more generally, on any buffer in Compilation mode or with
Compilation Minor mode enabled, or any buffer in which
`next-error-function' is bound to an appropriate function.
To specify use of a particular buffer for error messages, type
C-x ` in that buffer when it is the only one displayed
in the current frame.

Once C-x ` has chosen the buffer for error messages, it
runs `next-error-hook' with `run-hooks', and stays with that buffer
until you use it in some other buffer which uses Compilation mode
or Compilation Minor mode. To control which errors are matched, customize the variable `compilation-error-regexp-alist'.

Face: next-error

Face used to highlight next error locus.

Function: font-get-system-normal-font

Get the system default application font.


Variable: sh-kw-alist

A buffer-local, since it is shell-type dependent, list of keywords.

Variable: syntax-ppss-max-span

Threshold below which cache info is deemed unnecessary.
We try to make sure that cache entries are at least this far apart
from each other, to avoid keeping too much useless info.

Function: fortune

Display a fortune cookie.
If called with a prefix asks for the FILE to choose the fortune from,
otherwise uses the value of `fortune-file'. If you want to have fortune
choose from a set of files in a directory, call interactively with prefix
and choose the directory as the fortune-file.
(fn &optional FILE)

Function: browse-url-mail

Open a new mail message buffer within Emacs for the RFC 2368 URL.
Default to using the mailto: URL around or before point as the
recipient's address. Supplying a non-nil interactive prefix argument
will cause the mail to be composed in another window rather than the
current one.

When called interactively, if variable `browse-url-new-window-flag' is
non-nil use `compose-mail-other-window', otherwise `compose-mail'. A
non-nil interactive prefix argument reverses the effect of

When called non-interactively, optional second argument NEW-WINDOW is
used instead of `browse-url-new-window-flag'. (fn URL &optional NEW-WINDOW)

Variable: profiler-log-size

Number of distinct call-stacks that can be recorded in a profiler log.
If the log gets full, some of the least-seen call-stacks will be evicted
to make room for new entries.

Variable: sh-first-lines-indent

The indentation of the first non-blank non-comment line.
Usually 0 meaning first column.
Can be set to a number, or to nil which means leave it as is.

Function: facemenu-active-faces

Return from FACE-LIST those faces that would be used for display.
This means each face attribute is not specified in a face earlier in FACE-LIST
and such a face is therefore active when used to display text.
If the optional argument FRAME is given, use the faces in that frame; otherwise
use the selected frame. If t, then the global, non-frame faces are used.

Function: pr-toggle-duplex

Toggle duplex.


Function: message-forward-make-body


Function: delete-other-windows

Make WINDOW fill its frame.
WINDOW must be a valid window and defaults to the selected one.
Return nil.

If the variable `ignore-window-parameters' is non-nil or the
`delete-other-windows' parameter of WINDOW equals t, do not
process any parameters of WINDOW. Otherwise, if the
`delete-other-windows' parameter of WINDOW specifies a function,
call that function with WINDOW as its sole argument and return
the value returned by that function.

Otherwise, if WINDOW is part of an atomic window, call this
function with the root of the atomic window as its argument. If
WINDOW is a non-side window, make WINDOW the only non-side window
on the frame. Side windows are not deleted. If WINDOW is a side window signal an error.

Function: set-window-combination-limit

Set combination limit of window WINDOW to LIMIT; return LIMIT.
If LIMIT is nil, child windows of WINDOW can be recombined with WINDOW's
siblings. LIMIT t means that child windows of WINDOW are never
(re-)combined with WINDOW's siblings. Other values are reserved for
future use.

WINDOW must be a valid window. Setting the combination limit is
meaningful for internal windows only. (fn WINDOW LIMIT)

Variable: ansi-color-parameter-regexp

Regexp that matches SGR control sequence parameters.

Function: Info-find-node-in-buffer-1

Find a node or anchor in the current buffer.
REGEXP is a regular expression matching nodes or references. Its first
group should match `Node:' or `Ref:'.
CASE-FOLD t means search for a case-insensitive match.
Value is the position at which a match was found, or nil if not found.

Function: sgml-parse-dtd

Simplistic parse of the current buffer as a DTD.
Currently just returns (EMPTY-TAGS UNCLOSED-TAGS).

Function: cddaar

Return the `cdr' of the `cdr' of the `car' of the `car' of X.

(fn X)

Function: tramp-completion-file-name-handler

Invoke Tramp file name completion handler.
Falls back to normal file name handler if no Tramp file name handler exists.

Function: highlight-changes-next-change

Move to the beginning of the next change, if in Highlight Changes mode.


Function: terminal-parameters

Return the parameter-alist of terminal TERMINAL.
The value is a list of elements of the form (PARM . VALUE), where PARM
is a symbol.

TERMINAL can be a terminal object, a frame, or nil (meaning the
selected frame's terminal).
(fn &optional TERMINAL)

Function: cl-map-keymap

Call FUNCTION once for each event binding in KEYMAP.
FUNCTION is called with two arguments: the event that is bound, and
the definition it is bound to. The event may be a character range.

If KEYMAP has a parent, the parent's bindings are included as well.
This works recursively: if the parent has itself a parent, then the
grandparent's bindings are also included and so on. (fn FUNCTION KEYMAP)

Function: cl--function-convert

Special macro-expander for special cases of (function F).
The two cases that are handled are:
- closure-conversion of lambda expressions for `lexical-let'.
- renaming of F when it's a function defined via `cl-labels' or `labels'. (fn F)

Function: robin-modify-package

Change a rule in an already defined robin package.

NAME is the string specifying a robin package.
INPUT is a string that specifies the input pattern.
OUTPUT is either a character or a string to be generated.


Function: 5x5-crack-mutating-best

Attempt to crack 5x5 by mutating the best solution.


Variable: yank-excluded-properties

Text properties to discard when yanking.
The value should be a list of text properties to discard or t,
which means to discard all text properties.

See also `yank-handled-properties'.

Function: mouse-secondary-save-then-kill

Set the secondary selection and save it to the kill ring.
The second time, kill it. CLICK should be a mouse click event.

If you have not called `mouse-start-secondary' in the clicked
buffer, activate the secondary selection and set it between point
and the click position CLICK.

Otherwise, adjust the bounds of the secondary selection.
Normally, do this by moving its beginning or end, whichever is
closer, to CLICK. But if you have selected whole words or lines,
adjust to the word or line boundary closest to CLICK instead.

If this command is called a second consecutive time with the same
CLICK position, kill the secondary selection. (fn CLICK)

Function: package-install-file

Install a package from a file.
The file can either be a tar file or an Emacs Lisp file.

Function: find-function-setup-keys

Define some key bindings for the find-function family of functions.


Function: display-about-screen

Display the *About GNU Emacs* buffer.
A fancy display is used on graphic displays, normal otherwise.

Variable: directory-abbrev-alist

Alist of abbreviations for file directories.
A list of elements of the form (FROM . TO), each meaning to replace
FROM with TO when it appears in a directory name. This replacement is
done when setting up the default directory of a newly visited file.

FROM is matched against directory names anchored at the first
character, so it should start with a "\\`", or, if directory
names cannot have embedded newlines, with a "^".

FROM and TO should be equivalent names, which refer to the
same directory. Do not use `~' in the TO strings;
they should be ordinary absolute directory names.

Use this feature when you have directories which you normally refer to
via absolute symbolic links. Make TO the name of the link, and FROM the name it is linked to.

Variable: inhibit-quit

Non-nil inhibits C-g quitting from happening immediately.
Note that `quit-flag' will still be set by typing C-g,
so a quit will be signaled as soon as `inhibit-quit' is nil.
To prevent this happening, set `quit-flag' to nil
before making `inhibit-quit' nil.

Function: format-decode

Decode text from any known FORMAT.
FORMAT is a symbol appearing in `format-alist' or a list of such symbols,
or nil, in which case this function tries to guess the format of the data by
matching against the regular expressions in `format-alist'. After a match is
found and the region decoded, the alist is searched again from the beginning
for another match.

Second arg LENGTH is the number of characters following point to operate on.
If optional third arg VISIT-FLAG is true, set `buffer-file-format'
to the reverted list of formats used, and call any mode functions defined
for those formats.

Return the new length of the decoded region.

For most purposes, consider using `format-decode-region' instead.

Function: toggle-auto-composition

Toggle Auto Composition mode.
With a prefix argument ARG, enable Auto Composition mode if ARG
is positive, and disable it otherwise. If called from Lisp,
enable the mode if ARG is omitted or nil.

When Auto Composition mode is enabled, text characters are
automatically composed by functions registered in

You can use `global-auto-composition-mode' to turn on
Auto Composition mode in all buffers (this is the default).

Function: set-language-environment-nonascii-translation

Do unibyte/multibyte translation setup for language environment LANGUAGE-NAME.

Function: view-external-packages

Display external packages and information about Emacs.

Variable: kill-do-not-save-duplicates

Do not add a new string to `kill-ring' if it duplicates the last one.
The comparison is done using `equal-including-properties'.

Function: gpm-mouse-mode

Toggle mouse support in GNU/Linux consoles (GPM Mouse mode).
With a prefix argument ARG, enable GPM Mouse mode if ARG is
positive, and disable it otherwise. If called from Lisp, enable
the mode if ARG is omitted or nil.

This allows the use of the mouse when operating on a GNU/Linux console,
in the same way as you can use the mouse under X11.
It relies on the `gpm' daemon being activated. (fn &optional ARG)

Variable: gpm-mouse-mode

Non-nil if Gpm-Mouse mode is enabled.
See the command `gpm-mouse-mode' for a description of this minor mode.
Setting this variable directly does not take effect;
either customize it (see the info node `Easy Customization')
or call the function `gpm-mouse-mode'.

Function: electric-indent-mode

Toggle on-the-fly reindentation (Electric Indent mode).
With a prefix argument ARG, enable Electric Indent mode if ARG is
positive, and disable it otherwise. If called from Lisp, enable
the mode if ARG is omitted or nil.

This is a global minor mode. When enabled, it reindents whenever
the hook `electric-indent-functions' returns non-nil, or you
insert a character from `electric-indent-chars'. (fn &optional ARG)

Variable: electric-indent-mode

Non-nil if Electric-Indent mode is enabled.
See the command `electric-indent-mode' for a description of this minor mode.
Setting this variable directly does not take effect;
either customize it (see the info node `Easy Customization')
or call the function `electric-indent-mode'.

Variable: face-x-resources

List of X resources and classes for face attributes.
Each element has the form (ATTRIBUTE ENTRY1 ENTRY2...) where ATTRIBUTE is
the name of a face attribute, and each ENTRY is a cons of the form
(RESOURCE . CLASS) with RESOURCE being the resource and CLASS being the
X resource class for the attribute.

Variable: set-auto-coding-for-load

Non-nil means respect a "unibyte: t" entry in file local variables.
Emacs binds this variable to t when loading or byte-compiling Emacs Lisp

Variable: custom-declare-variable-list

Record `defcustom' calls made before `custom.el' is loaded to handle them.
Each element of this list holds the arguments to one call to `defcustom'.

Function: set-process-sentinel

Give PROCESS the sentinel SENTINEL; nil for none.
The sentinel is called as a function when the process changes state.
It gets two arguments: the process, and a string describing the change.


Function: auth-source-netrc-create

(fn &rest SPEC &key BACKEND SECRET HOST USER PORT CREATE &allow-other-keys)

Function: sgml-show-context

Display the current context.
If FULL is non-nil, parse back to the beginning of the buffer.

Function: tabulated-list-delete-entry

Delete the Tabulated List entry at point.
Return a list (ID COLS), where ID is the ID of the deleted entry
and COLS is a vector of its column descriptors. Move point to
the beginning of the deleted entry. Return nil if there is no
entry at point.

This function only changes the buffer contents; it does not alter
`tabulated-list-entries'. (fn)

Function: widget-create

Create widget of TYPE.
The optional ARGS are additional keyword arguments.

(fn TYPE &rest ARGS)

Function: pcomplete/rm

Completion for `rm'.

Function: process-live-p

Returns non-nil if PROCESS is alive.
A process is considered alive if its status is `run', `open',
`listen', `connect' or `stop'.

Function: mouse-pixel-position

Return a list (FRAME X . Y) giving the current mouse frame and position.
The position is given in pixel units, where (0, 0) is the
upper-left corner of the frame, X is the horizontal offset, and Y is
the vertical offset.
If Emacs is running on a mouseless terminal or hasn't been programmed
to read the mouse position, it returns the selected frame for FRAME
and nil for X and Y. (fn)

Variable: url-mime-encoding-string

String to send in the Accept-encoding: field in HTTP requests.

Function: talk-connect

Connect to display DISPLAY for the Emacs talk group.


Function: tumme

Make a preview buffer for all images in DIR and display it.
If the number of files in DIR matching `image-file-name-regexp'
exceeds `image-dired-show-all-from-dir-max-files', a warning will be
displayed. (fn DIR)

Function: epg-check-configuration

Verify that a sufficient version of GnuPG is installed.


Function: macroexp--backtrace

Return the Elisp backtrace, more recent frames first.


Variable: url-package-version

Version number of package using URL.

Function: python-mode

Major mode for editing Python files.

Uses keymap `python-mode-map', which is not currently defined.

Entry to this mode calls the value of `python-mode-hook'
if that value is non-nil. (fn)

Function: ansi-color-apply

Translates SGR control sequences into text properties.
Delete all other control sequences without processing them.

Applies SGR control sequences setting foreground and background colors
to STRING using text properties and returns the result. The colors used
are given in `ansi-color-faces-vector' and `ansi-color-names-vector'.
See function `ansi-color-apply-sequence' for details.

Every call to this function will set and use the buffer-local variable
`ansi-color-context' to save partial escape sequences and current ansi codes.
This information will be used for the next call to `ansi-color-apply'.
Set `ansi-color-context' to nil if you don't want this.

This function can be added to `comint-preoutput-filter-functions'.

Function: vc-git-stash-pop

Pop stash NAME.

(fn NAME)

Function: justify-current-line

Do some kind of justification on this line.
Normally does full justification: adds spaces to the line to make it end at
the column given by `current-fill-column'.
Optional first argument HOW specifies alternate type of justification:
it can be `left', `right', `full', `center', or `none'.
If HOW is t, will justify however the `current-justification' function says to.
If HOW is nil or missing, full justification is done by default.
Second arg EOP non-nil means that this is the last line of the paragraph, so
it will not be stretched by full justification.
Third arg NOSQUEEZE non-nil means to leave interior whitespace unchanged, otherwise it is made canonical.

Variable: mode-line-major-mode-keymap

Keymap to display on major mode.

Function: end-kbd-macro

Finish defining a keyboard macro.
The definition was started by M-x start-kbd-macro.
The macro is now available for use via M-x call-last-kbd-macro,
or it can be given a name with M-x name-last-kbd-macro and then invoked
under that name.

With numeric arg, repeat macro now that many times,
counting the definition just completed as the first repetition.
An argument of zero means repeat until error.

In Lisp, optional second arg LOOPFUNC may be a function that is called prior to
each iteration of the macro. Iteration stops if LOOPFUNC returns nil. (fn &optional REPEAT LOOPFUNC)

Variable: default-indicate-empty-lines

Default value of `indicate-empty-lines' for buffers that don't override it.
This is the same as (default-value 'indicate-empty-lines).

Function: byte-compile-set-symbol-position

(fn SYM &optional ALLOW-PREVIOUS)

Variable: Info-speedbar-key-map

Keymap used when in the Info display mode.

Function: Info-undefined

Make command be undefined in Info.

Function: cl-sublis

Perform substitutions indicated by ALIST in TREE (non-destructively).
Return a copy of TREE with all matching elements replaced.

Keywords supported: :test :test-not :key


Function: list-dynamic-libraries

Display a list of all dynamic libraries known to Emacs.
(These are the libraries listed in `dynamic-library-alist'.)
If optional argument LOADED-ONLY-P (interactively, prefix arg)
is non-nil, only libraries already loaded are listed.
Optional argument BUFFER specifies a buffer to use, instead of
"*Dynamic Libraries*".
The return value is always nil.

(fn &optional LOADED-ONLY-P BUFFER)

Variable: imenu-default-goto-function

The default function called when selecting an Imenu item.
The function in this variable is called when selecting a normal index-item.

Function: gud-gdb

Run gdb on program FILE in buffer *gud-FILE*.
The directory containing FILE becomes the initial working
directory and source-file directory for your debugger.


Function: follow-mode

Toggle Follow mode.
With a prefix argument ARG, enable Follow mode if ARG is
positive, and disable it otherwise. If called from Lisp, enable
the mode if ARG is omitted or nil.

Follow mode is a minor mode that combines windows into one tall
virtual window. This is accomplished by two main techniques:

* The windows always displays adjacent sections of the buffer.
This means that whenever one window is moved, all the
others will follow. (Hence the name Follow mode.)

* Should the point (cursor) end up outside a window, another
window displaying that point is selected, if possible. This
makes it possible to walk between windows using normal cursor
movement commands.

Follow mode comes to its prime when used on a large screen and two
side-by-side windows are used. The user can, with the help of Follow
mode, use two full-height windows as though they would have been
one. Imagine yourself editing a large function, or section of text,
and being able to use 144 lines instead of the normal 72... (your
mileage may vary).

To split one large window into two side-by-side windows, the commands
`C-x 3' or `M-x follow-delete-other-windows-and-split' can be used.

Only windows displayed in the same frame follow each other.

This command runs the normal hook `follow-mode-hook'. Keys specific to Follow mode: Uses keymap `follow-mode-map', which is not currently defined. (fn &optional ARG)

Function: ediff-documentation

Display Ediff's manual.
With optional NODE, goes to that node.

(fn &optional NODE)

Function: x-setup-function-keys

Set up `function-key-map' on the graphical frame FRAME.

Function: send-string

Send PROCESS the contents of STRING as input.
PROCESS may be a process, a buffer, the name of a process or buffer, or
nil, indicating the current buffer's process.
If STRING is more than 500 characters long,
it is sent in several bunches. This may happen even for shorter strings.
Output from processes can arrive in between bunches.

Variable: cursor-in-echo-area

Non-nil means put cursor in minibuffer, at end of any message there.

Variable: package-menu-mode-map

Local keymap for `package-menu-mode' buffers.

Function: sentence-end

Return the regexp describing the end of a sentence.

This function returns either the value of the variable `sentence-end'
if it is non-nil, or the default value constructed from the
variables `sentence-end-base', `sentence-end-double-space',
`sentence-end-without-period' and `sentence-end-without-space'.

The default value specifies that in order to be recognized as the
end of a sentence, the ending period, question mark, or exclamation point
must be followed by two spaces, with perhaps some closing delimiters
in between. See Info node `(elisp)Standard Regexps'.

Variable: sentence-end

Regexp describing the end of a sentence.
The value includes the whitespace following the sentence.
All paragraph boundaries also end sentences, regardless.

The value nil means to use the default value defined by the
function `sentence-end'. You should always use this function
to obtain the value of this variable.

Function: org-insert-link-global

Insert a link like Org-mode does.
This command can be called in any mode to insert a link in Org-mode syntax.

Function: tty-color-translate

Given a color COLOR, return the index of the corresponding TTY color.

COLOR must be a string that is either the color's name, or its X-style
specification like "#RRGGBB" or "RGB:rr/gg/bb", where each primary.
color can be given with 1 to 4 hex digits.

If COLOR is a color name that is found among supported colors in
`tty-color-alist', the associated index is returned. Otherwise, the
RGB values of the color, either as given by the argument or from
looking up the name in `color-name-rgb-alist', are used to find the
supported color that is the best approximation for COLOR in the RGB
If COLOR is neither a valid X RGB specification of the color, nor a
name of a color in `color-name-rgb-alist', the returned value is nil.

If FRAME is unspecified or nil, it defaults to the selected frame.

Function: dbus-get-unique-name

Return the unique name of Emacs registered at D-Bus BUS.

(fn BUS)

Variable: default-tab-width

Default value of `tab-width' for buffers that do not override it.
This is the same as (default-value 'tab-width).

Variable: sh-shell-variables

Alist of shell variable names that should be included in completion.
These are used for completion in addition to all the variables named
in `process-environment'. Each element looks like (VAR . VAR), where
the car and cdr are the same symbol.

Variable: vc-git-commits-coding-system

Default coding system for git commits.

Function: display-call-tree

Display a call graph of a specified file.
This lists which functions have been called, what functions called
them, and what functions they call. The list includes all functions
whose definitions have been compiled in this Emacs session, as well as
all functions called by those functions.

The call graph does not include macros, inline functions, or
primitives that the byte-code interpreter knows about directly (eq,
cons, etc.).

The call tree also lists those functions which are not known to be called
(that is, to which no calls have been compiled), and which cannot be
invoked interactively. (fn &optional FILENAME)

Function: iso-iso2tex

Translate ISO 8859-1 characters to TeX sequences.
Translate the region between FROM and TO using the table
Optional arg BUFFER is ignored (for use in `format-alist').

(fn FROM TO &optional BUFFER)

Function: custom-make-theme-feature

Given a symbol THEME, create a new symbol by appending "-theme".
Store this symbol in the `theme-feature' property of THEME.
Calling `provide-theme' to provide THEME actually puts `THEME-theme'
into `features'.

This allows for a file-name convention for autoloading themes:
Every theme X has a property `provide-theme' whose value is "X-theme".
(load-theme X) then attempts to load the file `X-theme.el'.

Variable: pure-bytes-used

Number of bytes of shareable Lisp data allocated so far.

Variable: track-mouse

Non-nil means generate motion events for mouse motion.

Function: mouse-drag-vertical-line

Change the width of a window by dragging on the vertical line.


Function: pr-ps-name

Interactively select a PostScript printer.


Function: nxml-mode

Major mode for editing XML.

M-x nxml-finish-element finishes the current element by inserting an end-tag.
C-c C-i closes a start-tag with `>' and then inserts a balancing end-tag
leaving point between the start-tag and end-tag.
M-x nxml-balanced-close-start-tag-block is similar but for block rather than inline elements:
the start-tag, point, and end-tag are all left on separate lines.
If `nxml-slash-auto-complete-flag' is non-nil, then inserting a ` automatically inserts the rest of the end-tag.

M-x completion-at-point performs completion on the symbol preceding point.

M-x nxml-dynamic-markup-word uses the contents of the current buffer
to choose a tag to put around the word preceding point.

Sections of the document can be displayed in outline form. The
variable `nxml-section-element-name-regexp' controls when an element
is recognized as a section. The same key sequences that change
visibility in outline mode are used except that they start with C-c C-o
instead of C-c.

Validation is provided by the related minor-mode `rng-validate-mode'.
This also makes completion schema- and context- sensitive. Element
names, attribute names, attribute values and namespace URIs can all be
completed. By default, `rng-validate-mode' is automatically enabled.
You can toggle it using M-x rng-validate-mode or change the default by
customizing `rng-nxml-auto-validate-flag'.

TAB indents the current line appropriately.
This can be customized using the variable `nxml-child-indent'
and the variable `nxml-attribute-indent'.

M-x nxml-insert-named-char inserts a character reference using
the character's name (by default, the Unicode name).
C-u M-x nxml-insert-named-char inserts the character directly.

The Emacs commands that normally operate on balanced expressions will
operate on XML markup items. Thus C-M-f will move forward
across one markup item; C-M-b will move backward across
one markup item; C-M-k will kill the following markup item;
C-M-@ will mark the following markup item. By default, each
tag each treated as a single markup item; to make the complete element
be treated as a single markup item, set the variable
`nxml-sexp-element-flag' to t. For more details, see the function
M-x nxml-backward-up-element and M-x nxml-down-element move up and down the element structure. Many aspects this mode can be customized using M-x customize-group nxml RET. (fn)

Function: make-face-bold-italic

Make the font of FACE be bold and italic, if possible.
FRAME nil or not specified means change face on all frames.
Argument NOERROR is ignored and retained for compatibility.
Use `set-face-attribute' for finer control of font weight and slant.

Function: auth-source-delete

Delete entries from the authentication backends according to SPEC.
Calls `auth-source-search' with the :delete property in SPEC set to t.
The backend may not actually delete the entries.

Returns the deleted entries.

(fn &rest SPEC &key DELETE &allow-other-keys)

Function: replace-match-data

Like `match-data', but markers in REUSE get invalidated.
If NEW is non-nil, it is set and returned instead of fresh data,
but coerced to the correct value of INTEGERS.

Function: scroll-bar-drag-position

Calculate new window start for drag event.

Function: image-dired-tag-files

Tag marked file(s) in dired. With prefix ARG, tag file at point.

(fn ARG)

Function: gnus-button-reply

Like `message-reply'.

(fn &optional TO-ADDRESS WIDE)

Function: add-file-local-variable

Add file-local VARIABLE with its VALUE to the Local Variables list.

This command deletes all existing settings of VARIABLE (except `mode'
and `eval') and adds a new file-local VARIABLE with VALUE to the
Local Variables list.

If there is no Local Variables list in the current file buffer
then this function adds the first line containing the string
`Local Variables:' and the last line containing the string `End:'. (fn VARIABLE VALUE)

Function: cl-subst-if-not

Substitute NEW for elts not matching PREDICATE in TREE (non-destructively).
Return a copy of TREE with all non-matching elements replaced by NEW.

Keywords supported: :key


Variable: comint-redirect-completed

Non-nil if redirection has completed in the current buffer.

Function: autotest-mode

Major mode for editing autotest files.

Function: completion-initials-try-completion


Variable: url-setup-done

Has setup configuration been done?

Function: cl-map-keymap-recursively

(fn CL-FUNC-REC CL-MAP &optional CL-BASE)

Function: mark-page

Put mark at end of page, point at beginning.
A numeric arg specifies to move forward or backward by that many pages,
thus marking a page other than the one point was originally in.

Function: Info-speedbar-buttons

Create a speedbar display to help navigation in an Info file.
BUFFER is the buffer speedbar is requesting buttons for.

Function: Info-edit-mode

Major mode for editing the contents of an Info node.
Like text mode with the addition of `Info-cease-edit'
which returns to Info mode for browsing.
key binding
--- -------

C-c Prefix Command
ESC Prefix Command

C-c C-c Info-cease-edit C-M-i ispell-complete-word

Function: cl-set-difference

Combine LIST1 and LIST2 using a set-difference operation.
The resulting list contains all items that appear in LIST1 but not LIST2.
This is a non-destructive function; it makes a copy of the data if necessary
to avoid corrupting the original LIST1 and LIST2.

Keywords supported: :test :test-not :key


Function: font-lock-fontify-region

Fontify the text between BEG and END.
If LOUDLY is non-nil, print status messages while fontifying.
This works by calling `font-lock-fontify-region-function'.

Variable: facemenu-listed-faces

List of faces to include in the Face menu.
Each element should be a symbol, the name of a face.
The "basic " faces in `facemenu-keybindings' are automatically
added to the Face menu, and need not be in this list.

This value takes effect when you load facemenu.el. If the
list includes symbols which are not defined as faces, they
are ignored; however, subsequently defining or creating
those faces adds them to the menu then. You can call
`facemenu-update' to recalculate the menu contents, such as
if you change the value of this variable,

If this variable is t, all faces that you apply to text
using the face menu commands (even by name), and all faces
that you define or create, are added to the menu. You may
find it useful to set this variable to t temporarily while
you define some faces, so that they will be added. However,
if the value is no longer t and you call `facemenu-update', it will remove any faces not explicitly in the list.

Function: define-char-code-property

Define NAME as a character code property given by TABLE.
TABLE is a char-table of purpose `char-code-property-table' with
these extra slots:
1st: NAME.
2nd: Function to call to get a property value of a character.
It is called with three arguments CHAR, VAL, and TABLE, where
CHAR is a character, VAL is the value of (aref TABLE CHAR).
3rd: Function to call to put a property value of a character.
It is called with the same arguments as above.
4th: Function to call to get a description string of a property value.
It is called with one argument VALUE, a property value.
5th: Data used by the above functions.

TABLE may be a name of file to load to build a char-table. The
file should contain a call of `define-char-code-property' with a
char-table of the above format as the argument TABLE.

TABLE may also be nil, in which case no property value is pre-assigned.

Optional 3rd argument DOCSTRING is a documentation string of the property.

See also the documentation of `get-char-code-property' and `put-char-code-property'.

Variable: toggle-input-method-active

Non-nil inside `toggle-input-method'.

Function: spam-report-process-queue

Report all queued requests from `spam-report-requests-file'.

If FILE is given, use it instead of `spam-report-requests-file'.
If KEEP is t, leave old requests in the file. If KEEP is the
symbol `ask', query before flushing the queue file.

(fn &optional FILE KEEP)

Variable: hebrew-holidays-4

Component of the old default value of `holiday-hebrew-holidays'.

Variable: customize-package-emacs-version-alist

Alist mapping versions of a package to Emacs versions.
We use this for packages that have their own names, but are released
as part of Emacs itself.

Each elements looks like this:


Here PACKAGE is the name of a package, as a symbol. After
PACKAGE come one or more elements, each associating a
package version PVERSION with the first Emacs version
EVERSION in which it (or a subsequent version of PACKAGE)
was first released. Both PVERSION and EVERSION are strings.
PVERSION should be a string that this package used in
the :package-version keyword for `defcustom', `defgroup',
and `defface'.

For example, the MH-E package updates this alist as follows:

(add-to-list 'customize-package-emacs-version-alist
'(MH-E ("6.0" . "22.1") ("6.1" . "22.1")
("7.0" . "22.1") ("7.1" . "22.1")
("7.2" . "22.1") ("7.3" . "22.1")
("7.4" . "22.1") ("8.0" . "22.1")))

The value of PACKAGE needs to be unique and it needs to match the
PACKAGE value appearing in the :package-version keyword. Since
the user might see the value in a error message, a good choice is the official name of the package, such as MH-E or Gnus.

Variable: site-run-file

File containing site-wide run-time initializations.
This file is loaded at run-time before `~/.emacs'. It contains inits
that need to be in place for the entire site, but which, due to their
higher incidence of change, don't make sense to load into Emacs's
dumped image. Thus, the run-time load order is: 1. file described in
this variable, if non-nil; 2. `~/.emacs'; 3. `default.el'.

Don't use the `site-start.el' file for things some users may not like.
Put them in `default.el' instead, so that users can more easily
override them. Users can prevent loading `default.el' with the `-q'
option or by setting `inhibit-default-init' in their own init files,
but inhibiting `site-start.el' requires `--no-site-file', which
is less convenient.

This variable is defined for customization so as to make
it visible in the relevant context. However, actually customizing it
is not allowed, since it would not work anyway. The only way to set
this variable usefully is to set it while building and dumping Emacs.

Variable: file-auto-mode-skip

Regexp of lines to skip when looking for file-local settings.
If the first line matches this regular expression, then the -*-...-*- file-
local settings will be consulted on the second line instead of the first.

Function: insert-and-inherit

Insert the arguments at point, inheriting properties from adjoining text.
Point and before-insertion markers move forward to end up
after the inserted text.
Any other markers at the point of insertion remain before the text.

If the current buffer is multibyte, unibyte strings are converted
to multibyte for insertion (see `unibyte-char-to-multibyte').
If the current buffer is unibyte, multibyte strings are converted
to unibyte for insertion. (fn &rest ARGS)

Function: coding-system-p

Return t if OBJECT is nil or a coding-system.
See the documentation of `define-coding-system' for information
about coding-system objects.

Function: pcomplete-completions-at-point

Provide standard completion using pcomplete's completion tables.
Same as `pcomplete' but using the standard completion UI.

Function: display-pixel-width

Return the width of DISPLAY's screen in pixels.
For character terminals, each character counts as a single pixel.

Variable: hebrew-holidays-3

Component of the old default value of `holiday-hebrew-holidays'.

Function: file-remote-p

Test whether FILE specifies a location on a remote system.
A file is considered remote if accessing it is likely to
be slower or less reliable than accessing local files.

`file-remote-p' never opens a new remote connection. It can
only reuse a connection that is already open.

Return nil or a string identifying the remote connection
(ideally a prefix of FILE). Return nil if FILE is a relative
file name.

When IDENTIFICATION is nil, the returned string is a complete
remote identifier: with components method, user, and host. The
components are those present in FILE, with defaults filled in for
any that are missing.

IDENTIFICATION can specify which part of the identification to
return. IDENTIFICATION can be the symbol `method', `user',
`host', or `localname'. Any other value is handled like nil and
means to return the complete identification. The string returned
for IDENTIFICATION `localname' can differ depending on whether
there is an existing connection.

If CONNECTED is non-nil, return an identification only if FILE is
located on a remote system and a connection is established to
that remote system.

Tip: You can use this expansion of remote identifier components
to derive a new remote file name from an existing one. For
example, if FILE is "/sudo::/path/to/file" then

(concat (file-remote-p FILE) "/bin/sh")

returns a remote file name for file "/bin/sh" that has the same remote identifier as FILE but expanded; a name such as "/sudo:root@myhost:/bin/sh".

Function: gnus-merge

Destructively merge the two sequences to produce a new sequence.
TYPE is the sequence type to return, SEQ1 and SEQ2 are the two argument
sequences, and PREDICATE is a `less-than' predicate on the elements.

Keywords supported: :key


Variable: shell-file-name-chars

String of characters valid in a file name.
This variable is used to initialize `comint-file-name-chars' in the
shell buffer. The value may depend on the operating system or shell.

Function: cl-macroexpand-all

Return result of expanding macros at all levels in FORM.
If no macros are expanded, FORM is returned unchanged.
The second optional arg ENVIRONMENT specifies an environment of macro
definitions to shadow the loaded ones for use in file byte-compilation.

(fn FORM &optional ENVIRONMENT)

Function: strokes-read-complex-stroke

Read a complex stroke (interactively) and return the stroke.
Optional PROMPT in minibuffer displays before and during stroke reading.
Note that a complex stroke allows the user to pen-up and pen-down. This
is implemented by allowing the user to paint with button 1 or button 2 and
then complete the stroke with button 3.
Optional EVENT is acceptable as the starting event of the stroke.

(fn &optional PROMPT EVENT)

Function: org-store-agenda-views

(fn &rest PARAMETERS)

Variable: hebrew-holidays-2

Component of the old default value of `holiday-hebrew-holidays'.

Function: custom-add-dependencies

To the custom option SYMBOL, add dependencies specified by VALUE.
VALUE should be a list of symbols. For each symbol in that list,
this specifies that SYMBOL should be set after the specified symbol, if
both appear in constructs like `custom-set-variables'.

Function: shell-match-partial-variable

Return the shell variable at point, or nil if none is found.


Function: turn-on-iimage-mode

Toggle Iimage mode on or off.
With a prefix argument ARG, enable Iimage mode if ARG is
positive, and disable it otherwise. If called from Lisp, enable
the mode if ARG is omitted or nil, and toggle it if ARG is `toggle'.

Uses keymap `iimage-mode-map', which is not currently defined.
(fn &optional ARG)

Variable: hebrew-holidays-1

Component of the old default value of `holiday-hebrew-holidays'.

Function: mark-sexp

Set mark ARG sexps from point.
The place mark goes is the same place C-M-f would
move to with the same argument.
Interactively, if this command is repeated
or (in Transient Mark mode) if the mark is active,
it marks the next ARG sexps after the ones already marked.
This command assumes point is not in a string or comment.

Variable: save-interprogram-paste-before-kill

Save clipboard strings into kill ring before replacing them.
When one selects something in another program to paste it into Emacs,
but kills something in Emacs before actually pasting it,
this selection is gone unless this variable is non-nil,
in which case the other program's selection is saved in the `kill-ring'
before the Emacs kill and one can still paste it using C-y M-y.

Function: undo-copy-list

Make a copy of undo list LIST.

Function: table-insert-row

Insert N table row(s).
When point is in a table the newly inserted row(s) are placed above
the current row. When point is outside of the table it must be below
the table within the table width range, then the newly created row(s)
are appended at the bottom of the table. (fn N)

Function: irc

Connect to all servers in `rcirc-server-alist'.

Do not connect to a server if it is already connected.

If ARG is non-nil, instead prompt for connection parameters. (fn ARG)

Variable: buffer-file-numbers-unique

Non-nil means that `buffer-file-number' uniquely identifies files.

Function: clear-font-cache

Clear font cache.


Variable: inhibit-debugger

Non-nil means never enter the debugger.
Normally set while the debugger is already active, to avoid recursive

Variable: sh-alias-alist

Alist for transforming shell names to what they really are.
Use this where the name of the executable doesn't correspond to the type of
shell it really is.

Variable: class-symbol

Class's symbol (self-referencing.).

Function: fill-single-word-nobreak-p

Don't break a line after the first or before the last word of a sentence.

Function: isearch-reread-key-sequence-naturally

Reread key sequence KEYLIST with an inactive Isearch-mode keymap.
Return the key sequence as a string/vector.

Function: previous-completion

Move to the previous item in the completion list.

Function: pr-ps-region-using-ghostscript

Print region using PostScript through ghostscript.

See also `pr-ps-buffer-using-ghostscript'.

(fn N-UP &optional FILENAME)

Variable: splash-screen-keymap

Keymap for splash screen buffer.

Function: set-face-doc-string

Set the documentation string for FACE to STRING.

Variable: dired-kept-versions

When cleaning directory, number of versions to keep.

Variable: occur-revert-arguments

Arguments to pass to `occur-1' to revert an Occur mode buffer.
See `occur-revert-function'.

Function: epa-import-armor-in-region

Import keys in the OpenPGP armor format in the current region
between START and END.


Variable: coding-system-alist

Alist of coding system names.
Each element is one element list of coding system name.
This variable is given to `completing-read' as COLLECTION argument.

Do not alter the value of this variable manually. This variable should be
updated by the functions `make-coding-system' and

Variable: pre-command-hook

Normal hook run before each command is executed.
If an unhandled error happens in running this hook,
the function in which the error occurred is unconditionally removed, since
otherwise the error might happen repeatedly and make Emacs nonfunctional.

Function: font-lock-mode

Toggle syntax highlighting in this buffer (Font Lock mode).
With a prefix argument ARG, enable Font Lock mode if ARG is
positive, and disable it otherwise. If called from Lisp, enable
the mode if ARG is omitted or nil.

When Font Lock mode is enabled, text is fontified as you type it:

- Comments are displayed in `font-lock-comment-face';
- Strings are displayed in `font-lock-string-face';
- Certain other expressions are displayed in other faces according to the
value of the variable `font-lock-keywords'.

To customize the faces (colors, fonts, etc.) used by Font Lock for
fontifying different parts of buffer text, use M-x customize-face.

You can enable Font Lock mode in any major mode automatically by turning on in
the major mode's hook. For example, put in your ~/.emacs:

(add-hook 'c-mode-hook 'turn-on-font-lock)

Alternatively, you can use Global Font Lock mode to automagically turn on Font
Lock mode in buffers whose major mode supports it and whose major mode is one
of `font-lock-global-modes'. For example, put in your ~/.emacs:

(global-font-lock-mode t)

Where major modes support different levels of fontification, you can use
the variable `font-lock-maximum-decoration' to specify which level you
generally prefer. When you turn Font Lock mode on/off the buffer is
fontified/defontified, though fontification occurs only if the buffer is
less than `font-lock-maximum-size'.

To add your own highlighting for some major mode, and modify the highlighting
selected automatically via the variable `font-lock-maximum-decoration', you can
use `font-lock-add-keywords'.

To fontify a buffer, without turning on Font Lock mode and regardless of buffer
size, you can use M-x font-lock-fontify-buffer.

To fontify a block (the function or paragraph containing point, or a number of
lines around point), perhaps because modification on the current line caused
syntactic change on other lines, you can use M-o M-o.

You can set your own default settings for some mode, by setting a
buffer local value for `font-lock-defaults', via its mode hook. The above is the default behavior of `font-lock-mode'; you may specify your own function which is called when `font-lock-mode' is toggled via `font-lock-function'.

Variable: font-lock-mode

Non-nil if Font-Lock mode is enabled.
Use the command `font-lock-mode' to change this variable.

Function: auto-lower-mode

Toggle whether or not the selected frame should auto-lower.
With a prefix argument ARG, enable Auto Lower mode if ARG is
positive, and disable it otherwise. If called from Lisp, enable
the mode if ARG is omitted or nil.

Auto Lower mode does nothing under most window managers, which
switch focus on mouse clicks. It only has an effect if your
window manager switches focus on mouse movement (in which case
you should also change `focus-follows-mouse' to t). Then,
enabling Auto Lower Mode causes any graphical Emacs frame which
loses focus to be automatically lowered.

Note that this minor mode controls Emacs's own auto-lower
feature. Window managers that switch focus on mouse movement
often have their own features for raising or lowering frames.

Function: display-multi-font-p

Return non-nil if DISPLAY is a graphic display.
Graphical displays are those which are capable of displaying several
frames and several different fonts at once. This is true for displays
that use a window system such as X, and false for text-only terminals.
DISPLAY can be a display name, a frame, or nil (meaning the selected
frame's display).

Function: shell-completion-vars

Setup completion vars for `shell-mode' and `read-shell-command'.


Function: sieve-upload-and-bury

(fn &optional NAME)

Function: dbx

Run dbx on program FILE in buffer *gud-FILE*.
The directory containing FILE becomes the initial working directory
and source-file directory for your debugger.


Variable: default-left-margin-width

Default value of `left-margin-width' for buffers that don't override it.
This is the same as (default-value 'left-margin-width).

Variable: byte-varref

Byte code opcode for variable reference.

Variable: byte-compile-generate-call-tree

Non-nil means collect call-graph information when compiling.
This records which functions were called and from where.
If the value is t, compilation displays the call graph when it finishes.
If the value is neither t nor nil, compilation asks you whether to display
the graph.

The call tree only lists functions called, not macros used. Those functions
which the byte-code interpreter knows about directly (eq, cons, etc.) are
not reported.

The call tree also lists those functions which are not known to be called
(that is, to which no calls have been compiled). Functions which can be
invoked interactively are excluded from this list.

Function: x-dnd-choose-type

Choose which type we want to receive for the drop.
TYPES are the types the source of the drop offers, a vector of type names
as strings or symbols. Select among the types in `x-dnd-known-types' or
KNOWN-TYPES if given, and return that type name.
If no suitable type is found, return nil.

Function: run-hook-with-args-until-failure

Run HOOK with the specified arguments ARGS.
HOOK should be a symbol, a hook variable. The value of HOOK
may be nil, a function, or a list of functions. Call each
function in order with arguments ARGS, stopping at the first
one that returns nil, and return nil. Otherwise (if all functions
return non-nil, or if there are no functions to call), return non-nil
(do not rely on the precise return value in this case).

Do not use `make-local-variable' to make a hook variable buffer-local.
Instead, use `add-hook' and specify t for the LOCAL argument. (fn HOOK &rest ARGS)

Variable: inhibit-eol-conversion

*Non-nil means always inhibit code conversion of end-of-line format.
See info node `Coding Systems' and info node `Text and Binary' concerning
such conversion.

Function: gnus-make-local-hook

Do nothing and return nil.
This function accepts any number of arguments, but ignores them.

Function: cl-rassoc-if

Find the first item whose cdr satisfies PREDICATE in LIST.

Keywords supported: :key


Function: cl-nreconc

Equivalent to (nconc (nreverse X) Y).

(fn X Y)

Function: set-cursor-color

Set the text cursor color of the selected frame to COLOR-NAME.
When called interactively, prompt for the name of the color to use.
This works by setting the `cursor-color' frame parameter on the
selected frame.

You can also set the text cursor color, for all frames, by
customizing the `cursor' face.

Function: message-news-other-window

Start editing a news article to be sent.


Function: erc-delete-dangerous-host

Delete dangerous-host interactively to `erc-dangerous-hosts'.


Function: right-char

Move point N characters to the right (to the left if N is negative).
On reaching beginning or end of buffer, stop and signal error.

Depending on the bidirectional context, this may move either forward
or backward in the buffer. This is in contrast with C-f
and C-b, which see.

Function: find-file

Edit file FILENAME.
Switch to a buffer visiting file FILENAME,
creating one if none already exists.
Interactively, the default if you just type RET is the current directory,
but the visited file name is available through the minibuffer history:
type M-n to pull it into the minibuffer.

You can visit files on remote machines by specifying something
like /ssh:SOME_REMOTE_MACHINE:FILE for the file name. You can
also visit local files as a different user by specifying
/sudo::FILE for the file name.
See the Info node `(tramp)Filename Syntax' in the Tramp Info
manual, for more about this.

Interactively, or if WILDCARDS is non-nil in a call from Lisp,
expand wildcards (if any) and visit multiple files. You can
suppress wildcard expansion by setting `find-file-wildcards' to nil.

To visit a file without any kind of conversion and without automatically choosing a major mode, use M-x find-file-literally.

Variable: font-encoding-alist

Alist of fontname patterns vs the corresponding encoding and repertory info.
Each element looks like (REGEXP . (ENCODING . REPERTORY)),
where ENCODING is a charset or a char-table,
and REPERTORY is a charset, a char-table, or nil.

If ENCODING and REPERTORY are the same, the element can have the form

ENCODING is for converting a character to a glyph code of the font.
If ENCODING is a charset, encoding a character by the charset gives
the corresponding glyph code. If ENCODING is a char-table, looking up
the table by a character gives the corresponding glyph code.

REPERTORY specifies a repertory of characters supported by the font.
If REPERTORY is a charset, all characters belonging to the charset are
supported. If REPERTORY is a char-table, all characters who have a
non-nil value in the table are supported. If REPERTORY is nil, Emacs gets the repertory information by an opened font and ENCODING.

Variable: exec-directory

Directory for executables for Emacs to invoke.
More generally, this includes any architecture-dependent files
that are built and installed from the Emacs distribution.

Variable: sgml-unclosed-tags

List of tags whose !ELEMENT definition says the end-tag is optional.

Function: menu-bar-showhide-tool-bar-menu-customize-enable-bottom

Display tool bars on the bottom side.

Variable: font-lock-inhibit-thing-lock

List of Font Lock mode related modes that should not be turned on.
Currently, valid mode names are `fast-lock-mode', `jit-lock-mode' and
`lazy-lock-mode'. This is normally set via `font-lock-defaults'.

Variable: dired-listing-switches

Switches passed to `ls' for Dired. MUST contain the `l' option.
May contain all other options that don't contradict `-l';
may contain even `F', `b', `i' and `s'. See also the variable
`dired-ls-F-marks-symlinks' concerning the `F' switch.
On systems such as MS-DOS and MS-Windows, which use `ls' emulation in Lisp,
some of the `ls' switches are not supported; see the doc string of
`insert-directory' in `ls-lisp.el' for more details.

Function: comint-history-isearch-search

Return the proper search function, for Isearch in input history.


Function: mouse-menu-non-singleton

Return menu keybar MENUBAR, or a lone submenu inside it.
If MENUBAR defines exactly one submenu, return just that submenu.
Otherwise, return MENUBAR.


Function: indent-to-left-margin

Indent current line to the column given by `current-left-margin'.

Function: diff-buffer-with-file

View the differences between BUFFER and its associated file.
This requires the external program `diff' to be in your `exec-path'.

(fn &optional BUFFER)

Function: calc-embedded

Start Calc Embedded mode on the formula surrounding point.

(fn ARG &optional END OBEG OEND)

Function: global-auto-revert-mode

Toggle Global Auto Revert mode.
With a prefix argument ARG, enable Global Auto Revert mode if ARG
is positive, and disable it otherwise. If called from Lisp,
enable the mode if ARG is omitted or nil.

Global Auto Revert mode is a global minor mode that reverts any
buffer associated with a file when the file changes on disk. Use
`auto-revert-mode' to revert a particular buffer.

If `global-auto-revert-non-file-buffers' is non-nil, this mode
may also revert some non-file buffers, as described in the
documentation of that variable. It ignores buffers with modes
matching `global-auto-revert-ignore-modes', and buffers with a
non-nil vale of `global-auto-revert-ignore-buffer'.

This function calls the hook `global-auto-revert-mode-hook'.
It displays the text that `global-auto-revert-mode-text' specifies in the mode line. (fn &optional ARG)

Variable: global-auto-revert-mode

Non-nil if Global-Auto-Revert mode is enabled.
See the command `global-auto-revert-mode' for a description of this minor mode.
Setting this variable directly does not take effect;
either customize it (see the info node `Easy Customization')
or call the function `global-auto-revert-mode'.

Function: tty-run-terminal-initialization

Run the special initialization code for the terminal type of FRAME.
The optional TYPE parameter may be used to override the autodetected
terminal type to a different value.

Function: char-valid-p

Return non-nil if OBJECT is a character.
In Emacs Lisp, characters are represented by character codes, which
are non-negative integers. The function `max-char' returns the
maximum character code.

Function: widen

Remove restrictions (narrowing) from current buffer.
This allows the buffer's full text to be seen and edited.

Function: gnus-ido-completing-read

Call `ido-completing-read-function'.

Variable: url-temporary-directory

Where temporary files go.

Function: pcomplete-std-complete


Variable: forward-sexp-function

If non-nil, `forward-sexp' delegates to this function.
Should take the same arguments and behave similarly to `forward-sexp'.

Variable: tramp-file-name-regexp-separate

Value for `tramp-file-name-regexp' for separate remoting.
XEmacs uses a separate filename syntax for Tramp and EFS.
See `tramp-file-name-structure' for more explanations.

Variable: custom-browse-sort-alphabetically

If non-nil, sort customization group alphabetically in `custom-browse'.

Function: conf-xdefaults-mode

Conf Mode starter for Xdefaults files.
Comments start with `!' and "assignments" are with `:'.
For details see `conf-mode'. Example:

! Conf mode font-locks this right with M-x conf-xdefaults-mode (.Xdefaults)

*background: gray99
*foreground: black (fn)

Function: mapconcat

Apply FUNCTION to each element of SEQUENCE, and concat the results as strings.
In between each pair of results, stick in SEPARATOR. Thus, " " as
SEPARATOR results in spaces between the values returned by FUNCTION.
SEQUENCE may be a list, a vector, a bool-vector, or a string.


Variable: auth-source-creation-defaults

Defaults for creating token values. Usually let-bound.

Variable: update-leim-list-functions

List of functions to call to update LEIM list file.
Each function is called with one arg, LEIM directory name.

Function: url-irc

(fn URL)

Function: tty-handle-args

Handle the X-like command-line arguments "-fg", "-bg", "-name", etc.

(fn ARGS)

Variable: custom-load-recursion

Hack to avoid recursive dependencies.

Variable: printable-chars

A char-table for each printable character.

Variable: input-method-highlight-flag

If this flag is non-nil, input methods highlight partially-entered text.
For instance, while you are in the middle of a Quail input method sequence,
the text inserted so far is temporarily underlined.
The underlining goes away when you finish or abort the input method sequence.
See also the variable `input-method-verbose-flag'.

Variable: completion-in-region-mode--predicate

Copy of the value of `completion-in-region-mode-predicate'.
This holds the value `completion-in-region-mode-predicate' had when
we entered `completion-in-region-mode'.

Function: cconv-closure-convert

Main entry point for closure conversion.
-- FORM is a piece of Elisp code after macroexpansion.
-- TOPLEVEL(optional) is a boolean variable, true if we are at the root of AST

Returns a form where all lambdas don't have any free variables. (fn FORM)

Function: set-auto-mode

Select major mode appropriate for current buffer.

To find the right major mode, this function checks for a -*- mode tag
checks for a `mode:' entry in the Local Variables section of the file,
checks if it uses an interpreter listed in `interpreter-mode-alist',
matches the buffer beginning against `magic-mode-alist',
compares the filename against the entries in `auto-mode-alist',
then matches the buffer beginning against `magic-fallback-mode-alist'.

If `enable-local-variables' is nil, or if the file name matches
`inhibit-local-variables-regexps', this function does not check
for any mode: tag anywhere in the file. If `local-enable-local-variables'
is nil, then the only mode: tag that can be relevant is a -*- one.

If the optional argument KEEP-MODE-IF-SAME is non-nil, then we
set the major mode only if that would change it. In other words
we don't actually set it to the same mode the buffer already has.

Variable: font-use-system-font

Non-nil means to apply the system defined font dynamically.
When this is non-nil and the system defined fixed width font changes, we
update frames dynamically.
If this variable is nil, Emacs ignores system font changes.

Function: cl-tenth

Return the tenth element of the list X.

(fn X)

Variable: mouse-1-click-in-non-selected-windows

If non-nil, a Mouse-1 click also follows links in non-selected windows.

If nil, a Mouse-1 click on a link in a non-selected window performs
the normal mouse-1 binding, typically selects the window and sets
point at the click position.

Function: face-spec-set-2

Set the face attributes of FACE on FRAME according to SPEC.

Variable: auto-window-vscroll

Non-nil means to automatically adjust `window-vscroll' to view tall lines.

Function: safe-length

Return the length of a list, but avoid error or infinite loop.
This function never gets an error. If LIST is not really a list,
it returns 0. If LIST is circular, it returns a finite value
which is at least the number of distinct elements. (fn LIST)

Variable: coding-system-for-read

Specify the coding system for read operations.
It is useful to bind this variable with `let', but do not set it globally.
If the value is a coding system, it is used for decoding on read operation.
If not, an appropriate element is used from one of the coding system alists.
There are three such tables: `file-coding-system-alist',
`process-coding-system-alist', and `network-coding-system-alist'.

Variable: view-scroll-auto-exit

Non-nil means scrolling past the end of buffer exits View mode.
A value of nil means attempting to scroll past the end of the buffer,
only rings the bell and gives a message on how to leave.

Function: html-radio-buttons

Group of connected radio button inputs.

This is a skeleton command (see `skeleton-insert').
Normally the skeleton text is inserted at point, with nothing "inside".
If there is a highlighted region, the skeleton text is wrapped
around the region text.

A prefix argument ARG says to wrap the skeleton around the next ARG words.
A prefix argument of -1 says to wrap around region, even if not highlighted.
A prefix argument of zero says to wrap around zero words---that is, nothing.
This is a way of overriding the use of a highlighted region.

Function: sgml-lexical-context

Return the lexical context at point as (TYPE . START).
START is the location of the start of the lexical element.
TYPE is one of `string', `comment', `tag', `cdata', `pi', or `text'.

Optional argument LIMIT is the position to start parsing from.
If nil, start from a preceding tag at indentation.

Function: find-multibyte-characters

Find multibyte characters in the region specified by FROM and TO.
If FROM is a string, find multibyte characters in the string.
The return value is an alist of the following format:
CHARSET is a character set,
COUNT is a number of characters,
CHARs are the characters found from the character set.
Optional 3rd arg MAXCOUNT limits how many CHARs are put in the above list.
Optional 4th arg EXCLUDES is a list of character sets to be ignored.

Function: normal-erase-is-backspace-mode

Toggle the Erase and Delete mode of the Backspace and Delete keys.
With a prefix argument ARG, enable this feature if ARG is
positive, and disable it otherwise. If called from Lisp, enable
the mode if ARG is omitted or nil.

On window systems, when this mode is on, Delete is mapped to C-d
and Backspace is mapped to DEL; when this mode is off, both
Delete and Backspace are mapped to DEL. (The remapping goes via
`local-function-key-map', so binding Delete or Backspace in the
global or local keymap will override that.)

In addition, on window systems, the bindings of C-Delete, M-Delete,
C-M-Delete, C-Backspace, M-Backspace, and C-M-Backspace are changed in
the global keymap in accordance with the functionality of Delete and
Backspace. For example, if Delete is remapped to C-d, which deletes
forward, C-Delete is bound to `kill-word', but if Delete is remapped
to DEL, which deletes backward, C-Delete is bound to

If not running on a window system, a similar effect is accomplished by
remapping C-h (normally produced by the Backspace key) and DEL via
`keyboard-translate': if this mode is on, C-h is mapped to DEL and DEL
to C-d; if it's off, the keys are not remapped.

When not running on a window system, and this mode is turned on, the
former functionality of C-h is available on the F1 key. You should
probably not turn on this mode on a text-only terminal if you don't have both Backspace, Delete and F1 keys. See also `normal-erase-is-backspace'.

Variable: kkc-after-update-conversion-functions

Functions to run after a conversion is selected in `japanese' input method.
With this input method, a user can select a proper conversion from
candidate list. Each time he changes the selection, functions in this
list are called with two arguments; starting and ending buffer
positions that contains the current selection.

Variable: display-time-string-forms

List of expressions governing display of the time in the mode line.
For most purposes, you can control the time format using `display-time-format'
which is a more standard interface.

This expression is a list of expressions that can involve the keywords
`load', `day', `month', and `year', `12-hours', `24-hours', `minutes',
`seconds', all numbers in string form, and `monthname', `dayname', `am-pm',
and `time-zone' all alphabetic strings, and `mail' a true/nil value.

For example, the form

'((substring year -2) "/" month "/" day
" " 24-hours ":" minutes ":" seconds
(if time-zone " (") time-zone (if time-zone ")")
(if mail " Mail" ""))
would give mode line times like `94/12/30 21:07:48 (UTC)'.

Function: completion-in-region-mode

Transient minor mode used during `completion-in-region'.
With a prefix argument ARG, enable the modemode if ARG is
positive, and disable it otherwise. If called from Lisp, enable
the mode if ARG is omitted or nil.

(fn &optional ARG)

Variable: completion-in-region-mode

Non-nil if Completion-In-Region mode is enabled.
See the command `completion-in-region-mode' for a description of this minor mode.
Setting this variable directly does not take effect;
either customize it (see the info node `Easy Customization')
or call the function `completion-in-region-mode'.

Function: blink-cursor-timer-function

Timer function of timer `blink-cursor-timer'.

Variable: adaptive-fill-mode

Non-nil means determine a paragraph's fill prefix from its text.

Function: snmp-mode

Major mode for editing SNMP MIBs.
Expression and list commands understand all C brackets.
Tab indents for C code.
Comments start with -- and end with newline or another --.
Delete converts tabs to spaces as it moves back.

Uses keymap `snmp-mode-map', which is not currently defined.

Turning on snmp-mode runs the hooks in `snmp-common-mode-hook', then `snmp-mode-hook'. (fn)

Function: mode-line-read-only-help-echo

Return help text specifying WINDOW's buffer read-only status.

Function: byte-compile-add-to-list

(fn FORM)

Variable: tabulated-list-mode-abbrev-table

Abbrev table for `tabulated-list-mode'.

Variable: text-mode-hook

Normal hook run when entering Text mode and many related modes.

Variable: completion-in-region-mode-predicate

Predicate to tell `completion-in-region-mode' when to exit.
It is called with no argument and should return nil when
`completion-in-region-mode' should exit (and hence pop down
the *Completions* buffer).

Function: gnus-summary-bookmark-jump

Handler function for record returned by `gnus-summary-bookmark-make-record'.
BOOKMARK is a bookmark name or a bookmark record.


Function: goto-line

Go to LINE, counting from line 1 at beginning of buffer.
If called interactively, a numeric prefix argument specifies
LINE; without a numeric prefix argument, read LINE from the

If optional argument BUFFER is non-nil, switch to that buffer and
move to line LINE there. If called interactively with C-u
as argument, BUFFER is the most recently selected other buffer.

Prior to moving point, this function sets the mark (without
activating it), unless Transient Mark mode is enabled and the
mark is already active.

This function is usually the wrong thing to use in a Lisp program.
What you probably want instead is something like:
(goto-char (point-min))
(forward-line (1- N))
If at all possible, an even better solution is to use char counts rather than line counts.

Function: menu-bar-mode

Toggle display of a menu bar on each frame (Menu Bar mode).
With a prefix argument ARG, enable Menu Bar mode if ARG is
positive, and disable it otherwise. If called from Lisp, enable
Menu Bar mode if ARG is omitted or nil.

This command applies to all frames that exist and frames to be
created in the future.

Variable: menu-bar-mode

Non-nil if Menu-Bar mode is enabled.
See the command `menu-bar-mode' for a description of this minor mode.
Setting this variable directly does not take effect;
either customize it (see the info node `Easy Customization')
or call the function `menu-bar-mode'.

Variable: yank-pop-change-selection

Whether rotating the kill ring changes the window system selection.
If non-nil, whenever the kill ring is rotated (usually via the
`yank-pop' command), Emacs also calls `interprogram-cut-function'
to copy the new kill to the window system selection.

Function: file-size-human-readable

Produce a string showing FILE-SIZE in human-readable form.

Optional second argument FLAVOR controls the units and the display format:

If FLAVOR is nil or omitted, each kilobyte is 1024 bytes and the produced
suffixes are "k", "M", "G", "T", etc.
If FLAVOR is `si', each kilobyte is 1000 bytes and the produced suffixes
are "k", "M", "G", "T", etc.
If FLAVOR is `iec', each kilobyte is 1024 bytes and the produced suffixes
are "KiB", "MiB", "GiB", "TiB", etc.

Function: mm-char-or-char-int-p

Return non-nil if OBJECT is a character.
In Emacs Lisp, characters are represented by character codes, which
are non-negative integers. The function `max-char' returns the
maximum character code.

Function: format-decode-buffer

Translate the buffer from some FORMAT.
If the format is not specified, attempt a regexp-based guess.
Set `buffer-file-format' to the format used, and call any
format-specific mode functions.

Function: set-window-next-buffers

Set WINDOW's next buffers to NEXT-BUFFERS.
WINDOW must be a live window and defaults to the selected one.
NEXT-BUFFERS should be a list of buffers.


Function: internal-show-cursor

Set the cursor-visibility flag of WINDOW to SHOW.
WINDOW nil means use the selected window. SHOW non-nil means
show a cursor in WINDOW in the next redisplay. SHOW nil means
don't show a cursor.


Variable: default-left-margin

Default value of `left-margin' for buffers that do not override it.
This is the same as (default-value 'left-margin).

Function: pcmpl-ssh-config-hosts

Return a list of hosts found in `pcmpl-ssh-config-file'.

Variable: shell-pushd-tohome

If non-nil, make pushd with no arg behave as "pushd ~" (like cd).
This mirrors the optional behavior of tcsh.

Function: sgml-beginning-of-tag

Skip to beginning of tag and return its name.
If this can't be done, return nil.

Variable: timer-event-last

Last timer that was run.

Variable: vc-sccs-master-templates

Where to look for SCCS master files.
For a description of possible values, see `vc-check-master-templates'.

Function: window-point

Return current value of point in WINDOW.
WINDOW must be a live window and defaults to the selected one.

For a nonselected window, this is the value point would have if that
window were selected.

Note that, when WINDOW is selected, the value returned is the same as
that returned by `point' for WINDOW's buffer. It would be more strictly
correct to return the `top-level' value of `point', outside of any
`save-excursion' forms. But that is hard to define. (fn &optional WINDOW)

Function: this-command-keys

Return the key sequence that invoked this command.
However, if the command has called `read-key-sequence', it returns
the last key sequence that has been read.
The value is a string or a vector.

See also `this-command-keys-vector'. (fn)

Function: gnus-pp-to-string

The same as `pp-to-string'.
Bind `print-quoted' and `print-readably' to t, and `print-length' and
`print-level' to nil. See also `gnus-bind-print-variables'.

Variable: mm-text-coding-system-for-write

Text coding system for write.

Function: cl--letf


Function: vc-workfile-version

Return the repository version from which FILE was checked out.
If FILE is not registered, this function always returns nil.

Variable: comment-continue

Continuation string to insert for multiline comments.
This string will be added at the beginning of each line except the very
first one when commenting a region with a commenting style that allows
comments to span several lines.
It should generally have the same length as `comment-start' in order to
preserve indentation.
If it is nil a value will be automatically derived from `comment-start'
by replacing its first character with a space.

Function: url-setup-privacy-info

Setup variables that expose info about you and your system.


Function: epa-mail-import-keys

Import keys in the OpenPGP armor format in the current buffer.
The buffer is expected to contain a mail message.

Don't use this command in Lisp programs! (fn)

Variable: read-passwd-map

Keymap used while reading passwords.

Function: gnus-delete-directory

Delete files in DIRECTORY. Subdirectories remain.
If there's no subdirectory, delete DIRECTORY as well.

Function: comint-delchar-or-maybe-eof

Delete ARG characters forward or send an EOF to subprocess.
Sends an EOF only if point is at the end of the buffer and there is no input.

(fn ARG)

Function: cl-prettyexpand

Expand macros in FORM and insert the pretty-printed result.
Optional argument FULL non-nil means to expand all macros,
including `cl-block' and `cl-eval-when'.

(fn FORM &optional FULL)

Variable: paragraph-ignore-fill-prefix

Non-nil means the paragraph commands are not affected by `fill-prefix'.
This is desirable in modes where blank lines are the paragraph delimiters.

Function: gnus-button-mailto

Mail to ADDRESS.


Function: resume-tty

Resume the previously suspended terminal device TTY.
The terminal is opened and reinitialized. Frames that are on the
suspended terminal are revived.

It is an error to resume a terminal while another terminal is active
on the same device.

This function runs `resume-tty-functions' after resuming the terminal.
The functions are run with one arg, the id of the resumed terminal

`resume-tty' does nothing if it is called on a device that is not

TTY may be a terminal object, a frame, or nil (meaning the selected frame's terminal). (fn &optional TTY)

Function: parse-partial-sexp

Parse Lisp syntax starting at FROM until TO; return status of parse at TO.
Parsing stops at TO or when certain criteria are met;
point is set to where parsing stops.
If fifth arg OLDSTATE is omitted or nil,
parsing assumes that FROM is the beginning of a function.
Value is a list of elements describing final state of parsing:
0. depth in parens.
1. character address of start of innermost containing list; nil if none.
2. character address of start of last complete sexp terminated.
3. non-nil if inside a string.
(it is the character that will terminate the string,
or t if the string should be terminated by a generic string delimiter.)
4. nil if outside a comment, t if inside a non-nestable comment,
else an integer (the current comment nesting).
5. t if following a quote character.
6. the minimum paren-depth encountered during this scan.
7. style of comment, if any.
8. character address of start of comment or string; nil if not in one.
9. Intermediate data for continuation of parsing (subject to change).
If third arg TARGETDEPTH is non-nil, parsing stops if the depth
in parentheses becomes equal to TARGETDEPTH.
Fourth arg STOPBEFORE non-nil means stop when come to
any character that starts a sexp.
Fifth arg OLDSTATE is a list like what this function returns.
It is used to initialize the state of the parse. Elements number 1, 2, 6
are ignored.
Sixth arg COMMENTSTOP non-nil means stop at the start of a comment.
If it is symbol `syntax-table', stop after the start of a comment or a
string, or after end of a comment or a string. (fn FROM TO &optional TARGETDEPTH STOPBEFORE OLDSTATE COMMENTSTOP)

Function: region-beginning

Return the integer value of point or mark, whichever is smaller.


Function: detect-coding-string

Detect coding system of the text in STRING.
Return a list of possible coding systems ordered by priority.
The coding systems to try and their priorities follows what
the function `coding-system-priority-list' (which see) returns.

If only ASCII characters are found (except for such ISO-2022 control
characters as ESC), it returns a list of single element `undecided'
or its subsidiary coding system according to a detected end-of-line

If optional argument HIGHEST is non-nil, return the coding system of
highest priority. (fn STRING &optional HIGHEST)

Function: byte-compile-noop

(fn FORM)

Variable: byte-compile-read-position

Character position we began the last `read' from.

Function: make-vc-git-extra-fileinfo


Function: comment-padleft

Construct a string composed of `comment-padding' plus STR.
It also adds N copies of the first non-whitespace chars of STR.
If STR already contains padding, the corresponding amount is
ignored from `comment-padding'.
N defaults to 0.
If N is `re', a regexp is returned instead, that would match
the string for any N. (fn STR &optional N)

Function: x-get-selection-value

Get the current value of the PRIMARY selection.
Request data types in the order specified by `x-select-request-type'.

Function: mouse-split-window-vertically

Select Emacs window mouse is on, then split it vertically in half.
The window is split at the line clicked on.
This command must be bound to a mouse click.
(fn CLICK)

Function: plist-put

Change value in PLIST of PROP to VAL.
PLIST is a property list, which is a list of the form
(PROP1 VALUE1 PROP2 VALUE2 ...). PROP is a symbol and VAL is any object.
If PROP is already a property on the list, its value is set to VAL,
otherwise the new PROP VAL pair is added. The new plist is returned;
use `(setq x (plist-put x prop val))' to be sure to use the new value.
The PLIST is modified by side effects. (fn PLIST PROP VAL)

Variable: disable-point-adjustment

If non-nil, suppress point adjustment after executing a command.

After a command is executed, if point is moved into a region that has
special properties (e.g. composition, display), we adjust point to
the boundary of the region. But, when a command sets this variable to
non-nil, we suppress the point adjustment.

This variable is set to nil before reading a command, and is checked
just after executing the command.

Function: describe-project

Display info on the GNU project.

Function: thumbs-show-from-dir

Make a preview buffer for all images in DIR.
Optional argument REG to select file matching a regexp,
and SAME-WINDOW to show thumbs in the same window.

(fn DIR &optional REG SAME-WINDOW)

Function: pr-ps-mode-ps-print

Print major mode using PostScript or through ghostscript.

See also `pr-ps-buffer-ps-print'.

(fn N-UP &optional FILENAME)

Function: epa-encrypt-file



Variable: file-name-history

History list of file names entered in the minibuffer.

Maximum length of the history list is determined by the value
of `history-length', which see.

Function: event-convert-list

Convert the event description list EVENT-DESC to an event type.
EVENT-DESC should contain one base event type (a character or symbol)
and zero or more modifier names (control, meta, hyper, super, shift, alt,
drag, down, double or triple). The base must be last.
The return value is an event type (a character or symbol) which
has the same base event type and all the specified modifiers. (fn EVENT-DESC)

Function: abbrev-insert

Insert abbrev ABBREV at point.
If non-nil, NAME is the name by which this abbrev was found.
If non-nil, WORDSTART is the place where to insert the abbrev.
If WORDEND is non-nil, the abbrev replaces the previous text between
Return ABBREV if the expansion should be considered as having taken place.
The return value can be influenced by a `no-self-insert' property;
see `define-abbrev' for details.


Function: hi-lock-mode

Toggle selective highlighting of patterns (Hi Lock mode).
With a prefix argument ARG, enable Hi Lock mode if ARG is
positive, and disable it otherwise. If called from Lisp, enable
the mode if ARG is omitted or nil.

Hi Lock mode is automatically enabled when you invoke any of the
highlighting commands listed below, such as M-s h r.
To enable Hi Lock mode in all buffers, use `global-hi-lock-mode'
or add (global-hi-lock-mode 1) to your init file.

In buffers where Font Lock mode is enabled, patterns are
highlighted using font lock. In buffers where Font Lock mode is
disabled, patterns are applied using overlays; in this case, the
highlighting will not be updated as you type.

When Hi Lock mode is enabled, a "Regexp Highlighting" submenu
is added to the "Edit" menu. The commands in the submenu,
which can be called interactively, are:

Highlight matches of pattern REGEXP in current buffer with FACE.

Highlight matches of phrase PHRASE in current buffer with FACE.
(PHRASE can be any REGEXP, but spaces will be replaced by matches
to whitespace and initial lower-case letters will become case insensitive.)

Highlight lines containing matches of REGEXP in current buffer with FACE.

M-s h u REGEXP
Remove highlighting on matches of REGEXP in current buffer.

M-s h w
Write active REGEXPs into buffer as comments (if possible). They may
be read the next time file is loaded or when the M-s h f command
is issued. The inserted regexps are in the form of font lock keywords.
(See `font-lock-keywords'.) They may be edited and re-loaded with M-s h f,
any valid `font-lock-keywords' form is acceptable. When a file is
loaded the patterns are read if `hi-lock-file-patterns-policy' is
'ask and the user responds y to the prompt, or if
`hi-lock-file-patterns-policy' is bound to a function and that
function returns t.

M-s h f
Re-read patterns stored in buffer (in the format produced by M-s h w).

When hi-lock is started and if the mode is not excluded or patterns
rejected, the beginning of the buffer is searched for lines of the
Hi-lock: FOO

where FOO is a list of patterns. The patterns must start before
position (number of characters into buffer) `hi-lock-file-patterns-range'. Patterns will be read until Hi-lock: end is found. A mode is excluded if it's in the list `hi-lock-exclude-modes'. (fn &optional ARG)

Function: ediff-merge-with-ancestor

Merge two files with ancestor.


Function: face-doc-string

Get the documentation string for FACE.
If FACE is a face-alias, get the documentation for the target face.

Variable: debug-on-quit

Non-nil means enter debugger if quit is signaled (C-g, for example).
Does not apply if quit is handled by a `condition-case'.

Function: traceroute

Run traceroute program for TARGET.


Function: calc-undo

(fn N)

Function: animate-birthday-present

Return a birthday present in the buffer *Birthday-Present*.
When optional arg NAME is non-nil or called-interactively, prompt for
NAME of birthday present receiver and return a birthday present in
the buffer *Birthday-Present-for-Name*.

(fn &optional NAME)

Function: end-of-buffer-other-window

Move point to the end of the buffer in the other window.
Leave mark at previous position.
With arg N, put point N/10 of the way from the true end.

Function: gnus-rescale-image

Rescale IMAGE to SIZE if possible.
SIZE is in format (WIDTH . HEIGHT). Return a new image.
Sizes are in pixels.

Function: shell-dynamic-complete-environment-variable

Dynamically complete the environment variable at point.
Completes if after a variable, i.e., if it starts with a "$".

This function is similar to `comint-dynamic-complete-filename', except that it
searches `process-environment' for completion candidates. Note that this may
not be the same as the interpreter's idea of variable names. The main problem
with this type of completion is that `process-environment' is the environment
which Emacs started with. Emacs does not track changes to the environment made
by the interpreter. Perhaps it would be more accurate if this function was
called `shell-dynamic-complete-process-environment-variable'.
Returns non-nil if successful. (fn)

Function: vc-file-setprop

Set per-file VC PROPERTY for FILE to VALUE.

Function: number-to-string

Return the decimal representation of NUMBER as a string.
Uses a minus sign if negative.
NUMBER may be an integer or a floating point number.

Function: vc-hg-registered

Return non-nil if FILE is registered with hg.

Function: tibetan-decompose-string

Decompose Tibetan string STR.
This is different from decompose-string because precomposed Tibetan characters
are decomposed into normal Tibetan character sequences.
(fn STR)

Function: info-xref-check-all-custom

Check info references in all customize groups and variables.
Info references can be in `custom-manual' or `info-link' entries
of the `custom-links' for a variable.

Any `custom-load' autoloads in variables are loaded in order to
get full link information. This will be a lot of Lisp packages
and can take a long time. (fn)

Function: global-highlight-changes-mode

Toggle Highlight-Changes mode in all buffers.
With prefix ARG, enable Global-Highlight-Changes mode if ARG is positive;
otherwise, disable it. If called from Lisp, enable the mode if
ARG is omitted or nil.

Highlight-Changes mode is enabled in all buffers where
`highlight-changes-mode-turn-on' would do it.
See `highlight-changes-mode' for more information on Highlight-Changes mode. (fn &optional ARG)

Variable: global-highlight-changes-mode

Non-nil if Global-Highlight-Changes mode is enabled.
See the command `global-highlight-changes-mode' for a description of this minor mode.
Setting this variable directly does not take effect;
either customize it (see the info node `Easy Customization')
or call the function `global-highlight-changes-mode'.

Function: format

Format a string out of a format-string and arguments.
The first argument is a format control string.
The other arguments are substituted into it to make the result, a string.

The format control string may contain %-sequences meaning to substitute
the next available argument:

%s means print a string argument. Actually, prints any object, with `princ'.
%d means print as number in decimal (%o octal, %x hex).
%X is like %x, but uses upper case.
%e means print a number in exponential notation.
%f means print a number in decimal-point notation.
%g means print a number in exponential notation
or decimal-point notation, whichever uses fewer characters.
%c means print a number as a single character.
%S means print any object as an s-expression (using `prin1').

The argument used for %d, %o, %x, %e, %f, %g or %c must be a number.
Use %% to put a single % into the output.

A %-sequence may contain optional flag, width, and precision
specifiers, as follows:


where flags is [+ #-0]+, width is [0-9]+, and precision is .[0-9]+

The + flag character inserts a + before any positive number, while a
space inserts a space before any positive number; these flags only
affect %d, %e, %f, and %g sequences, and the + flag takes precedence.
The - and 0 flags affect the width specifier, as described below.

The # flag means to use an alternate display form for %o, %x, %X, %e,
%f, and %g sequences: for %o, it ensures that the result begins with
"0"; for %x and %X, it prefixes the result with "0x" or "0X";
for %e, %f, and %g, it causes a decimal point to be included even if
the precision is zero.

The width specifier supplies a lower limit for the length of the
printed representation. The padding, if any, normally goes on the
left, but it goes on the right if the - flag is present. The padding
character is normally a space, but it is 0 if the 0 flag is present.
The 0 flag is ignored if the - flag is present, or the format sequence
is something other than %d, %e, %f, and %g.

For %e, %f, and %g sequences, the number after the "." in the
precision specifier says how many decimal places to show; if zero, the decimal point itself is omitted. For %s and %S, the precision specifier truncates the string to the given width. (fn STRING &rest OBJECTS)

Variable: locale-coding-system

Coding system to use with system messages.
Also used for decoding keyboard input on X Window system.

Function: font-lock-apply-syntactic-highlight

Apply HIGHLIGHT following a match.
HIGHLIGHT should be of the form MATCH-HIGHLIGHT,
see `font-lock-syntactic-keywords'.

Variable: language-info-custom-alist

Customizations of language environment parameters.
Value is an alist with elements like those of `language-info-alist'.
These are used to set values in `language-info-alist' which replace
the defaults. A typical use is replacing the default input method for
the environment. Use C-h L to find the environment's settings.

This option is intended for use at startup. Removing items doesn't
remove them from the language info until you next restart Emacs.

Setting this variable directly does not take effect.
See `set-language-info-alist' for use in programs.

Function: button-category-symbol

Return the symbol used by button-type TYPE to store properties.
Buttons inherit them by setting their `category' property to that symbol.

Function: smie-bnf->prec2

Convert the BNF grammar into a prec2 table.
BNF is a list of nonterminal definitions of the form:
where each RHS is a (non-empty) list of terminals (aka tokens) or non-terminals.
Not all grammars are accepted:
- an RHS cannot be an empty list (this is not needed, since SMIE allows all
non-terminals to match the empty string anyway).
- an RHS cannot have 2 consecutive non-terminals: between each non-terminal
needs to be a terminal (aka token). This is a fundamental limitation of
the parsing technology used (operator precedence grammar).
Additionally, conflicts can occur:
- The returned prec2 table holds constraints between pairs of
token, and for any given pair only one constraint can be
present, either: T1 < T2, T1 = T2, or T1 > T2.
- A token can either be an `opener' (something similar to an open-paren),
a `closer' (like a close-paren), or `neither' of the two (e.g. an infix
operator, or an inner token like "else").
Conflicts can be resolved via RESOLVERS, which is a list of elements that can
be either:
- a precs table (see `smie-precs->prec2') to resolve conflicting constraints,
- a constraint (T1 REL T2) where REL is one of = < or >. (fn BNF &rest RESOLVERS)

Function: cdddr

Return the `cdr' of the `cdr' of the `cdr' of X.

(fn X)

Function: tabulated-list--column-number

(fn NAME)

Function: frame-geom-spec-cons

Return equivalent geometry spec for FRAME as a cons with car `+'.
A geometry specification equivalent to SPEC for FRAME is returned,
where the value is a cons with car `+', not numeric.
SPEC is a frame geometry spec: (left . VALUE) or (top . VALUE).
If VALUE is a number, then it is converted to a cons value, perhaps
relative to the opposite frame edge from that in the original spec.
FRAME defaults to the selected frame.

Examples (measures in pixels) -
Assuming display height=1024, frame height=600:
top 300 below display top: (top . 300) => (top + 300)
(top + 300) => (top + 300)
bottom 300 above display bottom: (top - 300) => (top + 124)
(top . -300) => (top + 124)
top 300 above display top
(= bottom 724 above display bottom): (top + -300) => (top + -300)
bottom 300 below display bottom
(= top 724 below display top): (top - -300) => (top + 724)

In the 3rd, 4th, and 6th examples, the returned value is relative to the opposite frame edge from the edge indicated in the input spec.

Function: mail-hist-enable


Function: insert-file-literally

Insert contents of file FILENAME into buffer after point with no conversion.

This function is meant for the user to run interactively.
Don't call it from programs! Use `insert-file-contents-literally' instead.
(Its calling sequence is different; see its documentation).

Variable: minibuffer-confirm-exit-commands

A list of commands which cause an immediately following
`minibuffer-complete-and-exit' to ask for extra confirmation.

Function: gnus-outlook-deuglify-article

Full deuglify of broken Outlook (Express) articles.
Treat dumbquotes, unwrap lines, repair attribution and rearrange citation. If
NODISPLAY is non-nil, don't redisplay the article buffer.

(fn &optional NODISPLAY)

Variable: mode-line-column-line-number-mode-map

Keymap to display on column and line numbers.

Function: libxml-parse-xml-region

Parse the region as an XML document and return the parse tree.
If BASE-URL is non-nil, it is used to expand relative URLs.

(fn START END &optional BASE-URL)

Function: point-max

Return the maximum permissible value of point in the current buffer.
This is (1+ (buffer-size)), unless narrowing (a buffer restriction)
is in effect, in which case it is less. (fn)

Function: help-function-arglist

Return a formal argument list for the function DEF.
IF PRESERVE-NAMES is non-nil, return a formal arglist that uses
the same names as used in the original source code, when possible.

(fn DEF &optional PRESERVE-NAMES)

Function: package-load-descriptor

Load the description file in directory DIR for package PACKAGE.
Here, PACKAGE is a string of the form NAME-VERSION, where NAME is
the package name and VERSION is its version.

Function: tree-equal

Return t if trees TREE1 and TREE2 have `eql' leaves.
Atoms are compared by `eql'; cons cells are compared recursively.

Keywords supported: :test :test-not :key


Variable: use-empty-active-region

Whether "region-aware" commands should act on empty regions.
If nil, region-aware commands treat empty regions as inactive.
If non-nil, region-aware commands treat the region as active as
long as the mark is active, even if the region is empty.

Region-aware commands are those that act on the region if it is
active and Transient Mark mode is enabled, and on the text near point otherwise.

Function: lookup-nested-alist

Look up key sequence KEYSEQ in nested alist ALIST. Return the definition.
Optional 3rd argument LEN specifies the length of KEYSEQ.
Optional 4th argument START specifies index of the starting key.
The returned value is normally a nested alist of which
car part is the entry for KEYSEQ.
If ALIST is not deep enough for KEYSEQ, return number which is
how many key elements at the front of KEYSEQ it takes
to reach a leaf in ALIST.
Optional 5th argument NIL-FOR-TOO-LONG non-nil means return nil
even if ALIST is not deep enough.

Function: gnus-delay-initialize

Initialize the gnus-delay package.
This sets up a key binding in `message-mode' to delay a message.
This tells Gnus to look for delayed messages after getting new news.

The optional arg NO-KEYMAP is ignored.
Checking delayed messages is skipped if optional arg NO-CHECK is non-nil.

(fn &optional NO-KEYMAP NO-CHECK)

Function: minibuffer-prompt-end

Return the buffer position of the end of the minibuffer prompt.
Return (point-min) if current buffer is not a minibuffer.

Function: byte-to-position

Return the character position for byte position BYTEPOS.
If BYTEPOS is out of range, the value is nil.


Function: auto-fill-function

Automatically break line at a previous space, in insertion of text.

Variable: auto-fill-function

Function called (if non-nil) to perform auto-fill.
It is called after self-inserting any character specified in
the `auto-fill-chars' table.
NOTE: This variable is not a hook;
its value may not be a list of functions.

Function: select-window

Select WINDOW which must be a live window.
Also make WINDOW's frame the selected frame and WINDOW that frame's
selected window. In addition, make WINDOW's buffer current and set that
buffer's value of `point' to the value of WINDOW's `window-point'.
Return WINDOW.

Optional second arg NORECORD non-nil means do not put this buffer at the
front of the buffer list and do not make this window the most recently
selected one.

Note that the main editor command loop sets the current buffer to the
buffer of the selected window before each command. (fn WINDOW &optional NORECORD)

Variable: dabbrev-upcase-means-case-search

The significance of an uppercase character in an abbreviation.
A nil value means case fold search when searching for possible expansions;
non-nil means case sensitive search.

This variable has an effect only when the value of
`dabbrev-case-fold-search' says to ignore case.

Function: equalp

Return t if two Lisp objects have similar structures and contents.
This is like `equal', except that it accepts numerically equal
numbers of different types (float vs. integer), and also compares
strings case-insensitively. (fn X Y)

Variable: occur-mode-find-occurrence-hook

Hook run by Occur after locating an occurrence.
This will be called with the cursor position at the occurrence. An application
for this is to reveal context in an outline-mode when the occurrence is hidden.

Function: xml-parse-file

Parse the well-formed XML file FILE.
Return the top node with all its children.
If PARSE-DTD is non-nil, the DTD is parsed rather than skipped.

If PARSE-NS is non-nil, then QNAMES are expanded. By default,
the variable `xml-default-ns' is the mapping from namespaces to
URIs, and expanded names will be returned as a cons

("namespace:" . "foo").

If PARSE-NS is an alist, it will be used as the mapping from
namespace to URIs instead.

If it is the symbol 'symbol-qnames, expanded names will be
returned as a plain symbol 'namespace:foo instead of a cons.

Both features can be combined by providing a cons cell
(symbol-qnames . ALIST). (fn FILE &optional PARSE-DTD PARSE-NS)

Function: thumbs

Make a preview buffer for all images in DIR.
Optional argument REG to select file matching a regexp,
and SAME-WINDOW to show thumbs in the same window.

(fn DIR &optional REG SAME-WINDOW)

Function: smiley-region

Replace in the region `smiley-regexp-alist' matches with corresponding images.
A list of images is returned.


Function: pr-ps-region-ps-print

Print region using PostScript printer or through ghostscript.

See also `pr-ps-buffer-ps-print'.

(fn N-UP &optional FILENAME)

Variable: tool-bar-button-margin

Margin around tool-bar buttons in pixels.
If an integer, use that for both horizontal and vertical margins.
Otherwise, value should be a pair of integers `(HORZ . VERT)' with
HORZ specifying the horizontal margin, and VERT specifying the
vertical margin.

Function: >

Return t if first arg is greater than second arg. Both must be numbers or markers.

(fn NUM1 NUM2)

Function: auth-source-macos-keychain-search

Search the MacOS Keychain; spec is like `auth-source'.

All search keys must match exactly. If you need substring
matching, do a wider search and narrow it down yourself.

You'll get back all the properties of the token as a plist.

The :type key is either 'macos-keychain-internet or

For the internet keychain type, the :label key searches the
item's labels ("-l LABEL" passed to "/usr/bin/security").
Similarly, :host maps to "-s HOST", :user maps to "-a USER",
and :port maps to "-P PORT" or "-r PROT"
(note PROT has to be a 4-character string).

For the generic keychain type, the :label key searches the item's
labels ("-l LABEL" passed to "/usr/bin/security").
Similarly, :host maps to "-c HOST" (the "creator" keychain
field), :user maps to "-a USER", and :port maps to "-s PORT".

Here's an example that looks for the first item in the default
generic MacOS Keychain:

(let ((auth-sources '(macos-keychain-generic)))
(auth-source-search :max 1)

Here's another that looks for the first item in the internet
MacOS Keychain collection whose label is 'gnus':

(let ((auth-sources '(macos-keychain-internet)))
(auth-source-search :max 1 :label "gnus")

And this one looks for the first item in the internet keychain
entries for git.gnus.org:

(let ((auth-sources '(macos-keychain-internet")))
(auth-source-search :max 1 :host "git.gnus.org")) (fn &rest SPEC &key BACKEND CREATE DELETE LABEL TYPE MAX HOST USER PORT &allow-other-keys)

Variable: jit-lock-stealth-load

Load in percentage above which stealth fontification is suspended.
Stealth fontification pauses when the system short-term load average (as
returned by the function `load-average' if supported) goes above this level,
thus reducing the demand that stealth fontification makes on the system.
If nil, means stealth fontification is never suspended.
To reduce machine load during stealth fontification, at the cost of stealth
taking longer to fontify, you could reduce the value of this variable.
See also `jit-lock-stealth-nice'.

Function: locate-dominating-file

Look up the directory hierarchy from FILE for a directory containing NAME.
Stop at the first parent directory containing a file NAME,
and return the directory. Return nil if not found.
Instead of a string, NAME can also be a predicate taking one argument
(a directory) and returning a non-nil value if that directory is the one for
which we're looking.

Variable: fringe-bitmaps

List of fringe bitmap symbols.

Variable: font-log

*Logging list of font related actions and results.
The value t means to suppress the logging.
The initial value is set to nil if the environment variable
EMACS_FONT_LOG is set. Otherwise, it is set to t.

Variable: load-read-function

Function used by `load' and `eval-region' for reading expressions.
The default is nil, which means use the function `read'.

Function: =

Return t if two args, both numbers or markers, are equal.

(fn NUM1 NUM2)

Function: comint-unquote-filename

Return FILENAME with quoted characters unquoted.


Variable: html-display-text

Value of `sgml-display-text' for HTML mode.

Function: <

Return t if first arg is less than second arg. Both must be numbers or markers.

(fn NUM1 NUM2)

Function: byte-optimize-and

(fn FORM)

Function: syntax-ppss-depth

(fn PPSS)

Function: 5x5-crack

Attempt to find a solution for 5x5.

5x5-crack takes the argument BREEDER which should be a function that takes
two parameters, the first will be a grid vector array that is the current
solution and the second will be the best solution so far. The function
should return a grid vector array that is the new solution. (fn BREEDER)

Function: window-total-height

Return the total height, in lines, of window WINDOW.
WINDOW must be a valid window and defaults to the selected one.

The return value includes the mode line and header line, if any.
If WINDOW is an internal window, the total height is the height
of the screen areas spanned by its children.

On a graphical display, this total height is reported as an
integer multiple of the default character height. (fn &optional WINDOW)

Function: encode-sjis-char

Encode a Japanese character CH to shift_jis encoding.
Return the corresponding code in SJIS.
(fn CH)

Function: smie-set-prec2tab

(fn TABLE X Y VAL &optional OVERRIDE)

Function: turkish-case-conversion-disable

Set up normal (non-Turkish) case conversion of `i' into `I'.

Function: message-cancel-news

Cancel an article you posted.
If ARG, allow editing of the cancellation message.

(fn &optional ARG)

Function: window--min-size-1

Internal function of `window-min-size'.

Function: Buffer-menu-2-window

Select this line's buffer, with previous buffer in second window.

Function: event-apply-super-modifier

Add the Super modifier to the following event.
For example, type C-x @ s & to enter Super-&.

Function: downcase-region

Convert the region to lower case. In programs, wants two arguments.
These arguments specify the starting and ending character numbers of
the region to operate on. When used as a command, the text between
point and the mark is operated on.
(fn BEG END)

Function: setplist

Set SYMBOL's property list to NEWPLIST, and return NEWPLIST.


Function: byte-compile-push-constant

(fn CONST)

Function: shell-environment-variable-completion

Completion data for an environment variable at point, if any.


Variable: dabbrev-case-distinction

Whether dabbrev treats expansions as the same if they differ in case.

A value of nil means treat them as different.
A value of `case-replace' means distinguish them if `case-replace' is nil.
Any other non-nil value means to treat them as the same.

This variable has an effect only when the value of
`dabbrev-case-fold-search' specifies to ignore case.

Variable: window-min-height

The minimum number of lines of any window.
The value has to accommodate a mode- or header-line if present.
A value less than `window-safe-min-height' is ignored. The value
of this variable is honored when windows are resized or split.

Applications should never rebind this variable. To resize a
window to a height less than the one specified here, an
application should instead call `window-resize' with a non-nil
IGNORE argument. In order to have `split-window' make a window
shorter, explicitly specify the SIZE argument of that function.

Function: x-synchronize

If ON is non-nil, report X errors as soon as the erring request is made.
This function only has an effect on X Windows. With MS Windows, it is
defined but does nothing.

If ON is nil, allow buffering of requests.
Turning on synchronization prohibits the Xlib routines from buffering
requests and seriously degrades performance, but makes debugging much
The optional second argument TERMINAL specifies which display to act on.
TERMINAL should be a terminal object, a frame or a display name (a string).
If TERMINAL is omitted or nil, that stands for the selected frame's display. (fn ON &optional TERMINAL)

Function: mm-coding-system-list

Return a list of all existing non-subsidiary coding systems.
If optional arg BASE-ONLY is non-nil, only base coding systems are
listed. The value doesn't include subsidiary coding systems which are
made from bases and aliases automatically for various end-of-line
formats (e.g. iso-latin-1-unix, koi8-r-dos).

Function: easy-menu-remove

Remove MENU from the current menu bar.
Contrary to XEmacs, this is a nop on Emacs since menus are automatically
(de)activated when the corresponding keymap is (de)activated.
(fn MENU)

Function: tooltip-show-help-non-mode

Function installed as `show-help-function' when Tooltip mode is off.
It is also called if Tooltip mode is on, for text-only displays.

Function: indent-relative-maybe

Indent a new line like previous nonblank line.
If the previous nonblank line has no indent points beyond the
column point starts at, this command does nothing.

See also `indent-relative'.

Function: org-open-at-point-global

Follow a link like Org-mode does.
This command can be called in any mode to follow a link that has
Org-mode syntax. (fn)

Function: elp-instrument-list

Instrument, for profiling, all functions in `elp-function-list'.
Use optional LIST if provided instead.
If called interactively, read LIST using the minibuffer.

(fn &optional LIST)

Function: ebnf-print-region

Generate and print a PostScript syntactic chart image of the region.
Like `ebnf-print-buffer', but prints just the current region.

(fn FROM TO &optional FILENAME)

Function: butlast

Return a copy of LIST with the last N elements removed.

Function: x-register-dnd-atom

Request that dnd events are made for ClientMessages with ATOM.
ATOM can be a symbol or a string. The ATOM is interned on the display that
FRAME is on. If FRAME is nil, the selected frame is used.

(fn ATOM &optional FRAME)

Variable: fill-column

Column beyond which automatic line-wrapping should happen.
Interactively, you can set the buffer local value using C-x f.

Variable: current-load-list

Used for internal purposes by `load'.

Function: tty-color-desc

Return the description of the color COLOR for a character terminal.
Value is a list of the form (NAME INDEX R G B). The returned NAME or
RGB value may not be the same as the argument COLOR, because the latter
might need to be approximated if it is not supported directly.

Function: isearch-highlight-regexp

Run `highlight-regexp' with regexp from the current search string.
It exits Isearch mode and calls `hi-lock-face-buffer' with its regexp
argument from the last search regexp or a quoted search string,
and reads its face argument using `hi-lock-read-face-name'.

Function: ada-header

Insert a descriptive header at the top of the file.


Variable: comint-mode-abbrev-table

Abbrev table for `comint-mode'.

Function: ansi-color-make-extent

Make an extent for the range [FROM, TO) in OBJECT.

OBJECT defaults to the current buffer. XEmacs uses `make-extent', Emacs
uses `make-overlay'. XEmacs can use a buffer or a string for OBJECT,
Emacs requires OBJECT to be a buffer.

Function: eval-print-last-sexp

Evaluate sexp before point; print value into current buffer.

If `eval-expression-debug-on-error' is non-nil, which is the default,
this command arranges for all errors to enter the debugger.

Note that printing the result is controlled by the variables
`eval-expression-print-length' and `eval-expression-print-level', which see.

Function: standard-syntax-table

Return the standard syntax table.
This is the one used for new buffers.

Function: unicode-property-table-internal

Return a char-table for Unicode character property PROP.
Use `get-unicode-property-internal' and
`put-unicode-property-internal' instead of `aref' and `aset' to get
and put an element value. (fn PROP)

Function: isearch-lazy-highlight-search

Search ahead for the next or previous match, for lazy highlighting.
Attempt to do the search exactly the way the pending Isearch would.

Variable: multi-isearch-next-buffer-function

Function to call to get the next buffer to search.

When this variable is set to a function that returns a buffer, then
after typing another C-s or C-r at a failing search, the search goes
to the next buffer in the series and continues searching for the
next occurrence.

This function should return the next buffer (it doesn't need to switch
to it), or nil if it can't find the next buffer (when it reaches the
end of the search space).

The first argument of this function is the current buffer where the
search is currently searching. It defines the base buffer relative to
which this function should find the next buffer. When the isearch
direction is backward (when `isearch-forward' is nil), this function
should return the previous buffer to search.

If the second argument of this function WRAP is non-nil, then it
should return the first buffer in the series; and for the backward search, it should return the last buffer in the series.

Function: font-match-p

Return t if and only if font-spec SPEC matches with FONT.
FONT is a font-spec, font-entity, or font-object.


Function: cconv--analyse-use

Analyze the use of a variable.
VARKIND is the name of the kind of variable.
FORM is the parent form that binds this var.


Function: frame-notice-user-settings

Act on user's init file settings of frame parameters.
React to settings of `initial-frame-alist',
`window-system-default-frame-alist' and `default-frame-alist'
there (in decreasing order of priority).

Variable: frame-notice-user-settings

Non-nil means function `frame-notice-user-settings' wasn't run yet.

Variable: system-type

The value is a symbol indicating the type of operating system you are using.
Special values:
`gnu' compiled for a GNU Hurd system.
`gnu/linux' compiled for a GNU/Linux system.
`gnu/kfreebsd' compiled for a GNU system with a FreeBSD kernel.
`darwin' compiled for Darwin (GNU-Darwin, Mac OS X, ...).
`ms-dos' compiled as an MS-DOS application.
`windows-nt' compiled as a native W32 application.
`cygwin' compiled using the Cygwin library.
Anything else (in Emacs 24.1, the possibilities are: aix, berkeley-unix,
hpux, irix, usg-unix-v) indicates some sort of Unix system.

Function: nsubstitute-if

Substitute NEW for all items satisfying PREDICATE in SEQ.
This is a destructive function; it reuses the storage of SEQ whenever possible.

Keywords supported: :key :count :start :end :from-end


Variable: tooltip-recent-seconds

Display tooltips if changing tip items within this many seconds.
Do so after `tooltip-short-delay'.

Function: scroll-bar-maybe-set-window-start

Set the window start according to where the scroll bar is dragged.
Only change window start if the new start is substantially different.
EVENT should be a scroll bar click or drag event.

Function: jit-lock-unregister

Unregister FUN as a fontification function.
Only applies to the current buffer.

Function: window--max-delta-1

Internal function of `window-max-delta'.

Function: frame-configuration-p

Return non-nil if OBJECT seems to be a frame configuration.
Any list whose car is `frame-configuration' is assumed to be a frame

Function: window-inside-absolute-pixel-edges

Return a list of the edge pixel coordinates of WINDOW's text area.
WINDOW must be a live window and defaults to the selected one.

The returned list has the form (LEFT TOP RIGHT BOTTOM), all relative to
(0,0) at the top left corner of the frame's window area.

RIGHT is one more than the rightmost x position of WINDOW's text area.
BOTTOM is one more than the bottommost y position of WINDOW's text area.
The inside edges do not include the space used by WINDOW's scroll bar,
display margins, fringes, header line, and/or mode line. (fn &optional WINDOW)

Function: smie-blink-matching-check


Function: cl-delete-if

Remove all items satisfying PREDICATE in SEQ.
This is a destructive function; it reuses the storage of SEQ whenever possible.

Keywords supported: :key :count :start :end :from-end


Function: fill-delete-prefix

Delete the fill prefix from every line except the first.
The first line may not even have a fill prefix.
Point is moved to just past the fill prefix on the first line.

Function: menu-bar-next-tag

Find the next definition of the tag already specified.

Variable: completion-fail-discreetly

If non-nil, stay quiet when there is no match.

Function: widget-minor-mode

Minor mode for traversing widgets.
With a prefix argument ARG, enable the mode if ARG is positive,
and disable it otherwise. If called from Lisp, enable the mode
if ARG is omitted or nil.

(fn &optional ARG)

Function: modify-face

Modify attributes of faces interactively.
If optional argument FRAME is nil or omitted, modify the face used
for newly created frame, i.e. the global face.
For non-interactive use, `set-face-attribute' is preferred.
When called from Lisp, if FACE is nil, all arguments but FRAME are ignored
and the face and its settings are obtained by querying the user.

Function: compose-chars-after

Compose characters in current buffer after position POS.

It looks up the char-table `composition-function-table' (which
see) by a character at POS, and compose characters after POS
according to the contents of `composition-function-table'.

Optional 2nd arg LIMIT, if non-nil, limits characters to compose.

Optional 3rd arg OBJECT, if non-nil, is a string that contains the
text to compose. In that case, POS and LIMIT index into the string.

This function is the default value of `compose-chars-after-function'.

Variable: post-command-hook

Normal hook run after each command is executed.
If an unhandled error happens in running this hook,
the function in which the error occurred is unconditionally removed, since
otherwise the error might happen repeatedly and make Emacs nonfunctional.

Variable: minibuffer-local-map

Default keymap to use when reading from the minibuffer.

Function: set-language-info-alist

Store ALIST as the definition of language environment LANG-ENV.
ALIST is an alist of KEY and INFO values. See the documentation of
`language-info-alist' for the meanings of KEY and INFO.

Optional arg PARENTS is a list of parent menu names; it specifies
where to put this language environment in the
Describe Language Environment and Set Language Environment menus.
For example, ("European") means to put this language environment
in the European submenu in each of those two menus.

Variable: emacs-build-system

Name of the system on which Emacs was built.

Function: dbus-init-bus

Establish the connection to D-Bus BUS.

BUS can be either the symbol `:system' or the symbol `:session', or it
can be a string denoting the address of the corresponding bus. For
the system and session buses, this function is called when loading
`dbus.el', there is no need to call it again.

The function returns a number, which counts the connections this Emacs
session has established to the BUS under the same unique name (see
`dbus-get-unique-name'). It depends on the libraries Emacs is linked
with, and on the environment Emacs is running. For example, if Emacs
is linked with the gtk toolkit, and it runs in a GTK-aware environment
like Gnome, another connection might already be established.

When PRIVATE is non-nil, a new connection is established instead of
reusing an existing one. It results in a new unique name at the bus.
This can be used, if it is necessary to distinguish from another
connection used in the same Emacs process, like the one established by
GTK+. It should be used with care for at least the `:system' and
`:session' buses, because other Emacs Lisp packages might already use this connection to those buses. (fn BUS &optional PRIVATE)

Function: point-max-marker

Return a marker to the maximum permissible value of point in this buffer.
This is (1+ (buffer-size)), unless narrowing (a buffer restriction)
is in effect, in which case it is less. (fn)

Variable: smie-blink-matching-inners

Whether SMIE should blink to matching opener for inner keywords.
If non-nil, it will blink not only for "begin..end" but also for "if...else".

Variable: comint-file-name-chars

String of characters valid in a file name.
Note that all non-ASCII characters are considered valid in a file name
regardless of what this variable says.

This is a good thing to set in mode hooks.

Function: org-agenda-columns

Turn on or update column view in the agenda.


Function: Info-speedbar-browser

Initialize speedbar to display an Info node browser.
This will add a speedbar major display mode.

Function: gnus-mailing-list-insinuate

Setup group parameters from List-Post header.
If FORCE is non-nil, replace the old ones.

(fn &optional FORCE)

Function: get-largest-window

Return the largest window on frames specified by ALL-FRAMES.
A minibuffer window is never a candidate. A dedicated window is
never a candidate unless DEDICATED is non-nil, so if all windows
are dedicated, the value is nil. Optional argument NOT-SELECTED
non-nil means never return the selected window.

The following non-nil values of the optional argument ALL-FRAMES
have special meanings:

- t means consider all windows on all existing frames.

- `visible' means consider all windows on all visible frames on
the current terminal.

- 0 (the number zero) means consider all windows on all visible
and iconified frames on the current terminal.

- A frame means consider all windows on that frame only.

Any other value of ALL-FRAMES means consider all windows on the selected frame and no others.

Function: profiler-cpu-start

Start or restart the cpu profiler.
It takes call-stack samples each SAMPLING-INTERVAL nanoseconds, approximately.
See also `profiler-log-size' and `profiler-max-stack-depth'.


Function: /

Return first argument divided by all the remaining arguments.
The arguments must be numbers or markers.


Function: shell-process-pushd

(fn ARG)

Function: comint-dynamic-list-completions

Display a list of sorted COMPLETIONS.
The meaning of COMMON-SUBSTRING is the same as in `display-completion-list'.
Typing SPC flushes the completions buffer.


Function: help-go-forward

Go back to next topic in this help buffer.

Function: x-select-text

Select TEXT, a string, according to the window system.

On X, if `x-select-enable-clipboard' is non-nil, copy TEXT to the
clipboard. If `x-select-enable-primary' is non-nil, put TEXT in
the primary selection.

On MS-Windows, make TEXT the current selection. If
`x-select-enable-clipboard' is non-nil, copy the text to the
clipboard as well.

On Nextstep, put TEXT in the pasteboard (`x-select-enable-clipboard' is not used).

Function: days-between

Return the number of days between DATE1 and DATE2.
DATE1 and DATE2 should be date-time strings.

Function: isearch-toggle-case-fold

Toggle case folding in searching on or off.

Function: universal-coding-system-argument

Execute an I/O command using the specified coding system.

Variable: mode-require-final-newline

Whether to add a newline at end of file, in certain major modes.
Those modes set `require-final-newline' to this value when you enable them.
They do so because they are often used for files that are supposed
to end in newlines, and the question is how to arrange that.

A value of t means do this only when the file is about to be saved.
A value of `visit' means do this right after the file is visited.
A value of `visit-save' means do it at both of those times.
Any other non-nil value means ask user whether to add a newline, when saving.

A value of nil means do not add newlines. That is a risky choice in this
variable since this value is used for modes for files that ought to have
final newlines. So if you set this to nil, you must explicitly check and
add a final newline, whenever you save a file that really needs one.

Function: -

Negate number or subtract numbers or markers and return the result.
With one arg, negates it. With more than one arg,
subtracts all but the first from the first.


Variable: sh-learn-basic-offset

When `sh-guess-basic-offset' should learn `sh-basic-offset'.

nil mean: never.
t means: only if there seems to be an obvious value.
Anything else means: whenever we have a "good guess" as to the value.

Function: easy-menu-get-map

Return a sparse keymap in which to add or remove an item.
MAP and PATH are as defined in `easy-menu-add-item'.

TO-MODIFY, if non-nil, is the name of the item the caller
wants to modify in the map that we return.
In some cases we use that to select between the local and global maps.

Variable: html-tag-alist

Value of `sgml-tag-alist' for HTML mode.

Function: timeclock-workday-remaining-string

Return a string representing the amount of time left today.
Display second resolution if SHOW-SECONDS is non-nil. If TODAY-ONLY
is non-nil, the display will be relative only to time worked today.
See `timeclock-relative' for more information about the meaning of
"relative to today".


Function: thing-at-point

Return the THING at point.
THING should be a symbol specifying a type of syntactic entity.
Possibilities include `symbol', `list', `sexp', `defun',
`filename', `url', `email', `word', `sentence', `whitespace',
`line', `number', and `page'.

See the file `thingatpt.el' for documentation on how to define
a symbol as a valid THING. (fn THING)

Variable: x-gtk-whole-detached-tool-bar

If non-nil, a detached tool bar is shown in full.
The default is to just show an arrow and pressing on that arrow shows
the tool bar buttons.

Function: byte-compile-eval-before-compile

Evaluate FORM for `eval-and-compile'.

(fn FORM)

Face: completions-common-part

Face put on the common prefix substring in completions in *Completions* buffer.
The idea of `completions-common-part' is that you can use it to
make the common parts less visible than normal, so that the rest
of the differing parts is, by contrast, slightly highlighted.

Function: calc-grab-rectangle

Parse a rectangle as a matrix of numbers and push it on the Calculator stack.


Function: split-window-vertically

Split the selected window into two windows, one above the other.
The selected window is above. The newly split-off window is
below, and displays the same buffer. Return the new window.

If optional argument SIZE is omitted or nil, both windows get the
same height, or close to it. If SIZE is positive, the upper
(selected) window gets SIZE lines. If SIZE is negative, the
lower (new) window gets -SIZE lines.

If the variable `split-window-keep-point' is non-nil, both
windows get the same value of point as the selected window.
Otherwise, the window starts are chosen so as to minimize the
amount of redisplay; this is convenient on slow terminals.

Variable: standard-output

Output stream `print' uses by default for outputting a character.
This may be any function of one argument.
It may also be a buffer (output is inserted before point)
or a marker (output is inserted and the marker is advanced)
or the symbol t (output appears in the echo area).

Function: +

Return sum of any number of arguments, which are numbers or markers.


Variable: this-command

The command now being executed.
The command can set this variable; whatever is put here
will be in `last-command' during the following command.

Variable: comint-prompt-read-only

If non-nil, the comint prompt is read only.
The read only region includes the newline before the prompt.
This does not affect existing prompts.
Certain derived modes may override this option.

If you set this option to t, then the safe way to temporarily
override the read-only-ness of comint prompts is to call
`comint-kill-whole-line' or `comint-kill-region' with no
narrowing in effect. This way you will be certain that none of
the remaining prompts will be accidentally messed up. You may
wish to put something like the following in your init file:

(add-hook 'comint-mode-hook
(lambda ()
(define-key comint-mode-map "\C-w" 'comint-kill-region)
(define-key comint-mode-map [C-S-backspace]

If you sometimes use comint-mode on text-only terminals or with `emacs -nw', you might wish to use another binding for `comint-kill-whole-line'.

Function: delete-to-left-margin

Remove left margin indentation from a region.
This deletes to the column given by `current-left-margin'.
In no case will it delete non-whitespace.
Args FROM and TO are optional; default is the whole buffer.

Variable: completion-list-insert-choice-function

Function to use to insert the text chosen in *Completions*.
Called with three arguments (BEG END TEXT), it should replace the text
between BEG and END with TEXT. Expected to be set buffer-locally
in the *Completions* buffer.

Variable: completion-styles-alist

List of available completion styles.
where NAME is the name that should be used in `completion-styles',
TRY-COMPLETION is the function that does the completion (it should
follow the same calling convention as `completion-try-completion'),
ALL-COMPLETIONS is the function that lists the completions (it should
follow the calling convention of `completion-all-completions'),
and DOC describes the way this style of completion works.

Function: *

Return product of any number of arguments, which are numbers or markers.


Function: byte-compile-dest-file

Convert an Emacs Lisp source file name to a compiled file name.
If `byte-compile-dest-file-function' is non-nil, uses that
function to do the work. Otherwise, if FILENAME matches
`emacs-lisp-file-regexp' (by default, files with the extension `.el'),
adds `c' to it; otherwise adds `.elc'. (fn FILENAME)

Function: comint-accumulate

Accumulate a line to send as input along with more lines.
This inserts a newline so that you can enter more text
to be sent along with this line. Use M-x comint-send-input
to send all the accumulated input, at once.
The entire accumulated text becomes one item in the input history
when you send it. (fn)

Function: auto-raise-mode

Toggle whether or not selected frames should auto-raise.
With a prefix argument ARG, enable Auto Raise mode if ARG is
positive, and disable it otherwise. If called from Lisp, enable
the mode if ARG is omitted or nil.

Auto Raise mode does nothing under most window managers, which
switch focus on mouse clicks. It only has an effect if your
window manager switches focus on mouse movement (in which case
you should also change `focus-follows-mouse' to t). Then,
enabling Auto Raise mode causes any graphical Emacs frame which
acquires focus to be automatically raised.

Note that this minor mode controls Emacs's own auto-raise
feature. Window managers that switch focus on mouse movement often have their own auto-raise feature.

Function: mm-uu-dissect

Dissect the current buffer and return a list of uu handles.
The optional NOHEADER means there's no header in the buffer.
MIME-TYPE specifies a MIME type and parameters, which defaults to the
value of `mm-uu-text-plain-type'.

(fn &optional NOHEADER MIME-TYPE)

Function: eudc-display-jpeg-as-button

Display a button for the JPEG DATA.

(fn DATA)

Variable: void-text-area-pointer

The pointer shape to show in void text areas.
A value of nil means to show the text pointer. Other options are `arrow',
`text', `hand', `vdrag', `hdrag', `modeline', and `hourglass'.

Function: number-or-marker-p

Return t if OBJECT is a number or a marker.


Variable: font-lock-comment-start-skip

If non-nil, Font Lock mode uses this instead of `comment-start-skip'.

Variable: line-move-visual

When non-nil, `line-move' moves point by visual lines.
This movement is based on where the cursor is displayed on the
screen, instead of relying on buffer contents alone. It takes
into account variable-width characters and line continuation.
If nil, `line-move' moves point by logical lines.
A non-nil setting of `goal-column' overrides the value of this variable
and forces movement by logical lines.
A window that is horizontally scrolled also forces movement by logical lines.

Function: image-dired-dired-comment-files

Add comment to current or marked files in dired.


Function: restore-buffer-modified-p

Like `set-buffer-modified-p', with a difference concerning redisplay.
It is not ensured that mode lines will be updated to show the modified
state of the current buffer. Use with care.
(fn FLAG)

Variable: mouse-yank-at-point

If non-nil, mouse yank commands yank at point instead of at click.

Variable: shift-select-mode

When non-nil, shifted motion keys activate the mark momentarily.

While the mark is activated in this way, any shift-translated point
motion key extends the region, and if Transient Mark mode was off, it
is temporarily turned on. Furthermore, the mark will be deactivated
by any subsequent point motion key that was not shift-translated, or
by any action that normally deactivates the mark in Transient Mark mode.

See `this-command-keys-shift-translated' for the meaning of shift-translation.

Function: untabify

Convert all tabs in region to multiple spaces, preserving columns.
Called non-interactively, the region is specified by arguments
START and END, rather than by the position of point and mark.
The variable `tab-width' controls the spacing of tab stops.

Variable: ps-print-color-p

Specify how buffer's text color is printed.

Valid values are:

nil Do not print colors.

t Print colors.

black-white Print colors on black/white printer.
See also `ps-black-white-faces'. Any other value is treated as t.

Face: glyphless-char

Face for displaying non-graphic characters (e.g. U+202A (LRE)).
It is used for characters of no fonts too.

Function: byte-compile-arglist-signature-string


Variable: shell-mode-syntax-table

Syntax table for `shell-mode'.

Function: vc-git--call


Function: apropos-zippy

Return a list of all Zippy quotes matching REGEXP.
If called interactively, display a list of matches.


Function: url-dav-vc-registered

(fn URL)

Function: about-emacs

Display the *About GNU Emacs* buffer.
A fancy display is used on graphic displays, normal otherwise.

Function: delete-region

Delete the text between START and END.
If called interactively, delete the region between point and mark.
This command deletes buffer text without modifying the kill ring.


Variable: default-file-name-coding-system

Default coding system for encoding file names.
This variable is used only when `file-name-coding-system' is nil.

This variable is set/changed by the command `set-language-environment'.
User should not set this variable manually,
instead use `file-name-coding-system' to get a constant encoding
of file names regardless of the current language environment.

Function: package-menu-execute

Perform marked Package Menu actions.
Packages marked for installation are downloaded and installed;
packages marked for deletion are removed.

Variable: imagemagick-enabled-types

List of ImageMagick types to treat as images.
Each list element should be a string or symbol, representing one
of the image types returned by `imagemagick-types'. If the
element is a string, it is handled as a regexp that enables all
matching types.

The value of `imagemagick-enabled-types' may also be t, meaning
to enable all types that ImageMagick supports.

The variable `imagemagick-types-inhibit' overrides this variable.

If you change this without using customize, you must call
`imagemagick-register-types' afterwards.

If Emacs is compiled without ImageMagick support, this variable has no effect.

Function: toggle-menu-bar-mode-from-frame

Toggle menu bar on or off, based on the status of the current frame.
See `menu-bar-mode' for more information.

Variable: font-lock-keywords-case-fold-search

Non-nil means the patterns in `font-lock-keywords' are case-insensitive.
This is set via the function `font-lock-set-defaults', based on
the CASE-FOLD argument of `font-lock-defaults'.

Function: pr-ps-file-print

Print PostScript file FILENAME.


Function: file-cache-add-directory-using-find

Use the `find' command to add files to the file cache.
Find is run in DIRECTORY.


Function: setenv

Set the value of the environment variable named VARIABLE to VALUE.
VARIABLE should be a string. VALUE is optional; if not provided or
nil, the environment variable VARIABLE will be removed.

Interactively, a prefix argument means to unset the variable, and
otherwise the current value (if any) of the variable appears at
the front of the history list when you type in the new value.
This function always replaces environment variables in the new
value when called interactively.

SUBSTITUTE-ENV-VARS, if non-nil, means to substitute environment
variables in VALUE with `substitute-env-vars', which see.
This is normally used only for interactive calls.

The return value is the new value of VARIABLE, or nil if
it was removed from the environment.

This function works by modifying `process-environment'.

As a special case, setting variable `TZ' calls `set-time-zone-rule' as a side-effect.

Function: set-terminal-coding-system

Set coding system of terminal output to CODING-SYSTEM.
All text output to TERMINAL will be encoded
with the specified coding system.

For a list of possible values of CODING-SYSTEM, use M-x list-coding-systems.
The default is determined by the selected language environment
or by the previous use of this command.

TERMINAL may be a terminal object, a frame, or nil for the
selected frame's terminal. The setting has no effect on graphical terminals.

Function: custom-add-link

To the custom option SYMBOL add the link WIDGET.

Function: cos

Return the cosine of ARG.

(fn ARG)

Function: %

Return remainder of X divided by Y.
Both must be integers or markers.

(fn X Y)

Variable: Info-fontify-visited-nodes

Non-nil to fontify references to visited nodes in `info-xref-visited' face.

Function: sgml-parse-tag-backward

Parse an SGML tag backward, and return information about the tag.
Assume that parsing starts from within a textual context.
Leave point at the beginning of the tag.

Function: cl-count-if

Count the number of items satisfying PREDICATE in SEQ.

Keywords supported: :key :start :end


Function: fill-nonuniform-paragraphs

Fill paragraphs within the region, allowing varying indentation within each.
This command divides the region into "paragraphs",
only at paragraph-separator lines, then fills each paragraph
using as the fill prefix the smallest indentation of any line
in the paragraph.

When calling from a program, pass range to fill as first two arguments.

Optional third and fourth arguments JUSTIFYP and CITATION-REGEXP:
JUSTIFYP to justify paragraphs (prefix arg).
When filling a mail message, pass a regexp for CITATION-REGEXP
which will match the prefix of a line which is a citation marker
plus whitespace, but no other kind of prefix.
Also, if CITATION-REGEXP is non-nil, don't fill header lines.

Function: completion--message

(fn MSG)

Function: cl-get

Return the value of SYMBOL's PROPNAME property, or DEFAULT if none.


Function: vc-stay-local-p

Return non-nil if VC should stay local when handling FILE.
This uses the `repository-hostname' backend operation.
If FILE is a list of files, return non-nil if any of them
individually should stay local.

Function: bounds-of-thing-at-point

Determine the start and end buffer locations for the THING at point.
THING should be a symbol specifying a type of syntactic entity.
Possibilities include `symbol', `list', `sexp', `defun',
`filename', `url', `email', `word', `sentence', `whitespace',
`line', and `page'.

See the file `thingatpt.el' for documentation on how to define a
valid THING.

Return a cons cell (START . END) giving the start and end
positions of the thing found. (fn THING)

Function: delete-selection-mode

Toggle Delete Selection mode.
With a prefix argument ARG, enable Delete Selection mode if ARG
is positive, and disable it otherwise. If called from Lisp,
enable the mode if ARG is omitted or nil.

When Delete Selection mode is enabled, Transient Mark mode is also
enabled and typed text replaces the selection if the selection is
active. Otherwise, typed text is just inserted at point regardless of
any selection. (fn &optional ARG)

Variable: delete-selection-mode

Non-nil if Delete-Selection mode is enabled.
See the command `delete-selection-mode' for a description of this minor mode.
Setting this variable directly does not take effect;
either customize it (see the info node `Easy Customization')
or call the function `delete-selection-mode'.

Variable: minibuffer-history

Default minibuffer history list.
This is used for all minibuffer input
except when an alternate history list is specified.

Maximum length of the history list is determined by the value
of `history-length', which see.

Variable: network-coding-system-alist

Alist to decide a coding system to use for a network I/O operation.
The format is ((PATTERN . VAL) ...),
where PATTERN is a regular expression matching a network service name
or is a port number to connect to,
VAL is a coding system, a cons of coding systems, or a function symbol.
If VAL is a coding system, it is used for both decoding what received
from the network stream and encoding what sent to the network stream.
If VAL is a cons of coding systems, the car part is used for decoding,
and the cdr part is used for encoding.
If VAL is a function symbol, the function must return a coding system
or a cons of coding systems which are used as above.

See also the function `find-operation-coding-system'.

Variable: dabbrev-limit

Limits region searched by `dabbrev-expand' to this many chars away.

Function: View-search-last-regexp-forward

Search forward for first (or prefix Nth) instance of last regexp in View mode.
Displays line found at center of window. Sets mark at starting position and
pushes mark ring.

The variable `view-highlight-face' controls the face that is used
for highlighting the match that is found.

Function: vc-backend-subdirectory-name

Return where the repository for the current directory is kept.

Function: display-backing-store

Return the backing store capability of DISPLAY's screen.
The value may be `always', `when-mapped', `not-useful', or nil if
the question is inapplicable to a certain kind of display.

Variable: inhibit-redisplay

Non-nil means don't actually do any redisplay.
This is used for internal purposes.

Function: process-send-string

Send PROCESS the contents of STRING as input.
PROCESS may be a process, a buffer, the name of a process or buffer, or
nil, indicating the current buffer's process.
If STRING is more than 500 characters long,
it is sent in several bunches. This may happen even for shorter strings.
Output from processes can arrive in between bunches.

Function: byte-compile-defvar

(fn FORM)

Variable: apropos-regexp

Regexp used in current apropos run.

Function: html-href-anchor

HTML anchor tag with href attribute.

This is a skeleton command (see `skeleton-insert').
Normally the skeleton text is inserted at point, with nothing "inside".
If there is a highlighted region, the skeleton text is wrapped
around the region text.

A prefix argument ARG says to wrap the skeleton around the next ARG words.
A prefix argument of -1 says to wrap around region, even if not highlighted.
A prefix argument of zero says to wrap around zero words---that is, nothing.
This is a way of overriding the use of a highlighted region.

Variable: replace-count

Number of replacements done so far.
See `replace-regexp' and `query-replace-regexp-eval'.

Function: custom-facep

Return non-nil if FACE is a face name; nil otherwise.
A face name can be a string or a symbol.

Variable: emacs-bzr-version

String giving the bzr revision from which this Emacs was built.
The format is: [revno] revision_id, where revno may be absent.
Value is nil if Emacs was not built from a bzr checkout, or if we could
not determine the revision.

Function: isearch-update

This is called after every isearch command to update the display.
The last thing it does is to run `isearch-update-post-hook'.

Variable: cvs-dired-use-hook

Whether or not opening a CVS directory should run PCL-CVS.
A value of nil means never do it.
ALWAYS means to always do it unless a prefix argument is given to the
command that prompted the opening of the directory.
Anything else means to do it only if the prefix arg is equal to this value.

Function: turn-on-eldoc-mode

Unequivocally turn on ElDoc mode (see command `eldoc-mode').


Function: symbolp

Return t if OBJECT is a symbol.


Function: cl-reduce

Reduce two-argument FUNCTION across SEQ.

Keywords supported: :start :end :from-end :initial-value :key


Variable: regexp-history

History list for some commands that read regular expressions.

Maximum length of the history list is determined by the value
of `history-length', which see.

Variable: timer-event-last-2

Third-to-last timer that was run.

Function: pr-show-ps-setup

Show current ps-print settings.

(fn &rest IGNORE)

Function: window--atom-check

Check atomicity of all windows on FRAME.
FRAME defaults to the selected frame. If an atomic window is
wrongly configured, reset the atomicity of all its windows on
FRAME to nil. An atomic window is wrongly configured if it has
no child windows or one of its child windows is not atomic.

Function: internal-complete-buffer

Perform completion on buffer names.
STRING and PREDICATE have the same meanings as in `try-completion',
`all-completions', and `test-completion'.

If FLAG is nil, invoke `try-completion'; if it is t, invoke
`all-completions'; otherwise invoke `test-completion'.


Function: read-non-nil-coding-system

Read a coding system from the minibuffer, prompting with string PROMPT.


Variable: byte-goto-if-nil

Byte code opcode to pop value and jump if it's nil.

Function: cl-caddr

Return the `car' of the `cdr' of the `cdr' of X.

(fn X)

Function: x-dnd-get-drop-width-height

Return the width/height to be sent in a XDndStatus message.
FRAME is the frame and W is the window where the drop happened.
If ACCEPT is nil return 0 (empty rectangle),
otherwise if W is a window, return its width/height,
otherwise return the frame width/height.

Variable: lisp-body-indent

Number of columns to indent the second line of a `(def...)' form.

Variable: timer-event-last-1

Next-to-last timer that was run.

Function: abort-recursive-edit

Abort the command that requested this recursive edit or minibuffer input.


Function: cl--compiler-macro-adjoin

(fn FORM A LIST &rest KEYS)

Function: date-to-day

Return the number of days between year 1 and DATE.
DATE should be a date-time string.

Variable: tex-show-queue-command

Command used by M-x tex-show-print-queue to show the print queue.
Should show the queue(s) that M-x tex-print puts jobs on.

Function: message-reply

Start editing a reply to the article in the current buffer.


Variable: split-width-threshold

Minimum width for splitting windows sensibly.
If this is an integer, `split-window-sensibly' may split a window
horizontally only if it has at least this many columns. If this
is nil, `split-window-sensibly' is not allowed to split a window

Function: Info-virtual-index

Show a node with all lines in the index containing a string TOPIC.
Like `Info-index' but displays a node with index search results.
Give an empty topic name to go to the node with links to previous
search results.

Function: cl-subst

Substitute NEW for OLD everywhere in TREE (non-destructively).
Return a copy of TREE with all elements `eql' to OLD replaced by NEW.

Keywords supported: :test :test-not :key


Function: view-mode-enter

Enter View mode and set up exit from view mode depending on optional arguments.
Optional argument QUIT-RESTORE if non-nil must specify a valid
entry for quitting and restoring any window showing the current
buffer. This entry replaces any parameter installed by
`display-buffer' and is used by `view-mode-exit'.

Optional argument EXIT-ACTION, if non-nil, must specify a
function that takes a buffer as argument. This function will be
called by `view-mode-exit'.

For a list of all View commands, type H or h while viewing.

This function runs the normal hook `view-mode-hook'.

Variable: list-buffers-directory

String to display in buffer listings for buffers not visiting a file.

Function: window-buffer-height

Return the height (in screen lines) of the buffer that WINDOW is displaying.
WINDOW must be a live window and defaults to the selected one.

Function: latexenc-find-file-coding-system

Determine the coding system of a LaTeX file if it uses "inputenc.sty".
The mapping from LaTeX's "inputenc.sty" encoding names to Emacs
coding system names is determined from `latex-inputenc-coding-alist'.


Variable: Info-search-history

The history list for `Info-search'.

Variable: xterm-extra-capabilities

Whether Xterm supports some additional, more modern, features.
If nil, just assume that it does not.
If `check', try to check if it does.
If a list, assume that the listed features are supported, without checking.

The relevant features are:
modifyOtherKeys -- if supported, more key bindings work (e.g., "\C-,")
reportBackground -- if supported, Xterm reports its background color

Function: desktop-load-default

Load the `default' start-up library manually.
Also inhibit further loading of it.

Function: c-set-offset

Change the value of a syntactic element symbol in `c-offsets-alist'.
SYMBOL is the syntactic element symbol to change and OFFSET is the new
offset for that syntactic element. The optional argument is not used
and exists only for compatibility reasons.


Variable: user-emacs-directory

Directory beneath which additional per-user Emacs-specific files are placed.
Various programs in Emacs store information in this directory.
Note that this should end with a directory separator.
See also `locate-user-emacs-file'.

Function: Info-restore-desktop-buffer

Restore an Info buffer specified in a desktop file.

Function: table-unrecognize-region

(fn BEG END)

Function: display-color-p

Return t if DISPLAY supports color.
The optional argument DISPLAY specifies which display to ask about.
DISPLAY should be either a frame or a display name (a string).
If omitted or nil, that stands for the selected frame's display.

Variable: use-default-ascent

Char table of characters whose ascent values should be ignored.
If an entry for a character is non-nil, the ascent value of the glyph
is assumed to be specified by _MULE_DEFAULT_ASCENT property of a font.

This affects how a composite character which contains
such a character is displayed on screen.

Variable: comment-fill-column

Column to use for `comment-indent'. If nil, use `fill-column' instead.

Function: table-recognize-region

Recognize all tables within region.
BEG and END specify the region to work on. If the optional numeric
prefix argument ARG is negative the tables in the region become
inactive, meaning the tables become plain text and lose all the table
specific features.

(fn BEG END &optional ARG)

Function: rmail-output-as-seen

Append this message to mbox file named FILE-NAME.
The details are as for `rmail-output', except that:
i) the header is output as currently seen
ii) this function cannot write to Babyl files
iii) an Rmail buffer cannot be visiting FILE-NAME

Note that if NOT-RMAIL is non-nil, there is no difference between this
function and `rmail-output'. This argument may be removed in future,
so you should call `rmail-output' directly in that case.


Function: LaTeX-mode

Major mode for editing files of input for LaTeX.
Makes $ and } display the characters they match.
Makes " insert `` when it seems to be the beginning of a quotation,
and '' when it appears to be the end; it inserts " only after a \.

Use M-x tex-region to run LaTeX on the current region, plus the preamble
copied from the top of the file (containing \documentstyle, etc.),
running LaTeX under a special subshell. M-x tex-buffer does the whole buffer.
M-x tex-file saves the buffer and then processes the file.
M-x tex-print prints the .dvi file made by any of these.
M-x tex-view previews the .dvi file made by any of these.
M-x tex-bibtex-file runs bibtex on the file of the current buffer.

Use M-x tex-validate-buffer to check buffer for paragraphs containing
mismatched $'s or braces.

Special commands:

Uses keymap `latex-mode-map', which is not currently defined.

Mode variables:
Command string used by M-x tex-region or M-x tex-buffer.
Directory in which to create temporary files for LaTeX jobs
run by M-x tex-region or M-x tex-buffer.
Command string used by M-x tex-print to print a .dvi file.
Alternative command string used by M-x tex-print (when given a prefix
argument) to print a .dvi file.
Command string used by M-x tex-view to preview a .dvi file.
Command string used by M-x tex-show-print-queue to show the print
queue that M-x tex-print put your job on.

Entering Latex mode runs the hook `text-mode-hook', then `tex-mode-hook', and finally `latex-mode-hook'. When the special subshell is initiated, `tex-shell-hook' is run. (fn)

Function: vhdl-mode

Major mode for editing VHDL code.


TEMPLATE INSERTION (electrification):
After typing a VHDL keyword and entering `SPC', you are prompted for
arguments while a template is generated for that VHDL construct. Typing
`RET' or `C-g' at the first (mandatory) prompt aborts the current
template generation. Optional arguments are indicated by square
brackets and removed if the queried string is left empty. Prompts for
mandatory arguments remain in the code if the queried string is left
empty. They can be queried again by `C-c C-t C-q'. Enabled
electrification is indicated by `/e' in the mode line.

Typing `M-SPC' after a keyword inserts a space without calling the
template generator. Automatic template generation (i.e.
electrification) can be disabled (enabled) by typing `C-c C-m C-e' or by
setting option `vhdl-electric-mode' (see OPTIONS).

Template generators can be invoked from the VHDL menu, by key
bindings, by typing `C-c C-i C-c' and choosing a construct, or by typing
the keyword (i.e. first word of menu entry not in parenthesis) and
`SPC'. The following abbreviations can also be used: arch, attr, cond,
conf, comp, cons, func, inst, pack, sig, var.

Template styles can be customized in customization group
`vhdl-template' (see OPTIONS).

A file header can be inserted by `C-c C-t C-h'. A file footer
(template at the end of the file) can be inserted by `C-c C-t C-f'.
See customization group `vhdl-header'.

Double striking of some keys inserts cumbersome VHDL syntax elements.
Stuttering can be disabled (enabled) by typing `C-c C-m C-s' or by
option `vhdl-stutter-mode'. Enabled stuttering is indicated by `/s' in
the mode line. The stuttering keys and their effects are:

;; --> " : " [ --> ( -- --> comment
;;; --> " := " [[ --> [ --CR --> comment-out code
.. --> " => " ] --> ) --- --> horizontal line
,, --> " <= " ]] --> ] ---- --> display comment
== --> " == " '' --> \"

Typing `TAB' after a (not completed) word looks for a VHDL keyword or a
word in the buffer that starts alike, inserts it and adjusts case.
Re-typing `TAB' toggles through alternative word completions. This also
works in the minibuffer (i.e. in template generator prompts).

Typing `TAB' after `(' looks for and inserts complete parenthesized
expressions (e.g. for array index ranges). All keywords as well as
standard types and subprograms of VHDL have predefined abbreviations
(e.g. type "std" and `TAB' will toggle through all standard types
beginning with "std").

Typing `TAB' after a non-word character indents the line if at the
beginning of a line (i.e. no preceding non-blank characters), and
inserts a tabulator stop otherwise. `M-TAB' always inserts a tabulator

`--' puts a single comment.
`---' draws a horizontal line for separating code segments.
`----' inserts a display comment, i.e. two horizontal lines
with a comment in between.
`--CR' comments out code on that line. Re-hitting CR comments
out following lines.
`C-c C-c' comments out a region if not commented out,
uncomments a region if already commented out. Option
`comment-style' defines where the comment characters
should be placed (beginning of line, indent, etc.).

You are prompted for comments after object definitions (i.e. signals,
variables, constants, ports) and after subprogram and process
specifications if option `vhdl-prompt-for-comments' is non-nil.
Comments are automatically inserted as additional labels (e.g. after
begin statements) and as help comments if `vhdl-self-insert-comments' is

Inline comments (i.e. comments after a piece of code on the same line)
are indented at least to `vhdl-inline-comment-column'. Comments go at
maximum to `vhdl-end-comment-column'. `RET' after a space in a comment
will open a new comment line. Typing beyond `vhdl-end-comment-column'
in a comment automatically opens a new comment line. `M-q' re-fills
multi-line comments.

`TAB' indents a line if at the beginning of the line. The amount of
indentation is specified by option `vhdl-basic-offset'. `C-c C-i C-l'
always indents the current line (is bound to `TAB' if option
`vhdl-intelligent-tab' is nil). If a region is active, `TAB' indents
the entire region.

Indentation can be done for a group of lines (`C-c C-i C-g'), a region
(`M-C-\') or the entire buffer (menu). Argument and port lists are
indented normally (nil) or relative to the opening parenthesis (non-nil)
according to option `vhdl-argument-list-indent'.

If option `vhdl-indent-tabs-mode' is nil, spaces are used instead of
tabs. `M-x tabify' and `M-x untabify' allow to convert spaces to tabs
and vice versa.

Syntax-based indentation can be very slow in large files. Option
`vhdl-indent-syntax-based' allows to use faster but simpler indentation.

Option `vhdl-indent-comment-like-next-code-line' controls whether
comment lines are indented like the preceding or like the following code

The alignment functions align operators, keywords, and inline comments
to beautify the code. `C-c C-a C-a' aligns a group of consecutive lines
separated by blank lines, `C-c C-a C-i' a block of lines with same
indent. `C-c C-a C-l' aligns all lines belonging to a list enclosed by
a pair of parentheses (e.g. port clause/map, argument list), and `C-c
C-a C-d' all lines within the declarative part of a design unit. `C-c
C-a M-a' aligns an entire region. `C-c C-a C-c' aligns inline comments
for a group of lines, and `C-c C-a M-c' for a region.

If option `vhdl-align-groups' is non-nil, groups of code lines
separated by special lines (see option `vhdl-align-group-separate') are
aligned individually. If option `vhdl-align-same-indent' is non-nil,
blocks of lines with same indent are aligned separately. Some templates
are automatically aligned after generation if option `vhdl-auto-align'
is non-nil.

Alignment tries to align inline comments at
`vhdl-inline-comment-column' and tries inline comment not to exceed

`C-c C-x M-w' fixes up whitespace in a region. That is, operator
symbols are surrounded by one space, and multiple spaces are eliminated.

Code filling allows to condense code (e.g. sensitivity lists or port
maps) by removing comments and newlines and re-wrapping so that all
lines are maximally filled (block filling). `C-c C-f C-f' fills a list
enclosed by parenthesis, `C-c C-f C-g' a group of lines separated by
blank lines, `C-c C-f C-i' a block of lines with same indent, and
`C-c C-f M-f' an entire region.

`C-c M-b' and `C-c C-b' beautify the code of a region or of the entire
buffer respectively. This includes indentation, alignment, and case
fixing. Code beautification can also be run non-interactively using the

emacs -batch -l ~/.emacs filename.vhd -f vhdl-beautify-buffer

Generic and port clauses from entity or component declarations can be
copied (`C-c C-p C-w') and pasted as entity and component declarations,
as component instantiations and corresponding internal constants and
signals, as a generic map with constants as actual generics, and as
internal signal initializations (menu).

To include formals in component instantiations, see option
`vhdl-association-list-with-formals'. To include comments in pasting,
see options `vhdl-include-...-comments'.

A clause with several generic/port names on the same line can be
flattened (`C-c C-p C-f') so that only one name per line exists. The
direction of ports can be reversed (`C-c C-p C-r'), i.e., inputs become
outputs and vice versa, which can be useful in testbenches. (This
reversion is done on the internal data structure and is only reflected
in subsequent paste operations.)

Names for actual ports, instances, testbenches, and
design-under-test instances can be derived from existing names according
to options `vhdl-...-name'. See customization group `vhdl-port'.

Similar functionality exists for copying/pasting the interface of
subprograms (function/procedure). A subprogram interface can be copied
and then pasted as a subprogram declaration, body or call (uses
association list with formals).

A copied port can also be pasted as a testbench. The generated
testbench includes an entity, an architecture, and an optional
configuration. The architecture contains the component declaration and
instantiation of the DUT as well as internal constant and signal
declarations. Additional user-defined templates can be inserted. The
names used for entity/architecture/configuration/DUT as well as the file
structure to be generated can be customized. See customization group

Key bindings (`C-c ...') exist for most commands (see in menu).

All commands can be found in the VHDL menu including their key bindings.

The speedbar allows browsing of directories and file contents. It can
be accessed from the VHDL menu and is automatically opened if option
`vhdl-speedbar-auto-open' is non-nil.

In speedbar, open files and directories with `mouse-2' on the name and
browse/rescan their contents with `mouse-2'/`S-mouse-2' on the `+'.

The speedbar can also be used for browsing the hierarchy of design units
contained in the source files of the current directory or the specified
projects (see option `vhdl-project-alist').

The speedbar can be switched between file, directory hierarchy and
project hierarchy browsing mode in the speedbar menu or by typing `f',
`h' or `H' in speedbar.

In speedbar, open design units with `mouse-2' on the name and browse
their hierarchy with `mouse-2' on the `+'. Ports can directly be copied
from entities and components (in packages). Individual design units and
complete designs can directly be compiled ("Make" menu entry).

The hierarchy is automatically updated upon saving a modified source
file when option `vhdl-speedbar-update-on-saving' is non-nil. The
hierarchy is only updated for projects that have been opened once in the
speedbar. The hierarchy is cached between Emacs sessions in a file (see
options in group `vhdl-speedbar').

Simple design consistency checks are done during scanning, such as
multiple declarations of the same unit or missing primary units that are
required by secondary units.

Enables simple structural composition. `C-c C-m C-n' creates a skeleton
for a new component. Subcomponents (i.e. component declaration and
instantiation) can be automatically placed from a previously read port
(`C-c C-m C-p') or directly from the hierarchy browser (`P'). Finally,
all subcomponents can be automatically connected using internal signals
and ports (`C-c C-m C-w') following these rules:
- subcomponent actual ports with same name are considered to be
connected by a signal (internal signal or port)
- signals that are only inputs to subcomponents are considered as
inputs to this component -> input port created
- signals that are only outputs from subcomponents are considered as
outputs from this component -> output port created
- signals that are inputs to AND outputs from subcomponents are
considered as internal connections -> internal signal created

Purpose: With appropriate naming conventions it is possible to
create higher design levels with only a few mouse clicks or key
strokes. A new design level can be created by simply generating a new
component, placing the required subcomponents from the hierarchy
browser, and wiring everything automatically.

Note: Automatic wiring only works reliably on templates of new
components and component instantiations that were created by VHDL mode.

Component declarations can be placed in a components package (option
`vhdl-use-components-package') which can be automatically generated for
an entire directory or project (`C-c C-m M-p'). The VHDL'93 direct
component instantiation is also supported (option

Configuration declarations can automatically be generated either from
the menu (`C-c C-m C-f') (for the architecture the cursor is in) or from
the speedbar menu (for the architecture under the cursor). The
configurations can optionally be hierarchical (i.e. include all
component levels of a hierarchical design, option
`vhdl-compose-configuration-hierarchical') or include subconfigurations
(option `vhdl-compose-configuration-use-subconfiguration'). For
subcomponents in hierarchical configurations, the most-recently-analyzed
(mra) architecture is selected. If another architecture is desired, it
can be marked as most-recently-analyzed (speedbar menu) before
generating the configuration.

Note: Configurations of subcomponents (i.e. hierarchical configuration
declarations) are currently not considered when displaying
configurations in speedbar.

See the options group `vhdl-compose' for all relevant user options.

The syntax of the current buffer can be analyzed by calling a VHDL
compiler (menu, `C-c C-k'). The compiler to be used is specified by
option `vhdl-compiler'. The available compilers are listed in option
`vhdl-compiler-alist' including all required compilation command,
command options, compilation directory, and error message syntax
information. New compilers can be added.

All the source files of an entire design can be compiled by the `make'
command (menu, `C-c M-C-k') if an appropriate Makefile exists.

Makefiles can be generated automatically by an internal generation
routine (`C-c M-k'). The library unit dependency information is
obtained from the hierarchy browser. Makefile generation can be
customized for each compiler in option `vhdl-compiler-alist'.

Makefile generation can also be run non-interactively using the

emacs -batch -l ~/.emacs -l vhdl-mode
[-compiler compilername] [-project projectname]
-f vhdl-generate-makefile

The Makefile's default target "all" compiles the entire design, the
target "clean" removes it and the target "library" creates the
library directory if not existent. These target names can be customized
by option `vhdl-makefile-default-targets'. The Makefile also includes a
target for each primary library unit which allows selective compilation
of this unit, its secondary units and its subhierarchy (example:
compilation of a design specified by a configuration). User specific
parts can be inserted into a Makefile with option

- Only library units and dependencies within the current library are
considered. Makefiles for designs that span multiple libraries are
not (yet) supported.
- Only one-level configurations are supported (also hierarchical),
but configurations that go down several levels are not.
- The "others" keyword in configurations is not supported.

Projects can be defined in option `vhdl-project-alist' and a current
project be selected using option `vhdl-project' (permanently) or from
the menu or speedbar (temporarily). For each project, title and
description strings (for the file headers), source files/directories
(for the hierarchy browser and Makefile generation), library name, and
compiler-dependent options, exceptions and compilation directory can be
specified. Compilation settings overwrite the settings of option

Project setups can be exported (i.e. written to a file) and imported.
Imported setups are not automatically saved in `vhdl-project-alist' but
can be saved afterwards in its customization buffer. When starting
Emacs with VHDL Mode (i.e. load a VHDL file or use "emacs -l
vhdl-mode") in a directory with an existing project setup file, it is
automatically loaded and its project activated if option
`vhdl-project-auto-load' is non-nil. Names/paths of the project setup
files can be specified in option `vhdl-project-file-name'. Multiple
project setups can be automatically loaded from global directories.
This is an alternative to specifying project setups with option

As an alternative to the speedbar, an index menu can be added (set
option `vhdl-index-menu' to non-nil) or made accessible as a mouse menu
(e.g. add "(global-set-key '[S-down-mouse-3] 'imenu)" to your start-up
file) for browsing the file contents (is not populated if buffer is
larger than `font-lock-maximum-size'). Also, a source file menu can be
added (set option `vhdl-source-file-menu' to non-nil) for browsing the
current directory for VHDL source files.

The VHDL standards to be used are specified in option `vhdl-standard'.
Available standards are: VHDL'87/'93(02), VHDL-AMS, and Math Packages.

Lower and upper case for keywords and standardized types, attributes,
and enumeration values is supported. If the option
`vhdl-upper-case-keywords' is set to non-nil, keywords can be typed in
lower case and are converted into upper case automatically (not for
types, attributes, and enumeration values). The case of keywords,
types, attributes,and enumeration values can be fixed for an entire
region (menu) or buffer (`C-c C-x C-c') according to the options

HIGHLIGHTING (fontification):
Keywords and standardized types, attributes, enumeration values, and
function names (controlled by option `vhdl-highlight-keywords'), as well
as comments, strings, and template prompts are highlighted using
different colors. Unit, subprogram, signal, variable, constant,
parameter and generic/port names in declarations as well as labels are
highlighted if option `vhdl-highlight-names' is non-nil.

Additional reserved words or words with a forbidden syntax (e.g. words
that should be avoided) can be specified in option
`vhdl-forbidden-words' or `vhdl-forbidden-syntax' and be highlighted in
a warning color (option `vhdl-highlight-forbidden-words'). Verilog
keywords are highlighted as forbidden words if option
`vhdl-highlight-verilog-keywords' is non-nil.

Words with special syntax can be highlighted by specifying their
syntax and color in option `vhdl-special-syntax-alist' and by setting
option `vhdl-highlight-special-words' to non-nil. This allows to
establish some naming conventions (e.g. to distinguish different kinds
of signals or other objects by using name suffices) and to support them

Option `vhdl-highlight-case-sensitive' can be set to non-nil in order
to support case-sensitive highlighting. However, keywords are then only
highlighted if written in lower case.

Code between "translate_off" and "translate_on" pragmas is
highlighted using a different background color if option
`vhdl-highlight-translate-off' is non-nil.

For documentation and customization of the used colors see
customization group `vhdl-highlight-faces' (`M-x customize-group'). For
highlighting of matching parenthesis, see customization group
`paren-showing'. Automatic buffer highlighting is turned on/off by
option `global-font-lock-mode' (`font-lock-auto-fontify' in XEmacs).

VHDL models (templates) can be specified by the user and made accessible
in the menu, through key bindings (`C-c C-m ...'), or by keyword
electrification. See option `vhdl-model-alist'.

The code of blocks, processes, subprograms, component declarations and
instantiations, generic/port clauses, and configuration declarations can
be hidden using the `Hide/Show' menu or by pressing `S-mouse-2' within
the code (see customization group `vhdl-menu'). XEmacs: limited
functionality due to old `hideshow.el' package.

- Sensitivity List: `C-c C-u C-s' updates the sensitivity list of the
current process, `C-c C-u M-s' of all processes in the current buffer.
- Only declared local signals (ports, signals declared in
architecture and blocks) are automatically inserted.
- Global signals declared in packages are not automatically inserted.
Insert them once manually (will be kept afterwards).
- Out parameters of procedures are considered to be read.
Use option `vhdl-entity-file-name' to specify the entity file name
(used to obtain the port names).
Use option `vhdl-array-index-record-field-in-sensitivity-list' to
specify whether to include array indices and record fields in
sensitivity lists.

`C-c C-x C-p' fixes the closing parenthesis of a generic/port clause
(e.g. if the closing parenthesis is on the wrong line or is missing).

PostScript printing with different faces (an optimized set of faces is
used if `vhdl-print-customize-faces' is non-nil) or colors (if
`ps-print-color-p' is non-nil) is possible using the standard Emacs
PostScript printing commands. Option `vhdl-print-two-column' defines
appropriate default settings for nice landscape two-column printing.
The paper format can be set by option `ps-paper-type'. Do not forget to
switch `ps-print-color-p' to nil for printing on black-and-white

User options allow customization of VHDL Mode. All options are
accessible from the "Options" menu entry. Simple options (switches
and choices) can directly be changed, while for complex options a
customization buffer is opened. Changed options can be saved for future
sessions using the "Save Options" menu entry.

Options and their detailed descriptions can also be accessed by using
the "Customize" menu entry or the command `M-x customize-option' (`M-x
customize-group' for groups). Some customizations only take effect
after some action (read the NOTE in the option documentation).
Customization can also be done globally (i.e. site-wide, read the
INSTALL file).

Not all options are described in this documentation, so go and see
what other useful user options there are (`M-x vhdl-customize' or menu)! FILE EXTENSIONS: As default, files with extensions ".vhd" and ".vhdl" are automatically recognized as VHDL source files. To add an extension ".xxx", add the following line to your Emacs start-up file (`.emacs'): (setq auto-mode-alist (cons '("\\.xxx\\'" . vhdl-mode) auto-mode-alist)) HINTS: - To start Emacs with open VHDL hierarchy browser without having to load a VHDL file first, use the command: emacs -l vhdl-mode -f speedbar-frame-mode - Type `C-g C-g' to interrupt long operations or if Emacs hangs. - Some features only work on properly indented code. RELEASE NOTES: See also the release notes (menu) for added features in new releases. Maintenance: ------------ To submit a bug report, enter `M-x vhdl-submit-bug-report' within VHDL Mode. Add a description of the problem and include a reproducible test case. Questions and enhancement requests can be sent to . The `vhdl-mode-announce' mailing list informs about new VHDL Mode releases. The `vhdl-mode-victims' mailing list informs about new VHDL Mode beta releases. You are kindly invited to participate in beta testing. Subscribe to above mailing lists by sending an email to . VHDL Mode is officially distributed at http://www.iis.ee.ethz.ch/~zimmi/emacs/vhdl-mode.html where the latest version can be found. Known problems: --------------- - XEmacs: Incorrect start-up when automatically opening speedbar. - XEmacs: Indentation in XEmacs 21.4 (and higher). - Indentation incorrect for new 'postponed' VHDL keyword. - Indentation incorrect for 'protected body' construct. The VHDL Mode Authors Reto Zimmermann and Rod Whitby Key bindings: ------------- Uses keymap `vhdl-mode-map', which is not currently defined. (fn)

Function: diff

Find and display the differences between OLD and NEW files.
When called interactively, read NEW, then OLD, using the
minibuffer. The default for NEW is the current buffer's file
name, and the default for OLD is a backup file for NEW, if one
exists. If NO-ASYNC is non-nil, call diff synchronously.

When called interactively with a prefix argument, prompt
interactively for diff switches. Otherwise, the switches
specified in `diff-switches' are passed to the diff command.


Variable: url-inhibit-uncompression

Do not do decompression if non-nil.

Function: Buffer-menu-execute

Save and/or delete marked buffers in the Buffer Menu.
Buffers marked with `s' are saved.
Buffers marked with `C-k' are deleted.

Function: tabulated-list-col-sort

Sort Tabulated List entries by the column of the mouse click E.

(fn &optional E)

Variable: clone-buffer-hook

Normal hook to run in the new buffer at the end of `clone-buffer'.

Variable: tex-directory

Directory in which temporary files are written.
You can make this `/tmp' if your TEXINPUTS has no relative directories in it
and you don't try to apply M-x tex-region or M-x tex-buffer when there are
`\input' commands with relative directories.

Function: kmacro-end-or-call-macro

End kbd macro if currently being defined; else call last kbd macro.
With numeric prefix ARG, repeat macro that many times.
With C-u, call second macro in macro ring.

(fn ARG &optional NO-REPEAT)

Variable: find-program

The default find program for `grep-find-command'.
This variable's value takes effect when `grep-compute-defaults' is called.

Function: debian-expand-file-name-dfsg

Apply expand-file-name to FILENAME.
If expand-file-name does not find a file, append `.dfsg' and try again.

Function: window-make-atom

Make WINDOW an atomic window.
WINDOW must be an internal window. Return WINDOW.

Function: cl-notany

Return true if PREDICATE is false of every element of SEQ or SEQs.


Function: cl-every

Return true if PREDICATE is true of every element of SEQ or SEQs.


Function: isearch-resume

Resume an incremental search.
STRING is the string or regexp searched for.
REGEXP non-nil means the resumed search was a regexp search.
WORD non-nil means resume a word search.
FORWARD non-nil means resume a forward search.
MESSAGE is the echo-area message recorded for the search resumed.
CASE-FOLD non-nil means the search was case-insensitive.

Function: mouse-set-secondary

Set the secondary selection to the text that the mouse is dragged over.
This must be bound to a mouse drag event.

(fn CLICK)

Variable: tty-color-mode-alist

An alist of supported standard tty color modes and their aliases.

Function: help-window-display-message

Display message telling how to quit and scroll help window.
QUIT-PART is a string telling how to quit the help window WINDOW.
Optional argument SCROLL non-nil means tell how to scroll WINDOW.
SCROLL equal `other' means tell how to scroll the "other" window.

Variable: rmail-primary-inbox-list

List of files that are inboxes for your primary mail file `rmail-file-name'.
If this is nil, uses the environment variable MAIL. If that is
unset, uses a file named by the function `user-login-name' in the
directory `rmail-spool-directory' (whose value depends on the
operating system). For example, "/var/mail/USER".

Function: kill-word

Kill characters forward until encountering the end of a word.
With argument ARG, do this that many times.

Function: find-auto-coding

Find a coding system for a file FILENAME of which SIZE bytes follow point.
These bytes should include at least the first 1k of the file
and the last 3k of the file, but the middle may be omitted.

The function checks FILENAME against the variable `auto-coding-alist'.
If FILENAME doesn't match any entries in the variable, it checks the
contents of the current buffer following point against
`auto-coding-regexp-alist'. If no match is found, it checks for a
`coding:' tag in the first one or two lines following point. If no
`coding:' tag is found, it checks any local variables list in the last
3K bytes out of the SIZE bytes. Finally, if none of these methods
succeed, it checks to see if any function in `auto-coding-functions'
gives a match.

If a coding system is specified, the return value is a cons
(CODING . SOURCE), where CODING is the specified coding system and
SOURCE is a symbol `auto-coding-alist', `auto-coding-regexp-alist',
`:coding', or `auto-coding-functions' indicating by what CODING is
specified. Note that the validity of CODING is not checked;
it's the caller's responsibility to check it. If nothing is specified, the return value is nil.

Variable: auto-hscroll-mode

Allow or disallow automatic horizontal scrolling of windows.
If non-nil, windows are automatically scrolled horizontally to make
point visible.

Function: display-buffer

Display BUFFER-OR-NAME in some window, without selecting it.
BUFFER-OR-NAME must be a buffer or the name of an existing
buffer. Return the window chosen for displaying BUFFER-OR-NAME,
or nil if no such window is found.

Optional argument ACTION, if non-nil, should specify a display
action. Its form is described below.

Optional argument FRAME, if non-nil, acts like an additional
ALIST entry (reusable-frames . FRAME) to the action list of ACTION,
specifying the frame(s) to search for a window that is already
displaying the buffer. See `display-buffer-reuse-window'

If ACTION is non-nil, it should have the form (FUNCTION . ALIST),
where FUNCTION is either a function or a list of functions, and
ALIST is an arbitrary association list (alist).

Each such FUNCTION should accept two arguments: the buffer to
display and an alist. Based on those arguments, it should either
display the buffer and return the window, or return nil if unable
to display the buffer.

The `display-buffer' function builds a function list and an alist
by combining the functions and alists specified in
`display-buffer-overriding-action', `display-buffer-alist', the
ACTION argument, `display-buffer-base-action', and
`display-buffer-fallback-action' (in order). Then it calls each
function in the combined function list in turn, passing the
buffer as the first argument and the combined alist as the second
argument, until one of the functions returns non-nil.

If ACTION is nil, the function list and the alist are built using
only the other variables mentioned above.

Available action functions include:

Recognized alist entries include:

`inhibit-same-window' -- A non-nil value prevents the same
window from being used for display.

`inhibit-switch-frame' -- A non-nil value prevents any other
frame from being raised or selected,
even if the window is displayed there.

`reusable-frames' -- Value specifies frame(s) to search for a
window that already displays the buffer.
See `display-buffer-reuse-window'.

`pop-up-frame-parameters' -- Value specifies an alist of frame
parameters to give a new frame, if
one is created.

`window-height' -- Value specifies either an integer (the number
of lines of a new window), a floating point number (the
fraction of a new window with respect to the height of the
frame's root window) or a function to be called with one
argument - a new window. The function is supposed to adjust
the height of the window; its return value is ignored.
Suitable functions are `shrink-window-if-larger-than-buffer'
and `fit-window-to-buffer'.

`window-width' -- Value specifies either an integer (the number
of columns of a new window), a floating point number (the
fraction of a new window with respect to the width of the
frame's root window) or a function to be called with one
argument - a new window. The function is supposed to adjust
the width of the window; its return value is ignored. The ACTION argument to `display-buffer' can also have a non-nil and non-list value. This means to display the buffer in a window other than the selected one, even if it is already displayed in the selected window. If called interactively with a prefix argument, ACTION is t.

Function: daemonp

Return non-nil if the current emacs process is a daemon.
If the daemon was given a name argument, return that name.

Variable: executable-magicless-file-regexp

On files with this kind of name no magic is inserted or changed.

Function: help-follow

Follow cross-reference at point.

For the cross-reference format, see `help-make-xrefs'.

Variable: package-menu-mode-syntax-table

Syntax table for `package-menu-mode'.

Function: Buffer-menu-delete-backwards

Mark the buffer on this Buffer Menu line for deletion, and move up.
A subsequent `x'
command will delete the marked buffer. Prefix ARG means move
that many lines.

Function: url-dav-supported-p

Return WebDAV protocol version supported by URL.
Returns nil if WebDAV is not supported.

(fn URL)

Function: delete-backward-char

Delete the previous N characters (following if N is negative).
If Transient Mark mode is enabled, the mark is active, and N is 1,
delete the text in the region and deactivate the mark instead.
To disable this, set `delete-active-region' to nil.

Optional second arg KILLFLAG, if non-nil, means to kill (save in
kill ring) instead of delete. Interactively, N is the prefix
arg, and KILLFLAG is set if N is explicitly specified.

In Overwrite mode, single character backward deletion may replace
tabs with spaces so as to back over columns, unless point is at the end of the line.

Variable: x-mouse-click-focus-ignore-position

Non-nil means that a mouse click to focus a frame does not move point.
This variable is only used when the window manager requires that you
click on a frame to select it (give it focus). In that case, a value
of nil, means that the selected window and cursor position changes to
reflect the mouse click position, while a non-nil value means that the
selected window or cursor position is preserved.

Function: remove-list-of-text-properties

Remove some properties from text from START to END.
The third argument LIST-OF-PROPERTIES is a list of property names to remove.
If the optional fourth argument OBJECT is a buffer (or nil, which means
the current buffer), START and END are buffer positions (integers or
markers). If OBJECT is a string, START and END are 0-based indices into it.
Return t if any property was actually removed, nil otherwise.


Function: byte-optimize-all-constp

Non-nil if all elements of LIST satisfy `macroexp-const-p

(fn LIST)

Variable: comint-requote-function

Function to use for completion of quoted data.
See `completion-table-with-quoting' and `comint-unquote-function'.

Function: make-random-state

Return a copy of random-state STATE, or of the internal state if omitted.
If STATE is t, return a new state object seeded from the time of day.

(fn &optional STATE)

Function: menu-bar-kill-ring-save

Save the region as if killed, but don't kill it.
In Transient Mark mode, deactivate the mark.
If `interprogram-cut-function' is non-nil, also save the text for a window
system cut and paste.

If you want to append the killed line to the last killed text,
use C-M-w before M-w.

This command is similar to `copy-region-as-kill', except that it gives
visual feedback indicating the extent of the region being copied.

Function: previous-error-no-select

Move point to the previous error in the `next-error' buffer and highlight match.
Prefix arg N says how many error messages to move backwards (or
forwards, if negative).
Finds and highlights the source line like M-g p, but does not
select the source buffer.

Function: slitex-mode

Major mode for editing files of input for SliTeX.
Makes $ and } display the characters they match.
Makes " insert `` when it seems to be the beginning of a quotation,
and '' when it appears to be the end; it inserts " only after a \.

Use M-x tex-region to run SliTeX on the current region, plus the preamble
copied from the top of the file (containing \documentstyle, etc.),
running SliTeX under a special subshell. M-x tex-buffer does the whole buffer.
M-x tex-file saves the buffer and then processes the file.
M-x tex-print prints the .dvi file made by any of these.
M-x tex-view previews the .dvi file made by any of these.
M-x tex-bibtex-file runs bibtex on the file of the current buffer.

Use M-x tex-validate-buffer to check buffer for paragraphs containing
mismatched $'s or braces.

Special commands:

Uses keymap `slitex-mode-map', which is not currently defined.

Mode variables:
Command string used by M-x tex-region or M-x tex-buffer.
Directory in which to create temporary files for SliTeX jobs
run by M-x tex-region or M-x tex-buffer.
Command string used by M-x tex-print to print a .dvi file.
Alternative command string used by M-x tex-print (when given a prefix
argument) to print a .dvi file.
Command string used by M-x tex-view to preview a .dvi file.
Command string used by M-x tex-show-print-queue to show the print
queue that M-x tex-print put your job on.

Entering SliTeX mode runs the hook `text-mode-hook', then the hook
`tex-mode-hook', then the hook `latex-mode-hook', and finally the hook `slitex-mode-hook'. When the special subshell is initiated, the hook `tex-shell-hook' is run. (fn)

Function: match-string-no-properties

Return string of text matched by last search, without text properties.
NUM specifies which parenthesized expression in the last regexp.
Value is nil if NUMth pair didn't match, or there were less than NUM pairs.
Zero means the entire text matched by the whole regexp or whole string.
STRING should be given if the last search was by `string-match' on STRING.
If STRING is nil, the current buffer should be the same buffer
the search/match was performed in.

Function: process-exit-status

Return the exit status of PROCESS or the signal number that killed it.
If PROCESS has not yet exited or died, return 0.


Function: bool-vector-p

Return t if OBJECT is a bool-vector.


Function: lookup-key

In keymap KEYMAP, look up key sequence KEY. Return the definition.
A value of nil means undefined. See doc of `define-key'
for kinds of definitions.

A number as value means KEY is "too long";
that is, characters or symbols in it except for the last one
fail to be a valid sequence of prefix characters in KEYMAP.
The number is how many characters at the front of KEY
it takes to reach a non-prefix key.

Normally, `lookup-key' ignores bindings for t, which act as default
bindings, used when nothing else in the keymap applies; this makes it
usable as a general function for probing keymaps. However, if the
third optional argument ACCEPT-DEFAULT is non-nil, `lookup-key' will
recognize the default bindings, just as `read-key-sequence' does. (fn KEYMAP KEY &optional ACCEPT-DEFAULT)

Function: slot-boundp

Return non-nil if OBJECT's SLOT is bound.
Setting a slot's value makes it bound. Calling `slot-makeunbound' will
make a slot unbound.
OBJECT can be an instance or a class.

Function: Info-directory-find-node

Directory-specific implementation of `Info-find-node-2'.

Function: x-dnd-handle-moz-url

Handle one item of type text/x-moz-url.
WINDOW is the window where the drop happened. ACTION is ignored.
DATA is the moz-url, which is formatted as two strings separated by \r\n.
The first string is the URL, the second string is the title of that URL.
DATA is encoded in utf-16. Decode the URL and call `x-dnd-handle-uri-list'.

Function: font-lock-match-c-style-declaration-item-and-skip-to-next

Match, and move over, any declaration/definition item after point.
Matches after point, but ignores leading whitespace and `*' characters.
Does not move further than LIMIT.

The expected syntax of a declaration/definition item is `word' (preceded by
optional whitespace and `*' characters and proceeded by optional whitespace)
optionally followed by a `('. Everything following the item (but belonging to
it) is expected to be skip-able by `scan-sexps', and items are expected to be
separated with a `,' and to be terminated with a `;'.

Thus the regexp matches after point: word (
^^^^ ^
Where the match subexpressions are: 1 2

The item is delimited by (match-beginning 1) and (match-end 1).
If (match-beginning 2) is non-nil, the item is followed by a `('.

This function could be MATCHER in a MATCH-ANCHORED `font-lock-keywords' item.

Function: timeclock-out

Clock out, recording the current time moment in the timelog.
If a prefix ARG is given, the user has completed the project that was
begun during the last time segment.

REASON is the user's reason for clocking out. If REASON is nil, and
FIND-REASON is non-nil -- or the user calls `timeclock-out'
interactively -- call the function `timeclock-get-reason-function' to
discover the reason.


Function: help-buffer

Return the name of a buffer for inserting help.
If `help-xref-following' is non-nil, this is the name of the
current buffer. Signal an error if this buffer is not derived
from `help-mode'.
Otherwise, return "*Help*", creating a buffer with that name if
it does not already exist.

Function: make-frame

Return a newly created frame displaying the current buffer.
Optional argument PARAMETERS is an alist of frame parameters for
the new frame. Each element of PARAMETERS should have the
form (NAME . VALUE), for example:

(name . STRING) The frame should be named STRING.

(width . NUMBER) The frame should be NUMBER characters in width.
(height . NUMBER) The frame should be NUMBER text lines high.

You cannot specify either `width' or `height', you must specify
neither or both.

(minibuffer . t) The frame should have a minibuffer.
(minibuffer . nil) The frame should have no minibuffer.
(minibuffer . only) The frame should contain only a minibuffer.
(minibuffer . WINDOW) The frame should use WINDOW as its minibuffer window.

(window-system . nil) The frame should be displayed on a terminal device.
(window-system . x) The frame should be displayed in an X window.

(display . ":0") The frame should appear on display :0.

(terminal . TERMINAL) The frame should use the terminal object TERMINAL.

In addition, any parameter specified in `default-frame-alist',
but not present in PARAMETERS, is applied.

Before creating the frame (via `frame-creation-function-alist'),
this function runs the hook `before-make-frame-hook'. After
creating the frame, it runs the hook `after-make-frame-functions'
with one arg, the newly created frame.

If a display parameter is supplied and a window-system is not,
guess the window-system from the display.

On graphical displays, this function does not itself make the new frame the selected frame. However, the window system may select the new frame according to its own rules.

Function: x-display-pixel-height

Return the height in pixels of the X display TERMINAL.
The optional argument TERMINAL specifies which display to ask about.
TERMINAL should be a terminal object, a frame or a display name (a string).
If omitted or nil, that stands for the selected frame's display.

(fn &optional TERMINAL)

Function: category-table

Return the current category table.
This is the one specified by the current buffer.

Function: sh-safe-forward-sexp

Try and do a `forward-sexp', but do not error.
Return new point if successful, nil if an error occurred.

Function: comint-redirect-filter

Filter function which redirects output from PROCESS to a buffer or buffers.
The variable `comint-redirect-output-buffer' says which buffer(s) to
place output in.

INPUT-STRING is the input from the Comint process.

This function runs as a process filter, and does not need to be invoked by the

Function: cddar

Return the `cdr' of the `cdr' of the `car' of X.

(fn X)

Function: center-region

Center each nonblank line starting in the region.
See `center-line' for more info.

Function: table-insert-sequence

Travel cells forward while inserting a specified sequence string in each cell.
STR is the base string from which the sequence starts. When STR is an
empty string then each cell content is erased. When STR ends with
numerical characters (they may optionally be surrounded by a pair of
parentheses) they are incremented as a decimal number. Otherwise the
last character in STR is incremented in ASCII code order. N is the
number of sequence elements to insert. When N is negative the cell
traveling direction is backward. When N is zero it travels forward
entire table. INCREMENT is the increment between adjacent sequence
elements and can be a negative number for effectively decrementing.
INTERVAL is the number of cells to travel between sequence element
insertion which is normally 1. When zero or less is given for
INTERVAL it is interpreted as number of cells per row so that sequence
is placed straight down vertically as long as the table's cell
structure is uniform. JUSTIFY is one of the symbol 'left, 'center or
'right, that specifies justification of the inserted string.


(table-insert 16 3 5 1)
(table-forward-cell 15)
(table-insert-sequence "D0" -16 1 1 'center)
(table-forward-cell 16)
(table-insert-sequence "A[0]" -16 1 1 'center)
(table-forward-cell 1)
(table-insert-sequence "-" 16 0 1 'center))

(table-insert 16 8 5 1)
(table-insert-sequence "@" 0 1 2 'right) (table-forward-cell 1) (table-insert-sequence "64" 0 1 2 'left)) (fn STR N INCREMENT INTERVAL JUSTIFY)

Function: calc

The Emacs Calculator. Full documentation is listed under "calc-mode".


Function: macroexp--obsolete-warning


Function: f90-mode

Major mode for editing Fortran 90,95 code in free format.
For fixed format code, use `fortran-mode'.

M-x f90-indent-line indents the current line.
M-x f90-indent-new-line indents current line and creates a new indented line.
M-x f90-indent-subprogram indents the current subprogram.

Type `? or `C-h to display a list of built-in abbrevs for F90 keywords.

Key definitions:

Uses keymap `f90-mode-map', which is not currently defined.

Variables controlling indentation style and extra features:

Extra indentation within do blocks (default 3).
Extra indentation within if/select/where/forall blocks (default 3).
Extra indentation within type/enum/interface/block-data blocks (default 3).
Extra indentation within program/module/subroutine/function blocks
(default 2).
Extra indentation within associate blocks (default 2).
Extra indentation within critical/block blocks (default 2).
Extra indentation applied to continuation lines (default 5).
String inserted by function M-x f90-comment-region at start of each
line in region (default "!!!$").
Regexp determining the type of comment to be intended like code
(default "!").
Regexp of comment-like directive like "!HPF\\$", not to be indented
(default "!hpf\\$").
Regexp holding list of delimiters at which lines may be broken
(default "[-+*/><=,% \t]").
Non-nil causes `f90-do-auto-fill' to break lines before delimiters
(default t).
Automatic insertion of & at beginning of continuation lines (default t).
From an END statement, check and fill the end using matching block start.
Allowed values are 'blink, 'no-blink, and nil, which determine
whether to blink the matching beginning (default 'blink).
Automatic change of case of keywords (default nil).
The possibilities are 'downcase-word, 'upcase-word, 'capitalize-word. `f90-leave-line-no' Do not left-justify line numbers (default nil). Turning on F90 mode calls the value of the variable `f90-mode-hook' with no args, if that value is non-nil. (fn)

Function: timeclock-change

Change to working on a different project.
This clocks out of the current project, then clocks in on a new one.
With a prefix ARG, consider the previous project as finished at the
time of changeover. PROJECT is the name of the last project you were
working on.

(fn &optional ARG PROJECT)

Function: run-prolog

Run an inferior Prolog process, input and output via buffer *prolog*.
With prefix argument ARG, restart the Prolog process if running before.

(fn ARG)

Variable: translation-hash-table-vector

Vector containing all translation hash tables ever defined.
Comprises pairs (SYMBOL . TABLE) where SYMBOL and TABLE were set up by calls
to `define-translation-hash-table'. The vector is indexed by the table id
used by CCL.

Function: set-char-table-parent

Set the parent char-table of CHAR-TABLE to PARENT.
Return PARENT. PARENT must be either nil or another char-table.


Function: sgml-tags-invisible

Toggle visibility of existing tags.

Variable: package-archive-contents

Cache of the contents of the Emacs Lisp Package Archive.
This is an alist mapping package names (symbols) to package
descriptor vectors. These are like the vectors for `package-alist'
but have extra entries: one which is 'tar for tar packages and
'single for single-file packages, and one which is the name of
the archive from which it came.

Function: uncomment-region

Uncomment each line in the BEG .. END region.
The numeric prefix ARG can specify a number of chars to remove from the
comment markers.

(fn BEG END &optional ARG)

Function: format-encode-run-method

Translate using METHOD the text from FROM to TO.
If METHOD is a string, it is a shell command (including options);
otherwise, it should be a Lisp function.
BUFFER should be the buffer that the output originally came from.

Variable: custom-file

File used for storing customization information.
The default is nil, which means to use your init file
as specified by `user-init-file'. If the value is not nil,
it should be an absolute file name.

You can set this option through Custom, if you carefully read the
last paragraph below. However, usually it is simpler to write
something like the following in your init file:

(setq custom-file "~/.emacs-custom.el")
(load custom-file)

Note that both lines are necessary: the first line tells Custom to
save all customizations in this file, but does not load it.

When you change this variable outside Custom, look in the
previous custom file (usually your init file) for the
forms `(custom-set-variables ...)' and `(custom-set-faces ...)',
and copy them (whichever ones you find) to the new custom file.
This will preserve your existing customizations.

If you save this option using Custom, Custom will write all
currently saved customizations, including the new one for this
option itself, into the file you specify, overwriting any
`custom-set-variables' and `custom-set-faces' forms already
present in that file. It will not delete any customizations from
the old custom file. You should do that manually if that is what you
want. You also have to put something like `(load "CUSTOM-FILE")
in your init file, where CUSTOM-FILE is the actual name of the
file. Otherwise, Emacs will not load the file when it starts up, and hence will not set `custom-file' to that file either.

Variable: define-key-rebound-commands

List of commands given new key bindings recently.
This is used for internal purposes during Emacs startup;
don't alter it yourself.

Function: pcmpl-unix-read-passwd-file

Return an alist correlating gids to group names in FILE.

If FILE is in hashed format (as described in the OpenSSH
documentation), this function returns nil.

Function: Info-history-back

Go back in the history to the last node visited.

Function: vc-git-previous-revision

Git-specific version of `vc-previous-revision'.


Function: occur-revert-function

Handle `revert-buffer' for Occur mode buffers.

Function: gnus-update-format

Update the format specification near point.

(fn VAR)

Variable: tool-bar-max-label-size

Maximum number of characters a label can have to be shown.
The tool bar style must also show labels for this to have any effect, see

Function: overlay-buffer

Return the buffer OVERLAY belongs to.
Return nil if OVERLAY has been deleted.


Function: minibuffer-inactive-mode

Uses keymap `minibuffer-inactive-mode-map', abbrev table `nil' and syntax-table `minibuffer-inactive-mode-syntax-table'.

This mode runs the hook `minibuffer-inactive-mode-hook', as the final step
during initialization.

key binding
--- -------

0 .. 9 digit-argument
e .. f find-file-other-frame

- negative-argument
b switch-to-buffer-other-frame
i info
m mail
n make-frame
ignore ?? Prefix Command (fn)

Variable: url-mime-content-type-charset-regexp

Regexp used in parsing `Content-Type' for a charset indication.

Function: comment-search-backward

Find a comment start between LIMIT and point.
Moves point to inside the comment and returns the position of the
comment-starter. If no comment is found, moves point to LIMIT
and raises an error or returns nil if NOERROR is non-nil.

(fn &optional LIMIT NOERROR)

Function: erc-nickserv-identify

Send an "identify " message to NickServ.
When called interactively, read the password using `read-passwd'.


Function: clear-buffer-auto-save-failure

Clear any record of a recent auto-save failure in the current buffer.


Function: Info-select-node

Select the Info node that point is in.

Function: ucs-normalize-NFKC-region

Normalize the current region by the Unicode NFKC.

(fn FROM TO)

Function: auto-insert

Insert default contents into new files if variable `auto-insert' is non-nil.
Matches the visited file name against the elements of `auto-insert-alist'.

Function: scroll-down-line

Scroll text of selected window down ARG lines; or one line if no ARG.
If ARG is omitted or nil, scroll down by one line.
This is different from `scroll-down-command' that scrolls a full screen.

Function: gnus-union

Combine LIST1 and LIST2 using a set-union operation.
The resulting list contains all items that appear in either LIST1 or LIST2.
This is a non-destructive function; it makes a copy of the data if necessary
to avoid corrupting the original LIST1 and LIST2.

Keywords supported: :test :test-not :key


Function: gnus-strip-whitespace

Return STRING stripped of all whitespace.

Variable: Buffer-menu-mode-width

Width of mode name column in the Buffer Menu.

Function: replace-match-string-symbols

Process a list (and any sub-lists), expanding certain symbols.
Symbol Expands To
N (match-string N) (where N is a string of digits)
#N (string-to-number (match-string N))
& (match-string 0)
#& (string-to-number (match-string 0))
# replace-count

Note that these symbols must be preceded by a backslash in order to type them using Lisp syntax.

Function: pr-ps-mode-print

Print major mode using PostScript printer.

See also `pr-ps-buffer-print'.

(fn N-UP &optional FILENAME)

Function: info-complete-file

Perform completion on file preceding point.

(fn &optional MODE)

Function: custom-save-all

Save all customizations in `custom-file'.


Function: face-underline-p

Return non-nil if FACE specifies a non-nil underlining.
If the optional argument FRAME is given, report on face FACE in that frame.
If FRAME is t, report on the defaults for face FACE (for new frames).
If FRAME is omitted or nil, use the selected frame.

Function: field-beginning

Return the beginning of the field surrounding POS.
A field is a region of text with the same `field' property.
If POS is nil, the value of point is used for POS.
If ESCAPE-FROM-EDGE is non-nil and POS is at the beginning of its
field, then the beginning of the *previous* field is returned.
If LIMIT is non-nil, it is a buffer position; if the beginning of the field
is before LIMIT, then LIMIT will be returned instead.


Variable: activate-mark-hook

Hook run when the mark becomes active.
It is also run at the end of a command, if the mark is active and
it is possible that the region may have changed.

Variable: rmail-user-mail-address-regexp

Regexp matching user mail addresses.
If non-nil, this variable is used to identify the correspondent
when receiving new mail. If it matches the address of the sender,
the recipient is taken as correspondent of a mail.
If nil (default value), your `user-login-name' and `user-mail-address'
are used to exclude yourself as correspondent.

Usually you don't have to set this variable, except if you collect mails
sent by you under different user names.
Then it should be a regexp matching your mail addresses.

Setting this variable has an effect only before reading a mail.

Variable: redisplay-end-trigger-functions

Functions called when redisplay of a window reaches the end trigger.
Each function is called with two arguments, the window and the end trigger value.
See `set-window-redisplay-end-trigger'.

Function: gnus-set-file-modes

Wrapper for set-file-modes.

Function: help-add-fundoc-usage

Add the usage info to DOCSTRING.
If DOCSTRING already has a usage info, then just return it unchanged.
The usage info is built from ARGLIST. DOCSTRING can be nil.
ARGLIST can also be t or a string of the form "(FUN ARG1 ARG2 ...)".


Variable: occur-mode-hook

Hook run when entering Occur mode.

Variable: xargs-program

The default xargs program for `grep-find-command'.
See `grep-find-use-xargs'.
This variable's value takes effect when `grep-compute-defaults' is called.

Function: erc-handle-irc-url

If ERC is already connected to HOST:PORT, simply /join CHANNEL.
Otherwise, connect to HOST:PORT as USER and /join CHANNEL.


Function: substring

Return a new string whose contents are a substring of STRING.
The returned string consists of the characters between index FROM
(inclusive) and index TO (exclusive) of STRING. FROM and TO are
zero-indexed: 0 means the first character of STRING. Negative values
are counted from the end of STRING. If TO is nil, the substring runs
to the end of STRING.

The STRING argument may also be a vector. In that case, the return
value is a new vector that contains the elements between index FROM
(inclusive) and index TO (exclusive) of that vector argument. (fn STRING FROM &optional TO)

Function: make-string

Return a newly created string of length LENGTH, with INIT in each element.
LENGTH must be an integer.
INIT must be an integer that represents a character.


Function: logxor

Return bitwise-exclusive-or of all the arguments.
Arguments may be integers, or markers converted to integers.

(fn &rest INTS-OR-MARKERS)

Function: menu-bar-read-mail

Read mail using `read-mail-command'.

Variable: describe-current-input-method-function

Function to call for describing the current input method.
This function is called with no argument.

Function: toggle-rot13-mode

Toggle the use of ROT13 encoding for the current window.


Function: decipher

Format a buffer of ciphertext for cryptanalysis and enter Decipher mode.


Function: char-equal

Return t if two characters match, optionally ignoring case.
Both arguments must be characters (i.e. integers).
Case is ignored if `case-fold-search' is non-nil in the current buffer.
(fn C1 C2)

Variable: last-command-event

Last input event that was part of a command.

Face: apropos-variable-button

Button face indicating a variable in Apropos.

Variable: help-xref-url-regexp

Regexp matching doc string references to a URL.

Variable: debugger-previous-window

This is the window last showing the debugger buffer.

Variable: emacs-lisp-mode-map

Keymap for Emacs Lisp mode.
All commands in `lisp-mode-shared-map' are inherited by this map.

Function: modula-2-mode

This is a mode intended to support program development in Modula-2.
All control constructs of Modula-2 can be reached by typing C-c
followed by the first character of the construct.

Uses keymap `m2-mode-map', which is not currently defined.

M-x m2-begin begin M-x m2-case case
M-x m2-definition definition M-x m2-else else
M-x m2-for for M-x m2-header header
M-x m2-if if M-x m2-module module
M-x m2-loop loop M-x m2-or or
M-x m2-procedure procedure Control-c Control-w with
M-x m2-record record M-x m2-stdio stdio
M-x m2-type type M-x m2-until until
M-x m2-var var M-x m2-while while
M-x m2-export export M-x m2-import import
M-x m2-begin-comment begin-comment M-x m2-end-comment end-comment
M-x suspend-emacs suspend Emacs M-x m2-toggle toggle
M-x m2-compile compile M-x m2-next-error next-error
M-x m2-link link

`m2-indent' controls the number of spaces for each indentation.
`m2-compile-command' holds the command to compile a Modula-2 program. `m2-link-command' holds the command to link a Modula-2 program. (fn)

Function: ebrowse-tags-search-member-use

Search for call sites of a member.
If FIX-NAME is specified, search uses of that member.
Otherwise, read a member name from the minibuffer.
Searches in all files mentioned in a class tree for something that
looks like a function call to the member.

(fn &optional FIX-NAME)

Function: ad-add-advice

Add a piece of ADVICE to FUNCTION's list of advices in CLASS.

NAME is the advice name; PROTECTED is a flag specifying whether
to protect against non-local exits; ENABLED is a flag specifying
whether to initially enable the advice; and DEFINITION has the
form (advice . LAMBDA), where LAMBDA is a lambda expression.

If FUNCTION already has a piece of advice with the same name,
then POSITION is ignored, and the old advice is overwritten with
the new one.

If FUNCTION already has one or more pieces of advice of the
specified CLASS, then POSITION determines where the new piece
goes. POSITION can either be `first', `last' or a number (where
0 corresponds to `first', and numbers outside the valid range are
mapped to the closest extremal position).

If FUNCTION was not advised already, its advice info will be
initialized. Redefining a piece of advice whose name is part of
the cache-id will clear the cache.

See Info node `(elisp)Computed Advice' for detailed documentation. (fn FUNCTION ADVICE CLASS POSITION)

Function: normal-splash-screen

Display non-graphic splash screen.
If optional argument STARTUP is non-nil, display the startup screen
after Emacs starts. If STARTUP is nil, display the About screen.
If CONCISE is non-nil, display a concise version of the
splash screen in another window.

(fn &optional STARTUP CONCISE)

Variable: list-directory-verbose-switches

Switches for `list-directory' to pass to `ls' for verbose listing.

Function: get-mru-window

Return the most recently used window on frames specified by ALL-FRAMES.
A minibuffer window is never a candidate. A dedicated window is
never a candidate unless DEDICATED is non-nil, so if all windows
are dedicated, the value is nil. Optional argument NOT-SELECTED
non-nil means never return the selected window.

The following non-nil values of the optional argument ALL-FRAMES
have special meanings:

- t means consider all windows on all existing frames.

- `visible' means consider all windows on all visible frames on
the current terminal.

- 0 (the number zero) means consider all windows on all visible
and iconified frames on the current terminal.

- A frame means consider all windows on that frame only.

Any other value of ALL-FRAMES means consider all windows on the selected frame and no others.

Variable: fringes-outside-margins

Non-nil means to display fringes outside display margins.
A value of nil means to display fringes between margins and buffer text.

Variable: sh-test

Initial input in Bourne if, while and until skeletons. See `sh-feature'.

Function: byte-optimize-set

(fn FORM)

Variable: vc-display-status

If non-nil, display revision number and lock status in mode line.
Otherwise, not displayed.

Function: ad-activate

Activate all the advice information of an advised FUNCTION.
If FUNCTION has a proper original definition then an advised
definition will be generated from FUNCTION's advice info and the
definition of FUNCTION will be replaced with it. If a previously
cached advised definition was available, it will be used.
The optional COMPILE argument determines whether the resulting function
or a compilable cached definition will be compiled. If it is negative
no compilation will be performed, if it is positive or otherwise non-nil
the resulting function will be compiled, if it is nil the behavior depends
on the value of `ad-default-compilation-action' (which see).
Activation of an advised function that has an advice info but no actual
pieces of advice is equivalent to a call to `ad-unadvise'. Activation of
an advised function that has actual pieces of advice but none of them are
enabled is equivalent to a call to `ad-deactivate'. The current advised
definition will always be cached for later usage. (fn FUNCTION &optional COMPILE)

Function: window--major-side-window

Return major side window on SIDE.
SIDE must be one of the symbols `left', `top', `right' or
`bottom'. Return nil if no such window exists.

Function: Buffer-menu-this-window

Select this line's buffer in this window.

Function: woman-dired-find-file

In dired, run the WoMan man-page browser on this file.


Function: set-face-bold-p

Specify whether face FACE is bold.
BOLD-P non-nil means FACE should explicitly display bold.
BOLD-P nil means FACE should explicitly display non-bold.
FRAME nil or not specified means change face on all frames.
Use `set-face-attribute' or `modify-face' for finer control.

Variable: x-sensitive-text-pointer-shape

The shape of the pointer when over mouse-sensitive text.
This variable takes effect when you create a new frame
or when you set the mouse color.

Function: marker-position

Return the position MARKER points at, as a character number.
Returns nil if MARKER points nowhere.


Function: byte-compile-sexp

Compile and return SEXP.

(fn SEXP)

Function: package-read-from-string

Read a Lisp expression from STR.
Signal an error if the entire string was not used.

Function: completion-list-mode

Major mode for buffers showing lists of possible completions.
Type RET in the completion list to select the completion near point.
Use to select one with the mouse.

key binding
--- -------

RET choose-completion
ESC Prefix Command
q quit-window
z kill-this-buffer

ESC ESC Prefix Command

M-ESC ESC delete-completion-window

This mode runs the hook `completion-list-mode-hook', as the final step during initialization.

Function: Info-validate

Check current buffer for validity as an Info file.
Check that every node pointer points to an existing node.

Function: special-display-popup-frame

Pop up a frame displaying BUFFER and return its window.
If BUFFER is already displayed in a visible or iconified frame,
raise that frame. Otherwise, display BUFFER in a new frame.

Optional argument ARGS is a list specifying additional

If ARGS is an alist, use it as a list of frame parameters. If
these parameters contain (same-window . t), display BUFFER in
the selected window. If they contain (same-frame . t), display
BUFFER in a window of the selected frame.

If ARGS is a list whose car is a symbol, use (car ARGS) as a
function to do the work. Pass it BUFFER as first argument, and
pass the elements of (cdr ARGS) as the remaining arguments.

Variable: minibuffer-history-position

Current position of redoing in the history list.

Function: remember-clipboard

Remember the contents of the current clipboard.
Most useful for remembering things from other applications.

Function: minimize-window

Minimize WINDOW.
Make WINDOW as small as possible without deleting any windows.
WINDOW must be a valid window and defaults to the selected one.

Function: sh-prev-line

Back to end of previous non-comment non-empty line.
Go to beginning of logical line unless END is non-nil, in which case
we go to the end of the previous line and do not check for continuations.

Variable: Info-virtual-index-nodes

Alist of cached matched index search nodes.
Each element is ((FILENAME . TOPIC) MATCHES) where
FILENAME is the file name of the manual,
TOPIC is the search string given as an argument to `Info-virtual-index',
MATCHES is a list of index matches found by `Info-index'.

Function: xmltok-get-declared-encoding-position

Return the position of the encoding in the XML declaration at point.
If there is a well-formed XML declaration starting at point and it
contains an encoding declaration, then return (START . END)
where START and END are the positions of the start and the end
of the encoding name; if there is no encoding declaration return
the position where and encoding declaration could be inserted.
If there is XML that is not well-formed that looks like an XML
declaration, return nil. Otherwise, return t.
If LIMIT is non-nil, then do not consider characters beyond LIMIT. (fn &optional LIMIT)

Function: face-all-attributes

Return an alist stating the attributes of FACE.
Each element of the result has the form (ATTR-NAME . ATTR-VALUE).
If FRAME is omitted or nil the value describes the default attributes,
but if you specify FRAME, the value describes the attributes

Variable: path-separator

String containing the character that separates directories in
search paths, such as PATH and other similar environment variables.

Function: format-time-string

Use FORMAT-STRING to format the time TIME, or now if omitted.
TIME is specified as (HIGH LOW USEC PSEC), as returned by
`current-time' or `file-attributes'. The obsolete form (HIGH . LOW)
is also still accepted.
The third, optional, argument UNIVERSAL, if non-nil, means describe TIME
as Universal Time; nil means describe TIME in the local time zone.
The value is a copy of FORMAT-STRING, but with certain constructs replaced
by text that describes the specified date and time in TIME:

%Y is the year, %y within the century, %C the century.
%G is the year corresponding to the ISO week, %g within the century.
%m is the numeric month.
%b and %h are the locale's abbreviated month name, %B the full name.
%d is the day of the month, zero-padded, %e is blank-padded.
%u is the numeric day of week from 1 (Monday) to 7, %w from 0 (Sunday) to 6.
%a is the locale's abbreviated name of the day of week, %A the full name.
%U is the week number starting on Sunday, %W starting on Monday,
%V according to ISO 8601.
%j is the day of the year.

%H is the hour on a 24-hour clock, %I is on a 12-hour clock, %k is like %H
only blank-padded, %l is like %I blank-padded.
%p is the locale's equivalent of either AM or PM.
%M is the minute.
%S is the second.
%N is the nanosecond, %6N the microsecond, %3N the millisecond, etc.
%Z is the time zone name, %z is the numeric form.
%s is the number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000.

%c is the locale's date and time format.
%x is the locale's "preferred" date format.
%D is like "%m/%d/%y".

%R is like "%H:%M", %T is like "%H:%M:%S", %r is like "%I:%M:%S %p".
%X is the locale's "preferred" time format.

Finally, %n is a newline, %t is a tab, %% is a literal %.

Certain flags and modifiers are available with some format controls.
The flags are `_', `-', `^' and `#'. For certain characters X,
%_X is like %X, but padded with blanks; %-X is like %X,
but without padding. %^X is like %X, but with all textual
characters up-cased; %#X is like %X, but with letter-case of
all textual characters reversed.
%NX (where N stands for an integer) is like %X,
but takes up at least N (a number) positions.
The modifiers are `E' and `O'. For certain characters X,
%EX is a locale's alternative version of %X; %OX is like %X, but uses the locale's number symbols. For example, to produce full ISO 8601 format, use "%Y-%m-%dT%T%z". (fn FORMAT-STRING &optional TIME UNIVERSAL)

Function: byte-compile--reify-function

Return an expression which will evaluate to a function value FUN.
FUN should be either a `lambda' value or a `closure' value.

(fn FUN)

Function: byte-compile-file-form-defvar

(fn FORM)

Function: x-dnd-version-from-flags

Return the version byte from the 32 bit FLAGS in an XDndEnter message

Function: last-sexp-setup-props

Set up text properties for the output of `eval-last-sexp-1'.
BEG and END are the start and end of the output in current-buffer.
VALUE is the Lisp value printed, ALT1 and ALT2 are strings for the
alternative printed representations that can be displayed.

Function: sql-add-product-keywords

Add highlighting KEYWORDS for SQL PRODUCT.

PRODUCT should be a symbol, the name of a SQL product, such as
`oracle'. KEYWORDS should be a list; see the variable
`font-lock-keywords'. By default they are added at the beginning
of the current highlighting list. If optional argument APPEND is
`set', they are used to replace the current highlighting list.
If APPEND is any other non-nil value, they are added at the end
of the current highlighting list.

For example:

(sql-add-product-keywords 'ms
'(("\\b\\w+_t\\b" . font-lock-type-face)))

adds a fontification pattern to fontify identifiers ending in `_t' as data types. (fn PRODUCT KEYWORDS &optional APPEND)

Function: package-refresh-contents

Download the ELPA archive description if needed.
This informs Emacs about the latest versions of all packages, and
makes them available for download.

Function: save-buffers-kill-terminal

Offer to save each buffer, then kill the current connection.
If the current frame has no client, kill Emacs itself.

With prefix ARG, silently save all file-visiting buffers, then kill.

If emacsclient was started with a list of filenames to edit, then
only these files will be asked to be saved.

Variable: display-buffer-fallback-action

Default fallback action for `display-buffer'.
This is the action used by `display-buffer' if no other actions
specified, e.g. by the user options `display-buffer-alist' or
`display-buffer-base-action'. See `display-buffer'.

Function: format-find-file

Find the file FILENAME using data format FORMAT.
If FORMAT is nil then do not do any format conversion.

Function: string-to-char

Return the first character in STRING.


Function: eieio-default-eval-maybe

Check VAL, and return what `oref-default' would provide.

Variable: ansi-color-faces-vector

Faces used for SGR control sequences determining a face.
This vector holds the faces used for SGR control sequence parameters 0
to 7.

Parameter Description Face used by default
0 default default
1 bold bold
2 faint default
3 italic italic
4 underlined underline
5 slowly blinking success
6 rapidly blinking warning
7 negative image error

Note that the symbol `default' is special: It will not be combined
with the current face.

This vector is used by `ansi-color-make-color-map' to create a color map. This color map is stored in the variable `ansi-color-map'.

Function: html-headline-6

HTML level 6 headline tags.

This is a skeleton command (see `skeleton-insert').
Normally the skeleton text is inserted at point, with nothing "inside".
If there is a highlighted region, the skeleton text is wrapped
around the region text.

A prefix argument ARG says to wrap the skeleton around the next ARG words.
A prefix argument of -1 says to wrap around region, even if not highlighted.
A prefix argument of zero says to wrap around zero words---that is, nothing.
This is a way of overriding the use of a highlighted region.

Variable: isearch-message-function

Function to call to display the search prompt.
If nil, use `isearch-message'.

Function: gnus-score-mode

Mode for editing Gnus score files.
This mode is an extended emacs-lisp mode.

Uses keymap `gnus-score-mode-map', which is not currently defined. (fn)

Function: desktop-save-in-desktop-dir

Save the desktop in directory `desktop-dirname'.
